American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 18, 1864, Image 3

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JOHN GUTSHALL, Treasurer,, in Account with said County,
„ i-wo'lhio County at last settlement, , t .
jo bftl& *gt n to and Comity Taxes outslamling’r,t last Bcttlcmcnt,
jo ninou gt R tc, County and Militia taxes levied for the year 1803,
Abatement on State taxes,
Intiftest received from tux collectors,
' Exonerated taxes received by Treasurer,
Verdict fees received from Prolhonotary and Sheriff,
lloceived for fllouo sold to Borougb,of Carlisle,
Borsugb ana Township Assessors,
, d w Hcotors, abatement allowed tax-payors,
p A appropriation to Mountain Koati as per Act of Assembly, (P. L. 1363,
page 31) D,
for viewing roads,
for mail damages,
for repairing brides,
PiiiJ sundry persons for bolding general and township elections,
ii i,l David Smith, and othprs, holding inquests, . .
' iU I)r. S. l\ Zusglcr atid others, post mortem examinations,
'Paid Grand 'Jurors,
Traverse Jurors,
? !,VbuarJ iV. s'Tl^-or3°wl’.i)o,tryin E cases ia Oyer and Terminer,
■\VUH:un Uould, pourt Crycr,
100 for Uoiirl,
Witness' Ices in Commonwealth cases,
■Paid James 11. Waggoner, salary as Commissioner,
George Miller, “ (I
M. Kofit, “ j 4
George Seohey, dec’cl... “
M. M'sUcllan, “ ,
U. Ncwslium, salary uk Attorney ami professional services,
James Armstrong. salary .as Clerk.
James Louden and others, lor stationery,
ivij D. S: Cruft, mini tin" Cutniiy officcd,
J 1!. Flojil, Cli-Ht hi Cuurts.
1 ti-nj ii in ill DuUu. I’’.i frcs,
A. So uHuiiiit ii , L'O vlti ii;' iloslc ii: Himio
iJi-urgu W. Nlivlli, I'ir >mil ; " r
JamuH Lomlnii, I 1 ’! 'I—I----1 v lur J ;: j■■ .1,
JAIL AMI eastern penitentiary.
Paid ,1. T, llippny, r i' r ’’"I".""' 1 Ilf I'l-ifiii-n. IVu;. «•«-. ,
\\\ M. lluoffiii, for Millport of pri.soiiui ;i (Larlum 1 cnituntiary),
O.Dulaucy 11ml i.llurs, lor fuel at Jail, .■ '
11 U FooLu mill ntlii-r.l. lor vupuinuu; luniiiuc.! lit jml,
Ani.ilii ,t fii.n. nml i.sluTf-. I'm- (ino'lu im.l clolluiig for prisoners,
t)iiiiuli Kuluur, fur iMiinll ins cur- pool ul jnll,
On? ami Waicr Company, t -r \viu«>r,
Dr. W. IV. Dale. siilury'us' DliyM'.-iau,
Polcr Spahr, lor alone delivered,
Paid Aliralinm DclmlT, Krr| , feta in, ConinuniiTualtli casus,
Michael IDdeumb, Karp, •* “ ’ ‘‘
D. Smith and others, u
Paid (». IV. Shade and others, fee? in Commonwealth cases,
A. Marlin and others, quarterly relurua,
'Paul S.itmiel Slnnrl oral others, C’ount,y bonds,
W.M. Ueetmn and others, bounty bond?.
Abraham Lamherton and other*, interest on County bonds,
Wm. Alexander and.oihers, interest on bounty bonds,
Paid A. S. Lino and others, repair? at jail.
]j. K. and other*. u-p.iir.i su Court House,
U. Naleher. salary :i> i c'V-^'*
K. Nutelier, e\i ra ; .-i . .ee*,
Pai'l Ephraim C.n-nmaij, for-printing
.]. U. Bratton,
George /.inn,
A. IC. Kheem,
pAid l Jaci.h Fi|ulcr, Trcafiircr, e.-dimr.le for IbfiS,
Jt>liti Miilor, salary a* Director,
W . Co-nman, *'
Hubert Elliott, “
TlmmuH Bradley IUI 'Rbcrs, b-itors,
Paid for roltof of Soliliura' i’aimlws, by ur.lor -f B Koliof,
Paid W, M. Henderson anil otlicrs, l,aulinj;.nublic douUols,
11. Saxtim mill olliers. si,miry (.nidus,
A. Senscman, horse hire,
«I. Armstrong, traveling expenses,
K. Steel, salary ns Uee|)er of Toni, Cloek,
(j„ ; , and Wiiut Cotiipinyj gas and water for Court Iloufio,
Postage and Rlegiaph,
Armstrong A llohoi. lor coil,
Appropriation to Firo Companies
Miller and Kosi, car faro,
,S. Dunlap and others. County Auditors,
Thomas Iliggs and other.-, lor labor, ’
Total amount paid on Commi-fioncrs 1 orders, •
By Trcarurcr’s connnia.-iou on muik 1 , at li per cunt.,
Coiami.-sions allowed CoiK-riors of County, Mate and Militia Taxes,
Exonerations •* “ ' “
Amount paid Assessors for enrolling Militia, ,
■“ “ Cpmiiiid'ioncra and Clerk lor services in tho mailer of Mili-
lia ‘l uxis,.
John McCartney, Brigade Inspector,
James Armstrong, clerk to Board of Relief,
Totid amount of payment;: out of Militia Tax .Fund,
Trouiwrer’a commission ox\ same uli per cent.,
By amount paid Ft ate Treasurer In fall of-Stalo Tax lo‘r 1803,
Treasurer’s commission on same ul 1 per cent,
By amount County, Slate and Militia Taxes outstanding,Dec. 31, 1863,
Total Credits,
Total Debits,
Balance in Treasurer’s banjo,
SlateaTont of County, Slate and Mililia Tuxes, Outstanding on
Jaiuuny Ist, 1864.
