ciiiTivATiox or somjm.n, The President of the .Ohio Sorghum Convention thus speaks of the important place which the new cane now holds in Western agriculture: The past season has been one of the most important and successful with the cane that lias been experienced since ils ini re duction among us. Thousanjlsbave plant ed tile cane this rear forthe first lime, and nearly all who have planted in former years* have this year greatly extended their operations, I'roin the best sources of information at my command, 1 csti . mate that the quantity of cane planted in Ohio this season, \v;h about twenty per cent, greater than last year, and the-pro duct about twenty-live per cent, greater. Taking Ohio and ail the Slates west and north west, I estimate that the amount planted was twenty-five per cent, and the product twenty-live percent greater than lad year. The increase in the cast was not so maikcd. and I do not feel prepared in express an opinoiu with regard lo it, cxeept to >ay that the sorgum movement has 10.-l no ground in the east, hut has steadily increased in favor with the peo ple there is here, only a little less rapidly. We have now reached a point in the de velopment of thi-i enterprise at which it W appropriate for uslo tahea highersuind. We have solved all the preliminary ques tions which arose upon the first introduc tion of the cane among us, We have de monstrated beyond question that it can he sueee>sl‘uUy grown in our latitude. During the nine years in which it has been cultivated among us, not a single disastrous failure Ims occurred. It has proved \iM-\r a more certain crop linn wheat or coni. It thrives in soils ofii'ica 1 (IcverMty, and over a ratlin* of latitude jp hmad as that upon which our conunoi indian corn Is cultivated.—■'Those win have cmployoi(skill, nearness and aproj>ri ate apparatus, have demonstrated that the cane i- capable to producing an cxccT c*iit Ddde-syrup, and a sweetening adapted to many of the purposes lor which com mercial was formerly employed. Ami lastly, all who have ensured in the business, either as growers or inanutac- turers of sorghum, have found that it is nroliitahle operation —that sorghum pays, \Vc now take a step in advance, and Unit step all will ajfree should he in (he direction of greater perfection hi the quality of the product. We have not yet developed the highest capacity of the cam* for syrup, and have made almost no defi nite and well defined progress in the product of siijirar. We need to te.-l and determine the tno.-t siieeessful varietv of seed, and the nm-i apropn'ale -oil and eu It j vat ion, and tin* hc-( apparal u- for (In* inanufaeture of the product. When we .-hall have become familiar w-iili those elements of the art, and .-hall apply (hem with fidelity to the work, we may expect to produeesuirar reonlarly.M stemalieally: without them we may not hope to produce it, except accidently, and in compand ively rare eases, as at pre-eni. Hints to Sheep .Ticn 1 n the “American Emigrant ('mn pan y’s Circular,” we find the hints suggested to sheep men, which we lookd upon as valuable, and therefore present them to the readers of the “Volunteer:” 1. Keep sheetrdry umlerlbot, with lit ter. This is even more necessary than roofing; (hem. Never let them stand or lie in mini orsnow. Begin graining with the greatest care and use the smallest (piantily at first. If a ewe loses her lamb, milk daily for a few days, and mix a lilt le alum wit h her-alt. ■I. (live lambs a little “ mill feed" in time of weaning. d. Never frighten sheep If po-'dble to avoir! it. d. Separate all wt ak m* thin or sick from lln-e Hint, arc -indig in the fall, and irivc them -.peeiai care. 7. If any .-beep ishnrt, catch it at once and wa.-li the w mi in I, and if it is liy time, apply spirirs of turpentine daily, and al ways Ava-h wit 1 1 something healing. Ifa limb i-broken, bind with splinters. tight ly, looseniug a- the limb - well. S. K.'C}> alt 111111 HT ■>r Lpaal lie! Non lilt* sheep. h. I)i Mi' 1 )(•[ -lltvji Wool with chair lii. Cm tag-lock- in i-mly -primr. 11. Fur scour-, trivo pul vori/.ml alum in a\ !i'‘nt l>nm prevent hy Inking utvat care m changing; dry t<»i* g i ce) i food. \ AM Eir.4 ism:s. CiiAni.oi' Ucs-l. --Roil l ecltiline in two tnniUer- of milk, ami Coil hard. Real the whin* ami yolks sep arately of hx egg-. : 11 1 1 11 11 L*; to the yolk-: halfa i>on ll < lof loaf ,-iitrar. ami -tir iliein into (lie hoilimr milk long- enough for them to thicken like a rich custanl; then -lir in the ■white-, heaten to a -hill' froth. Sea-on with vanila. W'hipa pint of rich cream to a still’ froth, ami stir into-the eitstard. When eoM. aiT:,imj,e your rake in the mouhl ami pour in the mixture.-- Set it on iec Rri.-ki:t oi in i k nn n;n,-.\ pieee weighing eight poinnl- require- about live or six holtr- to 1 toil. Make a dre —inn of hread-cruinl >-, pepper, -ah , -wed lmrh<, a little mace, ami one onion chopped tine ami mixed with an egg, Put tin* dre-~- tlig in het weeu the fat ami lean of the heel* ami ,-ew it up light ; I lot i r (he cloth; pin the heel’ up very light in it ; hoi I it live or six hour-. When it i.- done take (heelot h otf. ami pre-- it until if i- cold. —Tin- 110 lo he cm into thin slice- and eaten cold. Kon.nn ( Vsta i:i>. —Put one »piart of milk over the lire; when it -teams up, add tin* yolks of nine egg- and tour lahle spouns of-ngur well heaten together. Stir llie mixture well till it thiekeim. Remove it from the live, and -d away to eoo\ in enp.-. Add llavor. and dill to la.-te. To make it ext la n u-e, heal up tin- while- of (he ee-e-s \vilh -onie ext rad of lemon ami sullieent powdered .-near h> make a .-till' froth. Divide it over tin. 1 eu-tard-eups ilo ivir Dutch. — Put a pint of pea< into a iplart of water ; hoil (hem until they are so lender as easily lo he pulped through a seive. 