American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 15, 1870, Image 2

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    ,amtrifan Vehantwe.
Thnrsdny . Mornliißr,, Sept. 18, IST«.
DEMOCRATIC countv ticket.
There will be a meeting of the Demo
cratic Standing Committee in the Court
room, on Saturday, September 21, at 11
o’clock, A. M. A full attendance is re.
quested. P
By order Of the Chairman,
LT IT ti—
A mil TO ir»RKI.\G.IIFA
There is one prominent truth written
on theconscionsnessofmen everywhere,
and that truth is that tho decree which
in thfe beginning doomed man to labor
as his lot is still inexorable. Wo see it
in the brawny arms and bronzed faces
we meet upon the highway. Wo hoar
it in the hum of busy toil arising from ■
our ten thousand workshops, or in the
samesadsong of wearine-s which comes ■
sighing past us in the voices of the .
breeze from'every quarter of tho world.
Ail our. observations and experiences
toll a laie of ceaseless toil and endea
vor. Here and there may bo sonjfe fa,
vored son of fortune, born with tho sii
vorspoon of luxury in his mouth, whose
dainty hands may never be soiled with
honest toil, but he is the only exception
to tho rule we can call to mind. Every
man must have a house to live in, food
to cat and clothes to wear, and ho must
either procure these by the labor of his
own hands, or some one else must be
stow them upon him, or he must perish
from want.
Sfnce, then, labor is an absolute neces
sity for the far greater proportion, of
mankind, it is the duty of a wipe and
good government to foster, protect and
encourage the interests of the laboring
man. In this respect the entire policy of
onr government, for the last ten years,
has been full of the rankest injustice
toward the labor of the country. Lotus
look, for example, at the item of taxes.
The radical politicians toll us that la-,
boring men pay no taxes, and 1 that the
heavy capitalists and manufacturers pay
all the taxes. Let us see how this is.
Whatever taxes the m .nufacturers pay,
they charge to tho wholes do purchaser,
and receive it back with interest. The
wholesale dealer adds the tax, with still
more interest, to the retail storekeeper,
and tiie storekeeper puts his own tax
andall the accumulated'taxes the others
-have charged him upon every piece of
the article which ho sells over the 6oun
'ter to the workingman, and thus the
laborer, buying goods in the store, has
to pay, not only the original value o r
the thing,-but th.e faxes of the manu
facturer,.the wholesale dealer and the
storekeeper. Each of the previouo own
ers received from the purchaser the tax
ho had previously paid ; but the last
man, the laborer, the consumer, the ul
timate owner of the article, who does
not sell it to anybody, hut keeps it, uses
it, wears if out, has no one to pay him
in return the accumulated taxes which
these richer men have one after another
piled upon their goods, to enable them
to moot ihodem mds of the tax gatherer.
The tax is shifted from tho mainline
hirer to-tho wholesale dealer, and from
him to the retail dealer, who in turn
puts it upon the workingman—hut on
whom shall the workingman shift the
.tax ? He pays all and gets none of it
hack from anybody else. The man who
wears the shirt pays the lax of the store
keeper who sold it, of, the wholesale
dealer who supplied it to the store, and
of every man who has handled it, back
to the cotton millionaire in whose mills
it was woven. Jefferson said, “ Taxa
tion is like a ball rolling down stairs;
it bumps on each step, but finally rest
on the lowest.” It is the working-mas
Bcs'svbo pay the taxes. The men who
work willi their hands for their daily
bread are tlie ones who pay the four
hundred million dollars a year which
is required r.asupport the extravagance
of radicalism at Washington, and they
are the men who have the deepest in
terest in an hoijest and economical ad
Is it not undeniably true that the
heavy taxes the workingman pays, the
high prices of living, the difficulty he
has to get along, the hard labor ho has
to perform in order to gain tho scantiest
subsistence for his family, are all tho
results of Radical policy, which takes
from the poor man in order that it may
give to the rich? The poor ipnn doe«
the labor and pays the taxes, and yet
how many poor men have houses of
their own, or are proprietors of the land
they till ? They work like slaves, but
the benefits of their labor go into the
rich man’s pocket, leaving them barely
enough to live on, with nothing to show
at the end ol the year, or to lay aside
for a rainy day.
Since the Radicals have bad control
of the State governments of North Caro
lina, Mississippi and Alabama, the
available States havomys
toriously disapneared, and the State
debt of each has been increased several
millions. No one swims to know where
the money has gone, but, in the lan
guage of a colored legislator—“lts done
gone somewhar, sartin suah !”
Du. C, D. Gloningeu was nominated
for Congress from the Tenth District
(Schuylkill and Lebanon) by the Demo-,
eratie Convention, by acclamation. As
the Democratic Convention of Schuyl
kill conceded the nomination to Leba
non, he will bo the regular nominee,
and his election is confidently antic!
' Few wars will haveeontrihnted more
to tho “ ro.inanec of history” than that rages in Europe. Ostensibly
It htul its inception in Beiicdetti’sjiiero
Wanton disregard of tho “ divinity
which dotli hedge a King.” A hot
headed Ambassador selects the wrong
place lo demand an answer to carry to
ids master, and a hot-headed King, full
of the majesty of kingship, resents tho
insult to the fabulous “ Divine right”
of his order. King William, drinking
the waters; at Eras, interrupted hj-
Benedotti, is one of the pictures that
history will paint in ail tho strengtli
mid glamour that romance to
it. But tho real occasion of this contest,
.which carries ruin and carnage into
beautiful France, is more pathetic, if
not so romantic. An old man, with but
a feeble hold on cither his .life or his
throne, seeks hy a war of conquest and
glory to secure the succession of his in
fant son. To plant him firmly on the
throne ho must first,. hy a successful
war, plant him in the affections of the
people. To this end, war is made, and
Bonedetti, insulting the King at Eras,
is only acting tho part laid down for
him hy Napoleon.
On that mid-July day of this present
year the strongest ruler in Europe or in
the world was Napoleon III; thn strong
est 1 nation, France—tho one woman
highest in the world’s scale,’ the one
most courted and envied, was Eugenio,
Empress of France. It was but six
weeks ago that this war cloud arose,
and now Napoleon 111 is a prisoner in
tho camp of King William ; the Prince,
r„- flm war was hnirmi. is
a fugitive in London; tho Empress a
fugitive in Belgium, Hying down the
back stairs of the Imperial palace, de
serted hy every one, seeking protection
not from her-subjects, hut from tho
conqueror Of Franco. And-as for the
Empire, it is only a ]o;omi, and history
will have to mark its existence, hy its
records of great warn, of immense
growths in power, of exorbitant tax
ation, harsh conscription, imperious
rule at homo and abroad. Among its
other records, too, history will have to
tell of . unereasing personal cruelty,
wrong and oppression visited upon tho
people of France.
It was right that tho Empire should
have fallen—right because its service
was all for the personal ambition of
ono man as against mankind. It was
right that this Napoleon, whoso rest r
less graspings kept the world in tern r,
arid who made war as readily upon a
had pretext as upon a good one, should
be hurled from a position which he
made darigerous to peace and human
In a day the Empire has been swept
away, and on its wreck a Republic has
arisen, which at least promises to be
controlled solely in the name of liberty
and equality. The startling events of
the war have followed each other with
such rapid iteration that one wonder
has scarcely had time to engage the
worhPs attention before it was swept
away by a more absorbing one.
Yet thp peaceful, dignified change
that the men of Franco thus wrought,, is.
scarcely grainier than tho llight of the
Empress from the Imperial palace was
pitiful. She Judged Paris from what
history had told her of it,; and doubt
less she’ remembered, as the murmurs
of the populace came up to her after the
defeat of McMahon was known, tho fate
of. Mario Antoinette. Itlsa part of the
story of tho Empire that when this
Spanish lady first wont,to Paris as the
bride of Napoleon, all Paris bowed
down and worshiped her sublime beauty
and grace and culture. She was the
nremost woman of the world then; blit
she fled from indignant Paris, in terror
of its cruel mob, with only a single ser
vant in her train. The end was as trag
ical as the beginning was brilliant, and
more pitiful even than an am y’s defeat.
—Phila. Inquirer.
Tho Stroiifftli of Vnrl> Projmltcc.
For several years intelligent'republi
cans have made no secret, in private
■■onversatinn with democratic friends,
of their disgust at the manner in which
political affairs were being managed in
tills country by the administration
■which they had assisted to o'ect. They
ha ve recognized in the clearest manner
die evils and the monstrous corruptions
which have become associated with le
gislation in the Federal and Stale Capi
tols. They have deplored them, and
manifested a groat anxiety to see them'
remedied. But regularly, at every elec
thin, those same republicans have, after
(ffe most bitter dcnuncia'ions of the
measures passed in Washington city,
marcjied up to the polls and deposited
their tickets for a continuation and per
petuation of tho rule of those who were
responsible for the corruptions. They
have apparently lacked the courage to
ant according to their honest cob victions.
