-t'fllmvtrfv. C A RLISTjK, PA Tlntrsdn.r May !l, inoii, FOR GOVERNOR, U 1 ESTER CLYM F K OK ItKIIIvS COUNTY Bfi.fiocKATic n.moini 1. Tli,- stales, whereof the people won* lately in “hellion, are integral parts , .ft he Union. amfare iitltlnl tD reprcsenhition in < 'ongrcss. 1 »\- 'mm nly floated, who hoar true faith to the ('ohslitu on and laws.and Jn ontortovindicate the maxim mt taxation without representation Is (yramiv. u*h representatives should lx* forthwith’ admit- 2. The faith of (ha Kepuhlie in pledged to tin lymcnt of the National debt, and Congres .mid pass all laws neee-sary for that purpose, i, W’a i >Wa obedience t«» tha Const it lit inn of Ihi died St ales, includinglliaamandniaut prohibit sla\ ary) and undar its provisions w di M eeor« those amanaipatad all thalr rigid- of pcr-or id property. 1. Kadi Slate has flu- e\eln-i\e right to regm let ha quail lira I ion of Us own electors. ». The while rare alone is entitled to the eon Iml the government of the Kepnhlie, and wa sire iwdling to grant to negroes the right to \ ota. 5. 'Hie hold enunciation of the principles of the institution and the policy of restoration eon hied in the recent anual message and Freed fit's Ihireau veto message of ITeshkml John i entitles hint to the eonlhlanaa and support of wlio respect Ha- Constitution and loir their untry. . The nation owes to the hrave men of our mles and navy a debt of lasting gratitude for •ir heroie services in defence of the CVmstltu n and the I’nion; ami while we cherish with a uler affect km the memories of tlic fallen wo •dge to their widows and orphans the nation's •u and protection. We urge upon ( ’ongress the dutv of eqimll/- the bounties of oursoldlers and sailors. MU. LIXCOI t X—FORT STMTHR. -Ur. Joux M. Botts of Virginia—(lie st friend of Hr. Lrxconx’s admini.stra )ii, mid who was endorsed as a good Union” man by all loyal thieves—this an recently gave evidence before the ?conslrnction Committee, in which he ited that Mr. Lixconx was willing and ixiou.s on the 7th of April, ISDI, In give i Fold Sumter to (den. UKAntud.inn. li- was -ix weeks after Air. Hitiiax- Cfmuhiiiuistratiou had ceased to exist, id yet it was the fashion to villify the Iter on the subject of these very forts.— ow, we ask ids slanderers to - point to ly word that ever fell from hi< tongue or •n, showing Unit for a single instant lie id an idea of surrendering, to an armed id beleaguering force, one inch of the ihlie property. \\ c arc \ery glad that litiTT'" ini' thought it doc to history make it known that Air. I.iv. oi.x «. h ady to surrender the (in t-. ['here are many ~uere|s eonileeied wil h ■ I. IN, oi.N adiiiinisi ration wldeh, wiien mplil lo [lehr, -.Gil e.iiiviiiee tiie pen that tlien was not much patriotism dinted hy our rulers durinir the liair r~ of the ivhelliou. Rut three objects r ai-'-d to he in \ iew -).oli(ies, ruliliery, 1 llm eiiuneipaliim of the hlaeks. In the-e olijeets the adherent • id' the a ,|- islrarinii were eminently sUeeasslid y -i a- men since the days n f ilAl.l. -mie. and they succeeded politi y and triad tile lugTois and starved death otic million of them the first r ■ 11:.■ tln-ii - freedom, and arc now nlaioiim most of the balance at the en-c of the ( to \ eminent, and this they " loyalty. Tbcsc we say. Were the d olceM-ts ,11 the f. Ixim. \ adiuinisira- a leeling of true patriotism _ line of love of country—the udminis "o iiad neither, Mr, [,i\imi.\- was in-: inf.lie man in ,America t i advo ili" ill faiinnis doctrine of the rigid of "im,. lb- was die first public 5 ( . n .,. I'f and in making nji the eabiiiei of ' Ibr id- adiuinistratioii. he selected ■li-in Th IVO wilt, l.ml, a- nf-n 11 mi'- ' ■ I I’"!' m
  • !11;I i a)i' 1 -iVn , *' -I' l 'ii 'li> ;i. w iirUn r i Im; :!‘lmiivr- I'-lal. I*n ~>ii«■ Jj I 1. 1 n< a-v j U"I i li«m 1 i.ui mu: iln- ii'-c-l «• 11-_ir;ivim%* whu-h '••in- Wa'Kl\i.T'.\ lv»!-!inii- mil hU - 1-! '• 1 -V in h-aV'-n uiM j.‘hiciii'_ r \W ahvay- iv- ■ill. itj> 1:1 hi - h:-'i'A .1 th i>v .1* an ■l'l'ira'j-a iip'.n 1 a | ,i * >iii infill 11 > tin* 1 »i <-1 \\' a i M s(, r. i\. :ji v.: •»n r;inir i ih-- j<,y- i,i* Jjca\---:i u * (!--]-■!!! iiu-. if. am- a(:rI - It 'a ]•- Hi- 'ln-'! aim; ,i nvi-1 i—ll HIV, 1 1 11 ’ nail-.lj \\ .'\,[ a- Wt/.-j. Un- iiianiiiia'i* ivniaili- n] a n-lnlcr 'MI. I■ i a’.; Ml)| ( | (i } I'i-j -1 ■il 1 him in ■n in I h<- a'-i ul ‘-: - i »\\ niii ‘l iMI | I-• IM.•I ll 11 M »** iiilf rut*-n I||<‘ -N otfro n»o\«* tile in ih.