■Jptfriow CARLISLE, PA., Tlitirfldn.T Morning:. March 22, ISOft. FOR GOVERNOR, HIESTER CLYMER, OF TJI3UKS COUNTY Hi DEMOCRATIC RALLY!! A mooting of the citizens of t’umbcrhmT (Mon- ty, who support the wise nml sliitoMnanlilvi* i construction policy of PrcMdcnl oiul ore in favor of the election of HON. HIESTER CLYMER to the Gubernatorial chair of pen ns vh an hi, u ill be held in the Court Ilmix*, in C.irli>lf OX MONDAY KVKNIXO, M’Ullc.i, DU. t ut 7 o’clock. Several able speakers from a L- tanvo will address the meolina;. L"t Uimc in- a grand outpouring of the Democracy and i '"tixT- vatives of 4 * old mother Cumberland and let t h campaign be inaugurated witii such \ ii'nr mill enthusiasm as will strike terror into Hie hearts of all tho enemies of eonsdtnthmal liberty JUS. <’. THOMPSON. dminii'in Dun. Stund. wiuxiXGS or tiii: j.uokixs. The Jacob\n-di.suniouisls a'-sevt lhai President Johnson has betrayed and cheated them ; that he lias repudiated the “principles of the party that elected him &c. Let us see. Johnson had been ; Democrat all his life; all his life lie bar fought disunion ists wherever found. Mo.si especially had lie, for many year.-, bitterly denounced the dismiioiiLl.-. -of the -Xew England .Stale.—those resile."* traitor who, year after year, annoyed Cmigre— by sending in petitions praying tor a dis solution of the V nion. H e had never said that he was not a Democrat: never .-aid that ho had changed his political views. On (he contrary, he asserted on tin* yvi‘\ day of his nomination for I ho Viee IVe-l deucy that he was still a Democrat, am that his political views were the sun they had always been. The crowd h addressed cheered him for ihe-e expres sions. Lincoln, being an avowed Ahoi ilionisl, who had over and o\ - er agai declared that “ this iTiion cannot cxi* part slave and part ivee,” ilmn giving ei couragement to the New Knaiand ion sentiment, it was considered to place Andkkw Jonnsw.v on the tick* witii Lincoln, *0 that ii might appear “ no-party” concern, fur tlie purpo-e • cajoling Democrats into ii> support. I was necessary to mix a little Democratic leaven with a good deal of Abolition dis union ism. Lincoln and.l oh n-on --radical ism and conservatism —and all to pull the wool over the eyes of the people. And yet after having been guilty of (his moan dodge; after having placed Mr. Johnson on their ticket for a di.dmmst purpose—a purpose i)ial inh* bid politi cal gamblers would re-orl tu—ihe*>e .-'aim* fellow.- now turn up the dirty white* nt' ‘heir eve> and exclaim, “Andrew John son ha* hot raved u*!” Oh, the rn-caUI When, how lias Andrew .lohu.-on deceiv ed or betrayed them? U«* --lands imw where he ever stood. He lias not chang ed ; he was for the I'nion. n whole 1 ' nion. when he represented Te.nne—ee in the Senate. lie opposed both Northern and Southern traitors then, just a.- he oppose-* them now. He looked upon >uch de-i rm - tives as Sumner and Stevens then jie-i - he does now. He denounced them traUois then, and lie denounces iln-in - traitors now. Who, (hen, ha- lie h-u ne ed ? Nobody. During (he last Pre-idi niial coupm, u was the habit of J aeob) ued iloix io app<*:;i to Democrats to support ht>vni..\' < Johnson, hectuisi* the lalior had be-m life-long Democrat.” D!n y pretendod t lint they ignonQl party. “ See how magnau huoiisand liberal weaiv," they said, **wc have placed on uiir ticket for Vice !h*e i dent an old-fashioned Democrat.” Mr. Johnson was nominated for tin.* Vice lbs ideney by (lie Shoddy Republican Co e volition because of his DemocratSe ante* eedonis. and to .seenre (o him Democratic support. N'ow, when he attempt-, a,-. President, to enforce the very principle for which he \\;u made Vice Pre-idem the Shoddy leader- denounce him a- : traitorto their party principles, wluicvi they/are. A.-* they hailed their honk ii Ibh-l to eateh gudgeons, they ought not ( wriggle .-<» now when the .-harp turb. i the hook enter .their own gill-. “Throw C'onsoionc’o it> (h<* a Si and h.Y Yonr S*art:. !“ This was. til Tiimi. M.nu* ihirty year* ago the .Mo\n f.n>, 01, of the Ihjpiv.