CUMBERLAND V ALLEYBANK, NOTICE. —It will bo scion by the following advertisement that Henry A. Sturgeon, Esq. 'has retired from the firm of Kor, Dunlap & Co., and that Samuel Hepburn, Esq., of Carlisle, Cum berland county, Pa., has been associated with the remaining partners in the firm of Kor, Dunlap A Co., and that IVm. W. Hepburn has been elected Cashier in the place of Mr. Sturgeon. • , THE PROPRIETORS NOW ARE; TVilliam Ker, Isaac Bhenneman, Richard W00p.3, John S. Sterrett, John C. Dunlap, John Dunlap, Samuel Hepburn. This Bank w,ill continue' to do a ‘_ General Banking and Exchange Business * At their Banking House, in Carlisle, under the name and stylo of KBit, DUNLAP A; CO. Money will ho received on deposit and paid back on demand, without notice. Cortilicatos of deposit, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, will,bo issued for as short a period as four months.' Inter est on all certificates will cease at maturity, but if such certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for another given period, they shall bear the same rate of interest up to the tlmo of removal. Twenty days notice’must bo given of an intention to-with-- draw interest deposits. „ The proprietors would call the attention of Far mers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe depository for their money, to the fact that they are not only liable.-to the amount of their stock in the Bank, but arc individually liable to, the extent of their whole estates for all the deposits and other obligations of Kcr, Dunlap .t Co. . Particular attention will be’given to tho collec tion ef Vendue Notes, Foreign Bills, Drafts, Checks, t to., in any part of the United States and Canadas. HcmiUances made to any part of tho United States, England and Ireland. . ■. . ■ They will at all times bo pleased to give any in formation desired in regard to money matters in general. .. The faithful, and confidential, execution of all business entrusted to them may bo relied upon. Tho Bank will bo open for business from 9 o’clock jn tho morning, until 11 o’clock in the afternoon. Discount day’, every Tueoday. ; Collections from. Philadelphia,-Now York and Boston made on favprrblo terms. ‘ Tho proprietors refer to Jay-Cooki: & Co., Philadelphia. ■. E. Vt . Opark & Co., j Wisslow, tixViKKH & Co., New York, Ulakk; Ctti5SEY\A Co., Boston. , ly. lIEPBUUN, ■ Cunhicr, March 0, ’G2—ly, NEW GOODS, A fresh and general assort &fesg£E ries# ment of Groceries constantly on hand, embracing tbc i best'qualities ir the .mar ket, such as Coffees. Sugars, Spices, Table Oils, Pickles.” Crackers, Mimroni, Citron, Kaisins, ns W’A\ as all the varieties belonging to a*good grocery' store, together with a suitable assortment of tbo finest• Syrups & Molasses, Mackarel, Salmon, jJaskets, Tubs. Churns, and other articles for house hold use. including a tine assortment of- China, Glass Queensware, The public bavo our thanks for the liberal pa tronage bestowed npon ns in the past. Wo hope tc merit a share of their custom in the future. April ,lib ISGI. J, W. FI3Y. —TOO tons of Iron—Hammered and Rolled—of all sizes, just received, and war ranted to be of the best quality, with a largo as sortment of Sheet Ivon, Hoop Iron, Band Iron, Horse Shoe Iron, Files, Spring Steel, Rasps, Oii r t Stool, Bulls, Blister Steel, Nuts, Horse Shoes, Screw Plates- Horse Shoe Nails, Blacksmith Bellows, Rivets, &c. } &c., &c., Wasbcrs> Anvils, V ices', Cheaper than the cheapcst,at the Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON, East Main street. March 27, 1862. PRESERVE. YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM , YOUR HEALTH AND MENTAL POWERS, By using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, ami Spe cific Remedy known as JIEUUiOLD'S EXTRACT TiUCIW. Bead the advertisement in another column, and pro&t by it— Disease and Symptoms Enumerated. Cut it out, and Preserve it. You may not now require it, But may at some Future Day. il It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid check." It Saves Long Buffering and Exposure. Beware of Counterfeits' I Cures Guaranteed. HOOP SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS I! ie cliea P° st hoop skirts vV/Vrjust received from New York, all of the latest styles, the above lot of SKIRTS are of a su perior. make a:vi> Will be sold cheaper than any in the market. We ere now offering our entire slock of STJM- JdEft DRESS GOODS, at greatly reduced prices. The good lime has really come for bargains. Spring & Summer goods are to’ be slaughtered to make room to begin the Pall Campaign. -GREENFIELD & SIIEAFER. July 10, 1802. MINTS AND OIL, Lead, 1,000 galls, of 01 a largo assortment of Tarnishes, Fire-proof Paint, Turpentine, s Florence White, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Litharago, Hod Lead, Whiting, , Boiled Oil, Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Spoim Oil, , Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &0.. Colors of every description, dry and «ans and tubs, at the Hardware Store H. SAXTON. Maroh 27,180? CLOCKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS: JUST received from Kew York, a beautiful assortment of new ujid desirable styles of CLOAKS from the most fashionable New York Cloak House. tVhiuh aro now ready for inspection at Greenfield & Slieaffer’s NEW AND CHEAP STOKE. On the above goods wo defy competition. As wo have not dealt in the article heretofore, persons W-ll be certain of getting a NEW CLOAK of us, as >?e had no old stock, from last year, to offer. GREENFIELD &, SIIEAFFEB, • One Door West of County Prison. Notr.’-2?‘ '62. Hats and Caps, THE Hat and Cap Store heretofore known as “KELLERS'' has boon amoved just oppo site tho old stand two doors from Arnold’s clothing store. Tho business will bo conducted as heretofore, and all goods both home made and city manufacture give satisfaction as recommended. A flill patronage is respectfully solicited, and every effort w\U lie made to keep tho assortment in Mon ami Boys Hats and Caps'complete, with prices to Cult the times. Spring titles of Silk Hats now ready. JOHN A. KELLEH Hoy. 14,1801. FOWDER.— Just rccv pont’s Blasting and I Safety Fuse, Bioko, Stone Brills,' Mattocks, , Stone Sledges,- ■ Crow Bars, Slone Hammers, Bigging Irons, Napping Hammers, * g FtTMPS AND CEMENT.—IOO bbls. of Ce ment, with a Jargo assortment'of Chain and Won J?umpe, Just received, and for Bale cheaper than ever, at H. SaXTON’S. U. B Cement aold by tie quantity ot mnnufao tmon prlooa, Wurab 27, 13«. THE subscriber has just returned from the eastern cities with the. largest, cheapest, and best selected assortment of Hardware, over offered in this county. Every thing kept in a largo whole sale and retail Hardware ators, can ho had a little lower than at any other house in the county, at the cheap hardware store of tho subscriber. Nails and spikes- —5O tons nails and spikes just received of tho very best makes, and all warranted. Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu facturers’ prices. 600 pairs Trace Chains of all kinds, with a largo assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do., 'fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains,.cow chains, •to. | . ' ‘ Hames. —350 pair of Hames of all kinds just re ceived; Common pattern, London pattern; Eliza bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten ings, cheaper than ever. Paints and Oils.— lo • tons White Lend, 1,000 gallons Oil just received* with n large assortment of varnishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharago, whiting, glue, shellac, , {mint brushes, fire-proof paint,Florence white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod load, lard. oil,'boiled oil, oil, fish oil, ifco.— Colors of every description, dry and in oil, in cans ami tubes. Farm Bells. —Just received tho largest, cheap est; and best. assortment of Farm Bells in the count}'. Groonenstlo znotal and 801 l metal, war ranted not to crack. Powder.—2s kogs Dupont Rock and Rifle Pow der, with a large assortment of safety fuse, picks, crowbars, stone drills, stone sledges, stono hammers, &o. ’ Pumps and cement.—so barrels cement; with a very large assortment of chain and iron pumps of all kinds, cheaper than evorj at the hardware store of- . . ' HENRY SAXTON. ■: Carlisle, March S, IS6I. , Selling olf Twenty-Five Per Cent, lie- AT tho 'gn of the “ Gold Eagle,” 3-doors above tu Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church on West Main jO street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY , in the town, bo sold 30 per cent.- lower than at any place in tho State. Tho stock comprises a largo assortmentof Gold & Silver Huriting-cusb'Watchos,. Xjovers, Lcpines, American watches,, and’ all other kinds and styles, gold and silver Chains, Jewelry of all kim.s, Spectacle?, Gold ahd silver; plated and silver Wu. v o, Music Boxes, Acoordcons, OH Paintings, a grovt variety of Fahey Articles, and.a lot of the fines' Pianos, which will bo sold 40 per-cent, lower than *. for offered in town. The en- tire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, largo Mirrors arid Safe, will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having.selected a first class workman all kinds of repairing will bo done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lOO below the factory price, on account of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will sell at the Jewelry store throe Rosewood Pi anos, warranted at j their value) on easy terms, if called on soon. For Rent.