Agricultural FARMERS’ DABOUTEUS, If wo have directed our suggestions more to farmers and farmers’ sons than | to the girls, it is not that wo love Oresnr less but Homo more. Farmers’ daugh ters till an important position. Ihcy are the light and life and joy of many a household, that would he darkened ana cheerless without them. There is no more beautiful sight on this earth than a cultivated, faithful, devoted, helpful daughter, patiently mid lovingly doing all she can to lighten thoburdensofiifo, and shedding by her cheerful and grace ful performance of every duty, a " orl “ j of sunshine through the farmers house hold. Oh, how tho farmer’s heart goes out to such a daughter I How she twines herself around tho very springs of lua being, till hisstrong, rough nature seems lo depend upon her for whatever of light and life and happiness enters into, his heart. „ . , , . . The cducat'on of tho farmer s daugh ter, more than that of tho city bred miss, ought to he such as to cultivate all, the higher faculties, and to load her to take a sensible and practical view of her duties and tho responsibililiesof her po sition. In tho comparative isolation ot country life, the people of tho household are more dependent on each other lor happiness and social culture. In tho exciting struggle and competitions 01 • business life in the city, the head of the family is naturally absorbed very much in the busy world about him, and per haps less dependent .upon - the family circle: but the farmer’s family ought to constitute a little world of itself. A hap py, united and harmonious family is es sential to life on a farm, and very much more depends on-the farmer’s daughter fur that reason. - . . There is more or less that is false in all our modern education. In too many instances there is a feeling that work is dishonorable, and not a few farmer s daughters' are affected with the idea that to live like a lady implies that they should live in comparative idleness, or that only a few of tho lighter duties, a little fancy sewing or crocheting, or‘a !i;tlo playing on the piano is all that they caii do. Nothing is more errone ous. Nothing is more productive of evil'and discord and misery. No true lady shuns work, work is the glory of life, the glory alike of the rich and tho poor. All goodness springs froiruictiyity, employment, energy, and .* nothing is more painful to everybody who takes a right view of life, than to . see a ntmenity, a useless hanger on to society, whoso life is passed in idleness, who contributes nothing to tho happi ncss and the prosperity of those around her. . . Wo have known many mothers who encouraged this false idea, who have slaved themselves in every possible way, to let their daughters lounge about in idleness, study and play the piano, go .into society and have a good time gen erally. In these cases the mothers were largely to blame, and instead Of promo ting the happiness of their daughters they wore laying tho-auro foundation of their misery, Such, cases are melancholy since they arise from an entirely mis taken notion. True happiness arises not from idleness, but from devotion to duty, from mental and physical activi ty, from work. -No rest, is so grateful,, no satisfaction so profound,'-ns that which springs from duty and labor per formed in the true spirit of cheerfulness and love.; The idle man or tho idle woman is generally tho most miserable of beings.' Time itselfhangs heavy over the idle mind. Wo do not deprecate the acquirement oi tho ordinary accomplishments of so ciety on the part of the farmer’s daugh ter, nor’the devotion of .a resnnahle amount of time to them, where they are kept strictly subordinate to the more imperative dictates of domestic duty. t A-farmer’s daughter has a right to llieso acquirements as, well as any other daugh ter, but when they interfere with duty, when they encroach upon" tho . lime which ought to be given to the perfor maiffco of household work, they are no longer an ornament, but the badge of shame. ■ •■ Woman’s sphere of activity is the ' house. It is quite different from that of man’s. If is not less honorable nor less important because it is different. Phy sically, mentally and morally she is belter fitted to be the glory and the or nament of domestic life. When it is necessarv from circumstances of econo my to do household work all her days nr not, it makes little difference in her course of editaUion, widish should he '''-calculated to prepare, her for the perfor- Uianeo of household duties. Tho hap piness of life would ho much greater were this preparation more universal. 