American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 08, 1864, Image 3

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    the war news.
Tlioinas%liij>s Ilood'and F orrest.
Nashville, Tenn., Thursday, Dao.'l.
About noon on Wendncsday our main nr
reached Fratiklin, when Gen. SuhoQold
ircpnrod ;to give the enemy battle. There
Ls very little skirmishing, ns Hood’s object
tii to attack us bcforo wo had time to throw
mdefepsivo works. . ■ ,
About 4 o’olook tho enemy commenced ad
mncing on our lines, when the bpll
by our batteries .shelling their advance,
and soon after a regular cannonading opened
tiling the whole line.
The Rebels, who had been protected by
deoils, now emerged from cover, and opened
nith a fierce volley of muketry along tholinor,
and then charged. For a moment .part ol
our line wavered, and fell back before the
desperate charge of the enemy. Generals
Ilulier and Cox, however, rallied their men'
and charged the enemy, who tvil'd'oroseod over
dig abandoned lino of works.
The Rebels were now fighting with the des
peration of demons, charging our lino furious
ly, tome leaping our works and lighting hard.
was the critic.! moment, and ourOen
wds rallying their troops, swung on the Rob
cl (lank, doubling them in the .centre, where
our artillery and musketry mowed them down
bj hundreds. i '•
The tide was now turned. Our men, in
jured with suocess, gave a wild huzza, nnd
swopt hack on the J Robel line like an aval
tooho, hurling the enemy .back in the wild
est disorder and confusion.' . \
Night was how sotting in, wo followed,
op our advantage. What ohoe threatened toj
lea disastrous defeat was thus turned into a
glorious victory. The courage of our officers
and the desperate 'bravery of our men was
unexampled. ...
Our loss is about sdven hundred killed and
Hounded. We captured over one thousand
prisoners nnd eight battle flags. Two Rebel',
Brigadier Generals our hands. A Reb
el Division General was loft on the field mor
tally wounded. The Rebel lota in kiiled-and
Hounded is estimated at throe thousand.
The-Rebel Generals Cheatham and’Leo's
corps were engaged.. The brunt of the bat
tle on our side fell on tho Second Division of
[he Fourth Corps.
Captain Coughlin, of General Cox’s staff,
was kii.led, and several jegimontril comman
ders jind officers wore killed and’ wounded,
whoso’ pumas have not been ascertained.—
General Stanly was slightly wouudedin the
nook, but did not leave tho, field.
General , Cox states one could walk fifty
•pr.ds on dead Rebels in his front.
The excitement is allayed here by the knowl
edge of tlie above facts.
Our troops have taken position in a line of
kvorka between Nashville and'Franklin. ;
Nasuvillb, Tonn.'Beo. T,
The Union forces under Gen. Thomas re
tired from Franklin last night and have taken’
position and formed in line of-hattle south of
Nashville about three miles. 'Skirmishing
has been going on. all* day about five miles
•south of here. Heavy -cannonading can be
distinctly heard in the city. . No-want of con
nilenco is felt by the citizens in ultimate sue
•cms., The employees of. tho Qunrtermaser’s
Department are under arms aad'in the tren-'
One hundred and seven Confederates offi
‘fiors, including one Brigadier-general and one
J'tUimnd prisoners, arrived in the city this
morning. They wore captured in the light
livt night near Franklin. A groat battle
may momentarily bo expected. •-
Latest from Nashville—Rebel Forces Intrench
ing Themselves within Three Miles of the
city—A Great Battle Imminent.
NAPUviLLR, Term. Dee. 4,
I No new devclupcmontH have taken, place
pulay, except that our army still encircles
rtlic city on the Rntuheastj its wings resting on
I the Cumberland river. The enemy’s lines
rare clearly to be seen from high points in the’
suburbs, ami frfim the capital. They are in
'trenclnng themselves in a southwestern di
reutiun about three miles from.the city. Ba
ring the day, heavy skirmishing occurcd on
'Our left, aud progressed along the the lino to 1
'lho center. Many persons witnessed the can-:
’iioimding. AlongthoTiglftUf out* lirtesnoth
ing of. importance transpired to-day. Tlio
Rcneral opinion, is that flood will attack the
federal forces’in front of Nashville.
A federal cavalry force has patrolled the
north- bank of the river at the lords to pro-'
vent cavalry from crossing, as .tfunverous tin
wcccasful,attempts have boon made by them',
to cross since the Ist inst.
Johcßonvllle baa been evacuated,and the.
Toad has been interrupted, and partol the
trains from there are advancing to this point
‘Th^firat.block 4ior«s on the Chattanooga
Mad, four . miles from the city, defended by ;
fiogroca commanded by Colonel Johnson of-
Hie colored infantry, who surrendered Dalton,
Or., and wa« paroled, held‘out until this af
ternoon, when they .surrendered, Colonel
■Johnson and a portion of his men escaping
on a train ; the remainder were captured.—
The train was fired into, SeverM jumped
bom the train into the river and escaped,
Colonel JtlmsoQ among them, who is in the
city to-night.
A reconnoitering party sent on- Thursday,
returned to-day, having gone eighty miles up
the river,’ , Ihey report that no rebels wore
won or heard of crossing the liver, and none
appeared along the banks. V
A rebel deserter \\’hp came in to-day re
ports that General S. B. ieo published an or
tar 10-biw <men, Friday morning, complimen
ting’, them for their bravery-, devotion, eto.,
thanking them for the vifftorjr won at frank
lin, and assuring them that if trae to them
selves now in front of Nashville, they would
'roon be able to enter and of
* ynst amount cf stores -contained there.
Ecbel Account of Sherman’s
Doings in Georgia.
The marc&of ora forces.
Hey Desolate the Coiintry
as They Proceed.
[Prom the Richmond Dispatch) Docombot 2.]
