Ijimimi iolptera’. f~ ■ 1 — 1 %otal $t em'» . Cn«t‘ N 0 COUNTV Fair.—ißy larf?e ! n ji,9tls3U«l.lt will bu ceen that the i'tenth a' l ~u 1,1 FulrortheCumborlami " . A grtonßural Society will bo hold he Frtlr Ground, In this borough, on !dncsdny, Thursday nnd Friday, the hmb ami 14th of October next. As .time Is now fast'npprnnohlru?, let oiir ! rs go to work and make the neces ” prepnrutions to have their farms tinted by some kind of produce' or Let each and every farmer look Litas his duty'to exhibit somethin)? ln)l , y mid to the Interest of the exhl ' Let all join to make the next, fair olid farmer’s jubilee and re : unlon of ni |, nml acquaintances; There is’ not niier or mechanic who has not aome iel„ the stock,, implement, maohiu *r produce lino, that miqht interest' 0 one else. Lot them contribute to display, and semi in, something, no ter how small or how largo. Ample nrations .will be made fertile houso ofatock, and for the care and safety aplenieiits, produce, fruits. &e. ir Society was among the very first tilted in tile State;' the intereslr taken tdnr fanners and business men dias, ■rflawed, and it inis accomplished a imaiiiit of good. We hope the uoxt «id be oven m greater-success than . pecii former ones. MiUAMau kail-road.— A rueot oftlie stockholders of the Miramar tmii railroad company was held at vjiie, on the 20th ult. The meeting well attended, over two-thirds of •ajiital slock voting, and it was re ,l to increase the capital stock to 000.' '' ' " snrances were given by the repre itivea from' each townsliip along the v»ed line of the road, that tho.bul ol the stock, necessary Jo complete Mil, should be raised at once. A. m! meeting of all those interested In mail )ms* been called for Boiling iga, on Saturday, September 16th', it is hoped by that time arrange *\vill lie made to place a corps of eers on the road. are pleased to learn that fche?n i«m in regard,to this proposed road ilies unabated. We have hetiiM’of il township meetings nt which ad al subscriptions of from.So,ooo to Oliavebeen raised.’ The next two hs must decide whether the project }e ft success or a failure, ami that in rests with the farmers along the «d route. Let them act promptly, le road is secured. , nop Paver.— The American Vol :iiadvocates the people*s-inthreats. ?op!oshould read it. Every family its local news. It contains poetry ■ young Miss; storios forthe lover ; iqnibs for the “phunny pheliows;” recipes for the housewife, nnd an Itural for .the farmer. .It intains matter for the politician, a ary of news for the.general reader, igi'sand deaths, toeerher with busl intices aud real estate advertise fur business men. Oar paper is one largest in Cumberland county, its ilion is extensive nnd steadily in ig, rendering it a cheap and most tie advertising medium, - People; ng their own interests will prefer )LUXTBER. ’ . - • • • FTabk.—‘The Havana sfty' that the' ir haziness of the atmosphere dur c week,, which Jias.extended,pvor wide surface of the country, was hy the great fires in Canada, where mis of acres of timber have been L' for some weeks. The smokv, lil heated state'of the atmosphere,* lie general direction of the wind, [seem to render this opinion very uttc. IDBVT AT NIOW CUMBERLAND; 1 — til Rberly, of Mechanlc-iburg; met Ip-ii nfiil and somewhat dangerous nt at Now Cumberland on Tbura |°runon of last week. Mr. E. bad I a load of lumber from John F. M-while one of the employees of Burwa* as-uiting the purchaser to |h° lumber to ihe wagon, the axe Imln* glanced, the pofe striking: erly in the vicinity of the left eye. Accident.— On Thursday after si Billurd Dickson, u colored, par was engaged In roofing a house lh street.. In ascending a ladde**, Den near tlie top, lie became Fisu.— I Tho-streams in this vicinity contain more fish .this season than at any period known for a numb *r of years. It jms become a very common- thing to see -fisherman entering town nearly’every morning with' large strings of eels, cot flsh, succors,- &o. . New Enterprise.