•{Correspondence of tho Rending Qazotto.J LETTER FROM EUROPE.' • Dresden, Juno 11, 18C5. J. Lawrence Getz, Esq. Yesterday afternoon we arrived . lit this city from Vienna, by way of Prague.— after wo bud attended to our official business in Vienna, wq went to soo spmo of the objects of interest, in.company with our friend Otto Jlaas, who is hero in business at present, and preaching progress to the Austrians.— As regards the erection of splendid buildings and the arrangement of magnificent parks, this nation is not behind any one! Three fyearl ago the city authorities bad a park laid out that contains several acres of ground and through which flows the Vienna creek; I never saw anything superior to it. One half of tills park is sot apart fur the children, who"congrogate~h6re by 'thousands and en gage ,in their plays. The other portion is for the enjoyment of grown persona, and this part shows strikingly what tho industry of man can accomplish in a "short time. Along side tho most beautiful flower hods, whore the rarest plants of the known World are col lected, you find hero, artificially transplant ed, the largest trees, affording a most de lightful shade. 1 If AVo loft Vienna in company with one of* flic most prominent merchants of that city, Mr. Joseph Schwartz, whose valuable ac quaintance I chanced to make, and who had taken me to the famous Vienna wine-vaults of Mr. Xiicbenfrost. These are five cellars in one part of tbo town, each one of which is more than 150 feet 'long and 18 feet wide; and they contain 12.000 casks of wine; while in another part of the city, there is a cellar \vith several thousand casks of fc tfio most ex- ,„ cellent wine._ I Imuglit; seven f. r _e‘ ANOTHER INDIAN BUTCHERY. cimens, ranging from 101 l to 1862, wludh in this country are only drank by thd Mon- Another White Party Assaulted and '■Killed. archs. I mentioned to the proprietor that m , ... .. „ „ . wo, too, had monarcha in Americk; that is °5J®! the politeness of Mr. Hutchinson, to say, that all of us were kings and ompe- 5, , , /I 1 . 0 steamer Yellowstone, we were kors, governing ourselves, or rather deiega- furnished the following particulars of the ting cur public servants to attend to the mat- j*f ur uer of ton men, by the Indians, on the ters of government for us, who are turned Mississippi: out of power as sbon as they mismanage j lO r . 1 Peftans, * South Pagans and things. The good man couldn’t help but |’[ 00 “ s . ca ostituto the Blackfcofc nation. The smilo at this. Bloods, the smallest tribe, number about AVc left Vienna in the evening train, and 00 hundred and fifty warriors. The difli by midnight we passed through Bnmn. It fuliy originating with the Bloods last winter, being moonlight, I could see the town along hy some whites killing two of the.tribe who the railroad-very distinctly, with its splendid had stolen horses. On Monday* May 23d, a buildings and beautiful parks. This is the I! of nve Bloods were at Fort Benton, Capitol u t t;:o. province of Moravia. AVo pus- bout " camp, wlicA a whiteman ro sod a number of smaller villages and towns, oognized one or more of them as parties who that are situated in a very fertile agricultu- had stolon horses from him the past winter, ral region. Vineyards, however, are not to , j n, Sj ’. 3 £ am P ' ras surrounded, three bo found here. As wo approached Bruasau ~A ! . an u one wounded ; the other escaped, and Lotsdorf, day began tobfeak. AVc oass- 1 H 3 18 ono Vor *hon. The other is, that the ed Wildenschwort and came through Perdu- whites, in a drunken frolic, attacked the In* bitz, and then to Prague, the capitol of .the fcilllmj* some of them and throwing provinee of Bohemia. The railroad passing bodies into the river; This is probably here along a high ridge, we could see the . ■ ■ , / ♦ , i . . town and its streets very distinctly, and es- 10 Indian chat escaped, is supposed to pecially the large sugar factories, where su- have fallen in with a band of one fiuridfod gar is made of the beet-foot*. Those beet- anci o, Shty warriors, known a to. bo between roots are cultivated bore in largo quantities, “ un *' ,lver ai V* Fort Benton. Oa the after and the sugar made of them is averv fine nr- P oon , “ ,0 25th of May, a party of ten rden •tide.' Baron V. F. von Kibse-Stallbcrg, Oab- left the mouth of fc ho Marias, crossing the ioet-Minister