Agricultural | SI'MMEn PnC.MN'O OR PINCHING. There is no one point in horticulture about-which there Ims been more dis cussion than that of summer pruning, and those who advocate, and those who condemn it, stand in about the same re lation us they did years ago-each the more confirmed in his own opinion.— Wo consider it useful or injurious, ac cording to the manner in which it is, and the subjects upon which it is practiced. To allow a tree to make vigorous shoots and then cut them away in summer, or to pinch the young shoots without any thought of the ef feet, so long ns something is pinched, will, like ail other imp-hazard work, be likely to result in serious injury. Sum mer pruning is done, in the first place, to regulate the form of the tree, uwarf trees, especially, may lie so managed by rubbing out a few needless slioois here, and stopping the growth of an other there, that there seldom need no any pruning required. Nip out the growing point with the thumb and fin ger, and the branch will cense to elon gate; but after a while the buds upon the shoot will push, and when these have made a few leaves, (hey must he pinched in the same manner. The growth from buds and grafts is often very vigorous; that from the buds of ten runs up as a long succulent warm hardly strong enough to support ilscll, and with but little disposition to form aidi shoots. But pinching at the prop er height, the buds along tin- sides will start, and with a little attention a low hea led, shapely tree may he laid, that will not need to be cut t.. pieces in or der to bring it into proper form when plained. Another use of pinching is to throw the tree into hearing. It is now a well received opinion that what ever threatens the life of a tree lends to induce fruiting; hence we hear of trees being made to year iiy hacking them with an axe, by foot pruning, etc.— When the development of the tree is arrested by ; inching, it u-nnlly sets about making fruit buds, instuudof leal buds. In pinehing dwarf pear trees the shoot from the hud at the end of a branch is allowed to grow, and those starting along Ihe sides ol the branch are pinching hack to three leaves. II shoots start from those that have been pinched, nip them hack to (wo leaves. The leading shoot is shortened ns may he desired, after growth is over. The formation of fruit buds upon dwarl pears and apples is hastened by pinch ing.— Am. Agriculturist. Education foii Farmers.— ll is a great mistake to suppose that “far mers do not need to be educated.”— Progress is sure in this direction, us in all others, but it seems slow. Tue ho mer without an education sinks to a mere drudge, and can never hope to at tain an equal position in society with other piolessions; ami lie may boas, as he will, but he make his farm produce like the intelligent, well-read man, who studies agriculture a sci ence. The educated fanner wanders why his sons and daughters are »u anxion.- to leave the farm, to choose other oc cupations. The reason, my friend, i obvious; for your sons cannot plod on with you it yon persist in keeping them a •entury behind the times. Vomit, men and women, ot all trades and pro (••ssions, are perfecting themselves in their various callings—attending scien title lecraires. reading scientific books studying improvements in every m* partment of labor; and mark theirpio grass iu respectability, uselulness and worth. To.the intelligent gentleman, the farn ■ holds out far more delightful indue-- ments than any trade. He enters Hu prolession with a desircanddetermina tion to elevate it, and he succeed.-., too. just in proportion lohis general culture. Opportunities lor agricultural training are opening over the whole country and parents would do well to place n the hands of their sons scientific books and papers, if they wish them to re main on the farm ; also give them an opportunity to attend a course ol lectur es on agriculture. Your children would soon look with altered ey* j s upon the larm liie; and what a Different t spe-t would many a farm-home wear ! Throw ahmn ymn children all those helps and encourage ments to service—so reasonable, so de lightful, so profitable—if you wo dd hive your farms blossom like the iose, and your homes and hearts bask in du sun-iiineot happiness and prosperity.- T. 11, in Country Gentleman. Graps for Hohskh.— Many poivon.- think that lnys» s that on* kept in tin stabh* all Hummer sin uld not he allow ed to eat gra>s. They think it wit. inasc the Imrse soft w {shy-washy, aim that it will tnrow him out of condil ion for hard work. This is particularly lin case with some of the trainers of 'troi ling and running horses. And that are kept up for farm ami oilmi wotk are refused grass heeau e then drivers think they w ill hay so W'eJi. Tills was formerly the ease limn than i‘ is now. Um these are all erro neons opinions and practice-, and an giving way, gradually to a more rea sontihleund natural system of feeding Grass is the natural f- od for the horse It is coling and healthful food, ii keeps the hmvels openand shaipeimtln appetite. It promotes digest on, ami removes fever from thesystem. Theie fore, hy all means, let'the horse n 1 1 grass tifleen or twenty minutes daily vVhether training for trotting or run ning, it will he attended with the hide est benefit. 'Hie horse will lose none of his speed by sueh a course of treat ment. Horses that are kept up tin year round for farm work should cer tainly be allowed a nice nibble 10 grass every day They work hard,ami all they get for for it is something tc cat. Let them have, then, what iliey all like so well. —Rural World, “ Drawfd” Poultry.—A country man was coming into town one morn ing in a light wagon, having in th* rear of the seat a box, which was eov ered with a dilapidated hod quilt. A dealer seeing him, stepped out upon too walk and inquired what he had foi wale. “ Chickens,” was the leply. “ Are they nicely dressed an drawn ? Jhr owed! yen; I’ve drawee! ’em mor than fifteen mile* this morning !” 