-t. i- -aitl ::hr,,r wjK.i,, 11 1 > mis is P dm i it,- Ho..], w i,.. i, ;l . |.-J li \niir /, „ MlJin th( . , 11!1h ,. r (*■ ‘Tamt'ii, I w\> u.Moir \iic.rr i.> mm-, ih\ .v mu i in.l mn x, •• i \n;\x ini’ -lin (-.1 nti: -i. ‘ . ‘Sriial, .r Sniiiiu-r I.SSenan. Apia it mm-m --'- u < • U >iji ■. k* .'iiltlirr, (he (•!•••■ liior. ami [ Ik- wliiir uinir of Aluwir-T luivc m in,- f-tinin- nf Seiintur Suiuiut, In11111- ~i,nal l.ur i' iu llj>■ -alvaCn.n uf iln- nat'am. 11,. a alnioM ill ■•• lit tn sly" ihat llirtV 1- wai- aqua! u illi rai li. I.ul lie fail- in i<-ial<_- the aeuvia.*i-llt anil \w fairlv r ihal in Ill's npmmi; r hi- >;u*.rSfn «•*. privation- of the former -ifi)>iit liiiv I «*i in*r-'. TJiis i- i fit- h,n iti‘ tin- >enator, In a-1 n^li< 1 '■ furl .Schtir/, in a letter from Wash 'll to the Xew York Trihtou, ref(*rs ie following terms to the Seeretary of :ii i ton s <)i miii 1-» i - fci iiilt-il. lit- Ini' I \\ i H ii-u •diiuulion lintl was ahold lo forward it when ders'.ood tin* President had expressed a par 11lnr *’• wu: ' hniiudit he>t h» |iiit Mr. Johnson (jir. harden of return im* ilit< ; la, ;. v i ,t *‘ War. SriT' lary Harlan’- - days atv '"avd. Ui.-« j»l;if»; lia> been promised, j hev Uimdatt, oi‘ the PoM-otMec IVpart i : Ii" i* ha will pi in dm ilnj l -,- l, Harlan ami Stanton mv umoni' iho-cdwho wu Stallion lias become very sweet >k-a.-ani. He and chirps us amiably as o, and nn n who p, MM . him. with reeol insoi J«i-ttnd sur|)i isftl to hnd the .in.* mildest and mo-t l raeiahle oi animals uay«ro as near him a- v-ai pleas... !U id he adllmrsnaid of hit,-. ie position of a gentleman of whom fiends diseour-e in this stylo, is just t as had as his etuo.iies eouht .U'm,v • j r—' ■ W 5 'jrCTi.vj -dj i yc-tLi •at-'vsc- xxxt. • A SIAUI r.M’OSI KI Ii will be reniemhcrcil that hi the tri; of thu accomplices of HnoTU, before tl military commi-.-ion tit Washington, on the charge of complicity with the assassi nation of President Lincoln, a certain .lamks it. Mkuuitt was the principal witness for the (ioverument. On his tes- timony M rs. SntKATT was eonvietod am haVlgeii, and on his testimony it was shown (hat.l fffkiison Davis, (A (A Clay, and (iKuitui-: N. Safnllls were directly implicated in the assassination. To out siders (ho testimony of 1 It is man Mi:k it m read strangely at (lie time of (lie trials,— }lis statements did not appear reasonable. Mrs. Srkkatt's (laughters, after the exe- cution of their mother, pronounced litem utterly false from beginning to mid; and °so indignant was (‘lav when lie heard what this witness had said, that lie vol untarily surrendered himself to the (h>v ernment authorities, and asked for a (rial. Davis and Sai'ndkks too pronounced Ids testimony perjury. Fndoed his entire story before the illegal military court had the appearance of manufactured testi mony. It now appears that this villlaiTs evi dence was perjured from beginning to end. Ho lias recently been before the ('ommittee on the Judiciary, of the House of Representatives, and his examination there showed that Ids testimony in the trial of the conspirators was totally void of truth; that he really know nothing connecting any persons with transaction* not recognized by the usages of war; that his attempt to connect Davis, Clay, Sauxdkils and others with the assassina tion of Lincoln was a pure fabrication.— One very remarkable fact was elicited in his examination, wherein lie admitted that the Secretary of War, Knwix M. Stanton, had paid him hrtma n /irr and sir (htmra nd du’lars fur his strrims rtr <( wihn sa fnfn't (h< MHHurt/ ('ummissioil U'h'n-h (rift/ On runspiraturs. This was Ihephiful price of his infamy. Such is the te-(i mony upon which Mrs. Si'iiratt, Haloll. Atzluotii and Pay.vk were hanged, and Mild, An.\oM», O’Lal'ou lin and Si’anoi.fu were imprisoned on the Dry Tortuga'-. Out of the nimith of lid-man, \\ ho-old Ids m*u! to Stanton and (lie De\ il (nr live thousand dollar-, a Republican t’nmmiiue am trying lo rs hi hi i-h ( he ci nn pi icily of.l i-;m-:itsi)\ Da vi- with the a>-as,-inatioii of Aukaiiam Lincoln. With S r.\.