OLD'S GESITINET-REPACATIONS. « HIGHLY CONSENTRATED.’ COMPOUND FICIB EXTRACT BUCIIU, .. .A lajaitfvo awl fip'vnflc lUid dy - For IlißEviaoa of flu* ItLA llTiEli, KIDSEYS. OitAVEL nod H/lOPSICAL S IT ELI.ISGS, Tliia tnodicine inorouacs thtf power of Dhrootion Rod SxcitoD the ftb.Jorl'ilunte inlo bcalliiv action, b) which the WATERY CM LrEUOE' .iifpoofiunfl. >ml oil L'SXATCUAL ESL A UUEMESTS arc f educed, OR well ;m P.nn and In ditn.uion, and le B oeol for MES, WUMES O'lC VillLDltES. DELMBLD'S EXTRACT BtfCtlU, Tor Weakness A rising from Excesses, Halms of Dissipation, Early Indiscretions or ■ Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOL LOWING symptoms Indisposition to Exertion, t/oaa of Power. Logs of Mry, IMftlculiy of Breathing Wank Nerve*; rrc.mbliug, • Ilnrror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Puu in the Back, Universal lassitude of ttio Muscular Syefoiu, n >t Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of tbo Skin, Eruptions on Iho Face. PALLI» l'OU.\TE.\M\l’E, These symptom*. If allowed to go on. which tlm medicine invariably rom >ves. soon follows Impo tcticT, Fatuity. Epileptic Fils, i« ona uf ichivh tin pntft .t may expire, “Who can e.iy that they ft-' frequently follow ed by those dhi/ui Un t«e " INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many arc aware of the of :heir suffering, lint none i cill cvHjte*. The records rf the Insane A*ylum* and the melan coolly Deaths hy Connuiitpi imi r ample witness to tbu truth ol the assertion, TIIF. CONSTITUTION ONCE AF FECTED WITH ORGANIC WEARNESS, Kcqnlrea the aid of Medicine to nod in *• ‘ finite the system, which lIELMBOLD'S EX TRACT r DUCHL T inrariahly dues. A trial will convince tbo moot skeptical. Females! Females! Old or Young, ''ingle, Married or Con tumpliiting Marri.ige. In many affection? nrcnlinr to Females, the ex tra-'t■llnchu is unequalled hy nny other remedy. «r in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful rots, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations Vlc-rated nr >uhirr«’u? Mato of the I’Mru-i. Lvo"hor r--a or Whites. Sterility, and for al' complaints in • iflcnt to ‘lie svx, wh.trlicrari' , it'g from Indiscretion, Habits uf Dissipation, or in the HECLIN EOR CHANGE OF LIFE (See Symptoms above.) fO FAMILY. SHOULD IsE WITHOUT IT Take no more Balsam, Mercury or nn,plcasant mo dieino or unpleasant and dangerous diseases. KELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHC AND IMPROVED ROSE VTASH. CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their fnngoß ; At Hide Expnnae* ; Little ur no change in diet ; No inuouveuiuncen And n > Exposure*. It canses a frequent doidre and givos strength R Urinate, thereby Removing, Obstructions, Prevent lug and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Allay ing Puiri and Inhumation, so frequent in the cla«- of disease and expelling all Poisonous Disease* and worn nut matter. Thousands upon thousands who have hc»*n the victims of Quacks and who have paid heavy fee* ,f l ho cured in u short tune, have foum. they wen deceived. and that thy “ poison” has, hy thy um Of '* powerful nxtriu'/en'n,“ been dried up in ihi system, to break om ia an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use IItLWBOLD’B Extrict Rrcsr for all affection* end diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from -whatever cause originating, no matter ol How Long Standing. Diseases of those organs require the aid of o Dltiitefrio, HELM-tOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIT Is the fJroat DienreMc, and it is certain tn hav? the desired affect in discuses for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most i character will nocompany Certificates of cures, froi standing, with names knu reliable and responsible the medicines. )tn eight tr> twenty year.- own to sienoe and fame Price Si Per Bottle or Six for S 5 Delivered to any address, pocutely packed from ob fervutiun. Describe symptoms in all Communications. Cures Quarauic' , d. Adriuo Gratis. AFFIDAVIT; Personally appeared before me. an Alderman ti the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Ilelmboid who he ing duly sworn doth say,' that bis preparations con tain do narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but vegetable. 11. T. HKLMHOM). Sworn and subscribed before me. this 2Jd day of November, JSof. U'.M. P. H FBfiA H I). Alderman, Ninth st., above Have, I'bila. Addrcfg.letters for information in confidence to H. T. IIEE.MHObO, CiitMiiisi. Depot, 104 south ‘ Cerltb‘"'st ;'below C'hesnut, Phila. JJetcare of Counterfeits, And Unprincipled Dealers, •Wlin endeavor to tlUpo,. of’their own ami other articles on the reputation attained by flehn hold'# Gntuhir. Preparations jlclmbold's Genuine Extract Bnebu . * Ilclmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla* llelmbold’s Genuine Improved Rono-Wash ■ • SOLD BV Druggists et cry where. Ask’for Ilehnbold.