IfepkußttmL AH OUT-DOOR OEI.I.AK. It Is very unwise to store a large quan tity of vegetables in thecellar of a farm house, even if it is of sufficient capacity. In the latter part of the winter there will be some decay, and nothing can bo more detrimental to health than living over a mass of decaying vegetable mat ter. But few cellars are large enough to hold the products of the farm that re quires winter storage. As wo devote more attention to the economical feed ing stock, the necessity of good root cel lars wm no leit more seriously. Car rots, beets, parsnips, cabbage and the like, require cellar room. A sandy hill side is the best place for making a cel lar, as in this situation good drainage is secured, as well as easy access. A good cellar, however, can bo made in any place where the water will not lie with in three or four feet of the surface. .Es pecial pains must lie taken to secure good drainage. Big down as far ns drainage will allow, and throw the earth back to tic used in banking up.— If rough stones are to be had, they are best for the walls; if not, posts and plonks will answer. A strong ridge pole is necessary, which, must be sup ported by posts. Bank up the sides with earth, mid plank-the roof and cov er with straw or loaves, over which rough boards, or something of the kind must bo placed to prevent blowing up. An civsy entrance should lie rnadeat the front by digging down the earth, in a gradual slope; and as tin's part will be expose I to the weather, it should be made double; and if of boards, (Hied between with straw. Where stone is used, a space for air is sufficient.—Mich igan Farmer. Hoad Sand. —The obtained from turnpikes, or rofuW'hiricadaniizcd With any sort of stones like granite, hard blue stones, very diilieult to break liVicl pulverize, has a peculiar value.— The grinding of such rocks or stones under the iron-rimmed wheels of wa gons, the wear, of horse shoes and the mixture of lids ground rock with the manure scattered along the roads—pro duces a compound which is found to be highly acceptable to trees and plants.— The granite rock, we know, is rich in potash and silicia; but is not these ele ments alone which give this road sand its peculiar value. By the process of grinding and triturating inert subsjtau-. ces, such ns oyster shells,' charcoal’ quicksilver, we develop medicinal other virtues which these substances'‘du not possess in their crude from. And so it is supposed to be with road sand. 13y the constant grinding and tritura ting of the iron-bound wheels and hor ses* shoes, the comminuted granite be comes prepared for the use of plants; and when this road sand is mixed with the compost heap and saturated with liquid manure, it is found to help the etncacy of the compost in a remarkably manner. Undei \be inlluenec (if road amd of. this -kind ’alone, it is said that Wheh*applied.to lawns, white clover is sure to sbring up In the greatest abun dance and luxuriance where it hud hov-' ar been seen before.— Dr. J. .S'. J/oiiyh ton, in Gardener's Monthly. Fences.— The materials and labor re quired to build and keep fengw in re pair are among the heavy items of farm expense. The cost of the land on which they stand is another item on which .1. Harris, of Rochester, discourses as ‘fol lows in the American Agriculturist: How much land does an old-fashion ed fence occupy ? I have always thought it took up a good deal of land, but nev er had the curiosity to measure. But this summer we have been building a stone wall along the whole west side of the farm, and after it was completed, and the old fence removed,! was sur prised at the quantity of land wo had gained. The ground, of course, might have been ploughed closer to the fence, but taking the case as It actually was, the old rail fence with stones, weeds, rubbish, &c., occupied U strip of land ono rod wide. A'hold fll rods long and dl’rods wide, contains about six acres.