'I he dealer was satisfied, and re-ot tered hit) store, The countryman cor tinned his search for customers. Bumble Footed Fowls,—When heavy fowls roost high, as they always fly down, they are very apt In drive gnvel stones into the soles of theirfi-et. and to bruise them otherwise sons to cause swelling and soreness. Some times, al-o, corns appear on the soles These troubles are modi moie frecpiem among roosters than hens because lbc\ are so much heavier. “J. C. K." de scribes a trouble, which is probably a corn due to the same cause, or possibh hereditary. Corns may sometimes bl ent out carefully, or loosened about tin sides and pulled out" Slutl plenty of lint into the cavity and hind a piece oi me on : it will heal so m if the bird is well. BREfD Fllii.M ,1 111-, ISI-.ST.— It was Sla ted in the recent address before the Vermont State Agricultural Si ciety, that the State was losing its reputation for fine horses on accout of the cons'ant sale of its best animals,—a ruinous piactice with anv k nd of stock. t®* A man in L,\ nehburg, Vi., the other day ate oily raw eggs eirl I auk a quart of aw whiskey, and- ti t ves the biggest in theueighbo.hjod. ,-ffiunmal >' Tn hi 1020 Mll ' l ' UiN.ON PACIFIC RAILROAD A II E N O \Y CO M I» IiETED As fr'U 111 ll.—. .r I hi* wc'litii port I’m of tho lino, beginning ul Sacramento, urn also done,- lon about “On MILES REMAIN To lie finished, to open the Grand Through I.tin* to the I'acllle. Tins opening will ccitainlv lake place oailv UilsseaMm. Besides a donation from the (»o\ci m:t< ni oi 12.500 acres of Inml per nnlo, Hie Coiopau.\ is en titled to ii subsidy m I’, s. Hmulsoii ns line us completed and tu'i** pled. at the average rate of about &2UoMi per-nolle. according to tin* ditUcnl ties encountered, for whi ‘h. tlio government lakes a second lien as security. Whether subsi dies a e given fo any oilier companiesoi-not, the Government will comply with all lls contracts with the Union Faciilc Hal bond • ’ornpany. Near ly* tho whole amount ot Hoods lo which the Company wifi he enthlcd have aheady been de iivcied. ’I RST MORTf; At. K 110X113 AT PAR. liv its charter, tho Company Is permitted’to isue. Us own FIUST MuiU’G.VUK IMNDS lo in* same amount as the Government Bonds, oin re. these Bondsmen Fbsl Mortgage up* a tho entire road and all Its equipments. TTTI-:\ HAVE TIIIUTY YEA Its TO UUX. AT SIX FEU CENT., and. hy special contract both PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN CU)LI). The C. b. Sup* erne Com I has recent ly deckled that tins eontiaet is In all lespccls valid and of legal obligation. jmicli secunt ies arc generally valuable In pro portion to the Icin'! Il ol time llie\ have to Mill. — i’he longest six per sent, gold interest bonds of LheU.s. (ibe ’'ls)wdl be due in 1- vcais.and they are woith UJ. If they bud :>J jears loinn, tlic’v uould stand no less limn lJ.i. A perleclic sale Fust Mortgage Bond like the Union I'acillc should approach tins rate. Tin* demand for I'.u* ropean nvcslinenl Is alir'ady considerable, and on ilm cU'Uon ■>) llu* work will doubtless carry I hr* pi ice ton large pi comm 1. •SEcriilTV OF THE JIONDS. It needs no argument to show th it a First. Mort : n<'c of fji> 500 per mile upon what lorn long I. me mist he the old v rat I inn <1 eon ncr I mg I lie A Uan • ic and Pacdlc Stales l.s iirrnrlht scni> c. Thu cn irc amount ot the mortgage Mill lie uJmul stn.tKHdim. and Hie mleiest SI/IHi.iXH) \per mnntd in gold. The piesent currency cost d this Inici isi 1-s less limn S-.oue,oiK) per Iltiuim. wlule tiie moss innings lor tlio year id.s. Flb'M WAV DU-IN Ess only,on A> AV KKViiK OK I.KSSTIIAN 71X1 MILES OF ROAD IN UPERA I'luN, WERE MURE THAN FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, The details of which arc as follow** Ft mu Passengers, l*’iom Fieight. From Express, From MaiN, Fi om M iseel lance us, From Government uoops, Fiom Gov. Fielulil, From Contractors' men, Fr>*m L'unluieiurs' material, This hupc ii in on ill Is only itu indication »>l lhe Hiim-liMi tialllc Hml must po -»vci' II)’- tnron-'h line In a few months, when the pic.■! Mdc-d I'.i -i-lUc I ravel nnil Made will ncpin. It is estimated i lml Mils inislnesH n.nsi make Hi- e:umnps-ii ihe ruml finin FIFTEEN TO TWKNI’V .MIEE IUN A 1 EAR. Ns the -npply of these hnmls will huiii eense, .-arlles uho desire to 111 \ esi in Ihein -hi lllid H ui I heir interest In ■ I<• s.» nl -Hire. The pi If.: lor i lie present is pur and af'*i lied interest hoin .lan. i. in eurreuey. snihscrlpl inns will he leueived In I’m lisle bv A, S|'l »NS|.F.U. and In NfU Mile \T THE UU M I‘A STsii F I-’ ICE, No. 'll} N us.-a 11 St AM) nv 10 UN .1. Cl SI,'(I A SON. Man Iters. No :,T> Wall St. And hy Ilie Ciunpan.\’h advertised ayelll.s 111 mmli-.lil (Id- Cliiled Males. Month .vcm/ jn-c. i>m /Kirittw .v uhirrilninj lliropi/h In ■ill iti/nils, trill look to l/irin Inr i/irir,.inch lnji-ri/. A NEW I’AAIIMI.M AND M.U* WAS ISSUED hT.lsl eonUtninp a report ol i|u; progress ■> i h - win k lo I nut dale, and a an ire eomptele si a I e neii I in i elation to the value ol lhe h. aids 1 1 in 11 ■an he ui ven in an adv erl i semen I, which will h,- .ent free on up pi leal ion a I lie . ompan.v 's ulllcvs ■r to any oI lhe adv ei I ised apenls. .M il I ( ISt.T), IT ei.w .1 er, New Ym 1:. .M» r«-h 1 1 , I silt)— il)air Liruruirr Ayer’s Hair Vigor 9 r or restoring Gray Hair lo natural Vitality and Color. A dressing whicn y-i I* ut once il") vrcrvMvs, licaliliy, mid effect tial lor llia y y listir. Forfeit or gray ho is .soon restored -ij l! '' oru ji n,l i rotor t* k ft 1 ;' o'llh the gloss and 'W&im »/ y° ul /‘ ilnu Imir is duck clll ■< 1 . liilline hair checked, and haltl n---. ihough not always, cured •a i* n-.’. Xothing can restore the iwt' r where du; follicles are destroyed, or iieiii’.id-i atrophied and decayed. Hid -tn-h ;is remain can be sated for US’- 1 11 1 ti>■ -■ liv this application. Instead >f die hair with a pasty ‘jelli n' t f . il will keep il clean and vigorous. tiei-M-iniiid use will pretent the hair in turning gray or hilling off, and ■t.-Mpirndy prevent baldness. Frec • 11 111 those drteierioii.i substances which • do* -•nine preparations tlangei ons and mrion- i‘> lie 1 hair, die Vigor can ,iV h>-ii' fr hut n-d harm il. If wauled \ loi- ?l HAIR DRESSING, •‘•'liinj i;n (■ Inn; -o (l.