Utlj . A. li arplib N ov. 7. I'i.T * I SPI! IXU ! 1868. IJ A R O A I A .V Now opening in D O M ES T 1 C U 0 U I) fci , DR RSS GOODS, CASSI MERES, WATTINETTS AND J EA^NS, I V 11 1T h (f U OI) S, D R E S S T R 1 M M I N G S Z E PH YUS, UIBBON. s' AND NOTIOXX RING’S NEW STORE, .VO. S.’S nVs’V \fAI V STRKKT Opposite the Mansion I loiim* Next door tn the post (HIV*-, ('avlNlc, April IK. IMjS. G2lO(injmfS. 1)28. W.M. T. HOPKINS •• t i\VN M \K I- KEYSTONE SKIRTS, .in- Ihe best and ('ll racks r Low IT.hkp Hoop sklrlt in Hit* maiket. Tnnl Skins, springs, ?I.OU; Hikspnngs, St.JH; ami IJ-pongs, ;1.1-k Plum Skirts, u tapes. -ji ■,)»! i ng>. mi Gents ; 2'» springs, !>j Gents; ;!u springs, il.l-j; and .►> -pongs. rl.-i. Jlurrmned i i fivc.v c> xprc*/. “ l Inr OWN MAKE" ot ".UNION SKILTS" Eleven Tape Trail-, irum Jn to ' .spi lug-. Sl.-’u lo 5-.-'D. I’lum. six Tape-, ‘jij in .In -pong.-, fimn Do Gents in The-e*-kins aru better than those sold by nlher eslahlishim-nts’a- llr-t clash goods, IUUI at 111 lU’ll IoWIT pi ICC-'. “uur OWN M.VKK" nl ”Cl IA MPH >N SKIRTS" are in everv \ 'ay superior in all oilier Hoop .sk irlK be lure the Puhl ic. uml on ly have to he exann ned or worn to convince every one ol I lie (acl. Mann fuetured ol ilii! best linen-tliu-hed English Sled Springs, very -superior tapes, anil ihe ,-t\lu <,r metulic fat.ten I ng- and manner of .seem mg I hem surpa-s-s fnrdmahiliiy and excel ence any other Skirt in I his country, ami ai .• lighter. more elas- I le. will wear I muter, gi \ e more sal islaelum, and are really cheaper Ilian all others. Lin-;, fnili/ 'hnnUl try //«•• n. They me heiim sold ki vely hy Merehun Is t h rough on I Uns and the ad iolnmg states at \eiy moderate i iiees. It you waul ihe liesL ask lor "llopkln's Ghampioii “Mori." If you do mu Hud them, net llie Mer chant with whom you deal to order them tor you. oreome or s.-nd di i eel to us. Merchant.- will lliul our dtlleriMit guides of skirts exuci ly wtial they need, ami we especially incite them to call and exam me our eXle n-i\ e aVsorlUient. m sand tor Wholesale Price List. To he had at lit lad at Manufaelory, and of the Kelail Trade gem-nilly, uml at Wholesale of llie Maiuifaeinrer only, i o whom all oi dei s should ho ud dressed. MANUFACTORY AND SALES ROOM. AIR II STREET Between Cth and 7lh Sts, Phllailelphia. W.M. T. HOPKINS. MarchS, IbdS,—lOtuns^ it v GOO D S RICKEY, SHARP & CO No. 727 CHESTX U T STHE E T , Hnve no.\ the most (’rjniplclo mid clt'clml stool; of SPRING good;s, Which they have ever offered,and Invite special attention to their stuck oi si L ICS, comprisin'' a full line of HEAVY BLACK GUOS GRAIN and LUSTEHLESS SILKS. PURSUITS. Plain Brown and Mode Taffeltas. Plain Uyown and Mode Ponllede Sides. MOHAIR AMD ALPACA POI’LIXS, »)f ihe choicest coloring, together with an Ex ten. slve Variety of HUY GOODS, embracing Ghnhs, CnßSlmorca, House-Furnishing Goods, Ac. HICKEY, SHARP & CO., 7-7 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia! Feb. (5. IStiS.—ly puOTOCiHAPHH FOE THE MILLION! i will Bend, post-paid, 50 Photographs nr the most celebrated Actors fiii’lUl i cuts; 50 Acltoksch for 50 cents; 50 Union Generals for 60 cents* 50 Rebel Generals for 5o cents; 50 Statesmen for 50 cents; 50 heautlfnt young I>adles for 50 cents; 50 nue-looking young Gentlemen for 50 cents- (> large Photographs of Flench Dancing Girls In costume, beautifully colored. exactly ns they ap pear, for -50 cents; or for 50 cents. 0 of the most beautiful Ladies of the Parisian Pallet Troupe, as they appear In the piny of Ihe Black Crook, at Nlhlo's Garden, Now York, Send all orders to P. O. Box J 77, Troy, N. V May hi. |k«7— lv BREATH FOR ALL! I) 11. VO N T AINE'S BALJI OF MYltll II ! Is a sure remedy for the cure of had breath, no manor trom whul source tin* disease may arise. What young lady or gent wiM not make an clloj t to remove this disagreeable evil w.ien It can be done for UNK DOLLAR, sent to vour address postpaid, by mall, and a cure guaranteed, or mo ney refunded. All orders must, be‘addressed to fl. DORR. Albany, N. Y. t sole Agent for the Uni ted .Stales. .May Hi. WIT— ly FOR ALL!! Pull Instructions by which any person, male or female, can master thegreat art of Ventriloquism by a lew hours’ practice, making a world ot fun, ami alter becoming experts themselves,can teach olhcis, thereby making it a source of income.— Full instructions sent by mail lor 50 cents. Kul isfactlon guaranteed. A (id i ess P, o. Drawer 21, Troy, X. V May lt!.lsii7 —ly DLAIN ami FANCY PRINTING ot 17 evkky uusruiKnoM neatly executed al the Vch,u«xkj£U Uillce, •Drfi ffioofcs. 