American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 17, 1868, Image 2

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'rimrsilHj' Morning. September 17, 1808.
X'iAioiiul Democratic Nominations.
!i ::■>- Ui U.IKC STATE,
for arniTOß general: .
FOR S.UUVEVOU general:
OF Sill ITHNM'.riIC)
Tc2aß>CsoKr.. 1 \N
HJiK. i:. M.Ua.UGKLL'V,
i. ;vv(;gom:u
joii\ ri:ksi:k,
Dkmociiatic County CoMMmr.K Rooms I
Caumsli:, I’a., September I*2. 1M«. j
There will a meeting of the 1 lemocratlc Stand
ing ('"mmilliM l of tins eointv in the Arbitration
Room. In the ''mill 1 Imise. hi Carl Me, on Salur
day. Hie L’lilh m September, at li oVbadi A. M.—
niisinoss of importance will bo presented to the
committee and a full attendance is unrently re
In the Court House,
katuiida y j:\ifo. sjjp. 19
will address the meeting. Let there bo
;i Rally,sm-h as will strike terror
into the heart* of the Radical rebels.
If H.WM lt ITCC II ItitTJ\<.s
lijoto.'u.v ri • in! mvi *. > -vi mi mac Rooms,)
( .UIUM.K, I'.l. S,»i)t,-nil..-r ID, INW. ’/
Tlu- i'olluu-in- in--flings have been de
♦•rmimd ui>oii nod are announced fertile
! 111>11111 :i 1 iimi ami action of clubs and otlmr
"jji:mi/,ations in tlie.r rojiuntivu iocnli
-1 ies :
rinMVlii..w i
'■'lmviiuiii- ....
Monthly, - yi
mlvsiUt l in*"i\iiy. •• <£»
MM-phnnlslown, W.Mhn-Mhiy, ••
'' l ‘ st I’lurvieu-, Thursiltiy, im
At all these meeting abJe speakers will
in* present.
Thuistlny, Sept. 17
Kii'liiy •• jh
The following meetings have been de
tiTinined upon, ami are announced, at
which our congressional, senatorial and
eounty candidates and distinguished
speakers from Cumberland, York and
Ferry will be present
Slum- Tavern,
lioiUni' Sprinys,
<>.' <U*rs Point,
Other meetings will be announced,
Motulay, Kept,
Tnestlay, •• a,
WeciiiCMlay. o ;iy
Thursday, Oct. I
Friday, 2
SaUinhiy. " ;(
Monday, ••
Tiu-silay, •• (,
Wctlnesdav. ■■ ~
Thursday, •• «
nuiiT r<Mt i s! i: :iEiL\i,i>.
" The change* u, „n ~|e( - ; most
Jinmns uttly lou'ani.s a„ , su ly l.elaoe, ■
nmnli'. ~ I'olnnf. tr. .
Possible IHo e.llli.r> Ihe l m vo
M-t lu'iujl \ lu> ueu'.s ii mil Sim-lv
H. is ii (illy |hut they uiv li»n.« Ueiil’lii i,,,,,?
ranee or passing events.”-7. 1 Ml
Won’t the Herald occasionally nioni a little ordinary common house and
common honesty? Who is it that is
“ kejtt in ignorance of passing events’’”
The following statement of the Demo
cratic and Republican majorities in the
cleetions already held this year, to say
nothing of the overwhelming Deino
cradi’ majorities of last fall, arc by no
means discouraging to is. If the Her
ald can get any comlbrl out of them, it
is perfectly welcome to.
Lomwilout, iViuopruLU l
Ort'Kon, Dotnocraliu
Ki-nlu'-lcy, Democratic
Nebraska, Democratic
Illiotlo Island, llmllcul
Vermont, Uaiilcal
Democratic nmjmitle.s,
Hiullcal majorities.
Democrats ahead Urns far, GlVJwi lt;
If the Herald will take the trouble to
calculate the relative gains of the two
parties in tire elections held this year it
will find them foot up as follows:
.Democratic tfuins. ...
Radical gains.
On tills basis what docs the Herald
think Grant’s majority will ho in No
vember? If 11 the changes iu theso re
cent elections”—ns well as hist year’s
Democratic triumph in New York.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware)
Maryland, Ohio, and California, don’t
squint most decidedly to a “ Democrat
ic triumph in November,” we should
liko to know which way they do point.
It is a very common argument for the
j Radical speakers and journals to use,
that the laboring man pays no taxes.—
There never was a greater fallacy in
tlnancos, unless it be the heresy that “ a
national debt is a national blessing.”
Labor pays tho great bulk of our taxes
and in so much as wo cripple the pro
ductivcncss of labor we lessen the re
sources of the nation. It is all very
well to tell the laboring man that he
pays no taxes, "but when he goes to tho
store to lay in a supply of necessary ar
ticles for his family, and finds tho price
of every yard of callico and muslin, and
every pound of tea, coffee and sugar,
increased one or two hundred percent.,
ho is very apt to come to the conclusion
that ho has to pay his own taxes and
| tin- rich man’s too, and in this opinion
lu* is not very far from right. He may
be no adept in finances, but ho ha* in
tellect enough to perceive that while
for four days’ work in ISBO he could
buy a barrel of good Hour; for an
equally -rood barrel he now has to work
eight days. He Jcnows that for one
day’.- work in ISGO he could buy five
pounds ol tea, and for tho same day’s
work now he can only buy two pounds,
lie knows that for one day’s work then
, he could buy thirty pounds of sugar,
1 and now for tho same labor lie can only
i cam fifteen pounds. He does not need
to be told that for a clay’s work, eight
years ago, ho could buy eight pounds of
lobairo, and now can only got three
pound*, lie has already found out that
he can only got live pounds of coffee for
tlie labor that used to purchase fifteen
pounds. His own bitter experience
has already taught him that while in
18(10 he could clothe himself and family
for one year on the proceeds of one
month’s work, it now requires thosrict
ost economy to enable him to do so at
1 all. You may talk to liim as you will,
I but ho knows that he pays taxes upon
1 the hat on his head and the boots on
; Ids feet, upon the clothes upon his por-
I son, tho coal that ho burns, the stove
| that ho burns it in and the match that
Iho lights the tiro with. Radical orators
I expend their eloquence in vain when
1 they seek to close ids eyes to these facts,
for the resistless eloquence of grinding
poverty is unanswerable.