—Thclarge throe story' BRICK HOUSE on Main street, will ho rented from the lst of April, 1562. Call at the Jewelry Store, in said building. R. E. SIIAPLEY. . Carlisle, April 18. 1861 CliEMEail A; STARK’S GREEN MOUNTAIN-. WASHING MACHINE, THIS machine is so very simple in con struction, and cfficlcnt and'easy in operation, that a boy or girl 10 or 12 years of ago can perforin the services of Washing with ease, and do it in 1-4 the time that a grown person can without a Ma chine. This is a great saving to thoss that hire; also, to the bone aud muscles of those who afo com pelled to endure the trials pf the washing day.— This Machine is a great self-labor saving Invention. It is the universal expression of those who have used it. and they are legion, .that the hitherto long and laborious work of washing-day is made qnick aud easy, by the use of this machine; aud the time is now at hand when no family should bo without one. The Proprietors have no hesitancy in saying that this is the acme ,of Washing, Machine Inven tion, and worth more than oil others combined.—. It is in fact the ,l NE PLUS ULTRA" in tnis lino of invention. For confirmation of the above, call and examine one at the shop of J. 11. Weaver, north Hanover street’, Carlisle,. • Dec. 12,1801—ly* FORWARDING & COMMISSION 'HOUSE. FIiOUH & FEED, The suascrihcr having taken tho Warehouse,, cars ahd fixtures of William B. Murray's well known es tablishment, on. West High Street, opposite Dickin-' inson College, would inform tho public, that he has entered into, a general Forwarding and Com mission business. The highest market price will* bo paid for Flour, Grain and'Produce of all kinds.- lie is also, predared to freight prodilco and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rales, with safety and despatch. Planter and Salt kept constantly on hand, and Flour and. Feed at wholesale or retail. Coal of all kinds, embracing • LYICFN’S VALLEY, LUKE EIBDLEU, SUNI3UUY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, . Lhneburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal, constantly for sale. Kept under cover,, and .delivered d.ry to, any part of the town .S,—rlO tons of White 'll, just received, with HAVE jualcomplotctl opening their spring stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Ac., to which they invite the curly attention of the public generally. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all its various brunches, and can now accomo.luto the public with . RELIABLE GOODS, in' large or small quantities at the lowest prices.— We don’t want the public to think wb have brought all the Goods in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we can as*nro them that a look into onr store will convince them that wp have enough Goods to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our lino will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making theirpurehascs. All orders personally and punctu ally attended to, and no misrepresentations made to effect sales. WOULD call the attention of the-public to his -largo an<;l superior stock of COAL and LUMBER, which ho constantly keeps on hand at his yard, near the Gas Works. The attention of builders and others is pnrti.m rly invited to his stock of SCANTLING, PAULGS, WEATIIER HOARDING, FRAME STUFF. BOARDS, SHIN GLES, PLANK, LA TIIS, <(:c. *Our stock of CO AL •unprisos LYKEN'S VALLEY, LOCUST GAP, LO/iBER Y, SIIAM OK IN, SUNRURY WHITE ASH, LUKE FIDDLER, LIME BURNERS, and BROAD TOP BLAGKSMITirS COAL, nil of the best quality, and kept undercover, and will ho sold at the lowest rates. Thankful for tho patronage of a generous public, bestowed upon tho late firm of Black A Dklancv, ho would solicit a continuance of the same, as ho will strive to please. All orders loft nt tho resi dence of Jacob Shcom forCoal'or Lumber, will bo promptly attended to as heretofore. OLIVER DELANCY. July 25, 1801. CHAINS. —GOO pairs of Trace Chains, of all kinds, with a largo assortment of Log “ Cow “ Just received nt tho Choa] March 27, 1862. toivedalarge lot of Du tliflo Powder. Also, HAMES. —500 pairs of Hames on hand, of all kinds,. ' Eiizubothtown pattern, Loudon , Common with and without patent fastenings, cheaper