Agricultural. UmiiifcSrp*™ wlto Small ChlMrcn noil Smaller Help* ' . rr A lady correspondent at tho West, puts the following question: “In your reply to the Southern lady who had determined to do her own work—after speaking of tho arranged ' kitchen —you add: ‘Fitted out with these appliances, a woman in good health and without small children, con often do her own work with less worry without a servant than with one.’, Now, hero let me ask What would a woman do with very few. of tfl 050 , and six or eight small children—say ■ under ton years old ? ' , in those essays .1 have mot with a uood many things that, coincide with my experience, my thinkings, plan nings, anddoings-and yet when I have road them through, I have felt as though there was something wanting. A wish came up that some one who had six or eight small children to cure for and do for. In addition to her other du ties, would write on the subject. It seemed to me I might learn many a lesson. I wish to make my system of housekeeping as good as I can under my present circumstances. But. for want of such a paper, I Intend to make the most of those published.” As the woman with eight small chil dren is likely, to bo busy for some time, we will answer for her. Eight small children and no help 1 It Is a hard case, and requires considerable philosophy, and some piety, to get along with it smoothly. Do not despair. Your case might be worse in two particulars; you might have no children at all, and you might have more. We know of a woman who has twenty-five, all comely and doing well. The saddest people we know ofare childless husbands and wives, and the most cheerless homes are those where there is no cradle to rock, and no playthings to put, up when evening comes. Better a dozen than none. You need the education which will come of training them to thrifty and virtuous habits. Do not doubt fur a moment that they will live, grow up, and be useful and happy, and that.thcy will all rise up and call you blessed. The kind Providence that has given them being, k has a work for them to do, and will in some way provide for their training. Do not worry. Worry kills a great many more people than work. There must necessarily be a difierent standard of attainment in such a home, from that which prevails where money and servants are plenty. There can hot be so many o t so fine dresses, play things, hooka and amusements. They can not he kept in such absolute clean liness and order, as If each child had a nurse, and a governess devoted her whole time to their education. If you do the best you can under tho .circum stances, duty Is discharged—a matter of thanksgiving. Look at the. Sunny Side.— There Is snob a side in every lot in life. Most chil dren grow up in homes where there are no servants, and turn out passably well, Hen and women of the highest culture and social position, more often than otherwise, began life in this con dition, and the early habits of self help and industry there formed, determined their characters and success. To bo born in affluence is generally a calami ty. The children of the rich are most appropriately objects of. coihpassion. What shall be done for sucb, to make them useful and happy,is a much u/oro 'difficult problem to solve than tho proper training of the children of tho poor. The men Who make our laws and mould public opinion, as a rule, grow up under the necessity of labor. Their mothers filled the.offlces of nurse, cook, and laundress in their homes, and to this day It is the honest conviction of these distinguished men, that then mothers were the best women and tho most savory cooks In the world. Cultivate Self-Help m your Children.— Mothers sometimes err in excessive tenderness and devotion. Children love occupation and will have it. The Eassion for dtessing dolls may as well e turned,to dressing something morn substantial, A little girl can soon learn to dress and wash, herself, and then to perform these offices for. her younger brothers and sisters. Play should never fie forestalled, but it may be so judici ously mixed up with healthful labors that the toll will not he irksome. The boy may as well pull on, his first boots, as Ijave another do it for him. If he is taught that It is manly to help himself and keep his clothes and person clean, he will glory in the use of brushes for the hair, the teeth, the clothes, and boots. He will soon learn to measure manhood by usefulness, and not hy tho amount of .dirty work other people do • for him. Some people Indeed, get too much out of their children, but that is not the tendency.or peril of. American society. They can be made much more helpful with pleasure and profit to them selves, and to' the world. Buy Labor-Havin;/ Machines. —A. largo part of tho labor in the family /can bo saved by them, and they pay for them selves many times over every year. 1 1 is difficult to see how a housekeeper can get along without them. Most peo ple are too poor to do without-them. They save what is more precious limn ' money—health and life. Wo forbear to say more, lest there should he noth ing left for the woman, with the eight small