American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 14, 1864, Image 3

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    ~~ •Prbspqcfus for 1864’.
if* Independent Democratic Daily, Semi-Weekly
and Weekly Nexoepaptr,
v , Union of the World and Argus.
THE WORLD, to which the New York
IVtekly Argus has boon united, has to-day
fir* times the aggregate circulation of any Domo
eratio or conservative newspaper. It addresses
• wool? alone more than 200,000 subscribers and
' constant purchasers, and roaches'at least half a
million With the steady Increase in oir
. dilation which it now these numbers will
1 goon bo doubled. Nothing loss (ban this should
.satisfy those who believe that the only hope of re
• : »toridg the Union and the authority of tho Consti
tution over a now distracted and divided country,
lies in wresting power from, tho bunds of those
whoso fanaticism has helped to provoke, invito
and prolong tho war? and that to accomplish this
end, no moans is so-offeottvo as the diffusion, thro*
able ond onterprising'nowflpapors, of sound politi
cal knowledge among tho working men, tho think
ing men, aad.lho voting mon of the North. /
Enterprise, industry and money will be liberally
y expended to ranko-THE WORLD tho NEWSPA
PER IN AMERICA* Its nows from every part of
the world will bo early and authentic. Wherever
the telegraph extends, or railroads run, or steam
boats ply, it will gather tho latest intelligence. It
has a largo staff of accomplished correspondents
with all tho federal armies, who will telegraph and
write to us tho latest nows from tho various scats
of war. It has correspondents arid reporters in
•very political and commercial centre in America
and Europe, whose, letters and dispatohoswill leave
nothing worthy of note unknown to its readers.
Special exertions will bo used make Us reports
of the crops, of the cattlo, produce and- money
markets, comprehensive and accurate. Realizing
that the bone and sinew of the country are to be
'found upon Its farms and In 'its workshops, THE
WORLD will gathorifrom every quarter informa
tion and-news concerning Agriculture and Manu
factures, and will endeavor to make its issues pe
culiarly valuable to the Farmers and Mechanics of
the country.
The war in.which the nation Is engaged against
armed and infatuated Rebels, and the radical poli
cy of the Administration which prolongs it, have
m bring together upon one platform all
conservative, Union loving and Constitution loving
men, pf whatever former name and crood. Many
of those who, within tho limits of'tho Constitution,
fought tho battles of tho ballot-box under tho lea
dership of those patriotic statesmen of other and
better days, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, to
gethor with tho massos'whoso principles wore those
'of suoh patriots as Andrew Jackson and William
, L. Marcy, illas Wright ond Stephen A, Douglas,
now stand shoulder to shoulder upon tho 'same
platform and 'under tho same banner. The plat
form is a plain one. Tt is to restore the Union,
naintnin the Constitution, and enforce the ’Laics. —
Whatever makes for this ond, tho exercise of force
or tho policy of conciliation, THE WO*RLD will
advocate; whatever makes ago'mstil, THE WORLD
will oppose.
It will-oppose every enemy to THE UNTOty,
whether armed ki rebellion attho South or intfdi
ously planting.tho seeds of disunion *fnd essential
disloyalty at the North.
It will oppose every violation of THE’CONSTI
TUTION, which is tho only bwpe aid bond of
Union, and our only authority for exhorting or
compelling tho allegiance of tho-South.
It will oppose every infraction of THE TjAW, in
high places or in low, by reckless and misguided
. partisans, or by tho Administration which has been
their example
. , It .will fearlessly exercise tho Freedom of fife
Press f it will constantly uphold and defend Free
'dom of Speech and freedom of the Ballot.
. To the lawless acts of the Administration; its ar
bitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, its
denial, of tho right to the writ of habeas e trpus, its
illegal proclamations,-its abrogations of State and f
Federal laws, Its despotic accumulations of un- f
granted power, and its subversions of the safeguards;
of civil and personal liberty, it will constantly op
pose the letter and the spirit of our supremo
law and tho advooaoy of sound doctrino, until
American froemon shall be roused to the recovery
of their rights, their liberties, their law*, and their
limited and well balanccd government, by the ro
liitloss decision of tho ballot.
Profoundly impressed with the desire to contri
bute ail that it may to the great work of this gen
eration, —namely., to restore our national unity, j
■and to place *lbe ?7ifUod •'States again foremost
among the nations of tho earth, and first in tho
peace, prosperity, and happiness of its people—
THE WORLD seeks from those who desire such
Wings their sympathy and support, and, above all,
the favor of Him who.orowns every good work
®Aint ‘woiru>.
Yearly subscribers by 'mail
'Single subscribers, per annhra,
Iwo copies to ono address.
Fire 11 *•
Ten »• vi
Vfet'KLt V 6 n'-Ct),
Single silbscVibort, per annum $ 2 $0
Three yyetiios (address oh efetrh BMfcr') 500
Five « « * 800
Ton " vi a 00
Twenty copies (all to ono address), 25 00
'Clubs of twenty or over will have address put on
each paper for an additional charge of ten cents
!For every chib of Wciity an eittk will be
added for tho getter up of the club.
For every club of fifty, tho somi-Weekly, and for
ovory club of one hundred, the Daily Will bo
Bent, when requested, in WtU of kke eHirh eopiet
of Weekly. , , '
Additions to
fame rates, Papers cannot bo changed from one
cldb to aA'othnlr.b'h't <rt Of tbo person or
dering tho club, and on todelpt Of Afty cents
•xlrd, single papers Witt Vo taken from tho club
and sent to a separate ad’dtesV
All orders must be thfc cis%.
Addteas, . k
55 ¥*a'rk Koto, New York,
July U, 1884,
French Breakfast artd Dinnet
CVWTNG to the very high price of Coffee',
and thf .groat difficulty iti procuring a good,
Uniform and 'tollable article nut customers have
«fton expressed » wish that ithhy could he. supplied
from first haddfr. It "tos the Intention of
to do a strictly Te*A hutftieks, bat *s fre bate had
some customers living at a distant-tb’dt have re
hod to supply thefcl exclusively With. Tea
and Coffee, it being in'fcobvdtiient’folrlnctoi to como
to Now York, Tins Great Tea and CoJtebc fcu
>cntpv of this country—and as duf Tea Taster
* as possessed of information relating to a coffee
thftt could Ibo furnished .at a thoderte pricey and
ffire universal satisfaction, add at the same time
word the retailer a bandsorao profit—we have boon
compelled to- ripply those pArtioe. THIS COF- ,
tamers and their sales have, increased to such an
•Jknt that we have been compelled to make largo
Mditions to our maohinory.fwluoh will enable us
to supply a few more customers with it. We will
therefore sertd it to those who may order.
