CONSUMPTIVES READ! A Physician, who had consumption for sever* ttl years, with frequent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the profession, when his case appeared hopeless, lie Is the only physician who has used it In his own person, or who has any knowledge of Its virtues; and he can ascribe the degree of health ho now enjoys to nothing but the use of tills medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire oxtlnc* tion of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence In all others, induced him to haz ard the experiment. To thososuircringwllh this malady, ho proflors a treatment which ho confi dently believes will eradicate thcdlseaso. Medi cine forwarded by express. Send for claoular, or call on DR. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 N. Tenth Street, Phita. Doc. 5, 1807—ly SCROFULA, IN ALL ITS FORMS, CAN BE CURED BY USING THE Samaritan's The Great “ Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's Blood “ Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's Purifier “ Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's and remedy “ Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's for ** Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's Scrofula “ Root and Herb Juices. Samaritan's and all “ Root and Herb Juices.' Sdmfirltan's Eruptions “ Root and Herb Juices.' Samaritan's of the " Root and Herb Juices.’ Samaritan’s Skin. "Root and Herb Juices.' There is not another remedy known to equal tills for the euro of Syphllus, Ulcers, Sores, Scrof ula, In all Its forms, Totters, Scales. Boils, Mercu rial Diseases and eruptions of the Skin. This Is no experiment; it is a well tested remedy In the united States Hospitals, where those diseases ns sumed their worst forms; mild cases soon yield six bottles will cure any case. It Is u common saying, “ I have tried everything without effect. To such wo say, use the Samaritan Root and Herb Juices, and If it falls to cure any disease of the blood or skin, your money will bo refund'od by our agents. Price 81.25 per bottle. SAMARITAN’S GIFT, THE MOST CERTAIN REMED YEV R £EI J Sold by H. Havorstlck, Carlisle, Pa. DESMOND & CO.. iV May 2,1807 —ly 015 Race Street Phlla Errors of Youth.— A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prema turo Decay, and all the effects of youthful indis cretion. will, for the sake of suffering humanity send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc tions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to prollt by the ad vortlser’s experience, can do ho by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, •i 2 Cedar Street, Now York May IC, 1807—ly Information.— lnformation guaran teed toproduco a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Ac., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beauti ful, can bo obtained without charge by address lug THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 828 Broadway, New York. May 10,1807—1 y ffldje fWarfects C'urllNlo Flour nnd Grain Market. Carlisll, April 8, 1808. Flour—Family, SIC 00 Now Corn 1 00 Flour—Super 9 00 Oats, 70 Rye Flour 8 50 Clover Seed, 0 50 Wheat—White, 2 5o Timothy Seed, 1 75 Wheat—lied, 250 Now Hay ton 12 00 Rye, Si 10 CarlLslo Provision Market. Carlisle, April S, 1808. •10 Chickens—n pr. COlolM 20 Potatoes—b— 1 $ bus 175 14 Apples—best bus 2 5j 10 Apples—2d bus 2 00 15 Rags 4 Butter, fteg» Lard, Tallow, Bacon—Hams, Bacon—Sides,. Philadelphia Markets. Philadelphia, April 7,1898. Flour.—Prices are well sustained, but there is less doing iu the way of sales. About 1000 bar rels were disposed of, m small Jots, at SIU a II 75 for common and choice Northwestern extra family; 810 50 a 12 75 for winter wheat do., do ; $lB al5 fur Uvucy, and S 9 alo for extras; and §8 5u a 9 per bbl. for super hue. There is but little Kye Flour here, and it commands SU per barrel. In Corn Meal nothing doing. Grain. —The Market is very bare of good Wheat, and tills description is in good request at very fad prices. Sales ol good red at S 2 so a 285 per bushel, but some holders ask more.- Rye comes m slowly, and sales at 31 85 a 1 90. Corn is In fair req oust, but tno o Hu rings are very light; small sales of yellow at 81 20; u estern mixed at $1 18, an I 2JJJ bushels No. 2 do., at SI 10 a 117. Oats are steady ; 2JJJ basue Is sold at UUc. Seros. —Clovorseed is dull and lower; sales of lo'J bush, at SO 5J u 7 fur Pennsylvania and prime Western uts7 50 a 775 per bush. Timothy is in fair request, with sales at 82 50 a 2 75. FiaxsCed sells at 3 2 90 a 88 per bushel. Whiskey.—Sales are making on terms kept private. iilelu atibectisemeutg. SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS.— Uy virtue of a warrant from under 1 tlie hand ii.jJ seal of the Commissioners ol Cumberland County, and to me directed, the following tracts or lots ol unseated laud, situated in Ciuuoerluud Co. Pa., wui bo sold at public sale, at 1U o’clock, on Monday, tue 6th day of June, XmW, at the Court House, in Carlisle, Coumy aforesaid, or ua much of each tract os will defray the unpaid taxes and costs duo thereon. C. MELLINOCIt, Comky Treasurer. Dickinson Township. A'o. Ac. Own. Tax Due. i\o. Ac. Own. 2\ix Due. 84 Ceotem, Himes .t 15 Newcomer, J. 73 Co., 80 50 7 Bailor, s. (col'd) 63 4 Biloimvn, W. 408 3 Dims, Moses yj 10 Graham, JoUu 302 5 Jacobs George 100 0 Grelst.Mucob 101 10 Jacobs, George 720 70 Groason, James 121 -1 Leas. Ephr'm 45 HUm, F. A. 37u 1 Myers, Waiu'i 140 10 Hemmluger, J. 131 0 Myers, Isaac *OO 101 Johnson, JoUu 2S 31 JlO Gill, Daniel 85 0 Lorow, Adam 12 1. 