American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 10, 1863, Image 3

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    Admliiibli nlor’a Notice,
NOTICE is hereby given tlmt Editors of
on Ilia estate ofilagdnlona Ilor
lIIIITI. Jco'ti, °r Dickinson IbV-nsMp have boon gran
tell 10 h'o undersigned, residing in tbu sntno towil-
All persona luilcMiMto llio said estate nro
(cqiicstoi I" raakc poyfaimtimiiiotlliituly.uiul those
Mving: ngr-innt the estate will also preset!
lliim To J Seluoinoi't.
Scpt.'3, ,; C3^oC»
Alfred t. harman,
* Administrator,
fenn’a. State Agriciiltoral Soctely,
WlflL BE llEllb AT
‘■S<sfrVv 2»th and 30lli ami October
Ist and 2nd, 1863.
. Norristown is about 17 milda West of Philadel
inhta, On tho Schuylkill River anil is accessible by
Railway to every portion of'the State.
fPHE Grounds are beautifully situated, cou
, I turning 28 Acres of ground with fine Ur~o
jDuiidings thereon erected, together with 'a IsSn'd
.omount of shedding. Tho track is said to bo o'lic 1
,of the best half mile tracks in the Stale. The
.premiums are tho heaviest over ’offered by tfco-'So- 1
'.chity, amounting to about $706’0. the premiums
for all grades of catilo exceed $lOOO, live of which
inroSOO eadh,-19 from $25 to $l5, others running
idown to'lossEr rates.,. Best herd not loss than 15
head, first premium $lO ; 2nd premium $25.
■ Horses for all grades tho premiums exceed $1350
Tho highest $100; 22 between §2O- and $;)(), and
others ranging from $l5, slo,and $5. For . Sheep
and Swiue thd.promiums range from $lO to $5 and
•S 3. . . >
For Poultry thoro isa long list of premiums from
$2 to SI caoh. In tho following classes most lib
•crnl premiums arc offered: Ploughs, Cultivators,
Prills, Wagons, Reaping and Mowing Machines,
Cutters, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buck
ets, Tiu Ware,-Leather arid its Manufactures* Gas
Fixtures, Marble Mantles, Butter, Flour, Grain and
Seeds, Vegetables; arid also for Domestic and
Household Manufactures, Cloths, Carpets, Satinet,
■Shirting, Shooting, Blankets,'Flan'nols, Shawls,
Knit Goods, Noodle Work,'lie., Bread, CakeS, Pre
serves, Jollies,'Ac. ; '
Largo promiuius aro offered for cfory variety of
'Ffuit and Flowers. . The•Ttoral’■Tent will, bo tho
largest over oreoted'Jfj l tlfd"Society, and will form
one of the most attfatlivo features of the Exhibi
tion. Fruit, Graces and Wine will ho exhibited in
this department. , • . f
Tho Pennsylvania 'Railroad and NorristoWn!
Railroad have rirrangod to carry articles for exhi
bition to and from tho Exhibition freight free, re
■qoiring tho forwarding freight to ho paid, which,
will bo :repaid to tho shipper when tho goods are 1
'returned tii tho station whence shipped. It is hoped 1
to effect tho same with other important roads.
Excursions at reduced rates will bo ruu on all'
■the leading Railroads. '• <"
Entries can bo made at the Olßop, in Norristown
after tho -1 th day of September. Jill articles must
be entered on.tho books on or boforo'Tucsday eve
ning, September 29th,- .-Exhibitors* must become
members. Membership St.’OO.with four Coupon'
Tickets, each of which will admit one person to
the Fair onoo. ,
-Single Admission *£s cts. ;
, . >-D' A List of Premiums arid Regulations'can
■ ho had by addressing the Soerotarv.
THOMAS P. IvNOX, •Vrcsiilml. ,
A. Bnownri LoNriAKn, Seo'y.) )" - ■ . I
Norristown, Pa. ' J
Sopt. 3. IStill.
Admtuisfmioi*’s tttaftcts
TVTOiICE i 3 hereby piven that Letters ot
•u-l Administration on tho estate of Jrthn'Loiby,-
Gilto of tho borough of Carlisle, .loe’d, hayo boon
granted to the undersigned, residing in North Mid
dloton township. All persons indebted to tho estate
are roi)Uosted. to make payment immediately, and
‘ those having claims against tho estate Htil'l .Also.
IH'ujsqut them Tor rfcUlumont.
PERES W. CjtflrfTlEY.
f Ailiuiitinlrutov
An*?. 20: iflun—ot.«
Lost Mart*.
A Sorrel Mure, eleven yours old. with white'
•-i m. left hlntl foot., ij.iwl si. UtLln aoro in tVnn». was
NUlrSyrlUcr,- aL RprtnirF, liy
\\ stfjruul of rohol troups. on the of jfcly. .It
is 1 1 1 0 msiro wa's- turrioil*too?o• bofuro ?ha
ii'ln-il littf.J sis sho.u’iis'a'jmKV traveller]
ami uni Milfoil, lor army purposes, "r’wili pny-u
lilicisr.l ru'Viirtl In any imu giving ; hio i:ifi«ruut{oq
•tlmi will lent I to tiu; recovery A<l
- my at Hilling Springs. rr»r;o Im;rlnn*l Wun.ty;
.Anjr. 27. I —p.t*
■ ,;l .J ml ii l.sf r:i I oi ,j h I fee.
. ■jV’OTK-M’is I»on*liy that Letters of
-l.v A«lmintrtfrsif ll»n oil the estate of-AKriihani}
-Jd Vers, into nf Silver Spring royifvliil).
'been grunted to tin? undemgiWd.’’u*ehUn^’tuMori-.
■me township. All persons indebted
'/estate are- requested’ to m.iko ,, !nlyinoiit immediate
ly, and Mmso having claims against the Restate* to
'‘present them for settlement. ‘
' ■ - ,
Aug,.27, ’fill —fU'-'.-. ‘ A^)uiVi/«(!r<{for. ,
of '
real instate'.
On Wednesday, OciohcV'l y *lBO3.
THE subscriber will offer at Pu.blic Sale'
on tho above day, at’Hoover’s Tavern, in Mo
‘ clmnicsburg, tho following-described Real Estate,
vi?: ..,c •
situated in 'Silver'Spring township,.!} miles from
Meohanicsbnr", north of Mio Trindlo Road, bound
ed by lands orHolluUikvDrownnwell, Bobb and D.
