aluvzican 4,oluatm, CARLISLE, PA., fftmmdny Moroloff, Juno 17, 1800. . Jvt., d.c* for Announcements of Candidates f * 'tment Jteq'iircd. in ait cases: S-VooiKpeistcr, S-V«> B.rti <;»». c«»mmlPMrm'r, JUm 510 Director ol Poor, 5.OU| Auditor, jjmtm -.MOVAL I The Volunteer Ofllco Ims been removed to the second floor of Wetzel's Unll, on Church Alley, directly East of tiio Franklin Honsc. Entrance on Church' A.ley. TUE STAMII-XO « OSI.IUTrF.i-. . The. Standing Committee, at its meet . ing on Saturday la.-t, quietly but Arm ly set its seal of condemnation on the. factious and disorganizing attempt,- made at the previous meeting, to over throw thovaction of'The committee in selecting a delegate to the State Con vention. Those who laid introduced a resolution to that oiled, at the ire cl ing of May 2!)lh, and boasted that ijjey would accomplish their ptirpone at tlie last meeting, vero ingloriousiy over i whelmed. \\ hen the;, discovered that their trickery had beeiuunearthed, and that two-thirds of the committee— as well as scores of the heal men of the party, who look occasion to enter theii indignant pron-st against the contem plated outrage—were against them, they did not oven dare to introduce their resolution, or a-sail the position of the chairman,- and after the transac tion of some miscellaneous business, the cnmuiittee, by an almost unani mous vote, resolved to adjourn, thus sustaining its original action. ..This action,of the lommitleo meets the approval of all right-ihinking men, and the spirit uf courteous llnnnes manifested by the majority towards those who had attempt*d, by misrep , veseniatiou and trickery, to usurp its authority; cannot be too strongly com mended; It is due to the majority of the committee to say, that in the meet ing of Way 29.1 i, notwithstandingit has been .boldly asserted that there were scarcely any substitutes present, then were eighteen or nineteen substitutes, several of whom obtained their letters of substitution by the most shameless misrepresentation, and in committee " voted directly in opposi.iim to the known views of those who had substi tuted them. This substitute business seemed to be a craftily conceited scheme to set at defiance the regularly expressed will of the jmi'ty. It w,.a well known that the original commit tee-men could not he induced to convict themselves of duplicity by reversing their lormer action, and therefore it . was sought to accomplish this result,by getting together a meeting composed largely of substitutes. No better evi dence of tins fact could bo produced than the result of the last meeting, for when a meeting of the original com mittee was obtained, its original action was sustained by an overwhelming vote. Some ot these parties seemed to have rather a low estimate ol the honor and honesty of the gentlemen compos ing the committee, it was suggested to some of the committee-men that they had been to ci nsiderable expense in at tending the numerous meetings of the question, omoif/ftnfnls would be mode to meet their expenses. Tin’s is a new Hind of argument, but lately intioduccd amongst the Democracy of Cumber land chunty, and the so mer the men who dare make such insulting proposals to tlie representatives of the people arc' driven from our midst, the better it will be for the Democratic party. Can it be that these men cstininio the honor of Democratic delegates and cnmmittec- men at its real u'ortli ? Js our party on - the market, to bo sold to the highest bidder? To. our credit lie it said, the \j\iilure pf this recent attempt at belray that there is still some sense we " IKI tllat sense Of honor itse.f , th ? ' ,,,rt y furzes are corruptim^' 1 '™ 1 l'« K ans, who parly with gold, 'R’* 1 ’’ R ,m ‘ n 01 ollr when theDuiawvaticpfkiJ’ ' v ''' ,n 1 ‘ land county will bit shorn SC ( unll,l 'r nnd the men who have hctra*ybil”* is ’ who have no licarl in our cause, exeft in ao far as it gives them position ami power-will step into the ranks of our foes and laugh at our calamity. In all political parties there will at times arise a spirit of faction nnd con tention, and it is frequently better to humor it and overlook its shortcomings, than to give it cause of offense. But when this spirit is taken in hand and used by restless arid turbulent men— men who seek to be lenders, if it is only of a faction—wiio are ready to gacri.ico everything in order that their own endsmny bo attained—who have neither judgment, discretion nor iionoV— men who are constantly seeking positions, nnd obtain them only to' betray the people—then it assuredly becomes the duty of the party to put down disalfec lion, if it would preserve its integrity and assure fut ure success. The decided expressions of disapproval which we heard on Saturday last, from men grown gray in the service of the party; showed how deeply our people are feel ing on this subject. We have been re quested by a dozen gentleman of prom inence, to speak plainly on this quea tion, end it is a case which calls for plain language. It is no welcome duty to do so, and