Agricultural BAIN STORM AT FARM, Tbo barn door creaked, -And tbo old roof leaked, While the ral s In tbo stable squeaked*. Tbo tbunllor roared, And the rain drops poured, Till tbo chickens thought they were overboard The cows ami sheep, In a frightened heap, Wore hurrying homo hotter skelter; .While Iho farmer's boys, With a dreadful noise, Were trying to drive them Into shelter. How the roosters crowed, And the oxen lowed, As the storm king over the buildings rode To each shrub and flower, Came the cooling shower. Hut the milk in the pan turned sour The storm had past, For the min at last, Got tired of tumbling down so fast Anil said Farmer Wood, As at work ho stood. - “This rain’ll do us a heapof good.” He cast his eye To tbo clearing sky, And saw a rainbow gleam on high ; From the arching blue Of the sky It grew, Twas pink and yellow* and every lute “Look there, - ’ he said To his young son Fred, ••Alter the storm, see the sunshine shining Itemember through life. In all care and strife, That the darkest cloud has a silver lining.” Clover—How it Benefits Hie Land. The reason generally given for the beneficial, effect of clover, is that it re ceives most of its nutriment fiom the atmosphere, and that consequently, when either tile whole crop or the heavy roots and stubble left after mowing are plowed underand allowed to decompose in the soil, this matter, taken from the atmosphere, adds to the resulting fertil izing elements. This is perfectly true, but it is also true, and true iu almost every degree, of every plant that grows, in “ How Crops grow,” p. 3SI, table ii, the num ber ot pounds of earthy matter in 1,000 pounds of different crops, coming under the head of “green fodder,” is given as follows: Meadow grass, 23i'Wheat, Rye Grass, 21 Clover, Timothy, 21 Peas, 17'Rvo Fodder 1G 02 Oats, Barley, All the rest cornea either directly or indirectly from the air, and the differ ence in theamount of atmospheric mat ter assimilated by meadow grass andby clover is the difference between 1)77 anil I)S7. Obviously, then, the argument in favor of clover, that it derives it nutri ment from the atmo-phero, applies with equal force to every other crop. The beneficial effect of clover must be nought in some.other circumstance at tending its growth, and, so far as sci ence has been able to discover the dif ference between it and many of our other crops, Its advantage lies, first, in the fact that it has succfeedingly strong tap-roots, which strike deeply into the sub-soil and extract from it mineral food, which is either out of the reach of the roots ut many other crops, or exists in toe soil in a condition not easily available by them; and second, it is supposed, perhaps in the demonstrated power of clover to absorb nitrogen di rectly from the atmosphere. Whether clover does really absorb the pure nitro gen of the air or not, it is a well estab lished fact, that from some source, even when not manured with mtrogeneous manures, it very readily takes up large quantities of nitrogen and stores a con siderable proportion of it in its roots. Therefore, when clover or clove stub ble is plowed under, the roots anclwnat is left of the plant itself, being mixed with the j-oil on its decomposition, yield ammonia and mineral mutter in a form and in a situation best suited to the needs of succeeding crops grown. , In addition to tnis, the long, stout roots have a very great effect in ameli orating the tenacity of heavy soils, and the decomposition of the lower ends of the roots, below where they are cut off by the plow, opens inviting channels and new fieldsof exploration to the more delicate roots ol those plants which suc ceed them. A Stitch in Time Saves XiitE.