children to say. We yield the Door until she speaks. . Iron at SCO.QOo pc r Puiiud. A gentleman visiting the American Watch Company’s factory at Waltham, Mass., relates that a small vial, such as homceopathic pills are kept in, was handed to him, which was filled with whatseemed to be grains of coarse sand, of the color of blue tempered steel. On examination under a microscope, they proved to be perfect screws, of which i‘t required 800,000 to make a pound. Microscopic bits of steel, with the points exquisitely polished were also shown, so small that fifty weighed only a single grain. These were said to bo worth $20,000 per pound. These, ns well as every other of the running parts of the watch, are made entirely by ma chinery, which turns out each different piece exactly like its fellow. The following is his description of the method of making the fine screws: W hat you do not see at a first glance is a thin thread of steel, finer than the most delicate of pins.-slowly pushing its way through a little hole in a machine, and being grasped by a liny tool whieli runs round It. as if embracing., it; and then, presto I change [ out comes a knl(e pnd cuts off its head. Ail this is dPAU so quickly that you have to wait and watch the operation, o/teryou know what it is all about, before you can see the process I have described. The bit* thus beheaded with a hug, look exactly like little grains of powder. But they are screws. You notice that when you take a microscope and. examine them. They are complete— almost. Not quite yet. A girl picks them up, one by one, with a dainty tool, and places them in rows, one In every hole in a fiat piece of steel. This little plate, as soon as it is filled, is placed under another ma chine, aljd it would do any Irishman’,- soul good to sea it work. It beats .BoneybrooU Pair “all holltfw.V I neve -had-a more convincing proof of the su periority of' mechanical over manual labor, Per while a good hearty man with a stout bit of shlllalah may break half a dozen heads off a day—with fail luck—tills machine, without so much a: saying “By yer lave,” comes ontof it bole, and runs along each row, quietly splitting the head of each 6ne of them exactly, in the center. And now thi screw is made. —A toper, with “a turn” for stalls tied, c&mputes that the amount of whh ky destroyed In Philadelphia by the n . cent fire would have..made 64,000,00 “straight” drinks; and at 16 cents > glass the whole would amount to $960, 000,000, or a sum sufficient to oxtingulsl 0 largo part of the National debt. JBtS <;e„ Ladles Hose at 12J£o„ Hem Stitched at 10 and I2J£e„ lllem-hed Muslin at AlUdudsof SUMMER PANTS S T l|E F at prices that defy competition. A full assort- ment ofßhnwls, parasols, Son Umbrellas, Hoop Skirls, Corsets. Ac., always on hand. GRAIN RAGS, CLOTHS & CASSIMEHES, From tho Lowest Grade to tho Finest French. Having always taken the lead In this branch of tho business. I would say I nm bettor prepared this season than ever, to meet the wishes of all desiring a good article, or o very fair bargain. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, at tho shortest notice by a flrst-class ta'ylor. MOURNING GOODS, bombazines W 0 O X, D E L AI N E S , BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, CRAPE VEILS AND COLLARS, English Crape BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, Square .and long, also a full assortment of Fu- neral Goods, for which orders will bo promptly and satlsfactorally filled, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS,' NAPKINS. TOWELS, LINENS, - MARSAILLES, PIQUES, QUILTS, SPREADS, NAINSOOKS, INDIA TWILLS, SWISSES, TABLETONS. CAMBRICS &C, Reramcmber tho place, as I am determined not to be undersold In anything in ourllne. All I ask Is an Inspection of our New Stock just opened. I can convince yon that my goods are. cheap. L. T GREENFIELD, No. 4 EAST MAIN STREET. July 1, 1869, , &i. B. EWING, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, WEST MA IN STBEET. * CARLISLE, PENN'A. A Sx’pnfdid Assortment op ■NEW FURNITURE . for tho Holidays, comprising *** Sofas, - Camp Stools, Lounges, , Centro Tables, Rocking Chairs, Dlnlng.Tables. Easy Chairs, CartlTables; Reception Chairs, Ottomons, , Bureaus, ‘ What-Nots, _ Secretaries, • &o„ &0.. Parlor, Chamber, • Dining Room, Kitchen . and. Olllco FURNI.T U R E . . of the Latest Stylos. ' COTTAGE FURNITURE IN SETTS, Splendid Now Patterns. BEDSTEADS AND MATTRESSES, GILT FRAMES AND PICTURES, in great variety. Particular attention given to Funerals. Orders from town ahd country attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. Dec-. 17.1.SIW— tf Q A BIN E T WAREHOUSE TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tile auhsarlher respectfully Informs ills Irienua aud the pub] lo generally, Unit ho slill continues the Undertaking business, and Is ready to wait upon oustouiers either by day or by nlglit. Ready made Coffins kept constantly on hand, both plain ami ora imcntnl. He bus constantly on hand Fixk's I'M ml M,-latte llurlut, of which be has been appointed the solo agent. This ease Is recommended as superior to any of the kind now in use, it being perfectly air tight. He has also furnished himself with a new Rose wood and gentle horses, with which ho will attend funerals In town and country per sonally, without extra chat-go. Among the greatest discoveries of the a-e Is Rtvell'iifitrien Ma/trass , the best and cheapest bed now In use, the exclusive right of which I have Insured and will ho kent constantly on hand. CABINET MAKING? In all Its various branches, carried on, and Roan reaus. Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor .Ware Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centre Tables, Dining and Breakfast' Tables, Wash stands of all kinds, French Redsteads, high and low posts; Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds. Looking Glasses, and • all other articles usually manufactured In this lino of business, kept constantly on hand. His workmen nro men of experience, his ma terial the beat, and his work made In the latest city style, and all under his own supervision. It will he warranted and sold low for cash, He Invites onto give him a coll before purchas ing elsewhere. Forthe liberal patronage horo toflreoxtendedtohim he feels Indebted to his numerous customers, and assures them that no, efforts will bo spared In future to please them In style and price. Give us a call. Remember the place, North Hanover street nearly opposite the Deposit Bank, Carlisle. „ , „„„ DAVID SIPE. Deo 118113. A GOOD THING. mportant to Housekeepers, Hotels, . Banks, Offices, do, TBE I'ATKNT IVIhE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN, WILL PIT ANY WINDOW. Give ventilation and light, Screen from view, and exclude FLIES. MOSQUITOS AND OTHER INSECTS. 1’ or sale by Dealers In Houso-Furnlshlng Goods. e Adjustable Window &creenCompany % 601.13 arAKUFAOrURERS 028 Market Street, Philadelphia. July 1,1809.—3 m Jg N. HANOVER STREET, NO.g^ NEW YOMJC JiJiANCN) INS. - HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGA- rt & —Wo would Invltethoiipdclarattehtlono 011 ccltl '•ena .of Carlisle and Cumberland Co.; - to well stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Notions,White Goods. Linen and Fancy Goods, all of which we wo determined lo run orrac pmouiahJne loir prices. Give us an early call and Judge for your .olvaa. M, BAMBERGER, May 27/uSiS Hired, Blp () ' s Hall. LIQUOR STORE. JOHNHANNON, N. E. CORNER HANOVER AND POMKRETHT. , (A tow doom Houlli of Bentz's Store.) duro llyo Whiskey. Rest Common Whiskoy, Purs Holland Gin, Glnaer Brandy, Port Wine, Sherry Wlno, ’ Jamaoia Rum, Raspberry Syrup, t TAYLOR’SDIMEILH-TOHOFF’StfGhSS' - May 18, IB6o—iy BITTEBB 31915 lannels. SHAWLS' SHA'WLS.H I.our and Square. Paisley and Thebofi. Ladles, ruoaklnca. Velveteens. Gold Proof ami Heavy Beavers. Merino Yesls. Shirts and Drawers, for Ladles Misses, Mon a and Boj b wear. A full lino of ■ . CLOTHS AND CABSIJIERES, FANCY D RESS-G O ODS In new and rich designs. Many of the above goods selling off at greatly reduced prices. Im mense slock of nil tho leading brands of Demes ne and House Furnishing Dry Goods, at leas BLKFCrIKn AND BROW SHEETINGS PIL LOW CASE MUPXdNS. PILLOW CAFFN-LI ‘ ENB. NAPKINS TABLE LINENS ANDDOYLIES. TOWELS AND TOWELLINGS Marseilles Quilts and Table Covers. Notting ham Lace Curtin Material and TJdys. WHITE GOODS, Embroideries, Lnccs and Insertlngs, Vella Beregea and Crapes. Holeory and Gloves in great variety, an extensive stock of J NOTIONS.. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. CORSETS! CORSETS!! French Wove, Hip Gore, and tho celebrated Beckei Corsets. Ladles' Cuflh and Collars. Horn eltched Tucked and -Embroidered Hfind ker chiefs. Cluney Lace Handkerchiefs and many articles. , , • I Invite attention to recent purchases of New and Desirable goods, in which I can offer special Inducbments to cash buyers. tftSOS. A. HARPER. * Cor. of Hanover and Pomfret bta. Doc. St 1868—tf SPRING GOODS *’ * Wehavejustreturned.from tho cltywUh a very large and splendid assortment of seasonable goods, which we are selling offrapldly at LOWER PRICES THAN THE LOWEST, our stock oi DRESS HOODS, Is very full and complete; the styles are unsur passed. Wo have splendid SILKS,CASHMERES, DELAINES. ALPACOAS, and many now style goods, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, Trimmings, Tickings, Muslins, Shawls, Blankets, Flannel, all grades, Handkerchiefs CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Jeans, Cottoundes, and the largest stock of small wares and trimmings In the valley, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, Mattings, Hugh. BUuds, Carpet Chain of Cot ton, Linen and Wool, best make. Our Carpets are qonsldored by Judges to bo the cheapest out side of the great cities. This stock of goods is very largo, well assorted, and will besohlofl’ at reduced prices. It Is not necessary to fill a column In exaggeration of our stock; but wo Invito all to call and see for them selves, which Wo think will satisfy them that this is the place to bify for profit to themselves. BENTZ & CO. April 22. 