American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 23, 1865, Image 1

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,!*. i-i
: yol. su. •
rutLianaD et*rt TriuhsoAr korkiho «r
( jg^ if paid within the
Vrfcr<> arid Two' Dollars and Fifty Cents, if not paid
*lthinthe These tonus will:bo. rigidly ad
jured tb r in 'btrcry instance. : No subscription dl«-
aontinubd until -all nrtcsragos are paid unless!at
tbe opfcibh of'the .Editor. >■ .
* ADTuaT.TSKUBNTS —;AooompMiied hf theoASJT, and
•04 9 x«o4tU|ng oa6 Square, will* bo Inserted.three
for ,$1 .£O, and. twenty-fivo cents for‘each
additional iniorWoii. ■ irhoso of a greater length in
proportiMi. ,", '! ' ' ji '’ ’ ’’ ’. !
* JoU-P*iKTi*c-“-Binh as Hana-.i’flhb Postlng-billa
Labels,-. ,4o* Ac., pxooutbd with
.offnraoy.and at shortest ,noti«o<
r : MAl' IS BOMR;'
Homo's not made ofpalrtQQ.walla,-
; - • Though watt pictures hungand&Udod,
’ Homoiawhore amotion caUa-rr
•billed .with shrines the heart hath huildod.
watch the faithful dove, 11
Sailing ■ tho heavbn ahoyti us! '
Home la whore thoro'a pnb to love, 7 "V. ■ i
Hornets whore'there's'ode to love ua,
Home heeds Vomeiklng to endear it'; '']
i Hbme isVero the heart eanbloom, . . [.}.
’■ffhdx'd thore'a abihb kind lip to obGor U. '
.homo with nopo,to, moot* ,
None to welcome, none ■ to meof us ; awoot, and'only sweet* > *..JT ~
Whore there's onowoloVe to groot hi.
a simple story. ;
• i., L •
It waiiiix o'clock in the afternoon.' At tiiii
lime the groat wholesale warehouse of Mes
srs. Hubbard & -Sup was' wont tooloao, unless
the pressure of''business compelled the part
uere to keep opoq. unti(,later. The duty! of
upoh EdwardiJonea,
a lately been.engage
cd toiperfortua, few,light duties,
ha received the sumof lifty dsllore annually.
He was the ‘ boy,’ but if ho behaved himself
so as to win the- (reprobation of his employ
ers, bis ohan'eb of promotion was good. .
Yet there Was tome things that rendered
’this-small salary a.bard trial tohirn-j—eihoum-'
staneok 1 yrith; which'
noqujuntfecl/; ’rjlii mother was a !widpijyfB:The
sujdoh death of MK’Jones bad tilrown ‘the
entir.e,fatnHy .upon .their own reßd'uteoey.'iind 1
they..,wrere;i^dee, “'but slender,'.,. V ’,
There,wasian older sisteriwho,assisted her
mother to'sew, nnd’thie i.with Edwnrd’s sala
ry’ cohstitutcdthaientiro 1 inoome’ofi the lamb
1y.,.. Yetjby inbans o'f untiring induetryl'the^ l
hsd. : l 'ponti‘ivod flips,'far ’toyfiYe'^ibbiiigjstifjotl’
ecopipmy.'of.‘oourse/,',.Ye't/they.pad 'wan't'dij
none ofthp,-
But Mary Jones—Edward's . sistor-^grow ;
«iok. : Takbn a severe cold which
bad. terminated in fever.:,.Thisnot ppljrcut
off the monme her own labor,
but aloe prevented her mother, from ttcoom
plishing as mooli as sh.o f would otherwise'have to doi *';'** •*** . .
Gn tb’i tobrhiHgof the ’dajr' ah; Which ! puri
stoty dolhlhtin'cbiii 'Mary had eipfe^sh'diia'loHg- :
have been grateful to herl,, ,7. .’f , ’,
11 i# hard i iMeed' when wo are ipblSgted to
deny to' those we love that Which would.!be a
refreshment and'ii benefit to then!'. 1
'Mra‘. : Job'eii fell 'tfiUi'drjd’so' did-Edward’. :-1
‘1 only wish. I could Wyybd ! oiie;Mary/
said. Edward, jus to a be set out for.tho store.
‘Next;year !shall reoeiya .ndarger-salary,',
iind than welwbidf lihW tapiniili so hiuoh. 1
Neyop.piind, Edward/siia Alary, smiling;
faintly,-‘j l ought, riot to havtiasked for; it,;
knowingiuiw and mother find it to
get along without une/ , • ‘
•.Don't tfouhlo-ydiiraalf 'about that Mary/
taid,ltlrt.;J'6ne8 ’soothingly, though her heart
sank 1 Within atltlie tSohght of her empty’
lar.der.'v ‘,odly;;geh well, and we shall get
along well enough.afterwards. ’ . i, : ■ ! .
It wtf with Uioineliidry of this scene that
Edward went to the store itl the'iuorriihg. 1
All-around wore-boxes of rich goods, rep-,
reaonting,thdusapdahf.dollars in money,),:;.
■’Oh/ tliough''.lf'i only hod the value
of the?e boxes, 'Hdvf.'iragoh'goba' it would do
poor Mary/ And Edward sighed.,
Tb , «iong’diiy :, 'tvdro away at laHf, nod Ed-;
■Ward was abodt to dlosb’the'waraHpuse;, ■; ...
‘But as'he’Mssai. pf;liiS priiplpyer;.
his .attention was,drawn; to a hil of, paper ly,-
iogani the,&ior beneath.: . ',uw
.Ho picked it up, and to hiagreatjoy found
it t'6 be a-tori dollar bill;., " 1 ’ I/,"
, The flist thought that flashed-upon him was,’
1 lnnv; much good this will do Mary, l oan buy
her.’the,orange she wants, and she shalljhsye
• rotub. every day; and perhaps site would like
a chicken. ~
But a moment later'his oountonaoo foil.
~‘lt isn’s mine,’ ha, sighed. '[ It must 1)0
Mr. Ilubbard’Js; This is his doskj and hd
must hard dropped it.’ , '
' Still,' urged tin) tempter, bp, will never
know it.. And after'all wbnt are ton dollars
to him? lie is worth a hundred thousand.’
Still Edward wns not satisfied.: Whether'
Mr.' Huhburd oauld spare’ it or not, was not'
the .question. It was rightfully His, find must
be given back to hinir . : >
‘l’ll go to hip house, and give it to him this
fory night,’, sold Edwtfrd." Otherwise I will
be to kefep hi’ :/ •
- Ho determined to go to Mr. Huljbnrd’s be
fore hewant homo.'. The sight of his sister
wdnld-porhaps' weakert’ his resolutiSn, and'
this' .niust never )>&•'• Ho'must preserve'his
>M i 'a lprgo fine
nblo ttreet.v.Ho had passed it several, times.
