■kerican _YOLUNTEER. ' /]% r£ |:z::fz~ m, MV ig. |J| fSI ill #] .(I I Miff T # glf BbLs :—Two Dollars per year if paid strictly < I^^Knuco; Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if paid I . | j throe months; after which Three. Dollars Ny — -, { , . 9 charged. These terms will bo rigidly ad- - 1 ln every Instance. No subscription ells- : 1 - ■'■*■■ - ■• ■' ’• ' 1 ' ' ■ r-rr-- . 1 • • ■ 1 - , XToZ^r sea uro imld ' unlcss nt BY BRATTON & REMEDY. CARLISLE, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1866. VOL. 53 ■— Hg (Eartis. Hfii A. DUnRarZ/ttoiini3yAt ■HSkw, Carlisle, Fenua. Office a few doors SBnjf Hannon’s Hotel. ■■jTIIELTZHOOVER, Attorney |HF>’i) Counsixoh at Law, Carlisle, Penna. South Hanover street, opposite Bentz’s BK; By special arrangement with tho Patent to securing Patent Bights. HeSTbELTZHOOYEE, Attorney Law and Real Estate Agent. Shopherds- Virginia. Prompt attention given to in Jofl'erson county and tho Counties ■|>i. J. SHEARER, Attorney &c. ■K’:AT Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office near Court ■ran'. South side of Public Square, in “ Inhofl’s ■Btot,” second floor. Entrance, Hanover Street. ■S*Practicing in all the Courts of this Judicial Kmtit. prompt attention will be given to all In tho Counties of Perry and Juniata, as of Cumberland. ■BF&L 18G(J—ly*. BBalsTe. MAGLAUGHLIN, Attor at Law. Ofllce in Building formerly by Volunteer, a few doors South of Han- BkeWSHAM, Attorney at Law. Office with Wm. H. Miller, Esq,, South j^^Kiorncr^of^HttnoYC 1, and Pomfret streets, B. BUTLER, Attorney at lmv, Carlisle, Penna, Office with Wm. J. ■FITSADLER, Attorney at Law, ■H , Carlisle, Penna. Office in Building for »Wy occupied by Volunteer, South Hanover ■BEr ICENNEDY Attorney at Law, |Hv , Carlisle, Penna. Office same as that of American volunteer,” South side of the Pub- Bgßßquaro.^^ jffbHN LEE, Attorney at Law, 3SK North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa., Meb. 15,1800— ly. SU WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law. Office on South Hanover street, in the room occupied by. A. B. Sharpe. Esq. MT H. TTEVRATAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office in Biieem’s Hall Building, in tho Wttof tho Court House, next door to tho “Her |ggF’ Penna. Bohn. c. graham, attorney at ■tLaw. Office formerly occupied by Judge ■Sham, South Hanover street, Carlisle, Penna. gpfeq; 1, 1805—ly. BPiR. ANNE M. SMITH having located BJ ln Carlisle, Cumberland county, hopes thai ■fe’strict attention to professional studies she Hb[. merit a share of the public patronage. Par- attention paid to female diseases Office East of tne Good Will Engine House, on Street. HI, 18,1866—1 m NEWTON SHORT, M. D., (for merly of Centroville, Pa.) Physician and IBKeon, having permanently located In Me- Pa., most respectfully offers his sor nHEi to the public In tho practice of Medicine IB Surgery in all their various branches.— 9Kht calls promptly attended to.) Particular given to Surgical Operations and tho of Chronic Diseases. t on Main Street, opposite Rail Rond avc ■Kupstairs. July 5, ’GO-ly. BwkTgeorge S. SEARIGHT, Den- TiST. From the Baltimore College of Bentaj Office at the residence of his mother, Louther Street, three doors below Bedford, Penna. HLeNTISTRY—Dr.W.B. Shoemaker— Practical Dentist, Neville, Pennsylvania. one door North of the Post Office. |Beb. 22, 1860.—1 y. K ifKlcbical. Hi~certaln^^reventtv : e~sUr |H CHOLERA. HhE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. wonderful remedy was discovered and in- about twenty years ago by Dr. S. Cheop- eminent Egyptian physician. Ho had long seen and felt the want of some which would strike the root of disease, prevent much of tho suffering which tho hu- family was then compelled to endure. great question was presented to his mind day in vivid colors as he moved among the and dying, and observed the inefficiency of all the remedies then in use. Thushe was |Bto think and experiment; and after ten years iHstudy and labor ho presented to his fellow man K wonderful ZINGARI BITTERS. The eiiect ol IjHs preparation in the prevention and cure ol was so marvelous and astonishing that B most nattering marks of royal favor wore upon him who discovered it. Hissiamo His placed upon tho Roll.of Nobles, and a gold ÜBedal with tho. following Inscription:*vDr 8. the Public Benefactor, was presented SBUliu by tho Viceroy. preparation has been used In several epl aHinics of cholera, both as a preventive andpura- Sravo measure, and with such great success, that it ■bp.been introduced into nearly all tho general of the old world. , old saying that;an ounce of prevention i« a pound of cure, applies with marvelous aßrai'co to cholera, and tixerefore any remedy that SHU protect us : against this terrible disease should |H freely and persistently used. , , Waii pathologists now agree that the cholera acts on the system through tho blood, |H(I that any combination which acts on the ex |Ktory organs, and keeps them, in working or- must prevent a sufficient accumulation of 9H[o poison to exert its terrible effects on tho or |Knrsm. This is true not only of cholerra, but of all other maladies, especially tho diflbr [Bßt forma of fever. . ’ ■Tho Zingaraßitters is justsucha remedy as tho ■ftovo conditions require. It acts on the organs excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect ■Hklnnco between them. This Bitters is composed of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted aHat every organ is acted upon and put in tone, taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and araNumerouß cases of tho following diseases have |Hen cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, SBbillty, Amemia, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Cholic, ■■Price One Dollar per quart bottlo. depot at the Walnut street wharf, Fa. for sale by George Winters, wholesale and IBtail liquor dealer, Second Street, Harrisburg, at Shower’s liquor store, and at the Franklin ■puse, Carlisle. ' _ . H F. KAHTER, wm Bole Proprietor. [[■Hay 17,1866—6 m. jB/rUjES I - CARD. —I desire through this medium to return to you my sincere Uianks tne liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up ■me and to request a continuance of the same. your particular attention to my stock of now among which I pledge—ns a general |^■ug—to larnlsh at lower prices than can be had in Carlisle. X have Just returned from whore I purchased a stock of goods ■■well selected as any ever offered in this place. calling can rest assured of being suited in price aud quality. WM. A. MILES. Hanover Street, next door to Millor & Hardware Store, Dr. Kleffer’s-aud Dr. lB,lB66—tf PISTOLS, &c. have added to my already superior stock of materials, some Birmingham Double Belgium Double Guns, American, Single Double Guns, Remington’s Rillo Canes, Re- MB>ivers, Cooper’s Self-Cocking Revolvers, Sharp’s IBepeator, Smith & Wesson Revolvers, Dixon Shot Pouches, Copper Powder Flasks, Ely’s Melt Gun Wads,