- Tako no oilier. Cut out the advertisement and »cr for if,and avoid imposition and exposure. ,poc. in. lBfW~i7in. / 'II AXIiEJIIMES.— A innv lot of fine fresh Cranberries just received and for hu!o by Jon. 7/64. JOHN HVEk. HOT ALCOHOLIC. A HIG HLYCONSE N T R A T E D VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PUKE.TOMO. T>oo FOR HOOKLA N l»S (J RUM AN RITTERS-, pr pared hr Dr. v.. M. .hu kaou. I’bihidviphia, l'n., will effectually mre Liver Compliant. byrpepida, Jaundice.'Chroub* or l»cbih'\. Dmeuse of th>; Kidm-va, and till dire.uica iruS a dis nrd-red 1,r,->r C V :~'•-■li. Uiu*h a-« Inward P»liu*b« nr PI 1 >.I pi the I l«r AI. A'*'-v lit voft im stuupu*h, N nun-a, Uu a t'mir.-i. l'”i K.o>,(, I'nl m Weight in ttie :>{ >iu i.'ii. Sour Krumvion«, Sinking or Viutti r• inif at the Pit rf the u-li. Swimming oi tlio lli.'A'l. Hunted and Finn «ring nt tin* Uotirf. Cb-KHiug or S•*rinir l *eii».t!-oin rt'io-i ins 1 pojiure, ilhui.-j-m of Vision. I»oti or tV-dj* Kot’*ro tin.* Sight. Fever ami Dill in in l’i.» II,?,nl, DofKM.;iK*> (»{ Prc*i:pir»itioii. Yclk*Vfue--6 of the SUin ami Kver, I'.iin in the >idy, B:r k, Chest, I.niihs. A. - ., Su Lieu Fliohets of lient. Hurtl ing ii« tin* Flesh. C'lf.-Hant Lnj,.*iiilugrt of Lv*i, au*l great D'rrvsMon Spirit*. Ami will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Rilliof.s Fewer, Ac. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS ! Arc* not a now und untried article, nut have stood the tept ») 1 fp'teon years trial by tin* Imevieun pub lie; and their reputation atid fcjie, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The proprietors bavu thousands of Lottcra from IUo must eminent clergymen, lawyers. nirsiciANs, and CITIZENS, Testifying of th'dr own personal knowledge, to fbo benctiolai ciTccl aud ui r.rtuoa yi tbcau liil Do you want aomelhinj to strengthen you? Do you \T:uU a good Appetite ? Do you want to build up your constitution 7 Do yon want to feel well ? Du you want to get rid uf nervousness 7 Do you want energy ? Do you want to s*loep well 7 Do you want a and vigorous fueling 7 If you do, uso UOOFLANIV3 GERMAN BIT TER*. E*AUTSC Jl5. %. 25 ,-\»T3i;E Tin*re :tr<’ many preparations s-dd under the uanivtof Bitters, pm up in yuart, hold s. comp-Mind ed of die cli-MpeUt whisky trv eoninioii rnin.coatm r •mm !/" to HI cents per gal Uni, the taste disguised hy Anise or On iandor Seed. Tnis e|.»nf Miners has e.-msed and will contin ue !»' cause a- long as they can he s« M. hundred.- to die tin* demh of thu drunkard. By fli'*ir use the system is kept continually iimh-r flic influence of Ah holm Srnniilants of the rtor-'t k 111 ■I. (he de sire for Liquor is created and kept up. mi l the re sult I* all me Iwrroia alleiulaut upon a dniuk.tid'i life and death. Foriiw-n* iriM desire an 1 W 11,1, •’dl AV 1' a T,i quor Milters, we publish tin tollowmc receipt ; tici UN?: BOTTLE lUml-’LAND's BERMAN TUT TVIU'' aid mu w t ih TIIitK ?1 QU ARTS OF G 001) URANIA UR Win >EE V . and th>* result will lie a prep iratioti that will FAR medical virtues and true ••\c.dleiu*** any of'tho numerous Liquor Bit t r» in the mark *t. and w ill t.'U 'T M L'f 11 LESS. Yo-i wd! have all thcviiiuei of IjOOFI, AND’* BITTER* in connection with a (JOiiD «r ti'du or 1 i.ptor. at a aui«*li less .price than ihoiy m• forior prep .rations will cojt you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FBIEXD3 OF SOLDIERS. Wc call al l cm i -n of aII ha via g V *1 u • • i.ns m* friends in the ai nv. to tMt | ii-ii h.ci J I,- ..I iui N i i mini Bit t•* r s * \v d | c.iie ni'i" f-*nth - o' l l n- d is.* ires indti-.-il ). t cx fjosiirc*-' and privai ions -T !•> c.im p life. Jn the list.l. puM i - hed alruosf i,|v ,a rhy m-wsp.ipcr* on the .iniul of the sick. it will 1».- not iced that a eery large proportion arc siitUiiog tr-'in dc'nliiv Every case of tiiat l.md h • readily cured uy li-i ill m l’s ifiTinan lint rs I>s '•••-julting Tom dis-,rd'Ts ol the dig«--tiw nr-cis nr.- spce.ldv removed. IV'e hav.- no hcsiun-in'in stating that, if these Hit ter’ were tieciy used among our soldiers hnpdrc Is of liv-.«p migtit bu s,ivo-l that nllicrwuc yivi!! he lost. UV'-all pitucuUr attention *n the following ro mark ddi* .-m I well ao :iwTi! b :u d cure nf miw of iho o-i 11 "f. ,1 !