iiignimßittal, WHAT IS THE BEST TEMPERATURE OF STABLES FOR WISTERIXU STOCK ? The temperature of stables best adap ted for the health and thrift of animals is scarcely ever discussed. "We do not remember to.have seen any account of experiments zoadc in this country to de termine the point, Some farmers taik about very warm stables as the best for wintering stock, saying that the more ■warmth you get, the less food is requir ed. Others would have stables quite cool, at least at that degree of tempera ture which results from hoarding the sides up and down after the old .-tyle of barns, leaving ihocravksor jointing.- in • tween the boards open. The y contend Unit in such quarter.- -lock come out more healthy and lively in -pring, and that if it does lake a little more fodder, the gain is greater on account of the more robust condition of the animal-. We remember to have heard this mat ter di.-cussed by two exteiiMve and ex perienced dairymen at the meeting of a town club, the one advocating stable.- built with .-tone wall.- ami partly under ground, and the other, -tallies standing high and with the old ia.-hioned siding referred to. The lauerdlsputautreferr ed to some experiment-* which he had made to test the mailer. He had two stables of the de-erintion named —the one -ided up with board- amWbe other with wall.-, a.ul parlialiy under ground, lie divided his .-lock keeping about half in each. TJio-e under uroundl’OibHJ.in 1 the Jea-t Mud, but on fmdilg them out to water, theeohi ;d: -earned In puree th.-m through an.l They wen* .-llivcNng with real even in moderate weather, while\i\e ovu«*v-< -a-eu\.«d warm ami emm w.able. 'ldea aid -pring ho found Tuvin in a weak and mdwallhy condition, and he was eon vinced the ani mals had been kept 100 Warm, lienee ho had abandoned tho "table, and hud never used it after for wintering stock. Of course there are extremes which must he avoided. I r the stable is too cold, there will he u wa.-ac of fodder to kt?op tho fiwvk warm. If (he stable is too warm, theaiiimals will be subject to disease and in had health, and tho lo>- from tho latter evil will, perhaps, over halanee that of the former. From experiments made in Kngland for the purpn.-e of seeing at what decree of temperature different. animals thrive best and pat <>n ml. it was found that the temperature between .>> and ho de crees was conducive to the best Jesuits for animals of thesiiort horn breed ; and it was found that oxen sweat at a tem perature in which heifers thrive admi rably. The question is of more importance than one would naturally suppose from tho small amount of investigation that lias been bestowed upon it. Are we to run the risk of a wasting expenditure of food by perspiring under excessive heat, or are wo to induce theanimals to waste it to keep up animal boat by exposure to too much cold? And, then another question comes in here -will not dlifer ent clashes ol anim.il-, ;w well as ani mals ot the 'Uiui 1 i i,ni oi' dilferent ages, be tu di.c-nni ees from the same d grit i«f heat? In the same "table" s »iin- .minnds mav bo too hut and otm r- to-., odd from din'er ent conytiiutif.ii-. It WOlllil""- 1 !!! lll'.'l We 111*4. tl r>oniU carefully eondiu led experiments U» ar rive at a point wtiii-ii iMuy be regarded a> a standard. Our u-.ru •mv now lie ini'constructed -k id.u ;.-:up' ratiuvran in a great in.-a . »• i-.ii:;vVd, aim if I here m m.u j .l l n,v win e animals thrive l lime with i!a> in.,., •• ulwl us'i* if looii, the f.ul.- v,•..![!; l.nwWillo'. ( uir l>i*uctico is vc.y imy.-. and von cm scarcfly find auv ,iriM v i... htU «;i\. u a thought b. lh ■ ;i 1 ’J• yoi i7i ids pra.’tico in- in iv ii" i,-Mi'- 11 !• >; i, v in a wa : u- n;’ / li.llv*r 1 1inii K * n<‘alih ul iii> .-d . - i ik 1 rc tions of the dairy n-i'Uiu t\u* luvrus ure, lining lorn down and iiujimvcd huild- orevtod. li’w v knew ju;>t what was host and most iTnmimifa!, mir could he arrang'd In meet tlu-vi* romM tions. \\ o do - tJiiny.*. often tuu much hv guess, ai.d yufss work often makes a waste of money.— ( '/it-.i IM:a 1 xai.v J■:i\ niti-n urged tliis inuch iitvded iuiiuuveiiient upon dll; readers oj the , Imt wc IViiv il.i ailvhntng - a,v mu little apprt eiateil. Then' are Hit few loealidea where li.t-alMilLT'■ w a! ! lie hem-lii-ial. Kvell ill :-.ji le ■„ iU , alllj-llil, wliere deep tl rai a w■i -; . rati al v ret pi ir ed, Millie .-h.illuw e rai a inav he n-efnl to eurry Oder f h-'-1..,.. ;■ irplii- uater. •Many a unil 1.,,ir- i . Inealed llial a K l ”id deal el' drai,!i■ iy i- required i„ laii'e perfect liealtli. Ivirepi in ea.-e.- ~f diM-ared 1 ling's, a dry a;111• there i-; mure healthful than one loaded with moisture and the air Had passes over .'