'Fake of the leanest end of a loin of mutton three pounds, enl it into chops, pul it into a sauseepan with a gallon of water, four carrots, four turnips, cut in small pieces; seasoned with pepper and salt. Doll until all the vegetables are tjuite tender; put in the pulped peas, a head ul*celery and a sliced onion. Poll fifteen minutes, and serve* (Joldkn Ul'lk.s fob Foe ltkv Keepers. —“ Saunders' Domestic Poultry” gives those rules : Never ovor-feeT. Xevcr al low any food to lie about. Never feed from trough, pan, basin, or any vessel. — Feed only when the birds will* run after the feed, and not at all ift hey seem (oeare less about it. (.live adult fowls their lib erty at day break. Never purchase eggs for hatching purposes until alien is ready to sol. For seven or eight days before hatehingjsprinkle (he eggs witheold water while the lien is o/I‘ This will prevent the frequent complaint that (he chicken was dead in the shell. ]£J}' The Peacli was originally a poison ous almond, its tleshy parts were used to poison arrows,and fortius introduced into Persia. The transplantation and cultiva tion however, not only removed the pois onous quantities, but produced the delici ous fruit we now enjoy. PRESERVING Farm IM PLI -M E.vr.s.--The “Ohio Farmer” says that a coating of three parts iurd ami one part ro.-in applied to farm tools of iron or steel will effectu ally prevent rust. Wiiv is a field of grassolder than your self? Pecause it is pasturage. arc twenty, three thousand negroes in Washington. JRcirical. K L M U () I-i ])’.s VI.HU EXTRACT ill VIJ U For Non-Retention «>r Jneontlmmnoo of Urine,lr ritation or Uieeration of the Riaddoror Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in tlie gladder, Calculus, (travel or Prick Dust Deposit, and all Diseases of tlie Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsiea) Swelling". II K L M P, () L 1) ’ S fur i d kx‘J*r acr iircin For Weakness Arising from Kxeesses or Indis cretion. The (’onstitmion onee alleeted with Or ganic Weakness, requires the aid of medieine to strengthen amt invigorate the system, which IlelmhoM's Kxlniet Ruelm invariably does. It no ireaiineiu he suhnutteil Jo. Consnption or InsaiUly ensues. IIKLMBOLIVS I’i.rii) extract nivni In alleethms peeuliar to females, il Is unequaled hy any other preparation, as In Chlorosis or Re tention, 1 rregularitles, painfulm*ss or suppression uf customary evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehlr rus slate ofthe Uterus, Leiuorrluea, and all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from hahilspf dissipation, impntdenee, or in the I>e- Une or 'Change in Life. UKI.MBOI.O’S v i. r i d k x tit a rr f mi f AND I M PROVED KOSK .WASH Will radiealh exterminate from I lit* system dis eases of tin* Fniury Organs arising from Habits of 1 >isMpa( ion at filf/r expense, little or no rhaia/e in dirt, and no exposure; completely superseding those i mp/rasanl and rtaiu/rnnis remedies, i'opaiva real Men-nri/ In earing all these vmpleusunl and dangerous diseases. r SK JI K M H () I, I) ’ S i-’i.rin kxthact urem In oli mses of theFrinary organs, whether ex i'-i i im in mute or female, from wind ever cause ori ginal i ng, and no matter ol how long st and ing. 11 is plsasanl in taste ami odor, immediate in its action and more strengthening Ilian any other of t in* preparat ion - of Dark or Iron. Those stiMenng from Inoken down or delicate roii-t Itm ion.-, procure the at once. The reader hum tie ware that however slight mac lie t he at lark of tin* above diseases, it Is cer tain n> alien Ids bodily health, menta 1 powers, and happiness, and that of his posterity. ( Mir llesh and blood mv -upported from those smire- I>ll VsICIANS. I’LKASI', N'lTir I* We make no seeivt of the ingr«*dients, llelm bold's Fluid F.xtraei Luelui is eomposed of 13u elm, cubebs and .Juniper Herrins selected with groat oaro. and prepared in advance by 11. 'l'. Tlelinbold. Druggist ami chemist, of sixteen years' experience m sin* eity id Philadelphia. and whieli is now prescribed by the most eminent physieiaus, has been admitted lo use iu the I'n’ited States Army, and is also in very general use in State Hospitals and public Sanitary Insti tutions throughout the land. BVC H I I'UnM DIspi'.NSAUY or Tlli’. V. S, DIOS M A (' R E T N A , ii r r ii r i, k a v k s PIU iRFR TJ Fs.—Their odor is strong, diffusive and .somewhat aroniatte; their taste- bitterish and analogous In mud. MITRAL RR' iRFRTI KS AND fSKS, Ihicl in leaves ai c uent ly Mi mutant, wit li a pe culiar tendency to the f'rhniri/ Un/t(n.s, producing dimes!-, and like other simitar medicines, excit ing diaphoresis, when circumstances favor this inode of action. Thcv aretciveii in complaints of the I'rinary Drumk, such as (travel. Chronic Catarrh of the Uladder Morlnd IrriUdiou of the Bladder and Prethra, Di-ease of the ITo-lrate, and Retention or Inconthmama* of Cvine, from a loss of tone in tin-parts concerned in its evacuation. The re medy has also been, recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheiimal ism, (’n I ancons A Heel ion-, and Dropsy. Helmhold's Fxtraet Ruehn is used by person's from the ages of i:» to - A*>, and from ;V> to ,V> or m the decline or change of 11 fc ; after conllnement or Labor Rams: Red-wetling la ehildren. Dr. Keysei i- a Riiysidan of over thirty years' experience, and a graduate of the .letl'erson Mr dioal College and of the i'niversity of Medicine and Smgery of Rhdadelplda. Mu. H. T. llr.i.MUoi.n Sir. —ln regard lo tin-question asked me as to my opinion about 1 would say that 1 have u O AV D E R Twenty-live kegs Dupont Rock and Hide Pow der, with a large assortment ol’Safety Fuse, Picks, Crowbars, .Stone Drills, Stone* Sledges, Slone Hammers, Ac. 1T M I’S AS 1) CIiMKXT. Fifty barvols of Cenient, with a very large as sortment of Chain and Iron Pumps of all kinds, cheaper than ever, al tin* hardware store of IIFNHV SAXTON. Dee. I, |S»f>. VTIDDER ik BOWERS, IVJL SfCCKSSOK-S TO DKWIS F. LVNF, .