Now let us sec just where the trouble
is. Last year an import duty of $32,-
(inn,ooo in gold was levied upon sugar
and molasses alone. The real value of
lids sugar and molasses was not quit®
$•*>0,000,000, so that the tariff duties
amounted to three-fourths as much aa
the actual value; in other words the
tariff qlmost doubled the price of the
arti •!(■ jo the eon.-umer. On tea a duty
of thirty live per cent, in gold was lev
ied. From this source alone $8,000,000
were derived, and from coffee $8,000,-
000, so that from these* throe necessaries
ol life the enormous Mini of nearly
$'n).000,000 was obtained by the tax
gatherers. When it. is remembered that
arlicb-s arc mainly consumed hy
the ina-'-'Cs. it not very hard to see
who pay the biL r t‘ii(l ef the ! Min ] ( . ns ~f
the country, and win ; te purchase of
Migar, tea and cefice alone runs a wav'
u itb half a poor man’s income.
Here is a statement, taken from ofli
cial source*, of the operation of the tar
iff in bsoG
< 'hmnttflii.
ii i/houl
VWi/T Anil
<il 7V«nj7‘
Xnr in yrrrn- Actn
rr, .. York, hacks, at rut/.
lon perils 53 81.53
.i« ip* :iYi
Ni.ilh, per 100 Him., •• o.y, 4 r, 05 *
2"(- ,ir . " , V " S.WI 5.1,7 !2/17
■'/‘I I 1.5(1 1.25 3.75
I mllon, |.iT}il. .211 Mi.: IVX
Ihro.'.|.lv rar|u‘l i,r. j.l. .Ml Bn" 1.10
lie ladclitl li, |ir. yd., 1.00 IUS 7IS
Led the poor man cut it out and carry
it in his pocket, and when these Radi
cal falsiliers come around and toll him
that he pays no (axes, let him thrust it
under their noses ami ask them lo ex
plain it.
Who risked (lie most—the bondhol
der who gave SoUO ami received si ,(l(io
e-ilo bonds, at li per cent, interest, paya
ble semi-annually in gold, or (he poor
boy who gave Ids service and lost Ids
leg ?
Ig'M'crcnrr. —The one, doubles his in
vestment, gets his interest in gold, and
pays no taxes. The other is maimed
for life, gets paid in a depreciated cur
rency, worth only CO cents on the dol
lar, and is compel led to pay taxes to pay
interest to the bondholder.
Will) pays taxes on tea, coffee, and
sugar, and gets GO cents for a dollar.
The poor man who foils ?
Wlio pays no taxes for county, school,
building mads, bounty or poor purpo
ses, and gets $1.40 fur a dollar? The
rich bond holder.
W ho did the fighting, and now pays
the taxes ? The laboring man and sol
Who speculated during the war,
cheated the soldiers, paid no taxes, and
are now paid in gold? The shoddy
contractor and bondholder.
Wlio sends our children to school,
buys their books, makes their clothes
and feeds them ? Ask the poor white
men of the North.
Wlio sends the little negroes to school
in (lie South, buys them books, makes
their Ho,lies, finds their medicine and
feeds (hem ? Ask tile lazy, six foot ne
gro, ami lie says, “do bureau.”
In talking with Radicals on the po
litical issues of tlic day, one cannot help
being astonished at meeting with so
much ignorance among the party hav
ing all the intelligence! Meet ton
Rads and nine of them will tell you
that Seymour “got up” u riot in Now
t ork. Wc heard of one the other day
who averred that General Frank Blair
served throughout the war as a rebel
General! There are hundreds who be
lieve (hat the Democrats want to re
establish slavery in the country, and
as many more who greedily swallow
similar “ cock-and-bull” stories. With
such stun do the Tribune and Press
feed their readers, to the exclusion of
Truth ! Such are the tactics of the party
of“ moral ideas” Heaven save the coun
try from being long afflicted by such
unprincipled tricksters I
I 'oil's.
Oun daily advices from the interior
assure us a great Democratic victory in
Pennsylvania. Hundreds and thou
sands of patriotic men are leaving the
“ foul party” of Radicalism, and uni
ting themselves with the Democratic
cause. Prom every, locality the news
reaches us of organization in its most
thorough form. Immense meetings are
held, eloquent speakers expound the
truth, and the Democratic ball rolls on.
Keep up the Are. Do not spare an of)
fort to achieve success. JThe day of our
redemption Uraweth nigh \—A<jc.
Our Carlisle Radicals almost went
wild over the fact that they j didn't lose
the election in Maine ! The wjholo coun
try seemed to bo going against them so
overwhelmingly Connecticut, New
York, Now Jersey, Delaware, Pennsyl
vania, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Or
egon, California, Montana, Nevada and
Colorado had repudiated tho rotten con
spirators— and it was no wonder they
grew effervescent over the fact that a
State which has gone against the De
mocracy for nearly twenty years should
stand by the cause of the Radicals,—
Something must be done to rc-kindle
tho dying enthusiasm in the Radical
ranks. If they couldn’t raise ono little
squeak over Maine, they need never
hope to squeak again—so they resolved
to “ squeak,” and procured a wind-bro
ken drum, un asthmatic A 'e and a coup
j le of horse pistols, and determined to
have a spirited time of it. The chair
man of the county committee supplied
the ammunition for the horse pistols,
the other stuff they got on tick. And
why shouldn’t they have a good time of
it, for after all they were not so badly
whipped as they thought they were.—
What did it matter to tho Radicals of
Carlisle that everything else was lost,
so long a-' they held their own at/tv/uf
(he blue noses of Maine ? Xo matter if
Cumbei land county does give a round
thou.suul majority for the Democracy,
Chamberlain has carried Maine !—
Whoop! ’Rah for Grant! “(Rant is
1 sure to bo elected,” said an enthusiastic
Radical in our pre.-emc. “ liow soV”
finked Wc. “ ll'hy, luivn'f you heard (he
news from Maine f” Wo ventured to en
quire how many electoral voles Maine
had, and lie thought, about hveu-’y thou
sand I We suggested that there had
been ten or twelve .State elections which
had not*resulted quite so favorably for
the Radicals. He replied “ who cares
for that? Hain't \vc carried Maine f”
After all the Radical “ wind-gust” was
a harmless affair, and had it not been
that several, of the hoys employed to
walk in the prnecs-ion were highly cen
sured by their parents for staying out
so late, tho whole thing would have
passed off very pleasantly. Under tho
circumstances the individual who imita
ted the brayingof a jackass was peculi
arly happy and appropriate in his con
duct. This being the funeral proces
sion of Radicalism in Cumberland
county, the ceremonies were very
properly superintended by the coroner
in prospective, with the assistance of
a prominent undertaker. Rcquiescat
in pace. ’Rah for Cant and Grab-tax I
“The Republican party BavoJ the nation.