Line, containing'O'A'Crcs and 119 Porches, haying
thereon erected n good two-story n'• ii
FRAME HOUSE,’a'srnall Barn, and ■
oth'or'ncecssn'ry on’tbuildinga, a n'ever [SliSjlJuL
fulling'well of good water upon tho
promises. -This land is of a tinequal-
Uy, in a goAd neighborhood and offer's particular
inducement:! to any person wanting a comfortable
homo. ’ ,
No.-£~tTivp Town Lots in tho borough of Mo
' ehanlcsburg, numbered 204 and 205. Those lots
are Situated on tho north-west corner of South
Market street and Simpson’s road, adjoining prop
erty of David Long, and having thereon-erected a
• back building. A good Stable on the'premises.—
To this property belongs a‘*watAt right to the well
'.on Market street. The house is now occupied by
’Wm.Meily. Any fWHhor information in regard to
these properties'Party ho had of David Landis, Jr.,
’residing upon tract No. 1.
Sale to oommonco at 10} o’clock on said v day,
when attendance will be giron and torms made
•inown by
V»S- 2 7, 1863,
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
EDWARD SHOWER rcspcotifully nnnoun
cos to tho public, that ho continues to keep con
stantly on hand, and for-sa.le,-a largo and very fin*
iperior assortment of
Foreign and 'Domestic ‘Liqucts,
his now stand, a few doors west of Hannon’s Ho
tc b and directly ‘west 6f the'Court-houso, Carlisle
’Ali of Choice Brands,
Sherry, Port, Modem, Lisbon, Clarot, Nn
tivo, ! Hook, ‘Jobaumsbcrg, and Boderhoim
Hoidsick & Co., Goislor '& Co.; and import
Eoblcn, Lien, and Anchor.
Superior Old Ilyo, Choice Old Family Nee
i.p tar, Wheat, Scotch, and Irish.
Aljb < BROWN STOUT, ifco. 'BoSt'to bo-had
WTIERS? iladolpbia -
Of the very best quality,
and others desiring ARPIOIitf
i a j ncl as represented, as his whole attention wiP
BXOnjr 1 ' a P ro P 6r and careful selection of hi.
havn if;' w kich cannot be surpassed, and hopes to
. ao patronage of the public.
l2, 1803,
L* i'OULK, Atiornoy it Liuv.
Wall. i„ M ' co with Jamoa H. Smith, £rj h , Rhocm’s
lyAttand entrusted to him will bo prompt-
U(3d “»• Fob. 0. 1803.
Ono person for Judge of Supreme Court of the
btato of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the county of Cumbnr
mnd m the House of Representatives of the State
ot Pennsylvania.
One person for Prothonotnry of the County of
Ono'porson for Recorder nnd-Olerk of the Courts
of tbo county of OirfnbtirlafM.
One per son 1 fCr J 'Rfigister of tbo county of 1 Cum.
One porstftrfor Troasaror oftbo eou'iity‘6'fCum
berlaml. .
One pofsrtn ffr Commissioner 'oCHitfctfunty of
, CiWubeHa‘nd.
One person for Director of tbo Poor of tbo countv
Sf Ctfm'bcKaft'd. 3
Quo person for Auditor of tbo county of Cumber
land. •
"Tbo said election will bo bold throughout the
Oyunty' as follows: ■ • ;
Tlic election in the election district composed of
the borough of Carlisle and tlio townships of North
Middleton, South Middleton 1 , Lower-Dickinson, and
Lower Frankford will. 'bo hfcld at the Court House,
in the borough of Carlisle. --
Iho election in the election district composed of
Lower West Pennsborough township, will be held
at tbo North School-House; in Plainfield.
•I'he oloclron'4n the election district composed of
Silver Spring township, will bo held at the public
house ot Jacob Ottstot/iu Ilugucstown, iu'saiJ
• electron in tho’Olcction district composed-of
Hampden township, will bo bold at the public
house occupied by George Duoy in said township.
. The election in-tho election -district domposdcl of
the township of TJjjper .vUlon, will be tOUlafthe
public hdusu of;Wm. S.. Cooklin, in Shcpherdstown.
Iho election in the election district composed .of
‘Middlesex: township, will bo held at tho'iHU'thosex*
School House. . • - i
The election in the election district cffrAppscd of I
the township of Lower Allon, Vfarbo f 'hbld at tho
wagon-teaker shop of Jonas llunclibargor, onSlato
Hill.. , .
, The blcctiou in the cloction district composed of
East Pennsborough township, will- bo held at tbo
house, of Jos; Martin,'in vest Fairviow, now ocou
pied by Ceo. S/’&ponslor.
The election in the cloction district-composed of
Now Cumberland, will be held at the house now
kept by Dr. H. A. Botele?, in the bdftfiigU of New
Ctffnbtfrlfi'nd. ,
The election in Iho election-district composed of
the borough of Moehaniesburg, will-bo held At the
public house now kept by W. S. Huston, in suid
boVougb. .
Tbo Flection in- tbo election .district 'composed of
Monroe township, will- bo held -aftho-public lio'nso
lately kept by’Phobias Llggit, in ‘ Churchtowu, in
said township. .
The election in the election district composed of
Penn township, will bo held at tho house now occu
pied by Jacob llcdseckcr, in said township.
Tho electron • i-u • the cloelion district composed of
Upper Dickinson ttfwnsbip, will bo held in fbo
nouso now occupied by-Daniel Ettor, known as the
Stone Tavern. -
Iho election in-tho election district composed of
the borough of Neit-villc and'townships of \Mifilin,
IJiypfr'Fraukfbfd,' H'pper'XVest Pennsborough and
North Newton,.will bo hold at tho public School
House in the bonrtigh of Nowvillc.
Tho election in the election district composed of
tho btfrough oT Newburg, Hopewell township, will
be held, at’ the School 'H\;usy in Newburg; in said
toHvnship. •
Tho election in the election district composed of
1 the borough of SlnppoMsbiirg.-Siiipjicncburfe town
ship, ami that pA’rt of Southampton not included in
the Xieeslnirg-eleetion district, will he held'at the
Council House,.in the borough of Shippensbur o *.
And in ami by an act of’ the General Assembly
of this Commonwealth, pushed I lie I’d .Lily, it
is thus provultid.• ‘.‘•'L'tmt (lie tiualiSiud ulcotors of
part* 'of -Nowlon rCti.l 800 tljivn.pL ,n lownsUlp, iri U;o
I County of Cumberland, bounded' by tho ‘following
lines and distances, .viz: Beginning at the Sfcdnttia
line, .thence along the lino dividing the
townships of Dickinson ami Newton to the Ulfnpike
road, thence along said turnpike to Centre School
House, on said turnpike, in Sou.thanip'l'on township,-
thence to a point, on the Walnut Bottom Road at
Reybuek's, including Ruybuck's farm,', a
straight lino to tho saw mill of- tho heirs of George
Clever, thmuo along Kryshfers run- to.’the Adams.
eount\ line, thence along* the line of Adams comity
.to the place of ami the same is hereby
declaved a new and sfcpaVato election district, tho -
cloction to he hold at the public house furmorly oc-o
euprod.hy Win. Maxwell, in Leesburg, Soulburapton
township,” ‘ 1
.■ *f That every person excepting Justices of the
Peace, who shall hold any cfiicc or appointment of
.profit or trust .under the United Slates, or of this 1
State,'Or -a City or Incorporated District, .whether a
commissioned officer oi* oUionviso, who is or shall bo’
employed under, the Legislntivo, Executive or Ju
diciary Department of this Stale, or of tho United
States, or of any Incorporated District, and also,
that, every member.of Congress, and of tho State
Legislature,-ami of the Selector Common COuhcil
of aiiy Oily, or- Commissioner of any Incorporated
District, is by law incapable of holding or exorcis
ing nt the time, the ofifec or appointment of Judge/
Inspector or. Clerk oHidy electi’o.u of this Common
wealth,and that ho'Judge,.lnspector or other offi
cer of such election shall bo olog-iblp to bo then
voted for.'''