1 Ilecause a lady is not obliged to cook all her/ life, it -does not follow that she should not learn. A knowledge of the practical details of household duty is more honorable and vastly more im portant (ban a knowledge of music though both'may be desirable. In all tho essential elements of a hap py life, a farmer’s daughter has tho ad vantage of the city girl, she is usually stronger and more robust, and has a greater degree of physical ucauty. Her educ if ion ought to "bo less artificial— more solid and practical If she unites to fair intellectual capacity a good de gree of sound common sen-e, she will make the most of her position, and ac quire the graces which are tho ornament of tho sex. I in: Farm.— Farming .is a profession not to say a science. If any ono doubts tbis statement lot him leave Iris city home—for no one bred in the country will doubt it—and undertake to culti vate oven a garden of half and acre for the summer. Ho will then find that knowledge is essential to the right use of the spado as of the pen, and that there is asgreatadifferenco between the scientific forming of Flanders, where literally not a weed is to he seen, and that of many of our farmers, the wealth of whose soil is aboutcqually divided be tween fruits and weeds, as between the trade of a modern commercial city and the barter of a back-woods settlement, it is true that'agriculture has boon the last to receive the impetus of modern science. It is truelhatmany agricltural ists are contented to go on in the ways of their fathers, because experiments are costly. But it is also true that they are nimble to compete with those who un “ilerstood the use of now instruments, methods and fertilizers. Agriculture is also becoming in this country a popu lar reaction. Many a gentleman is con tent to spend on hiscountry-seatraoney .■which he makes in the counting-room. The practical farmer is thus able to get tne benefit of experiments without pay in,- for them. This change in agricul ture, which has .converted it from drud gery to an art, has created a demand for corresponding literature. “Fifty years ago a stable agricultural periodical rtii.l not exist on the American Continent. J ’ JSlo w every considerable district lias one, while almost every weekly paper, •'so'-’ eular or religious, lias its agricultural department; and it will not be Iona: bo - tore something of a library will be a part of the furniture of every well or dered farm. 1 'oTA'roKH. —I f polotoes have matured, r .liny should bo dug before long rains come on. When potatoes are being dug. then is the true-time—better than tid others—to select the seeclfora future crop. Nature usually indicates which specimens are designated for seed. Oc casionally a very fair, smooth and ex- cellent tuber will roll out. which attracts par; icular attention. That is designed Ijy ihUuro for seed. Let it bo saved, for tan product of such a- potato will farex “tKaaLvtfio yield of very large or the smallest specimens.—iVT Y. Observer. Jt is better to spend an hour hanging loose doors and gates than in hanging liround taverns and stores. iSlcctiou Dvoclamatiou. Election proclamation.— iifueah, in mul by nn Actof the General unihlv of the Coiuninnwenlth of I t'nn^yUa nin, entitled • An Act relating to the elect lons of .ihiH.Cetuuuoiuv.ei\iHhV.i>N«cd - ou . TnK' 4iiiio Domini. iftty, ll is made fho shoritl of every. County within tills Loin* nionweaUh to give public notlco of norui Elections, and in such notice to onumcrulo . I S l' I*os! C c?' THO MI’S ON, High Slieilil’ of ,I *‘V County of Cumberland, do hereby uiiiko Kno\> o nml give this public notice to the electors of the County of Cumberhiml. that ou 1 uesdnj tb ill bo helU-ut tho public house of Joshua Culp, In Shepherds* election in tho election c p.>iposca of Mlddlesextownshlp, will bo hold at the Alld dlThoXc?ecUonlhWho election district composed of the township of Lower Allen, will bo held at tho wnuon-makor shop of donn-s rivmchbargcr, on S Tlioeloctlon In tlio election district oomposod ol EnstrcnnsboroiiKh township. will bo held ut the house of L. S. Hatfield In Sv est Fairs leu. Tho election in the oleellon district composed of New Cumberland, will bo held at tho house now kept by William Bell, In the borough of Now Cumberland. ~ , . , Tho election In tho election district composed of IhoNbrlh Ward of the Borougn of Mecmmlc-s. burg at the Nortb-wost corner of Maiket House. | h \be d DU;eliim Jn tlioolcclion district compost 1 ' tVic Soulii VVuril ohho'ijoriiugii 1 :it the South-west corner of Iho Market louse, in said borough. ’ The election In the election district composed if Monroe township, will bo held at the public of-A. L. llursh.dn Churehlown, in said U Th" b ilecUoalii the election district composed ofi'enu township, will