I tinman | j. •y . 1 CARLISLE. PA.. uand.T Morqtme. y ** gia V IV% .114.11:11. A v. • )**- iu ,v .'ov'r'k\‘ ,h i'i-vu**VMA\ in huv l»K f(»? hsu‘k sulnvy. twilfHrs K ivjfwiM* hi iKUinmwi ti'wr, ui' : niii.‘ic*nL.T.i j.i:s ( J i!*i‘ ,r I if wry I-'.alLZli- Precei. resiK:! o: Cahekta, 111., claims to Le of.trartis of 19< years ..iage. ' - ■ The fuml for the benetit of Edwin ,\I. Stanton’s family has reached the sum of SlOO,OOO. ' Delaware has more than fourteen ]>c;u:h trees to cvc-y voter in the State. The merchants oi 'he North have •if olio “drummer'" si ingsroods in.tho Siinthern Stales. . he tax on dogs in Croat I ritain, it is r ported, yields an annual revenue of si, ;!i15,275. : ii k nest sale mna are prmtea at, me \'"hintei’r Job Olllce. Harvard University has forty-nine I‘mtessors, forty-two other teachers, and eh-ven hundred and seven students. 1 \ Chicago it has just been decided that a wife can recover loaned money i*n*m her husbarffl. The State QcoJogM of Louisiana Ims jii-d made the discovery that the earth don’t revolve around the sun. A Virginia negro, whostolea vnhm blcjiorse and killed him for his hide, ha* been sent to prison for eighteen years. A Society for the prevention of tobacco spitting” in churches and assem bly rooms, is contemplated in New York, A bill is before the Maryland Legis lature making ten hours a legal day’s work in all cotton factories in the State. Peter-Armstrong, colored, died.of hydr phobia, near I.ewisburg, Union cnunt^Jutelv. He* «.**= niH/*n nine Somebody lias found out that the present high price of butter is attribu table to Die fact that farmer's daughters ■e iicr.dK pr»-f» r the piano to the churn. Somi.iv l *i>v -ay- buf.-r is the “Titan of the 11ohm‘." *v., -uppo-,- (’Randier L Die tight ’im • f tin* Senao*. I.owdl Courier. .' Monroe county, Georgia, i- rep re rented in the State Legislating, by an Kv-Judge and his former slave, both named Glower. , Advertise now.' It will keep yoii before the people, during dull times, and will bring custom when the coun try roads get better. Tuesday was a pet day. The sun shone as beautiful and the air was as mild as though winter had entirely left -■ us, and the time for the singing of the birds'had come. Pittsburgh of the murder of his wife, has been sentenced to eleven years and trine months’ imprisonment. A Mansfield, Ohio, woman" lias re covered $260 from a saloon keeper for damage done her husband by selling liquor to him. Six persons were, burned to dcatli at a fire in London, Christmas day, among them a mother with her new born babe. Nevada recently had an earthquake which caused the earth to be in “a con stant tremor for nine hours.” Ax aged mendicant has been arrested at Bayonne, France, who carried $BOOO in gold about his person. What will become of you if you do •>"t tell the truth ?” asked a Boston Sunday school teacher of one of his pupils. “I’ll he sent to Chicago.” the hid promptly replied. IjiK Governor of Ohio lias pardoned « young man wlio was sent to State Prison (or manslaughter, on condition Unit lie drinks no liquor during (ho time ("I- which lie was-senfeneed. A COMMITTUH of the National Labor Union Congress is in Washington pre paring an address to the people, setting forth the demands of the workingmen of the nation. Fouk tons of silk worms have been brought on the Inst steamer to Pan I rancisco from Japan. They are to be sent to New York and from thence to France. At a meeting of farmers held at Go- Jmnbia, this Slate, on Saturday, a por tion was adopted calling on Congress to so amend the In tergal Revenue .law ns to exempt them from theSlO license fee fur selling