— An ambulance for the accomodation ol the traveling com munity, runs daily between town and -thu South Mountain Depot. H- K- Pof-. fei\ esq., Is the projector of this new en terprise. , .. . . : Good ftev. ’George P. Hays, formerly of this county, has accep ted the presidency of Washington and .Jefferson College. Pennsylvania, to which he Inis just been elected. Tills post has been vacant for some time,,but its duties have been discharged by Rev. Dr.Brown son, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, ’Washington, Pennsylvania, ' ’(Camp Meetings —Otmp rasetings aro "susceptible of modern approvements as well us other things. Speaking of the Red Barn camp an exchange says, atone just hold at an Insignificant.station on the linoof tlie Valley rail road in Potinpylvanfa, • they hud oflipe, a telegraph oliico, a Methodist book store, a dully, newspaper, a soda water and ice c-reani silicon,‘ and a barber shop. Marking fruit.—When handsome fnilt is intended to bo shown at a fair or sent to a friend it will add something in the novelty Ip have its nan e or that of the person printed indelibly upon its sur face. Tills moy be done by tlie following method: Just before tlie fruit has ob tained its maturity, cut from tough thin paper the name proposed, and paste this on tlie specimen most exposed to the sun. That portion of the fruit covered by the paper will assume a different color from the otlier,.uud whan,ripe tlie paper is re moved, leaving the name distinctly visi ble. Democratic Committee Meeting, Pursuant to a'call of the Chairman, the members of the Standing Committee of the year 1809; ra*»t In tho arbitration room of the Court House, on Saturday, August 27, for tho purpose of settling up the ac counts of the CoirnnltteC for the past year. The Committee was called to order by the Chairman, On motion of Mr. Calvert, the reportof the Treasurer was rend and accepted. The report of the Chairman was also rend and accepted. A resolution was also offered by Mr. Rhoads, and amended by Mr. Gutsbull. The resolution os amended is: fieso'vcd, a committee of five be appointed by tho Chairman, whose duty it shall btf to correspond with the differ ent memhersof the Standing Committee, and ascertain from them respectively, If they have expended all the money paid to then\by the Treasurer, and, if not, to return the same to thecommiited this day appointed; said committee to audit the account,and distribute the balance in the hands of the Treasurer, pro rata divi dend, to tho creditors of tho Standing Committee of 1868. ‘ The Chair appointed— John P. Rhoads, Newville; Theodore Oornman, Carlisle'; R. J. Coffey, Ship* .penshurg; John Hefflefinger, Newburg, David Deitz, Hampden. On motion of Mr. Cornman, the name of Mr.. John Campbell was added to said committee. This committee will meet In Carlisle, on Saturday, September 24, at II o'clock, A, M. , A vote of thanks was tendered the Chairman of tlie committee. Also, to the treasurer, Secretary, and Sect etary .pro (cm. On motion adjourned sine c?ic. ■ Jesse P. Zeigler, Secretory pro tern. How to Make a Town.— An exchange says : Encourage every one, especially new men, to eorne in and settle among you, particularly those who are young and active, whether they have capital or not. Their labor alone is worth money. Those who have money will buv lots, build houses, or tear out and remodel old ones. Go t.) work, and stimulate every legitimate enterprise by giving all the friendly encouragement you can, or by unUingyour industry, influence aud cap ital in "the comroonJIIPPENbBURQ JTBMS. The result of the game of baseball play ed on Saturday last, was the defeat of the “Whangdoodle ,; nine, by the “Printers” of Churaherehurg. In consequence of which the Printers roar and the ‘Whang doodle mourneth.' ... • Struck by Lightning. —During the prevalence of the heavy rain storm on Thursday night last,' a valuable horse, belonging to Mr, David Ueber, on the Roxbury roml, was struck dead by light ning* It was in the field, at the time, among other horses. Picnic.