A Sliobt Time Yet I Great In nfs Offered ! Goods at Cost. jrsigned Intends to remain for only a :s longer In Carlisle, and would again \tlon of the citizens of Carlisle and vl nd the public generally, to his well ns itock of Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing •hicli' he Is selling off at and below cost.— * consists of Overcoats, Coats, Pants, iirts, Knit Jackets, Valises, Hats, Scarfs, Drawers, Undershirts, Albums, &c. In ils stock of Clothing and Gents’ big Goods, as well as Boys and Youth’s Come all and see for yourselves; there jug about it, as hundreds already will the bargains they have made. Don’t Store, between Drs. Kleffor and Zitzer, lover Street, Carlisle. JULIUS NEITWAHL. IB6o—tf oif Yourli.—A Gentleman who suffered tronv Nervous Debility, Premature De ll! the affects of youthful Indiscretion, le sake of suffering humanity, send free > need It, the recipe and directions for the simple remedy by which ho was lufferera wishing to profit by the adver perlenco, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., N. Y. 18UC—Jy .RD to Invalids. —A Clergyman ildlng In South America ns a missionary, >d a safe and simple remedy for the Cure ns Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases oi ry and Seminal Organs, and the whole Isordors brought on by baneful and vi* Its. Great numbers have been already this noble remedy. Prompted by a de meflt the afflicted and unfortunate, I i the receipo for preparing and using (cine, in a sealed envelope, to any one ’ it, Free of Charge, acloso a post-paid envelope, addressed JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. ID, 1806-ly* MARRIED .—HUGHES*—IaWest Chester, on the »y William Whitehead, Esq., Samuel Carlisle, to Mary Hughes, of west dies- v—HOVIS.—On Thursday, the Oth of 1800, by M. Holcomb, Esq., Mr. Adam ) Miss Rebecca Hovls. -KELL. —On the 2id ult., in Carlisle, by I>. Stock* Mr; Jacob Kltch and Miss :ell, both of this county. /—SXOMBAUGH.—On the Oth Inst., by Mr, John A. Uhler, of Shopberdstown, Uvina Storabaugh, of Carlisle Sulphur DIED .—ln this borough, on Thursday night a short Illness, Mr. David Kcony, (Gro about-10 years. 'HE MARKETS. OMT OF T. Carlisle Markets. fez^Sll jito 2 60' id,............ 2 55 OO 5ed,.... 6 bo ; 3 oo •Mercer,... 1 80 1 60j Philadelphia markets. ■Wednesday, Sept. 12,1806. Jhta market is extremely quiet, but iain without quotable change. 800 bbls. . family sold on private terms, and a few barrels, chiefly northwest extra family , 50 per barrel—including small lota of su *■. sB@9, extras at 89@11—the latter figure ground from new wheat; SII 50 to 13 50 i. and Ohio extra family, and $12@16 for mds. Prices of Corn Meal areunchang- The offerings of Wheat are small and id limited, we quote red at 82 75(5>2 82, ■at 82 00@3. Rye is steady at 8116. Corn iall sales of yellow at 92 cents, and mix cents. Oats are not so abundant sales ware at 15 cents, and 1000 bushels old xed Penna. at 55 cents. The receipts , follows: 1200 bbls, flour, 3500 bushels ous. corn, 5100 bus. Oats. /laxseed continues In good demand, m arrival at $3 80 per bus. Timothy is id; sales are malting at 83 50@4 per bus. I continues very dull; small sales are $0 50@7 50 pesbus. v—There Is very.little doing; small is. are making at 82 88 for Penna. and tllon for Ohio. afcbcrttementjs. JOB’S NOTICE.—The under 3d, having been appointed Auditor to the residue of the estate of Michael jc’d., remaining in the bands of D. S. Administrator. &c. t to and among the nd heirs of said decedent, will attend Jes of Uls appointment at his ollice, in m Friday, the sth day of October, 1806, >ok, A. M. ,OF A THOUSAND—A Con live Cured.—Dr. R. JAMES, a returned of great eminence, discovered, while ;t Indies, a certain cure for Consump itna. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Jeblllty, The remedy was discovered rhea his only child, a daughter, was glv WQahip of Upper Allen, will be held at ic house of Jeremiah. Hannon, in Shep- -tlon in the election district composed -sex township, wlllbe held-at the Mid- Jhool House. . , •ctlon in the election district composed Wnship of Lower Allen, will bo held at •maker shop of Jonas Hnnchbarger, on “tlon in the election district composed ennsborough township, will be hold at ® John aierer, at West Falrvicw. motion In the election district composed Cumberland, will be held at the house pt by William Bell, in, tho borough of. , lection in the election district composed orpugh of bo held at Ho house now Jeep t by Xi. Helices, In said .‘oUon lu the election district composed roe township. will be hold at the public ■a. J. Morrison, In yhurohtownj in Bald The election in the election district Composed of Penn township, will bo hold at tho house lately occupied by Jacob Ilcdsccker, in said township. Tho election in the election district composed of Upper Dickinson township, will be heldm tho house now occupied by Joseph Knottlc, known as the Stone Tavern. The election in the election district composed of the borough of Newvllleand townships of Mif tlln,Upper Frankford, Upper WcatPenhsborough and North Newton, will be hold at the public School House In the borough of Nowvillo. The election In tho election district composed of tho bordugh of Newburg, Hopewell township, will be hold at the School House In Newburg, in said township. The election in tho