An<H»hc sal-1 Act of Assembly, entitled “Ah Act
relative Vo* elections of ibis Commonwealth’,” passed
July 3,'1H.v1), fiirllicrprnvides, as follows, to" Wit:
-“'Tbab-lihe Inspector and Judges shall meet nt.
the respective places appointed for holding tho elec
tlou.-ixr the'District to wh-cb they respectively lie
long, before 9 o’clock on the morning of the 2d
Tuesday of October, and each of said Inspectors,
shall appoint one ’Clerk; who shall be a quallified
voter of such District.-
• '“ln case tho person who shall have received Uio
second highest number of votes for Inspector, shall
nAtattend ou tiro day of election,, then tho person
who;shall hare received tlic seCoud.bighcst number
of votes for Judge at.the next procodingoloction,
shftU'nct-as-Inspector in his place. And incuse
tho person -who" has received the highest number of
votes-for Inspector shall not -attend, the perso'u
elected Judge shall appoint ,an Inspector in his
place, and iu case tho'person elected Judge shall
not attend, then tho Inspector who received tho
highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in
his place; and-if any vacancy shall continue in the
board for tho space of ouo hour after the time fixed
by law"fertile opening of the Election, tho qualified
voters of tho township, ward or district for .which
suoh officer shalUliavo boon elected, present at tho
time of election, shall elect one of thoir number to
fill tho-vacauoy.” -•
Pariioular attention is directed to tho Act of As
sembly, passed, tho 27th drty of February, 7839, en
titled,“Au Aot- r .rolativo to voting at Eltfotmua in
tho counties of .Adams, Dauphin, York, JjaricuStor,
Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford, - Centre. Green,
and Eric,” viz: .
“See. 1, oriactcd by the Senate and'Houso'
hf Representatives of tho Commonwealth ofPonn
sylvania In General Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by tho authority of tho same - that it shal
bo lawful for tho qualified voters of tho counties of
Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, York, Franklin, Cum
berland, Bedford, Centre, Green, and Erie, from and
after the passage of this .Act, to vote for all candi
dates for tho various offlccs to bo filled at any elec
tion on one slip or' v ticket: Provided, tho office for
which ovory candidate is voted for, shall bo desig
nated as required by tho existing laws of tho Com
monwealth. ‘
"Soo. 2. Thatany fraud committed by any per
son voting in tho- manner above prescribed, shall bo
punished as slmilav'frauda alo director! to bo : pun
ished by the existing laws of -the Commonwealth.”
For tho information of tho electors of Cumber
-1 Ami county, I publish the following, being tho 4th
section of the Act of tho General Assembly of tho
session of 1851, entitled “An Act to provide for tho
Election ef Judges of tho several Courts of this
Commonwealth, nu<l to .-'regulate certain Judicial
Districts.” •
“See.'4. That'the election for Judges shall bo
held and oonduotod in tbo several election districts
in’tho same manner in all respects us elootions for
Representatives are or shall bo oonduotod, and by
tho same Judges, Inspectors, and officers, and the
previsions of tho Aot of the General Assembly, en
titled “An Aot rotating to tho oiections of this Com
racriiielth,” approved the 2d day of July, 1840, and
its se*;i7ffl supplements, and all , other like laws as
or ti Irsamo shall bo in force and applicable,
shall bo duomod and taken to tho election of Judges:
Provided, That tho aforesaid electors shall vole for
Judges of tho Supremo Court on a separate pieco of
paper, and for all other Judges required to be
Election Proclamation.
WIIKUE'AS, in mid by nn Act of the
Oimcrnl Assembly of tin. Gojnmouwoalllof
i-cmisylvania, entitled "An . Act relating to thr
dnv of b \ B passed <fn they'd
t d v Of fbo iT’ >B3«. it ■»'mailo Ibo du
m ovory Cb.mly -within tbls'Oom
mouwcaltb, to give public notico of tho General
Cloohcms, and m such notice to enatoorato—
-Ist. .The Officers to bo elected.
i, I'l'l th ? ’F ln < !l!s At which tho election
is to bo hold. Therefore,
’’“OMJ’SON niPPEY, High Sheriff of tho
county of Cumborhina, do hereby make known and
give this public notice to the Electors of tho County
of Cumbcrliipd, that on TUESDAY, tho 13th day
ot Go ober next, nn Election will bo hold at tho
several Election Districts established by law in said
bounty, at which time they will vote by ballot for
Ono person for Governor of tho State of Penn
’sylvama. ’ . *
learned ic the'law ou another separate piece of pa*
“ It uta, 1 bo tho duty of tho several Assessors, ro
i^’cotlValy, o attend at tlio'-pliico of holding ovory
1 General,. Special or Township election, during tho
"whole time said oicotlpii cp ktofopen, for tho pur
pos6 of giving! Information 1 tho Inspectors and
Judge, when called on, in Srootiou to tho right of
any person nssosaod ‘bythtei to'Voto'at audh'cloc
tlon, and on such other mayors iu "relation to 'the
assessment of voters, as tho said Inspectors; or Cith
er of them shall from time to’timo require.
“No person shall bo permitted to voto at any
election, os aforesaid, other thffffa white freeman of
tho ago of twenty-olio years or more, who shall'havo
resided in the State at least'one year/4nd in'the
election district whore ho offers to vote, at least ton
days immediately preceding such .election, and
within two. years paid a Stato and county tax,
which shall have been assoVsod at least ton days be
fore tho election. 'Bnt a citizen of tho United States
who has previously been a qualified voter of this
Stato and removed therefrom mid returned, and'
who shall have resided in tho election.district add
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to vote af
ter residing in this State six months: Provided,
That tho white freemen, citizens of tho United
States, between tho 'ages of 21 and 22 years, and
having resided in this Stato ono year, and in flic
oloctidn I ‘district ten days, as aforesaid, shall bo on
titled to vote, although thcyshall not have paid
taxes. .
