American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 01, 1866, Image 4

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    Til3-] 3IAKVT.VXt» •il.St-'SS.ItVI'MHM
-8X« I.AW.
All immense State Convention of (lie
people of Maryland a.—omhled at Haiti
more on Wednesday, ,I:iuu;ii'y Ith, tin
the purpose of taking mea.-ures looking
to tlio repeal of llio present i 11 ;■ > ll it. ms
disfranchising and test-oat li registry, law,
now in force in that State. Tin- infam-
ous law ivu.l passed during the war, in
opposition (o the wislios of two-thirds of
Ilii> people of tin• Stale, The military
tool'-- of President iam-oi.x engineered
tile election. surrounding tlio polls willi
armed troops, who arrested every man
wlio dun'll oppose Uie outrage. Tims
the Legislature of 1 lint once proud eom
monweaHli is filled with Hie scum and
scruff of Uie various counties A hold ion
tools, not one of whom could have oeen
elected had the people had an opportu
nity to vote.
lint, to the Convention. The body
was organized hy callin';- lion. Moxt-
COMKUV;, ! i’esi-Masicr (ieneral
under President la xn n.x, 1 tothe chair.
Judge Mi'.kiikk Was chairman of the
committee on the Add re-.-, to the people,
and Hon. lluxr.v W. Anciu-ai chiur
man of the committee on resolutions.—
On taking' the chair Mr. I’ u address
ed the Convention a.- follows:
UK.M A UKS OF M il. 111. A I I
On taking the chair, the lion. Mont
gomery Ulair returned thanks for the
honor conferred on him in the selection
of himself as the presiding ollicer. lie
said it was [inland a raiv honor lo he
called upon to preside over so important
n convention as the' one now a—embled,
and tho’lioimr was so totally unexpected
on his part that lie was scarcely able to
do more than return his thanks. lie re
garded the present as one of the great
occasions of the ago—an occasion when
people were called together to consider
of measures to preserve for themselves
ami for posterity their dearest rights;
The country had Just passed through
a (errihle rebellion successfully, and we
Were still left a united people, it was
hut natural that after the late severe
strife then'should he some bitterness of
feeling, tint it was not the character of
the American mind to indulge in had
feeling from generation to generation.
The rebellion was over, and now, no
matter what the feelings of the nia--es
of the people had been—no matter what
errors of judgment had been committed
—now was the time to reconcile all dif
ferences, to forget the pa.-l, ami to look
forward to a bright future. During all
the late troll I lies, amid all theerowds he
had addressed, he had never looked up
on more intelligent faces, more manly
and honest countenances than he now
saw before him—men who hail lilted
high positions in their native State, and
in the councils of the nation; ami yet
these men were lo liedeharred from hav
ing any vote or participation in a gov
ernment which he was sure they loved
as heartily as lie did.
The great light, he remarked, was now
over, the Union had been preserved in
all its integrity, and however men may
have honestly ditiered, the time had
come when the past should he forgotten
and all become friends, lint the ques
tion was not merely a matter of feeling.
It was a questson of principle. Presi
dent Johnson had said that we must
trust the people with their own govern
ment, and (his was the do-trine of the
speaker, for when we can no long--r tru.-t
the people with their own government,
Uepulilican government was ended.—
President John-on had said this even of
the late rebellious Southern Slates, and
if it was to he <o with them, how mm-h
more stidutd it he -o with .Maryland, a
State that, however much the'feelings
of her people had been with the South,
had never been in rebellion gaud yet,
here in our own Slate, more than one
half of her -ini wart pop nI a t ion had I -ecu
preclued from taking any part wliaoa
er in the allair- of government.
.’Ur Flair remarked wa- conce
ded on all hand- that ihc trouble wa
over, and yet we lind men stirring up
the cm her.- of con tent ion merely to keep
themselves and their parly in power.--
The great de-ire ol (lie radicals wa-to
keep possession nf power until ’ they
could introduce the black cl' men 1 , by
which In override i be whim - in t heSon; h,
and keej i col it rot of lhe conn 1 ry. Tlii- \\ a
a large and mighty-chenic—conceived
by admit men. and ulmni b, ing carried
nut by wiley politician- who anew no
interest lan ilicirown. Thc-e men had
taken ad van tage ofi 1 fu-ion hrougl.i
about by ibe war hi carry mu their
-ellcine-. Willi lie-ill he hail'd he could
no long"! - act, and when, -ome inomh
siilce, tie wen; lo addle - a d-aiioei ala 1
met •ling in New York, p-i.:y dnU i«
from tlux w ill l hi.-p he co-onc.
11 -i) dur.'iur tin' «\.r, ,> i 1'.',.! 11 u
was mi -i'll lm !i-i• 1 none n
ih'iuo.-ratic puny. I; wa- aid Pad to"
I'e.-d ll'iuii ‘I I "f 1 il" Snillil Would, i. -l; . l‘< ‘
Hull i ciri y 1 1 1 pewi and iii is -.van -! ■. i
lie ;i eenirolliiey iva-mi with tlu'ir oppo
nents Ini' keepd,;;' I 111' ai/11,1; ,I:!i . \\’a
IT thal w.m ini' r- a-nii tin- (Il iiin.T.a-y
were liir r. '.-ii mu inn was iin am i erinl. - -
lle.-tornl ion oiiyiit to takf ]1 1 ;n- t ■, ; 111• 1 a
went 'A ith Pew w ho wi'iii fur il.
'l'll'.' I'' miv-oill ill ivos li'niu Ila 11 il mi ,|'i
Me--rs. IMii'lit mil 1 Thenum, w.-re al-o
i'i mpelled in vnlu wsth ilic iKTn.ii r.iii '
p.U'ty fm' tin' n'.i-n;-, ilm; : 1 i.■ \ cn:i!,l imi
T;c with l 1 c;r i.NVii ;i.iri
in I i li-.'i-i il : 111 11 i i'. ■ ;t.i I.
I uni 11 ■ <ln i ii i - i;i iir. | "r ,ii
friends w ere cmleaver;ay in for, a upon
! lie it it intrvi ii 1 i icir l iw n inton-i. IKK
111 )W was nil I'l |u vi amor I ,cila\ il m". w n. in I
WO eleeio.l ill opposition j n ii m i'i 1 ; 11 1.
Steven-; pc,rty in -Marylaml v 1i o rey rei
li'il to any liid! lie wa- ,-iriviim' in ia.Tcn
ni)OU .Maryland I lie pro-eri pt mu nf whit,'
men imiumuruted here liy Uie late Henry
\V in ter itavis, in order to inirndiu'e
black suffrage, for which lie was an
avowed advocate. 11 i- uaie Unit he
does not eo for ion'rrr:<n/ hiaek sit UVaye,
meaning, iirohahly, not to let the wo
men and children vote, hm lie can have
no pulilif reason for excluding while
stlll'rage here now Imt in the iniere-l of
hlaek. There is no other question now.
It is simply while and hlaek.
-NTegl'o suffrage is (lieahsorhingpoliti
cal question nf the future, and which
must involve in its re-ults the preserva
tion or the overthrow .of our system of
constitutional government. Upon tins
question tlie sentiments oil President
Johnson were in accord with those of
the people of-Maryland, and he de-irf il
earnestly that the cill/.i ns of Maryland
and ol'all the States of the Smith should
at once, without restriction, he restored
to their fair share in Hie control of (he
country, towards which they notv har
iior no hostile feeling or
All those whom ! lovernor Swann | nvs
erihes are again.-i lilac'.; suffrage. if la
wns earnestly again-d it why should he
work in exclude iiio.-e who agree i:h
him, from the poll Mi'. 1 llair rcav: -
led that the (.iovenior had <1 r..a .he
principle upon wlilc'i !h* wji- to
power. . The (jovi rnor !uul pros';-* ■'.<!
ho with him I'm* ro-ionuioii.- nii<l spi!
iirul'c.-.-i'il m Mijij.urt (lie
vii-Wr*. lUu mi iln! in 11 My nil tin- lin
nicui!x'".s of Uic I liiii v ol' -Ui'i’i'
lives wiio voted Ibe ihsith
ill Conure-s ia-i week, bin mi I i:er tin 1
President mu' Hie ii".<j>le were mi-le ! by
sui.ii iil'iil'essiiijw. The t'ninn m •)! of
Maryland wiio had sustained Air. Swan 11,
and elected him over the Davis parly
here would mil follow him and desert
their principles, and he drawn into Mf.
Thud. Stevens’ parly, because tin* dem
ocrats now rallied to the support of (he
IT< -sid.ent.
In regard to negro suffrage, Mr. Hhiir
said it was a scheme for the establish
ment of ill-'.sl'i IT ISM uN Til IS cox T I N K.XT.