-eiiiat i ve- in lr: t> t.cmdaiui of Pennsyl van in, v.lm pi rail that liS <-ui science wouhl not pennil him to folio the lead of Stevens, in the villauw- \ wa.' attempting to praetwe mi tin- rig) of elections, hy tlm People. in tin- -*-en which preceded miy famou-; * Ihick-h War’ —Stevens was ultimately compclli to shield himself from tiiejn -t indignali' of the people, hy hi> cowardly relic through the back window of our Sin capitol. lie attempted on that oeca-h to treat an ‘election of the People, a it had not taken place.' Stevens fears the reaction of public -<• timent, and hence his iiendidi defern nation to strike while he and Ids par have possession of the brief authority n< in their hands, lest another opportune shall never he ollered togralify his n iignant and cowardly inclinations. \VI cares he that all past Jiistory, all pa-i ex perience prove that the Negroes are in capable, as a mass, even in the North, of intelligently exercising the right ofSull rage, much less in the South, where they are just emerging from the darkness of slavery? What cares he for the* exam- infh’nou.' ad vuv ;;i\ on I plos of Jamaica or Hay U x where it is dear to uifyT^^vEj - roads, that, with all the in 1 vantages of surrounding circumstan ces hi their favor, they are ivlrogading towards harbarisin, miller than advan cing in civilization and the arts? lie knows all this, and yet lie is driving Ids crouching followers to the insane and dangerous length to gratify his malignity towards the while people of the .Smith, and to perpetuate the reign of the ‘ Un ion party!’ as lie frankly slated, hut a few days ago in ids piano in the House! Pkeside.nt Johnso.m lias directed the heads of the several departments to with draw the advertising patronage of the Government from Forney’s V/troniulc, which has taken a decided stand against the policy of the Administration. SH.VHI* TA!.K !.V THE SEVATIi Our Stale Senate a becoming rather •* rumpish.” On Tncralay ot last week the lull to mitliofizo the Philadelphia and Krie Hailroad Company to build branehc# from their main line, v.'iib taken Mr. Lowry t Uopuh.l denounced the hill as infamous, and called upon all whoop posed corruption to assist, in its deteal. Mr. Uall l Uepnh. i spoke earneslly in favor of the hill, lie was certain in its present condition it would meet the ap proval of the Governor, lie had heard that the Senator from Krie (Mr. Lnwryi had remarked in (he Lxeeutive Chamber, a few (lays ago, (hat there were Senators of the nineteen who had voted tor the other hill who were aelnaled hy corrupt purposes in doing so. Mr. Lowry denied having said so. lad acknowledged 1 hat hetlhi'-ay ” that there were Senators of the nineteen who had voted for the hill who were inllnem-ed Ivy reasons other Ilian those they would he willing to see go upon the record.” Mr, Hail said that if the Senator refer red to him as being one of the persons mentioned, it was an ” In famous ami cow ardly lie.” lie Would not allow his mo tives to he impeached by any one (in this lloor or elsewhere. Mr. Domical! -aid lie had heard IlnU the (loveruor had denonneed the remarks ol the Senator from Krie, made in litis Sen ate ehamher, as disgraceful. Mr. Lowry did not iuTieve lhe ( mvenn>r had said aiiythinn'm'the kind. He mrlher remarked ihat there wa- evidently a de sire m _avl him inlo ajladn on thM-pte-- rioii. He h'idanlii dial ihi- •'-emife wa rceddnu: wit h corrupt inn. - At (hi-point Mr. I.nwry wa-railed to >rMi*r, and there wa- e.m-hieraMe -eii-a- tmn in ihe hall Mr. Chmnpney-. — “ Kxpi I him ! ex pel him ! IM ouyhl mhe expelled." Mr, I.owiy. eontlnuine;. Kiid In 1 did ml de-in- 1 aded oil hy Smalm*- who werede [••rmim d m pel him into a (Mhl mi :hi ihiiij’, \\dill'll In' wHhed 1(1 a\"id. hut ihat ( itii-idi■ Hi’ the Senate eliamher h" nm ready In meet ;m\ id Id - opponent-. Mr. flail mid iiiai he wa- v. dihm: in HU'ei til*' Senator e, I her i'll ihe hn>,r 111’ 'ldle Imnr ol‘« me i .'clock ila\d 11a' an i \ ed, die order- df ihe day mere e-dled mr. ami amid much e\--itemenl, tie- •'~ , enaie ad- Xru 33iu:ii)shire Elleellos; The e 1 ei• i ;111 in New llamp-dlire, held mi ihe Mill Sn-t., ha* re.-nlled, a- wa- e\- peepak in I lie meeess’o • ihe I lep’.mlieal hm h\ a, ivdiiied majority. imiiylh 1 He imtiliean i> edeeled iJovennu* out Sin elair HemoerjtU hy a majorhy nl -<»me -1 hi lie' o\ er l,unn. I »oi n ja a Hemoera! ie ,uai n o(‘ uearlv d. ,i; .in. The aa'.nvpale vote ex ceeds that of la-1 year, when Smyth wa.- eleeied l»y h,mn majorny. 'idle itump.