Sunny Spots.—Oftentimes in I April days, when the scudding L pass slowly along over our heads, [shadows following as leisurely along [round, -the sunshine breaks through fend there, making a bright spot in bathway, whicli imparts a gladness fe heart as it sighs for the return of her joys and pastimes. A few days |e saw a band of youthful spirits racing Igh fields and meadows to keep up tspotoflhis traveling sunshine, wich Id to bo the only attraction amidst jirrounding gloom of cloud, wind Bonn; and wo could not resist the |ht that it was a truthful picture of R-day life. We are' all continually | g tlie sunny spots that brighten Bathway of life. We are like the Ihtless, rolicking youth always dis- Sited in tlie shadow, and always Sg the sunshine. We push on ahead ■sun-capped hills before us, only to Siat their brightness has faded into » v before we inch them. But still the bright apot ahead of us, lead- Ito a cloudless eternity. The Usp- Qiild looks forward with longing fo the enchanting sports of youth; [outh beholds endless pleasures in Elysian fields of manhood; the [ man baptizes his new born freed [the sturdy enjoyments of middle ihosc who have readied middle 1 the bright spots slid nl. jad. where f Jiairs are surrounde.l by the gath fruits of a well-spent life ; while jig age looks over and beyond “the galley of the shadow of death,” and [bright and sunny spot far away in tomisod land. ,AN'Ciroi.YO«'uni!KNC'!s.—On Satur ist, Mr. Christian Hoover, of this in company with iris daughter aged abotS ten years, and his father, Mr. John goafcr who resides in Nuwvillo, or the vlbfflty, and was visiting him, started In thewmitry in a sirring wagon, with a hmalthat he had purchased at a sale the tofflrevious. When near “Kolerstown,” oihSfe Shopcrdstown road, about a mile SOU® of town, in descending a slighfde cUrajly, the horse from some cause com (Ueffled kicking furiously, breaking in |£S||kl board, and striking the elder Mr. Horapr and tlic little girl, inflicting scri inaianjuries upon tliem. Mr. H. was {rook twice on the left log ; the first kick irofficing a compound fracture of the ifnfjfa few inches above the ankle, caus- Bg.fpo bone to protrude several inches. ttSe second blow, I lie cork on the shoe ttiffl horse penetrated the cavity of the neSjoint, striking the leg in such a iaMer that no bones wore broken, in- UoHrig seemingly a mere bruise, yet in enufr the more serious injury of the ff63Drs. Long and Fulmer, who were allm in, reduced tlio fracture, and troat tbl injury, and tiro patient was ap arently doing well as could be expected, jpojf the next visit a large protuberance jaSSisible above Lire knee, when the en ireffiitont of the injury was at once ap arwlt. The cellular tissues were filled blood, and the first stage (mortification had sot in. Mr. H. being raaeventy-seven years of age, and in a bprestate of health, iris system was un resist tire shook, and lie died on il| ay afternoon. flap fractured limb of tlio little girl was set, and her injuries not ring so severe, she is rapidly recovering. -Meeliriiucsl/uiy Journal. .JSEsiiitvixii Lun.DixtiK. —All wooden joUaings, if not painted, should have a oanLg of white-wash ajrplied to them at a year; as it not only prevents Ijrigdecay, and adds to their appearance, tf'lit promotes their liealtlifulnoss and outbuildings, if not painted, bowd receive similar attention. As this j.tßj season for repairing and general 'flijlig up,” we publish (lie following re riMfor a good wash, taken from the mwcal Gazette: ■'‘iMuie a clean, water tight barrel, or tifejsuitable cask, and put into it half a aaMloflinie. Slcak it by pouring water verJit, boiling hot, and in suflicont WwSlity to cover it live inches deep, and [gSbriskly until thoroughly slacked. the slacking has been effected, dis olyslit iu water, and add- two pounds of aljptjate of zinc, and one of common salt. Mjß'will cause the wash to harden, and Wownt Its Bracking, which gives an uh feffly appearance to the work. If de a beautiful cream color may com numcated to the above wash, by adding “tee pounds of yellow ochre, or a good Wl or lead color by the addition of lamp, uf|or ivory black. For fawn color, add 'Mjpoimds umber—Turkish or American, Jitter is the cheaper—one pound Indi ? ’ ® nc \one pound of common hunp- This wash may bo applied with a TO> OU whitewash brush, and will be jSSj lnuc * l superior, both in appearance MMurability, to common whitewash. M' • : hoy-to Save Your Teeti iJir. Bcech fil|lioia something of a physician, as a theologist, author, lecturer, and ■fQtnior, generally, says: ? Our teeth decay. Hence, bud breath, ®BHily mouth, and imperfect mastica te Everybody regrets it. What is the It is a want of cleanliness. A flStooth never decays. The mouth is place, ninety eight degrees. Par 