store produce at market. Of the sixteen Governors of Penn sylvania, seven were of German de scent, namely; Pi rnon Snyder, Joseph Ueister, John Andrew-Schultz, George Wolfe, Joseph Ritner, Francis Rawn Slmnk, and William Bigler, i lie jot lowing nine were of Scotch, Lisli and English destent Thomas Milfin, Thomas .McKean, William Findley, David Uit tenhouse Porter, Wm. Funk .Toil iSO n, James Pollock, Wm. F Packer, Andrew' Gregg Curtin, and John White Geary. Berks gave birth to three Governors (and to several candidates), ami Mont gomery, Centre and Wesinoreland to two each. Two were elected from Northumberland, but their home, fe'l afterwards into Union, bid now is in Snyder county. As far as the record goes, no county has furnished more 1 ban than one resident lor the execu 'ive station. The following is a correct list. Thomas Mitfin, Phila,; Thomas McKean, Chester;; Simon Snyder, Lan caster, elected from Northumberland ; Wm. Findley, Franklin,; Joseph fjeis ter, Berks, elected from Berks,; ,1. a. Schultz, Berks elected from Lebanon; George Wolf, Northampton, elected trom Northampton ; Joseph Ritner. Berks, elected from Washington ; 1) R Porter Montgomery, elected froui’ 1 ! iml liugton; F. B. Slmnk,' Montgomery i looted from Dauphin; W. F. John! spin, Westmoreland, elected from Arm! -(rung; Wm. Bigler, Cumberland, elec ted from Clearfield; James Pollock, Northumberland elected from North umberland ; W. P. Packer, Centre, elected from Lycoming; A. Q. Curtin, Centre, elected from Centro, ; J, W. Ovary, Westmoreland, elected from Cumberland. it r: pirn roim* hi# ';rn' calopy upon !ht* iaso ;V>;. K. M. Stamou, i or .ssn-rtcvi shas tho Ar.a ME EMI "'.Vj* y.iriXc-T .v.iv. yvor. ■s;h»> »- i.K'.h I v mar: i:•f.: : u,:: f. ! rr.Us ' :c';« :*.v;-s Snor/ui. icatirri'.i.t (Per v'h'‘; i smioc fffy r>r .sA Ly l Co.;S:iri .l ''A'.* vMi (.ii /•»;!• sc bs."ri hers squill; Mie same i'ovcr.'y. w’liM TVirn.'.-y J.r.’.'l bijier ili .'licit nmec-s vi'sc”.'' re mvit by rc-sc-rcing Thci : “.*Tie.3 Tore-,"' that-daring liii;' litre' >•:■ was Scutx-taty of War. ho 1 1 7'.': ':.: sra for this they claim f-r him great credit. Nowit may be that Stanton did not steal during the time he was at the head of the War De partment, and in the absence ol proof we will not say he did. But we do say, and we say it with emphasis', that he permitted other men to steal to the amount of hundredsof millions. Never in the world’s history was such favorit ism, corruption and robbery practiced as was practiced bv the Lincoln admin istration. The debt that is now upon us is proof of tliis, even if-wo had no other positive evidence. Even Horace Greeley, who is the father ns well ns the brains of the Itepublican party, ad mitted in his 'JYibune, some two or three , years ago, that “two-thirds of our Na tional debt was stoleh money.” . And if two-thirds was stolen money, one half of these two-thirds can bo traced to the vultures who hovered about the War Department during Mr. Stanton’s administration of its affairs,. And lie cause, during ttie war, Democratic edi tors, speakers and correspondents ex posed these gigantic swindles, they were hunted down. (hy:order of Stanton) like wild beasts, and sent to government bnstiles, there to die if they were too poor to buy themselves out. Printing offices were destroyed by hundreds, by permission if not at the suggestion of this,same man Stanton, because thieves had been exposed and held up to public execration. If Stanton was an honest man, who “ died poor,” it is a most remarkable circumstance that his asso ciates were those who were intent upon robbery, and who were assisted in