beheld at the house Intel j occupied by Jacob Rcdsecker, in said township. The elation hi the election district composed of Upper Dickinson township, will be held in the house now occupied by Wm. Crozler, ktiown as tlie S one TiWoru. . , , . . •< , The election In the election district composed of the borough of New.vlllo and townships of Mif illn. Upper Erankford, Upper WestPennsborongh and North Newton, will be hchl at the public School House In tbo borough of Newviile. ! Tlio election In the election district composed of the borough of Newburg, Hopewell township, will 1)0 held at the School House In Newburg, In Sl in the election district composed of the borough of Shlpponsburg, Shippoiisburg township, and Unit purl of Southampton not in cluded in the Leesburg election district, will bo held at the Council 1 louse, In the borough of Sl, rfio eVecUon in the election district composed of Lower Southampton township, will be held at the house of Wm. llaughinan, in Leesburg. The election in tbo election district composed of South Newton township, will bo held at the School House In Jacksonville. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that overv person, excepting Justices of tlio peace who shaft hold any olllcoor uppolutrnent of nrolil or trust under the government of the United States or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned ollicer or otherwise, a subordinate ollh er or agent, who Is, or shall ho. employed under the legislature, executive or Judiciary department of this State, or of any ct l y or Incorporated district and also that every member of Congress and of the Slate legislature, and of the select and com mon council of any city, or commissioners of auv Incorporated district, Is by law incapable of holdlug.or exercising, at tho some time, the oi ilce or appointment of Judge, Inspector or cleric of any election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector, judge, or oilier olllcor of any such election, shall bo eligible to any olllcotojiothcn voted for; but nothing heroin shall ho so con structed as to prevent any militia ofllcer or bor ough ollicer from serving as. Judge, Inspector- or dork at any general oi special, election; nor shall any thing herein contained be so, con structed ns lb prohibit a judge Inspector or clorlc of election from being voted for to fill any town ship ollice, or render either or any of them Ineli gible to hold the same. ’Particular attention Is directed to the flrstsoc {ion of the Act of Assembly, passed thoJOth day ‘ol March, A; D., IstiO, entitled “ An Act regulating (ho manner of Voting at all .Electlons, in tho' several counties of this Commonwealth “ That the qualified voters of the several coun ties of this Commonweollh, at all* general, town ship, borough ami special elections, a»e hceb.', hereafter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or wntcn.or partly printed and partly \\nitten, severally classllled us follows: One ticket shall embrace tho names of all Judges of courts voted for, and to he labelled, outside, “Ju diciary one ticket shall embrace tho names of all slide olllcers voted for, and ho labelled, “stale: - ’ one ticket shall.embrace tho names of all coimiv olllcers voted for, including otllce of Senator, member, and members of Assembly, if voted lor. and members, of Congress,! f voted lor, and in* labelled, “ countyone ticket shall em brace the names of all township o/Hcers voted fur, and he labelled, “township;’’one.tlckctslmll embrace the mimes of all Ixmnigh olllcers voted for, and be labelled, “ horoguhand each class shall ho deposited In separate ballot boxes.” In accordauee’wlth toe provisions of the «Ui section of sin actentltled “ A further supplement to the Election laws of this Commonwealth,”l publish the following; WriniuiAH, lly tho act of tho Congress of the United; States, entitled “An act to amend the several acta heretofore passed to provide for tho enrolling and calling out tho national forces, and for other purpose,” and approved March tkl. onothousadd eight hundred and slxty-llw, all persons who have desert's! tho military or naval service of the United Sta es, and who have not been discharged or relieved from the penally or disability therein pro\ i'od, Are deemed and taken to'hnvcvohintarily relinquished and for feited theirrlght pf citizenship ami their rights to become citl/ons and tiro deprived of exercis ing any rights of citizens thereof: And H'hrrnt.s, Persons not.citizens of the United States tiro not. under the constitution ami laws of i’ennsvlnanla, qualilled electors of this Com monwealth : Suction cnustnl, t (■<*., That mall alee lions hereafter to la* held in this > tan mon- wealth. 