Napoleon's throw was liuili-on- univer
sal suil'rage, ami the plan was to degrade
suffrage here hy giving It to negroes,
the children of the ire] lies, tile erea til res
of impulse, to whom despotism wasthe
natural government. King .fames (lie
Al, of Knghind, ’M r. I lair said, was the
Ihlin",' of the registry law, only the reg
isii i's under him wen 1 ealh d /yi/eve/ow,
iiinl he pushed prescript ion much farth
er. Forexample, in I lie town of Tewks
bury, Maeaiilevsays, the regulator' only
allowed thirteen voli'i's, but this was
found too large a i nun her, for a majority
of those voted against the icing.' And
I lint would he the else in Maryland
the -oher Mvoud thought of the people
wnnid bring about tlio change. There
was that innate honc-ty in the Ameri
can heart that led him to believe ‘dial
justice Would yet he dene, and that
speedily. (Mr. lllair was freipieully in
terrupted with hearty applause ill the
course of ids remarks. ;•
tV-p-The wife of (larihaldi was a wo
man of ext raordi nary daring and brave
ry. A short time after their marriage,
she (veilt through an enjpigemeid at sea,
with her husband, refusing to go ashore,
and during the tight, would stay no
where but on deck, where she wielded a
carbine and cheered the men. Indie
heat of Hie battle she was standing on
• leek, liouri'hiug a sabre, and inspiring
the inim to deeds ef valor, when die
was knocked down hy die wind of a
canon bail dial had killed two men
'landing hy hi r side. (iarah.-ildi was
.springing' forward to her, diinkingtha!
lie would Hud her a corpse, when she rose
(oher fei 1, covered with the blood of I he
men who had fallen close to her, I ait (pi ite
unhurt, lie legged her to go helownnd
remain there till da action was over.
‘‘l will go below,” was her reply, “lad
only to drive out the sneaking cowards
who are skulking (.here;’’ Ibroiily a few
seconds heibre she had seen llna e men
leave the dec!-: and hurry rapidly down
tin l hatchway, *o as to escape out of
danger of the storm of bullets that was
sweeping (he deck. And going below,
she i mined ini ely lifter it -appeared, driv
ing belore her the three men, overcome
with shame that they should have been
surpassed in courage ice a woman.
A "Woman I'i:ozi;.\ to Ok nth with
a 1 >Aiiv in 11 i:i; Anns.— During the
intense cold of Sunday nignt a
women named Mrs. Jball'erly, ' wlm-c
hu-band is a watchman, rc-'iding in Fif
ty third .-(reef, near Lexington avenue,
was frozen to death. The laid- of ihe
ea-e appear to lie as follow.-; .Mr-. l„if
lerly had four children, one ol whinnD
an infant. At a laic hour of the night
she nro.-e from hed in order to cover her
three children more careful Iv, and again
retired with the infant at her breast.—
Next morning she was found frozen to
deatli with the innocent ha he endeavor
ing tosuckle fromthebveast of mo
ther. Her husband,being a night watch
man, did not get home until daylight.
So tightly were tile anus of the mother
clasped around her infant that it requir
ed the united ellbrts nf two men lo re
move them from their cold embrace.—
.V. F. //mm',/.
lbn.n i:si>- -.— in |mli(cue.—;,a - in manv
other ihing-eomiecU d with tin- forma
linn 'ifelmrac'e r. people in general begin
outside, win-n tlmy -I a mid begin in -hie ;
in-tend ol beginmg willi Hie heart, and
trn-lhig llial io form liie manner-, ih,-y
begin w'itii liie mannerbind iru-1 the
heart to change intlucnc"-. Theltoldcii
Kulc contain - tic vry liie and soul ol
polilenc—. (, hildreu may be taught lo
make a graceful bow nr a' gcnlclcm.nilv
bow ; bill nil- - tin • V have likewi-e lice'll
taught to ainior wiiat i- -eld-h, and al
way- pn a ■” nicn la-r'- comfort and plea
nro to their own, their pohtein -- w ill
be 1 .uiivly;ir;ihei,il,and n -ed on! v wiien
il I- 111. ir inlcrc-i to u-e i:. (hi the oili
er bead, a truly hem vnl.-n;, f. i ml-hca rt
■’d per- m, w ill always bo di-lingm-in d
by what i- (.died labile pot ncm -.,
though i niiiviy ignorant ol liie convcn
l mad I>irm■■ ol"...teii d
'FIII:iT \n i) \i "ot ■nt \ i; ll ,t i v.—. !\b
fiek the widow ,M,l !■ eiy U-H ■ me that
yon have -(ohm one cf Pa r lin-—t id-"
I- I bad .mV
‘ Vc-, ,w r Ho.ioc.'
■ \Vi at 111 NV Nog 0- 'Cm V, i 1 il it V'
‘ billed atnl as. a per ! bmor.’
■ < In, J ’.p re k I w . ai v,n ale bo uglii
b.e b fre a.iii il' l v, 'alow and the |ag
on l lcjn ivin i. day, lu, a,,--,nni will
ymi b ■ abb' to gi,, i,f ymir .-If wlc-l il] ■
"■ id aw ea ,m - . gel! m' , ■,,■ ;ic a'i
‘ i'id you -ay til- 'pi ; v, mild tm (hero,
r i
■ to h" a"e i
A • ('ll. :il e y. I' 1 ; i V:'A "le", Pis '-.IV
M raiai;, , 1 1 aT. ' yarr |iiv;.
’’ '.A Tel (I "i;• i, i 11', V, line in Son 1 Ii
ern 1 f nii-y'i\ anin, te jlerl - a yood ,s",
hi' a ! i■■ in■ iniainail e, v ..tniiy me. iiaai’i
'■'■■in a-aired I>!■ ■ ' ea.-p iva iienoi'-. p
his | rimed appeal a, voter- he -aid,
with more • igmlicanee t in,;i lm intended
“(Oat il (hey de'lhleii e) eleel iiim, la
.-houii! remain a! home n no naT and an
iume.-t man !"
I 'Am i.. -()f pre-cut fame think litiii
a'ld oi idtui'e 1 1 ■ -—; the ja':ii-’n thai vi
'-hat -try' -.t-w "1 over our grave-,
may '-e ym t! fy i! ii;'; olhe i i jii'T. hut they
1 e |i dew 11 I; t
I'i ■' 11
are nailing m to Pa' dead; theileail -ire
yon.', cillier to a place where thev hear
llami not. or where, il'lhev do hear'lliem
th",v will de-pi; e llano. ' ’
alonx A i'.wto.-; says: “ When 1
pel to heaven 1 shall seethe wonders
there. The hr-d wonder will he iosee
so many people there whom I did not
I'Apivt to see; the second wonder will
he t 1 mis- -o many whom I did expect
to see, and the third and gi-eaUsl won
der of all will he to lind nlv .elf.”
J ill'll i.-Iii !!l;' dealer in A'cv, York has
in.enteii a simple iiieihod of iieepinm
warm eoeked food, eoli'ee, tea, etc., so
simple th,'h il is a womler nohody 'has
thouylil ol it h'd'ore. 11 consists of a eir
cnlarlm lorni filled wijli sand, winch,
heated on the ranee or stove, will retain
tlie heat fm-a loom lime, and impart it
to any article placed upon ii. As a foot
warmer, too, il is mism-pa.-sed.
, -\ I'anil'm eea-d editor pnde-ls ayaiiis*.
l.T' Ale!'. IT pl'I.J.-el of .- 11 i]■ pi 1!p 'f ailin'O
pn'i.-' to ! hat re-y !■ >n, atn! iK 1 -,i re-(|a* j ires
- I't-r .s'i iie itenipv .M j'lniaiim h, "speak
etti and put a .-top p, i;ij, iiu-ini; lie
sa,v-u " /-i'i no iie nv m ipiy deetei 1 ‘email's
lie esp'r to the p.eri!s of iim.-e-inn'.
i i.w per'mi-, have lie le b -1 mi
■u witiiin their own lienri-i nml viyb
—lie' [-nre-{ [iienier'e-- el enrth -eel lie'
" 1 ‘ ho; I■■ I"' he;! VI 11; 1 lie:;■ limeb
'' ' ' 1 ''-i'll be Cm lie. I - iiueie.
wiien lie
, J : • ' 'be. hie' I '.!■ 1 1 i- 1 i - 1 ' i lie
(.iiiskil 1 ,j .Valioiial i hulk, i.e repot f
ea to be a deiaiiitei' iiu- s!)ii,ooo.
> I .-v.Viiiy limu-'.UK! kiT
<ll «.-• >rii in 1! I.ii-ihcl ; iv/.i 1111 nI!I'l l 1 mid
i'l.v-i'"ir limii'ainl ;i)>,> 1 m'./i!-, in a Imi~li
'liiiiii! dvi i' 1 1 ► nru■ ji liiun.-aial - _aaU in
iiiav an,- | Ti'l'ai-i-).
; 1 1 'W 1 Vi - |. Mill ! iie.l i hey
1 Will.;-., ill r 1111 i|- t leh; s,
Top-KHi'caniug lUciklows in Winter.