— “ For want of ft nail the shoe was lost; For want of u shoe the hnr£cU. Domestic Ginghams at 12 y lt 15, IK and 20 c. Brown Muslin at I2}£, 15, and 18 c. 'Bleached Muslin st 10.12}£, 15, & tip top. Shirting at-20 c. Canton Flanels at 15,20,and 25 c. Tickings at 15,18,20,25 and upward. Crashes at l5 and 20 c. Also a full line of Checks, Stripes, Demins, Kentucky Jeans Drillings and other Domestic Goods at correspondlugly LOW PRICES. A Grand Display of French Handkerchiefs, Lneo Handkerchiefs, Hem-Stitched Handker chiefs, Vnlenclenes, Cluny, Maltese and Linen Collars, Just received and well adapted to the Holiday trade. REMEMBER THE PLACE, If you desire a Great Bargain, N O. . EAST MAIN 81. L. T. GREENFIELD. Fab, ;, m INTER GOODS CEJVTR'AJL DRY GOODS STOR* LEIDICH & MILLER, Just opened, a large Stork fer tke Season, Dress Oocuib, Alpaca Poplins. reduced at least 2.1 per cent., to close out for the season and enable every person to get a HANDSOME DUES ft at a very low price for the Holidays. NEW CLOAKS! NEW CLOAKS! Latest styles selling much below the usual prleea I'l’RN, riTRS, FURS, Extra Mink Sable Beta, Gorman Fitch Furs, Buper Siberian Squirrel Furs. Fnrs of ©very alzo and quality. Ladles’ Fqr trimmed Hood*, all selling at such remarkably "• LOW R AIE S , so that every Lady or Miss can purchase for her- self, and also enable every person to make a handsome Christman present te their kind friends, as nothing will bo more acceptable at this season. sII A \V L .•> I sHA WLSI I BLANKETS, BLANKETS, B A L M O R A L SKIRTS, Woolop Goods, Breakfast Shawls, Scarfs Gloves, Now Is the time friends to purchase all kinds of goods at greatly reduced prices, as wo are go- ing to close ont our stock at such prices as wl astonish the community. Give us a call and save your money by encour- aging the CENTRAL DRY GOODS’ STORE In the towu. Feb. 4, im. Jotß ffiOOBB, Dress Goods. Dress Goods, Ho. Invites all to give him a call before purchas ing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hero* toflre extended to him ho feels Indebted to bU numerous customers, and assures them that no efforts will be spared in future to please them In style and price. Give us a call. Remember the place, North Hanover street, nearly opposite the Deposit bank, Carlisle. . DAVID BIPE. Cloths, Casxlraeres, Dec. 1.1668. Lace Handkerchiefs, Emb’d. Randkerehlefs, Over Coatings, ladles Cloaking Cloths. LEIPICH & MILLER, 33rj> (Bonds 1) RV GOODS!! SOMETHING TO SUIT TUB TIMES AND SEASON • * ATTni! NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE THOMAS A. HARPER, CUItXHK OF lIA KO yt:R ,i POMFRKT HT3., wliii Is now prepared to exhibit an elegant nnd well assorted slock of BUY G 0 0D 8 , At exceedingly low prices! Bargains in BLANKETS, of nil colors nml sizes. The Clienpest Stock In town. FLANN E L S, Plain and Twilled, all colors, Hornets, Sharks, Plaid Shirtings, Operas, • Home-made, and n fine article of Welsh Flannels. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Longnud Square, Paisley'and Thebet. Ladles’ Cloakings, Velveteens. Gold Mixed, Water Proof and Heavy Beavers. Merino Vests, Shirts and Drawers, for Ladles’ Misses, Aten's and Boy’s wear. A fall line of "cloths and cabsihbbbs, - FANCY DEESS GOODS, In now and rich designs. Many of the abovo goods selling off at greatly .Tdfcuoed prices. Im mense stock of all the leading brands of Domes tic and House Furnishing Dry Goods, at less than regular prices. .. . BLEECHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS. PIL LOW CASE MUSLINS. PILLOW CASK LIN ENS. NAPKINS TABLE LINENS*. ANDDOYLIEB. TO WELS AND TO WELDINGS. Marseilles Quilts and Table Covers, Notting ham Lace Curlla Material and Tidys. WHITE GOODS, Km broideries, Laces and Imorlinga, Veils Bereges