mnoCLAMATION TO SOLDIERS AB -51 SENT WITHOUT LEAVE. Tho President has Issued an important noliimatidn to soldiers absent from their 'laments without leave. lie gives grace to ■ r n fi sucb, up to tho Istof April, at winch time “ ' w j, o report themselves to tho nearest •headquarters, as designated by a previous nrdor of the Secretary, of AVer, will be Restored to thoir respective regiments 'with out punishment; hut those who do not, .will ? arrested as deserters and dealt witb-as the W directs. He warns evil disposed •persons L 0(. jo give aid'to the rcbollion.'by ‘Onoourag desertion, thus weakening the strength of the armies and exposing'those troops in the field to additional 'Sanger. Ho calls upon all good'citlzcns to assist in preventing ,disaffected parties from urging the desertion soldiers and discouraging enlistments. JHattirti. On tho 12th inst., by Rev. Wm. Kopp, Mr. John Miti.Eßj to Miss Mary Crissinger, both ’of Silver Spring, ' . In Frankford township,, on tho 10th inst., Mrs. Margaret Snyder, aged 85' years, R Months and 18 days. , Marfofe. CARLISLE MARKET.— March Is, 1863. Corrected Weekly hy R. G. Woodward. Fioun, Superfine, per bbl., 6,00 do.. Extra, do., 6,75 do., Hyo, do., , 4,50 White Win:at, per bushel, 1,00 Jliin Wheat. ~ do., 1,50 Bye, do., ' 83 Corn, do., Oat?, do., String Barley, do., Fall do., do., CLOVERSEED, do., IIUOTUYSEEE, 86.,, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS.—SIaroh 18 Flour, superfine, u extra, Eve Flour, Corn'Meal, Wheat; rod, “ white, Kye, •■. Corn. yellow, “ white, Oats, - ’ Cloverseee, Whisky, GIRARD HOUSE. CHESTNUT St.>1)01017 Ninth, Philade] phia. ' KANAGA, FOWLER A Co., Proprietors. March 19, *o3—2m, SHERIFF’S SALES. By virtue of Sundry writs of Alias and Plurius ■Venditioni Exponas and Levari Facias, issued out ol the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland coun ty, and to mo directed, I will expose to publio ven due or outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Carlisle, on Friday,'the 10th day of April, 1803, at 10 o’clock. A, M., the following described Ileal .Estate viz,* A lot of ground in tho borough of Carlisle, bounded oh tho south by North .street, on the west by East street, on tbo north by C. Kiudig and on tho east by tho Lctort Spring, containing two acres and. a half moro. or less, having tbcfcon erected a .1 story and a half frame house, small (tabic, and other out-houses, Seized and taken in locution and to bo sold as tho property of John Efthir, .* —Also- ■' A. lot of ground situate in Keaton township, containing l aoco, more or less/bounded on the cost by tbo Big Spring on the west by. Railroad street, on the north by the laud ,of Peter A. Alii «t Brothers, and on tho south by tho Cumberland Valley Railroad, having thereon erected a two story weather boarded house, stable, steam distillery, bog pons and w6od r shod. Seized and taken in exe cution and to bo sold as tho property of A. M. Middleton. —Also— £A lot of ground situate on north street, in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on'tho oast by James Armstrong, on tho west by Jobn Noble, on tho south by Locust alloy, n,nd on the north by. North street, containing GQ feet in front, and 240 feet in . depth havingthoroon erected one two and a half story frame machine shop, with machinery thereto at tached, ono one story fram.obuiidingusod osa foun dry,and one one story stone house.