were pur own feelings 01 personal comfort or personal friendship to control us, we would probably not have alluded to the matter at all. We have written what we have written under an imperative souse of duty, and we believe that the views herein expressed are endorsed by a large ma jority of the thinking men of the partS certainly by the unanimous volcdlSß those with whom we have spoken? Hoping ever for the triumph of Demo cratic principles, we trust that the party will promptly and effectually check all atiempts at disaffection and disorgani zation, by whomsoever made, and that we may speedily get hack to the days when men were controlled solely by honest convictions of duty, The fly has destroyed all the tobacco in some parts of Kentucky, and the farmers are replanting with corn. The Stale Guard,a Republican paper, printed at Harrisburg, and Gov. Geary’s special organ, has suspended, omiuouv,' Amid arson, riot, bloodshed and death, the eily of Washington, the cap dal of the nation passed into the hand.- of hull-civilized negroes and thieving yankees on tho 7th inst. In onr lu.-l we gave a brief account of the'manner in which- the so-called “eleclion” for municipal officers was condueied I lie negroes had been instructed and drilled by white sent la wags for the occasion. On the evening previous to the election, Forney and other political adventurcis addressed tho blacks at their einb * rooms, and in almost direct language advised them to pursue the very course they did pursue. “ Carry your candidates at all hazards, without regard to cost or consequences,” was the language used to the blacks. After being harangued, whiskey was furnisli -edito the half-civilized negroes, most of whom remained up all night, drinking, carousing and getting their weapons ready for the day’s work before I hem. Long before daylight tljey congregated by thousands about the windows where the voting was to hue place, and there they remained, must of them with pis tols, razors, clubs and stones in their bands, during the entire day. Of course thousands of white men as well as hundreds, of conservative negroes, who desired to vote ngiinst the conspirators, were intimidated, and made no effort to approaeli the windows. One negro, an old resident of Washington, and a property-holder, did vote the conserva tive licke-, but for ids nraverv he re ceived a broken head, two cuts from a razor, and a general pummelling. The police, (every man of them Riidieals.l were cut, bruised and maimed, and several are injured for life. Grant was appealed to for aid, but refused it; but after all wis quiet and (he surgeons were engaged in dressing tho wounds of some twenty men, ho rode to (he scene of the riot with a segar io his mouth I “-Great Republican victory !” shouts Forney, in speaking ofThe Washington "election.” True enough; it. was a regular Itadicai triumph—n triumph of brutal negroes aid non-property holders—a triumph of drunkenness and debauchery. That infamous and devilish faction novi r yet obtained a triumph by fair means, and never will. It embraces in its organization ait ihe ignorance, brutality and villainy of the country, and it is fit that this party of koi.vea, niggers and plunderers should hand over Hie ch| ital of the nation to brutal blacks and Yankee seallawags and then shout “victory.” The people of Washington bad no soy in (be “election,” but they must be heavily taxed to tiny the salaries of tlie negroes and ,aeallawngs who havo usurped authority and seized the city. Tin’s is the “peace” promised hy tho great smoker and nonentity. Grant. The new Dndieni paper, the Imperi alist, “ speaks right out in meeting,’ 1 thus: “Tiie fact in. that very Mule is ieft.,ol our Constitution. We 'have so battered it in tlie linrly-tiiirly of our national ien that its own fat hem would mil i-eeiiL'iiize it. Its defender- have defend ed if almost in pieces; lint there, in never theless, a great deal in it wbieh mav well hear making over into the some thing new wbieh is to take its place, and an for the rest —perhaps Danintn would give something for it; we would not.” The Radical lenders think all this, -on[■ yen ready n.r-s-ay —am —raw them carry the fall elections, and they will become bolder. By making vo ters out of Negroes, Indians and Chi nese, they are burlesquing the most -acred right of freemen, and hope to excite a feeling of disgust which will make men less reluctant to part with iii22ll the suffrage altogether. If the sovereign people do not soon crush Radicalism at the ballot box, our entire lorm of gov ernment will lie changed. .Awake, oh people, awake! Going to Pieces.—Tho Radical party is rapidly going to pieces ail over the South. In Virginia there are two tickets in tho field; in Tennessee, Stokes and Sender divide the party in an irreconcilable feud; in Arkansas, one wine is led by Gov. Clayton, and tlie other by Lieutenant Governor Johnson ; in Georgia, Dr. Sam. Bard, of the New Em, and, ids faction make war upon Bullock and his retainers; in Texas, tlie election has been pnsf- by Grant to permit tho faelioos 't'vßh up a peace ; in Florida. Gnv °r,.lO**xlLin.isoii Read is at swords’ ',’T s rs,a nrnlorify of his party; ...d m SunTh- |lhlll y thc m tent.ons whielD, ■ . .. „, , , 'have arisen ... the C, N' wtencl ng to the State, and a’N, p. toandsimple, is . ~r t„ Cain,” the black senator froirhq,, tori. qains- CttnA.