11 shall ho unlawful for (ho judge or In spect ora »t iiuy such election lo receive any bal lot or ballots from any |H.Mson#emhraceil In the provisions and subject to Hus dlsahl ily Imposed by said ncl of Congress, approved March :kl one thousand eight huiidred and slxly-tlve, and It shall bo unlawful for any person to oiler to vole any ballot or ballots. • SErriON *2. That If any such Judge or Inspec tors of election on any one ol them uiiall receive or consent to receive, any such unlawful ballot or ballots from any snob disannulled person, ho or’they so offending shall he guilty of misde meanor, and upoueonvietlon thereof In any court of sessions of this commonwealth,'he shall, for each offence, ho sentenced to pay ft lino ofnot less than one hundred dollars, and to ..undergo an imprisonment lu the jail of the propcrcounty for not less Hum sixty days. Skctio > !J. That It any person deprived ol citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid,shall at any election hereafter to bo held In this com monwealth, vote, or lender to the olllcers there of, ami offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any per son so olleudlng, shalibogullty of a misdemean or, and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this common wealth, shall for euoh offenca l o punished in likewise manner as provided Ih the proceeding .section of-tlils net lu easeofollluersoreleetiou rccelVlngsuch unlaw ful ballot or ballots. Section 1. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons, de prived of citizenship and dlsqurllfled as afore said, to oiler any ballot or ballots to the olhcer of any election heroullev to ho held In this com monwealth, such persons so oll'endlng, shall he gulltv of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall be punished In a like manner as Is provided In the second section of this act In the case of olllcers of such election re ceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-flrst section of said act, "Every General and Special Election slmll he open between the hours or eight uml leu In the forenoon and shall continue open until seven o'clock in the evening, when-the polls shall bo closed.” Pursuant to Urn provisions contained in the seventy-sixth section of the act tlrst aforesaid, thejmfges of the aforesaid districts shall respec tively take charge of the cortltlcUtcs of return of the election of their respective districts, and pro duce them at it meeting of one Judge from each district, at the borough of Carlisle, on the third dav alter the election, being, for the presontyoar Otf FRIDAY, THE IGTII DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT-, then and there to do and perform tho du ties required by law of said Judges. Also—That wheie a Judge by sickness or una voidable accident, is unable to attend suclv'fc, meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return’ aforesaid shall he taken charge of by one'-of ifie-, InspecKW-or Clerks of (he election of said i\i&> trict, who shall do and perform 1 ho duties requir ed of said judge unable to attend. Given under my hand, at Carlisle, this 7th day of .September, iM-it jo.sepii c. tiio mi’soiV, ShrriJJ. Beni, n, irai. (10 VE.RNOR'S 41.,..•. 1, 3 r , CAMPAIGN W CAPS, CAPES AND Campaign Torekes, , Q 5 3 ,11 Alo k s , .0 AP , S:&' \ , 4 7 ',/;CA S ,V.,., Price of Torches, $llO, SIJ.) nml SIO per hun dred. fiend for price-list nr d engraving of Caps and Capos. PHILIP HILL, Mamifr, 201 CHURCH RT. Bet. 2d «t ltd, nb Market, PHILADELPHIA. «v>- Military Companies’ Unllorms made to order. Hept.O. IHOO— A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES.- Being a short and practical treats* on the naluro, causes, and symptoms of pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis and Asthma, and their prevention, treatment, and euro by In halation. Bent by mall Tree. • Address Q, VANJIUMMBLL, M. V , 0, AV est Fourteenth Street, N. Y, June 10, IbfjS—Jy 3Drg Coots 1869. GRANDv OPENING! AT Til F Central ■ DRY GOODS HOUSE, Seasonable Goods. DRESS SI LICK, ' FRENCH MEUINOKS, FMPRESS REITS, FLAT I) POPLINS, ' IRISH POPLINS, CIIENE MOHAIRS, P.LACK ALPACAS, . ’ . [Superior Rrands. BLANKETS, COVERLIDS, BIUWLS of every description, BREAKI-’ASTSUAWIS. nowatyles, AttAP. SHAWLS, the intost thliiß out. MEW STYLES OE WOOLEN HOODS, just out, FLAN- NELS, of every description, nt extremely low prices, CLOTHS. OAKSIMERES, VESTINGS HATTIN ■ TT, K KNTItt 'ICY .1 EAMS, Home Made Goods. l- m- Meu and IJo> h’ Wear, J TIIK NEW BALMORAL SKIRT. HOOPED SKIRTS, NOTIONS of every Variety and style, Furs! Furs! Furs' A full iLSSortmentof fill kinds for Ladles, Misses and Children. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All Widths, BKUGGITTS, All Widths, DOOR MATTS. RUGS, &c. t To tho community at largo wo will say thatwo aro going to keep-up «ur reputation ol keeinng the most attractive stock at all times that is to he found In the town and county. Please do not fail to call and examine our slock before making your purchases lor the season. MtiUU’H .t MILiI.KJ Sep. i), It'd!* Q U M .11 K U L A A' X> V A h L K Y I! A 1 L It O A D ! 011 AN Ci I'. OF lIOUHS On and atlfrThursday, Sept. Oth, IKG9, Tasscii yer Trains will run dally as follows, (Sundays ex cepted), WESTWARD ArcommoiUUinn Train leaves Harrisburg 8.00 A. 8.35, Carlisle 0.11, New vllle 0.40, Kblppcnslmrg 10.20, Chambersburg 10.44, Green, castle U.lO, arriving at Hagerstown 11.15 A.M. Mail Train loaves Harrisburg 1.85 I*. M., Me chaulcsburg 2.07. Carlisle 2.(0, Newvlllo :Us.Bhlp pcnsburg 5.45, Chambersbmg (.20, GreencnsUe 4.50, arrlvlngat Uagerstown.6.2s I*. M, Jicprcx* IVain leaves Harrisburg 4,25 I’. M. t Mo clmnlcsburg 1,57, Carlisle 5.27. Newvlile U.OO.Shlp ponsburg 0.27, arriving at Chambersburg at 0.65 P. M. A Mired Train leaves Chambersburg 7. 15 A. M., Greencnslie 0.15. arriving at Hagerstown 10,U5 A, M. K A .ST \V A U 1): Accoinaiotladon ' 1 ruin leaves Chambersburg 4,60 A. M., Shippensburg 5.10, Ne\vville-6.5U, Carlisle 0.211, Moch.mlesbnrg 0.62 arriving at. Hairlsburg 7.2UA.M, Mail Train loaves Hagerstown 5.50 A. M-.,Green castle O.Uo.Cbamhershurg o.lo,Shippensburg 10.15 Newvlllc 10.17, Carlisle 11.25, Mecbauiesburg Ji.65 arriving at Harrisburg 12.52 I*. M. J-Jrjimi-t 'JVatn leaves Hagerstown 12.(0 M. Greeneastle 12.25, Cbambersbuvg 1.05 Hlnppens burg 1.57, Newvllle 2.10, Carlisle 2,50, Mechanics burg 5.15, arriving at Harrisburg 5.60 i*. At. A Misrd Train leaves Hagerstown 5.05,1*. M„ Greeneastle 4.12, arriving at Cbumbersburg 5.0 i P. M. /iJirMaklny close connections at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia,Now York, Baltimore, Washington, Plilsbnrg. O, N. LULL. Sept. 9, ISli'j. iSiijjl. Railroad Ollloc, Clmmb’g Sept. 1, UiOO.-t Hr.WM.D. HALL, AND Mrs. MAHY i } uall, homoepatuic physicians AND MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS. Olllce and resilience, No. 37 South Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. All AculOiOr Chronic diseases successfully treated. Fulmer Donaldson, Unlonlown, Pa. C.ircd oi Heart Disease,of 2 years standing, In live weeks. HiuLbeen given up to die. Miss* Clara Gilbert, Germantown, Pa. Liver Complaint, of two years standing. Cured in two months. DeuJ. lleesor, Unlontown, Pa. Inhumation of the eyes, with iossol the sight of one eye, ol six teen years standing. Cured In three months. Mrs. Mary Gilbert, Germantown, Pa. Dys pepsia of ten years standing. Cured In two mouths. Mr. F. T. Wood, Girard Avo„ and Warnock St., Philadelphia. Cured ofGeucral Debility Of three years .standing. Miss Emma Morris. 1221 Girard Avo. PJdla. Pa Dyspepsia and Gravel of three years standing.— Cured m six weeks. Frank Frier, 712 North 13th street, Philadel phia, Pouua. “While Swelling” of nine years standing. Cured In live months. All consultation free. Olllces strictly private. Drs. Hall respectfully refers to the following ladles, residing in Carlisle. Mrs. .las. Masonhel mor, Mrs. Win. Hastings, Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. J. Fallor, Mrs. Henry buyilor, and many others. May 13.1SG9—Om. THING.’ Important to Jlouse/Scepcrs, Jlotvls, Hanks, Offices, Ac, THE PATENT WIUE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN, WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and light, Screen from.. View, and exclude FLIES, MOSQUITOS AND OTHER INSECTS. For Bale by Dealers In Houso-Furnlshing Goods. Window & erven Company ■■ri-.-jif i : -A > KOLR MANUPACTUUEU.S (>2;} Market tilreut, Philadelphia, July 1, im—Um LIQUOR STORE. JOHN HANNON, Is'. K. CORNER HANOVER ANDPOMFRETST. (A low doors Boulh of Bonlz’s Store.) Pure Rye Whldkoy, » Best Common Whiskey, Pure Holland Gin, Ginger Brandy, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Jamaciu Rum, Raspberry Syrup. Champagne RTAYLOR’S BITTERS—INHOFF’S «t GLAHSH bitters. May 13. m^-ly rjUIE MARY INSTITUTE, Carlisle, Picnn’a. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIULfI. Tho Ninth Annual Session will bcclg ou Wed nesday, HepUmbor Ist.. For clreuluiH or fur ther information address UKy. WM. 0. M. A. Carlisle, Fenn’a, April 22, 1W9—Jy jitacbirul, MAIUiUAUT’H LEBBATKI) LINIMENT foil MAN Oil lIK AST. i.imlmblvnitmiteil lo tlmCuroof nil Discuses CMcrlwul Counit/ All- II K NUNS; Abraham Marqimrt, Esq.. husMioun mi> tho n-nllW or, whloll Uls UiUm.»« iVlh'-iltMu'("rtlfvrnK tlml U will Im'liL-in.