And & mun-tauatsfloi feol
happy tirhd is oble to live in SueE style; ’
; With'hutiHiftne'obssary ‘dslay, therefore, he,-;
»»ht tpl''t£li ■ hdusd,’ ana, .Asdeiiding lho steps
i’ll.;”'-'-'". •>'
•A? msu^servantdamp, to the; door. ,
1 Will?’ he said.'
‘ Ie : Mr; 'Hubbard fit hnmo ?’ ,
VYos, but helms just oome'iu, and Iditn’t
rbihk' Be dad sPs you,’ was the supercilious
reply.^!-.r i' .d-i i 1 <■ ■: ; :
‘ a(win liiiaifipldy^'said'EdwSrd'qaletly,'
tod 1: pave! jdVt poirip IfOni ’tho store. I
ibiak'.llp. jdu.mintioß' this to
I i‘>
V Very well you, ean come in,’.
a Edward'-was left standing in the hall, while
Mr, Hubbard was sought by the servant.
‘.Weill’ ho said inquiringly, ‘ has any
thin" happened V ■
i, /W).sir,’, said Edward, ‘tut I picked up
this bill near your desk, and 1 suppose you
must,have dropped it. I thought 1 had bot
|er:hrin'g it here diroetly.’
■ ‘You have done: well,’ raid Mr. Hubbard
and' I will remember it.' ' Honesty is a very,
valuable quality in. a boy Just commencing a
business, career.' Hereafter, l;shall have per
fect confidence in your honesty.
teEdward wap gratified by his assurance; yet
118 tbs dour oldsed behind;him. and bo walked
r put into tho street, the thought of.hii sister
i sick at homo again tucped upon him, and he
, thought regretfully, how much good could
bays been done .with' ted /dollars’. Not th’at
he regrettedthat he had been honest... .There
satisfaction,in.doing‘ I think
my hi,s;fe.elingsfwith
, out ciplnqut.’.? n - •i■/ 1 !i -i ! .1- ih
! Mrs; JdrftA l JjigmihtlnlMMtoft'ipJtHt 4ft her
dafigh'tert ;^siddV’i f ! ltsE^ P»H<Wed'l*
•jaway. , trouble.
jtp /mdkC Jl/.mdthfeS; , /sh'e ; said,-Vtat Jtdon’t
thidk lMd|d:jpftßSibi^-6i'tHt'/-" .V.* ; );■
’ ' , XBlheft!anythitfgy , Cu ; dould , rpliSG, iHdry?’
: ‘ Mo,’-abosaidheoitatmgly/'notbfagii/bat
we end/get* •<• .p;.-*-' '•>’ .* < <■>
i Mrs.’/uoneS sighed—a/Sigh whldh Edward
echoed. ‘ - • i , / .'al,.
1 i It was ■hCfirt'lhdt/jEdwSt'd
started fd/thd warefadUseMth'e 1 mCkt'
{He had'd'eVer felt;the : drdying's lfor ; wealth
that now’thole jiossieeflidd-.of HihU/
>| He set'ab/ot.hia ttdtiei'Ck usuah Aboiit
two hours After he' had drived at thd ware
I house, Mr;* HuhbArd /entered.' / lie ■ Mid not
at firstjappear.tq notice Edward*, biit id about
half 'Anh-hpdr'/Bummdned 'hidi id; thfe 1 office!
which was partitioned'off from‘tlie '.remain*
per of the Apddio'aa/’rdbins id : wh’ioli ! goods 1
were stored/ ' ■ ■■
' ; He smiled 'pleifsWtly ns Edward entered
hispreaenoo.-, ’ ' """ v.— -.. ■ I
.. ; * Tell mo frankly,' .‘.did,-you riot feel an
idipulse to keep tho .b’lili yytiiah you found '
Idit night.’
! ‘.I. hppeyou ..won’t,ho .offended with me,
*Mr, Hubbard,’ rigid Edward,/ 1 If T day'that I „
did:’’" •
j ‘Tell me all about’ it,’ said' Mr. Hubbard, .
with; interest. ‘Whatwaa it.tbat held you:?
Tlsbouldinevsrhav'eknhwniit-’!, -,.i . ;•! ;
1 f r.khbwtthat,’ said Edward;.”: ’ r.« :
: ‘ Then w h nt.vr ithh o Idypul’rotn taking it ?’
: ' First I will tell'you what toniptod me’,'
said Edward. ‘ My/, motherland sister are
obliged to depend' upon* sowing for a living,
and we'live but best. But a fort
nigbt 1 iimeo ; Mary ,'beobme' Blok, and since
thsh'we'havo hhd aihnrd: time.: Maryls ap
petite is'pddrj wbd,slid'does not relish food,
'but we are able to, goLheiCnuttiing
‘When I picked "up that bill I could not help
thinking how much X could’ buy with it for
her.’ .i. ■ ;,;)
i ‘ 'And yet you did not take it ? ’
. ‘.NO Sif,:it w.h.u|d-hay,o, been wrong, and I
•could not have looked you,in the luce after
it.’- ’,-,' " ’ ' I 'V;’’.’' ' r '
. I Edward spnke in tones.of modostobnfi^enc’d;'
' Mm Hubbard wont to .the, desk .and wrote
‘a check. ‘ ■■■■•
| ‘ifow muoh do I pnyyounow?’ ho asked..
I ‘Eifty dollars a year,’ said Edward.
I ■ Henceforth your duties will be increased,
lin'd, I will pay you two'Hundred. Will that ?’ !' ’!.
' | i Two hundred dollars a, year I’ esolairtied
Edward, his eyes sparkling with delight.
' I ‘.Yesiiat thownd of the .year, that will ;be,
■increased, if, as I lave no doubt, yotl.contin
ue to merit my, confidence.’ _ "
,'.oh, sir, Low can I .thank you?' sayd Ed
ward full of Gratitude. . , - ,
*By preserving your integrity. As I pro
-Bnmo;you are in present, need of money; I
will pay you one month in advance. Here
is a ebook for fifty dollars which you can got’
cheeked at the batik.. And by the way yon
can have the rest ef the day. to yourself.:, ’ , ,
Edward flew to the bank, and with ..his .
sudden riches-nastened to the market, .where
ho purchased a supply of provisions snob as
he knew, weic9 h l®rfttchome, and
then made haste to announce his. good . for-.,
tune'. ,' ' ' '■ ’
4. vtbighfc seemed to fall off; tne.hearts of
mother utid daughter as, they lieard ( hiB iiuf
rieditorj, aiid Mrs. Jones ..thanked God .for
.bestowing u'pon' her son ■ those good .princi?
pies tfliioh haji brought his great relief.' •
. 'And Mr. Hubbard slept ,none/the
that bight that .at a slight pecuniary-sac
rifice he had done,a &s>>d‘ notion, confirmed a
boy in biß. ihtegnty, and 1 gladdened a strug
gling therp; wprp. hl°fOwploy;:
ers as. considerate’as bo, there yf.o.nla,bo few
er disho: nestolerks; ■ ■ V */'.
; ) T,,
' A bbrrbspbndbnt of tlld Cincinnati C.oiii-.,
mercial! writing ffbfn Parkersburg,'Va.? gives
mania in'tba't Ideality i •■ oori.:
, 1 , If i yqit'‘wafat;to,.Be bbrb|,,ppnqe
regions. ' Here's the pladp where,ypii .bpre,;
andiget bored!.. It is nOthinghat oil fiurii mOnf'
iiig till night—oil on paper—b illoVloil—'poo I
, pie'talk',’’write, "sleep iind snore oil. Ask a
man bow far it is to Charleston i •
•Twenty-six miles fruul .SlabsJde'a’ oil
spring.’ •• -.-
•What time does tho, steamer lewrarrfor
Wheeling ?’