their raids upon the' Treasury liy Stanton himself. * In -iU/rif Jilit; admitting that .Stanton “died ptior,” \Vny should he he demca On this account? lie was at least as wealthy when lie left the War Department as when he .entered it. His salary was $O,OOO a year, and if it took this amount to keep him, lie was a very extravagant man. But, we repeat the question, why should he be deified because, as his eulo gists say, lie did not steal? Is it ex pected that, as a matter of course, every Radical official must be a robber of the Treasury? It seems so, and really, to a considerable extent, tlqs lias been the case. “ He'might have mpde his mil lions,” says a Radical i aper on our ta ble. So might any man who hplds the purse-strings of Uncle Sam’s money bags, provided lie is rascal enough to do so. This Radical editor appears sur prised, that any man of ids party hold ing office, and having the opportunity to rob the Treasury, failed to do so. So accustomed are the people to see their that some of them are astomsfied wlien it is made to appear that there is a sin gle exception to this rule. Now, this thing ofeu ogising a public officer because it has not been shown that he' stole the public funds, is.an evi dence of demoralization in public senti ment. The public officer who abuses his trust and steals, should be anathe matized and punished, and he who acts the part of-an honest and upright officer, is not entitled to praise. He merely discharges his duty, as all men of honor are required to do, and for this we may respect him, but for this it was ft which we paid him, and ho is therefore entitled to no-particular praise. Stan toh, os.wc have said, may have “died poor,” and because, this is the ease the inference is that he did not steal from the Government when he had many opportunities to do so. And for this his memory is to be revered by tbo-e who never, condemned those who did steal! What strange animals these Radical politicians are? iieecheii's W-vrir, riav-n rrniv A Brooklyn paper says “The nnniuil ppir-lelllni'ni-snri-il lust m-ciihi cioiiiiiif-iiclm. :q seven o'clock unit contir-iiliie until eleven. Tlio nlteinlnnee unis verv inn-e the ebnreh bn he nearly mien. The l.irt.llAtr unis verv lupin. The lolio reeelpls were SIT el l Ijcnic s:l,orj nhove last yens. It was a pleasant Get itslofi riu* fnllowhiK lire the hlylitM- com .iipiic- IriK nf'xt to nml hnck *.f Ujp pnslor’s sent. near the rltrlit mui froni nrthe rmlnit; tt -u* e No. r»nvws. Valuation. premium n. rhuo snu &VK U, ( . n wen sil i->o -nn •It. U.etallln! S 7 no '.2, U s. neneitict K(] in.-, e) 0 T ■ — Si 100 11,71 AnitnMns.sn.ns, ... mi 100 ; in , 1:17 do ;rin n M'ovnrd... .V, no »r, A, Clna n st Hi ;jnn " rile l.aek pews in Ihe an I lory, near, die ornnn SmV ” t'lnilm In the aisles rnnaeil "i 'J.eS n "S r,,s - I' mnt.Keats In din L-allnrv Inn ikht S-TO. Every, silling In die house was All inis sounds like a report of one of Barnmn’s auctions of seats for Jenny Lind’s concerts, years ago, or of a like contest among bidders at the old Chest nut Street Theatre for the choice boxes when many persons, as we remember, were quite crazy to see Fanny E-der dance. As Mr. Beecher cnidrives to make Ids performances in tbs pulpit at tractive in somewhat the same manner as the gyrations -of a ballet-girl, or the antics of a circus el uvn, it is not surpris ing Hint a stall in Plymouth Church is fiercely competed for annually, and bought at a high premium. The pastor of that hopeful dock lias a passion for money, as well ns for vu’gar notoriety, ami it is fair to presume that lie makes liis preaching pay him pretty much hi tile