— The gay aud fair denizens of Newburg ami adjoining villages held a 1 picnic near Maclay’a Mills on Thursday lust. The fall of rain in the morning pre«' vented many from attending, but did not detract from the pleasures of those pres ent, A good time was had by all, and, many remained on the grounds enjoying themselves after the manner that afleo lionate picnic-era should, until the'sun slipped behind the western hills. Pic nics, such as this, should be more fix*-' quent. Westward, Ho!—Job 11 McCurdy, Esq-, a well known resident,of this’place, and Mr; John E. Geeaaman, whilom ‘foreman of the “Sentinel" oflice, recently left.our town for the purpose of embarkiug In’ the publication of a Republican newspaper at Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. McCurdy llings a graceful pen aud Geesaman is a master typo, and their journal is not only very readable but quite attractive in its ap pearance. They are worthy members of the craft and will not fail to do credit to the profession in their new home. Camp Meeting.— The Camp Meet ing now being held near Newburg, un der the auspices of the Bethel congre gations Sluppehshurg, Chambersbuvg, Orrstown, Newvillo Spring, was begun on Thurs day of last week, and will close this Thursday morning, the attendance ,Uuh far has been very good especially on Saturday and Sabbath; Good order prevails and all necessary arrangements for the comfort and convenience of tent holders have been made, about forty tents were erected ; the greater majori ty of which will remain until the close of the meeting. A Cask fob the Benevolent.— T-h'o dwelling house of- ft Mr. John Myers, near Eoxbury, was entirely deslroycM] by lire on Sunday of last week, during the absence of the family. Everything in it win destroyed Including the clothing of Mr. and Mrs. Myers, with the exception of Umt which they bad on at the time of the disaster. We learn that they are now circulating papers to Receive sub ricrSplioua in their behalf. One «»r more of these are being circulated in town, and we refer to the matter to assure our citi zens that all that is given them will 'be appropriately applied. Myers is'a hard' worki’ng man, and has arrived at the ago when lie should rest instead of labor.— Mrs. Myers is also advanced in ypars, hut none the less iudust,rious: .They ore left In an almost destitute condition and for tills reason we hope our citizens will not fail to 1 contribute liberally in their aid. The September “ Riverside. ”■ sets out with all sails flying in its frontispiece, which represents- a barque “Outward Bound,” the tiig just leaving her ; An derson gives one of his'etories In his best vein, “The Moat -Extraordinary Thing” it is called ; there are two or three sea fjleces, and one of sport in Prairie-hen .Shooting.” The great storm of last year has Us parallel given in that of 1815. Frank and Lucy are two youngsters well known to the readers of the “ Riverside” ns amateur artists, and they give us some specimens of their Skill in drawing as well as in Ashing. Music for “ Motlipr Goose Melodies,” once more appears, no doubt to the delight of many young birds. * Hurd and Houghton, New'York' $2-50 per year. liussinrss 'Notices, JB€?*brngft t Morlioinea, Chemicals, Pa ent Medicines, &c., ft full stock constantly on hand, at the lowest market rates. Also a com plete HAa of School Hooks at the lowest prices, and all afitlclesportalnlng to the Drag and Book business.! HAVERSTiniCHROH. May lyim-tt . No. 10 N. Hanover St. PRIME Havana Cigars , At Neff's, 23 West Main street, BEST brands of Tobacco At Neffs. 23 West Main street, ALL styles of Pirper Collars At NofTs, 23 West Main street. SPRING Nock-tles At Neffs. 23 West:Maln street. PA PER COLLARS. 16 to 46 cts. a box At Neff’s, 23 West Main street. CARLISLE CARRIAGE FACTORY.—The 9111 est firm { tbo only place where you can get what you want, nr have It made to order, BUGRIES AND CARRIAGES, In alf tbolr different styles. iiuj done promptly, by A. B' BHERIC, ...- Cor, South and East Sts., Carlisle. ■' Juno 23, 70—tf A large addition lately made to tbo stock of Lumber In the yards of A. .1. BLAIR, Attend to securing your coal fin winter while prices aro low and., quality good. Call at the yard of A. IL BLAIR. Llmeburnor’s coal constantly on hapd. Also a full assori moat of iura her at the lowest prices at I ho yard of , Aug. 25,1870. To STOREKEEPERS GENEUALLY.