Jipnil-hmul STItAWIIKUItIKS. TiroMAK Cavexacu, of the eily of Brooklyn, an experienced horticulturist and floriculturist, who has paid much at tention to growing strawberries, both for the sale of fruit in'market and for the sale ofplants and whoso opinions are entitled to respect, recently read a paper before the fanners Club which was highly approved, from which we extract some of Hie most important points for the benefit of our readers, since we cannot lind room for the whole. One of these points is an im portant one—that a strawberry with acid enough to give it character is not objecta ble when smothered in cream and sugar, for sugar is just as neccessary upon fruit as salt is upon meat to develop its most valuable qualities. The great improve ment in strawberries commenced inl.SUi, when tlie Messrs. Hovey oflioshm intro duced their seedling. Since then, im provement has boon wonderful, develop ing'something new almost every year, and may continue until we obtain a plant which will bear its fruit .upon stalks which will hold it up from 'the ground ; one which will endure heat and cold, pro ducing berries three or four inches in di amamoter, as hardy as 'Wilson’s, beauti ful as Brooklyn Scarlet, and delicious as Burr’s New Pine. A strawberry of this character it is how easier to believe may he produced than it was thirty years ago to believe wo ever should have ’what we already possess. ’ As a rule, Mr. Caveuaeh recommends all who desire to plant strawberries to use none but hemaphrodile plants, and those only of good varieties. Carefully prepare and manure (lie ground highly.’and cal culate to renew the hud at furlhpst once in three years, strawberries will grow in any soil llial is well prepared ami fer tilized. Adaptability must lie studied, as -ome varieties are entirely local,' and -ome which succeed remarkubly well in mie place fail in another. A - southern inclination is best for early ripening. Heavy liming of lands before planting is i eeommended, I leeomposed .stable ma nure, Jeaf-mol-i, wood-ashes, eimr-eoal braise and bone-dust are the best fertiliz ers. Tile old Scotch runners and similar varieties grow jyell in sand ; Burr's Bine, Brooklyn Scarlet and Hooker flourish best in loamy soil ; while I.a Constante, Triomphe de i bind and other foreign va rieties appear lo do lie-: in a heavier soil. I'iie-e iniporiaii ; laei . bioutd be consider ed by all planter.. I .urge fruit can only be obtained by renaieine' all runners, for they make lie ~1,1 -t.,01s weak, while] they produce i he nest plant - to set. Mulching -er\.- 1., keep the ground moist us well as fruit rleun. Salt hay is inueli u-cti and tan bark i> highly recom mended, lint cut straw is, on ail accounts, most preferable, it is useless to attempt to restore a bed that is overgrown with inti" and weeds.—Ad id 7'rihmir. I' AKMKII.S' SI'KAT-BoOKS. —,1 Olt N iV ilownx, Klkhari ('ily, Newhraska, says : ‘‘ Kvcry fanner should have his scrap book—ns, indeed every housewife, artisan, or o( her person who-e'*mployment i- of 1 -ufh kind as to reeieve frequent illu>t ra tion in the newspapers. An old law book, nr rather well-hound large octavo that ha.- hecome ohsolel (superseded hv biter editionsi, is the handiest and hesi. I adopted some dozen or more heading-, as '•atlle, horses,sheep swine, grain, gra-s, inea good amusement lorsturmy days or W inter evenings. The only trouble is that the better the agricultural paper i- that one lakes, the more work there w lor the scrap-hook.’ 1 Kl NUKIIIMST — .1 !■',(!<, Thnu't},— I'h.inr Marvin, Krie Ha. t desires to will J hv alien l ton of the ('luh to his theory of tin' can-c of rinderpest, which is that “h originated in di-tnet-wliei’e firming if. reinarkaidy neat ; where all hut <■ i!li va:eil v. _ v.;il ;■ -II i- (I"-! n :y<‘<| ; win- .v; ; u 11r ‘•aiiiici ,i u mriliriii: l ,! plains i ; \ tin spell, anno ! . a nnv! ii of ;!l'" , ,r,:,! . thatju-i in ) r inn m the cxie.it of hiy h tal'lnnl'.;' ion r.l illt ■ 1 1 e , p: n val l -1,» till l e'leille-t extent. ’’ \ow lei us upset Till-' inaii's llu'Diy- by ’ 1 1 icsimiilt i furl. 1 1“ ri mlerpnst orpin a I nil iiiiitr al least, wit liiii a f,w wan’' was nonfmeil io. the ,'i<■ jijih of Jtussia. where liir i.'.'uniry is ns wild a- the parts of Ammana: ihenne ii ha- spread [ 1 1 ri>iiu 1 1 Iha -.villi in a 'll] I ivaled ivy ini IS , ; f I liman rv , Austria, (.'.•i niaiiy ami llm D.nmMau pmviiirc-: UiriiiijrU vast ivei where n.-li laruiiim i-imkiinum, p'rom'mnee ■ i lain ii”rh imp -ri■- 'I him liuhly-eiilii wiPnd I .nu lam 1 ; ami bona m ■ 1 1 : i ~ norn-s -! •ntu Inn I is la 1 m ran 1 nf t 1 1 n p men' ii n p fant s In-.lumps at. 1 1m nimcln.sinii ihat ll only prevails to any extent where the lalul ha's been snhjeeled tnenllivntinn. Mr. Marv in’s remarks ahnnt the benefits drived by animals when sink allowed in eat I lie Willi plants of dm liehls me all verv I'tirmei. He in.-taimes tim earn of a sink ')X by online St .lohn’y-wnrt l/'ljn r'n-nm lii rfortunn; also of sheep naliny lu’miei o amt straniniiiuin, uliieb !m bel ie', e • are antidotes for t0.,1 mi. Doe,-ami n.n when siei: also rnsori m \arlon- ■ yents aniony ibn plan's i-ei.tt u t status. Ii i.