same spirit as lie delivers a political lecture for a fee, writes a novel for Bon ner's Ledger, or marries another man’s wife to her paramour. And he thus prostitutes Ids sacred oltlce, and makes “ God’s house an house of merchandise,’’ In-cause lie loves money fords own sake, ami is ambitious of great wealtli for its worldly advnnlnges, although he knows that once Christ scourged the money changers from Die temple at Jerusalem, and said on another occasion, “ Wne unto you, Pharisees, for ye Jove tlir uppermost seats in the synagogues;'' and on another, “ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for n rich man to enter the kingdom of God." A Imlkncii woman lias sued a Han laneiscan for 510,000 damages, on the giound that he induced her to leave her native country as governess of his chil dren, and turned her out of doors upon their arrival In California, I v i.i xit I V tsik kim; nmiiir.v . ! On Wednesday of last week the mem* i bers of the two Houses'of the Stat<* [ Legislature met in the hall of the House ' of -ft op resent dives for the pu poso o** j n S!,*:o Ttobort W present inoainbont, find -r'.v -"y Ms.Aey. :h ME \i.-.re v. 'v ; Wr.-rv *-* - v- S.. eoe'd irs'Sufficient to t *efy :.he deir-gs of the ring. Mackey Virus-Df \v-.is on thefioono receive th congratulation? of the “ rosters, '■ and •‘pinchers,** and to crow over the de feat of those who hid dared to oppose him. The result of the first ballot, how ever, took the starch out ofdiis collar, and ho turned pale, There* was ko dlMnUllllou pi Hie bultuicu m tliu Imm; M. Henderson, Esq,, mui Ur. Andrew sii, mger.Execmors of Geoige W. sheafler, lat‘c!,f Lho borough of Carlisle, deed., lo and mao iim iheperaouH legally entitled theiolo.mm Ur„ furo TAKE MJTJCE Ihut I will attend 1,, , e outlea of my appointment us Audilor, alm-eMiiii utmy office In the bur.-ugU ot Carlisle, cm Timis' • 'ay the 27th day ol January, A. U. 1*7(1, at o V H Vi'i?‘V, M - w “ en “ ud wher '* aU Pfisoim m. n l r . r '' aUeB,edto itnend and renre.si-m their several interest*. 1 11 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, | Jan - “■ c. hekman^ All the above locations are very healthy. X offer them a bargain, as I am old, have no ’amt ly.nnd wish to sell. Go to sleepy Creek Station, tin the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad., to see these farms where Hamilton Cano, Esq., ten ant on ftirm, will give all particulars, and show tho.farms. ..Address, ‘ A. SMITH, Aberdeen, Hartford County, Md, Jnn. 20, 1870—2 m J~Tr. MASONHKIMER^ Donloi* lit PINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURE SPICES, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, STONEWARE, WOODEN, AND WILLOWWARE. UEST BUAND3 OF FA Mil LOU E SALT AND FIS II ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD SOUTHWF-ST COU. IM7T AND POMFHF.T STS. Jan. 20, l«70-nm PUBLIC SALE OR VALUABLE PROPERTY. On Wednesday, February 0, 1870. I will sell on tho above clnv, on the nremiscQ on South street.'Carlisle. tho bVal Estate of John B. Stringfcllow, dec’d.; tn vm. No. 1. Tho property on South fJtreet. hounded on ‘he North by Chapel Aliev, on tlie Fast bv lot, of Leonard HeeUeuflorn. on the South bv South street, and on the West bv loin of John flyers and R. M’Cartney, Sr. containing 120 feet front and 2-10 feet deep, more or less, having two one and a-half story HOUSES, erected on It on r-hapel Alley. This lot wMI hr aoid oh n whole or divided in lots tosuitpurchn* ers. . No, 2. Consists of Properly situate on Sou'b Bedford street, bounded ns follows; n n the North bv lot of Chiis. Flcnger, on the Fast bv Daniel Fckles, on th« South bv R. M'CaHnev Pr.. and on the West by Bedford street, contain-' lug thirty-two feet, four Inches m front, and sixty feet in depth, more or less, and having thereon erected a two-story b STONE HOUSE TERRIS OF PALE.