\orth Ilanm er Dealers in American, Fngllsh and (termini JIARDWARI- Cutlery, Saddlery. Cuaeh 'l’rimmings. Shoe Findings, Morocco and Lining Skins, Lasts, Hoot Trees and Shoemaker Tools of every description. Solid ami brass Box Viees, Fellows, Files, Hasps, Horse Shoes, Horst* Shot* Nails, Far and Rolled Iron of all sizes. lIAMKH AND TRACKS, Carriage Springs, Axles, spokes, Fellows, Hubs, Ac.. Ai*. Saws of every variety, Carpenters’ Tools and Building Material, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Plated Forks and Spoons, wit li an extensive as sortment of 1 lard ware of all kinds and of the best manufacture, which will be sold wholesale or re tail al tile lowest prices. We are making great improvements in our already heavy slock ol gonds, and Invite all persons in waul of Hard wari* of every description to give ns a eat) and W an* confident yon will In* well paid for your Iron- Hoping that by >1 riel a Dent ion to business and a disposition to please all we will lx* able to maintain the reputat ion of the old stand, M ILLKH A Hi tWFFS. Dee. I, ND. PAINTS AND Oi LS.— h» tuns of White Load, gallons of ivooivod, with a lui'ki* ii.-'Sortmi'iit of Vamishos, Turpont mo, Japan. Tutty. Litharairo, Whiling. (illio, SholUu’ Kiiv-proof J’nint, Florence Whih*, White Zinc, Colored Zinc, Read Lead, Moiled (HI, Rani Oil, Sperm uil, Paint Hrushes pish Oil, iVe. t'olnrs of every description, dry and cans and I nbs, at the 1 lard ware Store ol Pec. I. ism. FjOW S, I'LOWS,—.hist received and fur sail* at Manufacturi-rs prici-s, a as sort mrnl of Plank's Plows, 1 li-nwood's Plows, Zciiilcr’s Plows, \V»*irii-h's Plows, at tlio clionp lliirihvari' stun* of AM KUK 'AX AND FKKNC'H (i LASS, superior Coach and Km nltnro Varnish at MIU.KR & HOWKUS. XTKKDSFOOT AND MACHIXK OIF, i.t -MII.I-KU ,t IiOWKKS. o.ll'iro \Ar.M. H. HI’ThKH, Attorney at V V Law, ('arli-le, I’cinia. (bllce with Wm. .1. Shearer. F-q. I )ec. I, l.Sll>—ly. MC. II HUMAN, Attiihxkv at Law. # (mice in Rhccm's Hall Building, in tltc rear ot tin* Court Mouse, next door to the “ Her ald" Cilice, Carlisle, Reinm, Dec. I, Wld. JAMKS A. IH'NIIAU, Attui;ni;y at p| Law, Carlisle, i’eima. cilice a few doors West of Hannon's Hotel, Dec. 1, ISISA WKHXXHDV Attounkv at Law, , ('arllsle, Reima. Ollice same as that of tin* "A in erica n Volunteer," South side of tin* Rub le Square. Dec. L JOHN LKK, Attoiixhv at Law, pjl North Ilanmci' street, Carlisle, Ra., Feh. 10, ISlilV—]y. IOHN.C. (IRAHAM, Attounkv at P } Law. ollice formerly occupied hy Judge i i rat mm. Soul 1 1 J 1 aim \er st reel, Carlisle, Ren mu Dec. 1. iNio— ly. VVC’F. SADLKIi, Attoiixhv at Law, , Carlisle, Return. < niice in Building for inerlv occupied hv N'ohmteer, Soulli Hanover striM-t. I K*c. I. IS Vi, | ,M. WKA ICLHV, Attounkv at Law. , ntliec on South Hanover street, in (lie room lbrmerl> oecupieii hy A. R. Sharpe, Fsq, HX'HWSHAM, Attounkv at Law. , Ollice with Wm. H. Miller, Kstp, South west corner of Hanover and Roml'ret streets. Dec. 1, ISiJO—t f, / 1 AI. BKLTZIIOOYKII, Attoknkv \3Ti at Law, Carlisle Ra., Otliee South Hanover Sired. Radicular attention given to collection of Soldier's Claims. Rack Rav, Ronntv, Reiisions, Ac. I-Vh. 10, isait— ly. ip K. RKf/rZHOOVKR, A tto r.n k v ’ , and Cocnski.ou at Daw, Carlisle, Reima. [ ( mice on South Hanover street, opposite Rentz's Store, Hy special arrangement with tin* Patent (Kllce, attends to securing Ralcnt Rights. Dee. I, ISIm. / U-lAS. IC. MAdLAIJOHLIX, A.TTOK nkv at Law. DtUoe in RuiUling formerly occupied hy Vohmteer.a few doors South of Huh non's 1 loid. Dec. I, l.'io, L.l. \V. KORLK, Attornkv at Raw. , onice with Wm. M. Rcnrose, Ksij., Rheem's Hall. All business entrusted lo him will ho promptly at tended to. Dee. 1, JS(J.">. DRXTISTUV —Dr. W. R. Shoeuuikoi*— Practical Dentist, Nowvlllo, JTnnsvlvania. i Ulico one door North of the Rost Ollice. .Fob. 2 2, ISijii.—l v. Dentist.— (i. r />. duetz, m, d; d. d, s,, respectfully oilers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Carlisle and Us vlclnilv Dlliec North Pitt street. Carlisle, Jan. JS, ISBU—:hp : EU. I. C. LOOMIS, Dentist, lias re- Moved'from South Hanover Street to West ifret Street, opposite the Female High School, (’arlisle, Penna. T\H. (iEOHGK 8. SEAIUCUTT, Den i / tlst. From the JUtUinwre Chllef/e of Dental ,Surr/rri/. Olllee at the rcsldeneo of his mother, Hast Loulhor Street, three doors below Bedford,- (’arlisle, Penlta. Dee. 1, istil. j X V 10 X T OKS Ol’ I'’ ICES KKl’iNEriL AND KVAN'S, CIVIL ENGINEERS it PATENT SOLICITORS, -Yo. rt") Walnut Street J^iihulvlphia. Patents solleiled—Consultations on Engineer ing. Draughting and Sketches, Models, and Ma chinery of all Kinds made and skilfully attended t<>. special attention given to Rejected Cases and .Interferences. Authentic Copies of all Docu ments from Patent Olllee procured. N, B. Save yourselves useless trouble and trav elling expenses, ns there Is no need for personal interview with us. All business with these OlU ees, can he transacted in writing. For further Information’direct ns above, with stamp enclos ed, with Circular with references. Fob. 1, ISIUI—Jy WE have Just received a large supply of Cards horn New York, and arc prepared to execute Professional. Business and Wedding Cards, of all sizes, in the neatest styles, and at verv reasonable rales, at tho VOLUNTEER OFFICE, W'.C.SAWYKI!, J. A.IH K-n, .1. K. lII'IIKHOI-DKII. AVT V. SAWVIOI! AND CO., Ylnvfng Just roochnl fm "' ill imtl Mellon, New York, niul the Philadelphia, the hugest and best stock ol FAIjIj AXI) WINTER GOODS ever UKOiujirr m this market cull mid ex.mihu-cmr ‘ s 1 1 !i ,^ n < ’ 1 Alpine mid Rob Rn.v Plaids, I igniecl, 1 min and. Striped Empress (’lollis,! Inin anci l'lb oreil Eronch -Merlnes, Reps, 1 P'mN Alpaeeas, ami Estelle ( Intlis, 1 Ji ess (loods In every variety ol styles uml shades, Ladies I loth and Mantles, of plain anti bright Plaids. Shawls, Plack, Plaid, l»ro eheandThih-et, Linen anti I,!l (• C, Collars, Shoves, and J