than For Rem. THE Inrgo rooms formerly occupied liy the Post-Office, corner of Hanover and Pomfret street*, Carlisle, are for rent. Inquire of . J.B.BKATTON. low Cost! !! Gold Rms and Pencils, PATENTED JUNE 8, 1858. COAL, PLASTER & SALT. J. H. NONESIAKEE. Dec. 22, 1859, |LBjiVAR£. John P. &' Son, JOHN P. T.YNE & SON. North Hanover street. Carlisle, April 25,1801 LUMBER AND GOAL. OLIVER EELANCY Halter Chains, Fifth “ Butt Chains, Breast ** Tongue “ Spreads, Ac., Ac., Hadwaro Store of H. SAXTON. jQRUGS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, . ' CONFECTIONARIES. FRUITS, PICKLES, PERFUMERY, . PRESERVED FRUITS. S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn’a. Has just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs Fancy Goods, Gift Books, Perfumery, Fruits, an.. Confectionery, which has never boon surpassed in this borough, for novelty and elegance. Tho arti sles have booh selected with groat care, and are cal culated, in quality and price, to command the. at tention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, at all prices*, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates. Al so, an extensive collodion of BOOKS, comprising tho .various English and American Annuals for 1859, richly ombolisbed and illustrated Poetical Works, with Pictorial Docks, for children of all ages. His assortment of School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and the Schools. Ho also desires to call tho particular attention of families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, ii'c: - ’ from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar chor and others of Philadelphia, comprising every stylo of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning cither Lard, Sperm or Etllbrial Oil, togeth er with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His as sortment in.this-lino is unequalled in the borough. Also, • ’ SEGARS & TOBACCO, embracing all tlio favorite brands, anda’fine assort ment of M-EERSOIIAUM SMOKERS & PIPES. - . Fli UIT S f such as. oranges, Lemons,. Figs, Raisins, Necta" •rhios, Prunes, Ac.' Fancy' Confectionery, Nuts* Preserved Fruits, Minced Moat, Pickles, Ac., Ac., in every variety and all prices, All of which are pure and frbsb, such as can bo confidently rccoiuy mcndcdvto his friends. His stock embraces every thing in the line of Fancy Goods, with many, other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and.see, at tho old stand opposite the Deposit Bank. S. W. HAVERSTICK. Carlisle, Doc. 26, 1801. New Coal Yard. A T THE WEST EKDOF CARLISLE. . THE subscribers would respectfully call the attention of Limoburncrs and the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to their new COAL YARD, attached to his Ware-house, on West High st., where they will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the best* quality of loal, to wit: Lykcua Valley, Zulce 'idler, Pine Grove, and ‘cverton, Broken, Egg nd Nut Coal—-screen id and dry, all of which 10 pledges hiqiself to df ut the lowest possi- bio prices. Best qual ity of Limeh'urncra * and Blacksmiths’* Coal always on band. « orders loft at tho Ware House, or at hit residence in North Hanover street will bo promptly attended to. • -. • HENDERSON & REED. Carlisle, Dec. 22, .1859—1 f. , Town :i« Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralyze, Piles, and for all eases requiring a; Tonic Dr. Dods’ Celebrated Wine Billers ARK UNSURPASSED For Sore Throat, so common amdbg the Clergy •they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak .constitution—for Ministers', pf the Gosplo, Lawyers, and all public speakers—for Book-Keep? ors, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedontry life, they will prove truly .benefiei.ab • . As a beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all tho exhil arating effects of .Brandy or Wine, witboutinloxica ting; and area valuable remedy for persons addict ed to the use of excessive strong drink, and who and who wish to refrain from’it.. They are pure and entirely, free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which thbcouu-, try is flooded. - , . - These Bitters notonly punk,but prevent Disease, .anti should he used by all who live in a country Whorotho water is.bad, or whore .Chills and Fevers are .prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harm-, loss, they may bo given freely to children infants wi.t-h impunity. n Physicians, clergymen, and temperance advocates, as an. act of-humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable bitters' over the