-(agnaiit moisture will mil lone-remain pure and healthy. So that ill a sanitary point of View drauiayu often lieennies of vast im porUinee. the Aletropoliuui Sanitary t.'iiunuis shin of l.oiuton slates souie’inlert'sPuiy facts about drainage. For every ineh depth of water drained off, and whieh would otherwise pass into the air as va por, they say as much heal is saved per aere as would raise eleven thousand eu hic feet of airouedcgivuiii temperature. A recent Parliamentary reporter on die subject says, a farmer teas asked the ef fect o t some new draining', when he re plied, “All that I know is that before it was done I could never get out at night without an overcoat, but now I never put one on me.” A doctor took one of Hie Sanitary Commissioners to a hill overlooking his district, “There,” said he, “wherever yon see those patches of white mist I have frequent illness, and if there is a cess-pool or other nuisance as well, I can reckon on typhus even now and then. Outside Ihesemi.sts lam rarely wanted.” If may not he generally known dad dampness in tile atmosphere gives dou ble energy to had odors of any kind, if everybody could live on a hill-side, witli a good gravel sub.-oil, we would (ind die average health of tile eomuuinily wist I v unproved. Ifui-ii may lie done liv thor ough drainage, not only to impru've the sanitary condition of die locality, lint to warm up and improve the soil. Try it. *Tciaisac/uisct(n 2 i ioii(/hmmu Origin of Vegetaiu.i;s.—Garlic came from Sicily, where fur mv part I wish it had stayed. Beans blossomed lirsl within sight of embryo imimmi. - in the hind of tlic* Sphynx ; ami tlio plant iirst laid its treasures under the African sun, and Southern jinn. pc gave the artichoke and the licet. To i ctmsi wo stand indubU'd for ju*iu*hos; walnuts, mulburries and a score of eve ry day luxury and necessities ; to Ara bia we owe the cnltivatiun of spinach ; turn to Southern .Europe wo must bow in tnai-fnl gratitude for the homo radish At Siberia the victims of modern in temperance may sluikc their oory locks lorover—for from that cold unsocial land came rye, the father of that great lirc watcr river which floated so many jolly souls on its treaclierons tides, and eii giilpliedsomuch of humani tv’s treasure llio chestnut, dear to squirrels mid tiling America first dropped its burrs ’ , SOl Who ever dreams, nh le enjoying h,s “Uerganiolte,»orliis di Igoneile,” that the first pear btos- 1 “‘Blit of tlio Pyru- : niids . Ami what fair school-girl of the the k Fnd a r ln r tn r ,U ’ drwims ofß thanking ■ the East Indies for encumbers? ( Onions, top, are only naturalized for eigners in America, I had hoped that 1 in poetic justice, research would prove 1 this pathetic Imlb to Jiave sprung from ' the land ol Adobe. But no- V",. ' Ilur "dthered hand'aml I claims tlio onion as iicr own ’ Afaiye ' and potatoes, thank heaven! can mod? ' us aitli no foreign pedigree. They are ' bolTn II,S c, °' ,lu 1 lll: i (J > hi have and h, 1 hold, iiom time’s heginning to its end ' mg. tliongb K,igland and Jmlmnl Mu'l | are hoarse." o ''" a ' U ' ‘‘ lJratiw ” tUI | AY. c - Sawyer & Co., e a;s t main street, Under Rippey’s Hotel, Have just received from New York a full and complete stock of WINTER GOODS, bought for cash, at the latest decline in prices DRESS GOODS of all kinds, Men and Boys Wear Mantles, Cloaking- Cloths, ami low priced Furs over brought to Carlisle, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, DOMESTIC GOODS of every description, cheaper than the cheapest, of every variety, together with everything kept in a first-class Dry Goods Emporium, W. G. SAWYER & CO have reduced their earlier pur- chases of goods to compare with the very low prices of the now Everybody call for bargains in Ur ess Goods, Furs, Shaivls, Cos- simeres. Over Coatings, Carpets, Notions, Domestics, Holiday Goods of all kinds for presents. Now is the tinie for bargains at IF. C. SA IVI'ISJt £■ CO’S. Dee 19 ISG7 Brg (Starts. Shawls 'L'lie largest stock of elegant NOTIONS jFuruiturr, See- B. E W I N U , CABINET MAKER AM) UNDERTAKER, wssi main stki:kt, OAK LIsLK. I’KNN’A A Si'i.A ; oni As-, n:: m \ r ur n i: w v i; it n i t t u v fui Uu ; liili.l.iv s, comprising Sofas, I'amp Stools, LotinyCK, < Vntro Tables, Ko.’kliij Chairs. Pining Tables, Easy fhiiim, Caul Tables, Uorcplloii Chairs, Dttomon-. IliiMih. What-Nots. V [' 11 N I T r U K , of the Latest Styles. rnlTUii; FI’KN riTKH IN SKTI'S, splendid New Patterns, hkhstkads and mattkks.sks, HILT FUA.MKS AN l» PU.TfP.KS, ill ('real Yul iety Pai licnlar attention yi\ on to funerals. Orders from town :uul emimry attended to proinpllv aiul tin reasonable term-. Pee. H, l-O'-l—lf QABINETW A R E H O U S E TOWN AND fur.NTUV The subscriber respectfully inluiins Ills fiieiios anil Mie pnhlu; ttenemlly, that in* Mill e.ilitimies the I'inlii taKhiy bu-;uc->, and n;uly to wait Uji.iu eiiM.miei either Ir. day «.r by nlyht. P.eadv niaile foKiass kept constantly on hand, both plain and ornamental. He lias eonstautlv on hand I'h/. a J'tHi n! M' fob.