5 Brough, John 120 7 Loshoy, Lewis i7j -I Bowers, Isaac 27 000 Moore, Alfred 21 0j 0 Myers, Israel 03 9 Myers, Cyrus 3UO Myers. U. ' 50 3 Mentor, M. or N. I Uii 5 Mouiorf, Isaac 120 9 Moutiord J. d: 11. 675 o Meals, Jeremiah 114 3 M’Creary, Win. Usl 23 Sowers, Paul 111 3 Siallsiuiltl, Jno, 31 Id Sterner, j.0rJ.L225 200 Woods. S. (Uelrs) 010 8 Witherspoon, N. 03 5 Wolf, Jacob is 5 Albert, Widow 81 17 Young, A, 13u 10 Jacobs, Cyrus 71 20 Garner, Jacob 452 0 Myers, V. 84 1 Soars, John H. 500 31 .Myers, Chas. 131 15 Cocitley, Noah 73 10 s layers, Philip 32 0 Huutz, Aaron 10 42 11 Beecher, Jacob 100 5 Lough, John 100 5 Ebert, John 112 52 Myers, Henry 13 30 5 NoUsiuger, J 3o 9 Shoatler, David 244 South Mid 15 Albright, Jacob 812 1 Brownawell, G. 75 27 unml, Jacob 2 33 19 Corbet. J oim 1 2j 5 Cart, William 13s 7 Johnson, Joim '153 2 Kaufman, D. 1 uo 20 Leu man, saiu'l 2i 40 Myers, A. B. 30 15 Nailor, Alex. 1 22 o Lorow, David IM 5 Moore. Wm. Sr. (Brandt,j 3 87 5 Biteman, Dau’l 41 15 Goodyear’s Heirs, Idleton, 0 Ltolllngor, A. 79 10 Holllnger, D, 92 13 Morrison, John 12 8 Moore, Alfred 029 21 Price uud Han cock, 3 50 17 Shnver, Jacob C. 1 90 10 Smith, John W. 3 85 U Woistz’s Heirs, 213 0 Ward, James 1 8o 10 Zeiglor, Abm. 338 11 Burnitz, 28 1 Glenn, Patterson 50 11 Miller, John 70 Mifflin. 91 Blddlo, E. M. 87 290 Koontz, Isaac 207 13 Fulton, James 17J 13 Kindly, H. 73 101 Eboriy, Christ. 1382 17 Miller, Samuel 107 100 Kusor, Alex. 565 22 Rhoads, Johu P. 151 4 Patton's, Venus 19 Westufer, tsam’J 2 o 0 Halra. 11 5 Arnold, Sam’! 81 551 Rhoads, Long and 90 Bnekor, Arch. 158 Eoorly, 12 9 23 Woodburn, A.S. 71 1,000 Woudimru, JM2O 1 Carlisle. 1 Caldwell’s Heirs, 70 ( y Wahl, George 15 bhippensburg Township. 4 Speeco, Samuel 190 Penn, 62 Boltzhoover, J. (Bentz,i 2-12 100 Galbraith, T. M. BDo 25 Seanghl, P. W. 48 6 100 Shock & Sons, 5 72 USollenborger, J. 2Ui 32 Duncan, David 7t la HoUmger. D. 12< OHolllnger, Jacob ih 15 Miller, Henry 4 75 8 Bishop, hillz. 180 23UMoore, JohustonBo3 5 Melllnger, John 3 60 11 Shank, Martin 6(1 00 Weaver, Unas. 5 40 2U Carver, Peter 4 40 iW Trego; Levi 2 40 20 Thrush, B. 2 GO Mechani I Waggoner, P. S. 28 | ncsburg. | 3 Shorbnn, Henry 150 xkford. II 8 Ahl, Peter A. 48 ' 27 Battrum. Sam’l 61 • I u Forbes, A. (heirs) 18 ji44 Heberllg, It. 1 00 Fran I 3 M'Cullough, J. 11l 18 Dunbar, John 11>I 7 Clay, Jno. theirs) 2,'| 21 Heuimluger, John 2oi SO Nallor, Barnoy 8b Silver Spring, 8 Basohoro, Peter . 61 lOShcrbuu, J. G. 112 8 Erb, Benj. 84 2 Hoover, John 170 5 Glelm.jG, (heirs) 2- 4 Kiotzler, J. Jr. 100 40 Stayman, M. C. 22i Middlesex. 12 Geese, George 42 5 Kissinger, Peter 21 130 Humerlch. C. P. 023 7 Knpp, Devi 31 6 Cralu Dr. Jos. 20 I Miller, Jacob 10 6 Coble, D. (belts) ol Egolf, John 100 North Middleton . 00 Bloaer, Wm. 2 011 3 Dawson, M. 270 East Fennsborough. 00 Seller, Dr, Wm. 8210 | Mumma, Snui’l 33 Newton. 2 Waggoner, J. T. 8111 Middleton, Wm. 102 I Kladig, (bolra) 55 1 Stoutler, J. M. 20 1 Klndig, Sam’l . 16 I ttundorsou, Jos. 00 1 M'Cune, Ham’l 2o) Hopewell. 4 Sbarno, Sam’l 22(50 Sharpe, M. 100 65 Sharpe, J. M. D. X wlls’M’Cune, J. (heirs) 8l West Fennsborough, M’Kinney, P. (heirs) 76 April 0,1808.-fil • JHeto aiibettisemcuts. 1868. SPRIN ? ! 1868. As the delightful season of SPRING has Just j opened. LEIDICH & MILLER, Have Just opened an unusually largo supply of BEAUTIFUL GOODS, suited to the season, and now roady for Inspection. A GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS SILKS, In nil IUo now colors and shades. BLACK SILKS of every grade and quality. All the new styles and colors of desirable DRESS GOODS For Walking Suits, such ns GHANA MOHAIR POPLINS, PLAIN-MOHAIR’ POPLINS, STRIPED .t PLAIN MOHAIRS COLORED ALPACAS, COLORED VELOURS, FRENCH PERCALES, SCOTCH Ol NO HA MS, FRENCH CHINTZES, And many other goods for the season. SPRING SHAWLS, SPRING SACQUES AND MANTLES All the new styles and colors of SILK PARASOLS For Laldlcs Misses nnd Children, Please do not forget the fa«t that LEIB 1C R is MILLER Ahvai/s have the largest aud »»l Carlisle, Pa., uuunded on Uiu Lust by soutu iiuuover street, on me south by Mm. Grove, on Hie West ami North by A. H. iihiir, containing in loot In Irontou booth Hanover street, and I:J2 leut in depth, bo the sumo more or leas, having therfeou a Two-rtlorj 1 ' FIIAJUS DWELLING HuLsK, and Fmmo Kitchen, Hog Pen, Corn Crib and other outbuildings, sensed and taken in execution us the propel ly of Stephen Keepeis. A LOT OF GROU.NO situate In llio Borough oi Carlisle, Climb. County, bounded ou the Wwl by Giisou Knotties’ heirs, on the North by West Chapel alley, ou the Cast by Jacob i,uoys heirs, uiul ou the South by aouth street, containing m loet in fronton Couth street, uudiiiu loci in depth, more or less, having thereon erected a rwo-Ctory BRICK IIOUCC and driclt Kitchen, Wash Idolise, Ac. Seized and taken in exeeuuou us the pro perly of John C. Connelly. To bo sold by mo JUS.C. THOMPSON, Hhcnff. Sheriff's Offick, Carlisle, March U> lotto. Conditions.