The Georgia papers of the 27th contain
facts about the raid through that State,
“even hundred prisoners have been received
U Augusta who* wore captured while forag
ing for ShermanVairoy
The following-extract from a lettbr in the
Augusta Chronicle, from a writer who fled
the Legislature from Milledgovillo,
buowb how the‘country is being devastated
along the route of the invading army:,
Leaving oiir baggage, we took a hasty din
bor, determined to keep the road .to, Madison
jjntil our pickets'shouid notify us of the ap-
Pfoach of the Yankees. About 4 a
°°ut oame dashing down the road, at Gilpin
crying, “ To the woods, to the woods 1”
we wooded. Waiting several hours in
*ue min, under a rdil-pen improvised for the
occasion, wo determined to go out on tho"
road and.see what was going on. ■Wo goth-
e j thoir actions that they wero tho
advance guard of the force from Madison, nnd
were expecting to moot another force from
Monticollo at the fork near by. Lato on Sun
day, thoir main column commenced passing,
and wo found it very difficult to avoid them,
flicy soared through the fields, shooting cat
tle, and plundering indiscriminately, until
late in the night. Wo wore in more dread
of being shot as bushwackera than wo had of
lioing plundered, and probably should have
kept the road ; but we now had no choice but
to avoid them, if possible. Thoir wagons
<vcro rumbling along tho Monticejlo road on'
our left, and on tho Madison road on our
right, while they swarmed in thocountry be
tween. Wo could hoar them talk ami hear
their caps explode as^ they passed Within a
few feefc-'df us. was intensely cold
•wetland dark, savo when the distant gleam
of a burning house lighted up the hn ir.un.—.
Their main columns wore passing from about
2 o’clock Sunday afternoon until about-9 o'
clock at night. Going 1 to Credlot’s place, >vo
found his fine bouse in ashes, and hia gin
house burned, and every horse and ihulo
gone. On his lot about one hundred horses
■lying dead; tiicy looked like good stock, and
wore evidently killed, to deprive tho planters
of them. A number of Mr, Credel’s negroes
wore gone. Proceeding on wo found evovy
plantation ontho roa-l similarly devastated,
except that no other dwelling "bouses were
burned’until we 'reached tho line farm of
Hon. Joshua Hill. This isii perfect wreck.
A large gin house full of cotton, corn-cribs,
were al.l smouldering minis. His
loss was greater than that of any planter in
■this section. Besides cotton; several thousand
bushels of corn uml potatoes, several hunt'red
of wheat, and much other 'valuable property,
with every horse and mule, and many negroes
have gone; No farm oh the road to this
place, and, ns forks wo can hodt, toward At
lanta, escaped thoir brutal ravages. They
ravaged tho country below herb to 'Oconee
river. The Toads were strewn with debris of
their .progress. Bead horses, ‘cows, sheep,
hogs, chickens, corn, wheat, cotton, books,
paper, broken vessels, coffee-mills,-and frag
ments of nearly every species df property
that adorned tho beautiful far ms bf this coun
try strew tho wnyaid?, ns momiments-of tho
meanness, rapacity, and hypocrisy of tho peo
ple who boast that they are not robbers, and
do not interfere with private property. In
Madison they burned rlie dbpot and one or
Two bid warehouses, with (ho'jfeil and market
house. They gutted every store, and plun
dered more or less on every lot. They fired
a-drug-store, and several other hbuscs, and
their officers, with a show of magnanimity,
aided to put out tho flames.
Many families have not a of meat
or a pbokofmml or flour. Hmy negroes
‘were enticed away from their homos ot com
fort to share the uncertain fortunes of a win
ter march to thccpasfc and them freedom to
starve. Families of wedltli have not a house
servant left, and those who were most trusted
wore often the first to leave. The Yankees
entered the house of my next door neighbor, -
an old man of over throe, score yearn, and
tore up his wife’s chlthoa and bedding,, tramp
ling her bonnet on tho 'floor and robblngjthe
house, and pantry of nearly everything of
value. There was no provocation for any of
these nets, for everybody treated theih civilly
and offered them ail they wanted to eat.
Their excuse is they cannot control their men;
many of them including their officers, hobaVb
civilly, and my 'humble dumb 1 !! escaped any
serious depredations. Those citizens who re
mained at homo and watched the prem
esis lost little sivo horses, food and stock.
Those who from any cause chanced to bo a
way lost nil. A lady on the Baton ton road
whoso father is in tho army, fooling afraid
to stay nt '-her hdnse tvent ‘toThe hdliso of a
neighbor, and on re’uiiing found every plate
broken, every knife and fork, nnd spoon gone
nnd her own clothes 'stripped to sheets and
scattered about the lot.
In Carlisle, on the 30th nit., by the Rev.
John R Blisf*. Ji-iin E. Woods, to Caroline
R. Rim-el,• both of West Pennsboro’ twp.
Flouu, Superfine, per bbi.,
d 0.,. Extra, • . 10,50
do.. Rye, do., ■ 8,00
White Wheat, per bushel, 2,-10
Kki) Wheat, ‘do., 2.10
Co UN.
''URINF Bar'liET, do.,
Fall do.,
Flouu, superfine, ' ? * - . - 9 75
“ ExtuH, • * - - - 12 25'
Rye Flour, - • • - • 760
OohnMb.vl, • * * * * - 7 00
Wheat, rod, - • * •* 202 a 2 35
“ while,
Rvn, . : -
Co uk, • yellow, X 88
u white, - - • - • 1 75
Oats, - - - - - -90
WmsKKY, - - - - 1 '-92 a 1 93
- ••••••• - - - ~ V
FOR RENT.—TIrn subscriber offers for.
rcn£ from the let of April next, a
the largo and commodious DWELL- i&SStMja’*
ING- HOUSE, situated on tbo south- IviMpSQb
oast corner of the Public Square. It y
has all the modern improvement'’, and 3
well calculated for a Boarding House.
Doc. 8, 1804-tf.
NOTICE. —All persons are hereby notified
that if I owe them anything co present their
bills and I will pay them; otherwise those who
owe mo need not pay, for I am going up Salt River
and do not expect to bo hi;cl£ before Spring.
Ccrlislo, Dec. 8,J504-3L^
E*r«tlnouo > tiifjN TJotU'. o.
NOTICE is hereby given to-nll persons in
terested that the iirtt uud. final account of Jo
seph G*. Grassier, Committee of .Vlisnholh Cresulcf,
a lunatic, Into of the Borough of Rh jpponaburg,
baa boon filed in the Trolhoaotary’s.Office, and
XrtU bo presented to tLo Court ofCommon Pleas of
•Cumberland county, for confirmation on Wednes
day, the llVh day vf •January, A. B , 18(15.
Doo. 8, 1804-“ It rrot!:ot,*lary.
Appeals on Ihe Militia Enrollment.
THU Bonn! for rsyie)?iVi£ 1116 enrollment
of-the Militia-, and granting exemption to
persons .entitled to tho.aamo, for CuttiherluAd co.,
will meet at the following times and places, VUY
At Aughinbaugb's Hotel in. Shippensburg, on
the 3d and 4th days of January, 18T55, fof SJi'p,-
pensburg and Nowburg boroughs, and townships
of Sbipporisburg, Hopewell and Southampton.