— If surrounded by such a fence, it would occupy a little over three quarters of an acre of land. A farm of IGO acres so fenced would have twenty acres of land taken up in this worse than useless man ner, Not only is the use of the land lost, but it is, in the majority of cases, a nursery of weeds, and, in ploughing, much time is lost in turning, and the headlands and corners are seldom prop erly cultivated. Weevils is Granaries.— Some years since, accident discovered to a French fanner a very simple and ciii cient method of preventing, or rather destroying this insiduons pest in corn and grpin houses. 1 Haifiiening to deposit, in one corner of a building in which then; was stored a quantity of grain, a few sheep skins from which the wool laid not licen pull ed, lie found, upon examining them a few days after, that they were literally covered with dead weevils. The ex nerimoat wno repeated, and always with tile same resu.lt. On stirring the corn, (wheat, proba bly,) lie, was surprised to find that al though previous infested to a degree that forbid all hope of saving it from immediate.destruction by this pertina cious foe, not a single insect was to be found among it. The experiment is certainly worth trying. Instead of the sheep skins, which are quite valuable, we might substitute those of the wood chuck, who is increasing to an inconve nient and expensive extent. What killed the weevils, whether the fatty matter on the skin, or something else, we have not boon aide to learn. At any rate, let us try the woodchuck skins. A Useful Hint.—A subscriber writes as follows: “A tin tube made like a syphon driven into the vent of a barrel of wino or eider, and the other end inserted into a vial of water, will prevent the air from entering the bar rel, while the gas escapes through the water. • Make the barrel otherwise tight. When the cider or wine in the barrel is done working, the water in the bottle will cease bubbling. It re quires no filling up; and there is no loss. I have tried it.” Wo will only add that it can bo made by any tin plate worker, and when once made can always be kept ready for use. Hops.—A gentleman who writes from lowa that he raised three tons of lions last year from four acres of ground, and sold them at fifty-one and a half cents per pound, making some $3,000, and sells the roots for $2O per acre. And we do not see why they cannot ho cultiva ted just as successfully in other parts of the country, especially in the fine truck lands of Delaware, Maryland and Vir ginia, arid in some parts of Pennsylva nia. The revenue of a single farm alone, at the above rates of production and sale, would bo immense. Mince Pies.—Take a pound of beef, free from skin and strings, and chop it very fine; then two pounds of suet, which likewise pick and chop: then add three pounds of currants, nicely cleansed and perfectly dry, one pound and a half of apples, the peel and Juice of a lemon, half a pint of sweet wine half a nutmeg, and a few cloves and mace, with a pimento in fine powder • have citron, orange and lemon-peei ready, and put some in each of the nies when made. . Ghana kies.—Clean out, and mate varmin-proof in some way- best by set ting them on posts capped with flat -l-ines or tin pans. After grain is in, care must be inas-tantlv exercised lea by some heedlessnes the steps are left down, or in, coins other way mite get in Alter that, trapping, fomigailoa. de ’ must be- rsconod to, and these are ail ; ways uncertain in operalton. jpurnltuu, &c B. K W IS G , A. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, WEST MAIN STREET,' CARLISLE, ri'XN’A A Sri.Nri>ln AssnurMK.NT or X E W F U UNI T U K E for the Holidays, comprising Sofas, Camp Stools, Lounges, Centre Tables, Rocking Chairs, Dining Tables, Kosy Chairs, Card Tables. Reception Chair-*, OUomons, nurcaus, What-Nots, Hee.