of the emperor of Austria, and C ) untry, not more than throe miles, for the proprietor of this factory, cAme in the same purpose of rafting logs down to build aware* .train with us from Vienna. Ho is a very house, the timber having been cilt previously liberal-minded man and speaks English very ,/ eight M them ; left canip at half past two well. Our commission kept up a very iatcr- *■ v , , a wagon and throe yoke of oxen ; osting conversation witlr him. Ho was very l in . hoar after two more loft on horseback to much afraid'in regard to the Emperor Maxi- J oln them. Between four and five o’clock niilian, of Mexico; ho apprehended, that «harp bring was hoard for fifteen minutes— some personal danger might befall hirii. We 00 , a “ Wlls fi 11 * # explained to him the peculiarities and prin- Ihose remaining at Ophir could hear the ciples of ourgovernmont; that we never seek . a ttack, and prepared to go out, when a hunt any quarrels ; yet if the people of Mexico did cr, returning to camp, reported having soon | not desire a monarchy, it was a question for f*’ om fl ,e hill a largo party of Indians fight them to decide and not for us; and that il in S with iho whites, '..hree scouts left the 'our returned soldiers concluded to emigrate oaa lP» an * a . tcr pi’ojoeding about two nn,d a to Mexico, we could burdly prevent it: Sim- half mile-*, louud the body of one, N. AV.Bur ilar questions- wore put to us by dozens of B d uing it unsafe to proceed any noblemen. Austria seems to bo considera- hither that evening, they returned to camp, bly alarmed. The Baron invited me, in case morning of the 20th a party of men I should rcUiVn to Vienna, not to forgot to started with a wagon to find the dead bodies ball upon him. lie gave mo his card. 1 uf the others and bring them in. The bodies ,1 have already quite a Collection of such cards were all found and brought to -canip and of noblemen, and could almost make the tour buried in one grave, side byside, witha stake through Europe in' tho-capacity of a Diplo- placed at the head of eachi_—j itT-— I 'lMic-BTfrorTal” ’ nd a nmsi . trc~Brii\')n“Tilsb isetl to scou bottle of cabinet-wine to our liotol in Paris. , 2,500 tons beet-sugar will this year be ex ported fVtt'ui Austria to other countries. The {p*ain fields from Vienna until about 50 miles tins si i '-800 thousands of trees having a piece of ■'i\- coarse cloth, 4 t» 5-inohcs wide;ticd around and covered with black pilch, so that caterpillar can pass it.. llo\y milch would :S?st cost with ua. to employ small hoys of 12 to :«I5 years, to cut away and burn all the nests :;!®° bo found. If this has been attended to ,v'-|fone year, it will be very easy the next. How thousands of bushels of. applc.s* and could in this way be saved by very lit- outlay ?'lt is distressing to observe} how '-.iv|||jiuch is wasted with us. If I had to make ‘vjglaws, I would put $5 fine upon every best . '/Suntil all were destroyed. . * The country from league to Dresden is -,'i||y or y fine and romantic. A great deal of .‘Jjwino is produced hero. The many castles the iiigli hills remind one uf the banks the. Rhine. Yob, upon approaching the river Elbe, a. perfect panorama opens to the ;'i|view. I never saw anything more bpautiful I>|than the landscape scenery to Dresden, at every turn you behold anew surpassing the previous ..ones in :JbeAuty. This valley is part of what ie call ed ed the Saxon Switzerland. Hocks are loorn- \’ling up several hundred feet highland look ::.;2|liko massive buildings, and upon the very tops of them there are luxuriant trees. Near there is a large formation of this kind, about a thdusah'd fdet long dnd several bun- feet high, and upon the steep front of £Mthese masses of rocks there aro buildings that arc used as a hotel, and accommodations ; Mfor a park. This rock is a white sana-stono, '"gland millions of tons .of U are shipped down ■ : m|| the Elbe to Hamburgh and other sections. stone can! bo split like wood and work , .';< ;Jod up like marble. / Dresden is a vei'y lovely city of some 120,- :,v|ooo inhabitants; has splendid buildings and streets. There are also here a number Public parks and many private pleasure ,-!||& av dcns and parks; arrangements for which People of old Europe provide carefully, .'