>,t r-'i'H. wl> ■ • 1 iy, i■ mi si- lu s own language, •• lias neon i.ivi-1 hy ILncrs.” I’uiuriM.NM, August 2ord, 18^2 J/z-tJ'.-* .1 ■nf A El-nut. —-Well. gentlemen. your iloolluid - ii-rm.i'i Kilters lias si* rod mv life. Ihorc H li" tnii*t.ikc in tit ia. It irt vnOclml 1 i»r l*v numbers ol my comrades. some of whose nanus are appended, ami who iot" fully engui.-ant ol all lliH i-in-n insf.i net s of my i as.-. I am. mul havo boon for fie last four year-, a member of Sherman's eelcbrafod battery, and under the irnme.. : a!e command of Captain H. K Ayers. Through th* .•xpoMiro attendant upon my arduous du'ie.. I was attaeked in .Vovctn'h r Ijmi- witii iniUmainm o( ilm In nand was for vent v (.« • day- in rhe hospital. This was .I'dloM .-d by great 0.-tidily heightened l.y .in attack of dy«ent-- I y. 1 vai.then r-mi-ved irom the Whim House, and sent M this city on board the Kieam-r *• .State of Maine.” from whieh I land ed on tli.» 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low »« any one could lie and still ro •aiu abp .rk of vitality. F--r a week or more I nni -eur<*e\y nMe t o •,wallow uu \ thin-.'- and M I did force i in -rad down, it was immediately thrown up tgaiu. I could nor cron keep a gloss of water on mv stomach. Life could not lasi under there circniu -lanecs : nnd. accordingly, the phydci.tns who hjt‘l been working laicmi’ily. though unaueccss'iil ly, to rescue mo from the grasp of the dread Arch er. frankly (old me ihey could d » no more for-inn. md advi-od me ro s.ju* n idcrryman. and to make oicb disposition of mv lii-.ilcd fund* as hunt Biiited no. A n acquaintance who visited mo at the liospi ;al, Mr. Frederick Stuiu.bron, of Sisih below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn ho|*o. to try your (litters, and kin Uy procured a hoitle. From the time I commenced taking thcmtiui aloomy shadow • f death receded, and I am now. thank tied for it. gcttlYig bolter. Though I have taken but two hot 11ob, I have gained ton pound-, and I feel sanguine >f being permitted jo rejoin my wife and laughter, from whurti I have heard nothing for •igh-een month*.: for, gentlemen, Tam a loyal •Virginian. Irma ihf» vn ia-iiy ol Front Koval. To your invaluable Bitters I own the certainty of life which has taked the place of vague fears—in your Kilters will I owe the glorious privilege ©'’ again cl.if.ping to my bosom those whouredeareat tome in 1 ifo. Very truly' yours, We fully concur in tlio truth of the above state ment. as wo h.ud despaired of soiling our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. John Cuddlobock, Ist New York Battery Gorge A. Ackley, Co. 0.. llth Maine. Lewis Chevalier, lf2d New York, I. K. Spencer, 1-t Artillery. Battery K. J. 15. Farewell. Co 15. 15 d Vermont. H-nry/U. Jerome. Co. B. n ‘ do. Henry T. .MacDonald, Co C. titb Maine. Joint F. Ward. Co. E. ;»fh .Maine. Herman Koch, Co. H. 72d New York. Nathaniel 15. Thomas, Co. F. |l;,th Penn, Andrew J. Kimball, Co.-A. Jd Veruiu.it, John Jenkins, Co. 15. lUOth Ponu. I \ K\V A RE OF C OU NTKRFK I TS ! See that Cue signature of “ C. Jf. JACKSOX,” is on the WItAPPEH of each bottle. Price' Per Houle 75 Cents, orMialf Dozen for S-ioo Should your nearest Druggist not have the arti cle. do not he put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but semi to us, and wo will fi.rw.vrd, securely packed, by express. I’rliicipul Office & MaiiKfiklorjv No. 631 ARCH ST. JONES &, EVANS, to C. K. JACKSON .1 Co,) Proprietors. . and Dealers in uvorr town m fhc Putted Staten. . Md;y 33, 1.2 dts—iy. * L • OIL SWEET’S L 1111 E H % G.KEYT REMEDY - For lihtMim tiism, (Tint, Neuralgia, L'liuG.-tijo, NVcii and Joints, Sprains, Mrust-s Oils and Wounds, Files, ilnad achv, ynd ail KheU ' m 1 tie and Ner vous Dis orders." For ail of which it i> ■* rfpvsdv and certain reme dy. and n.vr Fails. This Liniment ia prepared from tby n; ;ipe of Dr. £3 *. p'lon S'v.ct, of Conuec ti*;ut, the faimnia bone pctler, ami 1 1 an been used iu hi** pruciio** f*»r m«ire fbon twenty yoara with the most aOniiiniiing sue* e»-. Ah ail AU,-*!atot n/ /’.mi. it ia unrivaled by any prupHnition before the pu'dii*. ( *hc.imn.- is liaMe t-< occur if neglect ud. 1 lie W'TSi ea«c n»a\ h« ronqiierod by til Liniment in two or three day *. H >((«(». n’o'«/u/«.. S- .ft. (Terrs, ffurns null SvahU. Yield readdv to-llie womterful healing prop or>if* of DR. SWEEP* INFALLIBLE LINI MENT. when used according t« directions. Also CVnlblaine, /'i w/r/Fcd, llitet um/ tiling* [)r. Sh'[)!iVn Swdui. of Connecticut iho (t-rein Nit'iunul Bono vottcr. Dr. Su'|iiu*ii Swdi‘t. of Connecticut known all over tbe United Slates. Dr. Si.