land, and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. hi. oil affections of the Mead , Sick Headache O’, Nervous \ Headache, Mr. Dods 7 Imperial Wine Milters will he found to he mosis alu tan/ and Efficacious, FEMALES, The many certificates which have been tendered, us, and the letters which wo are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bit ters have given'a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in the land should bo without them, and those who once ueo tbcm will not fall to keep DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ Imperial wine Bitters. Are prepared by ah cminen t and skillful physician who has used them successfully in his practice for the'last twonty-fivo years. The proprietor before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovce •Duds’ Celebrated Imperial Rfine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguisued modi-* cal practitioners who pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. ‘ ' . Although the medical men of tho'country, as a general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet wo do not believe that a respectable Physician can bo found in the United States, acquainted .with their medical properties, will hot highly approve nu.' J. BOVBii DODs’iMPuiuAL wink Bitters. In all newly, settled places, where -there-is al ways a largo quantity- of decaying timber from which a poisonous misasma is created; these bitters should-bo used every morning before brcakfiisi. Are composed of a puro aud undultoratod Wines combined with Barberry, Solomon’s Seal, Comfrey, Wild, Cherry Tree -Bark, Spikenard, Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They arc manufactured by. Dr. Dods himself, is an experienced and succes sful Physician, and hence should not bo classed among tho qiuick nostrums which flood tno coun try', and against.which tboModicuiProfossion are so justly prejudiced. Those truly valuable Bitters have been so thorough ly tested by all classes of tho,community for almost every variety of disease incident to tho human sys tem, that they are now deemed indispensable as a tonic, medicine, and a beverage. Purchase one-bottle..' It costs hutlittlei Purify tho blood. Give tone to the .stomach. Renovate the system. And prolong life. Price $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. • Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., bole ntorniETons, 78 William Street, New- York. ■ sale by druggists and grocers generally throughput tho country. In Carlisle by S. W. lIAVERSTICK, Druggist, C. INHOFF, Grocer. Oct. IG, 18G2—ly. Fife Insurance. THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO’ MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, inoogioratcd by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had ita charter extended to tho year 1883, is now in active andvigorous operation under tho super intendence of the following Board'of Managers; Win. It. Gorgas, Christian Stayman,' Michael Cooklin, Daniel Bailoy, Alexander Cathcnrt, Jacob JI. Coovcr, John Eichelhorgcr, Joseph Wiokorshani, Samuel Eborly, Rudolph Martin, Moses Brisker, Jacob Coovcr and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of -insurance are as low and favorable asany Company of the kind in the State; Persons wishing to become members aro invited to make ap plication to the Agents of the Company who are willing to wait upon them at any time. President—W. R. GORGAS, Ebcrly’s Mills, Cum berland county. - Vico Pros’t. — Christian Stayman, Carlisle Cum bcrland county. Soot'y.— John C. Dunlap, Moobanicsburg, Cum berland county. Treasurer — -Michael Cogklin, Shopherdstown, Cumberland county.' , AGENTS. Cumberland County. —John Shorriok, Allen; Hen ry Zoaring.Shiromanstown; Lafayette Polfor, Dick inson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown; Mode Ori fitb, South Middleton; SamT. Graham, W. Pcnns horo’; SamuelGoovor, Moobanicsburg; J. W. Cock lin, Shophordstown; D. Ooovcr, Upper Allen; J. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John llyor; Carlisle'; Valentino Pooman, New Cumberland. York r County. —W. S. Picking, Dover : Tames Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Doardortf, Washington ; Richey Clark, Dillsburg; D. Rutter, Fairviow; John Williams, Carroll. , Dauphin County.— Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Members of the Company having politics aboul to expire, can have them renewed by making appli cation to any of tho Agents. March 13, 1802, •Just received and for to prices, a largo assort- PLOWS, PLOWS.