It is Past Superseding all other Crttfees
This coffee has been need for more than a cen
wry In Paris, and since its introduction into ibis
country it has been in .use by some of the leading
> r ? no “ Restaurants hero. The Parisians are said
. b v- 0 best judges of coffee; and the great favor
j it is hold by them is the best roooxnmon
bn.m! can k® produced for its fin© flaver add
uny effects upon the human system,
ef a U P bu ton.gradc°f this coffee, and that is
'' I our customers have found from
.u, co giro perfect sattshtbti'on and meet
„ * ?t ®® a oda of their trade. It it the lowest
' Vv we caß reo °n»mend.
ifl*.! °v° OHr business on the most extensive
e ' • <K cargo and sell at only ttre cents
P o lP o Qnd profit -
aJ*. P«t. up this coffee in Barrels only, of 126
irdtHO* 0 putting it up saves
u? a jj° ® cents per pound to the consumer, ahd
- in «- large quantity it retains its fine
longer in ibis form than in any other.
Ml i # I *ith each barrel show cards, circulars and
custoM J *° dealer to introdnoe it to his
to hkSi°S* b 0 P° onroustoiners will take pains
: win »:V them well pdsted np and distributed* as it
TM t 0 their advantage to do so;
r tro .warrant to give perfect satisfao
tho d»m does onot please, the purchaser has
ItwffK; of the whole or any part of
totreH? 0 x days, and having hid £dosey refunded.
b oth ways *** #;i P enBeB °t transportation
iS?°. a P r i°® circular of onr Teas and Cor
wisl/it /i Wo ftre glad to send* free to* all whe
the **-1 Consumers of ooffee should enquire for
Sap* " ret *k/ aBt and Dinner Ooffee and be
1 w “ P°«l>m«4 of tbo
' ■ importers and jobbers,
Jnlj u, tit 37 Ves<v Slrifl ’ New York. ,
Election Proclamation.
\yiIEREAS, a Joint Resolution proposing
* certain amendments to the Coirtiiliition of
t “‘. , TL° mmon,, “* UI1 ’ whioh aro " follUVri, viz:
. There shall be an additional Vddtion to the
third article of the Constitution,'to be 'designated
as section fear, as follotra:
iscii'on i. Whenever any of the qhalifiod eloct
ora of this Commontfoalth shall bo in any actual
Military 'so'rrioe, 'Under, a ■ requisition of the
Preiidefltcf ihe United States, or by authority
'Commonwealth, «uch electors may
•xetdtovthe right of suffrage in all elections by the
cituoaii, under such regulation* aa aro,‘or shall be
preadHbed by law, as fully aslf they wore present
at their usual place of elections.
i_. shall be two additional Sections to the
Eleventh article of the Constitution, to be desig
nated as Sections eight and nine, as follows:
, * ec tion 8. No bill shall bo passed by the Le
gislature containing more than one subject, which
shall be clearly expressed in the title, except ap
propriation bills.
r Stelton 9. No bill shall bo passed by the Legis- 1
laturo, granting any powers or privileges, in any
case where the authority to grant such powers, or
privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred j
upon the Courts of this Commonwealth,” has boon 1
agresd t° by a majority of the members elected to
each House of the Legislature, at two successive
sessions Of the same.
11 ** Provided in the Tenth Ar
ticle of the said Constitution, that any amendments
■o agreed upon, shall bo submitted to the people
in such manher, andjat *Uoh time, at least throe
months after being *0 agreed to by the two Houses,
as the Legislature«hall prescribe; such submission
to be in stibh manhot and form, that the people
vnteffor or against o&tih'bmondmeDt separate
and distinctly; r
Ann Whsrbas, By an aot tiftbo GeneraVAssom
bly of this .Commonwealth, passed the twenty-third
April, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and is provided, " thrit for
P Ur P oßei °f ascortaining' , tho'BenBe of<he people
of this Commonwealth, in regard to the adoption
or rejection of said atnondmenlß, hr either of tbdfai,
Ihe Governor of this Commonwealth shall issue a
writ of Election, directed to each and evorylShcriff
of this'Commonwealth, commanding theth to give
notich *lll usual manner, in not loss than two News
papers in 'CBoh City and County: Provided, That
10 hro phplrshod therein, and by ht least two
prifattid hhnd bills in each Election District, of ovo
ry Cltjr*arid County Wherein no Nowspai>er is pub
lished that an election will be held in each of the
I Townships, Boroughs. Wards, Procincf* and Dis
tricts therein, on the FIRStf TU'ESDAV OF AU
GUST, in the year of ourLofd oho thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four, for the pu'i’poSo of decid
ing upon the approval, ratification, dr Ejection, of
the said amendments, which said election shall bo
■ opened, bold and closed on the day last aforesaid,
at the pladbs and 'Within the hours, at and within
which, the General Elections of this Common
wealth are directed to bo opened, hold and closed ”
Ann Wiibrras, In obedience to the require
ments of the Constitution, and in fcbcttrdbnee with
said Act of Assembly the Hon. Andrew G. Curtin,
Governor of Pennsylvania, has issued a writ ol
•lection Commanding hud tctftffrfn&ffco to give no
tice in the ifttud ftiahiitfr ahd Ohtyjr law required
that an election will bo hold acoftMingto the terms
of the Constitution, hftd provisions of the act of
the General Assembly aforesaid in each of the
townships, Boroughs, Wards, Precincts and Dia
trufte'm Cumberland coun.y, on the first TUBS
DAY'of August, in the yoat Of our Ifof/Tone thou
sand eight hfehtfred and sixty-four, for'fho purpose
of deciding upbft 'the approval and ratification, or
rejection of the ‘siiiaitfrtiondmonts. No’W.'thereforo.
I, J..THOMPSON IUP'P'EY, High Sheriff of the
County of Cumberland,/do hereby make known
and give this public notfl&fc'to the electors of the
County of Cumberland, that‘oft Tuesday the sdftond
day of August next an election will be bold at t*hj,
several election districts in Tsald’coftftty established
by law for the purpose of deciding the approval
and ratification, or. rejection of 'the Safti trtuend
ments, which said election trill bo hold throughout
the county as follows :
The election in the election district composed of
the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North
Middleton; South Middleton, Lower Dickinson, and
Lower Frankford will bo held at the Court House,
in the borough ol Carlisle.
The election in the election district composed of
Lower West Pennsborough township, will be hold
at the North School House, in Plainfield.
The election in tho election district composed of
Silver Spripg township, will be hold at tho public
house of Jacob Ottstot, in lloguestown, in said
The election in the election district composed of
U&mpdon township, will bo hold at tho public
house occupied by George Duoy in said township.
Tho election in the election district composed of
the township of Upper Allen, will bo held at the
public house of Win. S. Cocklin, in Shephcrdstown.
The election in tho election district composed of
Middlesex township, will bo held at tho Middloso
School House.
$8 00
The election in the election district composed of
the township of Lower Allen, will bo held nt the
wagon-maker shop of Jonas Hunobbargor, on B.ate
mu. ’
$ 8 00
5 00
r 60
12 00
-32 60
The election in the election district composed of
East Peonsborough township, will bo held at the
•kooso of £oa. Martin, in West Fairview, now occu
pied by Coo. S. Sponslor.