A tliin dressing of day put upon a
meadow, where the soil is sandy, ora
sandy loam, or lor the most part’muek,
ami mil In a wry imod slain of 'fertility,
will im-rease Mu* growth of
.yra-s so larady. meadow hardly
worth mowing will yield three (onsofex
eollout liny per acre. Sometimes when
ymdina has b'-en done, or a now fence is
hall;, lin* earth is scatlerevl in depressions
nil 'In 1 sward near hy, and the remit al
mewl. always i- a larire inerea-e in tin*
ihof i In* ;;ras •. Wo ha vo frequently
ob-orved 1 uillf• illand small patches of
tall, heavy of a luxuriant growth,
n/'ai' s!;ik(’' r.irl (m-m, dial had recently
been soi, a -mall <jun 11 ( 1 1 yof the earth
baviny been scattered, when the work
man wa-diyyiny lhe bole**. Takiny tin*
hint from ilu ,-e, it Noa--y to son how loams
and lab avr- may l»s* employed prolitably,
when them I- snow on tin.* urmmd, or il
U 100 no Id n> on;* in laboi’ that require
warm wiMilicr, IT a man ha- a sandy
m-'a-t ,w ieMiny but a small Imrdi nof
ynw-. ir will pay well to haul clay, or al
nmd any kitnl of earth Haifa mile lo (op
dress sunb yromid. When (ho sleiahiny
a yood, a loam will haul two (mis al one
Ibad with ea i -e. 1 f (!u* soil be of a peaty
nha ranter, two u»n- of cold slitl'clay spread
in the winter over an area of foursquare
rodsj will u-ually prodmv a maximum re
snlt. SI mu id the clay be plowed, or spad
ed up in lar.uv elods,* lei them bespread
on llie snow or around, and ilie fro.-d and
rain will reduce them to a Inn* and mel
low ( ondit lon belorn [la 1 yinwiny -ca-ani
o'iiiiiin'iiirs so rial a Ii; fh■ labny with a
slnvi'l will cover the intire surface with
an OAod-ont Jnp-div.-dmq the 'mod nIU
of which will l.e po.voivcd fo
yiin tin- laryr's of
hay. and in tin* hoi tor quality
Ana/liw ;u:oi wi'Ji a loam w\\
han 1 . ell .01 a\ oik* {0:1 oi' (>arlh ai
hour hair a mile, whan iln- (rav-jlno-i* i
-ifrh iha( {in* may hand t wo (mo- pr
load. Ain I i f hal 1' a lon ho >pi oah on am-i
•ijiiaiv rod, i: will ivpnhv aiahly ion,- [
(ep-dre--- an acre. The ex pc rc-e of liie
ti am- lor hauling lived noi be -empaled,
becau-c they miii-t be kept in winter!
whcliier they work or mil, and it will be
1 idler lor ihem to labor than lo remain
idle. Then a I low in a 1 a man one ilnP-ir pel
day, il hchanD only four load- per day,
making eight lon-, U will .-o-i leu doliar
-10 lop-ilim mie acre. Theera-- produced
by stadi a div-sing over and nbmv what
would have grown in a -ingle ,-ea-on, will
ordinarily more than pay all thi-expense.
Dm, in liie winter, wiien fariiier- have
lilt’" I l ' do he-ide- their daily chore-, they
can work a few hours every day-at top
dressing in tin- maimer, anal it wall co i
(hem even le--than we have re-koned, a
-11 will he heller for both men and le.un
to labm' moderately, than to remain idle.
\\ lien (here i- a preponderance of clay in
tlio.-cib .-and, or ,-andy loam, or muck
may be hauled in-tee, dof clay. The fm-ls
aid rains will ulmo-t -nrcly' reduce it line
before the growing -'ii-ni comnumee-,
and it will an-wer the double purpose of a
mul'di and fertilizer. When the-nowi
otr Ihe ground on a mild day, the lumps,
it (here are many, may he broken up and
spread by a harrow turned mum it- back.
(Ti r.oinni: or- l.nn: is?i; Vummix.—
correspondent of the /man's,/
write-; Some Near- ago I read in
French seien 11 lie periodical, lind chloral
of link' would rid a hou-e ofali thc-c nu
stains. I trea-mvd up Hie imbnnalio
11 n 1 ii opportunity olli-red for (e-liug il
N'alue, and [hi- occurred some lour year
since. I [ook an old eountrv hoit-e info
led wdlii rat- ; mice and 111. -; J -m,Te;
every rm and ■■-hole with lh" ehlo
ii 1 le, I threw il on the q lurry Moors o
I hpphd ry ,■: a I r._bars 1 i; cp; .-ameers of i
" 11 d,T theid ~ i- .-iilaavi" -, or -ome otlie
■ •■mvcsicci piece of birnunre, in ever;
mn-ciy, bed, or div--inn-room. An m'
nanicnlal glam va c la id a quantity a
Ibe loot ill paid i - lad re.i-e. Stables, euw
-bed-, pi a-! ie g all Pad t he; c d. ce, ami til
1 e-ull w a- idol hai ..
1 thoroughly muled my cnemi“g and
(be rab- ,u, me inn is lam i p,a,. all I ha m
del make roic v.u da: ..w!; np, ni he da,i r
in ."bout tw i ivc uni' h , v.dc i > pcobal d'
I. mo iccea' ■ . I cl" in nu end lea ■hi nv. a'
Ira of lie eh!.,i i.b had vani-hed,
be i" If,!I '■■to ii again rmi:a 11la m mi
I". I m • i a ’ar of n: ,- own preu i-c ~
I-a -' ;■ ear ya - a "mil oic f, ,r wr. j.-
tbs a; Id 11 ; i.a-" the rb Paddo ; \ iioicg 1
in tic dinin'/ i , aa. in v, high w■■ lia
none ,e i;- .-u,oll. e. i,i.• rcfrc-hllc
and wiiol"..'iino. i- no; appro,cl iiv al
per ell- -v. e had a pel-) .c! 11 ■ I w.n I iv
iti'd ai; ! 1 1 ; - 'in fort i' i, H . !iam ■; i |.,P,
!| ’l ll"U- wD hew,"".' Ih a tin",' jdac ■ la',
cid'.rld" hi lli'-ir cl> : ie p,ei: ; ',, _ p
elo-e ) m '.\ imp;. to i.ri■; 1 1 ; '. ol v, r" , m
lb" !■' nil Ill's b" , i.c die d cll'i'r
win I'C IV'Ple.'d 1" J ;I, ami ih.'lr b i'i g! 1 1
, I■■■ ■■ . ■ , I •-. •i i - i ; \ Pa ii
1 a" - 1 " ■aa'■ . - lie! .-f 1 ii, ■p n i led I; 1 1 e-
I "h m- -ha , 1 d.-, i:nhe .. The " i.,1-
e"tmd ; ■'i"I’' i-admi ~ , , u iP.. im-a,.
II r ' l 't "ei l ■ a 1 ley cn o'm -, An\
'■ m ■ ; -an-, llam .iUU'.ll,, e. vhh'
' in" on ire." in i.Prr
", :i 'di I'.'ey, I'lea-mv muu he In .....
- .ene' a- mle K ■ nmo ue, d w ei' f
r'i 1 K'ai a(\ai 11 \;, I\ a: m :.a. ! lew ,a
•T lie 11. |.niMiean," w rule if..;,, (
1 'K 1 , ■ l| " I- 1 •itin- »i«'i;i:l»in ef (Km
ladwe d , ra. ( '. : ••( a.-n. Ilidw. II heeam
the own. rel mi" dm fam,.a - s'p'i;ij I
K rani- in pm riida'-i pari el' ihe ■, alley
and ha- a firm ef J.i.i .ea aa .a .; 1 ird
are mider ealiiv aiou. up erep'
W heal in a . ~i ij,,a .
amt a. "O'- ef land, or an a Vera;.'. • of ! i hn.-h
-('- jn'i'ai'iv. 1 lie ; . .i.Ta.l ■a' Pn
valley i- Ay hn-hel-;. ();' hare",' and ea;-,
hm elimi' pi incipal eraps, he n-iiallv lia.-
'■e-ls ~n hii'-hcls 111 (he acre. Ills e'anleii
and i rehanl eover yon acres, 11
To PjIMVKXY Houstcs KicKl-N'O. Uav
iii.a,' a Inirse that would kick evervUiiii"'
te pieces in Hm stable that he' cenld
reach, and having I'.umd a remedy I'm- U,
laller Iryiny many Ihinys, Midi as felier
ji‘"',. whip])iny, luinpiiny, lianyiny chains
helnnd him for (o kirk a.aainsi' We.,) I
■.-•imd it to yon. If is simply lasleniny a
aiioil trace chain, about tweVeel loim '~hv
a strap to each hind feet, and let Inin d'e
Ids own whipphiy,’, if he eaimol staid dill
willioul il, and lie will not need to have
hoard- ladled to his mall every day.—
f (j(()(;Vy GT.'nV'o.nfen
Hats.—Nei^hhnr.I.mes says, that if we
will po hi a (in shop and pel a lot. of scrap
tin, and crowd it into their link's, they
will evacuate pie prend-cs at, once.—
Whi'liier tfiey- ii.rii' them as trap- or
whether they scratch their si(le' , 1 I or
iVlictlmr they haven natural tear tor it,
h" eon Id lee! tell, lie only knows the
lad. —,l/e
km' 'A (Vilar which indde a
should ho kepi as Jaultiessly
all the year round a,- any oilier jiarl
ol l ho. h"ii-o, henan.-e in- is
e* >n>(:i m|y a -roiiihny. ami inijuvynalo"
oy'iy )•< in tho imii-x' wiih im'many
111 ! ' 1 aiiiy, ihoiv hot la ho
any collar under any dwellin'.;'.