- profe— lo he iiiali ly deli,liiiled whh i heir vii-mry. and rejoice al h a-a urand ui iim pit o 1’ i he ('oii ‘j iv- a ma I eaha! n\vr the ideddeiii. r'or many v.eeh- previou- m 1 heeieelioil. -\\ a nH- o j'oi'lh ededdel' ■ from Wa-ddiiLrlon overran l he Si ale, a ml a Uirpy luml wa- lak-ed hy a--e-,-meum .oil gOv ernmeni oiliem'- lo edueah- iM hnhesMvu* !;'i - -. A ml now . aflei n-hiu movernnnS&V palmnaae m .a-euinpli-h iheir mid-, file Hump- elaim a \ ieiory over “tlif ,govern mi'iii." ('an impudemv vm further'.’ ()\i: H i a i man i )uiam i:-.-' ■ ■ • M", l)i ijiv; niK Past Vi ,u;.- ill-an maimv'i Washi ll Li*l<>:; that the in \ ■ -a wat ii >n- oT \ -.-Nlaiil Sc* aviary ('ham! ler ha\e u;-eln-f.,1 the .-larlliim lac! the lit ■ 1 .:: -urv ha- In all < h tram id I i .1' /,< \n > ('ft ,1 <■,,/ /'ll'l/l if > HI.-! Itin' '< t;\. yr ( Tilt* IVaUh- involve 111 ;Ii::i*’v ami civil nlUela!- a: the ? 1 1 i i. A - jK-'-jal t-Miiimil ice <«!* in vi> - liam i«eiU lo oeeup.v the place i A ll u 1 h lieeau-e ilmy \s e.v ‘ i'.,uM “ lake Ihe om h." The \ -lei, j rnhhel'y (i s i; whirii in ji r. .dina l ■ paiiy l-y, wlh'm' manaavim lli'.-r yi wrniiy. hav>- W-m madr j 1, • Tin 1 I'in-’nrah and <> t J radical di - unS"ii papers, sir'* jnhi lain n' lli(‘ r.-i -l [lull l hr;, had 1 1 1: lh-■ 1i■ •»> way al (hr \'> v..\ nv-dhoinion Stan 1 i\ win ini;. '! ]my claim Iha I ho; li ihr m didam all l l tie* platform are prndia Ihriiv, asul that Til \ \\. KVUNS U ‘TiL ly yratilh'd.’' \\V believe they an* rh. in t heir rom-lmdon". (Icauv \v;w uni iiaiail at ihr dhaathmuf Slown-, ('a rnm aii'l Korney, l>. I)., ami \hr rwo lions adopi ed had hrru pivparcd hy i *ann* trio <>r political aaitiMri'-. '1 hr r iral ilr-nau-ilvi- arc nyhl, ihrivhw (hairy i- fh> ir eandidair, and llir plalfo adopted is tfii ir product ion. Such hr the fart, thr iwtc U fairly pm-ruled the people— it is nryro-Mi ll'raar, nr;.' equality, and a perpetual dj-’.-olnUoii the ITuon on the one -ddr; and a \vh Union, a white niauT Uovrruinriu. ; praer and prosperity on (brother. I hr peoph* deeiiU*! Tin-: I’niisiunvr's Sckkcii. -It is purled Unit Commodore Vanderl i’whose numilieenl gift to the Cov. meld, at ilie o'dlnvak of the rehellion a splendid steamer, valued al half a i lion dollars. C well remembered j hi railed on for a (im.-d al a puhiie enlerd meal in Xew Void; a few evenings m gave the following : 11 Tl/f !■' lij' //e‘ /'Vi .;/'/■ .1/ of //o' Irtt S/nfr:-; Some say ids iveeid sj.i is vulgar, I say it is/wf.’’ Thau. STr.VKNsl.oldlydeiiouiiees 1 ideal Johnson a-- a “ lyraniDo J’ deal ctffrTflx nil’s I’o.lma-lers and A, .-ors agree writh , -’I evens? This ijuc is both inleiV.-diiig and inijiorlant, ai will have to Be answered lie fore long. • Turn FuNTAtlr Scabs in Canada.—The Canadians are panic stricken at the sup posed discovery of a plot for the invasion and capture oV Canada hy tho Fenians, who arc believed to ho secretly organizing tbrthat purpose in the United States. The authorities at Torauto are said to ho in possession of intelligence that thousands of Fenians are prepared to swarm across the frontieras soon as the weather opens. The invader': intend to rendezvous at some place on the Hue, and inarch lo attaek points where they expect to he joined hy (’anadian sympathizers, who are .supposed h* I>e numerous. The 17(h of .March was at lif.-t named as the day for the grand movement, Inn that appears to lu* jnvinn- ire. Il is said that Rriiish (lovemmciil ►electives in the United Stales have fer • ted out the secret plans of the Fenian aiders, and kee]i tin 4 Canadian authors r- advScd of the danger. A hcHet in ;c realily of inva-imi F imiverxd. and ■ie whole «»r (‘anada is under arms. A ,‘iious nni for gold has •commenced on he Hank’s I hroughmit the Provinces. The hilling It a\vuy. The Covcm n-ni is helping the Hanks with specie. I F px pee ted I hat a prociamat ion, ant hor- zinga temporary suspension of pay men Is, ;uuv he issued. • l (il,n!;v To(loi) C'oVODI-:.’'--.hihn Co voile I ef ruei ion Com milleeoflhe Hump, llial when he* wa '•meiling r ji;t\ r Ihf Ml 11 1 1 hik 1 1 ui'l diK r. 11 ;ii lln -1 >• ill',ml rf • < ii ii ilm-nirjnl« i ii I ' iji’-l IV-> i -I- <•!(•( I li\_l I;< _i [.cl ".jJ (jLi-UiU'lll-.-W-l! 1h iff f I'lrl'Vi 111 rJu’U (lli 7 ’'•?« ti • ’lll < l l l'f t“ \’, \ t ;i • ( 1 11 i -in; I ■j:i *. r.iimri'-* :i r .