181)!) QBEAT CLOSING OUT SALE Our entire stock ol summer goods to bo closed 'vjy&Jn thirty days, If possible. The grcsiest bargains ever offered Jn Carlisle, is now u* bt given by us for the next thirty days. Wo «ic determined to out OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS, Wo will keep nq*-aecount of what goods cost. They must all bo sold without reserve. DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS arc tho order of the day. Wo have a*complete assortment of ul) kinds of goods yet. and Mich wonderful low prices .as to astonish Iho most experienced buyers, R E I) U U K D So 60 Cloth for 2 75 do - . s'f 110 Japanese Mixtures, 0 50 Granite pnpl ns. la ’ -10 Puugee do., 25 50 Rest Organdies, j;5 •10 do. - do.. 25 Goad Lawns’ 15 to 20 15 00 Lace LhawJs, 10 00 10 00 do, do. ' 0 00 Good do. 350 too IH) SILK GOATS AT HALF THEIR COST. Summer Shawls for £1 00 n5O Hoop Skirls, . 100 Carpets, Oil Cloths, Blinds, Ac., Twenty-five per cent. Lower than the Lowest. DOMESTICS OP ALL KINDS EXCEEDINGLY LOW. We will give you moro value for your money under any and all clvcumstances.thnn can bo bad elsewhere. Call early and examine our goods. See our prices, and bo convinced of tho. fact. W. C. SA'W'YER & CO., EAST MAIN STREET 0000 pounds of wool wanted, for which wo will pay the highest market price. June 10.180&—ly j Bir.WM. D. HALL, AM) Mrs. MARY ‘ 8. HALL, HOMOEPATHIO PHYSICIANS D MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS. Office and residence, No. 87 South Hanover street,'Carlisle, Pa. All Acuto or Chronic diseases successfully •treated. '■ Fulmer Donaldson, Unlontown, Pa. Cured oi Heart Disease,of 2 years standing, in Had been given np to die. ’ MWs 1 Clara Gilbert, Germantown, Pa. Liver Complaint, of two yoarsstandlng. Cared In two months. Benj. Reesor. Unlontown, Pa. Inflamatlon of the - eyes, with loss of the sight of one eye, of six teen yoarffstanding. Guvcu in three months. s Mrs, Mary Gilbert, Germantown, Pa, Dys pepsia of ten years standing. Cured In two months. Mr, F. T. Wood, Qlrard’Avo., and Warnook St., Philadelphia. Cured of General Debility of three years standing. Miss Emma Morris. 1221 Girard Avo. Phlla. Pa ' Dyspepsia and Gravel of three years standing.— Cured in six weeks. Frank Frier, 712 North I.lth street, Philadel phia. Penna. "White Swelling" of nine years standing. Odrcd In five mouths. AH consultation free. Offices strictly private. Drs. Hall respectfully refers to the following ladies, residing In Carlisle. Mrs. Jns. Masonhel mcr, Mrs. Wm. Hustings, Mrs. Win. Jackson, Mrs. J. Pallor, Mrs. Heury-Suydor, and many others. May 13,18G8-Cm. CUMBERLAND NURSERIES. HENRY S. . RUPP, Proprietor. —SHmEarANSTOWir,Cumberland' county, Pa. Offers q. large and fine assortment of Nursery Stock, for tho coming fall, consisting of all kinds of Fruit Trees of Mio very best varieties, Ever greens and Shade Trees,Hardy Flowering Shrubs, a large stock or Grupu ‘vine and Strawberry Plants, qvory varleiy worth growing, all'.kinds of small fruits, Largo Rhubarb, Ac.-, Ac. Osage Orange for Hedging, at 85 per 1,00(1, Hoses, Greenhouse Flowers and Plants. Every thing wanted In tho Nursery Jlno.can ho had hero, of tho best quality and at tho iowestprices. Catalogues and Price Lists sent gratis. Juno 2-1, 1100—Jy TV/TRS. B. A. SMITH’S PHOTO t'.I Briiphlc Gallery fcouth-east Corner Hano* V n r »V»£Ss.t ftU(l MarkotSqnare, whore may bo bad ll}oH\?* iirontW t^l e8of Photographs,from card iT VOJIYYPEB. AMBliof YPEB AND ANMISLIOTVPEB » ** * AiiU amo Pictures ou Porcelain. (somethin* newibnth Plain and Colored, and wMoh are beautlSinJo. •duotions of the Photographic art. Call and see 'them. Particular attention given to copying from aguorrotypes do. Bno invites the patronage of Uiepublio. Pel). 9, 1809. “ fUflcfcfcal jyj'ARQUABT’S CELEBRATED LINIMENT FOR MAN OR BEAST. . Admirably adapted to the Coro of all Diseases for which a Counter-Irritant or External Remo* ram’rfkcl bn the Cumberland Count)/ Ag r/cu&™^.«kuENcES; ADrnUiun Marquart, Esq., Ims Miown nu> Mu* receipt of which his Liniment l> t**»iup ••■•n.- From iny knowledge of the IngietUenia, I do ijot hesitate lo certifying that It will be bcnoflclnl where nn external nppllcatlon of.tho kind la indlcatcd. ’ A-STEWABI* W» D. maicQieu. - Bklppensburg. Sejlt. 15,1803. Fully conversant with tho chemical compo nents and medical effects of, A. - Marquart's Llul mout.T cheerfully recommend It lo those who may need It. •. - ;S. N* JSCKEB. M»’Dw Mr. A.’ Marquart:—Dear Sir* Hake saying that I have used your Liniment for Chap ped hands, and It cured them and made them feel soft. I think It the best I have over used, .and would cheerfully recommend it to tho gen eral public. WM. GRAC\. ~ Newton township, Pa., Nov. ‘24, 1863, I hereby certify thatl tmvo used A. Marquart’s Liniment for Scratches and Spavin on two of my horses with the greatest success, and would recommed it to oil who are In need of anything of the kind. _ C MELLINGEB, county Troaa’r. Stonghstown, Nov. 18,1868. Mr, A. Marquart:—DeurSlr; Ihaveußedabout holfo bottle of your Liniment on my horse for a bad Foliar Gall, which-was thoniost obstinate sore of the kind I ever saw; also on my arm for Rheumatism, and It has given entire satisfac tion In both coses. I would not do wlthot It for tea times its cost, and cheerfully recommend It to tho public. MICHAEL LATBHAW. ■ ° P u Jacksonville, Pa.. Nov. 20.1868. A. Marquart, Esq.:—Dear Sir: I bad n very severe attack of Riioumatlsm In my back, so that I could scarcely walk, which was very painful. After-using half a bottle of your cele brated Liniment. 