—We WOtild bO pleased to mall regularly our monthly Whole sa’Aprlce-llsts, to any storekeeper who docs not receive them, and who may glvo.-is his address. These lists will glvo our Wholesale pi Ices of most of the goods wo offer, wo correct and pub lish them at the first ot ry month. Wo In vito a comparison of our prices with city quota tions for good goods. • ‘ ■ Tho secret of success lies In bfiylug small, buy- lug often, keeping good goods, keeping up va riety and carrying less stock, try It. \VM. ULAIR&SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, and ’ (iueenswaro Merchants, Aug. 11, IS7O. , South End, Carlisle. CHAPMAN makes Photographs, Arabrotypcs, Melaluotypes Photomlnlaturcs.Opalntypcs; Fer rotypes, Ilvllolypcs, Lvorytypos, Enameled Pic tures, or Imitation of Porcelain work on Phot<»- mlulatnres. Gallo ry, No. 21 West Main Street ' Mr. Aaron F. Stahl’s method of renovating feathers, I know to bo good, ha.vlng,had some eathers subjected to the same process last Jan uary. and would recommend his process to per sons lu Carlisle or elsowbcro.wlahlng old feathers purlilcd. Thomas Stp-waut, m. d. CHAPMAN copies old defaced pictures and' greatly Improves them. When a few dollars can be spent on tticm for coloring, ou ludlaluk work tliey are rauch hottcr. If you wish a really charming picture go to Lochman’s gallery. Ho left Mrs. Neff’s building for a bettor room-and light, over Leldlch & Miller’s and Greenfield's stores. . All the old negatives in ado byH. Lesber.aro In his posscsslon;aud duplicates can bo had at any time. WHOLESALE ONLY! COYLE BROTHERS have Just received a very largo stock of goods such as Hosiery .Shirt Fronts, Suspenders,Linen, Cotton. and Cambric Handkerchiefs, While Trimmings.! les andPows of tho latest styles, Paper Collars and -Cuflsln great variety. Paper and Envelopes, s Velvets, Ribbons, Coat, Vest Dress and Pearl Buttons, Three and Six Cord Spool Cotton, Sowing Silks, Fish Hooks and Lines, Toilet Soaps. Perfumery, Drugs. Shoo Black, Stovo Polish, Indigo Blue, and an endless variety of Notions All tba above*to be had at Coylo Brothers. Having lately removed,to tho largo Store Room In tho now Good Will Hose house. Wd have In creased our slock larger than evor uud will sol at gold prices. cpvLE bros: 21 South Hanover. Street, Carlisle. Save Your Mosey.—J, H. Wolf, nn- the larg est and cheapest stock ot Notions and Fancy Goous, in Carlisle, Ayhlch lie offers at exce> dlng ly low prices, either Wholesale or Retail. Don’t forget the place. No. 18, North - Hanover St., Slpe’s New-Bulldmg. JACOB LIVINGSTON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN TOBACCO, SNUFE, , - , : , ■ SEGA.RS, PIPES, &c, No. 27, North Hanover Street, Offers to the trade the bpst brands of a largo variety of; Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, real Michigan FlnoCuti in bulk or tin foil. - • vV. E. Garretts, celebrated snuff. Real genu ine Imported UaVii’uifaSegars.- - Yarn Connecti cut .and Domestic Scgais. *‘ ' A large assorpneutrof everything belonging to the business, aud sold at as low a price, as In any Eastern city. - ; ’ . The public is respectfully Invited to call and Inspect my largo-assortment. Every article warranted ak represented, April 21, 1870—api ' - JACOB LIVINGSTON; DEALER -IN PINE - WINES AN D LIQUORS, No. 27, North Hanover Street, Offers the following Goods: Warranted pure unadulterated, and fall proof. Aiwuys as repro sealed, - * • Genuine imported;French Cognac Brandy, of .old ago. .... Pure old Rye'wiilalreys by celebrated distill- Bestquallty Giugerßraudy. .'i,./ , : Pure old Gin, ' ; , .Pure old Port Wine. The very best quality-Sherry, Claret. New England Rum', &c. Klmrael Pure white spirits, for druggists aud faraUy pso, . . . Sold at Uie lowest prices for cosh. A - cull so licited.' ' ‘ - - April ‘2J, - 1870—dm . IMPORTANT TO • I PRIVATE FAMILIES, Puro-aujl unadulterated Wines and Liquors supplled nt lbelr. residence, by sending orders to store,or through Postbfflce*. Every article war ranted as represented or the money refunded. JACOB LIVINGSTON, 1 No. 27, North Hanover Street, April 21,1870—0ut “>Peclat Notices. **c he any peotoraltro.ches,” ’ i.