‘Just as soon as Slocum’s till is
‘ What was the fight about yesterday V
‘Oil.’ , •
‘Jenkins married qn oil well yesterday—
or just as .Miss Snifkins,,
whoso father struck ‘ilo'.a'fcw days ago.'
Preachers preach about oil' being poured
Upon the troubled waters; and say this is the
very, spot w here’tho oil for the decision domes
from.” .' ’' ' " ’ , ,
I.slopt'On four’barrels of oil last night—
eyery hotel ftfll; The entire country looks
greasy, people have oily tongues; and'your
oil-factory neryosnrePtrpugly inrtpreaspdwith
tho terrible stondhi. - .Everybody , bps,territory
for. • sale, and, there, are; .plenty _of,f ftfolp and.
thir money” .who atitioipptp-their, realization
of the'-Beron Munchausen*‘stories-that are''
,'aliiiiipej; 1! hdq tt' map,’ df tK® rAgiod/
and ean tell it stradger'exaptjy where the ptf
east spot,iswibe., has,-lieon there,,know? th,e
plaoo.hut is short of funda—hps no porßonal
interest'in,'the matter,not he, indeed; oßut
in nierb matlerof friendahippadvides'you to
bhy there, and then .'dp wikt hd id’ ,
bore! and .oil ipust ogmik
, Men siepv crazy,. yjotims.,nr9, I p#aly.
Seeking to become’ suddenly, rich, many, a,
tolerably well-to-bb ‘ but ovor sanguina indK
yidiial gods his pile and ldses all he haspabd
'shdaks off;- a'few*
ipn'Airekl potone in a hundred but
Dgers'l'orribiy bUrndu'.';;' . , -
( A Drop voo Mucn.—One fine morning, last
summer, a from the country,’ one
would suppose, judging fromths stylo of bis
harness, was sauntering on the. Fifth Avenue,
on bis way to the groat show—tho Crystal
Palace. His vyhole appearance, notions and
conduct marked him us a euro victim, in the
eyes of tho dropping fraternity, and just
abouttbiatime, too, o.ioof them was‘around,’
and after going through tho usual prelimina
ries—suddenly seised an apparently well fill
ed pocket book upon the ground,, at the time
touching bis foot in manner to at'ract bis at
tention— .
‘ Ah, sir, your 'pocket book—-just dropped
ft 1’ he exclaimed..
‘ M,V pocket blink?’ asked country’ as if
surprised, ‘l—a—’ t '
j f Yea, sir, your pocket book—just found it
at your feet,’ continued the ‘ dropper.’ 1
‘ Look a-here, stranger, that ain’t my pock
et book no how,’ persisted the countryman,
j ‘Ndt yours V..: ■... .
i * Bird I’yo got mine safe enough in my
trouser’s' pocket, replied the ruralite. ■ ■
> ‘ .yoiir.,pUrdon,.Sir; I really thought
g ou had .dropped it. It is evidently a well,
piled pnfe—dbh'taihs d-large amount of mbni~
ey^—arid’ no 1 doubt a large reward’will be bf
jered for it,'says ‘ dropper.’" :
i ‘ Yes, no doubt of it, put in the oountry
[ ‘-Well ;npw,’ - continued. sharpy;. *as I in-
tho city to-day, won’t yon take
fho j?opk'ot book, and—t > c- ’ ■’
j ‘ v oh,’ J’es.pertipnly.l'U take it,’ eagerly
anpwotod yu’VaUtoj'.'.at' the same- timo'extend
ing;'n:hugo , han'd tb’rebeive it. 1 ’ ” ;
But, you know - ,- M thew- will bo a laVgb
f'aftUW fo rlP suppose 'you give me
five dollars,, and then y',° u b“ n dll yon
got.’ ■ ,i , '•
! ‘ Yes, I’ll do it., • Ilere’s a dollar bill,
You got five?” yV.i /
; ‘Yes, sir,, hero .It .isr-oity ibftpjt..hill,',
promnvly answered drdpper. , : .
‘Well; now, : I don’t Jknow anything of
your city money p suppose,you .give me the
balance in silver,’ suggested the Verdant. .
. ‘ I would; my dbar’eir, with pleasure, if I
had'it,’ aay's-drdpper.' , ’’ 11
Well; 1 haven’t you got'gold ?’ inquired
untry. . ■■■''
‘ Tps,. I bfelioye I have'.’ and taking out of
is jiusb a guinea five dollar gold piece he
'aye it .to the.countryman. .'
■ ‘ Gopd morning,’eayy ho.:
flood morning, ’, returned the supposed
victim, and as the dropper departed, pyoba-,
bly.ohuoklingito himself oyer the speculation )
lie flattered himself ho had made ( our opunr
try friend exolaimod.'SoWo vdco*ty: ,, ,j
; ‘Ahl hal Make money at that gamovvith
mo. .;Guess so.- Mot a bad opou for one
rid of a eonunfeifeit’ten’ got a
good ' five’ nnd a new pocket hook. Try it
on agnin, old feller, woi'.'t you ?’ ;
1 ,-j n;i
llaWd and .Soft Water-for Cooking,—>
The offooia of Imrdand soft water; on differ*
ent vegetables' very materially.' Peas and
beans cooked in bat'd'Water; containing lime
or gypsum, will not Boil 1 tender; boonuiii
these substances h'ardb'n"vdgetahle oasoip. In
soft water they, boil tender andlusp a Igorijain
rjmt raiv'.taste wluch/they’ r^t^tt 1 infhard:
water) Many Vegetables (iid 'onions) boil
nearly tasteless in soft water .Because all the,
flavor is, dissolved, out. ,Thd' p,ddi tjop of .‘salt"
often checks this, (as in case pf onions,)
causing the vegetables to retain the peculiar
{flavoring'principles, besides much nutritiqlis
matter tvhioh might be jdst in, Soft water.
Thus it appears, that salt hardens.tbe, water
to a degree. For extracting the juices of
imeat to make brother Soup;.soft water, nn-,
{salted and cold at first, is’best, for. it much
more readily penetrates the tissues; but- for.
Boiling meat where thejnibeS'should 1 be' re-'
.tained, Hard water 6t" soff'Waterl salted 1, is
prtefernblD, arid the meat 'should bo put'in
whilc it is boiling soad to seal up the pores at 1 '
once. - 5 • • . \
, • Bid Nose for a Lidy. : — Two young ladies,
genteelly dressed were riding in a streetbar.
One of ihem, remarkable for an excessive
prominence fit, nose, exhibited .to the other, p,
photograph; of herself) anJ theyiwere ehgajgr’.
pd indiscussing its merits, when an elderly
lady reached but.hor hand pud. said to the
lady .who had. the pidtbro ' ■ ‘
1 ‘ Plodse let’ me 1 look at ii.’
; Hor modest request was met with an in
dignant frown, and -the reply, as the card
was returned to tha pocket of the lady.
.fit's.none,of your business.’ ,
: The'old lady settled back in tier-seat very
complacently, when the companion of the
one with the picture asked ri.-
; ‘ What do you wish to do with it?’ i
■ ‘ .o,,riotb!fag/: replied; the old Jady, ‘ I duly
wanfed fo pee hpW; successfully,tup, artist ppt
such a.pfse on so.sßiall.a card 1’ .. ,
j The,bg.r was full', and,the scouts’ of laugh
ter could'habe been heard a square. ’ 1 ■'
,i in .voo:"". ' : 'm • ! . V o’./K ..