- inij kjt: ;int 1 1 > know that dill'erem kiml,-- of live- reipiire (liHerer l l treatment. [i('l no one L-xjjfrl to succeed with peach [fee# a< apple trees successfully arc treat ed. The practice of planting alternate lows tif apple ami peach trees i:. a I>a■ t one, anil > old iino. No other tree mi link- will hoar neglecl, oi -o quickly will show it. Of oom;-o the ground should not lie di-i rile.iled allot' September for the wood should harden lor ‘Winter. Then it must remorsleessly he etd hank every Spring, The lirst great enemy i- the “'i ll I>. I know of no remedy lint to get down on one’s knees and dig him out with a knife. Wires are of no use. One can no more successfully raise peaedi trees without de stroying tile grub than lie can have re ligion without prayer and keeping the devil in cheek. There is a new plan which promises well; litis is to hank up the tree every year, which it is said will bury tlie grnli so deep that lie will die, and give new roots a chance to start which is important. This is wort It trying, and it is said to lie successful in cold countries. The next is the cm oulio. There seems no remedy but to e.steh him after Hr. Hull's method, with a huge inverted um brella on a wheel-harrow. It seems easy enough if one can get at it, but it is a job so much like paying for dead horses that none when they planted orchards laid set it down as a thing to be done. Besides, the trees must have high heads. CFUE FOR GAPES IX CJJH'KEA.S. A contributor to the Germantown Tck f/retph says; I have lately heard of a euro for gapes in chickens, and having triedit to my satisfaction, I eainiow recommend it ns an infaliable remedy if properly per formed, to wit:—Take a horse-hair and make a I;.op—twist u up so as to make the loop .small; then with the lin .vrs open the mouth of the chick, and put too horse-hair down the wind-pipe; give it a few turns around, and-pulf out again, when there will bo a number of worms adhering to it; repeat as often as any can be obtained, and my word for if (lie youngster will be ipd'h* well in half an hour. The remedy is so simple and easily per formed and withal so satisfactory, that every-person who lias the care of' fowls -hould be acquainted wllh it, end e.ave !be thousands of chickens which amui aliydio from tin's very eau-e. X have heard of and tiled many other remedies, but none seem to act in the windpipe i.liie .-eat of the disease) like- the above. (flotillas. (’ I_i O 'l' 11 I Ml!! *-lV MO 1 Tt' Ao/' a Hilil SnUlli I'lin’K: Hawin'Just returned Inna tin- KaMi-m cities \\ i ll l alien* irely new slock ut • '!■>s hs, C’»isshneivs. Vest mas and I'cnlleinen's furnlshim-t i'himls ot HVcj’v \ariety. l hi* suhsci du-r .will emit nine ilic CH iTIUNti M'SlNl'lsS in all its various hranehes, tit tlie old stand of Ahrahatn Lalmian, on North Hanover Street, next door to Shrolner’s Hotel, and a few doors north of tlie ('arlisle Deposit hank. MADK IT ( T.OTHTXI i constantly on lihihl. CO A T S . I* A X T S and hi •'\ pry style jind \at iety Shirts, white A uth\ linen, Stockings, Cndewhirts, Neckm-s, i ’.ilhii-s, Handkerehlcls, I m a v. e.‘ % Sll .|ir;i'lt'i\ We .\N - 1, ii >l‘ !• iviu ’.i (>: hs .inti ( 'n -simcs es iniAiTv i'li'iilv. i!e lii's. (>nniu;ed Ihe sei \ iees of tin e\p. i omi'•< 'I » idler, imd t ->]11•/*i;d attention wiii he pa 'I I" put! HlkT up cUot ■ 'lll i■ r work 111 tile hi 11 -,i fiiil i(i - M !‘n “-h '.i Hin 1 ’!>' si \ le->. .!( dl N TUEIBLKIL .\pril I;*, iM.ii- • « K \V SIM!! X C CO () I.) s . Lane I.ivhurslon. i\l his wholesale and Uriah ChitiiiJiu Establishment, on South Hjinuver Street, adioimn" Mtlhr A Powers’ J lardwarc Store, announces the reeeipt ol a full ami mm pletf assortment fit sprite: and -•summer Hoods, find seas-mahie It C A !» V MADK f I. '> T if ! X ( HL -melc -•oie-Nis in ]i;nt ot‘ line Blink and P.lne 1 ‘reiieli and KindNh < mips. Kxtra Heavy I)iieskin, three cut and V A X C V C A S S [ M v: IX K s . Also a lame variety m‘ Casslncls and Tweed, Kenlueky Joans, and Cottonnades, l/mciis. and Linen I'fillmus. in uroat variety. Also a ureal assortment of ready made eiothini; of I-A'KIIV STYLE AND CHALITY AX*Hito Linen and Woolen Shirts. Summer Draw ers, Ae. i■o’l'-tani ly on Imml a lame assort menl of Ties. Collar-. Hoi'sery and Clove-. Limm. Silks and rotton I !andkerchlcfs. Also ii full usMirimont of Trunks. Carpet and Valieses, oi every si/c. Ciothinu made to order Jit tin '■hoil'M notier < ’idl am! examine t In- stuck. ISAAC IdVlX(.>’l'nX. Xlareh J£latdjrs anti SirtndTr LADOMUsy^Sv piIAIUOM) BE.UTR & .TIHVhUT.A |( w mtiiks, .mwr.LUY fi sn.vftjL WAitr., Jj and JE"WEIi?-Y ffhflstnnt \ i. a ip .}•: a- MM.LMd d Assni; r m i ;x't up m A MOXi) J KWKIiI! V O !■' A M 111 X* is, PINS, STKDS, I»I VMn.Xh sKTS, Am AI.-o. ON HAND A T.MKJi; AsSuUTM KNT OF ■t MKH/cA MiV.W /’;.V(,7. IS 11 IP. I Tf'lIKS, \n \*v-< 11 :'l M KNT '> I ' .11 ‘AV !•'. I,K 'i I-. COM I’KKTK IN ACC RKSRKCTS, l -■ i,j Cr tinjuir>itiri I// S.'/Hf// Ff (fur a \ i.kv i.ai:<;k »ri>< k ok CHAIN RINOS ON HAND. SIKVKHWAUK OF ACD KINDS, Vl.su FANCY SM.VKiOVAKI' SCI TA R K ]•; FO I\ nRI1) A i RRKSKNTS. ) v. v \n 11 wi.nniNc iiims a :.w \i -> < >.