election district composed of tho borough of Shippcnsburg, Shippcnsburg township, and that part of Southampton not In cluded in the Leesburg election district, will bo hold at tho Council House, in tho borough of Shippcnsburg. The election in the election district composed of Lower Southampton township, will be held at tho house formerly occupied by William Max well, in Leesburg. Tho election In the election district composed of Soutli Newton township, will be held at the School House In Jacksonville, ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. “ That every person excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall Uoldanj' olllco or appointment oL profit or trust under tho United States, or of this State, or a City or Incorporated District, , whether a commissioned olllcer or otherwise, who Is or shall bo employed under the Legisla tive, Executive or Judiciary Department ol this State, or of tho United States, or of any Incorpo rated District, and also, that every member of Congress, and of tho Slate Legislature, and of the Select or Common Connell of any City, or Com missioner of any Incorporated District, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the time, tho olhcc or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Judge, Inspector or other oflicer of such election shall be efeglble to bo then voted for.” And tho said Act of Assembly, entitled “ An Act relative to elections ot this Commonwealth,” parsed July 3, !&>}), further provides, as follows, to wit: “That the Inspector ami Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election in tho District to which they respective- ly belong, before ‘J o’clock on the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October, and each of said Inspec tors shall appoint one Clerk, who shall be a qiml itled voter 01 such District. “Incase the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Inspec tor, shall not attend on the day of election, tuen the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next preceding election, shall act os Inspector in his place. And in case the person who has received the highest number of votes for Inspector, shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall ap point an Inspector In his place, and in case the person elected Judge shall not attend, then the .inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in Ills place; and if any vacancy snail continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time llxod by law for the opening of the election, the voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the time of election, shall elect one of their number to 1111 the vacancy.” Particular attention Is directed to the Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of February, 1881), entitled “ An Act relative to voting at Elections in the counties of Adams. Dauphin. York, Lan caster, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford, Centro, Green, and Eric,” viz: “ Sec, 1. Be It enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth: of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by theauthority of thesamo that it shall be lawful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bedford, Centre. Green, and Erie, from and after the passage of this Act, to vote for all candidates for the various offices to bo Ailed at any election ou one slip or ticket: Provided, the office for which every candidate is voted for, shall be designated as required by the existing laws of the Commonwealth, “Sec. 2. That any fr/vnd.coramitted by any per son voting in the manner above prescribed, shall be punished as similar frauds are directed to bo punished by the existing laws of the Common wealth.” For the information of the electors of Cumber- jAitiiisiiE, Sept. 12,1866. Butter, $0 Eggs, 20 Lard, 20 Tallow, 10 Bacon-Hams, 2g Bacon—Sides, 2u Soup Beans, 175 Washed W 001,.,.... 40®50 Unwashed W 001,.. 80®40 Pared Peaches 7 00 Unpared Peaches,... 5 00 Dried Apples 3 00 JNO. C. GRAHAM, Auditor |ieto fUjbertiscmcnts. land county, I publish the following, being the 4th section of the Act of the General Assembly of the session of 1851, entitled “An Act to provide for tno Election ol Judges of the several Courts of this Commonwealth, and to regulate certain Judicial Districts.” “Sec,4. That the election for Judges shall bo held and conducted iu the several election dis tricts in the same manner in all respects as elec tions for Representatives are or shall be conduc ted, and thosame Judges, Inspectors, and ofll cers, and by provisions of the Act ot the General Assembly, entitled “ An Act relating to the elec tions of this Commonwealth,” approved the 2d day of July, 184 U, and its several supplements, and all other like laws as laras the same shall bo m force and applicable, shall be deemed and ta ken to the election of Judges: Provided, That the aforesaid electors shall vote for Judges of the Supreme Court on a separate piece of paper, and for all other Judges reexuired to be learned in the law on another separate piece of paper. “It shall be the duty of the several Assessors, respectively to attend at the place of lidding cv-' ery General, Special or Township election, during the whole tlipc said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the Inspectors and Judge, when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters in rela tion to the assessment of voters* as tho said In-, specters, or either of thorn shall from time to tune require. 