^lraMe. i i i \ ] >l>in m,Cai' kli J Oct 5.1 H B— k Q.O TO SANDER SEGELBAUM, COKU \ HURT M’UMHT cV 3IAKKET S(.UAHI HAIt I U Sii U HG, V K X N I A. Who is Just opening the largest a-sorlinent o CARPETS, r> U Y (i O O D B &c. ever brought to Harrisburg. Large variety ot L A DIE S ’ SACKS. Mr, Seg»lbaum- Is a live anil upright, busluo nan, and \vc advise our readers to give him call, March 2.'). IMlil—lin qt() AMERICANS VISTINU 1-U I HOPF.—The Hanking lliitist’ of Norton *\ 'u.of Puns & 1111 Ipm on having entered upm b»:ir new premise-, are k to slimv even illt'lHlon to American Travellers, To obviub tic dim-uitles and expense attciii.iint upon tin airchase ot Let tei s oM‘i edit to Fmope. Mossr '•o'lontt (>., Imvi l nrnmtM'il to receive Amen •Jill cnnency. United stales and Railway Rmid' • r ' nierl'-an < lulil ul Hit'value in Paris.'plaeint tie aim am l at unci' to the civil It ot deposit ors - 'antes hefute leaving Cor Fur ipe shonld havi ihelr etJiTe pomlenee plainly addressed to ear* Nil. K|i i.V A CO., lima* I S|., N. \ Ma reh Jl l.vit)—Jm or « l.othury.l.tmdon. \rrts. H. A. SMITH’S IMKITII graphic Gallery South-east Cornel llato > - er Sti eet, and .Market Square, where may he lon ■ I] tlie diderontHtyles of Photographs, from cun •o life size. I VOR YT YPES , A M BROT YPKS , A Nil .MFLANinTVPFS Oso Pictures njn Porcelain. (something newl boll Pinlnand i’olored. and ivlileh are beautiful pro Inc Hons of the Photographic art. Call and net them. Particular attention gU/en to copying from I) itfiierrotypes .Ve, sim invites the patronag oftliepnhllc. Feb. y. IW!«. CIONSUMITION HAN . E CUBED J by la-. C. G, Garrison's ,\ew / Vie-ai me ti fall or address l»r. ii. Garrison, 211 (nth F.ujhth Stnvt, /•/nfadrlphui, l’n. P 'lll6llOll given lo i IIKOAT and LUNG DISEASES. Mft'ch -1. 1 i>* . FKMAI K MKI >l l IN KS. i o ‘••m**o su'-eesstullv. «n i chy n pylbg o s'HETA M. !>.,&£ *otll i .ll si, I'b.iado idita, Pu, Ucl ' wBM.v» iljarluuarr, |3auts, \r, d ry <-iooj)si! , ! SOMETH IS(J TO Sl'IT TMV MM- ’ A N I* hKAIM ■ 1 Ar'nn 'pWy? NKW ,\Nl> CHEAP CASH STORK ,/AWSS&'A,h I - II O>f A S A - II Aiil> K R , 1/ / f. i. ; /; i:ns aUe lhis 111.111 n ..i (In-retina the attention o the community. :ii t-.ige, mid every ppi s.<■> in s nnjenln r, I< > i heir t *■< • "t 1 v i eplenlshed stork ■*!' HARD WARE They studiously avoided m\ eslmg during ihtf high prices. hiul pattenlh waited the hilling out of the bottom he I ore .ill* mpting to refill their ahel\»*s nud now Unit ihlnc.s have been reduced to old time prices, a* near as puM-lhle, thef have Invested lurgely iind me piooared to guarantee to their friends and customers as low prices a» tiny market outsid.e the cities. They especially Invitetlio attention of mechanics, farmers and builders. Onr stork la (simplel* and none need fear meeting with disappointment in cmpdrlng for anything in mir line. Wi> have the agency ot the Wlllcojc a tiihhk’ S !•; IV I X (i M A C II I X I- and would respecttully ask all in mint of n Machine. Io examfne t!.• Wdleox A Gibbs' he All orders promptly intruded to. and goods lei I \ ill d o all pails of Ihe town free ol charge. Feb, I (>;». —I v 1809. 11 AH ” w A 1m.9 HENRY. -S AXTON, ■ 1 .02 1,001 »7 IU r.l.iM as i:ia,2 .) r>« Id.iHii 27 lid.- 77 77 HIM in ;i< iMi.Dti oy y-s.i.! • ;l NO. 1 , I-; AS T MA I X < \ i: i i-i.i Wholesale md '• 1 e l er In i -id > In.l. M.h, In'l It Mate I 1:0-. 1 .it, i ills , 1 1 1 tiss Ar., Arc. l-'l m-sl -piu i.y ol \ nn-i n .i n ami Eimllsh 11 *' K !•; I tn I ■ ; v t ■ frr Evnrv li.-srnp i..n ol 1.-. - .• - fhnhlrri h >■ i»'ih-r"il In n f/rrnl 't,(/1 hi }n iff iml ijunliii/. 11-ai-i-h ktpi‘is yoods ami at.-n-ils in pi \.■ i u-l W'o ai'L- so'c KUfiits loi Mu* prfiit F r K L !•: CON O M I z E il AT. IXCFI.SInH WTtmi'lt STRIPIMNU Wt> had i nl-eI \ cs <-. om | h'l < 111 nf n'l, as -u r coo. |s aiv of ihe A nil. .■./ < n i/wt ih/ ami mi <’.w ■ n price. i rdcis hy mall jiionip! nltciition MlH>hs DlTd VKID'.D IN’ TOWN ITIEI- r.iiin-s null !•' d lon- a a D'S, wilt \ Ich make »» "ic/ I , "ii. m. aml all 1 .. \\ Imn . arr in li-'/i il will plea-.' pi.-nil 11 h• 1 r h 11 ) s for sell, ITC 11 K. l\c J() II X I, ISZ .M A x I'AlllNK I \ N -• \ i;uunll-3- d 1 >• li-iI to prompt ly and on reasonable lerius. Feb. i>, iiin-' <^'BANKEr|!^? No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Agents, Ov PENNSYLVANIA °L\ H£ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NkTtosAL Lira Ihsuranob Company Ifl a ei-rporntui . c i**-*t»- t bv hjj emi An oi C.m. gross. up proven July Mi. IfJW. witli it CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, PULL PAID. Libei al termt* offiTi tl in Aci tub mul Bollcliom, weo ajh mvlifd in apply mo nr otDiu*; Fnilp itlcillsr-t •iiotnel on unpllra l loq ill oarnfllro locsipd In tlie stc ai > story of utir U.aihtb:' 11 F, K ’ S HOOK AND FANCY STORK, A .VP C!EX 1 ERA I. NEWS DEPOT. r. WIST .MAIN STIIFFT A flue assortment of Goods on hand,such as • Writing liesks, port l-’nlioH, Ladies i 'ompanloiiH, Work boxes, Satchels, Ladies’ Purses, Pocket Pnok.s, Segar Cases, Curd Cases. Gobi Pens, Pen Knlvep, «tc„ &c. Jl LAUGH SUPPLY OF FAMILY HIBLF.S anti PHOTOGRAPHIC A Ll (JM AT RFl3lT{'in» PRICES, DIARIES FO R IBGB Subscriptions received Cornll Magazines Fash l**r Rooks. Patters, Ac. at pnbh'heis p tees. V n save postage Pnd always sure* of receiving y« nr .Mimazin - *>\ - libs ti long at Ptm-a ’H. Special Httenn n ik paid to keep ng always on hand u supplv BCHO nr nroics, for town an t ••<*"kilies. Velveteens Hold Vlxed. Wale - Profit nml Heavy Heaver*. Merino Vests. Shhl< mid Unuvpis, for Ladles’ Ml'scs Men's and Hoy** wpiir, A full lino of CI.OTnS AND CASS I M R It 1‘,9 fa yor J> fi ess a o o ns In new and r'eli desens. Many of the above goods s«.|| ,n g oM* at gre*d I v reduced .prlees. I 111 mense Mack of all the leading brands of Donn?- He and House Fii|'mshing Dry Goods, at hss Ilian regular tecs ni.KFniED AND immVN SHEETINGS, Pit. Id »W CASE .MCSLINS, PIEI.mW CASK MM KNS, NARKIN'* TM’.EE El N ENS 1 VNDDOVLIES. i To W’J'.LS AFJj TO WELLIXGS.. Marseilles- Qn'lls and Tal le Covers, XoMm|r ham I .ace ( nl l i n Mai ci la 1 and Tidy.s. 'V ii i r e nun in? 1m I a i'-it i , 1 : , . : ~il lim \ o’l lleii i, i S and I 'll, ... 