- Uni Mm,-, ( .t which he ha; been appointed the - de ayent. This case is ivei’jumeinted as supei lot to any of ij,,- kind iK-w in use, il helnu pel t'ectly ,ui luht. He has til so furnished him mil with a new Uose wood lli;Ain-K and gentle hoises, with u inch lie will attend tanerals in town ami eini'itiv, per sonally, u illiuul ext: a charye. Amony the yrealcst di-co'\ ei les t»f the aye Is u w ell's Sjii’i . !.f which I ha\e secured, and will be kept ei.uslanUv on hand. CAHIXUT MA KL\(j, In nil Us vj\null!* nn.iu-h.-.-., 1* NO. CS NORTH HANOVER STREET. OAIt MS I.IC . PA, Aug. SI, UII7 anb Claps. jj l RK S H A lt It fvAI. or all Tim -V j£ ir spieiya STrum H ATS A X i) G A P S Die subscriber Ims Just opened at Wo, i:, y 0 rll Iftmover &rect, u few Bout* N«i lit of the CurlMi IJepoalt Bank, one of tlip mul best Hloeli: of HArS nml CAP* ever oilerod In Cnr'llsle. tiiivti I K| Cu-sslmere of nil styles mul qualities Still Prims. dlfleivm colors, ami every cleserln lion ofßoft Huts now made. * Ilia Dunkard ami Old FasblonocU-Urusb eon staully on band and made lo outer all warrant ini to t'ivo salisfjielioii, > A full assurtiuwiit of BTUA.W HATH, MEK’H, MoY s. AND ('lll LHUKN’B, FANCY 1)0. u . ,b ° wdtJeU to my Mock, m>U'ms of differ fill kinds, consisting til LADIES’ AX)> < HhNTI»i;.ME.\".' STi K'KlNds AVdt .V;.T uriHlrn Oillart, (fluv/r, J’ciu-il*, _ T/imtil, .S'tVA-, tmbrelhui, dc. PKIMK SECiAR.S AXJ) TOJJACCO ALWAYS ON HAND. (ilyo nut a mil, ami examine my stock uh I fed omlhliMU of pin,slut- nil, beside). havlV, j you mo' JOHN A. KEI.I.EK, A„cm Juno C, I.sBT-ly * ''• 13 • N ’° r ‘" hmmver .street 1I AIS AND CABS ! HU VOL' WANT A NICK HAT OK CAP ? ■ tv so, Don’t Fail to Cali, on J. G. GALLIC, XU. it), lIViIST MA/.V UTItI'.ET, Where can be seen the llnesl assortment of hats and caps over brought to Carlisle. He takes great pleas nro In inviting his old friends ami customers ami a l new ones, to his splendid stock Just ro .s!;Vn;«n,;,;;i;rt:'ofnn0 ol ' ,c n,ld coil- SIUv ASI) CASSISIEIIE HATS, V” 1 ', ll '“ f", llk ' s !i vurloly of Hols mill Lnp H of /I 1 ,. I './ m.? y , e '‘ °; i " h U 1 ho will noil 111 the r . . , 1 ' tcrs \ Also, bis own manufacture of Hals always on band, and HATS MANCT’ACTUitED TO OllDEll. * A.l.m.ncoT laTont-omL-ut foreotorlnu Hum Smloo bnoum of ,m ‘ WO Ak ‘t 11 “I TOBACCO AND CiOAliS . always on band. JJo desires to call thoullcatlon of persons who have C 0 UNT It V ]■' Ult 8 toM'll, as he pays the highest cash prices for the same. (live him a cull, at tin* above number, bis old facUoii W lULJs conlklent oJgivlng entire satis- Deo. SW, I*)7 ~ ''FAMILY GROCERY STORE, EAST MAIN STUEET, CARLISLE, PENNA., (Late Marlin A Gardner's.) • i 7i 1 J a n". llb ? c . r - lb< iV , wonW . bl 'B '‘■‘"■o to Inform Uic citizens of Carlisle nnd vielnltv. that ho still kcoj.s on band, at his store, East Alnlu .Street, nd '•* . n t y S ,ar>llK ( ‘ r s * Machine Miop and Foun diy, the largest and host selected stocu of FKK S 11 GROCEIUES, Glass and Qm'enswaro, which ho will sell nl the very lowest prices for cash. Kvery article in the line of 1* amlly Groceries will always bo kept frcßh nnd cheap. Ho also calls particular atten tion to the Eureka J\Urnt Glass /Vm7,/«rt, of which he has the exclusive agency for Carlisle, ami which has proved Its superiority over all other cans or Jars now In use by Its groat simplicity, perfect reliability In keeping Fruit, and the ex traordinary ease with which It 1k scaled and opened, without injury for future use. No laml ly should purchase other jars without first exam ining the Eureka. if they want to Imv the best.— Also KNOX'S PATENT STEP LADDER, an arti cle which no household should he without. Also, Lash's celebrated WASHING MACHINE, onlv Five Hollars, and the AMIHON CLOTHES WRINGER, both of which are eontldenl |y rec ommended to give entire satisfaction. Ho has also been appointed agent fort he sale of and Ulllco EARTHEN DRAIN PIPES, to which ho would call the attention of Farmers nnd others needing them as the best and cheap est article to ho found for conveying water thro* yards and barn yards. Also a variety of oilier articles, such as DUOH MATS, of several kinds and prices. Ou- Just opened a supply of Fresh Herring and all kinds of Salt Kish, put up this Spring. Also Flour In barrels nnd racks, and Food av the bush el. JOHN MARTIN. July IS. Wi7—lf puovisiox AXIJ ~ (>N SOFTH-WEST CORN EH P I T T & P U M K R E T S T UEE T S The undersigned, successor to J. F, S'rr.in., re spectfully iinnmmees that, having Just returned fium the Eastern cities, he Is now prepared to sell at the veiy lowest cash prices, a gi eat \arietv of fresh GROCERIES * PROVISIONS, CONSISTING OF (jacciuHvare, rttojar, (» 'lassnurc, C\'Xicc, Ileud and U'dluiv i'ra, Rish , Aymv.t, .Vb//, (V*a>ear or two ago, that how to economize in pun.