\ IlnfOlT Full F\Ml A-> A 1.-t >. OLD (ii)Ll) AND S I C V K K I'l’l'NTllV 1 UADi; >\ .• i * 111 I; t 111!% < 1 11 oj-.h V till U.i. ; :• i;■ I ....ahl Li UVatacih.Ml.' in-:, -hi: l ’Hi;.: --I * else ii.d i■! L. (1. 1 t k . i. I■: 1 1 1 tmi li] i::1 1 iI ; > , lla\i > p; ca im in . oe. ;i i i'.i'.i .ii ;■:!!•>It h.IN In older oi ;iu\ ii'M.rl h :i 11. 1 -i/1■ ill Ihe siioi h -! iii jI im* .1 int nil the lini'l leasoiiahle h-mi'. M\ Moih.'.i ho;.ids will lt«- kept lUiil.T i'ii \ .• i‘, v;, r:iii lu- fm ni'iietl nl all 1 1 11n*s. I IrtM- ci.iis|{iMtl\ iin hand all kunN ul‘ FAM ILY Ci'Al.. mi.l.T eo\ er, winch 1 will deliver, clean, hi any pari of the Imri hil'li. In wii : Ly kens Valley, llroken )Slave ami Nut, Luke l-'i’hller, Tivverion. l.oeu.d Mountain, I.auherry? ■w L i mb I pled i:e ni.V'.idf hi sell a I I lie lowest pm-es. Mr'r .5,,,-!’.s' Cunt, ahva;,on 1 1mi. ul. e-h f u ill seii a' I in* lowest figure. Vmil w-t ml.- nl i ira in in a r School, Main SI reel. ! >.• 1.1 mii NHUKW 11. lII.AIK. 3 > K M (I V A 1. : 1 ll 111• |>u mn\l 11n S A 1) I) \j K A X 1) II A K X K SS , esiaohshntenl lo the Imihlim? on South Hanover st reel. (’arfisle. nearly opposite lion I/' Store. lie will, as heretofore, keep constantly on hamh of his own make, in hN line. Mich as SA HULKS, 11 All N KSS, ' COI.IAUS, whips, &c., ow. All his wniic is made up under his own super vision, and hr* therefore fuels warranted in say inn that. for workmanship and clurabilitv, il is unsmpasv.>,i. Thankful for past favors he re speetfully solidi> a eoutinuance of tin* same. WILLIAM fLEPI'KU. A pril Id. Isi lu —(ini. I.KATHKI! STORK ! J’he undt.'i'.siLctiHil has opened 51 I.K.miER AMD MOROCCO STORK on West 1 'oinfret abo\e 1 *i ll stroe!, where he In tends to keep constantly on hand all kinds of .1/ 0 /,» <) (' (! (J .V U.VJNdS, DIXDI.Xt.iS, SPANISH AND JIKMLOt’K SULKS. SHUKMAKKH’S FI N 1)1 X( JS, which he will sell at thelowosl ca-di prices. Soles cut and •-old by the lot or singly. He will he hap py I:» see all ins old shoemaker friends of Car lisle and \ mhuty, and others. April Tins Seminary which includes the school lately under the chaise of .Miss Mary Jiitnor, will open under the direct ion of Dee. T. 1 ‘atathtery as Pre sident, v, iih a fnli corps of able Instructors, s<, as to <;ive to yonnladies a thorotarh education in hnuh-h ami classical studies, and also,-in the French ami Cerman lanauai'es. and .Music ami i'aii.’*.ilia', and ot her ornamentai brandies, J'Npof!a! care will he • 'jv-m hoarders in the family of tin*. Pit Mdent. A pritua ry d.-part mon; a ir r he youmo-r schoiiu •, wil( ihad ja *• 1 1 <. Ivw, 1U iPc s. muiary. 'I he M -di ,11 will open on W.-diie-day, the dip. at September, in tne 1 School Dooms; of Krnof iy eiiurch, which hnv? bei 11 designed for Min* purpose. Pur term* apply to the President Autr, 17. VKS T S . K I X I )S -•ri it as i, s n,. .st 111I' :ii liii' \ 'i •! :..i i A I [..il'.T. j .11 \ >. ri.i \ i ■. i; -1 1 . i • \!. i\. . n. v-ti i. Flnnl'.ll ’i• .■:!.x. s. tj rriiMA x FF.MA [ .XI) DAY T'.m.aps. 330) (Soofos. j>K A I >!, HKA O !! RK A I)!!! W. (s.un i,ii, .1. A. lU Ki:. .1. I-]. UniKiioi.DMU, Known as tlie llrm ol \V. C. B.WVVEH i I.U, Hast Mum si., two doors below Saxton’s Hard ware store, have Just received from Ni:\V YORK AXI) I’HI'JiADKM’HIA IMP UITINt mi'i an immense stoek of all kinds ol SEASONABLE (h a 1 1 >s. homdit nt tho LATE PANIC PIECES KOU CASH time lo met haruains in DJiKSts hOODS, DOMKSTICB AND lIOI’SK Kl' 11N l S‘H IX (i tiiiiilis. SILKS in nil their varieties; Striped, Barred and Plain Poplins ; all colors of Alpacens; IMund ti-l Wool DcLaincs. Shepherd’s Plaids, Mohair Lustres. French and American DcLalncs. Sim'.c !,u. ntton I ion paid li» MoCPXIXi; jiutl U I’Aiinim/iiit TmuiUlm ‘loiii, Puiv A 1 j Silk.-. Ac.. Ac, ITNKUAI. UUUDS, paccas, ('lialllfs, Marct/a, Mourning tinj Mf'./ilh !!> (.'ll/ or a (tin I Stlt ‘t/Ui’S, n'■lV .shut Ir uf Xid.iDf/ C'iS/ik, S'jjriiif/ Shunis, ncivcsl sli/lvx; Sprint/ Jhilnioriii-s uinl Ini'--if iHOOP SKIRTS: f A I.ICnRS. Mrsu.vs, ■ lIRKTJS (r\\ i: J XO'JI. 1 ,ly.s. Tfi 'KIXf.S. STR //'AW SKKCINO AT SMASH Cl* PRICKS, oiiDii ViF, CAI.K’uF.S, l)nrk. liniwn. Mr ilium fuul llliirk IVcum O',. rN. up. «mo V, Y»K. <;iN(;il \M,S‘ hr-l uuik-m Isuy youv I.'LUTIIS. CASSIMKKKS mul FUK XIsHIN(r flooDS iVnm W. (Sawvku cV* Co., \vh<-» Imvr always on .hand a Inr'rr nnd rhoioo as ‘.urnarnl «»f FKKNFH, CKIIMAN A- A M Klll <'A N CLOTHS, rA.ss/.-\n:h , h\s A.vn rwr/yas. llmnc UooiN mjiclr up in lilt* I.ATKST CITY STYI.Fs. I; o V s "!■■ r v !■; u \ \ i: i i-:t v w . . - \ V. . . i 'i AK !. \ p i'i i,| 1 111-, U . i•. SA WVI-.U a ( u. Hu- htrn n.l f/n'h.n, yh.i !rs. .Mnlrr'oi!.-, n, y ! Clflhl d. i l'e IN Till. \ \I. L L V ( AIM’ KTs d)!)!) V 1) s. dl IIIPED. I 1 "’) ds lioiita .'superior li.uui- Made. i.'i.i Vi!-. 1 .hum and 11map. ■'.