\ ton to suhhorn (lie \\ i [ at !i \ e I In inland dolla rs a head, there is no telling what they may not he able to prove. Tld- is lint a specimen of the eour-e pur-ued by IhN tieml Si'ANToN to wreak hi< vengeance upon hispoliiieal foe-. All over the country he organized Ids Military Cmii'L- to convict, and (lien bought up liiG perjured witnesses who swore their victim- in the sealiold or into prison. Airuv orni'Kits who are emit ivii WtAIXST THE E’ltmsllHi.Vr. \A itliout exception the otlieers of our arm.v who distinguished themselves in ! i.itt lc doring tlie four years war sustain tile policy of President .intixsox in re gard to tile Southern Sta'es lately in re bel lion. M't '1.1t1.1, AN. ( i KA.n't, Sit ItK.M A V, liofs.-mi .and otimps whos f . military rx |doii- are known to the world, are open in liieir hostility to the disiinimd'ls in ainl i lw Sni \!-;n-STi-:vi:.\< j»m- Tin- m •11 win pin ilmwii ihr I'l-'n-llinii ■].) in-: i..in in iln* ih-niainl I'mi 1 l’M<. I. 'l'iicy iln- I’niun iv -1; *,*i i!, .m i 1 -ik 111> »:i ihn«.s* who an 111. i! i* 11 m Hi,. } *re d den ! a> ir. no/-. 1 tii-i'i' i- another el a.-- nf men, Imu ~\ ci. v, Ik, i,dm a dilierent view, and wii > a--erl lha! tin- Inion w jcally di>- m*]\i-1. Tin-( H-ncral" wli<> never won a I •■lit If. i in- -aldiw who in va riahly -k ul k ed when fi *jt 111i11yr W:e to he done, the eainn-tollower who wa- ever on tile alert to phiiekT e iii'i'iered town- and coinni.u nii'ntlje fivilian vim was always ready t*> ' i l!!' /• iiirii into tho anu\. Imi who look uo.ml rare imi to Join ii himself 11 1 f*"(* are tlm men. the pailroon-;, \v!io tinri- lo a-MTt that tin* t'nion i-dm-olv.ml, and who u r«* imuit to kick the fallen foe, con li-eain h\< i-siali', and refit-" him a ivpr« •''•ntaiion in ('oiiure--. Iml tli' 1 people look a! tin- nil'll v, iio are prominent a- Ihe -npporter- of (he JVe-i -dentV policy, ami coin pa re them with tho-e who opj*.i; it. and they will not he long in deciding what -ide of tin- ' I M K'J 11 11 It" been 1 1; is-ou L.• i 1... l : i , I’anvuu,- • y,. , ' • * J ■ * 1 " 1 ” WV I "it” ."iiuM l made uji our nth hi l" be \ IUI ' ° ’* *' ,lnrl,t ' ' UH n ' ,v ’ ;ivr 1 a-iuiii-!n‘(l at nothing wliieh oeeiinrd in j ' lal ‘• h* t i>u .» .M- iI \\ ill b,-!i.-vr .! ia! and armniii Wa-li \ngh m city; lull we ; j H 1 ' dotation n! lie- l nion neei i !.<■ ; i-i cii) tV-> I hi> little item ha--daggered n-a j ‘ 4 ' 1 * ’ 1 "1 mo m Km'iy eight negroe-, 1 i//j jy/s-o/e <1 jnr fh'j'l, liberated Irma Jail and m in- eoloni/ed in Imui-iana •’under the au-] of the Kreedmeii’,- Ihiivau !*’ IVrhaj*- the dear (•feature- Were l"-ilig t heir ajipet i te- from l"ji” eonlinemeiit in tin- ‘-')M Cajiitol, ami a .-outliern elhnale \\a- deemed ne«. e—-.iry to I'rsluiv liieir .-hat tered eon- I ii tl timi-; or perhap- there i- nothing Kdt lor the-e li-ilii-linet. red -o-mry to -p*al in the I >i-l riel of ( ‘ohimhia. uinl ike “ Ihir eati” mu-i need.--el them to v. «.rk at their old trade, anions the impoveri-hed peo pie of Jami-iana. DonMle:?.- they will Welcome the returning prodigal- with open army and—as a matter of precau tion -kiit ail their lat ted ealve.- and ehiek en- immediately upon tin; am val ofthe.-e pei-eeihed "pel lainl*.-.” We Miggesl to the friend- of the Ihireau in 'this viehiity that ( Jen. Howard he petitioned to send n- a -mall colony of hlaek felon?', with a view to improving tin* hu.-ine-s of tiiu .\ I'H'l'd Hnarter Sessions; and in (in- meantime we reenmmend I hat the *‘ Isureau" he lirro after known as an instilulion for llie ill ,-eminatioii ofvieeaml immoraliiy. ( •o.NSIs’TK.VT IX Dlsf.VlOX. lilt 'oil press el, the .’id day of .Mareh, Ism’, .Mr. Hol man, of Indiana, I Democrat, i olieivd ihe following resolution; J,‘. Tii.it in tin- of tln-s 110-j-o. the nnfori mi:i!“ ci\ ii War into which ihe«he. ern mcnl of Ihe I’nilcd Slate.-' has been forced by the treasonable attempt of I lit* Southern Seeeshjon i.-iri to dc-d roy tl;e ITilon. should no] he pro-men - led tor ady other pnrp'c-e than the ivstonilion of ihe ant liorlty of Sy i.'omm it nt em ; and that the well are of ihe whole people of Ihe rail ed Slides N permi mini ly in \ol ved in mam!a i niim ! lie pre -'•iil form of government nmU'r tlje t ■ w, I*\ this laid I act. a vowe, i t heir deliberate in!en [ loir a- early as Ishij, to carry out their radical apd levolmioMary programme ofiiMinioii. Did not President .lohnI- COTITOIII'. '[’he if raid shows such a mauifesL dis inclination to keep Us Republican readers pollution the political news of (he day, that We .-hall feel ourselves compelled! from time to lime, to give them Mien item? of in formation as come to u< through Republican .