-lnu.ing llie indispensable arti cles of FUU 1) AND I* It UVIB I 0 N 8 In a matter of Importance to all, except sm h tu are out flush, uhey ho few). Tho subscriber hereby Informs the public that Ills Block of DAVID HIPE. GROCERIES, provisions, CiUEENSWARE, CANNED FRUITS, SAUCES^ ami an Innumerable list of Goods and small Wares, such us ure sometimes to be found in a well e.-tabhslied Country store. 1* full and com plete; and he announces his determination to sell the same at prices that will pnv hts m»*ri* for utcjiplng a mtie out of the way (although a great business center) and ascertain the truth of the above assertion. P’S. 1 don’t import Goods FROM ACROSS THE OCEAN, but buy thorn In New York, Philadel phia and Rallimore, at the lowest rates that any man living can buy them. Give me a call. WM. 11ENTZ. No* 78 West Main St. March H, 1837—1 y & BROTHER, BA T E'ARIUV A I, O F GOOD AND FRESH GROCERIES. P R I CK S R E DUC K D ! We have just received a fresh suppy of CIUOcE R 1 E S , P.rown, crashed, pulverized and granulated Su gars, Codecs, green and roasted, Rice, Ada mantine Candles, Tallow l ’undies, Starch Teas, all kinds. Cheese, Chocolate, lin ker's Cocoa, Baker’s Broom. .Mnc enron 1. Vermaeilla, Fahnes tock's Farina, Mustard, Mus tard Seed, Black an d Cayunno Pepper, Spi ccs, Indigo, Al -1 u in, Coppe ras, lump a n d |p ul vo r l/.ed Rr I Hi stone, Babbitt’s and Vanhagan’s Soap, Toilet. Soap. Soda, Cream ol Tartar, Coarse and Fine Salt by t lie sack or bushel, Shoo Black Ing, Stove Buster, Concentra ted Bye, New Orleans and Svrup Mo lasses, Sperm Oil, Waggon Grouse, Mac kerel, various grades Sugar Cured Hams, Dried Beef, general assortment of Coal Oil and Fluid Bumps, Glass and Mica Limp Chimneys, corn, hickory and corn wisp Brooms, Tampico Blv Brushes, hearth, dusting ami swccplii" Brushes hand scrub Biinbcs, shoe and wall Brushes.cloth’ and hair Brushes, Mucilage, Biquid Rennet! black, him* and red Ink, VA T T L K p o W D EK , KulHiiis, I'umi-s, paired and unpaired Peachr* Peaches nuil Tomatoes in cans, Catsups, Worces ter and London I'lull Sauce, t Teen Corn in cans table Oil, Hominy, Beans, 0 It AN (i 10 rf A X 13 LJOJt O X H water, sugar, wine, milk and nlmnnd Crackers, roasted rye and wheal i odee, Twist, Mavy, Nat ural ami ( 'ongress Tobacco, Killik iniek, Kim- 1 Tit Lynchburg and Hunkeepnnklo .Smoking Tolau - co and Anderson's Solace chewing Tobacco. A'.v it m /,*/•;, cinx. i. 'wuodex • fa urn ex A XI) ATOXE U’.-l RE, Baskets, n general assorlmcnt of Willow and Splint Baskets and many x o t i o x y, and everythin" else u.-amllv kept in a Grocery Stoic. Tile public arc respectfully invited to call and examine Uudr stock. Wo feel eonlident they will go away satisfied. * J Marketing of ail amds taken in exchange for goods. ’ WAKIIMOUL) BROTHER. May n, 1800. fflffilinrs anti iUquons jij poHiifr RECTIFIER AXD WHOLE SALE DEM ER IN WINKS AND LIQUORS, AV*. 7 and 0, XorCh Jlaiunrr Street, Brandies, Hullund Gin, Superior Juinulea Spirits, Irish and Scotch Whiskey* .Monongahela Whisky. , , Apply Whiskey, IMttsburg nnil Common Whiskey Old Sherry Wine, J Old Madeira Wine, Pori Wine. Idbhon add Muscatel, Malaga and Clarot, Clierry Brandy, Blackberry Ilrandy. Raspberry Braiuly, Lavender Brandy, Hum Shrub* Wine Billers. Tansey BUuts. AGENT FOR DU. STO E V E B’ S (; KI, mill ATE I) STOMACH HITTKIIH Also a large and superior stock of GROCERIES AXU LMIOVJSIOXS, AT WllOl .US A 1.13 AND 11KTA1D, embracing every! hlng In that Jim- of business.- Jl \ I’.n . -,i Vs . ll Ul)l, ds constantly arriving. AplllJ.l, — Jy ° [A Olt K i G X A ,NI) UOMEB T J t’ -L I.UiUUHS. 'W«»® r FOIIKIUN AND DOMESTIC DIQ.UOIIS, at lila new stand, a few doors west of Jlanmm’j lide ’ West or tho I VL House. Cur u „ AI.L OV CHOIL’iC nnANItS. Wines, Sherry, Don, Muderla, Llahon, Claret, Native, Hook, Johannlsborg, and Hodcrliehner. ('ll A M PAGXE Jluldsfek it ('o. p Gelsler it Co., and Jinllll■ 11 Gin. aohlun, Dion, and Anchor. 1 ' WHIS K Y , Superior Old Hye Ciiolce Old Family Nectar W heat, Scoteh, and J risk, dd|)h'l!i im ' a &c - De.st to ho hud in I’lillu lUUers, of the very bin., quallt v. Mon iV^j ll " l others desiring a‘mire artielo will I‘fllv S f re l»e.seided, a.- Ids whole attention will ,Vi t ! , i k proper aim careful selection of his nliv.! in.., I. 1 cu,mot j‘V surpassed, and hopes to iiav l the patronage of tho public. Deo. 1, ©romlrs HHOCKUY STORK, DAN IE BSI IDEM A K Ell. a u c ii a s CARLISLE. PA. WiANDIES, E. BHOWKII. RallroaK Hines. KAD I N U RA I D ROA D \ WINTER ARRANGEMENT Noveuuer Si, 1507. Great Trunk Lino from tho North and North- West for Philadelphia, New York, Rending, PottsvUlo, Tnniaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, Ephrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Colum bia, Ac.. Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for NcwAork, ns fol lows; At 3.1K1, a.i’o and S.lti A. M., nnd iUS and D. 35 p. M., connecting with similar Trains on tho Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 5.10 10.15 and H 50 A, M., and 3.40 and 0.30 p. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 0.35 P, AL Trains without change. ’ Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pollaville. Ta mnqua, Mlnorsville, Ashland. Pine Grove, Allen town and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. M., nnd 2.05 and 4.10 P. M.. stopping nt libation nnd principal Wav Stat Urns; tho 4.10 P. Al. making connections for Philadelphia nnd Columbia only. For Potts vllle, Schuylkill Haven and Aulmrn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna Rail Hoad, leave Harris burg at 3.55 P. M. Returning: Leave Now York at 0.00 A. M. and I'J.ooNoon, and 5,u0 and S.txtp. -M. Philadelphia ul\!sA. M. and 3.30 P. AL Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at T.tiO A. M,, returning from Reading at 0.30 P. M.. stopping at all Stations; Potlsville nt 8.15 A. M. ami -.15 P. M.; Ashland fi.oo a. M.und 12.1t* no- in.and 2an P. M.; Tannuiua at .s.oO A. AL, and I.im and S. 15 I*. M. I.eave Potlsville for Harrisburg, via SchuykllJ and Susquehanna Paul‘Rond at 7.10 A. M.und 12.00 noon. Rending Accommodation Train : Leaves Head ing at 7.3 a A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Polt.stown Accommodation Train; Leave*: Pollslown at U.ISA. AL, returning leaves Phila delphia at .Vxi P. M. ' Columbia Rail Hoad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 ,V. M.. and 0,15 P. M. lor Kphratn, Lltiz, Lan caster, Columbia, A-c. On Sundays: Leave New York at R.OO-P. AL, Philadelphia 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M., tlio S.OO A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville S.OO A. AL ; ilarrisbuig 5.2.5 A. AL mid 4.10 and 0.3.5 P. AL, ami Reading at 1.00 ami 7.15 A. AI. fur Harris burg. ami 7.0(1 A. M. and 11.1" P. AL for New York ami i. 25 P. AL fur Philadelphia. Commutation. .Mileage, Season, School ami Ex on i -ion Tickets, to and irom all points, at reduced rates. baggage chucked through; JOO pounds allowei each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Gmcml ftuperinlctnhm/. / HIM HER LAND VALLEY R. R, CHANGE OF IIOUR.S. On and after Monday, Oct. 7 th, ISttrl, Passengc Trains will run dally, as follows, (Sundays ax copied;; WESTWARD. Accommodation Train lep.vea Harrisburg 8.49 A. M., Mcchanlcsburg IUB, Carlisle 0.57, Newvfllc 10.31, Shlppensburg 11.07, Chamborsburg 1.10 P. M. Greoncustle 1.43, arriving at Hagerstown 2.10 P.M. Mall Train leaves Harrisburg2.oo, P. M. Median lesburg 2313. Carlisle 3.00, Newville .1.40, Shippons burg 4.10, Chamborsburg 4.30, Grceucusllo j.i», ar riving at Hagerstown 5.35. I*. M. Express Train leaves Harrisburg 4.13, P. M., Mcchanlcsburg 4.51, Carlisle 3.21, Newvlllo 5.33, Shlppensburg 0.21, arriving iitC’humbersburgO.so, A. M. A mixed Train loaves Ohambcrsburg 8.30, A. M., Grecncastlc 'J..30, arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. M. EASTWARD. On and after Monday, October "ilk, tho Accom modation Train will leave Ohambcrsburg at 5, Shlppensburg 3,30, Newvlllo 0.01, Carllsleo,.ij, Me chanicsburg 7,04, A.M., arriving at Harrlsbmg 7.3-j, A. M., making close connection with trains to New York and Philadelphia. Mall Train loaves Hagerstown 8.10, A.M. Grcen custle 5.45, Chambersburg 0.23, Shlppensburg 0.5.5, Nowvillo 10.29, Carlisle 11.03, Mcchanlcsburg 11.37, arriving at Harrisburg' 12.10. P. M. Express Train leaves Hagerstown 12.00 M„ Greoncnstlo 12,30, Chumhcrsburg J.lO, Shlppons burg 1.43, Nowvllie 2.15, Carlisle 2.55, Mechanics burg 3.20, arriving at Harrisburg 3 .53, P. M. A Mixed Train leaves Hagerstown 3.03, P. AT., Greoncastlo 4.00 arriving ut Clminbursburg 4.30, Making close conneetlons at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York. Pittsburg, Baltimore ami Washington. Rail Ratal o[llcr, > Chumb'y. Orl. 4lh , Im.lT. J t id. lu, iso? ILutniier anti (Coal riOAL AND LUMBER YARD. The subscriber having leased the Yard formerly occupied by Armstrong Holler, ami purchased tho slock of COAL AND LUMRBER, in the Yard, together with mi Immense ne\ stock' will have eonslaiilly on hand and lurnlsl to order all kinds mul (pmlity of seasoned LUMBER, BOA BUS, SI 'AN’J’BI NG, FRA.ME STUFF, PA BING, PLASTERING Ulli, sliitl-lliia Bath, WVnkcd Flooring and \\ ealherhoarding, Posts ami Balls, and every ur lleh‘ that belongs to a Bumbcr Yard. All Icindsoi .shingles, to wit: White Pine, Mem lock, and iMk. ..fdilcicnl qualities. Having ears ol ni> oun, I can furnish lulls to order of any length ami size at tin* shortc-l notice and on the nuist reasonable ten.is. My worked hoards will b<> kept muter cow-r, so they can bo furnished at all limes. I Ini’, e constantly on hand all kinds of FAM IL» (UAL, uml.-r cover, which 1 will deliver cle.-in to imy part of Hu- borough, to wil: Lv pI mi a m l '’ 1 ' !ni^‘ll Egg, stove amt Nut, Lulu I'i.ld er, Irevorion, Locust. Mountain. Lauberry ", . } pledge my-.,-it to sell at toe lowest prices J.niic.jiinirr%' mu/ llhirksutilh.s' ( always or ami. which 1 will sell at Hie lowest figure. ‘Van! wi-,i side of iiraminarscho.il. .Mam street '• Eu'i A.NJUIKW 11. BLAIIL AND COMMISSION HOUSE. 