—Uu all Males of $.500 or over,sso will bo required to bo paid when the property Is stricken off, mid $25 on all sales under $5OO. March 10. loiw—ts. piANO FOHTEB! CHICKERING & SON’S. ESTABLISHED 1823. To afford tin opportunity to those persons de sirous of oouuuum a bUPEUIOII PIANO, the Special Agent of the ai>uve Well Known house will exhibit and oll'ef lur sale FOR A FE W D AYS .ONLY, a CHOICE ASSOKTMENT of these.! US I'LY cele brated Instruments at NO. 32, EAST MAIN ST., nearly opposite the “Cornmnn House,” where all are Invited to call and examine whether wishing to purchase or not. ULU PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. E. 11. OSBUUN, Apl. if Special Ay'l/or Chickcriny »0 Son's. p U B IN C HALE DOi; BLI NO G AP WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS PROPERTY. This celebrated SUMMER RESORT in the Blue Mountain iiungc, eight miles north-west of Now vllle, Cumberland County, Pa., will by sold at the Court House, ni Carlisle, Pa., oil FRIDAY, APRIL 10, into, by order of the Court of Common Pleas oi said County, uudor proceedings in partition. The grounds contain about 89 acres 92 perches. Tile uunditigs are about 150 feet m length, by 50 hi width, with a wing of about 50 feet, with hot and cold water baths,and Urst-clussuccommoduLions lur 300 visitors. These springs are within eigln hours ride ol Washington, Baltimore, Phll.uiel pitta and New ioiit, and arc a very popular re sort. Terms op Sale.—Twenty per cent, when pro perty is stricken off, the balance on Ist April, lodO.wlth interest, to be secured by recognizance. Purchaser to pay tuxes lor l&n8. Deed ami pos session given 2oth April, IbOs. Sale to commence at lu o'clock, A. M. March 10. IKRS.—It S. 21. COVLE. WSI. SCOTT COYLE, QO YLE&CO., Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Goods and Stationery. All orders will receive prompt attention. No. 11, South Hanover street, Carlisle. iHTAgeulsfor thoClmmheraburg Woolen Mill March 19,1808.—1 y TO SELLINGS, JgUJN FOR ALL!! Full Instructions by which any person, male or female, cau master the great art of Ventriloquism by a few hours’ practice, making a world of fun, uud after becoming experts themselves,cun teaou others, thereby making it a source of income.— Full instructions sent I>y mail lor 50 cents. Hat isfaction guaranteed. Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y, May 10. Ih(i7—ly Financial statement of s. h. GOULD, TREASURER OF THE BOROUGH OF CARLISLE, FOR THE YEAH lo(J7-8. DR. To ain’t roo'd from Carlisle Deposit Bunk on notes discounted, » 00 To cash rec’d from Samuel Wetzel, Sr., collector for ioOO, 720 70 To cash reo'd from Abr’m Deilufl, Esq., Hues, 1 00 To cash reo'd from Jos. C. Thompson, Esq. Sheriff, distributive share in Mechanics Lem of Borough oi Car lisle mJ. Weaver, 17 32 To cash rec’d fxom Market Stalls and Market master, 1120 72 To cash rac'd from Exhibition licen ses, 134 00 To ain't of Duplicate of ISC7. $5105 04 To ain't of Exonerations, 171 51 To ain’t outstanding, 520 87 6092 38 4472 CO To cosh reo’d from J, Campbel,Chief Burges, lines, Col'd Coverlids CK 81,4367 W Paid John Kramer, St. Commissioner. and employees, 82065 44 Paid A. L. Sounder, Treasurer Carlisle Gas and water Co., iOOO qo Paid Campbell & Henwood and others for plumbing and repairs to plugs, 200 60 Paid Sum 1 ! Wetzel, Sr., and Henry L Hooker, for revenue stamps. 21 B 8 Paid Simon Smith and J. vt J. Bosler, for Bluoksmithing, so 07 Paid D. U. Keller and others. Interest on Borough bonds, 624 00 Paid interest on Judgment of Mrs. Warden, w Bor. Carlisle, 30 00 Paid Wm. Barmtz, interest on Boro’ bond, 22 02 Paid Carlisle Deposit Bank, discount on notes, 231 48 Paid Joseph Shurap, for mason work ami laying crossings, 120 50 Paid Bratton »t Kennedy for printing, 184 25 Paid Sum'l Wetzel, Jr. for damages fu opening street. ->o 00 Paid Ephrlum Wetzel for damages in opening street, 20 00 Paid J. M. Weakley, Esq., professional services In arson cases, 150 00 Paid A. B. Sharp, Esq., profess’iial scr vices In arson cases, 150 00 Paid A. K. lihuem for services of De tective, j«o 00 Paid Peter Spahr for holding election In East Ward, 10 00 Paid Jacob Bretz for holding election In West Ward, 10 00 Paid David Slpe for Book Case for the Weigh House, 3 00 Paid Beelem & Brother for Lumber, 9 75 Paid Geo, & A. Beetom, repairing Mar ket House, 59 32 Paid Patrick Madden, denning spring, IJ7 50 Paid G. L, Goueher and others posting ordinances, 1 25 Paid Ephrium Steel, winding and regu lating clock, , *jo 00 Paid w. B. McCommon, street regnla ting, 12 00 M A D I 1 II •) r»TS a N J) * h u E> n OX T O K s S>ijcntf’s Sales. -ALSO— -AIjSU —ALSU- HfltsceUaucous. JUS. U. THOMPSON. Sheriff vJ said County, JOBBERS IX Paid Jonathan Zelglcr and others for stono, 65 72 I’ald A. Marl In, sorv’g election notices, 2 HO Pufd Jus. Wldner, serving election no tices. Ac., t>o Paid Walker A Claudy, repalr'g Grave Yard Wall, 12 75 Paid James Annstong, making Boro’ duplicate Tor ISU7, 20 00 Paid J. G. .strung for ton maps, flu 00 Paid J. U. Strong for surveying. 20 oo Paid Jas. Louden and A. M. Piper for stationery, 15 72 Paid A. Khmclmrt, St. CommUaluner for 302 20 Paid A. S. Lino and others, repairing gas lamps. Il'2 -13 Paid 11, D. Wood A Co. for fire plug and freight. 43 OS Paid John Campbcl, telegraphing, 3 07 Paul It. McCartney, expenses in arson citsos, 10 40 Paid extra appropriation to Good Will Fire Co,. 300 00 Paid extra appropriation to Cumber land FlroCo., 500 00 Paid L. A. Line for trees. 