At the Public House of D. S.. Dunlap, in Ncw
villo, on, the sth and Bth. for NeWvillo; Newton,
Mifflin, Penn,-Upper.Frahkford and Upper West
At the Public House of Jacob Bbholl, on the flthy
for New Cumberland, East Pcnnsbprough and
Lower Allen.,
At the Public House of tt. W. Irvine) in Meoha
nicBburg,,tm the loth, for Silver Spring, Hampden,
Upper Allen and'Md'nroe. .
- At the Commissioner's Office, in Carlisle, on the
11th, 12th and IHth, for Carlisle, North Middleton,
South Middleton, Diokinso’n, Lower Franlilord,
Lower West Pennsborough, Middlesex, and for
persons from any part of. the , county who'may
have failed to apply at their proper place.
M. HOST, ") Cummxsatonera
M. M'CLELLAN, > of
JOHN M'OOT» J Oumb. omn*V>'
Deb.»; *64.’
/'TAUTION.—No bills except those, con-
V/ traoted by myself or wife will bo paid by mo.
Tho public is therefore cautioned accordingly.
Carlialo, 800. 8, 18C4-3t
In tho Court of ‘ Common Plano of Cumberland Co.
Catharine Shultz ] No’. 2. Nov. Term, 1861,
by her next friend Alius Subpoena Sur Xlivorcb.
- Michael Saano . • Now to wit 17th November,
V9 ' . IS(U : Tho alias subpoena in
John A. Shultzo. J this eaao haring boon re
turned, and proof made thtit the said deforciant'
could not bo found in Said county, tho Sheriff is
directed to causo notice lo bo published in one
newspaper in said county for four successive weeks
prior to tho first, day of ‘the next term of said
Court, (Jun. U, 1505,) requiring tho said John A.
Shultzo to appear on said day to answer to tho
silid complaint.
SBy the Court.
To Jonx A. Sntn.rza—
In puna*-mivo of ihe above erder you arc horul>y
required to appear at the next Court of Common
Plciis to bo hold at Carlisle in and for the county
ot rumberhnnl, mi Monday, the fth day of Jun.i
-ary/IHII. 1), there to answer tho complaint of tho
said Catharine Shultzo.
l>c. 6, ICO*— ft
In (he ‘ Court of Comuon Plena of Co.
Buchanan "I No. C. ITdv. TVrft. JW.
r9 * ' ,f Ali’ia SuhpmnaSur r.'iv;..-co.;
iuatiV.a Buchanan, ) Nnv to Mt 22<1 November,?
180-1 : The Mias subprnna in thin cnso having been
returned, end proof in tide that the snsd defendant
rouhl riot he found in said' Comity, the Sheriff is
directed lo causo notice to To' published in one’
'newspaper in an id county for four succcs.iivo wcoko
prior to tho first day of. tho next term of said
Court, (Jan. t*. 1805,) requiring tho said Matilda
Buchanan to nppcnr on said day f.o answer to tho
g ?nid complaint.
1 Test, SAM'' T '
To Matilda BconASAn—
pursuance of tbo above order you uro hereby
required to appear at tho next Court of Common
1 lors to bo held, at Carlisle, in'and for tbo county
of Cumberland, on Monday, the Oth day January,
18*.5, to answer to tbo complaint of tho said Ben
jamin Buclianac.
Dec. 8,
'OTiIKRTiIAS the Hon. Ja:.ies IT. Grauam 1
» v 'President. Judge of .the aovoral Courts of
Cqmmou Pleas of tbo countiosfof Cumberland, Per
ry, ami Juniata, and Justices of tho several Courts
of OyCr and Terminer and 'General Jail Delivery
in said counties, and Michael C.ocklin and Hugh
Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital ami oth
er offondofs,i.i tho said county of Cumberland, by
their precepts to feio directed, dated the 11th day of
November, ISOJ, have ordered tho Court of
Oyer and Torminsy and .General Jail Delivery to bo
lioldcn at Carlisle on the 2d Monday of January,
!Bfi. r ), (being tho‘9th day,) at 10 o’clock in tbo
forenoon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is hereby given to, tho Coroner, Justices
of tho Peace, and Constables of tho said county, of
Cumheilana, that they are by tho said precept
Commanded to bo then and tbote in *thoir proper
persons, With their rolls, records, and inquisitions
oxdihmations, ’ami all otbct relndmlil'ances, to do
thoao tbings'Srhich to their offices appertain to bo
done, aud nil those that are bound by rccoghi ■sauces,,
to prosecute against tho prisoners that are Or then
"shall bo in the Jail of said county, dro to bo there
to prosecute tucm us shall bo just.
D6c. 1,186-t.
To Consumptiues.
Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable
‘prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma,
bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections,
■(free of charge,) by sending their address to
... ICings Co,,
Nov. i 7, ’fi-l-Sih Now York.
■Ladies and gentlemen
IF ynn wish to marry, tuMrosa' tho under
signed, ‘Who Will send you without Icoitey aiiu
Without price, valuable information that will ena
ble you to tharry hajipy ami speedily, irrespective
of ago, wealth or bounty. This information will
cost you nothing, and if you wish tVimiVry, I will
olnorfully assist you. All letters ‘strictly confi
dential. The desired information sent by return
mail, anil no questions asked. Address
Sarah B. Lambert, Cfrcoityoint, 'Kings Co
Oct. 13, '6l—2ra.
To the TTctm and Legal IlrprrKr.nfatiree of William
Campbell, late of Bcwn'lle Born ugh, of Oanfber
land Cuuuft/, deo il.
Take notice that by virtue of a writ of partition
amt valuation,.issued out of the Orphans'Court of
Cumberland cjounl’v, ami to mo director!, I will'
hold nn inquisition to divide, part, or value the
•Real Estate Of the n.iid William Campbell, doc'd.,
on tlio premises, mi Sitihtnlinf, the 17 th dag </ De
cember, 1804, at 4 0 o’clock, A. when and v/bero,
yon nSay attend, if you ibink proper.
JOHN- -JACOBS, Sheriff,
Sheriff’s 6fdco, )
Carlisle, IVov. 38, I'Sfl-i.)