7 Tear A: Feed, Can!, Pla.der A ,V(//. .1. BLKTH.NI A BROTHERS having put chased m sn.Nder A Newcomer their extensive Warehouse. (Henderson s old stand,! bead oi' Hi-h s| reel beg leave to inform the publie that will eonumiethe l ui wauling and Commission business on a more extensive scale than heretofore. The highest market price will be paid for Flour (■lain and Prod nee of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster, Sail and May. kept oiislantly on hand and for sale. ' Cna! of all kinds, embracing LVK UN'S VALLEY LOCUST .MOUNTA N LAWBERRY, Ac., A. L.nicbmiiers ami J.lacksinlths’ Coal, constant > lot sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part m the town. Alsu, all kinds of hum her constantly on hand. .1. BEETFM A BROS. Bee 1. isiA. U. il CoUNU.i lUj. MAVIS JJOSII. LINK! NEW DEPOT! ! Thu subscribers respectfully Inform the ell /ens ot (.arllsle mid Mirroumling conn try Uni they have estahlished a new line between * CAULLSLK AXD PHILADELPHIA. iVV 1 'V nnuie arrangements with the old ostab llshed W are House of HOWARD HINCHMAN,BIO MARKET .STREET ‘V?* 1 {ta'T-dio leased part of the Depot, corner of \\ est High street, Carlisle, where they can be found at all times, and lie pleased to deliver and receive all irelulu entrusted (o their care. l ie PKUSONAL ATTENTION of the linn, will at all times be given, ami irom their long ex perl eace In the business can promise their patrons a thoni I,el fummilo ° uI utl business entrusted to AH goods should be marked HIXCHMAX’S WAKE HOUSE, 810 Market Street Philadelphia. Care of Cornelius A Bosh. Carlisle, Pa. This Ware House being in the central and busl nv^W'/u £ U F* • bo Uho public Is coriliuily Invited to pny u visit to tho Bullory ami examine spcclmoui 3 u cheap llso lotof bTAMICSana AUIUJIS for sale o,mali° S ,™ri' S mnJ ° lM nU k "«l. of weather Dec. in. 18G0 M Es -, a ■, A,; s MITH’ R PHO TO graphic Gallery South-east Corner llauo 'n l .? lle .V,* am liirketSfiuure, "here may bo had to life°slie ‘ IUI Sly es 01 from card I V O It Y T V 1* K,S , A M II It O T Y P E 3 , A N D MELAINOTYPES also Pictures on Porcelain, (something now) both Plain and Colored, and which are beautiful nrn ductious of the Photographic art. Cull and see Particular attention given to copying f rmn Daguorrotypes Ac, * “ She Invites the patronage of tho public. Fob. 15 1800. Utß ©flOlß. Q_ooj)Niirere^7)'Si^vss GREAT DECLINE IX PRICES AT THE NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNUR OF HANOVER A2TD POMFRET STRKKTi. Tho iiubscrlbor would respectfully Inform tho Eublic that ho In receiving almost dally from tho astern Cities, n large invoice of Now and Cheap Goods, such as. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, PL AIX, RLACV AXD FAXCX SILKS, French Mcrinocs, Mohairs, Poplins, Illacic and Fancy French Repps, Plain nnd Fancy He Lames, Plain ami Fancy SII A W LS ! SHAW -S ! RRUCIIA LONG AND StjFAHK, LONG AND SQUARE WUHI.KN.S UREA E FAST SHAWLS In great variety ami very cheap. CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES! J-Ycm/i, German and American Cloths, /Hack ami Panel/ Ouji/iurn, J>o> skins, /Hock anil Finny; C ver Chalinyi, Xillinrlts, Kvnluck/i Jeans, I'ndrrshirls and Drawers. D O M E K T ICS! Pleached ami Rroelm Tabic. Diapers, (’nunterpanes, and tiuiliH, REMEMBER THE PLACE. OK TilK COIIKEIt OK HANOVER AND POMFRET STREETS, the room formerly occupied by Nov. 7,1837 tf 1867. DOMESTIC GOODS, D K K S K GOODS, O. N. BUBI,, iS'i/p’l OASSIMERES, S.VTTINETTS AND J EAN.S, WHITE G GODS, D UE S S TRIMMINGS, RIJifiONS AND NOTIONS EIN G ’ S NEW STORE -VO. 5.1 WIMT MATS STREET, Opposite tho Mansion House, p Next door to tho Post. OlUee, Carlisle. April 18, Ist *7, o t i u E": BEN T Z’ S STORE We have mnv received a hew and great sup pl.\ ul H O M K H A D ic GOOD H, eoiislsllng of CAKSIMKUKS, SATTINFTTH, .1 MANS, Those we consider a great acquisition to on Immense slock of Goods. LA J> IJC ,V’ CLOAKI N < / .S in endless variety, such as WHITNIiY BFAVKRfi. Our carpel department luis again been re pi en ibhcil with cheap and every description ol Uesl rablo OARPIiriNGS & OIL CLOTHS In variety of doslyn Nov. 7, ISO" Q. EN T S ’ FUiUfISHINU V A R I E T Y STO R JO . -vo. is south jia.vo vi:r sthekt. Ilu* subscriber begs leave lo Inform gentlemen ami housekeepers and the public generally, that ho Ims now and will keep constantly on hand » vmSVtJw, 9?