mmaa' Winlimte. OABLTSLE, PA., rhum'tny tHornl»i|g» Awgnwt UfiMOCBATK’ I‘ItIMAUY MEETIS«S, CAHI.tSLK, July lb, ISTO, • ju ’ m'fOiftnncp j with tho provisions of ilio rmwfonl County system, tho Primary Meetings of tho Democratic voters of Cumberland county will bo bold In every District of said county, at the usual places of holding the delegate elec tions. on Saturday, AußUst lilb, IS7O, between the hours of 'i and 7 o'clock, P. M.. tor the purpose of nominating One person us a candidate for Congress. One person as a candidate for Assembly. One person as a candidate for Sheiill’. ' One person as a candidate for CoumiKslonor. One person na a candidate for director of tli« Poor.’ One persoi? as a candidate for Auditor, One person ns a candidate for -fuiy (.oiumbc sinner. 1 ’ • One person as a candidate lor Coroner. Ihe Crawford County System'as adopted by Hio DemoonUfo party of Cumberland county, Is hereby published for the beuetllof tho voters and (or the government of boards of elections, nftho several Districts of this county. TIIK " CRAWFORD COUNTY SYSTEM. 7'Vn/. —The candidates for tho several oilices fcbali have their names announced in one or nu>r« r of‘the county papers, at loasribreo-uceks. nrovlous to the primary meetings, staling the Oiliee and lo be subject to the action of the par tv at the said primary meeting. . ... • ; shuU ineetontbe FIRST SATURDAY Ol> AUCilftl, at the usual plaees.of iicldlng the ilelcßiun elco uons acu.', P. M..aml pruoccd lot* ottono m-rson forjudge and two persons for clerks, v. bo llinll lorni ii board.or uluctiim to “-‘'“'v® mid didoimitio wlio arc* pri.pi.-r pi.i_rims lo rot an«l shall bold the polls open until , i. M. AJUr-a Hie polls are opened the candidates announced • .asaloresakl sllull bo balloted for; the name of .neb prison sbull be willlen i>n a list at Ibj time ol voting, no pet.son being allowed to v ole more limn once foi; each oilier. , . T> _ .. 77iire/. Alter the polls are closed toe board blmtl nr ji red to count Uie voles ihalcach candl: dale iccelveil and mnUo out the tclurns ae.eord inglv. to becerlUledto by the Judge and attested The judges tor one of the clerks ap pointed by the Judge) of the respective districts,, shall meet at the Court House. In Car isle, on the Monday following the primary meetings, at II o’clock, A. M.. having the leturns ami a list I the votuis, and count H e votes, ami tho poison Having tho Highest number ol voles fen; any ot dcoshall bo declared me i egnk.r nominee ol tho j-i/i/i. —Any two or in me p>’r.sous having an ■- ,-nnhVnninbcrol voles lor the sumo olllce, the judges snail proceed to ba'lol for a clumt, I e tvu'en Ihiiso thus u tie. the person IniMtJg the hiahttst number to be the nominee. Airf/rT—Tim retin n Judges shall be com potent to reject bvnmiijorliv vote, the returns tram any ‘•lection’district, where there* is uvidenco of imud. either In the returns or otherwise, M //«■ ,-r(cnt oft/ic fraiith vonnmfhH. ..... —ludiclnl, auißiyMpiiil 1 Soii.iilu '• I mill l.crishitive nominees shall h.m the pi I'l h-»e oJ selecting t eir own oonieiees, - ’jXhth,—' The return judge trom each •borough, ward or township shall name,the “{ .i.,, wt,Mullin' Committee from his llii-c'iiimumoi! thus upl*t>tnl'Ml slmll luikl Its tlrat tneciiii‘' on the second Saturday iiltet tin. nlßoAno return Judges, and ninth select Us own * The Standing Committee, at a meet ing .••died lor Unit purpose bv Us chairman, shall huve power to elect delegates to the Male Lon veu lions and appoint the necessary con fit cos. The following mle-s have also been adopted for the covorntncntof the Hoardsol election In the several districts, viz: Ist. All (inulillcd voters according to the laws .»/I’ennsvivania, and within their own districts wno shall pledge themselves to vote bo « hole niMnwnnti*-ticket at the iiexttrenmai ei“< Lion. lia entitled <•> vrtMvi *»*“ "* 1 ‘>d f> All candidates shall bcveiiuired to pledge themfcolves In the Demoeratlc papers ol the county before the primary elections to b f and support the uomluatiousdeclared bj the il- Inru Judges, dn Monday, the Slh day of August, ’ ini' The following noth or nmnrnUUm must be u.lminiHteivil to the ullleers forming tins .hmmls ofelecUon In uveiy tU-aiTci, viz; Civnibn-kvnl Count//, } Pc/i?i.vJ//nnnVf. ) V.V. . Jtulgo ami in**! —t.'l'eiit u . wlio Have bu’enuc'eeted by the Demo cratic voters oi Hold a primary elec tion lor Mie- ear )h7O, ot our own free will and uc cnnl (make solemn oath or alllrHiatlon) Umt wo will Hold 'the said primary''election will) all goo lltlelUy and In strict accordance with Urn pro visions of tho iTau lord County System and ifio rules above publishedJiy the Democratic in'- CumtiiUicol (’uiulmiliuul comity, vliy order The-snmClng commit.,^ Chnlnnuu Deimn-nitU- Hlumllng ComimUce. Itot.h wes, quoted at $l'.2U in' I’ldla; delpliia on Tuesday last. Thk new .Supreme Court di Illinois will consist of six Democrats and one Radical. Th e A mericaii newspapers have more nna iitter aeians'or me war in rmrope than the journals of any European eountr “ Senator” Revels was ejected from a street car in Louisville, Kentucky, the other day, botan.-c he is not a foil blood. negro. Geneuat, Snuiiui.y.’ is to lie sent to Europe to -watch the ITussian I-T-nch war. He had better watch the Indians in the North-west. • Gfnekai. A mes, the army officer who had himself elected Senator from Mis sissippi, liy inruns of Federal bayonets, is now “That Christian gentleman.”— Wo suppose fids is bdeausa ho,has mar i-ied Ben. Butler’s daughter. is the second foreign min- irtter who has committed sucicide in the Verily nth or ease. being that of a SpaniHlV-minister, who killed himself at Washington about fifteen years- ago. The infamous ring of scalawags am! carpet-baggers' in North Carolina have added to the debt of that unhappy Com monwealth This amount has been raised almost entirely for new railroads, not a mile of which has been constructed. The money however, has \ gone into Hie pockets of the truly loyal Way.— Support home iohi stores, homo labor, iptf home .everything as jsible, in order to d.o your ig and building up your ighlior,'plate, county ami uitronize those who pat ■ tchanics—who do not fail tapers to keep their httei people. It shows hm-i a liberal spirit—it moans you Dud the latter kind you will Hud mon who ■oily with you, looking to both side;, of the trade instead of one. Radicals must meet the income (ax issue in tin? next canvass. The people know there was no ueci ssily for a re imposition of this infamous exaction, ■ that it wus a mere, political movement. “In the comini? campaign," says the Mo\v York Vyrk Tribune , “ the Democ racy ,witf not fail to make effective use of the action of.Congresson the Income 'fax; and if they carry districts which have hitherto been ours by pledging themselves to*a repeal of this most op pressive and [hateful law, we trust cer tain Republican Senators and Heprc; sentatives are prepared to face tlitT ' responsibility.” A War of Foe; iks.