! Persian .and .Turkish,..sysT,
tom of Carpeting rooms 'is Infinitely ."bettor
.and prettier than jours. . ifhe I’eisian carpets'
; are' 1 Exquisitely’•beautiful; ’their’ ebldrg'qre
brighter’ l the., designs’ prettier,''arid tbe£;arjs’;
far.niore dui'ribiAtbaa-EurbpCanJandAmbri-:
ban .carpets.. ■,, They, .lire lundo jnstrips usU-,
ally'between two, and .three, yards long,; mili
about orio yard, in breadth, to go round the
sides of the rooms, with a square carpet
of any size-preferred-for the centre. They
do nut require to be\ nailed, or fitted, and
a sufficient number of them will of.course
carpet any. room,,however large or small.
They have a very rich and grand, appear
ance, too. , 'ln Summerithey are easily taken
up, bohtsn. rolled'and- put aside' by'a single
man-servilnt, and hi*why ihould
we not more generally imitate continental
customs by painting or polishing our floor ?
ijoyEn and .Simple Gun,Cleaner.—Mr.
I. W. Parmentw, of Now York City, recent
ly brought to tno offioo of ..the American Ag~
vimluinst a simple and efficient gun cleaner,
that he liod' boon using laok of tow, which he
oould' not 1 readily: obtain, and’ to; which it
prated superior. A-bit of corn dob' about
three intjhps lobg’ was whittled ddwn'smnJH
enpifgh to enter the barrel siadily, but ndt
So niuchaatp pntirply out off thorough prd
jectipps—tliesp serVP .admirdblV to spoiir the
mterlot’of ,'tKif barrel; ‘ Thd lower.end'of Hid,
PobwjasßpUf übafidat'dnmoii, and,
halvps' , wore 'kept] pprjSig£ (ipart : to;'the.
bore-, Jjy.a small, weggo aorpM.the; upper pndT
of thp.ppening.' fillipj 1 n.terktidfes,.dn,;tho
, facai-df-tfiiii
emprypow4ot\ dr dtpdr pwdringjinatariat to
.yemoris rattntf&i,', lhp dd|j’,Bd prepared.apd
sorpjvddito ’ o.f fh's. ; ramrdd.i\ra s
üßpdias a stvab/and .In very,abort;tiwd -the
gun, wßSithoroii’ghly cleansed- '(.This, not, pa
tented. ’ i’,.:;;
j IC7”,Tho ypu : lJg , whdbtr'g’dgd^binisolf ,
to'half 1 a dozin joung 1 Worndn id undoubtedly'
kßiauof proni?*,-
Letter from the Governor of Pennsylvania to.
the President of the United States. ;
Executive ObXuber, I
ITabbisburo, January 20; 1865.; |
To the President ; ' ‘ '•')
Sib: The Act of the' 3d of Maroh,lB6B,
commonly called the Enrollment Act provid
ed (section 4) that for the purposed of, the'
net, each Congressional Dintriot.of, the res
pective States should form ; <i J>iatriot, ; and
(sec. 11) that persons''enrolled should ,be
subject to,be called into the Military Service
of the United States, and Id [continue in stir*
VICO during the present rebellion, not,.how
ever, exceeding the term of three years,; and
further (see. 12).that in [assigning to the dis
tricts tho number of men tp. bp furnished
th«re(rom,_ the President should take into
consideration the number of Volunteers aind
Mihtia' by and' frpitt thp: several in
wbfeh Stud D’stricta yroro kituated,,ftnd tho
period, of'their'teryitie' mhPo ! tlie j cointrienoo-'
ment<;of : the ■rebMliOtt;’ make
said-dsSigntnentS'os'tifoiqaalraefhe' numbers'
;among the Districts.of tho' Several States,'
considering and allbvHngffhr tlie numbers al
ready furnished' ad aforesaid hhd the time of
their service/ • J n .
■The tithe? of actual'serried. 'which bythis
AeC you. were directed consider and al
low ‘for, could ld-
DOr,- (or indeed at, aUy TJe.'fiired'wifll ekaoti
tude for each St cdiifd'etisily have
been ao approximated that’little
j probtioalrinjustice,Would have been 1
done'.-" fho third year
'of -the wdr/was'olosci b&d dt’thi.time of the
Act. It would hot hdfie bedfa difficult to as
certain, of one enlisted ’for 1
throe yearS, whatwos i thd i av ! o : rn!go numbed
that remained aetuaUy in thWse'mceat the'
end of the‘first and secOhd years respective
ly; and thus the Act' obald : have , been sub
Btantiallj with. ‘!F6tiuSt'»noe; sup
pose it to have been'fotmd tfiaVone thousand
men enlisted fph.three yhaVfi, tlkd'ro remained
in ihe service ah average of Totty per cent.
ffTtho .closp of theVebohd Jehri ri/ Tne result
wbiildhave beeh, : tne'pr<)visions of the
Actj ~tUdt ! ‘rixteeh ineh
would have bhen taken' as I ,the- ; equivalent of
one thousand three year's men/ 1 i:
jjnfortundtely the .'Heads. tff'Bureaus to
whom -jibe''matters Seems; tb ;! HhvoJ been en
trusted;, began by falling ititf/ «t,'Btrahge,muj
construction of the - Act. . Thby did in effect
strike from the 12th : fiecthSn "1110 phrases
f’poriqd qftheirsorvioe'' and “time of their 1
service," ‘k'and! ’.ipeerif /ibftWeUi'tnJrehf' the
phrase “'term'bf tiieir enliatmfenV/’ nfii] then
proceeded'to apportion prefix's (h^ 'multiply-;,
uig the [number Jot,',men 'fm'njjbiid;, from ,a,
district .by.the'number 'which
thojt 'wore 'enlisted.',; OUfinlßtfyjjs^made-,oa‘‘,
this basis, were of .course,,most, qjttravngaht,'
iiij us.tiq was. being done! •Ip ;tho attorn pi to'
soften this numerous and oonWidiiitory orders 1
have been issued from the, provost Marshal
General’s,Officp, nhd'long bs'says by himself
and'othersTiav'e been in .vain published, to
explain 1 and justify their-hbtion. : ; 1
■to fact, its: soon as,ithey. get lboyond tlroi
mol-ally certain limit of tpo;potpai service. of
the plan, their calculation bps.,no longer'
n pritcticitl bams. ’Tte prinoip’le.'oarrieu io'a,
legitimate would justify the enlist 1
montof one man, mr; 50,000 years; and cred
itingVhim ns tbe'whole quota- of the States
w.ithiasmall excess.' crliJ ,p'.
i Surely,every reasonable imab can . say for
himself iwhetbet Ho has .found that .getting!
one.pnir pf iboetsifotMthreelyeea-a' io l praotb
oallv ' eiJbiValent i to, getting-,three, pairs, of
bOot's.iforioba.year;;,”.-.! c.uii tuvifi •• , ‘ , . .' «
iCHavihibnary otijh'Skbter bf Itho’systeraion
. which-tbey:hnW.proqabtled,'ea'nnotbB bettor
illustrbted than by. tlie/teSalt nt > which! they;
; haveiarrivedion. the' .present bcoasion. That
qubta ef Penneylvaniauon the last call was
announced to be6l',7oo;jglieii!quotn to makoi
updefioionoies uuder-thatohU whs announo.