4 v “ No person shall ho permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, other than «> white freeman of the a"e of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided in tho State at least one year, and in the election district where ho otters to vote, at least ten days immediately preceding such elec tion and within two years paid aStateand coun ty tax which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a quali tlcd voter of this State and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall; bo entitled to vote after residing in this State six months • Provided, That the white freemen, citi-, zens of tho United States, between tho ages of 21 and 22 years, and having resided in this State one year and in the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. _ , ‘‘ No person shall be permitted to vote whoso name is not contained in thfclist of taxable in habitants furnished by the Commissioner, unless, First, he produces areeoipt for the payment, with in two years, of a State or county tax assessed n"reeablvto the Constitution, and give satisfac tory evidence either on his own oath or affirma tion or on tho oath or affirmation of another that he has paid such a tax, or In failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to the payment thereof: Or Second, if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years, shall depose on. oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at least one year next before his application, and make such proof of residence In the District as is required by this Act, and that ho does verily believe from tho .accounts given him that he is of the ago aforesaid,and give such dther evidence os 1 s required by this Act: where upon tho name of the person so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list, by the Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the-word .‘tax,’ifhe shall bo admitted to vote bv reason of having paid tax, or the word ‘age’ If ho shall be admitted to vote by reason of age, and iu either case the reason of such vole shall be called out to the Clerks, who shall make the like note In tho list of voters kept by him, , “ In all cases where tho name of the person clai ming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the commissioners or assessors, or his right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be tho duty of the Inspectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and if ho claims to have re sided In the State for one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least-one competent witness, who shall bo a qualified elector, that ho has resi ded within tho district for more than ton days next immediately proceeding such election, and shall also himself swear that nis bona fide resi dence, In pursuance of his lawful calling, is with in tho district and that ho did not remove In tho said district for the purpose of voting therein. “ Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make duo proof, if required, of his residence and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be ad mlted to vote In tho township, ward, or district iu which ho shall reside. “ If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent au officer of the election under this actfrorn holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall Interrupt or improperly Interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall block or attempt to block up tho window or avenue to any window where tho same may be holding, orphan riotously, disturb tho peace of said election, or shall use or practice any Intimidation, threats, force or violence with the design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to re strain the freedom of choice, such person on con viction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding live hundred dollars, and to be imprisoned for a time not less than one or more than twelve months, and if It shall be shown to tho court whore the trial of such offence shall be had, that tho person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township, where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on tho conviction he'shall bo sen tenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, mid to be Imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. . ” If any person or persona shall make any .bet or wager upon tho result of any election within this commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereto, or by any written or printed advertise ment. challenge or invite any person or persons to make such betor wager, upon conviction there of lie or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or to be bet. “ If any person not by law a uallfled, shall fraud ulently vote at au election lathis commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his nrooer district, or if any person knowing.the want of such qualification, shall aid or procure such person to vote, the person, on conviction, shall be fined In any sum not exceeding two hun dred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. “If any person shall vote at more than one election district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same day, or shall fraud ulently