Good Wi! 1 Hose 'Company,
2 78 a 2 90
- 175
THE above Company contemplate holding
a FAIR in JUyiEB’S BALL , commencing
on the evening of December 24tb, 1804,’and termi
nating-on tlio evening of January, 2d, 186 j-. The
proceeds of which are to bo appropiiatod to pur
chasing jVc’io Hocc, and liquidating tho Debt of tbo
Company. Tbo apparatus ia *at.present in sHch
condition as to render Jtrtlmnst unserviceable, wo
tboroforo have no hesitancy in asking tho aid of
tbo citizens of C.ivllfclo in our behalf, r
Any Fancy Articles a 3 your ingenuity may sng
gost to denote, will bo thankfully received by tbo
Comnutt'-e, and fully appreciated hytlrtj Company.
Very respectfully youra,
J. Ecivtz, J. Jl. Nobl6,
J. Cart, T, Nop;
J, A. Dunbar, , W. M. Ogilbr,
Early, W. Pfalilor,
E. Rbeem,
a. , j.’iifweiikiV,
11. 0. Marshall, G. Vci.m>,
J. U. ‘WUNDERLICH, Chair:.tnn.
Deo. I, 1864-tf
TyTOTICE i" hereby givon that letters of Ad-
J-T Ir.iulsL6.tUtn On (ho oM?tcorTho-uOraighoad,
lateof South Middleton tirp, dos'd, ha ve been isiHicd
to the undersigned, muling In the'san.o tpwuship.
\\\ poruous iuuehtod to tho orid citato are requited
to ualvo payment immediately, ami these uaving
claims against tho estate V. 11l also present them for
Nov. 24, 'o4—6t* Administrator,
is hereby given that. Letters
X i testamentary ’&a tad estate of Gcot-go iiood,
Idte of tho village of Now Kingston, dco’d.JJ have
boon granted to tho undersigned, residing in Silver
Spring • township. All persons indebted to
tho estate are requested to make paymont immedi
ately, and those having claims the estate
will also present thorn for settlement.
Oct. 13, 1864-6 t, Execiitov
FOR SALE OR RENT.— Che undersigned
will sell or rent from tho first of April next)
tho house now occupied by him, on
the west side of South Hanover street;
Tho house is latgo and .convenient
having double parlors, sitting, rooiil. TyjLjHgfc?
dining room, kitchen, wash house, and sSSaaSffla*
ton chambers, with gas and water op tlio first and
second fliers; also, a range and bath room with
hot and cold water. For terms apply to n
Nov. 17, 1864—tf
S 3-" Sfcb Pfiotiao osstif execaisA
J. lieisol
Executor's Notice.
nrfllE undersigned would respectfully pro*
JL ‘claim to the citizens! of Cumberland und>snr
r6bnding counties, that bo boa on hand and is
constantly manufacturing, any and everything In
at prices winch defy cortipotition, and of material
which cunnnt bn surpassed hero or elsewhere. His
stock consists tf
Double and single ‘Harness, Saddles and Bri
dles of ell kinds, heavy and light' draft
,to wblch‘ho inVKc? the curoM ntlcl/Uon ofall’who
may desire a good article at Wiasourtblo prices.
"o may be found ct all timin’ lev? doors below
Hannon's ilidnl/on the couth side.of tbo Court
Ilonce, near Jtliooe\L Hill, Carlisle . •
Nor. 2j, lSJf r 3u
Rcgislar’s Notice.
NOTICE w hernlw given to r.ll persons irt
torcrd,i*d:. that 11.0 ’following liccounte bare
been dlcd s u Ibis voice, by the accountants therein
named for osamimMirn, end vqll bo prcsejjlc l to
the Orphans’ Court of Cumberland County, for
conftnr.ul.ioa and allowance ou Tuesday, L'ccomber
-20, A. J). isai, vir.:-
L Account of T i* r iilSi , .'u Brown, guardian of tbo
minor children of And-cw McElwuin, lute of Mif
flin tov/uship dec’d
t 2. Firm and Hnal j'.cccMit of Jacob Lorcvcrr.n;!
.) 3S?o IvnrU, ad lainkf-rato.a of. Abraham Kurtz,
hvto of Pen: - , township dee':!.
'd. Tbo ndminisirr.tmu account of Mrs. Kate
Rfickcr,'aiVi;iinir’«ni(:i:*: of Jacob I'rickcr, uee’d.,
late of Silver Spring township, Cu-nbuvluml c«.
•I. Tbo first and fin.. I account of J. T. llipuey,
Esq., Trustee under proceedings in partition in
tbo'Orphans’. Court for ll.c rale of tbo ’ Estate
of Christian Vdliisalop, dcc'd.
■ 5. The account of Samuel Biller, n'dmlniBC~ai' , .r of
Juliana Wolf, deo’d., who was lately of
ship of Frankfort! and pt Cumberland.
fi. First and final account of' Joseph Leas, -Vd.-
rainistrutoY of Henry Butler, doofd., late of Silver
Spring township, Cumberland county.
7. The account of B. W,,Woodburn,adnuni.?ha’
tor of James S. JlustaU, lato of Penn township,
doehl. ’
8. First and final account of Goorgo Tlutiiirr,
administrator of John XAningor, lato of Upper Al
len township,’Cumberland county, dco’d. *
1). Firab and final account of Jacob Emingor,
Trustee lor tbo gale of part of the Methodist j'phj
copal Parsonage, property in the Borough of Me*
chanice-burg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
10. First and final account of WillitiTh FnilnV, Atl
ministratar of Jacob Bailor, Into of Hopewell ttvp.
• 11. Tbo first and, final of William L. ;
Craighead, administrator of Jaiiios Weakley, late
of Penn township, deo’d.
12. First and finnVficcount of Satnncl Keony,’aii(l
Maty 11. Keony, administrators of Samuel Keen/,
Jr., lato of S.outh Middletdn township, deo’d.
18. The account of Solomon Mohler, guardi'enof
Christiana Shelly, a minor daughter of John Shel
ly, doo’d.
11. Tl>o account of Jacob Waggoner, gnrtrdias of.
Mary A. Clay, minor child of John Clay, lately of
Frankford township.
Nov. 19, 1804.
Opposite the CA.nusi,E : Deposit Ba::::.
Would you buy your hats right cheap
. Please call at Boas’s store,
In North Hanover street ho koops>
His name is on the door.’
■There Ladies, Men and Children too
' ‘ Are fitted all the while,
Tils hnts aro good, and havo proved truo'j
No. bettor in Carlisle.
Caps for I'Soldicrs, Men and Boya
You all can hero obtain,
For Ladies and for Children's Furs •
You need not ask in vain. *
Fiir'Cilps, Fur Cellars and3Fur Cloves
All neatly - made and warm ;
Fine *Vodlou Shirts and Woolen Drawers
For comfort in the storm.