\.r c Ids. Coughs, Sore T.iroat & Bronchitis. NON KSU GOOD. NONE S*. PL EASANT, ,NONE vatetor Housb.'New York. Use no iiioro ol thoseuori'lhte tasted, nauseating “HUOWN CUBED ‘THIN’Cs?.* 1 Dee.a, IhJ'J—ly. Dn.u-’Niws, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost.success, by J. Isaacs, M. D., and Pro fessor of Diseases of the Eye• and-Ear, (his spo cialliy) in tho Medical College of'Pennsylvania, 3 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Hol land,) No.hOo Arfth Street. Philadelphia. Testi monials can bo seen at hjsolllco. .The medical facility an* invited to accompany their pullouts,; ashcjmjijio secrets In liis practice. Artificial eyes iiism ted without pain. . No charge for ex amination. ■: March 17, WO—ly , - - • To tub' Nkhvous.— I The' calami result of ex haustion of strengthby excessive laborer ups lion, is a fcellngpf weakness, dtiliti ess. heavi ness. weariness,-languorof body or mind, &c. — Persons ol tl wedlrconntitut-hm, or.triuiao.liiiidts • are sedcnUiry, frequently complain,of this re laxed condition ofthb-vltul energies;-and when persons ol .a nervous temperament aro thus weakened and debilitated, disease inevitably follows, unless It. is at once. checked and ovor-i come. All who suffer fronir these causes alike require a remedy which will strengthen tho system wlthout'oxcitlng It, and awake a, feeling oftrue enjoyment, so that life may become a source of pleasure. MLSHLER’S HERB BIT TERS has won Its way ,into tho confidence of 'thousands ofthls class of persons, who warmly endorse It as the best Invigorating agent, and the. most potent and genial of all tonics ana al teratives for strengthening and restoring tlio physical constitution. . Alaska.—Where on this globe can we go be yond the omnipresent Yankee? Landing at Sitka, wo had walked but a short distance Into the town when.wo reached the northern depot of Dr. Ayer’s modicldca In full display among huts, shanties and courts of these boreal 7, ibes. There the familiar, homelike names of ids t’herry Pectoral Pills, &oi, salute us from tho exterior and tins Interior of a store which shown more business than Its neigh tors, and proves that these simple but sure remedies are even \ more neecssury to savage Hie than to ourselves • wuere they visit every ilrealde. [Correspondent Aloxaiul. Journal.l ~~ , WALLACE.—At-the residence of his father Major Win. Waliaco, In Frnnkford township, on Tuesday, 2ld ult., James RI. Wallace, of Alio*, giiony idly, in tho .‘Wlhyoarof his ago. CHAIUI—In this borough, on Sunday after noon last, of consumption, Marla, wife of Henry (A. Cnibb, aged 21 years, Elj e iHflarltets, Cm llHle Four ami Grain HnrUetf CORRECTED WEEKLY RY J. H. ROSLER A RRO Floor—Huully, 57 GO Corn, 80 Floor—rhipor (1 On Oats, White ~40 Rvo Flour & 60 Oats. Black 37 wheal—White 1 40 Clover Seed 0 oO Wheat-Red, 1 25 TJraoihy Seed 4.00 Rye M) “ Huy «Uoii.... u 0(X) flM&iludolphiu markets Flour.—The Flour market Is dull, but super-' fine and red Wheat families, are* In light supply and hold llnnly. Sales of OOOJbarrela, Inoludlug- BUp6rllneatsi37j£aSs extras, at $5 75 ao. west extra family, at S 3 23afl 75. Pennsylvania ami Ohio do. do., at 80,87J4a7 25. and fancy lots at $7 75«8 60 as to quality, Ilyo Flour sells In small lots at SO. Corn Meal Is dull at'Bs 25h5 02J.(J for Bebiisylvunla and Brandywine. . . Corn moves slowly. Sales of 400 bushels Wes tern yellow at Hi cents, and 3000 bushels Western mixed atBBaU3(?,—the latter rate for hlgu mixed, Hkeds,— Clovorseed Is quiet. Timothy meets a good demand, aTcl 400 bushels sold at 85 00a0 73 Flaxsi-ed Is wanted at 82 2>a2 80. Whisky moots a limited demand, and 50 bar Wouora iron-bound suit! nt 05c. A. H. BLAIR. s33 25*100, Molianaluui-Stpne & ' P Isett, Jlolllduysburg, Pa.. will deliver freo*of freight} CIDER MILL, I Portable Hand, May 12,70 ... : .