Isn’t It pretty nearly time that the
■Radical papers should drop this false
1 mid silly lioast'.’ The Republican party
I nut only did not “save the nation,”
I hut it didn’t oven do Its share. Almost
j every general oflieer conspicuous for
' aidliiy neat inlo the army as a Demo
crat, among'! whom it is only necessary
■ lo mention ideltlellan and Grant and
Hancock ami Meade and lined and
; Sherman and Dix and Franklin and
Sickles and Baker and Couch and Rose
crans and Rousseau and McClernand
and Morgan and Hal leek and Porter
and McDowell and Sigel and even Hen
Butler and John W. Geary; while those
contributed by the Republican party,
with one or two honorable excep
tions, proved to he lamentable failures,
as did Fremont and Shurz and Vienna
Schenck and Howard and Pope and
Banks and Milroy and a dozen other
incompetents. The Democratic parly
not only furnished the brains of the army
but they furnished two-/hird« of ail the
fighting mitlcrial. Take our own locali
ty as an illustration, and it can lie os
tabli-hcd beyond all controversy that
two-thirds of the soldiers who went
from Cumberland County were Demo
crats, and they largely outvoted the
Republicans in every election, notwith
slanding l!ie sicmieless frauds practic
ed by radical election ollicers. Dur
ing the war, while the Democratic sol
diers were away from home and could
he cheated out of their votes, the Re
publicans carried every Slate in the
Union. Mow that the Democratic sol
diers have returned, the Democracy are
regaining their ascendency. In a sol
diers convention called in this county,
irrespective of party, the Democratic
soldiers’ outnumbered the Republican
soldiers six to one. And yet, in the
face of tiiese facts, the stay-at home pa
triots of the Herald, who never smelt
rebel gunpowder in their lives, with
characteristic complacency and disre
gard for truth assert that “ the Repub
lican party saved the nation.”
Schuyler Colfax didn’t 'think,
when taking a solemn oath in a Know
Nothing lodge to exclude foreigners
from all political privileges, that it
might be possible he would one day be
in a position to nsk their votes in his
behalf. Wo trust our foreign born citi
zens will remember this when they
come to vote and treat him as he proposed
to treat them when he thought that the
infamous party he then belonged to,
had a lease of power for.many years.—
Don’t bo deceived, honest Germans and
Irishmen—this same Radical party with
Grant and Colfax at its head, is the
same old wolf dressed up in sheep’s
Work fob Democrats.— See that
every Democratic voter is legally as
sessed. See that no Democratic voter
fails for want of naturalization. Seo
that no Democratic vote is lost for want
of payment of taxes. Seo that no Dem
ocratic voter makes business or pleas
ure arrangements that will keep him
from the polls on the second Tuesday of
October. Let every Democrat work from
now until the election as if tho result
depended upon his individual efforts,
and we shall come out of the contest
with banners flying and “ brows bound
with victorious wreaths.” Work, Dem
ocrats, work I
C®“As a sample of Gen. Grant’s style
of generalship, and particularly his re
gard for tho lives of his soldiers, we
commend the reader to a perusal of tho
following extract from Mr. Grooley’s
book entitled “ Tho Great American
Conflict,” where, in describing one’ ,! bf
Grant’s assaults upon tho Confederate
linos, it is thus related :
.„V T .T onty ln , lnu tes after tho Unit was llrod fully
dor. men simp!:/ am! muWmmslyrefliMU L?'.
it Tlioyknow t Imt success was hopeless, andti,o
attempt togaln It murderous. hondoUioy reku il
to be sacriJUxd Co no purpose/” y
The campaign scenis to ba progres
sing with unusual spirit and activity.—
Meetings are being held nightly and
clubs are being formed in every town
ship. Flourishing organizations have
existed for some time in Carlisle, Me
chanicsbnrg, Newville, Sivcr Spring
and East I Vnusboro.
On Thursday evening last, a largo
and enthusiastic meeting was hold at
the public house of Snyder Rupley, in
Paportown, and was ably addressed by
Henry Nowsham, F. E. Boltzhoover
and Henry K. Peffer, Esqrs. Aclub was
formed with George P. Searigiit as
President; Jacob Heminger and John
Heckman as Secretaries; and Samuel
Lehman as treasurer. The club will
meet on Saturday evening of this week
at the hotel of David.Z. Geyer.
On Friday evening, the Democrats of
Frankford township met and organized
nt Klosorville. Vigorous and tolling
speeches'were made by Charles E. Mn
glaughlin, F. _E. Boltzhoover, and
George S. Emig, Esqrs. A club was or
ganized by the selection of the follow
ing ollicers : President, Samuel Woods,
Esq.; Vice Presidents, Jacob Kast,
Samuel Ernst, Wm. M’Crea, Jacob
Xickey, Jos. Drawbaugh, Jno. C. Har
ris, Henry Waggoner, David Shively,
Philip Snyder, Jno. C. Snyder, Wm.
swigort, .lacobKichl, John Drawbaugh,
Jacob Fry, Jacob Burtnet, Robert
Sharpe, John Orris, D. W. Burkholder,
Solomon Nickey, 13. S. Gottys, Wm.