The e'loc'ltC’i in the election district composed of
Now Cumberland, will bo held at bke hoaso now
kept by Dr. H, A«. Botolur, in tho borough of Now
Tho olcctidVi fn Uio election district composed of’
the bofofcgh of- Mcchamcsburtr. will bo bold at the
public UoW kept by W. S. Huston, in said
Tho cloctloik in tho election district composed of
Monroo township, will be held at tho public house
lately kept by Thomas Liggit, in Cliurchtown, in
said township.
Tho election in tho election district composed of
Penn township, will be bold at the house now occu
pied by Jacob Rodscckor, in said township.
The election in tho cloolion district composed of
Upper Diokinson township, will bo held in tho
uonso now occupied by Daniel Ettor, known as tho
Stobo Tavptn.
Tho election In tho election district-composed of
the borough of Nowvillo and townships of Mifflin,
Upper Ft-ankfords Upper West Peonsborough and
North Newton, will be held at tho publio*Sohool
House in tho borough of Nowvillo.
■ Tho olootiort in the election district composed of
the bofCUgh of NcWhUrg, Hopewell township, will
be held, at the School House in Nowburg, in said;
The election in tho elootioh district composed of
the borough of Shippensburg, Bhipponsburg town
ship; and that part of Southampton not included In
the Leesburg election district, will be hold’ at tho
Council House, in the borough of SHlpponsburg.
And in and by an act of the General Assembly
of this Commonwealth, passed Iho 2d July, 1839, it
; is thus provided: " ThUt the qualified electors of
parts of Newton add Southampton township, in the
County of Cumberland, funded by the following
linos and distances* yljj: beginning at tho Adams
county-lino, theneb along tho line dividing tho
townships of Dickinson and Notftonlo the turnpike
road, thence along said turnpike t 6 Centro Scbon!
House, ett said turnpiko> in Southampton township,
thence to a point on the Walnut Bottom Road fit
Roybuok’s, including ftoybuok's farm, thence in a
straight-line td ibo saVv mill of the heirs of Gobr£o
Clover, thence Along, itrysbor's run to the Adams
county line, thence lho line of AdaifaS county
to the place of ’beginning, bo and tho tamo iS hereby
4'(dared a nowand sop&labe election district, the
e sction to be hold at tbe public B’duso formerly oc
-6 pied by Wm. Maxwell, in Leesburg, Sdutbampton
township/’ r
" That every person excepting Justices of tbo
Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust under tbo United States, or of this
State, or a City of Incorporated District, whether a
commissioned dffioer or is or shall bo
employed under the Legislative, Executive or Ju
diciary Department of this State, or of the United
States, or of any Incorporated District, and also, f
that every member of Congress, and of the State
Legislature, and pf the Select bt Common Council
of any City, or Commissioner of apy Incorporated
District, is by law of bolding or exercis
ing at the time, the office or apppintmont of Judge,
Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no Judge, Inspector or other offi
cer of such election shall be eidgible to bo then
voted for."
And the said Aot of Assembly, entitled "An Act
relative to elections of ibis Commonwealth," passed
July 3,1839, further provides, as follows, to wit:
"That the Inspector and Judges shall meet at
the respective places appointed for holding the elec
tion in the District to.which they respeotlvely be
long, before 9 o'clock oft the morning of tho 2d
Tuesday of October, and each of said Inspectors
shall appoint otio -Clerk, who skill be a quallifiod
voter of such District.
"In case the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for Inspector, shall
not attend on the day t>f election, then the person
Who shall have received the second highest number
of Votes for Judge at tho next preceding election,
Shall act as Inspector in And in case
the person who has received the highest number of
votes for Inspector shall not attend, the person
elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in bis
peace, and in case the .person elected Judge shall
not attend, then the Inspector who received the
highsst number of votes shall appoint a Judge in
bis place; and if any vacancy shall oontinno in
the board for th# space of one hour after the time
•fixed by law fpj Jtlro ojionliig :of the election,'the
Totera of thetownship, warder district for which
auch officer shall hare been elected, present at the
time of election, shall elect .one of their number to
fill the vacancy."
“No person shall bo permitted to vote at any
election, as aforesaid, other than a white freemdn of
the age of twenty-one years or mote, Who shall have
resided in the State at least one year, and in the
election district whore he offotStb vote, at least ton
days iibmodiatoly preceding ‘hd'dh election, and
within two years paid a Suite and county tax,
which shall have been asscsWd'at least ten days be
fore the oleotion. -But a citizen of the United States
Who has previously been a qualified y'dtdt of this
'State ana removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided, in tliti 1 election district and
’ paid taxes as aforesaid, shall’bb entitled to vote af
ter residing in ibis State six months: Provided,
* That the white freemen, citizens of the United
States, hbCWoen tfao ages of 21 and 22 years, and
having resided in this State one year, and in the
election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall bo en
tiled to vote, although they shall not have paid
"No person shall bo permitted to voto whoso
name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabi
tants furnished by-the Commissioners, unless, First,
ho produces a receipt for the payment, within two
years, of a State or county tax assessed agreeably
to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence
either on his own oath or-affirmation, or on the oath
or affirmation of another that'he has paid such a
tax, or in failure to produce a Vecoipt, shall make
oath to the payment thereof: Or, Second, if he
claim a right to voto by being an elector between
the ages of 21 and 22 years, shall depose on oath or
affirmation‘lbat ho has resided in the State at least
nC'xt before his application, and ftikko such
prijof of residence in the District aS is required by
this Acr, and that ho does verily 'hdfibVo from the
Accounts given him that heta'iif the age aforesaid,
and give such other 'is required by this
Act; whereupon tho'nblme of tbh ’person so admit
ted to vote shall bo inserted in tbe'hlplisbetical list,
by the Inspectors, and a mote made opposite thereto
by writing the word ‘tax/If he shall be admitted to
vote by reason of having paid tax,£rt the word 'ago'
if be shall be admitted to voto by reason of ago, and
in either case *(!ho reason of sucb vo'te'Bhall bo called
out to the'Clerks, who shall make the like note in
the list of voters kept by him.
“In all cascs where the name of‘the person clai
ming to voto is not found on tho lisVfurnished by tho
commissioners or assessors, or his right to voto wheth
er found thereon or not, is objected to by any quali
fied citizen, it shall bo tho duty o'f the Inspectors to
examine such person on oath as to‘his qualifications,
and if he claims to have resided ip the State for one
year or more, bis oath shall bo sufficient proof there
of, but ho shall make proof hy fitlcfotft'tfno compe
tent wififeSS, Who shall bo a qualified elector, that ho
has resided Within tho district fer’mtfro than ton days
next immediately preceding Vtidhtrlcctitm, and shall
also hilhsclf swear that bis bfcria- fide residence, in
pi.tmahce of h|s lawful calling, is Within the district'
and that ho did not remove m’tho said district for
'the purpose of voting therein.
