anti)' aniurtiscmentts P PREMIUM Cg VED 1- AMI L V ' * IBI 1 IMPR MACHINE, SEWIN St2,r>o clear profit per day. 575.00 per week.— SSOU nor mouth mado easy by an Lady or tion tlenmu introducing this Genuine and Original old Favorite. With Its many new and practi cal additions, making the most complete combination of valuable and useful im provements ever effected In any one machine. The embodiment of extreme simplicity cm clency and utility, entirely different In model and design from any low priced machine. It is the most servloablo, elegant and reliable rami lr Hewing Machine ever Invented, gives perfect satisfaction wherever introduced. Has received Premiums. Stood the test of 10 years, and Is fnllv annrnvcd of by every family who navo them inns". Is noiseless, makes the strong and bountiful Elastic 'Lock Mitch, with wonderful hiphllty ami certainty. Sewsanylhlng a needle will go Ibrongb, from tho finest to tho!. l, W I SfJ tntiriT* tinn and neat, with ease, uses an ainus ofslllcor thread direct from tho spool : Is Im proved 0 new s<*lf-acttngfeod, spring tension, Mdi-gulder. ami uses tho adjustable straight nee die. perpendicular motion, with poweriul lever artfon- •• Possesses all tho good qualities of the high priced machines condensed, without their cnmpUentlons or fault. Samples of Sewing sent free on receipt of stamp. I* ■Ac., see descriptive pamphlets, mailed free, A thorough practical Sewing Machine for family use" Tribune." A very strongand reliable ma fluno, at a low price.—‘VSYnmf'inf. This beauti ful sowing machine Ik one of tho most IngcniouK pieces of mechanism ever Invented.— Dcutocmt., (in; Worth many times Us cost to any family.. -“.v. y. Wevkht" U is,quite a new machine with Its many late Improvements, and sewswitn astonishing ease, rapidity and neatness.- ife .mWfrun,” fc; v. Single machines, ns samples, selected with care, for family use. with «very ihllig complete, sent to any part oj the country per express, packed In strong wooden h«x, free, on receipt of price, $5.00. Safe delivery of goods •omranteed. , Forward casli by registered letter, or-I*. o. monev order,at our risk. Agents want ed male or female, every where. New pamph lets containing extra liberal Inducements, sent- "‘Address FAMILY HEWING .MACHINE CO, ut’.lceM! Nassau Street Now York. Oct.O 70— ly REASON OK IS7O-71. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organsj Important Improvement «, p,tl>'nU’d Juuc 21. i l t aml August 23, 1870. REDUCTION OF PRICES • The Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., huvo the pleasure of nun- unclng Important Improve ments In thclrCahlnet Organs, for which Patents were granted their'in Juno and August last These mo not mer ji> meretricious attachments, hut enhance the substantial excellence of the .Instruments. . , , They arc also enabled by Increased facilities for manufacture, to make, from this date, a fm iher rcduuilou of prices on several leading styles. Having completed and added to their former mclllUestt large new manufactory, they hope ‘nereafter to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made by this Company me of such universal reputation, not only, throughout America, bift also In .Europe, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They now oiler lour Octavo Cabinet. Organs, In quite piulu cases, but equal according to their ■ rapacity to anything they make, for Soft each. The same, Double Reed. S(*s- Five Octavo Double Reed. Organs, Five atops, with Knee swell ami Tremulant. In elegant case, with seve ral of the Mason ,t L ainllu Improvements, Sl2a, The same Extra, with new Vox Humana, Auto matic Swell, Ac., SIOU. Five Octaves, three Beta Reeds, seven Stops with Euphone; a‘ splendid instrument, 5225. A now