•I'-htliiil'in. :in v. i v.'i'H ciiiumli I»< ■ I ii. • i<> ,i -1 iMil Ii j, I,O’ < 111*' «'}■ t! iciil • illM )lm knew (‘minaa well enough \ w that i't •[ i iv-ej native- minim: 1 • hiu-jii-r h* an hmii-aana a- lie- " ,'j, ■■!,,{! ’l i;i-. U: I i ■ wile wa- the }u” nnneu 1.1’, ( sidetii *;!h h-. cjuihl ira 11 ’ ’ Stall' l’i ui vein i’.-n n:' I'eiiu i lie aii.i .-e ile-haralam Whin -ua Vn-s !vauia. what eiv yin',’ !te ah iv rii hv I hairy .1. K lymmnl. a lean h» n- it. i - a eoiunlj’ V, win.' (ivci tinvw n!‘ llm ' eiv--;’inne:i i lip- at’e ine ii hiii ivira (e \vi i: <• J i yiv the emu ail! 1 aml t h may h i. r J lie K". (lie I rhiity iu {*’i • •ucii i-'Vh! ii am , 1 hihesj>.eJ’.’e. Mam I ami !) 'iil'<;i n*. ;’a -a a n.— in 'mi: <‘ i 111. —t M)i«i ha -I'< ■ll -iftuliiy <* (, 111 i! | ilnWJl in 11 u■i; i r,: I* chics, until it j-.»M a' i--> nli Sn'j'.iiln;, wi.ii'li is h 1 rm ''••• !i i I) v\ -y.‘ ii 1. 1- ami Ih" imn-aaer.- an ■ iu*;' heavhv n‘m their -ale a The Sleeh n I--<• t i- -il--' alTcef-ui hy :hT < I'’{im.---ion. ;!ir\ - r vii i I • a.M (il'nsl m -hm.iiM am il.nvm 1 j 11• i-mi ni rv ii i • :*t* *i *•«I n As ••HtmiO’ Mvxd’-'ln tin- Ah-.ei .inii Alar-' t 'mi \ i-n>y.,;i, a di* pahdi fomi Arl'i. Uookv-r n*' d. d." i*T>i ii-r\ v. a ivad, in ;iir (Tea*! liiai Hooker hkis “yival plra-in'r” jn heaiina iraiinony to deary's ‘‘ino-l rxrrllriil rliar.iriei' is a miidar\ ir.idn' and as an humhie man.’ 1 I’ 1 11 * Ha rri-l mry /\ .•I - ' Vr i‘Minoihie" i ~ 1 1 1(' i hrirr.-d, i irha-d \rv. handh’. v ham s he.rt him meadn ; .Mr. I’l'ii'iMiii, nl VTaMmiun m Ur.y o 1m i •••", imm>Mm Kml' -• Tlu' it m im < 1 yir,r.v; i nj' ] 1 rr-mlmit Imm 'ln v-a ,i r; if I nn im la’ i! nijli t m ilia Ii : ii . - \ jmi; i:mi, ha* svd Unm ;!i. ITr.i-Mi - ;, ihr aomnni of pH drill *nd r • hr ai hm ■■ i d onayr .'nor r hi- h lim ni I fa ni i i urr .a: ! h o :)-i; inn in yield In lim hrr.u*' and vlhip'-rathm nf hi-, canni ami abandon 111' -.ii |)pni’l of I'm,' Umi.-Ti lu iion. Of rniir.-L’, limst- rinunk are* only iiifoiulml (o mlhmim'a Iho-n who only mail jj:i['vr." niid<‘r lim coni ml of Mm nl I ram To ik l ; i'piion, lln haivi’arcnl ialm'hnntl U 100 iuv .* i'rr ih.' of An 1 iccw .1 r»!ui-(tu ami liw Anu‘i‘!(';in l/ulnn, I’/ 1: will thrir dn -pna’.e caii'i 1 T i j t: !lon-i‘on Timr-day pa->-ad a liiil to r< or ; Sni'ivuie Coml of th" {'idled Male-e niak'ma - eiuhl .Judyrs iw’.-ddi l - 13H' < 'huT Ju.-dkv, a Tull ik'mdi. This k in tended lo pi'cvonl Iheappoiiit.mcnil 1‘oi; .Indny iVohi tin; Soul It/ so liil an existing vat-aney. •ii will nodmihl the f'en aiia So \\ e ,u'o!, K\v;'ylJiin-r (o dkiVan dd-e and degrade; the Soulh—- nothing to U'tnrj 11 r iv-imr ami iVamrniiy, not <*\vn If il coin , - v --io!i of a -imjiln liahl. An-.; tin- K wlnn tin* i-.-nVn-a!- fall I'ninn- i- in ! Tin-: NtiMi.NATio.N (’nVMi;n. • Vim I>cino(.'i“alh‘ prc-h-oi’ ilu* Slain have iVi-riviHi *)jr. Clvini'i'';' nomination will m Lnval ;-ai i-had ion aml um(ial awpportin voh** a* will a-mircih 1 v oh’d. him < tovornoi*. , ' akKf> .Sivaiiks ili'.' (.-iiiin'- iii 1 { jsiiiri:m. aini i u!t , n( «>i* Jfar- C'llk 1 !'' 1 , ilu‘d at Ma--., ‘Mi Ihr 1-1 1 it in.-i., at the ripe oiii of TV Ur wu* a native ui* Connecticut. \'L'u rs, in i r ( : i • • i•' I ir mi the \ru Ye, !•. T ■\ oiui uma w hole j»i*i *eee. 1 iny- .-•I '-Veil- ami WeJl^el I n e. mip:i , i-mi \vi l!i I liw -e iron Tlif llinnn OUK HAHKISBUnt! T.KTTKR Harrisburg Jlunicsm! V' ' . > ,. .V, mma H’VVl c inns Hun II c:<■ i:<‘ ‘ , ‘ ,e f l t * it I. •• Hessian” Killers “ iP }*\ ",Vnint was uat mly conn dod. 5' ,,1h 1 >; "“ {m-c.iiloml the Held u ill* :* thhenuinatmn to win. Tii- 1 radicals, howi *. er.M-eined Mu- more sangumo and c>nfldendv e:ed tin* hedet that they v.ould triumphaidh their Mayor. To es tablish their siico'-s beyond peradventuve, Hu y as tludr candidate a renegade democrat, nomination, it v.as Mildly anticipated, Would create an ii roeniidahlo dividon in tin* ranks uC lai’ Demo'-racy. Tin- " If'" '>rm\n r day ad a i , on.”pi' , u»>iis pa rt in 1 ho rad ical j >! nu-roj.n Mmla'ion and in . ■['ii- ■ laic oiy of •• ('-ip] H-rhoad" was iwi ved. and no epvdul wasum-ah i.d ton oppr.-I-rimis M a j .] .!y 1. 1 1 iif I>< nn i,ti! a .-an tidal oMrt ho day ol id ivhv ( ho nit.'in] tilde a isd or uMng In 1 d" w lio 'mu 1 1 1 .1. dial j (’rii'cam- -heel. dming Iho ( . nli IV Hir "II s- ar ' V,;o M.ltnlhd ill tin' j,..