■ ■ Carlisle, August 2:kL ISTO. JUST OUT! CURE SO (/ CJICJCi IIUSHTtiN A CO. 30 i e 1). Carlisle, August, 31 1870. Philadelphia, August 23,187 IRisccUancou? ~M. MICiIAKL, 1 ''l*. KNSMINGEB. Home again, MICHAEL & ENSMINQER, inform the citizens of Carlisle, and vicinity that they have permanently located In tnrllHio.nua have opened n first class Wholesale and Retail Leather and Findings Store, ni No. 74 North Unnovor street, opposite Ihejr old stum! where tho / await a visit from all their old customers, and as many now ones as may desire good goods at rnodera’c advances on nrsi cost. Their stock is of the very best nuullty, con sisting of nil kinds of leather, !• ranch - and Anitncun Calfskins. Moroccos of nU kinds. Kip and' Harness Leather, Spanish- and Hemlock ‘sglo.leatben by Uic side or slhglc sole, Ac,. &c., Shoemakers' Pimiings, Ac. They announce that they are determined "to Uvoandlet Uvo" and will furnish nothing but good goods at fair and reasonable prices, guar anteeing to all Who may deal with them their, moneys wo*-th ami entire satisfaction, call and sco us aud our goods. MICHAEL & ENSMINGER. No. 74 N. Jlauovor SU, Curllalo. Aug. 11; 70— ' - qarriage building IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AND REPAIRING Done promptly and at reasonable rate ? CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND SPRING WAGONS. -Always on band or made to order. I will exchange OARRIAGI'H, BUGGIES, or SPRING WAGONS* for Good HORSES. . Second Hand Wagons of all Kinds . Taken in exchange lor Work, A. SENSEMAN, Still at work, and Invites all ”hfs old customers and the publlu lu general to give him a call. • Remember Iboold established place, on Pitt street, north of the Railroad Depot. Carlisle. , A FIRST CLASS LIVERY In connection with tho above establishment. . 11. K. PEFFER May 12.70—1 y - 4 ■ Q HEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL M The subscriber la prepared to deliver, by the car load, to Limehurners and other consumers along the line of the Cumberland Valley Kail? road, the celebrated LYKENS VALLEY COAL, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE.RATES FOR CASH This Coal is of very.suporlpr quality, and will be'furnlshed at prices which Will doty allCompo tithm. . „ ~ , The subscriber will deliver Coal at Carlisle, by the ci# load during the current month, hi the following prices per ton of 2,OOOTbs.J . , PEA,.. NUT... HTOVI EGG,, And to other points of the road, bo will deliver It, adding or deducting the expense of difference, In freights. The above rates will, bo subject .to the rise or fall of prices, each month at the mines. • GEORGE ZINN, . bfllce cor. Main and Pitt Sts., Carlisle, Pa Fob. 10 1870. rjIHE HYPERION HAIR CURLERS. AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR TliE LADIES., (Patented July'dth , 1807.) This Curler Is Uio most perfect Invention 6ver offered to tho public. It is easily operated, neat In appearance, aud will not Injure the hair, ns there Is no beat required,-nor any metallic sub stance Used to,rust or break the hair. Wuauiactured only, and for sale by * McMILLAN AGO. No. (id North fr'rout St. PHILADELPHIA, Pa, Sold at Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion -St *ros. ’ . „ B " ’ N. B.—Single Box 25 cents; 3 boxes, assorted sizes, OTeIH. MalU'dJree to any. part ol the United Stai es, upon receipt of tho money. . Juue 18.70—(Jm PFE 1 L &,0 O. . PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 10 North Water Street, Philadelphia. ■ Solicit consignments ©fall kinds of PRODUCE Also, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Ac, Ac. - Philadelphia- References— N. C. Mussulman, Esq.. Pres’t Uuioh Bunking Co., Philadelphia; Messrs. Allen & Clifford, and Messrs. -Henry Sloan & Son. N. B.— Please send for Weekly Price Current free of charge. March 10. l«7o fira Mrs. r.