«a n L assortment ol GKNTS- l-’Ult \v£i lIN £ GOODS, such as-Cotton Merino and un S . l l. l '. l . a . luu L Umwc rfl, Hosieries, all kinds, W„V* Gloves, Thread and other c M l liL ‘ s ,'. Sus^ oUllerB » Handkerchiefs, consisting In part of Cedar and Willow Ware, all kinds, Chamber acts, Brushes and Combs, all kinds, Bugs, Buckets, Foot Tubs, Soaps, Perfu iVn« 1 ? B, v CU ?i £>tallonary, *c. Don’t lorget the stiuid, No. 1J South Hanover Street, two doors Noith of Wushmood’s Grocery Store, Carlisle. C. INHOFK. April U, l«fi7-tf. DRUGS! DRUGS! —Dr. D. Cornmnn having to reiiucmlsh an extensive practice, j ls uo| l as l>ls Drug business In the city of Pitts mug, several years ago, on account of ill health, has now opened at No. as N., Hanover street. bc i)iMrA«'nn»M lce f of , Drs - lienor ami Zltzur, a iJlvuu SJ ORL, where lie has and is receiving ev nvnrsLr ftyS l \ 1,,,(iKt 1 (, I ck 01 Unms, Chemicals. / l ", d rS. vcr i; tl,i,, K h'Gucruliy kept In a u ell-regulated City brug Store. Prescriptions carefully compounded ami 'family receipts will receive special care. The Ur. can be consulted at any hour, at his olllco, buck of Ids store, or at his dwelling, No. 112 N.-Hunovor street, after store hourß, Uemember thu place, No. iW N. Hanover Street, Carlisle. Sept. 12, ISo7—ly D. COBNJWN. EXP X A 9f KIY of Cooking Ulen- JUI Mis. fin, .Sheet-iron ami Japanned Wore, for S!^»r ,T, ‘ 4 *"■* "«>“«•!• Oct. Hi. ISliV—lf JpREE GIFTS TO ALL ! A Uilh Dr,™ IWler ,, u lVumV,/jft K ) l/llt or Gold Match l-’UKJJ 01' COST! , For one or two nays’ sorvico in anj- town or vll uSl.f"“uh 2la.np a sont fru “’ b >' “d -b'LOUMIAN i CO., Dec. 19,1«7.-Sm HailoVor st . •“Either one of the rooniß of thel undersigned, tho one situated on tho of ,^ ,l he r ty alley and Hanover street, and n^P«^ eut , occu P lct J b 7 Washmood l * y -icum \.bo Ims used U In his owi pmson, or u In, has any knowledge of its virtues and he can ascid.o tlm degree ol lieallh he nov !11. i^' h . l t l> i not . l)Ut l^u * us>u of this medicine and noth lug but utter despair and entire exilnc turn ot all hope ol recoveiy, together with a wan of confidence In alt others. induced him to liar, ard the experiment, lE' lias treated more case successfully than gem ially lollowslhe troatmen of his class ol case.,, an.; feds a undo, only ex ceUcd by the pcrloniuim-c ot his duly, that he I able to diminish suilenuand prolong life. of , A ld^t . l ; All orders must bo addressed to il. DOUII, Albany, N. Y„ solo Agent for tho Uni ted bUUOS, May 1(5, 18(57—1y pHOTOGRAPHS POE THE MILLION! I will ijend, post-paid, 50 Photographs of the mostceJobriUca Aclors for go cents; 60 Actresses r 9 Gn , tB s 50 Union Generals for 60 cents- so llcbcl Generals for 60 cents; 50 (Statesmen for r«a beautiful young Ladles for 50 cental 50 fine-looking young Gentlemen for 50 cents’ n large 1 holographs of French Dancing Qirls’ln costume, heauiffully colored, exactly ns thevam l?n ai, iff 1 i c ‘V uls » or 50 cents, oof tlio most beautiful Ladles of tho Parisian DalJclTrutule ns 1,10 Black MW lo| l§&-ly *’• °- B “ X 177 - Tr ° y . N. y Martin leans, no. 402 chest NUT STREET, PHiUdelIM Ua ' S 1 ‘ i-irst. rjominm uwurtlcil by FranlcUn r... m, ... to MARTIN LEANS, JUniiuliciuJcr of 1 ,illl,,tL ‘ MASOMIO MARKS, 2*lXB, .Ii 1 ,. Ac. Now mid OiiKliml Designs of Musonlo Murlcs. iomnlura’ Mutluls Army Mcclul and uoriw M uf V,‘i ry ‘tosorlptlon. Onlora from mS Urn. of tho country faollcltoil. All loUors u.?M?or- March M 18(57—1y PLAIN ittul FANCY PRINTING o ™s. D offliir ioH Matu> “*•« insurance Companies. Oveu 815,000,00; or Capital 11kpi, k , p .. tb „ ' HOME, “ ’ MANHATTAN. SECURITY, NORTH AMERICAN, HERMAN/’* all of Mow York. Aetna and Phamlx nr tr ford, conn.; North America, off n£., a ['- Ta.; Columbia Mutual, of Lancaster lii co.i;?,”^ , s i 1 < i lemcnt to bo dcB,rca >“ SECURITY. If wealth, experience, InlclllKcnco and . exist, perpetuity mid iionarahlo deulluAm'i' I ,' likely lo ensue. “‘“'l, Uhl 1,,. Insurance creates independence \ pays for his own Indemnity, mid n’eeii „ ,V- 1111 lax mi his friends. ““ “"I In- u Every man should Insure; iho hm-.m whose properly would Injure or hie v, B himself, his hmilly, or Ids neighbors '‘" , " lliMinmce elleeled at this Seoncv im hew lame the amount. In either stoeii ~? Companies. Policies Issued, losses adli m l,l “! promptly paid at this idllco. aojusied m.,1 •SAMUEL K, HU.MIIIuh ~,,, _ Special Insiirniice Aeem .1. I*-. I'crroc, v 'l ol i'i' wl s , l ‘ lll °c sVew Kloomllold, 1’orr‘y “010,1 v' A. H.Weldimm. Mllllliihiwn. .lunlnhi mlu||-.- LIFIj ~~' INSURANCE COMPANY Oh' NEW VOIIK, 'AC C U MUL ATJO D C AIM T A I $22,000,000! inVKNTV-TIVn .MI I.LIONS,; All In find-class Mortgages, Government Som ntu.s, Cash and Real Estate!!-! ‘ IT MARKS RO mVIDRRDS T(i STOCKIIOLDEKS ! But Its Cash Dividends of Febnnuv i - amounted to £2,121,000 to its Policy jp, which is nearly four times as much a*. ' any oilier Company in the United Stales declared for same year Jt has the LARGEST AMOUNT INKUin.'i,,, any Company In the United .Slates, and It,V ’' ,f donclsnreinadoanniiullyliiCAHH.nbtpuror i the olh payment, as is done by the loa ||, ‘ . companies. It has m,,t THE LARGEST INCDML $6,217,03 5. 