1 loiM’iy and Ctovo- in \ U I 1 I > I', \ i m, «I! M \M ■ if> n|’ >-K 1 RT 1 - \ 1 I .1 m ILEX < i a• D i.n /.’ xr: rs• < n u s /■; ts i i i, .% ,x •• 11 M . ~,n . an,i I.l.rated i , 1 ~ , i I].'. I ,i|l< :,ih' i 'n'lm-'. I lain |• i' k > 'in Km !m ■ ml, i d HalidUer . i•• • ■ i . ; :..i i- : ml many ; m . : i-i - Id New I a -I-, * i I mil cdlel ,s] >ee 1111 1 ill • s A. H \ R PER. el I’.eu l,et is. i. - I \ 1 . ( i . \ 1 >.' H Min,- cl ~111 We i>ll>• J end I, 1 • ■ a mil siM,-lc m I Hi-vs \ I; - .!• I -ui-li ib I’.i m-'i-N, Tin I \ . ! in> ral n, Vemlmn l>. "II t li.t'lis, I :ui,s, sn-i.lcs Ac- , w Ini-li n-c.i 1a- ri.o ins an d {■ a-s i m Hosier y end U'o \ as. 11 tune In rn i- !i. in i Jo, d- oi t-\eiy Iclnd, and in aluudain (jnai. i• i u-s W « will niiikt' t> eat sae line.-., and oIK i a liar as m*i I ineiil In -si-leel Imm. ALL WAO WISH I'HEA I' I'KK-'fs (,K Kl’llNhll, INC. r.i.nlis, AM. \Vllii'A'[sllillKU'lH;V(.nn|K W . (■. S A W V !•: It A- CO r. wr main si KKF.r j; ii nil in i r, .\i A. ,;v ' 1 - 1 t a r.i >*t: i m\kkb AXI> IXXlii-aiTAKKR, A 1- :5 T M A I V N I! i N !■: W K f ii X I 1 ( [. Loii:n:e-, i •.•liiu. Table-. i{..i-kiiu ( hails. 1 >in:ns* I'abh v Ka.-.\ i 'bans. i .till 1111111 K. '■"pMon-Chmjw. . n 1,.,,,, Mu. muh. \\ 11 i I ! • No I P.*|-|o| Dining Itooni, Kitchen KVBNI T U U E (■(mt.viTri!i’ in skits, UK 1 Xr-T KAI L- AN I) M.\ TTBImSES, I! i - i H\ M I.S ,\M> I'll TflM,-. la i_it i*iii v ,ii cl \. I’.i i ! i a! >-•1111. if a". . n i.. '| ~ iiipr;i;s,l m ders iVum Inuu • < 11' 1 iti tc);i 11 11 - ii nromplly Ull.l nil 1.-a-nlmble In :ii-. * DCe. I , Ims,—ll' A B I N E T \V A ii !■: noils E ’i 11\vn n i> nir:, 11. y Tile subscriber respect lully In I. mu- his Ii h n,jj iu i Ihe pnM .»• ncimni h\, iha i |,c siill coet one he Undertaking laeam-ss, and i- icmly h. uai >(■“11 .',|SI. lini'i vCI I |,cr I,y day ~| l,_\ ui”'h l. i C ,n[\ umk in|H\> Ivi'ht eonslanll\ on li.iiml ihiili nml dim .menial. Hi- has .viN"M|i I; 111 > I /-W.'s J'lll'ill J/r-’o/.f* 111 H’, ~| n* has I ii'd i SI I>l lilt nlf (I the '.nil- agent.' This >l' lull'll ns superior hi ;mv ot t h»• ki-n 1 >ow 111 use. it being perfect |y all 'light. He has also furnished Iniii'-cK wll i, m-w H,,,. . \ lining 1 Ilf gl Clll fxl (I'MMIVCI les of lljfc* .tee f -I i '■//'.•< Si'i-mi/ t lie hcsl mill e'i • •.i.i-.i imvln iitc, Ihe •■v«-lu»ivcrfirlit of which | |,.i , m-unm iimi will he kept c instantly on hand. CABINET M.AKIXh, ni nil its vnrinus blanches, carried on. -mil IP nu cans, Scei clarie>, Work-si unds, parloi Waie pin ilstei ed i 'hairs Solas, I'lei, Side and I'cnl t. i'll I lies, Dining l-l,d Ih'eaU lilsl Tallies, \V •lands of alt kinds, French Iledsicads, high lie nw | nisis ; Jenny Lind and (Milage ’ Ib-dsp-ads lialrs of all kinds, Looking (Hasses, and ai> 'llief articles usually inaniilaeiured in this Hu. >1 business, kepi eon-ami l ,lv on hand. His e men ni experience, his n,... erial the best, and his work made In tin* latest •ity style, and all miner his own npervisnm It v l ll he wananted nid sold low lor cash. lie invites ail b gi ve.httn a call he To re purehas i« elsewhere. For the liberal patronage here lolire extended lb him he feels indebted to his luiueroiis customers, and assures them that m •iloi ts will he spared In future to please thorn It •lyle anil price. (five us a cull. • Ueinemher the place, North yanover street, nearly opposite the Deposit Hank. Carlisle. Doc I ISfis. -_s'7~ PnturW .1 by nmUwlicu written for, Jan. 7, ISGO-ly •Hailrqati jlinrs. I ) KADINU. 11A IL HUAU, WINT.F.U AHHANIiKMLNT. MONlliiV, HKCH.MHhH 11. I'C GrculTmnk lino from the North and No’th, west lor Philadelphia, New Yoik, Headmtt, Poltsvllle. Tamarpm, Ashland. Slmmoliin, Lob jinon. aston, Kphiata, Fill/., Lanoaslvr. Colum bia. Ar. Tiams leave Harrisburg for Now York as fol lows; at ddd. d.V*. s In A M., I‘J HI Noon,-0.7 and in ■> * P. .M .. niiim-i'liiiK with * mdar trams on Uio I'rniM Ivama Uallroiid and aiilslng al Now Vo Ua! ll a l l A. .M., I.* i'll Noon ;|.(ii, . in', i(J ad P. .in.) i> r. ,\. .M , 10-ia ol H civ, >joopitn; oarsae\ i , p* , ;.io A.’.M. and In •*> l I’. .M.. llama 11 h< ml change. I .cavo 1 tan islung for IlWidmy.l’oUsvill, Tainn i|ita, M mois\die, Ashland, >lOllOOlllll, 1 tin; llruvc, Alhnlow n mid hiladolphta, at A. M.; Ashland al 7Ua A. .M..and Jgda P. M.t Fo lll iii at .sdu.v. M.; and 1 I’. AL. tor Plnla. i * avo Potisvillc, v a. fsolm.v Hull ami .-UMpie hiimi.i Hail load at 7InA. M lor ila 11 ismiry, anil lid I ,i a. M. idrPino Uinvoaml ‘(Turnout. Head]ngaceommo iaUon iml n ; u*av i-s Reading at 7 dl.. leitirnmg leaves Philadelphia ai -1- Id P. .\|. Potlstown Accommodation lia'ii ‘leaves Polts linvii al a la A. M.,ietm niti” leaves Philadelphia at I "ll P. M. Columbia Hall nml t re Ins leave Hoad inti at 7 IHi A M., and li l,} P. M. lor Fphndu. lid/. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. iVikimnen Hallrond Trains lease IVrklomen Junction at !> Id A. .'I. and d tin P. .M., MMUimng n-av «• f'kippack at A 10 A. M. and I'J -id P. M.. con necting with Uhiiimiii the Heading Had mad. On Sunday's; Leave New York af K <’o P. M., Philadelphia .son A. M. amid Id P. M.,tho mki A. Ai. Irani n,lining Mil.v to Heading; ndlsvllle.. •« o' A. ,M.; Uai'ilsiimg ddOA. .u.. 1 10 and Hi di. P M.. and Heading al I nd. dno tnnl 7 Id A. M. t tor Hat i Ishutg, al l.d‘l nml 7dl A. Al. Jor New 1m U -i11• laL I 'J-. P. ,M. tor Philadelphia roinnin'.id l iu, Mileage, reason, School and I'Ai'in-inn 1 u-Kcls, 10-and Imm all ponds it m .iliieed lidos. K rln idied lliioiiph ; IUU pound- niiou ■ il rail I I Vssejiuej. U A. N K ' H.I.S l (CM I! K a 1. A N a V A I. 1. JK y K A I L 11 O A D ! cirAn r; k o f hou b s : (m .-mil utter Mi'Nhay, ski*t. 1 Ith, isiw, raison ;.-r i nuns will run oullyas lullown, (Bnmla.\ hi*X •I rriiirtinmUilioii '/rnm leaves Harrisburg 8.0) A. U . .Mocha iiu-shmgs > .U, t 'iirhslcli. 10, NewvlllcO. F» -iitppcii-liuru hi.JO Chuiiilicrshtng 10. to. (Jrc-cli •iM it- i I.N. un i vitit; nl Hnggcrstmvii 1I .-12 A. M. Mini /r m Icnvcs Mainslnirg 1.150 I*. M., Me .•l ia 11 ii'sbu rg 2.02. i nill.-lc '2..11, Now villi- o.lO.Ship , cn-lnng .5. !