‘ Vests, Jackets, lloic, Neckties and Scßffg
All these ho keeps to sell.
Whips, Comforts, Canes and Notions too
Too numerous to toll.
.SntebeTs ft'ml Traveling Baskets for Ladiet, Mar
ket arid School Baskets, Carpet Bags and Valises.
The largest assortment of Trunks, kept at any
bouse' in town. A large variety of Gentlemen’s
Gloves. .A very largo assortment *of VToolen
Shirts, JiUI'FA LO Tobacco’and Scgars,
Ac,, Ac. ’Please call uud scco bis stock‘of goods,
, . ’j. iJOAS, Agont. •
Hew York. No ' - - IM-l-Sm . • .
South Hanover Street, Carlisle,
THE undersigned, snecossor to D. P. Tin-'.
zcfiton/wohLl respectfully inform his friends
and Hie public generally, Hint ho, to tnaitf-
Uiin the character of the above house as hereto
fore, and will keep constantly ou hand n. largo ns-',
sortmentnf ' , .
GIN? S .
WHISKIES, - 'l':
hums, •
. OORDtALS, , .•
" * •
«fco., Ac.,
which ho can soil ns cheap as any other establish
mmit.irx Carlisle, if not cheaper.
Country Landlords will find this the place
to buy their : ' •
"Wanes andliquors,:
Both in regard to quality and price.
His Bloch is largo, and well selected, and ho in
vites a ,call before purchasing elsewhere. ilor
member the place, South Hanover street, directly
opposite the “Volunteer’' Printing -Office, '(Win
ter’s old stand,) Carlisle.
Novi IV, ISG-l-tf.
Every Person’s Interest'-
W J§7 0. SAWYER, respectfully calla the
V V • attention of everybody in want of Dry
Courts to his incWuso of
just received, holight for case, and at the reduced
prices fr6ui
Arnold, Constable «t Co.. Murfoy & Harris, Hor
ner & Forrester— -iVcto York,
Uuigot, Wust .b Irvin, hi. L. Hallowoll &' Co.,
rfhos. W. Evans A Co., and other hhosos— Pfrila.
Oomprtr ing *hp lateLt styles of Silks, all colois;
newest kinds of. Wool Fabrics, in plain colors,
beared figured Fops, Ac-
All kinds of .Mourning Goods'from Myo'tt*, -LTeiv
York. • .-1 1 '
Nov. esc styles of Moultcc, and Gouts,
i’nojo poods ard a e»-oc‘r.lty in my trade.
FURS/ FURS!! all kind's and qualities,
bought IVom A. T Steftavt, viiy ohoap for the
times. ....
*S7/A IVLS of c\ory variety, Brocho, plain, bor
dered; fur Ladles and Misses. • •
Balmoral Skirts, Woolen Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,
Ladies Undervost), .Trimmings, Ac. -
. Kora’s t.Mjrt E3oys» OverooaUtigs,
Cloths and Casshnirs. Goods nro mads to order
ia the latest utylcs and at short notice. Men's
Shawls, Undershirts, Drawers, Gloves, Scarfs,
Tics, «scc.
The largest stock of Domestic Goods in the
country. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Blankets, and ©very
variety of Goode kept in ft first /Class Dry Goods
store.' As now styics of Cloaks and Dross Goods
ooino out, I havo arrangometsto roclvo them. Now
goods will bo addodjfts the Winter advances,
PUaso call arid examine before buying else
wherojas Inm, deter ihinbd.not-fco'bo undersold,
Romomber tho old stand, East Main street, ono
door below Maftin's.HflteL •
, Nov. 17, 1854. a ° ,y - '• ' ;
Wagon-Maker Shop fdt- Rent,
T HE subscriber hag erectcd.a-\argo AVagori
noakor shop and Blacksmith pbopi on South
street, Carlisle. Tho Smith shop Is opoupiod by
Potor Myers, who ia doing a largo'business: Tho
tf>gon-iuaW shop is not yet occupied. A good
workman, wluvwishos to'onrry on a largo business,
would find tULftVfiirorablo opportunity., Thoshop
may bo loused for oliumbor of years on favorable
loans. Apply to tho subscriber.
. wjLd^air, w
AL 8 0-,
. *5650,000 $l.
Watches,'Chains, Rings. &c.
G. S.. HASKINS &; CO.,
36 St<rKiu:lti Sti'cct, -New Torlc,
Buyers of Valuable jewelry.
HAYINCI been for a, long time’ in
tbo Packet Business, aiid established our re
putation for promptness apd reliability, and pos
sessing great facilities Tor'sctling Jewelry in this
way, wo aro confident that wo can giro satisfaction
to nil who feel disposed to patronise us.
$050,000 of "Watches, Diamond Pina,
Chains, <tc., to ho sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH,
without,regard to value, and not to ho paid for
until you know what you aro to receive.
Just look at tho fallowing list of
175 \7alchos (handsomely
engraved,and warrant
ed perfect time-keepers)
varying in price from £2O 00 to $l2O 00 each
225 Ladies' IVatebes solid
Cold Hunting Cases,
250 Gentlemen's Silver
6,ooo.Latest stylo Vest and
Xcek Chains,
5.500 Cent’s California Dia
mond Pins,
•1,000 California Diamond
Ear Drops,
3jooo Miniature and Enam
elled devolving Pins, 6 00 to 25 00 • ,f
2/000 California Diamond
and Enamelled Corn’s
Scrrf Pins, new styles, 500t015 00 “
2.000 Masonic and Emblem
Pins, 300to10 00 “
2.500 Cold Band Bracelets,
engraved aad plain, 300t020 00 “
3.000 Jet it Mosaic Broodies/ 300 to 70 00 fl
2*ooo Cameo Brooches., rich
pattern!*, vary tasty, 300to00 00 u
*1,500 Floieniine and Lava
Pins, the real article, 00 to 10 00 u
■3,500. Lava and Florentine
E-ir Drops, _ 800to10 00 «
•8, !!(10 Coral liar Djops, 400 to COO u
2.000 Ladies' Cliatolninc
Chains, Jot and Cold, 15 00,t020 000 “
6.000 dent’s Pins, a eplea
did assortment, 2 00 tols 00‘ « •
•1,000 Solitaire Sleeve But
tons, cmircly new styles, 200 to 5 00 « .