■p| hut which are altogether neglected by the -dwerica/i busmens anxiety with us, uo doubt linuch to the regret of tlioso who.are to 00016' after us.' This morning at 9 o'cWdk I visit ed the Lutheran “ Krevz Kircht” in which there was solemn service, accompanied by singing and music. At.ll o'clock I visited the royal Catholic Church, and here wo wit ncssed high-mass the performance on .the organ and the musio wore magnificent. To wards evening I visited the “ Wald Schloss” garden, which .1 found crowded by people who quietly enjoyed themselves-at a glass of beer, without that wild, noisy musio rted .:,u dancing which aro unfortunately so often met with in Vienna at places of this kind.— My time is too short to go more into detail. & To-morrow wo start for Berlin. •■£ Yours Truly, , $ FREDK. LAUEU. . .[D“ A man on being told that a certain kind of stove would “save half the coal,” daid “ I'll take two of them and savtf it all.” Dreadful Calamity at Sea. 57(C " Wm. Nelson” Destroyed hy fire —Four Hundred of the Passengers Missing—Forty Of the Rescued Arrived at Halifax. ' New York, July 7.—The merchant's Ex change of-this city bulletins tfio following : “Tho ship William Nelson, Captain Smith, from Antwerp on Juno 4tli, of and for Now York, with passongeas, was burned on tho banks of Newfoundland, oh tho Ist instant. About thirty of her passengers, wore picked up and taken to St. Johns, N. F. “Theboats with the crow are missing, and it is supposed that four hundred lives have been lost". AhbITtONAI. PARTICULARS. Montreal, July 7. —The purser of the steamship. Moravian makes the following statement: The ship Wm. Nelson, from Flushing for New York, was destroyed.by fire on the banks of Newfoundland. The firo originated 1 from a red hot bolt being put into a tar put, between decks. Forty persdtis were taken to St. Johns by the steamer Meteor. Four hundred are missing. -, . , Some may have been saved in the boats, captain of the Moravian says that the associated press boatmen, at Capo, Race re ported that,the steamer Meteor arrived at St. Johns,‘N. F., on Friday, with 40 of the pas sengers and crow of the ship Wm. Nelson, taken from the burning wreck. Tho Nelson sailed’ frOpi Flushing witit German emi grants. Before the Meteor beached the burn ing Vessel all the boats had put off, full of passengers, but none of thorn have yjt been beard of. Two or three of the above were said to Imvo been engaged in the murder of the Blonds. . The number of, Indians engaged was aup p mid to be about two hundred. They imme diately left for their camp near the British line.— Sioux City Telegraph. OCT'IVo have always urgeo that the nation owed its recent troubles of four years, in a great degree, to the influence and example of Northern men. Gen, Ewell, the rebel, gives an excuse for his conduct, that he saw prominent Northern men, in and oub of Con gress, advocating secession, and declaring that the rebels were right, and ho was thus led to believe that a dissolution of the Union was inevitable, and. therefore, though very i*nluctanbly, resigned his commission in the National ninny and entered that of Jdf Davis. If matters wore thoroughly sifted to the bot tom. and inflexible justice measured out to all who, m any way, advised, counseled or aided In the rebellion, bow many Northern traitors would receive the halter or the prison coll I Without their encouragement, the war which desolated us would never have been com menced.—Norristown Hcrahl. Quito trud, neighbor! We have always believed that .our tumbles were broiigbt on us by “ the influence and example of northern menF Wo also believe if justice was meted out to.every rhan who .aided in the rebel lion, l, many Northern traitors would receive the halter or theprison cell, M How would the Herald ligo to see Greely and others of that stripe have apart in.this hanging? They countenanced treason for years, and when the rebellion began, Me. Greely was in favor of lotting the South go. JWHfcn the troubles were brewing, Mr. Stanton was quite ram pant for treason. Ho declared tl 'tTic tidiith was right f and dneoumged them ,to ; “pitch in,” He “nad Just heard Jeff., Davis' and speech,” and-hurried right off to see Mr: 1 Buchanan to have him do nothing to coerce them. How would the Herald like to see him hanging at the end of a rope? Don't such a “ riortherri man” deserve “the hil tbr ?”—'■'Doylestqwn Democrat., . Important to Travelers.