—Cuba still remains in a very* 1 unsettled stde, and the rebellion is not quelled. The rebels have gained some ’success over the Spaniards, njn) both arms and animunHion and men have readied them from Die United States. Captain General Dulce lias resigned, being compelled to do so by the Span isli volunteers, who suspected him and other leaders of playing into tho bands of tlie rebels. "The palace was mobbed and many threats were made aguinsi them —Spanish authority, in Cuba, ap peal's to be very much demoralized— and we should not be surprised to see it succumb to Die rebellion. White men cannot, vote in Rhodi Island unless they are possessed of one hundred and thirty four dollars woith of real estate, yet at tlie next session of the Legislature the Radicals will adopt theXVth Amendment, by which all the worthless negroes in Die State can put their vote in the ballot box. They like negroes, but despise ‘‘poor white tiash.” Rer • fv'' It is Mi id that a scheme is on font I among the radical politicians to buy off Governor Geary as a candidate for Gov ernor by appointment to the Cabinet, or a foreign mission. Grant has been’ consulted in regard to the matter, and. it is thought, will do his part in gelling .up the bargain, Tlio reason for this movement is that the radical leaders have grave doubts as to their success with Geary ns the gubernatorial candi date. The Democrats of Indiana county met in conventL.i on Friday lasi. Cupt. R. H. MuCorumk was nominated for Assembly, a- d the delegates to the .State convention unanimously Instruct ed for Gen. Caos. .111-. ~.. i 5,,.,, h HI. «... J nn,WEi,Tr.-’ inn.-iti.s<; - xDiniAiiuxs ix riiILAIIEI.IMIIA- The success of the “ring” candidates in the radical legislative conventions in Philadelphia, threatens to make se rious trouble among (he “ioil" politi licians of that city.' The nomination of Houseanan for Recorder of Heeds is also exceedingly unpopular, the said i'ouseim.i! being the favorite of tlie corrupt Gas Tlll.-.L At least-two of the ludieal Philadelphia dailies, the J/o

which represents the eircutnlerence oi otlieia patronage is a circle ,of gold with the iiiMTiptio • “Venality or it is the circumference ofu tumbler, tlmnlgb which bavelook ed the seedy crow of political vagabonds d -scribed by Senator Orakeaa “Uraut’s damned old bar-room cronies.” into the possession of such irnworthy wretches the country is not merely drifting-it is there already. The Red Skins.—Tlie War Depart lias directed Generals Sheridan and Schofield to treat as hostile all Indians outside tho four great reservations,, ibis is done to protect tho settlers on -the frontier. Should the present mili -1)U imull ’ ( l u '>h', General Selin, leers authorized to raise volun ttJ I ',? INtrtment has authorized USU to enforce ii.e riAenue laws in A ccounts (if IndimiTmmlc-.., cnn (i n ne to come from Kansas. Some'w t | ers have emigrated ; and while mosKpf those wiio remain are well armed, far ther trouble is feared. Advices from Arizona report the capture and destruc tion of a train of Government stores by Indians, three of the escort being kM cd and three wounded, There is a call for “ more military protection” from the Arizonians. A Duet, took place on Saturday be tween two Virginians, across the North Carolina border. Tlie principals were Capt. W. K. Cameron, editor of the I etersburg Index, a Conservative jour nal, and R. W. Hughes, contributor to tlie Richmond Elute Journal, Repuhli can. Botli were wounded—Cameron severely. The cause was an article de nouncing Hughes.' At Covington, Kentucky, on Satur •biy, Frederick Itemiter, an auctioneer wlio was crazed from Honor, shot and killed a lady witli whom he boarded, and then shot another woman, mortal ly wounding her. He then run through tlie sin eta, attacking persons, hut was Anally captured and placed in jail. Information lias he. u received by the Cuban agents in Washington tied two expeditions, with GUO men ami war material, have recently landed and .mined the insurgents. (1./MIIITI KK l*IC4l( MiUIAU*, A regular business meeting oj the Dem ocratic Standing Committceol this coun ty 'vas hold in the committee room. In Carlisle, on Saturday, May 29. In ac cordance with, toe Chairman •Mated to the eommhice that the object tor which it had h on «‘al)c I together wan to adopt preliminary regulations fo»the primary elections under tin* fX r ‘••■d' County .System. This business .' iu>. in terrupted by a motion to rescind the el ection held by the committee on the 10th of Jamfary, muter the 9th motion of the Crawford County System for a delegate,, to ttovStalc Convention. This motion UiejChairmuu refused toente tuia on the ground, that the action of the t ommSitee in Hie election of a delegate in pursuance of a call - issued under the organic law m Jthe party for thjat purpose was legal ami linal ; and any* interference with that ehetion by any aubbt-que.utiiCtioi) would be -old for want of (eAd toilisoiganization. .Tlie'&miflliitlee then mijourned until'Saturday, June 12. On said day the Committee ugulg assembled' in the committee room, at 11 i o’clock.