3.000 Studs and Slocvc Bntr
tons, in EOts.'vcry rich, .3 00 to 15 00 '•
‘6,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain,
enamelled and engraved, 2 l ho‘to Broo8 r 00 " ,
10.000 Plain and handsome
ly engraved Kings, 250 tolO 00 "
3.000 Spring Locket?, dou
ble case,’richly' engraved, 200t015 d 6 “
15.000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry,
new and latest stylos, 600t012 00 *•
2.000 Gold Pens-and hand
some Silver Cases, 500to10 00 "
This entire hst of beautiful and valuable goods
will be. sold for C»r. Kac.t. ICortilicatea
of all the above- articles will bo placed in Envel
ope!l, and r.oidcd. Those envelopes are sent by
mail, as ordered, without regard to choice. On
tlic receipt of tlio corlifiuato you will see what you
are to have, and then it is at your option to soud
one dollar and take the article, or not.
Five certificates can bo ordered for $1; olovon
for $2; thirty-five for $5; slxty-fivo for $10; and
one hundred for $l5. Wo will send d single cer
tificate on the receipt of 25 cents,
G. 8. HASKINS & CO., .
Box 4270. 30 Bcekvutn St wet,'N. T r ,
Nov. 17, 1804-4 in
The subscribers beg leave to inform their frionds
and customers that they have removed thoir
Grocery Store
To the South-East Corner of Plain and Bed
ford Strnetß, one Door West of Gardner
ic CVb. 'Foundry, and Directly Op
posite Heiaer’a Hotel, Carlisle.
They will, as hovetoforo, keep oohctantly 'on
hand everything in thoir lino
Coficos, Salt,
Sugars, Dried Meat,
Molasses, . Bologna,
Syrups, Eggs,
Crackers, Spices,
Cheese, Dishes,
Fish, ' Soaps,
Tobacco, Brooms,
Coni Oil Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Brushes,
Stone Ware. Earthen Ware, Blacking, Caudles,
Aiisl Moiti’Diis G«iiera2ly.
Our assortment is very complete and has been
'pimduifcd.with care and judgement. We invito
all to give us a call, as wo aro determined to sell
at vor ,r . moderate profits. .
•N. B.—The highest prices will be paid for nV
kind.® of marketing • M. & B.
Nov. 10, IStU.-lT
]\l E\v P n. O' f O G 11 A r II
-L - AND
Amferotype -all ry.
We, the undersigned, 'respectfully inform our
friends and tho public - generally, thfit wo have
opened a .
Re'Jy Sky-liSgial
In (lie new iccond story over tho frame buildings
located a few doors south-of the Post-Ofiice, arid
nearly opposite A. W. Bentz's store, South Hano
ver street. Vfo have constructed this Gallery ac
cording to our taste, and flatter ourselves in say
ing wo have far the best arranged light in town.
To aged, in Arm and delicatr persons, wo will sny
this Gallery iifmuch easier of access than any in
this place, being located on tho second story, and
tho story beneath being iow, there is not such a
lower oft tops to ascend. ,
-‘Having procured tho assistance of an experi
enced operator, and purchased tho best and latest
improved apparatus, wo are prepared to produce
pictures equal to any other establishment, not ex
celled by Now York or Philadelphia. Such ds
Extra Whole bise PhafogrAphs,
Carles I)a Visile,
Aviorofr/pet and ferrotypes.
Wo'phidl also introduce a now picturo to this vi
cinity in sucli unbounded demand in tho cities,
called-the .
Guo .drfzcn taken at ono sitting at tbo low price of
$1 50 per dozen. Pictures 'inserted in kockots,
‘Kings, and Pins, and copied or enlarged from old
Daguerreotypes, Ambrutpycs, &b., Ibe. Also, for
sale a fine lot of Picture Frames and Albums.—
Wo hopo, ;??y v. strict attention to business and a
desiro to please, to rccoivo our shave of tho public
patronage. Do not forgot the place, a few dd’ors
south of tho Post Oiiico, South Hanover Street,
E. It. GROVE «fc SON;
Carlisle, Nov. 10, 180-1-tF.
OTICE.—AVo the undersigned citizens of
N Dickinson Township, boUoVing that tho de
struction of Pirdeib injurious to tho interest of tho
farming comihumty, take this method to inform
GUNNERS and SPORTSMEN that wo will not
permit hunters to trespass upon our promises ei
ther-to shoot birds or other, ganio, but will enforce
tho law against thoto in all oases t.
Emanuel Lino, jr., Samuel Stuart, sr.,
Henry Bushjnah, Walter iluart,.
Samuel Stuart,jt., Samuel Evaus,
Peter Sbatron,. A. Kurtz Fishburn,
WilHlim Bontz, George Kissinger,
Ppffor, , Isaac Mdloaator,
• William RiccJ , William Galbraith, .
Joseph Galbraith, P. J.Mooro,
ilathow Galbraith, Peter Zinn,
John Wallowor.. Oot, 20-6fc.
, Admlnistru(oi ,J 8 Notice.
NOTICE iadiereby given th(it letters of Ad
ministration on'tho estate.of Jacob Clay, late
of Fcanlribrd township, deceased,—have boon
granted to tho uudorsidnod, residing in North Mid
dleton township. All persona indebted to tbo -sold
estate are requested to make payment immediately,
fund those-having claims against tho estate >ri’d
also present thorn for settlement.
Sc& & 155 MmUittmtar:
u T’o Whom it May Concern.”
Greenfield: Sc Sheafer
AHE happy to Inform the public that they
have just returned from NEW YORK with n
now and desirable stock of goods—bought at
greatly reduced prices, which will bo sold on the
original and popular principle of
DItE 'S S O O 6D S,
Scotch, Plaids, Wool Plaids, Zephyr Plaids. Em
press Cloths, Plaid Mohairs, Otlimoro .Cloths,
Amours/.Barra.lheas, Alpacas in nil color?, Emb.
Alpacas, W 991. Delaines, Coburgs, «fce., &c.
A full assortment for Ladies Children.
A largo and desirable stock of Cloak’s and Furs,
bought in New York which will bo sold tbteer than
elsewhere, '
Do Laincs, Chocks, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams,
Canton Flannels and Tickings, all to bo sold at
groat bargains.
NOTlONS.—Hosicry, White Goods, Ao.
Cloths, Cassiimrcs, Satinetts, Jeon.*, &o. A full
assortment of Magorie’s celebrated Home-Made
Goods, always on hand.
65 00 "
Don* t'btri/ any-kind of goods until you have
Unit called on Greenfield * Siibafkr, to note the
groat difference between the prices asked for goods
there and elsewhere.