— The leading Railroad Companies in this and other States have decided to receive nothing in payment of faro but greenbacks or National Bank nct3s, and they must not be torn or defaced. People going to travel will save themselves some inconvenience by making a note of this and providing themselves with the proper kind of monpy before.leaving home. O' Not: a voice or hand is now raised against the Government of the United States. Every .rebel General and every rebel leader that has spoken or written, baa yielded to the fiat (tf arms, and counsels that obedience to tfio Federal authority which the hunted, harried, and oppressed people are only too ready to render.— Press. Qrangting this, can the editor of th'o Press toll us what is the use of keeping up such.a' largo standing army ? Why is not the Ha beas Corpus restored, and why is the military made supenor to the cuaV authority when the Constitution makes it subordinate? SS?* A Tornadtf has passed over Union county, Wisconsin, levelling fifty dwellings* and killing and wounding one" hundred* and seventeen persons.' Whilst a provost guard was pursuing a deserter in. Wheeling; Va., they fired at him, and, by mistake, shot a citizen, who has since died. Eleven Children m Four Years.— Wo met a widow woman yesterday twenty-one years old and the mother of eleven children from Tennessee, find married when she was fifteen years of ago, and in nino months thereafter was the neither of three liVe heal thy children. In the next twelve montjia she gave birth to twin girls ; then inside of tho next twelve months she was the mother of triplots again, two boys and a girl, then after a pause of eighteen.months, she pre sented her husband with another round of triplets, two girls and a liny • and sho arriv ed in our town frith, tlie entire lot. Her husband lost Ida life at the battle of S;one River, .and,she and her interesting and bright-eyed little iiierrv groUp were left to find their way, upon the charity of our peo ple, to her friends in the middle portion of Illinois', whoftrsllo bxpeita ’tcf be’ placed be yond all smili humiliating necessities. Her short life has been eventful as well as pro lific of events; ,gho looks remarkably young’ and active, find if there is no preventing Providence, we will go security on her some day scouring tho codutry-in which slip lo cales from all drafts for the array. —Oairi Democrat. ■ Samuel Launsperrv, of Cle.trfiold count', Pennsylvania, one of Ibo victims of Aboli- tion vengeance, was released unconditionally from Fort Mifliin on Saturday last, by Pres idential order—both imprisonment and fine being rcmittfeil. Thus are the implacable satraps and demagogues rebuked for their false swearing and improper use of their brief authority. ■ , The mysterious letter intended fur Booth hut directed to initials J. W. B , found at the National Hotel last week, which pretended to bo written by one .of Booth's conspirators, at South Branch, Va„ turns out to be a for gery. The man who wrote it is under ar rest. His object, it seems, was to implicate parties against whom he hud personal spito. I ]Z7T Two citizens of New York have been Convicted and sentenced by a court nwrtial in that State for obtaining money under false pretenses. President Johnson lias sot aside the prooeodinss, ordered the prisoners to bo released, and tho trial to take place id d civ il coiirl. The negro troops in Texas ate again •at their mutinous tantrums- -plundering and rioting. The “ milk of human kindness" measured odt so generously to those “ pet lambs" will turn to whey before long. Harriet In Harrisburg, July lOtb, by tho Rev. T. 11. Robinson, Mr. John W. Elliott, to Miss Fanny J. both ol Carlisle. CARLISLE MARKET.— JuIy 12, 1865 Flour, Superfine, per bbL, do., Extra, do'., Eye, do., White Wheat, per bushel, Red Wheat, ' db;, Rye) CO UK, Data, Sprinf Barley, Fall do., ,Cloverseed, Tijiotiivseed do', do., do., do;, PHILADELPHIA MARKET, July 12, ’GS, Flour, supcrlino> 0 00 7 50 5 no 4 75 ICO a 1 65 2 00 Rye, - - - - - - 83 .Co mr,—yol 1 o w, — = ——= 00 u white, - - - - “ Extra, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Wheat, red, “ white, Oats, 1 Ci.oVKnaEF.n, Timotuv Seed, Flaxseed, - X 4 00 5 00 2 35 a 2 42 - 1 00 a 1 02 2 13 B.V Ui-KV, WIIISKEV, Notice, V" OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad .. 