; ' Til, ‘ 'l’-vr. i-; 1 Wa -hium-m
y.i'yy.;- 1 'j'-hi-o. .i--.*- ami nil in
iM.--a.-U in .in* p.-cj.L:;*:; (jf v. , K fl n» nmol :u
'S\,iv K: '} lll ' h''-liruary, la torin
i blale Wool Growers’ Astochdluii.
WK.HXN KDY, Arroiisuv at !j.\
, Carlisle, pcnna, Olllce the. wirnc ns !)
of “American Volunteer," South side of \
I’nhlle. S.|iiare,
I )(“(•> 1. ISU',.
\\7.M. U, IJUTLKK, Attowxkv A'
\ Y l- u\*. (‘a, IVnna. Oiliee with Win. .1
Shearer, iv-q.
i Ve. 1. |Ml',— Iv.
JOIIX. Cl. (! KAII.VM, Attokxkv A 1
p; ].\\v. Cilice formerly occupied by .Indu
tlsaham, South I laiiover si reel t Carlisle, I’ena:
Dee. J.—ly.
"VST SADOKU, Attcpxkv at Oav
'V t • Carlisle, I‘caii i, cilice in lb
meriy occupied b\ Volunteer, South ilanovt
‘iSec.'l. Dm.
If AI. A'KAKKKV, Atd/k’.vfv at Oai
.• / , I South 1I alioVlT Street, in the lOC
f i. to' riy own pied l>y A. it. suavpe. K-q.
N I'iW'Sl (A M, Attih;ni;v at I.a\
1 » Cllln-uPii Win. 11. Mllle’', F.-q., Soil!
Hi 'i I'liriiH'ii: II 1111 jsera i) ■ I 1 ’mu 1 ivi -I ne i
D.*e. 1, to;, -i
1 ('. iIK!MfA.\, Arn-i; \;a at Pa\
iY ft • f Mil-.- m 'he '■Hf- I bill Ihi;Miie-. m ('
, | Oil c !>[■ IHi - ( - I III! I 1 toljse. (f M)i to I lie “111
:iM' (i!bn e, r .i ,o. 1 Vniia.
IK e. 1, J •/./■/.
J AM KS A. UINnAH, ATTi)i;Ni:v a
oy »brlp-le, IVnna. (Uliee a lew dooi
We-i ol I i.uai m’ : ! lotel.
I>( c. !, Dm.
[ijl K. IlKI'/r/IIOOVKl!, Attdkxi.y
li. » ami I 'ors-ui.ou Ai - Daw, Carlrdi*. IVnna.
( >(T.I e (111 Smith llehoV<rs! I i i I, i j >l lO -11 e I 11 i .•,*<
Store. lb ■'pi'ci.i! :iri‘:inyeine ll l v. ah the Pah at
( mlee, :11 [■ n to seenrinTalent Uiyhis.
I we. I. D-A.
iTVIAA !•:. MA'JLAIAiHUX, Armi:-
\J m.v A'r bwv. oiHee in Pnildiua lonm-Hy
Oeelt 1111 •> i 1 1\ Voluuh el - , il f ;’A door- South of Man
tioii' ; Hotel.
Dee. I, DA.
vo r
| J. V/. KOl’liK, Atj(»i:ni:v at Ij.vv
ll J, ( Ml’.'-.- v. h h Win. .M. i ’••tin* KMi.„l!litTni
iI: i! I. \ll Pusin '-n i■: il: ii'-• i-d to him will i
) >’.-f till] >f i-.- a | leiult li ’..1.
I r. I , l-<\
L’ a
D\l. I. C. LOOMIS. I>KXT!-T, h;w re
M: .\ (•«l iTum Soul h f >\ cr SI r>-.-t t<>
l-oinlivl 1 I'cci , oppo . : I 1 m> I cllialc llitfh School
('aiiMe. 1 Vnna.
Di-.N TIST.—I ii; i: rz, -M. J); I). 1),
S.. Ji‘ -p* cl I'u 11;- - h;m 1 ' iiis prolc'-siunal M r-
.if s 1 1 • Hi.- cil i/t-iis ni l ’.j ;;-!c cud its \icimt
< Hli-v Non 1 1 I’iii -i,o'
1 'll li i -I>', ,I;m. |s. j ~ 1;,,'
VJI LLl’.lli JililVKlis’
J.tX “■li'l '-soi;.s To
lb / .v • i /. ('n-U.stf, I'«
i '-‘ah is In Ann-, ,n, 1 ju,dkli ami Uon nan
< id Fry
(,'oacli Tran.nines,
shoe Findings,
Morocco ami I.inhitr Alvins.
ami sliorinakcrTonl:
of c\ cry dr- < i liit 'o;i. Sol id and J trass llox Vices
Mellows, Hie-, K.i.sps, Horse Shoes, ilorsc shoi
-Nads, Itar and Uollod iron ofall si/es,
( a.n-iaao sprinu-. Axles, Spokes, Follows, liuhs
Ac. tvc. S;i ■, vs of every variety. Carpenters’ Took
and Ihrldin- M.iPi ail, Table and rocket, Cutlery
I’laierl I\ >r U . am I Spoons, with an e.\ P oisi \e ;iv
smiincnl oi 1 Led ware of all kinds and oft lie best
maim lad in - . ulik h will he sold wholesale nr re
tail at luc a \ii a j-rices. We are making I'Vcui
impioN cm. ms in our already !iea\y Mock 65
yoods, and ins lie all persons m want, of ilard
w .nv ofc\ ,-ry d"'cripl jon p, c-ive I; .> ;t ( ~,p ;lm j u - ( .
arc i'uiin'on s .n, will ho wdl paid for vmir trull-
f i'M'"' - i ! > ! *»y MrH lUlcnllon io liiNin.-ss m
a (li'-pM-iii.,,! p, |il«.;isi‘ all \vc will In- nhlc
maintain ivp utalimi cl ilm ~!■! stand
IVf. -1, 1
A .U D A' A lA i
vit i-<-i iUi-v luis just, ivtunu'd from i
'.'U'rn \wlh inn Jar-nsl, rhnap-M, u
lir 1 sidrcli-d ori UU-IIL «>1 11;i nI WIU'I(- . (>r Oi ti
od in ilia. I'lmniy. Kvrryl Unui kept in a lar
\vli<)li--;;in‘ and ivndl Hardware Mniv, ran in- li
a. hiilr inv.vr ti an ai any niimr Jim-w in i
*■'' Ulll • ; d t 1 1'• cli-mm hardware More of ihr m
l"!h nails an 1 .-pd*. - jiet rec. ]\ ,-d of i
'■ : "ia kes, and id* a l i,; 111 < si. I '-am
■ *at ] 1 p! 1 e 1 ;;I IMUM ,1 I.UI ni’l
\. i'i
111' Is 1.
>l'; him I red pair Tr,, •ch.dn -ofall lauds, v,
■ •r.,i of
ilAl,Tl.U(’il \ I ,\
iiiij: \ -r ; i..
t-”ji - i t; ( ;i wv
Ij l l> i 1 I I UN*.
'1 ■ AMI I: I’li A I w.,
t U\v ( lIAJNS. Arc
* r ’ " ‘ <" 1 : 1 .11*4 ‘ l l mi.l K ll \ of Jl.imoM of;
k,! ';l < Ml :', '< "Elision pall.Til.
pall! ri!. 1-ii /a 1 1. •! !i!i ► W a .-ni\\ j I h mil I wil ht I
l*a ( i; I,i- !. .11 li;; CO ■; , ;' -u . V rr,
TAi js IV-
T. .1 I hi-. i. 1," i
f.'i'i. -I. v.-ii h;i a,-
Hi' . I’tii .
‘ >!iu . -t.-. l’a! jll i;, a ..
l-'i m , ai-r WliKr .’,;n
I ini. ( hi, n-,11, -i i i I
<\i'. t ' i'i n\ u\ t t'V (i
<■• ii i , 1 i• I ;;d)
’inn 'iii ..i r.u-in T;
' l ;' i ■ l ’.i! :rnl I; - ; i ,M
IV. "1
1 I
i■ ■ 11■ i
i* r m
; )AiX'l>'A\l)(ll!,S,
1 I.- ~r
1.1.- ,i
puiv.v, M !)\VS.-.
il- 1"1' Vi'*' 111 ;UUI i;M‘tU'
•■’•rtliii'lll 11!'
I’lnnk's I ’!11w,
/> lir/nV I’i'.w.-.,
Wi-irii-ii s
it tho chi ;111 ii.iulwavc Slo
IW. 1, Im;,-.
tj-f A.MKS.—SI li) )iah's
JLi. oi all kimN,
I m< (i ai
t 'mn i in a.