■', I ‘ll:i lll hcr.shuig I.JO, Gieuucnsllt i hi i ivmg at 1! • gcrMii\vn r>,Ji> I*. M. J'.j t'lu-.w /rmn Ini vcs I la) ITshUi g 4,10 P. SI., Me ■•li 111 ic-bn i y 1.17.1 *n rhsh- o.IT. N i-wvi ilt- 0.00. Ship pcii-dnng o 17,,arriving at Fhnniljcislmrg at o. lb r*M. I Mi ml Tuiih it-avt-s Chamla-rslnm?‘-.O'i A. M ■ i >-<-iic»isi n- ‘t.j’i. arrivingnl Hagcr.Mmvn pi,|o A i ■ . iiiiil in i'ii '. I), N. u\ll h- .’i |.'. i a 1 1 1*. 1 1 ■ i ■>, \li-cim a hMmi i g (1. 17 an i \ mic !| I 11 a i n-huii'f. !'. \ .M. l/•<’.' Ti-un Iciivio ila a i - 1 1 ci\v 1 1 A. M.. (ji ccn- ..-lie- CA, i haili in-Nm ii: a. In, Sh ipp--iiMni i l: ‘i. to nil.- la. N, «'n 1 1 jMe I v'la.'.Mf Ila 11 h--la 11 u 11.21 hi i\ Man i.slmig 1 |.-Vi A M. / ./<(>" J'r'iin U-avi-'. 11 ngci sinun 11. '» \. >♦. 1 J: f*'iM'a'»t If 12 :i, i 'hatnji"i shni'u I 1 ’.) -Mnppciis ihiiu 1,2.1. Ncwvillc 2.0 i. I'arl isle 2. 10, Mechanics im i i 12, ain \ i in- at I ini ri'-lui l a 0.11 P. M. I Mu'iil '/ruin leave- 11 am-i->i i i\v n P. M. ‘ it fi-in-asilc- 1.12, iu n vmg al r hniniH-iMmrg -‘i.o- I’. M. i!tj~ MaUi ng chc-c ciimicci nui> ;.i 1 lurri-xlm it with limns tualfl ll'niii I li t hf Ivi |>h ui. Ni iv Volk i’,a 1 1 i in- iff, Wash i iiglun, Piltslam; amt all pallil srcrii i n ii'.N i) i. NT's ( u-tici: < ‘/iinnl' i/, J'ti . iSriit. s, k-tis. Sent 17, l-liv CARSVMGIEN ii order lu i e.:.,ai.mni.iif iiuiii - rapi.Uy m A liilj.Ll, lIHOO, mow i'.M'i r.ioir 12 W CA iHI.UJK i’Al' I‘.)UV x<. la • . .; yi.r.v in'iiil:..-, i„r -auT ...v ui ,i s i..i...ii,iii in jui-i. inr All Hf i,i i,i.- * 0 Carriage.*, iiuggiu.-, and Spring Wagon n-tantly ,n tminl.i.i inn.A- u. o. oci on >hoi . vi «ork cipi-il in ilnivtj Mud diliMlillllv In Mi : . i-liiiKli I im I --Ii 1 1- nl LI in ealic.--. ii.u-.t- wi.shmg iiii.viiung in I.K-ir hue simple. _i , •* their mdcis yl one-. UiM j AJ/MM.’ AM> J'A ry’J'l.\(/ P/iC.VPTL] Dec. IT. 1* R—ly J A H(| U A KT’IS t KBKBB A T K P Lf N IME X T F'Ht MAN Oft UKAST NdmnaMy adapicd to tin* Cure of all Disease lor \\ Inch a lioiinier-irrltaul or External Heim •l, 1> re.,oiled. I'■/>/>.i,in mrai'ilrrf hi/thi* ('ni)ihtrhnut Cuunfi, Aj/- I ,• i. 'liimt ,Sr.ce 111. ISnS, and O/1100 \biaham Mai<|iiar|, I-isi,.. h-is shown me tin nr. ipt ot ahh-h Ins liniment ts eiiinposed.- hiim m.\ Unowh'diie of ihe •lulledtents, 1 do no l i.--iiaie In eerlif. me that it will he heiietlein Alien- an external upiilieathm of the kind j. mdn-aled. A. S I'IOWAHT. M. 1). I-'iilty * »hii ine enetmeal coin)w uents and medical etleets o| A. .Maif,uar('s Lnn 1111 ■ 111. I chcer/nllv recommend H n- lho«e wn .u„) need it. S. N IH’KI-.H. if. D. Mr. Mimpiavt Dear s d-v Make pleasure ti •a\ Ilia Ilia I 1 have used y..ur 1 ,lu Imeiil tor eh at . ic. I hand-, ami it rilled them and made (lid .-cl soil. 1 Ifiiuk il tin- hcsl I have c\er usci tod wand cheerfully recummend H to iho uei. • ral taihli- ‘ WM. C4U.\('V. Newton lownshHh Pa., Nov. 'JI, IsiW. I her ehy er i lily Hurl I have used Man,nai l l.hiiim-iii h>r Mera'clns mid spavin on i\w> • on' horses wil Ii ihe ar.-ale-i sneeess, and woin mined it to nil win- an- in need of anythin, of tliu kind. C county Trons’r. iSlouyhslown, Nov. Is, imW. Mr. A. Miuqtmrl . Den sir: I nave Used ah. m 11 d l a hoi Ile oi your Linimeot <>n my horse tor >.i(( (I.liar (hill, svlneh was Hie m.isl ohslliinl : hell Ilia Ii: in, olid II ha- t'Meii entire sallsfa mii to l».l n niM s. I won d not do wilhol il {. .•ii i imes .is, and cli. crlnllv i i.-Hu public. M K ’ll A KL .1 .ATS II A W. Jacksonville. I‘a.. Nov. lia, ImW. A. Ma'iiuirl, l-'.-rj.ll. ar sir; f had i\ ver ■even- uitnck <>l I liii'iiinui l-m in my hack, s hat 1 could scarcely wail; which’ was vei oi Mll il I. Alter llslot' hall a Imllleol uill' ceh naved l.uiimeot, ! wa- cut Ir- ly cured This i ml a u-eommendal Inn, Iml Ihe plain tiutii.- i'oii can imike any Use of lids you please. Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear sir; 1 used you -aluahte Limaienl in my lamily for diiren-o .anis and aches, and ll has proved satlslactoi a every ease. 1 do Hunk, as an external Lin neiil, it stands without a rl\.d. I would cheei ■ ally lecomimmd It to Hie puhllc. Ucstm.-tfuilv. Uf.OKUK W. YODUM. Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. *JI, Isiks. A. Mavquait, Esq.:—Dear Hlr; It. affords m pleaMiie to eerfhy tli:u have used \our I,ln 'll4*lll mu iu\ neck, lu a ease o] very Sm’e ’I liroai whlrh was much swollen and very painful. A 1.1- two or three applications, 1 I'mind it in m hke ammo, ami would iccommend It, as an e* vellent Iduumnl, .1 A«‘OH SKV Kits. Walnut lloltiun, i*a., Nov. hi, isfls DAVID fc*II»K r r Kuh' I.J/ I fur, r./;» /. /Ifo'.s., IK ituisto a, fun. •nan W tl'urthhu.'frn, • li\lt AdKNTsWAM'KH: Address , A. MAIUJUAUT, \\ niuul Hot tom, (.'umlierlaud ('o., Pa. Hoe. 111. iNVS—iy [. i,. s t t-: n n k u ' h LIVEIfY AND SALE STAHU BETWEEN UANOVF.It AND 11EDF011I) ‘•TF r x li a r of t -h e cork. TTuviii!. (lilt'd ilj> 1 lio SL ihlti 'fith nrtn- rji rr *1 tv I 111 tr ' t tlt,i [ if t’U'i 'it'd,,idlin'! u Clift cl, r.t it madlo r.uos. I'.u tIM t.iUcm u>u oin the- Springs. » rll ‘A |ail7— - Jy . REMOVAL.-C. T,. LOCH.MAM 1,,, removed his establishment to his Rplcndi. NMW GROUND FLOOIIMJALLEUY. opposite Saxton's Hardware Riorn |.’ UK j, -mviM ( 'in I isle. Pa.. wher hr cordially Invln tho puldlo I o examine the place and his nuaiPi imw specimens. Tin* well known skill of th ptopnetoi. ns :ri Artisi, with an Improved lie I) and out mure and sky light, all on Hie li •> I 1 are snlllelent. ImlneemPiilH for the imlih to patronize the establishment. 1 mi- p'eupe- tire nntveisally pronounced mm t t he-t *•> >n m Philadelphia or New Yo*' and fm superior to any taken In this part of ft. country. Please call. UKdX.UM- C, L. LOCHUAK. (r-il, &nii- 'lii.'rinlriit V.* F. STWAHD ]•: A S T W A it I> 11 s. i.n.i .s >'//;. .15 wyj.sifw. Wagons B ii N. SIIEKK A n 7t ■uni /'.■■! .SI. ATJA.\JjJa> TO. ■i I-: [■• i-: i: ic n u ic«; ShlppeusbuiM hsejit. 15, I MW, j Ai;oH i.i o:o. Walnut Poltoin, Pa., Nov 20. IMIS. man nous e; CARLISLE, FA. iittrtiicnl. MKI>I< ISHSI ! TH K HIC S T 1‘ I. Ar 1C I O BV 1 PURK AND RELIABLE Bl> SS. WJ Medicines and Fine Chemicals, /.V A 7 HAVERSTJCK BROS.. No. 10 .