tfUM.asuccibcmciUs "1 GREAT iii EDTCAIj mswvvMY Dll. WALKHIVs (-'AMI'IiUN IA ' VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of thousands bear,testimony 111 their Wonderful-Curative Ellects. W H A T- A K H T H K Y V THEY AUK Nor A VIDE . FANCY. I) 11 i N K . Made of Poor Rum, Whisker. Pro..! »l tr'l'" j™ 1 Rolino uquors .loototetl, Mileod ni l u.iiUot Ml tnplcaso the tnste.caUed ."Tonics AIM" Lt ;; c*rH P ’' " Restorers," *e., that lead the I limit? mMo drunkenness and ruin. Jmi aiv ,l . iJiVir*! ill I’ • undo from the Native Knots and l f ’V, lorntn, free fromudAloolioli«aViim- mo the Grout Blood Purllier and n an town,. Principle a perfect Konovalov and Invigonitm .iftlic System, carrying nil nil poisonous tnaiPi and restoring the hlom.itoa healthy londitio.i. , - No person enn take-.thbse Bitters accoidliip to direction nnd remain long unwell. i ro\ .duldlio hUn-saro not destroyed l»v mnmml poKon oi v .nd the point of repair. , ~, . For inilammalory ami* IHnmin Blsm unit I.louli, Dysmtpsia or Indigestion. Remittent- and Intermittent bevois. l ' ibL -‘s l - 1 ' ol uic mood; lilvei. Kidneys, ami IJU-UUr. Hit I i‘is have keen most Miceesi id. Su.-h diseas *uecaused by Vitiate I Itlooil, which is gcuei .illy prodnmUV derangement «>i lb- Digestive Uvspetislu or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in mo Shoulders, laughs. Tightness oi ilw ' 'V s m/Adm'ss.Sonr Krnei Dions ot the stomach, had I»sU- in Ike Month, Billons A'tacks , PnlpUalk.n of the Heart, lnllrtmm.itkm oi f.u* Ininas, l ain In the regions »»f the Kidneys ami a hnmlu-d ms ot un- Usual heal and ‘ di'.\ m.*-;s, are invariably accom panied In exim-ivc ilerangements ot Un sionmeli ami liver, ahd other a bdoinl mil viscera niemare -always • more or less ohst i notions o tin- liver, a \v.-.illness and. Irritable sinto ot tin stomach, ami great torpor of the howels iK-mv clo-'geil ■up wil'i vltlaied accumulations n their treatment, a purgaHve. uN- rllngu power ml Jntlneiice upon tin se •various organs Is es venllall.f necessary. Therein no cathartic for the purpose espial to l.h*. .1. AVdk'-r's \ megav Bitters us’thev will speedily remove Urn dark .•okmid viscid" matter with which the Bowels are I'iadtid, at Uni Kami* time .silumhiling Llm :-ecre tintis of the liver, ami generally reMot lug tiie. ms'iltliv fniicliori.s o( tin* dlgesUve fngaiis. 'Phe universal popuhnlty iif this valnahle.remetly in regirmssubject to miasnnnlc Inllmnioes, Is sulll ■dent evidoueo of Its power as a remedy tu such For* Skin Disea es, .Krnptlons,-Tottor, Sail ilhenm, Blotches,Spots. Dimples. Du-tule.s, Boils, •arhuncles. King-worms, Scald-Head, Sore lOves. Hr ipelas,.Uch, Sc.urt-*, Discolorations ot tlio Skit;, ilmnors and Diseases of V U! Skin, or whatever name or nalute, are literally dug up and carried out of Miosystem m a short lime by the use of the-e. Hitters, une hpuie in sdcti coses will convince the mostlilciedutons of their Cleunse-Hic Vitiated Blood whenever yoipllml 1 s impurities bn* st!nfi through I ho skin in I Im , pies, ivrnptl ms or Sores; cleanse it wnen yon llnd It obstructed and sluggish in 'he veins ; cleanso It when it Is foul, and your reeling will loti you Avlien. Keep the blood puro aihl the health of ihesysiem will follow. Pin. Tape and other Womifc, lurking in tho ivstem ofaoinany thousands, are ctlecjimlly de* bltov'hl and removed. For lull directions, read carefully thecirenlai around each bottle, prl hi ed tn four languages—Kngllah, German, brunch ,ll j! Wallkkß, Rniprl.-tn'r. R. M. Mi,DONA 1,0 & CO Druggists ami Gen. Agents, Han bran ch;co, California,and dnd.ol Commerce St reel, New York. , „ , it7r Sold hy alt Dnlggislsand Dealers. Dec.S. 7U-y VUWI’ PREMIUM . -5 I M I'lPi V EI) v \MI L Y SEWING MACHINE, ear profit per day. 57.‘.01» per week.— MUU made easy hy an Lady or Oen- Uem'iu Introducing tilts Geunhit'nml Original *)M Fuvonto, Willi Its many new. ami. piacti- Bt auditions, unking- the most complete „ mblnation of valuable and nsotiil lm ■..rovemenls ever effected m any one inaehlne Hie embodiment of extreme slitiplichy •Inioviuvl utility, entirely diflerenf, hi inmlr. ami design from any low priced machine. it is Mie most sorvlcablc. elegant ami re.lame fami ly Sewing Machine ever Invenled, gives perfect satisfaction wherever introduced. Has icceiyea Premiums. .Stood Uio lest of 10 years, and is fully approved of by every tamlly who li.iap them hi use. Is noiseless, makes the strong and heiintlful Elastic Lock Stitch, with wondevlnl rapidity ami certainly. anything a neettio will go to rough, from the finest ti' roe ilr t esi fabric, (irmalul neat, with ease Usi*aH 1 J h ul silk or thread dh eel Irom the spool . IS Im pioveil with new sflf-uctmgfccd.spiingdenslon, ?.Mtf-r; and uses the adjustable sti eight nee dle, 'perpendicular nvulon, with powerful ever .teflon Pousses ah the good ipiahtie* ot the >f l high priced machines condensed, ulilioul ; il, .irMuiiiillc-iilliilK m- mult. s.