fold or deliver to tho Inspector two tick ets together, with the.iutent illegally to voto r or shall procure another so to do, he or they ofiond ing shall on conviction be lined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dol lars and be imprisoned for any term not less than three nor more than twelve months. “If any person not qualified to vote iu this commonwealth, agreeably-to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens) shall appear at any nlaco of election for the purpose of Issuing tlck « ets or of influencing tho citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding tUw mouths.” „ Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first section of said act, every General and Special Election shall bo opened between ihohounj of eight and ton in the forenoon, and shall continue without Interruption oradjoummont'untU seven Ncto SUibertteements. o'clock In tho evening, when tho polls shall bo closed. And the Judges of tho respective districts afore said, arc by tho said act required to meet at tho Court House, In the borough of Carlisle, on tho third day after the said day of election, being Friday, the 12tli day of October, then and there to perform the things required ot them by law. In accordance with the provisions of the Bth section of an act entitled “ A further supplement to the Election laws of this Commonwealth,” I publish tho following; Whereas, By tho act of the Congress of the United States, entitled “An act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for tho enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes,” and approved March 3d, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all per sons who have deserted the military or naval service of tho United Stales, and who have not been discharged or relieved from tho penalty or disability therein provided, aro.dcomed and tak en to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited their right of citizenship and their rights to be come citizens, and arc deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof; , „ , , And whereas, Persons not citizens of the United States are not, under tho constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Common- W Sectionl. lie if enacted &c.. That in all elections hereafter to lie hold in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for tho Judge or inspectors of any such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any pdrson or persons embraced in the pro visions and subject to tho disability imposed by said act of Congress, approved March 3d, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall bo unlawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. 'Sections. That if any such Judge and Inspec tors of election, or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive any such unlawful ballot or ballots from any such disqualified person,-ho or they so offending shall bo guilty of a misdemean or, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, he shall, for each offence, bo sentenced to pay a tine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an Imprisonment in tho Jail of the proper comity for not less than sixty days. , * Sections. That if any person deprived of citi zenship. and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election hereafter to be held in tills common wealth, vote, or tender to the olficcrs thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person so offending snail bo deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and on con-vlctfon tbereot in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall for each offence bo punished in likewise manner as provided in tho proceeding section of this act in case of officers of election receiving such un lawful ballol or ballots. .... Section 1. That 'S any person shall hereafter pursuade or advise any person or persons, depriv ed of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to tho officer of any el ection hereafter to bo hold in this common wealth, such person so offending shall .be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tnereoi in any court of quarter sessions ol this common wealth, shall bo punished in a like manner as is provided in tho second section of this act in the eascot officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots, ' Particular attention is directed to the first sec tion of the Act of Assembly, passed the mh day j of March, A. D., 18U0, entitled* 4 An Act regulating the manner of Voting at all Elections, in the several counties of this Commonwealth “ That the qualified voters of the several coun ties of this Commonwealth, at all general, town shin borough and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or wnten, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of courts voted for, and to bo labelled, outside, ju diciaryone ticket shall embrace the names of all state oillcers voted for, and bo labelled, “state;” one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for. including office of Senator, member, and members of Asscmblj , if voted for, and members, of Congress, If voted for, and be labelled, “ countyone ticket shall em brace the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled, “ townshipone ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labelled, “ boroguh; ,r and each class shall bo deposited