Illustrated catalogue with full Informa tion, and reduced prices, Is now ready, and will be sent free, with a testimonial cncular.present ing a great mass ol evidence as to the superlon r\ ol these instruments, to any one sending his address to the MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO , 151 Tremont Street, Boston, or 51H1 Broadway, New York Nov. a, 70—1 m s*2o’S AN " 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED M OST LIBERAL T E RMS GOLD bought and Sold at Market Hales. COUPONS CASHED Pa c ift r II ai / you d Bo nds Hi il'iiilT AM) SOLD. if'oc/'.x Ji-uin/it fnnl .S>‘hi oji Ommih.vlou flnlij. Account.-. Vt-c-lvc.J ami Interest allowed on I'fitly Balance, lo cheek at sight. Be]®yes&Br.o. NO -to, SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA .mb 7 mu. I SAFE, CERTAIN AND SPEEDY jrx TlUllE poll NEDRALGJA, AST) AJ.L N 10 11 V O U f? DISEASES Its Effect.* are Maf/icat. An Unfailing Remedy for Neuralgia Facialis mien rdlpct tug a perfect cure in a single day.— .No form of Nervous Disease falls to yield to Its wonderful power. Even In tho severe cases of Chronic Neuralgia, affecting tho entire system, Us use fora few days alfords the most astonish ing relief and rarely lulls to produce a complete and permanent cure. It contains no materials In the slightest degree Injurious It. has tho un qualified approval of tho best physicians. Thou sands in every pari ol the country,gratefu ly ac knowledge Us power to sooth the tortured nerves xml restoring the failing strength. Sent, hy mail on receipt of prlc.o and postage. Dm* Package SI OU Postage If cents, six Packages S"> 00 ** 27 u It is sold hv all dealers la drugs ami modi cities. TURNER A. DO., Proprietors. 120 Tre inont Street, Bosum, Mass. Sep. l.'», 70—dmeow QR AND CENTRAL HOTEL, ii U O A I) WAY, (Between Bleecker and Amity Six.,) A 7 Rtf' YORK'. The largest Hotel in tho United S ates, capa ble of accomodating fifteen hundred Guests. Just opened, and furnished In ELEGANT S T Y L E , Central location, airy apartments, and RKAfIONAIILK TERMS, H. LYitAS POWERS, Proprietor Hep. 8. 7h—ly rjp It Y WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS. An unfailing remedy for nil Bronchial Dlffl cullleH, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Asthma, Dlplherla, Dryness of the Throat or Wind Pipe and a l l Catarrhal diseases. The wonderful modern discovery of Carbolic Acid, is destined to become one of the greatest blessings to mankind In Us application to dls eases of the throat and ts great curative quali ties in all affections of the ChosLaiul Lungs. Dr. Well's Carbolic Tablets, oesldes the great remedial agent Carbolic Achl contain other Ingredients universally recom mended, which chemically combine, producing a Tablet more highly medicinal and belter adapted for diseases of the Throat than any preparation over before offered to the public. For COUGHS ami COLDS Weil's Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure, 'Try them, Hold bj' Druggists. Nov. .‘l, 70— Im WANTED FOR BELDEN i The White Chief, Twelve J ears A luonij Ihr U’(M Indians n/ the Plains, Pacts from IR.VI to IK7O, Exciting us a Bomaneo new fresh, spirited. Authors experience on the Wnr I'nlh In Hnir.iln Hum*. Ac..nC indtal! ditles. Legends, Hporls «te.,Ac. Million edition ready, price'very low; sods fast,win exceed ftnv tiook out. First chapter, i-nmplo Illustration's and terms sent free. A. H. HUBBAIUJ. Pub Ki Chestnut rtt., Philadelphia, Pa, Nov. a, 70—Im ... „ (oJivenien. Rare P chance. Send stump. Diamond K. Co., Wilmington, Del, Oct. 37,70~Um a.kvffisementa IN FACTS pLA WORTH Reading! A large, well established and successful bust-, ness vuth an experience of more than twonty flve years enabled us to Oder inducements