-wlliK - ,tnl. lri-omi-r«.'(;l|)tor stump. for. ,‘*‘V , .vc s'M' descriptive pamphlet-. mailed in.*. A thorough practical smvlnU Muoianc lor yimllv • UKf.-'-rw/W.”, strong and loti tide ml i.hine. at a low price.— ml, i his hc.auti fut sewing miichine.ts onC of t-lio most.lngenlons pieces lit mechanism ever Invented Jh’inocntl. ihi Worih nmiiY Hums hs cost toaiiy lumh>. —•* v, y. liVcWi/” Ills quite a new machine with Us inanv iatel.mproveii)onls,und sows whh astonishing ease, rapidity ami neatness.— Ac uubUran," N. V. Single machines, as samples, Selected with care, for family use., with ese j thlng complete, stmt to any part oi the counli.N per express, packed In strong wooden box. nets on receipt of price,‘lru.'Ki. Sale dellycij ol K‘“’Ust uarantecd. Eorwarif.c ash hy registered Utiu, or p o. money order, at our risk. Agents waiu cd. male or female, everywhere. New pamph lets con laming extra liberal inducements, sent . M Aclilriss FAMILY HKWINH .MAIIIJMi rl >- \ ifllce Mi Nassau .Street New \ < >rk. TU-lv mHK CiKKAr BALTIMORE ausii liginwm. ww. ksahv: a> ro., vASUfAn ntFl'-i ■'! Grand, tytnn'c and, Upfdfhl PIANO'FORTES, MU. Prt'.c Metin'* .-U'-ar.'cd These Instruments have been hnforo tin- jmh ilc fur neatly thirty years, nml upon their ex eel lance alono uttatiied-imMor/rfaw/jjjv-.m-'m-mr, which pronoutut*s them um* many Pianos. IN WORK M A N s H I P ihoy arc unequalled, u.slnfi noye but the vary best seasoned material, the la rue capital c-m-. ployed In onr business enabling qs to keep con tinually an immense stock el lumber, u I»iuno I'UII.IJ .Wmrnr.utl for yrnm. . Wo have i mado ■ arrangements, for the Sola Wholesale Agency fov-the most celebrated PAK LUIt'OUGANS and MKLUDKONS, widen we off fer Wholesale and Hetail, at lowest luciory prices. WILLIAM KXAHE A CO. JAM KM DELLAK. Wholesale Depot, 270 and 2SI Month Wh W. Pnii..u>i:u'iiM Sep. 15,70 Orn QARBOLIO TABIjICTS, phepahed ijy dm. wells, The most Important dNeovei y of the ago Is this wonderful Healing ami Clcansln-J agent for nil diseases or weakness of the Kesplraiory or eniiH. Roro Throat, Kudcii-n Colo. Hoarseness, Catarrh, Asthma. Hrjness oi Urn Throat, or Windpipe, dlr.paseaofthe Lungs and for all irrl tut,ion oi the mucumis memiiruim All vocalists ami puWk: speakers who spool: and sing without ellbrt, us,- these Tablets. Their eflVct In clearing ihoTolcols simply astonish ing ns can bo shown by munoious cw tilloulcfe. J)r» Well's Carbolic 'Jab!vis, ad directly ;ott the muntous membrane and -should lie promptly and freely taken in all ex posure or violent changed weather, as they equalize the circulation ot the blood and thus ward oil' all tendency b> cold;* am- Long dilucul- The proprietors would say, all first class medi cines have their imitation*, and they would CAUTION the public against Imposition by lm\mg other medicines thrust, upon them in place of these admirable Tablets. .JOHN Q. KKLLoCUi. 1)1 IMuU st . N. Y.. Side Agent. Sold bv Ih'Ugglsjfi. Price cents ji box. *Juu. IM, 71—lin ; REDUCTION OF I'UICES TO CONFORM TO B BDUC TI O N 0 F DOT! KB . Grail Minim/ to C'otiHinncrs, BV fIETTINH ri* tiI.UBS. Monel for our New Prim 1 Ait amia Club form will noooiriliiiny It. com tMlnluK lull illri'nili.m nmliliil'H lan:.. aavluu lo ounouinur.s mul re uuinoiallvc locluboruju-.lzem Tilt GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO HI and HH Vcfiey St., NEW YORK. in. W, 71—lm tfitn aoiirvfisrmnits WANTHU KOI! >ESB LOVE. Its Vota r i es. hv Dr. Jim. 11. Kills. Dingo Saleh Immense I’VofUs. Stupendous lovelallons ami startling ilWJosures. The* whole Mihjeet laid barn and Us imleonsness exposed to universal exoerallou.--- Wi'llii'ii'in the Interests of Civilization, ChrlsM* unity ami Public Morality. Semi lor «Ireu.uvs luUtcrms. ir. s. Pum^suiNaco.. m iiroomo Sh, .Now York. Jan. Uil, 7.l—tin riIHE OREATEST SUO,i'E*?rt OF I 01‘ TIIK SUA^UN. .\f.l NIS WAN nco roi:, iELOE!! i The White ‘ Chief, J’.tcJ'V Venn* I I'M/ [nUiniis o/(hv Plains, -U\wy.u‘a„ While Chief and Ihg Wuvriov nmmmtUe ■Koa Stuns. 'nniillngaeeonuKoi Orem Hums, Hair breadth Kseanes ami Terrible Contests wlh -t ho biu gaum anil hostile tribes. Spirited descrlp- Unas oi the hahlis mul snpeiMUlons ol 'imi ,slram T o people. Their Sports, - Legends .Tradp ttons. Why they Scalp. H<»w they Woo and Wed. Doctor, Worship. An*., it:.