Worst, David Burkholder, James B.
Brown, George Shadier, and John 1).
Graham ; Secretary, W. M. Hamilton;
Treasurer, W. J. Wallace.
On Saturday evening, a largo meeting
was held at Elliott’s School House, in
Middlesex townsli p. Addresses were
delivered by F. E. Boltzhoover, H. K.
i Poller and Theodore Common, Esqrs.;
and a permanent organization was ef
fected by the selection of the following
officers: President, George W. Jacobs;
Secretary, Jesse P. Zeigor ; Treasurer,
Heniy Wetzel. Tbiffbids fairto beone'
of the most fionrlshinjr and active clubs
in the county.
On Saturday evening, "the Democrats
of Upper Allen township met at the
public house of Joshua Culp in Shep
herdstown. The permanent officers
are President, Ex-Sheriff Jacob Bow
man ; Vice President, John Brougher ;
Recording Secretaries, John H. Guswi
ler and Theodore Grissingor, Corres
ponding Secretaries, George W. Miller
and D. K. Noel; Treasurer, Jonas Koh
On the same evening a largo meet
ing was held in Ruby’s Hall, in Ship
pensburg, but none of the details have
b.lvo been furnished as for publication.
On Monday evening, the Democracy
of Dickinson township assembled in
mass at the Stone Tavern. M. C. Her
man, F. E. Beltzhoover, George S.
Emig and John Cornman, Esqra., dis
cussed tlio issues before the people in
earnest and eloquent speeches, and a
(•lull was formed with William A. Coff
ey as President and James M. Keyon
as Secretary.
The camp-fires of Democracy arc bo
ing lighted nil over the coanty, and
will be kept burning brightly until they
shall signal a glorious triamoh in No
vember. Never was there more resolute
determination on the pnrt of our forces
to snatch victory from the clutches of
the foe. In every township in the coun
ty our men are united and defiant.—
Their warfare is bold, aggressive, as
sailant. The Democracy feel that they
have nothing to apologize for, nothing
to defend. Marching under a flag of
thirty-seven stars, to the music of a
Union of thirty-seven states, they as
sail the infamies of our Radical rulers
witli over whelming appeals in behalf
of civil government, the rights of the
states and the 1 i her Lies of tiic people.
Close up the column, men, and let the
very earth tremble under the tread of
our countless thousands marching, on
to victory ! lieu II uw j>o You I.lko it?
When Democrats wore iti power flour
was live dollars per barrel, under the
Radical rule it is $l2 to $l6. Thou you
received from $1.29 to SI .30 per day for
your labor—worth $1.25 and $1.60. Now
you get $2.00 a day, worth 51.20. Then
taxes were assessed on all property, ac
cording to the value, now tho most valu
able property is exempt from taxation,
and the poor man is taxed on all he eats,
drinks and wears'—tho bondholder pays
no taxes. Tho man who has $lOO,OOO In
bonds, which pay him six per cent, in
terest in gold, don’t pay as much taxes
as the soldier’s widow who owns a hum
ble cottage.
When you go to the store and buy a
pound ol tea, you pay five cents per
pound to keep a standing army in the
South—ton cents per pound to keep up
the Frcedmen’s Bureau, that lazy ne
groes shall bo fed and clothed at your
expense, and ten cents per pound to pay
tho bondholder the interest in gold on
his bonds. Laboring men think of this
when you go to tho polls in October.
the: west z
Colorado Rebukes Recreant New £u
Denver, Sept. 11.—All over our
Territory the Democratic blast has
swept. She gives greeting to Oregon,
her sister in the wilds.
Mr. Beldeu, candidate for delegate to
Congress, has been triumphantly elect
ed The Radicals were nowhere.
Colorado returns herself all right.—
She has won a magnificent Democratic
She -follows the lead of the live and
moving Democracy.
G. W. Perkins,
Chairman Democratic Cen’l Committee,
It should be understood by every De
mocrat in Pennsylvania that this State
is the battle-ground of the present po
litical contest. It should be under
stood, furthermore, that the great de
cisive battle will be fought on the thir
teenth of October next. If that battle
bo won by the Democracy, nothing on
earth can prevent our success in No
Grant was oucoa tanner. But we’ll
tan him the worst hide ever ho saw
next November, and that will bo his
friends say that ho shuns
public demonstrations. That’s a mis-
The shunning is all on the side
ol the demonstrations.— Prentice.
••Now tllo truth Ib, thd Republican party have re*
ducecl the National debt over live hundred mill
ions slndo the close of the war.”—- Herald.
This stuff may do very well for the
kind of people who read the Herald ,
but intelligent, reading men are not
apt to be gulled by such transparent
falsehood. Here is a statement of the
public debt at “the close of the war:”
[Extract from Secretory M'CullocU’s lest Annual
Washington, November 30, 1607. /
In conformity with law, the Secreta
ry of the Treasury has iho honor to sub
mit to Congress, this, his regular annu
al report:
*** * * *
In order that the action of the Secre
tary, in the financial administration of
the Department may bo properly ad
ministered, a brief reference to the con
dition of the Treasury al the time the
war was drawing/ to a close, and at some
subsequent periods, seems to bo necessa
ry. On tlie 31st day of March, ISGS, the
total debt of tho United States was $2,-
366,0ne,077 31. ■ ’
[Signed] Huau M’CuLLocir,
Searetary of tho Treasury.
Tfnc monr now.
(Extract from Secretary M’euUoch’s trial Month
ly Report.]
Washington, August 7, isos. ;
Tho following is a statement of the
public debt of the United Stateson the
Ist of August, 180 S :
* t t t *
Amount of debt less
wish in tho Trea5ury—52.523,534,480-
The foregoing is a correct statement
of the public debt as appears from tho
books and Treasurers’ returns in the
Department on the Ist clay of August,
[Signed] I-Tuon M’Culloch,
Secretary of the Treasury
1868 - - - $2,523,534,480 C 7
1805 2,300,655,077 34
Increase - - 8,150,509,-10-1 33
Such is the effect of three years of Ra
dical rule in time of peace I Has the
Herald any more lies on hand that it
wants answered?