to all who are about to become purchasers of CLOTHING socond'to no establishment In thocountry. Our garments ’are all made of tho best materials,, carefully selected; nothing unsound or In ani way imperfect Is made up at oil, even In the lowest grades of goods. It Is a well established fact among clothiers, that our Ready- MALE Clothing in everything that goes to make a BU P° r |°T,,f n , l « meni, is unequalled by any slock of goods In "jur assortment Is so largo and vari ed_ that every one can bo titled at once, without delay, Our prices arc always guaranteed as low, or lower, than the lowest elsewhere, Wohavealso aflueussortmcutof Goods in the Piece, which will be made up to order. In the I best. mnn ner and at prices much lower than are usually charged for garments made to order. Samples of Gbods, with price lists lor all kinds of garment*, for warded by mall at any time when requested, with Instructions for self mensurment; and gju ments.ollher made to order or selected from our ready-made stock, forwarded by express, guar anteed to lit correctly. . . ... Persons not residing here, can when visiting Philadelphia, call and have their measure regis tered on our books kept for that P“ r P™ o i[rs*lS which garments can lie ordered at any future time. ’ BENNETT & Co. Tower Hall, JTo- 518 MARKET STREET. Half-way between Fifth and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 3. 1870-Bm, piTTSBUBxtG PIONEER. We and Red Lead and Putt' Manufacturers, Pitisbury, Pa. T. n. MV IN & co. s PITTSBURG, PA. Carlisle, Sept. 0,1870. Gents: I am inuph pleased with thePuro White Lead, purchased of you and lake pleasure In the recommendation of it to the public ns the best, 1 have everui ed. I have worked Wethorlll a Bros., an«l Lewis «t Bros,. Pure Philadelphia Lead. I imM say I like your Lend belter than any In the market for body and color. All you claim for It cannot be surpassed. CHAB. U. HOPPER. Caulise, Sep. 0,1870. Mwtsr*. T. Jl. Kevin it O?., Pittsburg, Pa. Gents I have had some opportunities for the trial ol your Pure White Lead, l most heartily rcc»mmeud It to the publlcas decidedly the best In the market. lam familiar with all the Pure Lead In the market. Lewis & Bros., Wetherll & Co. of Philadelphia, do say your Lead give! greater sutlfuctlon than either of them, on ncs count of body.color and fine grinding which are all the qualifications required of a good article. , JOHN ARNEY. Heading JAugustSl, 1870. Messrs T. 11. A ’trtn it Ch. Pittsburg. Pa. Oent<.* I have had your White Lead analyzed y a Chemist, and he pronounced It stiictly Pure. S. w: HOLLENBACH, Painter. Every keg of* our Pure Lead is guaranteed strictly Pure.nntl Is finer ground, bettor color and bettor body Ilian any other In the Untied States, These are strong terms but are none the less true. Call on Miller &. Bowers. Carlisle, Pa., who are tho only party having it for sale In Carlisle. T. H. NEVIN & CO., . Pioneer Paint Works, Pittsburg. Ofilceaud|Bale Rooms,Market and 3d Avenu Sep. 22, IH7O-3m* rjIHE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY, WM. KNABE & CO., .MANUFACTURERS OF Grand , Square and Upright PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. Sixty-Jive First Prize Medals A warded. These instruments have bccu before the pub lic for nearly thirty years, and upon their ex cellence alopo attained unpurchasi’d pre-eminence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine sing* lug quality, ns well as great purity of Intonation, and swootucss throughout tho entire scale.— Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stillness found In so many Pianos. IN W O R K M A NS HIP they are unequalled, using none but the very best seasoned'material, tho largo capital em ployed In our business enabling us to keep con tinually au Immense stock of lumber, ac., on band. All our Square Pianos have our New Improv ed Overstrung Scale and the Auraflb Treble. Wq would c ill appeal attention to our late Im provements in Grami Pianos and Square Grands; patented Aug. 14, IKGO. which bring the Plano nearer perfection than has yet b on attained. Evc'y Piano Fully Warrnntpd for Mvc Years. We nave made arrangements for the Bole Wholesale Agency for the most celebrated PAR LOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we of fer Wholesale and Retail, at lowest factory prices. WILLIAM KNABE & CO. JAMES BELLAIC. Wholesale Depot, 270 nad 281 South bth St. Sep. 15,70—dm Philadelphia. fancy furs JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch street. Middle of the Block, between 7th and Bth sis,, South S de, Philadelphia, Importer, Manu facturer and dealer in all kinds am! quality of FANCY FUHB for Ladles' and Childrens wear. Having enlarged, remodeled ant! im proved my old and favorable FUR EMPORIUM and having Imported a very large and splendid assortment of all the different kinds of Furs from the first hands In Europe and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, I would respectfully invite my friends of Cum berland and adjacent counties, to coll and ex- mine my very largo and beautiful assortment f Fancy Furs, for Ladles am! • hlldien. lam determined to sell at ns Low prices ns any other House m Iho city. All Furs Warranted. No misrepresent at lons to eflbot sales. JOHN FAUKIRA. 718 Arch St., Philadelphia. oct.uo ,1870-3111 TTURRICANE PATENT LANTERN CO’Y., Office, 40 Barclay SL, JV. Y (Up Sta'rß.) Offer to the public a Lantern com bln Ini? safe ly and economy with elegance and usefulness.— It cannot explode; It glvesa good light, and consumes less oil than any other; It is not dis turbed by tho highest wind, and if a glass Is broken It is easily replaced by means of the screw. Tney are universally liked where they have been tried. Hep. 22, 70—Hra ffiltjj SUhctilßcmcufs. Every family should have IT. DR. GUILMETTE’S Extract of Juniper. As ft delicious toulo healthful, ftnd curative lor ftll dlsoases of llio Kidneys and Bladder. Loss of Appetite. Dyspepsia. Nervous 1 obllltv, Ac., It la unrivalled. To fsmalea t Is espcclnlly rec ommended for ull Irregularities of the menses, nnd disorders pecnllurto their system, ns It cun be used with perfect surety. In malarious dis tricts It Is a groat preventive of Fever and ABUO ' CHARLES R.-FAULKNER Wholrsnlo Agent, Sop. 22,70-3 m -10 barclay St., Now York. rjIHE HYPERION HAIR CURLERS. A.N INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR THE LADIES. (Patented July Dili, 18if.) TUW Curler is ttio most perfect invention over offered to the public. It 1b easily operated, neat In appearance, and will not Injure the hair, ns there In no heut required, nor any metallic sub stance used to rust or break the hair. "■•'Manntactvired only, and for sale by McMillan it t o. No. 03 North f'Vfifit XL PmijADEi/i'Ki a, Pa. Sold nt Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion Str.roH, ... ' , N. B.—Single Box 25 cents; 3 boxes, assorted sizes, 05 els. Mailed free loany pnrtoi the United states, upon receipt of tbo numey. Juno 10.70—0 m r a DIES MAKE 10 DOLLARS A I A day soliciting subscriptions to the lately enfnrs d and illustrated family magazine LEI BURK HOURS. Ats2oo istliochcnp* est original. Illustrated monthly- publlshi d.— Sold only by subscription. Send 25 cents for specimen copy and terms to • P .1. TRAINOR. KING, Ed. and Prop r. Leisure Hours Building, Philadelphia. Nov. 10.70 —2t Books to suit everybody Urent FoHmo Teller, OOcla. Courtship made easy,2sots; Correct Etlciuot le, 25cts; How to win a sweetheart or Lover; GOcts.; 6UoPuzzles, A cts.; 1200 Conundrums, fillet*.; Correct Letter Writer, 25c is.: Amateur Theatricals, fillets; Com ic Speeches. fiOcla. : How Gamblers Wlu.COcls.; Boxing and Wrestling made Easy. 2octs.; True Marriage Guido anti Book of Nature, fiOets.