-1 and i-f I (IL i -Liy/lls-. !i !!us SPI+'IAL /\ / A 7.' As 7 ‘it '<( eT M A 1 N ST K I! KT i. (m ) l) N K W s W. (A SAW V Ell A ( u. nil* vellnu* all kiml-o. CA-MimiCS. XAI XSUOiCS, EMHROIDEUIES, TOWELLIXUS, UOSTKRY, KANUK KKCHIKI-'S, Y A N K V, K N O TIONS of every description, AT HU KAK -DOWN P D I C F.s A tine assortment of KID UJ.UVKK HEAD, FOXDKH AND DFTFHMJXK 'i'u buy from W. (’. SAWVKU A; CU. your Table Linens. French, L’nyUsh and German Counterpanes, Wool Table f.'ocrrs, Cartels, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Wiahcrs, and a thousand other articles not men tioned. orhm o t r o is to buy Hood* for CAsH a; tiol.D PDD'KS. Sell liiem CIIF.APKD and jester than anv other HoFsK IX TuNVX. VF. C. SAWVKD & cn, vi/i he tnukhuj additions of the /nierd a/al mosf P-udw/jD Tinportntbins a* (he Thankoil fj/ ;m>i snppo: 1. we are determined hv at (‘ad ion, to merit a continuance of the same Kvery body is m-keu to <-all and see our ‘hoods two floors below Paxton’s Hardware Store. Post Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. AV. d.- of a*-; Tle-v areirivcn in <• •:11■ • I:ii11 1 s of tin rriimry >ruiui'-, sui'li a- ‘ Naxel. chmi,i<- <'m-utli of the bladder Morbid i<-n of tie- I‘daddor and I'ivUini, 1 >isi-.i>c r,f 111.- 1 *r< rat •*, and K< a cat inn • r Ineohiinuanee of ‘d in.-, irma a Joss of tone in die part- eoneenied in it-! exaeuai lon. The ra in i sly Ini'; aNo las'll mmemNd in I ivspepsia, hnniir iiheumntNm. ; iu a m-mis A UN ah ms. and Nrop-y. I! '-Ini hold’-; Kxrrai'i buehn i-« u—ml n\ person*; 'i'oiii the i'Ofs of Id to j.‘i. and from:*/) to dd or it he decline or change oi life ; after confinement o: lir. Keys.-r is a Phy.Mdan of over thirty years’ ex)ll. ue and ot I lie Vni ver at v of Mediei no and Sm “cry of I’hiiadel] dda. Mi:, 11. T. I!!. m i;< ia, i Jh'ni' Sh\ —ln regard to the queMion asked me as to my oninion nf xnit Ihu-hu, 1 would say that I have used and sold the art ink* in various forms for (he past thirty years. 1 do not think there is any lorm or preparation of it I have not used or known to lie used, in tin* various diseases where sueh medicate aaent would ho indicated You are aware as well as myself, that it has been ex tensively cmnlnved in the various disease* of the hladder“and kidneys, and The reputation it has aeeipured in my Judgment is warranted hv the tacts. 1 have seen and used; us before stated, every torm of Jhu'/ia —i ho powdered loaves, the .simple decoction. tincture, Uni.l extracts,—and I am not cognizant of any pivmirn jkm of that plant at all .•qnal to yours. Twelve years' experience ought, 1 t ii inn, to give me t he right to Judge of its merits, ami without prejudice or partiality, 1 give vours precedence aver all others. I do not value a thing according to its hulk, if I did other liuc/iux would out do yours, hut I hold to the doctrine t hat hulk and (jauntily do not ma‘ I value your Biu-lm for Its dlcct on patients. 1 have cUTed with it, mill scon cured with ir. more dis'-a-es 01 the bladder and kldnovs ihan J have oyer soon cured with my other Ruehn, or num/ 1 * H ' *' r "' n ' f ‘ tur - v compound of whatever .Vo. nil Soi-TH Stukkt, Bkm>w Cmkstxut, I'l.i'in kntkait linn II K L .M I! O L I) ’ S 1, |•I I> !•: XTII A I'T II r<■ II 1 i I ELHBOLD’S i-i.rni KXTiiAiT nivm HKLHBOLD’S I'l.rili K X Tll Al' T II r(■ H 1 AND iMPKOVKD IU)SK WASH r S K 1! K M HO L I) 1 S i-’i.riD K.vnt \'T iiivni wrc n i KiPiM DISI’KXSAU.V i >!• TiIKF.S. D I OS M ( ’ \\ {•: T N a H r r il r 1. K A V K S iTdd’KKTIKS. id-ii' Is * T rolic, diffusive, ill'dr i:i'-re> bitterish, mi.l'K‘Ai. i*i:<»i■:*.i; i u:s ann aiior J’ain< ; nol-wc'iiiu: in children, Hespoelfully, yours ito., , . CL 11. KEYSFR. M. n. ri" N\ our) Stueft, PiTT.snrnon Pa ASK F O R H ELMBOLD'S FLFID EXTRACT BUCHI I'lIU-ri’ I.I'TTKUS TO H E M li 0 Jj J) ’ ,S imru w chemical wareiiocsi. No. o!l4 Hiioaiiwav, New York, HELM BOLD'S .MEDICAL DEPOT, PIUbAIHSI.I'in.V SOLI) IIY mtCUOISTS EVEKVWHEIII- jii-nvAin-: or CO V-X TER F F I TS ASK Fol! w K I, M. ii O-f/'n ’ S TA K E X u o 'J' II K|( «epl, I, Pujo.-Iy, BX2 (Sootre. miTn NOTED SOUTH ILAXOVKIi I KTKKMT " IIIIV GUODS' SI OKI'.. The most attractive place in Carlisle, is al A, W. Bentz’s groat “ MKUCAXTILB BHBOIUUM,” where can bo purchased the Jtost, handsojne.st and cheapest goods in the country. \\ e have just replenished our stock with a largo invoice of of t lie CJI O / V K s T a O (J J> s in (lie market, and will continue to renew the supplv daily or as necessity requires, it would be Impossible to enumerate ail tin* articles con tained in our extensive line of business. We linve now a line assortment of LADIKS SPI U'SG J)KKSS (JOODS, ’OPLINS, plain and plaid. Cl 1 ALLIES, of beautiful patterns, *ve., PRINTS, A all Id mis of Domes! ie Hoods. A varlely of aKXTLKMKX A XI) no VS lI’AM A*, An extensive stock of TABLE, STAIR mill ■ EBOOK OIL CLOTHS, 111 Shades, Blind Malerials. and I'arpel rhains, Hopkins superion H () 0 J‘ S K I il T S , all lengths and widths. We shall be happy to have all call and examine our new stock, ns we feel eonlhient that ourselee tion will please all tastes. A. W. IiKNT/., April 1-, Isi >ti. nKKAT KKDUCTIOX: IN PKK'KS! GREENFIELD *fc SHEA l*Eil are now opening a large supply of Dry Hoods for the .S P K 1 N (} T R- A D K , just received from the Eastern Cities, comprising per yard and npwai'ds. STAXDA HD best quality, an ets. per yard. J*JII.