1868. SPRINGI 1868. As the delightful season of SPRING has .last opened, LEIDICII & MILLER . 1 Have Just opened an unusually large supplv ot BEAUTIFUL GOOD*, suited lo the season, and now ready for inspection. A GIIAFD DISPLAY OF DRESS SILKS, Poplins In all tho new colors and shades. liLACK S I L K 8 of every grade and guaHty. All the new styles and colors of desirable I) R E.S S O O O /) .S For Walking Suits, sneh as GHANA MO lIA JR POPLINS, t'ndir\!iii /i and Draa-rr*. PLAIN MOHAIR POPLINS, STRIPED A PLAIX MOHAIRS. COLO RED VELOVRS , SCOTCH GINGHAMS, Napkins A-c Ami runny'other goods for the season. S V U 1 N G s II A W L S , SPRING SAi'li I’KS AND MANTLES 1868, All tin* new stylos nml colors oi .S' I L K PA U A S () L S For (.aid les M Isses and l ’hlldretj, I'lciiitf do not lorget the tact Him LE ID IU H §• MILLER Ah', the best and cheapest bed con in use, the exclusive right of which I have secured, and will be kept constantly on hand. CABINET MAKING, in all its various branches, curried on, and Bean reaus, Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Wart Upholstered l hairs, Solas, Pier, Side and Ceutr 'fubles, Inning nml Breakfast Tallies, Wash stands ol all kinds, French licdsleads, high am low posts: Jenny I,mil and Collage Bedsteads Chairs of all kinds, I king Classes, and ul ot her art ides iisuallx manniacliired In Ihlslln of business, kept constants on hand. His workmen are men ot experience, his inn teriul the best, and his work made in the lutes cilv style, and all under his owmsiipervislon. 1 will be warranted and sold low for cash. He In vi tes all to give him a call helm e pnrehas lug elsewhere. For the libeiul patronage here totire extended to him he feels Indebted to hi numerous customers, and assures them that in el lor is will he spam) in luiure to please them li style and price, (jive us a rail. Uemember the place. North Hanover street nearly opposite the Deposit Hank, Carlisle. DAVID SIPE. Dec. 1. I.HIm. Jfovumvaing, Nc, AMOS I„ ClHlsiiN. A 1.1.1'.N UItUiKWA\ QUUSUN & RIDGEWAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DKAI.EUH IN FLOUR. GRAIN, MILE FEED, SEEDS. AND PRODUCE OENKU A L L Y .Vo. 23ri t .VO A 1 Til HliOA I) ETItEKT. PJULA UnKKItM.NH’Ks: Cox.. Wm. B. Thomas, J. 11. Ri.akr & Co, 11. 11 1 scum \n. PrcsT. Bnooic, Coj.KKrrit Co. C'juwurrinl h'jc/nfnt/c, W. K. HuiiK, E.SQ., James Vance, Esq., .1 ami-s C. II and. Esq. itiPConslgnmenls ,md storage solicited, am. liberal mlva u;es made. •ft-*)'* Flue artiele ol (Jloverseed on hand and foi sale. Feb. 18. IMS.—nm s)ats anti Caps. jjHii&U AUUIVAD xmv fip/tixu styles OF HATS AND CAPS The subscriber has jnsl openod at iYo. 15 Xorl. Hanover tin-eel. a few doors Nmlh of the Carllsl Deposit Bank, one ol the largest and best Slock of HATS and CAPS ever offered in Carlisle. Slljc Huts, Gasslmeiu ofall styles ami qualities Still - Brims, di Herein colors, uud every descrip tion of Soft Hats now made. The Dunkard and Old Fashioned Brush, con stantly on hand and made to outer, all warrant ed to give satisfaction. A full assortment til STRAW HATS, MENS, Hoy s, \\ 11 CHILDREN'S, FANCY DO. 1 have also added to my Stock, nolions of differ eat kinds, consisting of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S STOCKINGS, Xt’cf; Ti\ -v. .s'rrvprm/cr.v, U>(/an, Ulotr-., J’rnri/i, Tln-ruil, Sriviiiy Silk, L'librc/lai, itr;. PULMH SEUAItS AND TOBACCO ALWAYS ON HAND. Give me a eti.ll, and examine my stuck as I fyol oonlldcul ol pleasing all, Iv-uk-s saving you mo ney. JOHN A. KELLER, At/cnt, No. LI North iluno\ er street, June (1, IsiJT—ly AND CAPS ! DO YOG WANT A NICE HAT OR GAP V 1 f so. Don't F.\ ll. To Cam. on J. Ci. C A L L I o , .VO. IW, H7;,S'7 .17.-1/.V STUhET, Where can be .seen the finest assortment of HA T S A N D CA P S ever brought to Carlisle. He lakes grt*al pleas ure In Inviting his old friends and customers anil all new ones, to his splendid stock just re ceived from New York and Philadelphia, eun & ist mg In pari of line SILK AND CASSIMERE HAT'S, besides an endless varlely of Hats and Cups ol llie latest sljle, all ot which he will sell at the Loxvttal Ctur/i Tnirn, Also. Ins own mauuiaelure of Hals always on hand, and HATS MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. Tie has the best arrangement for coloring Hals mid all kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, Wo , at the shortest notice pis he colors every week) and on the most reasonable k*i ms. Also, a