-nurces and will therefore he deemed perfectly reliable. The last issue of the I-'ranl:!in I!fj)(>silur>/, published by Alex. K. MelMure, one of the shrewdest abolition politicians in ihe Slate, warns its‘political friends in (Ids wise: “Fell ninh’i v ii) theslart Hint IT.-Miknt John-on luis fully determined to exhau-l hi- of liem I in>w er and j>a t rnnage to secure the -nece.-s nt n I >i«iiM»crni te < lovcnior, I temocra t ic c Vmgre.-s -ii it mi and a I leinocra t ic Legi-la I are i in Pennsylva nia. Mind hi- \> id per.-i.-l m Id- pnrpo.-e unle.-s his mwiiniiir j>r<-\ ,:iN owr hi- perhdy. as it did in (‘on neel ient ••Tin- iii'niß'inmiic of John-on. rowan A- Co., in lVnn-\ lyania has a special plan chalked out to ili loal I nti»n members of ('digress in some six dist i n-i - m tin- Slat e, The following dist riels am on Him* slate to lie thrown into (lie hands of Hu* copperheads. We gi\e t tiedi-1 riels with (he vote lor i '< iiii'i'i-ss in l-'i»|. V. OIsI’KICT. XVI. DISTIUCT. Tha.\ er, \' 11,(K)7, Koonl ('. 11 °l -> h'»-s. ii i> ngTi I'nion maj Fni«>nniaJ (is Mil. IMSTItKT. I XVil. IUSTUKT. .Mereur. I Ii,7JL Harkt*r, [' !) Ikoleit. l> S,72:)'Joh nson, I) s[7l."> I nion maj I’nk.n maj aiij mv. msTincT. I xvni. Disrincr. 0. K Miller, V Jl.lllii. Wilson, F 11 r,:\\ W. IL .Miller. I> II,ot)2 ( Wright, li m^sj Fnion maj 027| Fuion maj sgl The ahovedistriets they hope to throw Into the hands oi the copperheads either by vol ing direct ly tortile eopperhead nominee's, or by funning Independent Johnson candidates as side-shows l(* the copperhead main circus. Lear Jn mind that they will rpn candidates of their own or not as may serve their purpose best. They have hopes also oi delcat ing llon. Leonard M vers in INiiladelphia.and if i(lM>al all promising, they ‘will exliausL themselves (u overthrow Jud" , ’e Kelly," It will take some tmulilc lu ligurc (lie i-lL’t-linn of Geary, or a Roiiulilican Con p:rossio 11 a 1 -maj-(o “ser-nre llu; sncee-s oC I lio Oenioerat ic lickct,” - liie /tV : I I "T. 1 "'. ''''Oliivill lII’ Air. UrraniT as I.Mil'll, lal llai i islnn-fx, was I ml- tin l lii-”iiniina ol‘ (hr (Irraia lmio,lsr(,Mtriaj,la| l . 1 l l.v l>r..sl(|em.loliilsiia,Sc'll al,a iiw.iii and llu- c-nplM-Thrad niaaaarrs wit Ii , liov. Win. I-', .minima, is Vi I * ,uu ‘ I'! 11 Olln a I'iilleflnrshiji n/‘ nna of 1 In, ;V ''K-hj'H.v 1 1 1 Si ncls, ill lie Senaie will eniieiir, ami , iM 'i'l 1 V-, '■nlleelnr of 1I„. Is, dislriet 111 1 lllladelplna, is aliiall In l„. Iwhead,s] lo Minim a lilac., lor .'lr. A. 11, shoeniala-r, who earned Hie 1. a- 1.% pn-sidma al Hie Him .minis lillaitnlr Idler 111!' I’reside, 1 1‘s \( In C,,| Wm |. '‘"'"ns. Coll erln r of I lie I'.a'l of I'll I l.lde'l I .ll la' a ill, Ol e.iiirse. no o\ erlmaril ns soon ns dean ho 'V' 1 , 11 'ns no prlneiples for sale 1 ,■ I I'l'i-mli I. e. ii 11 pel ei 11 and fallhl'ill ol'- ,p,,time „ -.1 1..1 111, hn< I,a i/.r1., ~;, 11,- Imk^rhl-f-o-ulUm. I. H' 'll 'll din/,/ r.irrr.s'piim/oirr oar/ eoa.vrd -1 i'ii/iprr/,r'oi/s. 0,0/ por/o-o/or/o "j 1 (hr o)i/>r>in(iiif/ /unrr,-," \\ hat a tw'istinp: and siiuinnino there will lie when the Pre- idenl ial irnillothm I ley ins to descend upon Urn necks of th,. ieili-ral oil iee-linldersnl't ’ll ml iei'l and cun n- Iv. There will he more Id,'ml-lied in'llie " loyal'' rank- limn there was diii'ina; tlm whole war. Here is another little hem VnlU " Oc.-;i-ii()imr>'' laltw- 1.1 t j,,. < I* J I11 1 11:i /V, w, lipamip dale A|nil IMIIi whii-h may ha of immvM t• * dim- I;,.jai Mi fan I'rialllln; " A lull r\V .101 l no nr-- c. illiiiinirv p , , I i 1... LllVat Itfpll I illra 11 I'tllna pal ly oV \lffl tfi m 1... im: rapiaiy iii‘l11jnai. Til.- Usuis' lt ;, v i,;.: .la mmuMnlaililii. n i-t nmr a,inMilanllv a-.,,.ri |, I ' l h - v P, wliam .Iniiiw.n 1',,r..., Vrn I if ■■ ml raai, Mini t 't.l,in. I 1;,,-!,;.,,! p .* f I 11111 It •lill H i HIV, I'f 11 llp\ I \ ,1 ill lap | . .laf .1 ii pon tf- Ilm ami it in la 'i, r (low r !""• 'V 11 plat f.l ill 11 • 1111 i 1 , 1 1111 ., ia, i',ll .. '"‘r- a HIM a lam,!m pin ,l!', "i 1 ' 7 IlflI 11 IX fulfill will hr I', .rimilp. ami , ptif il 1;. Maltal. Il.ii Hip a « |,,,ip , IIIM 1 1 HOfpil: pi 1 -i - If, llfMllllflV lll'i.lflal I I,; | ' ••• •"'"' ' - '!r' '/ ■ '' ' '/ '' ‘ ''''' of'ff '■/ t/f ,'f ■" " K,„VM «n. a 1:::.; - : i.'.ii.ii..m! iTi,,^;;,r , vVf , ii;.\':’,i' i , :, i ■■ "■ »■ wl.