- Soizodand taken .in execution and to bo sold ns tho property of Wil-' lifunClibb and Eli Morrett. ' —Also— A lot of ground sithato in south Middleton township containing five acres more or less, bounded on tho east by the Walnut Bottom road on the west by tho Spring road, on tho north by tho Spring road and on tho south by lands of John No ble. - - A lot of ground situate in tho borough of Carlisle, containing CO feet in front and. 110 feet in depth; more or loss boundedbn tho oastbyan alley, on the west by Pitt street, on tho North by lot of Mrs/ Bowers, and on tho south by South street, having thereon erected a one story frame house, A lot of ground situate in tho borough of Car lisle, containing 30 feet in front and 240 feet in depth more or loss, bounded on the oast by a lot of William Lino and others, #u tho west by lot of George Wahl, on tho north by .Chapel alley and oa tho south by South street, having thoroop erected a bno story log house. Seized and taken in execu tion and to bo sold as tho property, bf William Cart. —Also— A ono story brick house, Sixteen feet by eigh teen feet, on a lot of ground belonging to Defendant, situated in tho town of Lisbon, Upper Allen town ship, Cumberland Co., and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by Lisbon St., on tho west by lands of widow Mateor, on tho south by lands of Benjamin Anderson’s heirs, and On tho oast by lands of Andrew Matoor’s hoirs, containing ono quarter of an aero more or loss. Seized and taken execution, and to bo sold as the property of John —Also—- All that log dwelling house of two stories high, having a front of twonty-four foot, and a depth of twonty-Bix foot, situate on a,certain lot or piooo of land m South Middleton township, Cumberland Co hounded on tho north by Samuel Given, on tho east by Carlisle Iron Works, on tho south by—Hollingor and on tho west by tho Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpiko road. Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of David Harrold. —Also—. A traotof land sitanto in North Middleton town »hip; Cumberland Co., bounded by other lands of John G. Btouifor, William Natobor, John Kompor, Jacob Hartman, and tho Couodoguinotto crook, containing one hundred and seventy .three acres, TrailL twenty-six perches, more or loss, having there on erected a largo two story log and briok dwelling largobarn and other improvomonts. Seized ana taken in execution, and to bo sold as thb prop erty of John G. Stouffer. , 1 —Also— an d situate in Hicjtinson township, Dani i r v“ a , Co- ' boundod on south and west by on III! ■ Zo ‘b' lor > °n tho north, by Amos Myors, and a hnip ° n,t Bernard Gardiner, containing six and on„ or less, having thereon erected a coonn! 1 *!. 0, Btor y frame house, frame stable him s r B “°P> an d other, out-houses. Seized and ta- Mosci M ° jf tion ’ and to bo sold as tbo property of —Also— front of°i frame dwelling house having a a lot or b? an J a depth of 22 foot, situated upon c ontoininL 0 na oofiro.und’in 0 o firo . und ’ in Silver .S’pring township, ll fr° nc and 160 foot in depth, east bv thn < o?i n north by Jacob Mamma, on tho lot Of ™ or , £P rin fi road, on tho south by a Bortlinb , bort > and on tho west by Jacob bo sold , zccl and taken in execution and to as tho property of Abraham Brown. To bo sold by mo 51um,,,,,. „ j- T. KXPI’ET, Sheriff. ““'Offict, Carlisle, ) M Cosn alaroh 17, 1803. J *"1 bo rotnHr!li on t “l l 811,08 °f *5OO, or over, $5O '‘Bckcnol? indte? be P? id , whon tho property is • * ud *25 on all sales under $5OO. mk 1,10 1,20 0,00 2,25 0 25 '7 75 * 500 4 00 1 7.0 ft 1 72 1 80 a I ,9j - - 1 01 - 625 - 47■ a 49 notice, * Notice is hereby given that the fallowing flatbed persons have filed with tho undersigned their peti tions for Licence.under tho Act of Assembly of 31st of March, 1850, and tho Supplements thereto, which petitions will bo presented to tho CdUrt of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, on Monday, tho 13th day of April A. ‘D. 1883. *■ . UtOTELS. • Jjouwr -Milan —Jacob Kline, M. H. Thompson, JhoJG. Hook. , Upper Allen —Wm. L. Cooklin, H. B. Stone. Carlisle'E. TV.—Jos. Hoisor, David Martin, Ad am Wareham. - Carlisle TV. W. —IT. L. Burkholder, P. Aughin bnugh, Jno. Myers, Doyle P. Hazoltoh, John Han non; . Dickinson Twp. —J. Irvine. Bast Pennsboro* Tup. —Benjamin Clay, Jacob Shell, A. P. Erb, David Boitzol, Mrs. Eliza Bolling- Frankfovd Twp. —William Green. Hamriden “ —Goo. ,L. Sponsion,' .Goo. W. Miller. - Monroe Twp. —John Dickovor. Mechanicshurg Boro. —H. W.. Irvine, Adam Ste vens, William Scirer, Middlesex Twp.