\TS , bland is ets. pm* yard. JJKST A Ml'.}! !. LA Xt'.lSTKh' Ms, duel. av-;u* srvf.Ks srjaxa dim.mxks. -s. eis. KIATIVKY JKAXS, DKXIMS, UICKOIIV STHIPKS, " tickings. rilKi'Ks, in great variety and at like reasonable rates. These goods having been purchased since the lale i> k c i, i x k i x rmr r. s we aro nhul to be able lo oiler them tn the public at those remarkably low li^ni'***-;. Our Store is on Hast Main St. '•ccoinl door from the I’ulilie Square March -d, isiiti. r|ij\i :MKxi)ors kxcitk.mi-:nt: nkw fiwm—nkw sthi!K! nkw nuims! Th<- undersigned, having taken the store room in Main street, reeently occupied by .John D. (b»rj»as, next door to “Marem Hall,” would iv speetfully invite the al tenth m of the* pc*ople of furl isle and vletn ity to hi*' la ru“. vai ii*d and well select ed sio.de of I »rV i.. iii-. .-oil'd*-! imr in pari of MIM.IXS. i 1 M.H -OKs. HKI. UM >. him; HAMS. ri.ANNKIS, Arc.. ’ At uieatU rnliicnl prices, ni (MiH'iiiii'iur of the lat«* hea\ y decline in Hoods in tin* Mast or n ('ides, and as my Roods an* all now. 1 can :*nd will sell at astonishingly low i ales. [ ha* .• also a choice scdcctlon of LADIKS* I) K 1-: s s H on 1) s , Merinos, Alpacas, .Mohair, all Wool Delaines, Dustors, I’oplm.s ; also a fine a '.sort ment of lien- Helium's Wear, such as ("I ,i )TI IS, (’ASSIMKUKS, SATINKTTS. .1 KA NS. (’I)T I'D.NAHKS Ac., We talie ureal pleasure in showing Roods, and would he pleased to have Dadies call and ex amine our new Roods, which we are determined to Sell at ureal hai'Rains. We feel satisfied Ilia! we can oiler greater inducements to purchasers than any.similar Kstahlishment in Hus vicinity. Ueinemher Hu* place, at (h.iuas' old Tin Store, next door to Marion Hall, ('ai lisle. Apri 1 isiiii. A PROVISION STORK •I ml i > • •■•i \ ed and < mist an 1 1 \ arrh in a. e.i 1 ion ma.n's. the finest and best as-i.iinmd ->t' <« ROC K R { K S tu b.- mind in l lie market, which will he d:>posi d ot at tin \it\ I'juvs! )hi-.xibie prhvs, inv motto beinu “ (jflrh' ,s.i u:.s .1 \/, .small l‘i:nj-'iTsr A ntoim others, the lollowiuy: an ieles win j),. found embraced in his -a ,„-k, \ i/, : .sviu'i’s, cokkkk.s, sn ;ahs, teas, l hni-ohu.--, Spiri- Ml rill khills, Krnuml mill wliulo mul i iiirkiTs „f all kinds, Itaislni, 1- itrS 1 tales. < iranin-s. Lemons, ('oeoa Nuts, Snert, Shak.-r Corn. Hominy, IVarl L'o'.e;.. Rev, I'.-as Beans, I\ n n 'dare’,.. I'm ina, Siher (ilc-s • I’fj-rl starch. Extracts L- ir.Hii and S'anilh’. ' ‘ h • e, Piekh-s b> ’’• hr.eii, and b\ ■h. 1. tr. I‘i'i‘sl i P.fiehes, ’hililllllll' S, >1 n Corn, (liven i\ ;■ Pure Cider Vin <-■■ r, ,vi‘. Also, !•' ri'sli saii-'d FMi of all kinds, 'far and Wheel (tfease, t'oiiiriitra ted Lye. soaps. Tohaeeo, Setrar.s. Pipes, iixeelsior Sugar Cured Hams, Dried Beef, Laneaster Bologna, which I will sell by 1 lie niece nr cut, Glass, snme. Far t hen and (iueenM\ a re. ('KDAJt AXJi WOODA'X (IM/. 1 /;, Sneh as Tubs. Keelers, I*,tickets, !ii.wU. Putter Prints, Ladles, spoons, Kollhti; Phis, Potato mash ers, Are,, P.rooms Popes. |}e R K | Great Excitement on the Corner of Pill and I.oiilher Streets opposite the German Reformed Church, Carlisle, Pa. ;e up value— worth more Tin l Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he lias just returned from t ho Eastern cities, with a full and choice assort ment of lie will keep constantly on hand an extensive and general assortment of t ’ollees of all kinds, Brown Sugar, Crushed Simar Pulverized Sugar, Rice. Tallow Candles, Star ’ do. Starch, Teas of nil kinds, Salt bv the Sack, Buckets and Tubs, Wash Hoards, P.rooms, lied Cords, New Orleans Molasses, Fish—all kinds, Pep per, Spice, Soda, Cream Tar tar, iiost Indigo, Cinna mon, Cloves, .Matches Mustard, Blacking. Twist Tobacco, Navy. .Spun, Natural Hoaf, Ipbnce, Smoking, KillLkiuick, Fine Cut, Can dlos, Raisins, Can 1 caches, Crackers, Essence of Codec, Dandelion, Cheese, Hominy, Beans Ci gars ol all kinds, Nuts—all kinds, &v. t Ac. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, uiul everything el.se that is kept In a grocery Rtore. I Invite the public* to call and examine my goods and price's before purchasing else prodbs US 11111 c '*-‘lormi ned to sell at very small The highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Produce. March 1.1, Jyii*i.-(Jin, T HUE ]!UL, Too undersigned hereby informs the public that he has now on hand a large and varied as- Kortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Are. which he will dispose of at ns LOW PRICES as the same duality ol Goods can ho furnished by any hnn west ul Philadelphia, for cash. For the proof ol which, call and see. My motto, “ennui and exact justice to all.’