IBho. Lewiri Klutz, Upper Allen,
James Burtnctt, Monroe,
** John Gibb, South Middleton,
I>iG2. George Mnrrott, Monroe,
J. M. Woodburn, jr., Newville,
John Emmingcr, Silver Spring,
Charles A. Smith, East Ward, Carlisle;
‘ Robert Parkinson, West u “
■ * John Zinn, Dickinson,
“ E. 0. Dare, East Pennsborough,
HT. . 0
John 11. Bear, Ilmnpden,
Hugh Boyd, Hopewell,
Ezekiel Worley, Lower Allen,
Wm. Iliney, Meoluinicshurg,’
Henry Filler, Mnnrjto,-
J. B. Kauffman, New Cumberland,
Wini Niebilson, Newville,
John Steviok, Nowbiirg,
.A- B. Zirin, Newton',
John Armstrong, jr.. Silver Spring,
A, K. Searigbt, South Middleton,
11. J. Byers, Southampton,
John Felix, Upper Allen,
Samuel French, West Ponnsborough,
• • g4.0g5 99.
port' 080 ™ ar ' thus * have since paid 1-. full. Those-TnnrkodHhus f have since paid in
Annua] Statement of the Debts and Assets of Cumberland Cqu'ply, on Ist
January, 18G4,
anm oU i n^ Count r Bonds outstanding Ist January, 1863, as por last
lual stalonient,
amount County Bonds paid during tbo yaar 1803,
—op iriiE—
Total receipts,
•'cr’s office,
.M.-lrrV oH’cc,
To amount of Bounty Bomla outstanding Ist January, 1803/
11 “ “ 't*id during tllo year 1803,
Total principal by B’dad and Nolo,
, ASSETS. , .
By /unount of balance in Treasury, Ist ‘January, 1801, including $lO un
current money,
By amount of outstanding taxes in collectors' hands,
Excess of indebtedness (exclusive of accruing interest not duo) over assets,
$12,81(5 05
7,075 88
01.579 17
1,784 0J
492 55
48 33
24 00
42 00
Statement of the Account of the County of Cumberland with Uie.Coinnion-
Cumberland County in Account with the Commonwealth- of "Pennsylvania,
To amount of said Tax as fixed by tho Board of Revenue Commissioners*
CK '
Deduct commission for collecting at 5 per cent..
Treasurer's commission at I per cent, on $35 f>9£ 14,,t0 to paid by Cqupty,
By amount paid into State Treasury by John Guloball, County
inclusive of $1,784 CO, amount of abatement, f 35,692 14
$113,803 08
$7BO U
Cdmbrreakd Cottjrrr, ss.
We, tlio Commissioners of Cumberland County, in compliance with tlio requisitions of tho Act of
Assembly of April 15, do certify and submit tbc foregoing as .1 correct statement of tbc re*
ccipts and expenditures of sind County, fcom January Ist to December 31st. 1803, inclusive, and of
the outstanding County, Slate and Militia taxes, in tbe Boroughs and Townships therein named and
also, of tbc debt and assets of said County,'on tbe Ist day of January. 1804. *
C~ Witness our bauds and seal of ofllce, the 21st day of January. IS(U
■ -o'so. MILLER,
11. HOST,
” Commiteioncra of Cumberland Co uuty.
5,109 05
$lOO 00
75 CO
45 00
358 00
878 00
1,134 31
Wo, tlio Auditors Ilf Cumberland County, having boon duly sworn and affirmed, mot at tho Com
missioners’ Otlicc. in Carlisle. on Iho -lib-day of January, IPO I. and proceeded to audit and adjust 'ho
account of John Ontalmll, Esq., late Treasurer of said Conn y, from the Ist day of January ’to iho
.list day of December. 1 Still, and do certify that wo find a balance of fifteen thousand nine' hundred
and fifty-four dollars and thirty-four cents duo by Said Treasurer to the paid County as will appear
by the forceoine statement of said account. We have also ojnunined and compared tbo.forufmine
Statement of the debt and assets ol said County, with the reeWrds, and do certify it to bn a ..w
exhibit of tho same oh tho Ist dny of January, 1801.
Xu'witness wboroof wo buvo berouuto sot our bauds tbo 20lU day of January A I) 13d
Auditors oj CnmhcrUmd County.
$l2B 43
30 00
158 43
S4G3 48
1.810 24
273 90
103 00
51 50
1 22
731 84
3;441 18
$ 31 50
370 00
301 60
216 00
120 00
100 00
500 00
72 81
1,*53 SI
$ 15 00
307 07
68 30
3 f'l)'
0 00
30 25
For K;«lvßoadie*,
iTEolfie*.iu E^ui I*, 1 *, WooP ;
Bn-s<‘«'fK ota FlcieitK,
a’OWL, &c.
511 ?l
Pi*tup ill 25c,, /V'V. and $1.0) 801.-i-i;, Bottles and
Flasks. $ * and $6 sizes for Hoikls, Bculic lx-
STITCTin;;!!, 3:c.
“ Only inl’nll,blo remedies known."’
“ Free f’ om Bui o is.”
“ Not ilau'Z'Toiin lo'the Human Family ”
“ It jits come out of their holes to die."
Hold Wholesale in large cities.
JT‘3" Sold hy all Bragg it-la ami Retailors ovory-
$3,731 23
48-1 53
716 72
• 97 73
230 07
. 70 50
50 00
.30 00
45 21
where. _
!!! Beware!!! of all imitations. 1
I£S3" See tiiat " Coataii’s" name is on each Box,
Bottle, and'Mask, befororyou buy.
.5,105 0-1
$175 95
UR 30
77 86
Biuxcipal Drimit, 483 Broadway, N. V.
Sold by nil Wholesale and Retail Druggists
in Carlisle, Pa. [Feb. 4, Ti-l-Sm
370 II
$l7B 01
101 5-1
233 15
Binco its organization, lias created a new era in the
$ 5,-n.j 00
n,suo 00
’ 1.737 ’O5
1,830 25
20,4.88 30
ALL our Ton# ‘arc selected by n IV'Tos-
Hional Tea-loßer. expres.-ly and exclusively
fur us. and we nt". o 1 -'barge <;ver Two Cents (02
Ci-:vr«) per pound above (mh! for original packages
$l2-1 13
MO S 7
80 00
5 00
Wo have but One Price to every mu* fur each
quality, ni> I‘that pr s eo* ,# s always marked mi curb
{.ample package ill mir Ft >iv in plain figures.