and Crapes. Holsory and Gloves in great variety, an extensive stock of NOTIONS BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. CORNETS! CO US JETS!! i-n. ii Wove, lllp Gore, and the celebrated lii-i'Ufl Corsets, Indies’Cuffs mm Collar*, Hern sp, ned Tucked and Embroidered Handker chiefs, olttney I,aco Hunrt'-cichiefs and many ar.lcles. . . __ I invite attention to recent purchases of New ami Desirable goods, In which I can offer special inducements l<> ea-h buyers. THOIH. A. HARPER. Cor. of Hnnnver and Pomlretata, Dec. iM. 1-awn j)KNTZ A CO., Have laid m nu unusually largo stock of F A I. L AND WIKTEBGOODS ir>() pieces Wool and Cotton Flannels, amongst which arc the Opera. Sack. shaker, Home-made, and Canton, Hamilton Stout, llNmmuu 2oc. per yd. [E HUNDRED AND FIFTY NEW PRINTS. such aa merrimara, Calicoes. Spragufea. Glouce 1 ■ lera, and other favoiites, being the best goods in the market, at \2'/ 2 els. This Is the price these goods sold at in cheap times. DRESB GOODS of every kind and style now worn. French Ma rlnoes.SUks Alpacas, Coburgs, Delaines. Llinn ba/.iues, Ginghams, dec., Ac., at reduced prices, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Mattings, Rugs, Window minds,Tickings,Twll* Hugs, wool ni.d I'liUon Yarns,Shawls in latge heaps, Muslins and Sheetings Velvets, Ribbons, and the largest atuuk of Trim i tngs ana Notions in tbe county. Cloths, Cu*slmeres, Satinetts. Blankets, Quilts at 20 p«T cent. reduction from former prices.— Hosiery] to bo sold cheaper than the cheapest. Our Frlei (U and tbe public gen erally are Invited to cull and save from 10 to op.-r cent on their purchases. Thi* Is an item these times which every household ought to avail themselves of. Come and see 11 you wish to save money. QENTZ A CO. Oct. 15, I SOS. &c P>. E w I N G . CABINET MAKE* AND UNDERTAKER, west iia in street, CARLISLE, PJSNN’A. A HPLNFDID ASSORTMENT Of NEW FURNITURE for tho Holidays, comprising Camp Stools, Cantro Tables, Sofa*. Lounges, Uoclclng Chairs, Dining Tnbles, Easy Chairs, Card Tables. Reception Chairs Ottornona, * Bureaus, What-Nots. Secretaries &c., LADING KAIL KOAD, . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, DECEMBER It, IFtW. Great Trunk line from the North and Nelli, west lor Philadelphia, Now York, Heading, Putlsvillc. Tainaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Leb anon, 1 UHton, Ephruta, Lilia, Lancaster. Colutn- Lm, etc. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York an fol lows; at 36U. 5 3n, 810 A M., 12-10 Noon, 205 and i in.Vi I*. M„ connecting with hiallar trains on the 1 iVniiMi vjinlu Railroad oml arriving at Now ni'k lit 11 til A. M.. 1- 20 Noon 300, 7 no, 1111)5 I*. M., and a 15 A. M., re*peclively. Sleeping carsac cuinpany the 350 A. M. undid 50 P. Ai., trains williout change. Leave Harrisburg for Readlng.Pottsvlll.Tama- Sim, Mmoruville, Ashland, shamokin, Blue rove, Allentown and ■ hiladelphia. at 8 10 A. M., 2(ti and 4 10 P. M„ stopping at Lebanon and principal Wav Stations; the 4 10 P. M. train making connections for Philadelphia -aifd Co lumbia ouiv. For Pollsville, Scnuylklll. Haven and Auburn, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad. Leave Harrisburg at 3 30 P. M. Returning; Leave Now York atU U 0 A. M.,13 00 noon, 5 10 and 8 00 P. M., Philadelphia at 8 13 A, M. and 3 BOP. M.; Sleeping curs accompany the 0 00 A. M., 5 10ami 8 00 P. M. trains from New York, without change. Wuv passenger train leave Philadelphia at <- 30 A. M., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning frqm’Keadlng at 0 35 P. M.,stopping at all stations; leave imltsvlllo. ut 7,30, k <6 A. M., and 245 P. M„ Sharnoktn at 5 25 A.M.; Ashland at 700 A. M..amlJ2 30P. M.t Tamuqua atBSOA.M.; and U 29 P.M., for Phlla. Leave PottaVHU, via. Schuylkill and nusque- Imnna Railroad at? ID A. 11. lor Harrisburg, and 11 yo A. M. forPino Grove and Tremont. ReadluguccomrnouaUou train; loaves Reading at 7 3o A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at - 45 P. M. * ■ Potlslown Accommodation tram; leaves Pol ta town at 0 45 A. M., returning,leaves Philadelphia aL4 h 0 P. M. Columbia Railroad trains leave Readlngnt? 