— Books sent postage paid by return mall. Address W. C“URTNEY. 8 Astor Place, New York. Nov. 3,70 1m BELA-PIEURE'S electric soap. —Warranted bettor and cheaper than any ■r. For sale lu Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., by Janney & Andrews, Hoefllch & Molan, Burns & Smucker,Waterman & Young, Thomson a Monis, WalnrlghtA Co., Waterman, Sou & Co., Morlson, Hoar i Co.. T. Conrow & Co., Barton *.. Boston, Moss., or Bt. Louts, Mo. Hop* 2i, 70-:iin DIVIDEND! Caulisir Deposit Hakk, 1 Carlisle, Nov. 1,1b70. / The Hoard of Director# have tills day declared a.dividend of Five per cent, fop the last six months on the capital stock, free from iMillonal mid Stale tax, payable on demand. J. P. lIASHLER. CXiahier . Nov. .3,70—1 t JpATENT MEDICINES, Too mimerouH to mention, nt JOS. B. HAVERSTICK’S, JVo. 5, RmUi Hanover filrooi. ißnj coootis JSJ M W DRY GOODS STORE, DURE & BURKHOLDER, North Hnnovar St., 11 KI, O W TH K Carlisle Deposit ■ Bank, ,Have Inst returned from Now York ami Phila delphia. with no entire new stock of Goods. Our goods have been selected with Iho greatest caronnd In nqlntof heiiutynhd ohoapueKH, can not bn excelled. We Invito every one to call n«>d inspect onr choice stock of Goods. Yon will find every variety and stylo the markets af ford In DRESS GOODS, Cloths, Cassiniers, Shatvls, Furs and Notions. Rich Potl-de-Solea, Rich Gros-de-Fondrcs, Rich Gross-Gralnea, Drab-de-Frnncc, Ottoman Cords, Empress Cloths, Merlnoes ana Plaids of every shade and style. Furs! Furs! Furs! Our stock of Furs excels anything In point of beauty of finish and llnencsp of quality. Wo have marked them down to lower prices than have ever, been oft'ored In Carlisle. We purchased this stock from the largest and best House in New York. Wo have made a choice selection of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS, to which we Invite the special attention ol young and old. Wo havo selected choice paterns of Nobby Casslroors, particularly adapted to young men. Wo havo everything In DOMESTICS, Muslins, Flannels, Prints, Blankets, Tickings," Coverletfl, Counterpanes, Balmorals, Furniture Checks, &c. LADIES’ & GENTS’ UNDER EAR, of all kinds. A few of the advantages of buying Goods from us are, wo have an entirely new stock of Goods from which to select,,which has been bought for cash and wo will allow no one to undersell us. Wo extend a cordial Invitation to all to call and see us before making your purchases, na we think we can offer extra inducements. Respectfully, DUKE & BURKHOLDER. Oet. 6.70. Q.l* EENPIJfiLD ISO I*’ F BRING Great Bargains IN Silks, Silk Poplins, Empress Cloths, Black Alpacas, Shawls and Purs Immense Stock =EMI DOMESTIC GOODS lioughVslrrte the recent decline. Special Bargains in Canton Flannels, Muslins and Ginyhams, Semper Idem Muslins, only 1G els. Buyers In search of FURS QR DRESS GOODS Can save money by going to L T. GREENFIELD, No. 4, East Main St. Nov. 10, 7(1. . Uoring Gray Hair to atural Vitality and Color. A ••livOOll restored ‘ original color with the yhss am} f rcs,t " m \f -yoMth , Xhiu hair i* thick-, falling hair checked, ami bald oHcni though’ not abvnjs, cured’ ' ; use. ' Nothing can restore the whore the follicles arc destroyed, glands atrophied ami decayed.' uoh as remain can he raved for •ilncss by this applicalion. Instead baling the hair .with-a pasty sedi-’ ’ it will keep it clean and vigorous. #dcmal use will prevent, the hair 1 turning gray or falling off, and ■•quontly