,ed to bei 66,999 mehf./ O’n'tbo 24th.iust,, ibl
whs announced that, the cfaota -.of.the West
ern District had, on revision', beqn liked at.
22,543,'.which would.make that of fhewhole
State nbout:44,oo0 y.nnd. Jo l ® on; the:fl£lni(3 :
day it was forth or. anneunoodithot the.quota
oftbo Western District was2sijsl3,iand thqti
of-the whole'Stato .49,583 ; allithesa dliangqs
being caused by no interveningeirodmstano- ■
ea.fhat lnm aw&re of. In'.fabtibar quota on
the last ball was.filledi and ; there can be no
deficiency to iborioW. supplied.,; ..v .; ■' ■i,
Their ■plan vis unjust toi the; districts! and .
the Government! ;■ It;wholly>igndresithe leas
es of rnen by deaertianiigioknasaj'-death and
casualties.-.;The ldsßea ifrom,mobti.'of these:
causes nrd: greater daring th'd'firsty ear of
service than afterwards, rA twii..which has ’
tarnished -three- thouauiidniGn I lijriqne ■ year,-.
haB'pfbbably.doBtithroo.fidtbyiidfi;tfi[,e|a from
thesolropusea. ..before tbeuoipiratiqh-’of. the*
ternil .:Another.leqpal town tWliioh hasafar>
bishedrone ithoudand men forr'ithree -yaars;
may;- 'before; Ihe -expiratipnlnf i.that; termv
hhvo.-JlQstiisevon-twontiothsuofn thorn., The!
first,town will/haVd;thusigivenc sixteanthun-!
dre'd men toitho (country—thaesaaond'-but;
eight hundred anetfifty.ili SChe're is /no equali- •
tyan;tiiis,?T Thplexilau'stiqnioftfbo' industrial
population offtheAwo to tynsliimi very lunecfual;
pni|h)rtionß. As )‘t’6 thc'-Gerernmojutr^cho
Government.bus:in/dh'Ovlirßti dBSO the aetdal
service during the whole year, - :of fourteen-,
hundred men*. —-in the secOud ease the actu- ,
al service say of four hundred insii, du.rirtg.,
the whole first year;!bf.probgWy w£ Wflrp. -
than two hundred men, during the -whole,
second year, and-spy one djupdred and.-fifey; l
men at-moe't.dar.ingthe.whole thrid.year., i
Besides,:fhe,amountof.soxyiqo that,may!be i
required, promptly i is rtpjj.e iponeidered- and
uotmoroly. the (agreed wm .of .service.,, At i
the date 'stoi-ming.iof JJort,;Eisbsr, one at
least of the Pennsylvania onq ypar tegimentsv,
was engaged,, and .behaved ,most, gallantly.; i
Who,will say that if one-thirdipf thelr .nqm-; i
ber , had, been enlistodt fordhree yqars, jit.
Would on that account .have been to -; much eorvio.oi asuthe wbolemotth ,
ber did in thatiunsurpassediekploitf !
i-B.ut there is,ayen mote. Berioue. errQr ;thSns j
has been above exposed. The clause, of the
act of 3d. Mproh, under
officers profess’ to be acting, hae’nqttbeefi!
in foobe' since : tfie ’24th' ofl^ruairf/lSed. I’' 1 ’'- '
.Whether induced thereto by-the strang
nqsq of. thernyptetn, .bfd,,b'eqnpdQpted ,
under it.ot foe n
thougEt fie' fd'paaiMbe'.abt
ififiCfahVitlecliAn JuX ,tbfi,'abi;
of ,3d March, J. 563,”) wb.iqh pfppdes.fapo
tiqn,2) of„eaoh,>yatfi ; qf nqify,i
t«]&, eHall ;,lf.e as pea«y^8 ff
prqhortion.'tei'the nhmber of jtnoil.rqqidanl,
tiiergi.h MYable.Jq repdqr.
taking, into acHount aa iar ap pEactiqablo the
number, been previoijLßly dprpißh
e'd'tberoftoni. \i... -a '-Y,
Tbiie the former act was amended by giv
ing credits, not to districts but to smaller 10-.
oalities, 'and ■ by ! omitting /thsqprof UibaToP
considering'andalowinguor the time of ber-
■ ! -A7 ■!
ore^lt9 1, they- were diroet
ea in iutute to be given ns far as practicable
op.Jhe basil of .the number of men provious
of 1 * w *^ out roferenue to (ho time
TnW 1 .-iSbJ»P bytheadt of,4th
lBO4, (passed at tlid salrie session,!
wL > oh provided (seolion.l) that tHe Praiideht
■ •B discretion,call for' any number
of, Toluptoora fpr.tho respective one,
two and three years, with'hou'ntibs'reeulatdd
their terra of enllstnidtii and
(sootion, : 2) that in ease' tlii quota of any
town, 40., shall not bo ifillPd; within, :thc
5P ac ?,°/ sixty days after -duclitmll, then the
President shall imnfediatelt order a draft for
one yehr to 411 such quota. -
‘'„T,liese are the clauses Whidii now rogiilritb
the.subject. .It ia not,for me or joil; m(-.; to
Qieouas the question of their pronrietv,, They
hro to bo obeyed. ' ; , }
It would be easy to show that ' they
girm a reasonable and intelligihlo syeteni'.-i
i'lirinorly when oalls.were made of. men:for
they pivflo by requisi
tions on the Governors of the fbsped|ivb States’
who rfhen' proceeded to drnft tlio required
number to fill the quota-of. the State. In
this . draft, men from any State.,or-.locality
who had .voluntarily entered.the, service,of
flio uriited Stales, by en isling in the army
or otherwise, were not taken into aoobuiit.—
No otodits.weroiglveriifor' thorn on the'qubtri,
any more than, for, men, whbihad of their awn’
1 accord engaged thpmselvep in any other law-,
ful employment. The system, however,- of,
raising' very largo bodies of nloo as volun
teers; under tho aot of Congress of 1861, had’
drawn upon ,tho military population of tlio
respectjyo_Stntea and loonlitios very heavily;,
and not quite oqiiahly, arid therefore when
the Enrollment Act of 1863 was passed! it
was thought boot to provide for equalizing
the exhaustion, by to local
ities for the volunteers furnished by them.—
But the Government-had accepted volunteers
for’various terms of 1 service, dtid heiice the
effort to ron.dor tho equalization mote perfect
by considering and aliening for the timo of
their service as well as the number of men.