We issue u Monthly Price List of our Tens, which
will be sent free to all who order it—wo ndvisf
• every T-ia-FeHer* t ■*’ ice it. It comprises a full as
Sort inch l selected fbr every locality in tho Slates.
PrnvinceH, South America and the Vv'o-it Indies.—
In iliis list each kii <1 is divided into Four Clas«e*
or Qualitii 8, namely: Cargo, High Cargo, Fine,
Finest, thud-every one-may understand - from de
scriptirn and ftp* prices unne.vod that the Company
uro determined to -undersell the whole tea trade.
35S £0
$lB2 03
179 30
153 80
153 05
G 63 18
$9,000 00
30 00
30 00
30 00
30 00
We guarantee to sell nil our Teas in original
pack-ages at nut over Two Cents per pound above
cost, believing ibis to lv attractive to the many who
have heretofore been pitying Enormous Profits.
Our business is largely done on orders, which wo
always execute as well and promptly as though the
•buyer ■came Lim-elf, giving true Weights and-tarcs,
and always guaranteeing everything; our-respon
sibility enabling us lo do all wo promire. Every
dealer can order his Tens direct from the Company,
•and parties doing business within'Five Hundred
(oi)(); mile’s of New York, can return Tea bought of
ns if they are not cheaper than they can buy else
where, and the purchaser is dissatisfied with hi.-
ba-gain, within fourteen days (FI), and have Lin
money refunded to thorn. Those who are over
Five Hundred miles can have thirty days (30), and
the Runic .privileges extended lo them.-
Besides the advantages the Company will pnv
all Expenses, both ways, if the Teas are returned.
9,120 00
929 89
$ll2 81
50 30
23 50
15 00
1-5 00
69 10
17 II
57 50
50 00
38 25
107 10
31 75
587 42
'550,028 31
750 ‘l2
4,188 95
1,371 57
$ 06 00
Valasabftc EScol Fsuitc at lPul>li<
80 00
100 00
40 00
WILL be nfTcml at Pnblle Sale on Sat
i udofjyihe 21th tiny of 1861,' on
the premises, (ho following described Real Estate,
lo wit:
285 00
2 85
A Lot nr Tract of Band situated at tho west end
of tho village of Plainfield. Cumberland county
on tho north side of tho Stale Hoad, containing
257 65
$35,002 It
309 52
of excellent Limestone Land, and having thereon
n ni erected two DWELLING HOUSES,
fronting on said mad, with suitable
together with a lino
gS=sSSSSsSi Phc property will ho sold entire or In
lots, or parts, t> suit purchasers. Sale to com
mence at II o’clock, A. M., when duo attendance
wllllfe given rail terms inado known by
— 36,052 06
4,925 98
97,908 74
iI3,SC3 08
15,954 34
$113,803 OS $113.803 08
8 90 82
28 37
348 42
38 85
129 00
778 40 ■
287 42
t 254 40
•1390 20
233 14
*315 30
-129 42
197 74
121 28
437 35
*145 83
177 4<f
*34 15
*5O 81
*l7B 83
166 01
•>79 25
JI3 03
200 23
NOTICE, is hereby given that Letters of Ad
mieistratiim on the estate nf Elizabeth Tlup
ley, of Hast I’enn.sboro’ township. dcc'd, have
bone.granted to the undersigned, residing in same
township. All persons indebted to the estate are
■requested to make payment immediately, and those
baving,olaims against tbo estate will also present
them for settlement.
$24,810 00
6,415 00
$19,805 00
Attest—J. AiixismoHO, Clerk
Feb. 4, 18G4-4t
American Tea (lompany,
history of
Selling TTE.-4S in lliin Cimimy
WI’oUTEUk -\Rj) jdlitiEßfi,
b 1 Ycscy Sired, New York
Feb. 11. ’C-l-aiu
§a K*.
. i!,"d jU' A-jnnt find'ii in j'etci.
Fab. 4, 18111-t s.
A(lmiii:'.(riUi>r\ Knuic.e
"Jan, 7, 18'04—Ct*
idniinisli'iilork’ Noli
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on tbo estate of T. M. Galbraith,
Into of Dickinson township, dec’d, have been issued
to tbo undersigned, Urn first nnmed residing in Dick
inson,.and tile latter in South Middleton township.
All porsons'indebtod to tbo said estate arc requested
to make payment immediately, and- tboso having
claims .against tbo estate will also present thorn for
'Jan. 28, '64—fit AdminUtralorg.
Select Female Seminary,
r piJIS Seminary was opened on WEDNES*
l DAY. SEPTEMBER 2nd, 18ri3. A corps of the
most accomplished Teachers have boon secured.—
The course of instructions will bo the same with
that of the boat institutions in the country. For
Circular,and duflnitpinfprjnation, address the.
undersigned; Carlislo'Pd, • 1 E. 11. NEVIN.
Jan. 7, ’O4 tf. Principal.
M. C. BffUSfiMAW,
OFFICE in Bheem’n Hall Building, in
tbo roar of the Court House, next door to the
‘(Herald" Office, Carlisle. [Feb. 4, '(U-Iy*
wealth of Pennsylvania*
Greenfield & SiieaJier’s,
OE c ’
5000 yds. Extra Piinls at SI cts.
5000 yd. y. Super Extra at 20 cts
Goad 1-1 Bleu Must in, 25 cts Ex
tra Heavy -1-1 Beta Mamin at 31 d-i
■‘)<-;m«..Miln ? h,iro,. Chock*, TW;in^
u-lV’ 1 Tr' . y' 1 Enn,; -Miulv i-'inoovls II my nn,l
'Will.-, 11..1,10 .'.Lull! J,.M,13,
•■Hu L.-ive ill! tile lu,vcr prircil Muslins on,l
I’nr.ts ou bo;,J, iu,J
SItKS. t
Pluin Block Silks at nil prices.
now sell an extra quality „f Black Silk a (
l. 51.50 pur yard. Plain and Fnnfv
•ilka of every ilcsrriptiuu at low prices.