'kaof meat between the teeth decompose. I'M and teeth must sutler. Cleanliness SH|teaerve the teeth to old ago. Use n and rinse the mouth after eat ajWi'uah with castile soap every morn- Ififmsh with pure water on retiring. SS|' v t bis trifling care upon your preei y°u 'Oil keep them and ruin ,^| n tists. Neglect it, and you will bo all your lives. [COMMUNICATED.] For tho Volunteer. my little “ handbill’ 1 has so provoked a»Sr.. . amusing. I wrote a scriplur- for Confirmation, M. Y. controvor jS in, ll^?rP r etatl°n given of Hebr. VI, 2, at tKut»t ~ doctrine contained in the form used w»7T«. Pfy” ant i indulged hi a ridiculous tl- WKftl. nBt 110 “bandbilr’ on Passion week, and Btfo«. Vance °f saints’ days by these people.— last week I asked M. Y’s. 3a l ». mrhis supposed Interpretation of Hebr. JK' ve «?d ills attack on baptismal regener fgr' language, and referred him to ISLm uo * c for information on the views of Km n r J?? ° t ra oenerailu concerning holy days. A s^f«f C r? Y* simply quotes tlie lan wKniTiV i uul * ■"’lnch was in discussion, with- Wftorw 11011 meaning; abounds in ex- Personal allusions; reproduces tlie sS|n,; refuses the Scriptural quotations on UMi,/ * lcc using me of “shifting the topic” introduced, and challenges i&rip mso- J ,.?J Vv»Jinnation, “ precisely that and that fcSL *r; 10 h.olillc will not forget that that was which he has sought to obscure ipSt language, I shall not follow his ox- SL p. 1 ® question is as to tho interpretation *■* , refer to Continuation?— in f!, oll s,observance of the rite of Conlir llure^es as an apostolic precept 18 e yldenco of their consent to tho fSldivLi?, 11 "*blch I advocate. Shall we ac ®ilVo. Ua l opinions or prejudices as better WsGniinfti °, we now discard tho institutions %titn»l asserting only the letter of tho ftfti°' vn meanings on its sacred words £.NConii«i ol^?' v lights of thonlnoteenlh cen- SMSno nKiV lri H 011 is as plainly proven to be Ntt for “perpetual use in the affile ttoSJ JH° orii l>iary sanctifying inlluen fSdav as the observance of tlie Sweof °f the Jowish.Snhbath and tlie Sfeuition^ifi inf ants. “ The Kifthcrs held Stable in n 8 S n ordinance apostolic, always Church, though not always BS&fccta wi/i i 1 G( I llal largeness of those ex coimtemu'eo . nt j' 10 I’ 4 •a SojiKTiiiNoronTiiKljAniES,—Notlong •since, curls were so much worn that It led to the invention of the hair-curler,.'which, being heated with boiling water, docs not dry or burn the hair. Crimps or frizzcls are so fashionable now however, that the ladies who have had their hair “ done up’! •in pins or papers all night and have found that there was no soft spot, even upon a downy pillow, will be glad to hoar that, a hair crimper has also been invented. It is heated with boiling water, and will crimp neatly half the hair on the head at once, in a few minutes, and without in juring it. Dedication ok a Ciiuiu'ii. —Wo have been requested to state (hat the new Kvungelical Church at New Kingston, will be dedicated to tlie service of fJod on .Sunday, May (Uh. Service at in o’clock, A. M. SPECIAL KO TICES. A RARE CHANCE A RARE CHANCE A RARE CHANCE A RARE CHANCE A RARE CHANCE TO GET A FINE TO GET A FINK TO GET A FINE TO (JET A FINE TO GET A FINK WHEELER A WILSON’S SEWING MACH INK WHEELER A WILSON’S SEWING MACHINE WHEELER A WILSON’S SEWING MACHINE WHEELER A WILSON’S SEWING MACHINE WIIE EI jE 11 A WI LS() N' S S EWIN G MACHINE WORTH m WORTH SfW WORTH sii) WORTH SO WORTH ?Uo Ono of these splendid Machines will he presen ted to the person bringing in tlio largest list of now cash yearly subscribers to the Volunteer be fore the first day of June ne'er. See announce menl elsewhere. Tine Mines ill opera I inn. Families sup plied with better coal at April 20. isoo—:!t lilMKin:itxKits now Is the lime. Call and see A. 11. HI,AIK'S cal. April 20, ISOO—;St. 2o:>, OHO Pine Shingles loi-sale low, at a. jt. hlaiii's. A pril 20, |son —;n To Oui'.NKAiiDs.—A reformed inebriate would In' happy to eommunieate (free of ehargo* to its many of his fellow-beings as will address him, very important and useful informal ion. and plaee in their hands a sure cure for the lo\e of Strong Drink of any kind. This information is freely offered by one who lias narrowly escap'd a drunkard's grave. Address, SKTII 11. UKN-DKItSON, No. 0, broad Street, N. V. April 20, 1S00—!lm. Fuysinoku Buotiikuk, Newspaper Advertising and General Purchasing Agents, No. -100 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, arc authorized to receive ads eriisemenlsand subscriptions for this paper. Anything (halcaunot he houghtat home, from n hook to a piano, can bo procured from the city, through these Agents, at the louwt prices, their commissions coining off the sellers. Coun try merchants, as well as citizens generally, will find this Agency a great convenience. All letters of inquiry, with Mamp enclosed, are promptly answered. April 20, ISOO—It, To CON.suMTPiVJ-is.