[[. i-U.UMnuing 1 1 to \ <*l< sof men uho had im l„.i died i ia ;r li\ os Mr the per]), ruity < d 1 ho < i>n 1111 « ;i r, 1 1 i 1 <* 11<* i’<• m;ii 11 o in pa I!i !/or-‘, and on rich i n.i I,; in s,'p io I ia' did limonl oi' llio cMind t .v. Mb' 0p p,,1 a 111 la iho .ildiiM's i*. aiinhnlahM t• * (ho hud , ,iur Hair Ml polio. lm op post's ip, j'• u p f. aoil'.«i,, 1o; y equalled 1,., [|. . |, i, , a i;) i ■ i) 11 1 nan d \\ 1 11 1 on I la a ins p, 11 i(. ,j 11 • 11. hmgv.i; ii i-o, i apt hn, ~11 I- r.'j.l II .'rliv r h. i Mle a i : * ad i e a v i‘i i‘!.i i he oppo-dl ;*.n when ;ne edit- !i t ‘ i!o. i. .( ;i II- ’p I in ii.rx |»r. t ! i • i 11' •• Ii:, •; 11-I i 1 l.\ e.-nha ie* I l '. !!> k'ln.Ts S[;;irs» 4«it siso ‘-a olt* (f j<* i;f N;hmoi. Tl;<* '•« Ci-oi'. illcr in t 5 £..1.1 H'intiltW -toi'ili H 2«) • UrmoraU .' i; ion Imon.-r J'ir ** £’ [-r.'iOV What ones it )n stanl uv rii i: (JoNsrrri'TioN, is to come in con ilirt with the Ihuliealisin that sails undei ami control.-- the banner of the UopubU . ~ , lit . , V/ Vii-.'iu'-;'- I '•“ M v Think "I - it. ■ n .\j,i . ■! 1 ' ii n 1" *' l l' ‘ 1 ii . 1 1. . 1 , -I I • iVO 1 • < a'.i : il: il i <•'! ,rt'l .ii i > 1 ; ..( :• i'll pi ■ . I 11'' • r !.-• •>■>... (ii i-. him--!.« m ;i'.v ?,<* i. h-.-aii. I • 1 : i: ' . i I 1 ii> ■ :m • I.«•;»I 'i uv;v rn cj ■ ■ :i ;■ \ Ui-riH !h- liu‘>r..| h J I i I! I • i r, i-i iii.-rcM'-;' ill.- imy- ipiil .nil y '• li.i'ii- I’-u'l. • n " 'i; ( >a i. j.j■ -r < tj - 1 n.- .'’.'-■w lln :ii] i"liiiv l.i Lit a:v, am : nut. ■ f, ,r i!i.- mk- oft la ical i u-l.i-i in ilia ( -'talr. \v;r, bivamhl to I lie' IK of I’i .•,>uli-iii .1 ■ m - *ll la*.l wool;; ami Ik .•lain! lliai li ' ■i.K iniiliOuizixl Midi a* IfU i*r, l»ut i iiivl li • n ,i ii, i U ;i■ iwlril'-fi* ol'll ' i'.xi-it u.if ti> iiim 'ii print, ;t;M i '.V... i, i ' r< nitom »l ■ i ;,;ii (h >flnv II in Ml i .-(• >, I.* a 'j tli'ul vi'L-n-tl i ii.• ■•••lin.-ir.; lUU’cmu liill,’* !>nl NV-.rSLuui'-Ui"" iiH-- u -vv r.-f-;. I ‘ Tli!- .''lini-1.-r lm, ivaaiwil a o an av*»v, al IVm'.ii lln> puMivu,--,, r.f llwil papal- that t!i‘.\*suv [j; *- paivd in r-alniaulialn cyi'i'y rhar-xa t!?*•.* mak'-. Sp'-akinic t,u-!,rru says: “.M'. ‘.ln: way mi if >ll, N'i",v York, JMiila* (Ic')>h *:i, iiU!ih»i <•:! ini .\<‘W i n:>, “ It'ivrr;> of (;><• i'MiX'l ' c.i'lh; in t< ► r.wllallLy lii(‘ wiy . t: t> * i\ ,v:» siti *• I I'nv hi-.h priced 11• I itiniii inii:')ii, !1 1 >W(• wi’, in a <* i' ‘.'*ll. < inn \ h ,i>ih iuu'.vl tin's i* '.v:i y ii.-n-; lan. c; vi’yi Ji.li;; I i::t l r iiiU he tn.aiaUL oi, in any Man n'r: arvu-ivhi.- 11. |la- ; k ua m>- m ahun ■, i-rcUnvwly »1)1(1 tt» i h.‘i > !»\- tlu v ii'iUan: Cniun nu n. J!rnfn ,V< "■ (/r/fitn.s, '( > • h' <• /v In '(/ .•,<< \h > l t/u’i v :>a n sh> {/-/oml !• <"■ A' JU'ufhvr .sent >ut! /V-)v /<„'r,,H>ni ~ t .•)•(■<> if-i >.< I'l.ih >1 .'Un!r.i (.(/•/ 7‘ ///■> Ihrui'-.'i't * '‘i-'in J;t.fir. Vv'illann 11. Scu-ani, i. i "■■"l'> Hi\r ,iu S- ->'i ■ 1.. 1 11 1" -• 1;" i■. Wi'H 1 1' T i »( ■')11 -tl 1 ['icrri-, lU'[lii l" i ir; 11 ! I 1 1 I ;M‘ .i ;i ■, ~ i' ivhi-l I I'H'ti'. ais 1 U')h-l Ikt nr llii! rill,- 'I ivlii". .-I 111 .laul iy unilt" nut ii’iiui tlK 'I Ijl i ;ir nil i Texas ; anil, II no, alc,,^ ‘■"Hid i'l lil'M"! In SU'l'MU.dl U-nrk, Uf MMUI lllMl" InUi'.d nil---r, Mr. I'aava i >‘id!t-d Ity uiliinuiiri ,M r. :t.-\.-;!rd ul thn t'Xilrt 111111 l hiT nj vt ‘ids in (lie nnil.tt';i| Hdf.dnd, (hoir sl/.u ;md Jlal mud Iu y, tuul Viilll Wild l inudcd. TllU limin] dl til* Sucndurv wits inlnnijcii th;U lite larger porliuu nl‘ arri vinis here mi I ",ilng mlu Texas tamo directly from .New England ports,-and that all sued trade 1.1 i-l \l’,ie;i lln l .f.-iIM V.\S ( . i ’i- ! 11. i • V . v, ■ii ii •M I I l( - Mr i di-MiM-is. I 111,11 : i I m111!:i I ni u< I'.. - '•i ■ • i (;; will I. ’ll I JnllNsi W 1 lII.' •h. .A i ,i ; l.-I lull iv »‘\ i- U'u; ly r.o ;ii\ r \ iv . A> ;i li.: 11 I.T ■•friU l m 1 (i; !‘i:; Ii I I - > ;i i• \ -ll<- :,l \V,I -1 Ip l in •nl lin |i.i . ir' H <»vcr h v-ay hitler- In early aaa’-HM his pulley HI Idr f.n dl stopped only by refusing clearances lo were .Hhippvi!!’