They have allowed Ihnir votes to bo
swayed by a foolish predjudieo of the
past ad|)jnst the democratic party—a
prejiidioCTho unreasonableness and folly
of widen cannot- be over-estimated.
There are thousands and tens of tiinn
sands of men who have been voting for
iho last ten years against their better
judgments, merely by tho force of old
associations and party relations. It is
high time these men awoke from this
dishonorable course and took a position
more manly and honest. It is high lime
they became more patriotic and less par
tisan, and were willing to save (he
country oven if it involved an instru
mentality against which they had a
prejudice. We have great hopes this
'all that there will be a change, atjd.
(hat tho republicans who are convinced
that everything now is going to desr
(ruction, will vote the present dynasty
out of power and put a now one in that
will avert it.
Several thousand Indians on the
war-path have assembled in South-east
ern California, beyond the San Joaquin
River, and nro about to w-'ge war on
the whites. Tiio Pintesand Mones tribes
have been notified lo join in-tlio war,
on pain -of extermination if they refuse.
The settlers arc arming for defence.
Land nr the Union' Pacific
Railroad —Tho land sales of the Land
Department of (ho Union Pacific Railroad
Company, for tho month of August,
were 14.588 51-100 acres, amounting to
$78,735.00, averaging $5.40 per acre. Tho
total land sales of the Company amount
lo $1,042,597*77.
It is noticeable Hint, oftlio three can
didates for Governor before tho New
\ork Republican State Convention,
Messrs. Woodford, Greeley, and Curtis,
all arc editors, .
THE ninivnox,
Slowly hut surely tho army of the
Prussian Crown Prince is marching on
Paris, and in tho latter city prepara
tions for standing a seige are being car
-011 'with zeal and vigor. Resistance to
• lie hitter end is tho cry of tho Parisians,
and they aro doing much-to make good
their words.
Notwithstanding the enthusiasm and
organization for continued warfare,
their prospects of success are not of the
brightest. There isidlsconteut among
tho troops, mutiny jn tho corps of Gen.
Viney, officers retiring from tho Garde
Mobile. By tho end of tho week a
formidable German force will he with
in cannon range of the French Capitd,
and then we shall learn the
Prussian march to Paris is to formally
conclude a peace or to besiege the city.
Joins Favre lias issued a circular which,
to say tho least of it, is -111 timid, an
nouncing as it docs that the new Repub
lic will not only refuse to yield a foot
of territory, but demands the immedi
ate withdrawal of tho Prussian armidir
Tliis is heroic, hut hardly practical.—
By tho stern fortunes of war France
has been humiliated, not disgraced.—
fo escape from her terrible misfor
tunes she must he prepared to make
some sacrifices. . If Prussia offers hon
orable terms of peace, the republican
leaders will not be justified in refusing
Eugenie write* to the Prince Imperial
in‘London that after visiting Napoleon
she will join him-
A rr»pr*»o|-*r»tnioi»v -»r«n«r.-
thut the garrison of Metz are starving
i->eof is two dollars a pound.
Russia, it is said, will propose a Con
gress of the great Powers to arrange a
neuce, but Prussia will decline the propo
sition. , ,
The Grown Prince is reported to have
told a war correspondent that the Pros
siana will be very severe with Purls.
King William, the Liberia S'tvs, !*
stated to have said ingenuously toa friend
who repeals it to us, “ I do not Intend t»*
enter Paris victorious, I shall treat undei
*ihe walla of the Capital”
• ‘Poor Napoleon’’ exclaims everybody
Vet he in said to J>?ivo sent to iingbnn.
more money than .Pish and Astor com
bined can call their own. ’ ’
Several of tho Paris journals any thn
the Empress telegraphed in the Empero
as follows ” They say-in Paris that you
have placed onr son where spent hall
fall. r pray you to place him where fall
the balls that kill.”
The English government, in conjunc
tion with other neutral powers, is ah’,ml
m make an earnest appeal to Prussia to
conclude a peace on the following propo
sitions : French territory to be inviolate.
Prance, to pay Germany the expenses o(
the war. The general (dsarmainent ol
Prance. The lies'.rucl ion of all ttie'forts
m Alsace ami Lorraine., It is believed
these teims are acceptable to the Repub
dc, ’ ,
Tho latest question relative to the sur
render 01 Napoleon is, why he could not
die at the head of his army. When he
started from Paris for the frontier, he an
nounced with a Hourish that he should
return either dead or .victorious. When
he surrendered he seems to have remeiu
hered this boast, and so- wrote to King
William : "As I cannot die at the head
of my army, I lay my sword at the feel
of your Majesty.” It is plain he could
not he victorious, but what except cowar
dice prevented Ids meeting a soldier's
dealh ? s
The North German Correspondent say-
Unit her Royal Highness the Crown
Princess, loiß Conie to the assistance ol
die wives ami families of those who are
now ol llgeti to serve id the army, with
die generosity and practical tact which
she always shows when a good .work is
to he done. Not content with providing
remunerative emphyments for those who
iaside in Pot-dam, she has given orders
1 1 .it t twenty families shad he furnished
nmr times a week with good soup aiid
moat from the Ultohen (rom top l furm at
Bornsladt. For those, who have lately
become mothers a special diet is furnish
-d from tlie kitchen of tile New Palace,
rler Royal Highness satisfies herself by
personal inspection that tier orders are
promptly carried nut.
Tlie following is a corrected list of the
provisional Government ol France, tak
ing the name of the National Defence
Government: Bfmnanuel Arago, Lie
mienx. Jules Favre, Jules Ferry, Gam
he.tta. Gander-Pages, GlaW Bizium Pelle
tan, Ernest Picard-, Rochefort, ,itiles Si
The Ministry is ns follows : Minister of
Foieitin Attain*. Jules Favro; Minister
of Justice, Isaac Cremieux ; Minister of
tlie Interior, Leon Gunihelta; Minister ol
Finance, Ernest Pieani; Superintendent
•>f Public Works, Pierre Dorain ; Minis
ter ol Commerce, Joseph Maguiu; Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, Julep
Simon ; Minister of Marine, Marlin Fon-.
•ichon; Minister of War, Jjnnia -Jules
Troclui; also, President of the corumitiee-
NcU) acberfeciiicutij
it lection proclamation.—
IjV Whkkk.i.s.»lii ami by an Act of (he General
\KM»mWy of tho <’ommni»w«-nlth of pennsyl
nlii, enntl d “An net relating to the eleclloiiH of
Mils Cninnioinveultli.” passed on the 3m /Jay of
Inly, Anno Domini, IK3‘). 11H mmlo the fluty of
the Sheriff of evei.v Couniy In this Common
wealth to giro pnhllo notice ot the General
Flections, and In such notice to enumerate—
l«t. The Officers to be elected.
lid. Designating Die pho-cs at which (he elec
tion Ih to be held. Therefore.
uuii in iu uv u< up I uririui n,
I. .JUS. C. THOMPSON, High Sheriff* of the
(’minty of Cumberland. do hereby make known
md Rive tills public notice to the electors of the
Comity of i uniberlund, that on Tuesday Uni llib
day nf October next an election wil) bo held at
tile several election districts In said county at
•it which time they will vote by ballot for
One person to represent the Fifteenth Con
gressional District, composed of the counties of
<’umbeihind, York and Perry, in tho Congress
of I he United Stales.
One person to represent the County of Cum
berland (n Die House of Uepresentativen of tho
Slate? of Pennsylvania.
One person lor BhoritTof the County of Cum
One person for Commissioner of tho County
of Cumberland.
One person for Director of tho Poor of the
County of Cumberland,
One person for Coroner of tho County of Cum
One person for Auditor of the county of Cum
I’WO persons for Jury Commissioners of Die
county of Cumberland.
, The said election will he held throughout tho
county »« follows;
Til*' I‘leei Inn In tho election dl-strlrt fiomineml
nriue borough of Carlisle ami the townships ol
North Middleton, South Middleton. Lower
IDankford. and Lower Dickinson, will he held
at Hie Court House In tho borough of Carlisle.
Tut* election In the election district composed
of Lower West Pennslmvough township, will be
held at Die South School House In Plainfield.
Tlie election in the election district composed
of silver Spring township will bo he'd at the
public house of Goo. K. Dtiey, in Hogucstown
la said township,
Tlie election in the election district composed
of Hampden township, will be held at tho pub
lic house occupied by John Kreltzcr. in said
The election in tho election district composed
of the township of Upper Allen, will he hold at
the public house of Joshua Culp, In Shepherds
- The election In flie oleollnn dlKtrle.t composed
of Middled township, will ho held at the Mid
dlesex school House.
The election In tho election district compos
ed of fJio township of Lower Alien, will he held
ft’ I ho wagon-inakorshop of Jonas Hunch burger,
cm .stale Hilt.