“No-ptrson shall* bo permitted to vote whoso
name is -nbe ooAUSaed'm the list of taxable inhabi
tants furnished by tho Commissioners, unless, First,
hol’produccs a receipt for tho payment,•within two
years, of a Stato or county tdfx •fiSsesscd'agreeably
to tho Constitution, 'and give satisfactory evidence
either on his tfhrn oath or affirmation, or on tho oath
or affirmation of another that ho has paid such a
tax, or in failure to produce a receipt, shall make
oath to thcipaymtfut’thfcreof : ; Or, Second, if bo
‘ vote by being an elector between
the ages of 21 and 22 3*cars, shall depose on oath or
animation that ho has resided in tho State at least
oco year next beforohis application, and make such
proof Of residence in the District us is required by
this Act, and that ho docs verily believe from tho
accounts given hilh that ho is of tho ago aforesaid,
ami give such other evidence as is required by this
Act; whereupon tho.namo of tho’- person so admit
ted to vote shall-bo inserted in tho alphabetical list,'
by tho Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto
by writing tho word ‘tax/if bo'shall be admitted to
yoto by reason of having paid tax, or the word ‘ago’-
if ho shall bo admitted to vote by reason of age, and
in either caso tho reason of such vote shall bo called
out to tho Clerks, who shall make the like note, in
tho list of voters kept by him.
“In all cases' whfirc the name of tho perstfn clai
miing to voto is not found on tho list fnrnishcd' , by the
commissioners orassessonvor hi. 4 Hght to voto wheth
er found thereon •or‘*cf6tjis objected to by any quali
fied citiaon/’ifahall bo the duty of tlio Inspectors to
examine such person on oath as to his .qualifications,
and if ho claims to have-resided- in tho“6tiltd forgone
year or-mbro, his oath'shaM be sufficient proof thcro
ot, bpt l)o shall-'nmko proof, by at'least oho'compe
tent witness, who shall bo a qualified doctor, that be
has resided within tho district for more than ten days
next immediately preceding such election, and shall
also himself swear that his bona fide residence, in
pursuance of bis lawful Calling, is within tbo district,
and that ho did not remove in the said district for
purpose of voting therein,
“Every person qualified as oforeshid,- and who
shall make duo proof, if required, of his'residence’
and payment of tuxes, as aforesaid, shall bo admit
ted tovotodn the towadiip;v/ard*br district iu which
ho shall 1 reside. . • - .
“ It any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
an officer of tho election under this act'from holding
such election, or use or.threatcn any violence 1 to ftny
or shall interrupt or improperly interforo
with hffti in the execution of his duty, shall block'or
attempt to block up tho window or avehuo to any.
window- whero‘the Sumo may bp holding, or shall
riotously disturb tho peace of said eftfetipn,. or shall
use or practice any intimidation, throats, force oi*vi
olonqo with'thc design to-Muonco-iinkJaly nr over
awe any elector, or - to prevent him from voting, or
to_ restrain tho freedom of choice/such person on con
viction shall bo fined,in aby-su'/ivnot. oxdeoding five
hundred dollars, and to-.bc imprisoned for a time not
less than ono or more than’ twelve and if it
shall bo shown to tho enurt whero tho trial of-such l
offence, shall bo had, that thoe-porebn so oflci'
was not a resident of the city, ward, district or town
ship where tho said offence was committed, and<not
entitled to voto therein, then,- on tho conviction ho
shall bo sentenced to pay a fine of not loss than one
hundred nor 'one'lhbUfhind dollars, and
to be imprisoned not less than six months nor’-mbro
than two years,
“ [i any person (unpersons shall make any hot, or
wager upon "the 1 refnilt of. any election within this
commonwealth, or ahull oiler (o mult: «py such bet or
wager, either by verbal proclamation thereto, or by
any written or;, printed advertisement,;, challenge ov
,T» T it« inly xiurf on. or persnna to make H\»uh l»ct wa
ger, upon conviction thereof, he 6r thdv'slmll tbrfut.'
and pay three,times 1 the afndiwfao bet or to'be bet
“•It.any person not by law fjiialilied,.shall .fraud
ulently vote at an cloollonju thi,s commonwealth, nr
lieinj; otherwise qualifier], shrill vole ontof Iris prop
er rlistricl,
qiULliliC!Ltioii,slinll>uhl or.prociYre'sneh' person to vote,
the person, on ccmvicnon, shall bo lined In any sum
not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be impris
oned lor any term not exceeding tlireo months.
If ;nty\person shall vole at more than one,elec
tion district, or'olhcvwise fraudulently vote more than
onco ; on the 'same day, or' shall fraudulently fold-or
deliver to tho Inspector two 'tickets-together, with
t ic intent illjgully to vote, or shall procuus an other
so to do, ho or they offending, shall on conviction
bo lined in any sum not less than fifty nor more
than-five hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned for
any term not ices than threo npr more than twclV-e
It any.pcred'n not* qualified to vote in this com
fnoiiwoaltb, agreeably to law,' (except Uio sons of
1 qualified Appear at any place of doc
.. Mon for the purpose of issuing tickets or of influ
oftoiug .the citizens <puUifiod'to'Vo,te, ho shall on con
viction forfeit Afcd pay ’nny'SiVnrnot exceeding one,
Inquired dollars, for every-tfuch* dfftticc/'and be-im
prisoned foranytorm not exceeding thredmonths."
AgrcoftbJy to the provisiontf'oPlhcrsixty-first scc
- tioii of.-sauhttot, 6voi*y (icnera 1 'and' SpcoialfElcetion
6hAU-be opened botween-tho hours of eieht and tou
m tbo forenoon, and shall continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until seven o’clock in the
evening when the polls shall bo' closed,
And the Judges of the respective districtsnforb-,
■'A7 hy 1 *? sa * (l “ ct required to meet at the
Com t ilousiy in tho borough of 6’arlielc, on (ho
,w d M a,V i?n Ur / ho Baicl da y of election, being Fri
• y, t ic I I th day of October, then ulid there to per
form.tho things required of thcn/liylaV. .
10 Rotur » J»idgcs of tho Representative district
will meet at Carlisle, at tho time fixed by law.
or-XV./lsir rljand ’ at 6 > rlisle ’ H, .‘‘ 22d d ">
Aug. 31,'isos
,- ' ft ho-iff.
T IIE 3‘ 11 Tenn of 11,0 College will begin
L °n Thursday, the 2?th of Aurupl.
, , 11- M. JOHNSON,
Aug. 13, 1853—,H. PfuMant.
Avitli -.Tndge Ilepburn, on Eas;
V-r Mam Street, Carlisle.
Aug. 6, ”03—ly.