' •>»» ami v.ith.mti'a'.-ut i
\ »t at
IHA 1 NS.—no;i j.aiis
; *»l' i’U kimis, a ith a j ;(!
1 t I'l'illJN, I
■t IV .*>• i\ lal at the Chr.y,
J.vl., I I-' oi I.wry JJi'-'cniiHoii, i n | arCT
‘' ll ‘' '‘ ln ’ ll I v<’ka-av., lihi'i-i'il i ill. dr.. at
T\t AX!) MAI'IMXH on;
al Mir.M.u , t iiii\vi-:i:s. ’
Qaim.iai,!.: MAinaa; vaud.-
hl<’ I { A li 1» i) \V 10 N
•Via//; !I ,/ ‘ ;
.... , ,s ,S V/V, ft,/;;, 1 ,
-VrVm‘rk !a V lum.l a lar-c- ami w.-li ;
lu;.\l> JI-WI’JIKX 1-s,
”1 ' juul v
l| : 1 ! t '.!(• luwi'-1 »i, "jj'
•' ' •> ■ ’ ilc UJtW.IPI
'• ’ grille Work, ,M.. ul lr
:;t I) , l\);• liii'i i;fiii'f,
-Iflph’.’L Work.u;
Drown '.o-i
u M n t i
» ■. i. i
J A X |)K 11 I 12 KS, TiiCsineks'
i' ■■■ -3 .-iitU-..!. I iirli-j- OiiiiN Ii ntv ,l
~1 Ik -'ulihU a -,, ,i linchl r:m !j ( in ip In!
iituuivcr h-U’cet, Emporium!
•a H l-’.\ I! K rHT, i)i:x
/‘r ( 't./70,V (,/■ /; )\Ui
■ i -M. mi i- of hi-. 111111 ) 11 1 1
. r duel*; helow P.edfofd
lf.wn i'. i,v>;!■
n a .m i:s
AM) ()I!,S
billon-, on ,\u<[ i
l 11 <li Vjll'lll.slbN, 'J’l
1,1; h.i Whim
;*• , l-'iiv-pn>of I’a n
i". >’■ >;■ n >*,J /me £u
. n till, | j ~,f l i i
‘■•i' 1 •'<!!,'U*\ and iu oil,
•;. 11 1 ■* 1, ;ili<l he’
ni 1 !io c I'inly. (; rri-n
'■hil, Wiii-raiiU’d iiol I
l’l> W 1) K 1
\M> ( 1 j-:a]>:t,
1. w'.lh n \. ,'y l.ti-r,.
"M of j.n 1.; j u
n.'.rh MVM.ii'.- <>(
-Id (if Wiiil
1 111. .hi .1 wil
i liv-pv'-Mi* Aon!,
i It>r.-in*i V.’liKi',
Will !;■ Ziiir.
( <> 1 I /.inr\
iwm Lt’ii'i,
I: [Oil,
I. t.-.l Oil,
■“ I'tTin ()il.
1‘ i !i o 11, ,v
.) U: I ivivi Vi‘(l iUJi
\‘IN [l'-K-L-S, U [|U'-r 0 ;t-S ,
\ < >:lc Molal Plows
r>Io<!mlk‘l(l du„
Kairlo, do.,
. Pulti valors, k-o
: ‘I Hame.s on hand
D'l'hiys chocpor than
li. SAXTo-Vfc
of Traces, Chains
’"'c of
ilalo-i- Chains,
l''i i'l h “
ToUL'Ue “
Spi-riuN, Ac., Ac.,
111.i'iIwaix 1 Store of
il,. SAXTON.
. Ac,. n,)).
iiiclry has,
'hip, Will
j.t. <iUi;i-;Nnt:id>. | a. k, stiuaitit
(;r.i:i:x'.--ii;r,n.t shkaxFCiri-i.
Wo have now ready for inspection tin* most
beautiful assort meiij of Hiv-s Coeds ever exhib
ited in Carlisle, at prices within the reach olMdl.
As we were so jorl unate as to in* in Xew 'i ork
during Dm late Cui;at r.\Nir. wliieli lasted only
two days, we have determined to ar.e our ensto
niers Die advantage in all u'oods boiir-ht dnrin;;
the two days that uood.-were sold til tlu* lowe-l
prices. Stacks of
.okkss ooods.
Poplins. plain in colors,
• i'laid Poplin.-, stripe do.,‘
Jh’oeaile Uep-, Foulard Poplins,
Kmpre.-s cloths. Wool Plaids,
Premdi Mennoes, in all colors,
('oburys. of every shade, and color,
Side i T,:id ('ra prs. Sat in (Jrisa lies.
Plaid Poil de Chcvres, l.tclaiies, all
new deDijns,
In addition to the above immense slock
I u e-s (modLdveiiiiield sheallcr have a 1
Pm' of
at pi'iei s Dud deft, coni]lelil o*u.
We e m M (I Ml'M.I Ns. I'AI.IoCI s Mild < i ISM; H V."
iowi-r t.iaii oilier nmiehauls paid lor the s.m
‘.roods p n day au". TitoM* who de-,ire a fea-d I'
1 heir rps -h on id not hill to cone- and exam ii
oiir'-toel:. Keep in mind tin*, Soulh-ea
corner .Market square. Second I >oor.
Thank l ul 1m 1 Die past palrona‘_ r e, ue re-pe<
fu 11 v solicit a eon Dima nee oft he same.
UUldsNl'disbD a- SIUsAFFKU.
JH‘e. 1, p.iA.
rnilliM) (UiAXI) AIUMVAL Ob
A! W. i'. Sawyer A- ('o',-., 11 am door below Mji
tins lintel, Ka-I .Main street.) We have .(list r
eeived fiotn Xew Vorlc an immense shade
Winter (toijd. batesi importations of Frenc
Kiudi-h and tienmui Div-.s Hood'- in Silk ai
Wool Fabrics, plain, striped, bordered and liyu
cd st\ ies. Setliny very cheap.
PI.DAKS! PLOAKS! ! ( - I.n \ I-bs !J»
IPans Mi sit 1 e V n's, (’limdertields at
(.‘iivnlars, in lai .:e uni dy a, i c btei d ; triers.
Fi'iM fDlls* i itus:::
From tlif* Imporlm’s and MannlT'Mivrs. J.arpc
Mock cv-i* 11 ! 1 \*i*i'(l In town. All kinds, quahli
and My'es ; le>s than city retail prices.
of cviTy varisdy. (>vercont inii.-, Clolhs, ('as
incrs. We ma no suits at short notice and in lu
st yl a. A 1! k inds <»f Not i.uis, I trawers, 1 'ndcr;-durl
(; loves, t y-, I luin*‘>l in Goods of e\ er\ ela.-s.
All ponies. (til Cloths, Flannels, blankets, at.
Please cad and examine the largest slock in the
valley. _ We are determined to keep up our old
reputation of selling ipiod Goods at very low
Iliuhesl cash price paid for carpel ravs.
Dee. J, IST,.
(■ rate 1 1 )j - a hi'.; of uit rival ted < I noils, Just t ec-eiv
ed trout the Kashin Ci t les, eoitsish up of elmlci
and' - ', arkal selections, at
A. W. RHXT/AU S'i’t 'KK,
Ac ,7i Jhr.Vu'' r ,V<v L f
the familiar and well known stand, our list oi
DRF.SS ( P tuf >S
comprises Pdack Folks in yreat \ ai'icty, mcludi:
the I '<••*•( <it *, ids i m port ed, G ros D<.- pin he, Gros >
AlViqne, and tiauivd.
Lupin's 1- reach Merinos'" in all colors and pri
es. i 'la id Mi rinees and Poplins ’lmpress (’loll,
tie nred and |da i n ; A i j «as, ad smelt s, Coburg
DeLaines <,I eleven: ile-omis.
Jaeom-ls and /’.iti.tir.. Plain mid Plaid Xain
sonk-<, Linen- and P011..a Goods. M a ■•s./l) les, (\ )U „
lerpanes. \ ~p elmap.
i-lamml-;. Kvi-ry quality ofwhitojind colorci
I lannels, Dlankets, i lalmot-al skirts, Ac.
A lan. r e stuck of cloths, Ca-Miners, Saltince
Velvet Lord, home made deans, at.
I have now a sup odor assortment of Millinery
Goods, Donnet Velvets :ind Silks, Dotmet and
Trimming Ribbons, Alalines, Liiullsh Grapes and
Simile and double width all wool DeLaines, Km
nress Cloths, Lupin's Domba/.ino. Cashmere.
French Merinoe-, Velour Reps, Velour Rust*,
Grape Cloth, (pi. en ('loth, Aloacca, Striped Mo
itair KniilMi Prints, 'l’hihit. Lon.; shawls, Crape
\ ells, Collars, 11 a talk i rchiefs and belting.
_ iVottons Ac, Floornnd Table (dI Cloth, Window
Shades, I'mbrelias and i 1 oop Skirls.
.VII Very iuw and considerahlv under Ihe Market
Dee, I, Iwl.').
J 3 It () C Ti A M A T I 0 X !