-lu ial Imlk.iU 1. BUippensburg. Sept. 15,1KUS. 1869. BoulsSnd ofYKtt ,CC^TN\MKI^M.D b ° Mr. A. Marquart:—Dear glr-I take n : “™« *“ saving that 1 liavo used your Liniment for chap uSl iinnds. and It cured them and made them K soft. 1 think It tho best I hayo Ivor used, ami would cheerfully roeommoud It t) tho gen eral publlo^ o , rton townahlpi P(Ui Nor. 21, ISOS. I hereby certify that I have used A. itarqnart’s Llulinoul for Scratches and Spavin on two of my horses with tho greatest success, »nd vyou d recoinmcd It to all whq aro In need ol anything of the kind. MELL i NaEII coll nty Vrens’r. ’ Stoughslbwu.Non 18,1808. Mr A. Mnrqnnrt:—BearSlr: I havousedabout half a bottle of your Liniment on my horse for a bad Collar Gall, which was tho - most obstinate sore of tho kind I over saw; also on my arm for Rheumatism, and it 11^ .4 1 ve PnItli1tliot 1 it r ?or tlon In both cases, I would not do ulthot it for ten times Its cost, eerfully d H to the public. MICHAkb LAlbliAW. 1 Jacksonville, i a., Not. *O, JaOS, A Marnuart. Esq.:-Dear SiJ: I had a very severe attack of Rheumatism in my back, so that I could Bcurcely walk, tjhlch was very painful. After using half a botllo of your cele brated Liniment. 1 was entlrolycured. i-hls is not a recommendation, but tl>4 * ru^* You can make any uso of this 'long "Walnut Bottom, PaT-Nov. 20,15U3. Mr. A. MarquWt:—Dear Sir: I hrvo used your valuable Liniment In ray family for (Ilirei ont ualna'and aches, and it lias proved eaUsfactoiy in every caso. f'tlo think, ns nn externul Llnl meat, it stands without a rival. I would ojicer fully recommend it to the public. Jt. QE YOCUM. Jacksonville, I'a., Nov. 21,111118. A. Morqunrt, Eso.i-Dcar Sir: It affords mo pleasure to certify that 1 have used your Lini ment on my neck, In n case of very Soro lhroat, which was much swollen and very painful. Af ter two or three applications, 1 found It to act like rani'll'. ami would recoinnicnd It as nil ex ,,.,11,,nl i.iiiiniont. JACOB 8Il»\ EK*. ccllcut Jjlnuu^;*i nut bottom, Pa.,Nov. ID, ISGB . r fy'afr. In/ Jfavcrsiich lira's., D. Ralston, Corn u,„ .0 IVorhiitutfrn, ftorlMe, ■ ku-Afll'lNTS WANTED, Walnut Bottom, Cumberland Co., I’a. Dec. K). isas-iv Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, roiii.i’ntiri'W® tub blood. n Tlic reputation this cx- B ccllcnt medicine enjoys, ■ vV is derived from its cures, v.~" many of which are truly /S — J&3 marvellous. Invotcralo j T cases of Scrofulous dls •/f J »u* case,, where the system J\. If seemed saturated with corruption, have been mirhled mid cured by it. '«&***'' jl , Scrofulous affections and disorders, which were ng graveled by Uio eerofa ■ - r r,vr lona conlainiimtion until' they were pnlnfullv afflicting, have been radically cured in sucli great numbers In almost every sec tion of tho country, lliat thu public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. • . Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen amt unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, ami invites thu attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of It* iii e-encc. Again, it seems to breed infoetion tin v u•;!.>■;:{ the body, and then, on some favorable oura-i-n, rapidly develop into one of other of its hidoou.- hu ms, either on the surface or among the vital*. I« *' e latter, tuber cles may be suddenly .*-n-■ -I'lhc lungs-or heart, or tumors formed in the : .or it shows its presence by eruptions on the .-k , <«r find ulcer ations on some pari of the body. lit i‘e (he oren • slonal use of a bottle of this Sarsi>i>'irflla is ad visable, even when no active f-ynipinv- * 2' ng perfectly air tight. Ifo lias also 1 11 .itahed himself with u new Rose wood Heause and gentle horses, with which ho will attend funerals in town and country, .per sonally, without extra charge. Among the greatest discoveries of the age Is Su i U’s Uprlny AfaUrasa, the best and cheapest bed now In use, the exclusive right of which I have nsured and will be kent constantly on hand. CABINET MAKING. In all Its various brandies, carried on, and Beau renus. Secretaries, Work-stands. Parlor Ware Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Hide and Centro Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, With stands of all idiids, French Bedsteads, high arid low posts: Jenny Lind ami Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking’ Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured In this Hue of business, kept constantly on hand. Ills workmen are men of experience, his ma terial the best, and his work made in the latest city style, and all under his own supervision. It will bo warranted and sold low for cash. Ho Invites all to give'him a call before purchas