— The full cominilteo consists of fifty-two members. Thirty-six original members were present and twelve substitutes pre sented written powers of substitution, authorizing them to act generally upon all subjects coming before the commit tee. There note four vacancies—one fiom Kraiilcford township; one from Hope well lownsh p; onto fr iu North Middle on townsnip, and one Iroin silv*r Spring. It was moved try the member present from Silver Spring that a gentle man .present from that township, bur without written authority irom the disent member, bo subdl’tuied in ids -lead. On tins motion the yeas and nays were called resulting—yeas, 18; nays, 29; one member from Shlppens .b »rg borough « eelieing to vole. It, wua then on muUoii resolved that tb • rhair.nmn be ntpiesloii to state for the !u*ilon «-f ihe Committee the business for M<-h t,e bad cubed it together, and ithiciM uji-m’o P on ihe 20th of May, anil wh « Cut lisle, I'u., Juno Id. I In accordance with Iboprovlsionsof tlioCrnw* -f*tnrt.twrj-f> r ,. T ,i. 11 -vi, B r-imu r f aTCccmgftorthn Democrstle voters of Cumberland counts'will »io held in every District. of miM comity. »t tho nsiml pieces «l bolding tho delegare elections on Saturday, Juno 7. A. I\ DM), between lh limirs of ;i and 7 o’clock. P. M.,for Mm purpose U f nominating One jjiiisnu us a candidate for Assembly. • Om person a* ft-mnUdato for Proih unitary. One portion us a candidate for Clerk of tho Conns, _ _ , • Oic person us a candidate for Register. Ono person as a candidate for Treiusuror. On.* poison «s a candid tin for Commissioner. ’ Uu<'-.4)oraon us a candidate for Director of the Poor.* • One person us a candidate fo- Auditor. T io Cr iwfurd foiinty System ns adopted by thn D •mueratic voters of this county on tho pjt.i of April, A. D. Is hereby puhiLshnd by tho direction and government of the hoards ol elec tion mih several district*. TMIK “ CRAWFORD COFNTV NYSTKM.’’ /b-t/.—Thn cmidldutes mr Hie several oiflccs snail have their names announced In one or more of the county papers, at least three weeks prevmvs to tho primary meetings stating the • •luce, mill to b*> subject to theucthm of the mm v ulMiesuki pronury meeting. . . •Second, The I'/tem re.\/ion(Uhff In' Pemncrnlc prmelphs In each borough. wind or lowi.shln ■'hall meet on theKIItST SATUbI-A* OK AU ousr at Iho usual places of holding the «Um«. gate elections, at SoVlnek, P. .\I.. midproi-od to elect one person for judge and turn poisons in dorks, who slmll foim a hoard ofeleetfon t07%- -elve votes nod dot rinJne who are niooor uer -ons|p vole, mid sliuli hold Hie poll* open until 7 I . .M. After tin* polls are opened the eandi ■ In'es announced as ufnesahl shall he balloted lor; the inline of each person shall tie wrinen on a list ut.tho time of voting, no person being See ml lo Vole ,noro tl,un omco for cadi oh Third, Alter the polls nro closed tho- Hoard >hinl proceed to count tho votes that each can dldate/eccived and make out Hie returns m*. 1,10 '.? r K, shall meet, in t lie ( pint House, In Carlisle,on the Monday f Howlng the prim-try meeting',ai 11 A * AI v.having the roinrns and a list. «i )\Z . oU V’ “I" 1 F° UMt ,I,H VOIes * "O ' the person having the highest number of votes for anv '.’iV, .1 hnll declared tho regular nominee of the Democratic parly, h'l/lh. Any two or more persons having nn equal number of votes for the same 0111.-e, tho lodges shall proceed lo ballot for a choice he 4lh,,f*° V ,I,M ft PR»>-‘n having tho 1 **7.h p st t number to ho tho nominee. ytxt . I'he return JudgcsNlmll be competent to leject. by a majority vole, the returns from anv electmn dtstrlel. whore there is evotenee of I™" ’ ln , tho ,vU, ’ ns or otherwise, to the ixlcnl ot /Jip/rtiuii* romm ted. creeth. Judicial, Congressional, Senatorial mid Legislative nominees shall have the privi lege of selecting their own conlerecs. hifihth. The teinrn Judge tioniench borough, ward op township shall name ihn members of the Standing Committee from his District. and Iho eomrnltio dim* appointed shall hold ,t tlrst meeting on the second Saturday after tho meet lug nf the return Ju igea. and shall select U* own chairman. Wnih. The standing Committee, pt n mectino filled <"r Him purpose byjts Clmm/tar.. «-liu<7 «i > . > f* pnU ’ or . toe '‘n. * onii’tjiM jiiid appoint the necessary conferees. Tho following rules have also been adopted for tlie government of the Boards of election in the several distrlcls. viz Ist -»II qualified voters according to the Jaws f Permylvnula, and within their own dlslrlela who shall pledge themselves to vote the whole Deinocrnilc ticket at the next general election, shall be entitled