—Five per cent- of tho pur chase money to be paid when the properties are stricken off: rfhe half of the balance lea- the live per cent, on the first of April. 1870. when a deed and possession win.bn given, and the remaining one-half on the first of April. 1871. with Interest fi'un first of April, I*7o. Tho deferred payment secured by Judgment bond. The taxes for 18/0 to be paid by tho purchaser. Sale to com monco at 10 o clock. A. M.- - . - , JONN WELL, Att’y. Infant jan fl 20 1 IwaJSa 8 of Jobn B * Stringfollow, dec’d fTIHE GOOD WILL HOSE COM respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle, and vicinity, that wo intend by a atlDg ° Ur neW - Houso oti Hanover street. FAIR, FESTIVAL and EXHIBITION blbi.’i™ I ? l S n , d f, oldln ß on the first flow an ?x Any person having articles winch win nd,i ir, lorest to this department of th- Fair whnUii mention the same to any member nf’ pony will be waited upof, by a commit „„ wh,‘ Jan, 20.1870— 2 t - pUBLIC SALE, On Thursday, February 10, .1870, m! 1 ® assignee of James Thnmn« will offer at Public Sale, on the residence of the asslßnor in township, on the farm or Geo W H ton SI following personal property ; Four flno U WORK HORSES, Tci l i?i-^’^°' yea^in,? Colt; one yearline Colt two Mlllc Cows about sprlnglne, two Heifers ' Cattle one brrnd-wheoled Wne »n, nearly new, one narrow*wheeled Wiiiznn Wagon. Sleigh and sleds Bno s"?e ono '' Hidmlll, one Cultivator four u ,nw \ r,il- ‘ ■* Hiii-shear Plows. AISa r ?ot K of Kliov ® lk - Chains, Halters. KIT C H !•: iV FUR N I T U K 1-3, not necessary to mention. Sale to rpmmencn at, 10 o'clock, A. M when terms will be made known hy • Wlien inn on ic-e . , . JOHN SCFIMOIIL. Jan. 20.1870—ts Assignee of James Thomas, WANTED FOR . THE SECRETS OE INTERNAL REVENUE, A»£aß!!S)g rutpiludo,-Malfeasance, Tyranny and Poinm. lion. Ihe most Startling FascinaHmi and fustrur live and Important Hook yet puhllsffil 7 llftnlZ ing authentic facts, ludisnutahloevidenco’sworn usthpony. complete and accurate detalln every cil ?en anVl TAv 8 • Mc?rcll “'" ty . Mechanics, eveiyuuizen ami iaxpai er, are dlreetiv intor “Ti" 1110 ArtlnoS., M-Sraatloi.: ’AIi»L £ riT,l ff Qm'UPt J'otificiuns, Illicit DifitiUcrs ✓w ni ® ain^ c ™'/ ira \ ul} uck I'bvgrrs and crafty Aiale ic/orj. Published In one attractive volume about 500 well-plied pages, with spirited “'»»«• l i 7*c«-!ow,to sua the times. 53.00. Sold m subscription only. Send for circular ami special ' T - puwtah -. «>«*. ** MAT E U R ’ ~7~ CULTIVATOR’S GUIDE, FOR T&E FLO WEB and KITGHEN GAB DEN. 2RU edition of this popular work, which ha* met with so much favor in the past is noe ready. It has been re-wrltlen and improved printed with now type, and on . flue paper. Illiis ou^u"'" 1 * " be autlful hithograph. and many mher line engravings from lt contains full description and the culture of over loOOlead mg- varieties of Flowers and Vegetables'.7, ls., Jeaorlpt'vc list of the novelties of the present f-imi™ U?.n"n l w “ , ndded a collection of ail i.holco 1 icnch Hybrid Oladiolus. This work ■ Tny iImSS oml 1 ' WIU com P ar6 favorably with Pi'om Ln-i ISartlell, Warner. N. B, WASHBURN dt CO., lUi>4(nn ' f n«R. Jan. 20, IK7o—»y James Loudon, la for rent from Ann , I ,,ed May llrst. Apply at Caper's Rook Sliro M ‘ of Jan. 21, Ik, q—Hi JUgal Notices, A UUITOR’d NOTICE -ThoTint X3L signed i appointed by tho Orphans Co , t *, v.uaiborlaud county, Auditor, to