1 was entirely oared. Thls is not a recommendation, but the plain truth.— You can make any use of this you please. ; JACOB LONG. Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov. 20,1863. Mr. A. Marquart:—Dear Sir: I brvo used your valuable Liniment In my family for pains ami aches, and It has proved satisfactory .In every case. X do think, ns an external Lini ment, It stands without a rival. I would cheer fully recommend it to the public. * • - * Respectfully. GEOHGH W. YOCUM. Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 21,1868. A. Marquart, Esq.:—Dear Sir: It affords mo pleasure to certify that t have used your Lini ment on ray neck, in a case of very Boro Throat, which was much swollen and very painful. Af ter two or three applications, I found It to act •llke-'mnsd.c.and would recommend it as an ex cellent Liniment. JACOB SEVERS. - Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov. 19,1863 . Sale by Ilaveraiick liro's ., V. Ralston, Com mand: Worthi/igfvn, rlisle. 4STAGENTS WANTED! Address. ' A. MARQTJART, \Valudt Bottom, Cumberland Co,, Pa. Dec. 10.1SCS—iy ' 1 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, * iVEC POItIFVIKG THE BJLOOIS. I Thu reputation this cx . c.ellimt medicine enjoys, \ is derived from Us cures, ;>l' " i’i many of •which nro truly y.- v :' •-==;'■£& marvellous. Inveterate ] ‘ eases of Scrofulous dis // •{ yi;.. c.i'O, where the system V \ I * fc *. -eemed saturated with S' > corruption, have • been puviiled and cured hy It. J[ - Scrofulous affections mul • disorders, which were ng < ~;1 graveled by the sornfu - i,nm contamination until they, wore painfully-aHticiing, have’ burn radically cured in sm*b great numbers In almost every see* lion oflbo country, lhatxhc public scarcely need to be iulbniied of Us virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is ono of tbc um-t d.* tan live enemies of our race. Often, Oils mi'ct u m-d ui.IVU tenant of the organism undermines (hoi on titution, ami invites the attach ofnnfeeblingor fatal diseases,' without exciting a suspicion ofits pu -i •ice. Again, it seems to breed infection tiwmeboei Me body, ana then, on some favorable oc<-; !■ a,-dlv develop into one’or other of its hideon- form-, f'hcr on the surfaep..or. among the vitals. In the 1; iVr, tuber cles may ln'"sucldenlv deposited in tin- hours or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or If shows its presence by ei'iipinm-i on the shin, or fml nb-vr utions on -.erne part Of the body. Hence the «c< a sloiud u-e <>i - ;• la ule. of this Suvsajutvlllii is ad visable, evt ii alien in active symptoms of di-enso appear. I\mmh> m.yicied with the fallowing com* plaints geiteraltv tind immodiato relief, and, at length, emv, by the use of this SARSAPARIL LA: St. Anthnuy’s XHrc, Rose or Erysipelas, Tt-Ucr, Suit Rheum, Scald Head, Jtinytvuvm, Sore Eyes, Sore. Ears, and other eruptions or .visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart JJiseasr, Jb’its, j Epilepsy, A rn/atlyia, find the various Viperous affections of (he muscu lar and nervoiir. systems. ■Sujdiill* or l eiiereal ami sA-rntrial jiiseases are cured by it, though a longtime is required for subduing these obstinate mabidiesby anv medicine. But long continued me of this merlichie will cuPe Uio Complaint. Leueorr/ia-u or If'hites, Uterine Ulcerations, and I'emule Jilseasrst are com monly soon relieved end ultimately cured by it.-’ purifying and invigorating effect. .Minute Direc tions for each ease aie f.iiml in our -Almanac, sup plied- gratis. IttiftuuutiHUi ami flout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield nnicldv to it, as also JAvcr Complaints, Torpidity, C’onyestion or■lnjfani vtatiou of the Liver f mu\,7aundire, when arising, as they open do.’fVonrtlic Winkling poir-ons in'llie blood. Thu SARSAPARILLA U a great rc-‘ blnrer for the strength and vigor of .the •system, 'fliosc who are and Listless, Uesjyon deiif, Sleepless, ami troubled with XerrotUt Ap prehensions or Rears , or any of the affections symptomatic of Wenlcness, will llml jimncdialo relief ami convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PJtK PA li IS J> S Y JDr. JT. C. AIEH & CO., X.oivcll, ITfasa., rrnettrnl ‘aud Analytical.Chanl/tts*' SOLI) UV ADR DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Fon Salk by Have’rmck-brottiors. Oci. 16 IbU8—»»• BAIL HOAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, DECEMUER 1-1, IMW. Great Trunk lino from the North uml North, west, lor Philadelphia, Now York, Heading. PoltsvlUo, Tain.uqim, Ashland, Slminokin, Leb.