The acts of 1864, above reoited, have 'Modi
fied this system,’by fixing a definite term of
eeftioo (one year) for which mob aro to be
drafted. Volunteers for. not less; than-that
term are to bo credited, to their lo'oalitie's on
the quota and receive ri. certain bounty from
the government. Such of .them ns,choose to
enlist fjir, terms receive further boun
ties Horn- the government, but so'far ns rp-
I gards tho' increased tdrm'iioVbndvohe iyeii’r,
are not tb becreditdd on theT'qUbfa; bh.f are
to ba lofe'on tlio same footing that ail volurf
tbers were on before the apt of 1,803. ' That
ia the; lawful dbmand wliioh it will enforce'.— •'
It pays bounties in case bf 'ldealities'tb’fdcli---
itater thbq), in complying with: this demand
without a, cqnipulaory draft;; But.itliap.madp
nib.demand'forfeit to sery'o for.two'or three
years. The Governement. receives and pays
additional 1 bounties to' volunteers Tof .'three ■
terms, but, in that, deals with men bnlyafid
as the increased- term bf service hoyond .ope
year, is riot agreed to be rendered iri'eompli
nrtbo-n with 1 any demand’of’tHd gbverfribnt'pit
gives: the iqbality nd ! credit -on;'(he q’uota (or
it.- Tho goyerninon rcquiroslOO.OOO men for;
one your, not a less mi niber ei men for a lon
ger terrili' For a deficiency iri tlto number of
volunteers’ for that tbrm it 'makfa a’draft for
one-year.; TlnM'ia'toyfH the’qupta—Pot niyfc
pbr less-^Whofi ‘ tho -draft libs’,boon .effected'
the- quota'is fUIIia-thore is neither excess or
deficiency;!- -p 1 ; ir '
I ‘ You 'seo that the ayst-dm thlis .established:
by liiw is not without foundation in reason;
and can be readily understood.”! ’■
' Sir, you may hot hnve been lieretoforq ap
prised of the fifbt th'at'.ybur sulJordiriatbd are
wholly disregarding the adt of 24tii ’Fbbrnarv,
1864. • Thby Are prooeedirig' iri'opeh mrid'dl-’
root violatibn’of itfrind pre thus'preatih'g'tia- 1
loyally, great -poriTrisiori a,nd 'urieertaifity'
iiftioigi'the people. 1 ’ They,onndiirioo on the
one- hand' that altKbugh’a ,thrdo-yoarB’'iririn;
counts'only ori a orieiyea'r'fritiri towards the
quota on which ■ho voliVnteei's/yet that’ he'
shall ’be--counted; as throe one-years’ men,
towards the-quota on a future ,call.
drreptly,in,,Bio,ieeth of the.Jawj . Qnth.e otiir,
cyphering put-a.defioioncy.
PEL'thft by threpppo-yoats’
'pri i ly;Pq.uivaloqti to-,, ope.jihrob-yfiar’s
triiiri avhicli. is.equally.againstilaw, - ;
yrhu.Sj the quota ,of,Pcnq§ylyap.ia.nhdpr, the
oall-jof 'ip'th'’Jujy, filled! in uor
perdanoo with thq,,la\y by men ,to servaidor
not jeas than ono year. , The, torn of, service
bf.thppei.njeh, is,not yet half expired; npd;yet
ybfir, enhoydinatps, are thyaatenirig ,a r dru(t ,tq
fill,,pn, allfirpil. defioienpy.on. that,Very,call,,
the existence, of wlrioh (hey attempt'to make.,
out by.pdrsiqttng.iu .thpir- unlawful, and, nurf
BubßtuptjiU theories uiid oalGuliitkin:!. !
i i uyippepie know!that;the government rp
quitos.jqpre iqopii;, (Chpy-arp,willing ,l;p,,fqr-,
nisli theiji^hpayy,as, the, burden; has. become;
bn - the, 'iqdusteial.,pqpulatipp.,. Lot , the;,yp
quiremejtt bp-madq jn.. tfa.e.ofeaVj and,.defiant
si(ap’p pphich the,jaw,proyidps for, jt jvlll.
f>c; qh o orfullyoopi plie d wit hi, i But it, ip. hard-,
y ' l| y9;',bp, .;tbleyojtqd, th,at,' yp,qr !( piibprdlnadßp.,
shbuli},i-,bp | pernGttoq)}p.rigpr fl pnjrsqe the,
subatjtutihgljfor llrpj|aw,' qn/abppn-.'
Va'-l ,
| ' freemen of,.th^s f Opm-.
mqoiyealtn, ,yfhd hove,;altj'ays giyen, a, phopni
ful and hearty,support to your.Qqyerrilineqt
fn fhp, prpaeb(ltion.,6ttiffs ,war, ,jt, is, my : .duty
to' I'nsistpqnd- l,so. ipsi9l“tbat; Q„jq ree .
upqiiyqqvdub )rdid((tes that bbedionoo ; to the
ln\y s yopjbvyp, as i.well as, they an^ ; all
feeb 1 o-f-'hay 1 o ,deatcby-p:the -just power ,of
yed sh’puld suferyopr
offioera 'j|o^a^!yy^tti| i (Q>i^pipt any acts
of t yangres!e,iand pspeoially • those which you -
ha,vp ybufsblfj,qpprovad,.and ; which;regulate
of su'ou deop rind delicate moment
as',)iho,aiifbroipg fpr the military eer-i
yicalj u
; J^dlyingheartilypA’yonr wipdora.andjusr
ticpijtOjSet fight yyhat ihai thus been, gqfng
behopfprth pp tbe part
of fpsgeot for .nndioboilienop. fo
;tha;ldwB!(if, , ‘thp')and',,,
raB P Botr^.,®^ l N,:; ;
i'J'V-iy';': -ft. k-t ;
• Mb lifei* H6cb.— A man Twda ; dj infer Htf i
bftS a'friena—tiil author.*, ■ Thbfrtona'canie'
to'' him.' : ; To 'Comfort? -'Not- tbl rWdinbuif-'
aeript. He prodncecfa pibhoti«ua ; dt-ety life*
IhfeifW tlltfMSaid# of )• Un
i/:s i fß^''pVajste t ' i, fi6 V; §£fi3i;in«toaittlti^iyr—
* faints voice
ly SH-hMfito' ?—
■ -J*Yesv j'dSj l’knby'Sll 'th'aii j K ba* : lm# ; will
only tikeiVotf ' :*!i
-*;ntiJ .J.’i v--.’t'lfe/ -*il (j liaf.o- ■
I hara
wUh4.i tfcSJ'tofi *;Wat£ksfcj~,pjPJ*K»i «£'*
■•? r } 1 i'jji :’I !1 1 i - 1 -"
..... i-u' i tf» ?r-.< :
i'a at thookcbaotnd threshold"
of- thej-Phst/ibut hopb iitattds.-inth'ei doorway
! "iV'JI v; uoiijc-iolg.
( .‘Ny ! ‘
A Recruiting Officer hlurders his Wife:
Father and Alothei* and Fires the
, House—llls Arrest and Con
' fessidri.’ - ■ ■ ■,.
r WVlodrnsd yeatorddy tbo pdrtibuUra of
- ..V l 'earnest startling and atrocious niur
derß Which surpass in their, accumulated hor
rors the tripit)’ murder 6t the Oof JtfniilyW
■year ago, in Medina; or-that’more rCcent-and
perhaps .morejorrible.murder of.the Beo's*
-family, in December lost*,. ; Sq terfible is tKbi
story, which w# are. ahoiit to relate that it
seems incredible'. We were reluctant *) be
heye it; and only true oD'iiearr:
ing.its foots .confirmed by.indisputable author
?vp"A*r. Quainlan ?l of this citjywpp.was pres
out at the time of. the arrest of the murderer
hud heard hid honfedsiod. They are' as fol
low*:; ■■ r ;’ -■ > ; j..-; -• , -jj •
;A ypung. man. carried,iWid D,?Blvins,
ypftra ofage,- of;prep/issesa
ing addi|esa. k and appearance, made, his ap
pearance a few week* since at Grafton, Lor
amicounty, and established thbre a recruiting
opoo for opo of the regiments, now being rais*
ed m this in which he. bold a,recruit
ing commissioiiV ,110 passed nsa'singlo man.