landkeivhlels. . Our stock of Woolen Goods comprises I’lankets home made, Shaker I'allard Yale, U<’d J»nd Drown Flannels, Palmorals In all colors. UOMF.STICS IX UFAXTITIFS. DeLalnes, brown and bleached Muslins, Ging hams, Tickings, Crash, Sheet Inn, Pillow (.usings. Full line tif Cloths, Casslmers, plain and fancy Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs and Shirts. Cotton and Wool for Ladies, Cents, Masses and Childien. F V U X IS II 1 X U GOODS of all kinds, usually kept in first class Dry (loods Stores, Such as Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hugs, Mats, Looking Classes, Shades, Draperies, Druggets, Wo. and will he able to till all orders for Funerals. Cashmeres, shrouding Flannels, Crapo Collars, Hlaek Merinoes, Damlse Cloths. Kmpress Hop. Poplin and Fugcne Mournings; nil qualities <>t Fnglish and French Crapes, Kihbons, We. All orders carefully attended to Fanev Drv Goods, do., Cents Wear, Ilolsery and Gloves,'Kid Cloves, while and black colors and all sizes, in endless varieties at W. C. SAW'VICU «.t CO. One Door Jiclow Martin's Hole!, Dost Main Street CUrtistc. Da. Dee. L Isttn TjVJFRTH ARRIVAL! ilaving- taken advantage of the great de cline in all kinds of Drv (hauls that has just oc curred in the KusU-rn markets, we have just made a largo addition to our Winter Stock, and have marked everything down to correspond with the proseni prices. Please cull and see tlie great bargains that you can now got In all kinds of Muslins Sheetings, ('anion Manuels, Wool Flannels, Ginghams, Tickings ami Callicocs. Ureal Bargains in -Blankets ! (treat Bargains in shawls 1 (J real Bargains in Clolhsand Cassimcres, (hand display ofall kinds of Ladles', (’hi Wrens' and Misses' Furs. Uraud display of cloth Cloaks. A full stock of nil kinds of WOOLKN GOODS, such as Hoods, Scarfs, NuMas, Ties, .laekels. [Lose,- Shirls, Gloves, Drawers, Sonlags, Ac. ('AUI’KTS! GARI'KTSM oil Moths, Rugs Matts, Window .Shades, AC. Please call and ms* for yourselves, that we are fully prepared to give you the greatest bargains that you have seen for a long time, and are de termined not lo Lu* undersold, and always take great pleasure in exhibiting our complete slock of goods suitable for the season. LKI UK 'IT a MILLKH. Pee. 11, Imp. T. ,I.i iUKK.S K1F.1.1). 1 A, K. Sit KAKI’HU. / i RAND OPKMNCi DAY! VT at We have now ready for Inspection the most beautiful assortmetu of Dress Goods ever exhib ited in raiiisle, at prices within the reach of all. As we were so fortunate as to he in Mew York iluring the late Gukat Panic, which lasted only two days, we have determined to give our custo mers the advantage in all goods bought during the two days that goods were sold at the lowest prices. Stacks of 11. SAXTON’S. York .Metal Plows. Bloomfield do., Kafßc, do., < 'nltivators, A-i 1 Poplins, plain in colors, Plaid Poplins, Stripe do.. Brocade Heps, Foulard Poplins, Fan press cloths, Wool Plaids, French Merinoes, in all colors, Cohnrgs, of every shade, and color, Silk Plaid Crapes, Satin Grisalles. Plaid Poll de Chav res, Delanes, all new designs. In addition to the above immense stock o 1 Dress Goods, GreenfUeld A Sheader have a full line of 11. SAXT( >N at mice* that doty competition. \vi! can sell Mrsi.iN's, r.\mocks and < ii no hams lower than other mcn-hants paid for the same goods ten days ago, Tho><* who desire a least for their eyes should not tail to come and examine our stock. Keep in iiiiud the place, South-east corner Market Square, Second boor. Thankful for the pa.>t patronage, we respeet fullv solicit a continuance of the same. (JUKK N F IK 1.11 a- S H K A I' I-’ EH. p li () V LA M A T 1 O N ! Whereas, I, Win. A. Miles. Carlisle, Pa.. having just returned from (he Kastern cities with an c.\- lensivc assortment of the most fashionable and brilliant colors of French Merinos, French <’assimers, (‘ol d Wool DeLainc-., Black do., American do., Plain Poplins. Figured do Hep. dr... Alpaceas, Plain Coburns. Figured do. Therefore purchasers will find It to their advan tage to give mo a call. Also, the handsomest assortment of Particular at tendon given to Mourning floods. WM. A. MILKS. Directly opposite the Mansion House, and one door west of the Post Otlice, De.). 1, IS(m. MOODS! XKW MOODS ! I sOOt*o. UEX'JV AND ROYS' WEAR, lIOISKRY AND UI.OVES. Wk I’AY SUKCIAIi ATTKXriOS TO MOrUXIX G G O O D S , FANCY DRESS GOODS. gut:kxfjfld a shkaffkips. DKKSS GOODS, DOMESTIC (JOODS, Dee. 1, IStV). D HESS G(M) ns sren as PLAID DUESS GOODS, IN (’AUI-ISI-K Grand Opening of unrivalled (ioods, just receiv ed from (lie Kastern Cities, consisting of choice and varied selections, at A. W. BKNTZ’S STORE, Mmlh Jlanover divert. Hu* familiar and well known stand, our list of DHKSS GOODS comprises Black Silks in great variety, including the best Goods imported, liras De Rhine, tiros de Afrique, and tigered. Lupin’s French Merinoes in ail colors and pric es. Plaid Merinoes and Poplins, Kmpross Cloths, ligured and plain ; Alpaceas, all shades, Coburgs, Del.amcs of elegant designs. WHITE GOODS. .Jaconets and Cambrics, Plain and Plaid Nain sooks, Linens and i *ot ton Goods. Marseilles, Coun terpanes, very cheap. .Manuels. Every quallt> of white and colored Manuels, Blankets, Balmoral .Skirts, Wc. A large* slock of cloths, Cussimers, Sattluelts, ' civet Cord, honu- made Jeans, die. I have now a superior assortment of Millinery Goods, Lunnel Velvets and Silks, Bonnet and i rimming Hlhbons, Mallnes, English Crapes and Laces. MOURNING GOODS, Single and double width all wool DeLaines, Em press cloths, Lupin's Bombazine, Cashmere, 1-renoh Morinocs, Voluur Heps, Velour Uuse, (.rape? Cloth, Ouoen Cloth Alpaeca, Striped Mo- Inuv LngUsh Prints. Tidbit Long Shawls, Crape \ oils, collars, llamlkerchiefs and Belting. ' Motions etc. Floor and Table Oil cloth. Window Shades, Umbrellas and Hoop Skirls All very low and considerably under the Market prices A.W. BENTZ. Dec. 1,1805. rnnißD (;kaxd arrival of -L WINTKR GOODS, -V ')’• C. Sawyer* Co’s,, (one door below Mar lin s Hotel, Last Main street.) We have Inst re eeieed Irom New York an Immense stock o 1 \\ inter Good. Latest importations-of-'-Frcnch, Lnghslt and German Dress Goods In Ktllc and M 00l Fabrics, plain, striped, bordered and tiger ed styles. Selling very cheap. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ! CLOAKS! !! Latest Paris Moultes, Coals, Chesterfields and Circulars, in large supply at reduced prices. FURS! FURS!! FPUS! I! From the Importers and Manufacturers. Largest stock ever ottered in town. All kinds, finalities ami stylos ; selling less than oilv retail prices SHAWLS! SHAWLS! MOURNING GOODS!! of every variety. Overcoatings, Cloths, Cnssl mers. We gel up suits at short notice and In best style. All kindsol'Notions, Drawers, Undershirts Gloves, At*,, Domestic Goods of evt'ry class. ' CARPETS! CARPETS!! All s-nules. Oil Cloths, Flannels, Blankets, Ae Please call ami examine the largest sioelc in the valley. We are determined to keep up our old reputation of selling good Clouds at very low prices. Highest cash price paid for carpel rags, W. V. .SAWYER ct CO. Dee. 1, kSGo. TJAMPHRETS AND PAPER ROOKS. Wo have on hand the best- selection of type for ‘Pamphlets amt Paper Hooks ever brought to this town ; ami our Power Press enables us to do all such work rapidly and accurately, at the volunteer office. ©lotmm Q lio THIX 0 ! (5 OT Hf H (!!! MV MOTH) “ Quick &tlcs tmil "SI»-’ tlU' (;[.OTIIIXG HI'S INK^ s l„„ll Its lm.iicli.-s. 11.- will k.-c-P »■< hand superior MADIO l: I’ CLOTHING „f even- description, mid will spnvc no pains ".■U-t-l shell ixooils ns will suit those who pnlron / lilm. lie will nisi) keep on hnml, to he mnile tip to (inl»T C' I, 0 T H S of all kinds and al all prices As In' -Ivc Ills undivided allention to ns business lu hopes In receive a liberal share,.! public, pat nu- Tils hoods and bis prices will not be oUki l eii tobv anyoiie, as be Is delernuned to sell as i-hoap as tin* <*lu*np‘ ,xt Dec. ‘2l, I.S(M-ly LI V I X( I STO X ’ S < • 1.0 THI X O KMPOUJU. I.IVINHSTDN has Just ivtuvm’il from the Hast with a magnificent stock of Cloths, ('assimers, Satinets, ' ' ’’ViuvTivU oilier Idinl of goods for Cent lemen’s ( Nothing. Ills assortment, of piece goods Is flic largest and most varied ever brought to this town, and lie pledges himself to sell.goods by the yarn as cheap, If not cheaper, than any other store. 11s stock of UKADV Id aDK CLOTH INI * Is extensive and beautiful, consisting of Coals, Pants, Vest Overcoats, Ac., ac. , which he will sell chrapi-r Ilian any other establishment. tirnUemcm' I'ltrnishinrj Goods. He has a beautiful assortment of Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods, Undershirts, Overskirts, Drawers, Umbrellas, ('arpet Bags. Trunks, AC., A-e., Ae. COME ONE ! COME ALE! ! and see for yourselves, his beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. He will take great pleasure in showing his goods, and can satisfy all, that ho can and will, sell goods cheaper than'any other house outside of the hastern Cities. Customer's Orders. i would Invite an eqamlnatlon of my stock oi Fine Cloths, Cassimers, Vestings, Ac., which 1 m'iuuifacturc upon special orders. A 'pedal Notice. I would hog leave lo say that my Goods are manufactured under my own supervision, and by the very best workmen. My present stock is the most extensive I have yet had In store, and J respectfully ask my friends and the public lo give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, &«• Remember the old stand. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street, Fmporium. Dec. 1, 1885. Utoilvotfr 2U«(u riUMDKRLAND VALLEY R. R.~ (TIAXGF OF HOURS. On and after Monday, Dee, lllh, 18(15, Passenger 'Trains will run daily, as'follows, (Sundays ex cepted,: WFSTWAHD. Accommodation Train leaves Harrisburg 8.10 A. M., Mochaniesburg JUS, Carlisle il.“>s, Xewville Shippensburg 11,07, Chamborslmrg 11.10, Greenenstle 12.25, arriving at Hagerstown 1.00 P. M. Mail Train leaves Harrisburg I.TO, P. M. Meehan iosburg 2.20, Carlisle 2.53, Newvillc .'1.20, Sliippens burg 1.00, Chambevsburg 4.10, Gveeneastle .5.30, ar riving at Hagerstown (i. 10, P. M. Fxpress Train leaves Harrisburg -1.30 P. M. Mochaniesburg 5.01, Carlisle 5.32, Newvillc (1,03 Shippensburg (».3J, arriving at Chambcr.sburg7.oo P. M. HASTWAKD. KxpiTss Train leaves (.'hambersburg 5.15, A. M. Shippensburg 5.-15, Xeivville (i.Ki, Carlisle (>./»(! Meehanicsburg 7.21, arriving at Harrisburg 7.50 A. M. Mail 'Train leaves Hagerstown 7.10, A. M. Green castle 7.15, ( 'hambersburg 8,25, Shippensburg 8.55, Newvillc 0.27, Carlisle 10.03, Mechauieslmrg 10.3 U, arriving at Harrisburg 11.10, A. M. Accommodation Train leaves l ‘hambersburg 1.10, Shippensburg 1.18, Newvillc. 2.21, Carlisle «.(M Mochaniesburg 3.37, arriving at Harrisburg 1.10, P. M. A Mixed Train leaves Hagerstown 2.1), P. M GveeucasUe 3.;>5, arriving at Chamhevslmvg t. 2( P. M. Making close connections at Harrisburg wit Trains to and from Philadelphia, New Yorl Pittsburg, Baltimore and Washington. G. N. LULL, .S'iijim'ii/oidoifs Opicc) Xupt. ('hnmirff Dec, li; ’li-'i.y Dec. 11, 180-5. —ly QBlntn HHiuors. |7 OK K lON AN 1> I) OMES T I C Jj uiroHs. Edward Shower respectfully announces to the mthlie, that he continues to keep constantly on hand, and for sab*, a large and* very superior as sortment of FOHEIGX AND DOMESTIC LKtL’OUS, d ids new stand, a few doors west of Hannon’s Hotel, and directly west of the court House, Car lisle. B UANDJE.S, AM- Of CJIOK’K TIKANUS. Wines, Sherry, Port, Maderia, Lisbon, Claret. Native, Hock. Johannlsherg, and Boderhoimer M H A M V A Gi\E, Heidslck dt Co., Golsler & Co., and Imperial.