-|ilk'.ii Sw-ii'i, of Connecticut t* illo tuibor of ** Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liuimcnt. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment, Cuit-s Rhcimatism and never lads. Dr. Swcci'k Infallible Liniment, certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible* Liniment, Cures Burns uud Scalds iuiDsedialoly. Of Sweet's Infallible Liniment, 1.-i lh« best known rcniL-'ii lor S[»ruiua aiul Bruises. Dr Sweet’s Infibib c Linimeiil, ‘Nines IL-adacbe immediately an*, was never known io i.ul. Dr. Swe.'i's 1 liniment, D'.>r L-dielaoduUo relief lor Miles, and seldom fail: Dr. '.w-i-i V lnC.iHiblo Liniment, Cures Tootiia.be m one minute. Ur Sw'cci’i 1 ufill:hit: Liniment, Cures Cuts and wounds uuo.- diaiol) and leaves no Dr lnf.illiblfi Liniment, (s the host remedy lor iioroa in the known world Dr Ssvi'iii’s Infdllihltt Liniment, Has been used by more than a million people, ami ill praise it. Dr. S» Infallible Liniment, Taken internally cures Colic, Utudru Morlius and Cholera. I'r. Sweet”s luf.illihle Liniment, fs»rulr a‘i friend in need,” and every family should have it at hAud. Dr. Sweet's liif.illibie Liniment, Is for sale by all Prugciata. Price 25 and 5 cento. A Fs-ii-ml Isi Xeod, Try il 1,11 SWEET'S IN TA 1.T.1 Itl.E lAN ISI ENT. n, an estitronl r-unedy , i* wiMmut n rival, ami will alluviate p.iiu more speedily than any other prejm ••••.tioii. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorder* i.is truly iutadihlc. and up a curative for Sorer. Wounds, Sprains, UruiseH. Ac., its soothing, heal iug and piwcrful ftirengthuning properties, excite the ju.it m under and a nooitdiinrnl of all who have ever given it atrial. Ov»r mie t him Hand certificate* of remarkable cure*, perfu med by it withiu the lust two years, attest luc lueu 10 HO3.SZS OWNERS. DR. i.Ku-tdih' Liniment for HomeH ii unrivaled hy any, and in all eat-un of Lamono.-s arising from .Sprains, Kruiaos or Wrenching, it* clß'cl is magical and certain, ilaruess'"or Suddh Dalle. *-eratchcs. Mange. u will sell at the lowest p» ssihle rales, being desi i'ous of selling out his stock. Head-stones finished mm three dollars upwards. Brown Stone, Marble work, Mantles, 1 Ac., or onlldinga, marble slabs for furniture, Ac., constant ly on 1 hand. Iron railin'; for cetnelry lots, Ac., of rhe best Philadelphia workmanship, will be prompt ly attended to. Carlisle, Nov. 7. ISC2 wvmai-:s AT tho sign of the ** Hold Eagle,” 3 dours above i Cumberland Valley Rank. uml two doors bclnw tne MciludDt .on Rest Main street. the largest fleeted stock of W ATCII ES mi.l .! IjWKIJIV in the unvn, will he moM :$u pur rent. lower Limn ut any place in the State. The stock comprises a largo t'ssort incut of Gold A >Si!vcr lluntiiig-rasu Watcher, Lovers, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, gold and silver Chains, Gold [tins mill IVnnils, Jewelry of all Icim.i, Spectacles. Gold and silver' plated and silver Wa *e, Music Ihixcs. Accordemii* Oil Paintings, a gre it variety of Fancy Articles' and a lot of the fine' Piano,., wb : ch will he sold 40 per cent. lowei than '«r ollcied in town. The en tire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, largo Mirrors and Safe, will be Hold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. „ Having selected a first class workman .-.11 kinds >f repairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. H. E. SIIAPLEY “Carlisle. April 30. 1863. - * 111) ! Foil mu- h’S It AT AND CAP STOKE. r |MTE lids romovod his ll.it and I Cap Store to the opposite side of the street, to tho house formerly occupied by P. Monyer. and next Moor ty Cornman's Shoe Store. Having a much largcr'room, I have increased my stock of '•*ods. so that I arn now prepared to furnish the public with all the new styles of ATS, CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, at prices to suit the times. JJy'Vstock consists of Silk. Cassim/T -'nd Russia lints, all kinds and prices of so't hats city as well as home manu tir'lure. In>m I e common wool up to the finest Russia and Nutra. .A good assortment of men and hoys' caps. Also, mens, hoys, and childrens fancy straw hats. Having improved mean- for manufacturing, any kind or shape of fyuts will bo ihudu to order, at slfnrt notice. Ruing a practical Hatter, fully understanding the 'hushress. T hope'by strict”atteihtuti u to receive a a liberal patronage. JOHN A. KRLLFR. Vfy/. P. S. Old hats colored and repaired at moder ate prices. ‘ Carlisle. April 16, 1862. LOCH M AN’S Sciy, Sky-Lixlil Photographic AND AMBROTYPEfi A LLEK V. C'' L. Tj'inliman ifl Impny to infnrm Ilia