“Bvoi'y person qualified as aforosb’id, and who
shfvll make due poof, if required* of. bis residence
and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall bo admit
ted to .Vtftela tho township, Walrd or district iu which
ho shall reside.
“ If any‘porsoh‘Shall provfen't or attempt to prevent
an officer of tho election under this act from holding
si/fch election, or use 6r threaten any violence to any
such officer, or Bbfill interrupt or improperly I tferfero
witfh 'him in .tlig/execution of bis duty, shall block or
attempt to block np the 'Window or hVcnuo to any
window whoro the same m«y bo Ii6 l T&ing, or sha-l
riotously disturb tho peace oj* said election, or shall
ft o or practice any intimidation, tbreats/fo'i’co or vi
olence Wiftjh the design to influence unduly Cfr.ovcr-
WWo any elector, or to prevent mm from vhling, Or
to restrain t)io freedom of choice, such porsOn'On con
viction shall bo fined in any sum not exceeding five
hundred dollars, and to bo imprisoned for a time not
less than one or rhtfro than twelve fhonths, and if it
shall bo shoWn to tiro cdtfrt where the, trial Of such
offence shall bo had, tbh’t th’6 ’peVS’On so offending
was not-a resident of thc'brty, Ward, difc’lrlfetor tO'Wn-
Uhip Where tho said offence wkb conitoit’tod, and not
entitled to voto therein, their, *6'n the conviction ho
shall be sentenced to pay a fine : of not loss than one
hundred nor more than ono thousand (lOllhTi's, and
to bo imprisoned not less than six months nor more
•than two years.
“ If any person or persons shall make any 'bet,or
wttger tfpon the result of any election within, this
commonwealth, or shall offer tornaka «*ny such bet or
wagor, either by verbal proclamation thereto, or by
any written or printed advertisement, challenge or
invito any person or persons to make such bet or wa
ger, upon conviction thereof, ho or they shall forfet.
and pay tbroo times tho amount so bet or to be bet
"If any person not by law qualified, shall fraud
ulently vote at an election in this commonwealth, or
being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of bis prop
, or district, or if any person l knowing the want of such
qualification, shall aid or procure such person to vote,
tho person, on conviction, shall be fined in any sum
not exceeding two hundred dollars, and bo impris
oned for any term not exceeding throe months.
If any person shall vote at more than one elec
tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than
once on tho same day, or-shall fraudulently fold or
deliver to the Inspector two tickets together, with
tho intent illegally to vote, or shall procure an other
so to do, ho or they offending, shall on couvietiou
be fined in any sum not loss than fifty nor more
than five hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned for
any term not less than tbroo nor more than twelve
“ ft tny person not qualified to vote in this com
monwealth,, agreeably to law, (except. the sons of
1 qualified citizens) shall appear at any place of elec
tion. fofr ‘fhb .purpose of issuing ticket's or of influ
encing th-e ettiZons qualified to vote, hcshall on con
viction forfeit and pay. any sum not exceeding one
btmdi'od 'dollars, for every such offence, and be im
prisoned for 'htj toVm notoxceoding three months."
< Agreeably to Vbe provisions of the sixty-first sec--
tioh of said dot, every GonoHl and Special Election
shall bo opened between the hours-of eight and ten
in the forenoon, and shall t?6hthine without inter
ruption or adjournment until soVch o’clock in tho
evening, Ivhon tho polls shall bo closed.
And ttrp Judges of tho respective districts afore
said, ate by tho said act required to meet at the
Court House, in tho borough -ef Carlisle, on tho
third dajr-after the said day of election, being Fri
day, tho 16th day of October, Ihon and there to per
form the things required of them by law.
Given under my band, at Carlisle, this 2Sth day
Of Juno, 1864.
July r, IS'64,
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
testamentary on tho estate of John Arm
strong, late, of Silver Spring township, deceased,
have boon granted to tho. bndorfiignvd,, residing
in the same township.. All persons indebted to
tho estate are requested to dlnke payment immedi-
and those baying Claims against the estate
itiil also present them for settlement.
~ Kxeculor.
Juno 9. 186J—*t>
Aduiinislrsiloi-’s Noliiiik
NOTICE is hereby Riven that letters of Ad
ministration on too estate of Willing Mitch
ell, late of Mifflintownship, doo'd, have boon issued
to tho residing Iti lbo sariib township.
All persons indebted to the fibld estate arb requested
tu make payment immediately, a fid those having
claims against the dstale will Also present them for
settlement. .
June 9, 84—Bt* Administrator,
tacmi ions’ Roller.
NOTICE is hereby-given .that Letters Tes
mentary on the estate'ftf Daniel Spoidol, late
of New Kington, Silver Spring Wp., .ioo'd., have
been gtaHttia to tbe undersigned*, residing in tbo
same township. All persdrij indebted to tho estate
are rodUested to make payment immediately, and
those having olhilfts against the ©state will also
present them for settlement.
Jnne 15,1864—fit.* Er.ecniort',
Absconded. from tho subscribed IjfidA
on June 12, 1804, a hDUND BOT, UjfQf*
named Jacob M. Grier, aged about
U years. Tho above reward will
be paid on bis delivery to the sub- \j
soriber residing in Lowor Allen
township, Cumberland Pa
OEO. T 7. auaiPßß
Jaly r, 3t*
IRON-*— 100 ttffas Of and
Rolled--of all sizes., just received, and war
ranted to be of the best quality, with a large as
sortment of
iSbeefc Iron> \7asbers,
Hoop Irbn, Anvils;
Band Iron, . Vices,
Horse Shoo jroa, Files, .
Spring Steel, Rasps,
Cast Steel; Bolts,
Blister Steel, Nats,
Horse Shoes, Screw Plates;
Herse BhoeNSllI; Blacksmith Bellows
KiT«t9, &c, t Ac., Ac.,
Oh» ?>P than the obeapeßt>af the Hardware store,
♦ Maio streef,
U. HU.
JLTAVINQ just_rcooi,Yed from New York
ftnd an extdnaivo assortmentof
X«.now making dill/, additions to hU already
large Block of
Ready IVlade CloUiSiig
whicb for quality ancf iprloo -art hot aquolod in
of the Stata;
Cld'th'i'rig Made to Order
at short notice bo experienced workmen, and *at
isfaotion given in all case*.
Goods by the Piece or Yard
at the lowest rates. Algo on hand a largo stock of
Pdthishing Oood'a,
comprising In part Lipon aiid Traveling Blilrls,
Collars, Nook Ties, Gloyos, Hosiery, Suspenders,
Ao., Ac.
Trunks and Valises,
Ctftpet and Leather Caipot Bags, of tko bci.t
niakos. All Of'which he will be pleased tofurnish
to Ills old customers and tho (public generally. !U
-mothhbr'tho old stand, tiro'floors north of the Car
lisle Deposit Bank.