— Gin, Bohlen. Lion, and Anchor. W H ISKY, Superior Old Hye Choice old Family Nectar, Wheat, Scotch, and Irish. Ale, Brown Stout, We deiphia. Bitters, of the very best quality. Dealers and others desiring a pure article will Ilml it as represented, as ins whole attention will lie given to a proper and .careful selection of his Slock, which cannot he surpassed, ami hopes to have the patronage* of the public. Dec. 1, IMD. NEW .STOCirOE HAT^ AT KELLER’S, On A forth Hanover Street,' Carlisle, Va. A splendid assortment of all the new styles of Silks, Moleskin, Slouch, Soft, and Straw Hats now open, of city and home manufacture, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. A large slock of summer hats, Palm, Leghorn, Braid, India, Panama, and Straw; Children's fancy, etc. Also a full assortment of Men’s Boys’ and Children’s caps of every description and style. Tin* subscriber invites all to come and examine Ids stock. Being a practical hatter, lie feels con fident of giving satisfaction. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same. Don’t forgot the stand, two doors above -Slirei nor’s Hotel, and next to Uornmnn’s shoe store. JOHN A. KELLER, Agent. N. B. —Hats of all klnds made to order at short notice. Dee. I, 1805. JJAT AKD CAP EMPOIUUM, The undersigned having purchased the stock, ac., of the late Win, H. Trout, deceased, would re spect .fully announce to the public that he will continue the Hatting Jiiasincss at the okl stand iu West High Street, and with a renewed and elllcl oiU effort, produce articles of Head Dress of Jit cry Variety, Style and Qualify, Unit shall be strictly in keeping with the im provement of the ail ami fully up to the age in which we live. Ho has now on hand a splendid assortment of Huts of all descriptions, from the common Wool to tlie finest Fur and Silk Hats, and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to.get tlng the worth of Ids money. His Silk, Moleskin and Beaver Hats, are unsurpassed JoiiiigUtncss, jUuuhULty,and-finish-,-by those'of'any other es tablishment in the country. Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on hand. Ho respectfully invites all the old patrons and us many new ones as possible, to crlic him a CiX l ] - . J.G. UABLIO. Dec. 1,1805. TTOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. T»st receiving a full supply of all kinds of House !• mulshing goods, sullahlo for tile present nml coining season, consisting of all Grades nml qualities ol CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS!! Floor Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Window .Shades, lings, Malts, Arc., &e, AJ-SO, ' IU-1 iil’d and Unhl’d .Sheetings, Pillow Case Muslins, Table Damasks, Towelling all Grades, Ticking &c., &c. Also a, a«1I selected stock of all kinds of Domes tic Goods, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, for the present. All persons in want of any of the above for tiro •Spring Season, will rind It to their mlvnutugo to give us nn early call, as we are determined to keep up our reputation, to sett goods at the low est possible market prices. LEIDICH & MILLER. Feb. 8,1800. wtgrtii n 0. mWFn!ST™« £ awarded ut the late Cumberland County hair TO C. D. LOCHMAN FOK Til JO FINEST PIIOTOf iRAPDS. lit* has lalclv re-purchased Ills old gallery from Mr McMillan, In Mrs. Neffs RuihUng, opposite UiO First National Hank. The Photographs, CartesDc visite, Ambrotypes, &e., etc. i)v(’ L. Loehman are prom mured by every oiic* to nr oflhe highest character in posing, Tone, lioniid and Sod Hall Tints, and everything (hat constitutes a FIRST-CLASS PICTURE. Tlu- initiltc Is conllnlly lnvilwl lo mil and ox amine specimens. .. •V hi rue lot of Hill and Rosewood 1- rallies, Al bums. Ae., on hand and will hr sold very low. Copies Daguerreotypes matte in (ho most perfect manner. Pec. 1, ISIm —tf, JllllX THKIIII.KU. MilS. |l. A. SAriTH’B PHOTO urni)!iie Nailery South-east Corner Hano ver Street, ami Market Square, where may be hat all the dilleieiiL styles of Photographs, Irom card tit life sl/e, IVOR V TV P 10 S , A M HU < I T Y P K S , A X D MIOLAIXOTYPLs : also Pictures on Porcelain, (something now) both Plain and Cohired, and which are beautiiul pro ductions of the Photographic art. Call and set? attention given to copying from PnguerroLypes £e. Slu* invites the patronage ot the public. Peb. 10, J.SHrt. TOOK AND IMS AD. (.trove, in advance ; first to reduce prices. He makes the (text, and cheapest Pictures hi Town, and gives SIX POK OXIO DOLLAR. Just think of It! Six Perfect Card Photographs for one dollar. Don't forget lo go to (JROVKS, Chit/eri/, South Hanover Street, CUrfixlo Dec. I, IK(m—lf. OK D GOOD PHOTOGRAPH is worth a down poor ones. Who will give a poor picture (oa friend ? All Photographs made at Jjodimnn'.s (lal/'-rj/ art* warranted to give satis faction. Doc. 1,180-3—tf /'IOAL AND LUMBER YARD. The snhseriher having leased the Yard formerly occupied by Armstrong & Under, and purchased the stock of in the Yard, together with an immense ne\ stock, will have constantly on hand and furnisl to order all kinds and quality ofseasoned LUMBER, HOARDS, S< 'ANTMNti, RIA.MK STUFF. PALING, PLASTERING Path, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring and Weal Uerhoarding, Posts and Kails, and (‘very ur tiele 1 hat belongs to a Dumber Yank All kinds of Shingles, to wit; While Pine, Hem lock, and Oak, of difcrent qualities. Having ears of my own, I can furnish hills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on (ho most reasonable terms. My worked hoards will he kept under cover, so I hey can be furnished at all limes. I have constantly on hand all kinds of FAM ILY FOAL, under cover, which I will deliver, clean, to any part of the borough, to -wit: Ly kens Valley, Broken Egg, Stove and Nut, Duke Fiddler, Trevorlon, Locust Mountain, Lauhorry, which 1 pledge myself to sell at the lowest prices. Lhnrbunirr. v’ and JikicksmUh.s' CouL always 6i hand, which I will sell at the lowest ilgure. Van west side of Grammar .School, Main Street. Dee. 1,1 Sfj.3 AND .1. BEETEM A BROTHERS having purchased of Snyder A Newcomer their extensive Warehouse, (Henderson's