— I The advertiser, bavin g been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having .suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to Ins fellow-sufferers tho.mcans of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which hey will find a sure cure for Consumption, Ast hma, Hronchits, Coughs, (.’olds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afllicled, and spread information which lie conceives to be Invaluable, and lie hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription, free by return mail, will please address Ukv. FDWAKD A. ’WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. V Fob. 22, ISOO.—ly Si NUKUS AND TuIILIC SI>KA KKUS Will find Troch cs useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, ami relieving the throat after an unusual exertions of the vocal orgiffes. The Troches are recommended and proscribed by Physicians; and have had testimonials from emi nent men throughout tile country. Being an ar ticle of true merit, and having proved their ellica cy hy a test of many years, eaeh year limbs them in new localities iif various parts of the world, and the Troehes are universally pronounced bet ter than other articles. Obtain" only "Buowns Bkonuiiiai. Tkociiks,’ and do not take any of the Worlhlrn« Imitations that may bo ottered. Sold everywhere In the United Stales, and in Foreign Countries, at 3o cents per box. Fob 1, 180.5 Jin., Eimoiw of YoUTir.—A Gentleman who sulfercd for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the affects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, semi free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser’s experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. hi Chambers St., N. V. Feb, 22, IfcOO —ly A Card to Invalids. —A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vi cious habits. Great numbers have been already curcil by this noble remedy. Prompted by a de sire to benefit the afllleted and unfortunate, I will send the receipo for preparing and using this medicine, iu a scaled envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York (Jily April 19, 1800—Jiu : vCS’-This is a personal invitation to tho reader to examine my large assortment of New Styles of Dress Goods, selected wftli special care for tlie Spring Trade. UeMEMRER, THAT I HAVE Re moved ruoji Main* Street, to North Hanover Street, next Door to Miller A Powers’ Hard ware Store. WM. A. -MILES, Stuangi:, Bet True.—Every* young lady and gontlenmn in the United States can hoar some thing very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge,) by addressing the under signed. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, Tl-lOS. F. CHAPMAN, fr>l Broadway, N. Y. Feb. 22, 1-Siki—iy “ Wheeler A Wjlson’s Machines are tho best cvcroU'ered to public patronage. They are sim ple and durable; easily kepi in repair; work without noise; sew with greatrapidity ; make nu even and linn stitch on both sides, that, will not rip, economize thread, and are applicable to eve ry purpose and .material common to tin* art In quest ion.” —Christian Jtujuircr. Wc would advise our readers tocall and sec the Wheeler & AVllscm Machines at. (he agency at flail Hoad Olilcc, Carlisle, Pa., before purchasing. All Machines are warranted. April 5,1500. Currier Shop Opened. —The umicr signed, formerly in the employ of Mr. A. 11. Rlair as lluisher of leather, respectfully announ ces to the public that ho has opened the shop at tin l old stand nearly opposite the Grocery Store of Wm, Rlair A Sun, South end, Carlisle, where he will keep constantly 6n ha mV a good supply of all kinds of Leather, such as Oak and Hemlock Sole, thilshed Calfskins, Upper, Kip, Harness Bridle, Ac. Also, Moroccos of various kinds, all of the best quality which heotfers low for the cash. Please give him u call. P. S.—Post cash price paid forslaughlered Hides and Calfskins. April l!», l.Miii—*il 1 iio.v, Sthkl, Nails, ami UoushSiiol.s at Cost.— Wo must make room for a largely in* creased stock of Groceries and Hueenswarb. Our jobbing trade demands it. We therefore oiler our whole slock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Horse shoes, Horse Shoe Nails ami Steel Toes, at strictly cost price. Please call soon—prices of Groceries down. WM. RLAIR A SON, South End, (’ai lMe. April IP, IMIG-J1 Tiik oxcitemunla of lata have boon many, the eclipse of the moon Ims given some people black eyes, by letting the blackened glass fall on their eyes, the vetoing of the Frccdmen’s Bureau Bill and Civil Rights Bill by the Presi dent of the United ftsates lias made many sore heads among the politicians and made others re joicing. The decision of the U. S. Supremo Court in regard to Military trials, makes some fear that Jell*. Davis will now he pardoned, while others think the decision necessary for the liberty of the people. But the greatest excitement is the downward tendency of gold, Avhleh has reduced tin* prices of goods considerably at Julius Ncu wahl’s Clothing Store, between Drs. Zit/.er and Kieller, North Hanover S(., Carlisle. Give him a call. tf/:’• Allstate Notes hi ken in exchange lor goods, April 12, I MO—3l. 11A KDKK—MACKLAN.