The following from that abolition con
cern the New York Independent, shows,
from their own standpoint, how desper
ate is their chance for Grant and Colfax.
We pulish it to give encouragement to
our friends. They cannot help but
throw down their cause in “cowardly
despair,” when even Greeley gives them
so little consolation. Hence keep mov
ing ahead, friends, do not break ranks,
but keep marching in solid columns.—
We have them on the hip—Jet us keep
The Danger of Grant’s Defeat—How
to Avert it—By Horace Oreely.— Our
friends seem to be almost everywhere
resting in the conviction that General
Grant cannot possibly he beaten. This
is at once untrue and perilous. He not
only can, but will be beaten, unless the
Republicans use more energy and effi
ciency than they have thus far done.
Indiana is the only doubtful State which
seems to be contested by them with
adequate zeal and energy. I trust that
Ohio cannot be lost: but, if there be no
revival on our side, ttie ballot-boxes
will close on the night of the October
State election with at least 10,000 more
Republican than Democratic votes im
pelled. Perhaps we can stand that dis
parity, and perhaps not. It is not safe
to take the risk.
So of Pennsylvania. We were heavi
ly cheated there last October; we are
likely to be worse cheated now. Her
election laws are tolerably good; but
the judges in strong Democratic dis
tricts sot them at defiance taking all the
votes that are offered—especially the
had ones. They will cheat us at least
’P-’, 0 . 0 ?, 1 ' 1 outober - Wo can beat them
still if every Republican rote is polled.
But will they be ? Will Allegheny give
her 10,000, Lancaster her 0,000, and oth
ers in proportion ? Will Berks, North
ampton, Monroe, Columbia, Ac give
no more than their legal majority
against us? I hope but fear.
Now let us suppose that the enemies
of human rignts should—no matter by
what means—carry Pennsylvania and
Ohio m October, winning likewise some
local triumphs in other States; what
then ? Shall wo not see the very men
who now shirk effort, on the plea that
Grant cannot ho beaten, lying down in
inaction because (they will say) ho is
already beaten, and canuot possibly be
elected? How swift will be their transi
tion from blind presumption to coward
ly despair!
Tlie States are entitled to choose 317
electors, whereof 139 are a majority.—
There should bo no doubt of Gononal
Grant carrying at least these:
Maine 7, New Hampshire 5, Massa
chusetts 12, Rhode Island 4, Vermont
5, West Virginia 5, Ohio 21, Indiana 13,
Illinois 16, Louisiana 0, Michigan 8,
Wisconsin 8, Minnesota 4, lowa 8, Mis
souri 11, Kansas 3, Tennessee 10, North
Carolina 9, South Carolina 4.-—Total
Hero are just votes enough to elect,
with regard to which there should be
no doubt. But Ohio and West Virgin
ia are desperately contested; and, while
we have the most voters in each, our
adversaries seem for the present to
have the best workers. And while
Wade Hampton boldly proclaims that
every black who works for a “ Demo
crat!” must give his vote to Seymour
and Blair or be deprived of work,
bread, or home, how can we feel sure
that any rebel State will vote for
Grant? We know well that thirty
thousand of the legal voters of South
Carolina will hope and pray that Grant
may be elected; but twenty thousand
of these may be constrained to vote for
Seymour or not vote at all. So of other
rebel States. We cannot rely on one of
them till the votes shall have been pol
led and the result declared.
Men and Brethren 1 We must carrv
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey
?, n ,i, P f, nns y lvnia for Grant and Colfax.
With these—or oven halfof them—tb ere
can be no mistake as to the resu'd
Without at least two of them all is in
doubt. We can carry every one of
them, possibly New Jersey, if we be
gin at once and resolutely try.
Why A Change Is Needed
The National debt Is now twenty-six
hundred millions of dollars. Le e surren
dered on the 9th day of AprU, 1805 : the
National dobton that day was twenty
three hundred and sixty-seven millions
In three years of peace the debt has
increased two hundred and. thirty-three
The people have paid into the Treasu
ry In those three years, fifteen hundred
and twenty millions. In 1865, $561 572 -
000: in 1860, $190,034,000, and in 1807
The official statements show that in
the last two months the debt has increas
ed $13,238,503.
All of this money came from the earn
ings of the people, and should have been
applied to paying the debt; for it is a
mortgage upon all of our property and.
encumbers and oppresses us .in our busi
Every article that enters into our dai
ly ueo and consumption Is taxed to raise
this money. The poor man’s tea pays
twenty-five cents in gold; his sugar,
four cents; his coflee, five cents; the
leather out of which his shoes are made
the matches with which helights his fire’
the shovel, the pick, the plow uud the
harrow, all bear their share of these tax
es, and all these increase the cost of liv
This system of taxation is more severe
on the poor man than tho rich for the
necessities of a man (and not his proper
ty) are taxed, so that a poor man with a
family of six, pays three times as much
tax ns tho rich man with a family of two
In the year ending Juno 30, 1808, four
hundred and seventy millions of dollars
were taken from the comforts and neces
sities of the daily lives of the people, and
were put into the Treasury of the nation.
There are thirty millions of people in
the Union, and this is more than four
teen dollars for each man. woman and
This is mainly paid injbuying what we
eat, drink and wear.
About eight days work are now requir
ed from the laboring man to buy a barrel
of flour, while in 1860 four days work
would buy as good a one. One day’s
work now will only buy five pounds 4 of
coffee, while in 1860 it would buy twelve
The farmer, the mechanic and the
merchant, find their profits all spent in
the increased cost of living ; in the largo
taxes imposed for State, county, munici
pal and city purposes; in tho increased
. coat of tools, of clothfog, of labor hired,
and of taxes upon income, and they have
nothing loft.