- anon. I iistou, Epluala, I.ltlz, Lancaster. Colum bia. &c. . •- Trains leave ITarrlsbnrg for Now York us fol lows; at 350, 5 su, HlO A 31., 12 -10 Noun, 2U5 and If*so P. jM„ connecting with smllar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and ' arriving at. New Yorkut 11 Wo are very near out of your medlcno, please send us two doz en. We would just say that your medicine, has cured a case of Scrofula that has been coming on for live years; tho ll'csh was eaten off the la dy's arms—you could seo tho sinews working.— She Isat thoelghth bottle nowjand tho flesh is growlngon very fast. Your Blood Searcher Isgo lugall over thocountry. The people are very much pleased with the above case. Please send us statement of our account, and oblige us, ’ Yours Truly, ■ JOHN RALSTON & SON, Eldehton, Ini), Station. A3'Beware of counterfeits, 'Tho genuine has henamoof " K. E. SELLERS ' & CO.. it tho bottom of the ousldo wrapper, -Sole Proprietors, U. E. SELLER B. & CO PITTSBURGH, PA. Forsalo by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDKN, ■ rjiiT.Aiujr.rurA, Pa‘. •UAVERBTICIC BROTHERS, Carlisle, Pa March 4 1809—tL Q ABBIAGES. ' A ; B . SH EUK. has now on hand, at his Carriage Factory. N. E corner South and Pitt streets, CARRIAGES, - BUGGIES; . A. . - SPRING-WAGONS, and everything In his lino, on hand or rondo to order. Ho is determined togot up the best work turnedl out In this section of the country. 1 Noth ing but the very best stock goes Into buggies or carriages of his manufacture. Hopalrlngoud Palming promptlyattondcd to. Removal.— u. l. loohman has removed his establishment to his snlondid NEW .GROUND FLOOR GALLERY opposite'Haxton’a Hardware Store, East Main street, Carlisle, Pa., where ho cordially Invites the public to examine the place and his numer ous specimens. The well known skill ol the proprietor, as ou Artist, with an improved light ana entrance and sky-ilght, all on the first floor, are suftlclont Inducements for the nubile to patronize the establishment. Ills pictures are universally pronounced onual to the best taken In Philadelphia or New York and fur superior, to any taken In this part of the country. Please call. 1 O. L.LOCHMAN —March 4.1859- ■ E MEDTOINEK.-Diseases of St. Philadelphia, Pa. Oot 18*W—jy* IBntss, &c. JQIM/dS AND MEDICINES. THE BEST PLACE TO HUY PURE AND RELIABLE MfR V GS 9 Medicines and Fine Chemicals, IB AT HAVERSTIGK BROS., No. 10 Km-lTa B.auo\ei StveeL caplislP pa DEAX.EKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, lioolcs Fancy Goods, Confectionaries, Per ~ fumery, Toilet Articles, etc., Dye fduffs, Cosmetics, Hlationai'y, ' etc. Also, Pure Wines for Medical Pur ‘ 'poses.. ©vocmca. TT'KEHH GHOCKTUKS!! F.WE3H Jj' GROCERIES 11 . ■ Always to ho had at the CM3 E A-P'STOBE, NO 88 EAST POMPRET STREET And why are they always fresh ? Because we soil a great amount of them, and sell them low. Therefore, turn our stock often, and consequent-, ly oar goods must bo fresh. Yoawlllflnd cverythingyou- wish In the way ot . GROCERIES. . queens Ware, GLASSWARE,. WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE. STONE AND CROCKERY WARE. Choice Hams. Dried Beef. Bologiua, Beef. Tongues, Biscuits* and. Crackers of every de scription. Plchlod, Spiced and Fresh Oysters. Sardines, English Pickles, Lemon Syrups, Ac.. &c. amd no end to , NOTIONS. It Is useless to mention them, comeand.see fo yourselves; and parents if It don’t suit, you t come, send your children, as they will be deal with with the same care os If you were hen yourself: All kinds of C.OUNTEY PRODUCE, taicon in exchange for goods, or cash GtEO.'B. HOFFMAN’S SONS. NO. 88,EAST PO 31 FRET.STREET CARLISLE. PA. Notice.—Having transferred my entire Inttr osi In the grocery nuKlnehS to my t*ons. thou debted to me «ro requested to settle with them during my absence in Europe. GEO. B. HOFEMAN, . 31ay 1850 - < ' j-’mCADELPHIA. v tST Samples seht by mail when written, for. , Jan. 7, isvro—ly ;pINE CLOTHING. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. - , T NO. 22. SOUTH HANOVER STREET, Carlisle Pa. I invito tho attention of ray old customers and the public at largo, to ray largo and Brilliant stock of BUMMER GOODS, for men, youth, and boys’ wear. My custom de partment comprises tbo finest and most select oJ Cloths and Cosslmores, while rayarray. of , BEADY MADE CLOTHING is carefully* and most tastefully gotten up. oannoj; ana will not bo undersold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, NO. 22 NORTH HANOVER STREET. Carlisle. *3* I, am still selling the Florence Bowing Ma chine. . May 18, IB6o , J. S.,DOUGHERTY. WITH CONOVEE, DOEPP & CO., 'MANUFACTURERS ARB WHOLESALE DEALERS 114' . BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 524 MARKET STREET . PHILADELPHIA. •*-- 4 July 15) 1860-ly • • BOOTS AND SHOES FOB GENTLEMEN. All the LEADING STYLES on hand or made to measure. JPHceaJPlteed at howFlgurea. ■ An fllostroted Price List with Instructions for self measurement sent on receipt of Post Ofllce ad dress. WM. F. BARTLETT, Aug. 20.—1 y Philadelphia SOTICE, —Notice is hereby given that tho Carlisle Deposit Bank will makenppli sn to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for the renewal of its charter, with its present title and capital. J. P. IlAtiSLEit Juno 10, IbiiO—om CVuWcr* CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED by Dr. C. G, Garrison’s New Process of 'JYeat meulf Call or address Dr. C. U. Garrison, 211 tintjh Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. P. B.