THE Wit ME WS . WljrSlN'GT'ONl Victory of ; tile Army and Navy. ‘CAPTURE OF FORT; FISHER, , Wednesday, January 18, 1865. , Fork Fialmr, the work defending Now Inlet, North. Carolina! has been captured. It wps tiikeu on ’Sunday last, by a oomb'ned land andndval expedition, under (lie command of Brevet Major General Alfred H. Tonry, and :R«arAdmir(il David HI Pdf tor. When But ler returned 1 from F.urt Fisher, after the pre vious attack, ho brought his troops to For (tresa Monroe, Admiral 'Porker took the -fleet to Beaufort, North Carolina. Hero the * vessels took coal and provisions on board, and'prepared for a second attack. When Butler was removed from command, Gen. Terry was placed at the head of the troops ‘St-Fortress Monroe, rind under orders, from Washington, ho at onue soiled to Beaufort. ■f'A't this port, on January Blh, all the land troops , and .naval vessels were aseohihlod, ■ prepared for a second expedition, against Wilmington. The land forces numbered about eight thousand mem The fleet con tained nearly one hundred and fifty vessels. ~ On. January 9th the combined expedition .sailed from .Beaufort. Tlio weather was I good and tha sea smooth, and on January 11th, last Wednesday, the fleet had all ar rived near Mastmboro Inlot, on tho Atlantic oonat, about thirty miles north of Fort Fisher. TheishipS were at once, prepared for battle, , and tho unfortunate ■experience of tlio pvevi ions attack made the ibnvements of tho land and naval force’shnrmofiidiis. Ou Thursday ■ tlio-first vessels of tho 'floot appeared off New Inlet, and on Friday morninp; fifty Fed . ci'crvessejs were in close proximity lo Fort Fisher. At -daylight the -Irbn cluds and frigates advanced to the attack, and at about • eight o’clock’-.the. bombardment was begun. The shelling'nivallcd that of the former at tack in intensify,’and was kept up all day. The fort seldom replied,, tho storm of. shells 'lining too heavy for the men to labor at their guns. About nohii,hinder tho protection of a Hoot of gunboats, preparations were made to land Ounerul Terry’s, troops. A strip of Woodson the Reach,ftho'rtl tlihoo miles above Foi-t Fisher,, was shelled, to di'-ivo the'Con federates off, and the landing began almost .on tho same spot where Butler debarked two weeks before.' .The landing was unopposed, and during Friday and Friday night Terry in getting his entire force of eight thousand men oh shore. ‘ibiringaU this tltob tho bombardment of Fnrt'FUlfdrx'outimicd. Ic was .renewed on ’-Saturday ‘with equal (ufco, Aud Terry ben, upon the Fodorolfeur 'luring the attack upon Fort Fiahcr. Gibi. Terry also began ■the' const i'uotion of works towards the aouthj to assist him while the attack was being hiKdc. • all tliia time the bmbbnrd ,■• uioul of-T l 'ort«Fieher by tho'lll'et was kapt’-np, and eearuely a gun was lirod in reply, lining thus uninterrupted, tho FedcrfU laboring f parries rapidly, mill by n’Mii on' 'Saturday hrst'everyihing \vhs ready Tm* tide atfildk. ‘Xn hb,Minlting ■■Oiduuib uf infantry was at oblo'scot forward aga’iiiat tho norlh -wofttern angle of Fort Fisher. Another's* funking party, cmiposill ofsuihifs and mar*. inos/waH.advvjnocd against tho northcaatoru; •angle. At. half-past tho .infantry •'‘vouched tho fui't, and aher u long and bloody 'pfniggfe suomedod : m affecting a lodginoot. The’ sailors rmj marines who advanced ‘iigainet'the other angle, \vero repulsed with heavy { hws. .They were accordingly with: “drawn, and sent to assist the infantry column.' Having clfeutod a lodgment, fhc Federal 'hoops gradnajlT worked tiieir way along this ramparts, driving tho Confcdorbte's from ontj bomb proof ami tiav-erj?o to another, uc*til. at ten o'clock in tho livening, the entire lort was captured and the garrison driven out,—' , General Whitney nud Colon l l Lamb, With, tho Confederate troops,'rbti l eN.tcd south' along Federal 'Point; to New Inlet. , They could retreat no farther; had no 'defences; ami , were, oa‘piui'ei.l. Both TVhitjiey and ‘lxicbb tvere.wounded.. All the works bn Federal . Point,have been captured by the Federal; troops. Seven (y-ttvo cannon and ■•a number’ 'of .prisoners/ varibnsl.y estimated at from one‘ ; thouaimd to.twenty five hundred, have been ‘captured., Wilmington is, .nofyot taken. It is, thirty J miles, north of 'Fort Fisher; The Capo Fear fiver is not closed by this capture; has another eittranCe'soutli ol Now In-- let. By. judicious manoeuvring, however, if the.Coulcdcraies have no large force't-6 tfff ■ pose Porter may be able -to effeclinijjy'i the ' entrance; iwvv-largo forts; .baveyctto bo taken before he oan have un disputed possession of the harbor. The Fed-* -eral Joss in'the - assault upon Fort Fisher is reported at nine hundred.* The magazine cf the fort was blown up fitter it was captured,'; And two., hundred Federal soldiers Vert!; '■hilled arid-' wounded.— 2%/j 'Agei '' / ‘".7. ' 1 ;GEir. terras official despatch.; Jan. 17— M. The following piUeiabdespntohes.havojust lieon received ht this Department:; • • . 'He APQ.I7A RTK 119 Cl; S.FORCIEB, ' V . Off PpiNT, N. 0:, Jan. 15,'05; | 'Brigadier general J. O. 'liaiolina r 1 :i . .GeneHaV-: have t’lio', report .that Forlj Fisher \Vks '.carried by assauitthm after-;' Aeon and by General •Ames' divis ion uud tlie eqcond brigade'of. the.-iii*st divis -000 of the 20th Army Corps, aided by a b;ih talio’n of'marines and at>ari'.vTi’fr*’.m thwnavy The assault'Wus prbborted bya luAvy b'um !barilment fro hi the Federal IMut, a'-d was •made at 3.20 F. M., when the first brigade, lOenorol Onrtis; -Ames’ diviahuv effected a lodgment upov ibo parapet, but full ‘posses sion,,of the woik was nut obtained urtlli TO l\ M.