Increase of the debt means increased
hours of labor, increased taxes, and in
creased privations to tho mass of the peo
The Radicals have toasted your money
and ought to be turned out.
Tlie reconstruction of the South, with
the negro above the white man, prevent*
prosperity there. The enormous (axes go to maintain the army and tlu*
Freedmcn's Bureau in tho South for this
purpose. Instead of us paying over 100
millions each year to do this, the South
ought to be put lo work to earn 200 mill
ions to help us to pay the debt ami the
Tube away the army and the Bureau
and give (he white man an (joad a chance
an the negro, and it will he done.
They cannot buy our iron, cotton and
woolen manufactures as long as we per
sist in keeping them poor. Put them lo
work to develop their resources, and al
low them to aid In governing themselves*,
ami tvo will relievo ourselves from a
previous burthen.
The Radicals have jmt the negro above
the while man and ought lo beturuedout.
The goor man who owns a bouse and
lot, has no right to be taxed to protect the
properly and educate tho children of the
rich man who pays none, because his
property is all in United States Bonds.
The Radicals made this system, and
defend it, and they ought to be turned out.
3L o c a I items
CST* While some of our young ladies
take to tho “Grecian bend,” many
of our young men prefer the Ameri
can “bender.”
The Comet.—Any person who has a
telescope that will enable him to see
one hundred and thirteen million
miles, can observe Encke’s comet in
the East about two hours before sun
Bivalvular.— Oysters are again in
favor and richly flavored, this being the
month with “r” in it. Restaurant
keepers are looking for flush times, and
oyster dealers an increase of orders.
The Season, —The foliage of the trees
is already beginning to turn to russet
and crimson and gold, and “ the mel
ancholly days, the saddest of the year”
are rapidly hastening on, when the sea
sons all go into winter quarters.
Installation.— On Sunday last,
Rev. Dr. Joel Swartz was installed as
pastor of the First Lutheran Church of
this place. The sermon was preached
by Rev. Dr, Martin and the ceremony
of installation read by Rev. Mr. Titus.
Announcement. —-Wo have the posi
tive assurance that Hon. B. S. Tharin,
one of the most eloquent and effective
advocates of the Democratic cause, will
speak in Carlisle, on Tuesday evening,
September 29th.
Death op an Aged Lady.— On Sun
day 13th Inst. Mrs. Mary Domes died
in this place, at the ripe old age of one
hundred and one years and eight
months. She was a native of Lancas
ter city, and removed to this place a
number of years ago. So far as wo are
able to learn, she leaves no, relatives.
Valuable Peopekty coit Sale.—.
Wo would call attention to the adver
tisement, in another column, of the
Exr’s of Daniel Wonderly deo’d., offer
ing that fine farm on the bank of Yol-
Jow-Brecches in Dickinson for sale on
Thursday 2-lth inst.
Sowing.—Our farmers are as busy
putting out their fall crops as tho weath
er will permit. Some two weeks back,
the weather was too dry and tho ground
too hard to plow. Now it is too wet,
but taking it all in all, the weather has
been very favorable for farmers, with
probably more working days than gen
erally fall to their lot at this season.
1 Off fob tub West.— The senior ed
itor of this paper picked up his “ car
pet bag” on Friday last, and started for
the West. Ho goes to Omaha city di
rect, whoro ho intends to stop for a few
days, and then, should his health per
mit, proceed on to the Rocky Moun
tains. His many friends, we feel sure,
join with us in wishing him a pleasant
trip and safe return.
The Assessment Lists.— The assess
ors for this borough have completed
their lists, and it now becomes necessa
ry for our political friends to examine
them, and if their names and the names
of their, friends be not there, to then
see that they are assessed at once. Let
the interested examine the lists and see
that they are properly assessed.
New National Currency.— I Tho
new fractional currency of tho denomi
nation of fifteen cents has made its ap
pearance. It is an improvement, as re
gards quality, upon any preceding is
sue. Likenesses of Grant and Sherman
are on the right and on the left ends
The back of tho currency is red, which
gives tho face a slight tinge of the same
Tub Cumberland Co. Agricultur
al Society will open its Eleventh
Annual Exhibition, at Carlisle, on
Wednesday, October 14th, and continue
three days. There will be, among many
other attractions, a fullthirdmiletrack,
in excellent condition ; and a premium
offered of one hundred dollars for tho
best trotter—open to the world. Sum
total of premiums offered exceed twen
ty-five hundred dollars. A walking
match will come off on Thursday, Oct.
15, open to all. Premium $5O.
The Bridge at Columbia.—The
Columbia Telegram says that the build
ing of tho bridge across the Susquehan
na river at that borough continues to
progress finely. The two iron spans in
the centre of the bridge are completed,
as are also two of the wooden ones be
yond. There are twelve spans from
the iron ones to tho Columbia bank and
fifteen to tho Wrightsville shore, ma
king twenty-nine in all; with thirteen
yet to put up. Indications are favora
ble for its completion at tho stated time
—Jan- 1 1809—when trains and teams
will undoubtedly be crossing.
Theatre Coming.— The lovers of
the histrionic art will bo delighted to
loam that Sherry’s New York Theatre,
with a talented and brilliant stock com
pany, will open in this place on Thurs
day next. Sherry always draws crowd
ed houses here, and as he only remains
three days this trip, all will have to
avail themselves of the opportunity to
hear the troupe during the week.
Instant Relief. —Dr. Rendall, tho
celebrated corn Doctor from London,
may be found until Friday evening, at
the Franklin House. He removes corns
without pain or loss of blood, and has
hundreds of certificates from parties
well known in this country and in Eu
rope. The doubting may bo convinced
by the following:
Carlisle, Pa, Sep. J 5,1868.
Dr. Rendall removes corns literally
as he states,, without pain or loas of
J. 11. BOHBR, Elliott’s Store.
Carlisle. Sep. 10, 1808.
Dr. Rendall has this day extracted a
coni for mo without the slightest pain.