— The I'russiau- French war will s he conducted by old fogies on 'both sides. ' The JJyee most prominent French otticcrs and' 1 Corps Commanders in the present war—Me-. Mahon, Ihi/.ah)c» and Canro l iert-ou'o all over sixty yoVfrs of age,’ The-fhroe leading commanders in the Prussian service, besidethe’Crown Prince—Von Moltke, ManteullVl, ami Von/Hoon ■arc all over sixty, and tin; lir/!t mimed Is seventy years old. The King of Prussia is seventy-three, and the Um.. poror of Francesixty-two years of ago. It is likely that some younger men will be heard of, .on both sides, h.elore the jvnr is ovei'. rtli; W.lll ON NORTH (\VKOM.\A It would he Intororftiiijj to know wlp Jilier the President has really au thorized the Governor of Not tli Carolina to ■ :niist u standing army and make war up on the people of that State. This, stripped of all surroundings, is what th it Governor is doing, and in these pr ocedures ho claims most positively th at he has the aid, encouragement., si ipport, and countenance of the Feder al. Executive. it adds color to this c'laim that tho President lias ordered a foicoof United States artillery to North Carolina—his latest' directions to that ■ Direct bearing (lute at Long Branch on the 22d inst. But, not to projndgo tho case, we will give, first, the circum stances of this war upon the unfortu nate people of North Carolina, and next tho declarations of tho Governor that he is acting with the consent and ap proval of the President, and then leave it for the friends of Mr. Grant to declare whether he has really given the law less and bloody-minded authorization claimed.' I, 1870 The circumstances are these : During; this year there have been in the Nort I Carolina counties ol Alamance and'Cas well several homicides—one of a Bad! cal Suite Senator, one of a negro, and one committed upon a family of whiles, Conservatives in polities, all of whom were slain in their own homes. The fncfftlval these homicides were commit ted on those ot hoih parties sufficiently relieves them, of any suspicion of hav ing been prompted by political reasons ; and there, is no reason lo suppose but what tile civil law, if allowed to oper ate, would have been quite sufficient in tho premises. Disdaining, however, a resett lo lhat in.-li umentality, and claiming to act with .the approval of President Grant, the Governor (Golden) immediately set on foot an army—not calling out tho militia, hut .regularly enlisliug an army under the command of an East .Tennessee bushwhacker named Kirk, formerly an officer in Drowplow’s militia. Marching tin’s force into Alamance and Caswell, the .Governor proclaimed those counties under martial law, hrrcsl’ed, nearly 'oir£ hundred citizens, ordered them for trial by a military commission; and spread such terror by these proceedings and Uie. excesses .of his soldiery that’ many of tho citizens of tho vicinage iled ■ to Virginia in fear of their lives. In behalf of those held for milita/y trial a writ of habeas corpns was prayed out before tho Chief Justice of tho State and nerved unon Kirk, on which tnnr worthy remarked that this kind of tiling was “played out,” and drove tho civil officer away. Other-attempts to serve, like writs having been made, he tears up the writs and claps the*officorsserv ing them in his guardhouse. On this the Chief Justice isapplied to for an at tachment against 'Kirk and an order to tho Sheriff to raise Iho posse comitalus to execute tliesame. The poor old man, overawed perhaps by the Governor’s boast that “Giant backed him,” proves false (o'his duty, refuses the attach ment, and declares that all ho can do is to write a letter lo tho Governor. That functionary, in a communication now before us,, replies: “I have declared the counties of Alamance and Caswell in a stale of insurrection, and have ta ken military possession of Ihetn.” dinil “1 do not see how I can sm render the insurgents to the civil authority until that authority is restored or, in other ,nr/»,ie. i howi iiroclidnoil martial law. and because I have proclaimed martial law 1 cannot' respect tilt civil courts. In this altitude, then, tile unfortunate •people of North Carolina remain; (lie judiciary impotent for their protection, -while file Executive, with the claimed approval of President Grant, makes war upon them. So much of Die fids; now for (he evi dence going to show the approval of tho President. On the very day on wlife.h the Governor dates his letter to Dio Chief Justice, the Raleigh k/nndaril,' organ of the Governor, says that the President lias just written from Long Branch lo Governor Holden to say that lie had ordered more United Stales troops to North Carolina, and then con tinues: “A large number, armed mlh the best fast- shooting guns, are expected in Raleigh in a day or so.” The next day the organ chronicles the arrival ol a large detachment of t-oops “arineo with, the her/ fast shoot in'/ guns ,” iiml sneeringiy adds: “Docs (lie President .support the Governor? We should think so.” Now, is there not something horrible in tills thought of the President of the United Slates sittiugat onsoin his Long cottage, watching the children, at play On the beach and the pleasure yachts slumming the sea, and out of this scene of summer tranquillity des patching battalion.-upon ha'tlnliou .of Federal troops to mow down with their “fust-.shootitig guns” the unhappy peo ple of the Old North Ktate? Let there he some denial of Hie statement of this scoundrel Governor that “Grant backs. hintlor, as the case now stands, it is a dishonoring supposition that our Chief Magistrate, is capable of so cold- Iriuuded ajj atrocity as is here charged. World. Tlio nmomit of money squandered snys the York Gazelle, by Congress during the Inst few days of the Into ses sion is enormous, I‘lven some of the Radical journals are taking alarm a the extravagant and wanton waste of the public monies. During the rush of the closing hours of Congress, Without a chance of discussion, a bill was passed placing t $5,000,0(10 in the hands of the (■“resident ostensibly to feed the radians, but really for use in the approaching political campaign. Can it bo priSfihlo that the people will fail to-rebuke this corrupt scheme ? Jho men Who have plundered the treasury in ord(;r .to'tub lain tho means to purchase their-ve-oloe tjon, now ask the people to cndbr-c thei r theft by returning tbejn to the scats they have disgraced. Tho Indian I appropriation and the secret service fund will be drawn on heavily to sub sidise voters, but ao opine that there is not money enough in (ho purchasea. popular endorscniqij t of'too "tiiTcvcs who have bWd'high carnival at Washington during"' tho Inst months -W) Ilium Wiiniom, who has just been jointed i; Umiml his utton- (be tej.rt hoilu 1 ive of the First Minnesota tion Ironi U-(*tnrijijc t;ro, i-Uiavill,., ~,,,1 if smieessful nil 11 Hi ni,;. "V lV}V,‘,*i V '"‘u' «;|m|.