—rtpoulaln ullellou given to THROAT and LUNG Dly EASES. ' ' Blaroll 4, ib6o-Jy Sfobes. grhttoatf. &c. ~T~LL HAIIi ! ALL HAIL 1! GLORY OF THE 2STJGHT IB THE MORNING GLORT STOVE. TBE GREATEST STOVE Fofi 1808. Wnlkor & Cloudy having Just returned from now York and PhUadeljmla, where they have pprhased tho largest, latest and best assort ment of PABr ' STOVEB vor brought to this place, have now on oxhlbl pu and for sale ot their Store Boom s« NO. J 8 WEST MAIN STREET, where they will olways bo pleased U>* 8 5 0 tbour old friends and many now ones, call and exam- DG THE GREAT MORNING GLORY , PARLOR STOVE ANP HEATER. s' —aHE>— THE CEliEßßATEiirtit£GUliA*<. i Oft TARY TOP COOKING STOVE TUB BEST IK THE WORIJJ. THE MORNING GLORY la Uio mo (perfect panor stove in use anywhere or every where. Ills a Bose Earner, and one fire will lastalJWlntor. It has mica doors oil aroma and Isas- right and cheerful as an open gate, wo respectfully refer to Hie following persons from among hundreds of others who have used It. os to Us merits*. Hon. J. Stuart, . > Edward Fury, • Sorg’t Irvin, Col. A. Noble. Mr. Mansfield, Sap't, MU Holly paper' Mill Co. Bam’l Kempton, Thoa. Chamberlin, ohn Stuart, John T. Green, Henry L. Burkholder, James B. Weakley, Rev. J. Boas. W.B.Wullln. Webort & Derlaud, Geo. Wolso, David Rhoads, LOvi Trego, Samuel Qreoson,... Weakley-* Sadler, L.T. Qreenfleld, Samuel H. Gould, lason W. Eby, ' Thoa. Lee, j'Dtcr Spnbr, . Richard Woods, Wm, P. Stuart. J. S: Woods, . Jos. Galbraith, MoJ. Woods, . John M. Gregg. Wo have also a very large variety of Cook Slovep *)f the very best, namely: NOBLE COOK, (Gas Burner.) . COMBINATION. (Gas Burner,) WM. BONN, EUtvEICA, M WABASH. ELECTRIC. and NIAGRA, nil of which have given grcafsat sfactlon to. the purchasers, W© hav©-.aiso a inrge lot of TIN AND OTHER WARES. oronrown manufacture. TINAND SHEET IRON. of allkinds constantly onbanJt. SPOUTING. ROOFING A JOBBING af ail kinds done bn short notice and sabstanti -11 ly. In conclusion we Invite oar friends to eall ana examine our goods and save at least won ty percent. , - WALKER & CLAUDY. NO. 18 WEST MAIN STREET. OABLISXiB, 1»A. Oct. 8.1808. STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON WARE AND PUMPS.—The undersigned navlng returned from the Eastern Cities with a largo assortment of, STOVES‘AND WARES, usually kept In a first class establishment,or© orepared to furnish the citizens of Carlisle and irroundlnc country, with tho best Cook Stove is ■n the market, consisting of the BARLEY SHEAF, . NOBLE COOK, • GAS. BURNS B and others, which they will guarantee to hake . ind roast better, and with less fuel than any >thor stoves Inthe market.' Thelrstookof or and office stoves are not surpassed this side aof tho cities fo beauty, durability and cheap ness. - 1 STATIONARY AND PORTABLE RANGES, ind HEATERS on hand, warranted to give gen eral satisfaction, with the recommendations of numbers of persons who have'them in use— Their stock of Tin andSfaeet Iron Wore-ls large, md suited to the wants ol all housekeepere, or Uoso contemplating "the some, at fates which •efy competition. , They have added to their business a, large and yell selected assortment of WELL AND CISTERN PUMPS, vhloh they are prepared tb'put up at the short est notice. 3POUTING AND ROOFING lono at the'shortest notice.- Jobbing and Re* miring done with neatness and despatch. WATER 000 hER S all qualities constantly on hand. All are re luesied to call and examine their stock, at _ o. (W. NORTH HANOVER ST„ CARLISLE where they will be pleased to receive all and How their stock, and render all satisfaction leslrcd. . • ■ RINESMITH & RUPP, No. 68, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Juno KMmw, ilßlrtrical* A Safe and Spcady Cure for Coughs.Coidi Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup* Influenza, V/hoopinij Cough. Incipient” v-onsumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don’t neglect a »ev-rc Cough, or throw away money .on a * worthless medicine.' PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared By SEWARD. BENTLEY A CHENEY, Druggists. Buffalo t N.r» Sold ■' vy all Druggists. . ■* , ■ For Sale by GEORGE B. ETOOFMAtf Grocer, Pomfret Street. , HarcU4, IBed-riy ; , - „ \ ! yspepi - .tel dity of the S'omach, Loss ’of Appetite, Nausea, Hea-t-lmru,, Jaundice, .and all diseases aris’n * from a disordered slate of the Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWAED, BENTLEY by'nU I)rif glsta™^ N-Y ‘ 8013 F or Sale by GEORGE S. HOOFMiAN « G™ ce , r . Fomfrot Street. • March 4, IftOOrJy. . - - • Restores gray and ludcd. Hair ui, m Original Color, removes Oandnui, CUBES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP. Prevents Baldness, and makes the hint gio»v Soft, Glossy nnd Luxuri.’ui: SL(K) mi $1,50 per Ootllt. Eadi Boltl# ia i Rut I’apw ilou Prepared by SEW ADD, BENTLEV ACHkNET. Druggl*!