00 A M., and 0 15 P. M. lor Ephruta, Lltz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. . , • Pcrklomon Railroad Trains leave Perklomon Junction at 0 15 A. M. and 530 P. If., returning Icuvotiklppuok utBlOA. M. and 1245 P. M..con necting with similar trainson the Reading Rail road. _ w On Sundays: Leave Now York at 8 00 P. M., Philadelphia 800 A. M. and 3 ISP* M..the 800 A. M. train running only to Reading; Poitsvlllo 800 a. M.; Uurrlsbuig 550 A. M., 4 10 and U) 5o P. At., and Reading at I 05,3 00 ami 715 A, M., for Harrisburg, ut 1260 and 731 A. M. lor Now, York and ul4 25 P. M. lor Philadelphia, Commutation, Mileage, Season, 'School and Excursion T ckets,to and from all points, ut re duced rales. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLIA J an. 21, IstW—ly Gen. cuperinlciuicnt QUMBEELANH VALLEY CHANGE OF HOUBSI On and after Monday, Sept. 14th, IMS, I’assen* ger '1 ruins will run dully us follows, (Sundays ex copied); Accommodation TVm’n leaves Harrisburg B.OJ A. M., MechanlcsburgB.33, CurllßleiUO, New ville 0.45, shippennburg 10.10, Chumborsburg 10.40, Green- # castle 11.14, arriving at Uuggerstown 11,42 A. M. Mail Train leaves Hutrlsburg 1.30 P. M„ Me clmntesburg 2.02, Carlisle 2.34, Newvlllo 3.10. Sblp pcnsburg H.4n, Chambersbuig 4.20, Greencastle 4.50, arriving at Hagerstown 5.25 P. M. Aj press Train leaves Harrisburg 4,15 P. M., Me clmnic.sburg 4,47, Carlisle 5.17. Newvlllo 5.50, Sblp- 0.17, arriving at Cbumbersburg at 6.45 A Mixed Train leaves Chambersburgh.os A. M. Greeucastie 0.25, arriving ut Hagerstown 10,10 A Arrnmnuidntlon Train leaves Chnmborsburg 4.45 A. M.,Hhlppensburg 5.14, Newvlllo 5.45, Cailislo b IS, Mecbaulcsburg (1.47 arriving at Harrisburg 7.15 A. M. Mail 7'fnfn leaves Hagerstown 8.00 A. M„ Green 'eastle siis, Cbambershurg ».IU, Sblppensburg 9.40, Newvlllo 10.14, ('arllnte 1ti.50. Mecbaulcsburg 11.24 arriving at Harrisburg 11,55 A. M. Krprr w» Train leaves Hagerstown 11.55 A. M., Greencustle 12.v8, Charnbersburg 1.00 Shtpponn- Ijiirg 1.23, Nowvllle 2.U5, Carlisle 2.45, Mechanics* burg 3.12, arriving ut Harrlsbuig 3.44 P. M. A Mixed Train leaves Hagerstown 3.05 JP. M., Grcencastlo 4.12, arriving at Chambersburg 5.05 P. M. £S'*Mateing close connections at Harrisburg whh trains to and from Philadelphia, New York. Ilnltlmore, Washington, Pittsburg and all points West. O. N. LULL, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, C/i>nnl/f/, Pa., Sept. 8,1808. Sept 17. IW>B. AND DOMESTIC 1 . LIQUORS. Edward Shower respectfully announces to the public, that he continues to keep constantly on band;and for sale, a large and very superior as* sortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, at his new stand, a few doors west of Hannon’s Hotel, and directly west of the court House. Car lisle. Wines. Sherry, Port, Maderla, Lisbon, Claret. Native, Hook, Johunnlsborg, and Boderbelmer. CHAMPAGNE. HeldsicU . L* A HT’B CELEBRATED LINIMENT Admirably adapted to the Pure of all Diseases for which a Counter-Irritant or External Reme dy Is required. Difilamti atranlcd by the Cumberland Count// Ay* yicuUurm IStiS. Abraham Murqimrl, Esq., has shown me the receipt ol which his Liniment is composed.