The ejection in the election district composed
of Kasl IVnnsborongh township,' wlllbe held at
the lw»use of L. H, Hatfield, in West Falrvlew,
The election In the election district composed
of New Cumberland, will he tho house
now kept hy Win, Hell, In tho borough of Now
Cutnheiland, ,
Tho duelhm In (he clcetlnn district composed
nftho North Ward of the borough Mechanics-,
burg, at th.o Noith-West corner ol tho Market
Mongo, in said borough.
Thoele.eilon In tho election (list.’Jet composed
oftho Mouth ward of tho borough of Meehantes
burg, at the South-west corner of (ho Market
House in said borough.
The election hi tho election district composed
of Monroe township, will ho held-at the public
bouse kept by A. L. In Churchlown, In
said township, >
The election in the election district composed
of Penn township, will bo hold at tho house
lately occupied by Jacob Redsockor, In said
The election In tho election district composed
of Upper Dickinson, will ho held at tho house
how occupied by Wm. Crozlor, known aa tho
Stone Tavern.
Tfi election In tho election district composed
of the borough of Newvlllo, and townships of
Miflln. Upper PranUford, Tipper West Penns
hornuL'h and North Newton, wlii bo hold at tho
public Mcbobl House In the borough of Newvllie.
Tho election In thooleetlon district composed
of rfin borough of Newburg and Hopewell town
ship. will be held attlio public SclkoJ House, in
borough of Newimrg.
The election In tho election district composed
of the borough of Mhippensbnrg, Mhfppenshurg*
township, and that part of Honthampton town*
ship not Included iu tho Lcesburgelectlou di/t
trier, will ho hold at the Council House In th*i
borough of Shlppeusbuvg.
Tilt* election tn the election district composed
of Lower Southampton township, will ho heKl
ut the house of Wm Baughman in .Leesburg.'
Thu election In the. election district, composed
of South Newton towns..lp. will be held at l/io
School House lu Jacksonville. ■
Tim 1 , every* person, excepting justices of fho
naaco, who shall hold auvolllco or appointment
ol profit or trust under the government, of Iho
Unite ■ .state# or of this .suite, or of any city or
inc .rporated district, whether u cnminlsslooed ,
■Ulcer or otherwise, u »• hordinalo ollleer or
agent, who is, or shall he, employed under the
legislative, executive or Judiciary department
>f tills slate, or of any city or ineorpora ted Jis
trtet, and also that, every moinher of Confess
and . f tho State legislature, and ol ihc se.lcA or
eotnmon council ol anv city, nt commlssluiiera.
of any Incorporated district, 1»> by law Inoariablo
of holding or exercising, at the same tinni the
ollleo or appointment of judge-, Inspector nr
clerk of eny ejection of this commonwealth,
und that no I nspeotor. judge, or any ol her otlloer
ol any such election, sua.l bo eligible to any of*
lice to be then voted for—but nothing heroin
shall bo so construed iuj to prevent any mllll la
olllcer or borough olllcor from serving a> judge,
inspector or cleric at any general orspechil do*
lion—nor shall anything herein contained be so
construed as to prohibit a Judge, inspector or
dork of election from being voted for to lid any
township oftt-’o, or render either or any of them
Ineligible to hold tho same, .
Particular attention is directed to Iho first sec.-
tlon of tho Act of \Rsomblv, passed the W.h day
ofMarch. A. D, IKilO. “An Act regulating tin* man
ner of Voting at all Elections lu tho tcvoml
couutlos of tins Commonwealth
*• That tho qualified voiersofiho sovera 1 coun
ties of this Commonwealth, at atl g.meral,
township, borough and special eUcllots, arc
hereby, hereafter, authorized and requliod to
vote,- by tickets, printed or wrltlen, orpnrtly
printed and partly written, severally oliwdlled
,s follows One ticket shall embrace tho names
of all .fudges of courts voted for, and bo labelled
outside, “ judiciary one ticket shall embrace
(ho mimes of nil State gftldefa voted for, ami ho
labelled M s a»e;” one ticket shall embrace the
names of all county officers voted for, Including
Senator, member and members of Assembly,
if voted for. und members of Congress, H ,vo-.
led for. und bo labelled*** county one ticket
'shall embrace the names of all township ollicors
voted for. and bo labelled? “township;" one
ticket shall embrace the names ol all borough
ofllcers vote I for, and bo labelled, ‘‘borough;’
and each class shall bo deposited lu separate
ballot boxes.”'
lu accordance with the provisions of tho Hh
section of an Act entitled ‘A lurthcr supple
ment to-tho Election Laws of this Common
wealth. approved tho -Ith day of Juno, .IMSU M
publish the following:
WimuEAS, Bv the act of the Congress of Iho
United States, entitled “An act to amend the
several acts heretofme passed to nrovtdo for lha
,iVuf l bt/{fc^p^ - nose.”ami approved Marc.Jid'
one thousand eight liundrc*d und alxty-tlve, ah
DiTNotis who have deserted iho military or na
val service of theUnlted Hlates.and who have
nut been dlKolmiged or relieved from the penal
ty nr disability therein provided, are deemed
ind taken to have voluntarily iMiinquißhed and.
forfeited their right of citizenship and their*
1 rights to become citizens,ami are deprived ol
; / *x(»rcl«ln*r anv right# of citizens thereof:
An*/ ir/itrciM Person.-, nut cUlzensoftlm Uni
ted Slates arc not on Jer the constitution and
aw# or. Pennsylvania, fiuatlfled electors of this
Srltion I. licit oinrlcd. iCc.TIml in nil elections
.icreatier to bn held in tins KommonweaUb, it.
■ *1 In* imliiwlul he jn 'go nr inspect ors o'
pny such olecilnu lo receive fvnv ballot- oi ballot
mu niiy pm suns embraced in uiu provisions
■ n.l subject f> tho disability Imposed by said
,-ft (tt, Congress, approvi rt Enroll llrt one thou*
’ ami eight hundred aml sixty-llve, and It shall
)n unlawful fur any such parson lo oiler lo vote
my ballot or ballots. . -
Skc. v. That Ifaiiy such Judge or Inspectors of
•leotimi on any oueol.them shall receive or con*
«*nt to receive any such unlawful ballot or bill*
'nis from any Much disqualified person, ho or
they so oilendlng shall he guilty of a tnls'de*
ocnnor, and upon conviction thereof In any
court of sessions of this commouwoath, ho shall
for each cflbnce, he sentenced lo pay ft flue ,oi
not less t tin one hundred d dlftrs, and to under*
40 an Imprisonment In the Jail of the 1 proper
county for not less than slxiy days.
Sac. :i. That If any person deprived pf citizen
Ship and disqualified ns aforesaid, shall at n.v
•dectcon hereafter to beheld in this common*
wealth, vote, or tender to the olllcers thereof,
md oiler to vote a ballot or ballots, any person
so attending shall he. guilty of a misdemeanor,
and on conviction thereof In any court of qimr-
Uir Kkuu-.loim of till.l omniiiouweal l U, Shall lor
each offence be punished In likewise manner as
'.provided m me preceding section of this act in
case of olllcers oi election receiving such unlaw
ful ballot, or ballots.
St:c. K That if any. person shall hereafter per
suade or advise any person nr poisons, deprived
of citizenship nnd disqualified us afore,-aid. io
•Her any ballot or ballots to the ojilcer of any
election hereafter to bo held In this common
wealth, such persons so oflemUrg shall be guil
ty of a misdemeanor,and upon conviction there
of In any court of quarter sessions of this coni*
mon wealth. shall bu punished in a like manner
as Is provided.!!) the second section of this n t
m the case qf/mlccrs of such election receiving
such unlawful ballotor bul ota.
An Act regulating the mode of voting nt all
elections Hi the H«*vernl cmmtVsot this com
mouwealth, approved March UO, I sill}:
suction I. Rc it enacted (>y the tienule a at Huum
'\f lU'presi'nUitive* of the Commonwealth of Ponnsyl
innin in General Assembly nut, ami it is hereby on
•noted Oi / (ho authority of (hcsnmc, I hat the qnal tiled
voters of tho several counties of tills Common
wealth, at the general, township, borough, or
special election, are hereby, hereafter, authoriz
ed and required to vote, by ticket, printed or
written, or partly printed and partly written
severally classified us follows: One ticket shall
embrace the mimes of all judges ol courts voted
for, and to be labelled outside ‘•Judlcmry”; one
ticket shall embrace the names of alrStateolU*
ears voted for, and be labelled ‘State” j one t ‘ele
ct shad embrace the names of nUeoumy olllcers
voted for, and he labelled “county- 1 ; one ticket
shall embrace the names of uli township officers
voted for and be labelled "township” ; one
shall cinuracy the names <»r »»n ollieers
voted lor,nnd bd labelled "bor ugh” ; and each
class shall be deposited In separate ballot boxes •
AMENDMENT TO the constitution OK
Skctfon 1. Therlghtof citizens of the United
states to vote shah not bo dr nlcd or abridged by
the United states, on account of race, color,'or
previous condition ol sers inula.