«iil..r Ik „„,.u ~ ' .. h side Willi Min 1). Tlioiikih, the indi-neml in Hie ,;ountrv will g.., jnli). Unit ~,it republlcim, In lliesliaiuiofnFlfu'emli .business. / Amendment. Tun A r.q 1:0 (A l> i:c It must ho an exceeding gratification to tho young African, Cadet,Smith, of West Point, to learn that as ids career repeats an illustrious example, so his course meets witli 'distinguished ap proval. Brevet Mrjor-Qcnoral O. O. Howard writes to ’ his dear young friend aforesaid, “ will never think ol giving up while he lias heaitii to stand the storm,” but adding tho startling intelligence; which, makes us blush for our fallen kind, that “ I sulfeied as much whoa 1 went to West Point.” Tears start unbidden to our sympathet ic eye as wo read this simple record of past suffering heroically endured. — What'! is it possible that the swelling soul of present valor and 'philanthropy could ever have been prisoned beneath tlie exuberant buttons of the “ pleho ”? or that,' potential greatness lining Unis humbly shrouded, the hearts of other cadets should liavo been hardened and their necks stiffened to prosecute and to deride ? Alas I tho assurance of General Howard, conjoined with the intrinsic probabilities of the ease, makes us-fear tliat i t was re illy so. But then Cadet Howard, being unfortunately deprived by birth of the advantages pertaining to African parentage, could not probably have secured tho publica tion-lit' his lamentations in the radical press <)f his period, nor, oven had he done so, it is likely that the.duffing undergone by him would have been made a political issue, or a subject of Congressional investigation. Ho,' per-, imps, had iui influential friend to insert his private correspondence in tho Washington Chrontdegt that day, or to cheer Ids heart with such consolotary advice as: ICudure tlio insults- without any show of-fear. A prompt ai.'d able reply when oft duty Avlil sometimes avail you. A pleasant smile wil. win hearts to you.— God, who allou.’tl y*m to be torn and live with ilio tdoud of the African in vour veins/ wil) b.-ar yon through every trial. To In- a soldi: r one need not only be bravo in batlle. but hove ait abundance ol fortitude, h* im to boar up-in disaster ainl apparent defeat. Then* is no real defeat to ihc true soldier; hi soul is uneriijrjuerulde. i'TneOl innately your tri-Mtd,.o. O. How- AUD, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. More worldly counsel to matriculants in classes of mischievous yoiiths*might bo to “ give and take,”, to repay in kind if.praeticable, but at all events to refrain from courting .unpopularity by public eomphunirgs. The course here recommended, however, is more in oc*. cordance. with the meekness which ICjM-letll tO, Mlh-’o tioiy JUifl It* j and a persistent system of newspaper ullulations, combined with “prompt and able replies ” and “ pleasant smiles” in private life, and governed by a duo sense of gratitude for the divine gift almost enviously alluded as above, may. lead to the untimato asso ciation of the honored name of Smith with some great national work of phi* lantoropy and learning.— World. A Pension for Mrs. .LincoCn— Poor Mrs. Lincoln lias at last received the grant of a pension from tho Gove-n -ment of £3,000 a year. .Shelias hereto fore been living, ns she tells us, in great distress in Germany— her hu-hand hav ing only left an estale'bf $lOO,OOO, bring ing in an annual income of 45,000 for her use.. The mod annoying- tiling in this pension grant, wis the statement of several Senators Unit there were many thousands of widows of poor soldiers , who were redueeil almost to beggary, and whoso inedmo was not halfas many hundreds as Mrs. Lincoln’s was tlionsands ofdndai-s. They thought, if the aim was to do justice and alle viate suffering, that there might ho a different appropriation of the proposed pension money. But these objections wore dismissed hy the majority, after consideration, as captions and ill-found ed. ' Among the many kind notices of our brethren of the Press, wo take pleasure in recording the following from the Clarendon (S. C,.) Press Thanks to our young friend, Mr. T. M. DeLonno, of Sumter, (or a late copy of the- American Volunteer, a paper published at Carlisle, Pa., every Thurs day, hy Messrs. Bratton A Kennedy. Mr. D., like this'paper stands up. linn ly for principle and integrity and the Constitution of the United'Statcs. as it was in ’7(l and ’GI. This is Rlr/ht, and though we are pressed down’, trampled upon, with (lie iron rod of oppression up-lifted over our heads, let us never consent to 1 iole the chain that hinds ns, hut trust in a merciful Providence, that I-Te, in His Own good will and time may see (it. to i-iu.nioAi, Add Lon H. Saunders has been ap pointed -[Secretary of Montana. —lf any man has any donht of there being a liql!,.let him go to North Caro lina. ,-K —Andrew Johnson is now being urged for the next Governor of Tennessee. —George K. Pendleton is spoken of as a Democratic candidate from one of the Cincinnati districts. — l The Bndicals of Pittsburg, declare that no colored individual can have a place on their ticket. —Mayor Shurtletl' is talked ofin Bos fou ns the next Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. •—The . Democrats of New York are talking’iihnnt electing their State ticket this fall by two hundred thousand ma jority. Hon. William H. Armstrong was on Wednesday nominated in Lycoming, county, for Congress, by the republicans. --The Radical candidate tor sheriff in Philadelphia is said to have been among (he recent Sunday tire Holers in that city. —lt is Unsafe for a negro in any South ern State to ayow himself a Democrat. Five negroes have been killed in the States o|i*Kentncky and Virginia within (he past three weeks for thlscW/nc. - -r-There are to he two Senators elected this fait in the double disliiet, composed of tlie counties of Illair, Huntingdon, Centre, Mlfllin, Juniata and Perry.— Neither puny have yet made nomina tions. The radicals of Lancaster count v'aro having a square light over the congress ional nomination in that district. The \tvvo contestants are Dickey, the present member, and WJfikersham, the present Slate Superintendent. seven ’IISUIIVMIIIS -.—A Paris everting paper looks Co r nu immediate ami divisive action. —Americans are Vdd to lie iliu greatest ,wearers of gloves nt any nation- in tin) world.