to vote at these primary elec tions. d. All candidates shall be required to pledge tUemselvesin the Donvcrntlo papers ■ f the eoun ty before the primary elections lo abide by and support the nominations declared by the return fudges, on Monday, the am day oi August, A. D. 3rd. The following oath or mnrirnitinb mr»< 10 administered lo the officers forming the loams of election In every district, viz; Cumberland county, 1 I Pennsylvania. j s * ■\Ve,-< , judge and .. , *T Clerks who have hcen selected : by the Democratic vole™ of to Imldi a pri mary election for Hie year IKI®, of nu olin free will anil accord, (make aolemn oath or i fflmia. thin) that wo will 1n.1,1 Ihoßahl primary ijlyethm with all Himtl fidelity and Ip strict arrnrdanee with the pnivlshniß nf ihe Crawford County Hya. tom and the rules above pnhllshod i, v the Democratic.‘■Handing Coin mil lee of •■uinlierhmd county. My order of the standlnrCmnimltee J. H. tiuawu.Pii, RE. UELTZimm-Kii ’’ Arm-fury. CfiuirMtmi. A Fire in Cincinnati, on Saturday morning, destroyed about SIO.OOU worth of prop rty, and rendered eight op ( 0n fuipilies linim-lpss, It js ruiporeil tliut tliree children perished in the flameß. XIsCCLIAMMI r Constitution Unheen adopt ed by the Spanish Cot tea. —An eighty-six pounds rlze light came of! at Richmond tlie otkr day. —-Chicago now ha° thjrlee railways connecting it with oilier plitct, and sov eiiteen more are building. —The bill appropriatin'* oe million doll rs tl.c Western faryunl Rail road pa.-sed me Baltimore Clt.Councils, lust week. Petroleum Is said to hav-been dis covered on tlie liu© of the Politic Rall wuy. ' —A Portugese inventor hp recently pre ented to the Cabinet ofidshon u murderous little engine firing OU allots a minute. —Mies Ainnndh Craig, wh brought suit against ID. P •hprague,. c Chicago, for breach nt promise of manage, lias tieen awarded §100,009 dnmagi* —The Boston Post IhlnkH !»ut “Re volvers aie more plentiful tfui pocket handkerchiefs in Texas, andte Mowing out of nralna Is unne Irequen than tlie blowing o( noses.” - —Chicago now claims to be n 'Eastern city, as it fs only 900 miles to tie Atlan tic* coast. while it Is 2,330 mi)e. J .o the Pa cific Coast- —-A lady Jnst arrived in Wmhingtnu espied the dome of the capita, and In quired if it were, the gas woyk, “yes,’ said u bystander, “ for the nutin.” —So many Senators have goe to Eu rope that il Is proposed to ho (U session there thi-< summer, and discus-tho Ala* baina question. —Tlie Queen of England, ii about fo allow the Prince and FiTuceoof Wales thirty or tody thousand pound annual ly to help tiie young people my their housekeeping expenses. / —A hoy ill West Brook field,Mas->., re (•cully found a small hud's mt which was duly protect* d I*v a one etfit r venue stain]), properly cancelled, .nd thor oughly attached to the heal b. its buil der. —There was landed, Wedosday, at the Bremen dock, New York, the ele pi. mi “ XSmptesrf, ’ said to be tie largest animal in the world, weighing liiteen thousand pounds, and elundiig twelve and a half feet high. —The Ripley Bee says that acow he liehm imr to a Mi, Kendall, imr Dec - tnr, Brown CMijniy, recently Vive birth to one hundred and six calve in one calving, and that, another cow belong- Inc to Mr. Kdvvard Francis, in he same vicinity, about the same tin e, b ought forih sixty, In- each instai.ce Here was one large developed eu f, whilethe oth era were about the size of large Not way rats. The r-maller ones wer perleet mltmUire calves in every respel. Both o! ihe cows died The lice say: there is no doubt of the truih of tM- shlemeut. lU.ItSO.\AI.. —Mr,speaker Blaine medlUes a trip to A 1 indue. —lt ls«ald that John E. Owns Is the richest actor in America. -Win- H. fVwnrd was a soivol teach er in Georgia in 1819. Mr. Borie fell and hit the-iloor against ii s nose-at, the recent mnunolis bull. - Gov. •Curtin, Minister to Inssia, left for St. Petersburg on the IGth nst. Horace Greeley’S daugliltr. Ida. is one f»f the officers of the “WomunV Suffrage Association.” The Naval Academy HiII closed about 5:30 Saturday nior'diig. Pmsidei'f Gran; left Ihe room at2:3o, aid General plierman about 3:30. Hon. Reverdy Johnson arrived at Baltimore Intt week, on the aeamsliip, Ohio, from Ho ithampton, —ft Is reported fha» Oco, \V Cass has resigned his position ns presiJem n f dm Pittsburg, Fort Wayne * Chicago rail road. —President Grant, oeemnpnfed bvhls familv, Secretari h Uawlinsbid Cox ami several friends. «t,rr'ed. on tatnr'ay for Wes- Point to be present military —Hen. Phi!. Sli«-rMan i\nl John C RrecUlnvl.iL-e occupied iho Inlim’* Mr „ n ,j stt a Imrso num in f Mnoimmiijm Ttipndnv Afny 2). xml nmlmiblv Danmi-ratie I ipsi.hnillnl nmnm Hon. ho'nre rim New I,nrk Fnnnli of July Cnrienlmn, wan Ihi-uvn on ni l.ifinv.-riayn,; „ar hlsr.-l -• leiieeal niiffnn. Gain, ami' eamiMv in jnnal. He Will innbah'v he-.M.11m-il In I, IS l„«rs. Inr weekß. AM an W as .Us htculpil, heside lieimr spratnu. and other i«Mtu w were inliieled of a vry painful olmiacter, , ■ SI AI'E i runs. —The ooiistnictln i„f dm fnano Abv hmi, at Danville, la jirotfreaßinjalmvlv’. -The Pennsylvania Stale Dotal Soci ety met at Hanisbu'l'uestiy last. -DnylestmVn, Ducks counlv,.