*. ' Now, fresh and popular. Price low, It isseii- Im' by the thousands with wonderful rapidity. V'enis are nml> lug limn s * i to ?um m-v week. Smile choice Held vet to be bad. Apply at ■ once for mmole chapters, Illu-liatious ami mil ruutleilliu's t ' A. 11. HUIIhAKD, l*m*lM)er, m Chestnut St .•Phlladelphia lan. IM. 71-rlm . AN T KIJ A'i'.KS per ouyj to sell the celebrated HOMK sllUl Hih SKWiMi M AC-11 ( N Id. Has tho ■under-feed,, makes the 1 loek-stUeh" tahke on both shies.) and is futlv llcemed. The best and cheapest, family sewing Machine In the market. Ad dress* Jt)H N’SCN. '.'DA UK * i lUnstun. Mass., Pltb-d’mrg. Pa..' hlcago, 111.. urSi, Louis Mo. Jan. -(1.71 lm GJBNKRaTi .'.GENTS.\VANTIC!) KH' If Urm-sheen's rulciihUhin machine, mpkl. ucour;iii-, reliable, simple. easily i>pt»' ami he.niiiiui. (jivluy instantaneous additions, or sultstractlons, talum; fr»m oiiu to live eol miins ol ih'Ui‘l*'* at a I into, canylm; ami barrow* its own lens hundreds, etc,. without tlui, tbmmbl on Urn part of Urn operator Ad dress /.MllildUl A*. MetJ.UHDY. IMulidolphla. 1 a. .!u!i. -■,71 I ill ' ’ \ CSKNTS WAN HOD lor A IiUOTT’.S r\ I'UUSSIA and the I’RAN'L'O-i'IUJ-'SlA.'' \Y Vil la Herman and Kimltsli.wiih Hue steal en • -rLVtnii-. map**, fcc. Aat*uis are nothin?.' Hum 2.» To r>o Mlhs-rlbeis p«v dav. On*' *• tvimi t-. h>s orders iiit> !l st. l w-> days. Now is I hi 1 lime In so* em«- an agency lor (ins and u her bio lor aments. -dd'ess t»n»Uer * Ity I übltsii -1„- Unisse 217 and 21 1 guhrec St., I'hdedelphm. - .fan. ■!’>. 71 In* AOKNTri » momli) _bv Ihe AMKRiTA-n KNMTl'lNil MA* UUINKO)., IWSW.N, M ass., r S I’. fjOL'I-j. Mo. dan. *2(i, 70—lm J'OUBEBA. .lan. 2 (, 71—1. m . T7UJ.EE TO BOOK \GENTrf-! xVewil) send a bin Homo Pronin ans of our MI-;\V ILI/U.Sl'itArwD I*’A\HLV niIHAO con tainin'; ovjor.iMJ tine Ji.tript.uro.lllusiraUDns to nnv i ook, miont., Iren of all irno. Address A T A- Ti’ONAh PUHU.SUINO.CU., .Pnlkuia.. I’a. • .Jan. 20, 71— tw. Y()UU OWN SATISFACTIoX WO L P’S 5$ FRESH STOCK OF GBOG E BI E S AT LOW PRICES, AT A T o, 44 Kast Pomfvet St. newlstoeU'ol F lIIiSiII (IRQ’ITER IRS /'[ O'-'K v. lliii): nl rerU'(-s at wolf’s. rplM-Utat Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, At wofrs, LAMPS ! T| AMI’S. LAMI'-S, At WOt.K’S, MIL’ IT J AltS AND JKLLY ULASSI'S At WOI.K’S AMCKKM.. MAfICKHKh, Nns. 1. J ;uul :i Mnclcen-l. in whole, hall. or ([in irr Ijju 1 Cl--, or kit->, at iho Inwrsi pihM’K ever u f. n il hi rsirllsU*. At WUIA’IS. TM'jST hraiiii* Ronr,. Lamm. Lam? J[3> should*’ tliteh, drld heed. eheese, pfehle mul spiced cull non. siii dims, smohcd ImUhli Liu lniiilun herrfng.’* «•» ted hi n 1/4; :it U’Ol F>. A lUv (! 11 1 ji.l u a f t-, *:•;!- warn, E n tin-nwaiv ami \Vnii"U'!if, t U Wol.l' ?•-. T)l R(;l Whjfc* ami C ufer Vineynf, * . A 1 i\o. 4-[ t .j'Ja'u: Pomfnt a 71—Iv .St I'. IT Q UCX’ERIES, &V, Tln-MiLserlher begs leave 10 inionu the cill .t-asoi Carlisle and' vicinity ilml he-has pur diJiM rt Hie Cloceo Sloivof 0. V, Keeny No. Th Si .nth Hanover Street, Carlisle, wliciii 1.0 will eai’ry or. tliedmccry Business as visual, ills as smi inhnl. is varied. aml consists in part ol UUMSNMWARE, GLASS W A U I - .. STt’N T. unh EARTHEN WARE CEDAR ami WXLLOW.WAER, TEAS, (’UFFEES. SVBBBS, S BICES. FANCY SHABS. RUBES. TOBACCO, EISII. OILS, HALTERS, SEGA KS, 8 A LT, rOTATOE 1 DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR, FEE nnd ii full assortment of artleles usually kept In iv lirst-Hnss Gioeery store. Give him n cull, and witli-faction will bo guaranteed. Oct. 10, 1 Sfi'l. Ji 1 UEHH AND PRIiME ! . CLEAN, EAT AND JUICY OYSTER SALOON, IN 'IJIC VOl.rr-TJIK JA’II-DIKO “Joljnny’ Smith Is now'opcning superior Oys ters, received twice a, which lio cdls a! L'mil reduellon In price. Ills tables arc kept neat and •lean ami fur nished with all tin* necessary accompaniments. Families supplied with lirst. quality of Oyster* on shirt Tim celebrated NF.WAHIv, and MATSKV A COLLINS’ PIIILADEL -ITIIA ALK on draught. Give him a lalai and he will endeavor to glw Hiitlsfiiflluii 10 Mil. JN o.H. SMITH. Foii SAM*'.—The mine Hock < jjn(»ts mid Shoes and all the machinery an Jlxltires of the Carlisle Shoe Company will l; olh-red at puhllo sale, in front of the Com House in Carlisle, on Hutnrdau, Fdnmrn |l, Itf nl M» o’clock. A, M. The stock, machinery an llxtures will he sold together or separately t suit pjrchascfs. Terms made known on da °' t '“ lo ' JOHN T. ORKKV, Wb.J.TI-tlt Pmt'tMt. ’4 7’OK KA 1 tt. —The twonipl n-htilf Mo- V ».V !‘»l’ ILTC DWELLING !I» IUME. w| I!i ,\ ! wo-Moiy I’,.irk P.uUdlug, si UitP d .