rimkedu ~.l or turn of the fund found on dual sctiien^ [ ] b E tho hands of James Hamilton Ks f , I', * n Judge U. Graham, aud Rev. D. Storum i? 0, centers of Mrs. ausan V. Thorn, laio o, borough of Cut lisle, deceased, among the LS, 6 eos and all others entitled theme, will uiSl the parties interested, at his room "* wl! Mum M. Carlisle, on Monday the Tlh" F ebruary next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. • of Jan. 0, X"7o 3t ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE—Ko. tlco 18 hereby-given ihutleiieis ot admin mUiillonon the estate of Jobn U. Sirlngfeliutr bile ut the bo-ough ot Carlisle, deed, have ii Hw grunted to the undersigned, residing la samuYru rough. All persons Indebted to said esiateiiri requested to make settlement; and huvn.e claims against the estate will present them (,? settlement. . ' ■ SAMUEL H. GOULD December 16. ISCO-Qt. Aduunlsirutoi*. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Notice la hereby given that letters of L iimilsl ration on the estate of Abm. Bradlev t»n of South Middleton township, dec’d., have!he™ granted to the undersigned, reHldnig 1 p c ir.K burg. Adams county. All persons -kuouin* themselves to bo Indebted to said estale are » quested to make settlement, and those tmvimi claims against tho estate will piosent them fur ■.eUlGment, . ' December 2, l8(i9—(It AUDITOR’S KOTICH.-Tlio mulur. nlgued Auditor, appointed bv ihc* «nnitans * ourt of Cumberland county, to dlMiihu'e the money in the hands of Samuel n. Uricb mul William M.Gardner, Admlnlstrutois of n !t . tale ot Samuel l/ilch, decent cd, will ain-Ml m tmid duty. on' Tuesday, the Ist day of Ketinm. ry A D. 1870, at 1U o'clock, A. M„ at Ids in FriiUUn Douse Building, Carlisle, -when ion! wlioieall parties Interested imiv attend. WILLIAMS. BUTI.KU,. Jan. fi; *S7O —IL AwHtt.r. Nf.wvii.lk. Pa.; Dec. Jm j™'-, NOTICE \» benLy plven (1 1 ;i L :ipi*Jri-a lion wilt bo made for tho lu'cni pomtii.j. „f a bank of Discount, Deposit ami t’lmilution under the authority ol the Act of Asset- It \ •proved May Ist., I8a|; lobe located iu \ ;''i Cumberland county, I'ciina., and to hce-Jil the “People's National Bank.” with avaj-u d of Fifty Thousand Doliarf, with Hie tuiviiu;. ( ,r increasing the same to One Hundred Thou-, mi Dollars* Win. Knettlc, Jonathan Sny.Ki. R, M. .ilenry Killian. *ll. Manning. John Redick, Robt. Montgomery, . . Samuel M. Scarp, Peter Myers, • John Oiler. Dec. 10,1800—Dm. Executory notice —nouoms hereby given that. letters testamentary rm me estate of Jacob Hartman,- late of Middle* -ax township, deceased, liavo hecu grained to iho undersigned Executors. All persons l:naw ing themselves Indebted to s..ld estate me a nuastcd'to make settiament. Immediately. mnl those having claims 01 demands against: Dices late will p esent thorn for settlement. SAHAH HAIiTMA Erervlri/. ISAAo WISE, Executor Jan. 13,1870—6 t rjTHE BEST! /©“THE fr CIENTIFIC AMERICAN “5$ A weekly illustrated Journal of'lfl pages, di voted to -Machinery. Agricultural improve* ments, Chemical Science and Now DiScuyoiU**. A splendid Journal. . . •*- '■'.r' I"'® 1 "'® ■"•i 1 *»<> pato An-club-i of subscribers, on the lOfn of Febnmrv. A handsome large steel plate ENGRAVING lOdlbtlngutßhed American Inventors, presented lo subscribers. Specimens of paper, pr> spectuses, and blanks Tor names,sent frea. Terms. S3a year: SIM far o months. Discount to clubs. A book of im* portance to all about to apply for patents spiii tree. Write for full particular* concerning prl/cs and patents, to ’MUNN * Uu., Publishers and atent solicitor*, Jan.O, 1870—Iw 87 Park How, M.Y. THIEF, tie has been traveling about humbii'-giug druggists and private puttier, mjxuiit up m.a celling ji base ciimpound which he calls Uoi.