Soon after coming to Grafton he formed J a‘
• with- a lady living at
pTOftpu Station, tbe J daughter: of. agrocery
keeper .there,. who had . accumulated • some
property. Whether because lie was in love 1
with the-girl, or merely*'because- her father*
had promiaed to.set him' up in business; the
, scoundrel ,-delibeyately formed the,diabolical
purpose of returning to Ooldwater,.Michigan.
Where Ins wife wris living, and killing her,
in order* to*bo r froejto-iharry tbe young lady
[ic Grafton. ,r On Monday. Inst ho left Grafton,
for his former home,: near Ooldwater,.Michi- (
gan, arriving there on the snrao'day, and be*:
mg' cordially received by his'young wife, who
was living with his father and .mother. On'
Tuesday hired a borseiand.sloigh
and drove out of to.wn, returning in the .eve
d). I PS* ( and hiring another, horse and sleigh at
another * stable. * This was about eleven o'-
clock at night. ' . i:i i i /
. iDurlng .the ■.absence:.;of vins ia--tho eya-,
ni ?B’ .kU wife was suddenly, seized with .the
P air \ B of onildbirthjand, as his .father was
‘tuo evdhitig at a neighbors; the :
old'lady wentouthf,findhimand send him
for.ftjdootop, leaving the sickwoutan: entirely
- %?M r APls.hei; ) ahß J epoe;t.hp'husba-pd en.-
torod the ho.use, and, umnpvedby thedelioate
condition' of his wife, deliberately killed her. 1
While /erigrigod in : conaiiihtbatirig'the outra
geous* and’ horribly unnatural crime, 1 his fath-.
er and mother entgrpd. and .the fiendish yil-*
.lain, not shrinking at'-any amount of crime,
shot.both hia.fafcherandmo.ther;,killing both,
lie then hid'their bodies k in‘tlie celfar, set the
houab'on fire,
: J3°.b* iforgotfclpg ; hisj hp.pdej apd. -sleigh,: which,-
, - in front of ithepurning house
flMuofc the night train, then due, from Cold
;wator; arrived ih Grafton dh :
i -Meantime- the: horse; Which'hfc/h&ddeft at:
■the a.cene of ;the tripJe niu,rder, hcpam© fright*:
j”® l^^jhurnipg .house-, add;breaking the,
hitching strap by whiflh lie was fastehdd rah,
bomb to . his*stable.' ’’ l WHj»n‘ the ; h o use ‘was
discovered flames; and the:PbTiflftgra
s99 hpyip£;b.een..quonohed, the. bodies
jfoup.din tho cellar* '.Thopresopcq of the bro j|
fken hitching strap, tied to a post in front of
thVhousefat once threw sbspioion ori'&ivids. i
Thp'SherifTdf the ooutity;With a depiUy,
mediatelyiStarted in-pursuit.of,.him, and l ar,-
mated, him. in on Thursday.. .On,,bp-,
'ihg arreatedhq confessed the crime. AThum
ber of peculiar pieced bt found dtt
;hie person; to be
>por|y-.of:hi,a filfcher. .n-dgnm-;':"/
; ■•96
.as peculiar, apd’ exthiprdinary .as the unpre
;cedeptly liorrible’deGd 'Which■ 'bVhad ; “(^o^O,‘ ,
and- suggests, cbrijeotqre that
the ma Q inSdne,..''Hai-coolly.'icofcifqsses;
•the edins, a.pd; seems astonished at the
hienb which it^causes., lie distributed among
the croWd who’gathftred'aibund hith ti 'ti ; UTTi^ ?
bet x of; his* autographs follows h
*M)avid;L.oßivioB:mnfdonor ef’hie wifti fotli:
.Xle jocosely bade good bye,
to ■ conie ' tip and* 'see hiru, telliTig'them that'
( fchey:woula find bird “playihg’oheckersWithi
ihisj.nose.ion-.the jail;wihdeWa.” This
of...his together wf th - the, horrible, attrocioity,
of tlie mirrder, so incensed ih‘dcrowd of
ta'tors lit Grafton Statidh that they were for
lynching! him.'on hot
the.; been.a.
Mason,.and . called op Mqspus in tlife hrowd.
to assist him in preYenting it. the lhdignanfc
orowd-Would ‘have dispensed summary justice :
ig’coundrolV' 'He -Wasi however; saved;
from ,lyAcb)aw; andiplacedion aboard tl)6 Tpl-,
•ip [train and taken back to He is
in'no bf mpetihg’his deserts tjipre, ; aa
capital punlatitnent Is prohibited*
gan ;by,, apeofaV ‘enedtaient *
.which,.this case, if .fipyjthingj ibe;
oU~Ba*ton •f j .
\GoNAbiXTioS ; !rriß'‘i^EiibfcßiTs.—ATeriddH
' reported tohava Said:.. .! .i-.r’d;
, ... ,‘.,lt' ; tinfai)ing..rulh of, national .Ufo:
that the .pjrtj that carried, you through.o'
war ' always'J vacates, office when itis.ended
and'the other party ’corn os in. ' IrrlSdd'.tliFT
E)etriboraoy:'is the WUlte’House.i
; jrhißfCrqra.jßO
and shroujdfa.politician, <jS be^lsi,should pe.
taken as a warning ,by the now'dbipinant
hhd their,-nptsl find -policy ; shbpld be
shaded' in . .acODrdariije . therewith; a Of : the
many, false and crude; thjngs sty d- by. pii illi pS;
the .pboyq is not, . In,this,ut-.
teranqb ha but'quptea'hiSfdry; ~He'ljriU get
no thailkd from the • leaders bfch'is party and
yet fie l deserves their most rfegjirda for;pbint-;
ing;out,to,':tlmpi, MeJneyeUabje . course o£,e : .
yon lf jhetjtirf!,.. Wise they; will profit .by
acting in -tae, belief that a' brief period trill
break their rule; and.'that-their plabos at the
helm. sf. : the Government arb to be assumed
by.rjOjy. pfen of.a, ,Vi f-
: ‘Erfifcm t)P ‘ WfRE ; «*P
observes; imbisi Itreatiea of. the.