■ o, AS Si ml h Hu ifm.i sheet. next door lo the (le« man church. I’o'M’i-sloii given April lot, Apple to or mldri'-.s \V. S. FI FiMING, ’ 109 South Front St., Philo. fan. IV, K7l--W i>. o. no* r.nt Ococeries - l ) l’ ) and examine his upt‘U(! and eye prepared to guarantee In Mudr trlends and «•uMbmers as low,.prices us any market nnisule tho cities. They especially Invite the uMonttou mechanics, farmers and bijUdets. Our st«.cl: Is complete ami none need fc ter meeting with disappointment iu eimnhhu: tm* anythin?; hi our Mim* \\V hn’vft tlio nsoiu'V of lln- WlU'’ox& (.tibl)* f. w rn u m a g n rN E , 111 vv.mlil n'..[.ct-inilly si; nlllhosu wunl' l Machine. to t’.vrnluo the AN illcox it Citbbs’ bo .v'pUlTllit’f IV \ll nnlic-s i.i-o’iiiiitl.v n.'li-mlMl li\ noil Rnmls •uV(.’v<-.l l" nil I«ul - of .Ho lou-il fret or chiu-Ki.'. Jnn.-IJ. I M7l ly. ' S7F ,7T,IrjIKI ' K IST! [VnXIIY '■bWTON, ll.’l*. IUXMCn, T). 13. SW'ToX US’BKiSB II(HISI!, H. Saxton Bs. Go., i\u. lo hast Slain Urcet, e (\AUI.ISLK, I’A DcaU:rs In Imported and Amcm-tin Hardware hnhlhig l iloUseUeepitig,l‘’n r in lug and Mechanic: HARPWAREI II .MUiWAIIE! NOTICE Wo have this dnv associated with us in busl ness D. H. SAXTON. The linn will still *coi; tlmte as before H. Saxton & Co, Relieving a short, credit the tm nml hem*, fit ofnll parlies, we have therefore c nelndeil to adopi acieilh of three mouths, to nsponsihle part ies, lit. winch 11 rues our hi l.s wi II oe r elidei ed vi'/.: January, April. July ami il.uoher, when settlement will lie made. Thaulcful for pa-t patronage, and soliciting a continuance of fu ture favors. ~ ~ We Remain Respectfully, N. ]Orders hy mall shall receive prompt nth ntlon, and will he sold at us low rates as J 1 dohvered In person. Jan. TJ.7I. iggviniltural implements P GAUDN ICR ■& CO., (lliiMSlii! WUHiSS! WORKS. fsew MachuiVH for 1871 Seeding. limping, Threshing Tlll-J f;U MHEULANH VALLCV Thresher and Separator We otter tills new Thresher ami Separata 1 (Cashout Uu’s. Balennm the tanners ot Cum he lanil ami adjoining c-unitie-as Cully equal, not superior tnaiiy macbineno <• niaiiu(mduie« ll inis the-moat advantage ol being plum an simple in const 1 net ion. it Isa VERY RABI r.n HESHER AND A BEREE' ’T*SEBA R ATO AND CL* A NEB, In visum it the farmer will I, Min'iil mnUlrt' the 1; ost he possibly um mil < tils crop heean: oil Wastes No Grain, Inn saves nil that, goes through the mnehine. anil sepatales entirely the elmIV from Hr st raw. II Is ah easy tunning machine ami mil do R‘. worlc 1 lio’anu'hlv. This we gminudi e. ll is at 1 he same lime the cheapest, machine in I iu* mat, Uei. Tin- HOUSE BO iv ER w hieii wo fninlsli In nm the Cnm'*etl:md Valley ’Mirusher is also new and enl irely difie'vm I n eonst IVi ■ Ml lm'll uluit we have hereio'.ore hudr, seem Mil' much •treater power and speed, wit h lighter 111 *ll. i.uir muses only will he required. where nv>nv otlu r machines require six and eight horses. I m> 1 umheriand Valley Thiesher and Cleaner was iried on the yronndi of the Cnmhei land Connlv Airi lendill-al Snetety at the Fair ol |-7n, n large eiuwd 4 f fanners being present to wii nrsv: its operation. ’I he trial was completely successful ami the machine proved ils ahihiy to thresh clean and sepavu'e grain in the must, sat istaetory manner. All who witnessed Hie trial express! d theirapp'ovnl In the wannest leinis. The coin 11MI lee on agricultural implements. also ijjive the machine a special notice tn their le por I. M ron [By recoin mend Inti- 11. 'J he (’nmber land Valley Thresher and Separator, has also been recently u-ed hy Col, Wm M. Henderson, •at his lai in nearOirlMi*, in threshing and clean* lug a hum* crop. So lolly Is lie satisfied of Its •treal’ merits that he allows us to use Ids 11 ume as a reference. Funnels who wish tin 1 her and fuller parHcuhus as to the working qualities of lids new machine ave.lheudore respect hilly re fe, red in Col. of (he nm-a wide ly known farmers <»t Cnniherhind county. The runiherland Vahey Thiesher win always he well and snhslaiil hilly hnllt, 411 Hie best nm lerlul. soddly trained In every, pan, ami pre sent lug a handsome external 1 appearance.