Juno 2, 1804.
TUST opened nt the new and cheap store hf
HeiD.icn . A Miller, another largo supply of
Spring' and Summer Dress. Goods,
all of tho newest and most desirable kinds and
qualities of Ooods suitable for Ibe season. Con
sisting of every variety .anil description of Ladies’
Dioss Goods, Silk Mantillas, Summer Sbaitfs,
Embroideries, ftoOpod Skirts of’the 'defrost inven
tion (Double Duplex Elliptic tfpring), Simmer
Balmorals, din IMbrellas, Parasols, CWse'tb, No
tiona of every description.
Black Cloth and Cassttnc’reS, FaHfcy CastfhtHjre?,
Vestings, ‘Ciyttonadcfe; Lipoft Drillings, frck'ing.-i,
Cailfcocs, Ginghams, Muslin'S, Chock?, Hickory
Shirting. Nankeens,‘Ac., Ac.
Carpet-*, Ofl 'Clblhk, WindoW Shades, Hugs,
Tsooking GIaKTdS, and a'n cnfdTcss variety of other
Goods too nOmcrous to mention.,.
Feeling Very thankful io tho 'community -for
their kind ftJn'a libei'hl patronage so furoxtcfulod to
the Now Finn, wo earnestly solicit k continuance
of tho'tmrfio, as we -fbol '.imsured that wo are 'fully
prepared to offer to the pubHo tho ,raoat btffnploto
ii'ha dosiVnMe stock of Goods that can bo found iu
the country. Please remember tho’store is on the
corner of the public fcquarfi, directly opposite Ir
vine’s shoe store.
„ • >T 'LEiDtc'ti& Miller.
Carlisle, May 19, ’O4.
I HAVE just returned from the cities frith
a largo addition of
Ne\V Summed Bfe'sS Gddcls,
a 1!! ffcVrics suited for. the season ; & beautiful ?6’t of
uWe Mhntles, Coat* ami 'BmqUcs,
Ijaco Prints,’Grenadine IsWwls, Lace Mitts, bay
ous celebrated Kid GlovesitParasols, Sun Umbrel
las, fous Ribbons; Hnts for lioldioS’and Missoss;
Hoop Skirts, and a general assortment of seasona
ble goods.
Also sollin g cheap a largo lot of ohtgnodtut much
loss than present prices. Please call one door be
low Martin's Hotel, East Main street.
Junq 9, 1861.
FTI O t O (J K A P H I C .
MUS. R. A. SMITH, {formerly Mrs. Rey
nold?,) would inform the public that sbo has
purchased the
Photographic Waller^
lately owned by Mr. Ca.vs. A. Saylor, in Inhoff’s
Building, south-west «oorn.»r .of Market Square,
where may bo had all the different styles of
To the fti'rtecjr p’AlVton* of fho Gallery, the an
nouncement that she has retained the services of
LOCIZ.MAN. (Mr. Saylor’s principal Artist
during the last year,) will bo. sufficient to secure a
continuance ot their patronage, while an abund
ance of light, PLEASANT ROOMS, very pleas
antly situated, with'hor own former experience and
succest in picture taking, aiid a desire to ploatfo,
she trusts, will attract iior own friends,-As well asi
many oth- rs who have not bcrcio'forH fdUh'd their
way thithor. By sending, or leaving their Orders,
yeraonn will ho furnisned with copies of negatives
taken by Mr.. Saylor.
Pictures taken In all kinds of wcatheV.
CaHisle, May 19/ty4^3m
I WILL have constantly on hand nnd fiW
niat to ordor all kinds of SEASONED L U!f-
EEU, 'Such bs Hoards, Scantling, .Joist, Frame
Stuff, Paling and PlustitVfng Latbs, Worked Flee
ring Wentiierbnarding; and nil kinds of SHIIi
(ILES, Wkito Pino, Homi&ok, Chestnut; Oak, Ac.
Having ears of my otvn I can fortiisl) bills to order
of any length and site nt.tbo shorfost nnd on the
qnust reasonable terms. Worked boards will bo
kept nhder cover, so. that they can be furnished;
dry at ail times. t
~I flfiij also constantly have on hand all kinds of
FAMI'LY CO A /., under ioVer, wliii'h I will do
liver dry nnd clean to any part of t)io town. Ly
kons Valley, Locust Mountain and Lawborry Goal
prepared expressly for family use, which I will
sell at the lowest prices, at the Warehouse, west
end 6f High street, above the Cc\lego. ,
Juno 16, ]B6i ■
United Slates 5 Per Cent. 10-40 Loan.
WE arc prepared to furnish the 10-40
United States Loan, authorized by act o»
March. 3d, 1864, either -Registered or Coupon
Bonds, ns parties may prefer, in denominations of
SSO; $lOO, ssho, tIM, ss;ofio and sio;mo.
.The interest on the $3O aud sip(} Bonds is paya
ble annually, and all other denominations semi
annually, in coin. Thu Bonds will boar date
March 1, 1864, and are redeemable at the plopAuro
of the Government after ID years, and payable 40
years flroiH date ih coin, with interest at 5 per cbnt.
\V. M. BELTEM, CaiXier.
GinLißfcß B,sposit Bank, )
April 28, 1864. * J
,S. —10 Idris of iVliito
il, just received, with
Lend, 1,000 galls, of Oi
a largo assortment of
Ttlrpen ting,
Paint Brushes;
Colors of every descript
cans And tubs, at the II
Florontfb White,
White Zino,
Colored Zino,
Red Load,
Boiled Oil,
Lard Oil,
Sperm Oil,
Fish Oil, Ac.,
tion, drjr hud
lirdware Store
/"lltAlNS.—6oo .pair
Vy all kinds, with a fart
'Batt Chains, |
Breast “ si
to? ”
Cow fi , ,-, *
Jhst Hfectvod at Ihb Cheap
Apnl 2r,.188A
,rs pf jtaSe Chains, of
rgo assortment of
I flatter Cbaifti,
Fifth*,. «
. Tongue.
Spreads, Ac., it.,
p B&drrare Store of
BUGGY Toil SALE,—A first-rate Buggy,
newly done up, for sale.. bf the uu
'dursignod at bis store, next door to Martin's Hotel.
Carlisle, May 12, 1861.
GRAIN WANTED.—The highest market
prlbb will bo paid for Wheat, Corn, Rye and
Oats, and all kinds of Oontitry Produce, at tbo
Warehouse .of '
Jane 16,' 1861.
LIVINGSTON hnajuat returned ftoiii tile
Bast with a magnificent stock of
CLOTHS. ■ . •
His assortment of piece goods is tho largest and
most varied over brought to this town, and ho
pledges himself to sell goods by tho yard as cheap,
if not cheaper, than any other store. His stock of
is extensive and beautiful, consisting of
Ac., Ac., Ac.,
■Which ho will sell CHEAPER than any other es
'Gciitrcincu’B FWirisliing Goods.