-et.irie>. Ae., etc., Parlor, Kitchen y V. ll X I T U U E , olllie Latest Stylos. COTTA!JK KURMiTHK IN SKITS. Splendid New Patterns. BEDSTEADS AND MATTRESSES, (JILT KUA.MKS AND PICi'I'UKS, in great variety Particular attention given to Funerals. Orders from town and country attended to promptly ami on reasonable terms. Doc. W, ISOd— tf £1 A HI N E T AV A R E HOUSE TOWN AND COUNTRY Thu subscriber respectfully Informs his friends mid the public generally, tlt,at Uo still continues the Undertaking business, and Is ready to wait upon customers either Uy uay til* by nlgnt. Ready made-Coffins hcpt constantly on hand, both plain and ornamental. Ho has constantly on iuuuW'V.-d.-'.v IhUent Mctalic Jtnrial Vase, of which he has.been appointed the sole agent. This case , Is recommended as superior to any of tho kind now In use, U being pertceLly air light. Ho has also furnished himself with a new Rose wood IIKAUSKand gentle horses, with which lie will attend funerals in town and country, per sonally. without extra charge. Among the greatest discoveries of the ago Is oveU's Spring MdUrass, the best and cheapest bed ecu In use, the exclusive right of which I have secured, and will be kept constantly on hand. CABINET MAKING, In all Its various branches', carried on, and Beau rcuus. Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centre Tables, Dining and Breakfast ‘Tables, Wash stands of all kinds, Drench Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jenny 1 bind and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of ail kinds, Looking Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured in this line of business, kept constantly on hand. lllhAVorkmon are men of experience, his ma terial the best, and his work made in the latest city style, and nil under his own supervision. It will be warranted and sold low for lie Invites all to give him acall betorepurchas ing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage here tofire extended to him he lndebted to his numerous customers, and assures them that no oUbrts will bc'spared In future to plcjiso them in style and price. Give us a call. Remember the place, North Hanover street, nearly opposite the Deposit Bank, Carlisle. DAVID SIPE. Dec. 1, IWw. THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stoves, and Parlor Furnaces, IJnvo received Poor Pint Class Premiums at the New Turk State nod other Fairs. Also, the great SILVER MEDAL at the Fair of the American Institute held lathe City of New York, ISOS, THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BE MADE DURING THE SEASON. THEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF THE APARTMENT. THERE CAN BE NO ESCAPE OF GAS FROM THEM. THERE CAN BE NO CLINKER OR SLAG TO OBSTRUCT. THE FIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITH • OUT ATTENTION. THE ILLUMINATION IS EQUAL TO AN "OPEN FIRE.” THEY ARE POWERFUL HEATERS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. THEY' ARB THE MOST ECONOMIOAI STOVES AND FURNACES EVER MADE. THE FURNACE WILL HEAT, SATISFAC TORILY, BOTH AN UPPER AND A LOWER ROOM, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. Eight Sizes of the Stoves, and Three Sizes of the Parlor Pomaces. Manufactured and for Sale to the Trade by PJERRY & CO., ORIENTAL STOTE WORKS, No* 115 Dodson St., Albany* KO 11 SALK II Y 11 r N 13 s M I T II & HUPP NO. Its NORTH HANOVKR STRKRT, CARLTSLK, PA. Au«. -I', IM” piPER'S BOOK AND FANCY STORE, A .YD GENERAL NEWS DEPOT, 33 WEST MAIN STREET, caiiu.su:, PA. A lino assortment of Good* on hand, such as Writing Desks. Port Folios, Ladies Companions, Work Boxes, Satchels, Ladles’ Purses, Pocket Looks, Kegnr Cases, Card Cases, Gold Pens, Pen