- '.;o*lT.rt PAIN PAIN ». All of Wolcott's genuim remedies have a white outside \vt upper iivith nature large.) Look out for counterfeits. Six Pmt« of WOLcOPL’S ANMIIJLATOU Jor Catarrh'and colds In the head, or one Pint id Pu n Palm,dor Ulcers or Pain, .sent live prcaa charges, on' receipt of the money ui N Chatham Square; N. Y.; or one (Jullon of I’.ui 'unit {double ,strenglli)‘for 82ii. Small boii t-s. sold by all druggists. U. L. WOLCU'IT. Jan. li, h>7o—4\v jJUiEE TO BO OK AG EN TS. Wo will Rend a hrindsomo proßnrctns ol am' NEW ILLUSTRATED FAMILY BIBLE, In any Boult agent, Iree of charge. Address NATIONAL RUHLIHIIINO VO.. Jan. 11, IWO-Iw Philadelphia, I’n. Ja yQ the nursery. IQ'Jfj . cheapest and most rlrhl.i wI.VS 'II?.I)ONTHLY MAGAZINE FOIUJHII.D, KEN, S 1,-0 a year In advance. Subscribe' now, ami get the last uumborof isflO. EHEH. Address , . JOHN L. HHOIIKY, Jan, 0,.1870—Jw ' 13 Washington Slreet, ilostcm. TIN JVERSAifsm. r V tub STAR IN THE.,(.VEST, Cincinnati, 0., Is the old-established Western Unlversallst newspaper. Itgives current rellg lotis Ami secular nows, and is a hnghtaml clm-r -lul homo visitor. Eight largo pages reading nmltor, giving “something for every hod v!” 'o other paper needed in the family ! Send SW. am] get It one year. SpOeltnens free. Premium 1 * t.o now sunsen hors. Clubs wanted. A Idress, , • WILLIAMSON & CANTWEbb.’ Jan. 13, IS7o—iw Olneinnail, Ohio’. (Cl KKA niontli niacin by alien ta .eel I ins tD-LcJIJ OLIVE LuGAN'rt great work. 11>- .FORE THE FOOTLIGHTS and BEHIND Tilt SCENES. The most spicy, rapid soiling (molt out. 10,11(10 ordered tho first month. Agents cim ocure Held and n S-’.OO our-flt free hy culling tlu nut and add leasing PAUMKLEE CO., Publish ers, Pluiu., Pa. and Middletown, Conn. p'LAD TIDFNGS TO CONSUMT \JT TIVES.—A grateful fniher will send (o nil who wish H. thcdlreclioiiH by uhich bis dmHi ter, after bmng given up hy physicians nml de spaired of hy her lather, was reslnn-ed troin I’ONEIRMED CONSUMPTION to perfect health •fihniu tho use ofmedlcihe. Sent free. M draas Mr. GREEN I). EIIANKLIN, Jan. 0, 1870/ iw Jersey City, N. J. PARMER'S HEL PE R gnows HOW TO DOUBLE THE PHOFITrt OF THE FARM, nnn how Farmers and Mirir sons cun cardi make SiOb PERM NTH inwlntoi. 10.000 copies will ho mailed freo to fanners." »end m-mo and address to Tfl „ n ic7e MoOURDY ld by all urugglßU*. and 181 Chatham tfQimre, .lan 13,1*70—1w NO 1 It E Is hereby ylven for those in* debted to John Weltze), of Frank ford t«T*, • » make Immediate payment aml those bavins! clalmsor demands against tbusamo will present them to Hie undersigned lor settlement. .lan. 13. iB7U—it* KUA NtJlfr BEAU. Agent. THE M.-\G 1C COM B will change any colored hair or beard ton permanent black a brown, it contains vo poiton. Any one can use it. one sent bv mail lor £l. Addiess . CO„ Springfield. Mass. Jan. o,l*7o—3ra . L\tas cmeri of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, ami will send the receipt Mrs. M.C. LEGGETT, Hobolieu. N. J. Jan. y, 1870—iw CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED byl»r, U, (J. inu iimtu'u A>u> l*rovt»s •>/ 7r«d* iienl/ full or address Dr. O. Uurrlsou.Sll Smith Eighth Street, J'hilaUelphia, Pa. . V. ti. —speeluhiuttetloagiveu to THKOATftD* LIINODIyEAHtfcS, u March 4, 1880—ly k • ,, . , Mm., IVHUMurci^ J. W. Ehv. A UUilor, JAf:on zuu, Aibniuhtmi-r. THE BEST I ! Hun fli ; e [but it is l U ou ler, u v (leu foveu I* *ecoi divert* iJay e "putai s Wc*. •ej R, “ of | siuuui “f Hit elely , »J Hue "* »U iriug Tilt ueua| Uulb!