* Wl „ , ti „. , WILLIAM IIKNTZ. reb. 21, Ibbb—fim. QOACH MAKING ! The undersigned, having leased the shop above the Livery ,Stable of George W. Jlillon, on Pill, Street a lew doors .Smith of the .Mansion House, Carlisle, 1 a., arc now prepared to carry on tin* GOACHMAKING MIUSIXESS, in all its various branches. Unit; IKS, (fEHMAXTOWN ItOUiv AW AK< and (‘AiIHIAUKS, constantly on hand or built to order -,n short notice, and in the I-.At.KriT STYLES, log-aher with everything in the (.W-hioaicing l.nc oi business. None but good workmen are emp.oyed in oursnop. special attention nald to repairing and painting old work April HI, ,still—Om M A. H, W N. STIETtK, (iUKKNI-TKl.l • A- SIIKAFKU, s. r. iiiinwx (Bvorrnrs i »TR »:*s ( IF ALL KIND*, G KG C K K I F ,s .IACOII SENIOR. jfortoarnina / iiAruKHLAM) \a\aaa hail ( J UOAH COMPANY. V|u* Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania *nd Northern Central Hail Koad Companies have nnnle arrangements to do a joint FHKHJUT A FOKAVAUDINO IU'SINFSS hel wet'll the Cl J ies of Philadelphia, Hall ini ore anti New York. Tin* Cumberland Valley Kail Koad Conipanv will open their Freight Depot at Car lisle on'llm Ist of January, IstiU, for the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to thorn. Freight to ho forwardotl by this nrrmiwmcnt must be lot! at Ponnsylvania Hail Kond Ctnnpany Depot, corner of loth and Market SI., 1 hllar A Kilt. .1. HFFTFM A TUI* >'t'l 1 FKS ha ving purchased ol Snyder A Newcomer I heir extensive Warehouse, (llendfirson’s old stand,) head of 11street, beg leave to inform tin* public tlmt will <*«>iilinn«* the Forwarding ami (Mmmlsslon Imsmoss on a mniv extensive sonic tlnm heretofore. '(’he lushest market price will be paid for Flour Crain ami Produce of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Piaster, Salt and Hay. kept, constantly on hand and for sale. (‘onl of all kinds, embracing I.VKFNS VAKLFV LO TST 'IOFNTAIN Kimehurm-rs’ and Hlaeksmiths’ Coal, constant ly for sale. Kept under cover, ami deli vert'd dry to any part of ["he town. Ai'kinds of Lum ber constantly on hand. A DAILY FKKHHIT LIN f will leave their YYiiivhor.se every morning ai 7 o'clock’. arrive at Harrisburg at II o'clock, and at Howard A Hinchman's Warehouse. Nos. mH anti 810 Market street, Philadelphia, at S o’clock in the eveninir of sa me day. Dee I, P;im. s®Uurs antr JiltpioTs. i?() U !•: in N A N I) j)() M KST I(’ 1J LHil’i >Us. JMw.-l'.l S’nowei- respect fully aniiouiiees to the nuh ’m ihai he continue', in keen i oiistantly on imin., and for'-ale, a large ami ver,\ -uperio: as sortment ot I'OUIKCN AND DnMKsl LHiFcKs, at his new stand, a few doors west of Hannon's Hotel, ami 'lii eel Iv west of the court House, i 'nr liSle. KHAN 1)1 KS, Sl l l •rr \ . P* ii lm. I .ton, and A in-lior. Will S K V Superior nld live fhoiee i ild 11* i!%• Nectar Wheat. Scotch, ami Irish. lh-..wu stout. iVr. I’.*--: n. ha had in Phlla i i« •! I >M ia. 11:1 hT-.. of the vary ) ><• mial it \ . !>•a I* I - '- a lul oi hers . [ii!i.i T i • t •: i la' I I pnolic. .-ffuvmtuiT, \t- A n I N K T W A R K H O V M !■ TnWX AM) (’(H’NTUY 'l’lia subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tha public i-enerally, that ha Mill continues llu- I mlart:ikim, r business, ami is ready In wait upon etisl outers ail her hy ilay nr hy nljjht. Heady luada t'ni'i-iNS leapt annstuiitly on liand, both plain and nmameiilal, lie has constantly on hand I‘atrnl MctaUr .Unrial fU.sa, nf which lie lias bean appointed tin* sole This case is recommended ns superior to any of the kind now in use, it perfectly air tijrlit. lie has also furnished himself with a new Hose wood 11 kausk and tfant la horses, wit Ii which he will attend funerals in town ami country, per sonally, without extra charge. Amoittf the greatest discoveries of the ace is TIW/'.v A’p/'o/.v .’/n/.'/vev.v, Iha has! and cheapest had now in use, the exclusive ri*>ht of wliieh 1 have secured, and will he kept constantly on hand. c a ni x i:t ma k i xt;, in .1 1! i(- \ ;ii'i<>ii'. 1 >i;tnehe-, ca rrred mi, ;itnl De iu reau.-, Si-civi.i i !>• -, \\ <■: k--lauds, Parlor Wan, l' pin dMei ed ('hairs. Sola.-. 1 her, si< 1 1 ■ ainl (’nun* Tables, Dining and DieaktaM Tables, \\a-h -slands ol all kinds, French bedsteads, himi and low posts : Jenny Lind and L'liltusc iScMaleads. Chairs of all kinds, Lookin'! (Masses, and all other articles usually manufactured in lids line of business, kept constantly on hand. His workmen are men of experience, his ma terial the best, and his work made in the latest citv style, and all under his own supervision. It will he warranted ami sold low for cash. He invites all to give him a call beforepurchas ing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage here tulire extended to him ho leeis indebted to ids numerous easterners, and assures them that no elibi is -a ill he -pared In future to please them in style and price, Cr. t u- a coil. 1u •; 11 ei id ‘i - the ).!.;•••. North Jlailove: street nee.rl;. oj.po 11<• ; i*• l)"n r.,. I'...nk. Carh-h*. I »• e. I. 1 yi)oio3rapl)iug miLK FIRST I‘UKMIFM HAS BKFX L awarded at Ihe Ini e i ’umberhi nd t ’onnty Fab - TO ('. 1,. UKTIMAX F"D Till; KINKsT IMF -Ti idllAl’lls. He has lately re-pnreha-«I Ids ~M >.m!lim Mr, '•! e M 1 11 > • 11. m Mr-. v,!!n it r ~ lh- Ibr-i National lln.nK.. The Pliet.-era] 1.,-. 1 r i ’ 1 ■ - I ’e Vi-il-. di■ by I 1.. I. Oi-lliua il al■■ ’ >r< i tl'Hi! I ee- i b one to be o( lb.' hiube-t eba f:i et h; , , . Ibanid and Set; Half Tints, mid e \ ei y i lung that const it utej, a FIRST-CLASS RI( TCR !