Knives, &c., «£c. A LARGE SUPPLY OF FAMILY BIBLES and PnOTOOU.VPHII# ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRICES. DIARIES FOR 18G7. Subscriptions received for all Magazines, Fash ion Books, Papers, &c„ at publishers prices. You save postage and always sure of receiving your Magazines by subscribing at Pipku’s. Special attention-Is paid to keeping always on hand u supply of SCHOOR ROOKS,* for town and country schools. Books and Music ordered when desired. May 21.1807—tf (ttitji atJhci'tiscmciitS). QNK DOIiLAiI A PIECE' A (11)01) GOLD pen and EBONY holder FOR ONE DOLLAR. Manufactured by the American Gold Pen Com pany. These pent* arc now being used extensive ly throughout the Eastern .States and are war ranted In each and every ease. Parties purcha sing who oro not satisfied can return them and receive their money back 1 . All orders must bo accompanied with the cash as wo send no goods Address all orders to . . . , K M. CONNER, „ ~ Agent American Gold Pen Company, May HI. fbC7— ly Titov, S'. V JpHOTOGRAPHS FOE THE MIDLIONI mMeh^ r 6 " l8 ' &orinlon GenernlH for 50cents* 50 Rebel GnnemlH for 50 cents; 50 Statesmen for 50 cents; 60 beautiful young Ludlcs for M crate' 50 line-looking young Gentlemen for 00 cents'- 0 large Photographs of French Dancing Glrls’ln costume, beautifully colored, exactly they* an. pear, i? r . Cents; or for 50 cents, if of the most oeanttful Ladles of the Parisian ilnlletTronpo as they appear In the plnyof the Black Croiklnt Mblo s Garden, New York. ' aU oo'lera lo P. O. Box 177, Troy, N. Y IS, iw7—JJT (Sweeties. AIITIN 7 S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, EAHT MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PENNA 7. (Late Marlin A Gardner’s,) The subscriber would beg leave to Inforot tho citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that lie still keeps on haiul.iit his store, ivist Main .Street, ad joining Gartner A t.'o’s. Machine ShopumlKoun* .by, the iarye.it amt be*«l selected stock of FRESH GROCERIES, Glass and Quccnsware, which ho will sell at tho very lowest prices for cash. Every article In tho lino of Family Groceries will always bo kept fresh and cheap. He also calls particular atten tion to tin* Karrka l\ifciit (Has* fi'ruifJur.t, of which ho has tho r.telmlve agency for Carlisle, nnd which has proved Its superiority over all other cans or Jars now tu use bj- Its great simplicity, perfect reliability in keeping Fruit,and ihoex traordinary ease with which it Is scaled nnd opened, without injury for future use. No fami ly should purchase ot tier Jars without first exam ining tho Eureka, if they want to buy the best.— Also MNOX’K PATENT STEP LAUDER, an arti cle which nohouseholdshnuld bo without. Also, Lash's celebrated WASHING MACHINE, only Five Dollars, and the AMIDON CLOTHES WRINGER, both of which tiro confidently rec ommended to give entire satisfaction. 110 has also boon appointed ageist lor tho sale of and Olllco EARTHEN DRAIN PIPES, to which ho would call the attention of Farmers nnd others needing them ns tho best and cheap est article to bo found for convoying water thro* yards ana barn yards. Also a variety of other articles, such ns DOOR MATS, of several kinds and prices. ns* Just opened a supply of Fresh Herring and all kinds of Salt Fish, put up this Spring. Also Flour In barrels and sacks, and Feed by the bush el. JOHN MARTIN., July IS.I&H—If PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE, UN SOUTH-WEST CORNER PITT A POM FRET STREETS. Tho undersigned, successor to J, F. Stpel, re spectfully announces that, having returned from the Eastern cltjcs,. he Is now prepared to sell at tho very lowest cash price*, unreal variety of fresh - GROCERIES A PROVISIONS, CONSISTING OF Quccmavurc, Suyar, Glassicarc, CbffcOi, TJTfeod and IViUota