prevent baldness. Free . those deleterious substances.which e some pVepiiratious dangerous aud ; lons to the hair, the -Vigor can leuelit but uot harm it. If wanted v lor a [AIR DRI .VUG, dig else cun be* fo: ' -«< desirable, '..lining neither oil • dus, it does .oil white camhri' ! yet lasts on the hair, giviti* ■■ rich glossy *e and a grateful pc.. u.v ■■pared by Dr. J. C. Ayc-i & Co., iitical and Analytical Chemists, Drab-do-Nlcc, 'Silk Eplnglincs. Surge-de- Anmale, greiltled by the acknowledgments wc receive nt itn.' r.jtlieal cures ofTeeted in obstinate race’s, .ui.i whercother remedies had wholly failed. UnneeMpiated persons,. either vesblent in, or travelling thron-rb miasmatic localities, will be pro* tected by takinv . .■ AGUE CTfJiE daily. For Lirrr arising from torpidity of the hirer, it h an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into health’. - netivJtv. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaint*, U is an’excellent remedv, producing many truly re markable. eun;-i, where other medieineOind failed. Prepared by Du. .T. C. AVKit & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LoweU, Mass., and sold allround the world. pitrrr. ttt.oo wit jiottt.e. For Sale by JOS. B. HAVERSTICK, Agent. CarltHlo. Pa, Fob, 10 1870—11 pETERBON'S MAGAZINE, To every person gen ing up tv club of four, at 81 W each. will he went tree, our superb copy right engraving, (21 inches by 20.) ‘•WASHINGTON AT TIIK BATTLE OF TIVENTON. While to those getting up Clubs of eight, at 31 f)it each, an extra copy of the Magazine for IS7I. in 'ultlUion, will be sent, frvv, . VKTe TbSON'S MAGAZt NF. has the best Origi nal Stones of tiny of the lady’s books; the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Steel Engrav ings Ac., *O. F.verv family ought to take It.— It gives more for the money than any In the world. It will contain, next your, In Its twelve numbers— One Thousand Pages, Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates, Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns, Nine Hundred Wood Cuts, Twenty-four Pages of M uslc. Tt will also gtvo Five Original Copyrlcht Novelets, by Mrs. Ann B. Slepliens, Frank T.OO Benedict, and others of ti e best authors of America. - Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories, all original. Its .superb Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates are abend of all others. These plates are en graved on steel; twice ttie usual size. 1 Cony; for one year •1 Copies Every person gulling up aniubof four, at 81 CO each,shall receive. free, a copy of •'Washington.” Every person gelling up a Chib of 81.60 each, snail receive, yw-c, both a copy of “Wash ing on” and a copy of the Magazine for 1«71. specimens sent free, to those wishing to get up Claim. Address, Nov. 10, 70—2 t ROOM It RENT.—For rent, the room In the Volunteer building, lately oc cupied by John Horner, lullor. Immediatepos session will heaven, inquire of .1. 11, BRATTON, fUrtilcal- Ayer’s ir Vigor, LOWELL, .iASB. -vi PROSPECTUS FOR 1871. The Cheapest and Best, TERMS—Always In Advance: premiums/ CHARLES J. PETERSON, XI (hestnul Street,,wiia, Pa. ©recedes. UOUEIUES, &o. The Hubscrlbor begs leave lo Inform tlio cltl zoosof Carlisle and vicinity that ho has pur chased the Grocery Store of I), V, Keeny No. 78’ Smith Hanover Street. Carlisle, where Lo will carry on the Grocery Business u.s usual. His as sortment Ih varied,and consists la pari of QUEENSWAIIE, GLASSWARE, STONE and EARTHEN .WARE, CEDAR and . WILLOW WARE TEAS. u S COl l FEES, SYRUPS. SPICES. FANCY SOAPS, HOPES. TOBACCO, FISH, * OILS, HALTERS,, SEGAIW, SALT, POTATOES, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR, FEED, ami a full assortment of articles usually kept In n,,11L-fiUciiiKS,,Gr(»co.ry_Htpre. .Give him a call, and satisfaction’wttl’h’b’giVui’auteocl. 