- ' —Wliilieniore awenrs with iipiiflet hands that ho will got into Iho noxt Con gross. \ —Onstavo I’icuid,- IPX yoprs old, i J champion ragpicker of Tiyy, N. Y. Mr. George W. Whistler, an Ameii can engineer, lately deceased in Lonticn, left an estate of $500,000. -- —Heather American nm- any otter, foreign ollleer will ho allowed to aeoim pany tlie French army. A number ,of onr Fenian friends avo nlinnt to wreak the- vengeance on ■Eng land by joining tho French anjiy tolglit against Prussia. - Several thousand spinsters in Missa chnsetts, after long vears of wulelifu ob servation entirely dissent from the prov erb : “ Man-proposes.” [ -1 —“ Husband, I don't know Where tjiat imy got liis bad temper. T am sure hot from me!” " Ho, my dear, for I dar't .find that, you have Inst any.” ! I Sbenok encourages IHe nation when be snvs Hint things have conic lo suiA a pass that the stealage won’t-pgy a manjto run lor Congress. - I —Only two per cent, of file. Prnssnn army.'is nimble to read aiui write. Hie percentage of ignorance in the Fretch army is very much greater. ;■ —A" Peris shoemaker is said in have in vented alines provided with rollers, whhh allow the wearei' to'move as fast asp horse, and to stop immediately. I Persons who prefer stale bread tan have their taste gratified by sending lo Pompeii, where they have loaves bated over eighteen hundred years. A countryman who attended .al said he didn’t, see why- the sport.l - he bo particular to a quarter second about the end of it, when they the public waiting half ami hour fo: beginning. —Hearing a physician remark 111 smalt.blow would break a nose, rir exclaimed:, “Well I dunno, ahnif I’v« hlowed my nose a number of rd and never broke it yet.” A Georgia neighborhood is disco: the “law point” whether a nian.l rigid tn put rattlesnakes in hisstmwl hi-ds to guard them. from his neigh children, one youngster having Icm life from such a constabulary. —An Indianapolis-’man, misai quantity of his corned beef, fount neighbor's watch at the bottom o of the barrels. He revenged himsf putting It up at a raffle in aid of a cl to which the robber belonged. - —John lu'iil is,io lip hanged nor Hoffman linn decided not to cor the sentence of the prisoner, ami 1 vised ex-Judge Stuart to commit the unpleasant intelligence to Inin, execution is to take place a week to-day in the Tomlm. ■ • • —A New York man has paid sst/jfor a dog lli'it only weighs three poundi At that rale a Newfoundland dog rould bring more than Dexter. This pnltiig up prices will have the effect of miuiii; the sausage market. ' Among the low-minded and urgen •proua ads of the late session of Coifress was the.refusal oftlie Military Comiiillee to return to the Crnstls-Lee family the\rec fous relicts of ’Washington, that,' uMer military orders or - authorized pilule, were,stolen from the Arlington j Grant- was so sure that ho would /<*[ the Sim Domingo job through the Smite, that he paid Baez, one of t*»c* “ jjfsi dents" of San Domingo, $l5O OOQ i fad. vance. Baez now refuses to refim (the money, and the-people of the Luted States will of course have to lose i (COMMUMICATKD.J Mucha nic-sihhki, i July 23t1,1870.j Jfaisru. Bratton it- Kennedy; UIiNTLKMBN, Having consented t> bo ii candidate. tor the Democratic nomna tbm to the Legislature* at tho urimu solicitation «»f hcinocral.s f«au r-very section «if the c*oi’inrv, J gret to timl mvseir in a posjtion*\vliefe a few woids of explanation may ho ntcessiry • and as I do not intend perso nal canvass of the county, I hjive eluded to do so through yonv nt Inmm,- • Some persons are seeking to\teale the impression that the opposing to Leidlg arises from personal* feeling against him. T regret this exceedingly for personally I entertain no dferespee.i for-Mr. L., and, as he himself kbows, I have been one of his warmest j?rsojial friends, and contributed my jnlltMnee to secure his election last fall, 'f e feed ing expressed against his renomlbation, h .y a large number of Democrah\js on account ot bis vote for the Jorsev.Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo railroad b\u. I have no desire to misconstrue his ?ole, lait Hie object of that hill was to ake nine and one hal f m) 1 lions of dollars l orn the sinking fund of Pennsylvania (k ing the proceeds of the sale of our public im provements) and give it to certainpall roiui companies, in exchange for. Illeir bonds, without any guarantee oftlidr Ultimate payment, and this in open ••to la.lon of the constitution of the stall.— The consMiutionul amendment of 857 created this sinking fund for the grudjal payment of the public debt A aml In Ike most explicit terms, decl ireiWhat Uahal not be used or applied to any other par po.-o. Wenalor Buckalew, the anthur'oi this amendment, in bis able speech against this bill last winter, says, “these nine and one-hall’millionsof dollars in the sinking fund, were put there by constitu tional injunction, 'placed there by statute, 1 covered there tty words as strong aa the ■English language can make it, and yet ! this bill Is to puss,” and further be fays, “ih ,lj y judgement, it invades the funda mental law, which we have taken oaths to support.” This bill with- all its odi ousness, passed the Mouse, anti Mr, Lei dig voted lor it. Mad it not been for the Governor’s veto.Mhis mile ami a bulf niillionsdollarH would havepassed into the bunds ot those,parties, and the sinking fund.which for,years has .been the hope ol the tux payer for the ultimate extin guislunent of our spue debt and there lief ot; the people from’the burden ol taxmen', would in a measure be left bank rupt- This in the reason why many Democrats protest. against Mr.‘L’s re nomination, and not from any pergonal feeling against him. Mr. -Leidlg pledges himself “if re nominated ami elected, to voi« against the ./ rsey Shore, J?ine Creek and Buffa lo railroad hill, as presented lust winter, or any'other similar measure, should one he presented at the next session of the Legislature; 1 ' but mistakes of judg ment involving millions of dollars to the Slate, are of too great importance to be made a matter of experiment mr the fu ture. Fortunately his railroad measure was veloed, an’d failed to become a law ; but if It bad passed, the virtual acknowl edgement of our representative that some thing hud been done by him injurious to the Imerests of the people of tiiia ooun*- ty, would have come too late to afford tlie people any redress. Mr. Leidig claims a unanimous re nomination ,on the strength of the usages of tlie Democratic party.; but the Democratic parly, if I understand its teachings, its usages and its regulations, reserves'the right to scnitlniae the acts of its servants, and deal with them ac cordingly. The position in which JC am placed Is not of my seeking, ami if Mr. Leidig’s constituents see fft to endorse his eour.-e, they have the right to do,so ; hilt U they nee proper to dlsappioye of Ills coiiiMi they also'huvo the rigWtm-do that, With them rests the decision, ami Jn the canvass f shall Indulge in no word 1 of disoaiugcmeii t or unkindness, toward/ our Representative hr his friends. Vours Respectfully, H. G. MOSER, [OO.VMIJNirATKIM Jij«W KINO.-TON. I ' July IS;)8yo, \ Mesars. Bratton & Kilet-hmsh, Sour and Bliley Stomach, mid foulness and faint ness of too same; impure breath, dizziness, sympathetic', nervous, m-side headache, Rheu inalisin, Gout, and Inllamations in all forms.