in separate ballot boxes. Agreeably to the provisions of the axty-ilrst, section of said act, “Every General and Special Election shall bo open between the hours ot eight and ten in the forenoon and shall continue open until seven o’clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed.” , . Pursuant to the provisions contained in the seventy-sixth section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respec tively take charge of the certificates of return of the election of their respective districts, and pro duce them at a meeting of one judge from each district, at the Borough of Carlisle, on the third day after the election, toeing for Otf FRIDAY, THE I2TH DAY OF- OCTOBER NEXT, then and there to do and perform the du ties renulrecl-by law of said Judges. - Aiso—That where a judge by sickness or una voidable accident, is unable to attend such a meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall bo taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said dis trict who shall do and perform the duties requir ed of saldjudgo-unable to attend. Given under my hand, at Cai lisle, this IBth day of September,JlSUO. Sept. 13,1800. ■VTEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! Tlio undersigned would most respectfully In form the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that they have Just opened a largo and well selected stock pf DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, at Maglaughilu’H stand, North Hanover Street, one door South of Faber’s American Hotel. Our stock is now, having been purchased recently.- All the newest fall styles on haiul. \ou will tint! a large,assortment of - DOMESTICS, such as MUSLINS, PRINTS, CHECKS, TICKINGS, GINGHAMS, °s 0 A fc M y RAHAMi Yaluable farm at public SALE—O/i TUESDA l\the llitfi day of October, isifo —The subscriber will otter at Public Sale, the Farm on which she now resides, situate lu South ampton Township, Franklin County, about one-, fourth of a mile .South of Shlppoiisburg. Boun ded by lauds of Jeremiah Angle, Samuel Smith and others, and coiitaius Beymity-four’Acres and Eighty Perches of choice LIMESTONE LAND, In a high state of cultivation, the whole of it hay ing recently been well lined, it is well adopted to the culture of all kinds of grain and is among the most productive in the fertile valley, in the midst of which it is located. The ttelds are entirely free from broken land, and are regularly and beauti fully laid out and nearly all enclosed with good post fence. The Improvements consist of a large, and commodious two »t.oiy BR/OE DW IDLING HOUSE, largo two story BAOE BUILDING, the entire building Is well planned and hi oxeellent COHN ’CIUB, SMOKE HOUSE, with all necessary outbuildings convenient, ami In good condition. A stream of never falling water flows near the door, also a well of first rate water and a good cistern in the yard. There is on this farm an ex cellent YOUNG ORCHARD of choice Apple trees, also a variety of other fruit. This properly ia. worthy the attention of purchasers. Aside from the advantages already enumerated it is conven ient to Churches, .Schools, and possesses lu all re spects the requisites of a convenient and com- at 1 o’clock P, M,, on said day, when terms will bo made lumwix b£ Sept. 13, 1803 —ts. p UNS, PISTOLS, »fec. 1 luivo added to my already superior stock of sporting materials, some Birmingham Double Guns, Belgium Double Guns, American, Single and double Guus, Remington's Rule Canes, Re volvors, Cooper's Self-Cooking Revolvers, Sharp's Reneater Smith * Wesson Revolvers, Dixon Si Shot Pouches, Copper Powder Flasks, Ely’s Felt Gun Wads, &c. , . Remember my old Stand next door to the Cor man House, Sept. 13,1800. PLOWS.— Plank, Zeigler, York, Eagle and Perry Plows, for sale chcajyvt^^^ Sept. 13,1850. WHITE and Black Curled Hair, Cls tern Pump*. Turn Tabic and Lightning Apple Fearers, at SAXTON’S. Sept. Tl, fJ)HE Patent Ohio Corn Huskor at VXTON , S aapt. 13,18(50. BIHD CAGES,of every description at SAXTON'S, 13,1800, |tcto aubertfeementss. JJARDWARE, IRON, NATES, &c. Oil® ASD • CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. NEXT DOOR TO THE GORMAN HOUSE. I have just returned from the East with the largest and best selection of HARDWARE over offered in old Cumberland, and am ablo to sell the following articles a little lower than else where la the county. All orders attended to per sonally and with our usual promptness. Goods delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. Hammered, Rolled and English uctlned. Iron, Horso-Shoo Iron, Russia Sheet Iroil. Burden’s Horse and Mule Shoes, Norway Nall Rods. San derson’s Cast-Steel English and American Blister Steel, Sleigh Solo Stool, Spring Steel, Carriage Springs, Carriage Axles, Ac. The largest assort ment of CARRIAGE & WAGON FIXTURES .POKES, HUBS, FELLOES, , BOWS, PLAIN and FINISHED SHAFTS, SLEIGH R UNNERS, Ac., &c. 5,0 O' BARR E L S Roscndale, Scotland and Hancoolc Content, all warranted fresh. Douglas* and Cowing's IRON AND CHAIN PUMPS. • POWDER.—A full stock of Dupont’s Rock, RUlo and Duck Powder, Safety Fuse, Picks,Mat tocks, Drills Crow-bars, Sledges, Ac. ... r 1,000 KEGS NAILS*,. , which wo will sell low. Country merchants sup plied at manufacturers prices. PAINTS.