5 00 Paid Gardner A Co. for castings, 31 05 Paid Wm. Fenlcal and others for work and repairs. 27 70 Paid Henry Haxton for hardware and tools, IS 10 Paid Cumberland Fire Co. annual ap propriation, 31 00 Paul H. Goodyear repairs to pump, 1 25 Paid Jollerson Worthington, 2 0s Paid Mr. Bucher and others stall rent refunded, 7 25 Paid A. Del-lull*, qualifying council, 275 Paid John Campbell, expenses In arrest for arson, 21 17 Paid Ham’! Wetzel, Sr., lax refunded, 3S Paid H. 11, Gould, salary as Borough , treasurer, 125 nj Paid A. S. Lino, salary as market mas ter, 200 Oft Paid John Kramer, salary as St. com rnsssloner, 40 00 Paid Mathew Neely,salary ns assistant St, commissioner 40 00 Paid Wm. Crozler, salary as high con stable,- 400 00 Paid Geo. Taylor, salary as janitor and lighting clock, 611 00 Paid S. D. Hampton, 4th quarters sala ry as secretary to council. 27 00 Paid Win. B Hut lor, Esq., attorney to council and professional services, 25 00 Paid note In Carlisle Deposit Bank, SX) 00 Paid note In Carlisle Deposit Bank, 1500 00 Paid cupons on Borough bonds, 1410 (H) Paid U. U. Holler, palnt’g weigh scales, s 00 Paid Geo. First, E Swart*, H. Glpp, L. Minleh, G. Myers and Patrick Mad den, for police service during the ' year, 2357 2s Paid John Strlngfellow, salary as Jani tor lo grave yard, 50 00 Paid E. I). Quigley, salary as secretary to corporation, 130 00 Paid Empire Hook and Ladder Co., an nual appropriation. 3100 Paid John Campbell for badges and Hatties for police, 23 50 Paul a. K. Itheom for Printing. 72 00 Paid R. 11. Gould, services In settling Samuel Wetzel’s account, 15 DO . JU.iXiti r,7 Balance In Inmdß of treasurer, 81 33 8H.0G7 90 Statement of S. H. GOULD, Treasurer oj the Borough of Carlisle, of the Bounty ‘ account for the gear 18G7 and ’6B. DR. To ain’t roc'd from Sam’l Wetzel, Hr., collector for IKOfl, 1917 27 To ain’t rec'd from Henry L. Heckor, collector for 1597. S92fi 77 To ain’t rcc'd from Andrew Kerr, col- lector for 1*65. IIM 07 To ain’t rec'tl from Jacob Rheem, trea surer for IhWJ, 1101 -1,» CR. Paid bounty bonds and Interest on sumo, 82090 (>0 Paid Carlisle Deposit BUnk Inlerestou boun ty note, Ml 27 Paid Carlisle Deposit Bank on account of bounty note, l. Darkness, Lee it Bro., .*>. M, Hoover, lumber ami coal, 11 7 U 0 A. 11. Uluir, do 11 15 00 Deluneey A Shrom, do IJ 10 ou J. A. Wetzel & Co., Hour and feed, 11 7 00 A. U. Ewing, furniture, l-l 7 UU H. Rhoads. do . 14 7 00 John Llzmai;, do 11 7 (hi Fredrick Cornmnn, do 11 700 UavldSipe. do 11 7 00 Halbert A Shapley, do 14 700 J. R. Tribler, ugt., merchant tailor. It 7 oo J.A, Eaklus, do 11 7(h) N. tluutch, do 14 7 00 I. Dorner, do M 7 00 [.Livingston, do 11 TOO rf. Arnold, clothing, 14 7 00 A.G.Lecliler, do 11 7 LHJ E. B. Leonard, Jr., do la 10 oo I. W. Smiley, do 14 7 0J A. Lehman, do 14 7 00 A. M. Piper, books, 11 7 oo J. Loudon*,* do 11 7 00 George Yocum, confectionary, 14 700 R, S. Hughes, do 14 7 00 Mrs. S. M. Kiefier, do 14 7 00 J. 11. Rheum «t Co., do 14 7 00 Coyle & Co., notions, 14 7 00 Mrs. Rosoubcrger, do H 7 00 J. Hutton, fancy’goods, 11 7 Oo A. H. Miller, do 14 7 oo J, P. Noll’, do 14 7 00 J. Irvin, boots and shoos, 12 10 00 F. C. Fleming, do 14 7 00 .Sputawoud A Kerby, do 11 7 00 P. Rellenberger, do 14 7 0o J. u. Gardner, do 14 7 00 \V. C. Diveu, do 14 7 00 W. M. Porter, do 14 7 00 U. Plank, do 14 7 00 G. Ensmlngcr, leather, 14 7 0o J, G.Cftllio, hats and furs, 14 7 00 J. lioaz, do .1. A. Kellor, do H. Saxton, hardware, Miller & Bowers, do H. Heysmger, watches and Jewelry, 14 7 00 W. U. A. Nuugle, do 14 7 00 T, Coitlyn, do 14 7 00 F. C. Cramer, do 14 7 00 Cormnun & Worthington, drugs, 14 7 00 Mrs. C. Elliott. do 14 7 00 D. Ralston, do H 7 00 ilavorstlck Bro., do 12 12 50 L). Cornrnan. do 14 7 00 John Campbell, sewing machine*, 14 7 oo Mrs. ueker, do 14 7 00 C. L. Luchman, do 14 7 00 Mrs. M. Nell', mlllluery, 14 7 00 Mrs Chenoweth, do 14 7 00 Mrs. hi. Williams. do H 7 00 J. c. Lenher, photographs, 14 700 Mrs. It. A. Smith, do 14 7 00 Samuel Eusmlnger, robes, 14 7 00 W.Clepper, do 14 7 00 Walker Claudy, stoves, 14 700 William Fridley, do 14 7 00 ■ Hlnesrullh it Rupp, do 14 7 00 Jacob Martin. baker, 14 7 00 William Sellers, do 14 7 00 Peter Miller, do 11 7 00 101 50 Mrs. A. M. Fredericks, do 14 700 Dosh do Turmoil it Klmbell, groceries, u. K. Duke, do ft. Myers, do .I.Kemo, do .M. M. Angle, do l*ague itfteidei'.s, do Mci'uersou it Co., hardware, tiruUiil A liollur, do J. C. Aitic, drugs, U. K. Keller, do U. W. Crofl, bools und shoes? I J . ft. Arlz, do J. 11. Co»e, do W. Clark, confectionary, ft. C. liollur, do ’ sv. 11. liollur, do L. Kostnuuglit, do ftheaier it oiulr, inercliant tailors, Landis it Uender, do J. Bridges it Sou, do J. M. ftuuley, do T. I*. illuir, produce, W. T. a. Jamison & Co., do •Morrow A Eilckiuger, do Lougittiisli, * do Luwion o Samuel Wolf, do 11 7 00 C. Keep, furniture, 11 7 00 Philip Clepper, confectionary, 11 7 00 J.lleckmun, do l-l 7 00 Mrs. K Hurlzoll, groceries, 11 7 0U U. (Joesuman, Hour and feed, U*‘ 7 00 J.Zlgler, do 11 7 no Samuel Wolf, drygoods, 11 7(h) David Myeis, do 14 7 50 Gardner A Myers, do 14 7 W Henry Oclcer Ernest A Co., Peter Garber, George Reelcm, Jacob Washlngor, drygoods, 14 700 Clever A Earnest, do 14 7 00 Junnlvyle, do 11 7 uo S. Miller A Son, do 14 7 Oo J. M. Heir A Co., do 14 7 no John Munch, groceries, 14 : no ileberlig a Hon, do 11 7 0u Samuel Mutch, boots and shoes, 11 7 hi Mrs. M. A. Walker, coniectiouary, 11 7 w 1 William Lewis, variety, 14 7 no Manning A Uro.,. produce, 10 2n no ll. Snyder, do 10 20 no Watts & Sharp, do 11 15 0) J.iL-J.JI ii it rah, do 9 25 no Huisli A Uro;, do 11 15 ou C. 11. Horn, marketing, 11 7 Ou Jacob Sltizel, do 11 7 On W. IfeefMiy der, do 11 7 uo 1). W. Silencer, Hlovea, It 7 00 Graham a Morrow, dealers, 11 7no SOUTHAMPTON. • W.C. Clark, drygoods, JJ 7 i«J I. Hirohm, do 13 10 Uo D. S. Croft, do 14 7 UJ J. A l’o., do 14 7 00 U. Clever, do 11 7 00 J. Waisn.llli, do li 7 00 M. A. Sinner, do 14 TOO WEST PKNNSROROI (HI. Jacob llnndshow, dry goods, !