— sale at Manufacture?! montof Plank’s Plows, Honwood’s “ Zeiglcr’s “ Weirioh’s “ a tho cheap Hardware St Tork Motal Plows/ Bloomfield do Eaglo do . Cultivators, Ac., Sec., toro of H. SAXTON, JOB PRINTING teatly executed at this ofiloo ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Ths boat tylechnnioal Paper in the World. EIGHTEENTH TEAR. Volume VIII—Hew Scries, ANEW volume of this popular Journal commences on tho first of January. It is published weekly! ahd every number contains six teen pages of useful information, and from fivo to ton original engravings of now inventions and dis coveries, all of which are prepared expressly for its columns. To tho Mechanic and Manufacturer, No person engaged in any of the mechanical or manufacturing pursuits should think of " doing without” tho Scientific American. It costs but six cents per wcokj every number contains from six to ton engravings of new .machines and inventions, which can not bo found id any other publication. To the Inventor. The Scientific American is indispensable to every inventor, as it not only contains illustrated de scriptions of nearly all tho best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an Opcial List of tbo Claims of all tho Patents issued from tho United States Patent Office during tho week previous; thus giving a correct history of tho pro gress of inventions in this country.. Wo are also receiving, every.week, tho host scientific journals of Groat Britain, Franco,, and Germany ; thus pla-r cing in our possession all that is transpiring in me chanical science and art in those old countries.—- Wo shall continue to transfer to our columns copi ous extracts from those journals of whatever wo may deem of interest to our readers. . A pamphlet of instruction as to tho boat mode of obtaining Letters Patent on now inventions, is fur nished free ;oo application. ' • ■ . Messrs..Miinn A Co. hayo acted as Patent Solic itors for more than seventeen years, in .connection with tho publication of tho'Scientific American, and they refer to 20,000 patentees for whom they, have done business. No charge is mado. for examining, sketches and models of new inventions and for advising invert tors as to their patentability. Chemists, Architects, Millwrjyhts and Farmers. The Scientific American will bo found a most use ful journal to : them. All the new discoveries in the science of chemistry arc given in its, column's, and the interests Of the architect and carpenter arc not overlooked ;• all the. now inventions and discov eries these pursuits being published from week to week. Useful - and practical infor mation pertaining to, the interests of millwrights and mill-owners will ho found in the 'Scientific' American, which information they cannot possibly obtain from any .other source. Subjects in which farmers are interested found discussed in the. Scientific American; most of thoimprovomcrits in agricultural implements being illustrated in its columns. terms To mail subscribers.: Throe .Dollars a year, or One Dollar for four, months. The volumes com mence on the first of January and July. Specimen, copies will bo sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or-Post-office stamps taken at par for subscriptions. . Canadian subscribers ’ will' please to remit twenty-five cents extra on each year’s subscription to prepay post age. ’ Gocley’B Lady’s Book For 1863, Great 'Literary and Pictorial Year ! The publisher of Godoy’s Lady's Book, thankful to that public which has enabled him to publish a magazine fur the last thirty : throo years of a larger circulation, than any in America, has mado an ar rangement with the most popular authoress in this country—Marion -llarland, Authoress of “Alone," “Hidden Path," “Moss Side," “Nemesis," and “Miriam," who will furnish a stnry for every num ber of the Lady’s Book f0r',1863. This alone will place the Xndy’s Book in a literary point of view far ahead of any other magazine.' -Marion llarland. writes for no .other publication. Our other favorite writers will all continue to furnish articles through out the year. The best Lady’s Magazine in the Worldand the Cheapest. The Literature is of that kind that can bo read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy in immense numbers are subscribers for the Book. The. Mnsic is. all original, and would cpst 25 cents (the Price of the Book) in the.musio stores; but most of it is copyrighted, and oauuot bo obtain ed except in “ Qodoy.” pur Steel Engravings. All efforts to rival ns in this have, ceased, and wo how stand alone in tins department, giving as wo do, many more and infi nitely better engraving's than are published