—2O Tons of the following brands of White Lead and Zinc: WhetherUVs French Zinc, Liberty, American do., ■ ■ • Luck, OAorcd do., Crystal, Snow White do., Mansion, Florence do. . COLORS of every description, Dry and in Oil in cans and tubes, also, Gold Leaf, French and German Leaf Bronze, &e. OILS AND VARNISHES. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Sperm do., Coach Varnish do., Fish do., Furniture do., Lard do,, White Demar do., Lubrlc do,, Japan do., Neats Foot do., Iron & Leather do. Also, Patty, Litharge, Whiting, Glue, Shellac, Rosin, Chalk, Alumn, Copperas, Borax, Madder, Logwood, &0., &e, Sept> 13, 180,(1. jjARDWARE! We especially invite the attention of the public generally to come and examine our no wand well selected stoclc of Pocket and Table Cuttlery, Sil ver Plated and Brlttania Tea and Table Spoons, Shears, Scissors, Curling, Crimping and Goffering Tongs and Irons, Hiding, Driving and Sleigh Whips. Such Ss Docks, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nalls, Ac. Carpenter, Coopers, Blacksmiths and Shoema kers Tools and Findings. Our new stock of Grain Bags are the best and cheapest ever offered in town. Farmers and For warding men will find it to their advantage to come and examine our stock before buying else where. A conipieto assortment of Cedar Ware, com prising Tubs, Churns, Buckets, Bushel and Peck measures, wash Rubbers, &o. Just recalved at iho old and cheap Hardware Store of . HENRY SAXTON. East Main Street, next door to Rlppey’s Hotel. Sept. 13,180 G. IVTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Conner, dcc’d., late of Fraukford township have been granted to the undersigned residing In Milllln township. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make payment im mediately. and those having claims against said estate, will present them for settlement. MOSES CONNER, Administrator, Aug. IG, IbCG—Ct JOHN JACOBS. tihcn/f. "VTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that JJi letters Testamentary on the estate of Sara’l. Bowman, deceased, late of Hampden township, Cumberland county, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In same , place. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment lmmediately, ; and those having claims will present them for settlement. EZRA BOWMAN. , iicecutor. Aug. 2,18 G EXECUTOR’S SALE—On Saturday, September 22, IB6o.—Tho subscriber will ofler at Public Sale, on the premises, in Mifflin town ship, Cumberland county, 3 miles North of New vllle, on tho road lending to Doubling Gap Sulphur Springs, A TRACT OF SLATE LAND, late the property of Alexander Elliott, deo’d., bounded by George Henry and others, contain ing 107 ACRES, bo the same more or less, 100 acres of which are cleared and In a high state of cultivation, having been well limed. The im provements are a Two-Story LOG WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, a good FRAME BARN, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, and all other necessary Out buildings, with a Well of water near tho door; also, an excellent ORCHARD, consisting of Ap ple and Peach Trees. Also, at tho same time and place, TWO LOTS OF MOUNTAIN LAND, within 3 miles of tho above farm, one containing 15 ACRES and 04 PERCHES, and tho other 10 ACRES and 15i PERCHES, covered with young and thriving Timber, mostly Chestnut. Both Tots are cosy of access. Persons desiring to view the property can do so by calling on the subscriber, residing near tho premises. Sale locommenceat 1 o’clock, P. M., on said day, when terms will bo made known by JOHN JACOBS. Executor of Alexander Elliott, deed. Sep. G, IsGft— PUBLIC SALE} OF BEAL ESTATE. —On Saturday, September 22, 1860. The under signed will offer at Public Sale, on the above day, on the premises, the following described real Es tate, viz: A TRACT OF'LAND, containing 10 ACHES, In a good state of cultivation, situated in township, about one mile East of Paportown; on the road leading from Mt. Holly to Craighead’s Mill. The improvements arc A GOOD EGG HOUSE, a good Frame Barn, a Frame Shop, and other Out-bulldlnga. There is a never-falling Well of water near the door, and an elegant YOUNG ORCHARD,’with a.variety of Choice Fruit, such as Apples, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, &c. The property Is under good fence, and is a most desirable country homo. It is ex cellently adapted for a truck farm. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the un dersigned, residing on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M. f .when terras will bo made known by Auditor Sept. O,ISGG—3I* Gettysburg Compiler insert, aud send bill to this office. ORPHAN’S COURT SALE—OnTues day y September 25,1866. —By virtue of au order oi cue Orphan’s Court of Cumberland county, the subscriber will sell on the premises;ln Newton township. 1 mile North-west of Newvllle, A TRACT OF SLATE LAND, late the property of Andrew Sharp, deceased, bounded by the Conodoguinet Creek, lauds ol the Heirs of John Killian, dec’d., Thomas Sharp, and others, con taining 126 ACHES and 92 PERCHES, 115 of which are cleared, the balance covered with Timber. The Improvements are a Two-Story LOG HOUSE, DOUBLE LOG- BARN, Com Crio and Wagon Shed, Spring House, a good Well of water near the door, a good APPLE ORCHARD of Choice Fruit. Thiols of Sale.— Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid at the confirmation ot the sale, the balance of one-half on the Ist of April, Istf7, when deed and posesslou will bo given, the resi due In two equal annual payments with interest from Ist of April, 1867, to be secured by Judgment, bond or mortgage on the property, the taxes of 1807 to be paid by the purchaser, the grain in the ground to be reserved. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock. P. M., on said day. 1 ° ’ ' JOHN JACOBS,; ■ldm'r. tuilh the will annexed, of A. Sharp, dcc\d , Sept. O,IBUU —Is* ORPHAN’S COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE— On Thursday, October 4,1860. —liy virtue of an order of the Orphan’s Court, of Cumberland county, the undersigned, adminis trator of Daniel Mountz, dec’d., wjUl offer at pub lic sale, on the promises, on the above day, the real estate of said decedent, to wit: A Tit ACT OF TWENTY ACRES OF SLATE LAND, situate InFranlu'ord township, one mile westof Zeiglor’s Mill, and six miles west of Carlisle. The im provements are a Two-Story LOG. HOUSE, Weather-boarded, a good LOG EARN; and oth er Out-buildings. There is a small ORCHARD of lino Fruit on the promises. The land is in a good state of cultivation. . , - ? „ Sale to commence at 10 o’clod:, A. M. t of said day, when attendance will bo given and terms made known by HENRY SAXTON. 0,18(50 —4t. “VfUMBBRING HOUSES.—The Town l\ Council of Carlisle having adopted an ordi nance requiring all houses -within the Borough limits to be numbered, the undersigned Informs property-holders that he is fully supplied with Gilt Numbers, of modern pattern, which he will attach to houses at short notice. SMITH Aug. 30,18 CCh —it OIDER BARRELS EOR BALE.— Call at WM. A. MILES’ dry-goods Store, rtU Hanover Street, Carlisle. Sept. 0,18(10-31 AT HEN BY SAXTON’S FAST NAIF ST BEET, yet offered, such as SAXTON. BUILDING MATERIAL, GRAIN BAGS CEDAR WARE 3Legal Notices lieto atibmtsements. JOHN HECKMAN. JOHNMOUNTZ, Adin’r. of Daniel Mounts. deed. Real <©scate Sato. EXECUTOR’S SALE. I—WilTbe^soid 1 —WilTbe^soid at Public Sale, on hYiday, September W. 18(W. on tno premises, in Newton township, Cumberland county, Pa, f 1 mile North-west of Nowvillo, a GOOD SLATE FARM, late the properly of John Killian, deceased, bounded by the Conodogulnet Creek and lands of John Williams, John Wag ner, heirs pf Andrew Sharp, dec’d., and others, containing t26 AGUES’, Mmre or less, of which about 25 Acres is good bottom land. All tho land Is of good quality, and well located for farming purposes... The improvements nroaTWO-BTORx FRAME HOUSE, BANK BARN and other neces sary Out-buildlugs, with a WELL of Water near the House. Any person desiring to view the property can do so by calling on Charles Killian, living on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., when terms will be made known by HENRY KILLIAN, CHARLES KILLIAN, J2xccuiors. Aug. 23,15 G PU BLIC B A Xi E.—-On- THUKS DAY, SEPTEMBER 20,156 C. Tho undersign ua will expose to public sale, on tlio premises, in West township, Cumberland county, 7 miles West of Carlisle, on tho public road lending from, Mt. Rock to Plalntiela, nnd about one-half mile from the Repot at Alterton, the following described valuable real estate, viz: A first rate LmESTONE FARM, being thd Man slon Farm, of tho late Wm. G. Davidson. Esq., bounded by Joseph Trego, George and Benjamin McKeehuu, Goorgo G. Davidson and others, con taining IUS ACRES and 181 PERCHES. This laud Is all cleared and under good cultivation, except about 20 Acres of GOOD WOOD LAND. Tho improvements are a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, NEW BANK BAUN. TENANT HOUSE, WAGON SHED and CORN CRIBS, Wash House, Hog Pen, and'all h'ecefesary improvements, with FRUIT TREES, «&c. There is a llrst rate well of Water near tho House. Tho Mt. Rock Spring mils through the farm and near to the- dwelling house, dnd there is an abundance of first-rale Locust growing on the premises. . Tho Farm wUhbo divided intotwo parts of 52 acres, U 0 porcheS; being the ’West end, ahd 143 acres, 71 perches, with tho improvements, and will bo sold in Inch parts or altogether os will bring the beat price. A perfect title will, bo giv en to the purchaser. Persons wishing to view i the property can do-so by calling on Anthony Shambaugli, on tho promises, or either of the | subscribers, residing in tho same township. I sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., on said | day, when attendance will bo given and terms [ made known by ROBT. McKEEHAN. Executor of Ann Davidson, dee'ei. ‘ GEO. G. DAVIDSON, JitVy, in fact for the devisees of "Wm. Davidson, live. Aug. 1(1, UsoU—st ORPHANS’ COURT SALE OK REAL ESTATE.—The. undersigned, admin istrator with'the will annexed of Daniel Keck, late of Tyrone’township, Perry,county deed., will, by virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Cumberland county, sell at Public Outcry, up on the premises, on Saturday,the 22d day oi Sep tember, im, at 12 o’clock, M., the following dc scrlbed Real Estate, vix: A TRACT.OF .WOOD LAND, containing &10 ACRES, 100 Acres of which are situated in Fraukford township, Cumberland county, the balance in 'Tyrone township, Perry county. Also, another Tract of Woodland, con taining 412 ACRES and 92 PERCHES, Acres of which are situated in Franklord township, Cumberland county. Tills land is well covered with limber. Conditions of Sale,—lo per cent, of-the pur chase'money to be paid when the properly is 'stricken down: one-half of balance on confir mation of sale, and the other half in two equal annual payments thereafter, with Interest, to bo scoured by Judgment bonds.