J. B. HAVERSTICK, Druggist.
Da College .—lt will boa
mailer of no little satisfaction to ttic
friends of Da Fayette College, at Eas
ton, in tins slate, to know that the fall
term opened with an accessionid’seven
lyor eighty new students, in addition
to the one hundred and forty whose
names appeared on tho catalogue.—
With an endowment of four hundred
thousand dollars, buildings superior to
those of any college in Pennsylvania,
and a faculty of thirteen Professors, it
must soon fake its place amongst the
first Institutions of learning in the
tssi~ Rev. Robert Ij. Dashiel, D. D.,is
elected unanimously to the position of
President of Dickinson College. Dr.
Dashiel is a member oftlio Newark Con
ference, in New Jersey, and was for
merly a member of the Baltimore Con
ference. He graduated at Dickinson,
sharing- the honors of Ins class, in 18-1(1;
and received fhe degree of D. D.,from
Bulgers (Dutch Reform) College at New
Brunswick, N. J., and also from Wes
leyan University, Middletown Conn.,
Dr. Dashiel is reported as one of tin?
most able and eloquent ministers of
his church.
Painful. Accident. —One day last
week, Mr. William Hall, a workman
employed at Seidle’s Spoke Factory
met with a most painful accident while
trying to fasten a staple in a stone with
melted lead. The hole had been drilled
in the stone some time previous, and it
is supposed some water or moisture had
accumulated in it, as when (Mr. Hall
commenced pouring the lead into it, it
flew out again with great violence, stri
king Mr. H., who was bending over it,
in the face and eyes. For a time it was
feared that ho would lose his sight, but
Dr. Day having removed all the par
ticles of lead from his eyes, he is now
in a fair way of recovery, though one of
them is still very painful, and will
doubtless continue so for some time. —
Hcchania bury Journal,
Hints on buying Goad. —An ex
change says that these cool mornings
and evenings are very suggestive of
Arcs and fall clothing, and that now is
the time for provident house keepers to
fill up their coal bins, while prices are
yet reasonable. Xu buying coal two
facts should be remembered. The first
fact is that the nearer the approach of a
square fracture, or the cubical shape of
the lump, the better is the coal; slaty
coal shelves oif in slabs and irregular
pieces. Fact second, is that the text
ure of the coal should bo smooth and
glossy. Of course to test this the lump
should have the clinging dust and dirt
taken off, if after doing this the surface
docs not rub off on the hand it is a fa
vorable sign. An observance of these
two facts by our readers, when they
purchase coal, will save them from the
annoyance occasioned by the almost
daily cleaning of the grate incident to
using inferior and ,-laty coal.
Not Bad.— “ Lu::.aro Hour” of the
Star of the Valley perpetrates the.follow
ing which is too good to be lost: Many
years ago when Squire Neap was a resi
dent of the house now occupied hy Mrs.
Sharp on East Main street, a couple
walked in from iMifilin township to
enlist his services in making them one
flesh. Squire received them at the door
and upon learning their business, invit
ed them in. At the dobr of the parlor
they halted, eying suspiciously the car
pet which covered the floor, a house
hold chattel which neither of them had
over seen. On being pressed, however,
they stepped in, cautiously walking on
a strip of bare floor next the wall whiclp
the carpet was too short to cover.—
“Please stand out in the middle of the
room,” said the squire. Still they hesi
tated. “ Why don’t you come?” said
the magistrate. “Oh I wo dosh not
liketotirty your plankets!” said the'
modest groom. Upon being assured
that the, plankets” had been laid there
to bo walked upon, the happy Teutons
stepped bodly forth and were soon pro
nounced man and wife. “ Salute your
bride 1” was the request of the Justice
in compliance with the usages of the
day. The bride and groom looked at
each other in complete bewilderment.
“ Kiss your bride,” said the Squire,
perceiving that he was not understood.
“Oh!” said the happy groom, bright
ening with new born intelligence, “ tish
net wot wile, Squire! Wo doo it a
kooplo o’ times comm owor!” It is
needless to add that the “ Squire” did
not insist and the loving couple depart
ed as thoroughly married as though
they had complied with all the regula
tions. No doubt some of their descen
dants reside in Mifflin township to this
snvvnr.r awake.
Newvii/le, September 14, XSCB.
Editor Volunteer:
Dear Sir : I write to give you nu ac
count of the large and enthusiastic
Meeting held in Literary Hall, on Sat
urday evening, Sept. 12, which was
addressed by Mr. Maglaughlin , and Mr.
Emig, of Carlisle; in an able, eloquent
and masterly manner, striking home
to the hearts of Republicans the funda
mental truths of the time honored prin
ciples of the Democratic party. As
these are times of such imminent peril
to American institutions, it behooves
Democrats every where to be earnest and
determined in the present contest. So
yon may expect to hear in thunderin'*
towers from the Newville District in
October next. The meeting on Satur
day evening pext, Sept. 19, will be
addressed by Mr. Newsham and Mr.
Cornman, of Carlisle. J. S. D.
jl©-Tho ancients
Mermaids, Nymphs, Naiads, amt o
Graces had long flowing tresses 4 ''
made them envied by their
earth. But they arose out 0 f 7t! 0f
foam or bathed in fountains readZ
no mortal hands and kept their I
of dewy softness, dark and lusln,,,
thus had no need of Ring’s ’. am '
Ambrosia which is doing
tiling for thousrnds of ncnnm°- Samo
day. P ° ple « onr
BSTThe Chicago ScpubUecm think.n .
Seymour “ will go up.” Tim i. „ U>ot
sure sign that Grant will go down
ISusine^B^K,o t(ceßi
Store-Keepers Please Tarp v
.tice.-TJio undersigned arc soUlmr n,„ JSO
- of goods kept by thorn In i n rm w,ol °
quantities nt lower prices tlm., ?k atl(lBrn all
bought In tho elites, alt “!}
be returned, riansa cnlUnd tonraprlccso, 3 lo
for a price list. Salt nml Fish i».» CCSorB cnd
tics on hand. In largo qno nU .