\\ liereas, I, W in, A. Mih-s, Carlisle, Pa., haviiu
Ju.-d returned limn-the Ka.-tern cities with an ex
tent ve assortment oi tho most fashionable auc
brilliant coloi’b of
French Merinos,
French (’asMmers,
Col'd Wool DcLalney
1 hack do,,
A meriean do..
Plain i’oplm ■,
I'Uured do.,
' Rep. do..
Plain i ‘oiiiirns,
Fiiiiireil do.
Thrrn..;v nn vim - !■■■ v. ill lin.l ii |,, thrlriulviii
111'-'.- In mi, in,. ,i <■:, ii.
-'l'", 'll', I :i-,. 11-1111..n1nl
I ! ..M D I dll P'S (Is a iJ»S,
Pari ira!;u a!; ol s• >0 ;m vt-n [. > W aim i n; r (!■ Mid"’
W.M. A. .Mi LKs.
1 1 ' ,,( 11 > nt, l l 1 ' 1 1 aian - mil I!uiiva, and one
dooi- \v..-i ~i ; ,;c i Hlio,-.
I >i .i. I, l-i,
M K t !i ST C ]j ASS (! U (
-i-N chiiv m'oI:;-:.
. Tl "‘ <-:m lin 1. :r .-ar \ l . sv ( j r , t(v ,. v KJOj ,
m l:- lUt.M.nn ‘**•*•l*,f,I 1,, a-1..:.,
. i ;-l '-ii.v,, * »i*]. 1i... [ mi,],
.•ulxc ;1; 111 (.v- 1 ,1 mi ol'all il.c Uiii'ri
I'M. kI!M , Mill , nl
1 ri)d'-i- V. •• .•iii'-s
.Mi 'l:i - m 1
I l '-'!: If
‘ s, !r’‘, I’fi'M'Wis
i t < !'.ll l rmnn'ii
*- 111 KrnlK
v , l i atH ’ 1 ‘ s ’ .h-Uus,
' Cnmli.'iTics
sm-l .»h-;is-- f
' In I .‘!!! U , UM 1 ,l U ' a
.■in -1* Il':nTiiii!'i 1
‘' u } u Uru-.l
( i.trurj ■, IVaiN,
I Nai-,
Swrt'l WciT.!; - ,'
Cilivf SiiitlJ',
Karlcv. March, Kai'.iiii, ('orn Siarch, Sciv
Una, M.i/i ina, .Ma'-anm i, \ c! micella, A/nnuri
L’nin.--. < '.■mriuritli-.l i ,yc. n..10-na Snu-
Mia ■. I'.iMr ami nitmr Oils. NiUmc’s
l‘A i.'Uina. lira.wax, rimcntatc, r,,” ’
ff»a, Tm Vara,{» ami ('an.
dia \\’u'K, Uai ii I ’>rick, < lot lu-h
lanes, J 5.-1 ('(mis, M| ij<;o
llov-s, i'api .•ami Ka-
VCM>]tm. •' lal cl ir 1 ' t
J Vwmr s 11uI*
! ■>,-
(.■ U ,
Inv-.IIIIK Ksuv.-i I'. Hi, Ink*, llnm
-1 ,1' 1 '• I. -.iliimii, llcinmi an.l
'".T. 1 . 1 "' ' 'Va i .-.I i, ~t ■ I-i, ,i- liani
' : ;' n,i Killian, l MnN.shnl an.l
1 I',' 1 , " (!l:l -a,
’ W .(I'm l.aian \\ arc.
a.' |.rrllnily asl, ll„. , Liiiii,- In null, nxnmin..
1 I 1 ,!' 'll- n-.-mlly Sflt'cla.i .tatof
.'■'.nav'/J V.A l '. '■* " * ic ’ ' V ' :UI 1)1
.m, alm-:n a ro.
Inn. 1, ln;:,_]y
Q-IHHJ 12 U112.5-1112MU valT
11 1 oniisri'iI h-rs >i■ ■lr leave i,, inform thoir frieiuls
ami eusKmuTS that lhay have removed their
0 HOC 1211 V XTOIU2, *
1 llio Sonlh-Kiist. i ornor al Main ami Hedronl
St i aaN, one l.>oi>i- A\ ost at < taolner A- i Vs.
Is'la 1 11TC ' ,!y O.poslt.. J ielsei’.s Hotel, Car
-1 hey will as heretofore keep eonslantly on
hand everyihnn; in their lino ■*
« Ullll AS
■ m-.-i, Salt,
suyai-s, liried Meat,
Synijia, ICyms
I raekera, Spires;
1 !l ,Dishes
''.l I '. Soaps,
J V ""i'i'ei 1 iis to 111 s
t oal (hi Damps Hunters
nmimya, Ilrnshes, stone Ware, lllaipiln-, can-
u,v "
V ~ . -Mi )N .'.SMITH A HAKKIt.
fnilsof marlmf , 1 ;;:; 1 ' 1111
lice. J, ISG.-s—lf.
f (A I ' l ' l A r. 12 J’l2 M A IJI2 cn ) L L 12C12
\J 4 UKX. T. I(A I'IUIKKTV, 7 Ve.v,Vo,/.
HI IAI’.DINH AND HAY SI '|lo|, \|;-s
u.aler the ,1,,,.,. .1,,,,, ,r It.-v. : rl- V | ".‘.UihVrv
htv li'i'melnrs ,s„ as
I Sj.e.sel nil will 1,,- eu , a p, 0.1
lamih of the 1 'resi.p.-m.e 111 l.p.
M-'o’i’ 1 ■ l i“ :i: i V 11, ‘ MI 1 "‘‘1 f Il'ltie Veil pee,. ~eh,,|.,,s
■n lA ; "C-'imeallon «,il, till■ Seminar.-." ' ’
• ■'. ■. ■ 1 .e '■' 1 1' is ’ >' i ' ,i|i va i " v . ii "' '“ii " r
1 'elimvii'’ | lie., i' 2-, ' ''' ll ' ’|' »‘«>Ufs of R„„.
p'nr,1,,.,.. ' " " l ' l ' l "- vl ‘ 'leMiliieil lor that
lfn.V'i-''>i ( :!ia‘iy to Hie i-midcui.
AUg. Ip !*!», ’
and see for \ mim-eh es f hi--, heaut ifal ass etmont
of goods, hejore purchasing elsewhere. He will
take gieat pleasure in shew imr his goods, ami call
sal My ail. that he can and wifi sell 15001 Is cheaper
than*any other house outside of the Eastern
/ (''K.s/n/iar'.f hn/i /’•<•
1 would ijivile an oqaiuinatloix of my stock of
Fine Cloths, Cassimers, Vestings, Ac., which I
manufacture upon special orders.
I would heir leave to say that my Hoods are
manufaeiuiMd nnder my own supervision, mill
hy the very host workmen. My present stock is
the nurd extensive* I have yet had in store, and
f respectfully ask my friends and the. public; to
trive men call before purchasing elsewhere,
itomember [he ..Id stand.
Xorth I i.mover. street-, Hmporimn.
Deo. J, IStJ'i. *
Vh.> mi l wnluM' havnia pmvhaecd the nothing
Sion 1 <»( Abraham Da!imun. next door to Slirci
ner’s imtel, a low doors north »»r tin* Carlisle IV
))!)■-{[ bank, North Hanover street, Carlisle, begs
leave to ininrm the public that In- will continue
in all its braivlie
hand superior
W. ('. SAWV KU A CO.
of every description, and will spare no pains to
select '.ncli roods a-; wi il suit who pat roni/e
niin. He will also keep on hand, to lu* made, up
to order
of all kinds and at all prices.
•live his undivided attention to (ns business, ho
lie] >■-, i o i ri ei ve a ! ; band share of public pal rou
aae. lfi< goods and his prices will nol ho uhjecl
eti to by any one, as he is determined to sell as
cheap as tiie cheapest.
1 he undersigned having purchased the slock,
«*■<•., ol't he late Win. H. 'i rout, deceased, would re
spectfully announce to the public that, he will
coni inae ihe J/a/Jin;/ Jlrsinrss at the old stand In
West 11 igh Si reel, and with a renewed and etllcl
cait ellorl, produce aitick's of Hoad Dress of
7-.Vcr.jy i 'arivly, Style and Qualify,
that shall ho strictly in keeping with the im
pro\omuut <»f the art, and fully up to the ago in
which we live.
He lias note on hand a splendid nssoutment. 01
Hats of a!f descriptions, from (lie common Wool
to the liuost Kur and Silk Hats, and at price*
I hat must suit every one who lias an eye to get
ting tin* wort ii nfhis money. His Silk, Moleskin
and beaver Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness,
durability and finish, by those of any other es
tablishment in the country.
Hoys’ Hats of every description constantly on
hand, lie respect fully i nviles all t lie old patrons
and as many new ones as possible, to give him a
vail. .1. G. CALLH >.
Dec. 1, pel.
New stock of hats and caps
On North Uanoiw Street, Carlisle, Pa.