-.z i ,V.v,• ’i 1 • i v"'v:'i ... *.... f , 1 l ' i '; 1,1 1 ;| “ N' t’l III'; 11 ;11 >• .1 1 !, 1 ' "'' 1: ' 111 ■ ■ l ' ■■ i In' < 1 i-;11 1 i..m pai", v I Vll 11-V I Vallil. ,1,,. n, SI U'l-i-,- I"' I ' l ' illl'l"!' whirl, thry ilL'lliyiliMi,. I],,' ji-ti ii. Ii -'ii'li Him Amlivir .I ’ ,1,!! -Ml 1 , William 11. S,'Will'll, ( " liliiuii I'. John-Hii, lOilr-ar I 'hw.-hi, ‘■'■ill Knil'O .uni I lie .-iillanl ('„|,,iu.‘l (■<,nl u'l'' • 1 "' 1 hmiiliT'l'. ~f ni1,,.,. lu'ivtMi'oiv |i , '"iiu | K'iil Ui'| hi I >1 ii-.inhaw ilrirnni "■"l i’’ whlMI-l Ihril- nlli-hll JIMWI'I- ;, 1;, 1 p:i' imiaar l„ -I'l-mv i la- mi,-, ~f ~ D,.,,,. " HI, ir ( Mivri'lll,l- ill IVlin.-ylvallia,’' ( lea -1-y w ill -I'iml alinii! a- iiuirh rhanri, ufaii I'li'i-iiini, a- hr il.ir.- ..I'-urrrrilii,..- ti,,. (•"ini nf .lapan. •nVSlul !!■<■ Muulli i„ Doina It,,' (1,,, v,.-,.,,. a n ' Alilnt 1 I ' irhlir I ill' Irnii ..]■ (■"lni' mi'i hi 'lrcla i'r 1 lir riahl- i.f -ii,-li li"l'-'.li ■ ; 1 h l! ' 7 ' ' H ' '■ 1 Hill -ill ,11 ,1 ,■ , '' Ill' -1 I.'.'" -. .1 ir i t Mi'll' 'ir .f.-11.1;. I, I ... 1., ~ . " nr'.'i',, Mi-ican 1,1.,,,,] [n ,| h . n . ~ ■ ainHu . Mai- a- ■■ |...i -..a- , ■Hi . . r, /,'. il, 'l 1,.,1 ■ : 11 ! i:' \■ Hi- i-i-iil a, nail-:- atrl rjili,,' .. . 1; a■; 1-. 11. 'Hi ’. 111 I,r mi, a!. | o he ],a i'l a . a, ' . - I". I'..'ll'V. I" lull. I'll, l'■ I.iii'i'liasi', an,! li, la, ..' -all r ii.l raiial l.riii'li: ~I'ali law anil ~r,i, [lii’M'rlinty ~l iirrsmi ami ."ilalr; -ml -nail M .,| Ir - --111 ..irr: 11, an,- .lirr in' ,11 Hr ran 1 nil lli-I, ar a: ] i.'U 11 , .1' p-na 1 ly, 1. a- 111- nHu nus-inn ~|" all. arf "!'I Illrll.-r I la, I, -1!" Il a- a I'r ) M't'H'r 111 (',,]■ \,i,i||. [i.'i.'sni': mi 11 in it [ in- Hi;,, ari -nr ,at',.a-., I'lit- 11,11,1 -rrl i, ,!i-i ii 11 j, r r-nralaall . -, . . law-. ' ' ' * 'lll,' lull 111,. 111. ], 1-,, \(■ 11 la- (hr (I, r.-ri'mU , 17. I'.li'l. , . . . t*v i th ( - Xuia linn Siau*' Southern State shalllreat them with in justice or inhumanity, Ilicy can a< iVccmcn, wherever I hey please; ami they w\\ \ jilca-o lo o-<) where I hey a re he -i t jvat iml. A;' tiic Southern laiuls are valuele.x without laher te- euiti /ale then; call aflhnl In m.‘c iis in.-^Tue*cml;j Slain-; wliii'h hid (nr (heir lahnr I - ■ hi ! ha I !Va( menL Tile liiiTt* fact of in “dom am! Iho nood of iuhmvrs will hi-mv iho ilicir irijrlits without fodt-r.-d hi lornM-i net*. Tho ii'ivjil din and lamtdi t!jat iai.-eri j.hoiil thoir s;;tVty, i a di iionc-i dovioo of [ho liupublican ;m,'lni’ au’tin ■ Soiiihoni .‘-tato. mi; of iiio ;j11d provontini' llioir j.arii oijMiioa in iho iMwidnitial oh- •id.n.- M(, IC f-; f.l.ll u lnrh jm-uliiii'' to tin* PivsM.mi <*f lh<- I' niU'il sia'.aml rvideully mli-mlc.-d in drive him iiiml \vi, n v-tistain him jVnin (In- Tolon parly.” "t i'<; i lL; •■ vrr!zn-sc^rr?iv7t'.ai-zvss Tin]SOHKRSETAM.U.fj u rutsburg; in .July next, to pm in imniination :i third i'.tniliilalo lor (inventor. Thousands of t on-erv.-iliw 'orrtithor Uu* Ui'jnihlk-ansl liavc -miied copies of ilu- call endorsing .-mil approving the The -‘hoys in blue,” who ; kht lor the I nioti, an*e t; per-aily aetive in the movement. They deelare that Ih.e \ aiikm- polith-ian-. aial (invert mient plun 'l ivr- >hal! not iK*—l rny, tor Iho I lencdlt of lla- negroes, and for nviv parly purpose, liu- work they saerilieed ft o much to per- I'H’in. Many of them pronounce (Joary a f' l tor r. ihe r;uiH>. and unworthy the support of any soldier except lho>o. who hf!tcved the war w;c wtured “ for the Afri imii and )ii-< ra. n'atis ot (his Slate who wrought for tins com monwealth a great deliverance from ret ad inva ■ loii, on llie sanguinary ami victorious Held of 1 i'-tt .•slmra.” '-‘enatur Johnson, di-unioni.-l, moved to ■ m.ead by directing the eoiillliittee to in -1; ' iii/o Ihri’.rji, dii'iti-iiof do’uu/tiO. The lieiiioerals voted against amending the ohuiim and UuMiisuniciiist.s Tor it. The amendment was carried. The committee ituf rrni*i(lrr if and never in the htl!, and no medal was mer presented to (tenoral Mead and his because of this vote of the dis nnionids, hook at tlu* Hecnrd, p.vj;c n 11 m i o I ii' !UIV SuiU* :-Ai,\i;ii;s or Statu Oi'j.'umus.— The ' I'-'iK-nil Appropriation hill which passed the Legislature Indore uiljoiinimcnl , in creases tile salary of the fiovemor to Hi' a year, emnmeiieiiig with the next l"nu, The Mtiarii,:. of the. President .imlg e-ill'the ('mil'll ol' ( 'innmini Pleas of the -evei'al cmintry ilistriels, ai'c raised In .<:! - Via a year. The President Judge.- of the I ’ 1 1 11 a 1 1 1 • 1 11 hi a < 'niii'ls are In receive .