•! lo 00 J.U. Weaver, do 13 10 Uo Kro.>ei a Durr, do 11 7 uo J S. Curotliers, produce, U 10 00 L. J. Sliumbaugh, do l| 7 ou W. U. Rramlon, do 12 10 00 Jaeoo Wolf, groceries, li 7 00 T. Hess. marketing, il 7 00 P. Hess, do 14 7 00 William Bishop, do 14 7 00 east pennsbouough. W. O'Banks a Son, diy goods, l:j 10 00 John Gloshuer, do . 15 lo 00 iN’lcitlous a Bowman, do 14 7 00 J. Longernecker, groceries, 11 700 ll.Ruuiia, Jo u 10 00 E. W. Smllhors, do 11 7 00 S. L. Hummel, do 1< 7 00 Irvin Aluinm, produce, II 15 Oo Zaclmrlua a Son, do 14 7 UU May A Co,, do II 7 Ou .Martin a Co., lumber, Il 7 00 G. oyster, do U 7 00 K. llummell, no M 7 00 A. Ebner, furniture, 14 7 ihi N. Hood, sloven, 14 7 O 0 Hampden. D. Rupp, dry goods, 1;: 10 00 E. W. ,t G. Wise, do Ki 10 01 1 J. 11. .Murray, do il 7 im D. I*. Lighlner, do 14 7 (.«» J. M Teiuplm, groceries, Il 7 01 C. Templiu, runuluro, • 11 700 D. Hupp, .produce, Il 700 SILVER SPRING. J. B. Leldlch .t Eberly, dry goods, 11 700 Urns A Lamb, tlo 12 12 50 .Loose a Ewalf, do is lo 00 J. B. Nause tlo 11 7 00 Burkholder, do II 7 iH) J. a. Rigger, confecllonary, u ; 00 W. W, sv anbuugh, furniture, 14 700 J. B. loddigA Bro., produce, |:i 10 no MIDDLESEX. J. ILSwiler, drygoods, J. C. Gill, groceries, MIFFLIN. J. M. Waggoner, groceries. 14 7 00 14 7 00 0 25 00 10 20 00 Alexander a Woods, dry goods, DISTILLERS AND BREWERS. J. W. Whaler, Newton, EATING HOUSES, John Meloy, Mechunlcsburg, b 5 00 P.spldle, Silver Spring, s 5 ou George Murphy, Newtoif. 8 5 00 Mrs. u. ?hupp. South Middleton, 8 5 00 J. skinner, smppeuuburg, b 5 no BILLIARD SALOONS. Capt. E. P. Zhm. Mechunlcsburg, 411 imj Jacob Hippie, Carlisle, .pi ot) Appeal lo be held at the Court House, in Car lisle, on the4ih llih, lath and 25th days of April, iooa, at which lime all persons aggrieved will bo heaid. PETER A. PLANK. April 2, 1553. —4t Mercantile Appraiser. NO. 3. MA.NKJSB-B 3. Tnr ISVW Cncrry and Hoarhound Cough candy. Tills unrivaled COUGH CANDY-ha* gained for iluelta icpuuuion second 10 none,us u lemedy lor Cougus, Colds, and AUectlousoi the Lungs. Certlllcules ol cures are continually coming in.— Eminent physicians pronounce it the Best and rtAKKSf lemedy loi the cureol COUGUS. COLDS, CIvDUP.SUitE IHKOAT, ASTHMA or PliTHlrs ]C, IN FLAMATION OF THE LUNGS, «tc., &c.— Puullo speakers will htul this article especially useful, it keeps the throat clear, strengthens the lungs, and gives tone to the voice, 'inis article is prepared in three dllTeient ways. No. 1 Is mild and especially adapted lor children; No.2lsstilt mure strong and powerful, used lor ordinary coughs and colds; No. 3 is adapted and used Inr iilLciiuns of the lungs and consumption. .Manufactured by A. BANKER, Thlid street, above North, Harrisburg, Pa. Mold everywhere, by principal Druggists, confectioners and Gro omers. [Apl. 2,’OH.—it] WANTED. —A smart active boy, 13 or 14 years of age, to assist In a store. Ad dict, P.O. BuX 113. (Apl. 2, "W.—3l] HI O LET . —Eleven acres of excelled t J_ ground. In two cuolosurcs.udjolniug Carlisle barracks. Apply to EMMABANNO, March 25.—41* Ao. 37 Kati Lmuiher street. Ii 7 00 U 7 UO U 7 00 II 7 oo 11 7 UO 11 la UO !» Hi UO 11 7 00 U 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 U 7 UO 11 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 N 7 UO II la 00 11 la 00 12 10 50 11 7 00 !> Hi 00 0 Hi 00 0 Hi UO 11 l.i Oil M 10 00 It 7 00 II 7 i*o 11 7 0.1 11 7 <*o 11 T (M) i i m :m II 15 'M lit 20 00 1:1 10 00 11 l.i 00 U 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 U 7 oo U 7 00 U 7 00 II 15 00 1.1 JO 00 M 7 O*J 1-1 7 01 K 7 00 U 7 'JO M 7 Ou 11 7 00 11 7 00 U 7 00 W 7 00 II 7 00 U * 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 U la 00 12 12 50 1.1 10 00 II 15 00 10 20 OJ 111 10 00 14 7 UO U 7 00 11 7 00 1-1 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 U 7 oO 11 T 0.1 11 7 00 15 (V) 10 00 15 uo 10 00 HO 00 lo 00 25 (X) 7 ou 7 00 no oo 12 12 50 M 7 00 2U 00 15 00 7 0o DICKINSON, PENN. dry goods, H 7 00 II 7 00 Il 7 00 14 7 00 NEWTON. 14 “ 7 00 14 . 7 00 FKANKFORD. i» no 23ra ®floUs, rjIHECEIKBRATED CORSET. The STAR CORSET, which 1b fast becoming the standard corset of America, 1h manufactured without Seams passing through the goods, which remedies the great difficulty of hand made Cor* sets—ripping; also, oh the material Is thoroughly shrunk before being mndo up, causes them to re tain their symmetry much better than the Ger man, Woven, or French Corset, and a* for fit. comfort und ease, far excels. L. T.,GREENFIELD, I’JXCL VXIVU AGtiN’J\ NO. 4, EAST MAIN STREET, C A It I. 1 S L E . P A DOMESTICS! DOMESTICS! Notwlth.nundlug the late advance In fwj.m Goods GREENFIELD, AT No. 4 EAST MAIN STREET. Is now prepared to olTer some RARGAJNR In all kind? of DOMESTIC GOODS Do you want a handsome Calico at 12% cents? If so, go to No. 1, you will and It. One case of the most popular makes bleached Shirting Muslins, bought before the late advance, will bo sold for 20 cents, worth 25 cents. GINGHAMS 12% 1(1, 20 and 25 cents. TICKINGS! TICKINGS!! Now Is the time to buy them. Our entlrestock 77C/r/*V(?, W m. Clarke, .