— • rie»> of. machine.,with Jio Inen eylimier, without wagon. A [treat advantage of Hus ma chine Is that ’ ll can he readily repaired at uny good shop without trouble. THE CUMBERLAND VALLEY PATE.NT.SELF BAKING MOWER and REAPER, We "111 also Imlld this new machine, with changes and Improvements folly remedying the defects and weak points oftho'-o hull! lust sea son. Our aim Is tn supply farmers with a good home-made machine, which Tt not superior in all respects to those brought from a distance will nevertheless prove In nil essential points, a good and reliable harvester. All wo ask lor it Is a fair trial. the wjllougiidy patent gum .spuing Grain Drill. We build this well known Grain Drill now with or wilhout guano atliichment. and Hie shovels In Mr tight or sug mu rows. Just as the farmer prefers. We now have.also, a new ami Imnrovi d plan of attaching the gum tubes, lor which we lin vo obtained Letters Palm t. which with other improvements makes Ihe Wllhuigh -I>v iho most complete and perfect Drill manu lacturcd lu the country. A L W AYS ON HAND! a full Hue of agricultural Implements both ot our own maniifaetuic and from other esiahlish mcniM. Including every us-lul machine needed hv the tanner. Wo nmv enumerate Hay Hakes, old fashioned Threshers ami Horse Powcis Corn Sholh-rs, ol which w« have Hiren kinds and live dllforont M/es, Cannon Corn Midlers. Fod der’ Cutlers. Cider Mills ami other articles loo' numerous to soenlfy, Orders taken lor all kluds^of IKON WORK In onr extaualvc I-’mualiyaml Muchlms sliopa, ami lm UUII.DING MA I KHI Al> ..r avi-iv il.-- serlnlh'M In our Poor and D ish I'adoiy. A lull stock of «011-soa; ocod 1-CMHEII inwavs on hand, enahlmj; tis t o dll all on Ids pioinpi Iv. at lln> lowest prices, Fainu-rs h inih'isai.d maim lacturers are Invited lo give ti-it call and seo our fudlUlea lor turning J0n.10,71-Cm V’, 13 Great PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL! » laTliinv" W(* will romovc n-w mi.l li-iU'iMfiil Slorj, mm; lii’jijt! l, l'" l,! rick HmXlliij; for m;ny \)w properly oi Iho Inlt* LjUKI- .UWI H.E (>, Bi 3 KIM Gr B r r OC K 1 D R ESS GOODS I'rirrs unmistakably lower (handover. Unprecedented bargains will bo olTerod wlthlnihc next '.ndnys. . Will bo sold at Cost and less than tost to niuko room. All eludes ol WOOLEN GOODS will b sold ui greatly reduced prices, Bargains in A targe stork of BLANKET SHAWLS will be sold less than cost within the next 30 days. UNDEUSIintT.S and DRAWERS closing out very cheap. Woolen Hoods and Sontngs will bo sold willmut rogimMo cost. As U Ik Impossible to enumerate (he great, change In all kinds of good-, we wlh say In a won that (his is an opportunity seldom oili-red and those who will avail themselves of It will bowel paid by calling at Before making tholr purchases. All are cordially invited to como and too lor themselves. n. SAXTON’ & CO. Jan. hi. “1 AKU IA OK BUI -L DIKO IN \IA. ITR RHANCirFS. AND-REPAIRING .! promptly and at reasonable rates CARRIAGES* Always «n hand Sir made to order. 1 wlil exchange UAltllt.VfiKA IJU'HHi’jS. or SPUINfP WAGONS lor Good UDIIsEH. Wtmd Hand Wwjom* of all Kinds A. SENSSMAN s htl n nl. worl«. Jind Invites all his old ciMninovs and I lie! piddle In acncntl n* «ivc lain ».celt. Remember thet.M jilju’C. Ml iltt street, north ofthe Uatlroad Depot. Carh-le. In conneclrm with tin) above est ih’ M.vy its 7ii— 1 y A 11 X; 1 H L n Carriage Factory, cauLi s l k , i» a * A. B. SHEBK, Has now on hand, ono dozen SLEIGHS in the latest styles, also Caniagus, Druggies, * Spring Wagons, on hand, or made to order on short notice, I have procured tho services n{ n lirst-eiass Wheelrluht, and have nought the Iv si wheel slock In Ui market, so Hull fud confident of giving entire sutlsiacMon. I also have on hand Sarvunt’s patent wlieels. The lion (lunge mound tho him makes this wheel more duahle Ilian anv olher. Hepulmux ami l'u uting attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A largo lot of second-hand work on lumils. Dee. H. 7U—!’m. lITKOHM & BPONSLER, h Toankml for the patronage extended' them heretofore,do now.aninmiioa ..thelr u-.nal largo Moek ofSI'UIXO HTYI.ES of LADIES’ ANII M ISKF.S', 1 GENTS’ AND nOYS’,I YOUTHS’ AND CHILDS', \yhieii are unrivaled for commit and beauty Also All of which will ho sold at small prollls. Call nne and all and get a fall equivalent-! lor your n onoy. 1/.0-37 SJcj) dßiiotin 'be molf^ PI? 17 Ml?Il?f f|. .H ,fi ,-1 ,i. Bml .isAAtyU TP > 4 n Clearing Out Sale, 'On ’March* tst, 1871, Directly Opposite (M Jk'nlz ■ and S'udon's Ilordwat e. Store hi i.uim' to open with'an entirely new 1 have marked down t\io prices of my out ire fdtVU oi To Cost and Less than Cost FRENUIT MRRTNDES marked down from IV) eis v PLAID SMRGE- 5 Mini n-w ma-'md 51.25 whl be sold at 75 Ots, pr,\ ini Miai-U'") down from 75 el-.-to ."'i e'-. ror/turn r,n\n nvu'liml down f--nm 75 rf-. to />) rN, ' \ll wren, i-MP'M’-s rr.OT:-f*3 marked down from 7') ets, r »3 and 5-» ets. All Tin 1 « finniw Uni were sellincr at 50 els, marked down to 33 and ‘lO ets. Jt)ISIES T H E BE S T TO HU i PURE AND RELIABLE S]} tl£ -iLJ Medicines and fine Chemical: JOSEPH B. HAVERS TICK’S. SuuV\v llauo'vvtv SVvc.eL CA.RUSLh PA Drugs, Medicines, C/icmicas,l [hooks Fancy Goods, Confectionaries, Per futncry, Toilet Articles, (h ftmiorer Hired, H E A T I N O. ,S T O. VES, Tlio sulwurilKivx, Imvlug ra-onily prcctccl n ccinimmlli>U“ Btliro I'lioin. mlJtilnl'iß tll<-lr OUI HIT now titviJiin il t!