— those and all kindred diseases can always bo wholly cured or greatly relieved by this*mild yet powerful remedy. General Dobllny with Us inseparable accom paniments,—menial am! 'physical,—such as green-sii-knes, lassitude of mind and body, tin wsines, indisposition lo exercise, weakness of fbe limits, feel lings 'of discoimigemlmt do. spun.iency and distrust,—all disappear under Us magic influence, it rt-gulaies anil Invigorates the bowels: ls;i pale The from sure nn I idol o for ohstina'o costiveness and piles; gives renewed v.gor to the stomach ; evokes the ju-tion o! the liver; dissipates the jvilowdye ol Jaundice and eradicates Ifopi the skin, bilious sppts.or.inould-molh and.heckles. . .. It excites vho kidpey-s to renewed, vigorous and healthy notion; and is eeitam to bring prompt relief In all cases of Diarrhoea and bysenieiy. . . v.’s- It is eminently effectual In the .cure of al diseases of children, however Infantile, especial ly for colic, worms, and Irritation ami fretful ncs white leetlilng. |l As a dinner pill or digest or, it Is second lonom other taken wlih the food. It opHrateu as a gen otal ndei-uLive, whereby the enure impaired nr gimlsrn ißnoiniilaicd in renewed energy, and U a luulL y vigor and vitality. U is extensive!j used by the Fac Ity as a convenlent and thoi ough cuilmrtie, having no aetlon oilier (han ilu one Intended. l>y mail on receipt ol pi ice and postage, viz: t liox, $0.25 - - Postage, ft cents. 5 Pores, J.IX) - '• 18 “ It i.s sold by ail dealers in drugs and medicines, and by TURNER ifc GO.,' Sole Proprietors. 120 Tromoni St. Boston, Mass. August-1, -l\v. pUBLIU (SALE OF 11 E A L ESTATE. On Thursday, September 8, 187(1. The Executors of Hezeklah Voter. dec’d..yvill sell al t uhlic Sale, on the above clay, on the promises, in North Middleton township, finn ’••erltml county. -Bn., the following described ftal estate, to wit: Tho MANSION FARM, of the deceased, situate about three miles West of Carlisle, on the Cuutuluguiuel Greek, contain ing about 130 . Acres, of good Creek and Slate laVid, with good lm |) ‘ I '*ypuipn , s. ccinsisting of a FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE. I-RaMK BARN, with an Apple' and Beach Orchard, and u grearvatiely of yon tig itr 11 1 iN'es, Wash House, ami ueveV-liiilhig VVHier, 'i bis farm Is situ 'ted upon the Commo gurnet t reek..over which on Hie fujm is un iron bridge, built by tho county. They will he.l ultheMinie time and place, a trad of SU’IE I.AM), m-Ji.mi.g the above cojitaiulng 10 0 ACRES, having a small Dwelling Jinnso and Barn there on erected. Tills latter-tract nay he divided and sold separately to suit purclmkers. A plot or draft of the whole will be exhibited on the ‘my of sale. There wifi lie about 30 Acres-of Mood Land attached to the Mansion Farm, and about f Acres lo the latter. Sale lo commence at 11 o clock. A. M. Terms will be made known on day of sale by - HEZEKIAH O. YOTTEH, . JOSEPH L. VOTTER. Aug. ■!, 70—51 Fxectilorx, PUBLIC SALE OF BESTBABL TOWN BROBKRTY AND FARM. On Thursday September Sth 1870, Will be sold at Biddle Sale, on the premises 1 the boro .gh of Shippenvburg. Hint valuable toio Room ami Three-story Brick Dwelling [otiso, situated on King street, now in pos \ssion of Samuel (lark,- This is a valuable usiness stand and u Jhst-class residence, con ilnlng a front of 10 feet on said King st„ and 2 feet 0 inches in o. pth, bounded by property [S, C. Duller and others. Also, On Friday, September 9, 1870. • flat, valuable Farm situated in Southampton t«b. ( 3 miles east of Shlppensburg. and of a njo soiitii of Leesburg, on the public' road mftndnd by lands of Levi S'mm and others t/id containing about INI AOItES. /Tim hind is weil fenced and in ahlgh slate of Mllivation, wile alotof EXCELLENT TIM BEU I Thorn am valuable Llmo quarries on the [• arm; and it lie* on or near the projected lino >f DioSouth Mountain » abroad. ■ I This tract will bo sold together, or In lots to /suit purchasers of boll? pr- perties. / Terms .10 per cent on day nfPale; /ojio half the remainder on the Ist of April. JK7I • (tho balance on flic Ist of April, 1872. Sale to coimneitce at ted o'clock of both days, when at tendeuce will bo given-by \V. H. MILLER. \V- V- SADLER. vl.vwiriJCCT 9/ IHn. Clark, JjIABM AT PRIVATE SALE Ih offered at Private Bale, by the subscriber situated lii West Ponnsboro’twp., Cumberland County, Pa.. miles sou h of Newville. on iiio turnpike bounded by lands of Christian Trill James RleCullough and others, hlq Farm con taining MG Acres of LIRJB I.AND. The Improvements thereon erected area Weather Hoard Dwelling, largo Rank ilnrn. ino feet long with now Wagon Hned and Corn Cribs. A young orchard has been parted on iho premis s, h-,k a reasonable portion ofTlmhor Land. The bind is good LIMESTONE SOIL anfl IKON ORE abounds In dUToient parts of Iho place. la enli ven lent tocbuiohe-, mills. Persons doslrlmrlo view the property wl-I call on the Mibsc.rlner residing one mile north, or for (urih or information by mall, address RAMUJSI, lIEFFLEBOWER. Auk. I.IS7O—;SI Newvillc, pa. Noth;]!: to ounoßs.-Thi.jiimrH Kummourd to nth-ml Hie Special Cmut on molv»nl ot August, fsTU.iiro lioruby notlllecl’ not lllnc le,U ,UHI ,el ° will "° nw Court lieltiat time ALLEN EI,QYD JOHN ij a lulls, JACOII KIIOADM (arllslr*, Aug. 1,15.0. (oiiinxi-i^loiicrit, T&XJCCUTOII'ri NOTK’cl.-Nniicc j s Vj hf*riO»y ulvuri that lHtn>ricMium-ni,irv on ,OioO'»tnlpnf Mr-*. Ciiih.ilnc- sh:«>ih luuJ* «,f tI.U Horoviyhol L'.irlUl ,‘lci-oaKcd, have Wan - mm. ,(ul to Mu* uhili*i(-ih<.t‘il .Kxmuois, r<*si In | *-*'.lcl Honuiyli. All parsons kiiowm > i.i.mushvo* rh‘hlc.l 1., sill.) <-1u1...„re IHHU-SKM to „*V.« llloim-nt mid iiiosu liuvln*' iiims will pi'fM'iii iht‘lll fur ki‘ Meriu-nt ° ANUUKW MONAHMITM MILLED, Enumt'jrj, I Aug. J, 70’—Ct Neb) abbevtteemruts PIHQES ! LOW PBICFH' Tho oxceedlnglylow prices nf goods at tho cheap Dry Goods Bloro, oppoMto Thiidlnm'H Motel, are attracting Iho serious attention of buyers. *\ll kinds of ore so low that persons In need of them hnvo on ly to see to appreciate them. Mavlnc just re turned from the, East with a tine assortment of goods lookin'! to theiFall trade, lie Is prepared to sell them at Iho smallest passible profits. Spo clal bargains In CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. COTTON AND LINEN GOODS in grout variety of styles. The hcstslock of lIOBIFIIY, ‘WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, Ac. CARP.ET CHAIN of nit shades at the lowest llpnres, The most careful attention paid to nil orders, hy mail or. otherwise. ('nil, hpp nml he convinced nj’No. 00 North Hnnover street, opposite Thudlnm’s Ho tel, Carlisle, Pa. Aup. -1,1870 ly A SAFE, CERTAIN ANDrPEEjjY cure FUR NEURALGIA - AND ALL NERVOUS DISEASES, Its Effects are Magical. It Is an unfailing remedy In all eases of Neu ralgia Faclalis. ofien effecting a perfect cure In loss limn twenty-four hours, from the use of no more than (wo or three pills, No'nther form of Neuralgia or Nervous Disease has failed to yield to this wonderful remedial agent. Even in the severest cases of Chronic Neural gia and’ general nervous derangements,—of mnn v yeats standing—affecting the entire sys tem, Its use for a-few flays ora few weeks'at the utmost, always affords the most astonishing' relief, and very rarely fails to produce a com plete and permanent cun*. It contains no di tigs or other materials In the slightest decree injurlous.'oven to the most deli cate system, and can always lie u.