1J ' ro I'nvo pnrvhnsuil nur culiro slock of 7)r. : «
i- X “ v/ Y, ’ rk f't.liivli is Headquarters, far
ill lliCiNew Style.".) Kvervouo wMI find-it totSiul---
id vantage to giro nur stuck a.luok before limn.:
u’liere, as .Vou null see all tho latest Neiv York
Styles, at j,rices to soil llie limes.
BALMORAL SKIRTS, from $2,50 ■ up to tbe
finest grades.
Cloths and CasslmeTn,
a foil assortment of Cloths, Cassimsrs and Bearers,
•til ft llio Nqwost Stylus.
Also a full stock of MOUKXINQ GOOE:-’. a!
•>{ nislnngly low prices.
Notions :iu<t Wnolcn Goads,
Gloves, Hose. woolen, anil eolfon ; Collars, dm.
In our stork of Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Scarf:'.
«te., wo defy competition.
Wo have a largo a-.-ortment of Regular mod
.roods, (not Auction goods.)' nhich wu can mll pi
lower prices than any Wholesale House, Jhrge oi
-mall, either in city or coiintrv.
Shawls of every description, at the lowest figure.
Ail We ask is aeall. .wo .are confident wc can
pluasoboth in styles and prices of good*.
S. F 3. Cor. Market Square. 2nd duor from cor.
Oct. 2, ISfiJ.
r un.lcrnigncd luia Just npcncil a nnv
JL DRUG STOJIE, io South Hanover Street,
next floor to C. TnholTu Grocery Store, where he
has just received and opened a largo stock of
’ Chemicals,
Perfumery, Toilet Soepa, and Taney Articles. AI
so, a largo lot of
Tobiicco aixl Segars ■
of the ijioat fjivorito brands, Coal Oil Lamps and
.''hades, Burning Fluid. Confectionaries, Finite.
Nfuls. Coal Oil. Alcohol. Stationary, patent Medi
cincs. and all other articlosconnvcted with nurline.
\ll of which we will snlDat prices In suit the G'mo
Prescriptions carefully compounded by a eumpetou
Carlisle, Doc. 25, ISO 3.
Cs-reehSieM & Sheafer.
O'A VE just nmnived it m-.v iind clump Int
of cloaks. As wo purchase-those goods of a
New York manuf.icturor, we are able to ofToi su
perior indueclcents to any houbo in the country.
Also in
Wo defy competition. Having made arrange
ments with one of the largest Fur Companies in
New York, to supply us with choice Furs, which
will ho sold at city prices, and at least twenty per
cent less than they have been, sold in Carlisle.
New and desirable dress goods received daily.
S. F. cor. Market Square, 2nd door from cor
Nov. 12, 1 SOX fc
JTVMS-ES, Trunks, Carpet Fugs, UpHip
v rallas Ac. French sole leather Trunks, La
dies travelling Trunks of largo sizes, brass hoard,
of the .host makes, in large variety at
. -North Hanover Street.
Manch 19, '63.
E KON—TOO tons of ]
JL n«noa—of »ii eizcH. ,
ranted to bo of the best <
surtmont of
Hood Iron,
Band Iron,
Horse Shoo Iron,
Spring Steel,
Cast Stool,
Blister Steel,
Horse Shoos,
Uorao Shoo Nails,
Rivets, Ac,
Cheaper than the cheapesl
Jan. 7, -1304.
TVT'OTICE is hereby given to Hotel Keepers
IJI and Retailors of Liquor,-that applications for
Liconso under the several Acts of Assembly, must
bfe filed in tho office of thc-Cferlc df-'tbo Court of
Quarter Sessions on or before tbq 7th day of March
next, otherwise they-will not" bo hoard.
Actmiiiisfralor’s AToUco,
IVT.OTICE is hereby given that Letters of
J_ 1 Administration on the estate of Cupt. James
K. Kelso, late of Southampton twp., ioc’d, have
been granted to tbo undersigned, residing in the
same township. All persons indebted to the estate
are requested to make payment immediately, and
those having claims against the estate will also
present then for settlement. . . •
'Fib. 4, 1863—6U* Adminiitratcr \
32,713 00
21,213 bO
$40,608 00
$15,954 34
4,925 98
20,850 32
$19,728 OS
$37,950 IC
$1,*97 60
SCO 62
$37,950 10 $37,950 16
Iron—Hammered and
just received, and war
quality, with a large u.:-
Blacksmith Bellows
Ac., Ac.,,
t, at the Hardware store.
East Main. ot.
rrnfl subscriber has just returned from the
X eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, ami
hcst^eleetcd assortment of Ilardfrare, over offered
.Ui this county, Every thing keptin a largo whole
’s?,lo olid retail Hardware irtorr, caiu'vo hod a littl"
lower than at any other house in the county, at .the
.cheap hardware store of the subscriber.
Kails and spikes.— .00 tons nails and spikes just
.received of the very best makes, and all warranted.
Country merchants supplied with Kails at manu
facturers' prices.
d’O pairs Trace Chains of all kind:*, with a large
assortment of butt that ns,, halter chaini, breast do.,
fifth chains, log chains, touguo chains, cow chains,
&t. - r
Hawes.—*so pa!" of names of all kinds just re*
ccircd. Common pattern, London pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
ings, cheaper than over.
‘Paints and Oils.—lo tons WJpto Load. 1.000
gallon.* Oil just received, with a largo assortment
of varnishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharage,
whittng, glue, shellac, ' paint brushes, fire proof
paint, Florence white, white zinc, colony! zinc, rod
lead, lard oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, «tc.—
Colors of every description, dry uud in oil, iu cans
and tubes.
Farm Hells.—Just received the largest, cheap
ebt, and best assortment of ■Farm Hells in the
county. .Orecncastle metal and Hell metal, war
ranted not to crack.