Hare, J'oa, Fish, Spices, Salt, Crackers, Cual Oil , Cheese, Molasses, Lubricating Oil, IhAaiacs, Tvbacax, Canned Fruit, Seyars, ficklcs and Sauce, and all the articles kept In a first cioas Grocery Store. I would respectfully solicit u share of tho pub lic patronage. .. DANIEL SHOEMAKER. May 21, lS'7-Iy ■!" w ORTH KNOWING! It Is a fact worth knowing to all housekeep ers, In these limes when money is not Quito so plenty as it was a year or two ago, that now to economise in purchasing the indispensable arti cles of FOOD AND PIIOVI 8 I O N 8 is a matter of importance to all, except such a» are over flush, (they bo few). The subscriber hereby informs the public that his stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, qUEENSWARE. CANNED FRUITS, SAUCES, and an innumerable list of Goods and small Wares, such us uro soiqelin\c»s, \o, bQ found in a well establlf#hb.d'Country Slorp, Is full and com plete; ana he anndu'ncc* bis determination to sell the same at prices that will pay his custo mers for stepping a liiile oul of (ho‘Way (although a great business center) and ascertain the truth ot the above assertion. P* S. I don’t import Goods FROM ACROSS THE OCEAN, but buy them in New York, Philadel phia ami Baltimore, at tlm lowest rates that any man living van buy them. Give me a call. March IJ, Do7—ly & BROTHER. I.ATE ARRIVAL OF GOOD AM) l/UESH GROCERIES. I‘KICVX U Ji DUCK 2> ! Wo lm\ e ju.s.v revived a fresh uuppy oT U R o V'K IUEH, SUCH AS Brown, crushed, pulverized nod granulated Su gars, Codecs, green and rousted. Rice, Ada mantine Candles, Tallow Candies, Starch Teas, all kinds. Cheese, Chocolate, Ba ker's Cocoa, Baker’s Broma, Mac car on I. Vermacilla, Fahnes tock’s Farina. Mustard, Mus tard Seed, Black an d Oayanno Pepper, Spi ces, Indigo, Al -1 u in, Coppe ras, lump and |p u 1 v e r- Ized II r i m lilonc, Babbitt's and Vanhugau's Soap, Toilet Soup,Soda, Cream of Tartar, Coarse and Fine Salt by the sack or bushel. Shoo Blacking,Stove Luster, Concentra ted Lye, New Orleans and Syrup Mp msses, SjuM'in Oil, Waggon Grease, ime kcrol, various grades. Sugar Cured llama, Dried Beef, general assortment of Coni Oil and Fluid Lamps, Glass ami Mlea Lump Chimneys, corn, hickory and corn wisp Brooms, Tampico Fly Brushes, hearth, dusting and sweeping Brushes, hum! scrub Brushes, shoe and wall Brushes, cloth and hair Brushes, Mucilage, Liquid. Rennett, black, bluoaud rod Ink, ‘CATTLE POWDER, Raisins, Prunes, paired and unpaired Poaches Poaches and Tomatoes in cans, Catsups, Worces ter and London Club Sauic, Green Corn In cans, table Oil, Hominy, Roans, O U ANUEH AND LEMONS water, sugar, wine, iif.Uk and almond Crackers, roasted rye and whpul CoUVe. Twist, Navy, Nat ural and Congress Tobacco, Killlklnlck, Kino Cut, Lynchburg and Ilunkecmmkle iSmoklng Tobac co and Anderson’s Solace chewing Tobacco. QUh'j:yX\\’Al{l'\ C7U.V4. (s A ,V.V. \YOODKX FAJtTJiJiX a yi> I'vro-VA’ \VA I£JS, Baskets, a general assortment of Willow and (Splint Baskets and many NOTIONS, and everything else usually kept In u Grocery Hloro. The public are respectfully Invited to call and examine their Block. Wo feel conildont'thoy will go away Kntlallcd. 43>~ Marketing of all .viiuls taken In exchange for good.s, May 3, 1800. tUbecs Stable. J. 8 TURNER 1 13 LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, 11ETWK12N JIAXOVEU AND BEDFORD BTS., IN II 1C A U OP THE JAIL, CARLISLE, PA. Having fitted up the Stable with new Carria ges, &.c., I am prepared to furnish fivut-cluss turn outs at reasonable rates.. Parties taken to and from the Springs. April 25.1807—1 y Dll. KINDLEBERGER’S WATER WHEEL. isg, S; Having received the Agency for Cumberland, Adams, Franklin, Fulton and Bedford counties, in the State of Pennsylvania for this popular wheel; woconfldontly recommend It as combining more good qualities than any Wheel now made. These Wheels are perfectly fitted up, ready to make the attachment to. Mill Gearing and Shafting furnished to order. Send for Circular, MCDOWELL «t BAECHTEL, Agents, Hagerstown, Maryland. Sept. 5,1807—3 m mo THE PUBLIC! The undersigned having determined on chang ing his business, will sell offhls entire stock of READY MADE-CLOTHING, PIECE GOODS' AND GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS IN GENERAL, A T AND BEL O W COST! In order to close his business as early as possible. 