^ ' Administrator. Aug. 30,18 G0 —3t VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.— On Saturday, September VS, 18bG. Will ue sold at Public Sale, on the above day. on the premises, in Monroe township, Cumberland county, on the south side of the Yellow Breeches Creek, one fourth of a mile east of Boltzhoovor s Mill and two miles south of Churchtown, on the road Icadlng'to BoUiUgSpringS, a valuable I arm containing 20 ACRES, more or less, all ol which is cleared, except 3 Acres of Woodland; and ad joining other lauds of the subscriber on the east, and tho Yellow Breeches Crook on the north.— The improvements are a Two-Story FRAME WEATHER-BOARDED HOUSE, BANK BARN, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, (all nearly now,) and other necessary Out-buildings. Tho Farm bos been well limed and Is in a high state of cultivation. There Is ft fine YOUNG ORCHARD of Choice Fruit of all kinds on the promises, and a never-failing Weil of Water at the door.-’ This Is a desirable Farm, being con venient to the water for stock and mills. Also, at tho same time and place, a small TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, containing 0 Acres, more or less, of fine Chestnut and Oak Timber. Any person wAhlng to view tho property can do so by calling on Henry Long, living on lann, or on liio subscriber in Carlisle. . Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., when terms will bo made known imlcKKß Aug. 30, 1800—31 ORPHANS’ COURT SALK OF BEAL ESTATE.— On SATURDAY, Septem ber ■£, WOO.— I The undersigned, Guardian of Emma O. and Laura B. Black, minor children of Dr. J. 0. Black, deceased, will oiler at Public Sale, on the above day, on tho premises, la Shiremans town, Cumberland County, four miles west of Harrisburg, on tho Cumberland Valley Ballrond, A LOT OF GROUND, desirably situated In Uio centre of tho village, and having thereon erected a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, A TWO-STO RY FRAME SHOP, STABLE and other out buildings. There are also a number of FRUIT TREES, GRAPES, Ac., on said promises. Late tho property of Dr. J. C. Block, deceased. Bale to commence at 1 o’clock, P.‘ M,, when terms will be made known by H. G. MOSER. Guardian of Emma (X and Laura L. Black, ■ minor J-leirs of Dr. J, C. Black, dcc'd. Aug. 30,1500 —3t. ■\TALUABLE. LIMESTONE FARM y FOB SALE.—In pursuance of an order of the'Orphnn’s Court of Cumberland county, I will expose to Public Sale, on tile promises, lu Upper Allen township, Cumberland county, on Tuesday, the 2oth of September, 1600, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the MANSION FARM of the late Christian Tltz el, dee’d., situated in tho said township, and about one-half nilie south-east of Meohanlcsburg, on the Simpson’s Ferry Rond, containing lot) ACRES, bo the same more or less, about 8 acres of which is in lino Timber. Tho Improvements are a good Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, good BARN, WASH HOUSE, and all other necessary Out buildings. There is also on tho premises a llrst rato APPLE ORCHARD, and other excellent Fruit. Tho whole farm is in excellent fencing and m the highest state of cultivation. Terms will bo made known on tho day of sale by LEVI MERKEL, Tnwlcc fur the Heirs. Sept. G, ISlift—3t« Yaluablk farm at public SALE.—Oa FRIDAY. September, EB, WOO, at l o’clock, P. M., will Bo sold on tho premises, tho SLATE AND GRAVEL FARM of the under signed, In Frankford township, Cumberland county, about 5 miles West of cax'llsle, and 1 mile north of Plainfield, containing 17 ACRES, In a good state of cultivation, and under good fence. Tho farm has been all limed within the last few years with tho exception of live or six acres.— Tho improvements consist of a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, with a KITCHEN attached, now WASH HOUSE, FRAME BARN, Ac. There Is an excellent WELL at tho door of tho dwell ing ; and FRUIT of all lands on the premises, such ns Chcrrls, Peaches, Apples, Plumbs, Grapes, Ac. Also, will be sold od the same day and place, a TRACT OF TIMBER LAND, containing 11 ACRES, two and n-hulf miles west of the. Farm. Any further Information may bo had by culling on the subscriber, living on tho farm. CATHARINE CONNER. Aug. SI, Mill—lt. 9 k BPHAN’S COURT SALE OF ' REAL J3STATJS—On Thursday,October 4, IfcGU. msuant to an order of tho Orphans’ Court, the undersigned, guardian of Mary Klin. .San derson, minor daughter of Joseph and Martha Sanderson, (tho latter dcc’d.,) will oiler at public sale on the promises, situate on the South side of West Main Street, In tho Borough of Mechanics burg, A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Frame and Weather-boarded Bach Building, and I#otof Ground, containing 30 feet In front by about 175 in depth. Tills property is eligibly situated in the highest part of said Bor ough, immediately opposite tho Cumberland Valley Institute, commanding a pleasant view of tho grounds of that flourishing institution. A pleasant homestead for somebody. * Itaiuis of Saxe.—One-fourth the purchase mon ey to paid on the confirmation of tho sale by the Orphan’s Court, one-half the residue