> iurms*li piiTW>iU UUU i.l,c* public Kfi.umlly with every iimHu In their Hue. on the most, ucimmmmbillng tonus. With a largo and .vailot ns orimcni, t»-which midi tons are cmH'nnlly made, tncy lout conlidont thni In quality and juice they nro nhond « all cmujictlt ion. of all klmis, including the celooraieu r LACE i u a 'J No. 5 DEALER JN AND UNDERTAKER Kitchen and Ofllce 3tol)cs3, ffiiiuuaiT. &c OF TilU FALL CAMPAIGN. RllimiTH & . ttWPP, Tin and Sheet-iron .Workers, AND DEALEKB^fN Conk, Parlor, a lid every variety of A LOU STOVES, i 'OOK STOVES, 'OFFICE STOVES. This dopfivlmoni of Ihelr'stuck Is unexcelled for n> 1 1st ie design, sujuwlortluls i, and slmpllcl* ly dr aiiangciueut, amongwhich men ;ioe.‘ I the IUN-NY Si DM I'TTth PLACE HEATER, SUNNY SinSUOUULE-OVEN^COOK AKLEY SHEAF. NOBLE COOIC, and .OVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE. Ith a variety of ether Cook Stoves wyill knwr v their excellence. K IT CIIKN »4IA XGEa, NATIONAL lIANGB, Li AS B. B U RN £ li S , ll' you w:\nt an Orn:imont:il Slnvy, Tl'-ymi wiinlim Kcnmiinli-iil stuve. Jr vi at want. a Powcrlul Healing SI ova, If'vmi want ii PeipclU'il Fire Keeping Move e xll and examino our slock, wnei c you will Uml the IUENTAL HUT BLA ST, wiih reversible uc ovon ORIENTAL PARLOR HEATER. lor two or more rooms SPEAR'S RES'OLVTNG LIGHT. AND MAGIC LIGHT BASE BURNERS, with a largo assortment of PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES. ALSO SHEET IRON AND TIN WARE, Main and .lapauned, including I’ollet Ware, Cash ami Heed Boxes trend, Calco, ami Sugar Boxes. ' Knives aim Forks, Spoons of all kinds. I .miles. Lanterns.,Coal Buckets. Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pans. Shovels uml Tongs, Coal \nd Flour Sieves, Flat I rot is, Brass Kettles. Fruit Jars. itn.. iVc., embracing a largo and complete issorimeut to which w invite the attention of buyers. We are also prepare-! to tarnish Pumpsfor Cisterns and Deep Wells and have for sale,the cclehraled CUCUMBER WOOL PUMP, warranted genuine. Constantly on hand STOVE BRICK AND REPAIRS FOR STOVES IIUUFIMJ, rtPOU'JTNG, ANDJoB WORK attended to promptly and on reasonuhlo terms JSS“ Old Stoves taken in Exchange. Thankful for Dio patronage heretofore bestow ed on us we are in-teased effort d merit a continuance of it. and respecHully task the public to call and examine for them selves. KHINESMITH & HUPP. Nos. (12 and UJ, North Hanover St., Carlisle, Ponna ■VrEW STOVE AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT, The partnetshlp hmetoforc existing between Walkin’ & Claudv having been dissolved by muiinil consent,’ I hereby announce to tho elti zens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that X have opened a New Sieve and Tinware; Store hi the largo frame building, on the corner of West, High mul V/cstfctrcoUs, formerly occupied liv Cornelius & Bosh. > , , _ Having a huge ui)d complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on hand selected with liiu greatest cai o expressly f«»r this nnirkvt, my customers me' guaranteed satisfaction. both ns regards .quality and price. » Sheetiron and Tinware, constantly on hand and made up to order. My stock of Tinware embraces everything usually kept in a class Un establishment. UOOFnsG ami SPOUTLSG promptly attend' oil. to. Stoves I Stives! Stoves! lam now prepared to exhibit to Ujo Winter Trade a large and weli-a*sorted stock of the best pat.erus ot Stoves, Having the ug,mey of the following celebrated stoves. I am prepared to furnish them to parties so desiring: MORNING GLOItV, LIGHT IKUTSF.. BON-TON. • itiwKnnn, BEACON LIGHT . EGU, OFFICEnnd PARI/ U STG V E’S. t —HIr selection of Cook Stoves embrace tho Tallowing: Sup6vior, Excelsior Noble Coolc, .Niagara, Quaker City, and Coral. Stove Repairs constantly, on hand. I am agent lor n I 3 A TENT STEAM PIPE .for lulling mips, inotorica, At*., tipd prcpnrpi to (umlfth ami pi tee lliem In position ul alioi nt.ilci*. Having nn experience of 22 yours.ln tills busi ness, I would respectfully solicit a shine of Iho public pntroimge, leuiing confident Unit I wl r give aalisiiicUou. !A. WOODS WALKER. Dt c*. S!-'. 70-tf rjin^-KiiST, And decidedly tho largest stock of FALL AND':WIVfER GOODS, In Car I No. for''Men's, Youths’, and Rny'sWcnr to be I'oiiu.l at tho old and popular store of Isaac’ laving & ton, A 7 o. 22. North Hot-over Street, where von can llnd the. latest productions of European and'American nmuufaeturo, CLOTHS cf every description and quality, and all tho vn •ions popular and fashionable thades. OVER-COATINGS, The largest assortment ever displayed. CASSIMERES In endless variety, TWEEDS. SATINETS. CHEVIOTS, do V splendid stack of Vestings. , An Immense atonic of RKADY-M AUK CLQTII INU ui our own niunufiicturo equal to garment made to order. A splendid assortment ol GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOOIS. 