WAS the only ** Preparation for food from
Indian Corn” that received <i medal and
mention from tho Royal ctfmmissionors, tho com
petition of all prominent manufacturers of “ Corn
Starch” and "Prepared Corn Flour” of this and
other ebuntrios notwithstanding,
Thd food and luxury of tho ago, without a single
fault. Ono trial will convince tho most skeptical.
Makes Puddings, Cakosj Custards, Blauo Mango,
'Without isinglass, with fow or-ho oggs, at a
cost astonishing tho most economical. A slight
addition to ordinary Wheat Four greatly improves
Broad and Ciiko. Itisalso.oxoollent forthiekening
sweot saucos, gravies for fish ami moat, soups,-Ac.
For Ico Groam -nothing oan compare -with it. A
littlo boiled in miik will produce rich croamfor
coffee, ohocolato, too, Ac.
Put up in ono pound packages, under the trade
mark Maizona, with directions for use.
A most delicious artiolo of food for children and
invalids of all ages. For sale hy Grocers and
Druggists everywhere.
Wholesale Depot, ICO Fulton Stroot, Now York.
General Agent.
Aug 1863—6 m.
A<liiiinl»l Notice,
[VTOTICE ia liorobv given thftt Icttora of Ad
-L'-v ministration ou tfio estate of 0. \V, Vfaddld,
Into of tiowlon township, dcc'd, have boon granted
to tho undersigned, residing in (ho same township.
All persons indebted to tho said estatanre requested
to make payment immediately, 1 arfd those having
claims against tho estate will atso present them for
settlement. •
Aug. 2t, ’o3—Cl*
NO'WC-E. ■
NOTICE is hereby'-given Unit Lettora of
Administration on tho oftutoof John Sharp,
dec’d, lato qt‘Newbbn township, have boon granted
t« tho undersigned, residing in sanio township.—
All persona indebted to tho batato aro requested
t,o raako immedinto payment, and thoao having
claims will present them for settlement. ■
W E have tbo pleasure of announcing to
tbo citizens of Cumberland and tbo adjoin
ing counties, that we Lave ,received oar stock of
goods, which had been rtffnoved on account of tbo
Into invasion of our valley, and are now making
daily additious to ddf already extensive assortment
feenilcmcn and Youths Superfine Clothing,
all of our own manufacture, from the choicest
French, English and American Fabrics, cut and
made in tho latest stylo of fashion.
Fine new Over-Shirts, Collars, .
Handkerchiefs, Neckties,
Suspenders, Gloves, &c.
Clolhs Cassimeres, Vestings,
of every grade, made up to order or sold by thei
piece or yard.
of tbo beat makes. 'All tbo üboro goods will bo
disposed 6T at tbo lowest rates, at tho ’Wholesale 1
and Retail Clothing' Hall of
. , ARNOLD & CO..
Street, Carlisle,’Pa., and two dedrs
’■ north ‘of the Carlisle-’Deposit Bank.
Aug. 13, 1803. .
‘Bargains! Bargains!!
WE have positively determined to iloso
out onr entire stodo'of Sitniiaer'ttooda.--
DreSs Goods,
Silk Mantles, Laco Bornvurs Points, Parasols, Sun
Umbrellas, and other goods at cost,
■ Froth'preaoiitindicationa Dry Goods of all kinds
•will bo excessively high this fall; Now is the time
to make your purchases and,save your money by
calling,on *
, ‘East Alain'Strcol
Ahg. 13, ,1863.
School Tax for 1363
taxable citizens of the borough of Car
■ 1 lisle arc hereby notified that the Treasurer of
said’School District will attend aUbo‘-‘o#tmty CoArf
House, (Commissioner’s Office)) on ,} fhurnday t ,Sej>-
tcniher‘%ith next, between the hours of 9 and 12 in
the forenoon, and 2'and 5 o’clock in. tho afternoon
of said day, for the purpose of collecting and re
ceiving the Schofi! Tax assessed for tho present
year. On all taxes paid on or before-that date a;
deduction will bo made of FIVE C&NT.—
Persons wishing to pay their Taxes in tho moan
time, can do'sbfyj.y -calling bn the Treasurer at his
place of business, in "Marion. Hull’’ building,
West High street.
Aug. 20, isori.
~ H rim.'. id. \»1,.,,, V, .. ,t - i n -.if
A ’ Administration on tlicesVatcW Joseph Brown,
'lnto .of Bunn twp., clco'd,. liaTo -boon granted to
• tho subscriber, residing in'. Southampton township.
All porsOns indebted lo (bo eslhto’nro roquosied
lo nmlio payment immediately, nnd those haying
claims-agiunst the 'estate will also present them,
for’settlement. -
Aug. G, *O3 Of*
BMeafc Take Jtfollec.
WK (Leidie-h, yuwyer & Miller;) Ikivc re
ceived our cntlrostock ofgoods, and resumed
ousihess. - Wo desire the patronage of our numer
ous customers to they have favored us
in the past. ...
Wo are determined to sell bur stock, which is
much largor.und' more complete than usual at thic
season-of tba v ycar, byreason of'the suspension of
business by the recent invasion, at the lowest pos
sible market price.' Wo have a full supply of Sum
mpr Goods for-.Ladies', Misses, Mons’and JJoy’a wear.
Please, call at the well known stand, Fust Main
Jw}y-23, A 63,
An 'towuefr Wanted.
A silver plated tea.urn and pitcher, 'taken
by Col. ‘Mdlntpsh, of Buford’s Cavalry, from
a rebel prisoner, and supposed to havobocn stolon
from softie eithftfirof VI dates, Cambftrhitid/frr&alcliii
or Yorlr counties,’ have been loft in my handsj to
bo reclaimed by the owner, who can have the same
by proving, property and paying cost of advertising,
Waynesboro’, Pa.
July 30j 1863—3 t.
Marc Stolen.
WAS stolon from the stable of the sub
scriber, in South' Middifittfa.'to'frnslUp, on
tho night of tbo-24th'-instant, -a Black Marc, With
white spots on, the, back, caused by rubbing'of the
saddle. , Said mure is about sor 0 yoavs old, a lit
tle lame in the left bind leg, and gay in appear
ance. Iwillpay a libcriil reward to any one giving
oio information that will load to the detection of
.be thief and the recovery of tbo more.
July 30, 'o3—3l*
Emory Female College,
rHIS institution of lonruing, for young In
dies, will bo opened on
Tluvrsday, September 3d, 1563.
The President will bo assisted by an ofliciont corps
of Teachers. The course of instruction will'om
braeo all the branches necessary to givoyoungla*-
dios a rofiisocLand-tborough oollcgiato education.
For Circulars and particnlarinlorttiation,addrcaa
the undersigned/ Oanialo, Pa
July 23. 1803.—2 m.