>cd with per fect safety., J. B. Leidici It has long Iven In constant use by many ol our most eminent physicians,’who give if. the I unanimous and unqualified approval The fol lowing, among many of citizens testify to its wondei fill edlcinu ; •‘Having used Dr. 'nirner’s Tie~Don/oiireux or Vnivmsal iVnirnlf/ht Pill personally,—and In nu- merous liiflatice.s r commended it' to patients sutP-rlng Willi neuralgia—l have found U, with) out an exception, to accomplish alt the proprie tors havcclalmcd. J. H. Dini.JNOir.VM. Dentist 12 H infer Street, Boston, Feb. l.Slli. 1587." .Mr. .1. M. U. story, r,,r manv years an apothe cary in this city, and for three years during the •war.iti the Hospital- Department under the U. s. < (ovet nmfiit. thus speaks ol it: •* I have known Dr. Turner's Tic-Douloureux or Universal Neuralgia Fill for luemv veers. I have void it and used b personally. and' I have never known ol a case where it did not give i'c- Mof.- (,*us( oniers have Uld me they would not be * withrint If cue ■ pH) cost lUdolhus I think It the most reliable and valuable remedy for neural gia ami nervous diseases in the world.’’ Messrs. Tin nerd'll; For a long time a mem iter of m\* family has suffered sever-ly with Netnalgia. The'pa In was almost unendurable. Wo tried various medicines wiihou* success. A few months since, we began the use of your Bill. H has proved perfectly successful, mid no traces of the ilisouse remain. lean g-adiy recommend your remedy to ail sufferers from Neuralgia, Bcs ecifully yours, Boston. Minch 25. 181.7. Sent by mail on receipt of ptic*» and postage. One package ■ SI. Of) • Posiuge (I cents Six, Packages, i> 00 ■•• 27 “ It. Is sold by all dealers in drugs and modi cities ami Ity TURNER At;i»;,Solo Proprietors. lJHTivm'<S. C. THOMPSON, Sheriff 1 , SIIpIIIFK’.S 01-’J-’ICK, (TaUM.SLK, V " July 2-i, IS7O. * | CONDITIONS.—On all Sales of ?50|) or oyer £5O will bo required to be {laid when Uipnropenv is stricken ott, uud'S2sou all Sales vmclerSolio, July 2s, 70-ts , PROTECTION PROM LIGIXTNXN'G, To those interested I would snv that during Ihe season of Lv.7.1 had tho Rod of Iho Cumber hind Lightning Rod Company, erected upon my house ami harm In the severe stoi m of Hie 2mh of Juno liu-t, iho Rod upon my house was struck ova very, heavy holt of Ligniulng meeting iho point and running down th • Rod perfectfullv till It came to the. smmiing. tlie Rod coming in' contact with tho same a small portion of the lluld left upon the spuming, melting It. in seve ral places, passed down the corners ol Hie hblld. 'lug luring olf Hie corner boards and oracklnc the plastering In one comer ot Mm room three children sleeping upnh Utq Hour were not wakened. Upon uoUlying the company fti their olllce. \n Uio citf of Cleveland, Mr. M. H. riann came within ludays from ihotimo ofsaid n ffi and Paid mo fully ior the damage to my cut re satisfaction tinny dollars. In every n v this o mpuny have been honorable and had tho end not rested upon the tin spout my ’bnlkllinr would not have been harmed. 1 would rcooni mend the cable Rod to any unq who have bulld- . . JOHN ERNST. 1 lie ftbpvo a correct statement in nccordanco WUU mo facts and seen Mr. Clapp, pay Hioabuvo amount uiul it Is ample to repair the loss . ISAAC PHY; . WM. an Lull W e are pleased to say that the Pennsylvania Lightning Hud Com puny, of this stale, lucorno ruled by tin actor Legislature. with an author ized caplnU of 910u,uuu,(ju t a large proportion ot which has been paid In, have purchased the on- Urc outlß and business of the welLUnown clove h*,n.l Company, liuhta State, The objectof this incorpoiaMon is to protect tho public auulnst foreign dealers ami invsiioi.stbio venders who ai'i) using a cheap mid inferior gahamaed Iron and .[mined Rods, they dot being responsible for thedaniage, cure not wlmt they use. ups Homo Company gimruuteou protection f-»r lOyenrs. uml me every way reliable uml mo m-oivinu.tho patronage of iho puhiio ns tliov fully oesire, Toe Uml adopted by Ihlscompatiy Is cotillriuoiiH'wlLnoui Jointsor breaks. bclne cnmpuKcd oi 1 largo toll-graph uml -1 Conner wiles romblned In rope lonn, and Is. reeum* mended by the highest authorities. The liomo ollleo of this company is at the comer oraeeoml and l.ocnsl Klun-l. llarrlsbiug. July IH.7U- - AO V N Trt \V A K 'J' K I) K V JO H y. WUKIUO I*oll KEY, ALItEICT HATCHES’ KEW BOOK, SALKS IMMENSE; Business for everybody. Buys 8.10 to s3lio nor inornh Head fur clveum.A In ZEIQLEiI. Me. CUItLY &, 00.. id B. Hbuth'blxih Ht., Philadel phia Bu. ■ * July 21,70—1 m , SUMMER G.OODS All kinds of cnnsfnntly on linnd. PBI N T S SHAWLS In town. •NOTIONS of every description, I). li. LACUEY F. W. BELTON, Counsellor at i A uu GILSON SMITH. Shippensburg, jlrgal Koikes. I STB •S jNOTIUIi \x hereby given, tpnll persons interested, that (ho following accounts have been IPod tblso ■fleo by the aceoun nuts therein named, fbr ex* uiulnation and coiillrmatlon.nml will lie present ed l« Ibo Otphun'H Court, of Cumberland county, for coullnnutlon and allowance, on Tuesday, August Kith, A. D.,,1e7b; 1. Final account of Cttarie.s Rhoads, Guardian of Adam Miller 2. Account of Samuel Uodelmugh, Guardian of Simon P. Senders, minor child of David Sunders, deceased. 3. Account ofSamuel Rodobnugh, Guardian of David Sunders, minor child of David Sunders, deceased. ■4, Account of Samncl Rodobangh, Gnnrdlon of Sophia and .Lucinda Souders, minor children of David Sonde' s, deceased. 5. Ac oimt of ilenry Nichles, Administrator of John Foust, late of Southampton township, deceased,• (J. First olid final account of John Oiler. Ad mlnlstratjjnvith the will annexed of Christian Fallnr, luipSr Mifflin.township, deceased. 7^,First and Mini account of Jaeoh Rhoads, Administrator of Harrlotrtltes, deceased. h. Account of Summon Wohler. Administrator d. b. n. cl t. a. of John Klcholtz, lute of Upper Allen township, deceased. 0. x\ccmtnl of .Marlin Long, Samuel Long, Jacob' and (’onrad J ong, Administrators ofSan.ucl Long; latent Penn township,deceased, lb. Account, of William Kell, Administrator of Jonathan Hull, late of North Middleton tow.n ship, deceased. H. Account of Williams Parker, Guardian of John y. Lamb, minor child of James A. Lamb, deceased. 