•'iimilfl iiail^lllllllU. Win. IS. Mulnii, .1 ol i.*illlllil iluimou, uavui Uei ur. rilleii Jlupley, J. W. Leuliy. Ue.\uiuicr ivllnk .lull ii C. Keener U«u. K. iuu-y, Culp, JllL-UO ClUtjUfll J. W. I'uir. John Fuhci. Henry I'nhly c‘. I*. itckelN, 11. K. Ueller, CUrbilluu Klmller, AmicoH' J. iJjur, I'.liii.i I/omiuily, tluijeceu Luunu<;h. UUVUI liliU'lC, i ttuuUuru Junes, , iiionms iIL-itli-uiipor, Fnuilcford toviihliip, .-juimiuel K. Ulovu, Upper Alien iL,liiu> Uuud, Luvvur Allen Juim .Mcjuy March IS). ImW. —tc IJIUHJL AM AT ION.-W licreas tliu X Hun. Juiiiim 11. Urulium, President Judge v>l i..e sev eiai uitiiTh ul Common Picas ol 1 lie cuiin ol v umiieriaml, Perry, uud Juniuia, ami jas- UCl’Ji <*l lilt' .SUU'IUI I'uurin Ol oyer Ullll UTlllltHM and Oeiieiai .luil Uflivt-O' m said counties, and i. i*. limn uiiii 11. Jstaal I, Associate Judges ol tne L'mirl-sul oyer and Terminer ami Jmi nonvery lor me trial ol mi capital uml oilier oiK-imer-,. iu mu auui comity ol tumiiia land, by liieir pie eeuls lo inu tinecled, baled, Hie IJUI day ol Juiiuaiy, A. L»., 'l&ovi, Have ordered me v oiiri ol uyer and ierminer ami General Jail la?- uvery lo be huitleu at Oniisle, ou me -ii Alou iiay oi Apiil, ii'iw, (being lue lam day,; ai iu o'clock in lue lore noun, lo eoulllllie two weeks. Police is iieieliy given lo lue ouionei, Justice* «>| Hie Peace, ami CuiimaUa'.i oi Uie Mini* eouucy ol Cumberland, Uml Uiey me by (normal pieeept eolimiunued lo be ilieii uml Uiere in Lneii pioper peisoim, Willi Uieir lulmpecoius,and iiJipusiUoiis, examinations, and all otiiei lemeiaUrames, iu do Llione Hungs wiucii lo 1 lieu - ollices appei lam lo be .nine, ana all liiose Uml uie liuuuu by reeog limuicus, lo prosecute against I Vie pi isoneis Uml are or men ntiuli be in me dud ol said eoitn- IV,are lo be Uieie lo pioseeiife lin-m in snail be XUU.WI'^'J.b. March o. Ibis,—to ijf\ NUTICE. —Police in hereby given ilmL uppliealloli will be made lor me meoipuiu ..w.i ol a UaliK ul' 1-ieposil, UiMiuiml uml cneula- Uuii, under meauthoiily ol Uie Ariel Assembly , approved .May Ist. lolli, to be locaied In mil lisie, otiaibeimiid County, l a., and Lo be called Uie "furmern Bank,’’ wall a capdai ol liny ihou bund iiulilira, a an Uie pi 1% liege ol mci easing I lie same looiie humitoi inollMti.d dolinis, UUBKIU UIVH..N, U .M. il. .ulUJill, C. I*. ilUMHltlcll. CAULI W.AiiC, J. C. iIUFf lilt, Au.MiK I'UUJJAn PAXTON, AIXUA.M UU.MIK, JACUU Nur IoINuEK, .Tl'., I»A\ U' IiLIJvJ.Js. Jun. 30, laiia.—uni Dissolution oe I’aut.nkk olliP.—Notice IS heieby given Una me pin l- nereloloiu existing between Uie Under signed, under the name and sly iu ol .'Minili A /angler, nas mis day been dissolved by inuuim consent, ine books will be lei lul men oMsluioi a here all peisos indebted me reipiesled lo tub uumeduileiy and Heine. Mho business will-ne cmried on ny* Joseph/.cigler, ul the old slimd. reb. lUlsO.s. WAI. 11, M.Mliil. .IO.SEPIi /.h.iU l.l'-U. March a. ISGS. 1 Gl, DISisULUTION Ob’. PAUT N KU - rjlllP.—The paruiershlp herelolotc existing At 1.i.-ai.s .v U1.1.W as produce dealers, Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent ol bolh parlies. The books, accuunis, Ac. will be lell in the hands ol K. AUdsb.V, lor col lection, All poisons indebted will make settle ment us soon us possible, 'i'liu business will be earned on as hoi elolore by KuliT A i.lJ.suN, ai Lite old lod.S.— CL So/l Fitiftih Ctmb’t, NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on me estate oi Tij.-im XV hitcolube, deceased, lute of Monroe township, Imvu bed) gi anted to the under signed ivmdiug In the Kamo township. All persons Indebted fi Kind estate mu requested to make payment immediately, and those having claim* against said estate will uiko present them XuiMoo?:*, Marvli M, IfttW.—(Jt, NOTICE. —Notice is liereby given that letters Testamentary on the estate of Dau , —Ot \TOTICE. —Notice is hereby given Unit Xs Letters of Administration on me estate ol John Cocklin. deeeased, late ot salver s-j raig twp., have been granted to John liobbol same twp., and Molelioir Brlckerof Monroe twp. All persons Indebted to kulil estate are requested to make payment Immediately, and those hav lug ehilms will pieKimt them for set lleinent. JOHN JiOltH, MKLCHOIU HICKKU. March . r », ISfi**.—lit Admniutrutor*. NOTICE. Notice i.s Jiercby given iluit Letters of Administration on (lie estate ol S'limnel Cedilla, deceased, lute ot Stiver spring twp,, have been grunted to the undersigned i esm mg in same twp. All persons indented to said estate are requested to make payment immedi ately, and those having claims will pieseni them sorKdtiemenl. MAlh COCKLIN', JOHN HOBlt, March &, ISA's.