Section I. He it enacted by the *Sfcim/c and House
of Jicjtrt'senuitives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled. That all citizens of Ihe
United Stutesi, who uto. or shall bo otherwise'
qualified oy law* to vole at any election by the
people, In any Slate. Territ* ry, district, county,
city, parish, township, school district, munici
pality. *.r other territorial suh-ulvlslon, shall be
on titled and allowed to'vote at all such elections
without distinction of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude; any Constitution, Jaw,
custom, usage, or regulation of any State or. lor
■;tnrv «>r bv, nr under Us authority, to Ihe con
trary notwithstanding,
skc. Aud be itjurt/mf enacted. That, *if hy or
under the authority of the constitution ,01; la ws
of uuy State, or laws of a y Territory, any net
(s orVlmll bo required to bo done as a prereq
uslte or qunliflcattmi for voting, and, by such
Constitution or law persons or ollleeis arc -or
shall be charged with the performance of du
ties of furnishing to citizen Min oppoi UmUv to
net form such prerequisite, or to become quali
fied to vote, it shall bo the duty of every such
pMAon and ollieor to give to all citizens of the
Stales the same and equal «\
to pei form such prerequisite, and to become
qua 11 fled to vole without dtsMncMon of race,
color, or previous comndUmn of servitude—and
If nnv such.• person or officer shall ivfu.-e.or
lumwlnglv omit to give full effect to tins sec
tion, be shall, for every such offence. f"rf- It and
pa> a sum of live hundred dolm'H tothe person
aggrieved thereby, to be recovered bv an actum
on the c se. with full costs and such allowance
for counsel fees as tin* court shall deem just. »nd
-.hall also, for « vmy Hence, he deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction
thereof, he lined noi less than live hundred do -
'lars or be imprlsloned not less than one month
and not more Hum nuo > ear, or both, at Hu*
discretion of the court.
I.KaiSLATUUB OF Al'Klt 0, A, I>. IS7O.
Sica 10. That so much of every actof Assemble
us pjoviiles Hint only whlieTreemen are emu led
to vote, or be registered as voters, or as claiming
to vote at any general or special election of this
Commonwealth, ho and the same is hereby re
pealed; and%lmtheroafter all freemen. without
distinction of color, shall ho enrolled and regis
tered according to t m provisions of the first
llon of the act approved April 17, lMi!i, .•milled
“ An A cl further-supplemental, in tin* net relating
to the elections ot Commonwealth ” and when
otherwise qualified under the existing laws, he
entitled to vote at ad general and special elec
tions in this Commonwealth, .
Agreeably to the provisions of thc.slxtvHist
section of said act, ‘Livery General and Special
Flection shall bo open between the hours of
eight ami ten In the lorenomj and shall continue
until seven o'clock in the' evening, when the
polls shall he closed.", . *
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the
seventy-sixth section of the net first aforesaid,
the judges of the nfor*sald d Winds shall re
spectfully lake charge of the certificates of re
turn »»f the iilHi-tions of Uinir rt-npectjva districts
and produce them at a meeting of one. Judge
from eueli distalct, at the Ummigh of CarJMe.on
the third "ay after iho election, being for the
present year ijN Fit! DA V, THE iffh li ; iY Ol l '
OCTOBER N EXT then aun there to do and per
form tin* duties required hy law of said Judges.
Also—'That where it Judge by s'Ckne.vs or una
voidable accident, Is unable toaitend such a
meeting of Judges..then Ihe certificate or return
aforesaid shall be taken ohm ge ol by one ol the
Inspectors or CJt*rksof the eiect lon of said dis
trict who shall do and perform the duLlcsTequir
ed of suid bulge unable to attend.
Given under my hund.atCarlislc, this lath day
of September, 1870,
Cumberland county AGRI
hereby given Hint the Officers of tlu* Cumber
land County AgrlonliurmHoelety, wlllnieet mi
.1,1)0 grounds, out,Monday, October 10th, in assign
shills for animals nail locutions fur articles,
on exhibition.
L. F, LYMi), /secretary.
Sep. 15,70—31 •
The undersigned oilers his valuable Tan Yard
and Dwelling House, connected therew lib, loca
toil in Middlesex township adjoining tho Car
lisle (Springs nt Private Sale. The Tan Yard run
lalnsiM vats and 2 large leeches, the beam shop,
35xJ<> feet contains -/ham/lcra, i/ba/es am/illargo
limes and a running pool at the dun'. Tin* cm) rler
shop on the second’floor is of equal capacity.—
There Is a line stream of running wain* within
ten fyet of the yard. There is ulao a largo back
shed and null house.
The location Ik one of the best for bark and
hides In .J'umbeHand Vadoy. Bark plenty at
from 85 to S - per cord, and the lanyard Is now
doing a profitable business. The premises uro
in thorough repair.
'J lie Dwelling House Is a good TWO-STORY
WEATHER-BOAHDED Building, with all tin.
necessary out buildings.
TKItVfH.—; gl.irno cash, and the balance
will he taken nut in tuning hides at nine cents u
pound for tho leather In the rough.
If tho üboVo premises aro not sold on or be
fore November Ist, lf>7(), they will then ho leased
for a term of years at §175,00 per year.
Possession given Apilllst, lb7i,or sooner if
For farther Information -ddress, '
sCurlisio Springs, P. 0.
Bop. 15, 70—71
,Kdu atlicrtlßcmcnts.
The subscriber, having changed hla business
will oiler at Public fcfnus to the highest bidder',
On Thursday, September 22, 1870,
Ills VALUABLE FARM. This farm is sltna
ted In J. Person county. W. Vu . on Die Beriy
vlilc and 'Summit Point 'iurnplke. ]]< miles
from summit Point, one oft e most Horn tailing
Depots on tt)o Winchester und PotomaQjlUilb
mml, and contains ’w‘
300 AGUES, 1 * •
of pure Limestone Land, is convenient to
Chinches, Schools. Mills, stoics. An., and has
hud put on It within Iho last year or two,/hy
IhnitJtnml bwthefsnf Lime. Therein now about M)
Aorrs of Corn on the land which will speak for
Its quality. ’
Tho tract can be easily divided Into two well
arranged farms, ami will he offered as a "hole
or In two tracts—ono of I*3 Acres ami the oilier
MS Acres. Tho improvements iro ample, and
In good order. They consist of
Two Good Dwelling Houses,*
Mont House, Ice House. Cave. Barn, Corn Cribs,
and In fact all necessary Out-bulldlngs. There
are also on the premises, two, good Cisterns, a
never-falling Weil, Cattle Ponds, Ac Within
the last three years there ban been eredted on
this farm live hundred panels of LocnstPosiiind
rhestunt' Bail Fence, and about six hundred
panels of PU\nk Fence. A choice variety of
FRUIT In-uhiindano* 1 .
This Valuable property will bo sold tn iho
highest bidder, without reserve. and Is well
worthy of the atlentmn of those wishing to pur
chase. Located in iho richest portion of tho
fertile Valley of Virginia, am hi a gonial and In
telligent soeiely, and easily accessible to rail
roads and tutnpikes thN properly offers supe
rior Inducements to strangers
Possession of one House will be gP r tm ntonco,
1 pud of the Farm on Hie llrst day of April next.-
Any one wishing to view this property will call
on Mr. Mc-afty, living on the premises, who
win give all necessary Information.
TEUMHmade nown on day of sale. Sale to
commence at 2 o’clock, P. M.
'Sep, 10, 70—ts
On Thursday i October 6, 1870.
The subscribers. Administrators of the estate
of Samuel Kurtz, deceased, will sell at Public
Sale, on-the premises,- tho following Valuable
Real Eslme.sltuafe In West Pcnnsboro township.
Cumberland countv, two miles North-east of
isew-Miu . «*n n,.-, ConodnjrulnctCroek, bounded
ny lands of .1. Burkholder. Geo. Ernst- and AhJ
Bros., Ulld contains
3-0 ACHES,
Primp Land, more or loss. The improvements
MtfiICfCANT MILD, having the best water pow
er on tho stream. Good Haw Mill, a largo Two
Stone Dwelling Hmlpe,
good Stable, ami other ont-bulldlngs, Also, a
good Tenant House. -There is on the premises a
number of choice Apple, Pea . Peach ami other
FRUIT TURKS. nml a never-falling Well of wa
fer near the floor. This property, being con
venlenl lo Market, Schools amt Churches. Is In
every respect a desirable home mid place of
bust ness. por-nns wishing to view t*'e promises,
will please call >m Mr. John Flofalcor. residing
on the same. jWalo fo commence at 10 o’clock,
A, M„ when terms will ho made known.