—On the ISth Inst., by tin* Kev. D. JI. Carroll, .lames L. Harder to .Mis* F.inma 15. Mnelan, both oflliis place. THOMPSON— —On tin* 17th lns|„by the same*, Havld 11. Thompson to Miss Mary .1. Mmnelsberg, both of Ibis plaee. sI'oTTSWOi U>—MCAUTNMY.—On the 271 h of February, by l X< )N—ZINN— (.hi the HU lx, hist., by tin' same, ASblllam Dixon to Kate K. Zinn, hot h of Carlisle, ('OUMAN.-On llu’ Mb lust., in .Meehan icsburg, Flizabeth, wife of Holier! t'orman,'aged *77 yeais, 2 months ami 1.7 days. . • LASIT—In tins place, on the Ist, ult., Mrs. Mar garet Lash, wife of (’apt. William Lash, formerly of Heading, in the 71st year of Inn* age. ( Heading papers please copy.: FFFOJFJ' OF TTfF MAFKETS. Flour—Family, F'our—Snner, Whoa t—White, Wheat—Ked, Kye. Corn, Oats, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Flaxseed, Potatoes-Mercer, Potatoes—P'k Lyes, FnoL'H—The market is very quiet. The ship ping demand has fallen off to a great extent. A few hundred barrels were taken by the home consumers at about S 7 a 7 Toper bbl. for superfine • aI) for low grade and good extras ; SO a ID .70 for common and choice Northwest extra family: SlUa-iifor Pensylvania and Ohio do. do., and SIO 77 to SI") for fancy lots, according to quality. Prices of Kyi* Flour are as last quoted. Six hun dred barrels Penn. Corn Meal at M 70 per bbl., which is a decline. (J ha in. —The reel opts of wheat are small, but the demand has fallen olf; we emit inue to quote Ked at v 2 17 a 2 07 per bushel for fair and choice—lofli) bushels sold at the former rate. While sells at S 2 70 a 207, amLSpring at SI 70 a 1 SO, Kye is steady at Doe. for Penna. and -SOc. for Delaware. Corn is rather quid at the decline ; sales of 1000 bushels Vellow at bOc. In Oats there is a fair demand; sales of 21000 bus. Penna. at GOc. Wo hoar of no sales In Harley or Mall. The reciepts to-day are as follows—l77o bids, flour; IS, MObus. wheat; 1070 bus. corn ; 3100. Ims, oats. Sunns,—Clovcrsced is rather dull ; small sales are reported at i-l a 0 per bushel for common to prime. Timothy sells at n 7, and Flaxseed at b 2 77 a 2 00 per bushel. WiusKKV.— The demand Is limited ; small Miles of IViisyivania barrells are making at b’2 2-7 a 2 20, and Ohio at S 2 27 per gallon. I’lctt) SUjlirrttscmntts. QKKAT I*A K (i AI X S I will offer to the cili/.ens of Carlisle and vicin ity a superior lot of 1 >UV GOODS, NOTIONS AND CLOTHING. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, All Wool DeLaines Alpaca Lustres (plain and fancy,) Denn-Mohalrs, Ginghams, Cloakings, Brocha Shawls, Arc., Ac. Twilled Linen Drilling (extra heavy,) Towelling, Cassimoro Shirting, Ac. G EXTLEMEK’S W EAR, CLOTHS. cassimijrfs, TWHICDS. GFNTS FANCY CASSI MFIiF SHIRTING, AC Ladles and Gentlemen’s Hosiery, in great varie ty, Handkerchiefs, White and Fancy Shirts,Sus penders, Patent and Spool Threads, Umbrellas and Parasols, m great variety. Spring Overcoats, Fine Linen India, Rubber Over coats, (superior water-proof,) Sack Coals, Frock Coals, Pantaloons, Ac., Ac. Auction m the evening at 7 o'clock, until the whole stock is disposed of. Persons desirous of purchasing at private sale during the day can do soul an advantage of fill per com. cheaper than can he obtained at the regular stores. My stock fs iu the .Store-Room of J. W. Ehy. Main Street. April 20, IrtOU—JU. LEATHER STORE! i ne undersigned has opened a HEATHER AND MOROCCO STORE on West Pomfrct above Pitt Street, where he in tends to keep constantly on hand ail kinds of LININGS, BINDINGS, SPANISH AND HEMLOCK SOLES. SHOEMAKER'S FINDINGS, which he will soil at the lowest cash prices. Solos cut and sold by the lot or singly, lie will be hap py to see ail his old shoemaker friends of Car lisle and vicinity, and-others. , GEO. N. SCHUCTIMAN. April 20, ISl’d—*llL -1 ’ "VTOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration on mo estate of joim Wolf, late of Muhin township, deceased, have been granted to tlie undersigned'residing in the Borough of Ncwhurg. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment im mediately, and those having chums against said ('stale, will present them for settlement. LEM DELS. EJSKMiOWKLI, Administrator. April 2ii, l>'Ui}—lit ■VTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given Unit J \ an election will lie held on Monday, tin; 111 li of -May, Jstiij, at the Court House, in Carlisle, between the hours of 2 and i o’clock, P. M., ol said day, to clod a President and live Managers of the (.’anisic Gas and Water Company. GEO. .S'v/"/civa April 2ti, L(»ii—2l. rjAHE HPANJHH GUITAR! i he attention of all lovers of Music Is called to the opportunity now presented of acquiring a thorough knowledge oi Hus lavmite instrument. Waltzes, Polkas, Gallopades, .Marches, instru mental and Vocal accompaniments are included in the full course of thirteen lessons. Will visit pupils at their residences. GEO. U. GOETZ, American House. April 20, HUG —JL . BENNKVJLLE W. Ril’d J N KU, mam. n / t:i> n i k j> 4‘sirlisle Mavkcty. Caulisi.k, April 2.",, l8(io. 11 ui) I Rutter, l."» 7 (nl I Kixjjs, 18 2 55 ! Lard, 15 2 10 1 Tallow, II 70 Hmion-Hiiins, 20 00 Haeon —Sides, 1(5 ■l2 I Soup Roans, 1 75 150 J Washed Wool, 00(0 50 2 00 Unwashed Wool, ;!2«i 15 200 Pared Peaches, 7 00 1 00 Unpared Peaches, 500 80 Dried Apples, 2 75 SMuhidclipliia Mtivkcls, April 1S(»G. i r a re r i <> a / Consisting in part of M USLI N S, OTI O N S CL O T It / A r a U. MCCARTNEY, Auctioneer M O Tt O C C O /S', Also, all kinds of ilrtu idhbcrtisrnicnts. jp> K M O V A H ! r.AUGAINS IN CLOTIUNC! Ilonry’S. Hitter would lUimmniT j<> tin* public thiil ho Ims removed his C- L 0 X II I N O A X D GIFTS’ KUHNIBHING .STOKE lo.hi's how Store»lvoonii oh West Main Street, I hroo dobrs west .of tin* First National Hank, Car lisle, whore ho is fully prepared to Jf'A K K IVO UK TO O J! I) U U :il short notice uml in the best :md most r'a.sfiioiui- Ofc .stj/lr, lb* has recently returned trom'lhe city with a very large and earelully selected lot of (Jorjcls, such ;is CLOTHS, CASSIMEKKS, VESTINGS, &<*., which ho is prepared to soli at. greatly reduced rales, Jlc will always keep on hand *■ H KA T) V- M A I) K (' LO T 111 N G of the best quality and Hyle, and warranted to he us represented, (’ail and examine for vour selves and be convinced. His stock of GEXTEE.MEN'S FFUNISIUNG minus lias been selected with care, and embrace;. ,S///A’7X DAM II r j:ifS. fnL/.A A’v, Fine and Common GLOVES, yj-X'KTUCS, S U&IKXDJ’JJtS, ii a xujcjsucmui'x, and iill articles In Hint line. oar custom department now contains tbo lar gest assortment of all the Fashionable New Fab ries for our patrons to select from. boons SOLD BY THE VABD Oil PIECE. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. We arc always ready to show our (ioods to old and new customers. Don’t forget the Stand, West High Street, in the room lately occupied by H. E. Shapiev’s Jewelry Store. April 2d M;i;—h rni-n-: weekly patkiot and X I'NIOX. F '>!’ Til K C A M P A 1(5 X The Wn i kly I’AnaoT and Unlux will he fur 11i.sli(‘) cents fo.'selt of Puzzles. All orders sejit by mail free. PHILIP HIM/, Importer of Fancy'(toads, 2.')!) Market St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A, Apfil 2'>, lxi(l— 1 in. MENDENHALL'S I MT K O V E I) SKLK-APTING HAND LOOM.—Possesses superior ad vantage over all other Hand Looms. Is more simple and durable, easier understood, easier to operate, and more reliable. Fiiom la to Y.xnns can nr: wovkn on it in a DA V. No skill is required to weave upon it beyond the simple turningot an easy crank—a woman or or child can operate U. W eaves Jeans, satinet,'tweed, linsc\. platn and double plain cloth, blanket twill, toweling. birds eye, balmoral skirling, Ac. All on the same warp, with hut one time draw ing in the reed and Harness. I Weaves all Wool Hemp mid Hag Carpeting. ' Each Loom is irarrnnft’il to bo and do ns repre sented,and cannot fail 1 o give out ire sal isfaetlon. Hrnrt/ pc/Waner will bo allowed a liberal com mission on each Loom sold by them. For discriptlvo circular, list of prices, and sam ples of cloth woven on the Loom, address, with stamp enclosed. A. 15. Cl \rK* A f’O. t ' ■h'Mnnt si. I'hil'a., Pa, April IKOo—lm i LECTURE TO YOUNO MLN.- rV -Tust published, In assented envelope. Price (! cenls. A Lecture cm the nature, treatment and radical euro of Spornmf orheen, or Seminal weak ness, nervous debility and Impediments to Mar riage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Kpi lepsy and tils; Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self Abuse, Are. By Robert J. Cul verwoll, M. D., aulhor of the “ (.liven Hook,” Ac. ’l'ho world renowned author. In this admirable* Lecture, clearly proves, from bis own experience, that lire awful consequences of Self-Abuse mav be eU’ectually romoved without Medicine, anil without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at once certain and ofl’eotunl, by which every suflbrer, no matter what ills condi tion may be, may euro himself cheaply, private ly and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands, Sent underseal to an> address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. CulvorwelPs Marriage Guide, price 2.1 cents. Address, 01 LAS. H. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Howery, New York, P. O. Box -Jo*}. April 20, 1S()0—ly. PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUOHOUR. F ; Dr. Louis P. Gridin, (formerly of New York,) having permanently located at Carlisle, solicits tin* liberal Patronage of the eltixensof this place, and surroundings. Particular altoiUlon paid to diseases of ‘Women and Children, Otlice at Mansion House, Room 02. April 20, i v 'oo—fJiW LOST OH STOLEN.—a Homl for the payment. of Twelve Hundred Dollars with inu-iesi, bearing Unto of Hie Kith October, ISim •signetl )>y William D. Womlciiich, President, ami John .Miller, Secretary of the Hoard of School Directors of -Middlesex township, made payable to Jesse Uetlriclc, and assigned by said Jesse Hellnch to Michael Cf. beiumoover, on the 2sth March, DM. Tills bond with some cortillcales have him lost or stolen from undersigned. No tice is hereby gtven to all persons to beware of any unlawful purpose to which said bond may be applied. Any person Hading this bond is re quested to retm n it. M. (h BELTZIIOOVER, April 111, IsOti —St QOACTi MAKING ! i Ik' undersigned, having leased thcShopabovo lilt; Livery stable of George W. Hilton, on Pitt StVcel, a lew floors South 01 the Mansion House, Carlisle, Pa., are now prepared to carry on the COACHMAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches. • BUGGIES; •' GERMANTOWN ROCICAWAVS and ‘ CARRIAGES, conslanlly on hand or built to order on short notice, and in Uu- LA TEST ST V L KS , together witli everything In (ho Coachmaklng line of laisines''. None mil good workmen are employed in our simp. Special attention paid to repairing and painting old work. A.U. ikN.SJLEItIv. ■ April lu, ISM—:5m- ___ , Qi A ) THI N G ! CL () THIN G !! MV .MOIIO “ (Jiu'i-k Side-v and Smn'l I Vo//At m Having just returned from the Eastern cities with an entirely new slock of Clot)is, Cassimores, VeMmgs, and g(*nllemen’s luniishmg goods of every variety, ine suuseriher will eonunuc tlio t T.oTillNhJ BUSINESS In all Its various hranehes,at the ohl stand of Abraham Rahman, on North Hanover Street, next door to sinviucr’s Hotel, and a few doors non h of the Carlisle Deposit Runic. jMA 1)10 IT (TiOTHIXC! constantly on hand. COA T s , I* A \ T' ;uul V K STS, ill it i• i'y ‘.(vie and varieiy. Shirm, while a g;ay linen, stockings, i’mler-.lnji,-, ’ Neekties, Hamlkercliiels, Hi i.wci.s, , Suspenders, Ac. Al.-o, tiie he.'t of French ( ’lot hs and in every variety. He has engaged the services of an experienced eiuter, atuf especial attention will be paid to pint mg up customer work in the latest and m-m la-diionaUle styles. JOHN TREIBLER. April 10,1S00 — (Circus anti ittcnagcvic. T t'.\ 1! USI. I T ll VA’A/) ,1 J", A/'A-/ A ’J il, Imi it Every Afternoon a! - o'clock STl'l’KMnU's rn Nsi.i |.i |i \ TlnN! .STOCKJSGS, Two separate and Distinct Show-, in the >ann Tent, for one Price «-f Adm b Jon, MAMMOTH MAXAHKIHI 11. S. KITTKII, xoirni am KincAN enters! Under the iminedfafe SnpcrvNion and control of SimefAT. Notkt.—ln order to accommodate those who desire to witness tlie Animal Exhibi tions, wit honl coming in contact with the Cir cus Performance*-. Mr. Uiec has a rranged I lie t al lowing programme, whidi will he -.nidly oh served; Immediately afar opening of the Poors, the Exhibition oft he Menagerie will commence ami continue fir one hour during whidi lime Mr. KICK will deliver an I XTKKKSTI N(! and Sl’C ('lX* ’T LE» TUKK upon the Animal Kingdom.— After whir h an INTKKM ISSIHX of. FIVE MIX UTEs. g i \ ing tin r.eehanei; to ret u c i hat do not wish to wit nes> the pci I'ona.unu > in the Arena. At lhe close u f IheAn In ml K\h iM( k is (lie per fonnanees will take place in the rude l DROMKDA RY, Trick Ponies, Monkeys, and Mules, SACKFI) CATTLE OF FXDIA , FLOCK OF PALENTINE SHEEP, HORSE, EXCELSIOR, JR., TRICK HORSE DOUGLAS, MONSTER ROMEO! The Largest Elephant ever captured, P. S.—This Elephant was taken about six years ago in his native country by his- present keeper ami Traim*r, STEWART CUAVKX, Esq., and is the only Asiatic Elephant ever seen on this con tinent. A (/rand Array of O'rnK/ibhf/fcal Spec- Or Wanderers of the upper deep, comprising Birds of Rare and gorgeous plumage, of every land and clime. Equestrian and Gymnastic Deparlmcnl M’llc IDA, Miss ANN ETTA AVMAR. Mrs. SAM STICKNV S. U. BALDWIN, MOURE BROS., GEO. DARIOUS, H. KING, Mast. DAN CLARK, J)AA" HIVE, ajipud'S ai both Evhiliifiunx Ist. As Lecturer in the Menagerie tKor the iir>l lime in many years; Everything aliout this establishment is entire ly now, ami ill tod up In a stylo of Magnificence and Dazzling Splendor hitherto muitlempicd by any Manager, either in Europe or America. This being characteristic of the liberality of the STATESMAN. PATRIOT AMD IIUMuKisT Who.