A splendid assortment of all Iho new styles of
Si Iks, Moleskin, sdoudi, Soft and Si raw ihits now
open, ot oily and home manufacture, which will
lie sold at Hie iowcM cash prices,
Ahirge slock of summer huts, I’ahn, Leghorn,
Dr,-{.id, India. Panama, and .Straw; children's
la ncy, <-1 c. A Iso a 1 all assort meat of Men's Hoys’
ami t, luldrcn caps of every description and
i in- snh.scnhrr invites all (o come ami examine
his slock, ilrinu; a practical hatter, lu* feels cnn
luh’iu ol giving sal is fact ion.
Thanknd Cor die liberal patronage heretofore
If •-! owed he soliehs a coni imiance of t he same.
l l 'Hi I lorgei ihe stand. i wo doors above Shivi-
Hold, ami next to i 'ornmau's slim* More.
v . .. .InliS A. KKLld.h, Aijm'.
-S. 15. 1 hits oi all kinds made to order at short
not !(•«*.
i Iff. 1, iMio.
E?> OUK I (; X AX i) i) O M EriTlt!
Kdward Shower nopcet fully announces to tlio
nubhc, Unit In* continues lo Jccm,*j> constantly on
hand, ami lor sale, a. large ami very supedor as
mii line in of ”
I’nKKhJ.'-,' ANIHioMKsTH;
at Ills new stand, a few doors west of Jlannoii
lis] 1 . 0 ’ !UU llli ' ol,lly V/L ’ k:t ' ,rilu: Court House, Cal
Mat ive,
and Uoderiiolmor.
e H AMI’ACi NE, '
JloiiKiHc & ('n., & Co., and Imporlal.-
Om, itohicli, I, lun, ami Ancluii'.
W J 1 I ,S !c V ,
u-'r 1 :; 0 -" "P, It - v< ' T p. l '”™ Old funny Nccla
W Seo.rli, ail'l Jj'jvjj,
d/dpiil' 1 , 11 '' 1^11 stl,ul ’ vVl ** L ' stl ° he h;u[ in Pilila
j’dlfr.s, ol Ihrvrry i.osi ijuali( v.
C:il.-r, ; aiid oiiiorsalesirniy a’pmv article wil
nd it a.-, i ej»i i seiufd, jis his wholf attention wd
lie gi\ mi to a proper ami carelui selceiion of iii
Stork which cannot ho salvaged, and hopes Li
ha\ e ll.e patronage ui 11k* public.
' I>,a,a K. BIIOWKU.
1 *^« Aa a ego, u ons
‘f.iih Jf'inovrr A'/vy, C'
Idle nndi'r.shrued, : to U. i>, ihr/olton
i iVhfV.n 11l p v ‘‘l- 1 ": 111 his Canids and (h ;
diar.fie,- n.- * i‘ M h( ‘, maintain (In
.1 . uar oi of Hi., above house a«. heretofore, and
1 ” ,J * oJi ham! a large assortment
.... I‘l L'l KLiS, Aa*., etc.
buy L:tn,l ‘" n,s "1“ I'lul this the place lo
P.oih in ra/ard lo qualify and jn'ic.\
"*oll selected, iiiul ho in
a. call boloro olsowhero Ho
momhor t ur place, South Jhuiuvor .stveot ’i low
J&c2rtw£ Haniloll ’ s OVlutol-'s old
Doc. 1, ISU'j.
(“] I.AXi) VALLKVJ! ii -
, _uiani.;k uj ; nouns
<Mi aim ai tor v. .Doe • 11 1 i< n,,,,
a J ll J V„ s , S; 1 / i ::^;^‘^-««r
.Vcciiinminlation Train laava-r ri-ivnahm-.,-a a.
Miimu.jwia,,.,, , 1.1,7 (']la1111 a‘Vslanar U n
r,'[/ * IK> ' l 1 ' ’’’ al i layiTalowi? I.ijij 1 \
Mail 1 nun !»*av(» llmrislmni I n P M Mr,.!,.,,,
i-siairi; i:M, NV W v iiV-t •*,«>.» ,mn ’
IT l, naimlaaslHir' ) la (: ■ an":’p -n,’,'' US '
lavina al, UaaarMmvu":!.,, ‘
.LSI. amvinaal
t J'.xprc-iH Train leaves < 'hnmliorMmr-r n \
Kirill 1 lain loaves 1 lu ir orst i iwn via \ \r r*
‘•aMlo7.ll ('liainborslim- .■ v • -'v, • IAI v r *
Ni-wvin..ill ('• rIN .
•H-rivlm: at. li’amJ.m- IV.lli v■» 1;lnk ’ sl,ul 'K W-X
I.!>>,'AJiV|Vj a■ll'ill‘l’Vj I ,' h:,lllllt 'l'al)in-K
.-di/. a.Tivi,.-
■ UMU 0,1 ' orit .
uui.nfs | \
UIUMh ,/J)cc. ]] >(Jj f \
DCC. U, 180-3.—ly J I
s [ "\ T i s*' {J S r l’ C) ]N' 1 S (11 *() f i l Jt I r
1) j K-Mruilll’M.
Id VINH.sTO.N' ha* just returned from tin* Ki
with a niM'-cnistuck of
\ estings,
ami all other ki:
of goods for Heiitlcmen’s ( 'lothing.
11 is assort incut of ) dcce goods is Iho largest ai
most varied ever brought to (his town, ami
pledges Id i me! ft o sell goods hy tin* yard as eh is
if not cheaper, than anv other store. His sto
of UKADV M A !'!•: H.OTJI !XH is extensive a:
beautiful, consisting ol
OwreoaN. .V‘ M A-e.,
whim lie will sell e/coper tie
any uther’e.sta’iii.-hmeat.
(,'ni/lr /iwiifi' I<'uni;.\!i!r .7 C,'on<h\
He has a ht anl ifal assortment of (Jcntlemen
Furnishing Hoods,
I'nder.-hi rl s,
< ‘arpet hags,
we., A-e., A(
i>'pa-ial .Vo/av
“ (Ju'c/\- Kif' -i ainf iS'nvt'.' ./’roilf.s.
clhthixh orsrxivss
He will cmiHantly U('«>p on
c u o t i r ;s
Doe. 111, Hi'r-ly
anti BLfijuoviS,
Aj.p or- cmncK jutAXD.s.
MafU'ciatJ mwes.
() ii a v.v itjd j 6 XSf Tr '
J'.nur « JH’ctl, Coat, jw... ,'
.T. DKKTKJr * ItlumiKlJsim'' *’"■ -'WM
Sny.liT .t nor their oxiontV’ 'jMSM
llan.Urson k old stand,) hoadorio","V,.
Ifft\ oto iuionn tlio public tlmf V m* * i
Kor\v«nll»tf nml Coirnulsslon hn V 11 ' 7 "i I!.‘*
cMons'yo scnJo I hnjijiovotofSro H slos^'ii? :
ihe limhost. market, prlno win* 1,.. , '-itrrit'tH:
(.nun and 1 •mdtiwofnll kinds bc Wl(lf... and Keod, Plaster «„!, ' .#*“■
constantly on hand and for sal,. n ' ! >U , ‘ Inndvai
foal of all kinds, i niliV., ■ ‘ JmAt&t
i.ot ust irouxTA i.v hered tc
... , J '*VA\'tiKi { ], v ! wthtinn
L.mclmriiere’ mul niacksmliiw'• “****•
ly lor sale. Kept, nndcr cover ana ‘f 1
many part, of tho town. Also *.,i tMfcMM
her coiuJjuilly mi luiml. * ‘ vlli 'Kq[,'- “TT^
will leave their WnrehnußU ov,* 'rjSSSUA
n clock, limvi! at I lavris'hni ■. at /!• u !° mu
Howard * llinohman's Vam n, o £ - : ij,
sin .Market,street, Pl.ilmlelphi,’" 'i*
t:\ruins; <il’Ki’MUMlny, ’ 1 h °^l'4 i .
Ike I, ISfio.
fjrm{ERT,AND M
r , , , !!oai> compav/ H-' Eoatl
Iho • C.'umlK>rlHii.l Viillov, I -nAttpr
Nd.lliL-rii Out ml Unll lioml I •«»:;„ "'‘w-- -CWef
made arrani'cmonts to do a Joint Wll! f ■ 1 Cltiscp
ltduvotl (lie ('Kirs otPhiiadohihia i. ■’ ' '
New York. Tim Climborlamt Val i:',-'11“
Company will opoi,i tliclr Ffolali ii,aSsS?.
llslo, on H,„ Ist of .lainiary, Jsi]« r, , '’ lr aSES
;iml sjiipiuonkof all kooils l-ntriis’iw 1,1" ! '
Krolsrlit. tojio forwarded by tl,|V
nmsi bo I’ennsylvanla llaii ii/S'b: JsiSXS
1)0)101. poriwr ol loth and Market sT itSSgS
l.lna, Noriliom Oulral Hall Jload t,a,', l '• w 22?!
]Kit Itnllnnoro, anil Cumberland Vaiffii't ' V ’?SSS!
Company's JJopot at Carlisle. ■’djffiSßS
Tho public will lind it to tliclr i u i,. r . .YrTril
1 lirouyh (bo Hail tload CompanyVl. ypi.b "i
jiml 1-y Company Cars,. u^m.