in any ,o.ther work. Oodoy’s immense double sheet fnshion plates containg from five to seven’ full length Colored Fashions on-each plate. Other magazines give only'two. Fur ahead of any Fashions in Europe or America. , Qodoy's is the only work in the world that gives these immense plates,,and they are such ns to have excited the wonder, of publishers and the public.. The publication of these plates . coat $lO,- •000 more than fashion plates old stylo, and’ nothing blit our wonderfully largo circulation ena-, blcs us to give them. Other magazines cannot afford it. ,Wo never spare money, when the public can bo benefited. Those fashions may ho relied .on.' Drosses may bo made after them, and the wearer will not subject bcrs’ ridicule,as would bo the case if she visit ed the largo cities dressed after the stylo of' the plates giveu in some of our so called fashion'jnaga zincs. ■ Our wood Engravings, of which wo'givb twice or three times as many as any other, magazine, are often mistaken for steel. Imitation. Beware of them. Remember that the Lady's Book is the original publication aud the cheapest. If you take Qodoy, you other, magazine. Everything that is useful or ornamental in' a house can bo found in Godoy. Drawing lessons. No other magazine gives them, and we have given enough*to 111 several largo volumes. Our receipts-arc such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking in all its variety—Confectionary— the Nursery—the Toilctc—tho Luuudry—the Kitch en. ■ Receipts upon, all subjects arc to.found in the pages of the Lady’s Book. Wo originally started this department, and have peculiar facilitos for making it most perfect. This department alone is worth the price of the Book. Ladies work table,. This department comprises cngravtngs and descriptions of every article that a lady wears. * Model Cottages. No other magazine’ has this department. ‘ Terms, Cash in Advance. —Ono copy one year, $3. Two copies ono your, $5. Three copies one year, $6. Four copies ono year, $7. Five copies ono year, and an extra copy'to the person sending the club,.slo. Right copies ono year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $l5, Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the Club, $2O. And the only magazine that can bo introduced into the above clubs jn place of the Lady’s Book is Arthur’s Homo Magazine.. Special Clubbing with oilier Magazines* Qodoy’s Lady's Book and Arthur’s Hpmo Maga zine both ono year for $3 50. Godoy’a Lady's Book and Harper’s Magazine both one year for $1 50. ■ Godoy, Harper, and Arthur will all throe bo sent ope year on receipt of $6 00. Treasury Notes apd Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. . Bo careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address A. L. GODEY 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. November 6, 1862. New Wine and Liquor Store. Three doors East of Inhojjfs Grocery Store, and facing the Market House , Carlisle . THE undorsinned having opened a full and complete assortment of tbo purest and best B WINES AND. LIQUORS, bo invites Hole keepers, House keepers, and others to give him a call, being determined to keep a better article than is generally kept in the country, and at low prices. BRANDIES —Otard, Pinot Vintage, 1852 ; Ro chelle. GlNS—Swan, Schoidam Schnapps, Moyer's Old Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. E. Rum. WlNES—Maderia, very old; Sherry, Sweet Ma aga, Old Port, Lisbon, Claret, Champagne, Muscat. WHlSKY—Monongahola, Pure Old Rye, Bour bon and common Whisky. Also, Wine Bitters, Demijohns, Bottles, Ac* figs'* Bottled Liquors of all kinds'. WILLIAM MARTIN. May 17,1801. • New Goods! New Goods! Anew and beautiful assortment of Now Goods from Now York and Philadelphia, have just boon oponod at tho far famod CIINAP STORII of GREENFIELD <£ SIIEAFER. P. S. Remember tho placo| ono door wost of the County Prison, Main 6U ' O. A S. CARLISLE FO®!^ 5 Fanning Implement F GARDNER, &. CO. now mannf . ‘ and koop constantly FOtt SALP IQOh lto extensive Steam Works on Bast largo assortment of Agricultural Irani™ 131 '/a woll known and approved usefulness to p"' «t omong’which thoy would call oapooial uttonu nno ' , *> wiLLOUGnnv'a celehrated °° to Patent Gum Spring. Grain Drill which has taken over fifty first class nroms 1 State and County Fairs. To tho .farmers of*?* a * boriand, York and Pot y counties wb need nA CaQi * in detail of the merits of Mandrill, as scoroa f l C nro now in uso on tho bost-farma'in these C II . * Its reputation is ostabliL-hod- as tbo most'eo^* 08 ' grain drill now manufabtured In. the United o ?.