‘ !a. smith’s photo graphic Gallery South-east Corner Hano ver wtreeh and Market Square, where may he had all the dlfferoutstyles of Photographs; from card to life size. . IVORY-TYPES, AM BRO TYPES, AND MELANIOTYPES also Pictures bn‘Porcelain. (something nowibot Plain and Colored, and wnlcli are beautlfujpro doctlous of the Photographic art. Call see 'them. - , Particular attention given to copying from nguerrotypes Ac. She Invites the patronage of thepublic. Peb. 0, isiki. JMPOKTANT TO SOLDIERS! A decision hnsjnst been rendered by the Uni ted States Supremo Court, which allows a bounty of gjy-j to each soldier who enlisted in tho volun teer service for three years prior to July '2.2, ISHI,. and was discharged for disease before tho expi ration ot iwo years. The decision does not ailed tlio-e who eniisfed after July '22, IHH. Tho heirs ofthoso who enlisted ns - above and have since died are ui-tltlcd lo the same as surviving sol diers. The undersigned is prepared toeolleetull claims arising from the above decision. In let ters ofiiiqulry, please enclose u postage slump. \S M. B. BUTLER. Marid; 1070—If Carlisle, Pa, J. L. 8 T E R * E LIVERY AND &4LE &AJ3L& between Hanover and Bedford st IN THE REAR OF 33ENTZ HOUSE CARLISLE, PA. Having.fitted up’tho Stable > with now Carri ages, Ac., lam prepared'to furnish first-class turn-outs at reasonable rales. Parties taken of and from tho springs. ‘ 1 ; *prll 25.1807—5 y BUSINESS AGAIN, GEO. R. FOOTE, Ag’t. Plumbing and Gas Fitting,, ' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Orders loft id my House, S. E. corner Bedford and Chapel Alloy, or Chns. prauclscus, .No. Cl West Main St. • June *23,7o—(im WANTED AGENTS—' To null the HOME HHUTTLB SEWING MACHINE. Pi Ice, S'2.». - It makes the** Lock Stitch.'’ (alike on botli sides) and lathe only licensed under-feed Shuttle Machine Gold for less than suo. Licensed by Wheeler * Wilson, Grover * Baker and Sing er* Co. Ail other under-leed Shuttle Machines sold for less than iW are Inirlngsmenls. and the seller and user liable to prosecutloh. Address, JOHNSON, CLARK A- CO.. Boston, Mass., Pitts burg, Pu., Chicago, HI., or St. Louis. Mo. June lU, 70—:3m .i . . .gU’. JOHN'S SCHOOL FOR - YOUNG • M E N AND HOY S’ Having purchased the school lately conducted by Prof. it. W. Btorrett, I will open an English and Classical school for young gentlemen on the ■ first Monday Of September next, 1 In BontzH building, Hanover Street, Carlisle. Tho course of study is designed to prepare young men for Address.!. EVEUIST CA'Tllfef.L, Principal, .- Juno 30.70—tf Box 2UJ, P. O rntIUSSESI Seeley’b Hard Rubber I Trusses Supporters,and Pile Instruments- Curo Rupture, Abdominal or Uterine Weakness, csami Piles. Dlfferontapproved patterns.' Com fortable, safe, light, cleanly. used In bathing, tn destructlblolsteel springs coaled.) Elastic Slock- Inua. Belts, Hracos. Bandage# etc.—Groat vurety establishments. 1317 Chestnut HI.. Phlln.. and 8 Ann St.. New York, opposite Herald Hulldlng. Send stamp for Pamphlet. Sold by Druggists, mailed or expressed, Juno HI, 70—3 in WANTED AGENTrf—To sell the OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE. . It.la Ucewctl, makes tho** Elastic Lock Stitch” and is warranted for 5 years. Price 815. All other ma chines with an under-feed sold for 315 or less arc infringements. Address OCTAGON- SEWING MACHINE CO., Ht. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Plltsburg, Pa.,or Boston, Mass. ( . 'w June Id, 73—3 m ■\TT I h Li HBLIj very low on account rtf VV leaving—A very desirable 1 story BRICK HOUSE 30x35 with a back brick building 22x!W, a splendid largo Storeroom and Wareroom. Is doing the beat business In iilh street, is a nice homo lu a thriving part of tho city. Or will rent for 1871. • GEORGE SHOOP, 2d and Mulberry Sts., Aug, 11,73—2m* Harrisburg, Pa. A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES.— t Being a short and practical treatise t. PROPOHALB— Wo tlio undersigned Building Committee of the Second Presbyte rian Church and Chapel In the borough of Car lisle. Pa., will receive proposals lor putting up and finishing said building up to the 3d of Sep tember, Full drawings and specifications can he seen at the otlico of John T. Green, No v 18 South HanovorStrcot. Contractors loglvosecurlty for fulfillment of contract. Committee reserve the right to accept or rqjoot bids. U. GIVEN, A. HUSLER, A. H. BLA»R. G. I). CRAIGHEAD, » •OOIIN T. GREEN, Aug, 11,1S7I>—It ’ OmmUlee, U £j IND E N HALL.” Moravian Seminary f° r young Ladies THE 77th ANNUAL TEUM OPENS AUGUST 23d, 1370, For Circulars and