4S-All persons knowing themselves Indebted to mo will please call and settle immediately. JSAAO LIVINGSTON. ♦Vo. 22 North Hanover Street, .. ~ Carlisle, I\u July 2>, ImJ7 —tf pAINTING AND PAPER-HANGING I The undersigned Ims resumed his regular busi ness of PAINTING AND PAPER-HANGING.— PLAIN AND FANCY PAINTING, SIGN PAINTING, LETTERING, &c„ NEATLY EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. Residence and Shop No. 01 North Hanover' street, Carlisle, , , ~ f. A, SMITH. July 11,1867—6 m WM. BENTZ. No* li West Main St. WASHMOOD & BROTHER. Sjartitoarc, faints, Set. TV/TILLER A BOWEKS, ... . XfX ' CXTOOBSOMTO LEWIS r. LYNB, North Hanover Strtei, dtrlisle, Jto Dealers In American, English and German HARDWARE, Cutlery. Saddlery, Couch Trimmings, Shoo Findings, Morocco and Lining Skins, Uusta, • ■ • Boot Trees and Shoemaker Tools of every description. Solid and Brass Box Vices, Bellows, Flics, Rasps, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoo Nails. Bar and Rolled Iron of oil sizes. HAM ES AND TRACES. Carriage springs. Axles, Spokes, Fellows, Hubs, Ac. r ic. Saws of every variety. Carpenters’ Tools and Building Material, Table and Pocket Cutlery,. Plated Forks and Spoons, with an extensive as sortment of Hardware of all kinds and of the best manufacture, which will ho sold wholesale or re tail at* the lowest prices. We are making great Improvements In our already heavy stock ol goods, and Invito all persons in want of Hard ware of every description to give us a call and wo are confident you wm bo well paid for your trou ble. Hoping that by strict attention to bus In ess'ami a .disposition to please,all we will be able to maintain the reputation of the old stand. MILLER & BOWERS. Dec. 1, l&Qo. JJARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &c. AT HENRY SAXTON’S OLD AMD CHEAP HARDWARE STORE EAST itjilN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE CORMAN HOUSE. 1 have Just returned from the East with the Impest and best selection of HARDWARE ever oU'orcd In old Cumberland, and am able to soil the following articles a little lower than else where In the county. All orders attended to per sonally and with our usual promptness. Goode delivered to nil parts of the town free oj charge. Hammered, Rolled and English Relluod Iron, Horse-Shoe Iron, Russia Sheet Iron, Burden’s Horse and Mule Shoes, Norway Nall Rods,San dersou's Cast-Steel English and American Blister Steel, Sleigh Bole Steel, Spring Steel, Carriage Springs, Carriage Axles, Ac, The largest assort ment of I CARRIAGE & WAGON FIXTURES yet oDfcrod, such as SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES, BOWS PLAIN and FINISHED SHAFTS SL EIQU li UN NEBS, &0., &0. 5,00 BARRELS Roscndalc, Scotland and Hancock Ccmont, all warranted fresh. Douglas'and Co wing’s IRON AND CHAIN PUMPS. POWDER,—A full stock of Dupont’s Rock, RUlo and Duck Powder, Safety Fuse, Hicks, Mat locks, Drills Crow-bars, Sledges, 4c. I.OOO,KEGS NAILS, which wo will sell low. Country merchants sup plied at manufacturers prices. PAINTS.—2O Tons of tho following brands ot White Lend and Zinc: iVhctbcrUVs French Zinc, American do., . Colored do., •SnoiO 1 Vhite Liberty, Suck, Cry Sol, Mansion, COLORS of every description, Dry and te Ofl n cans and tubes, aiso. Gold Leaf. Freasfc and German Leaf Bronze OILS AND VARNISHES. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Sperm do., Coach Varnish do.„ Fish do., Furniture do.. Lard do.. White Demur ihx. Lubrlc do., Japan do.* Neats Foot do., Irou4L«atherilo Also, Putty, Litharge, Whlkiug m Qlue, Shellac Rosin, Chalk, Alumn, Copperas, Borax, Madder, Logwood, 4c., 4c. HENRY SAXTON. Sept. 13. 1806. Coal. pOAL AND LUMBER YARD. The subscriber having leased the Yard formerly occupied by Armstrong a Hoffer. and purchased tho stock of COAL AND LUMRBER, In tho Yard, together with an immense now stock, will have constantly on hand and furnish to order ail kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING. FRAIfE STUFF. PALING, PLASTERING Lath, .Shingling bath, Worked Flooring end Wcatherboarding, Posts and Ralls, and every ar ticle that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit; White Pino, Hem lock, and Oak, of dlferont qualities. Having cars of my own, I can furnish bills to order of any length and sire ot tho shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will be kept under cover, so they can bo furnished ntall times. , .... , . I have constantly ou hand all kinds of FAM ILY COAL, under cover, which 1 will deliver, clean, to any part of tho borough, to wits Ly kens valley. Broken Egg, Stove aud Nut, Luke Fiddler, Trevorton, Locust Mountain, Laubcrryl which I pledge myself to sell at tho lowest prices. Limcburncrs’ and Jilacksmiihsl Coal, always on and, which I will sell at tho lowest figure. Yard, west side of Grammar School, Main Street. Dee. 1.1855 ANDREW H, BLAIR. TpORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. i-7our & Feed, Cbal, Piaster A Salt. J\ BEETEM HN PAUEIttA S Old Established 'UR MANUFACTORY A r o. 718 Arch Street (above 7th,) PHILADELPHIA. Have now In Store my own Importa nt and Manufacture, to of tho largest and jHt beautiful adee ms of 'A NCY F URS , r Ladles' and OUI 1 to, a fine assortment „ M *lars. 10 dispose of my goods at very rcosonablo prices, and I would therefore solicit a vicinity 1 fronds of Cumberland county aud Remember tho Nome, Number and Street, .. „ ia JOHN FAREIRA. No. 718 ARCH St., ab. 7th, south side, PhUa. ,t7^Tt. HAVE n <> Partner, nor connection WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN PHIJiAD'A. Oct. 10,1807—4 m WHISKER AND MO USTA OME. BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF FALSE MOUa- TACHE3 AND WHIKBERB. of French manufao ”£®».EO Perfect they cannot be detected from the pil of l ie r Bo s rllcleB by ono of the best artiste In tifrS'iiM* FoUc “?» who Is tho best manufao “•°oi sido whis - Address, H. DORR, , AIiBANY, N. Y., ’ May IB lbo7-i°y° Agont for the UnltedStaUM. gWEET BRE4THFOR ALL! DR. FONTAINE'S BALM OF MYHEHI J?. 1 } “? r ° remedy for tho cure of had brenth.no whrßvm?o m 7 5 at BOUrce too disease may arise. ff I SSIX? un lL 1 . ad ?. or B® nt will not make an effort #\Sy? disagreeable evil wnen It can be k NE sent to your addras by mall, and a cure guaranteed, or mo- w y nnffi? d fftL orders must be addressed to SdBtSS. Albimy * N * Ym8010Agontfor ihh UrU- May 16,1867—1 y MASONIC MARKS, PINS, JSHDLE2I& dec., HICKORY STRIPES, CHECKS, TICKINGS, &C. at reduced rates. A Urge and well selected stock DRESS GOODS, BOUGHT AT THE EATS BANIOBBJCE9. Moriuo’s, Poplins. Alpacas, Wool Do Laluos, Bilks, Reps, ■ Mohairs, MOURNING GOODS Bombasine*, Bept , Bept Alpacat, Wool De Laines, Erench Jderinoee, Crop* Vellt, CVwpe Cbltar*. OoaJkng Clothtin Blackand Color*. A FtTLL Lum OP CLOTHS & C ASSIMEBEB, BEAVER CLOTHS, CHINCHILLAS. at lower prices than ever, CASSINETTS VEEY LOW GREAT BARGAINS IN Shirts, Browers, Woolen Hoods, Wool Scar&, Nubias, Sontags, Hosiery, Gloves dr Notions. . of 001,(1 Velvet Ribbon n *l*® moBt ' beantlfhl styles of Brass Buttons, Colored Cord edged Ribbons, oflbred? rffeat