-e mmp-. -.tamls at the h«-ad of these CoNSiil.lDA i :,]» luXHi BITIuNS ! TUo great procession will bo made about 10, A. M,, on t-Uo morning ol arrival. K X mill T I O X s Every Evening at 7 o'clock ! i) ax it i e K ’ s a x n <’ o 1.. !> A X 11 in Ft FT r f ’A’.VV.S T li’y.W T i - FI VF CAW 7VV K J.U II TKK X CAlirs (» I< Lani; wotiTti y‘s PnaroTiAfiNn TIE E H S ami roniA us The Wonderful Blind Talking The Beautiful Arabian T H E hnens / SAM STICKNV, Jr., FREDERICK iVARCLAY, VuPXG HENDERSON, GAZELLE BROTHERS. Ac it e m e m r. i: h -ml. A.-> i down and JeM. r, I N Til K (’ L U(‘i:S Dvr (f;ootis £ CHALLENGE COMPETITION! jn the uay ol variety, elegance of stylo, quail* ilv and eheapmss ol my slock of Dry Goods.— Especially would I call attention to my large as sortment of LA D 1 KS ’ CItKSS tiOOUS, which 1 selected with special cave in the Phila delphia and .New York markets a fewdayshince. .\lx», my three gore oblong combination II O O 1* SKI U T, decidedly Lite most Improved pattern of the nm 1 giving ihc woiirer the most unistu- lorm. Likewise, a variety of White Goods, Midi as Plain, J'/alil trail Sfn'ptd Ofw/iWiS', Plain, Plant and tifrijtrtl XirintOops, Hints MnU, ami Victoria Lmnis, Jii-illninfs, Jnnnn Jlamikcrvhujs, »lv„ «lr ALL TO BE HAD AT A M . A . M I \j lAS ’ STO UK, ynirnr //.i.vor/;/,* hthekt. Ni:m Dooi{ to !>k. Kirriafs and 1 h:. V.\ tzku's. i oilmmdes, Blue and Gold Duck, Giimlmms, Denims, Kentucky Jeans, Shirting, Stripes Ornish Cambrics, Tickings, Blue ramiinos. Cheeks, •* Blue Nankeens, Diapers, •• Brown Nankeens, Lancaster Ginglm ms, I'd 1 ., Arc., We. April IS>, isiltj. JUgal Jiotircsi AUDITOR'S IN'OTICK.—TJio uuilcr sinned appointed by Hie orphan’s Conn of « iiiermnd county, to distribute the balance of Uio estate of Geoige Korney, Uec’d., late ol Sil ver spring lownsnip, m me lianas of Joseph LichejOeigcr, mlnumstralor ol George Korney, dee’d., to ami among the creditors ol said estate, will meet the parties at his olliee, m Carlisle, on .Monday, the An dav ol Mav, at hi o elock A. al. M .'I. 1!. BLTLEit, . I \nj\hn\. April 12, isctj— ii. 'VTOTICK. —Nolivu irf hereby given that X*! hellers of Administration on two estate ul v ...tries liniley, late ui IViui township, I’uiiilior laud county, itee’d., have been grained lo Hie undersigned residing in said township. All per sons inaeoied to said e,stale am’ requested lo npike payment immediately, and those having cmiiiis against said estate win also present them Jor .settlement. E. 11. EYBTER, .Ithiiini.sfni/or m(h triUininrxul, April 12, 1.-W—ill NOTICK. —.Notice is hereby given that letters ul Administration on luu estate of ■...uAUiuler MTvitisiry, deed., late ul I’euii iwp., i mnheriaiid eomuy, have been granted to lue mulei'Muu. d, refuting m said township. All per sons iiiiiLOied lo said esiauj are requested to make payment immediately, and those Waving claims w di pi«'si-in. Uiem lor settlement. ( . \ . K 1,1,1. V, > I (luiiniolnui'r. A pril 12, * Aomin tstkatou’s notick.-xo ni'tis. heifU> given that loners ul Admm . ...aiou on me esiaie ul i'eter heller, laio ul 1 McKiiison low iislnp, deceased, has e been granted to ihe midersigiuai, i esidmg in tlio same town ship. All jieisuiis indebted lu tin* saul estate me icqnesied in malic jiaynumt immediately, and Uiuse ha\mg eiaijns against the estate win also pieselil !■ T sel I lelllell t, h \ 1-AUm i t: PEI-TEH. . I ilutiius'riilur. A |»vi 1 Hi(}. NOTICE. —111 thu Orphans’ Court of Cumberland County. In me mailer ol the jM.1.11011 ol Henry bearing, Administrator ol Ma 11 hew Jl. Thompson, tale of Low er Allen town ship, deceased, lor a rule on all concerned lu show cause wny he shall not be discliuiged Horn Ins trust as such Administrator : N’»>w lo wii : cmh ol March, iSi!(», rule granted mid noi ice of Hie application lor the discharge lu ho published in one newspaper in the Borough ol Carlisle lor ihree weeks successively, prior to the next orphans' Couil, when the rule is returna ble. By the Court. l crimed Worn the Record. K UORNMAN, Clerk. A pril ■>, isiirt.—:lt. rpo THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OE JL CUMBERLAND COUNTY. (.''■nilvmen: In pursuance of tho forty-third Section ol the Act of sth May, l.