Catalogues, address REV. EUGENE A. FRUEAUFF, Lltlz, Lancaster County, Pa, Aug. 18, 70—It 1 t A Loads Rood Homo Manure, for XcJl/ Inquire of Aug. U, W-ft BQT. PUREY, * Garrison. In town. "lam acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helmbold; ne occupied the Drug Store opposite my resi dence, and was successful In conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably Impressed with hla character and enterprise.” Firm of Powers and Wolgbtman Manufacturing HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. for weakness. The exhausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by. so many, alarming sj’inptona among which will be found. Indispo sition to Exertion,Loss of Men ory,Wakefulness, Horror.of Disease, or Forebodings of. Evil; in fact. Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and ina bility to enter Into ,lheenJoymenls of society . The constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengntoD and Invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Invariably does. If no treatment Issubmltted to, Consump tion or insanity ensues. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACTOR BUCHU in affections peculiar to Females, Is unequalled by any other preparation, as In Chlorosis, or Re tention, Faihluluess, or Suppression of Customa ry Evacuations, and all complaints Incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life.' . . HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH will radically, exterminate, from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, lit tle or no change la dletj.no inconvenience ofeje porfuie: completely superseding those unpleas ant ami dangerous remedies, CopaWa and Mer cury, in all these diseases. Use HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACTBUCHU In all diseases of these organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originat ing, and no matter of how long standing. It Is pleasant in tus.oau-'J odor, "Immediate’' in ac tion, and more i.tronethenlng than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must bo aware that, however slight may be the attack oft leabove diseases, it Is cer tain to affect the bodily healtk and mental powers. All the above diseases require the aid ofa Diu retic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great Diuretic, Sold by Drcgglstsovorywheio. Price—sl.2s per bottle, or (i bottles for $0.50. Delivered to any address. Describe sympions In all communica tions. Address H, T. RELMBOLD, Drug and Chem cal Warehouse, 601 Broadway, N. Y, None are genuine unless done up lu steel-en graved wrapper, with fac-slmlle ol my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed rpo physicians. New York, Auousloth. 18t& Allow rae to call your attention to my PREPA* RATION OP COMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHU Tho component pails are BUCHU, long loaf, Cubebs, Juniper berries. MODE OF PREPARATION.—-Duchu, In vacuo Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a flno gin. Cubebs extracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries; very lit tle sugar In used, and asmall proportion of spi rit.' It is more palatable than any now in uao. . Buchu, as prepared hy Druggists, Is of » dark color. It is a plant thutcmita itsfragrance; tho action of llunio destroys thls(lva active prmcl- Slo>, leaving a dark and glutinous decoction,— line Is thecolorof IngroaionU. The Buchu in my preparation predominates; tho smallest quantity of tho other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon Inspection, It will he found not-io be a Tincture, as mode In Ph&r raucopoeu, nor Is It a Syrup—and therefore can boused in cases where fever or lufluraatlon ex ist. in this, you nave me knowledge of the In gredients and tho mode ol preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet with your ap probation, With a feeling of confidence. I am, very respectfully; H. T, HELMBOLD; Chemist and Druggist of 10 Years’ Experience From the largest Manufacturing Chemists In the World.} NoVEitMK WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Phila delphia. 11 T.HELMBOLD. May 19.79—1 y I xdi,. t(Ok