—Ot Adminutyalors. mHE FARMER’S RANK, OF CAR- L LISLE. PENNSYLVANIA, Recently organized, has been opened, for the transaction ol a general bunking business, tn the corner room of 11. Given* new building, on the North West corner of High street and the Centro Square. The Directors hope by liberal ami careful man agement to make lids a popular Institution, and a safe depository for all who may favor the oank with their accounts. Deposits received and paid hack on demand. In terest allowed on special deposit, Gold, Silver, Treasury Notes and Government Bonds, bought and sold. Collections made on all accessible points In the country. Discount day.Tues.iluy. Banking hours, from l» o’clock a. m. to 3 o'clock j>. si. STocKiiocnuus of this karmeu'k bank. .1. VV. Smiley, S. B. Mounts, J. C. Holler, John S. UcUer, John Gutshnll, Curry W. Ahl, David P. Hoover, Jacob H. .Soliz, John McGinnis, Christ Stayinun, Jacob Nolltslngor, John ft. Wl'lef, Charles W, Weaver, J. Dorshelmer, (\ P. Humorlcb, Johirßeetem, John C. llelkt-s, Jacob Huei nor, George Jleikes, Kims Brenneman. Win. Blair, S. Sprole Woods, A. W. llentz, Jacob Bcctem, Jacob Seitz, Win. Barnltz, Christ. Long, Emanuel Line, Jr. W. M. Penrose, Mim’l AbrahlmcH, J. W. Weakley, A. C. Urunlle, Daniel Myers, W, U. Cook, Jacob Witmer, BlUiXToiik. 1L til veil. I’lfsUlent, Win. 11. Miller, Thomas Paxton, David lieikes. John W. i iiuglutai, A. J. Herman, March ild, Inis,—if Abialmm Witmer. District attorn ky.—i respect lully announce to my friends In Cumberland tammy, that 1 wilt bcu candidate at the next el ection, for the otllce of District Attorney, sub ject however to the approval-of the Democratic Convention. '1 will be thankful for the support of mv fellow Democrats, and pledge inyscli, if nominated and elected, to discharge the duties of the office with honesty and fidelity. March 215, 1b33.-lo M. 0. HERMAN, 3Lcgal floticps hotels. Southampton h.wnship. South Middleton silver Spi iny Upper Allen \V. IViuifitmro - UKTAILEKS. i:. NYiud, !*.• >i 11 i Itin-lc. shipjiensbuic Horn. It KST A I.’ It A M TH. ]•:. w-n-d, linin’ i urllsle \V. Ward, Meciiaiucsbiirg Boro. SAMUbIi BIXL.HU, t'tvrk m siuuutij, mu lijlii day «>] Aprn, iooi, uiul ut w.t- am .Cp..i., r tllc .mil Aid Di visions. At luu imice ul me Assistant .vssessot. ul nuuoVei, ou muisday, tnu lulu uuy ol api il, I• • I Hie oid u. > ision. At mu oilico ul me Assistant Assessor m \v iiiusur lowuslnp, on tri nity, mu inn oi April, iur luu sin Division. At vv i igiiisvdie, on .uoiiuay, luu UJiii ul April, uud al luu ollieo ui uiu uepiuy collector, in x oik, t'u., oil luesuay, vvuunesu.ij uml lnursday, Ilium*!, mini unu «om Uu> n ui api u, lor luu otu uud bIP l'i visions. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. At Elmo's lioiei.'undgupoi l, ou I'nday, tbo Ulin Ul Apia, lor iiHial I'cumuuiu" unu UUlilpUeU i<«\\ nsiiips, mid lor it>u unu J'eiiii lowusuips, i'ei i.V comity . A! llee.v's Hotel, CiabUi li, uu &al* inn uuy oi Apm, iur Dowur Anui. iu\» ii.iutp, ami lui' I'ii.iVif.v township, lout Co, •u uiu ouieu ul luu Assistant Assessor, ul ship* ,-ensuing, ou .Uoiula.), iue rdUi uuy ul Apill, lof mu luvwisinps ol .*su.ppu<>suuig. ..uuiliuliiptoU and llupcucii, and luu oolongiis of ouippeusO g and UUtg. Al luu ollleu oi UIU Assistant As sessor at Ac* vine, on ruusdio , Uiu 1-lUi tluy of .tpin, Jui‘ tnu tuWusinps ol .uiiXl.ij, l-iuuxiord, »♦ esl I'uniisuoiu, i'ena uud A union mid Hie Uoioiign ol .New vme. a I imeeins iiuii, carbine, on l> tuiivsUuy unu i liutsua> , tnu iiln ulid lulu ways Apm, lor me lownsnips ol Aoria Mid- Uiuloli, duuin Jlid-ueloh, .iiiuu.useX unu uicltltt* son, unu Uie ol caiiisiu, At tUu Cunuu* iur n ollleu, in .•lec.ialiicsotlig, oil yiouauy uud l uesdu> , luu AH n uml xtst Ua> s ol April, lor mt lowusinps ol ftiivui opting, Upper Ai. uu uud .'loniuf, uml Mccimnlcsuutg iioioUgli, uud Uiu lovvustiipc ol .Munugimu, cm tol, l luiiuiiu, Wash ington uud v\ urr.ugtoii, in I’unt county. RE an y COUNTY. At the office of iho AKsisiuni Assessor, at Lau dmbuig, on \> udnusdui . too loin uuy ol April, lor luu townships ol iuuu, jucUsuu, MuUisoU, oavniu, Xuboj 11a ii.o *....>.ii tf i, ~i ijiudisUuig. .VI luu ollleu ol Uiu Assistant Assussoi, ul *Suw iliouuilluju, ou ihulsduj, Uiu ItilU Hay ul April, iui uiu tovi iisiiips ol apiiug, cm rui, centre, Jam ’ ala and iUseaiolU, and tnu nuioiigu ul AuW mooimiulti. .vuuui s Dolel, .Newport,uu Fri day, mu lull u.iy ol Apr*!, :or Uiu U. wnships of u neutneid,, \\ uus, uutliiiuc, (ilueuwoud, nivuipuoi, uuvui, llovtu, uud luu boroughs of .Nuwporl a lid Divurpool. •CS'On tho KJUi, luh, loth, 16th, 17th and ISlh oi A pi n, col ice.ions Win not oe icceiv ed ut the Col u clots ollice, in he will be an senl lining tne above appointments. T A K E i\ O TICE! By the Law us muended. Mu nil) 2nd, lbo7, par ties lainug to pay at me Uo o specihed uou\e, win meui tuo loduwing expenses:—«u eeuis loi uotiee, and 1 cents pci mn« lor service ol the same, wan u per eenium penally, and mtwiesl ul i per eetiunu per mourn udaiUonul. US'*The above iiieiilloncd places have been se lected us llio most eetiliul m the bcveml Ilivis ions, nut luxes \v il. bo iceeis ed oil tile day ■spcel iim, a I any ol Llie&e points mosl coUN etiieut Iu tnc tux juiyer. \V M. I'o.N.S LLbVh, ioUs.—Jt VuUvciur lixJi iJiunoi i-*a. CUMIiKKLAND VALLEY It. R.- OF iIOUItS. e/ii and idler Alututay, Oci. Ith, 16G0, Passengei I'nuiis win run dully, us luliowa, (auiiduys *x copied;: WESTWARD. Accommodation Train leaves Harrisburg 8.