88 From iJuslness and Interest. Ds Tables nf p„. are from 10 to 33 per cent, lower on (lie hi , 7 and endowment plans than the (Mnneeiirm'\i,, Uml and many other of the Note Compana■- : V I Policies arc or may be exchanged lor i,,, ; ' reliable ones. It lias over 00,000 P 0 Lie V II o L i) i: u and is patronized and recommended la ih. ;,.o aiillionlics in the United .Stales. SAM U El. K. HUM J(h 11, ... , r , Special Aja ..; (Wird Ao, L(> ]|W Jluiu .Slnct, (Vo.,*', /„ October 3, 18(57—tlm JjURE INSURANCE. ' J’l"-: A.M'FN AND EAST PIiNNSHOUu* Ml -IUADMUE INSURANCE COMPANY, of r Ul |. beslaml county, incorporated bv an act m \.. sembly, in the year 18-13, and having recentlv ui Its charter extotided to the year 1883, is nla- m active and vigorous operation under the sin,-,. Intomlcnco ol the following Hoard of Minna;!n, Win. R. Oorgas, Christian Stayman, Jaeel. i.i,. e ly, Daniel ilalloy, Alexander Catbearl. IJ. l.oo\ or, Jolm Eicludborger, Joseph \Vick. i r Samuel Eberly, Rudolph .Martin. Moses Hil.-i-..,'' Jacob Uooveraml J. t'. Dunlap 1 1 The rates of Insurance are as low and favin-.i,N as any Company of the kind Ju the Slate iv. sons wishing to become members are hivlini in make application to the agents ofthe Comm .v who arc Wimiiu u, wall mu,,, i|„-m at mu ' unV! I>roKhlcnl-W. IUiorHAS, KUirtya Mini, aim. berhmd County. ' ■ Vice President—Ciran itax Stayman, Carlisle Secretary—. John u. Dunlap, Mechnnieslmn;' Treasurer—Daniel Bailey. Dillsburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland County— John Sht-nlck, Allen- 11. n ry Zoarlng Shlromanstown; Dafayetto I'ethr, Dickinson ; Henry Bowman, Clmrehtown; .Mmlo OrlllUh, South Middleton; Samuel Graham W Pennsboro’; Samuel (Mover, Meelianleshup'-J. W. Uocklin, Shepherdslown ; D. Coover UpiW Alien: J. O. Saxton, Silver Spring; John R UT , Carlisle • Valentine FeoJnan, New Cuniherliiml- James McCamliish, Nuwvllli*. . .S. Picking, Dover; Jmims Grllhth. \\ arrington; T. R Deardorir, Waslmite ton; Rlclicy Clark, Dillsburg; D. Rutter Fair view; John Williams, Carroll. Dauphin O ntnty —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Members of the Company having policies about to expire, can havn them renewed by maklngum plleaiion to any of the agents. Dec. 1 1805 Hartford live stock L\sr RANGE COMPANY. CA PI TA L $500,000. Horses Insured against death from any oruiimt. .. No. 2(1 West High St.. Carlisle. March 11, 1887—ly IfvcncUicr. Am Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Z2Vts stood the test of seven years before the public ; and no prepar ation for the hair has yet been dis covered that tvill produce the same beneficial results. It, is an entirely new scientific discovery, combin ing many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the VEGET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores GREY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It maizes the scalp white and clean / cures dandruff and humors, and falling* out of the hair; and tvill make it grow upon bafd heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes flic nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished anil supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a HAIR DRESSING. Itisthc cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation. Xt is recommended and used by the First Medical Authority. * The Wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Renewer have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under various names: and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr, Mall, and. their prepara tion was similar to ours. JDo not he deceived by them, Purchase the original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free • by mall. See that each bottle has our private Revenue Stamp over the top of the bottle . All others are imitations • R. P. Hall & Co., Prop’s, Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, Oct. 31, 18fi7-Jy. J. STERNER'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE , BETWEEN HANOVER AND BEDFORD STS., IN HEAR OF THE JAIL, CARLISLE, PA. Having lilted up the Stable with now Carria ges, Ac., 1 am prepared to furnish first-class turn outs at reasonable rates. Parties taken to nan from the Springs. April 25.1857—1 y jyj 13 Y E R ’ B NEWLY IMPROVED CRESCENT SCALE OVER STRUNG PIANOS, ■ Acknowledged to bo tho best. London PrUo Modal and high awards In America received. MELODEONS &. SECOND HAND PIANOS Warorooms, 722 Arch street, below Eighth, April 18,18U7—ly Philadelphia, Pa. Jp U N FOR ALL!! Full instructions by which nnv person, male or female, cun inasterthegmit.artof Ventriloquism by a few hours’, pruetico, making a world of Ann and after becoming experts themselves, can tenon others, thereby making It a source of income.— Full Instructions sent by mail for 50 cents. Sal Ufactlou guaranteed. Address P. o. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y. May 10.18C7—ly , SINESMITH & Burr, No, OS North J/anover Sired, have on hand tho largest and assortment of STOVES and TJNWAJU2, ai be found in Carlisle, Opt. 31,1M7— tt