Powni:n.—-2o kegs Dupont llock and Ulfle Pow
der, with a largo assortment of safety fusv. picks,
'•i owburs, slouu drills, stone sledges, stone bummers,
Pumps a?,'D cement. —00 barrels cement, with a
very large assortment, of chain and iron-pumps o'
all kinds, cheaper than evci*, at the* hardware eiurt
Carlisle, Jun. 7,18 Ci.
SLicwi ir. n.yiic.
1 if the old Jinn Of John P. Son.
HAS just cniiinlete l ! ojicii liis spring
stocK of Hardware. Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
<i lass,_/ce.. to which he invites curly attention
of the public gi'iier.illy, lie ion greatly/inlargod
his stock iu all its various brunches, r.udcuu now
uccomo late llu; public -/nth
in large or small quantities at the lowest prince.
He don't want the pnldie to think he lias brought
all the Goods in Philadelphia and New York to
our town, but bo eap os*nrc them tint a look into
liG store will convince them that he Ims enough
(iooda to fully supply the demand in thiiTmarket.
Per-'ons wanting goods in our line will find it to
(heir advantage to give ns a call be'-iro making
their purchases.. Ali uider< and punctu
ally ultiudeii to, and i.y di’<;^.prosan taliuns made l<
olivet diik'f.
LEWI.- r. I.YND,
North Iliiuovcr.stioot.
Carlisle, Jan. 7, ISo 1
TTIIK und(‘rslg!'i:i! having; purohneed tin
entire stock o! G’•■"vne.* *of C. Inhoir, oo the
south-east Conor of Market Square, and made
cmdili r;dde ad liti *ti j is now prepared to supply
his 'riends and Hie public, with all k i nds of ehedee
go-ids, at the Ij'it'ed market r.i.mj. His stock cum
p r 111 i
Salt. Spleen ground and unproun.d, Cheese, Crack
ers, Oofies* Ksscnces, - Ji’ish by wholesale or retail,
llrooms, IJrushc?. Tobaeeu, Segars, Suufl*; -Malebca,
Dlacking. Red Cords,
Ccdarwaro.,Notions, and all other articles usually
kept in a first class Grocery store.
In regard to prices, I can pay thatjt is my de
termination to sell goods at theMo'west possible
nutter, Ec'g*, and all kinds of cmi a fry produce
(a 1 -n at- market p: ices.
hoM dpc? hv .-i.ict a'tention (o business. and n
<1 i • position .to please, to :aenL and secure a share of
pal -1 i patronage.
'VXriHIKKAS iho lion. James 11. Graham
* V I’r< sidont Judge of (he several Courts of
Ci inniou I’b-.tH of tbe connii,’«!ef Cumberland, Per
ry, u-id .JiiL'aM, and Jnsliec- of tbe several Courts
i.l Over niid I'cfmiacr and General Jail Dclhery
in sai l co’.MTiii s, and JtJ'u-hn. I G.ii U 1 xn and Hugh
Sttiar*. Jiid'-fes of t l:t> Court * </*’gvpr • and Teruunor
am! d -nl !>>•! i'. cry U.r Ibe trial <«!'u 11 capital and o(h
-■■•r '*:l'. , 'i.iej-s, i.n the t-iid '••Minty of Co inhrrla ad, by
their precept •■*!.. me dl-ccted. dated Hie 1 I t U (lay id
.January. DdiL have ord' red (he Court id
•Oyf r and Ti miiner and General Jail Delivery to he
h'lMeu at Carlisle on* the 2nd Monday of -April,
1 Si3l, ’(being the llthday.) at 10 o'clock in thu
t'wrennpn, to continue two week.
NOTICE is hereby given to llio Coroner, Justices
of the Pence, and Constables td (ho saiil county of
Cumberland. tliat they are by the precept
commanded to he then and there in their proper
perwns. with llu-ir’r'dls. records, and inquisitions
exainiimlions, ami all other remembrances. to do
those things wlt-icdi to their offices appertain to he
done, and all those that are hound by recognizances,
to ngain«t the prisoners that n’ro or tin n
shall he in t ( h i Jail of said comity, tire to he there
to prosecute us shall he just.'
iS 'ltenjf,
■ Fro. IS. ISM.
Valuable. Town l : niprilY For bale,
npilE Hnlif-crilior oftors tit private sale t! o
JL valuable property u here he at present reside.-,
corner of North Hanover and L"U
{her streets. Carlisle. The house is s bJa
large and in good repair, with (he
ga* ami wall r introduced, and (lie
garden is in a high state-d cul.iva
lion. Tt.o lot niea-uiroS .'lll feet in front by 2-!() in
depth, fo an alley, on which is erected a large sta
ble. carriage house. Ac. This property in admira
bly calculated for a business.stand, and is worth)
the. attention of capitalists. Fur terms, Ac., in
quire c:'
pel). 11. 'GI-U*
Stray 4'alf,
CAME tn llio promises of the pnbpcr’bor
the middle of 0 doher lust, a black
Ht;i,j. Cu.i", supposed to be about one year of age.
Tliu owner is requested to come fi.rwatd, prove
properly, pay charges, ami take it away, otherwise
it will be disposed of according to law.
Feb. 11. T, I-JUS Abut,’/ J/mA/Mow Twp.
EStin’icbm’ti ycttU ism
** EFitciory*
pi-HLSOXS in want of LijINDS, will find
-3. an as-nrtmunt r .f. hand r.t Philadelphia
prices. In sending ordorsi for blin !« the size of
the v.'ind.yv-Vrahald h" sent.with thu order.
CM B!hnir> y.paired, :o nw»k oqn‘d to new, at No.
2G tivUiii titr?:!,- Uarliiha/g.' I'a.
.Tan. ?s, ’fi {-3m
In the Court of Common Pleat of Cumberland Go.
y o U 5, November Term, ISG3.
IN tlio matter of the potitiun t»f Mrs. Re
drcca Black, to not at: n feme sole trader.—
Now to text, January 11, ISr.-I—The Court order
that notice of tho some bo given to'Josunn Black.
(ho husband, by publication in one newspaper in
tlio Borough of Carlisle, for six weeks prior to the
Court to bo hold on tho Tid day of March,J
requiring him then- to.appear and show cause why
the prayer of tho petitioner should uot bo granted.