— From my knowledge of the Ingredients. I do not hesitate In ••ertUVing that It will bo beneficial where nil external application of the kind Is Indicated. A. STEWART, M. 1). MUlpponsburg Wept, 15, IMW. Fullv eonvtir-ant with the chondral oompn. nents and medic.,d ellccts ol A. Marquuri's Lini ment. I cheei fully recommend it to those who may need It. S. N» ECKEU. M, D. Mr. a. Munition Dear Sir- I take pleasure In saving that 1 have used your Liniment for chap ped hands, and Retired them and made them feel soft. 1 think Ic Hie best 1 have ever used, and would cheerlnliy recommend It to the gen eral publb* WM.GRACY. Newton township, Pa., Nov. 21,1M»8. • I hereby certify that I have used A. Murquart’s Liniment for scratches and bpaviu on two ol my horses with the greatest success, and would recomincd It to all who arc in need of anything of lho kind. . C. MELLINGER, cqunty Treas’r. t ■ 'Sloughelowu, Nov. 18,1808. Mr. A. Manumit:—Dear Sir: I have used about half a bottle of your Liniment on my horse for a bail Collar Gall, which was the most obstinate snro of the kind I oversaw; also on my arm for Rheumatism, and it has given entire satisfac tion In both cases. 1 would not do wlthot It for tan times Its cost, and cheerfully recommend It to lho public. MICHAEL LATSH AW, Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 20,1868. A. Marquurt, Esq.:—Dear Rlr; I had a very severe attack of Rheumatism In my back, so that I could scarcely walk, which was very painful. Alter using half a hottje pf ypur cele brated Liniment. 1 was entirely cured. This is not a recommendation, but the plain truth.— You can make any use of this you please. JACOB LONG. Mr. A. Murquavt:—Dear Sir: I brvo used your valuable Liniment In my family for different pains and aches, and It Ims proved satisfactory in every case. I do think, as an external Lini ment, It stands without a rival. I would cheer fully recommend It to the public. Respectfully. GKO RGB W. YOCUM. Jacksonville, Pa„ Nov. 31,18(53, A. llarutiioi, Rsq.T—Dear Sir; Jt affords me pleasure to cutlly that I have used your Llnl menton my neck, In a enseal very Bare Throat, which was much swollen and very painful; Af ter two or three applications, I found It to act like maalc. and would recommend It as an ex cellent Liniment.' JACOB SEVERS. . Walnut Bottom, X*a., Nov. 10,1868 F- r Sate by IfavrrsHrk Tiro'sD. liahfon, Cbm man i- Obnnb*r- and ’Liver Fomi'kilnt*, it i« i-v •rjlfot t ■•Ti.-.h producing manv trelv re i •!.!,% ciii-,*., irhen-other medicine** had faded, -..-.iv' U«, 1);;. .1 (’-. & Co., Pracfenl v n i’ 1 ). ni Cheiui.-t.**, Lowell, Muss., and sold . - 'd. 1 oo rr.n jiorr For Sale by Haverstick hrotnors, Carlisle,Pa Oct. 15 IMW—It ffllotijing anii Jfauoj (ffiooiig. JOHN DORN EII M E R C II A J*TT T A I Jj O R , SIIUTII-WEssT Si PE OK 1-UULIC SQ'UK. CARLtrtI.K, I»A* (IN (UjAU OF COURT lIOX.SK.) Clothing made to order, and a good lit guaran •ed in all eases. • READ Y MADE C LOT HING AND A LARGE VARIETY OJf O PIN TI. EE NS FURNISHING GOODS, Such ns Under Clothing, Collars, Neckties, Pub ponders. Ac., constantly on hand. Goods sold by the yard, as cheap as any house outside the cities, and no charge for culling, A splendid variety of FANiCY WINTER CLOTHING, French nnd Domestic now on hand, and for sale at which defy competition. Don’t forget the place, in fear of Court House. May 21,18( ('lu*» i * )'<* in I)| him nl tfae <■l, ■ )(<■ mil Kulrn. Ainu, (be t 'll'M! II KIM I. the Pnlrof <• uif'l hi I n-iiiirif lii'liJ In llio I ii« .• VnrU. I.h«A. I I'KiM'kTUaL BORNERS, ONLY . »{!• HHNii UKQUIRED TO BR '•» •'; • I:»N* *; TIIK SEASON. W •;t . ri-.UKKCT VENTILATOR* OF niK .U'aKTmkS’t. N hk No ICSCA I’E OF GAS FROM THEM El: t xN UK Nu CLINKER OR SLAG TO OBSTRUCT. !!