line lot ol choice brands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS always on band. He desires lo call tbeattentlon of persons who have * C 0 UN T R Y F U II S lo sell, as he pays the highest cash prices for the same. Give him a rail, at Ihe above number, his old stand, ns he feels confident of giving entire satis faction. i)«o. I*o. IM7 THE (I I) E A T P R I 7j E ! Epxposition UniYkiiskluc, Pahis, 1807, THE 110 WE SE WING MA CHINE Co, ELIAS HOWE. Ju. AWAUDItD OVEK KtCJUTY-TWO COMPKTITOKS, THE HIGHEST PREMIUM, THE ON LY CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR A N 1) OOL3J MEDAL given to Amkiucan Hkwino Machines, tier Im perlal Di-cice.publlsiied in the “Monlleur L’nlver , ■ t^I 1 11 1 < ’ ial ‘ s ‘>urnulol the French Empire,)Tucs day. 2d July, lsii7. In these words: I Fabrlcante do Machines a Elias Ilovit, Ju. J ... ‘-iiudre exposant I MnmifucUirer of Sewing ‘ , , , , ~ . . L • Machines, Exhibitor. This double tlrst honor Is another proof of the great superiority of the iluwe Sewing Machine over all others. - SIBECY & STOOPS, No. 24 S. Eijfht St., PHILADELPHIA. Agents for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Western Virginia. Feb. 13,1808.— (Sroccries. OIUOCKUY, l''KU IT AND FUUV'Io- JT lON STuRE. Almost every person knows ot the CHEAP iSTOKK, .Vo. 88, A’atX Fon\fnt {street, where you cun always buy your groceries cheap ur than elsewhere, and how does It come, be cause! have no rent to pay and have my own clerks, therefore I cun sell goods lower (hun If I had lour or live hundred dollars rent to pay and six ureighi hundred dollars to pay for clerks, My stock Is always /rn/i « ml complete, keep none but good goods and warrant every article that Is sold out of ray store. • I have constantly on hand ’White, Brown, Crushed, Pulverized and Uranuluted Migurs, Green and Roasted Codecs, Hyi ups of all knuK, Unking Molasses, Green and Black Tea.-, luce. Beans, Peas, Pearl Barle\, Hominy, Sweet .Sha ker Corn, Corn March. Rice, Flour, Fanim,Sweet and Uniter’s Chocolate, Whole and Ground api ces, Halting Soda, salerat us, Fresh Pens. Corn, To matoes ami Peaches, by thu can or du/.eu, all kinds of Flavoring Extracts, English Pickles, sticn as Glrklns, Mixed Pickles, White Onions, Cuulillower, Picalllilt, Chow Chow, also Guklus by the. dozen. Fresh Table Oil, Ketchup. Also In*. Barber’s Horse Powder, and Froulleld's Cat tle Powder, Stove and shoe Blacking, Indl. o, While Glue, Madder, White Uosui, Beeswax, Kxtraet Logwood, Salts, Flour Sulphur, Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Antimony. Ac. Hemp, Canary and Bape s < ■' lor Birds, Ksscnce of colic and Lye, Dried Fruit, such »s pared and uupared . Peaches, Apples, Blaelt homes. Cherries, ' also Prunes, • Tigs. Dates. Layer, Seedless, and Valentin Raisins, • Currants, Citron. Lemons, and Oranges,Sperm. Finn, Tan ners’and Coal Oils. Pure Cider Vin egar, .Soaps, such ns Olive, Steanne, Babbit's, Busin, Country and all kinds of Toilet Soups. Alsou flue assortment of nil kind* of Scgurs, Chewing and Smoking Tobac cos. such ns Navy, Congress, Cavendish, Sun Fish, Atlantic Cable, Fine Cut,Navy, Spun, Fine Cut Chewing. Viiginliy,Cherokee, Mlnnohahah. chlngoroer, Sunny side, Virginia Choice, Punch Lynchburg, Yarn, Gem of the Mountain, Shang hai, Laleka, Danville, IMoueer, Keystone, Vir ginia Dare. ami Onice WOO DIOX AND WILLOW WALL, •melt as Market, Clothes and Traveling Baskets of all sizes and styles, Tubs, buckets, Keelers. Dippers, Hull Bushels and Peck Measures, Horse Buckets, Flour Buckets, Horse Brushes, Shoe do., -Unvudo., Wall do., Clothes do., Scrubbing do,, Dusting do., Whispsand Brooms. Twin s of nil kinds, Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, Mason Lines. Ac.. Ac. liuccnsware, Glass, Slone nml Crockery Ware, a good supply of ail kinds A good assortment >1 Lamp*, Lanterns and Tumblers, and man}' ..I her ai tides 100 mina-i'tiilH to nionlloii. !• Lt »U R AM 1 1 FEED constantly on hand, also n .at ge supply of AK. German Clmmpioti Mas on'd, I lit* infill visa, by the Juror do/.cu, whole •ale and retail. ol whldi Hr* subscriber Is iho •ole agent tor Cm I Me. Fish and >all, Crackers on l biscuits ol jut Kinds, Notions ol every des •ii p» lon. All limits of Cm:irii>- Produce (alien In ex •hangu lor Goods ni i,n- i' 11 KAIMIU' M T.'K V, , 'liU 11’ AN D I’ltoVl-.l'-.N smilF, A*>. SS. Jui.U ram/ni .strut, i.'urt, !\\ Fob. (1. ISIiS. yy'ASHMOOD BROTHER. REMOVAL! •VO 7.H., ! Jli'/h iS frcct, Cart! dr — lhnlz's oh! stand. I. A T Is A U RIVAL O F GOOD AND FRE.SH GROCERI KS. /* R J r E S J{ E I) U 0 E I) We have jnsi received a fresh soppy ol o u or- !