Bv tub Coukt,
Jh'otho notary.
Jan. 21, ’fil-Gt
St iulciarj.
nnilE Ladies’ Seminary of ..Carlisle. Av-ill
i commonoo its next session on tho Isfof'FEB
RUARY. The best teachers, tho moat thorough
instruction, add the most roasofiablo terms.
•Rev. EDWIN 11. NEVIN,
Jan:M, 1801
'O all kinds, with a larj
Rutt Chains,
Bronst **
Log “
Cow • * “
dust received nt tho Chop.y
April 2T, 1303.
ra of Trace Chains, of
rgo assortmeut-of.
Unitor Chains,
Fifth “
Tongue u
Spreads, &c.. &0.,
,p IXadvrare Si fro of
Y'UiANUICUUIES.— A nc'w lofc tf fine Irosh
\J. Cranberries inst received and-for’'?!) t bv
: .Jan. IT? £»
]\J O\V nlTcrlng an immense variety of
Fop Men & Boys’ Wear,’
in a larger variety, than can" be found in any estab
lishment in this place, and at ns low prices us can
be sold any where, to suit latte ami pocket. Wo
manufaoluro the above goods to order, in the latest
styles, or sell per yard. fJuatoxncra wHiingtq have
the gwods bought of up. cut, cun be accommodated,
free of charge. An early inspection of oar goods
aud prices, respectfully solid.ed.
North Ifcnorer St., Clo'hing Emporium.
.March 19. 18(5.1.
shirts'! shirts!!
WE have the largest- and finest shirts over
offered in this place,
warranted to be of tbo beet, and most colobrated
makes. Bought before tbo late advance in prices,
told by tbo dozen or single. If-youwanta
Perfect Fitting Shirt,
call Ut
North Hanover St., Emporium.
March 3 9'*63. •
. Gisircral Order No. 47.
IlendqiutrU'ra Clothing Dupt. Carlisle, Pa, 1
Sept. 1 Dili j 8(13. f
lOEnCERS und nuliliera now Mtulionml
• at Carlisle, will find a full assortment nf Su
perior Dress Coats, Blouses, Punts, Vests and Caps
made in aceordtincc with tbo U. 13. Regulations, ai
these Headquarters. .
2. Orer and undershirts, drawers, suspenders,
guanflets, glores Ac. of the licst quality,
3. India Rubber Coats, Blankets, Caps, Lenina.
Ilurei sacks, Ac. at fair prices. Kt tbo Clolhingilaß
o *'
ARSOT.D ,t C&.,
Xorlli u.movpr street, 2 doors uoilb of Iho Carlisle
Deposit Bui;):. '
furs! injus s
JL S I rocoiTi'i] Inrrrr addition of now Fur*,
tnnif--, Ac. /»u . cloal;.--'
cloaking fluths ‘rmn AVw -Voik, vcr\
ch-iip. l‘i tin, ami, fancy; silks, winter dr-’.
I~ImL f-I\lc.-, lit. vy woolen p>o<lB Tor th<-
'"»M weather. pm:-u. Genuine llunov'tr
I’nclt (11 'Vt;;i and (1 min’ l ets.
P’cityt- call ut Fust Maiu street, one door below
Marlin's lltitel.
Doc. 10. 1503,
k. Wo
‘OTAS.inet returned from the Xow York uml
Philadelphia markels with a lav'e aivl well (
s*<dccted s'm-k of Dry Good**, consisting in port oi.
Mutmir Plaid Victoria.
\\ n<il Plaid®. Plaid Poplins,
Sill: ami Worsted Checks. Colored Alpaca,
Colored Mernmic. Mmis do Laina,
Double width Wool Plaids,
• Bhi' k and White do.,
Wool Plaid A ictoria. Ginghams, Calicoes, Cheeks.
Tickings, Opera 'Fljuinnls, Shirtings, Table Dia
per, Shcefiiig-s C.antnn.Flannels, Ac.
Mcrinops. Cashmeres, •
Rombarincs, Figured A plain Dolainoe,
Brocade Mohrir, IM iide Laities',
Ched‘l Mohair. Striped Reps,
Strip-'d Mohair, Stripi'd' Poplm,
Gros. do Berlin, Terinu Cloth.
Pavametti) Coburg. Black Cohere.
Mourning corded silk, Poilf. do Bob*. black silk,
a bi-rgo assort ment of crape .colir.vj, biuek alpacas,
black silk helling, Ac.
John uyi:iv
Pluck find bordered long and square shawls. square
and ' long woo' shawls. black Thibet, Mini* de
Laino, brock 1 ' lon ; and >*qii ire. plaid wool shawls,
i.incy wool slaw's. in great variety.
!i ,\LMO 1! AI SKI ins,
I.Julios’ hat?, homo made I ink »*.-*. fi ui or
ed. Thu latest style hoop'nk rts —s’y nuakcr,
A largo and well selected slock, won] and cotton,
ladies and children's caps,.a lino assortment dl'lnni-'
net y,ml nnuilua ribbons, gingham, silk ami cuitoi
handkerchiefs, umbrella'*, a largo assortment tf
Cassi men's.
Kent achy .I^kiiis
Tho-large** nnd Vest selected stuck in tho county,
t’avpi’ts, uil cloths. ito,
These good.-* hav.o all been selected expressly for
ibis market, with great er.rc bulb to their quality
jiml styles, as well us It'a reason aide price at which
iliey ran mtd.will be disposed of.
The old friends and customers of tliis well
known house are invited to call and examine this
stock of splendid goods.
Oct. 29, ’tT
i£f WMim iOOOSa
fITAVE just rotiirmnl from tho E,nstnrn
Markets with an iaitiriro of "Winter
floods. Latest styles and fairies of
Misses’ and children’s Dress gqqds, Ladies’ and
Misses’ Furs, all kinds and qnuli’ies.
JMirlls and CulTs.