Wpa|^Ba n supposed, tpj
thß.bjjeyalendß of ( .tho eraypL.. jq
jlib'", .obfohieiil ■wjietVpqf(r tyme ti'
teVrß tfded' tiikfivin 'Btfglaad,' as well ’aii T; ih
TurlejfwdJa/ Satnbdoli wine.ia .'theipriDoi’pla
.beyerageciiqt apJyphVgout,,hutjfcha -gyayqi
jure Dr. £a, Pqt|
inflate; pfj tHs effeotaVof
*DaVsran,' who ytaiattaoked dvlUitha gtrtit at
joints of, ma hands and peat, -bjit for years
IpTß'oeddiri’tftW’fldifeVßbn fela
given toDKLaPotbtolay hefoto thepub
jio, be had advice used SaipbastnWmß..
ci itrt’sl .us^o
.'ii'phiteets of rniniiaving dissolved
tbrUnion and trampUd on our libiVHe*; aiw
fcotf. planning a sjstefo'of Jr4MsV«pbns tbV
Constitution. When their work *f destroy
.cpnaplotad ow". fair.
as .different frpm.the «h«rida,nhi
-..Un6 amendment hjUhe Constitution-con^
i templates an. .express: reoognitionJp tb*Mn*
1 ‘i-H, 1 1,8”” 8 ”- 4 - existence ofadqity. ,ih«
• a *«J “.W Ji® Satisfied witli that |iddUidn.’bnt
J^. , S 8 reVereptfal■
by PKprppoSe.di Slight
propriety, seek to. ipoorporata/ih: the Boniiti
fMtion all the. articles, pf the Christian-teli
in the raids'op the Constitution. ..Tho rell*
gioniate and morolists yrho urgathat
:W itwiioiiMhewTiewe
I thetSeflfc
diction 6t the United States,, the cyslemof
r^jg^imU^ft; f u?J V
b9pJ>i«,.of thp men. en£aie'd4nV..tbs
u ,tionaJ,
excellent instinct for, pitting, money in their
puna.. amendments nf
P . J a . n , fc Hr°Py aQ d Christian ethics are exoeU
le Q t to that. bearing, down
tho barriers of; sovereignty,
mestio t inBtituiibhs State . ovcfrmdeh by.
a ®^ u^Vpra Qtioo Id a clause of the r Cpnatifc\itioni •
!; • ». ■Government; becomes thence
i- 10 l *P® .practically,i.dwehtbroijear ;M
, 8a A 9p. tho .Constitutionceases to, (te dcompro
riiiae heijveep sovereigh titfsl-Vi!? Ho, pajwnoun*
and., only Training sovereignty, say*tb«v
£Oyerm.tha 17hole factl90$. intiresk;
u En S land controlling tK6 consolidation,-
holding the.vpovrers, will proceed
ra ora 1 a andh u m anity into money. Tiro taiii?
{w? : nW| r *®^4 a B.! .of the. instrument ,
• j'rP be all,swept away in
order tp promote the.interests of tKb ovsnger:
heal 1 epneoctors ,of the ■
Puntania.,,.AlrQ«idy, ah ji&|ihdiiMnJLta tip.
Constitution; has ‘ been;. prepared with - thei
View^of hy rihji.
Congress of .the proposed bQtitrahz&tipn. ; An
.jjjer .Senatv
Thai aniepdmeDr.asks/pow.erJbr'the.&Ssla*
‘Hfj* V l»yi twe .upon
?,?&• *pf lof How iEqg
:?JR. 1 W ■“oierniinoa to hate, a'menopdly.of
its manufacture.' ,‘J,',' .* " ■
B Wi9,Pffpufe Harsh idUioi apdiWOra
! ,< ®^9^9 n i ß^9a ?^^9^H^,R6^ a ■
.In s thji
dast-propQjfldjpfldftioii to, the DoristltlitibnhJ,
''hy '
\vr?A ae uu^tJh?*;
iMjAy r 96'ip9>i '°hl!?S9 Ba *!
Who break,the' XnW'’on‘rfrosrir.
,;'W.TOW! 8 . o *'k’?y ; ib a y i
; b?oauae,,it wilLhd,promhited by.l! pfotep'tive’('
! *|iV.? Sa ; ba‘ t j^b%rid dlsßV.knd'.'the.',
fW’oa't will also England r: in as/;
Imuqh .'bp, rga^oledilpljj^'iip^)iLvto t
; othpf-Wwjp*!! ,W : <lpßW.»hd .ekpwtf.r VJjjjl,
i tljo
o’hy will.' ; thbra''.BrKy^nsd^l^r^^ejjßitf;
Jerueai.m, (if, PUritiinia declare Aiaerica 'for
Americans—thßt:iB"tO 'Bay-for'tho»e of tlieni
who lira in the happy.lond Aqitqf
naolioujt.- »> n r—
• 1
Adam IJifcted 'liked k
asleep a. bachelor,-and WQte,.td Slid himself
te c queeti o n almost imniediafoly after ,moot
ling ■Ml^BHTe l ihA'Bbe;;witliqUt'fliri^
\tha : flrß»JkißB,in
.'poetical mood, .wished wb word theman that,
diddt.T But tfio dono—the chance
wdshAdafn’s nmi lio improved.'it.' Wq like '
the njitiutt of :b e t
jfakjpiSjatß* . - Notorious jauntgjund -.
grunting 'pandmo’thor.'. i,hß,birdß oAewml
were tba .^inst'ralsl‘khji ithe'glad sltyMng''
iW-Ifght‘qn r the scene. Oho thing about'the ”
firjt,weddihg brings.jqneer .thingsato
spitb qf, its scriptural trntbh , AdaUr .Abd-blii.
wife krers rather Jrphng.tpjKlarry.i some two
(ir threo days bid, according to thb sageitel’
jder; -.without • eiperlenbe; hSthing but ;: lbVd
nnd Edon. , V'v'dd i I’.-i, .
■ '< ; "i , ;r : ..-iyv.y,.;i
! .hap behii; said, that.ey.ei'jr.iifan i :
at good point in, bis character; ;. t A
pentlbm i l ut rdy cl ifigori Sunday, was Obliged,
tp stop-io hard. oheqf the shOcs;of liis hbtse
replaced;! dffiho' 1 farrier was ‘just '* to
phuroh,.jh(it„ i thje('traveler ,th(it:,
•lem Uafrison plight Je found .
heitt’ forge.' ’ ThiO'.pVqyed to he ltfoe,"and'
the fustio led th'b'gentlOniablii horse 'tit"
the spot erclhimed^ 1 'Vfell*, X .mast -say ithitid
far Jeni fer ityip the onlygnod. point about.
him, )if:ee)poo.<ogSurcA./ l? M ■ ■ , i vv ..
'.nr i.
idp.^pyi.—He.,canpot XoW,.pii,
tolfdbe'Oanfipt'loVb; ‘ . l "" 1( ‘.‘..7.1,"."
■No Otippan bo sincerely inlove withtwo' :
.peradhs at the.saipe tin Se. ■ p/« ; ; ,y.v,u •>
1 gifts and pleasures; 'of-Jpysl should ,
he V,', ar '
liovb never dwelt in the' house qf kyaridp.
t Love .ontinot remain stationery ; it mult
of neceBsity-inoreasror : dirinnielr.(o!. 0va...! .
Faculty . of_,,ppsaßs«iep ;ia 'fatgl ..tPo tpyif ,
difficulties increase it., i - ~ .
O” As long as men smell of'whikkeyarid
tobacco, have a right to defend
themselves vlith iipiisk,: 7;i it SJ I f AID
IE/”Sbipe hypocritical pjrajrefs,in' ahmili
tbe.iprdj.,, T - y «»v.' hr a'
carries ftp the-most haart^b^tbih
ofjhia pvtnil K:;; i-iia
... . ’ L.-o ■>;■-, i . . . ..
!' .IE? P.rfy indi jalttan’ji
imgly-ttfljwtt! t!T* 1
eaeh jofithtaifl; is crt;unffalW angUs »,i;3«n inli
j; (£?* Many pßr*onrwritet^o»«th*y
| *! in/ v'li'XT, ca i:■.)'£•£-hi a;::.i.t
■j-.-ni/ - -?y.
r ’f ;i. f .’.
u;i /'Mi