Ho has a hoautiiul assortment of Gentlemen's
Furnishing Goods,
and see for youselvos, bis beautiful assortment of
goods, before purchasing elsewhere. He will take
groat pleasuro'ih’slvo'wing his gdodo, and tan sat
isfy all that ho can, ami will, sell goods cheaper
than any other bouse outside of tho Eastern cities.
I would invith hn oxiuhirihUon of toy stock c*
Fine Cloths, Cassimcrs, Vestings, &c., Which I
manufacture upon special order's.
I would beg leave to soy that my gdoda a>o
manufactured under my own supervision, and by
the very best workman. My present stock is tlih
most extensive 3 have yet hud in ‘tore, and I ‘re
spectfully ask my friends and tho public to give
me a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Remember tho old stand.
_ , North J/unover 6'trcei.
Carlisle, April 21, 1804.
South Hanover Street, Garlisi.e.
‘TMIE undersigned, successor to George
*- Winters, would respectfully inform bis friends
and the public generally, that ho intends to main
tain the character of illo obovo house as hereto
fore, and wjll keep constantly on hand a large as
aorltoont of ’ • “
OIN3, , ,
Ac., Ac.,
■vrHcl) ho can jell as cheap as any other establish
nient in Carlisle, if uot cheaper. .
fcit- Country Landlords will findthib fho nlkco
to buy thotr it r
Wine’s and liquors, ”
Both in regard to'quality and price.
Ilis stock is largo and well selected, and he in
vites a oft, 1 before purchasing elsewhere. Re
member the place. South Hanover street, directly
OUP.? a,t 9 ™ e , “ Volunteer” Printing Office, (Win
ers old stand,) Carlisle. '
April 21 IS6I-tf.
THIS Bank, dcsignated.'d? a Depository nn'd
Financial Agent of the United States has been
appointed to receive subscriptions on account of
Jhe United States Loan authorized by act of March
3, I8(U. These Bonds are redeemable at the plea
sure of the Government after ten years, and paya
ble forty years from date in coin, with interest at
ft per cent, per annum in coin, aud-ure free from
sail taxation.
Subscribers will receive either Registered
Coupori 13'otuls, ns they may prefer.
Registered Bonds will ho issued of the denomi
nations of HO, $lOO, $3OO, $l,OOO, $5,000 and s\o.-
000. nnd Coupon Bonds of the denominations of
$6O, $lOO, $5OO uPd Sl.fiOO.
The interest on the $5O. and SHO Ronds is paya
ble annually, on all other denominations semi-an
nually. Subscribers arc entitled to hUerest from
the date of their deposits ftllfi the Bank and
Bonds will bo delivered free of charge. The
amount -subscription may be d'ep'csited in tj S.
notes or National Bunk notes; it Is optional with
subscribers to pay tbe accrued interest /Vom date
of Bonds (March Ist, 1864,) or to tcceivo bonds
urawing interest from the date of the subscription
md deposits. If the latter are pYefeVVcd, the date
from which interest will accrue if coupon bftnds,
will be fitTimyod ‘npon the first coupon falling dim
-hereafter, ami if registered' bonds, such date will
o written in the body of the bond.
J. C. iTOFFER, Cashter.
April 21, 1864-tf.
OK. I. C. t,oo9iis, OJEJSi
Has romCyed fVbiA South Hanover street to West
IMttjfretiitroef, opposite the Female High School,
Carlisle. [April 23, 18&4.
Cumberland Co. Agricultural Society,
’ \ T a meeting of the Cumberland County
ZjL Agrujdlthral Society, held on the Btb March,
1864, the follofring resolution was adojitodd
Rfttdved, That it is expedient that the Agricul
tural Society of .Cumberland county have a Fall
meeting, to fro Held ph Wednesday. Thursday a,nd
Friday, the 12th, 13th and I4th of October, 1884,
to which all our citizens and citizens of adjoining
counties are invited to attend and make sotne con
tribution to the exhibition, and that George W.
Sheafler, Dr. W. W. Bale and F. Walls, Esq., be a
committee to make all necessary arrangements
preparatory to the mooting..
Resolved, That this resolution He published In
the different ptwjcrt "of the county.
J 5. 8. bROFT,
May 26, 1*64. iSccrstary*
On North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa,
A splendid nfifiorjmcnt of all the new
■Sj.lh, Moleskin, Slouch, Sn/t JLj?
and Straw I{A. TS now open, of city and home
manufacture, which will be sold at the lowest tush
A large stock of summer bats, Faith, LogVorn,
Braid, India Panama, and Straw) Children's fan
cy, etc. Also a full a. s •rlmont of A en'M, Boys*
and Children’s Cups of o v 1,3 dosoriplujih and style!
The subscriber invited a .to come and examino
his stock. .Being a practical batter, be feels con
fident oi giving patisfuctiom
Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same.
Don't forgot the stand, two doors above Sbrei
n’or's Hotel,.ind next to O.ofnman’a shoo store. .
N. B.~Bats of all kinds made to order at shoft
notice. [May 20,'61,
CtßAl'Ep A\VAY Olt STOLEN.— : Striiy-
K-Jodaway from the subscriber, residing within a
mile of Mt. Book, on Sunday night last, a SOR
REL MARE, with a white star on the forehead, a
wart on the left ear, and a white stripe on the loft
hind leg. Any person returning or giving infor
mation of her ( wbprabouts t-9 the subscriber, will
bo amply rewarded.
Juno 25; 1864—3t*
Handkerchiefs, ties, . Rtoefes, Rib
bans, Susponderij Under Shirts, Drawers, a
ttfiil assortment, can be found at
Kerth Honour St., Emporium.
Spring and summer
and all other kinds of goods for
Trunk i t
<£■«., &e. f <C*e,
United Stales 10-40 Loan.
C Alt LiS LE .
SPRING, 1864
Greenfield & Sheafer.
INVITE the attention- of buyers to their
now stuck of DR? GOODS. It will bo found
unsurpassed In all thoso features which comprise
aj?<-.l crass Stock, All departments df dhr busi
ness. liars boon much .enlarged, especially that of
which w 0 are.conQdent, is the most extensive as
sortment ever offered in this town. Wo have now
open, ready for inspection, all tho novelties of the
season, viz:
POPLINS, all neto shades and styles.
_MO2AMBIQUES; Plain and Plains. Plaid
Poplihs; CbnllJcs De Lairios, also, a bountiful
sttfCkbf ALPACCAS, at astonishing loir prices.