A largo.stn It of Cionks
se reted from themost fashionable mamti.uilories
In the cities, latest 'Paris styles ‘ami designs.—
Clnakingol')!hs. plain and cp.s‘*»r Louvers. Mj-iouh:
ami o.hcr qualities. Shawls in large fnpply. lat
er l, nuveltivs a" well as Maple makes. Mourning
goons mull kinds and varieties. Dalmoral skirls,
every quality and style. New style of hoop skirl
All kinds of worsted goods, gloves, hosier'-, em
broidery. Ad
Overcoatings*, cloths, Motou’s satinets, Jeans, lo
rdlier with an immense stock ol’ muslins, calicoes
iringhams, blankets, furnishing goo .Is. Ac., .Ac. —
Please cnil at the well known Maud, East'Main
sired, Carlisle.
Nov. 19, ‘Gd. IV. C. SAWYKB.
AS the Holidays aro pnsi,. 1 will sell *ho
balance o'C.-my.Winter Goods at rrdnc'-jl ;>>i
ccs. Winter dr inis goods, winter shawls, Broeho
long shawls, winter mantles ami cloaks. Al.-o.n.
lino lot of Furs, at greatly reduced prices Blank
etsiiud woolen goods generally. Constant uddi"
Rons of staple goods are being received. The
probability is that domestic and hou-o furnishing
goods will be higher, I..WQuld advise peraons-in
need of these goods to buy before .another advance.
.Please call at-tho old Stand, ono door below Mar
tin’s Hotel.-
Jan. 21, !Rl
PAINTS AND OIBS.—IO tons of White
Lend, 1,000 guile, of, Oil, just received, with
a largo assortment of '
Varnish ea,.
Paint Brushes,
Oolf'vs of every descript
fans and (ulds, at tha “
SUdKTS tt .12.00 per doz,
do. •' 16.00 " “
£o. " 20.00 “ '• •
do. “ 26,00 " '•
do. " Bb,oo " «
a m i\ w 2, a.
vr. c. swrra.
Fire-proof Paint,
Florence While,'
White Zinc,
Colored Zino,
Rod Lead,
Boiled .Oil,
Lard Oil,
■ Spei ni Oil,
I &o..
tion, dry and •„
prepared by Dr. i/. M. Jackson,.•l l ( jiiladel|)liiji, Fb..
will elb'dii diy cu-e Liver fJoinplaint; Dyrpcpsin,
or Nervous Debility, Disease ol
the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from tv dii
ordered Liver or Slomaeb.
Such aa CunnipaGon. Lnwr.rd Fileu, TV.lncss or
Blood tot lie. Head, Aridity of .he Stomach. Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in
the Stomach. Sour Eructation*, Sinking nrFhitlor
ing at Iho Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of (ho
Head,' Hurried and Difiiculi bn.-n'liing, FLunring
Jit the Heart. Chocking or SnU'ocaLing ”enfitliouB
when In a lying po.sinn', diinncsi of Vision, Dots
or Wchi before the Sight. Fever anil Dull Pain in
the Head, Deficiency of Prespuaiiun, Yoliowaoifl
of the .Sl:sn and Eyei. Fain in the Side, Bank,
Cheat, Limb?. A\. .’■Midden Flushes of Heat, Burn
ing in the Fl»h»i, Constant Imaginings of EvU, and
grant Depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent VcMow Fever, Hilliuus Fever, tic.
Arc no 1 a r.ew and t:ntri‘d r riide, but hare stood
tin tort of fifteen ynra trial by tbc* Ainoricci} pub
lic : and lb-dr iv; illation and -ale, are not rivalled
itn• l t.r prepaniti'-n.
.<,ve thousands of Letters from
the 1:1. .5t mu merit
6* ys, lawteto. rnrsrciAK3,
r.n i CITIZEN'S,
Fc-tilylng nf tVCr oa-n rprsmal koowlodgo, to lb*
bcn.fieial uud medical values of luoae Bit-
Do you waul sornotblug to strengthen you?
Do you want a good ‘Appetite ?
Du you w&ut to build up your eonstUatiou t
Do you want to feel well?
Do you r/r.nt to get rid of norroaaa&M'?
Do you want euerg.
Do yon want to deep well?
Do you want n brisk and vigorous* foaling?
If you do, uvo MOORLAND'S GERMAN 1 EIT.
JTW* 'T'\ ./ ,p 7’ *.f T-’ TT' ’'“l -T'
I. .'J i v. m ll b ». .e in! i l! 1/ Jlj
Th ‘ r
■n’i-nn rdd untie:* too
■f L.f. i■- ; -it
T. .-ci-ivri "1 -:iml unii trill conlln-
HU i“ ft. «* ... i;i s.JjJ, hundred*
('*•’ll2 the it!. • f ;ro cl'--;.i'kanl. J.’.v tr-eir uso
(he Uto is Ivpt .iminlly uml'T 1..i0 inllucuco
itf Al-'l:" 1 .'- ' 1 • i' .i■* d’ lie. 1 iv« 11 ? t the ilo
‘•ao'l l(f:c: up, .j-i'l ihu re*
"eluant a drunkard'*
re lor I. in mr h
■all in all I'
Y > r/a.-j who <!■ ;:.*c r,- .1 WIU'l, :Vli a 7/,.
M u-r r.,ii--. \v,. i.s:Mi h'h< t ij>! ; Oat
cNK linrn i: n v.n, \ \ av. hmlvan bit-
Ti:K> .t i-liiMv 'i |! i: i \: ey (•»].•
IiUAM'V Ml Wlli.MlllV. iiM 1 the repair v . 1 1,0
a i* p*’*»'oti* thai \mW 1 AH I'XM.L :u medi-ml
virtues and li ue .o.'iccllcoee ai.y ui too PMoi-i-rua
Bitter-', in the marl(‘“t. and will (JO-T
BESS. You n 511 hairo aj’ U'R.y irtjtoH of
AND’S BITTERS iu oonnoc,Mon wall a (10M) r.r
tiele or I iotior. at a much Jess yricc tbau in
ferior preparations will cost*y(H;.
ITc call attention of nil liarinc relations or friends
in the army to the fact that • ILn,[land's tiernmii Bit
ters’ will cure nine tenth* of tlie diseases) induced hy
exposures and privations incident, to chin]! life. In
the lists, published alniujt daily in
on the arrival <d the s’n-U. it nill he in.lire.l that a.
very lavjro proportion a/e suliV. Lvui debility.