- * _ „ . ‘ / • The behavior of niacfcrs rind rnbn wary 'most admirable. a *All thf .‘works Bnriih.of Port 1 Fisher' arc now occupied by our troops. Wo have not Ic.sajthan 1,200 prisoners, in cluding Gen. VVhitirig and Obi.'Lumb, the .’commandant of the post. ... I regret'to suy that our loss ia severe, es peciully in Officers., I am. not yet able to ‘ form any estimate of the number of oflsjjalr -ties.;''itj; ■ '1- :•■!•» : ’• ‘ -< ' ■ ' N t . ; Alfred 11. Tebrt, . ■ v Gen. 'Coiii'g Expedition. ' ‘ ■■ ■’ . I ‘r~* — u ‘. ■ POUTER’S ANNOUNCE # MENTOF THE CAPTURE.. Washington, Jan.■ Navy De partment, has fpoeiycd the • i'Fnojr OffTubt FiaiinC, Jan. 15. -Itml Oidcoa Welle*, Sec’y of fife Nayy; . Sin: Fopb JFishcr ia.onrs. I senda bcapcr of despatches with a brief account uf the nt- Jair.-, (Jen.(Terry is entitled’ to the 'highest praino und the gratitude of bin 1 country for the manner in which ho has pond doted his part cf ibe opcrutivsue. ; Up is my Ueau ideal of u BeldieV ■ Our co-operation uaa been ’moefoufJial. ■ The result ivua vic tory, chichi -win .always 1 bo onvs when the army and navy go hand.and Jmnd. . Theria ry loss- in the assault was heavy., Tliearniy mas ia aljjp.hoayy. ... s C ■ D. D. PoKTEB, Rear Admiral, PARTICULARS QF THE CAPTURE, Fortmss Momboi, Jan. 17, G 30 P. M.— After throe days and nights’-bombardment Fort Fisher 1b ours, with aft tho contiguous works commanding New Inlet. Th'o assault was mado'by tho array and tho naval brigade at threo o'clock on Saturday afternoon. One corner of tho fort wps secured in halt an hour, hut there was a hand to hand fight with the garrison, which lasted until 0 o’clock at night. There was a stubborn and bloody rcgUtanao,* and (ho fort and its ap preaches wore strewn with tho dead. Tho garrison had boon heavily reinforced; and tho number of prisortern taken’ U over We cuptn’rcd 72 At! tho forts including the M.Aind and Zoke'u 1.-iland h;vt- ' terios, surrendered. The rebdi loss in tho assault was 500 dead, bedidca the wounded. Fleet Lieut. Preston and Lieut, mandant-cf tho flagship, wore both killed iu tho assault. ■ Gen. Whiting ami ;Col. ’Lamb are b.itlb and wounded. 7’hu fchd plrubhi Tallahassee and (Jhicktunau/a woru in t’A.i tight, ami wore did yen up fh-;' rivo\\ Our gunboats went up thoVivoroa M.-mlny nwrn ing. Our,prisoners will bo hVmodi.Kibv seal North. Wo had ecveral ddya'bf ddighiU*. weather, i _ The magaVmo iu the fort exploded cidonfc oh Monday morning, killing ami wounding 200 uf our nioa. The Santiago do Cuba brings the bodies of Lieutenant Preston ami Porter and the wounded,pf tho navy. GmaaiA. Victory Again—Capture of Pocotali go Bridge—Another Important Ex pedition—The Grand .Army bfSher than iti Motion—The Enetiiy Pre paring for Battle at Branchville— Prospectof Georgia & Carolina Bay Being Evacuated by tha. Rebels— Tho Government Colton to no Sent to New York—Departure of Mr. Stan ton. " Port Roval, Jan. 17. ’CAPTURE OP PCGOTALIQO BRIDGE. Tho great rebel stronghold on tho Charles ton and Savannah Railroad, Pucotflligu Bridge has at last succumbed boforo'thc march of tho now troops' placed under tho command of General Shenhan, I witnessed thu departure of the V.xpiditioh from Beaufort three days since; and aa its work Is uotyct fully accom plished, its ' character and extent, oaunofc ha git en. Suffice it to shy, that it was formida ble ; and that rhe troops wore supplied with provisions sufficient for an important, If-nut ‘lengthy campaign, } The expoibi-m left on tho I3tb instant, aud such was the secrecy observed that .the eno nry oh the L-kh was surprised vyi-hin a hall dayri march from riio city The guns were brought to beavou'tho works Gon. Hatch's opnißtand ; and altera brief, hut stubborn re sistanen, tho strungh-dd gave aigns of its sur.- Vend/ir by’HulJon ol hostilities on the part o.r tho cnemv, who suddenly disappeared • nhohr. cfivr'r ot a force in tho rear.-Tho charge made on the woks anil wr rj thy of the capture of-a more important. forti* houti'iu,' The rebels htf >r.r leaving, upiked their gun*, but tho haute in,which they per formed tho-.ipcrati m, was shown in tho iiicf factual 'manner ah, ft hlch tt.ev accomplished .itr-ufa- inhtrly all of the places may ho used, ‘by hhr . The,. WhilowOrth ,( Fu glisl»d gun is arhong .them : a fact .that illus.-' ■ Iratcs- tife.nehtr.slity of lTJb>f, Ecfdre vour render.* will have pdrsiied this correspondence, the grand army of Sherman s'aU'ined at-lWumrc, and Savannah, and, which incliidTs the army of the Tennessee, at the former idly, will he ih mbtion'to wipe out rebellion whmfvyr it may appear within the region upon t’ohis advance. Indeed, ihe blow will hayo been, struck .which must stagger-, furtlier the reeling fm-.h of the confederacy in Georgia and South Eardlhia— ; wben this loUor readies yuij-ao that in my com-., nuimcation, yoU. may expect to hear of the stars-anil stripes lloathfg over more conquer-; “od nr surrendered cities. A more formidable expedition, or fc» army of bettor morale;, phy-j siquo, and spirits, perhaps hover marched in to tlioTjxeiir.t of : the Sduth. Steamers and transports of all kinds wore impressed into' the gsrrldn. The enemy, are.lsaid, to bo in, doubt of where the'bxpodition wilhstrike, but! Sherman’s troops have hb iloubt, by this time; acquainted them with the fact. Like the-old legions of, Napoleon, their march is leiiVto conquest. . Voti-inusc Wait ■far farther military intelli-' ganoc—as to chrhniolo ought else' than this rn/"ht bo to travel over a trahaud 'l A', Of ffeoVIStOXH POH ■SAVANSATI A propeller has arrived ai Hilton" 11-md; ri’om N'oW'lforir, with provisions foV the dcs ■ titule population of Savannah. Too olored' people there are r.ocoiyin* equivalent in labor at the bVrrnobP, military ofGods and-wharvea. J The wliitji citizens are also well* ntti»n/(»’ul 'toi by !tUa niiil' -Major« Arnold. *_ ’-j-J; - 1 --' JIRt LAMAR TAKES O.VTH OF aW6b.