■EM.-VVUKr, ktaver,
Administrator.* ■
Sop. 15, 70—ts
At a stated Orphans’ Court, began on Tups day
the inh 'lay of August, A D„ U 7". and bolden
rl. CarMsie in nml for Cumberland.comity, be
rnrc the Flon. James 11. Graham. President
.Indue, ami llngh **umvr, and Thos. P. Hlalr,
K-q’rs.. associate Judges, tho following proceed
ings wore had to wit;
In tho matter of tho writ of partition ami
Valuation on the real estate of Jane K. sharp,'
Vle''e»«ed, ttie same havlmr boon returned bv the
Sherlir of the ivanity, iludlng that the same
could not he parted and hk toaccoino
dateaUof the parties in interest, nor «n »« to
•lecomoriato m >r« than two of 'mom. now to
wit, h'db August. IS7O. rule on tho parties In in
terest to nceept. or refuse to accept I lie said real
estate at tho valuation t hereof or snow cause why
the same should not bes*dd. Personal notice to
deserved on those residing in the County, nml
to those residing out of tho Countv notice by
publication In »no newspaper published in the
borough of :’article. for three weeks, previous to
tho next, stated orphans’ Conn, and hv le ter
addressed to their respective Post nillees. the
Sheriff to make return of the proceedings by tho
next suited Orphans' Court,
By t)Jo Court.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
(s') hand and affixed the seal of the said
i l. 8. M’mirt. >it Carlisle. thN 17th clay of
I ■—, —') August, A. D., 1871)
' Deputy ('icrk.Ac,
JOS. C. THOMPSON, Sheriff,
Sop. 15. 70—‘tt -
WM. Klf ABE &• CO.,
Grand , Square and Unright
RLtlij-ft ff.' First Prize Mcila's el wanfctf.
These lustrum--.,*., have been before the pub-
Me for nearly thirty yearn, ami opmi their ex
cellence alone attained unnurchui « pi c-nninence,
which uuequulled. Their
combines great power, sweetness and fine sing
ing quality, gs wclhnsGreat purfty of Intonation,
and sweetness throughout the entire scale. —
toc u.rr
Is pliant and elastic, and entirely -free from tho
stiffness found In so many Pianos,
they are unequalled, using none but the very
hes| seasoned material.• ihe large capital em
ployed in our business enabling us to keep con-
Mmmllv an Immense slock of lumber, ac., on
blind. *
' Alt enr Square Pianos Jinvo'our New Improv
ed i iverstrung Scale and the Aura fie. Treble.
We would c ill special attention to our late Im
pioveim nts in Grand Pianos and Square Grands;
patented Aug. U. IHIIO. which bring the Piano
nearer pe.rlecilon than has yet b. eu attained.
luclf Piano Fatly Warranted /or„ Five Years.
We have made arrangements for the Sole
Wholesale Agency fo** the most celebrated PAH
EUR ORGANS aud MELUDEONR, which wo of
ter Wholesale and Retail, at lowest factory
Wholesale Depot,
' ’ 279 and 2«l Month sth St.
bop. I.l,7o—tira Pll i LA. DKLP HI A.
Its Effects arc Magical.
An Unfailing Remedy for Neuralg'a Facialis
often olVeetlnga perfect cine hi a single day.—
No form of Nervous Disease falls to yield to its
woiidciful power. Even In the severe cases of
Chronic Neuralgia, affecting the entire system.
Ifs Use fora few davs affords the most astonish
ing relief and rarely lads lu produce a complete
and permanent cure. It contains no materials
hi tho slightest degree injurious, it, has the un
qualified approval of the nest physicians. Thou
sands hi every partol the country, gralefu ly ac
knowledge Its power to sooth the toiTurccluet ves
and restoring the lading stlength.
• Rent by mad on receipt of price and postage.
One Package SI 00 Postage 0 cents.
Six Packages $5 00 “ 97 *•
It is sold hy nil dealers in drugs ami medi
cines. TURNER it’ll.. Proprietors, 120 Tre
numtfhreet, Roseau,‘Mass,
Rep. 15, 70—3 meow
a gents wanted ecu
BJCLDEN: The White Chief ,
Twelve Years Among the HVfd Indians o/ % the Plains,
.The life of George P. Ridden, who from a love
of wild adventure and a thhstlora knowledge
of lhelrCusto ns.Rporls, rrndlilons.
Wars,*’Great Buffalo linnls. Ac., leftu homo of
plenty hi nhlojohieo Ihe Indians,adopted fJielr
inode of die. murnsd tho m-auumi w aouciti»T
became a Ur* at Warrior. Hunter and I’hiet of
100 Lodges, was anpohded Lieutenant-in the U.
R. Regular Army, for merit .nous service with
his braves against hostile Indians. A book of
tho most thrilling interest a reality well authen
ticated. Truth stranger limn fiction. Rnperbly
Illustrated. 7« engravings, with portrait ol the
author. In full fionfler costume. Price low—
-hould outsell any hook extant. Rend at once*
for led circular, table of con tents, sample
pages and terms. A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher,
H 0 rheMiiut Rt., Pldln,
Rep. J 5, 70—Jm
Jn the tnulhr or the {teeouul of John IF. TTuxt’n, Ad
alov 0/Sidney JJuston. late of /*» ?»n lonmsliij),
The Auditor appointed by the Orphan’s Court
of Cumberland County, to distribute the balance
In t*-e hands of John w. Huston Ailm’r. of Sid
ney M. Huston, tateof Penn township. deceased,
to and among the parties entitled to receive the
same, will meet the parlies in interest at his
office m the borough ot Carlisle, on Mond rv, tho
:td day of October next, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. at
which lime they aro notified to attend and pre
sent thelv claims.
Hep. 15, 70—,1t
In the matter of the neenu'd of John ]C. Jfninfon
Dxrcntnyoj John Huston, late of Penn townshin
deccuseil • ‘
The Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Oourt
of Cumherlaml enmity. fodMrlh. to the balance
In the hands of ./no. W, Huston, ExT ofj»nn
Huston, late of Penn lownlhlp. dec’d,among tlio
parihs entitled lo receive the same*, will meet
tho parties in interest at Ids office In the borough
ol Carlisle, on .Monday, Dm Pah day at Oetofmr
nex . at in o’clock, a. M.. at which time they are
notified to attend and present lludr claims,
Hep. 10, "0-3 t Auditor,
DU. KI.INE, «t the VU11m1,.),,!.},,
Cancer InMUuie.lin Arch Si. r Prof. Dalton
West •Ith Ht, Clnelnnull, Ohio, and Dr*
Oreone, at Clmi lotto, N. C. are making aatoni,
Ishlng cures of all
by their great Cancer Antidotes, without tho
knlf-ror eaiullc medlclim, and with hut ntlio
pain. Every roof and fibre is killed and remov
ed. If taken In lime and cannot reiurn. Beware
of bogus i , a>P*s.'»ois, with their bogus treatments
stealing onr advertisements. . No others have
these treatments. Noneoltioi should over ho
mod. For particulars, tsefid for circular, cull, or
address ns above,,7o—Jin
ISTelu gUibettiisemrntg.
■To the Heirs and legal Ilcprrsenta/ifca qf Harriet
IFuMcm, lute of Ihelutenship of IPcaf Ponnsborouyh,
County of Cumberland, deceased.
Take notice, that In pursuance of a writ of
Partition and Valuation Issued out of Bio Or
phans’ Court of Cumberland county, and lo ino
directed, an Inquest will bo held on tho real es
tate of said deceased,’ to \vb :
A lot. of -(’round In (Plainfield,) West Penns
borough township, Cumberland county, Pa,
bounded on Ihe west by John Watson, on tho
east by Daniel Myers, on tho north by fttnto
Bond, and on tho sm<th by an alley, containing
ono fourth of an acre, more or loss, on Friday,
tho 2lst. day of October. A. !>.. IS7D, «£. 10 o’clock,
A. M,.on tho promises for tho pnrpo-eof ma
king partition and valuation of tho real estate
o!said deceaseds
A JOS. a THOMPSON, Sheriff.
SnuutrF’PDpFiCK, Caulisijk, )
September 11), lb7o. j
Sop. 15 70—fit
F.xoculors. Administrators and Guardians oro
hereby untitled that all accounts for conflrma-.
tlon and allowance at iho next Orphans’ Court)
must \>o the Register's Ofllce on or before
tho 25th day of September, 1.*<70.
Pop. 15.70—2 t Register,
5 0 ots. REDUCTION,
On current market rates,
♦ Nut. ’Egg, ■
LOIHVBimY, £-1.50 50.75
LYKENS VALLEY, *1.75 • 5.H0
BALTIMORE COAL, (Hard) 5..15 5.R5
• Coal delivered to all parts of tho tow? at the
above prices.
Orders subject to any changes In tho Market
at the time of shipment.
■ lino of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, fur
nished at correspondingly low rates.
Orders Ailed with despatch.
Sep. 15,70—tf Ofllce, cor. Main and Pitt Sts.
THE .MAG TO COMB will clmmre any
colored hair or beard to a permanent black
or brown. H contains no poison. . Any one can
uho It. orio sent by mall fors (. Addicss MAQi
H! 00'in 00., Bpringllold, Mass.
Sep. 15, 70—ihn
Thk account OF JASON w.
FBY, Treasurer of the Board of Pcliool Di
rectors of the Borough of Carllßlo District., from
the-Ist Monday or June, A D„ IFD». t» the )«l
Monday of June, A. D., Ib7o, as settled by Finan
cial Secretary, viz: 1
DR. ♦
To amt. of school taxes as
sessed for the year latiO.