\nvUr llauovn- Stvau'A, < Mx'USLL I 1 A PFAIyF.IIs IN Dnif/s , MrrJirinrs, C/iemicnls, 7>oo Paun/ (I o'/s, Con/rcfiouarics, Per fm/trrj/, f iuilct ,1 r/k'/rs, »ic., Dt/r Co.snii(irs,iStu(ionan/, * xW;. A//to, Parc ll’i'p/ y a for Pur poses. Thfir a*-«nl'l mi-nl of Omuls, in vancly. novi-l* ty jiikl i-lcuniiff 1 , cannot la- surpas-aul. The aiil i-lcs have hfcn sclcctcil wltii yr.-ul cavo anil an* i-alcul toil In (jvmlHy and price i<» cnmmaml the ailoniinn ot puiehasori. Physicians pn*scri}nf<>ns cim-fnliy cnnipnunil-y cd. A full stock ol Patent Mcilldncs on hand. All ynmls Win runted as represented. lIA VEUS riL’IC PItOTIIEHS. Iso. te North llnnnversi Fell. IS. I'U‘l—l.V or s Oiierry Pectoral, r 'Ooioasoa ol’ the Throat and Lunp;fl, ■ ich as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, .Bronchitis, Aatoma, and Consumption. . it. 'lux - never hofort! in the whole hisNnyof a -Kaolins anything won m» widely and so deeply •i --U lac i-oaUdeni-e of nraiiluud, a.-. thH e\»'cll.'iit for jtahaonarv compi.iini Tin onjrh a Imify ..r- ofvears, and ic --t of the race-ol 11 it has risen hlyhcr and In .I'-riii their equina i an, iH it has liei'imii! liens r i.innvn. It,-- iiinionn li.naeler and power to cm c in.- \ arioii- allc -houa •>l the lungs nml throat, have .a,nlc ii knownc- a re h.ihle protector again A them. While adapn-d n> ladder forms of dinca-e ami Lo young i laid.. a, -i is at the same lime the mo»i etfortnal iemcd> .-an be given for coiiMiuiption, and lie. d m gcroitn affections of die throat mid lung-. A- a pm \isloa sudden attacks of Cnrn/i, u 'lc dd be ku|it on hand in every family, and indeed a- all aie sometimes subject to colds and cough?, all should be provided with this antidote for taenu Although settled 6'«asitmpfion i? thought in curable, still great numbers ol emco where the di?- ca.-c seemed settled, have been completely cm cd, and the patient restored to sound health by the Chrrr// Fvctornt. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to i[. When noth ing else could roach them, under tin* Vhm'u iVo toral they subside ami disappear. ♦ Sini/rrif and I‘ithlic tijiva/iem (lad great pro tection from it. Asfhuut is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. • Jtronr/iltls is generally cured by taking the ('Jim-;/ J’vrtnrftl iu small mid frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that wo need not publish the ecrtillcntcs of them here, or do more than assure tbo public that its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fovor and Angie. Intermittent Fovor, Chill Fever. Roraittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or B ; Uons Fever, &0., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious-, marsh, or miasmgtio poisons. As Its name Implies, It. does Cur*, and rloc«! not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Ili-unath, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poLonon* Mihslanco whatever, it' in nowho injures any patient. The •cumber mid im non a mo of its enves In the ague dis trict.;, arc liter,-dlv beyond account, mid wo believe wniioiit a parallel in Uio Id-dory of Ague medicine. Oin pride.i-. gratified by the acknowledgments we receive M‘ the radical cures effected in obstinate I'm l ', .i»kl n hcie other remedies had wholly failed. Unac-liiicited persons, elthnr resident’ in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro iclcd by taking the AGUE CUJiE daily. For Lim' Vnwnlaiiiitt, arising from torpidity ofihe Liver, it i- ;m excellent remedy, stimulating tic- Liver min hciilthv actively. For Lilmu- fii-oidcrs and Liver Complaints, it is -i . evi-iiom iemcrlv. producing many truly re •” M'kable curc-x. where other medicine« nnd failed. Prepared by Du. -L C. AVF.U & Co., Practicid and Vualytical ChcmluU, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. nticic, $l.OO PER JSOTTLE. F by llnversnck hrotncre.Pa ■ .er. 15 l-as—lt (fflotljmtj airti dfancL) CSoatje JOHN DO RN E R / AI E U 0 HAN T T A 1 iM 11 , fl )U i n-wicHT si UK ok i-L’iti.ii 1 so’ k r:. <-a, pa (IN lIKAU OK COfllT HOI'SKA Inihlnir mndo to order, and a rood HI lAviran t • din all cases. READ Y MA DE (; I.OT HiNG AND A I.AKftK VAUIKTY OIT as vn. !■: /c.v.v witNibUiNa cno/, v. ueh as Under I'lmhlni', Collars. Neckties, Sus -i-iali-if. Ac., conslatrily on hand. Hoods sold h\ •n- cheap as any house outside tin-cl las. •ml no dial ye lor eul l injj, A spleini id va r ieiy ol F\NCV WINTER CLOTHING, *-’r« ndi ami Domestic now on hand, and for sale it, -irices wlih-h def\ eom pel n |ou. Don't (..rycl tin- place, m rear of Court llmei;, May 21, IMis.— Ir l) K A I) AM) KKKi* VOUHMKLK IN- V l-’OHM i-’.D. Ha vnm purchased the old and wo . known Imslm-ss stand whn-h I Imveneenpi - i->r iweniv veai's, I ha .'mde'ermineil not in ■i n e from my pre-f in Imimucsk, hut to eontnun n Hie nnonuaciure of v k a j > y-m ,i de ru> i ni a a f all sizes ami deserlpllonp, ns wclDas n'eco ■ inds h.v the yard, and a general assort incut oi 1 KNTS FURNISHING GOO DS. would respectfully Invite mv ineniif and pa ins who need a good suit of clot hs to give me a •11. ~s 1 have just returned from the city with a nge.iw.-n-men, „f n,e best quality o'f FALL (NM) WINTKH HOODS, viz: I*’inh ni.ACK Fi(i:Nnt and rCNOi.tsu Ci.m-iiH, " " Dokukin CASSI M E R E S TNIC IdHHT FANCY DOKSKIN CASSIMEUES assinettß. Coltoiuuh'rl, Velvets, Drah (Pele’s Al m-as. Linens. Satins, Velvet Cord, and rnanv n*re 100 mmrorous to mention. Also, a lull us ■ ■ ( ini-nl ot IdiNKS. VALISES and Tit A VELLIN inUow, ng whim ro To sell none mu (he best coal that lu to be .r !j!