Treasury Department, A
Office or Comptroller of the Ccrre.vcy, . J.
Washington, Juno 29tli, 1863. J
Whereas, by satsifaetory evidence presented to
the undersigned, it has boon made to appear that
tho*Firat-Natioaal-Bank of Carlisle, in the County
of 'Cumberland, and Stale of Pennsylvania, has
boomduly organized under and according to t£o
requirements of the act of Congress, entitled An
act to provide a national currency, 'secured by
a of United "States stocks, and provide for
the circulation and redemption thereof, approved
.February 26, 1803, and has complied with all the
provisions of said act required, to bo complied
with ‘before commencing tho business Qf Bank
Now therefore, % Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller
of tho Cutreuoy, do hereby certify that tho said
First National Bank of Carlisle, ‘OOtmty of Cura--
borland, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized
to commence the business of Banking under tho act
S' In testimony whereof, witness my
SE‘A5j J hand and seal of office, this twenty-’
day of Juno, 1863.
Comptroller of tho Currency.
Carlisle July IC, 03.
The First National Bank will rooolve deposits
both on Interest and payable.on demand, same as
done formerly by the firm of Ker Bnnlap S Co.,
and will bo prepared to do everything pertaining
to the business of Banking.
W. W HEPBURN, Cashier.
Carlisle, July 10, ’63.
j. W. KBY,
, 'J’rccutuypi
J.- |C. KELSO,
LETTERS testamentary, on the estate of
Goorgo Spangler, doo’d. into of Silver Spring
township, have boon issued .to the undersigned,
the first named residing in Hampden township, and
the latter in Silver,Spring township. All persons
indebted to tho said estate are hereby requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them, duly authenticated, for seltle-i
mout, io
AT the sign of tho “ Gold Eagle,” 3 doors
hbovo v Cumberland Valloy’Bank, and two
doors below the Methodist Churoh On West Main
. d? street, tho largest and best-selected stock of
WATCHES and -JEWELRY in tho town,
bo sold 30 per cont. lower than at any
I place in tho State. Tho stook comprises a
assortment of Gold A Silver Hunting-oaso Watcher,
Lovers, Lopinos, American watohos, and all other
kinds and stylos, gold anVl silver Chfcins,
■JowoUy of all kinus, Spectacles, Gold-and sliver;
jplated and silver Wa*'o, Music Boxes, Aooordoons,
Oil Paintings, a great ‘variety of Fancy Articles,
•and a lot of tho finer''Pianos, which will bo sold 40
per cont. lower than t for offered In town. The en
tire stock of Watchmaker tools, oases, large Mirrors
and Safe, will bo sold wholesale or retail oh the
easiest terms.
Having selected a first class workman all kinds
of repairing will bo dono as usual, at roducod
Sew Goods for lUe Season.
SILK Mantles,Coata, Circulars, Bongo Man
tles anil Squons. A largo lot of laco Mantles,
Points anil Bornours, Summer Shawls, Hr t trails
Press goods, Silks, Bangos, Grenadines, "Lawns,
Pungns, 40., 40. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and
Laoe Mils. All kinds of Summer goods which we
aro determined to sell very cheap. Please call at
East Main St.
May 28, ’B3.
” OAR-Cured Hams for salg very low,
wholesale or retail by JOHN HVER.
First Prize Medal at the World's Fair t
London, 18G2.
rpHE undersigned hits just received, end Ifc
i tends to keep constantly on band a full assort
ment of tbo unequalled ‘Pianos manufactured tly
Steinway & Sons of Ifaw’Ytfrk. .
.Each instrument will bo carefully selected In
the Manufactory, and will hobbl'd at tho .
New York Cash Factory Prices, ■
with tho addition of Freight to Carlisle..
A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be
givon by tho subscriber to each purchaser..
Persons desirous to purchase are invited to coll
and examine tbeso unrivalled Pianos, at
R. E. Shapley’s Jewelry Store,
Main Street, door cast of tho Mansion House
’hoar tho Railroad Depot,
SECOND fTA ND PIANOS received in exchange
and kept for sale and 16 rent. °
Mtty 23, 1803—ly.
OTIIIE subscriber Iras 'l'cmovetl his Hat anti
J- Cap Store'tititho opposite side of tho stroet, to
tho house formerly occupied by P. Mohyor, and
next door to Common's Shoo Store. Haying a
much .largmyroom, I have increased my stock of
gTOds, yo that lam now prepared-to furnish tho
public with ail tho new stylosof
at prices to suit tho timea. My stock consists
of . Silk, Cassimor and Russia Hats, all kinds
’and prices of so't hats, city as well as homo manu
facture, frem tho common wool up to the finest
Russia and Nu.ra. A good assortment .of men
*ind boys’ caps.
■Also,, mens, boys, and childrens fancy straw bats.-
•Having improved .ttYoaii* for tnau'ufacfiiti’tfg. any’
■ kind or sbapo of hats •fflll' bb *mfado to . order, at
•tfhort notice.
Being a practical Hatter, fully lindcrstanding the
business, t h’opo by strict'attention to receive a ? - -
_ - - ‘.JOHN A. KELLER, A,jt;
P. S. Old hats colored and repaired at moder
Carlisle. April 10, ISC2.
spring tkai»e, 18’oa,
[VOW offering an. immense variety of
J-t CLOTHS, . . J
■ • WESTINGS, ■■■•-■
For Men & Boys 7 Wear,
in a larger variety, than can bo found in any estab
lishment in this-place, and at as loir prices as can
bo sold any’"where, to suit'taste and pocket. We
manufacture the above goods to order,'in the latest
stylos, or self pbr’yafd.*Custorncrs'Vishfng to have
tho goods bought of us, out, can bo accommodated,
free of.cliargo. An early inspection of our goods
aud.prices; respectfully -solicited!
North Hanover St., Clothing Emporium. .
, March 19/1863. . .
shirts ! shirts ! !
WE have the-largest and finest shirts ever
offered’ in this place,
SIIiRTS at 12,00 per Jtfoz.
do. " -w;oo « ■■*<-
do. " 20,00 '• "
do. u 25,00 H f *
do. “ 30,00 “ «
warranted to bo of tbb host and most, colobratod
makes. Bought before the Into advance in.prices,
■Sold by the dozen or Single. If you want a
Perfect Fitting Shirt,
call at
North HanoVer St., Emporium.
March 10' 'O3.
Juno'll, 1863—Gt*
Gold Fuis and Pencils,
Carlisle/April 30, 18fi3.
Wo call attention of all liav-ing-reiirtionsor friends
in tho army Wlliofactthat'lloofland's Gorman Bit
ters’ will cure nine tenths of tho disoates induced by
exposures and privations incident to camp life. In
tho lists, published almost daily in tho newspapers,
on tho arrival of tho.slok. it will'bo noticed'that a
very largo proportion aro suffering from debility.