. ok por duplicate, $12,125 85
Aug. 30. To Slab appropriation, 707 50
To receipts lor Tuition of
nou-realdont scholars, 205 28
June 1. To balance unexpended In
hands of Treasurer this
By balance due bitn at last settlement, 8 17 68
By Teachers salaries, as per checks. 8,170 60
By inicrestpald on the several loans, <l-10 W
By amount' paid on loans froin es
tate* of L, Harlan and James •
,1 offer, 1,100 00
By btlls of Incidental expense*, inclu
sive ot printing, messenger,
cleaning rooms, and other ne
cessaries, . 675-17
By sundry repairs, materials, rents,
etc.. • 851 5*
By coal and wood, 3 9 it-
Ciusfi Expenditures,
By abatement.allowed prorai>B tax- ,
payers, BSU 73
By lunt. of exonerations allowed on
duplicate, -117 42
By fees of collection, 42rt y.
Whole amt. of credits.
Balance in hands of Treasurer, 733 3i«
$l3 im 0^
Estate of Lewis Harlan, dec’d., per
J. W. Ebv. Ex’or, 55.000 00
E. C. Woodward, 1,000 on
lut. from Ist June 1870, payable semi
Whole indebtedness, Sfl.iwn no
To the President and Board of School Directors oj
Carlisle District■
Your Financial Secretary having examined
thf* account, vouchers and papers of J. W, Eby.
Treasurer for the year ending on first Monday
of .fane Wd,.hereby certifies ihut the forego in p
'contains n correct exhibit of the receipts unrl ex
penditures during mi hi term, ns also the ihrlebt
edness of said Dis‘rlet. mul that there remains n
balance of seven hundred and thlrty*flv« dohars
and thirty cents, In the hands of said Treasure'
unexpended on the first Monday of Junt 1870,
All of w ich Is set forth as above.
Carlisle, Rep. 1, 1870 Financial Secretary.
Rep. ISiO— (vfnanclnl report read, approved
and ordered to be entered upon the minutes,oi
the Hoard, and published In the papers of the
District. By the Board, C. I\ HUM HICK.
Beu. 8, 70—ht Secrefnru.
Mi-. F, A, HARRIS,
formerly nn Auctioneer of the city of Harris
burg,-Ims been licensed a United Stales
in and for Cumberland county, and whnld take
this method ot Informing his friends that he Is
ptepared to CRY SALER.upon the most Rea
sonable lerins.
, Having' had considerable experience na an
Auction er, ho prides himself.upon giving en
tire satisfaction to all parties who may engage
him, 'licnieniber, my terms will bo mado as
low tiS possible. All orders left at llio
or nt'the
will be promptly attended to; or address,
Sep. 8,70-tl .-■'•l ' Carlisle, Pn.
On Saturda'/i October 15, 1870,
Win bn sold nt Public Rale at 'bo Court House.
In the borough of'Carlisle, on the aoove-duv,
the following described town pmpo-ty, belong
ing io tlie late Cuthai Ino Hellers, viz: a
situated on the South-west corner of Louthei
and Bedford streets, la the borough of Carlisle,
-Imvn g a trout on Lumber street of W) feet, and
running nack K> feat to Church alley, and hav
ing thereon eiecied a
with Back Building, Out-honses. «fcc. About
it) feet of tills property is vacant ground, end-tin
whole will be sold together o- la two purls, 100
Hint purchasers, ,
sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P, M.,onfald
day, when tonns will he made known hv
Ex'rs. of Catharine Sellers, dcc’d.
Sep. 8, “O—III
(Between Bleeder and Amity Sis.,)
The largest Hotel In the United R ales, capa
ble of accomodating HReen hundred attests.
Just opened, and furnished In
elegant style,
Coulrariocatlon. airy Apartments, uiul
Propr tor.
sop. 8, VO—ly
by Dr. Jno. B. Ellis. The most startling book of
modem times. The whole mThjeet laid bare and
Its bldeonsntNs exposed to universal execration.
Written in the Interests of Civilization, Cb'Js-
Uaulty and Habile Rend b>r olrcubus
and terms. U, R. Publishing Co., N. Y„ Cincin
nati, Cbieago and St. Louts. -??.
Sep, 8. 70 - 1m
for the people.
Before the FOOTLIGHTS, *o. Our RULERS
nnd our RJOH'iR, Cheapest npd itest Family
Blhlos Rest terms often ri. Addiess for Circu
lars. PARMELEE a CO., Philadelphia,Pa,
Sep. 8 7n—Hn -
PER YEAR and expenses ptmr
♦ d,<O\JV/ antecd lo ad ambitious men and wo
men seJdng our world renowned patent Silver
Mould Wire ('lathes Lines. For full particulars
address iheGIRAUD WIRE MILLS, Phll’a*, Pu.
Hep. 8,7 b— 1m
I will send tho receipt l»y which T wna
cured of Catarrh and Deafness Irco. Address
is. M. C. LEGGETT, Uobokou, N. J.
Hop. 8,70—1 m
n ale of stalls,
will ollc'r nt public sale, on
T Vcibn'Mlay Morning, Beptcmber 28, 1670,
at Ibo Market House. Carlisle, Pa. All center
KuleherHtnPs and lluiter Stalls, Irom No. 1 to
Also, all stalls on East and West angle. East
and West curb, the same to bo sold for onoyoor
from Oe tuber Ist VR7O.
Present occupiers of said stalls can purchase
them prior. to day of side ut sumo average rates
as sold at previous sales. On Saturday, Octo
ber Ist, 1870. the balance of stalls will be sold,
lly order of Council,
Joa. w. oaiuvY,
/fyr’o, Tiwuurcr,
Bep, 8,70-3$
ivcal ißstatc JJalfi?
op Valuable
On Tuesday, October 1, 1870.
TUo undersigned. Attorney In fact, for Mary
Knat, oiler* ul Public Kale, on the above day, on
Mie promises, In Frnnltford township, mi the
McClure's (Jan mart one aml-a half mile'* West
of titvler's Mill, am! five »iU«*a from (.’arllse. the
fol'owh.g described property, to wit.: A tract of
♦and containing about lorly-llvo Acres, with a
Stone spring House, agnnrt Hank Darn, a Tan
nery and (lark House, and other necessary out
buildings then-on erected. The properly is In
excellent condition. Tho tan yard contains 8d
vats and Ims a tine run of custom. There ts a
spring which runs into tho tannery and the wa*
tei Is not surpassed tor tanning purposes by any
In tho stale. There is an Orchard of choice fruit
on the premises.
Terms: id per cent, of tho purchase money to
ho paid cash. J£of tho remainder to bo paid on
Istol April 187 i. and tho remaining half with
Interest on t ho Ist of April and to be secured
by mortgage upon the property. Persons wish
ing to view the property will call on Jacob Kust
residing on t he promises.
- yule to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., when
terms will bo made known by
Att’y. In fact for Mary Nlckey.
Aug. 25,70—7 w . ,
The underpinned offers at Pilvato Rale, tlmt
valuable Tied,of Slate Lend, situated lj£ miles
north of Carlisle,» n the right Hide of-the road
leading Jo Carlisle SulphurSprlngs,Cumberland
county, containing
10 5 A, C R E S ,
of which 25 nro timber
Tie tract is divided into two sections, and will
bo sold set-amto or In one body as may suit the
mn chaser, Tho Improvements on the mansion
.Tractare a
with Frame Rummer House, large Frame Barn.
Wagon Shed. two never-failing aella of excel
lent wafer and a youngapploore-hard. Tho land
Is Id a high state of cultivation.ami under good
fences. Tho smalier tract, adjoining the Man
sion Farm extends along llio Sulphur Spring
road, nn which in orootoh n,
with Frame Summer Home, detne lied ; a hand,
some Frame Barn fcholceGrapes; Piuitsof al
kinds m abundance. A well of good water and
a cistern near the door.
Terms easy to suit purchasers.
‘ Persons wishing to view the property will coll
on the undersigned, residing on iho lastttnei
described, or on J. C. Stock, Insurance Agent,
at the Franklin House, Ho. 4, Carlisle, Pa.
I offernt. Private Rale the Honso and Lot where,
f now reside, situated about half a mile. from.
Ih - Court’tlmiso, in Oatllsh* and less limn live
minutes walk from the South Mountain Station
on the Cumberland Valley Railroad. The lot is
bounded on the North bv the York Road, on the
Kast and .South by .las W. Rosier and on 'the
West by Ashland Cemetery, The House la a
largo Iwo-slory
$13,099 Or
8 735 30
with 1 Back Building ami contains 10 Rooms
with nu outside Kitchen, Oven, Cistern, never
falling well of water, and oilier conveniences -
There is a Iso a full stable for two Horses undiwi
Co as with Carriage House, &c. The Lot con
tains about .
highly cultivated wt'h an nhundaneeof Fruit
Trees, such as Apples. Peaches. Pears. Plums
vc. Catawba, Isabella, anil Concord Oiape
Vinos, in good bearing condition and a rich pro
ductlvc garden.