1 Oct. 10 IKfiO. JOHN HECKMAN. • FRESh GROCERIES I FRESH GROCERIES!! Always to bo.had at the CHEAP STOKE NO, 88 EAST POMFRET STREET And why nro they always fresh 7 Because wo sell a-ureat amount of t hem, and noil (hem low. Therefore, turn our stock often, and consequent ly our uoods must be fresh. You will find everythlngyou wish mthewnyof GROCERIES. QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, WILL AV AND CEDAR WARE. STONE AND CROCKERY WARE, Choice Hams, Dried Beef. Bologma, Beef, Tongues. Biscuit* and Crackers ol every de scription. IMFkled,-Spiced and _ Fresh Oysters, Sardines, English Pickles, &o. &c. and no end to- N O T 1 ON S ll is useless to mention tiiem, come and see for yourselves; and parents if It don’t suit,you to come, send your children, ns -Ihcy will lie dealt with with tiie same care as if you were here yourself; Allklndaof COUNTRY PRODUCE, tmeen In exchange for goods, or cash NO. SK EAST POMFRKT STREET &c. ssSg§' 5 | § § $ JAMES CAMPBELL. | W. F. HEN WOOD. CAMPBELL A KENWOOD, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. IS North Jlanover St,* : CARLI R L E, VA. BATHTUBS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, HYDRANTS, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, CISTERN AND DEEP WELL PUMPS, GAS FIXTURES,' GAS SHADES AND GLOBES &c.,Ac. Lead, Iron and Terra Cotta Pipe, CHIMNEY TOPS and FLUES, A ll kinds of B R, A S S WORK for Steam ami Water constantly on hand. WORK IN, TOWN OR COUNTRY ■ promptly attended to. R J-Immedbite attention given to orders for material or work from a distance..*?# Having special advantages wo'tiro, prepared to furnish COPPER WORK of all descriptions for Still Houses and other purposes at homo or at a distance. COPPER PIPE furnished to order either drawn or brazed. k 'k k- k- k k , k k k Sep. 1. 70—ly ' BUSINESS AGAIN, GEO. R. FOOTE, Ag’t. Plumbing- and Gas Fitting, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Orders left at my House, S. IS. coiner Bedford and Chapel Alloy, or Chats. Francises, No. 10 West Main St. . .JunoH. 70—“m insurance 1.794. c “ ur ‘ crcU 1794 INSURANC OMPANY NORTH AMERICA !! PHILADELPHIA Oldest Insurance Company in America CASH CAPITAL AN D SURPLUS, $2,800,000. SEVENTY-ONE YEARS successful business experience, with a reputation lor INTEGRITY and HONORABLE DEALING UNSURPASSED by any similar Institution. “LOSSES PAID since organization, over 8'lit,O0O,(IO0. It Is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure In the bent Companies, and there is NONE BETTER than the old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Arthur G. Collin, President; Charles Plait, Vice President; Mathias Marls, Secretary; William Ruehler, Central Agent. Harrisburg. Pa. BASIL. K. HUM RICH, Agent, Main street, Carlisle. December 10, Isfifl—ly. THRESH AN!) PRIME ! CLEAN, EAT AND JUICY. SMITH’S OYSTER SALOON IN THE VOLUNTEER JIUILIHNO South Market /' qunre y ■ 4, John'ny M Smith Is now opentngsuporlor Oys ters, received twice a week, which ho sells at great reduction In price. tables are kept neat and clean and fur nished with till the necessary accompaniments. Famines supplied with llrstqualUy of Oysters on short notice. The celebrated NEWARK DEER, and MASSEY A COLLINS’ PHILADEL PHIA ALE on draught.