° s f li , cheap as any one in the trade, •t. lo deli ver what his C stmuers huv, and not o imnisb Ilium with a h.wor priced article, to take the price suit his sales. ’ 1. Huheyes hi tin* principle Um scales cannot •** in 4ise fw tlmut ivpuhs.i tor a series of wars. • the advamage oftne coMoim-rs. ‘ ■l'se*° CL * ) coal to he had any where h. Ne\yr to misrepresent coal to make a sale. l»o toil tee l ' Vo thousand pounds t. *• To give the customers the advantage of any Mange n| prices at the mines. * •J IsdeUirmined lodoall In hi- power for the •dnellt of those who deal with him. Bend p •our orders and you shall he dealt as fairly with 'dace" 1 IIM ,avoral,l ° lonnH «h any yard IfPthe March 11.18'»9. A. £l. HLAIR. Uoots ant Siloes CUSTOM MADE ' BOOTS AND SHOES FORGE N TL E MEN. * M the LEADING BTYLK'i on hand or made 0 m 'aanre. i J fives Fixed at Low Fit/ares. i. Illustrated Price List with instructlonsforsplf out sent on receipt of p (IS i otllee nd. WW. F. MAItTI.K'IT, 29, -Jy Pmiladkli*iiia. £olirs, iffinumvc, &r ,t, i,i, a. 1 1,! ai-i. UAii,i; 1 HEC.’I.mHV (IKTIIE NKill I IS MU' MOANING GLORY STOVK the aitu.t nxr stove nw isn Walker A Ctmidv having JnM lelnrned Horn New V-ak niul Philadelphia, wheie Ihey Pave )ilil clu. -rd tin- Irirnfs’, laleM and Lest as.airt men’ i'.u:( n i. . •n K I N(i AN I > II MATI N (I sTOV K 9 e» .-i- tiiMM : ; i 1 hi lit is place. have now on exhibi tion : r n-1 I || sale Jll I Ill'll Store Boon H NO. Is WKST MAIN STRKKT, Wh-iv-i It •» wll always he pleased to sou their oIG ln. nis -Mid tunny no •• ones. call and exam- IHK (jHKA’t’ MnltviNO (ir.OIIV PAIiT.dK S'IOVK AND HEATER —A XIV RMJIM-A.t TIIF. I'KI.F.IIII ATI'-II ■p p on* KJ N i STOVI-. nir n> rs riir wont.n. THE MORN IMI di;o|!Y is i lie tun i i"' Vei pm lor Mm c in use anywhere or e\ civ heie, It Is a Hum- Burner. and imi> Uro will la*.i iu i at. r. 11 Inis m leu dum s all n round and Isas i n-.ld mid chi'ci Tul ns mi open mile. Wu if-.i i-.-n i\ i. i< i in iht- following pcrsoiii: from iinixtm I n eheds ol others who have used It. as to Us 111 «• nis : .In lues |5. WVnIJ.-v. II J. Mn.-nt, llm.J. linn-.. Kdward Knrv, ‘A . B. .Miillui. Seitf‘l Irvi U’i-Im i t a I i.-rland, i ‘ol, A \ol»te. Hi", Wclse. .Mr. Mansfield, Snn’l. I'avid Khoad-, Ml. Holly Paper Mlii I,e\l Til ”(•. (Vi, **ammd Oiensoti, • Sam i Kcinplon, Weakley A Sadler, • I. T. f JieenHeld, l lios. t.’hutnlirrlln, Snnmcd ll.Oould, John siuart, iuMiti v\. i-.tiy, .John T. Grrrn, Thos. , Henry L. Burkholder, I’cter Spahr, .Hichard \\ oocls. Win 11,I 1 , >inat I, i I. H, Woods, Jos. (In pn aii h, MtiJ. Woods, John M Uiem;. W e lia\ enlHoa very lartA 1 variety of Conk Stoves *.| i lie v*-r\ la-st. namely : N< »mii (a>K, his Burner.) i •'M MI N ATlu\. (Has Burner.) WM.J'KNN, Ml'». MICA, W A HAS I liLErrmir, uml NIAi.JKA.sU! o| which Imvp given gronl snl isl'm-i mu in tlß> jum-lmsoih. Wo luivu also a laryo Ini of TIN AND OTHER WAKES, ofonr own TiX A> 1) sIIKKT II!(),\ Ol all kinds constantly on hand. >l’( 11 ’l l N (;, Kooi-’INU «!t JOMIUNO ol n I I; iin Is ilniic mi siuii t uni |f(> {mml hiilistunl 1- •H\ . 11l «•-, ill'll IS ion \v,> In v( 1,. to ofx n iiikl csiimiiu-our jionds and save at Icnsi non i,' i>i i' ■•out. WALKER A* rEAEDY so. !>. WKsr MAIN STKKKT ' m:msi,ll. r fHrtifia L A Safe and Speady Cure fur Coughs.Coldt Asthma Brnnchitis, Hoarseness ('roup" Influenza, Whoopi*, Cough. Incipient Consumption, and nil Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don’t neglect a lev-re Cough, or throw iivuy moncv on a worthless medicine. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE . r.otTos. ',’- T SK"’AI?n. BENTLEY i I, O h ' ■ 1 '••'■eaisis. litih-aio, N. Y. Sold toy all Drusyisu. I'or Kali- liv (IMORCIKU. lIOOKM AN, ( I, r t pom Cj £} j M IT*l| 4. l^O'l-ly Foi Dyspepsia, Fever and Airuc, Aci dity of the S'omach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Hew'-hum. Jaundice, and all diseases arts’.- r from a dir-ordered slate of Ihc Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY & CH KN KY. Diuggibip, Buffalo, N, Y. Sold by all Druggists. Formic ly (JEORGE 13. HOOFMAN, Gtover, Poinfrel B.reel. Man a i. iy mm Restore jxray and fiidcd Hair to its Original Color, removes Dandruff*, tTKKS AU, DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents Baldncss, and makes the halt gto'v Solt, Glossy and Luxuriant. SI.IKI anil sl.oil per Beitlf, pirh Bui lie io a \eal Taper Boi. Prapn r»*d by REWARD, BENTLEY &CM KN’KY. liruggFis, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all DnigglsH. For Sale* l»v G FORGE D. HOFFMAN, Gnicer, l*om(Vvl Blivet. Mai »-h t, l:-liii- l-V rntlE GREATEST MEDICAL DIS iL CUVKUV KNOWN 'JO MaN. l-'nr the cure nl‘ al I diseases arising fiom nil Tin pim» siniiMii'iln* Hiood. such ns . SOlb i-’UI.A.SALT JtllliUMi r IIYSIPKI;AS, ROHR RVRS, BOILS, TITTUP,'.to. It Is purely A VEGETABLE PREPARATION— not a single grain of Mineral Poison enters Into its eon positioii-vn Mm! while It Invurinhly af fords relief and edei-ts most wonderful enres, no overdose-could Injure Jhe most ten er infant. .1. M. I j[M)si;v--|it-nr Sir: —Up are very near out of your medlcm-. please send us two doz en. We would Just, sa\ i hat. yonr medicine Jm»' curifda ohm' »( semf du that, has been mining '*n tor nv years*, the ilesh was eaten ofl* the la dy’s m ms—you could mm* the sinews working She Is at the eight h hot fle now, ami the flesh Is growli.gnu very last. Vour fllood searcher is go lug all over t!x<* count r.i. The people are very mneh pleased with the above case, I’lcaso send us statement ol our ai ennui, and oblige us. Vein-.’null, .KMIN RALSTON fcKON, Mi.iu.irroN, iNp. Rtatioj i. ! *“ IVwiii eof counterfeits. The genuine line tin* name of IJ. 1.-;. SKhLMIW A VO. at. the bottom of the ouslde wrapper Sole Proprietors, U . E . R E L L E n R A (.5 O PITTSBURGH, I'Ji, Portalo bj .JOHNSON. lIOLI-OWAV & COWHIW, PmUADKTAMMA, I*A, HAVKKHTICK BROTHERS. (’AJtMSLr, I*Ai March -I iKiin~tf dFlnanacll. A NNHAL nKCEIPIp a!I ‘ BY ’ Pn«’« ivc'iinftf. a.Oon'd firmer Tresa < Curb n*cd of M b f? rh, P collector * *■' li-tlanm of duplicate 18 7 r rec .1 of BW. Early, collecloron da- 330 4: (ill nit* 1 •‘■R. Crt»b ucdofll.,!, Hwker ilapatyeollep. inr Oil •luolicnte 1fl«8. 3 CVh ler’d f»r pan mul wati*r acrlp Cash r*Vd of Wm, Harultt, exchange on Pash re«*M of .tohn Harder cUrk of Mar- ki Ip, Wolahlnir. Ar., " C.ifh rep’d from rent rf ptalla of Market 1,7 20 House 1 (WO '«*b recM born Exhibition llroorM. ’,7, 7i * Tiir*’ r r 0 fro-» John famule 1. Anec. ‘.L’ *° Chp’* rec’d from Horn’ Iron, 1 .. ®W • Cash rec’d from lvub loans ' . . ... Carl Inin Han't tntnp loin*. o£’7n Cnmpboll A 11-nwood repairing lames \ S inon Fmltb. Klarkq-nlthln.f ' J OO K "• «:*tra ser*W* aa M l«ry, J m inrnin Olpp. b-tUmenaUrvaapolicemiD. ?