15 00 to 25 00 , "
450t030 00 “
(■lends received daily from Now York and Phil
addlphia. *
East Main Street, South side,
• 2d door, 2d dyor, 2d door from corner.
Nov. 10,1 SOL
250t0 25 0.0 “
2 00 to 15 00 ' “
The Best and Cheapest of the Magazines,
Notwithstanding the enormously, increased co*st
of Pap'dr, -and' tho 'cpnsc’qucht’nso in tho price of
other Magazines, “ PetcrsonV will still ho fur
nished to single subscribers at Two Dollars n year,
cash in advance Arrangements have been made
by which, in ISfie, it will bo hotter than ever. No
Magazine of similar merit will approach it in
cheapness, hence it will ho emphatically
Tho stories in '* Peterson’’ are conceded to bo tho
best published anywhere. In addition to tho usu
al number of shorter stories, there wiU bo given in
Four Original Copy-righted Novelettes, viz:
By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens.
By tho Author of “ Tho Se'donil Life.*"
By Louise Chandler MonUah,
By Frank Leo Benedict.
•In its is unrivaled.
The publisher challenges a comparison between its
Superb Zlczzolt'nlH mid other Steel
And those in other Magazines, and one at loast’is
given in oVery number.'
It is the only Magazine’whoso Fashion
Plate's can be relied on. „ -
Colored Patterns in Embroidery, Crotchet, <&o.
The Work-Table department of this Magazine
’is wholly unrivalled. Every number contains a
'dozen or more patterns in every variety of Fancy
work. No other Magazine gives tbeso colored
An Entirely New Cook Book,
Tho original Household Receipts of u Peterson”
aro quite famous. For 18(55, receipts of every
kind of dish will bo given. Every one of these
receipts has been tested. New and Fashionable
Music will appear in cvcrj’ number. Also, Hints
on all matters interesting to Ladies.
Two copies, onqyear,
Four “ “.
Eight “
Fourteen “
Premium* for Cluhs of Eight or Fourteen.— To
any person getting up a club of Eight and remit-:
ting Twelve dollars—or a club of Fourteen and
remitting Twenty Dollars, wo will send ns,a Pre
mium, our new copy-right stool engraving for fra
ming—size 27 inches by 20—“• WASHINGTON
drawing by F. 0. Darloy. This is the most su
perb Premium over offered. Or, if preferred, we.
will send, for the Premium, a LADY’S ALBUM,
illustrated and, handsomely bohrid and gilt. Or,.
if preferred to either of tbcsfe, wo will send, as a
Premium, an extra copy o'f the Magazine for 18G5.
For clubs of two or fufiv, no' premiums are given.'
Always saj, in remitting f/rt* a clnb of eight, or a
club of fourteen, Which ’of tho Premiums is pro
Address, post-paid.
No. nfTfi Chestnut street , Philadclpia, Pa.
NoV. 10, 1801.
«'OI»EY’S ILAB.If’S 2500 K,
Fashion Magazine of llis World.
T XTERATDRE, Fino Arts and Fashions.
A i The 'most magnificent Steel engravings.—
Double Fashion. Plates. Wood engravings on every
subject that can intorestladies. Crochet knitting,
Noiting, Embroidery, Articles for tho toilet, for
tho Parlor,' the Roudoir, and the Kitchen. Every
thing in fact, to make a complete Lridfe Ttook.'
No Magazine has been able-to compete with it.
None attempt it.
GODEY’S RECEIPTS for every department of
a household. These alone are worth the price of
the book. •
Model Cottages (no oilier Magazine gives them,)
with diagrams.
Drawing Lentons for the Young. . Another spe
cialty With Oodcy.
Original JfuHi'e, worth $3 a’yoar. Other Maga
zines publish old-worn-out music,* but the sub
scribers to Godcy got it bcloro tho music stores.
Gardening for Ladies. Another- peculiarity
with Godcy.
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co., tho
millionaire merchants, of New York, appear in
Uodoy, tluo onlydVlagazjno that has them.
Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodio, of
Now York. * , •
Ladies' Bonnets. .Wo give moire theVn in a
year than any other Magazine. In fact* tho Lady’s
Book enables every lady to be her o*vn bonnet
Parian Karland,
Authoress of “Alone,” “Hidden Path,” “ Mosd
Side,” “ ISomcßis,” and “ Miriam,” writes for Go
dey each month, nod for no other magazine. Wo
have also retained all our old and favorite con
Gitttoß'K’S BABY'S BOOK fdr ISOS.
( there could he no deviation.)
Tbo following arc tho terms pf thb Lady’s Booh
for 1805, At present, wo subscribers
at tho following rates. Duo notice will bo given
if wo aro obliged to advance, wtiich will depend
upon tho prioo of,paper
One copy, one year,
Two copies, one year,
Three copies, one your;
Fourcopioi, ono year,
Five copies, ono year, and an oxtrA copy to ,
person sending club, making six copies, 14 00
Eight copies ono yocfk and an extra copy to
person sending thoblub making nine cop- .
ios, v ' 21 00
Eleven copies, ono yoar and an extra copy, to
tho person sending the club, making
twelve copies, • .27 60
Additions to any of tho above clubs, $2 50 each
Godoy’a Lady's Book and Arthur’s Homo Maga
zine will bo sent, each ono yoar, on receipt of $4 50. [
Wo have no club with any other Magazine or!
Newspaper, ‘ i
Tho money must" bo sent at one time for any’
' Canada subscribers must send 24 cents addi
tional for each subscriber.
Address, L. A. GODEY,
■ ,N. E. Corner Sixth and Sts.,
Colored Faehxon Plates in Advance!
B. R. jAiTBSOS, S. M, Conn, J! M'Oabdusb.
B. ft. JAMESON &-CO.
WHOLESALE and retail Dealers in Fad
cy Dry Goods, Trimmings/'Nolions Ao.f
North west c.ornor of Hanover and Pomfrfit Bts.,
Carlisle, Pa*.would respectfully announce'to th®
public that they have just returned from tho Eas
tern cities will) .a largo nnd well selected stock of
goods, consisting in part of Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts*.
Veils, Crapes, (Jjravats, Hoods. Nubia.Si Shawls,
Handkerchiefs,'Suspenders, Shirts, Drawers, Bolts,
Ladies' nnd Gents' Collars, Binding, Coyds; .But
tons, Combs, Needles - . Threads, Sewing Silks, Hoop
Skirls, Paper, Pens Perfumery, Cigars, Ac., A 6/
Wo would particularly iUvito tho attention of
Countuy Merchants to yur stock, as in tho mat
ter of prices as well ns in other important partic
ulars, wo enjoy this groat advantage, viz: ono
branch of our house and a'flicinbdrof our firm aro
located in Philadelphia, and always-prepared- to
take advantage of every the market.