>■">“ 1 " rk How in the name of Justice can m eon lilt a open and avowed rebel and foe bite .pllouso I Davis within the gloomy casemates ol a holt, whensueh secret traitors as Mn lei and Spriigneare sull’ered to go nnwiilpped ol Jus tice. If tveasou mud lie “ nnule odious, nh> not send some of these infernal scoundrels hi the Slale-.s prison for life, and make them disgorge tliufrill aodon findis? ■ Tluu-. report was pivnml im>, inMinil.N i< m>{ o'.’u /MHpcraiv/ naturu; and ifU worua kil lin- disMiso. old Thud would have to he enmmit- Ihu'suieido every hour in thedsiy. Tlu-Now York hnlr }t ,‘Hth>)if says: -'nu’p;lmsl of .Inlm T\ lor lu>N ersover die I’residmifs hod in die Wnilo I Imum'." That eonsistoiil religious Journal will no doiihl next tiy In make the pnl*li<- believe il was John Tyler’s ghost flint stoh< fhr mtsV It ;> a notorious fuel, and has been pub licly Slabs! mi die door of t’omsvess by Thaddeus Sb-%ens, that whom President Joimson (mlefed die White House, there was not enough furniture d loro to accom in odat e his small laniily, not wit h standiim J ih.Wii bad lieeit appropriated to refurn ishing t he President lal Mansion.bnl a few months ■ovimis lo Mr. l.ineoln’s death. Tin l Stewardo ,•> While Iloiwe ha'* a raid, dai^vii jit l’f wji-' ,-imrcfiii-il in tin- rniioxiil of ntu ; iiinl thciMuiuivv nalnraliy ari-a-s, wlmwns thiol ? Tin' WsMjinnlnn IMI »•«*?• contain i‘- : inial i« >n ~ ihat tins pioiw-rly w.-nl In Illinois, m why iii'l sp-'.aic onl. i: lh<• hnn. i »u Wcdni'S'la.x nijrht las! a nmin!»i* {lm lead- Kepnhljeans of 1 mt!i JI« ■»»jI f‘i mares*. in 1:j f • Mr' 1-1 .poll tab H'lt.'l. They i-.\|ilVv'fii litiMi: •1 \ ,-v i, t 1,1 \ -»I* 1■ I (hr J Ve.-h J*‘l| ( l‘l '1 if.V . UM'l Ihe i, i - i Mu - .'MiM-iii-iim I hat S!;m tmi. Harlan an •, .t he removed at once. A eommitb In- 'a have stnee waited upon the I’i e-ider II*! ait Ml ainecil In ill 111 the sense ot t lie. 11l eel 111: , _i; ,i el;, 11, ul WNi'i aml * h »v. Morton. » ! x , I or . ji. I\c!l of fof the J M )•> ilit•! I S. Tllt'l . ;i , v <- : no r.-liii I ,' m fivur of the Jhesidei ~...,1*; (Mr* ..•n* '-h-iM I- Mr.l is he niiifii! 1.. In •j - !;. .i. i t pit• |.r *-i i', Mi ai hmhh Hi: of lee ,r - h i' hern I nrnei] inh i a -h< iv. --hop. l*,v cry ila ||||'.V ,\ ill era-all (la a 1- tinny h > tile hree/.e, I .Vi ;.* il -tl V e cents. h■ 11 ■. y. >: i are lold.i wmi-p- Wove w.e liiiiil!.-- I,*!-:* u i *i a f e-eoa v. h -re ii is hotly was “ etil up” ■*' tile Vi il 1! Iy S ) Wir We. *1 tj*e Til's j. S \ i,,*,i, ..j, ,'■/ la j»i<• niri ai-.. aiai only the i*,.., ;i. *, * ,* t -hvih'ti airl hU hounds, dep-eiivo ; it/ei .11.. i the b■■• t - M y [ailoi* W.l.. to 1111 a 111-;, are Invited, ill the Senate and House, he neuo-o. ■; h \ imr aroinul t heeity are fast deyen rat inu toward-. t!ie level of the lirnle. If it were ml r. »r i he st riet surveillance of I he pol ice, I here ■ onld tl.iily he nn-eeinlv exhibitions amony; hem in public places. Senator 1 Morril, of Ver in.nt. de dared, (la 1 other day, (hilt in a tour of nspeidjon wjlTi the eliiet' of police, he found .at east live thousand of t lieftym iserable creatures i\ i ir.i 1 n sta r\ at ion, sij for a Universalisl Mis sionary Fund. Addresses wore delivered hy Hon. Horace Ctreeley, editor of the yV/f/ion ,' l!ov. Dr. Sawyer, i!ev. Mr. iiar thoioinew and others. £EV"The great Cincinnati in-idge, about to Ijo suspended across the Ohio, will, it is said, he the longest in the world, being over two thousand feet longer than the suspension bridge over (lie Xiagara river, and live hundred and forty feet longer than the Mensi bridge in England. Its total span will he one thousand and lifty soven yards. OOBOIIGH JXECTIOX— omclnl. Our Borough election passed oil m a very quiet and orderly maimer. It will 1,0 seen that the Democrats earned e very Borough officer by handsome majorities, except the Burgess, who is defeated by Um votes. In the West AVard, winch gave !d majority against us last tail, wc came within 12 votes of electing a Coun cilman, and cut down the Republican majority some twenty-live on the whole ticket. In the East AVard the disuniomsls were nowhere. Below is the official re suit ChU'f Jlurffcax, J'J. )V- H. II John Campbell, ilj'l I' l * .loll!) Kohlr, !■>- ,l.s-s7. JhnyrsK, \V. J. Cameron,- -•'!< llrort/r /’. J f)/rrn, I -I vIv.W.S.S'O/-, John (hitshull, A’. M. mark, Ai'fli/or, K D. Quigley, - ; >f’ Ilorirhon Krklrx, 12S Kast AV Andrew Kerr, 333 I F Gardner, 138 .1. J). Rinehart, 337 1 John Jrnne, 1( Fmlk.('omman,33li |O. Delaney, 130 Godfrey Homier, 332 1 John «S. Ua.'F, l-!