<6t, you are here by notified to meet in convention, at tho Court House, in Carlisle, on tho llvst Tuesday In May, isi.ii, being thtMlrst day ol the month at 10*4 o'clock, in me forenoon, and select nTa vocc, by a mujon ly ul the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and scicniillc acquirements, and ol skill and experience lu the art of teaching, us Couniy Superintendent for the three succeed ing years, determine the amount of compensa tion lor the same, and certify the result to the Stale Mipcrmtciidenl at Harusburg, as reunited by the thirty-nluih and fortieth Sections of saul Act. CJKOUUK SWARTZ, ( b. «S 'apt. of Vuinbciiaml t'ounfy. Shircmaiistown, April 12, lS(i(j—tit. APPEADh LOR 1801). —The Appeals on tlio assessment lor County nuu Slate luxes lor i*o(» f will lie held attho County Commis sioners ntlice, in Carlisle, as follows, viz: Mon roe and I'jiper Allen, on the 21th tiny of April ; Lower Allen ami Mechaniesburg, on thc*2ith; Last Pennsborough, Hampden ami New Cum beliand, on the 2iiih: Silver Spring ami Middle* sex, on Ihe 27th; North Middleton and South Middleton, on Die 3mli; Crank ford and Mnlhn, on the of May; Hopewell, Newburg and Shlp pensburg township, on the 2d; Shippensbnrg Borough and .Southampton, on the 3d ; Newton and West IVnnshorougn on the Ith; Dickinson and Penn, on the Tth ; Carlisle and Newville on the Mb. JIiIINM’CDY, ) t.'ommlssloneis IIKMIV JvADNS,of Cumberland A. F. MECK. J County. Attest; J. Ailmstkonu, Clem, April 111, Will. Quarterly report or tuk FIRST NATIONAL 11A NIC CARLISLE, PA. lIESOU ROES Loans and Discounts, £200,510 09 U. S. Bonds, 75,500 00 Other U. 8. Securities, 37,000 00 Legal Tender Notes & Postal Currency, 79,103 00 National Dank Notes, * OS,olio 00 Notes of other Banks, 1,575 00 Cash Items, 25,278 35 Duo irom other Banks and Bankers, -i5,075 70 Expenses, Interest and Taxes, *1,103 ID Heal Estate and Insurance, «,(jU7 02 PniMiiture and Fixtures, 5D6 03 ITemiiun.s, 1,050 00 LUniMTIES Capital, .50,000 00 Surplus Fund, 8,100 00 Discounts and Profit and Loss, 5,331 49 Circulation, 15,000 00 Due to other Banks,. 18,181 75 Deposits, 397,191 90 •*523,805 23 Slate of Pennsylvania, I n . County of cnmb. /*•*'• I, Joseph C. Holler, Cashier of the First Nation al Dunk, Carlisle, do swear that the above state ment is true to the best of mv knowledge and bcliet. J.C. UOFFEiI, ’ Cl tshivr. Sworn and subscribed before mo, K. A., jVotorjj Public. April 12, ISOfl. Jg REMINGTON & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF REVOLVERS, RIFLES. M U SICII TS A XI) CA ItBIN BS, For the United .States Service. Also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PIS T 018, RIFLE VANES REVOLVING RIFLES, Uiileaud Shot Gun Barrels,ntul Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. Li ffirst} days of Housebrcakiny ami Robbery, every House, Store, Rank , and oQlce, should have one of REMINGTON'S REVOLVERS. Parlies desiring to avail themselves of tho late improvements in Pistols, and superior workman- Mnp and form, will lindull combined in the New REMINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arm,s will hi* furnished upon application. K. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, X. Y. Moohe & Nrinions, Agents. Xo, -to Courtlnnd St., New York. April 1-, lt*dl>—dm. j£> E M 0 V A L ! 1 lie Mioscriher heys leave to Inform hlsokl cais toincrs and the public generally, that he has re moved ins S A DDL !■: A X D UA 11 XES S , establishment to the building on South Hanover si reel, Carlisle, nearly opposite Hontx* Store. He will, as Ueieloion;, keep constantly on haml, of his own make, everything in Ids line, such ns SADDLES, HARNESS. COLLARS, All his work is made up under his own super vision, and he therefore feels warranted in sav ing that lor workmanship and durahilitv, it ‘is unsurpassed. Tlianklul tor past favors ‘he re speeliullv solicits a continuance of the same. WILLIAM rkKPPEH. April ill, I.mi i—dm. f NO. W. ALLEN, M. D., (lute Surgeon 9 9 V. s. Ai my,) having pormanemly located in Lloservillo, Frank fori township, willullend to all professional calls, lie respectfully solicits the patronage of the eili/.ens of this place and vicini ty. Oillee at the residence of Mr. Wm. Bloser. April P), liti'j— ly. Have just, opened the largest and most complete slock of DRY GOODS, suitable for the present and coming Seasons, that has ever been brought to the Borough of Carlisle, having been purchased since the In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, that has lust taken place In the JSastehi CYhV.t,nnd every thing marked down to The stock consists In part of and endless vari ety of BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUBLINfs, ns low in price ns 1(3 cts. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEET INGS. Tickings, Checks, Crashes and Huckibach Towel ings, Napkins, Doilies, Ginghams, Cotton Pants Studs, Linen Checks, Kentucky Jeans, Nan keens, ito., Ac., itO. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS Much as CAMBRICS. real French Swiss Muslins, Striped, Plaid, Swiss and Nainsook- Muslins, suitable for Dress and Garlbftldlcs, Bishop’s Lawns, Victoria Lawns, shirred, Tucked and Puffed Muslins, for Gari baldles,