12, Account of Christian E. Reah. Guardian of 'Mary Zook, one of the children of David Zook, late of Upper Allen township, deceased. I-t. Account of Abraham Lambcrton, Guardian of William Milton', Ilenwond, minor child of Ann C. settled by Robert C. Lam bcrlon, Administrator ol said Abm. Lamborton, now deceased. 11, 'Account of John W. Huston, Administra tor of Miss Sidney W. Huston, late of Penn township, deceased. 15. Account of John W. Huston. Executor of the lest will and testament of John Huston, late of Penn township, deceased. Id. Account of John' H. Monro, Executor ot Samuel Kenyon, Into of Dickinson 'township, deceased. 17. Account of C. P. Stover, Trustee under the will of l*ev John H Van Hoff. is. First am! final account of George Heilman, Administrator of Robert Hetrick,late of tjie bor ough.of Mechnnlcsburg, deceased 111. Account of. Mrs. Jane M; McKeehan and Samuel Dlller, Administrators of. Win, Smith Mcßeehan, late of West Pcnn&boro’ township, deceased.. 2t). First and final account of Benjamin Nlesly unci Jacob Niesly, Executors of Jacob Niesly, Into of Monroe township, deceased. 21. First and final account of David Nbls wunger, A dmlnlsLTalor of Elizabeth Neiswangor, into of Mectmnlcsbun;, deceased. 22. Account of I'avid HoJlmger, Guardian of Luc Lewis and Martin fclilsler. Flist and final account 01 S. G, Bowman, Administrator of Id; G, Rupp. Into of Mcchan lesburg, dec'd. . • 21. Account qf Daniel Myers, Executor of Mrs. Mary Myeis, lain of West Pouusboro.-dee’d, 25. Account* f Jacob Eberly. Guardian of Fran cis and John C’mll, minor children of David ( rail, of Missouri. 2(1. First and final account of Joseph Lees, Ad ministrator «l George Troutwine, Jute of Me ebamesburg, dec'd. 27. First and final'account of David Wherry, Administrate*!’ of Jacob Creamer, lute of New burg borough, dec’d 28. Account of Samuel Hamler and David Zork. Adrnhilsiralors of Jacob S, Znrk dec’d. list. Account of James A. Dunbar and Agnes W. Dunbar, Abminlsiiatorsof John Dunbar, late of West Pc-nnsboro. dec’d. as s- tiled by the said Agnes W. Dunbar, Administratrix. :tu . Aceoim t of TlumnisP. Scoullc-r; Administra tor of Margaret Sharp, late of Newton township, dec'd. <*H. Account of A, B. Leckey, Esq., Administra tor ol John Logan, dOc’d ;IJ. Second and final account of Benjamin Reitz. Administrator of J. J. Bowers, late ol Nowvllle. dco’d , ‘ Jl. Account of Jacob Mnmmu, Guardian of .Icremlab M. Sense-man and John A. Senseman, min** sons of Jeremiah Hensoman, dec’d. .’ll. The fifth and final account of Thomas Chambers, Administrator do bents non, with Mm Will, annexed, of the Uvn. Thos. Duncan, dec’d. . . Jo. Account of John Hoover and Andrew* Kennedy, Executor* under a noncupatlve will ol John Hoover, Hr., lute of Frauktord township, dec'd, - . ' :i». Account of, Jane Allen, Administratrix ol James W. All-n,late of Newton lownshlp.deo’d. :t7. Firsi'and lUiai accouutol H-P. Gorgas, Ad mtnlstrator ol Mrs. Anna Forry,late ol Meehan lesburg horough, dec’d. Js. Fit’ll a*ul final account of Rebecca John ston, Administratrix of William Johnston, deh’d.' JSi First and, final account of George llauck, A dmimstraror of E. Cook, hUo of Mechanics lung, dec'd. •Id. Account of Thomas Greason and Samuel (■reason, trustees under the will of James Grea son, dec’d., ol Wm. Greason., ■ll. Account of Thomas Greason and Samuel Greason. trustees under the will ul James Groa son, of Win. Greason. 12. Account, of ii»-nry Saxton, , Executor of Elizabeth Warner, late ofCarllste,'lecM. , •JJ. Firstaccount'of Henry Raxton. Execulorof Henry Barnitz, late ol Carlisle. dec’d. •11. Flistand llnal accountor Davids. Kcr. ns Administrator ol the deceased Guardian Nathan C. woods, late Guardian of R, O'Brien Woods, minor child of x. .1. It. W’omls. deceased. ■la. F rst and final account of David s. If or,'as Administrator of Nathan U Woods. dec d.. late Guardian ol Jennie A Woods.*n minor child ol N.J.R Woods, deceased/' •1(5. First and final account of David R. Ker, ns Ailmlmstrulor of Nathan i* Woods, deckel., late Guardian ol clmrlmte M. Woods, minor child of N. J. R. Woods, deceased. 17. Fust and final accobnt of David 8. Ko m , ns Administrate' of Nathan G. Woods. late Gm.i dian ot Jumps M. Woods, a minor child ol N.J. Ramsey Woods, deceased. -is. First and deal account of Davids. Ifer, as Administrator of Nathan C. Woods, oec’d., lute Guardian of Jonathan H. Woods, dec'd,, a minor child ol N. J. Ra msey Woods, dec’ll. J!l. The first ami pai Hal account of Jacob Coover, Administrator ot thi e-taie ol Mary E. Coover. iateol Upper Allen township, deceased. T . . jus. needy; : Ju*y 21.7 U—at . . HegMtr, PROCLAMATION'.— Whereas the lion. .Tamos H. Graham, President Judge pi Lhc several Courts of Common Pleus ol tlie coun lios of Cumberland. Perry, and Juniata, and Just too oj t, he several Courts ol Gyor and Tei min or and General Jail Delivery In said counties and Hons. Tims. P. Uiair and Hugh Stuart. ■ uneatl«n iVsU for a special Jane :b, 70—firn NO rT(’E.— Nolu-c is hm*hy pivnn that -n w/tn S ° r SUil V i!l,s,l;,llnn ° ,ltl, c estate of niiW'/li. •?' mvol * 0 of Carlisle, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted hv the proper nuMimityto tho undersigned. All per, n?fn*«t»i n f . ,w 1 themselves Indebted to said ra* tm'hc* pa> mriit immediately, and those having claims will present them lor settlement JANE MHnWEH, C. INfIOFF. * .lu„e»l.7oM i i Illl ’'! i - 0t E ''’ VUrd •' l,o ' V ' l -' rjUIK Of.i) WAY ~~ ANDTH B N K \Y TH E p n E A T AMEjR I CA N TEA COMPANY. {established ■ 1801.) A r o». iil, 33, 35'mid 37 Vcsey Street, NEW YORK. HAVE AH'OINTKD DAjS t JEL corjsma^ CARLISLE, PA„ T l . l . ,h 0 A 1 ' ' rena fnfli'oi lit the sumo prices hut the Company sell ihom nt their \Vare hmises in New York. A full snrply of'the fresh ™,NfW Crop Tins will be kept for sate lit nil All irorsls warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. Only one profit charged from the Producer to lio Cdnsumer. Prom live to elghfproflts saved l»y purchasing from this Company. w PNPKK THE 01,1) SYSTEM of doing business the consumer of- Ten’s had to pay about eight pr» tits between tl■ o producer sales h msoto many Intermediate IfNDKU THE NEW SYSTEM i»if (irt ii!. American Tea Co,, dlsli-lmp,, 'peas to llu-coiumnier. Umaigh iheh Agents, all over’llio country. subjecting them to hut one profit ami that urn n very moderate n,j„ as usmldl pm-cn tngconlho ImmciHn sates, win amply satisfy the Company, fol- they soil fh.HiMuids of ehest* t.( lea In the same »i th.iult, look to soil nneclusi mnlev the old system. July 70-Jm WANTED FOR i( Lost Abroad.” Henil lof speelmen napea. circulars, terms, etc. *- Ca, UttrWotli,Com >’ ■ j, ittiscrlUuia^s^ • No'ico QUMBERLAND VALLX^ excursion, . i:\irnsi,; THE SECOND ANNIHt CAMP MEETIN FOU THE CAULISLK T),y TI ( I^T Methodist Episcopal On WILD DE HELD AT Tl,p . » Red Barn < Oakville on tho line of tho Cumberland Valley p ° Commencing. Wednesday Avmnt t Friday “".-I a, Tho Cumberland Valiev Hma , will issue • * »<‘Ubpaa Com BOUND TRIP TIPRETis during iho cont’lmmnce of the \»„ .. ' will be good for leturu J ' Petln ß.r leavl ngßed. Barn until lasi S, !