1 ministration on tho estate of Isabella Kolloy, late of tbo Borough of Carlisle, dcc’d., have boon granted to the undersigned residing in said bor’h. All persons indebted to the said estate are reques t£d to make payment immediately, ana tlioso hav ing clainu against the estate will also present them for scttloinohtk ELLEN KELLEY, AdmiuJttrntri. r. July 13,1865-6 b SCHOOL TAX FOR ISGS. THE Duplicate of School Taxes for the present year bus been delivered by the School Dirce.L“~ Treasurer tor collection, u is therefore made the duty of said Treasurer to give notice to the TaX.tblo df the Borough of Carlisle that ho will attend at the County Court House, (Commissioners’ Office,) on THURSDAY and FRIDAY the 7th and Sth of SEPTEMBER next, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the fore noon, and 2 and 5 in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving the said Taxes. All persons paying their Taxes on or before these days will receive a,reduction of FIVE PER CENT The Taxes in tho meantime wiU bp received by tbo Treasurer at his dwelling id West Main St. J. W. EBt, Carlisle, July 13, 1865. . Trcmnrcr. Notice. IN" ‘the Court pf Common Pleas of Cumber land Ooitnty : . CATHARINE REESER,] No. 2, ApriUorm/OS by her next friond, GoOrgo | Alias subpoana sur di- Emmorick, 5-vorco..- Now -to wif, v/n | 21 April, 18C5, tbo RICHARD M, REESBit.J alias subpdma in this cdso having boon returned .and prodlpitulo that the said defendant could not ba found, jn said county, the sheriff is directed-to cause notice to bo. pub lished in one- in said county, for four successive wcclis prior to the first day of the next term of satit court, (August 28, 1805.) requiring the said Richard M. Rocscr to appear on said day to answer said complaint, Bv Tin: Court. Attest: —Samuel SnniESrAx, BgH>pJ Pi-othonolart/. To Richard M. Reeaer: ■! In pursuance df the above order, you are hereby required to. appear at the next Court of Oommqn Plonsi to be bold at Carlisle, in and for the county of Cumberland, on Monday, tho 28th day of An gust, 1865, to answer to tho complaint of tho said Catharine Reesor. JOHN JACOBS, Siikuipp’h Office, > July 13, 1365. J4t Notice. IN th‘e Court of Common Pleas of Cumber land County: . ■ . M A.UY B. LOBACII, *)' -Nd. 3, April term, 1805, by hcrfathor'rtnd floxt I Alias Subpoena sur di friend, John R. Pilkay, .V vorco. Now to wit, 21st va. I April, 1805: the alias ALFRED T. LOBABH. j subpoena iu this case having been returned, and proof made that tho said defendant could not babound in said county, the sheriff is dirootod to cause notice to be published ia one newspaper, in said county, for four succes sive weeks prior to tho first day of the next term of said court. (August 28, 1805,) requiring tho said Alfred T. Lobaoli to appear on said day, to an j swer said complaint. . Bv tub Court. Attcat:—SAitUEL’ SIIIUEMAN, Prothonotary . To Alfred T. Lobach In pursuance of the above order, yon aro hereby required,to appear at tho next Court of Comuion Pleas, to bo hold at Carlisle, in and for tho county 6f Cumberland, on Monday, the 28th day.of Au gust, 1865, to answer to tho complaint of the said Mary E. Lobaoh. JOHN JACOBS, SnßßiPP'fl Office, ) Sheriff- July 1.3, 1865. J4t , ' Job Printing neatly executed*. ~ Notice*. IN THIS Orphaas* Court of Cumberland County, in tho matter of the writ of partition and valuation of-tho real .estate of William Camp bell, lute of tllo thorough of Ncwvillo, deceased, the same having boon confirmed by the court, and has not.been taken by.any of the heirs entitled thereto. Notv to wit, March 21,1505, rule upon the heirs and legal 'representatives, of tbo said William Campbell, doe’d., to appear at the next stated Or phans* Court, (to be bold ftt Carlisle, on tbo 15th day of August .next,) and accept, or re fuse to accept the said real estate, at tho valuation, or show cni'.so why the same shall not bo sold. Notice to those of fboStnto of Penn sylvania, to wit: John sood and'Joseph Hood, residing in the State of Ohio; Joseph F., Robert, Jane, lilwa, William Olliver, Alary, John, James, Samuel, Caroline and Morgan Campbell, residing in the States of Indiana ami Illinois, by letter ami by publishing notice at two newspapers in Curlitdc three, times, and by personal service upon those re siding in this county. . Pv the Cwiavr. , In testimony whereof I havo bore- S SEAS* unto set, my hold aml ulbxod the V seal of said court, at Carlisle, tho 22d day of .March, ISJS. K. Cjkvman, CM:. Which notice of the above rule is here!) / given. JOHN JACOPo, Sheriff's Office, ) Shen'j/'. Carlisle, July IJ, !Sds. J 3t To the heirs Kind ’cjnl 'representatives of Stunned Ij'iuf/, deed., lutvof the of Bust Penns boro'f County of OninOcrlmid: Take Notice, Tbit by virtue of a writ of parti tion and valuation, issued out of tho Orphans’ Court of Cumberbunfcounty.