nn '• morons customers, and the publicgenerality that he Ims moved his Establishment to uis nuwy BBfeV.LBI.iBIT (.iALLGISY, In the building occupied hy Mrs. Neff. ns n milli nqry store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr. Lochniun is now uhlo with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensive appa ratus, the very best manufacture I, to produce ■l’ll QT 00 R A PIIS, CARTES I>E VISITE, Ainbrotypcs , and every style of pictures , Equal-to the .host, made in Philadelphia or New York. Pictifrcs can ho taken now equally well in, cloudy a® in dear weather. JJaguerrotypfcs, or Ambrotypos of decease*! per- copied, enlarged, or made luto carets- do ▼isito. December 4, 1 Sfl2. PROWS. PLOWS.— sale at Manufocturen -Just receive.! and-for *s prices, a; largo assort- inontof PlanU’n Plows, Ilonwnoira “ Ziiiiiler's u Wcirich'B a the shcnp Hardware S I York Metal Plow*, JJloomfield do Eaglo do 1 Cultivator!!, Ac., Ac , ;oro of Carlisle, January, CARLISLE- FOUNDRY Farming Bin pie men I Wcpot. F GARDNER & CO. now manufacture and kcejf Constantly FOR SALE, at their extensivu Steam Worjca on East Main St., Carlisle, a largo assortment of Agricultural Implements, of well itnown and approved usefulness to FgrmoVf, RUiihg which they would call especial attention to WH-UrtlQtlUY’s CELEBRATED Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, which tins token over fifty first elms'premium' at Stole ami County Fairs. To the formers of Cntf lierlaml, Yor(t,aml Ter y counties wo need not speak in delnil of the merits of bin drill, as senreaof them aro now in use mi tlio heat forms in these,, counties. Its reputation is oatahlii’icd ns the most complete gruin'drill now momifohturcrl in tlio United States It sows Wheat. Ilyc. Oats liarloyand (irnaa. evenly and regular. Without .hunching tile seed. The flora springs [Olka tlio drill over stumps and atones, with out. breakino (tins or the rlri’l. For even nml regu lar sowing, tlie Willoughby Ginn Spring Drill is un equalled hy any other. We also manufacture and sell the following articles, which we can recommend tn fanners us reliable of established character: i/«rr»Vm'« Potent Corn Planter, Lavh’n Patent Straw and h'alder Cutter, Jiridendotf' * Patent Corn Shelter, Johnntou’* Vo ft Iron Dt.'}*' 7 Vonfth, linen * Patent drier Mill. Also. Three and Four Hone Powers and Thrcst ing Machines. Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plougn Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles f«»r fanners too nuinenuu to mention. Also. Egg Coni Stoves nml ten plate Wood Stoves. »witb'ntr»mmense variety of other castings for house keepers and others. We haVo also an attractive variety of patterns for IKON RAILINGS, and Cemetery enclosures, to which w© would call attention. STEAM ENGINES AND MILL GEARING To’tins department of mtr business wo give par ticular attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for paper, flour and saw mill gearing, is constantly increasing. Mill owmers and millwright* will be furnished with a printed catalogue of out various mil! patterns on application. Our machine shop comprises all the various tools for turning, planing and finishing shafting ami casting, by good ami careful machinists. STATIONARY STEA NO INKS, .of evorv desirable capacity, from -.10 to 25 horse power, built in the best style and on accommodating terms. Engines built at «ur establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the larges distilleries ami tilnuneries in Carlisle, atid Oumh’d perry and Daupltin cos., to the owners of which we confidently refer for information as to their efiicion cy. Persons wanting Steam Engined are earnestly requested to call vnd examine before contracting elsewhere. Connected with our establishment is n,steam Sash and Door JMnnufacKiry which is now in complete order for the manufacture of every description of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly us well as the plainest house Window Sash furnished from five cents upward, ao cording to size of glass ; window Frames from $1 .Ml upward: Shutters ami hulling Blinds IV**m $1.75 upward; Door frames from $1.75 upward; Foui Panel Doors from $2.12 upward. Mouldings, Cas ings, Architraves, Wash, Boards. .Brackets, Fancy Drapery. Scrolls, and other articles needed In h msr building, furnished at the lowest prices, and of the best quality nf lumber. JSSt* Wo are also prepared as heretofore to build and repair BUUDEN 'CAR? lor transpoiiers on . the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. DAVID SIPE. The continued patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly-nttendei