Every case of that kind can 'bo readily cured"
tiy nonUand’s Qortaati"Bitterse Diseases resulting
from disorders of the digestive,organs aro speedily
removed. Wo irnve no hesitation iu stating that, if
these Bitters wore freeiy used among onr soldiers,
hundreds of lives might bo saved that otherwise
will bo lost. I
. Wo call particular attention to tho’following re
markable ami well liutheiiticacd euro of one of the
nation's'h'ih*nos,\vliose life, to use his own language,
“ baa been sdved fcy ! Bitters.” I
August ’2:ira,.'tS62
Mewra.clones -A gontlemoii, your
Iloolland’s German Bitters baa .saved my . life.
There mistake in this. It is vouched for by
numbers of my comrades, sohio of whoso names
are appended, and who word fully cognizant of alb
the circumstances •of my case, I am, and-have
boon for the last four years,•amombor of Sherman's!
celebrated battery, and ’'lihder the ftnmouiate
command of Captain R. B.* Ayers. .Through the'
exposure attendant upon my’arduous duties, I”was Novcmber.last with inflamation of the
lungs, and was forsovonty-two da} f s in the hospital.
This was followed by great by
an attack of dysentery. I, was theirreibovod from
the White House, and sent to this city on board
the Steadier u State of Maine," from which *•! land
ed on the 28th of Juno. Since that time*! Imvo.
been about as low as any one could bo amVatUl'ro
taiu a spark of vitality. For a week or more l was
scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did force
a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up;
I could not even keep a glass of water on my
stomach. Life could hot last under those circum
stances : and, accordingly, the physicians who
had been working faithfully, though unsuccessful
ly, to rescue mo from the grasp of the dread Arch
er, frankly' told mo they could do no more for me,
and advised mo to see a clergyman, ami to make
such disposition of my limited funds, ns beat suited
mo. An acquaintance who visited tno ul tho hospi
tal, Mr. Frederick Stoiilbron, of Sixth below. Arch
Street, advired mo, as a forlorn hope, to try your
Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the
time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow
of death recoded, .and I ani now, thank God for it,
getting hotter. Though I have taken but two bot
tles, I have gained ten pounds and X feel sanguine
of being permitted to rejoin my wife and
daughter, from whom I have hoard nothing, for
eighteen months, : for,'gentlemen, I am’a loyal
Virginian,,from the vicinity of Front Royal. To
your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life
which hiis takod-tho place of rag*uo fears—to your
Bitters will I owe thogloricus privilege of again
clasping to my bosom those wboarodcauat tome in’
life. ' A
Wo fully concur in tho truth of the above state
ment, as wo hail despaired of sooing our comrade,
Air. Malone, restored to health.
Soo that tho signature of " C. ,V. JACKSON,"
is on tho 'WRAPPER of oauh bpttlo.
Price 'Per Bottle 75 Cents, or Half
Should your nearest Druggist n»t havo-tho-arti
cle, d 6 not bo put off by any of tho intoxicating,
preparations that may ho offered in its place, but
send to us, and wo will forward,-securely packed,
by express.
'Principal Office &, Manufactory,
No. 6131 ARCH ST*.
twStatti l Untie! Btatoß,' 81 ' “ dD “ le ” iB
May 20, 1863—1 J,
A HIGHLY consentrate'6
prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia, •Be-/,
,will effectually euro Diver Complaint, Dyspepsia*
Mn'umlico.jChronio or Norvous Debility, Disease of
Lbo Kidneys, and nil diseases arising from a dis
ordered Liver or Stomach. ' .
-Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Falhoss or
Blood to the Hoad, Ascidity oftho Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in
the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutter
ing at tbo Pit ofxtho Stomach, Swimming of tho
*Hoad, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Fluttering
at tho Heart, Chocking or Suffocating Sensations
’whon in a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots
or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in
'tho Hoad, Deficiency of Prespiraticin, Yellowness
oX'tho Skin and Eyes, Pain in tho Side, Back,
Chest, Limbs, &0.. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn-
Ih’g'in tho Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Ev ; l, and
great Depression of Spirits. And will positively
prevent Yellow Fever, Billious Fever, Ac.
Aro and untried article, but have stood
tho test of lif-tqon ’yoars trial by_ tho. American pub
lic; and their'reputation arid sale, are not rivalled
by any sinijlarf'prcpavatioh. .-
Tho proprietors have l thousands of Letters from,
tho most ominoirt . . ’
\ f,- i-:i ■ •
Testifying of their own personal the
beneficial effect and medical yirtoftil of- [beau Bit,.'
tors. .
Do you want something to strengthen you?
Do you want a good Appetite ?
Do you want to build up, your constitution ?
Do you want' to foci well ?
Do you want, to got rid of nervousness ?
Do you want energy ?
Do you want to sloop well ?
Do you waul a brisk and'vigorous foaling ?
There are many preparations .gold under the
name of Bitters, put up in quart hotths, compound
ed of-tho cheapest whisky or common, fum. costing
r rpm 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the tasto disguised
by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This oiass of Bitters hntfeansdd 'amV'iylU contin-'
no to catiso, as long as they Can bo sold,-hundreds
to : flio-the death of tho drunkard. By'their use
tho system is kept continually under "tho influence
of Aloholio-Stinntlanfs nf Iho'worst kind, tho do-f
sire for Liquor is created and kept up, hud tho fo-.
suit is all tho horrors dttonda’ht"ilpou a'Wfuuk'ard’s
life and doalh. ’
, i?or those who desire raid 'WILL HAVE a Li
quor Bitters. tt’opuhlieh the following receipt: Get
BRANDY OR WHISKEY, and tho result will bo
a preparation that will FAR EXCEL in modical
virtues and true excellence any of tho numerous
Liquor Bittors in tho market, and will COST MUCIf
LESS. You will have nil tho virtues, of IIOOFL
AND’S B.ITTERS iu connection witha GOOD ar
liolo or Liquor; ata;.mueh loss price than.those in
ferior preparations will cost you;
"Very truly yours,
John Caddleback, let Now York Battery,
Goorgo A. Ackley, Co. 0., llth Maine.
Lewis Chevalier, 92d Now York.
I. 13. Spencer, Tat Artillery, Battery F.
J, B. Fosewell, Co B. 3d Vermont.
Henry B. Jerome, Co. B. ’ do.
Henry T. MacDonald, Co C. 6th Maine.
John F. Ward, Co. B. sth Maine.
Herman Knob, Co. If. 72d New York.
Nathaniel 8.. Thonuis/00/F. 05th Penn.
Andrew J. Kimball*. Co. A. 3d Vermont,
John Jenkins, Co. B. 100th Penn.'