^* 0 Iftoows Wheat, Rye# Oats, Barley and Grass « alci * and regular, without hunching the seed, springs pass the drill over stumps and atones ° Out broakingi)ins or tho drill. For oven and lar sowing, tho Willo&ghby Gum Spring Drill equalled by any other. Weralso manufacture sell tho following articles, which wo can to farmers as reliable implements of osfatrC character: Morrison's Patent Corn Planter, Zash's Patent Straw and Fodder Cutter Bridendotfs Patent Corn Shelter * Johnston's Cast Iron Hcys* Trounh Ham's Patent Cider Mill, . 1 Also, Throe, and Four Horse Powers and Tb h ' ing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollerc, Ploif iT Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers h other articles for farmers too, numerous to ment? ‘ Also, Egg Coal Stovcb and ten plate Wood 810™* with an immense variety of other castings forhou keepers and others. Wo havo also an attract variety of patterns for * IRON RAILINGS, . and Cemetery enclosures, to which wo would call attention. . STEAM ENGINES AND MILL GEAIUNtf, - To this department of wo gi vc p ar . ticular attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for paper, flour and saw mill gearing i* constantly increasing. Mill owmors and millwrights will ho furnished with a printed catalogue of our various mill patterns on application. Our machine shop all the various tools for turning planing and finishing shafting and casting, by good and careful machinists. of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 bone power, built in the best stylo and on accommodating terms.' Engines built at our. establishment may bo seen in successful operation at many of the largest distilleries, and tannhorios in Carlisle, and Cumb’d Perry and Dauphin cos;, to the owners of.wbich iro confidently refer for information as to their efficien cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines, arc cnrmuly requested to call and examine before else whore. ' Connected with our establishment is a steam Saak and Door Manufactory which is now in complete order for thfc manufacture of every description of . BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly as.well as the plainest house, Window. Sash furnished from five cents upward,nc cording to size of glass j window Frames frpmsi;m upward; Shutters and I oiling Blinds from $1,75 upward; . Door, frames from $1,75 upward ; four Panel Doors from $2,12 upward. Mouldings, Caj ings, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house, building, furnished at the lowest prices, and of the best quality of lumber. Wo are also prepared as herotofor Uo build and repair BURDEN CARS for transpoi tors on the railroad, with promptocsi and on reasonable terms. MUNN & CO., PI'BMSHEim, 37.Plirk How, N. Y. The continued patronage of the public is respect fully. solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ..s’-. F. GARDNER & CO. Perfect Fitting; Shirts MADE to measure and guaranteed a per* feet fit ’ SIX FOR NINE DOLLARS,' warranted to bo of a superior article of Linen and Muslin of the most celebrated makes. Also, every variety of Shirts constantly kept on. hand pfovory Stylo and Quality. Collarß of all tbo - , TO TRAVELERS AND ' The Traveling Public. TRUNKS, valises; CARPET RAGS, ‘ UMBRELLAS, &o. f of every description and largest, variety. Sold ftt WAR! WAR!! IVIXLITARY suits of every description LTA made at short notice, of every style, color, and quality, at moderate prices by ISAAC LIVINGSTON, • North Hanover St, October 29. 1662. ’ ’ . ’ JRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, French |_ *Sble LcatherTrunks of all sizes and prices. Ladies Travelling Trunks, the largest, sizes, Brass Bound Canvass Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Plush, Oil, 4 Philadelphia. BITTERS, Of the very best quality. Dealers ar.d others desiring a PURE ARTXCL will find it as represented, as his whole attention be given to a proper and careful selection ol STOCK, which cannot bo surpassed, and bopos have tho patronage of the public. gjjoWEB- Carlisle, April 12, .1861, ■ DagHCi’ci’Otyp®*' TN beauty arid durability, no r ( " JL picture equals a good PnguorrootM the opinion expressed by the loading P | journals of tbo day, both and Ihoso may bo obtained , to f JJi Reynolds’ Loulhot stroot two doors wes Carlisle, Nor. 7, 1 01*— STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Carlisle, May 3, 1862. LIVINGSTONS ISAAC LIVINGSTON’S North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. May 8,’62. , . * ISAAC LiyiNG.STON, North Hanover St. Oct. 29 1302.