to.. ' Fl GARDNER A CO. Carlisle, May 3, ISG3. AUNOLI3 & CO.S’ WllOl.K-; vUi AND IMOr.ML IliFjmM HI iHi!L u Nmili 11; 11 h>v«• r sirm-i, 2 (lours noril. id 11Oiirli.iii! iit j |,.isii Bank, CAULIxLU, IV\. \T liiis (- -till >1 i-li uu-n t mViv It- fnnn'l tin inr»t elegant assort men t of G ENT LEM E N and YOUTHS* Superfine Clothing ever offered in this a *ction of the country, al 1 of mir mm miiaa/be tnif. from the choicest Fremdi. English and Amer ican Fal'ii' and exprcs-ly intended in.ill re-qiee>t> lo meet ihe w.itUs of those who wish to purchase goods .if the /lii/cst quality, cut and made in the very Int.isl of Fashions. ANo, a completi iissorlinent of Cloths. Cassimeres, .Suttinets, Veil ings, Tailor*' Trimmings.' Ac. We will lie pleased u» -mpplr mir friends with g tods in our line by the piece or yard at as favora ble rate" as they can he procured nnvwhcrc. Jan. 22. ISfi.’L ARNOLD A CO. Forwarding a commission house. FLOUR & FIXD, Tho suAßcribcr having taken the Warehouse, can and fixtures «>f William B. Murray's well known ea tablinbment. on West High Street, opposite Dickin inson College, would inform the public, that hi has entered into a general Forwarding and Coin mission business. The highest market price will be | aid for Flou drain and Produce of all kinds. Hu »«■ also predarud to freight produce am: stock to “Philadelphia and Raliimorc. at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. /‘/oxter mni Salt kept constantly on hand, an' 1 /■'lour ami Feed at wholesale or retail. Coni of all kinds, embracing VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER. bUNUURY WHITE ASH. LolM r >T G \P, Limebiirncrs' and Riocksmu».»' Coat, cm.-tantl. for sale. Kept under cover, ami delivered dry t any part of the town. J.R. NONEMAKER. April ?2, '63, Foreign itiul Domestic Liquors E|)W A III) SHOW Ell rcupoctifiilly iimioun «-es to the public. that he continues to keep con bluntly on hand, and fur sale, a large and very t>v perior assortment of foreign and Pornestic Liquors, at liia new stand, a few floors west of Hannon’s Ho lel. and directly west of the Court-house, Carlisle BRANDIES,. All of choice Brands. WINES, Sherry, Port, Maderin, Lisbon. Claret, Na live, Uuck, Jobuunisbufg, and Ruderhciin or. CHAMPAGNE, GINS, Bolden, Lkn, and Anchor. WHISKY, Superior Old Ryo, Choice Old Family Ker tar, Wl>jat, Scotch, and Irish. ALE, BROWN STOUT, Ac. Best to be bad Philadelphia. BITTERS, Of the very best qualify. Dealers ar J others desiring a PURE ARTICLr will find it as represented, as his wlulc attention wil be given t) a proper and careful selection of hi. STOCK, r Inch cannot ho and hopes U. have the patronage of the public. Carlisle, April 12, T 863, New Wine and Liquor Slore. In the new white frame huildiiiy, directly east of the Market House , Carlisle. 'I'HE underpinned having opened a full ar<- 1 complete assortment of the purest and best B WINES AND LIQUORS, ho invites Ho to keepers, House -keepers, and- others to give him a call, being determined to keep a bettor article than is generally kept in the country, and at low prices. BRANDIES—Otard, Pinot Vintage, 1852; Ro chelle. GlNS—Swan, Schoidam Schnapps,-Moyer's Old Fish, Old Jam Spirits,-N. K. Rum, WlNEvS—Maderm, very old ; Sherry, Sweet Ma nga, Old Port,-Lisbon, Muscat. WHlSKY—Monongahclu, K-yc,-Bour bon and common Whisky. Also, Wine Bitters, Demijohns,-Bottles, Ac, Bottled Liquors.of all kinds. ?. L. LOCIIMAN, May 17. 13(13. HANuKKIICfIIEFS, Tioiv StockH. Rib bons, Suspenders, Under Shirts, Drawers, a boaullful assortment, can ho - found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S, ■ North Hanover St., Emporium. H. SAXTON, DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. CfOAL, FI.ASTER ,f- SALT. llejdsiek & Co., Geisler.A Co., and inlpcri E. SHOWER. WILLIAM MARTIN. v,-------„,_—_ -. .. -,,..A n at Wi LsO..---tI S. „.--,....._______ _____,, - ', F.. 1--s • , , 0 . ) : v:: , • c\ e „,,,a , „---.. , 4„.. • 5,41 „,,),/ ,•,. •, ~„. a 1-ci-filh , tit,..,,,,• •,,i,• , ~, 0.,) , i, • ~..,_ ” .24,,,._,-.... , •-.r -.--- - at;ueddced prices With r.lhs? Clrtlli Piesser, Improved Loop-Check. New Style Hum mer, Biildet-, (.’order, Braid er, etc At the Railroad Office, Carlisle Pa. 'Premiums ftt the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, PARIS, 1861,, ' at ttic Fairs of tlio UjIITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SO JIBTY, Stiver Medal alike I’eanv/lvaaia State Fair, September, 1803. American Institute, New York, Mcciinnios’ Asso ciation, Huston. Franklin institute, l>Jiilii.lol|iliin.. Metropolitan Mechanics’ Institute Washington, Maryland Institute, llaltiinore. Mechanics’ Asso eiatioll, Cmcivuati. Kentucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' lu stilatu Sau Francisco. 