| .'•‘Mr. George B. -Tvimar has anengthTalren the oath of ivUiqcirinco to tho He is said ddpres'sed in spirits, and more Venerable ,m appear a n.t*o than if a score'of yeiirs had b^pn,Vi/ldol;,to ; his age since, i’it 1800; 'h r o*'loft ‘N’Cw-Vork city, SKCKETATti' STAnVilsTXNiVtfdfasltwoit DH'OWM. An effort, which liasi Isebh,’fco Vur, unsuccess fu Vwafr nmdo,‘according Co Vuiijdr Secretary Stahl "ft ’to induce (SovoVnor Crowd to visit Savannqh with a.view .of loYidihgtho Union’ sentiment I hr«.ughrmr lite rate. ; The (,.however,,Unit Governor Bmwii, who i-» stjll’ iii Augusta,.h’as nofc refused Iho proposi tion 1g taken, as arguing his. uUuVmlo ii«Vop lion of the-offer, tvhon mol'oAveghtiatiops are made.. .-The- yeliVr’Ablo Hc'cVotary expressed tho highest gratilication at thojpctoriovnf SUorsinn .’lre was 'the panitm wfrcTh in Suvftnritllr. . . - f .* v . A tsljisr.ll TO ; GRNEUhV/silEftMAk. It is .not knou’n that General Sherman now entertained at dinner by the loading citizens of Savannah, among: thcfoi . It is stated*, that the table was Sot in a princely manner,. enough. ,tc luicoftiodate all •’ the orders * and sonic uf tho^mouo yre>lthy citizens.-,pro vided additional shyer fact .which indicates' the of Geaofttl Sherman. / IS®-The Washington correspondent of the Boston Jom'nttl tiling that Gen; Burnside will soon’be appoiutedtd an important oum mand. The rumor that ho had tendered his .rdsjghatiod ie true, Bnt.tlio Government would inofc ,neoept .it.,; Government has yet ditty Vork 'to bo done; atfd “cannot'dispense' with tips services ofso. useful and uusorupuloiis a tool as Burnsidorou" .... • - ' - a ICT" Fourteen put of thirty-Uirt6 nlonlbers of the Masßaolmsetts.Sonrito voted for a: ne gro for chaplain of Ant body! It is a pity that he was not elected. It would have,“ been a result eyery..w»y in keeping with the ohafc notev of the party which sets the negro above [ the all their avowed, political | and p)iilautliropic purposes. , Tna-PfACE Spirit RisingT— The rebels a* Richmond cannot keep down tho peace ipirit.. II; will start up in a variety of new forms, in (Heating that there is a groat deal of tho peace sentiment in Richmond,jvhen it is not re pressed by force. In tho Virginia Ifouse of Delegates, a few doys ago, Mr. Miller intro duced n series of pence resolutions for tho ap pointment of fivo Comrmsainnors, and to de clare fur an armistice,V. yiatiotml.oonVonlion, and nn honorable‘peace through Sfutc notion. The proposition received only tw«v votes un der tlio denunciation it roooived from other 'members, but tho fact that it was dcbntc-1 at all proves that it was found necessary to give* some satisfactory reason for postponing it. Dub. In lliis bm'nujvb on Palurdoy last, after n iMno?e, Mr, L-iin O, Fleming, ajved 21 jeiiiH- Jiiirk-etii. V*AR IjlSLrl x M AKKtfT.—J»n. 25th, 1805 Fr.oiui, £up ••rime, per bhs?, in,oo do.; lux ir a, . la.Mi (Jo., K-e. do., ‘ i 0t! White Wj/v vt. pap Wdicl, 2.55 RanSViitivr-, ‘ * \i>:/ H.-Ki Rvr, dVA, * T,:.;» OOUN, U 6,, 1,^5 Oats,, • - -fie.,. 85 SnuNr Baulet-) no., Paul do>, 'do'.,. l.r.'i CuovßßSßnn, ; TW/, Timothtsued do., '4.Alb PHILADELPHIA MARKET Jan 25tb, 18C3 Flour, auperfloo, . \ - - £>,76 “ Extra, - - 31 .17 ilvs Flour, - - - 9 00 Corn Meal, , - - 8 00 Wheat, red, ‘ - -205 a 270 “ while, - 280 Rtb, - - X 70 Corn, yellow, - - * - 1 88 “ white, b - - 150 Oats, - - d:j clovkrsbbd, WnisKir, Notice. is hereby given that Letters of Administration f> , u ., , y. • . Very xospcctiuUy yours, , V Robert McCartney, sr\ ', iiiiin ‘ 0ot». A. Billmnn, .\ j. . v" Michael Minnich, . Anilrow Martin, PETBRjSPiIAII, Chatthiiftn. ■ Jim. 2n, fie 5, Harrisburg, Ca r 1 i shi an d C!ta in b t;r s burg Turnpike Roiit Company. TpXltlBIT-of-Tolls, received,.Repairs and Hi Expenses, f>n Lbo.llurrlsbnrg, Carlisle nu»l .Olinmborjduirg Tornpilca Road Company, from Isi Jttumvy. to y.Ut December, 1801, mutual/u, as fol lows, !■> wit ; . DU. . - - ,• - • Te'nnit. of Tolls rdc«ivftil at Gates, _ $ 1,13 i 64 ,Xo.bJ>:m‘o at settlement for Ido3, paid- • ' jnlo Court at January, 1864, 2.025 49* ' OR. By balunoo of 186.1. paid to creditors, fa p*ir Act of Assembly of 1523, 'Stiiiufl By cnsli paid for repairs on road Tor - 1861, , ■ - 3,026.28. J By . Gato-kooWcrs’salaries, • 1,194 JO By Managers’pay, . 291 00 .By ( TcoasnreriS-salary, -o- on ,-My t Secretary's salary, • r 22' By Incidental expenses, 63.-75 By Upstage, Taxes and, Stationary, . 'XO 00 By Xlnourront'inonoy, ; 13,00 By Homiuo Tax, ■ ■ / . . ,00.^7 . > '. . -*ss,r.Bi 403 By balance paid into Conrt to bo ap- f plied under -the Act. of. Assembly . • i•• • ’ aforesaid; ' • CO Mr. (Tonified on bath to *.ho Judges of tho Cou/oof Common I’loas of Cumberland county, the 10th da^'to’ January, X'X>., isC6. , s ,riV«f* ‘ ' . 