•: KIKI WILL RK.MAIN FOU DAY’S WITH OUT ATT KNTION. LK I IN ATIuN IS EQUAL TO AX’ OPEN FIUK.” HK\ \t:i< POWERFUL HKATBRS AND VET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO Mll.h WEATHER. Tin uIE TlllC MUST ECONOMIOAI M--VKS AND FURNACES EVER MADE. T ,iE «..riNAC‘iI ViLL HEAT, SATISFAO ’r>'I 1.1 Hi »TH AN UPPER AND A LOWER Know, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. The following are a few of the many to persons who have been and are now using the “ORIENTAL,” anti to whom w© confident ly refer for testimony as to its great merit. 11. E. Broeohhlll, Dr. I>. Mahon, Miller & Bowers, Dr. Cornman, Wm. Spomder, D, Spotts, J. NofTslnger, B. Longneoker, E. Leonard, Mrs. Galbraith, Dr. Zhzer, Jacob Thudlum, and qnlto a number of others. For Sale by TUNESMTTII & RUPP, No. 08, North Hanover Street, Caki.ism:, Penn’a Sept. 21, 1 BUS—Bm HAIL’! AL.Ii HAIL!! THE GLORY OF THE NIGHT IS THE MORNING GLORY STOVE THE GREATEST STOVE FOR 1808. Walker it Claudy having Just returned from New York and Philadelphia, where they have purchased the largest, latest and beat assort ment of PARLOR, COOKINO AND HEATING STOVES ever brought to this place, have nowon exhibi tion unci for sale at their Store Uooirs NO. 18 WEST MAIN STREET, whore they will always bo pleased to see their old friends and many new ones, call and exam ine THE GREAT MORNING GLORY PARLOR STOVE AND HEATER, THE CELEBRATED REGULATOR ROTARY TOP COOKING STOVE TIIK REST JK THE WOULD. THE MORNING GLORY is Hie most perfect parlor stove in use anywhere or everywhere. It. is a Base Burner, and one fire will Just alt winter. It has mica doors all around and Isas bright and cheerful as an open gate. Wo respectfully refer lo the following persons from among hundreds of others who have used it. as tolls merits: Hon. J. Stuart, Edward Fury, Serg’t Irvin, Col. A. Noble, Mr. Mansfield, Sup’l. Mt. Holly Paper Mill Co. SamT Kempton, James B. Weakley, Kev. J. Boas, W. B. Mullln, Wcbert & Borland, Geo. AVeiHO. David Uhotvds, , Levi Trego, Samuel tireason, Weakley & Sadler, L. T. Greenfield, 'I lies. Chamberlin, Samuel H. Gould, John Smart, Jason W. Eby, John T. Green, Thos Lee Henry L. Burkholder, Boter Bpuhr, Wlclmrd Woods, Wm. B. Stuart, J. B. Woods, Job. Galbraith, MnJ. Woods, John Jl. Gregs. W« have also a very large variety of Cook Stoves of the very best, namely: • NOBLE COCK. (Gns Burner.) COMHIN ATION, (Gua Burner,) W.M. PENN, EUIvEK A, WABASH, ELECTRIC. and NIAGRA, till of which have Riven grentsat- Isfuetlon to the purchasers. We have also a large lot of TIN AND OTHER WARES, of our own manufacture. TIN AND SHEET IRON, of all kinds constantly on bund. BPOUTING, ROOFING & JOBBING of all kinds done on short notice and substanti ally, In conclusion wo Invite our friends to call and examine our goods and save at least twen ty per cent. WALKER & CLAUDY,. NO. 18 WEST'MAW STREET, Carlisle, pa. 0*1.8,18i«. J7IEM AI E MEDK.TNES.—'Diseases of • women successfully cured by annlylnK to AIIELLA MAKIAIfS O , M, D„ 225 NoctU T2VU tit. Philadelphia, Pa. Oct, 29,1W».—1 j* 1 ffiatitoatc,'batons, sti$ ti 1869. HARDWA^i ng9 ( HENRY SAXTON, NO. 1 5, EAST MAIN ST C A R L I S*L E Wholesale and retail denier in a Iron, Steel, Nails, Building llitorlna ,?»«, Oils, Glass, 4c., *c. * material., j. a , u Finest quality or American and Eagli, h • POCKET AND TABLE OUTr. K R V. Every dcscrlpllon or Tools adimm.i . clinnical trades, or the most celebrates 0 and warranted In man Instance “ 1 d mak «". GUNS, PISTOLS & AMMUNITION Sps'oSr.'Ss:: ?KSt?r te to! ve >««««. Picks; Shove's, Spades, Forks, Crawfe^'S? KAUk BET.L3, .PLOWS, CltAn*,,' OUAIN mprice anU^aFlti/^Uom JoltoeDOra’” 1 " 1 !? 0 ' Im utensils In great variety kprs g00i Practical and Analytical ChsJD* 18 ' IiOWELL, MASS. PEIOII *l.OO. Tor Baxi by Haverstlok brothers, Oct, 15,1808—Jy 3 r*'