O. x T I'r r ,
.1. &D. KHOAPS, Freight Ageiit.s Ji |V' -■
i\,rusr idb.
1 ai-aplis, Ambrolypos, IvorylviJL"* loom
All anus, 1 loan mill Krainos, Album's i rKV
Cionllomon Albums for children IfffiSSi
-Missos,l’oofrol Albums
Oh.,iml Albums’ J’nlll.-sl Alhu, n m a t jAJttl
CinOAI'KHT ALlitbUS!::
foiioiibistmas oikth Vi<p«w
Ktitmt AM, X.AV Fmmxijr Yoiik
m.t.t fl l-\. Vn.PHyi
JTyon M’smt sat isfactory pictures muh • ; !ivPttyi
U'uimn cell nt iWrs. IJ. A. Smiths
(iallf'ry, S'liilf'-ensl cornnv or HanoYfr <V“ '
iwiV-'V’a S ‘ llli “' u ’ °l>l,osilo tho Court li£,
Mrs. U. A. Smith, well known ns a. -AMi
Hoynolds, anil so well known ns a fi, . ‘ Td'B
Artist stives personal nl lent lon tn I hUMU>
(lenllenien Visillmt her (tallerv, ami y, .' ABaTIM
best, of artists, mid polite aUriidaaa i",-" 1
promise Hint in no oilier fallow ran kMieMi
favor iier with a call net plot nressnii, tiSßbn
not even in New York or Hliil.adeiniri teJßte
with more kiml and prompt alkail'niii" o' e4®“!W
type- inserted in Hinas, Loekels, JJeet
I’erleel enpiesol IHutuerdotypes tnnl ISW4*
nnide of deceased I'laends. Wiese (if ’A*h
Ijie.M hfe-like pielnres may still hr Lp
I.U-1 mines or tor cards. All nenalivis ■
one year, and orders by mail „r £ djllHW
promptly attended to. •’
lJc‘C. I, l.^Oo—tr. , Joj
As lie intends
nnnu KiKST I’iil-AMIUM HASBI' #ifS
JL a wank'd at the laic ('uni Borland U'c. ,V
Foil TIIK FIKFBT miOTOUlUilii .“Vsfcrvi
- AhL+ti
Helms- lately re-purchased his old
Miv MoMillen, In Mrs. NolPs Buikliu:,
the Mrs! National Bank. : #, 'PaSt<
Tlic Photographs, A-lUOd.’
Carles Do Visile,
, , Ambrolypes, Szc., At, «..|? I Sr
made by {L. b oelnnan arc pronouiicnlb.
one lo be cd Joe highest chai-aetcr In '
losing, . • Man
tone. ~|»Bt
Clearness, yCW
, Hound and Soft H?V
and everything that constitutes a '
The public- is normally invilcd to rail £ --iWWi
amine specimens. .Pam
A largo lot ol‘Gill and Rosowoodlto
burns, Are., on hand and will be sold vf-rvh onjtjflj
Conies oi Ambrolypes and Bagucrreotviv; ftiiWQS
in the moM perfect manner.
l>ec. 1, isai—u; TMtfoifl
— 'Akgteei
L °°K
Umvn in advance; first lo reduce vrl.w
makes ihe and cheapest Pictures iu To\ni
Just think of it 1 Mix Perfect Card Pho'^; ,s
for one dollar. Don't forgot to go to •
C.nOYT' We A J
(jtifhrj/, tomtit Jlfmovcr StreeL luv’v-
Dee. J, ISiM—lf.
V_7 is worth a dozun poor ones. Who \n..&K iPM
a poor piri nro ton friend ? All PJiotogmjik;, .UIS* 1
al J.nrJonnas (,'allcry are warranted touiWi
Jar-lion, ° PAStfftl
Dor. J, mj—tf.
ELtiwfon* antr ®oal :s b
~ ithe
QUA L AND DUMBftll YAIU)."’ jpa
Tho subscriber having leased Hie Ynnlf r.
occupied by Armstrong t t Holler, and ru;. A
the stock of
in the Yard, together with an ..j'.
Mock, will have constantly on hand aiult ' f
to order all kinds and quality of seasoned -
r PLAsIa -‘eey'.l
4iO n L t Shingling Lath, Worked Llo-rii; <r
\\ \Miherbuavdin's, Posts and Hulls, aiide-:
II H V, > l - u C H^on " s lo a Liunbcr Yard. ■ d;gjj
Alllundsortshinijies.towitr Whitcl'i*-:.
lock, and Dale, of dlferent nualilles. line- ' ‘ Pr (
II VI °' VJ V l . caivtimiish bills to oiAr. . XJ
h mrth and size at the shortest notice and':- ~>H« reasonable terms. My worked !-uiKv |
n !‘ VA- lUull ' r eover, so they cau IvAnt--.
at, all limes. J
rr J x I - 1 i t .\ < \ l r >nM;l V ll - Von h:uul “H k.nS‘-®. : * '' J Wi
1 A tOAL, under cover, which J dw'- Mi
clean, to any part,of the borough, Iw’sAy .Sa
kens \ alley, broken Kgg, Stove and Nd-- , \
Kiddler, Trevcrlon, Locust ATonutnln,Ln’'.’iii*
whi(di I pledge myseiflo sell atthelouAi-’ . : jui
ijintchm'nvr.'t' aw! JiUicksmUh V Owt. ~ U} Ist
iiaml, which r will sell at the lowest ikine-- 41a
west side of Grammar School, Main snwL
Dec. 1,1 <Sils ANDUEWiU^
. - : «UW
Q A i! I n'e T Av A RdrSo f: d'A
The Mibserlber respectfully Informs id-” *
tmd the public generally, that ho still eei’A -ti Jw
t he rmlcrtakiiig business, and is ready V y
upon customers either by day or by ni-W-" _
made Cufiins kept constantly cm li:" lL '„ M
plain and ornamental. Ho lias emr* l ! 1 ' A
hand 7«WA» I‘aU‘nt JMalio liuriul Cum',
!io has been appointed (he sole .agent, ly. I
Is recommended as superior to any of tlu> bl'YA
tow in use, it being perfectly air tight. •
He has also furnished himselfwltli ui»e' r
wood IlKAKrii-: and gentle horses, with w;:; ' »
will attend funerals In town mul coiui-;•, .o - f j*j
sonally, without extra charge. , ; : . p ;vi
Among the greatest discoveries of ui 0 ';
IfV/r.v tipdrtfj Mnltnm, the host and cb^l'',' 1 ;>5 fy
now in use, the exclusive right of wlik'j n jj
secured, mid will bo kept constantly oiiM- ,
in all Us various branches, carried oiv' inl £ T ' ;v».
reaus, Secretaries, Work-stands, IVilor /Ufl
BpholsteredCluurs, Stilus, Tier, siUea» l1 ,'
■tables, Dining and Breakfast TabU'-s '
stands of all kinds, French Bedstemls 5 , J l ‘[: '
low posts; Jenny Bind and Collage Iw* 1 ;:
t. hairs of all kinds .Booking Glassy. *•‘gffl
ot her articles usually manufactured iu l f"’•-—-fills
ol business, kept constantly on bmul.
i Lis workmen are men of experience.'
terial the best, and liis work nuule iu 1 11 * ■.ItTiSJ 1
cily style, ami all under hi.s own ’Hiipervi- 1 -
will be warranted ami sold low for «»*».
. He invites all lo give him a call beluivpv -"m
nig elsewhere.. For the libeml patrajui-',*,
loiin* extended to him ho feels indebted;
numerous eusloiuors, and assures thciu '*• ;
ellbi ls Mill he spared in future to plcjm 1 1 f T :?u*
style and price. Glvous a call.
Ueiuember the place, North limin'’ 1 * " !ri4if'V
nearly opposite the Deposit Bank, C;u;l!"‘' v ’.< ..jy
DA' Jio 1 r ''*^
T. .1. KKIUI,
1, iSfJj.
111 KT B! BHXII T B! !
W"t‘ have the largest and llnest sliii'(- s c^*- 1-1
cd in tills place, iXttd
yidrts at $12.00 per doz. AfUt
do. « Jf,,00 “ "
<1». “ it,S “ “ nf
do. “ ao,oo “ 1
I’U U !>'Ji C T FITTISU Hinl’.J' iIMSi
cai.t. ax' * ‘iii
jsa ac mvin(
aVoi-’/i Jlanonr Hired U> i
ii;c. 1, Isim.
HAI'jK. —Thu SaKserilior ■
JJ sa)oal Jij.s reshkaico. nun uilln (.i: , 4
r-iioiK! Tavani, ill Dickinson UVp-i 111 Jo ,l-9» '
lloi-Mf, Failin',' Top Jhlfysy aial.J, J i l Vin'liH'l'!.C*ffO v
l"'u Ural rale TiUlk ('uws, a" lii c 1 1 a’ FF j ( ,j p o
• -fan. ‘.ll, ]Slio—:il< ’* *
» ll l«wiw Coach au *!»»";