WM.BlAlB*s OJt
. hollUl En <l." Carlisle, p a ;
Sciroor, Books—a large 9 „p p , y of
books, such as nvo used In the 1 J 0
of this county, for sale, CHEAP at
Jio" gton ’ 8 D ‘'“ K Storo ’ No - 7 E “ st
Wept, isiw.
fecial Notice
'wl 1 t1, , r° lmd consum I )t lon for sever
cured ..llnsolfwf^rtdS^^^S
enjoys to nothing hut the use of this inedlchi'
! l despair ana entire „l|. lr '
Uim of nil hope of recovery, together ivlthaivanl
of conlldenco In nil others, Induced him to"""
mil the experiment. Tothososullbrlngwllhanv
disease of the bungs, he prollers a treatment Z
CO,halo,illy he loves win eradicate the disci*,. _
i i Ic e ,l.o.) pci bottle or 8.00 per half dozen- sent
by express. .Send for « circular, or call nn
Ao. 2o() x. Tenth Street, Phil,,
Dim*, o, ISCiT—|y
fill fm l eti
in. r , N WNDEK-t-UItST.-On „
Kov M G Em-hurt, Mr. Wlllhun Flnki-in.l ,i,
to Miss Ellon Fnrat, both of Penn towiiHlilji.'
WOKES-MEALS—On tho IOLh lust l lv
tin's com ty! ' CkC!! ' 10 Mttry L - bi.ll. '.l
IWAI.TEH—nr.EMNER,—On tho 10th hist l,v
““‘bn;- b. C. Wing, Mr. John Walter of Smut
Sp^^^ U 'H OLI, l ° MiS5 Sarah Blel nnor, of Uolllij
01je ilttarftets.
Carlisle Flour am
id Clraln Market.
ir j. ii. nosiiEit ,t nitu
Flonr-Fam,. y « 2
1) 00 0,.i, „ui 7 u, now. w
((yo I 10ur.,, !) oil Clover Send 70)
\ lte * a Timothy Seed 3CO
Wheat—Red, 2 20 New Huy io M
licto SUrbmisemeuts.
Private Bale.—Two Farms, on the road
lending from Nowvllle to White Sulphur
springs, known ns tho Upper nud Lower liar*
per Taverns, Terms onsy. B. HARPER.
Sept. 17, IMS—3t*
X\» SALE.—The undersigned oilers at private
sale a Farm containing Acres, of Limestone
Lund, lying live miles West of Carlisle, on lint
Walnut Bottom road, and having thereon erw*
ted a line, largo new Bride House, two stories
high, a good Barn and other improvement. There
is a Well of Water, at the door, and a goodOroh
of Choice Fruit, rrlco 8115.00 per acre. For par
ticulars enquire of
Sep. 17, im—3l
T7IARM FOR HALE.—Situated in Mid-
X* dlesox township, near the Carlisle Spring*,
■Cimtalning'lOO Acrosof the best quality of Free
stone, Mountain and Meadow land, in a gootl
•state of cultivation; with viator convenient w
every part. Buildings good and commodious,-
barn 72 by 50 feot. Fruit of every kind In Abun
dance. Terms very reasonable. A fanner vilth
?1000 In cash, can secure the property, together
■with the privilege of cultivating a Farm of Ui
Acres. Immediately adjoining the above. For
.further particulars call or address,
Carlisle Springs, Pa.
Sept. 17, I'SGS 1 1 ii
JI unlay, Oct. 3,1868.—Wi1l Co sold at public
nolo by the subscriber, attorney In fact for tho
heirs, on tbo premises, situated In MUHin town
ship, Smiles North of Newvilloand 2mllesSoulU
of Doubling Gap Springs, on tho road lending
from Sherman’s store to Knotllo’s school lunise,
ihe farm, late of Samuel Ramp,dec’ll., bounded
by lands of Henry Snvdor, Geo. Carl and Geo.
Groegor, containing 70 Acres of Loud, good
quality of slate. Tho improvements are a good
bog Dwelling House, wash House, Log llnru,
\\ agon Shed nnd Hog Pen. There Is a thriving
Voting Orchard, and other fruit trees. A good
Well of Water near tho door and running water
on About six acres are good timber
land; quantltvof flue Locust. Thobuullsingood
condition, rolling but not hilly and easily cultiva-,
ted, Persons desiring to view tho property will
call on Joseph Whistler, residing two miles North
of Nowvlllo near tho road leading to Doubling
Gap. Sale to commoncout lllo’clockM., on said
day, when terms will bo made known by
feep. 17,18U8.—3t All'y in fact for the heirs.
Side.—-On Saturday, the 22d of October
■.no subscriber ns Executor of tho last will and
testament of Samuel Mussolmnn, deceased,
wi ll sou at Public Sale on tho promises, that val
uaoio tract of Limestone Land, situate In Silver
•spring township, about, % mllo West of thevll
mge of New Kingston, and about oU mllcu Bust
( ' arll lslo, adjoining lauds of Bill, Sa mcl
Jiomlnger, Henry Konaca, and others. Con
taining ulli Acres more or less. Tho Harrisburg,
Carlisle and Chamborsburg Turnpike jiaisci
through tho farm, and the improvements con
sist of a Two-Story. Weathorboarded House, and
Wash House, Htouo Bank Barn, 76 by 40 fed
Wagon Shed with Corn Cribs attached, Carriage
House and Hog Pen and all other necessarv out
buildings. There are two Wells of Water‘and a
cistern on the promises. An Orchard of Choice
Iruit of different kinds, and tho fences aM hi
good order. About 20 Acres aro covered with
hue Thriving Timber. The residue is dear ogd
inn high stale of cultivation, and has been re
cently limed. Any person wishing to view the
promises can do so on, or before tho day of sale.
halo to commence at 1 o’clock P. AT., nu said day,
when terms and conditions will bo made known
b s’ , , JOHN MUSSLEMAN. Jr„
Sop. 17,1808.—ts Extcutor.
At Popular Prices,
Sop. 17,1803,
For Three Nights Only. Coni’
meucing Thursday Even
ing, September 34.
Admission ■ ■ ■ ■ as nn«l 50 i ‘ s *
Sep. 17, ISOS.—It ,