old stand,) head of High street, beg leave to inform the public that, will continue the Forwarding ami Commission business on a more extensive soak! than heretofore. The highest market price will he paid for Floi Grain and Produce of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Plaster, Salt ami Hay, ke eonstanliy on hand and for sale. Limeburnors' and Blacksmiths’ Coal, constant ly lav sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of Lum ber constantly on hand. A DAILY FREIGHT LINK will leave their Warehouse every morning at 7 o’clock, arrive at Harrisburg at 11 o’clock, and Howard A Ilinehman’.s Warehouse, Nos. MUS a .SHI Mi\rlve! st reel, I’h i lad el ph ia, at S o’ch >ck in t evening of same day. /UAIBEULANI) VALLEY KAIL V- ; HOAD COM PA NV. The Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania air Northern Central Hail Hoad Companies hav made arrangements to do ajoint FREIGHT A FORWARDING BUSINESS between the Cities of Philadelphia; Haiti more and New York. The Cumberland Valiev Rail Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Car lisle, on the Ist of January, l.siJd, for the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. Freight to he forwarded by this arrangement must be left at Pennsylvania Rail Road Companv Depot, corner of loth and Market St., Philadel phia. Northern Cent ral Rail Road Company's De pot Haiti more, ami Cumberland Valiev Rail Road Company’s Depot tit Carlisle. The public will dnd it. to their interest to ship through the Hail Road Company’s Freight ileuses and by Company Cars. Hfumiture, sec, QABIXKTW A R E H O U s Best to be had in I’hihi- The subscriber respeetfully informs his friends and the public generally, Hint he still continues the Undertaking business, and is ready to wait upon customers either by day or by night. Ready made Coffins kepi constantly on hand, both plain and ornamental. He bus constantly on hand Wx/:'# Patent J/c/a/ic Jiuricd Case, of which he has been appointed the sole agent. This case is recommended as superior to any of the kind now in use, it being perfectly air light.- He has also furnished himself with a new Rose wood Hkause and gentle horses, with which he will attend funerals in town and country per sonally, without extra charge. Among the greatest discoveries of the a«m Is Well's tiprinff Mattraw, the best and cheapest’ bed now in use, the exclusive right of vdiich I have secured, and will be kept constantly on hand K. SHOWER. in all its various branches, carried on, and Beau reaus, .Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centro Pablos, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Wash stands of all kinds, French Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured in this lino ol business, kept constantly on hand. Ills workmen iivo men of experience, his uui tonal the best., and his work made in the latest city stylo, and all under his own supervision It will bo warranted and sold low for cash. He Invites all to give him a cal I before purchas ing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hore tonro extended to him he feels indebted to his numerous customers, and assures them that no cllorts will be spared in future to please them in style and price. Give us a call. Remember the place, North Hanover street nearly opposite the Deposit Bank, Carlisle. ' pARLTSLE FEMALE COLLEGE \J REV. T. DAUGHERTY, President. I his Seminary which includes the school lately under the charge of oinder-ihe» connection with the Homlnarv. 'V, ill .°V cu on Wednesday, thorith of September in the elegant Hehool Rooms of JLhuo- Inirposc 1 ,lcll lmvo I>oun , designed for Unit For terms apply to the President, Aug. 17, isos. /GARRETS! CAR1 3 ETS! CARPETS!! V 7 We have Just returned from the City with a full supply of till grades and qualities of Carpets from the cdieapesC Hemp up to the best quality of Ihrec-PJy. Also allwldthsof Floor Oil Cloths, Window .Shades, Hugs, Matts, Looking Glasses All persons in want of any of the above goods for the coming season, will do well by giving us y oall . as " -0 always take great pleasure In tlm nirn- ml Ol 7>i.?'l 0I,s ’ mul , defy competition In „ J. , K. 1 . a ? < t fcmcmlier the stnnd, South dlVCOUy ° lnx,Slt6 Ir - Eumttrl''awn COAL AND CUMIiIiKJi, ANDREW 11. BLAIR. dFovUMtfttng Rouses. COMMISSION HOUSE. Flout- A Food, Chat, Plaster A Salt. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYK'ENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWBERRY, Ac., Ac. J. P.EKTKM A BROS. 1 *ec 1, ISiA. O. N. LULL, Mind. J. A 1). RHOADS, Freight Agents, Carlisle. town and country CABINET MAKfXO, Dec. 1,1805, BOARDING AND DAS9J3CHOLAHS. LEIDICH & MILLEII Dec. 1,1805. ARPET Rags wanted for which the highest cash prices will bo paid bv LEIDICH &‘MILLER, Feb. B,IBOC, JJURRAH FOR ThT HoT^: nisi arrived from the Kaslom „■ rgo nssortment of ‘ uj, CHRISTMAS GOOD. •SUCH AS Chinn Cups and Saucers, Muck Viw™ i of nil descriptions, cliina Tea ffl; Tea Setts Gum Dolls, Gum Zoi& balls, dum and Tin Rattles? cans, of all sizes, Tin and Wo'S? 1 ' 1 rains of Cars, Sand Fleur™ Tin buckets, and Cups otnu' sizes, Toy Whips Th Trumpets, Ivory Whistles, Wooden Gums, Drums, Masks, Toy baskets, boxes, Glass ilirds and Deers lin.', Css birds and Animals on bellows p,,, wfe Wooden Toy buckets, Toy watches tL-K of nil kinds, &c., ike. Also a full assortii, % f i HOUEIII EB, * (.’•>HVos, Syrups, Tons, Spiers, ofall kliui« ~.1., {'round, Tanner's Oil, Biscuits aud (w all kinds, Cranberries, Currants, Lnvor Hunch. Seedless and Valencia Ualvi.« 3 Figs, Primes, Citron Atmorc's jflnSfe Sweet Shaker Corn, Hominy, Bariev tii„K Henns, extracts of Lemon, and Va’iiliW Starch, Farina, Silver gloss Starch, PcartV Bl Choose, Honey, Pickles by the dozen n Vinegar, Mackerel, Shad, HonW’ ?■= Dried h’ruit of nil kinds, ike. Glass, Uu«!