2Vc««»‘cr,. *• -TAKK--NOTItJK. fe‘Oourt ; of Oom rt'omPJonfc of Girth bbriAiJd county luvVo appointed Tuesday, tho 31ft day of ?fareft next, at tlio Court' House, in tfw- .Carlisle, at JO d’olocU, for Ken'rihjj unci tho oUimsot the re spective creditors, ftguUiat Ibe Company, ivgreeah.y to'lho Acts of Assembly, made, foe tho rolioC of Biud’cYc’dUors/oa tho Ist day of April, 182.1, tlio supplements thereto. At tho aforesaid timo and place, tho preferred (i(fl«y) and fH other, cre ditors, arc requested to have their respective claims duly authenticated and presented, and also to (ujai?h evidence pt tho same linjo, whether any claims have been assig-oed, or are still hold by the original owners; and also proof, to-establish the consideration of Ibalrclttlmf, whether.for work, materials, &e. Jan. 2C> 1805—St., < v Notice. TVTOTICE'is hertfEy given rtiat Letters Tos* JLI znentery on tho estate of - Cyrus Ring Wait, lato of Alowroe township.deceased, have been granted to tho undersigned, residing m the same township. All persona indebted to thoi estate are re’ll to make payment immediately, and tlioio haVlhg Vrlaiiha against the citato will alpo l - .■ :: "Sff.tanU'iit* Jam 5j 1865—6 ; * -jntit received and fo rs prices, a largo assort ' 'York Metal Plows, Bloomfield do 1 • EftgV* ; • - do ‘;- ■ Cultivator*,Ac f tore of - ' ■ i.; • ■ h; : 1 1864. PLOWS, PLOWS.— «nle at Mnnufootnren ineTitof- f ■,v : Plank's Plows/' Ilonwood'a u - « .Zoiglor'a«’ ** r \ WwrioU’a 11 ' • • a the shoap Hardware oi Carlisle,, January, 11 PUBLIC SALE. U'ONDA F, February 20, 1805. . OY virtue of an order of tbo Court of Com mon felons of Cumberland County, to mo di rected, will bo sold on. tbo premises, ia tho bo r oujfli of Mcohnnicsburg, thq following described real estate of Catharine Sohroll, a lunatic, to wit : - ' "A* TWO-STORY . . .’ jJI . Plastered House, and valuable L 0 T 0 F U'H O UND, :, r;ifu:ito.on soutli lr pi' l o of Main ;'~lrcct.'.'?ontairtiiJK about 60 foot in front aud 180 in- dcpUi r with a xf.iblo.'Ac., bounded by George* Ranch,- Adam UiuicVs Jtipirs, Main Street.and an alley. This is one (if Iho most dodrahlo'sitcs for either a private /fciddonco or business stand in tlio borough of 3fc crranlcflburg. ; Ti:i:ms 6'v per cent, of tho purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, ono-hnlf of llvi balance on’fhoTst of April/TSSS, when a deed will bo made and possession given, and ■ uiicn on tho Ist April,'lSdfi ,* the deferred pay ment witlrjntorost from. Ist April, 1865,‘t0 bo se cured by judgment on tbo property; too taxes for 18K5 to bo pMd by tho purchaser •f’dlo to’ commeuo at 12 o'clock, M., of said day,' when attendance will bo • . . J. S. BOYlßft, < , Comniittee, of the person anil 'Estate of Catharin-; .s’.-WL- Jm\. 2G, ’65. * JTp STRAY.—Omno to tho promises of the d_J subscriber in Lower Allen Township, about ibc first of July, u light colored 33RINDLE lIEIF- F.U, with wbUu bock and white spot oirlior head, and ’about eighteen . months b)d. Tho owner ia requested, to come forward* prove property and take her away, or else she will bo dealt with accor ding to Jaw. 1 . • .... ’ J. L. BOYiRL dnm.uvises-Sfc • TPkISSOLUTION OF PARTNEIVfjUIT’.— .sLJ* Tha partnership oxlabingbat.raen the nmlor signod, doing businass &S distillers, at tba Trlmllu spring distillerios, was dissolved by muhuJ con sent on the 4th of January, 1366. Tbo books are in bands of J. B. Laldig, who is fully author- ecttlo them up. SAMUHL BENSON, , , J. B. LUCDIQ. Jan. 12, 1865—40* - 15 50 2 20 Poor House Visitors’ Report. Carmslb, Pa., January, 1865. To the TfonarabU JWy«« of the Courts of -Cumber -7.171 tf (fmniiy: - Tbo.npeUrsignod paying been appointed by your Honors, Visitors.of of. Employment of the Poor of Cumberland county;*!*.?;: leave to re port th'at they have made• frequent.-visits to the said House of Employment, and feel groat satis* faction in saying. the ininah-s of Tup jiuuscu are all qomfortably situated 1 arid well for. have conyprstd .them, and they*, •lyivo -expressed tho. most entire,ratislhctioh with Mr. Snyder, as Suporiritondonl/jf tbc Institution, and with Mrs. Snydpr as tholy Matron, They-say: they havo good, and whQlesqm'e jirovi.-i 'i ' dod for them, and comfortable lodging, > »'ii 1 are nice, and oloftn^'and'in,'gbpd : comlUion. There, are but few aic^-among therm," considering tho; number and tbo ago of in the boasts ; Wo have viewed thq-promiso*Vknd'tirb well satis fied that tho .business of the &rm ib well attended to. Mr. Snyder ia a good farmer, has the work on tho farm well done and in the right time. There is a largo-stock on tho farm in, good order, which plainly indicates that they are well attended tf.. Everything about the establishment, in our judg . ment, looks as if gopd cate .attention had boon, token by those whohavoAho mimagooiont of the conocrns, TTO 1 ! SALE.—A highly improved ami Val~ JP nuhte \Farvi, containing one hundred acre*, situate near Middlesex, in the township of Mid dlcsox ;land in a high fltnto of cultivation; con vonlorrt’to Churches, Markets, Schools. Ac. Also, Three DiceHinj /fofttoe in 'the horotjgb of Carlisle, situate in one of the principal streets, in aigood neighborhood, &o The above properties cun be bought oh easy. terms. Tbr particulars in quire of • i 1 - Jan. 5,1865-6 t Arrival 4* >o(l9 \ T tbesfiheap Store cf/Vf.C. Sivwyov, Ku»‘ Lx. Main moot, onotloor.hploir Mi.-r.'i-Zs. IKdv’j T.have'rotnriibil ffhip Mew York, with n large' ad-, ditiou of GOODS, such us flio latest stylos Dro*s Goods', Silks and Worsted Materials. fewest stylus of Cloaks and Monitor*.. All k'mdJ aJ'Shawls. . 