'At the State Fairs of Mallte, Vermont. Connecticut, New York, Now iersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia. Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, lowa, Tennessee, Uhnoi", Kmmcky, , ' Michigan, \\ isconsin, California. These celebrated. Marlines are adapted toevery variety <>l* Hewing lor family wear, true* the light est muslins to .the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, mid cotton goods,—seaming, quilting, gathering, hemming, fulling, cording, mid bynidtng—making a beautiful and perfect stiich, alike on both sides—and perfor ming species ol sewing, cx>epl making but ton holes and stitching on huiton.s. Pull luß*ructions lor operating Ihe Machine is given gratuitously, at the sales rooms. When the Machine is sent some di .1 nice, so thatpersona 1 instruction is inconvenient, a card ol direction i; sent, which is a sufficient guide. • The qualities which recommend the Wheeler k Wilson Machine are— 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both aides of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength. Ann,ness, ami durability of seam, that will not rip imr ravel, and male with— 8. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments ami wide range of npplica jioti to purposes and materials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model and fin ish. 6 Simplicity and thoroughness of construction, 7. Spued, ease of operation and management, and quietness of movement. SCHEDULE OF PRICES. No. 8 Machine, with Plain Table, ( Mall Case, Pannellod,. Half Case. Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany, No. 3 Machine,, with Plain Table, II.;ll Case. Pannelled. Half Case. Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany, L No. I Machine, Silver plated, with Plain Table. Halt' Case, Polished. Walnut, Utilf*Polished, Black Walnut ur Mahogajiy, Half Case. P>ditihcd. Rosewood, poll Case. Polished, Black. Walnut or Mahogany, Pull Case, Polished. tins' wood, Nu. -t Machine, Large, with Plain Table, No. 5 Cylinder, with Plain Table, TERMS CASH Every Machine is sold with a Heminrr. Nos. 1 •mil 2 Machines are sold complete. with the New Glass Cloth-Presser, New St 3 1c llemmerand Braid Wheeler & Wilson’s Agency nt liailro i-l 'iml Vrlniriiffh Office, CARLISLE. IV Xov 2G. '63-—ly S'eic and Splendid Asnot hnent uf Jf'irsl Clu.i HEADY M A DIO CLOTH IIG! 11. S, 11 1 T TJS R HAS just rnturno.i from tlio city with n new and splendid assortment o.' ready mailt Clothing, cu/oisliug c/f ( zariiu*, Ebqnimtm'X, iMusco w Clnnrhilln, nnd Piloi OviTcont's. Dress, Frock, Snckralccs, nml Stick- Coats, Punts and Vests, of every Variety, color' and quality, all new, and selected and made up with ..groat eaie. lie Las also on hand a large and elegant slock o FiMiMilug Goudti, . consisting ofbust qualify ol latest imoroved shoul der yoke Shirts, all wool and 'imey shirts of ail kinds, Collars, Neckties, Suspenders, Handker chiefs. Gloves, Ac. Hu flatters himself that with the thorough knowl edge acquired as a practical Tailor, f»r upwards ol thirty years, he can offer such inducements as will ho of great advantage to all who may favor him with a call. Colne and give him a trial. Ho has also on hand a largo stock of all kinds and qualities of Fall and Winter Goods, aa uauai, which ho ia prepared to make up to nr dor,-and having aecurodtho services ofnfirst clua„ city cutter, ia ready to.get up work at abort no tiee. Ho ia alan tlio Agent for this County, and l,aa for lbo Cluhratcd Original HOWE SEWING WSBMS> 3V ijffesiS aMF MACHINE, which ia acknowledged to bo the beat oro I 0,, non, in 0.0, H„ will guarameo them to do ull.kmda of sewing. heavy l cu u, or t 0 the finest fabric, and do il.iur neatly, and aa dura hl e «lLidod ma I,U ' ! nO ’ T iD U 5e ’ ° r lb ° monoy will a- , , - ff.'S. HITTER, . 3 i oo l* *»“"• s “ Ilon ’» Hardware atoro, Main at. Carlisle, Nov. IS, 18«3. Sewing Machines. -R & GO’S « V UTTER A” Family Sow!,,* jf,,,.,. S-J will) nil tbo new \ H t i . no t ami chtnjml. ami matt heanll/at of all Sisvvin' 0 w chines. This Machine will, lew anvlhim. i, 11 *1 running of a tuck in Tarietan, m tliu im.l i„ Overcoat; It ran fell, hem, 1,;,,,), 1„,,| | K ? gather.'quilt, ami has capacity for a etc,it I ■ of oroulmmlai work. This is not the ,n,| v 11 nr ,‘' l? that can fell, lium. hind, and bo forth. tail /, “m"!' .0 letter than nay other. Tito new ami , Iloinincr adapted to turning a hem 11 added without extra charge. olhti Call tlhd examine them at No. ;t, „ West side of Public Square, and -next , , v ' Democrat Office. 