■: u i k s’, SI C II A S drown, crushed, puUerl/.ud and granulated Su gars, Collees, green and roasted, Uiee, Ada mantmu Candles. Titdow Candles, starch Teas, all kinds. Cheese, Chocolate, ker s Coeoa, Uiiker s llruniu, Muc caroni. V'ernmellla, Fahnes tock's Farina. Mustard,Mus tard Seeil, Black IV 11 d Cayanne Pepper, Spl ces. Indigo, AI -1 u m, Coppe ius, lump a n d p u I v e r- Ized 15 r i Hi stone, babbitt's nml Vanhagun's Soup, Toilet Soap. Soda, i ’ream of Tartar, Coarse and Fine Salt by thesaek or bushel, Shoe blacking, Stove Luster, Concentra ted Lye. New Orleans and Syrup Mo lasses, Sperm Oil, Waggon Urease, Mac kerel. various grades Sugar Cured Hauls, Dried IJeeJ. general assortment ol Coal Oil ami Fluid Lamps, Glass‘and Mica Lamp Chimneys, corn, ilekory and corn wisp brooms, Tampico Fly brushes, hearth, dusting and sweeping Brushes, mud scrub brushes, shoe and wall brushes, cloth md hair brushes. Mucilage, Lujuul Uennett, black. blue and red Ink. C AT T LJO V OWDER, Raisins, Frnnes, pain'd ami unpaired Peaches Peaches and Tomatoes in cans, Catsups, Worces er and Loudon Club .Sauce, l.'reeu Coni In cans, labie Oil, llomiuj - , beans, O 11 AXa 10 S A N L) LEMONS water, sugar, wine, milk and almond Crackers, roasted i.veand wheat Collet*, Twist, Navy, Nat ural and Congress Tobacco, K illlkln tek, Fine Cut, Lynchburg and llupkeepm'ikie .“smoking Tobac co and Anderson's Solace chewing Tobacco. ouj:i:xs\\’a hi-:, Vi USA. ai. ss. uuude.v I'AirniKX A.\l) AVVI.VA' b'.-I RE, baskets, a general assortment of Willow and Splint baskets tajd many NO T 1 0 N S , i\m! everything else usually kepi in a Grocery stoi e. The public- are respectfully invited In call ami examine their .stuck. We feel conlldcnt.lhcy will gu away satisfied. 42* Marketing of all .timls taken.ln exchange for goods. WASIIMOOD it BROTHER. April 1 it, IStiS. M autkx-s fa mil y an o cer y sto re, EAST MAIN .STREET, CARLISLE, PIi.N'NA, (Late Martin ,' S ‘. Lll I' l ’- 11 - I'UIUIIII.IH Spniiß. Also Hour in barrels amt sucks, and Feed bv the bush -0 July IS. ISOT-tf -"’UN MARTIN. JDUOVISION AND G ROC HUY STORE, ON SOUTH-WEST CORNER P I T T & P O M F It E T MTItE E T s . The undersigned, successor -to J. F. Stkel re spectfully announces that, having Just returned from the Eastern cities, he Is now prepared to sell at the very lowest cash prices, a great variety of fresh •> GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, f'O.NSISTI'NG OF Qitemsiiare, ifuynr, G'Uis.vcare, Coffee, Hood and Willow Marc, Tea, Fish, Spice*, Salt, Crackers, Chat Oil, Cheese, Molasses, Lubricating Oil, Potatoes, Tobacco, Canned Fruit, Si'/jars, Pickles and Sauce, jvnd nil Hie articles kept In a first class Grocery •Store, I would respectfully solicit a share of the nub ile patronage, DANIEL SHOEMAKER. May 23,15'7—1v ilJljatograpljg. A/I Uri. u. A. SMITH'S PHOTO* UJ. graphic Gallery South-east Corner llano verstreet.and Markei'Square, where may be hud all the nlfloreutbiylea of .Photographs, from curd to life size, IVORYTYPES, AMRROTYPES, AND MELAINOTYPES: also Plcturoson Porcelain. (something new) both Plain and Colored, and which are beautiful pro ductions of the Photographic art. Cull and see them. Particular attention given to copying front Daguerrotypes Ac. „ * * She Invltostho patronage of the public. Q.ETTHB REST PHOTOGRAPHS LOCH M AN’S Premium Photographic Gallery.2l WEST MAIN STKKKT. Carlisle, Pu. Fob, li IM^-Iy U S. PATENT AGENCY C. L. LOCUMAN. 21. WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE PA, Executes Drawings. Specifications, ie., and pre sents i'atcnts lor inventors. Feb. 13, lboB.-ly - Ibarttoare, palate, &c. jn n usTiua riio.ypjou et. ~' ~ I have lately made largo additions to my al ready EXTENSIVE STOCK OF HARDWARE In all Its branches and departments, and buying exclusively for OmA. jKg mu able t« compete with Phllad’n. Mark »!, M ets, and to Whole sale at AfanH/aeturer’* /Vice*. ... rtiiit All orders attended to personally,ami with our usual vmiimlnrn.'i. Goods delivered to all parts of the town FREE OF CHARGE. Wo Invite the special attention of Blacksmith s and Wagon-Makers to our extensive stork in their line, comprising In pari Hammered, Rolled. English Refined, and Norway Iron, of all shapes and sizes. Burden s Horse and Mule Shoes,. Horse and Mule Iron, Nalls of dillerent brands, Rowland’s Black and Polished Springs, Sanderson’s Cast-Steel, Spring. Sleigh, # Blister ami Too Steel, Blacksmith’s Drills, Solid-Box Vices, Bel M lows. Flies, Rasps, and Case Hardened Wagon, Carriage, and Buggy Axles. CARRIAGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH Fixtures, embracing in part: Hubhs, Spok«n, Felloes, Bows,Shulls,Carriage Poles, Sleigh Run ners, Fenders. Top Leather, Duck Canvas, Dril ling, Damask, Lac e, Trimmings, Aj., Ac., too nu merous to mention. Cut and Clinch Nails, at Iho very lowest mar ket rales. Country Merclmnlssupplied at manu facturers’ prices. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS will find It to their advantage to buy Nalls, Locks, Paints. Oils, and other, Building Materials, to gether with CARPEN T EES’ TOOLS from the first Mains warranted to give ontiresalislactluulit — quality uitii prlc- CAHINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS we would luvilc your attention to our huge and cheap slock of walnut ami Mahogany Vancers, Chair, Sofa, and bed Springs, Muss. Hair Ac,, AC. Collin Handles, Lace, Fringe and all necessary materials and goods in their line. fSADLEII’S FINDINGS AND TOOLS, of every variety comprising In part black, Red and While. Enameled and Patent Leather, Hog Skins, Saddle Trees, Stirrups, Japan tied and Silver Humes, Horse blankets, Collars, bridle bills, buckles, Rings, brow-bands Rcln-Web, Glrthlngs, blanket binding, Ives’ and North’s Self Adjusting Trees, Ac., Ac. A LARGE STOCK OF SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS and Findings, Morroccoes, Tamplcoes, Sheep Skins, Colored Lin lugs, Ac., allof which will be sold at the -H_ lowest. Vush rales. GKO, b. HOFFMAN, PAINTS AND OILS Twenty lons of the following brands of White Leads and Zinc's: W.-thei'lll's Lead, Liberty do., huek ilu,, Crystal do.. Mansion do,, French Zinc, Amur lean do., Snow W lute do., Florence do., Col ored do. Colors of every description dry and in oil In cans, and lulies. Also, Gold Leaf. French and German bron/.e, Paint, Varnish, atm Camel Hair brush es, Graining Combs and biushes. OILS AND' V A UNIS H EH Linseed Oil, Sperm do., Fish do., Lard do., Lubrle do., Neats Foot do., Turpentine, While Demur do. do. JAPAN IRON AND LEATHER VARNISHES Also, Putty, Litlnugc, Whiting, Glue shellac, Rosin, Chalk, Alum. Copporns, borax .Madder, Logwood, Ac., Ac. We would especially Invito the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and the communi ty in general to the following articles: DOUGLAS COWING & RUMSEY'S IRON CURB WELL AND CHAIN PUMPS, FIVE TO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET. Wood. Iron and Lead Pipe to suit. HYDRAULIC HAMS &C„ &v. A constant ami fresh suppiv of DUPONTS Rock, Rillc, Eagle and Duck Powder. Together with Safety Fuse, Picks, fiT”* Mattocks. Elizabethtown, and London Haines, straight ami twisted. Halt mid Long traces, sth Chains, bpretulob, Hallers, Chains, Cow Ties, itc., Ac. of all sizes, {warranted not to crack.) MIL*, AND CIRCULAR SAWS, nUTCUEU BAWS, KNIVES, STEELS, &C., Ac. A LARGE AND NEW STOCK U E D A K w A R E, COMPRISING Tufa, V/iurns, Buckets, Butter Bowls, Prints , dc., &c. Plain and Porcelain-Lined, Oval and Bound Boilers, Porcelain, Brass and Copper • “El. JJ ™ e ™ in s Betties, Wajllc and Grid‘lrons. A NEW LOT OF GRAIN BAGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TINNERS SOLDERING IRONS, SOLDER, HAH LEAD, SPELTER, BLOCK TIN PIO LEAD, SHEET BRASS, &c. SINGLE AND DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS Bnmutli and Twlht "w V, Itlilo'n, and Ride Uan-els, and .Mount fl i> in K!4 Rov n ivl*r« ami Howie Knives, also, .uetallc Ca'lrldees in snir RBta uud Revolvers, of all Ihe Improved l>ld- THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF BIRD CAGES. Also, Chamber "WTSTV Setis Patent \f« er Hanging Buckets. (J L O T II E S WRING R R H H AND BEE L g* vluuo un /t\ »ken three ■£tSL. • eh or the >'»« HOTEL K EEP «; PLAIN AND GILT^'!!:?;” LUTHERAN n ™» a y«'u>e y argul ONL Y A GENTS PATENT EXCELSIOR WEATHER STRIP* ** ss.%a?^ d “.^x^ssa , iis!s besides securing such comfort as no other «««« dlture of fuel can command. lw ' uooluerex Pen- A L SO SOLE AGENTS FOR ES FAIRRANIPS STANDARD SCALES SOLE A (7/?.V7W FOR Plonk ci.ifi i,,~ n Plows. Plunk Hint! nncl Low CuUpr’^ru'l llll Welrlrll, liloomfleld, Eublo illid Pork 'p’lP.w ’ Plow And Cultivator Handles .Plow Bea,'" W a7 Castings of every deaorlptlon to suit the Plows ronstantly on hand. u 0 hoove Wo are agenla for the Patent Improved Mcnnr. my Faucet. Ue f/tiarnnfee them to draw avo meahimie COIIIIF.CTLY, the heavier MnlasSes Oils Tar, Varnishes. Ac.. In the cnldest wealhcr ' 1000 Iveos Nails Just received, and will sell bj the i)nanlU.u nt Manufacturer's Prices for Oaah Remember old Bland. HENRY SAXTON - * Cflo , No. 15 East Main Bt., Tan. 10, iBM.