> I’ofor Spain 1 , -■John S. Hyno, A. J. Wrlsli {lnny Suston Andrew .Martin, “ki | H::UMiUr,u. ' "100 Mii'W Hrickcr. I''! A'. Ilht'W I-:. ('omman, Ois .1. Masoiihcimer I">7 Joseph Site.-,, bit' .roll 11 I’.cctem, I Oil M . Aid ’lellati Lewis !•'. Lyin’, I'll ; Jt. h'. .SV/jc/hy \V. Schuehman, Mil i ./.-I. l(Viv//'«('/•, i S-'houl Pi,■r’-fnr, Janie-- i I ami Him, HU 1 f No nppo-iiion. 1 ( 'nnxlt'hh , (icorgc Hemly, 10.! | Jmnr-1 Will " Jll I’m; New Sriaxn lluNNur.-Thr ucvv “ Spring Honnel” is announced, ami Ini' created i|iiili' a sensation muon;? tin- fair sex, ami is sly led t lit’ “t iipscy.” To gi vc an adeipiatc idea of ils shape' or construc lion is a dillicull task; hut tlierc is one thine ,|uilc ccrluin—it is like anythin;? else hut a bonnet. In olden times, these coverings lor the head were of such im mense proportions that it was necessary to peer up a long passage in order to get a view of thO features of the wearer. Of late years, however, bonnets have become “small by degrees and beautifully less,” until now (hero is scarcely anything left but the crown. Now, it is very evident (hat if a proportionate diminution lakes place another year, bonnets will be whit tled out of existence, and become things of the past. Hut, to the “(lipsey,” the shape is as near to that of a soup-plate as possible, providing the rim was bent, in a ( MVIM.W little on each side. It tits close to the head —about one-third of which it covers. Hut very little trimming is worn on the out side, and the bonnet lilting closely to the head renders inside, t rimming* inadmis sible to any extent.- Hut few of these min iature head coverings are worn at present, on account of the spring season having hardly commenced, and perhaps on ae- count oi'lhc* ladies being rather dillident iu adopting the lasi monstrosity which- Dame Fashion lias produced. The sex will come (o it, however. SoMi-Tiiixc« KKU r .—We call attention .o tin* advertisement of the Duplex Filip lie or Double Spring Skirt. Though a reeent invention, it has become very pop- ular. and is rapidly obtaining (he prefer ence over other kinds in use. The rods in it are composed each of two delicate and well-tempered steel springs, which are ingeniously braided together edge to edge, the lower rods heavier, and having a double covering. This peculiarity of construction makes this skirl very strong and durable, and also so exceedingly flex ible that it rapidly adapts itself to the form of tlie wearer, and allows of any amount of doubling and crushing without injury to its shape. These* skirts are un pieslionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and most economical ever made. These are advantages which ladies, who ha\ cexperienced the discomfort and Inconvenience of single springs, will duly appreciate. AcciDKNT TO FX-(h)V. kITNCH.—NVe learn from (he (’luunhersbtirg that the venerable lv\-(.rovernor Rilner met with a severe accident, in that town, on Thursday evening week. The /iVyjos itortj says that as he was entering the house of Mrs. llitner, Ids daughter-in law, he fell on the pavement, lacerating the hack part of his head, and was so se verely stunned that he lay insensible for some time. The accident was a very pain ful one, to a man of the ICx-CJovonioWs years, for our venerable friend must bo well-nigh eighty-five years of age, and though retaining his faculties in a remark able degree, can ill withstand the shock of accident superadded to (he shock of yea rs. Bt. I’atiiu'k’k Day! —Sat unlay last was St. Patrick’s day, and, as is generally the case, it brought with it a change of weath er. The day was not particularly observed here, except that a number of Irishmen, and the descendants of Irishmen, sported the “shamrock so green,” and perhaps “ drowned” it also. 1 n times gone by, St. Patrick's day was celebrated in Carlisle in a manner that did honor to Ireland's Patron Saint. Then, suppers were given; the song, the jest and toast went round, and those left behind in the “ green isle” wore remembered with fond affection. — Those social gatherings called forth the best ami warmest feelings of Irishmen, and Protestant and Catholic alike united in participating in the festivities. Now, St, Patrick’s day is, like most of our own national holidays, “ more honored in the breach than the observance,” Djiy Goons. —The enterprising linn of W. 0. Sawyer & Co., have received from New York a large stock of Spring Goods, Carpels, Cassimercs *o., which they olfor at great bargains. Porsonswantinggoods will save money by buying from tile above parties. East Main St., few doors below Saxton’s Hardware Store. Read their advertisement onMKird Page. 