« v > r r ; t*', 1 ”"' ’"!" t "■p‘ || i'-™«n soSi Jji"! ;' l , " lr l ' 1 Polanco aalnrv aapnllceman Sj G. o Plr»' men salary na policeman, » S .tlobn Mnr In Annual appropriation 61 Union Hra t’o. for 18 7/ r .?. J. Uns'or, black mnlthlng A li !“pilDßl*-r QrtS. I’PtomA Uro, lumber, , Ilrnlton & Kmimnlv printing, Bpthr brick and stone, n»orgu Wciz-l Plono, Vt. W. Irvino BUtu tax on bonds, itir.vnv UISBUnSKMKNIS OV ACIVIDMT OF EXPENnt TURIB OF PRESENT YEAR. ‘ J. R Parker and o.herfl, Intercut on old liomu b bonds. Carlisle liupi-sit Bank, coupons of Dom’ Bonds, KJrct allonttl Bank, Int and sUtnps on Borouah loans. , r 0 . i llza McMil'on. Int on judar ngnt* ™ JV. W. Irvltio dtato tax on Ponds for 'O9 100 20 • as 1 mine jy. sal.,ry as sifeot Oom’r 4?) no ■ lias Donnelly, wor k on stress, j 7™ $ «i. Nailer, stouoand haulinir, ’7l J"hi Sliupp, stone ?? dp A hr. st-mc. * £ Z •I L. Sterner, stono, ia UltiKWnlta Dunlnavy, stone, 11 ,0 Wm. Kleper. stone ft Wall.ur /» Claudy, stone, u »- •J.Ztti lor, stone. o. V. I* Wltnz.stnm, , ,1. M. rteak ey, stone. m 01 •V A;,. eu e, 111 5S 0 »> . An , stono, go gn il. W 1.1-ton, stone, 5^611 U. WotZOl. SlOl O |y |ig S. 11. Gould, curb stono, . 0 0. 11. .'he.if-r. curb stone, 4gQ M. .1. Wetznl, curb stone. 5 jq 1 . V' olrlcb, repairing tools, • • ter dtets leptirlmr tools, Wm. Hastings. high constable. G. B. Mjor-, hl.h constable nnd policeman. J. T. Crozler, policeman, Luvt dlnicb, juili.-eumu, .1. H lluuier, j>o iceman, K. Swartz. 1 olifc.mni, • i; Hounei.y, night polifvmau, I'eter t-pahr, Knot Waid election at. I CuPl-H. 1. I ghert, W-st Ward election ex px|IR"H, .laiins l.ond n.stationary, .lames « I'uer. serving eler'lnn notices. A L<. Sponsier. Kevenuu stamps. .1. •» -'xilliv. tleveiine stamps, I. > I ' tie t' •I) A i r -tirf. preparing duplhate - < --im ". »■ *-dln-; town dork, *in i i" • i tmi pui'Vim ing .in ' map i \\ v;<>, Pti'ii** Inci A J'i»„ bnmp.pii’-ti plug-, c. j.wll «v Itcinooil, gas lluinu’ and \ . -1. &. p« ot, gas lilting ami plumbing W I' I y lit li, gua liU ng nut] pniiiiulug. 11. U. hirtiiu .j:H> littitm an-l p-nmblng, Ham 1 uingim r*-|M tnnnip-. .*•. A K W, c.irpD’ilur w. »ra. <• \ i>. rlu’iilf r, c.irp'iitnr hoik, • 'lilliu A pli-nllei.ui.iM> uork, • I ■ !■•••!•, pputts ul)d A ■ I)., TilH mi work. \ It Zeijilei. brick, SV It (ireeg ptp(ltl can, i Mi-air r regali'lng, .1 lin '’nrtlu. pi«p Jut ler .Uni nil, Pit i niii A l)i Imicxy, *.tuj. lumber A >•*««!. P. lilllntt priniln : I;it .in A, piin’ln •, .Ins M. Allmi, pal ir as , -J-ilin Harder pa nry rs c ork ot market, ,los tv iVl'bv. B'birt «-T'-maur-T, (I n Tivmr. jnn tor and lighting il ’ek. I. enniior of grave yard, Janus (Indium and olhorp. costs oj Horn er*-n t P-mp l-i-ll A llenwfvd plumbing. G, P vlnj nuisance Jo n '‘anipbril. bun w «ml tno’n for jail P. P Uuntrlcb. attorney *« ff-B, lolni I ni* t or, brooiup if., for market (bod Will Hope Co., appropriation for *dB J. M. Mimnuhriun r, rtlal *ll. Srd.DISDDRSKMKNTS OV NT Of OPKNINiI .\KW SrUF.KI'B AND VI.IiKVH James 'F. Mnrpbal ? M 110-rer -I. Pauley, Mrp. II Wm-d, (I. W. Pheafcr, \V. S. Woods, ItecM on nc’t of samo aa contrL b'IMOOS. Total payment on account of streets nud alloys, Balance In hands of Treasurer, 117.M5 1)4 Thorp IsdueHio Borough on assessment of street and alloys aa follows, From property on Politico Street, 4U From property on Chapel Alio l- , 105 Kr* m pmpMri> or. Chestnut Alley, 30 Fro property on Pomfrot Street, 425 On vnentinjt the road from Pom- frot to Main $OOO INDKBTKDNKSP OF BOP'>UUIL Carlisle teas and water loan. 25.010 UoiouL'h loan proper. Warden udament, Murray judgment, ASRKTh. 1124 shares Carlisle pis and «utor stock par value, s’S,lo'i 00 Dm* f>om assessment* on Sts. 600 Uori.uvh tax ot ISOS uncoi* looted. Cast. Iu hands of Treasu-iT. Nnt.ber lieu. Foust Mon, Kk'pbr of iadebtedneoH over ■ asse»R $14*105 75 TiilSBORUUnil 130NDHD DKBT FALLS DUB A-. Jauuar • Ist 1R75, January 1*t1»77. .■annury Ist 1-7&, January Ist 1 70, STATKMKVT OF BOUNTY' RKOKIPM ANI» K.Y PENMTUH 8 FUH rilß YK4K KNDIN'R MAJltll 25T11, To cash rec’d from S. It. Qould' lormur i'joisuter, $46 - ' 6" To rash ree d f uni 11. L. Heckcr, cnl edo fo IK 7. 005 To cash fo’d from 8. W. Kariy, col lect' r for Iktw, 4,4 , *6 52 To rush ree'd fmm IT. L. decker, col lector lor I«.R. 3.R41 F- Ily Imunty Coupona I adeemed I,ISS By bounty houdsaod intduu Jan Ist 1860 and paid By b unly'• ■inlHand hit due Jan. U» 1875 mill paid. By balai ce b'Uiify note and lot p» id > nrll»l«* plt b’k By cash rffmidcd 11. L. livelier col octor 18'i7- Py ca h lor stamps Ac., Jos. W oiilll.y, T«v(»aur**rs commission on .M 07 la >ii*iuS 3 62 :0 L up irom horo’ funds 38*tf 63 Unlaiifu of Bounty dublabove n««ta $'.1310 30 Wu the Auditors of :ho Borough of Carl foie, o ocrllly that *e have oxamlu"'’ the foregoing Btr •mgli aiui Hnuuty ii-i-ounta of Jog. IV.'Mlby. Bor* ougb t’roaxuro- and did » balance da* call Bor* uugb nf $14.07.and ills* a bala ace dun the Bouulj occiiU’ tutsl,l73 07. . uitutus our minds this 30th day of March. A. P-, 1800. April O 1860, JtIBB O NS, MILLINEXtY AND STKAW GOODS ARMSTRONG, GATOR & CO., 2,17 * 210 BALTIMOKE BTREET. Baltimore. IMPORTERS ANU JOBBERS OF BONNET AND TRIMMING RIB- BONS, VELVET AND BASH RIBBONS, BONNET CRAPES, SILKS AND SATINS, r/(tt*{mi.v, lilfmd.f, aces, i.urhes, Kelts and Velvets, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATH- STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES’HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMKD, SUNDOWNSANDSHAKER HOODS. Tin* luriß*Ht ntnrk of M lUnery Goods In tjjl* ’nun«r .midtinprjimlleil nohoicovarlety,waic» we prIOHM Uml will dnfy conipotlllon. ORDERS SOLICITED. April 15.18W-taJ* 36til ij| 1,974 «g 3 10 730 00 MOO 1 00 *3O :J8 77 12 29 25 v 16 '. 23 v’ I 60 324 20 CO9 80 1440 00 20 W ICHJ 00 4Oil 00 4'.m I/i 400 oi' :iINJ Oft 230 i,O 1 42 20 on 127 r GO !■] !*i I U 1)11 ■ll [>o * W 4 15 1 76 GO ,0 4 ID 130 HK b sIS Pi 7 00 130 U 0 1!i0 UO 1-45 0 Ul 00 lb 00 4 >0 1 Ml 00 ! 23 $3 tor. 105 25 SU-00 2,’. •it',l 60 $1 538 75 17.0 0 07 44 07 18,400 6(0 08 44 97 20 30 370 on $29,404 21 FOLLOWS 25.800 IfinO 15 400 4.5.-JOU $0,388 97 2.824 30 46 94 18,000 00 *MB!> 80 W.K.MILLKR. M. W.IIAOuMAN. Auditora. EKS,