-nml to mo directed, I will hold an inqiiesl'to divide, part nr vahlo the real‘estate of said deceased, on tbo premise*!, ?n Saturday, tbo slh day of August, A. !>., 1565, at 10 o’clock, A. M., when and where you may at tend if you think proper. fINO. JACOPS, Sheriff, ShcritTs Office, Carlisle,) ’ _ ‘ June 2J, 1805-Ot J To fJie.licii'a and Icqpl representatives of Elizabeth ftrinzer'f late of the Toninship of East Pennsho rp* f County of Cumberland, deceased: Take .Notice, That by virtue of a writ of parti tion and valuation, issued out of the Orphans' ,Court of Cumbcrlancl.county, and to mo directed, I will hold an inquest to .divide, part or value the real estate of st*id deceased, on the promises, on Saturday, the sth day of August, at 1 o’clock, P. M., when and whore you may attend if yoii think proper. JNO. JACOBS, Sheriff, ShoiifTs Office. Carlisle,) June 2:i, 1805-ofc J Limestdfib Land at Private Sale. fIUIE subscriber offers at private sale be- A tween 20 and 25 Acres of good LIMESTONE LAND*, situated in Dickinson Township, 4J miles from Carlisle, on the turnpike leading to Pittsburg. The improvements are a two-story n rimT. BRICK HOUSE, Log Barn, and koth or outbuil£jngs. Tor terms apply to the undersigned, residing on Juno 22, 1565-3t* FOR SALE,—A desirable property in the nortb-oftst portion of tbo Borough of Carlisle. A nice homo for a small family. Apply to C. E. MACLAUOHLIN, Aytiwl for Owner. Juno 22, ’6s—tf Hb Sb 7-30 LOANIb o,on 7,00 4,25 1,50 1,40 THI R JD S E R I E S , $230,000,000 By authority of tho Secretary of tho Treasury, the undersigned, tho General Subscription Agent for tho sale of United States Securities, offers to tho public tho third series of Treasury frotos, bearing so;cn and throo-tonths per cent, interest per dunum, known as tho 7-30 LOAN, Those notes are issued under date of July 15, ISOS, and are payable three years from that dale in currency, or are convertible at tho option ef tho = • U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOIiD-BEARIIVG BONDS. Those Bonds aro now worth a handsome premi um, and aro exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County an? Municipal taxation, which add* from onc 'to three per cent, per annum tc their value, according to tbo rate levied upon other property. .The interest is payable semiannually by coupons attached to each note, whioh may bo cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent, amounts to One cent ter dav on a $5O note. Two cents “ " “ $lOO “ Ten « « « “ $5OO “ 20 « <* “ SIOOO “ $1 " “ » ** $5OOO “ Notes of all tbo denominations named will lurnisUod Upori receipt or Hupacriptions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thir ties already sold, except that tbo Clovernmcnt re serves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 0 per cent., instead of 7 3-10tba in Subscribers will deduct tho interest in currency up to r July 15th* at tbo time when they subscribe. , Th 6 delivery of tbo notes of this third series of tho Stivon-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will bo made promptly and continuously after that dnto. Tho slight change in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only tho matter of inter est. Tlio'payment in gold, if made, will bo equiv alent to tho currency interest of the higher rate. Tho return to specie payments, in tho event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold bo availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent, in gold would bo fully equal to those mado with seven and tbroo-tpntha per coqt. in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now offered'by the an d Ha Superior advantages mako it tho Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $280,000,000 of tbo Loan authorized by .Congress afo now, on IUo market. This amount, at tho rate at which it id being absorbed, will all bo subscribed for withiu dixtydays,*whon tbo t notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as bad uniformly boon tbo case on closing tho sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of tho country may bo afforded facilities for taking tho Loan, tho National Banns, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout tho country have ge nerally agreed to receive subscriptions at par.