<5,01111, caul the As-ueiales Si,mill, The members nl tile I .ogi.-lnl lire voted Iheinsel vi s i aeh 'l.liaa Inr iheir rviees dui'ina the ms ■ ien. Thesalaiy !i.veil by law Inr iiiem her ni' the I.eei-lalare, L STiia; hnl nnr "l-.yal" law-makers, J1111 i 1 n 14- a much hie her valla- 11i e ■! 1 their labors than (he i" e|ile 1 In, made a raid mi the lieasui'V tor SOOii apiece extra, Disinterested pa triots, truly 1 With the parly in power, spoil* are the chief ijhii. .luilN DUOWX'S sol'l. MAKCIIINI'I ON!’ our WASHINGTON LETTER Cnir.v I(umvH Ills ItighlnOloro Abolition I»n• l>llci(r-A Now .Slate Croatcrt ■ with only Sev en Tlioiisiiikl Void.s-A KcooiiMlrliol hm Commit 100 for New Uiifflanil-Ilio 4 nr of tils lCoyal Abraham I-Siininor In sults tho Wliilo Laboring Mon ol the North— Tlao (Juillotiiio at IVorU-TI»o Tost Oath lit cousf itiition:i!*A Non - Boluu.v ISay. ■\V.\sin NOToN April ;M, ISIiG. .M ksshs. [barons Vou'ntkku A balf-dozen “highfalutin" gentlemen of color weal into u first- class restaurant on Pennsylvania avenue the other day, seated t hem.- el ves at a table, s]»read their napkins, summoned “ minelm-d" and gave a gorgeous order for broils, slews and (Vie.-. They were quietly informed that they eonld not !>•» served— Unit there was no provision for “ eolored" eiislom In that home. “No!" exclaimed a very lofty darkey, with a well assumed air of indig nant surprise. “No! Look alien, now ; Ph* reck on yon hasn't read dal Civil Lights lull I" The orator was 1 lien informed that In* was in a res taurant, not in Congress, ami that the discussion of the Civil Lights hill was not I adore that house. He was also requested to leave, which In* did. live dark countenances following him. Tho Senate has dually passed the hill to admit Colorado into the Union, and thereby put its handful of people on an equality in the Senate largest. Slate now represented, it was freely admitted, in debate, that the new' State lias not more than twenty-five or thirty thous and people, while the present basis of represen tation fora single Representative in Congress for the othorStates is one hundred thousand popu lation, but the insincerity of tlie Radical hue and cry in favor of universal suffrage was never more fully illustrated than by the vole of the Senate accepting this Colorado Const Hut ion with adlslinct prohibition against (lie political equal ity of tin* negro. That Is, these radicals declare that the South shall not lie restored to h.er place in the Union, until she confers the right, of sull rage* upon the negro ; and yet, for tlie purpose of still further increasing their majority in Con gress, they admit a new .state into the Union whoso Constitution explicitly limits the right of suffrage to the while man.* Was there ever du plicity more shameless and apparent. Ono of tho radicals avowed in the House, the oilier day, that it was the 'business of t his Con gress “not only to reconstruct the .Southern States, but to reconstruct all the Stales, so as to guarantee to each a republican form ufGovern mont." As only ten months remain of the exist ence of the presold Congress, they will be kepi pretty busy toget alt lids busbies* accomplished by the fourth of March next. As the present Joint Committee is engaged exclusively constructing” the Southern Stales—and particu larly Texas —it is proposal! to raise another Com mittee to ** reconstruct" the Northern Stales.— This last Committee willemploy witnesses, main ly hitter and prejudiced Southerner’*, to [ravel through New England ami the West, to sec wind the whites say about the loyalty of the negroes In those Stales. The passage of negro-sulfrnge laws will he made a condition precedent to the admission of every Stall', part lealarly Connecti cut, which was disloyal enough to reject the boon, laM fall, by six thousand majority. The saleof the magnificent ear which bore the rcnniina of Alnaliam Lincoln from Wii.