• The pniitie is eordialh invited to cell and ex amine specimens. .V large lot ot (Mlt and Hoscwood Frames vl bums. tVe.. on hand and will lie sold very low.. . ( ‘'pies nt A nibrolypes and Dagumvotepos m.-.de in the most perfect manner. Dec. 1. 1 H. \j|KS. H. A. SMITH’S JUIOTO- T.T.fi graphic (btllcry South-east (’orner J Liiiio ver.street and Market -Square. where may ho had all file ditlerent styles ui Photogianhs from card to life size, JVOH V r r VI*KS,AMHIt O T V l» Ks VX D MKLAIXOTVPES : also Pictures on Porcelain. (something now) both I lain and Colored, and which arc heantlful pro ductions ot the Photographic art. Call and see them. Piirlieulnr alleuli.m piveu 1., enpvin.r from Daguerroty pes Ax*. Slio invites the patronage of the public. Deb. !•), ISljtj. 11} cits anti GTaps. JJAT AXJ) CAT F.M I’OHl CM. The undersigned having purchased the stuck itc., of the Into Win. H. Trout, deceased, would re spectfully announce to the public Hint ho will continue the Ilaftinr/ Jlirxinrsfi at the old stand in W l ' s ‘ ‘HJfb street, and with a renewed and elllel ont effort, produce articles of Head Dress of -Ctt-r// Variety, Rtylr and Quality, that shall be strictly in keeping with Hie im provement ofthe ai t and fully up to the age in »\ men wo live. nite h , ,15 ,V 0 ," ou . Ihiud a spleinud assortment of ri n? !. a ‘ lc Vl cri Ptlous, irom the common Wool to the lines! i-ur and Silk Hats, amt at prices that must suit ovary one who has an eve to get tinj' the worth oi Ins money. His silk,'‘Moleskin amt Heaver Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness diualnlity and tinisli, by those of anv othci’es tablishment in the euimtry, Hoys’ Hats of every description eoustanllv on hand. He respect hilly Invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible to «dve him a "'iL. 1, lSi«. • .1. 1,1(1. ' AJJ'AV STOCK OF HATS AXI) CAPS at Ki-:LLi-:ifs, On .Vo/'Vi JJf’tn.ri r A;//,-,'/, < 'url'.sl-- }\t "> I'lt til-: new- Mvl.-i «r f>illvs, .Molejskm, Slouch, Soft and .St raw 11aN kmc open, ol city and homo manufacture, which wlil bo sold at the lowest cash prices. A large stock of summer hais, Palm, Leghorn, i.raul, India, Panama, and Straw: rhildrcn’s tancy, etc. Also a lull assortment of Men's Poes’ sVvle 11 Cl ' n H Ci ’* ,s ol ovo, ‘y description and The .subscriln-r iuvll.'s nil to como and oxtuuitu- Ills slock. I cing u pnictlnil luUicr, lie feels con lldeul, of divine wills fuel Inn. TliunktuL for line ’liherul pe.l lierelofore i-csiiAVcd ho sola-ps. p coni Inna nee of the same. lam t lorgc-i ihe stand, two doors above Shrei noi s Hold, and next to Porn man's shoe -store v T* it f ~ /IDUX A. KT;:r,I.KI{, At/'-nt. A.D.-iluts of ail kinds made to order at short Dec, la, IRfjM, HE ! N S T H A X (■ K The A LI .KV AND KVsr’pp' N TFAKFIKF I NSFKA N( i j»V iv '' besland county, i m-orpin a ted • " sembly, in the year iM.J, ami haVm'r! 1 Its charier extended to Dio vein- Kv'“ , ’‘ !i active and vigorous operation umk.v’A intendenee ot the following Hoard ,1 ll * Will. H. (icn-Kiis, Christian stavin-, Y tirly Llaniul Hailey, Alexander VauL'k 11. tU, r, John Klehclber B ev, Jo4iil, a- 1 Samuel Elierly, Rudolph Murun MuC J Jacob Coover and J. C. Dunlap * * The rates of insurance arc as low ana r as any Company of the kind in the m. . sons wishing (o become inemhers air*’ ■ ' make application to the agents of Uia , lln who are willing to wait upon (horn ... 0! [’resilient —W. li.titlUtJAS Kl,e,iv ; Me',' berland County. ' s -'olJ ('.iiiilx rlauO Coini/i/—.! ohn Sherri-k \n r.\ /.earing, .Shlremnnslown; I.atavoit, Dickinson ; Henry Howman, (Jhurckm rjridlth, South Middleton ; Ssnmicd GrJ 1 Pennshoro'; Samuel Coover, Meehan Jo W. Coeklin, Shephordstown ; 1). (wJi J Allen ; .1. (>. Saxton, Silver Spring' 1., ,V ('arllsle ; Valentine Feeman, New c 1.,, .h)tm s Mci 'andllsh, Nowville. 1 ” York ('»ifn/ij—\\\ s. Picking, j> (JV( , r . (irilllth. Warrington i T. !•'. Deardnnr v Ion; Ulehey Clark, Dillslmrg; D p,',.,’: view ; John Williams, Carroll. *• Jkitiph in Ojuu(i/— Jacob Houser, lln t rio,, Members of the Company having puipi fo expire, cun have them renewed i' v uv\\- plication to any of the agents. ‘ ' l Dee. 1, ISO.-,. LA WHFKKV, ite., ite Boots anti gijors, ■jyKHP vdri? fekt \va:!v J.X. DKY. A'-umbor. if ,miii vunt :i good i. Calfskin llii'it-, go Pi ‘ ‘ pj If you want a good pair uj rj'. ‘ ( ” i , l; j,« -vinti it I’ftf Ui K V, ll i"i vy I • per ia a i itci p.ofii L'H In ! 1 \\l li.miU vanl liny s'. You lbs’ and < iidi'n.'nV go .u PI If you want Mens' Hoys’ ipid Voiai.s gan s Hal in ora Is anil Uuilers, go tu pj' If you want Ladies, Misses ami t glisli and I 'reneh last ing (.laiters, go in jq \\ ll'yini want Ladies Misses ami riiildiviA Kid Gaiters, and Halmorals go to if yon want I.at I ies, Misses and i 'iniaiviP made Coal Fi'mich Morm-eo Itootv ;n, ( i ] I - :-1--. I’I.A.N ll \onu am i.ado Missm a. in iln Mien . Calf. Kip ami (Lain Hoot- and I'uiiiiin wear, goto i'i.V.N it yc in want .<(• in’, I,ad !• a: .<] M ;w,,, -•lica s-a ndle- ;i I 1 nmli um, 1:0 p i p] I 1 \ on v.ahi a \ -n m We., s Aieiip lij,.; o\(. 'hi ■<•••, I In; ' li'd mill \\ (I'lii'ii . U.’I.I'CI ed wat er-p.n >of a ml eoM-pi’oi a.