ing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage here toflro extended to him ho feels indebted-to his numerous customers, and assures them that no efforts will bo spared In future to please them In stylo and price. Give us a call. Remember the place, North Hanover street nearly opposite the Deposit Rank, Carlisle. Dco.IXSOS. Mrs. r. a. smith’s photo graphio Gallery South-east Corner Hano treet, and Market Square, where may be had all the different styles of Photographs, from card to life size. IT VORYYPES. AMBROTYPES, AND ANMELIOT Y PES ; also Pictures on Porcelain, (something new)bpth Plain and Colored, and which are bcautlfulpro duel'ons of the Photographic art. Call and see the.r. a Pt« tlculnr attention given to copying from uguerrovypes &c. She invites the patronage of thopubllc. Fob, U, ISUU. * b * N. HANOVER STREET, NO.gJ NRW, YORK BRANCH, H EApQUAHTEUS FOR IIAROAINS, Wo would Invite Uioupcclnl atlontlonot the cltl- Eons of Carlisle and Cumberland Co., to our well selected stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Notions White Goods, Linen and Fancy Goods, all of which wo are determined lo run off at astonishing low prices. Give us an early call and Judge fervour- TCIVC3- n M. BAMBERGER. May a. Mi-oS' auover street, Blpo'H Hull gIE VES AND WIRE CLOTH MANUFACTURED BY SELLERS BROTHERS, 023 Market street, Phila . fiopt. 23,1600—3 m umiss, &c. OS AND MEDICINES . B E S T- P L-A O-E HE TO BUY PURE AND RELIABLE UR *7 GS 9 Medicines and Fine Chemicals, HAYERSTICK BROS., Kortlv Hanover Street, CARLISLE ’ PA. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Boohs Fancy Goods, Confectionaries, Fer furriery. Toilet Articles, &c.. Dye Muffs, Cosmetics, Stationary, . &c. Also, Pure Wines ■ for Medical Pur poses. Tholr assortment of Goods, in variety, noM-d* ty and elegance, cannot ho surpassed. J l ' ejes have been selected with great care, and are calculated in quality and mice to command.-tne attention ol purehast l‘S. , tlll S' T O B E , NO 88 EASTEI-OJiFRET BTRBBX And why aro they, always fresh 7 Because we sell a great amount of them, and sell them .low. Therefore, turn our stock often, and consequent ly our goods must be fresh. . . , You wilUlud overythlngyou wish lu tho way of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, • GLASSWARE. -WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, STONE AND CROCKERY WARE, . Choice Haras, Dried Beef. JUologma, Beef, Tongues. Biscuits and Crackers of every de scription. Pickled, Spiced and Fresh Oysters, Sardines, English Pickles, Lemon Byrnps, &c„ &c. \ and no end to NOTIONS. It. Is useless to mention them, come and see for yourselves: and parents if It don’t suit you to come, send your children, ns they will he dealt with with the same care ns it you were hero yourself: AUkiudaof COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken In exchange for goods, or cash GEO. B. HOFFMAN’S SONS. NO. 88 EAST rOMFKiST STREET, CARLISLE. PA. Notice.—Having transferred “my eatlro Inter est In the grocery business-to my Sons, those In to me are requested to settle with them during my absence In Europe. GEO. B. HOFEMAN. and Office FHILADELPHIA.' ST* Samples sent by mail when written for. Jan. 7. IRiiJ-ly JpiNE CLOTHING. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. NO. • 22, SOUTH HANOVER STREET, Cauusle Pa. I Invito the attention of my old customers and the public at largo, to my large and Brilliant stock of BUMMER GOODS, for men, youth, and boys’ wear. My custom do- Sartmem comprises the finest and most select of loths and Casslmcres, while my array of READY MADE CLOTHING DAVID SIP is carefully and moat tastefully gotten up, cannot and will not bo undersold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON NO. 22 NORTH HANOVER STREET. Carlisle. , *o-I, am still selling the Florence Sowing Ma chine. May 13.18C1H- QARRIAGES. A. B. S3ERK lias now on hand, at his carnage F actory, N. K corner South and Pitt streets, * CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, and ovondhlng In his lino, on hand or made to order. Ho la determined to got up the best work turned out In this section of the country. Noth ing but the very best stock goes Into buggies or carnages of his manufacture, May a 2o l! l§39^tn Qlntlne P rom P tl Y attended to J. S. DOUGHERTY CONOVER, DORPF & C 0.., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLEBADB DEADENS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 621 MA It KK T HTH K B T PHILADELPHIA. July 16,1609-1 jl JS .A T No, 10 DEALERS IN (groceries. WITH Stobes, ©numu.&c. a hit HAIL I ALL HAIL !! 1 “• ihe atony op tub night is tub „ MORNING GLORY STOVE THE GJIEATEST STOVE FOR IMS. purchased ttio largest, latest and best assort incut of ?