1 I'UJtS! FIJUS ! ! A Urge lot from A- T. Stew art's, very cheap. All-kinds'pf, Mourning Goods, Cloths, Oassunores arid'Cloaking Cloths. .Notions of every kiud,-and Worsted-Goods,' Carpets, Oil Cloth?, .Domestic-Goods, in large sup-' ply, Fancy Articles for the Holidays. Please call us you will find my prices tho ohe'apost of-the cheap. i,,. ' Dso. 22, 18(1-1. TTQE uhflerstgtiecl phased outtrfl'atocfc of C/lnhiiir, on tin south-east corncr/ : qf Market -Square. ‘ ami made cousidoriiMohclclUUma, is now, prepared to supply liis friends and the public, Svltn aU.h’iridsof cboict tit tb’d lowest market rales. His stock com prises 1 x COFFEES, ■ , r: , SUGARS, SYRUPS. • r ' TEAS, Salt, 'Spices; gro'urrd apd nnground/CHeqfco/Crack ers, Coffee Essences, J!isli by wholesale or retail Byooms,. Brushes, .Tobacco, Sega’rs, Snuff,-Matches Blaoking„Bod Cords, • ' . ‘ • .j‘ GLASS, CHINA, STOWS AND QUEENSV/AKE, CcddrwarOj alj ,other articles usually kept >p * srst class ptore.-, . In regard '1,6 prices, X capaay that it is my do* termination to «e\l goods.-at Abo;.)owcat possible . ‘ , .i -£\ . . ~ a ß*iUer, Eggs, and all kinds of .country prodaci lakcu jat market prices . ; - , Ho hopes by strict attention io. business, and,». please, to merit anid. spotiro a o' Vublie patronage. • ! ' . • . , , v JOHN HYBB. • 'Carlisle, Jah. fr. 18*6J. $6 jlgu i; •?e,i6o is-} •WiTCMES & JEWEIiKY A T’.tlie Bigu of the- “ Gold iiljigle,” 3 doorr Z3L ftbovo-i,. Cumberland Valley Bank, and twe ’doors bolowtho Methodist Charon on West Main .<3 street, tbo largest and bbst selected o. ETCHES .had IJEWELHY in tbo town bo sold 30 per cent, lower than at any ! pl»u;o in-thfi, : Stato.., The .stock.comprises a larg assorlmebtof Gold & Silver Hunting-ease AVatcbes Lovers, Lcpinos, Amerioah .wiliobos, and nil otboi kinds and styles, gold and silver Chains, Jewelry 6f all kinus,, Spectacles, Gold and silveri plated and uilror WaT'o, Music Boxes, Acdordeon?' Oil Paintings, a grevt; variety of . Fancy Articles.- .*nd a lot of the fine**’ Pianos,'which will bo per cent, e rox offered in town. The en tire sto : ck of Watchmaker, tools, cjibcb, largo Mirror? amV'Safo, will bo sold wholesale ox retail on fch« easiest torras. ■ . Haying selected » first class workman all. hiftdr of repairing trill bo done as usual, [dl froducoc ■ .£ j, shabdet. - : .Carlisle, April_3D, 18fi!h * . > ' Sy TUB COURT. TiiPNIcB! TRUNKS 1;! - ! r . , ’RT'VUSES, Trunks, Carpet Bags, U'rebe- T rallaa ifco. French mile leather Trunkr, .!»■ dies travelling Trunks of large sizoe, brass bound 1 , of tbo host makes, in largo variety at 1 ISAAC ■■■ • , North Hanover Street Mauch t9,,'63.T To Consumptives. 'Consumptive'sufferers will receive a valuable nrcaeription' for tbs cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and. all throat and .Lung. affections, (free of charge;) by smarting theiraddtesa to,. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, r .Williamsburg, L ’ -j Kings Co., Not. U, ’64-3W WH.LIAM KEE, SAMUEL GRAHAM. CUAS. W. WEAVER, Visitors. vE-lt. ft. GILBELISN. •. -W.Oi-SAAVYERi Gold P, !ns and Pencils, , |S. $05)0,000 §U WORTH OP Walchcij Chains; Rings. &c. . o. s. naVki n S : & c 6. SG Bci-lutiau Street, Kew'VorJic!, «, orima rna to Buyers of Valuable Jewelry. HAV'.N'fl Uton for a let.;' Sim? . woplh of Watches, Diamond Tins. Chains, Ac., to bo sold for OKB DOLLAR EACH, without regard to, value, ami imt to bo paid for mitU you kuow .wliat you arc to receive. Just look at tho following of ARTICLES TO UR SOLI) FOR OXE J)OL XAU KACU ! 175 Welches (handsomely engraved, and warrant ed perfect t|»uc-koopoi*J . varying in price from $3O 00 toJl-O 00 each 2-5 Ladies’ IVatchessclid Gold Hunting Cases, 05 *3Q “ 1 .250 Gentle wsu'a Silver. Watcho.*, * . 16 00 to 35 00 « 6,1100 Latest stylo Vest and Keek Chains, 4 50 to 30 00 u 5.500 Gent’s California Dia mond Pins,, 250t025 00 u ■ I, ah CwULnviia Diaman.l . Ear Drop*, „ 200t015 00 •' 3.000 Miniature and Thurm-' idled dlovolvln-r Pius, 500 to 25 IW) “ 2.000 California J.lj amend and. Enamelled (lout's Pearl' Pins, new .--lylc-*, 5 3i) to L 5 00 a '2,000 .Majunic and Zmblcai Pins, 300to10 00 “ • 2,500 Gold Baud ilraeclcls, cpcraved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 3,!H:0 dot A Mosaic Brooches, 300 to 70 00 “ 2.000 Citineo ilroocbcs, rich pailcriM, very .tasty, . 3 00to60 0v ; “ J, 500 Florentine and Lava -• . Pin?, the real nv-iulo, ( ‘i (10/,o £0 33 “ 3.500 Lava and FTorcnllim - • . Knr Drops, lOnfl 3.0 l)() Coral fJitvDrnps, ( 4 fit) to 000 *• 2,0(11) Ladlefe* t C'hiftglajrtu •. * - Chiyhv, Jut and (.Ljh!, Jj U’C to2o 000 .“ • 0,000 Goal’s PiiiH. a yb\e:i r did^*3jy. '2 00 to 15 00 “ ■l,OOO Solitaire Pot ions. emmdw new’’ sly It--?, 300 to 5 00 “ 3.000 StudjfMTVtflei'VO B’ai. ' tons, in sots, nry r'ull, 5 00 to 15 CO, “ 5.000 j?l*.»evo li'ullonr. plain, enamelled and 2OO to 800 *' lO.OUO Plain ami bandsumo ly engraved Rings, 250 toTO 00 “ Spring LocUuiiS.^upu. , . Kci casa.riebly 2 00 to 15 CO - u 13,000 Buts 1/ idles* Jewelry, !- rvv and.latest styles, . 600ta12 00 *’ 2.000 Gold Pens and batid gomo Silver Oases, SOOtoIOOO u Tijiy entire Hit of beautiful and valuable goods will bo sold for Oxii Dor.i.AU Each. Certificates) of all tho above articles will bo phieed.iu.;EnVol-’ op , 'r. and scaled. These envelopes are rent by' mail, as ordered, without regard to-clioibo. . 6n the receipt of the ocrtificalc you will see what you are .to have, and then it is at yoijr option to send one dollar ami lake (be article, or’not. , . Dive c;ui dto.orderus for s'l cloven f.»r 5p2 ;• t!il»Ty. ; fjve /or : aixty-flvo lor $*10; and one iKindred for $l5. fe'i wifi ,u shiglo cor tlficato oa tha roo«ij>t of 25 cents, . ‘ n. Si. lIASICIES A CO., Ho.x -4270. 30 Ecclfman Etreet, jV. T". - v ov. 17. ISfcMln . 1 1 Tlia subscribers bog leave to inform-dheir friends and customers i!mt they have removed their - Grocery Store '!!•> thn South-East Corner nf Main and Bed ford Street*. one Door Went of Gardner & (V*» Foundry, ami Directly Op posite Heiser’a Hotel, Carlisle.