*, Buffalo. N.Y Sold by oil DrupglnK For sale by G. B. HOFFMAN, Grocer, Pomfret Street. Carlisle. CELLING OFF AT COST.-The un- O derslgned being determined to.quit the bus* Incss, offer tboir entire atonic of Dry Goode and Groceries at cost for cash. Persons baying can save 24 per coat, by baying of our stock. .. J. WILLIAMSON «k iIRO. Bolling Springs, July 8. im, &a«rumw. • 1869 HARDWA^j henry saxtoh, NQ. 1.5, EAST MAINj, CARLISLE Wholesale and retail dealer in * Bffi* Q&, : g?.“3k Bul,dtog : Mau 4 Finest qnaUty of .American and POCKET AND, TABLE 00^ Every description of Tools odaetMu, clmnlcal trades, of the most oeio£tSJ. a and warranted in evavimtanx, GUNS, PISTDE & AMMUKij Plcdcs, Shovels Spades Forks, Croffbg^ * ' • * 0 HELM, FLOWS, CHAINS, OBAIj^ ■ Builders receive material to a meat aim.'* I’rtce amt qua S®/. Hanseheepen S 3 utensils in great variety. ™ We are Soio agents for the groat FUEL ECONOMIZE PAT. EXCELSIOR WEATkER BTRIR fl( lopt6d for doors and windows. loel ourselves com potent of ptoifai our goods are of the highest in ffualUy as/ m price. Orders by mall receive, prompt ntlficj GOODS BfeUVERED IN TOWN til Parties Indebted to us for 1808, vju ? make prompt pa&meni, and oil dfW«p will please present their bllla ion men t. HENRY SAX} Jam 14.1869—1 y JHfeceUaneouss. 6'4,9D1N:P.174` , lib 1 1 11,0 , r,F 1:1 Ml LL JEJt & BO WM take this opportunity of directing ibcmie of the community at targe, and every pea particular, to their recently replenished^ H ARD W:ARE, They studiously avoided Investing dnrlci high prices, and patiently waited tli out of the bottom before attempting to shelves, and now that things have bp( o old time prices, as near as possible, tl Invested largely and are prepared to to thelif Iriends ami customers as low any market outside the cities. They Invite the attention of mechanics, ft builders. Our stock Is complete and fear meeting with disappointment In for anything in our line. ■\Ve have the agency of the Willcco SEWING MAC HI and would respectfully aslc all tboet a Machine, to examine the Wilcox &0S for o purehaalDßT. All orders promptly attended to, ai delivered to all porta of the town free f Feb. 26.1609.— fv jpiPER’B BOOK AND FANCY STOI AND GENERAL NEWS D as WEST MAIN STREET* CARLISLE, PA . ' A fine assortment of Goods on hand, sac Writing Desks, Port Folios, Ladies Companions, Work Boxes. Satchels, Ladles’ Parses. Pocket Books, Segar Coses, Card Coses, • -Gold Pent, * Pen Ki A LAKQE SUPPLY OP .FAMILY DEat/ES _ f and PHOTOGRAPHS Af UILtCID FBJCES. DIARIES FOB 1861 SubscrlptKms received for nil lon Boobs, Papers, Ac., at publishers pritf save postage Pnd always sure of recelvir Magazines by subscribing at Ftpkr’s. Special attention Is paid to keeping ah hand a supply of BCHOOXi BOOKS, for town and poimlry pohoois. — ■ P ookb (Uid Music ordered when desired May 231807—tf A 8 THE WEATHER IS HO W PROPITIOUS and the the prices are vorablefor tholaylng In of.your winters* subscriber would offer his stock to (lx knowing lull well the disposition of tl generally to make many promises to oflfci The subscriber would prefer-to leave the of the coal he furnishes v SPEAK lOE IT,BEL and he'wlll be held to the following wl Uls old standards. » ' ' . 1. To sell none but. the best coal that i hod. ■ ■ 2. T 0 sell as cheapaa any one in the tm 8. To deliver what Uls ouetomers buy, w to famish them with'n lower nrlccd atu make the price salt bis sales.. , ' 4. Believes In the principle that scales ( jhfe In use (without repairs,] for a series 01 to the advantage of the customers. . 6. To keep all kinds of coal to be had an? 6. Never to misrepresent coal to make a 7. To. gukran tee full two thousand poui the ton* • . v « 8. To glve the customers the advantage l change of prices at the mines, . 9. Is determined todoalllnhls poweric bdnefit of those who deal with mm. sei your orders and you shall he dealt as fajw and on as favorable terms, as ony^lja I> !SSwollU.1800. MEBICAK HOTEL. NORTH HANOVER S' OBb l isle, Pa. - Tbe-subaarlbernafl leaded the above dlona nnd WELL-KNOWN HOTEL, lately occupied by LewisFaber,l ? nd prepared to accommodate the nab 111 a 111 nor to glve~satlsfaotlon. • v STABLING FOR . FIFTY HO] TO, E, KAI Ap niiseo-cm* BENT.Z EOTJBE." -*« JtaKMfJS"*** -thm* —I™. ■ Soa. 17 AND 10 EAST MAIN STREET' ■ .. . ..oisuas.rA, . ■ Tho undersigned, haViug purchased t^elyro-fllted, and tarnished ane»*throng with nrsUoloss Airnltu re. this well knowj old established HOTEL, solicits the curt the community and traveling public well prepared to tarnish fl rut-class aorotm tfonstoail who desire to make-a Hotel home, or pleasant temporary abode. The tom from Is respr ly solicited. Courteous and attentive ser are engaged at this popular House: „ „ A GEO. Z WENTZ. Proprlt N. B.—A firflt-Closs Livery la connected the Hotel, under the management of 1H Jos. L. Sterner, & Dro. April 20, i&uO—Cm J. L. H/fBBNER’B LIVERY AND SALE, STA BETWEEN HANOVEB AND BEBFOBI IN THE BEAR OP BENTZ HO' CARLISL Ei Having fitted up the Stable wltli new ogus, do., I am prepared (o furnlnh first tara*outa at reasonable rates. Parlies ta**- and from the springs, • „ April 25, ISm s;