^ STONE AND EARTH FA V AE£ Coal Oil Lamps 5f different sizes CEDAR AND WOODEN mill- . Such ns, Tubs, Keelers, Duckets, howls » Prints, Butler Ladles, Spoons, Hailing p! n , # Into Mashers, ike., Brooms, Hopes, lirnslwf' Cords of nil kinds, also, notions of every Sf tlon, which will he sold at n small profit Vi? motto Is : “small profits and quick sales ■ GEO. B. HOFFlhv Owner qf Pomjrrl and Dmi.'C, Dec. 7, 18U0—3m. GROCERY STOKE! The undersigned hereby announces lo hu f «J patrons and customers, that he has cllswjjL,l lus entire stock of Goods, with the gooJwoJ the establishment to Messrs, Pofler* Washawl whom he recommends to the dtizensof&i n Sl hunt county as active, energetic and reltahltbJ incss men, wlto will spare no pains to and improve tlio character of the old staid w, first class FAMILY GUOCEUV. U 1 With many thanks for Hie patronage heK •occivod, lie bespeaks for the new linn u inner of t he same. PKFFISR & WASHMOOD, will in a few days receive the largest ami best J sorted stock of Groceries, ' Ciiina Wan', | dies, I AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. I Our assortment Is very complete ami Im-swal purehased with care and judgement. We invfttl all to give us n call, ns wo are determined toad at veay moderate profits. I MONASMJTH & BAKER. N. B.—The highest prices will he paid for nil kinds of marketing. 1 Dec. I,IHU5 —If. Keep your feet warm am DRY. Neighbor, if you want a good pair of Freud Calfskin Boots, go to PLANK’S If you want a good pair of country Cull Ski: Boots, go to PLANK* If you want a good pair of Kip, Water Proofs heavy Upper Leather Boots, go to PLANK* Ifyou want Boys’, Youths’and goto PLANK* Ifyou want Mens’ Boys’ and Youths’ heavyßfr gans, Balmoralsmm Gaiters, goto PLANK* If you want Ladles, Misses and Children's & gllsh and French lasting Gaiters, go to PLANKS Ifyou want. Ladles Misses and Children's 6h« Kill Gaiters, and Balmorals go to PLANK* If you waul Ladies, Misses a ml Chlldren’slicu made Goat French Morocco Boots and lialin> rals, go to PLANK* Ifyou want Ladies, Misses and Children's liea'7 Calf, Kip and Grain Boots and shoes, suited U country wear, go to PLANK* Ifyou want Mens’. Ladles and Misses Gum Oyd Shoes, Sandies and Buskins, go to PLANK* i fyou want a pair of Wale's Arctic Gnitersfor over shoes,) for. Men and Women’s wear warrant ed water-proof and cold-proof, go to PLANK* The uiversal testimony Jn reference to this su perior winter overshoe is that it has nasnoeqM for keeping the feet worm and dr)/. Try ouepaif, ami you will never be without them if Itlsapfr sibio thing to get them. In short ifyou want any kind of a BootorShoi made of leather, go to PLANK* Ifyou want Hats and Cups for Men, iloysflui Youth’s, goto PLANK’S Ifyou want Uumler and over Shirts, Drawers, Ac., go to PLANK*. If you want Hanover Buck Gloves. (ftnudJels Mitts, Ac., for Mon and Boys, go to PLANK'S Ifyou wisli (o save money iiipijrc/iflsiiigltooxs, Shoes, Hats and Caps, go to South West. Corner of North Hanover streej and Locust Alley, midway between Thuunms and Wetzel's Hotels, Carlisle. Dee. 7, HUo—ly. iPfv^£n«u¥jmce. IH E I NS XJ lUKci." T’lio ALLEN AND EAST PENNSUOKO’ MU TUAL I'TliE INSUKANCE COMPANY, p( W®’ beslaml county, Incorporated by an ;iCII sembiy, in the year 18-J3, mul having recentlj MJ its charter extended to the year is no^ lu active mul vigorous operation under the supu Intendence of the following Hoard of Managers. Win. It. Gorgas, Christian Stayman, J aco V.rK crly, Daniel Hailey, Alexander Cathcayt. ja«J H. Coover, John Eichelborger, Joseph Samuel Eberly, Uudolph Martin, Moses BrKHei, Jacob Coover and J. (J. Dunlap. , _ M u., Tiie rates of Insurance are as low andfavornme as any Company of the kind in the State,. * 1 sons wishing to become members are inviicu make application to the agents of the Compan • who are willing to wait upon them at President—W. H.GOUGAS, Eberly I ** Mills, turn borland County. ~ , )k ip Viec President— CiruiSTtAN Stayman, 9 ar |, ’ Secretary—,lonx C. Dunlap, Treasurer —Daniel Bailey, DUlsburg, ioUav. Cumberland Omnti/t—John Sherrick, Allen, 1. ry bearing, Shiromanstown; Lafayette ** .» Dickinson; Henry Uowman, Churchtown, • Grlllith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham t Pcnnsboro’; .Samuel Coovcr, Mechanicsburb. W. Cocklin, Shepherdstown; D. Coovcr, bP|“ Allen: J. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring;. Joh “ ilud: Carlisle: Valentino Feemun/jScw Cumbeiw James McCandlisli, Newvllle. York County-W. S. Picking, Dover- J«|“ Grillith. Warrington; T. F. Deardorfl, )' ton; Itichey Clark, Lillsburg; D. Putter, r view; John Williams, Carroll. , . Dauphin County— Jacob Houser, HarrlsbUiS 1 Members of the Company having to expire, cun have them renewed by nniKuib plication to any of the agents. _ —Dec.-l—lBos. ■' “ DAVID SIPE. QARLISLE MARBLE YARD-- 11l CHARD OWEN, South Hanover Street, opposite Bentzs' Store , The subscriber Ims on hand a large and "' c “* looted stock of HEAD STONES, MONUMENTS, Tombs, Ac., of chaste and beautiful which he will sell at the lowest possible ran e!J lug desirous of sclllngouthisstock. lleau-s>w linished from three dollars upwards. f for Brown Slone, Marble Work, Mantles, lU, ' on . buildings, marble slabs for furniture, At., . ts stantly on hand. Iron railing for ceinetij 1 &c., of the best Philadelphia Workmanship, he promptly attended to. Dec. 1, ISO,’). . LUMBER.— To Railroad Compaq Bridge Builders, House and Barn to any company or individuals that may 0 r contract for Hail Hoad Ties, Bridge Frames for Buildings, to bo delivered next oi« or Summer, will do well to let their lot known to tlio subscriber, as ho has a desmua . of Timber lying on Mountain Creek, near J-*|u. r Forge, which he will manufacture into D«« t of all descriptions as soon as there a del open for it. Address F. jV«s«ti, -Yew Dec. 7, !«(*>—SnP PROG RAMMES and Circulars done wlthncatncss ami OFFICE. ©voceiies. SUCH AS CHANGE OK FIUMI! jon.v ma (UIOCKIIY STOKE, Boots autr JEdjocs. AGI3NTRS. $ h?is r|B [fiurtr iserrk ?.u.