-, to h'n o new water works. 1 M,n 0 —A Mnmiimmt In .Washiii|i lm „„lh of August next. „ I'nirreiglit trains on Ihe P. y\ r> n? 1 1 K a , lle " r Creek, Tbhstla lust. A liKiiiinotiye and a numberd'daro’ .were stmisbeil. 1 1 “ l,r “ -St jT.lm , Kn4 W ' V -G° t ' v « l <'. PatoLf i...'. ,V 0 u * ■«" Cbnreb o, tei, tbeii „„ .1 eilneniliiy eyenint laU. He bad been in ill bealtli fnr som^iffi "O' l Saturday afterunoii, Mary Am. Seximi cimnnitied suieide at Hunlbmg Pu.. by euiilna bur tlirnat with u nirnr' n!nemdhhr: ,5Udl ° boh,a ‘‘‘'- 4 —Tbe Odd Pel lows of Harrisbum I.nvl dee.ided to purebnso a hit ou y , lr cl K|-re, ai'jiMdhg the Bull on'eimt hall tue„Z.raWoi^ UlttU '***“•’ tra Last week won fruitful nf .ii i-, » railroml ucciiieuts <’ 171.* _ pbhliijj than tin tlie name p ml wuh In will, a law side- rake. w,,ea ‘ Iho train pa-aed i.ver h i n ' u ,"i mungting hi» b,.dy U nil ’ rr,lll - v death. Allien H line.i “ 118,,1 H hialant fu-ignt train' on “‘'S';;'' “ mail, Was Mu, Klimt tin t-1- , r V u - rul When lie was struelt Unhrulim Yorh, uud lualuuUy Uts °‘ ««“<• idem Etmectis meius. Q.IIANI) OPENING OF i-,UMMKi GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRY GOODS STOKE. Blade and colored dress Fill™, Blade mid Fan cy (Colored Grenadines, Qr»n>idlno Mn linlr Poplins, nil colors, Uhencul Popllnells, French Pocnlles, Lawns, Ginghams, Brilliants, uud many other kinds of DRESS GOODS, bnuprhtata great decline in prices, and will bo sold very cheap. WHITE GOODS, of every description and quality for Drops and Basques, SHETLAND WOOLSHAWS, BLACK LACE BHAVVS, BEAL LAMA LACE POINTS, PARASOLS ALL COLORS, DRESS TKUJMI MG S la great variety, such ns RIBBONS. FRINGES. LACES, GIMPS, CORDS, uUTTUNS, FROGS. Ac. NOTIONS Our National Department cannot bo surpassed for variety ami quality iu the cuunty. /■ A A ,S Fans of all kinds. MOURNING GOODS 8 -1 Black Canvas Barges, entirety new, h-4 Black Grenadines for Dress and' shawls, Bombazlyes, lumise Cloth. Delaines, Jaconet Lawns, Oiuy IIUIUM, Ac. FUNERAL GOODS Cloths and rassfmcrcß, to close out for the sea son we will soilui gieutly reduced pi Ices. The vary best Dink Civlltcoew only I2bt cents; "full yard wide Muslin only i.Uj cents; and all armies and of Domestic Goods at low Ju prop a tion. CARPETS, CARPETS. OIL CLOTAS, ALL WIDTHS, MAT HUGS, MATS.&c. Please clvo us an onrJy„cnll and satisfy your selves that wo have ihe most desirable and com plete suiek, of nil grades of Dry Goods that Is to Uo found this side of the Eastern Cities. LEIDICH & MILLER. On the SOUTH EAST CORNER OF MARKET SQUARE June 27. 18'il), BOROUGH ORDINANCES.—Be it en acted and orduitied by tin* Town 'ounci ot Mieborouuh ofCarpsie, and Is hereby oiiucter by authority of the name. That from and aitei •ihe passage of this Ordinance, all pavements n: now streets of »,he widih of sixty feet, or exten sions of HtieetH already laid out. or hereaftei to lie laid out shall -extend into suUl streets the distance of twelve leec from l>-H-«. counter ing with the sumo mo herohy reuealod Mny’-lihHW. M u ’ •n Ordinance renting to the alutvlinq of cars / Market stn/h. He It enmdcil by the authority die same properly mine feel fiontlm, an Ip , tiler Hi reel dlreedv appaalle dm Reformed , Imri-h. exlendlng back to said Dickinson a lev 2111 lem. wldi ebaiee frail Ibere.m, KiesS will beg, veil immediately an dm eon(lrm„lla afdecdH wldi aelear tide, Iho pmehnser draw- a,, the rents fiom thn persons now occupying the dwellings. Hale to commence at I* «\V, V * Mm *»u day,when terms will ho made known by ju n el7,lBll3-St; , JAC^unENku. NOTICP,.— To tbe bails and Ipyul ren le.scntatlves of Pntrlrk bawson, late of the borough of Carlisle, dcceioa-d. ' 11,0 ■fake notice, that In pursuance of a writ or partition and vnlimth n, Issued mu nf the nr o inns’Conn of (’umheriund cirauty, ami n me illiected. ah Inquest will be held on tho Esmm ol said deceased, towit; •• * -c-uite A Lot of Ground sllnido-ln tho borough or Car lisle, h utided on tin Nnrili by Xonh streetnn (he hast by heirs of Elizabeth Egolf, on Vile South by |,ocust ullcy, and on tne by heir of Siibrii behley, cmilalnlne 12n In from „n—te a n i»m p i. , aiV". .“'“"hiy. tho mui n«y or .mu, A. i>. lolij), uiqij »> A M., ~n tho promises for the purp«.Sß of nmking pai tltUm and vnluu’. Him of the real estate of said deceased u .. , „ J‘ »M. C. THOMPSON’ hIIERIPF S OrfICE Carlisle, ) Sheriff- Juiih 17. IKSO—3t ’ I cmerar. PU HLTU SALE.—TIiP uiMiersiotied will well alpnbhoSnle, at the rourt Houhr ,'V die I hormwh of Car Isle, on Wednes.lay. jS W, lay. at tho’.