— Subscribers will select tboir own agents, in whom they have and who only are to bo re sponsible for the delivery of tho notes lor which they receive orders.' Shcn/f- c6okb. Subscription Aqe.vt, Philadelphia. Subscriptions will bo received by tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK,- Cart-isle. CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK, Do. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MECHAtuosunno. SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Do. IFRST NATIONAL BANK, Newvii.le. ■ Juno 1.'1865-2m CHAINS.— GOO paii all'kiridffj' With a lar* Bu tt hain‘3, Breast ** Bog “ BOW u jugt, received tho Chcaj at, jßffetice. Notice; gibbons ’3 of Trace. Chains, 50 assortment of* Halter hains. Fifth « Tonguo ** Spreads, &c., «tc.j 1 Hadware Store of H. SAXTON. 1865 i.S years established in N. Y. City.” “ Only infallible Remedies known.” “Free from Poisons ” - “Not dangerous to the,Human Family.” ** Hals come out of their holes to die.” ‘ Costar’s” Rat, Roach, &c., Extcr’c, - I; a pa^tc—used for Rate, J/ov, Jtoiudir*, IHuch and Hid Ants, dV., (tV., dV., . I will also .constantly have on hand alVldnda of FAMILY GOAL, .under cover, which I will de liver dry and clean to any pari of the town. Ly kens Valley, Locust Mountain and Coal prepared expressly for family uhj, which X will sell at- tho lowest prices, at.tho Warehouse, west eud of High street, above tho College. - Juno IG.ISfU. To Farmers anil Horse Dealers. DR. JT. SIIEFFKUT tho celebrated Veter inary Surgeon, has permanently located in Carlisle, for, the- purpose of operating upon dis eased horses. Dr. has had 20 years experience in treating diseases, of Horses, and during tho last four years has had from 1000 to 2000 diseased horses under his earoi ’ Ho wishes it understood) that within the last 20 years many Horses have '‘come under his notice that have been injured by maltreatment from the hands of men who have no knowledge of either anatomy, or diseases, or fnctlieil treatment of the Horse. A great many of these Horses ho has cured after they have been drugged by such men. REFERENCES. T. J. KERR The undersigned having trusted Horses, both externally and internally diseased, to the profes sional skill of Dr. John Siieffrut, concur in say ing that.his treatment gave entire satisfaction, and wo cheerfully recommend all persons wishing to consult or employ a Veterinary Surgeon to give hiih*a call; 'CIIAMBERSBURO; Dr. J C. Richards, Frederick Byers, Dr. J. L. Susserott, G R. Mcsscrsmith.Petcf Bnmgh, Sam*l. Jeffery, ,T, L‘. Shank, Martin Newcomer, Dr. W. 11. Boyle, Evan Evans', or. John Lambert. Dr. A. 11. Souaony; Sul. Maxwell, Huyaor, D. 0. Gchr. * . Jnmoa.S. Slerrelt, David Martin, John Hnmit)n J Alfred Moore, B. R. Jameson, IVm W. Dale, D, Sipo, D. H Gill.. Juno 22, *Cs—lini. IRON, English refined, Cents pet: pound, Sails 5.50, Hotso Shoes 7.25; And everything else in prroportpn' at H. SAXTON’S. 5. CROFT,' 6'«r»mry, Wollcei JAMES KYLE,. A'liniuiKtrutor JNO. BEETEM. CAIUIStB THE PHCENIX PECTORAL Will Cure Your Cough. THE PHOENIX PECTORAL; OH, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND SENEKA SNAKE HOOT, WILL DISEASES OT SHE t’6aKn., nml il h;is m..|iiiroil nn unsurpassed rojratn limi in curing cengl)-. It is carefully nml skill rnlly jircjhlrcT I'ruiu Wild Cherry Burk and Soncka Snake Root.” Dr. (Jm. 11. ViTiod, Professor of tho Practice of Medicine in tho University of Pennsylvania, Physician to tlie Punn-ylvntiin Uns|iital, and ono of Ilia authors of the United Stales Uisticn-atorj, says ofSenoka Snake Root; “lie action is S|.e cially directed to tho lungi!.’' The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative potvers from the testi mony of hundreds with have nsod'ir, that the mo ney will ho /mI'I fi'A lo liny purchaser who is uot satisfied ivi.lli its effects* It is so pleasant-to take that children cry for it Price. TIIIU.TY-PIYE CUNTS; Largo Bottles ONE BOU.AU. It is intended for only ono class of diseases, namely, those oflhe Throat and Lungs. Pronaro l mdv hy . LEYI 6BERIIOI.T7.EU, M. D., TV. a- lit. vclift!, Pa. Sold by-nil Druggists nnd Storekeepers. Johnston, Holloway Gowden, No. 23 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. P. C. Wnnr.s .t Co,. No. IL> Friuililiu stroot, New York. General Wholesale Agents. D. W. Gnoss «t Co., Wholesale Agents, Darria nrg, Pa., nnd at , , - . IUVERSTICK'S DRDG STORE, Carlisle. N. B.