-ly CbrHrte, io coach Varnish, Furniture do., lIHAM'INH WATKU FROM Crow-Bars, Drills, SICdgCS, Napping Hammers, Cement, ol Hie Following brands. (Warranted fresh and good,) Rosendalo, Scotland and Hancock, Also, Calcine * Plaster, Pulro Sand, F ARM BELLS CHINESE GONGS, SAVING OP COAL lJalnts, &c. MILLEB d> BO WEBS Take this opportunity of directing Iho attention of the community at large, and every person In particular, to their recently replenished stock of HARD WARE. They studiously avoided Investing during the high prices, mid patiently awaited the fulling out of the bottom before attempting to refill their shelves, and now that things have been reduced to old time prices, ns near us possible, they have .Invested largely, and are prepared to guarantee to their friends and customers us low prices as any market outside the cities. They especially invite the attention of mechanics, farmers and builders. Our stock is complete and none need fear meeting with disappointment In enquiring for anything In our lino. W r o have constantly on hand a full assortment of HmAinered, Eng lish Refined and Norway IB ON, Burdim’s Horse and Mule Shoes. Horse Nails Norway Rods, Cast Steel, of the best brands, Black ami Polished Springs,Spring, Sleigh, Blis ter and Toe Stool, together with a full stock of Blacksmith's loots, Buell US Drills, Bellows, Solid-Cox Rasps, Vicos, Files, $-c, COACH AND WAGON Ss. '* ' : . FIXTURES^ Case Harden, Wagon, Carriage and buggy AXLES. lIU DS, SPOKES, FELLOES, HOWS, SHAFTS, CARRIAGE POLES, TOP LEATHER, CaN V ah. DRILLING, Damask, Luce Trimming, Ac*. Ac. BUILDING MATERIAL, AT CA&ff PRICKS. Persons wishing to build will And It to their ad vantage to examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere. We are careful lo select from the best manufacturers, and in no ease do we recom mend gone)# that are not serviceable and of the very best quality. Harrisburg Nails Always on hand. A CARPENTER’S TOOLS. Tn this branch of the business wo are ready lo compete with any other establishment, both In quality aud price. Our stock of Planes, Saws, Squares, Augurs, Chisels, Bench Screws, &c, are of the finest grades, and we are bound to keep up the reputation of the old stand in this particular. SADDLEMY, Set/ adjusting and Oig Trees, Enameled Leather, Patent Leather , Hog Skins, Saddle Trees, « Stirrups , Ha?/ics, BRIDLE BITTS, Brow Bands, Girdlings, Y a Horse Blankets, Ac., &c; &C..&C* Saddler’s Tools of every description. SHOE FINDINGS, consisting of Moroccos, Tampico, Boot. Patna Hoot, Tampico French, Pink Linings, White Li nings, Mnroues, Bindings, Shoe Thread, Pegs .1. ..°, f I 1 kln, K nml everything connected with this lino, all which will bo disposed of at the lowest figures. Cabinetmakers and undertakers will alwavs find us having a full stock of Hair Cloth. Bod Umlr and Sola Springs. Curled Hair, Coffin Han dles, Lace, Collin Scrows.aml everything In their TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. (I a full assorlmcntof whloli can bo found on our shelves at nil times. WIIITE LEADS AND ZINCS. Wo liin-G not qmlc cleaned the Eastern market of this purlieu tar commodity, but have always on hand a sulliclent supply of the best biands, which wo are ready to oiler at the lowest rates. COLORS, In every variety, dry and In oil. OlLS—Lmaeed, Sperm. Winter Bleached Whale, Lubricatingumi rscatH Foot. n VARNISHES, Coach, Furniture, Leather and Iron Varnishes, Turpentine, Putty, Litharge, Whiting, Rosin, Glue, Chalk, Chelae, Borax, *tc. P U M P S of all descriptions and of nnv manufacture, Wood, Iron and Lead Pipe to suit. feist Farm and I" JB House Bells, of every* description, all war ranted. . MUL Circular BAWP Rlfio and author having enjoycu every o)daie. Hun to acquire official knowledge' s ° N npping facts connected with the ris' and fall of the Confederacy, A find this a profitable book to oi Kee advertisement In another Appointed.—We neglected#’ Chains, last week, the appointment o'^i^ e o^ * '«* of tl*« Wa- CEDAR WAR E, Tubs, Halt Bushels, and every thing connected with this branch. , Smooth and Twisted Rifles, Double and Sln- ift B,e lJ,l >*rel Shot © Revolvers, Cartridges, Wipers and Gun Trimmings, of e ryklml. TINNER’S SOLDERING IRONS, Solder, B Lead, Block Tin, Spelter, Sheet Brass, Ac. We are Solo Agents for the Jg BUFFALO SCALES. Those FwC Scales are warranted tocompeto /fl * £ with any other In the Market, /H and aro offered on belter terms. ‘ / II As we order direct from the Factories, we are able to supply country merchants at Phlluaoi phln and New York Prices. Repairs for M’Cormick’s Reaper and Mower of any year, constantly on hand. P. B.