-jpck. a Valuable Tract of I mui well set With large t bcsinm, Whlie Pme 1 mber, conulnlng 120 acres, more «»r less 2 JHeklnsi.n rownshlp.onmherlaud c,n ' adj"t»ing lands of Mouth .Mountain Iron CumnaV ny, fohn Munme. Hue ntulmherM 4 “"!ompanvl t “ hara! ‘ la tB ° b’arllßle Gnaqiid Wa- U«.nTed CAAkon he \ Jqne 17,1860—2 t leuill'.tOE. [§ N- HANOVEU 3TRKB P, -NO. |g NEW YORK BRANCH, i | HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. OWPnI0 W Pnl , l}Py Uf ' l \ ,ftßpPO,n,at,cp t>ohoft. orllt yrt*of OrtflJml© and umheriund £ r* v« it, v ti M. UAMBKIIOKIt. ■ % S7.K Hnnov «““«b Blpe's Hall, amiotiitff incuts. 7o the Democratic Voter* of Cumberland County : Tlio umlendfrned reaped fully nnimnees Jnm- Rplf i«Bii mndlthiUi for the Deniocrntlc immlnn tinn for Assembly, nnrt pledue* libnM'lfto KOp poit the whole? I’emocruMc Ticket itMhe next Ocnenil Election, OEOrUiR SHEEHAN. Sprine township, I ,hn»c :i, IKuy. > 7\j the ]iniu cra ic Vut/t* of Cumheftnud County The molevslnned respectfully announces Ulm- Kplf at* a cmuluhoo lor the Democratic Nomina linn lor Assembly. and pledges himself fo sup* port llio whole Oomuomlio I'lckcr ai the next General Election, S. N^EMMLNuKU. Mw*iinni< , M>«rg l \ 9 Junoio, IMP. / 7o the Democratic Voters of Cumberland Omnly: ihciindcreluncd respectfully announces him self mm candidate for rhe Democratic imm na tion tor As-cnin.y. and pledges hmiselflo snp port, the whole Deiuomatlo Ticket at‘ li.o next Geuouvt Election. Silver Snrlnpr township,l June|bUo. j To the 7>£*7»oc>7Tttc Voters of Cumberland Count]/: The umlcrsrmicd respectfully announces him* selfasn va dulate lor U o Dcmoera Ic nomina tion for As-enii»iy, mid p edges himself to sup port the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. GEORGE W. MUMPER. Lower Allen township,! Juno a. j To the Democratic Voters of Cumberland County. The undesigned respectful announces him self ns n ciimlnlnto for the I'enmcnitio umnlini tlon for Trensuier, mnl plcdues hlmse4 Jliuo 17, JbGl), j To the Democratic Voters of Cumberland Cbimty: Tin* undersigned respectfully announces lilm s< II as a emidi tale for the Democratic muulna il«»n lor Treasurer, ami pledges hmiseli to sup port the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. . JACOB GOODYEAR. Carlisle, June J, 1801). To the Democratic To'cu 0/ Cumberland imnty. 'J he undersigned respectfully announces him sell asa candidate lor tho Democratic .Nomina tion for Treasurer, and pledgCM himself to sup port ihe whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. „ D. H. VOGHESONG Carlisle, June 10, IfifiO To the Democratic Vofcis of Cumberland Cbunty. The undersigned tespectmlly announces hhn sell as a ciimimaic lor the Democratic .VuaUiu ,lon lor 'i "uusueur, and pledges lumseff to sup port, the whom Democratic Ticket at the next ucu nil Election. so thin.,,.twp.. .ABM.Jiossr.Kn. June w; JaoO” f To the Democratic K ter* of Cumberland (bunty, rii« unde slgiicd.respcrtmlly announces him '-el| »•'» a candidate for the Democratic Nomina non hi!- TieuMner. and pled-e« limiaelf to huu -oil mo whole Democratic Ticket, at the next Genet at Election, CaHL-le, Juno 10.1800. GEGUGE ' VBT}iEB - To the Democratic Voters 0/ Cumberland County, TUe uiulvrMgnca tespuutfuUy announces hlin noll its u CfUiilidiilo for me Democratic Nouuiiu • »mi lor nvus .i ur, and pledges hlms'lf to sup port the whole Democmiic Ticket at the next Geuctal Election. Carlisle, Juno l£o9. .lo the Democratic Voters oj vumbcrtaml County. Tho mideialvned respectfully announces him sell a-sa candidate for ihe Democratic Noamtn nun lor Tieasurer.and pledges hiniseiUo sup poit the whole Denmciulic ticket at the next General* Ele.-tlon. WM. 13. McCoMMuNti Carlisle, Juno JO. JBGO. ' • 7b the Vnnocratic VaUnty Cumberland CornUy.. The undersigned respectfully announces hlm •ii'Jf us uUiiiiiuluiuforUio Ueiuiici-utJc Voiulna* U»>i\ lor 'lrcubUier, and pledges huiir-eH'totum imrt tU» wtiuio Democratic Ticket ut the next General JLleelion. JOHN C’AMPJil'’! I Carlisle,June lU.h'Gfl—* Tothc Democratic CumOcrlaml Cbmiti/- v..Tt l ‘L u , 1 , ull ! l *' l Kl , l 0 : i aimiinncos him. KlLcu„?| J " ,UCmUO ' l ' lcl “ t MUUIn Unvn-iijn.l Juud 13, ISO 9. | • o the Democratic Vobes of Cumberland County. ,Jr I .f« a .! l ‘i l ‘. r “l e ! I< ’. a ""iweiftilly announces him- SKaar iteffls; Ilx Wesmennshom Twp. i JACOB RHOAIXS. J uuo 10, 1 no | Tolhe Dnwcmttc-rot, re „f Cumberland COuntu mrn^B Jnuolh'on! 1 f 7 o the Democratic Voter Cumberland Count,, Tho Ulidpi'slunCil frdrn>r>irnii<>,, self ns u nimliilntp inr hl,n ll'.n fin- Pmllmmiim'y mil nlu?,," °, ,Nolnl"a -supp.n lI ho wh- In licin o, if.Ti.ffi . ' m ’' l ’ lr ln ilonernl olocllmi. m vim Mowbui'B, Juno 17, ism J VVID WIJHJiUy.* To the Dnnooratieyotetsnf Cumberland County. Tho iTOrurntfnn.. Nelf ns a cnmUfhiif* f -rffi n w* q hlm * ‘urn f,»v IVuili.H-olnrv An.