— I f your nearest druggist Ar storekeeper lots not keep this medicine do not let him pui •mi ofV with romo other njedicine, because ho nukes nau’o money ou it, but send at once to ono >f the a»rent? for it;. March 0, isiio-hm COAL AND LUMBER YARD. THE subscriber bavins leased tho Yard formerly occupied by Armstrong *t Hoflbr, and purchased tho stock of C 0 A L A ND LUMBER, in the Yard; together with an immense now stock, will.have constantly on hand and furnish to order all kinds ami quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plnstcringj Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Flooring and Weatherhoarding, Posts and- Rails, and every article that boilings to’si- Lumber Yurc\. i Ml,kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepiue, Hem lock and Oak,.of different qualities. Having cars of rhy own I can furnish bills to order of any length and size at tho shortest notice and on tho most reasonable terms* My worked boards will bo kept under cover so they can bo furnished dry ut all times. : I have constant!}' on hand nil kinds of FAMI LY COAL under cover, which I will deliver clean to any part of tho borough. To wit; Lykons Val ley, Broken, Egg, Sroic and Nut, Luke Fiddler. Truverton, Locust Mountain, Lobbery, whi;h I pledge myeclf to soil at tho lowost prices. Best quality of 7ji»,ico«w nef «i* unit JJfucA.'sin tins* C'OUf, ilways on hand which I will sell at the lowest fig ure. Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ANDREW XL BLAIR. NOTICE.—I still retain tho srinio position in the linn of DELANCY A BLAI/1, which will bo carried on as energetically as ever at their eld stand near the (las house. As our purchases will 1)0 made together at the head of the market, V WO feel confident by so doing to bo able to accommo date our customers and- the public on the most reasonable terms. Having rcliiiqnhhed tho tan ning I will doovle my entire attention to tho Coal and Lumber business. All kinds of Coal and Lumber kept constantly. on baud and in the beat condition. The Lumber Yard will bo managed by Mr. Geo. Znloif, whoso experience and known to the community. By. strict attention to business, short profits, and a desire to' do right wo hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. " AN DREW 11. BLAIR. June 15, ISfio-tf READ! READ!! READ !!! I HAVE just retiirndd from New York with the latest stylus of DUES S GOODS, - for tho season, Silk,' Cloth and Laco Shawls, Hoop Skirts, Parasols, Hosiery* Globes. — Afl kinds of White Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres,* Linen Coalings. Ac. All kinds ol Domestic Goods, Paulings, Ac, - , . A large supply of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Damasks, and Furnishing Qootfa, Intense call and examine my stock ns I always sell at tho lowost market value. Additions of Goods will bo made as tho season advances. W.C. SAWYER,. East Main St., one door below Martin's llotol. June 1, ISGS. . NEW FORWARDING AND C 0 m MISSIO N-. HOUSE i i.oi n & JFEEO, COAL, PLASTER & SALT: ''Pill! subscriber having taken the Ware- J_ house formerly occupied by J. Ei. Nonomakor, <»n "West Higli Street, opposite Dickininson Col- would inform the public, that .ho has en tered into a general aatl Commission business. The highest market price will bo paid for Flour Grain an J-Produce of-all kinds. • Elmir and Eeed, Plaster and Stilt, kept COU** stanlly on hand and for sale. Coni of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY , LOUUST MOUXTAIX x . LA WJJEHIi Y, Limoburnors* and Blacksmiths* Coal, constant!} fur sale. Kept under cover, and dblfvorod dry to any part oftbo town. JOHN BEETEM. April U, *6-1. ‘ THUNKSt THUNKS M YVLISES, Trunks, Carpotr Bags, Uj rallas Ac. French*solo leather Trunk' dies travelling Trunks of. largo sizes, bragfj of the best makes! in largo variety at ISAAC LININGS' Nofth ffajr Mauoh 19, '63V • / I 'X-st ■'