■fe»*BS TIC-Sj
Prints, Bleaclfdtl Muslins,-fcfoad Shooting?, Flan
nels, •Gihghafus, Check?; Tickings. Cottonades,
Ac., Ac;
Cloths, Cassicnrcs, Jems, Sufcimcr Casslmores,
Ac. \v© would call tlio attfe'tfttofi of our friends
more particularly ?.o our immense stock of Mus
lins, Calicoes, Cottonades, all bought last winter,
before tbo laic advance, which tnll be sold at nri
cos that defy conipetion. 'Persons may
getting great bargains at the store of
March 23, 18d4. „
Note ;
Persons desirous of oramfnTng our stock will
pteuso be particular, and recollect our Store is in
Ztig’s building, S, .15. CoiiN'ek Market Square,
Second Boor, opposite Hitter’s 'Clothing Storo.
South Hanover Ahead!
TOSEPII SUES & SON, beg leave to m
~ foTm tl»e!r olclfHomlsaml the public generally
that they have just returned from Philadeijihia;
with a largo and well-selocted stock of
both Men’s and Ladies IVcar, which they offer at
the most reasonable prices.
All persona in want of Bools and Shoes, would
do well to examine tlffur stock before purchasing
elsewhere, ns they are confident that it cannot bo
excelled jn Cumberland county.
llcritember the old stand, South Hanover
street, opposite this 2d Presbyterian church, at the
sign of tho.rhoneter “ RED BOOT."
March 31, '6l—3m.
NR\V For warding and
Commission house
fe’M.OUR & FEED,
TrfE subscriber bavin - T.ik'on flic Ware
house formerly o'c’ctpicd by J. It. Noncmakor,
on West High, Efrccr, opposite Hicltininson Col
logo, .would m forth the i üblio, that he has en
tered into a general Fdiwardiug and Commission
The highest market price will be paid for Flour,
Grain and Produce of all kinds,
I lour aud Feed, Platter ond Salt, kept con
stantly on hand and fur saio.
Coal of all kinds, embracing
IA WII’ERR.Y, de., d ! i.
tifnehurners’ and HmeVsmitbs’ ’Coal, constantl,
for sale. Kopt under cover, and tleliverod dry t<
any part of tbo toVif.
XprVni, ’Hi. WfiNfiEfiTfia.
Universal Clothes Wringer.
No Iron Frame to Rreilc, or Rust and Spoil
■ . the Clothes. ,
8 *6lcl ill 3 3.
IT was pronounced superior to all others nt
the World’s Fair ct London, ISG2. It took the
First Premium at the great Fair of the American
Institute, in New York City, 1863 r and wherever
The only Wringer with the Patent COG WHEEL
REGULATOR, which positively prevents the rolls
Breaking or Twitting bu the &ha/l.
Without cog whbcls, thft whole strain of forcing
tho cloth through tho machine is pat upon the
lower roll, causing throo times us much strain
upon tholbwer roll as when cog wheels with our
Patent Regulator aro used, besides tho extra
etr.ain.upon the cloth.
Y 1° J e tlj o “ Koir Long fclil it
Labt? v wo can only aay, “As long Is a vrfish tub.
cooking stove, or any other family utensil." See
tostirn-ony of Orange Judd, of tho American Agri
chnarulist, Jfo. 41 Park fcow, N. Y., who cays of
We think tho machine much more than pays for
itself every yc&r in the saving of garment!* Wo
consider it important that tho, Wringer bo fitted
with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may
clog tho rollers,'and tho ’rollers upon tho crank
shaft slip and. tear tlio clothes, or the holder break
loopo the cViaft. Our own is one of the first made,
arid it is us yaod'h t nctu lifter nearly four years'
constant tISC;"
Tt is etisi’ly and firmly secured to tho tub or
washing will fi't tubs of any size or
It will sav-o ft a 'doit every six months in tho
saving of clothes, .Those with COG WIIEELb
ARE WARRANTED in every particular.
This ttioftnit, that a. tor a few months’
use tho lower roll to ill not twist on the shaft, and
tear tbo.tloyiing.;
fsSn Furnished {< families, on trial, free of ex
pense by
t*, *. Itailroad Office, Carlisle, Pa,
May 5, 1564-fim
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
testamentary on tho estate of Philip licck
mnn, lute of Mifflin township, doe’d.. barb been
granted’ to the undersigned, residing in tho Same
township. All persons indebted to the csliitb aro
requested to make immediate payment, and Uioso
having claims will present thorn fur settloraiSti 1 .
May 12, IS6I-6t.* Xxm'.tori,
TV OTICE ia hereby given Unit the Cnrlislo
Gas nnd Water Company will dta and after
the Ist day ol July next, charge SS'fS per thou
siitid fbet for Gas, nnd also p. metro rentof twdnty
fivo cents per quarter on each ihptro in use. Also
ihdt tbo prosoot tariff of Water llente, on and af
ter tho Ist day of dctchhi: next, will bo increased
iwbnty.five per cent,
May 12, 1864-3 t
pood business man with
a ccrrfi capital of $3OOO to $5OOO, to invest
* n . -4?' ,°f Dry Goods, (Groceries, <feo.,
Ao*, in d flourishing village, with a territory sur-
out of roach of competition of more than
IDO square miles, and now doing a bntinet* of‘over
$30,000 per t nnnum. A largo proportion of the stock
was purchased at from 10 to 50 per cenb less than
present prices, and will ho sold at a bargain**—
They occupy one of .the. lafgofit..and finest store
rooms in this valley, which will bo bold , low or
leased for a term of yenrj. . Satisfactory reasons
given for selling. Apply at Ibis office*
Juno 10, 1864-tf. -
lldiisc and Lot at Private Sale.
TUB rmbsoriber. offer? at Private Sale a
valuable 11,0USK and LOT, situ- jl—ji
nted in the village of Stougbstown, |lff|k
Newton township, .Cumberland Co.—
The Lotoontdins about half an acre, IIBJmSSW
nnd the house is a two-story weather- «SSHBHo
boarded frame, filled in with briuk, with kitchen
attached. A number of chnice.fruit trees abound
on promises. Persons wishing to view the
property can do so by calling on the undersigned
residing on the premises.
jrdno 16, 136-1-31» I- LINDSE V-
A CK E R E h !
HA.OXBB.IIL, Ko«. 1, 2 and 3, in all .lied
•r'r “• eaohpaokaga warranted. Jmt
tirtri, ».i fi > ,ala low)
jobs? nm,
prepared by Dr. Oi M. Jackson), Philadelphia, Ps. #
will effectually euro Liver Complaint, liyspopsm.
or Nervous Debility, Disease of
tho Kidneys, and.all diseases arising ftom a dis
ordered Liver or Stotnach.