- Give him a trial and ho will endeavorto give satisfaction to all. $ 2 00 (I 00 12 00 Oct. 0.70—ly J. Xi. BT.EIUNER & BRO., livery and hale sable BETWEEN lIANOVEU AND BEDKOBF ST., IN THE REAR OE UENTSS HOUSE CARLISLE, PA. Having llttccl up the Hlablo with new Carri ages, &o„ 1 am prepared to fumlsn UiMi-eluas turn-outs at reasonable rales. Parties taken to and from the springs, ~~ jpavtiumif. _ HA R D W AEE 311 h L Hit c4> Ji OtfJi li A lake thin opporluuUyof directing the attention of the community at large, tyid every person in particular, to their recently replenished slock ol HARD W.A R E . t They .studiously avoided investing during the high prices, and patiently waited Iho ialllny out of before attempting to refill their shelves, and now that things have been reduced to old time prices, as near 6s possible, they have invested largely and rro prepared to guarantee lo their friendsaud customers as low prices as any market oulsldo the cities. They especially invito the attention of mechanics, farmers and builders. Our is complete and none used fear meeting with disappointment in enquiring for anything in our line. Wo have the agency of the Wlllcox &. GibhS SEWING MACHINE, and would respectfully sk all those In wunlol a Machine, to examine the Wlllcox it Gibbs’ he fore purchasing. All orders promptly attended to, and godso delivered to nil parts of vhe town free of charge. Feb. 26. lh(s!).—iv 1 810 h A k D wabe. lB]o ÜBNHY SAXTON Dealers in Hardware, Irpn, ullery, &e., hereby twin on nee to the pnblio.that they Intend polling everything In.ilieir lino, cither wholesale or retail, nt prees much lower than cun bo bought this Kid-of Philadelphia, Our Block ooiisi-1b In runt of BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL Iron, Paints, Nalls, Oils, Shovels, Glass, Hoes. Putty, Porks, Vurnlshcs, Rakes, Cement, Spades,- plaster, Crow bars, Sand, Sledges, ' Powder, . . picks.’ Salcty fus Also ft full and , well selected assortment o MECHANIC'S TOOLS, . GEO. B. HOFEMAN. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEtIY A full stock of FARM BELLS- Plows, names, Chains, Grain bags, Tropes, Pu leys, and Huy Elevators of all descriptions. GUNS. PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, CAP and ammunition of all kinds. Thankful for past favors, by strict attrition to business wG hope to receive a continuation ol the sftuio. TI. SAXTON & CO. P'aKBIaGK building hi ALL ITS BRANCHES. ANI) lIEPAIIUNQ Done promptly and at reasonable ralow CARRIAGES, Always on hand or made {o' order. I will exchange CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, or SPUING WAGONS for Good HOUSES. Second Hand IVagons of all Kinds A. SENSE.MAN, 111 at work, and Invites all his old customers n d tho public In general lo give him a call. Remember tho old established place, on Pitt street, north of the Railroad Depot, Carlisle. In connecton with the above establishment. ■ H..K. PEPPER, May 1 B, EWING, CABINET MAKER . for the Holidays, comprising Sofas, Camp Stools, Lounges, Centre Tables, Rocking Chairs, Dlnh'.g Tables. Easy Chairs, Card Tables, Reception Chairs, Ottomans, Bureaus, What-Nots Secretaries, &c., r no change lndiet).no tnconvenia posute;.completely supersedingHi"' e ant and dangerous remedies; Copalvaa cury, In all these diseases. Use HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT in all Ulseaseß of these organs, wliHliff in mule or female, from whaieverc.uw Ing, and no mutter ol how long «d« ,ldl ' pleasant In taSiOanl odor, “Imincuiai* lion, and more strengthening than an preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down ot constitutions, procure the remedy nl« Tho reader must be aware that.hmw may’ be the attack oft eubove Ulh'u>* lain to ailed tho bodily healtk aiu powers. All the above diseases require! retie. HELMBOLD'S EXTUACTHLU great Diuretic. Snld-byDrngglstsoverywlicic,. W»j hotllo, or 8 hollies for SO.SU. Ik* l '" address. Doaeribo symptons la an lions. Address H. T. HEr.MBOr,D, Dnij!«" 1 cal^Vurehouso, 61W Broadway, ■ None ore genuine' unless done «P graved wrapper, with fuc-slini cal Warehouse, and signed II T.U^ May 10,7(J-ly