• ' 1 Tin\v will, a* heretofore, keep constantly on Untid everything n their lino S U G .11 'A 3 * C«»n>r*. Salt, £tir;;tr?, Dried Meat,- iMoliMsrfl,' Bologna, ■ Syrups. Eggs, •LVacJ{.«r*, Spiros, _ Cheese, Dishes,*, ;* „ Fish, Soaps, Tobacco, t Brooms, Oor.l Oil * Lamps, Burners, Brushes,, Some Wore, 'Earthen Ware, Blacking, Caudht, , And .HoJl'otiti (Generally. Our assortment is very complete ami has been purchased with care aiul judgement, Wo invite stUj;n give us a call, as-wo are determined to ‘soil at vary moderate profits. *.- ■ MONASMITH : A BAivEK. ' • N, B.—'ll)© highest prices -will bo paid fdv all kinds of jiurUotiug. , ,Kov. IU, IS6A.-U’ ]\[ -13 V, r P II 0 T 0 G 1U P II •IN And Gallery* AVc, l>o 'undersigned, respectfully inform-our ami tfio public generally, that wo have opened a - • Kcw P-fey-SLag-ilsl PICT UR E GALLE RY' - In tbo now second story oyer tbo frarntT buildings located a few doorp scutli. qf tbe Office, and nearly oppbshc A. AV. Bentz's store, South Hauo vor street. "Wo have constrxictcd this* Gallery ac cording to our and flatter ouraelgos >in spy lag wo have far tbo best arranged light in Jovy.ov To aged, infirm and dolicatr "peraous, we v;ill say this trallcry is much easier‘of 'access than k anyjn Lius"’[ilacc, being located on,tbo second sfrory, and tbo etory boueuth being ioW* tboro is not such; a towaV “f ascend. Haring—procured the usVittniioo 1 of an oxpcrl oncod opor*tur,.ttntl purchased’the best and latest improved apparatus, .wo'aro prepared to produce pictures equal to anyotbof ex celled by Now York or Philadelphia. .Such as , Extra WMofc Size Fltotogrdphs, Cartes De .Visitt,,.. ,' ;* Anihroigpes and ferrotypes* AVo shall also introduce a novrlhcluro to |his vi cinity in -such unbounded demand in the cities, called Abo . . , GI3M PIiOTOGUAPiI. Onq,dozen taken at one sifting at (ho low price of s(i per dozen, Pietisms, inserted in Lockets, Kings, and Pins, and copied or o’nlargod from old Paguorrcotypes, Anihrotpyes, ifcc., Ac;- Also, for ?n!o a fine lot of. Picture ’ Finical and Albums.— Wo hope, by a.strict attention to business, and a desire to ,pKftse,i6 recplvVour sharp of tho public, patronage. .Bo nd forget .the place, a few .doors ‘south 6f the Post Office, South Hanover Street. : , If., XT. •GROVE-, &. SON. ’ Carlisle, Nov. 10,‘ 18f-4-tL ; WINES AN I). MaU o.l^. South Hanover Street, Carlisle,-, ' THE undersigned; successor* to D. P. Iln zolton,’ wqUIJ respectfully inform ,‘lils'friends and tbb publip gph°ra'ly, that ho intends to main tain tho-ctinraotor of f tho above house foro. and will keep constantly qn bivad a q'sV sortihohtof. .. .. * brandies, ; :J ;. ■ • ■ ;v: -teiNs.- •. . •• • " : WinsKtri,';/ lv 1 ' • ... !. ■■■ rums, CORDIALS, i.-l . BITTERS', ■ • !• • v ,*: *i f -&c.;4c.V ‘which ho tiaii *jqil.a 3 finy o thorostabUsh mout in Carlislo;Mf 'nbt cheaper. * Country, .Landlords,,will find this tho,place to biiy their*. t ‘• ■ WlfiES ANI) BIQUOKS, 1 ’' iJoth In regard to quality and price, ~ . ■ Ilia stock ia largoand Well solectodj.and. lio up. yitoa .a call'iboforo.i.pui'bbtsihg' Re member the place, Hanover street, directly' opposite!'the’ “.Volunteer Printing Office,’(Win ter's old otand,) Carlisle... 1 ‘-'v ‘ JJ. KBBA ‘- , - ’ Nor. 17(18fi4rtf. ; ; J- r .1 ... ■: '■ - DRY GOODS. ■; “ To Whom it -Concern/’ Greenfield* Sheafer AHE happy to Inform tho,public tliaj; they hnvo Jutt returned from NKty YOKIC iriSi a -iiew-ao,il-dosirablo'»tai»!r'oT. 'goads—bought it greatly reduced prices, which will ho told on tho original aud'popttlar principle of quick sacks And sma’tx pnom-s, , D 11, K S,S G 00 V ff, Ssotch IMniilj; Wool X’Jaitlp. Zephyr Pluid?, 51m pree* Cloths. Plaid flr.duur?,. Ottimoro Cloth*, 'Amours, Afyucas 1.7 fell .color*, fimb. Alpacas; Wool Delaines, <^e., Vrfirto A full asiortment for I mlics and Children. and FURS! A largo and desirable atook of Cloaks and Pqrt, bought in New York which willho sold lout*- than elsowher?. IMUIE S 1 ; OS, Do Laine?, Check?, Print?, ]VlunHn3, Ginghams, Canton Tljinnclg ami Ticking?, all to bo sold at grout bargains. NOTlONS.—Hosiery, Whito Goods, Ao. GENTS’ AND BOYS’ WEAK, Cloths, Capsim?re?, Sutinolts, Jeans, Ao. A full apartment of MagcriiTs celebrated 'Doinf-Aludo Goods, always on hand. . ' Don't hvy any kimf ofyomh unfHyou have first called on Otn;i:snfU) a SiiUArKK, to note the great difference bctweAx Uu> pviuos asked for goods t’iovo and eliewhoro. Oooda received daily £roih Now York and Phil adelphia. GREENFIELD A SHEARER, East Main Strong South eldc, 2d door, 2d door, 2d door from corner. Nor. 10, 1864. UP '/OUU CLUnS rou 1805! The lieai aricl Cfaaptst of the .Wtffdititos. ‘PETERSON'S MA : 6a£iNE.' Notwithstanding the ftburihnusly Increased coot of Paper, und’tho constituent rise in the prhje of other Magiuiiuos, “ IMorßonV will still be fur nished to single subserihorsutTwo Dollars tv year, cash in advance, ArrattgomenU have. been, made •by wliioli; in }BCS, itVJli bo Bettor than ever. No -Mapaoino t of similar! moYit wi11,., approach it 5u choapno<»p ? hoiioo it will bo .emphatically .. THE MAGAZINE TOR THE TIMES. Tho storie? iu “ Pc.trirnon ' aye conceded to bo, the host published anywhere, ~I‘n addition to tho nl number of shorter stories, there wiU ho given ki 1365, Four Original Copy-riglU«d Novelettes, via: THE LAST PL ANTAGONIST, By Mrs, Ahn'S. Stephens. THE MISSING- UIAMONB, ... . .By. the Author’of “ Tho Second Life.