-liltmlim («• lliclr final resllim place In Illinois, took place on Thursday lasi, ai Alexandria. It was sold to Ward 11. Liiiutin, Ksq.. for wt.saii. Tin* car cost tin* Government sound hint; over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars,and was manufactured by the (.lovormnoiit military railway corps, to he used hy Mr. Lincoln when he should have occa sion I'7 (I.s I i/v/v n Thursday last. Senator (’.»w an, in the exec utive session of the Senate made amotion lo discharge (lie Senate Finance Committee from the Inrther consideration of tiu- nomination of ex-Cos t'rnor .Johnston, of Pennsylvania, as Col lector of Internal Revenue at Pittsburg. The Radicals Hew up at once, amt a spicy and exci ting debate Ail lowed. It was distinctly avowed by the leader?, Rial no man should* be continued as the siieccssorofany ollieer whose removal had been made on political grounds, and they inti mated that llie President might as well benoti lied of lids detenu ina Ron on (he part of the ma jority of the Senate may, as i;l guy lime. Sena tor Rowan’s motion was lost, and the IVum-yl vauia nominations will probably remain forever huried in Rio Senate committees. The war has thus lieon renewed in dead earnest. It is assert ed, however, b.s tin.* friends of the President that tins action of llie Senate will not cause him lo waver an instant in the i-our.se he lias seen lit to pursue. Jnil that he will goon and make such re mo\ als ns in his judgment may appear neee-sa rv. To a prominent gentleman, j esterday, he assert ed that he would appoint no man lo olllce who did not give, a cordial support to his measures for the restoration of Rio fnion, and he further intimated that no avowed opponent of those measures now in olHce would he allowed to re main here. This is a bold stand to lake, but Rm>y who know the President intimately say Rial lie is fully capable of maintaining it. The United Slates Supreme Court has decided that the .Missouri •* inm-elad" test oath is uncon stitutional. The Court also decided that the t ongressiniial lest oath is also I’uconstßulioiml, hut tlißnigl; the chicane, y of Chief .Justice Clia.-e the opinion lias not delivered before the Court adjourned. As the Court will not meet again tin lil December, this action of the chief Justice is intend.-d to keep’this important decision from the people until after the coming Congressional election?,. Such dodging would not hi* over cred itable in a ward politician, ami it is most mights small ItnauM-y in a Chief Justice. 1 am happy to announce that the Government of liie United Elates is about establishing anew Botany Ray. The United .States Attorney of this city last week entered a no/, pros, in the ease of forty eight negroes, eontlncd in jail for various high crimes and misdemeanors, with the umler xhuulinf/ that they were lo yo to Louisiana, where it is calculated they will employ then rare talents as siduously, until they are elevated to some hlyh position in suciely-a gallows for instauee-to their manifest improvement and the benefit of mci-ouniry. Caucasian. l&.if- “ Occasional” Homey says it is wickedness (0 call such a body of loyal men, as now-compose Congress, a “ Cen tral Directory," a “Hump Congress,” or a “ Despotism.” It may bo wicked, and gratharshly on loyal.ears, hut' ills tho truth. This hlnod-hotmd used In leach that tho President was the “ govern men t ' ’ and denounced all as traitors who did not accept'that definition. Now ho calls the President, “ Unit man,” “ traitor,” etc. Tills dog must think (hat people of Ihis country are all fools and knaves, like himseif. Two years in Fort Intliiy ellc would iin;ii'ove (his parasite very much. ' Cassius M. Ci,ay Sfi'PonT.s tiu; Pjiks iDHNT. Cassius At. Clay, onr Minister to liussia, in a letter dated HI. Petershnrg, >:iy* “ I it,vni ll my ilnly 0. deiimmeii Hie emir.-e in' silltiMrr.'Ulit.Slel'.eis. //', ,Hr I,lit* rrunilr, loi/itl iw/11 Siii'g J stand by the President's veto nftlie !• ri’filinca a Uurorm liill. This ult.Mnpt of i’on- Kivss to mlci'icro willi tho rights of.Hr! Stoics af . r l ,, t .Vi l '' var 1 is a qsvirpulion of now ci unkiHßMi lu the ooib.iitn[ion,jinU subversive nL U iuJ’ h ’i I' ‘. ,l republicanism, ns lms.nl upon Hu? oI.U-onshiuiiou oftho UuUo.l Sialt-s “ Mr. Clay was an original cmuncipatiou ami one of tlio most oaniost republi cans ip the country. GIJXKRAIi NEWS. —Tlu- Meiverfemule cxpedit ion h;m arrival San Francisco. —A stable, with live homes. valued at 'rim* each, was burned at Portland, Me., on Saturday —Jack Cooper, who murdered John Uhoden baugh, oT Portage county, Ohio, on the niirhl o the :Hlh of October last, was executed la-d Fri —Troon ; arc to herein to Fannin county «ieor (da. at the request of(tnv. Jenkins, to quell dis turbances. It is stated that snow I o the depth oft wo inch es fell in the vicinity of Fmsthnrjr,-Md,, dnrini; -Monday n'ciht last. —There was tv severe j;ale on hake Frle last Monday, and many disasters to vessels are ie port ed. —Tin* merchants ol