. Gas and Water pipes nro laid past (lie proper
ty. nml iho lighted ut night with gin
amps. <
‘ 'This Is a most desirable place for a private res!
donee • omblnlng all the advantages of town am
If not sold at Private Hale, I will ofier tho prop
*»rty at Public Rale, on Ktturtiny, Oclobei' H, 1870. a'
to o’clock. A, M., at the Court House, in Car
Sl2.3U} 7h
For terms and further information, apply
either personally or by totter to '
Aug. 25,70-fit
The'subscribers will sell at Public Sale,
On Wednesday , September 2S, 1870.
the following described Real Estate, late tin
property ot Jacob Kast, deceased :
No. I a valuable Farm, situated in Silvei
Spring township, t.umberlami county, threi
mb's West of Meohauiesburs, and spvea mile?
East of Carlisle, containing
more or less, of Limestone Land, under a hlgl
-.tut- of cultivation, the whole having beer
thoroughly limed, and being under good fence
The improvements area large and cominodimn
farm house, a cotnforlableTenahlHousfe. uSlom
Hank Burn, Wngoii Shed. Carriage Mouses, 01
dor Press, nml all oTncr necessary outbuildings
•ill in good repair. There Isa well of watermen*
the* oor, with a Cist rn at. the Ham, and om
it ouch House; also a good Apple Orchard «
itie .pr. mines, with many oilier Choice Fruit
Trees, aud an nUumiunee of Grape Vines, «Se
-chools ami churches are eon von tout.
No. 2 Is si tuned about oue-half mile West o']
No. I. It contains
of land having erected thereon n good Duelling
House. Hank Ham ami Blaeksnluh Shoo, will
'he other necessary Improvements. The;-© is t
'ood well nl water, also, a Cistern near the door
Them Is u fine Orchard of bearing trpi-s on,tin
nn-mlses. '1 IHs Is n desirable Blacksmith stand,
having l>eon occupied as.sueh for mnnv vears.
No. 3. The undivided bulfof II acres Mounla >
hand, situated in Rj’e township, Perry dounty
one-hall milo North of Myers’ Gap,
, The property can ln> seen .by calling on Sam
uel .I. Kast, residing on No. J. ,
Sale to take place on the first described prop
arty, beginning at 10 o’clock, A. M„ ut'whicl
Hineand place uttemlauco will be given, and
terms made known by
. ' , , D. 1?. KA<T,
Aug 20, 70 —St for the heirs.
On. Friday, September 30, IS7O.
By virtue of tho will of John L. Waggonm
eceuscd, I will sell at, cm the prem
•ht*s, tho
lately occupied by the said Waggoner, sitnatei
iin Waggoner's Gup Uoad in North Muldlctni.
township. about miles North-west of Carlisle
uljolnlng lands ol rharles Boner's heirs, Conn
dun hind Creek, ami mild road. The. Mouse b
a oneiind a-lu if sto y, who Hack Building,al
ately refined and Improved, with well of water,
near the door. Stabling for two Houses and
1 'mvH, with Carriage House, &o. Tho Lot con
tains about
about 2 Acres being meadow land. Is under high
cultivation, and has been filled up and as n
Truck garden, ami Is a most desirable location
fora gardener. Thmo is abundance of ah kinds
of I' rult I'rees and Grape Vines, on the lot
, At the same time and place Iwlllsell ihe fol
lowing Personal Property, viz:
ni.e family Mare, one Cow, Buggy and Har
ness. Spring Wagon, one-horse Wagon, i ’ultiva
tor. Holler, Saddle and Bridles, Donhm and Bln*
gle Trees, Peed Cutler, lot of Guano, Girden
Implements. Hot Bed Frames and Hash. House
hold Furniture, Ac.
sale to commence at lOo’elock. A. M.« whei'
attendance will bo given and terms made known
Executor of John L. Waggoner, dec’d.
An . 25,70- ts '
A KA LE.—Thoro will In
■r\ sold by the undersigned, at tho residoncr
of B. L BAdev. In Peters township. Franklin
county. Pa., on tho ii th dmj of Ocober. 1871), at o/u tho o/lvruoon, flic following real estate:
One TKACTOfT LANf) containin'' n ’’o Arrot
mum nr less, adjoining lands of John Ook, H.
T. Crelgh. F. Smith ami oihers, whereon arc
erected two "nruoMTONK DWICLU • U HOUSFx
Hank Barn. Wagon Sheds, Corn Cribs, and all
other necessary outbuildings There n a never
falling spring of soft water running through tin
farm. About2lH> Acres are cleared. In fence, mm
under cultivation. There are largo urehnrdsm
Print growing on tho promises. This piopom
is known throughout the comity ns the “Uydei
Nursery Farm,” The land Is part 11 most one am.
pari freestone, and Is located In a most deslrn
ble neighborhood—within 1 mil- of London Ji
nnies . f the Cove Gap and 4 of Mercershnrg am)
Is immediately on tne Hue of the railroad now
bhlldlng from the Franklin road to London/
joining ahovy, used as timber land conlnlnluu
about 40 Actos, h
For further information address either of the
un erHlgned at Mercers-urg, Pa. .
Terms mail*,' know on day ot sale by
Sop, fi. 7(l—2t
the nlatco/ Jacob Goodyear, Wc of Bouih Mid.
ioivu.ihiii k deceased.
Notice 1h hereby given that the Auditor an
pointed,by the Orphans’Court of Cumberland
county, to make distribution of too balance In
•'the hand* of John Goodyear, Jacob Goodyear
Hamuel Goodyear and' Benjamin Goodyear’ J x
editor of Jacob Goodyear, late of the towns! I
of .South Middleton, in said county, deceased »
and amongst he parlies emltled tbeieto. will
attend to the dutiesoi his appointment as Audi
t<>j aforesaid at lilh olhce. in the bonm«lj of Cur-
V. u / n bt the :Wh dajj qf qitonhcr, A
D., IS7O. at 10 o'clock, A. M., when niuj where all
persons Interested are requested to attend and
represent tbelr several claims,
c „•-« o. (; - HERWAN,
Sep. 8. ,0-31 Auddor,
EOR RENT.—The committee of nr
ram/pments hereby give notice, that they
will let to the highest bidder « .
On Sidiirday, September ,2i, 1870,
at he Fulr Ground, at two o’clock, P. M.,
t wo hurtaukants,
on tho grounds of tin* Cumberland County Ag
ricultural Hoclety.lo be occupied during (hocou
llnnanco of tho ralr. Conditions made known
on day of sale by ’
Hop. 8*70~"‘*l
TT , ORTIjNEH/>fli*r»*rl folivn men. Rare
r chance. Send stamp. -.Diamond K. Co
Wilmington, itol, ’
- 8f1p,8,7V-3in^
jjv JihlU SALE
■ On Wednesday, FepicWnr 28, 1870*
The tmdorslgrcd. Exec.ntorsof Jacob n„Vt,«
deceased, will sell at Public Rale, on ti,,! r | ntUl r
day, on the promises, the Mansion I*-,*-® ’"‘"ye
deceased, situated In Middlesex townshn r ,le
-norland county, Pa., on ihc South bin.L- V ,,Q *
Conodogulnet miles Norih-ciivf f .r„ ,l, c
Hale, on Iho public road h-adlng from »hl T,‘‘ r
rhdmrg turnpike to the Sulphur Sorhii L. 1 * r *
half mile from the turnpike, to wli* t!,,1k1, c-
A valuable tract ofSLATE LANlt.coatAlni
1 O G A G R E tS , *
more or less, In a high Mute of cultlvntinn .