“ 10K oookinoam b stoves trer bronchi to tills place, have now-on oxhlhl ou and for salo at their Store Room b. NO. 18 WEST MAIN STREET, where they will always ho ploaSoa to see tnolr old friends and many new ones, call and exam THE GREAT MORNING GLORY parlor Stove- and heater. THE l OB TARY TOP COOKING STOVE. TUB UE3T IN THE WORLD, THE MORNING GLORY is ino mo t perfect punor stove lu use any whole or everywhere. Ills a Base Bunier, and one fire will Inst nil winter. It hns mica doorsnll nronna and Is as i right and cheerful ns an open gate, wo respectfully refer to the following persons from among hundreds of others who have used It, aa to Its merits; James B. Weakley, Rev. J. Boas, W. B. Mullln, Webort & Derlau d, Geo. Welso, David Rhoads, . Levi Trego, Samuel Grcnson, Weakley & Sadler,. _ . ,« L T. Greenfield, "hos. Chamberlin, Siimuol H. Gould, o 1m Stuart, JnsonW.Eby, John T. Groan. Thos Lee Henry L. Burkholder, Potcr Spubr, Rlchnrd Woods, Wm.P. Stuart, J.S. Woods, Jds. Gulbrnlth, ' MnJ. Woods,• John M. Gregg. „ , Wo have also n very large variety of Cook Stoves of the very best, namely: NOBLE COOK, (Gns Burner,) ; COMBINATION. (Gas Burner,) * WM. PENN, . eureka. WABASH. ELECTRIC. am! NIAGRA, all of which have given great sat isfaction to the purchasers. We have also a largo lot of TIN AND OTHER WARES. Hon. J. Stuart, Edward Fury, Sorg't Irvin, Col. A, Noble, Mr. Mansfield, Sup t. MU Holly Paper Mill Co. Sam’l Kompton, ormir own mnnulacturo. TIN AND SHEET IRON. of allkinda couMmictly on hand. SPOUTING. ROOFING & 'JOBBING. Of nil kinds done on abort .nonce and substanti nllv. In conclusion wo invito our friends to call anil examine our goods and save at least wen ty per cent. WALKER & CLAUDY. NO. IS WEST MAIN STREET , OAHr.ISLK. I’A. OOt. 8.1800. C'ITOVES, tin, sheet iron WARE' AND . DUMPS.—'Tim umlorsigued having returned from the Eastern UHlcs with a large assortment of STOVES AND WAR E S , usually kept in a llrSt class. o-UnblfHlimont, anr prepared t Bu, Mo. N.Y. Sold For Sale by GEORGE fe. HOOFMAN - March P ° mfrCt StreCt toi Restores gray and faded Hair to its Original Color, removes Dandruff tSUES ALL BIS GASES OP THE SCALP, Prevents Baldness, and makes the hair .grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. $l» tid $1,60 per Bottle. Eaeb Hollis is a |) n 't Paper Pott. Anir°Pwvv ',7 s.ewaud, bentley bj° lU Dmre’ish™ B,li “ L ’' N.Y Paid For sale by d. B. HOFFMAN, Grocer, Pomfret StreoH,' Carlisle-.; QELLINQ OFF AT COKT.—Tbo un- P derslgncd being delbrmlncd to milt, tbo bus iness, offer their onttro Monitor Dry Goods uml Groceries at cost fo • cash. PersonsTiuyUi Sua save 20per cent, by buylngorourstocli. * _ „ , J. WILLIAMSON i HRO Bolling Springs, July tf, ihU'J, 1 08 ,U 1W * matt 1869 EABDWARE ' 1869, HENRY SAXTON. BAST MAIN St, NO. 15, CARLISLE Wholesale tind , dealer lh llnni»ij Iron, Btoel, Nalls. Building Materials, Ol F B lnc?t“quatlty o! American and Englu, POCKBT AND TABLE CUTbK^ Every description of Tools adapted to all * ohanlcal trades, of the most celebrated msv. and warranted in every instance. ., guns, pistols a ammunitio) Pumps for any depth, worran tedtoglycsaflf, tlon, Cements, Sand, Plastov, BlastlnePoTd picks, Shovels Spades Forks, Crowbars, Bi a es, «£c. FARM DELLS, PLOWS, CHAINS, GRAIN l!.\G3j Builders receive material to a great ndvantagt in price and quality. Housekeepers goods utposlls in great variety. Wo are solo agents for the great FUELECON O MIZE 11, PAT. EXCELSIOR" WEATHER STIUPPI! adapted for doois and windows. We leel ourselves competent of pleasing ra our goods are of the highest in Quality nniUi in price. Orders by mall receive prompt attemic,- GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN Fill . Parties Indebted to ns for 1808. will p]J make prompt payment, and all townonueoil debted will please.present their hills for wl mont. 1 HENRY SAITOSI Jan. 14,1809—ly . . 1 17 1 tiq 4 , ':".' ,.. 4 . ': 1 51 ., " ' q'tN,(7-Iti'DlNT,'N' ~~i'',~ • '4''..':.i..rth Yk. ' ll • . ------- 110 1 .0 4 : 1 - 141 ;11„Ill ;,...s,:ilziiiittit., MIL LEU &• BOW MSI take thlsopportnnltyof directing the niun of the community at largo, and every particular, to tlielr recently leplenlKlu-dkti HARD W:A R E A, 1 They studiously avoided investing durlij high prices, and patiently waited the li put of thebottom beforelnttemptlng to reCL shelves, and now that things have been ul o old time prices, as near as possible, thej invested largely and are prepared to guv to their friends and customers as low \n. any market outside the cities. They i>|. invite the attention of mechanics, famu! builders. Our sUek Is complete aud noiir fear meeting with