'Trunks. Valises, Carpetbags, Don’t full find give un a call. Woai’o determined lo hell cheaper Hum any IlouhO In town ISAM) LIVINGSTON, No, 22, North Muiiov-t Ktiuol, CiuUklu I'Jhtublisluul 1817. Ofit. 20 IK7O, ly. I,>oll HUNT. • The Siore |» ncfiiplotl by I •. 'l'. (Jicoiiilold, within i\v pooi'h I»l Uu* Mill-Ui-l Squiiio. ■ i’u&hOhSjlon alvcu Aiuil Ist 1671, or poilmpbboouer. Apply to 1 .UOOil ZITG. Deo. li ,70—t/ JDrg (Sootis mo. FALL AND WINTER O r E N I N G T O-DJAJT Central DRY 6008 S STOKE. Now and desirable^ . < * s^r 9 -- R B S S CTt> O D S. Great Bargains from Into'' Auction Sales, - * " In Now.Vork and 'Philadelphia. ASTRACAN CLOAKING CLOTTTS.J CARACULA CLO 'KING CLOTHS, skin CLOAKING CLOTHS. _ KXI'RA BEAVER CLOAKINGS. Blue, Brown, Purple and Black VELVETEENS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, Furs I . Furs ! Furs! The Most and Cheapest in the town. A groat bargalu in all kinds of Col'd, and Wkl*o BLANKETS, ■' Flannels, Flannels, '•’eltShlrts, Embossed Shuts, the largest assort nent at iholowcst prices. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Over-Coatings. (ho largest stock in town, Tar below one mouth ago. Domestics! Domestics! At a decline in prices. Now styles ofi Wboloo Hoods, Breakfast Rhnwls, Childrens Clonks, . Hacks. Scarfs, Tics ami everything else in the Notion Lino. Carpets* Carpets Floor Oil-Cloths, Table Oil-Cloths t> Druggctts, Mattings, Rugs, &c. An assortment of fancy Buggy Rugs. Do not fall to give us a call, as a o can give yon nil belter bargains than you can get anywhere else, in all kinds oi Dry (Joois and Carnets. LEIDiCH & MILLER. Nov. 17.70. N EW DSY MIS STORE, m t BHKMLDEIt, Rerih Hanover St., Carlisle Deposit Ban/i Have Just rctnrnt-d from New York mid Phil a dolphin, with an entire new stock ot Goods Our goods have been selected with the g>eaten* care and in point of henutyand cheapness, can not.lm excelled. \ye invito every one to call ni.d Inspect cur choice slock of Goods. You can find every variety and stylo'the markets al» lord lu' DRESS GOODS, Cloths, Casstiners, Illch Poll- dC’SoIOH,. Rich Qros-dc-Fondro . Rh h Gross-Gralnfß, s Drabi-do-Nice, Drab*cle*Fmnce, Ottoman Cords, Empress Cloths, Menaces aua Plohls of every ah and stylo Furs! Furs! Furs! Our stock of Furs excels anything in point of beauty of flnlsii nnd llnencss of. quality; W« have marked Unm alown to lower prices than have ever been otlcioJ lu Carlisle. . We purchased this slock from the largest ami host Uou-o m N'ew York. Wo have made u choice selection of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS, to which wo Invite the special attention o young and old. Wo have selected some choice of Nobby (’asslmers. particularly adapted lo young men. Wo Imvo everything lu DOM B S TICS, Mnsllna, Flannels, Prints, Blnnkela, Ticking?, Coverlets, Couutei puues, Balmorals, I-uiiutmo Checks, &c. LADIES’ &'GENTS' UNDER WEAR Umbrellas, Ac A few of iho advantages of buying Goods from uh arc wehave an entirely mw *lookof Goods from which to select, which has D> en bought .IVr cash and wo will allow nomoin u iduibell us. Wo extend a cord In I luvltutn n ir nl toeallami see us before milking your pi ch ises, as wo think we’cun oiler ixtrd luiii ccu.enis. DUKE it BUBICEODDEU. * TO,tv 1870 AT TUS UKLO W TH IS Shaivis f Furs and&JSfotionsi Silk Eplngllnes. 6urgo*de-Aumale, of all kinds, licspcolful y, g O O F L A NO ’8 german medicines. Hoofland’s German Hers, Hoofland's German ’ lonic, Hoofland’s. Podqphyl Hoofland’s Greet Oil. Hoof land? a German Biltei ■» A Hitlers wt/hout Alcohol or Spirits of any Kind, Is different/ from nil others. Ills com nosed oi the pure Juices or vital prlnalpieof Roots.* Herbl - .Barits (or as medicinally termed, extract-.)