ftnd chea P« flt lo * of Blankets ever SHAWXB, SINGLE ANB DOUBLB, VHILDRSN'aSSA TVTA? PLAIN AND PLAID FLANNMU3, A son zn GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, HOOP SKIRTS , ONE CASE OP BRUNER'S celebrated Balmoral , ftt only $1.76, Selling In other Ilouitee at §2.00 and SLSg, TABLE COVEBBI FANCY BOBESI The above enumeration ofgoodaand pnooaaro but a partial Hat of one of the largoatand beat ae leett>4 atoeka over brought to tUa place, and t would therefore tmpreaa particularly on mi pm otaaaen the propriety of at leoataeolngand exam. Intng ray arookhetorepuroboalngelaewhere a. It la my full determination notto bo nndendid 'i. any goods In my line, m my MOTO) 18, QiriCKHALESI AiW> BBOJIT ABORTUS! ANU W PIaA.CS OP Busing^ hj‘ OREENFIEIaD No, 4 But Mom Stieet. Nov. 7,1167, amines ank JLlquota. JJ POHLY, RECTIFIER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS No't. 7 and 0, North Hanover Street * ' CARLISLE* PA. ICES Brandies. Holland Gin, Superior Jamaica Spirits, Irish and Scotch whisker Monongahela Whisky. Old Madeira Wine, Port Wine. Lisbon and Muscatel, Malaga and Claret, Cherry Brandy, Blackberry Brandy, Raspberry Brandy, . . Lavender Brandy, Rum Shrub, Wine Bitters, .Tansey Bitters. AGENT FOR DB. STOEVER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Also a largo and superior stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, embracing everything In that lino of business I *Aprlfls°lBo7— lyGoods constantly arriving!"' „ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC XL ' ' LIQUORS. ™SoE“«?,, E l h ;? wof fMpeotnuiy announces to tho P a sy°» that ho continues to keep constantly on ?mtmrat d of ’ Bttle, “ largo and yery sn »o«or ss- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, few doors west of Hannon'# and directly west of the court- House, Car" BRANDIES, . ALL OF CHOICE BBAHITfI. Wines, ' Sherry, Port, Madcrla, Lisbon, Olarot, Native, Hock, Johannlfiberjj, and Bodernelmcr. CHAMPAGNE. sajgsSii.Migrii.gte and »»««■•>- WHISKY, “xScSsar ow »«“* »«■««. iloipK™"" 1 “ t at Lebanon and principal the4.loP. M, malting connections ror Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potta kni\Srt h S7,» l ? aven t nd Auburn, via Sebuyl imrg at 3.a>r q M ehanna Radßoad > leave Harris indub^ra.KßM; 11 - Tam “'l ua »‘W6A. M. i n I Sf. A u 0m ". loda , Uo “ Train: Leavsu Rood “Jg M 7-50 A M. f returning from Philadelphia at- Pottslown Accommodation Train: Leaves. de& W a“o n 3OP M‘ M - returnln ß *“«» pl>“a caster, Columbia, Ac. v ' u*u : Leave New York at 8.00 P.M.* S 1 i^. eIl>llla8,()0 tt »d 8.15 P, M., the 8.00 A. a * °ste' to Heading; Potts viUoS.OO Beas on f School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced cacfS B iS2go?. ked trough; BOponndß nllowea May 3. 1867, Q.ENTS’ FURNISHING AND VARIETY STORE. JVO. IS SOUTH HANO-VSH STREET pHffPSiSSS- Gentß^!l^reiflw’*^ tl?^ e l Ilae ” , HM'Jkerolileo, &!£&*/?£ ** part of Cedar and Willow Ware, au kftdS’ SSS? n* Bets, Broshes and-Combs, all SSS* JS^*.l“ c & eta » F oot Tuba, Soaps, Perfu merles.'Pens, Stationary, Ac, Don't forget the wi^£ outil .; Hanover Street, two doors North of Waahmood’s Grocery Store, Carlisle. April 11, IBij7-tf. O.INHOPF. J s. moclellan, WITH PABHAM & WOEK, Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS AITD STRAW GOODS, NO. SSI MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. July 18.18fi7-tf STOCK INBU RANGE COMPAN Y. C A PIT A li'ssoo,6ooe Horses against death from any cause or against theft. ■, Wp : rklng Oxen, Cows and Sheep may be taken 5v a to 4 per cent on two thirds tnelr cash value. at the Office of the Car- SAM'L K. HUMRIUH, Special Agent. March 1., nw-f/- M WeBt H, * E 8t - C “ U *‘»- E YER> B NEWLY IMPEOVED CRESCENT SCALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, »M»i1 < iS 1 k? g £