*, Mll l August PUL. end positivelyuolongor^ lll RATES OF' FA^F-’ ShV«:n,an"t'n,i;“ " oB* ' Meelmnlcsb’g, 25 •> V.I® 1 . 1 " Kingston. ,].io » w J'3 Middlesex, 1.0(1 (K mnns “ Carlisle, .so .. L tnf '^ Mle . " Good Hope, .70 >. WJteUne, *• ' Greason, .70 ■> . ffi'WWotv, “ Alterlon, . .70 ua ß«n>tou D JiXTIIA TRAINS. During llio oon'lnunnee of theCtomnw Extra a rains will run ns follows: Umpilfl On Friday, Wednesday and 77,,,-. , Avgust p//i, lOf/i'and ll(/,. i’ROM CDAMUEUPBDRG AKD CAliLl 5,« P,M. | AmW, Leave Rod Barn, O.JSP. M. | Corl’eA -0.00 “ J '• •• ciiubgSi; On Saturday and Tuesday, (he G (h and Mi Leave Ciinmb’g, 5.45 P. M. I Arrive at Rwi i " Shipp g, 0.20 “ | pM I Leave Chamb’g, 7.00 P., M.‘ Arrive m h-A • Shipp g, 7.J0 “ 7,4.7 p, j| j Leave Red Barn for Harrisb’g and intoi-m. Stations 51.00 P M.; leave Red Bar n T, ri bersburg and IntermediateiSiullajisOtyp, On Saturday and Tuesday.- them i anil m n/At FROM CHAWBERSHURG AND NEWVII Leave rimmb’g,' 7,15 A. M. I Arrive at Red i " Shlpp’g, 7.15 “. | 8.05 A.M. Leave Newville. 8.35 A, M.; Arrive alßwil 8.55 A. M, • WAY-STATIONS. Agents have been appointed to soil tickr Bridgeport, Shlmnuns'own, Kingston ( Hope, Greason, Atterton, Scotland Ms, state Line, And any person entering the i wlthouta ticket, will he charged lull fare . -Our At While Hill. Middlesex, Kautlraaii's Morgantown, tickets can Jjo procured irom duotors of trains, . July 21,70—3 w QARLISLE MACHINE WORKS F. G 'A REFER <0 CO. .CUMBERLAND VAf LEY RBAPEIUMOT, .We are now uulldlngohd; will bring tr (he harvest oMh7ii, the sew Patent nunUr Valley Combined «< PAPER A NDMOWMt SELF HAKE, and all other late tmiirnrem- It will be bulit.ln ihe best stvln, aim. wain to work sallsiactorily. 'lho-wanl of ahinn<-t Reaper has long been felt, and weexntm able to offer to the farmers of Cumberland nbjolnlng counties a machine which slml complete ami peneet harvester, eqmu totbc brought from a distance. Furmcibureieout to call and examine it. NOVELTY HAY RAKE, Weave building this season, onlv n lim number of Huy Rakes. The Novcfty hm seif acting urnu gement. or can be wr.rted hand, on t tie old principle, it win no mad. the best materials. In handsome style and s ranted to give satlslacllou. bend in yourwi early. THE GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL W 6 continue building the original Willoc by Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, wi \ known, mid popular among farmers. Nor. •(armor can alloid to do without U>uW<]|i>u»ti for It largely increases, and imormes hKcn and soon pays for itself. We make ilusatii and Grass Reeder alone, or, with hm-nt Gil Attachment for sowing phosphates oj gm We also buil.l tho. Willoughby wiihilie slid lu straight rank or zlg zug. as farmers maj i fer. VARIOUS FARM IMPLEMENTS. Wo are manufacturing a variety of ngrlcultc Implements such as hoise, powers and ihadit cider mills, star com shelleit!, three sizes,t mm corn shelters. Eureka (odder ouatr.t keep always an hand cho*Nalldn»l KmifluC ter, three sizes, with varibus other inrinlug 1 plements. We also make Fame’s paici-l i bender, and Porter’s patent Tip eie, iviuclmi blacksmith shouh) have. AUu chki. inni s ebusbers.-wush kettles, four sizes, celiangrai five different patterns, plow castings and oil castings kept always on hand. 'J he CaKLI.MjE COOK STOVE, our Own ci lug. Is one ol the best and cheapest sieves mi market. STEAM ENGINE AND MILL WORK’. As heretorore, we give particular allcnlloa building SIJiAW ENUI.NKS, and lurnlsbi SH AFTiNG, Gh A KING. PULLEYS, amieu part ol Ihe maonlnery connected with h[ anils, Flouring mills, Saw milts; Tamierk-M tun patterns for steam engines ate from two; to twenty five-horse power. oor*> I>l nlnghimpl.i ty-of consuuctlon- with ivii rnotlcrn imptov nicirsand furnished at accommodating pict We also build portable engines ot two hunep/ or tor running printingp»e*ses. «sc. Weluan extensive variety of.patterns lor millwnrln, which Ave oro constantly making aihlHkc and cairflll contracts for engines ami milk short notice. new-stationary engines now on to Jor sale. BUILDING MATERIALS. .Attached to our establishment Is nn.cxtc-iu!; PL\MNO MlLLand SASH and DOOKfAU . OliY, with all the machinery for manuiaclurl: door and window frames, sash, shutiem; blinds* brackets, mouldings, cornu e. j ml i«i oo drapery stair rail and halusters.llnorln?,ii! Jng Mini every other article In Hie line nrbni* lug nimernds from the lowest price lotlislw quality. Builders and couiractois may rel't all orders, large or smalt, being promptly AM An extensive supply ot seasonsd ptiio, wtla and oalr lumber kept consta’itly in our lank yard l eady for user Small sizes of lalhardK priced doors always on hand, and other nrtltlt made to order. All orders or Inquiries by mail, or otlwirla In connection with any-bmuch of our fiusin« will ho promptly attended to. t. April 21, ’7o—tin. JJOOK AGBNTiS WANTED FOR THE AUTOBIOGRAPAY & PERSONAL KECOL- LECTIONS OF John. B. Gough, Tho whole enlivened with affecting Inoiifcg: fult of Interest and pathos. Fifty ihouwoirinc the last five months. People will buy hM* withstanding the “hard times.” .ft Is u ptenwt to sell it. for It la dotrg much good. The work is splendidly bound and Illustrated. Ariilaa 0. JOHNSON, No. 032 Aroh St;, PhUadolpbu, July'2l, 7o—im Q.KEAT .REDUCTION " IN PRICE OF TEAS rn COFFEES TO CONFORM TO PS ICE OP GOLD Increased Facilities to Club Organizers. Si’aJ for New Price List. The Great-American Tea Com'y. (P. O. Box fi(H3.) 31 and S 3 Vesty 81., N. Y July 21, 70— 1m Matthew NEW BOOK, TWENTY YEARS AMONG THE BULLS AND BEARS OF WALL STEEET. 550 Pages Finely Illustrated, Price s2.® It shows tho mysteries of stock nnrl polrt carat ling, and tho mjscrieHo'f unfortunate tlon, nnrl exposes ihe swindles. tricltsan'l rrflcn of operators. It tells how millions are man pm# lost In a day, how shrewd men- n-e rolned,n corners" mo made in grain and prndu(T l ii | T women speculate on tho slreet etc. Afi«* wnnied.• Wo pav freight West. Rend for iern»- J. H. lUJHR * (JO., Hartford, Conn. July LM, 70 -1m T BUSINESS AGAIN, • GEO. R. FOOTE, Ag’t. Plumbing and Gas H| IN ALL ITB BRANCHES. Orders left‘at mv Monse, S. E. corner and Chap#! Alley, or Clma. *ranclscus, fe west Main Rt. Juno !23, 70—Cm , _ (POftr-THE FOLBOM . IMHIipyED Twenty-flvo dollar Family Feeing ‘,f, e enlne. The cheapest first class Machine u> marker Agents wonted in every town. . ral commission allowed. For terms nml cm Jar, address, A. R. HAMILTON. Hen. Agent. 700 Chestnut Ht„ Philadelphia, Pa. May 12,70—3m* This is nc^humbug: l)y Bonding m cents, wllli nue helpht, “St eyes nml hair, you will receive, py return n “J a con eat picture nr jour future husband « wile wltn name ttnU time ol marriage. y, W. FOX, P. o. Drawer Wo. 2-1, Fullouvlllt'i e. JulyHi.JtWlm 0. N, LULL Super! maid, F. GARDNFIUCO. HALE SMITH'S