—Goods delivered to any part of the town free of charge. ' MILLER A BOWERS, _ . No. 20 North Hanover Bt., Carlisle. Feb. 20,1667—1 y, ?Balr Menemer. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer jins stood the test of seven years before the public ; mid no prepar ation for the hair has yet been dis covered that will produce the same beneficial results • It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combin ing many of the most powerlulawl restorative agents in the VcCET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores GREY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It makes the scalp while and clean; dandruff and humors, and lalllns out of the hair; and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported• It makes the hair moist, soft, and alossu, and is unsurpassed as a VtAIR H RES SINQ. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation, „ , ' _ - h is recommended and used by the First Medical Authority. The Wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Renewer have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under various names: and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former j>art ners, or had some connection with our Mr, Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours * Ho not he deceived by them. Purchase the original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mall. See that each bottle has our private Revenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co., Prop’s, Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. Oct, 31, 18117-ly. KING’S GRAY HAIR. This in tho A.’iinuosiAlhatlUng made, tThia la tho Care Hint lay In tho Ambkosia that King made, fflEffiKeejf Th{s Is tho Man who wah bnld and gray, no)s- A>) Who now hnn rnvon locka, they any, faw m&S* lie used tho Cure that lay In tho Amukosia that King made. \ This t^,c n^cn i handsome and Who innrrlod the man once hold and Who now has raven locks, they pay, jpEt? %**-« 110 llsr J l Ihu Amjikosia that King This Is tho Parson, who, by the way, \ Married tiic maiden, handsome and W To timmci once bald and gray, h> Hut who now has raven locks, they pi?p; nccniipc lie* used tho Cure that lay *•&.>' In the Ambrosia that King made. This Is the Bel! that rings away r Igm ®||vTo arouse tho people sad and gny i J Unto this fnet, which hero does lay— f/ V mt w(n, M nnt l,e bnUl or qraij , use the Ambrosia. that Iting made, E, F! jmor;n , Proprietors, Peterboro', N.H. ti'ir Sold by all Druggist's. Feb. 13, 1808.—ly insurance Companies INSURANCE. - Z? I }® ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBOUO’ MU TUAL HUE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Cura bcslaiid county, Incorporated by an act of As sembly, in the year 1813, and having recently had its charter extended to the year I«K3, is now In active and vigorous operation under the super iniendencool the following Board of Managers; l, I ( *, o, i¥ a r?’ Uhrlstiuu Stuyman, Jacob Eb ffli; Daniel liailey, Alexander Catlicart, Jacob J( } llu .. Ll V h . el . bur t' or f Joseph Wickorrs Samuel Ebcriy, Rudolph Martin. Moses Bricker. Jacob Loover aud .1. C. Dunlap. 1 ho rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company .olihe kind in the Slate. Per sons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the Com puny 'M 111 !!? Vv;i-'M 1 " 11 tlle “‘ nt any lime, beam'd ulJty. 11 ' 001 t,Xs ’ tbul ' ly ’ aW 1 \ ice I resident—Ciiitn. tan Stayman, Carlisle* Secretary—John U. Dunlap, Mecliauicsburg- Treasurer—Daniel Bailey, Dills burg, York Co AGENTS. . OimbcrUmd County— Jonn Bhorrick, Allen; llen ry /.earing, Shlrenianstownj Lafayette Puffer, ; Henry Bowman, Chiirchtown ; Mode Gi Until, South Middleton Samuel Graham W. Pennsboro’; Samuel Coovor, Mechaulcsburg; J. W.Cocklln, ftheplmrdstown; D. Coover, Upper Allen: J.O. Saxton* Silver Spring; John Hyer. Carlisle; Valentino Feeman,Now Cumberland* James McCandllsh, Newvlllo. o>mU.v-W. S. Picking, Dover; James GrliUth. Warrington- T. F. DeardorlF, hashing ton; Richey Clark, Dillsburg; D. Rutter, Pair view; John Williams, Carroll. Dauphin County —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg, Members oftho Company huvUigmolicles about to expire, can have them rou wed by making an. plication to any of the agents. y Dec. 1 1807 T N A HORSE AND LIVE STOCK INSU- RANCE COMPANY. INSURES non M VLB, S’, C A TTLE, A ND SHEEP,. AGAINST LOSS BY THEFT, AND DEATH BY FI ME, ACCIDENT OB NATURAL. CAUSES. SAM’L K. HUMRICH, . Special Agent, QOlcc 2(1 ITa/ Alain c>f., Carlisle, HAM’L HOOVER, Local Affent, Mcchanlcsburg, Pa.; J. A. C. McUUNK, Local Agent, Shlppenßb’g, April 23, 1808.