under pood lence. principally .«,m „ , n > 1
Ibis farm Is bounded on the North i!!. t,
Wt.ll, Kasi by •-amuel Snyder. «.m a f’ uvl( l
y ohnui>la. West by John sioufler and L A *
stock. The Improvements consist of V i ef
two-story comfortable • ft> lll tge
Rack Ihllldlng, Kitchen,.Wash Mouse n n. ’
Rank D»rn t with Wagon Shed and Corn ?ri2 r * E ®
taehed, and all other necessary oui-hmMiVm
There are two wells of good water ticarf.pT
ling. Aim., a Yong Orchard of uiiolee ffli el *
«lNlln K (if Applps, PclVcl.cs, Pears, *c. T
tlmbci on tins tract. U 1U ° Is
ALSO, at the same time and place will i»„ ~
a very desirable tract ot slate Land slo » J
North Middleton township on the roiniVa n. n
from Carlisle 10 Sulphur Springs containing *
1 0 0 A C*R E & ,
The undersigned will offer at Public. Sale, ou
t. ie above day, on the premises, Hi West Penns
onro’ township, Cumberland county, tho farm
.m which ho now resides,
12 3 ACRES, /
more or less. 01 tho best finality of LIMESTONE
LAND: This farm is aboutoue and a half aillu
south nfiho Cumberland Valley Rall-roud.tlire*
•nlles from Newvllle. aiid about one fourth of a
uilo from the turnpike leading irom Oath-leto
stjippenshurg, It is well Improved, and is one
*f the. best slock and grain farms in the vulkT<
There are about 2u acres of
>n tho farm, covered with Oak, Hlckorv nmlL>
•ust Umber ol the best quality. There B*
'-blow’sdower of whmj umtwlll rum'iiuk
Mietarm.nnd the balance of the payment will
■>o made easy. Bale to commence at 2 o'clock, m
oml day. when attendance will be glvea ail
onus made known ty
AUg. 18, 70—(it
Situated on tho south side of the Yell"*
Breeches creek, m Penn towns Ip about one
tnd one-fourth miles south-east of .Ceulrevllta
112 Acres, find 70 Percies,
io neres- covered with larg’ Pino, Wlilto ndJ
B 1 nit Oak Timber. The Improvements area
•i Wash House nud' Summer Kitchen, ft good
large Burp, (oh, style,) a largo Wagon shed and
’ill's, with Hog Pen and Carriage House attndi*
-d; I wo choice Apple ihchards, ip good bearing
•rder. together with peaches, pears, cliorrics,
•ml grapes. Also a. never falling well of war
-it. the dom*. Also « No, l garden.
The land Isln a high staleof cnJUvatJnn nn/ltf
good leneo and the Jinprovements arc In good
The location la a deal;,able one being near n
church, mill, and school house.
Also a Tenant House on the above trnct of
Persona wishing to 'dew tho farm can dosobf
ailing upon the subscriber residing on ,lld
OP vai.uahi.b
On Saturday, September, 21, 1870.
The undersigned will sell at Public Hale.oD
the above day. at the residence of the Into He
•oinnnh shenffer, In D’cklnsmi township.nt> ibi
nnhile road leading by Moore’s Mill ami|wo
miles Ronih-onst of Hie Rhino Tavern, and newn
miles West of Carlisle, tho following dab'CfJDW
1 cal estate, to wit: A. lot of first rate
‘nntftlnlncr five Acres and fUtfi-lhreo Porclwb
m which Is erected a two-story
Frame Rinble, Spring House, Cider Press und
other necessary ont-bulldln/s. There.'* a
‘-f exeel lent water near tho door. The property
Won flie htmk of the Yellow Breeches*
*s n delightful Rltuatlon for a private t^ 8 , ~
or would make an excellent Truck Garden.-
There Is a
Assignee of n. C. Rvder.
on the promises, and Is convenient to Reno
stores nml mllK -Also, at flie same I me n>.
rdaco, a tract nf Mountain Land. »*no mhe™*'
of inp aforesaid property, containing l<*n ac
of pood t’heutnut, Oak and other limber. «J
thriving condition. Halo lo commence n
o'clock on «alcl dav, win.'n attendance w v‘
given and terms made known hy '
Att’y. In fact for Iho heirs of David feueau
Aug. 11,70-5 t
No. 1-A. large TWO STOUY QliI«X
nd Lot or Ground, on Main street,
I flu loot from h> JIH feet deep, with Buck ou
..Jg flflxlH, Dining Hoorn nnd Kitchen.
House IUxIK. LotHOxm Btable on ftNe>» , w . y
No. 2-Two HinaU HUlGlv ljW'jj
bullion Pomlrot Htroet, No. 01 nnd w* h
xli*o, with throe feet alley. . . t
No. fl-A VACANT DOT on North street,
uj<l ullo 12 feet. . »kt r* cn rnf*
"red with Chestnut. Oak. ami Pino rln,h f, r ’, -nn
teil In Penn lownshlp. Cumberland c ums» u
tnlnlng 105 Acres, more or Jess, lying »> .
mile south of Mllltown, on the west siueo
road lending to Pine Grove Purmi>;o. n .. ) a
No. B-A T'-lrat Churn
West Pennshoro’ township, tunes ' •
Carlisle, containing HO Acro.s,go«id IJnU-o w
Wash ilouko. wiili-Cistern. lately l » uill 'water
Hank Harn. Wagon Bhed, C >rn (Jrib.&c. ‘ o {
ruimlnu through part of the farm. iOAe
for further Information enquire of r - R
Bep,B,7o—4t* Cttrilb l ®! •**
IS ca I, (Estate Sales.
more or less. In a high state of cultivation ru
farm Is bounded on the North bv Uavtri siV 1 s
the East by Samuel Ueetem.nn the South ilVvi
•'onodngulnet Creel?, on the West i>v DaWdsi.i 0
The Improvements consist of a doub'o iwo-storr
Hank , Rnrtl, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, and otto,.
ouMmlldlngs. There Is also a conslderS
quantity of tlnM or on this tract. h„i}i ol ul
above ate very desirable farms, and are woni r
the attention of purchasers.
ALSO, at the same time and place, " ill lie
two tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND.’situate,i J
Middlesex township, three fourths m a m ,“*
North-west of the Carlisle Spilngs, ndjnlnliS
lands of Win. Conimun,.leromeHnerand oUipm
Diallrst named tract eonialiiK 12 Acres of u ,mA
timber, principally Chestnut, and Unit Th#
other traot is sltnated In Perrv county Pa „n
thoCrnlne’sGap Road, about ftve miles rrnm"thp
Mansion Farm, adjoining lauds of HavldWaU
Shugars and (luisliall, containing
2 0 A C n E S ,
of good Chestnut. Hickory and Oak
'iilfi lacormneiu’e nil o'clock. P. M. Mliemli,
tendance will bo given and lei ms nuulo known
Aug. 18, *o—ts , txcciifon.
On Tuesday , September 20, 1870.
Will bo sold on the premises in Middlesex
township. Cumberland county, aujii)iti»e ih«
Carlisle Springs, .South side. * co#
No. l Containing P‘o ACRES, more or le«
s[.A PE AND GRAVEL LAND, the improve
mentsiiYO u-Two-stovy
eontalnlngT Rooms. Kitchen and Rmolto House
a never-falling Well of water m the dour run
ning stream oi water near the Infuse. a laiee
Bafn, b agon shed. Corn Crlbbs, drnin House
Hay House, also Apple. Peach and Cherry trees’
\ bout-17 Acm-s of Wood Land;.
N 0.2, Containing 75 ACRES, more or less ml-
Joining No. I. This property has no hnihliigj
•nd contains about 10 Acres of W«od Land.
No. 8. Contains lo ACRES, more or lens about
Y Acres ol W«*dd Land; adjoins No, 2. ad hi a
ugh statu of cultivation and uiuiergood fence
.amtatnlng over h()0 pauncls of past and fad a
mbllcroad runs along tlie entire-farm nn die
North side, there is a good marUelat Hie Car-
Isle springs, church, school House amt Hten,
•11 within live hundred yards of No. J. improve
No. 4. A tract of Wood Land containing 0)
VCKF.Sand-i5 PERU! -1 F.H, In C’avrnl imvaMtln'
Perry ronnty, within 2 miles of Rtonetl’HCiiip
tits Jot ts well covered with young chestnut
rock oak, and o«her timber. A publtt*r«Ail
within Y mill* of said land and a good rnml lo
•be taint. A good uml Indisputable title will be
'‘ven for said muds. Any,person wishing to
view tho above property . un-do so hy call. hr cn
Sir. A. Liller, on said turn-, or nlNd 72 North
Hanover Street, Carlisle. Rule to c« nimeiuc nt
t o’clock, on said day, where tho tetius of sale
will be made known by
Aug. 18. 70—5 t D; CORNMAN.
On hatnrdny, October 1, 3870,
■it io o’clock, a . M "
The umloislgned, Executors of the eatnio of
’acob Musselnmn, laieof Sonih MMdJeloafawn
'hip, deceased. wPI expose to Public the
ireinlses tn South Middleton township, Cum
••erhuid oounfy, on the above day, that valo.-Wa
'rad of Uin<l belonging to tho estate of Iho said
deceased, containing.
md haying thereon erected a STONE HOUSE,
mil Batik Barn. This property Is on the Peteis
nirg Road, two miles and a-half South of Car*
isle. Tlie land fs in a good state of cultivation,
•vhh two tine Orohauls, an' l nearness to Car
• islenml o» »»♦*«• niarut-t«, renders i a ihoiroUf
iropeny. The safe fs being made under an cr
ier of thcOiphans’ Courtof Cumberland eaunty
Terms of Rale—one fourth o the puichiaa
money to he paid on the confirmation ,ot ilia
uJe; the balance of one-half nn tlie Ist of April,
* s 7J. wlji-fj deed udh he - made- and possession
ziven, and the remainder on the Ist day of April,
Fx’s. of Jacob Miu>seJninn,decM.
Aug. 18. 70—ts*
On S'afurday, September 2-1, 1870.
J. 0. COOVfIR.
July.2l. 80—2 m
br;ck house,