-10 A. .M., yteehiimesburg u.ln, Uurllsle y.oi, Xuwvillo, anip|iensb«rg 11.U7, Cliumbeisbuig 1.10 t J . M. OreeueusLiu i.U, arriving ul liugertotoUu _.IU K M. . t. Mad i rain loaves Harrisburg '2.00, P. M.-Mechan icsbuig a.ew ioi’it ami Philtidelpliia, .Mail Tram leaven Uageistown 3.10, A. il. Urcen ciislle c'lmmbeinburg u. 20, ediippeusbuig w. 65, .Suwvilie 1u.21% Carlisle Ii.OJ, Aleciiuuicnburg ii.a? arriving at Uurrisbuig HMu, P. M. fclxpress Tiuili leaves Hagerstown 12.00 M,, (Jreeuciustlo 12..J0, Cbumbersbuig, tibippeiis umg I.i.'i, Nowvule 2.i0, Carlisle 2.5 a, AJecXnuiies uuig 3.2 b, arriving at HuriLsUmg .'i,,V», P. il. •V Mixed ITuin leaven liugeisluwti 3.06, P. i!., Uieeucustio coo arriving ut Chumbembuig 4,501 •Making close connections at Harrisburg with I'm ms to uml Horn Philadelphia, iow Turk Pittsburg, Bultiuiuie mid Washington. ’ O. N. LULL, i*id Rond Ojfflce, ) &up'i C7ia//i6'y. ud. -ul i, ISG7.J Uel. iu lbU7 IXSUR AN C E. flu) ALLEN AND EAaT PENNSBOUO’ ill -1 UAL PIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, of (Min ucsland county, Incorporated by an act of As sembly, m tiie year IMJ, and having recently had Ms elmrter extended tv tne year i»sy, is now in active and vigorous operation under the MUi.c-r -inieiuJeneu oi the fallowing Board of Manager* • wm R. Oorgas, Chrlstnui Stay man, Jacob Eb-' erly, Daniel Bailey, Alexander Cutiicuri, Jacob li. coover, John Eichelberger, Joseph Wlckerrs Samuel Lbei iy. Kudulph Antrim, Moses Brlcker Jacob Coover and J. C. Duuiap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company ol the kind in the atule. Per sons wishing to become members arc invited to make application to the agents of the Company win* are willing to wait upon them ut any time! i resident—\N . K.UuPOAa>, Eberly'aMills,Cum berland County. V ice President—Chub, ian Stavma.v, Carlisle Secretary—Juli.N C. Ul'.vlaJ', Meetmulcsbuig lreaaurer--IJAi.T£L Bailkv, Dillsuurg, York Co AGENTS. Cmnhcrlnnd County— Joan Sherrlck, Ailou; Hen ry Zeurmg, .Shlremunslowii ; Lafiyette Petfer Dickinson ; Henry Bowman,Chu.entowu ; Mode tintlUh, .South Muldleton ; siuuuul Uruhuiu W PeniisUoro’; Samuel Coover, Mechumcsburg • j' w. Coekim, Sliepherdstown; D. Coover, Upper Allen: J. o. Saxton, Silver Spring; John iiyer Carlisle: V alentino reeman, New Cumberland- Janies McL'unUllsh, Newville, ’ , 1 ork Canity —W, H. Picking, Dover; James Unlllih. \\ umngion ; T. K. Deardurir. WaKhlnt-l Ion; iticbey emru. Duisburg; D. Rutter, KftlK view; John Williams, Canon. tcuuO/ —jiveob lluvtser, Harrisburg. Members oi the Company Having policies about toexpne.eau liave Uiein re.i wed by making fln plleatluu to any oi the ageu.s. * * Due. i i.soT jy/£ K Y Ji It ’ S -VKWLV IMKUoVJiD CRESCENT SCALE OVER STRUNG PIANOS, Acknowledged to Ire tire best. London Rru, .Medal ami high awards m America received. MELODEONS & SECOND HAND PIANOS Wareroom.s.722 Arch hired, below Eighth. Auni lh. Iml.—|y IMilliMlelpluu, pu. yWEJiT BHEaTU tun all: D 11. 1' 0N T AINU’S BALM OF SI Ylt R H I la ft sure remedy for the cure of bud breath, nu mallei irum wiiuL souieo the disease may arise What young lady o'- gent wip not make uu eliuil to li'iautv this dis.igieeuble evil vv.ieii it can be done lor uNL LajLnAlt, sent to your address postpaid, by mall, and a euie guaranteed, or mu* ney lutumlud. An oidersmust be uddresstd to 11. li'Miit. Albany, JS, Isole Ageut lor the Uni* ted States, Mo »u,*oU7—ly JLumlJci ana iEoal. AMJ \AIUJ. i lie subscriber hu%-lng teuacd iho Vard formerly occupied by Armsiruug 4 Uotter. and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMRBER, In tho Yard, together with uu Immense new stock, will have constantly uu hand and furnish to order oil kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, PALING, PLASTERING Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring and \\ eatherboardlng. Posts and Rails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pine, Hem lock, and Oak, of diforenl qualities. Having cam of my own, 1 can furnish bills to order ot uny lengih and size at the shortest notice and on tho most reasonable terms. My worked boards will be kept under cover, so they can bo Airulshed at all times. i have constantly on hand all kinds of FAM ILY COAL, under cover, which 1 will deliver, clean, to any pari of the borough, to wit: Ly kens Valley, Broken Kgg, Btove and Nut. Luke Fiddler, Trevertou, Locust Mountain, laiulterry* which I pledge myself to sell at the lowest prices. Limeburntrra' and iiluckamiUis' (Xml, always uii and, which 1 will sell at the lowest figure. Yard west side of Grammar School, Main Street. Dee. 1. ISOS ANDREW il. BI^AIIL AND COMMISSION HOUSE. Si Feed, Coat, Plaster & J. BEETEM Si BROTHERS having purchased Snyder ANewcumor their extensive Warehouse (Henderson's old stand,) head of High street beg leave to Iniorm the public that will continue Urn Forwarding and uuuiulsaiou business on a more extensive scale than heretofore. The highest market price will bo paid for Flour Grain miJ Produce of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster, Suit and Hay. kept constantly on hand nod for sole. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTA N, L\\YUKRRY,dc..4B Llmebunaors* and Blacksmiths’ Coal, constant *• ly for sale. Kept under cover, uud delivered dry ' to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of i-mn. I ber constantly on hand. J. BEETFM A BROS. Doc I I £64,