Cine inn.at i have sub>erlhed f;!U(»a for (he destitute people of Alahnma. ami the cloriry tire about to move in the matter. —On the Hilth nil., the passenger and freight de potsof the Detroit ami Milwaukee and Michigan S,nit hern railroad at Detroit were destroyed by lire, boss siliM,odd, but nenerally insured. —During Hie first three months of the present > ear, the Freed men's Ihirean isMied li. nil ions to whites, and •*;Jjr. - }» to blaeks, in Arkansas. —Five deaths ami thirteen additional cases o cholera an* reported in New York Hay sluet Thursday. The disease, however, is becoming milder. —Sonic of the (Jeoruia planters have been obliged to plant a second crop of cotton, owlm; I > a lovs of vitality in the seed, caused by lon lorn* storage. —Tlircc of tin- who volunteered to attend tin; cholera patient's on tln* Steamer Kim land, at. Halifax, caught the disease, and one of them. Dr. Slayter, has died. —Kijjht passengers escaped from the steamei' KniHaml at Halifax, amt it is feared they may spread the cholera on this continent. Three eases of cholera are reported at. Halifax. —Six hur-dars entered the National Hank at Cadi/ Ohio, Saturday, and robbed it of SDD.O!)'), A reward of iM,O!)i) has been oHe red fur the arrest of the robbers and recovery oflhe property, — l The2'llh all was observed in many places in the South in memory of the Confederate dead Their graves were dressed with tlowers, and other demonstrations were made. —II. !•’. Remington, of MprJmjfield, M*tls, has uhtiitn»‘<| a pntcut- fnr the I:M m»vetl;. —n pn per Mi f «*i —Jo hr up Tor I lie nn »!<•*! making fearful )\a\ yeai-s oi aae. and in s"\e M weeks alter liie nli] man married (he uirl ti-m Inal raised, he heimr si\t \ -ei'i!, I yea;- .. j. { ami - -Senator Fessenden is able to walk out. —Senator Dixon will return to (’onnoel lent as soon as in* I- aide to 1 rtn el, —Admiral Favraunt and wile are in Washhu-- lon. —,;‘i-.s nuuaiy UiusciSSmiators anil’ Iti-pi-esiMU-mvV.-ml u.ea- p.auos in Congress, 1 veunae Vlu ss,V.i,m vail {irs sa „ » iVmLN-o'- L ' " lO T 10 - v,u ’aeailjers m their places 1 m eougitss, uiut a uiey eainiui Uo a throu-'h iho he lul’llean imi-ly.if they ea.mot, - l 110 o' tin ■l;y,” days almost as sultry a-i .Inly u August, tile wreaths of smoke ainiurilk liiouutaiu and the ehilly evening n; Autumn. AVell .April lias gone, aini. jay powith lhe Hit linp. Ifit -t ill prove.-, true that "April showers bring May Umveo," we ought to have a very plentiful (Tnj)of daisies and dandelions during thepresetd mouth. A.NoTinut l!oi,i) Ronnunv.--OnFriday evening last, the wife of Mr. JuedScncv. residing on the eorncr of Mitt amll.-atli e! Streets, liad occasion m o- () [o a,.,.,, in Hie upper story of her house, wlu-iidk suddenly encountered a rohher, whnliiii riediy .shoved her from the mom, Inrkd the door and then made ids e-eapr h Pay oi (die liaieony. Hln-at once aianuid Ihe family, who v. ere sitting below, Imi liie villain had escaiiud with his plunder which consisted of two tifty-dollar note and some other valuables belonging I" Mrs. Williams, a daughter of Mr. Sciut, who resided in (lie house. I’ria UAsnui t'Anusj.nSi-ni -\\\ leant that Mr. W. t r, Thompson ami sill in'capitalists of Harrisburg have piirchii-v! Carlisle Springs, and are refitting tin buddings throughout, in order to veitder them among the most altractivo siininiei resorts in the country. The Curli-lt Springs have long been a proininriil in stitution, and thousands of persons- from the large cities have been bonc/ited by a tew weeks’ recreation there during lie summer. Under the charge nC the no; linn Hie Springs cannot fail to continue popular. .Mr. Thompson is known ;e one of [he most successful hotel kefjier in I’ensyivania, and, with thegentk-iueu ii-oieialcd with him, will spare neither lime nor expense lo maintain for the farlisle Springs the good reputation the}' have so long enjoyed. Das I'ARDbY. —Some villain on Muiidity night of last; week made an ell'orl to throw the morningl rain front the track at acattk guard about a mile aurt a half below Xewville, (distractions were placed uf* on the track and a rail sot in the cattle guar-1, point e-i .-in a-i to run into and Destroy the engine. FVi-tunately it was dhcov erod in time to prevent any scrimtsinjury —Tin-train was slacked tip ami when h reaehed (lie (instructions was movin? f’ slowly that although the engine "a damaged somewhat, U was tint. ( limivn from the track. D