01 lo Juno 4, IBfi3— tr. BTK INWAY P Fiat Prize Mc/lal at the.' Wold'x London, 1802. , , , , ' - f.(' i I IMIE undersigned Ims just r^t-rhed: and ih tenrln to '.-cep constantly on hnnil a full tncnl ol ihe Unequalled Pianos inannlueiurcd bv Mein way k Sons ol Now York. 3 Each instrument will he cjirefnllv seleiled h the Minmlactory. and will he soft ul the New York ('ash Fncmi'v. Piirns, with the addition of Freight to Carlisle. A written guarantee of entire saiisltu-iimt-tvill I, giver, hy the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are inviied' tu ca’ and examhiQ these unrivalled Pinnoa. at H. I'l Sh;i|i|cy's ,l,'vv.i‘liy Since, Main Sired, 3d door cast of thu Maori.,n llaori near tlio Railroad Depot. jShCOXD lIA A ’ UPI A A'o,S' rece'i vod it; exHimi" and kept lor aalc and to rent. ” " JOHN K STAVMW. May 28, 18(53 Iv. in (1 commou Wool to the lines! Tin and m ruffs, and at prices that moat' sail ev. ry one a! has an eyo to getting the worth of his nioiirv II Silk. Mole Skin ami Heaver Uats. are or lightness. durability ami ilnish, by llio ß *. ol :u it Ik r eslaMMum-nt in tlie coiinlr,y. $l5 00 50 00 Bovs’ Hats of every description const >nflv t ham). He respectfully iiu lies all ll.e old p-.ir* md as many new ones as possible, to give him call. 55 Oil 55 CO 00 IM, Carlisle. Dec, 20. IKO2, 05 Cl) Pil'O IIINIII SllM €, |MI K ALL EX AXO KA ST RKXXSBOIK 1 mi rrM, run:, isscha.scic con pax of Cumberland county, incorporated hy an act Assembly, in the year ISIS, and havinir recent hail ita charier extended to the jeaf I*B.’{. is iin m active and rigorous oper.itioo under thesupe intcndence of tl«* followii'c- Hoard of Managers: Win. l\, (bu'gas, ( I'ld,!.in Stayman, .Jan Kin rly, DanitdVaih.y. Ah-xan Irr <’n I■■ 1 nil, dan li. Coover. •!oh 11 KiclicMa rgcr. .Joseph Wblur'diai Samuel Kberly, Rudolph Martin, Moses llnchc •J.n'ob Coon or and .1. C. Dunlap. 65 00 70,00 75 0u 80 Ofr 90 Or 100 00 The rales of insurance are as low and favonil .is any Company of (he Kind in (lie S/ade. IVrso wishing to become members are invited to make » plication to the Agents of the Company'who 1 ‘villing In wait upon tin m a>r any time. 85 Of President—W. 11. GORGAS, Ehevly’s Mills, Cu ■'rrland county. Vico Pren'l.—Ciiiiiktiak Stavma.v, Carlisle Cu •erland eounly. Sect,'’y.— John C. Dom.ai*, Mechatiicslmrg, Cu •eiland county. Treasurer— Da.niki. Daii.t, D.l ehurg, Y •ounly. Cnnihrt laiiil County, —John Sherrick,- Allen : lb ry Zeaiim;.Sliiriinanstown ; Lalayette Pul'n-r. '.'a 1 nsoii; HeiVry Bowman, Churehtown'; Modi G nth. Souti Middleton : Sam’l. Graham. W. Pea boro'; Samuel Comer, Meehanic.-I.iirg; .J W. Cm iin, Shenln riUtow.i ; D. Coovei, tipper Aicn; 0. Saxton. Silver Spring ; Jol n liver. CW.'s Vakniino i’eenian, Now Cuniborl.ui d ; Jam McCamilisli, Nee villc. York Omiiilif. —W. S. Dover; Jatr Giithth, Warrington ; .1. !•'. D.ardori l , Richey Clark, DilLburg ; I>. Rutter, Kairview ; Jo ‘•V HI iaiiis. ( arroll. /J.t >l/1/1 in Cun nt 1/. —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. M inkers of the Company Inning polui.r al«< o expire, can have Gum renewed by imtUioj afp alion to any of the Agents. March Id, IMJJ. ATTORNEY AT .A CARLISLE, PA. 4 TTEXDS - to necumi# ami oolloctii /'«»/, UtmntleH, «f*r. Otlleu on South liaiiorr sired opposi tenr/.’s store. _ Fid). Id. I'p2. .». ill. WUAlil.li) , ATT ORNEI At h A W , OFFICE mi South llnn'ivor Hhoet, in t room formerly occupied hy A. B. Shurpo: Fob. 27, 1802—Dm. sajiuei. ni:rmjß>, ATTOUNEY AT-LAW. OFFICE with Hoplnmi, on Ej Main Street, Carlisle. Aug. t», ’OJ—ly. 11. AT TO. It A E Y A T L A W . OFFICE with Win. It Miller, Esqv, Soul Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Priutii Olfico. * Carlisle, Doe. 22. 1862—tf. CllilS. I']. MAlileylUGlßLli' A T T O'RSI! Y-AT-E A W. OFFICE in InholTs building,Just opposi the Market House. Carlisle March 13, 1862—1 y. LJ. W. FUULICx An «rm:v it Euw. - • Office with James U. Smith. Xtf'j.p I*l' L ’ cnl Unit. All business entrusted to him' will' he pr M,,l l ly attend-d to. I>. I*"*" dr. i. E. i-««m«s, »V- £>outh Hanover’Street, next, door tn the eornci West Pomfret end nearly opposite Bents' store. Carlisle, Dec. 23, 1802. uni GEO. S. SEA RIGHT, Fvom the Baltimore Cullcye of Dental S» r iJ er H ■Office at the residence of his mother, East D° u * or street, three doors below Bedford* Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1662. W. 11. MASON, Ayt. J. G. CA MAO. AGENTS.