Every ca e of Airt klud can h«. re .dily cured
hy Hontl.nnl's t» .•.•taa it hitters. IMvaseS ••esnlung
Irmn di.ionUrh f> t' he or,*an.- are speedilv
removed. U’e 1m ec im hesitation in Matint; iliat, if
those Bit ter* fvvre (Veidy used anion;; our soldiers,
hundreds of lives mi o ht ho Laved that othen-.iso
will he I-.:.
W -
t. t•r!: p t :it
uat ion’s heroes? wb<
in;. I.liii OVVU
Pnv a: M.r;i rAugust 2.',n1, IM2
J frutr* J oim .1 }'.■ ’iVcll. p-vutirmon. your
lli»nllanj'.i 13:ft'Tri has mve-l niy life.
There is :u> i;*i r- 1 .1 h<•'i ll this. If L- von’-lu- l i\*r by
number' of my;- .‘'mm <•! names
are n|ip«;;i Imi. ami woo were felly covrui/nMt of all
1 1 • 0 i-if'-inii.-f 1 in'-' •>( i;iv ii'm 1 . I am.
been lor f<e last lour yea;-', aiiminbei of Slmi man’s
ctlebr ile-l battery. ami umkr ilia im tncuin to
e. inid'iim! nf Captain K. 11. Ayers'. Through*
e> posnr.; at temlui. t ujiim :u v arTumii? b n;le., I was
atvfl in Xnin!>»*r liisf with ‘i* ;1 Inm (.ma of tho
inn;:-. am! w,\ ■ 1' t seven tv ; u\ o days in f m ho
Tills Wim Im by ;; ea‘ debility. I ?s;rhrcne<l by
111* iitladv "i iiy-•im! 1. y. I was then n-moved irmil
tile iViiile 11 m and *!i t l> fib; ei~/ Ml hoard
the Steam t " Sml;* of Ma.m 1 r "• .vhhdi I iar. 1-
rd on t*m ’-fi of June. f'aiiT f if turn* 1
bi-mi about > '■ ia.' y<?m. ,■ ■ 1 lie and .11 r
t.iin a spa of \ imlity, I'.• r
e Mr'.'i’ 1 ;. aMo in swa'lov. an; tb
a mor-.el down, It was ju.:
I conbl nof even kcop r. nf walcv on n:y
stonnifh. Life could if' t lasi under then eir.nnn-
vturuTH : an.l, llio physk-iats" ..who
ha«l boon working IV.ithfnU}', tlum/rli
ly, to re- •«;j no from tin* irra-p oCthc dn-ud Arch
er, IVjiTil;:y t -id mo {.hoy cmild do no i_;or.; {'<.;• mo,
and rrlvi.-ud me to.?oc a clergyman, and h inako
?m-h di.-p '.-Itlon of my limited lunds a.- bort suit ml
An ampnintaimo who vi.-ilod tno at the hospi-
it-ri'-k tricrahron, of dxth bch.vr Arch
Sirwb ;»’!/• ."I me. a* :i forlorn Imp'.,, to iry v-our
UiUvrs, an i kindly procured a bottle. From (.ho
limn 1 commenced Liking (Imm the •rlonmy shadow
ot death vt'i cud. and 1 am nuw. thank (lot! h-r it,
yellin'.; belter. Though I have taken but two b-.t
-lies, 1 have yained lon pound*, and L feel sanynina
of Iviiiy ]>'.•) milk .I In rejoin my -v'le and
d.uv.hl-.,-. v.’uoni I have heard roij;hu; for’
i.mmh-n : fm, ariitleuu'ii. ] pm a loyal
Virjrinian. 1 1 mu tin? v’cm'ty 'fl'cvf ‘biyuL “j’o
your inva'n.iMo Litter/ I owe Un-. c-vt.iimy of lifo
winch h.i- i.i lve (! the place "fv.m.m (bar- - —to voir
Ihiti'i'a will Lowe the ylorKma >n ivileyn of r.yain
C.l ti.Mn\ L.istjjn whuarodcareßt V-iao in
Very triil.
■'’W'.'-'.T In tho truth nf the nl.ilre tlffco.
uutut. lIS \.i; h.ut ilrstmmsi ut ;;ri.’iu£ out cutn.uvrio,
Mrsfs’:ulc:u > . rc>l"v-.'d Id lien’ tVt.
■Miu Cn.U;k-kack. Is; New Yoik flattery,
A. A- kley. {>. 0.. 11th Maine.
I.fwi? OJlcvaluT, DIM NVw Yutic.
I. i-k Spen.-u, Aviiilorv, Ihittrrv F
j; ik Fjin.;v*-0 1 ., cm ik sa Vor iuni.'
11. Ik J ■ i<.rao, Co. Jk 11...
llt-ury T. MnebfnnM, Co C.Mtb -KAlno..
14 John U'.lV.ird, Co. E. jtii Maine.
■ Horn*.an Koch, Co. H. 72d New York.
Nathaniel Jk Thomas. Co. I'. Doth I’enn.
Andrew J. Kimlull, Co. A. kd Vermont.
John Jenkins, Co. ik liltith I'cim,
free that the signature of “ C. 'f. JACKSOK”
is on the of each bottle.
Price Per Ponle 75 Corns, or Half
Dozen for. S-100.
. Should your nearest Druggist nnt-haro tlio arti
clc, do not be put off by any of tho intoxicating
preparations that may bo offered in its place, but
fconcl to us, and wo will forward)- securely packed)
by oxtrcß*.
' 6 ■ ’ . ...
.Principal Office & Manufactory;
No. 631 ARCH ST.
(Sueoolsors to C. M. JACKSON 4 Co ,)
£St" Tor Sale by Druggists and Dealers in ovory
town in the United Staf««.
May 2S, Uftft—-If,
i'urL* -.r i.i 11 of ilic
■ • <.■■■!; «#r in- i• 1 «v..g
i'lii'. \'i 1’ <•’)'(/ i‘
-f-1 up