} . i Crnt, . -nppnrL the wholeD;.m«Jl v^^? C T^J ,, V , T , ,n •next General Kjpctfon 1 mc,lvtlc Tleket „t. the Penn township j W. V.CAVANAUGH, Juno 10, JW39, | To me Democratic Voters of Cumberland Count,,. self ns a'lnnuullup rr.r P th o n^Dpln nnn< )l ln '’™ lllm " ""•> for Pr.rthnnotnro , S,i D^7 r " ,lf‘N-.nnna ''import the whole t»no!,V«l £' ffPN himself to General IcWK. Ticket nt 1 hnnnxi Newton township i I. G. McCoy, Juuolu, | lIKQLSTRR. ™c„ 0/ Cumberland County. self ns n cnm/hhiii ro SP fh!. f iV.!m ininni,n( ' f ' H him thm f..r R,.,ris,o r e “„,, th^ l !?, p ™'7«Mc t >-rmlnn. port, the whole Pemodiatlo ,n *un General RVetion. J 1,0 TJolcol at the next • 'arliMo, .lone JO. ISGO, PEHtfPJi', Hon for lltulstrr in, 1.1 L, ? l 7" t n v 'imlnn. port the ivlmlo Moi non t hfSn -up. Gcnornl Klc-M,,,, cnitlc Tlclrf'l nl Iho ju.xi • Carlisle, Juno lu, Htqj) ‘ ■ ALLISUN. To the Democratic Voter, ~f Cumberland Omnli, tlon for Hi-BlslM-.mi'l iil"VWh?m£„ir. Nnn "" n - Carlisle, Juno 10, jgfiO. EWIS K LYNE. To the Deinocrutlc Voters of Cmbertand Qounfy. The undorsluncd rpsnpo.ifullv *vr. t™ forVeSe!?!^ srasste m,,cmt ’° T sgg,iy rfpSF™ l Carlisle, June 17, l fip. ** DIIIIfiOTOB Of THE POOH. To the Democratic Vo’w of rmnbertand Cbunfa .The underpinned resnpoMnllv nmifim..™ , . self as a eanrtnlalo hr nstlon for Director of ho - N "«H’ plwlaes himself la support the whole S. "hd i£Sf“~sar:r lb the Democratic I "olcnoj Cumberland County A u fSSSSSi WffigMTT 'l'™- tlou fur (Vmntv Auditor niiH nioi 110 . Nnnilna support the who" 6 d DemoMofin Thor l il ms . ol . f . ,n noxl Gena, al Rlcotlon. p V f l .i ,‘'nx! ~u Penn tf»wnl hin l v, EELLEV, June 17, In®. L ATOTICE.—Nntipp iK-lieretiv ulvon ih,.t P *.!ii wliW township. Cumberland tmntv Pemiw’ o a, l ' tnn iv^Lrsx Orpen, nra rpn^Jt^iiQ o^^J}}x\^ * Jo e„h c. Juno 17, WUO— 3t uuujil OEKThM. - ■ Asxffjnec Boy Wanted.—a gnoci i»<»\ kj or jo tmrnerof Leather and Hanovef fe'ffi Jana 17, IMIS-lf ASSEMBLY JOHN B. LEIDIO. TREASURER. WILLIAM NOAKER. COMMISSIONER, JOHN OILER, « PROTHONOTARY AUDITOK. .iFina~+curl, rjUJK U jiJjA 1 BACTKiJa^j] IS FINISHED FiRST MORTGAGE U OF THE UNION AND CENTRAL pji R AILR 0 ADS, BOUGHT AND 801 DE HAVEN & BR( AN]) DEALERS IN GOVERNJIEX] CURITIE9, GOLD, 4 C . NO 40, SOUTH THIRD BTRfI Philadelphia,J May 20. Jm. (J'JOVES, TIN. SHKEr ~1 O WAKE AND RUM PS.—Tlie nmin. having returned from, the Eastern lit* a large nssor'mentor STOVES AND WART usually kept In a-first class cstahlihiiiJ prepared to furnish the citizens of <'arU-1 Hnrrmnidingeomilry, with the hesl ('-K.h In the market, consisting of the BARLEY BHEAE, NOBLE COOK. GAS Bfi and others, which they will and roiftd hotter, nnd with less fuel t!iJ other slovf.s in the market. Their stackt] I ir and ofllco s'QVts are not surpassed Uul of the cities for beauty, durability nnlJ ness. . 1 STATIONARY AND PORTABLE IMjj and lIEATRRSon hand, waivantcd tosh era! satisfaction, with the recoin nicmlr. numbers of persons who have them la; Their stock nfTm and Sheet Iron' Wnrrin and suited to the wants of alf housebrty those contemplating the same,at ratm defy competition. They have added to their business.", h: well selected assortmonl of WELL AND C ISTERN TUMI which they arc prepared to put up nt thei estuollcc. SPOUTING AND ftOOFI) done at the shortest notice. Jobbing wi palringdono with neatness amlde.-patch. WATER COO L'Eli of nil qualities constnnlly on hand. Al!« quested to call and examine iheirstoclf.i: NO. .08,-NORTH HANOVER ST.. CAWS where they will be pleased to receive ti show their stock, and render all saiiik desired. RINESMITH & EUPP, No. ns, North Hanover Street, Csft Juno ID, iB6O. <#SSti No. 35 South Third StreJ PHILADELPHIA. General %ents Q,. PENNSYLVANIA A . fOF T.HE . HE Jfc^EfN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA «TSorit^T I 2h^f ,r K ComKT l‘*L CASS CAPITA!,, 81,000,000, FULL PAD. °" d 50,1,J,0 "■ ,, B. W. CLUiK i ro,. •AV lift A.«//, '/• 1 mi.. n ** H BUSSELL. 3/mwgn 0.11. Hkpduhk, First National Rnnir- Cfll )s ww Miri-imnna m. uUii P 'i! ""d 111I 111 * «"» propr u„ Ara», U „!i l „ J* , V"V 11 8ltl " “> 1 met ™n,»upfl liv'SpVr V, ~pr<,vr ,, nl S t KvE“'Ff for ’” he country. pieaso cull. y laKeu lw part of U March 4. IWiO-, QCITOOL TAX ■ FOR Ifiiin OUulTof , f r !*” sysssi; ThSssri'sffi te >"i June 10,1M9—2m J ,v * EBY, • ■ 'JYeusurcr. J. L. B'l'iJßJf ER’B LIVERY and SALE tiTMTjfi BETWEEN HAUnvEBAVn PvrJ^ 7 ' 1 TNT dtp. " BROPhrdhtS. M A BENTZ HOUSE, MAN HOUR R. «' PISS 7re»M^ ? rtv tpipslsit reasonable lutes' P.S" 1 ". I ’, hrst-elsss from springs. * Parties taken to and —— * nrli 23. IWs7—2r' T | MARYINSTITUTH ; CauLIHItE, PenN’A. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS k neadS,' Kepternimr' hTt^ I ™,,? 11 ! hp S ln on Wm ther a dress *° r clrcul ai-s or for* j HEv.WM.O.IEVEBRrr.I, A ■tyrll 22. 1«i0-iy Carlisle, JVmi'a, NOTK'P xr it , JTj nroby given thn#iA/*'' • fa tnelrl win nn«l (p«fumom t of S fs Pf * ,ni ?^P rntT na Jr.. In}, of Mif> fiuviiKhVooro E**nipfnn, of CntberinufJ, have b&n^AoV 1 r °» PCUlnf All pow.m H U l vCV. B , ra ? , f dto>,,e,l « Ex -3111 hl^HKppreJ-nt IhemVn. rnH,fi e clebted are requPstert t ) n ( ta,o,Vinna a MM, . »««Av awsr n '- •* Erecutor, ?Sl n i Hlß>,nl,, ' ,lH, l Imlter^/m re, T»* ll,er buo '* tako bGr «w«v e mwy. ~~| .v! ° Bt 8- HRPPLKBOWKa PHI *■ Mill I ~ jlliwi Qt Public stale at V" n M U ltf'V»«*" a tmni*hlp m/'. h i u lah, fe.v. m« entire fiirai Ht«i Ju,, ° o J hQ>f, ut Huiuoh Lh Cu '*«l*t m hurt ami !>»>» Huko Drill. Huy C. L, LOCHMAN.