Jterfai ISfclmttm* OABBISBB, PA., Thursday Morning, July 0, 1860. FOR GOVERNOR, HIESTER OLYMER, OF BERKS COUNTY, DEMOCRATIC WATFOBM. 1. The States, whereof the people were lately In rebellion, are Integral parts of tno Union, and are entitled to representation In Congress, by men dnly elected, who bear true faith to the Constitu tion and laws,and In order to vindicate the maxim that taxation without representation Is tyranny, such representatives should bo forthwith admit ted, 2. The faith of the Republic Is pledged to the pa3 r mont of the National debt, and Congress should pass all laws necessary for that purpose. 3. We owe obedience to the Constitution of the UnltedStates(includlng the amendment prohibits ing slavery) and under Its provisions will accord to those emancipated all their righis of person and properly. 4. Each State has the exclusive light to regu late the quaUdcaglon of Its own electors. 5. The white race alone Is entitled to the control of the government of the Republic, and we are unwilling to grant to negroes the right to vote. 6. The bold enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of restoration con tained In the recent anual message and Freed men’s Bureau veto message of President John son entitles him to the confidence and support of all who respect the Constitution and love their country. 7. The nation owes to the brave men of our armies and navy a debt of lasting gratitude for their heroic services in defence of the Constitu tion and the Union; and while we cherish with n tender affection the memories of the fallen, wo pledge to their widows and orphans the nation’s care and protection. 8. We urge upon Congress the duty of equaliz ing the bounties of our soldiers and sailors. THE CAUCASIAN. From the clubs already reported the indications are that The Caucasian will prove a complete success. We will start' with a circulation of, three or four thousand copies, and at the rate al which names are now coming in, that number will be largely increased dur ing the coming week. Our subscribers are not confined to Cumberland County alone; handsome clubs have been sent in frofn Adams, Franklin, York, Perry, Juniata, Huntingdon, Wyoming and other counties. Nor are they confined to this State; we notice on our list names from Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey and the District ol Columbia. We also have the honor to notice fifteen Democratic members ol Congress on our muster rolls. The tri umphant success of the Caucasian has thus been secured beyond perad venture. Let those who have not al ready sent in their names, do so at once, as the paper will be issued punctually on Friday of this week. Let those districts which have not yet raised their clubs be up and doing. The Cauca sian will be a powerful engine in be half of the cause of Democracy, and should find its way into every school district and every household in South ern Pennsylvania. Wherever it goes, victory will follow in its pathway; for there is no more effectual method ol swelling our ranks than by the circula tion of reliable, fearless and spicy Dem ocratic papers among the masses. It is high time the Democratic party should awake to the truth of this fact, which has been the secret of the success of our opponents. It is high time we placed a Democratic newspaper in every man’s hands, and bid the people cease to be the dupes and tools of the designing demagogues who now control the des tinies of the nation. Send in the names; swell the subscription lists of the Cau casian to yet other thousands, and success will crown our labors as surely as the gun shall rise on the second Tues day of October. TERMS—CASH IN ADVANCE. Single Copies 10 Copies to one address. 20 ♦* t« K 30 “ « « 60 “ « “ 100 “ “ (( THE SOLOIEBS SPJiAK 1 At a recent very large meeting of the soldiers of Halifax township, Dauphin county, the following among other reso lutions were adopted : Resolved, That having spent four years in the service of our country to aid In suppressing the late rebellion, to enforce the Constitution and the laws, and to maintain the unity of these states one and Inseparable, we are opposed ,to any political party whose policy is to prevent a speedy reconstruction of the Union. Resolved, That the Southern States, having suc cumbed tothe Federal arms and having expres sed their determination to abide by the new order of things, avejusUy entitled to representa tion la Congress by true and loyal men" we regard the reconstruction policy of President Johnson as embodying the only true and practical plan for the speedy adi Justment of our national difficulties, and for re country “ nity ’ hormony nnd Prosperity to our ReSQtved, Thu.t we are opposed to the untust unconstitutional legislation of the present Congress; that wo approve of the Presl tlleCWl «lshTs bill, nnd tlmt we in n B p S? s i e , d L° Ilegro soPrnge and negro eqilalltv in ail their shapes anti forms. ? ot regard the Soldiers’ recentlj l - held in Pittsburg os express SlrSvnf *s! ran ?n andl< l opinion of a large ina {J} e , Bo }£‘ le T r T S . of the State 5 the soldier «Ka/ for the Union has no sympathy for stroy u° r vdtras of tJle North who seek to cle- erSSnm tf o^i h 8 t f0 M t , he . preservatlon of the Gov nnd°?nf th? d P o Fi atl f u tion created by ourfathers, interests Of tY. i i l 2 i i C i l i tlon of the superiority and tnr?hffe?£fi "•lite man we pledge our support !°i f 5™ d J, s , II C? i,lled statesman, tiro Hon. Hles- Gov ;e™ or , nnd will exert onr in h?s elec S ttc) I