* llio woitlilcssor Inett portloi.sof lha ingrcili ems not being used. Therolore, in one bailie o| this Billers ihern Is contained as much medicl nai virtue as will be found in several gallons (l ( oidhmry m xttires." Tin* Bools, Ac.,used In iliis Bitters are grown In Oci many, their vltnl pitn elplos exiiacted In that, country hy a hcK-niiile Chemist, and Ini wauled to the mamtfiicton* in this city, where they me compounded ami ‘lioi. i led. Containing no spi iit turns Ingredients, Oils BUIc» sis ftce Horn the objections uigi il niuilnsl all others; no,desire for stimulants can lie in iluecd from their use. they cannot make drunk ai ds, and 'cannot, under any clrcuiustinjccb.luive ft uy.bnta benelkdai etreer, ILoofland’s German Tonic 'Vos compounded for those not inclined u> w tromo bit ters, and is intended lor .use In enses when some alcobolf'c stimulant, is torjiufod in connection with the Tonic, prnbcrlle.s ui IhuHit ters. Knch tiolt lo of the Tonic contains- emu hut tlo of the BlllHs. combhieil with pirn; sjmta Cruz Bum, and llavored In Midi a manner that the extreme bitterness .of the Ihttci.s is over, coine, forming,a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal virtues ot the Bitters., ’ihe pi icon? the Tonic Is SI . r >' per bottle, which oninv poi sons think too high They must take iniocon sldcratlon that the stimulant used is mmmntenl to be of ft pure ciuuhty., A poor nrliele could lie lurnlshed afa cheaper price, but Is It m.i latter lo pay a 111 110 more and have a good at tide? A medicinal preparation should coninln none hut the best ingredients, and they who expect to obtain a. cheap compound Will most certainly he cheated . They arc the greatest known Itcmcdm ’or FIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, , VOUft DKBILITY..LN UNDUJK. DISiCASK OF THE KfDNKYM, ERUPTIONS ul THESICIN.amI all diseases nris- Idk from a Disordered Liver, Stomach, or 1M PU it IT Y-ON THE BLOOD. Keadhe following symptoms Constipation, Flalulence. Inward Piles, Hill* ness of {Mood lo the Hoad. Acidity of lliDSiom ach. Nausea. Ileal t Imm. Dlsgutd for I‘oo*l,*Hw ness or Weigh*. In the Slonnicdi. Sour Ijiu-U- Lions, sinking or Fluttering at the PH ot Hie Stomach, Swimming of, the Head. Uuuka rr Dilllcult Umvihlntr. Fluttering at. the ihwl. Choking or Sullocating Sensations wbca » n Lying Poslurjv Dimness <>l Vision. Dais or «f. 3 before the Sight, Dull Pain In :ho neiuLii.'lh’lii - cy of Perspirai lon. Yellowness of the Skin M Kves. Pain In the Side, Hack. Chest, Limhs. A'.. Sudden Flushes of Heat, (turning in theN‘*“. Coiislantinmglnlngrt of Evil, ami Great Deprf. slon of sp.rlis. All these Liver or Digestive Organs combined nils no useoVtho RlUors or Tonic will soon cauw Iho above symptoms to disappear, and tao pa tient will ecomo well and heudhy. Dr. JEToof land’s Greek Oll> Lightning Cure for all kinds of fains ana—lt will cure nil KM of Pams and Aches, such ns Rheumatism. Ae ll ' mlgla. Toothache. Oiulblalns, tjpmms. Uiiil'm Frost Bites. lleiidache.s, Pains In the linck uml 'Loins,-Pains in the Julutsor Limbs, {silnjjs & Insects, Ringworm, i lc. ■ Taken In i ekna i.i.y.—Tt will cure Jv/am? Comiduinls, backaches. Sick Headache, Lhoilc Dysentery, Dlarrbtt-u. UnoJera li»lau\mi\, Uioie ja Morbus, Cramps ami X’ulns in the telouiacn Fever and Ague, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, etc. Dr. Hof land’a Podophyllum OR SUBSTITUTE FOR MERCURY PILL Two Bills a Doit, The moat 2’oiver/ul, yet innocent Vegetable CatteM known. Tf. Is not necessary to take a hnntlhj °f |i f o ’Pills to produce the desired oU'k’t, 0 J,ber, del quickly and powerfully, <| h. 1 The Stomach; and Bowels ol all *'‘A l ,., l , or llm-vl principal Ingredient Is I ndophyllm. p 1 anJ oolmlic ExUiictof Mandrake, which *, Jinfl times more Powerful. Act Ins,, J I n s / J;,,,, ii than Iho Mandrake Itself. I,s J ,Vn vr. nit oh* upon Hie Liver, clean ng Jl specih .j f><> | ; v vr l Minct.lons. with all the powei ot d frce fmm tne Injurious results altauuu use of that' mineral. • f a M (imf For all diseases, In which houj ™/J c mili tia Is Imlleated. lho-e Pills win B' l « ./ ,UI taction In every case. 1 hey 7 J c , u ’ n {. alii In cases o( Liver «\>rnplaints. 0 extreme Costlvencss. Dr. 1 1 f i infl 'tii'i Billers or Tonic should be"‘ , . l !! r n .he ItiixcrsOf with the Pills. The tiinloenccl r »h^‘ JfTW Tonic builds np Ihosyslcin. im- Il( . r vc«, lo purifies the Blood, strengths regulates the Liver, and gives bliuigl , and vigor. • ...mi Hie Pills. a'R Keep your Rowels actUo \\ Mh I nn-1 lorn- up ,Hlo »y«dn will '' ['“'JVvr.r no dlscnsc enn P lain ll» ho 1. "f, p Dr i,u m' l - Tlu-ni) meillcinoH are mild hy UlU— denims lu inedleliiee every,p, s oEit; lleeolleal. Hull lt. ln DR. UOOJ lM d MAN lIKMEDIEH, llmtaro ,, 1 ll,avlll ana lilulily recniuipeiidi'd ; Druuulsl to Induce yuil lu tnUO „,, u./ejiusL li( Hull lio may any t 'j'heso lU‘i |l,, ' llt ‘ lualien a larucr piollt, uu ll ' .r '-.niv n |e lll p l‘ will he sunt by E*|’i’fJ-» i'llS, »' pl’caliou to Iho lit IN 1.l lAti ll'i \ i.rll tt, nKHMAN MHmUINK SXOUIS, M Aiau I’UILADELL'IIIA. Chas. M. Evans, Formerly O. U. JACKSON & CO. , r i hpsn IlPmedlcK lire Fili.ii-kicp-m, imd Mi'dUdhn D ® where ihniUßliuul Ulu d • J}' ;£lor»h America, and tho Writ lua*e*. "Deo- U IM7U—ly. PropW ctuf