* , a wosxXn’s REViftroX , ~ Louiso CbWldler.Moulton. COQUET vs. CROQUET, . By Trafck Leo Berioilu-t. i. In its Il}ustratio,nß also, is unrivaled. Tho publisher challenges a comparison between.its • 'Superb Maskatintt and other Steal EmjravinQt And those in other Magaxine?, and ono at least is; given in every number. Colored Fashion Plater iu Advance f: . It ‘is tlio- drily Magazine whoso Fashion Rla tes can bo relied on * • • Colored Patterns in Embroidery, Crotchet, dc. The Work-Table department of this Mp-gazino is wholly unrivalled. Every number contains-a. doaoh or more patterns iu every* variety of Fancy work. No other Magazine gives those colored. Patterns, * An Entirely New Cook Hook. ’ The. original lipuspltuld Receipts of‘* Peterson” are quit". famous. For ISQS, receipts of every hind of di'su will be given. Every qno of those, receipts htt’3* been tested. t Ne\v .and Fashionable Music will appear iu fevery liumberi Also,'Hints on all matters i'ri’torasting to Liidiea. TESMS—ALAVATS IX' ADVANCE... Tito copies, one year, $.3 00 Pour “ “ 600 TiMghb “ »* • 32.00 Pourteoii *' ... 20' $0“ Pi’enjittnta for Cltthe of Eight or f ourtcen. —To any_pcrson goring up a club of Eight and remit ting Twelve aollnrs-r—or a club of Fourteen .and rcnniUing Twenty Dollars, wo will send as a Pre mium, our new copy-right stoc| opgraviug for fra ming—sizo 27 inches bv PARTINt* FROM HIS 'GEN'EHA’TiS/Vufwr a. drawing 1 by F. O. Darloy. ■ This ,ia {.ho lUoat su perb I’remuiiA «ver oiler oil, ]Or, ff preferred, wo will :whd, for >the I’romiuln,‘.a, LADY'S ALBUM-, iUustvaltd}a.ud handsomely Ijoitnci-and gilt. Or, if preferred to either of these, wo‘will ‘send, as a Premium, an extra copy of the Magazine foriSf*s. For clubs of two or four, no premiums arogivem Always say, in remitting for a club of eight, or a‘ club of fourteen, which of the Premiums is‘pre ferred. Address. pdst-pMd, • • • 1 ; • ,-- . • CIIA-URES J. PETERSON-. jYo. 306 CkcstnMt *tred, PhiUtdclpiti, Pri. Not; 10, fBOP. M. *fc B, - NEW FORWARDING AND com m rssr o n ; it 6 use I jPiAjtsi A£ ; .iPißfeo,' : ' ■■ ' COAL, PLASTBIi A- SALT. TI!E, Bultscri.bor having talcen jtlib Ware hobso formerly occupied by J. R. Noncmaker, on High .Street, opposite lUickiniusou-’ Col lege, would inforin tba public, that be has en tered. iutP a general Foi, warding and .Commission business.;,■ . • >'• '• * i ',l ~ Tho highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and Produce of all kinds,. ‘ 4 .-iTonr and. Feed, Plantar and, kept con stantly on hand and for sale. 0 Ccfal of all kinds, embracing , L Y'KRNS! VItLEY. . . ■ • locust mountain, ■. ■ LA W.BEfiR Y, etc;, <#«. - ’LfmGburners* and Biac'^:«m^thB , Coal, fbrfcrilo.- .Kept under coyer, and delivered dry anv \uirt of the town* • ■. . ■ john.beexem; April .11 qpOL • , : ..., * PEOOL^ATIO^.... \ 11XIE undersigned would respectfully pro claim to thd-oitizens of-Cumberland and sur rounding counties, that he has on hand and is constantly manufacturing, any and everything in ' the s . . ' S A I) D LlO U Y LIN E, ; at prices wliieh defy competition, and of material which cannot bo surpassed hero or elsewhere. Ilia stock consists of , Double dud single Harness, Saddles and Dti . dies of dll kinds, heavy and fight draft ' ‘Collars,’ • halters; ■' . whips; • » ''' /. . BUPITALO ROBI7S, I ■ HORSE'BLI-IXKBTS, Ac., to which ho invites the careful atfeptionof all who may desiro rt good article atyoasonablo prieoa.' Ho ail; tiroes a few-doora below Jlannoa.’fl . Hotel, on tho< south.side of tho Court Uouss, near llUeem's Hall> Carlisle ><• . j v - • * - WJI. CLEPPER. • Nov. 24, 180I T 3m ' A' . -T ‘ ‘ ■ A (■■eSkSbß having .parlor 6, sitting room, jiyfiK dining roQm.kjtchen, Wash bonds} •ten chaiSitie,k-B, ; and. i watpr> onto o',first and.’ seebfid .floors’;’ ! also, a rango tujd bath rdom with ’hot and cold water* For tome; apply to ! ‘' i: ~ or auam. { Every Person’s Interest- W C. SAWYER roapoctfuliy calls thy • attention of everybody in want of Dt Good* to his immense stock of, WIN T.lfte GOO DS , , just rccoirod, bought for caeu, acid at-the reduced - prices- froibt ~ r -~ •j 1} i ; I , >, Arnold, Constable «k Co. filurfoy A Karris, Hor ner'A EorrostGr-^-Wero' Ydfl\ ■■ 1 Boigol, AVuU’ifc Irvin, M, L. IJnllowell $ Co, Thos. W'. Evans & Co., and other houses —Phi fa.. *• • Comprising tho latest stylos-of Bilks, all color* newest,; kinds of .Wool Fabric*, in plain color*, - bjijPctl figured Heps, 'Ac. • , . AlHGmla of ifournlnt; Goods from Myera*. Now York. Newest,styles of AfoaltflS. Ci.rcalnri.nnd Coifct*. Tb'e*o-goods arc.a specially in my trade,.! i'UUSj J'UhS! ! all .kigud* and ..ijwAUtlo* , fought from A. T Stewart, very cheap for the • times. • • . . , 4 XJIA. WLS of'cverr .Erocho, plain, bor deird,;, for Ladies and Mlsj-b*. . ; . Bulmorui Skirts, Woolen Gonil?VHo«ierj> "Ladies Undcrvogfe, Trimmings,jfco.. J?3cia% anti Eio^ 5 O'sDrcoalln^, Cloths and CamitMcrs. -Goods uro made to order in the latent stylos and at sljort notice. .