Dozen for S-400,
(Successors to C. M. JACKSON 4 C 0.,)
Greenfield & Sheafer
Have removed to Tiriirß new
and bcantiful STORK ROOM South-east cor
ner of Market Square, opposite Irvin’s Shoo Store.
Haying jnst returned from Now York and Phila
dclphia, wo are.'now prepared tattler superior in
ducements to any other house lortfo country.
J)ur variety of Dress Goods is immenii t ■'&
Plain Alpacas, single and double width, all the
Ano66y .shades, of tho season.
Brocade Oriental Luster's, • .
Plain Oriental Lusters, all shades,
Plaid Oriental Lusters, all shades,
Plai i and Plaid Mozarnbipnes,
Plaid and Plain Popjins; ,
more dcsirabte than any Silk. Pongu Mixtur
DoloirfM, Cballics, Lawns, Organdies, Cbintaia,
Since the rapid decline in gold, Uic subscriber
who baa on trend tho lafgest stock of goods in the
county, by taking-advantage of every .opportunity
and favorable turn in tho market, ia now acilinWSt
gooda gt lower prices th'inVqab Ufa purchased in
any of tho cities. X have reduced the prices of
narngca. Lawns, Valencias, Ac., at last year’s
prices—Balmoral Skirts, Unbleached Muslins at
ow rates—Calicoes of every quality and stylo at
lower prices than heretofore.
SATINETS, "' ' . '
NOTIONS, .to ;
A varied nrsortment of Carpets, at (ho old prices
and at least SO per cent, lower than can bo pur
chased at PHIL AD ELFHIA WHOLES ALE prices
OIL CLO'rjIS.. . ,
at prices. bcfognJibo,-rise, .j.’.rcapcotfully requoft
thqse in wautof Goods call and examine my stock
betoro purchasing. . •
April 3, ISag. A.W. BENT 2.
rpTUE midcrsigned having purchased the
entire stock of Groceries of C* InholT, on tlm
south-east corner of Market Square. and*mado
considerable additions, is now prepared to suhnl'f
his fnomls and tho public, with all kinds of choice
goods, at the lowest market rales, ilis stuck com
prises ’ •
COFFEES, • . ~ ■
alt ’r, S S. ico3 £ roli P‘> onground, Cheese, Crack
“nc£,B-Fiah hy wholesale or retail.
ChrTif 1000 ' S °S a ‘ a ' Snulr ’
domestic 1 goods.
A heavy stock of Chocks. Muslins, Prints
Ginghams, Cottouados, Ac., will bo sold at reason
able rales. - .
Bombazines, Caahmcrs, Alpacas, Blackpool Be
uiines, all grades, single und double widths. Rers
Flam Bareges, Crape Veils, Orapo Collars, Crane
Setts, Mourning Shawls in groat varieties.
Wo have paid particular attention to tho abovo
lino of goads, in tho buying, -and oan -offer them at
astonishingly low prices.
Cloths and Cassiiucres.
The largest assortment of fancy Cussimorcsover
offo.Cd in this market. Also, our usual assortment
Gloves, ‘
Trimmings, &c.
South-oast corner of High St. and .Market Square,
- . 2nd doorfrom tho Corner.
April 1, IS(J3.
' „ A fro3 i ll llatl S« Mai a'ssprt
pf (J r""(’rif3 constantly
?“ ban i omb "i=i n S tlw host -qualities i- the mar.
ket, sttsi Jtts CMCc-dd, •'gavtai, Sprees, Table Oils
T| € t ‘i aokCr "’ laroni > Citron. Raisins/ as
well as all the varieties belonging to a good grocery
finest S hor ' l7lth a ussortLcnt of tbe
Syrups & Molasses, Mackarel, Salmon j
Baskets, Tuba, Churns, ami other articles for housc
aold use, including a fino assortment of
China, Glass & Queensware,
. The public bnvo our thanks for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed hpon us hi the past. IVo hope to
merit a share of their ,custom in the future. - '
• -April 16, 1803. ' j. W. fjjYf
.CINOE-llie decline ’in Foreign Esclmnwo
wa (Loidiob, Sawyer A Miller) have received
OUP'Btock of
embracing alUho.lutest fabrics anil newest styles in
dm market, plain and fancy Silks, wool and silk
loplins, .Pnngifs, Glucias, Tiuta cloth, Shepherd
'“"J 8 •,G fonadinos, Bareges, ' Lawns, Delaines, Ac.
All kinds of Mourning uud i'! goods of
liqsson s_ importations, spring 'Madlids, tnt'afMs,
Balmorols, Hoop skirts, sun Umbrellas, Parasol:',
Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Ololbs, Cassimqrcs, Vestings
P“J" - a , ucl timcy, all kinds of panljngs nt> •wprioca.
We bayo a largo stock of desirttb/c gvcnl*. such
as fancy silks, dross goods, delaines, bareges, lawns
and many other goods loft over from last season
which wo will soli at last yours prices.- Wo have
an immense stock of Domestic,'Goods; Also, Car-'
;)ots, Oil Clothe, Window. Shades, Looking Glasses;
House furnishing goods, Ac. Wo will make addi
tions to our stock as thosc / '«on advances. Thank
ful for past patronage, wo hope to merit a continu
ance of tho same.
April 2,136,1.
-IJL bouß, Suspenders, Under .Shirts, Drau-ors, a
beautiful assortment, can be found at
Korth Hanover £l., Emporium. 1 ‘
March’lo, ’d.T
Codarwaro, Notions, and all other
kept in a first class Grocery store. ’
•In regard to prices, I can say thatit. fa my do
termination to soli goods at the-lowest possible
figure. ■ ,
Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of country produce
tak«n at market prices. . . ... ..• ~
Ho hopes by strict-attention to business,'and a
disposition to.ploaso, to merit and secure a share of
public patronage. ,j * i ;
Carlisle, April IC, 1863.
THE undersigned (ins just opened a now
DRUG STORE, in' South Hanover fltred*,
next door to C. lubotFs Grocery Storo, whore h©
has Just received and opened a stock of
Porfiuhery, Toilet Soaps, cml Fancy Articles! .'Ail
so, a large lot of
Tobacco and Shears;,
of'lho most favorite brands, Coal Oil Lamps and
Shades, Burning Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits.,
Nuts, Coal Oil, Alcohol, stationary. Potent Mpdi
cines. and all other articles eonneoled with out line
All of whioh wo will sell at prices to suit the tim es
druggM l ° ns car * fu " 7 co <ur»unded by a oompoten
Carlisle, April 23, 1863.
\TVLISES, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Uraho
* rallaa Ao. Franflh solo leather Trunks, La
dies travelling Trunks of largo alios, brasibonmi,
of the bsstmakss, in.large variety at
Afaneh ID; '«3
North nsnoTor SlrrioC