—flm* DRUGS! DRUGS!—Dr. D. Conimun having to relinquish an extensive practice, as well os tils Drug business in the city of Pitts burg, several years ago, on account of ill health has now opened at No.'Bs N. Hanover street be tween the ollico’a of Dra. Kleffer and a DHUO BTOUE, where he has and IsVceolv n c oV ery few days a pure slock of Bruns Choinirnin Dye Stutlb and everything generally a well-regulated City Drug b fiu>re. Prescript ion? carefully compounded and family recolnm will receive special care. The pr. can bo consulted at dwelUn^No.\ra 0 N. C HaSoie°/ £t?eo Wter a'S,C^;K bor N. Hanover DR. D. CORNMAN. Bopt. 12.18(17 —ly S. M. COYI.E. QO YLE&CO., WM. SCOTT COVIiE. JOIJHERS Jn ?n a Sr?i'!M C!l ' V T' cy 000(18 and Stationery. All orders will loceivo prompt attention. No. 11, South Hanover street, Carlisle. 43-Agents for the Chambersbnrg ‘Woolen Mill, March 10,1893.-ly • . SrtoDes, JEiutoare, &c, arMSM 1 ” 6 t 0 «• >° Hou.cuo^ WALKER & CLADDY’S JfKV TIN AX If STOVE S Toil) NO. IS, WEST MAIN STRE ETi Bnrt o ivi”K' 0 . Flock of firoi-f' Having grmtly eniSr™. , m l r “m. * business by securiiSTthn u «, r fn ? ,Jl| H‘K ford o | r • No IS, Wrsl Main BtrcetVm 81 «o ift ©U I urge Invoices of tifn int« D Juki r t W n tho Healor,Bt o vo,TinVarofiiili , efi t CLASSES OP CUSTOIIp Eg sss isViM.v™'■»*wm,,„ rcitab]to in the Stove llno’We offer REGULATOR, B; PENN NIAGARA. N ’ COAIUINATION °o Ij n “OK: SOAKER city Hjcho aro nil flrst-cliiß*ca,„. warrant to do what tliev r?o cr> wh| cb w 0 w bin wo have only apace^»dS o l"" i ' m «I £ tlon.° r tW ° Whoso “»“• o“S‘o THE REGULATOR COOK which possesneS advantage wihm. » “2 11 <■<> «». It has a BEVoLV^vA d a" co «- which arrangement the cool, a 10p ,b cooking utenalla n, , UIV “ ", lo .“ iwer»e ei thellßhißolplatesnnu\Seli ,„m t '; lrt ? ’'Wi t require. It la decldedly u, O 0 her,1 «>« the market. r 1110 oOit cook hiot«| S Wo have also on hand a largo stock of OFFICE, PAREOR AND dining room sTOv ES burning 7ll^11 may be folmd celebrated i. morning GLOlir, THE MOST 11EAUTIFUEOPTIOEAND TAtr. EVEIt OFFKRKD TO TUB Too mneb cannot be anld In nm a. ~ N ,{ N ?. OLOUY wl »=» ao mr btRS '?“«■ all other etoves In tho market. It, la” lc “>il A GAS CONS u JI £ burns Its own clmlor, and rcciulros vim-m,. tontlon after the tiro Is made It b»hw? ' od that It will ’ 1 ue,n B- k ° orraai- FEED ITS OWn’coaL! Ib liable to no explosion ofens nn.i i* , ggffl* s,o ' ,slt MILL GRATE! alt others nro cotmlcrfelt Imltntlonq In tlio TIN WARE mid JAPANNED tvtrt lino wo hoop constantly on handof,,uremia forolpn iniinnfaelnre, tlio very hital n,un i iur^'l^vS d n;?i; d 0 ° f l "° »« -wW all KINDS of roofing Tiofh. i,°ii blnK p , r ,‘; n T".'' nttomlnl to. E?, n U b , I S£ t l i,°’ **■ Win ■Mnln Rlripl, I'Ob. 27. 1888.—8 m WALKER & CLAI’DY gPRINO SALES Have commenced nl the store of tho undentad In NORTH HANOVER HTR E EI no; 6 8, of all kinds of WARES suited to the wanuol Housokeopers.Hotels.und all contemplailajli! furnishing of their houses. Having just returned from the cities Iheyu prepared to supply all with STOVES of every kind such ns COOK, PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, consisting In part of tho BARLEY SHEAF, NOBLE COOK, ORIENTIAL, PARLOR AND HEATER, also, tbo noted NATIONAL RANGE. They are prepared to furnish those contempt Ing housekeeping, with all things necessary let WELL ItEOULA TED HOUSE, such as TINWARE, of all descriptions, COFFEE MILLS, . SAD IRONS. SPOONS, LADLES, »to. t Ac. ROOFING, SPOUTING JOBBING, and everything in the line of the tinner doneii tho Shortest Notice aud on the Jlfost Reasonable Terex all wares warranted. Give them a callastheyin anxious to exhibit, leollng satisfied that they can convince all that NO. 68, Is tho place to purcbw CHEAP GOODS, and beautiful WARES of all kinds, found i& > tlrst-olnss establishment, RINESMITH «t KUPP, No. CB, N. Hanover street, March 12.1863. Carlisle Pa. jgXPLOSION! GAS will explode when too closely confine, which has recently occttrcd In the tdinja? in • advertisement, that has made Its api