Liberal terms made with lyholosalo.purchasers
nnd unusual inducements offered to bnydra of ©ve
ry class. Call and examino our stock/.' , » •'
■ . B. R. JAMESON & CO.
Oct. 13,1801—Bra. .......
On North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa.
A splendid assortment of all tho new rm
styles of Silk, Moleskin, Slouch, Soft
o»d tSVetur lIA TS now open, of eify and homo
manufacture, which will bo sold at the lowest cash’
prices. j ,
A largo stock of summer hats, Palm,'Leghorn,.
Braid, India Panama, and tttrawj Children's fan'-
oy, etc. . Also a full a a rtment of A on's, Boys'-
aml Children’s Caps of o v rydcscriptlon and stylo.
Tho subrgriber invites a.' to come and tfxaminp
his stock. Being a practical hatter,-ho fools con
fident oL giving pjitLfuc.lion.
Thankful for. tlje liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed he solicits a continuance of tho same. t
Dou't forget llm. .stand, two doors abovo.SLrol
nor's Hotel, and Curnmau's-shoe store.
N. B.:—tints of all kiuds mado to order at short
notice. [May 20, '6l. .
Locii man’s Photographic
THE universally achnowlndgod superiority
of LOCIIMAN’S PICTURES, is sufficient
guaranty of their merit without further comment.
None equal them in clearness, tone and artistio
arrangement!. * ‘ . « »
Remember tho GALLERY, in Main'strect, Oar
islo, opposite tho National Bands.
Be sure you go to'G. Rooms. •*.-
Pictures of deceased persons copied with
skill'and despatch.
A«£. 25, IBf5L
Editor of Volunteer:
■'. - , 1
Beau Sin—With your permission I wish to say
to tho readers of .yonr,.paper that I will send, by re
turn mail, to all who wish it (free), ft Rocipo, with
'full directions for making an 4 using .a simple Ve
getable Balm, that will .effectually remove,. in ,ljoh
days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and’all im
purities of the Skin, leaving tho same sott, clear,
smooth and beautiful.
I will also mail free to thope having Bald Heads,
or Bare Faces, simple directions and information
that will enable them to start a full growth of
iiriant Hair, Whiskers,or a Moustache,in less than
thirty days. . -^7,
All applications return mail with
tmt charge.
Respectfully yours,
THOS. F, CHAPMAN, Chemist, .
831 liroadxcay, New York.
Oct. 6;iSoi-3m
THE Carlisle .borough bounty Bonds nro
now ready in sums of One Hun
dred, Five Hundred and One Tlurqßand-; dollars,
with coupons littacbcd semi
annually, at tho Carlisle Deposit Bank. A’ny.Jpor
sou having money to lend will find it an advan
tage to invest in said Bonds, as the State Bounty
law exempts them from Taxation. Application
to bo made to A. Cathcart, President of Town
Council, or Jos. W. Ogilby, 3ec’y.
Sec*y of Corporation,
0 3 00
0 (10
■ 12 00
20 00
■CAitLisLE Deposit Bask, I
' . Nov.. 1,1801, f
A DIVIDEND of Five per cent., and also
IX Fivo per cent, extra, freo of (Vpvcrnment and
Shi-tc Taxes, has this day been declared by. tbo
Board of Directors, out of tbo profits of tho Bank
for the last six mouths, which will bo paid over to
tho Stockholders or their legal representatives,
upon demand being made fop tho-samo.
‘ Wil. M. BEETEII,
coax, pikSTHk -& si-ir.
THE Buhsoriher -having taken thb Ware
house, formerly occupied by .1. 8.. Noncmakor.
on West. Xligh Street, opposite Diokininson Col
lege, would inform tho public, that ho has en
tered into a general Forwarding and. Commission
business. ~ a ,
The highest market bo paid for Flour,
Grain and Produce of all kinds,, ..
J>'(n\tr and Feeds Plaster, rind Stxltf kept con
stantly on hand and for sftlo., .* . .
Coal of all kinda, embracing r>-
LYKENS valley, , ‘
LA WDERR Y, Ac., <£«.
Limeburr'ers’ ’fi.Vid Blacksmiths* Coal, constaflVty
Tor sale. Kept under coVor, and delivered dry t«
any part of the town
April 1 'I,
■ •shirts! shirts!!
WE have the largest and finest shirts ever
offered in Ibis place,
SllillTS at 12,00 per doz.
do. " 15,00 “ “
do. ‘ " 20,00 “
do. " 25,00 “ "
, . ' do. ’ “ b(/,00 . " . “
warranted to bo of tbb best and ranst celebrated
makes. Bought before tl'.d late advance in prices,
sold by tho dozen or single. Ifyou want a
Perfect Fitting Shirt,
call at „• :?«•••.
North Hanover St., Emporium,
March 10’ 'fir.
Lead, 1,000 galls, of.Oi
a large assortment of
Paint Brushes,
Colors of every descripti
<mns and tubs, at tho H
TltuftKS! TRUNKS 11
5 50
/7 60
yVLISES, Trunks, Carpet Bags, TTmbfl
rallaa Ac. Trench solo leather Tranks, La
dies travelling Trunks of largo sizes, brass bound
of the bostmakos, iniargo variety at '/
; ’ North Hanover Street,
Mnnoh 19. *63. *
sale atManufootuxexi
meat of , .
Plank’s Plows,
Honwood’s u
Zolglor’s “
Wolrich’s , u
a the cheap Hardware St
Carlisle, January, -!
B ARLES' WANTED.—The highest price
for liAar.f'V will bo paid in cash at Barnita'a
Brewery. Carlisle, ’ .
Sept. 1, Ifl&Him* . f
joiin bebtEjj;
iS. —10 tons of White
il, just received, with
Fire-proof Paint,
Florence White,
White Zinc,.
Colored Zinc;
Red Lead,
Roiled Dili
Lard Oil,
Sperm Oil,
Fish Oil, &£.
;ion, dry, and ..
[arlwaro Store ••
<Tu?t_ receivod. and
re prices, a large assort-.
Tork Metal Plows, ■
Eagle ■ ,do ,
- Cultivators, &0., Ac.,
tort of ! ' ■ •