-Men's HhaVrls, Undershirt?, Dr&v»»is, Globes. -Scarfs 1 ., Tie*, *<•. , *• „ , . . The largest, stock of pomcalid Goods in’Cta country. Carpers, Oil Clbih* t/ Blunlcoti> and variety of Goods kept in a first class r Dryi G6odfi store, As utif styles of Cloaks and Dross Goods come nut, I’hjLvft arrangomets to racivatbupa* JTaw gOOcla.'will boaddetl as the Winter advance*. Pltasc-call and examine befo'ro buying ollo<> where, as I-hmMotorminod mft to bp undersold.' llemembcr fho old stand,'’East Main street, oni door below Markiu’a Hotel. Nov. 17, ISC*. _ notice, .;jg^ ,*N* ■ J. BOAS’S STORE-, , Oi'Posn’B.fiiG Carlislr Diirosir Bank. Would you buy your-hats right cheap Please call at Boiia’s store, . ; In North Hanover e(tq ct ho keeps, His name is.on the door. . t There,Lfidiep, Men uud Children too ‘ Arc fitted all the while,. . H{3 buds, aro good, and havo proved true’; . .. I;To bettor in Carlisle. Cups for Soldiers, Men and Boy* ; You nil can hero obtain, Tor Ladies and fur Children’* Pur* . Yon need not ask in vain. ; Tut Cups, Pvir Collars andjl’ur Glove* All neatly made and warm; Tine Woolen Shirts and Woolen Drawers , Por comfort in the storm, Vu'st*, Jackets, IXoto, Neckties and Scarfs— All these;ho Keeps to sell,. Whips, Comforts, Canes and Notions tQo Too humorous to tclf. ■ , ,AL S O , and Traveling Basket* foj Bodies, Mar ket ami School-Bsnjkctg, Carpet Bag>;and Valises* largest iusuruiiont of, Trunks kept at any liouso in town. A largo variety of Gentlemen's o\ovqb. A very ■ largo -aaiortinent .of Woolea Shirta, BUFFALO ItOBES } Tobnocp and So gars, Ac,, Ac. 'Please call and soee tis ?topk of good 4. j. BOA’S, AgenW Nor. B. R. JAMISBN & 60. ‘'nsrilOLESAJjK awl wtail DsaUtpiaF**- v V -.oy Dry- floods, Trimming*,‘Notion* Jh^, . North \vQpt corner of TXatiovbr. aWdi‘J?!a ; niCrflt.‘’B l*., Carlisle, Pa. would, respectfully announo* to th* public that flioy barb just returned from-tho S«*> te'rp-cit'toa with fcTbfcge nncMvell selected (took <4 geode, consisting in.part of Hosiery, (Korea, Mitt*, -VoUr, Crimea, Cravats, lloodfl.Nnbifu, Kiuulkercliit,rs, Suspenders, Shirts, Dr a wef»,B el tot# Ladies’ and Gents’ Collar*, Binding, Crords,- BnW tons, Combs, jNecdlcB>'Thmadß,Sewlng;SUkjb Hoop Skirts,. Paper, Pons Perfumery, Cigar*,.iAd., Ae. -Wojvould particularly inyito the,fttoutien of CgfoKtar MiiucfiANTS to OuV'sieck/aa.iiTth* mat* ter of pricos us well pa in oUier.lmportant parti* ulars, wo enjoy- this great advantage, vis: on* Lrlvnob of otir house and & member of 6’ur fliin ’Am located in Philadelphia, .take advantage of,ev.ery fluctuation in the marked Liberal terms made with wholesale and. unusual inducements offered to buyer* of «▼*► ry dual. ’ Call and examine bur ‘stock.., ; _ B. B. JAMfiSON A CO 0ct.,13/1564—3m. /A .... , , NEW STOCK '6jt. ~ ,'LV ‘ IS ATS AIO,€APa:,.. , . .AX'" KELLER’S, On Edrih Hanover StreetCarlitla, -A; qplendjd assortment of all.the neirvjri -TAI stylos nf Silk, Moleuhvi, Slouch, Soft JrW and Straw //--I TS now open, of city and manufacture, which will bo eold-at the lowest cMb prices. . .. .[[t. - A large stock of summer hats, Palm* Leghofa. Braid, India I'nnn.iuii, and Straw;. Children , s * cy; etro.» • Also a full - a-syrCment of a*on f s, B 07# and Children s Cj*p.Vofo'v- The subscriber iuyitds-a. to comm and oxamina his stocU. v ßoi’b£ > a practical hatter; he faels coa fldent of^ftmH ol1 ** . -'-‘?i’ Thankful' for the liberal patronage ; heretofore bcalowtd'ho sfdicits'a conUn.uah6p of the same.-. forgot -tho, stand, twb doors aboVe net’s Hotijl, and next to Corfaman’s shoo Btpre,’- . ' JOHN: A. KELLER, Agi ;? N. 8.-rrllats of all kinds made to order notico. .. W2V«<. Editor of ' Volunteer: ' . , ; - , . Deau Sin—Witbyour porralssion l'Wish to Bay to .tho roaders of that I will send, by turn mail, to wishdt (free), a Recipe, wllfi; full directions for making and.using a simple V«; gctable. Balm, that will. ofToctually remove, \rx tajd days, Pimples; Blotches, Tan, Freoklos, all purities of tho Skin, leaving the' same goftfblear. smooth and.bpautiful. v . ' ' . * ,1 will also mail free to those having-Heads, or Bare Pacos, simple directions that will enable them to start a fMll,gfow;th of Lux uriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustaohojin leae,thao thirty d.tya. . " All applications answered by reltthi jnail wltlK < '■ x .1 < '•-*» ' Kcspccirully yoars, , ~ , TIIO& F./CHAPMAH, OhomisV : 831 Broadway \ '2feto Yor&r' bet. n, S.ASD GENTLEMEN' X 3? youv wish to" rrVArry,- address tho undert signed, who will eonrl you without money without price, valuable information Inat. fr|U etia-» bio you and apeod il y\ 1 tfe bp 0 oil to Of astf. wealth ur’beautyv • Tbife- Vn’fuxm&tiou wiU coat yon nothing, and wish t prjjl clncrfully' asgist you. All letters slri'oily oond r (Ivatnd.. ,Tho desired information, return' luail, and no questions asked. Address : ... Sarab B. Lamb6rt > ’Gr'cenpoi’n : t> Kings Cpi, . ‘Oct. 13, ’6-i—2m 'FIIE vCurlislo borough bounty tionds 'ard’ X upw roady-for delivery in sums of One Hu ndred, Five Hundred aud Ouo Thousand dollars,’ with, coupons attached; the intcrostpayablo aotnir annually, at the Carlisle. Hoposit'Bank. Any par son having money to lend 1 will find it anisdritQ* tago to invest in said. Bonds, as the State 1 exempts them from Taxation.* 'ApplioatyxQ |to ,bo made to Ai Cathoart, President Council, or Joa. M r . Ogilby, soo*y. "■ *■ ; "" r ' j • ' Council. • * , ; .JOS.moalLßy,ii.: . tfeo’y of Corporation* "■'<* ~ 2VV; IyrOTICE.—AII persons are herebynotifieij; xi ;that if X owq them .«d y tbLng to pf &sen t - their 1 hills and t will pay- them j pthorwiso those who owo mo noe.dnotpay, for Jam going up Salt River and do.nut expect to bo back before Sprjnpr, : * -.<>. t •*) • -i ': Klegb« ' , {^Carlisle,,Poc. B,IBGI-81* ! : ■ BAKLEY AY ANTED.—The highest 1 for Ba.hj.ey will be paid in cash , at Brewery, Cariible.; .-.V --Vi > .. , . •> .. OBBHiRD & RXOIITBB/'-'' ' i ‘SepV, ; \xy6.4a3Bi» : ..-.. -■ ?■ ' ■' i . .i.c:FDBSI;JWJBSI! FUBSIU ; tjtXUNG at greatly retiuoedpHcerfo clot* , O, out the'balance o£ Stock.of, too Mason. . If you aJe in want! of any Radios, ‘Mims,- and ifinik-t Surs, please giro us an early eall, ai ba to your interest; 1 ■ 1;; -OJSIWCH 4 JilttEli, ■ ve. Ji*tk 6/1865. W. C. SAWYER'. Now Tort.