'MS 'i'olal. 37(1 378 171 -103 338 310 330 17-1 113 133 333 337 All!) nindt. Tnim Co, Judge, 31!) | Jiii-ol>Ziir/,Jr., 13S Indicator, 333 I Joshua Fagan, 133 Till- ('llllrrtlH ' -IT, 1 Joint Marfhi, 13H School Dh'frtur, ;;!ii) [ [ No opposition. ] Wkst W'.vim. Tmrii ('ouuc.il. ,/. i>. Johh /■' .sVr ■ /, /•;. -U. ISiihllr, J.M. Il’.v/iWe.l/, Jmhjr Ilia ( Jnrnh Ih-r/r. T. Tins local was stolen fa, cohmins of one of our oxchair-cs., was only after it was in typp 5 Jl, diseovered liow totally iimpnlj was to this locality. Rohiikuius.— Our friends a i end of the County have been Uie v v of a number of robberies and H ics, during Hie past two weeks, ojf day night, the 12th, inst., a fmeirra Vt was stolen from the stable of Dr,"hJ,- in Shippensbnrg. *' l On tire same day, two line Imncs stolcn, from Mr. .Tno. Miller, n-iiij,'. Turkey-Foot, Franklin Co.' On the Tuesday night following ai mare was stolen from the sialik c fy Jim. Mcllinger, near Shippeii.|iu r , Anil on Tuesday ol‘ln< woct.ikfiJ nf Andrew Kekenrode, in liij.Mi.iJ wr.s enlereil liy huvirlin--, soneui'i - Uiu dimily, imd n-:nnilj,,,-fii money (nken from :i Inireiei. Of e.onrse tin- cmniminitv j, a>i,i lat <-i I liy these nmnrniiH inliii ; . r ie :is yet all edorls to liMTe! on! (In. V jtj have heen unsueeossl'id. (Vui-H's Facts A non in c Si« This yojii ill;.- Ith nf ] Month ■tint* on Sunday, an I'MiMial nviiL lira mil moon in (be mmju nirml mi the \< in-1, 'i'hoKrv will oeeur ni) tlin rvcnliiur nf tju 'riir lirsl Sunday afler lor *i,v fnli Kit happens nil or llilt'l die :l-t ■ Ka-der. 'Hie next lull nam: willi ill ( i (UK 1 l-'l’it KIV ,I 11 1 .'I •' ll ilt ;;!)( lav. April Mg will in* IhCc;. ■unday. in !>•'>”>, 1 In-l y <\v. oner Api il Mill. A lnt:il cclip- iV,»* will (aks- place on Il.e .’Mb V-r. will be visible here beta .■« u : ,\T ;u\i| 'J.\ n'rlncl;, P. M-. d/c of edip-.-, digit-. un the Mlb there ’Aimmiv I'M i( was iuvhUA h-w. Flit 10 AT Till-: (.IAKKisoNI-On Fill evening lasi ? a bright light siuldnilyili up in the direction of the Cimhoigi flic alarm of lire was sou mini. (Ml the frame buildings at Camp liiii'lled discovered (o bo on lire, and our iiracJ panics at once repaired to tin- were denied admission by UicCjiihs dant of the Cost. The building badb sold, a few days previously, in Ik: Shkakdk of this place. Clouds ok Pro koX.s.— The atmo:pl of Cincinnati was disturbed on Hum by the tight of prodigious Hocks of [ eons, the whirr of whose imuimen wings at times was heard like the r of the wind through a leafy wilderm*? It is conjectured that Ibis cxf/vcO'dia movement of birds indicates tluAtwl up of a pigeon most in Indiana, pigeons were (lying irom the sniil to tin* norl Invest out of range. ,sri-:c/AL xotic& Hopkin's Hoop Skirts, for Ltuiid Children. See advertisement in (!iis Huf. at <>-' Arch Street, Philadelphia. ami o: our stock of-roods. 'fin-; largest assortment ol 1’ ~\cr olioivil io tiiis oommunily, ma, Hu- Wholesale anil Ueiail (froccrj wan* suin' of Wm. Huaiu* *'>x, Carlisle, l'a. P.S.—Step-l .adders for House cleaii'liu:: Fruits, (’orn ami Tomatoes; Pickled ami fit* Ovstors kept constantly, and olleicJ clifjJ cash. jMaiTli‘.V- To CoSSCMCTJVKS.— I The advevtkcf, t'l - restored to HealUi in a low weck-ljj 3" simple remedy, after having saliorot l“ rs |' years with a severe lung ailVciion.amitlwC disease, i VmsUinptlon—isaiixioii.*, laiiialmhi. to ins icllviw-sulVeivrs the nu-aim^ To all who desire it, lie will M’ada ro/n e ..prescript ion used (free of chan.'-',; »'dli lions for preparing and usmt dut (lioy will lind a sure cure for t'onsua\\>Vwu,- lima, UroiiehU.s, Coughs, Colds, and all n and l.nng Alleelions. The onb objeel of ta vorl Her in sending the Prescript ion is te Hie alilicled, and spread Inlonnabon v* conceives to be invaluable, and la* Mh.'H siiderer will try his remedy, as it will o-'. IL nothing, and may proven blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription, ho' '!• mail, u il) please address .. Ki-’.V. FIAVAItPA. Williamsburg, K:msroiulwa>f 1-Vb.ik’, \