■ m j*(. \.N Tiie ui\ ers.il fi st imon\ in inec K pen or winter o\ er shoe is that n L r-, n., A, for lieeping tin* feet minn m<>.-| .j made of leather, go to I'LAN It you want i Ini sa ml Cap-- i<>r a. |;,p Vouiiic, go to n, \- If \ on wall! Lnin lei and I I\ I I •',di Is Pc A'i•.. goto i-|‘y\ II 'on wai.l I • 1 I’.M. I O.MII Mill-, Ae„ It M M.-I. and 11. . \>, p.i.N I I < 'li m i-li !' i \!• na .'a vI n ] siai.-, ! I'd - amt t ep-. g . I. > P\.\: s. .mil W.’-t I oilier ol ,vn lli 1 a, and i.oi-n-i I i-■ v . innlwav P.i...ra i,,i, amt Wei /id’s Hot.i’arli-1. , ! tee. 7. I Mil -Hill. .i. hi-:i:tfm a hkcs. 'HAWAII!-:, fha uiiilets innad ha\ inji 11 wide an • the l',ast.-rn i itias, to lay in a .’lock at ;n i m arl ai.t i'd*"-. aml material tor tin* am „■ ot nil i*imk of 'rare kept in a ti;M. cfa- s* and •sl tea! -i i't mi a,|a hi ish man ■, an* ans ) Wo', a to the cl ' i/ans oft 'a ril'd a an1 i)\ IN AN I' l'V\ M i-h !,I>V. \i is Die hast that Vhiladciidiia and New V produce. "1 hair • hud: ol so>w. imii'l-'- of the lollowinu' mum d ('ook's i iovenmr I’enn, ITairie Flower, and the Harley sheat. with all varietur el IJod-roum and uilk of liie neatest, pattern, and best Hover nor I'emi, which they guaranle*' lu tiro salislaelion i ll every respect, with to prepare the cooked or baked fare et a ly with li'.vs eojisnmptiou of luel ihaatu stove, they will warrant ior six in-m:li inanufaelure Zimmerman's steam Hen in which all kinds of vegetables can b-o Hie same lime, without, the one o; other. I Jest nt i eferenei-s “iveu. 'IT. ; chased for rash, and therefore have tV.- 1 their umiilv reduced to a very low lima eon I i dent that ** Inre/c .vt/r.s and .snntH j/n>, best poltey. 'l’hey call attention to tl stock oi Tin, Sheet-iron, and KXAAmLKJ) WAiiK, consist 11 il! of Duckets, Da-ons. Wad Wa-h-dl.-bes Lard Cans. Coal Scuttles, gua ran teeing to ail v, bo in ay ] ui elm-e a sa \dng id at least out ui e.eiy ten e\< « nded. lhatec. Kangesand Furnaces set In on short nab mg and Spouting done in the best uiai on reasonable terms. Old stoves tr.Kc change for new ones. Hive us a cal Hanover street, bet ween Wetzel's and T Hotels. Thankful for the patronage heretnfnn ally bestowed upon them, they solnai ji anee of t he same. U T <) V !•: ft ! ST O V KS ! ! O eomManil;. on band i f e\ej; variety-di tne Market, and irisiireo iwr L x months. Also Tin Ware of ail kinds, niamii'act; of the best tin plate. Twenty per cent. saved by billingitt h> and Tinware dooms, Tin Hooting and Spout lug done a\ :-h>>rl March Ih, Jsijil.—iy. VCil-Ki:!,KU A wd.I.SOX A H' Y I.'TIC ‘ITIT. II M MIIIS The Wheeler and Wilson Machines are do all kinds of family sowing, working well upon silk, linen, woolen and code with silk ami linen tbreads, making « 1 and perfect stiseh alike on both side- '*t l do sewed. Tlie attention of Tailors, Shoemakci>, and (’arriage trimmers, is called lo tbs- Sbutlle Sewing Machines. It isunanUn' milled to he the best, machine for Mali or tailoring ever given to tin* public. PRICE OF HOWE M ACHIM> Letter A Machine, ' “ Is recommended for family sewhr? 1 shoe binding and gaiter lifting. Letter'll Machine, is one size larger than A machine Mia same work. • - Letter r Maeliino, . . , , Is rceoimucndcil fm* m-avy taildnai.. * slio** work and carnage trimming. 11 *, and rape.!, am! ill do line work well.- 1 much )ai gcr dmt tic I ban (lie small’- ai‘- ( ’all aml •‘•km oi hie at Mailrond TeleifoU ('arlisie, I ’a. Dec. 1. I Mm. fIUM JSKULAND V A L L K Y \J CiIANOK OF HOUHH. On and jll'ut Monday, Dec, llOi, Ino* Trains will run daily, as follows, »^ l,n cf]ded) Accommodation Train leaves ih'C l A. M. Meclinnicslmrg (UK, CTrliskCU'- in.;; 1, siii opens! air;; 11.(>7, Chained'-' (Irconcii' lie urrivime at Ila:a‘ l '.-- Ij M. „ Mail Train leaves Harris!uir;; 1. ioslmru LVM, Carlisle .Xewville l,OO, Chamhersbur;' -i.H), (Irceiira.- riving at Haf'ersUnvu (i.lu, P. M. l-lxpre-ss Train halves llarrisbunr •; Meohaniesbuvi; .".(U, Carlisle Shippensbuiarriving at ( ’lauan V. M. Kxpress Train leaves Chambersbnb; Shippensburj; a. ir>, Newvi Ha I'.* l ’- M Mechanlesbur:; T.iM. arriving at *' slll A. M. „ \ Mail Train leaves HaixerMown ol 1 »* ■ castle Chambersbun; Newville !).-JT r Carlisle Jli.m, Mocarna arri\ ini' at. Jlnrrisburfr JI.U». A. M. Accommodation Train leaves j . l.n, Shippeusbur*: J. iy, Newville -.7 Vrid MechanicMnir" :5.:i7, arriving at 1 h‘ P. M •’ A *Mi\i‘d Train U'avi'S Ilnwi-stoW)-j (Jreencaslle ;>.7», arriving aL 1 l lsl,n Making close connections at ,^‘ ul v L > Trains to and from IdilladelpbWh' Baltimore and AVashliV l^ i < ' , u})rrintnnlcHt's Qplcc) C/tauib'f/ fJt’v. 11, ’tT). J Jflt’E Fusuranrr, Vice President—( ‘jiuisti an St \yy w Secretary—John c. JUtm,\p yj ’ TrciKinvr-Dan tin. Hailey, ACIINTS. Stohrs, Eintoavr, vVr r w o do i. l a ud KHIXKSMITIi A ]•'*, h. S, Is(;o_;' v jh .) U 11 X i) . C o II (j A IMA IN ARAMA AND TINW i ',a u;-Tjtr. cor:;'r !;ur-r,<'u:i fSAinug iiluriiiurs .SUMJ’LKST A.ND CUKAPE I’IMCKS OF WIIIOKIiKH A WILSON MAillM' No. ;i Machine plain, • • •_> •• ornamented hroii/c •• I •• silver plated. Tin-: iiiAVEsr.wrxG machln Mailroafi iLinrss Wi-iSTWAIU). bastvcabd.