Such aa'Conatiptttlon, Inward Piles, Fulness or
Blood to the Head, AgcifUty qf th-Q^totmvch. Nausea,
Heartburn, Disghst.for-Fddd, tfulb'pfo'tfr Weight ia
the Stomach, Sour Eructations, dinkm** orfc'iutlcr*
Ing at tho Pit of tho. Stomach, Swimming df tb«
Head, Ilutrifcd and Difficult, breathing, Fluttering
at the Heart, Chocking or Suffocating Sensation*
whep in a lying posture; dimness of Vision/ Dot*
or webs before* the Sigh}, Fcfrcr and Dull Pain La
tbo Hoad, Deficiency of Prcspiration, Yellowness
of tlio Skin rind Eyes, Pain in tUd.sido, Back,
Chest,, Ac., Sudden Flushosof Heat, Hurft
ing in tho Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Ev»l, and
great Depression of Spirits. And will positive]
prevent Yellow Foyer, Billious Fovor, Ac.
Are not a now and untried article, but have stood
tho lest of fifteen years trial by tho American pub
lie; and their reputation and Salo, a*o hoi rivalled
by any sttallar prephrbti’oh.
Tho proprietors have thousands o'f inters from
the most eminent
•o. A ,S.
Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to.Hi
beneficial cifdcVfcud medical virtue* of those DR*
Do you want aomothing to Btfongtlion.^o'u}
Do you want a good AppetlU f
Do you want ib build up yodr constitution 7
Do you want to feel *oll?
Do you want to get rid of aervoouert
Do you want energy ?
Do you want to sleep well ?
Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling 7
If you do, use HOOFLAND’S GERMAN' Blt’-
i'hcto arc Tnany preparations (fold under the
name of Bitters, put up in quart bottUs, compound •
od of the cheapest whisky ‘cT datpTnon rum, costing
from 26 to *4O cents pc’r gallon, tub tkkte disguised
by Ai ifto or Corrfvrdfcr "Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused .and, will contin
uo to cause, as long as they can bo sUd, Imndredi
to die the death Oftho drunkard. . By their use
thereto ts "kept continually under tuo influence
of Alcnolic "SinnulanU ot tbo Worst kind, tbo de
sire for Liquor is created and kopt up, and the re
tfrdt'Rrall thb horrors attendant upon a drunkard’*
life and death.
For those who dePiro and WILt, iIAVE a Li
quor Bitters, we publish tin following receipt; Got
BRANDY OR WIIISIvEY,.aqcI the result will b$
a propnralion that will FAR EXCEL, in'racdjcal
virtues and true excellence any of the numerous
Liquor Bitters in’theftiarkct, and will COST MUCH
LESS. Vpu, Will have nil the virtues of HOOr’‘L
AND’S BITTERS in connection with a GOOD ar-
ticle or Liquor, at a much less price than Vhcfco i#
ferior preparations will cost you. - . ,
ITo call attention of all having relations or frlo id*
in the army to tbo fact that ‘Hooflnnd’s German Bit
ters’ will cure niue tenths of tbo disoates induced by
exposures and privations incident to camp life. la
the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers
on tho arrivul of the sick, it will be noticed mat h.
very largo proportionate suffering from debility.
Every case of that kind can be readily ciirud
by llooflaml’s German Bitters. Diseases resulting
from d-ftoraors of tho digestive argalis ate speudilr
Wo have no hesitation in stating that, if
llxfcii Bitters were freedy used among bur soldiers,
hundreds of lives might be saved that othcrwHs
Will bo lost.
Wo call particular attention to tbo following re
markable and well outhcntrcaod euro of one of the
nation's heroes, whoso life, to use bia own language,
“ has been saved by lKuer£.”
Pim.AnEr.PHiA, Aiigiut.lttnl, ISM
}fe*art Joitet & Evan*. —Well, gentlemen, year
Iloofland’s Oerihau Bitters bio. saved my lib*.
There is no niistako in this. It is vouched for by
numbers of rhy comrades, s.omo of whose names
are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all
the circumstances of my 'case*.., and bav&-
been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's
celebrated battery, and under the. 1g mediate
command of Captain 11. B, Ayers. . Through the
exposure attendant upon my arduous w.Kf
attacked in November Inst with intlamation of .the
lungs, and was for seventy-two days in-the hospital.
This Was followed % great debility* by
an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from
tbo White House, and sent to this city, on board,
the Steamer “State of Maine,” from which Hand
ed on the 2S‘th of June. Since that time I have,
been about ns low as any ono could bo and still re
tain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was
scarcely able to swallow anything, actf if I did force
a morsel down, it was immediately fhrown up
I could not even keep a glarfs cY frnfef bn my
aomach. Life could not last \mdor those circum
stances : and, accordingly, the physicians who
bid been working faithfully, though unsuccessful
ly* to rescue mo from the grupp of the dnjhd Arch
er, frankly told mo they could do. no rporo for mo,
aud advised mo to see a..clergyraah, and to make
such disposition of my limited fund's as best suited
mo., An acquaintance who visited tpo, at the hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Stciiibron, of Gix.lH bolow Arch
Street, advised mo, as '■& forlorn hope, to try you*
Bitters, and. kindly, procured a bottle. From* the
time I commenced lakldg thorn the glo'dlny shadow
of death recoded, and 1 jita now> tbtirik God for it,
getting better. Xh'6b‘£b t have .tali on but two bot
tles, I have'gained Wh pound*, nila i tool sanguine
of being permitted to rojbiii my wife and
daughter, from whom I have board* nothing for
cigbvccn months, ; forv£enl!bbien, I om a loyal
Virgiriiau, from tfio vicinity *bf Front Royal. To
your ihvaluablo Bitters, I Ofro tbo certainty ,of life
which has talced tbo place of vague fours—to your
Bittern Will I awo .tlw. glorious privilege of again
clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to mo ia :
life. • ,
Wo fully concur in tbo truth of the above state
moht, as fro bud despaired of seeing our. comrade*
Mr. MfrVbno, restored to health.
John Cuddloback, Ist New York BwttcrJ
Oiorgo A. Ackloy, Co. C., lUb Maine.
Lowia Chovalior, 02d Now York,
X. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery, Battery I.
J. B. X’aacwell, Co B. 3d VornVonU
Henry B. Jerome, Co. B. Jo.
Henry X. JilaoDonald, Co (J; 6th Maine.
John F, Ward., Co. E. 5tK ISlatlid.
Herman Koch, Co. H. 72d New York.
Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F. 9Sth Penn;
Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A. 3d Vermont;
John Jenkins, Co. B. XU6tb Penn.
See that the (fjghaftife of “ C. M. JA CKSOX,"
is on the WHAPPEIi of each bottle.’
Price Ptsi* Bottle 75 Cents, 6t Hdl
Shppld ynur nearest Drugget nol have tlid
elo, do not bo t> by any of the iiAoxioatinff
preparations that may bo offered in its place, bat
Send to its, and .too will forward, securely backed;
by express. *' r
Ptlncifrai Office it Manitfactorn
No. 631 ARCH ST.
(SdoMison to 0, U. jAOKSttft,* C 0.,)
JSfr*For Bait by DrojriiU and&MJvr* Is tro»
c irfii b tb« United State*.
U>? 9%
Very truly yours,
Dozen for §4OO.