— Samuel ’Garman/N. W. Woods. Newburg Boro.—* Martin Kunkol. - New Cumberland Boro. —Jacob Switzer, George Tackier. Newton Ttop.— James A. Eakins, Simon Halo, and Goo. W. Waddle, Christopher Mollingor. Netoville Boro . —Daniel S. Dunlap, Jno, W Woodborn. . North Middleton Twp. —J. C. Beecher. Penn Twp. —Elias B. Eystor. Southamjjton Twp. —William. Clark, Daniel W. •Strolim. Ship2>enshargßoro.— -Mary A. Matccr, Abm. llos tottor, Wm. M. Augbmbaugh, Henry Hursh. • Silver Spring Twp. —J. \V. Lcidlg, John Yanns dlan, Jacob Ostott, George Duey, Peter Wobert. S. Middleton Twp, —Snider Ruply, H. S. Groon awalt, John Richer, David’Nickel. Wert Pennsboro’ —Jacob Chisncll, Lewis Zitzor. RETAILERS. Carlisle E. W. —Wm. Marlin, 1. Tho account of Adam Coovor, Assignee of Jo seph Lehman and wife, 2. Tho account of Qocrgo S. Bootom, Assignee of Jonathan Cornman. 3. Tho account of Joseph Hook, Committee of Jano Tritt, a lunatic. 4. Tho Account of James M’Candlish, Assignee of John M. Davidson. BENJAMIN DUKE, Pi'&honotary, March 12, 1863, Furs! Fairs! Man lies I jflaiitlcfl WE are soiling the balafice of our FURS and MANTLES at greatly reduced prices. Now is tho time to got bargains in those goods.— Wo bavo on hand a largo stock of all kinds of goods. Please call at LEIDIOH, SAWYER* A MILLER’S. Jan. 23,1869 k . Poor House Statement, FOR THE TEAR 1809. Joiim Miller, William Cornmak and Robert Elliott, Esq'rs, Directors of tho Poor and*of tho Houso of Employment of Cumberland County, in account with said County, ( from tho Ist day. of January to tho 31st day of December, A. D. 1862, inclusive. DR. To balance in hands of Treasurer at last settlement, Cash from County Treasurer, Carlisle Deposit Bank, on loan, Coh Gracoy and G. Inhoff, money refunded A. Boslor, ’ 9 • do. 41 69 J. Boistlino,'for two-shoals, 4 05 D. Wolf, for support of Jas Sandcrsn, dco'd . 84 00 J. Mi. Moans, Esq., forfcupportof 0. Lauglilin 28 00 D. Wherry, Esq., " u Mrs. Hollar, 29 00 J. P. Sterling, " .** Mary Knottlb, 83 60 •Peifry and other Counties, for support of Paupers, E. A. Smith and others, boarding, John JFaller, butter, S. Caldwell and others, tallow, M, Myers, 820 lbs, of lard, H. Parker, stone and straw, P. Humor and others, stock sold, Drovers, pasture, A. Boslor and others, ryo, J. Clohdonin, hides, Total debits, By cash paid A. W. Bontz and others for merchandise and groceries, $3,004 50 Mrs. Snltzhurg and others, out- ' door aid, 1,203 20 State Lunatic Asylum,support of. paupers, York County Directors, do. , J. Beistlino and others, tailor ing, hats and shoes, D. Sipo and others, out-door funeral expenses, B. Smith and others, Justices . and Constable’s fees. Wm. Gracoy and others, cattle and bogs, 870 7V John Single, brown horse, 341 00 J. A. Marsh it Co., now reaper, 123 00 A. Boslor and others, graia-and -grinding, 11. C. Woodward and others, clover and,timotby seed, 37.50 Or Delaney and others, lumber, 47 09. " . tl coal for fuel, 151 40 Henderson & Hood, coal for lime, 103 07 J. Miller and others, wood for fuel, Win. Miller, making now And repairing old pump,' O’’ 04 Henderson & Hoed, plaster, • 18 'OO, Wm. Fridley and others, tinware and tinkering, Qco. Wetzel and others, wagon making, Goo. Lindcnmood, and others blacksmithing, J. & J. Boslor, ironing now wagon, J. & P. Alspough,.painting tin roof, Goo. Zinn and others, ppstage, , express* charges and station ary, 32 23 H. Saxton and others, hardware; 198,54 J. .Glendenin, leather, 139 57 F. Gardner •& Co., eastings, 25 3S Theodore Kiefer, baking, 31 ’OO Dr. S. P. Edgier, drugs and medicine, . Dr. llobinsori and others, out-, door medical aid, 13 50. Carlisle Deposit Bank, leans; 2,250 00 Dickinson Fite Insurance Go.', 25 34 Frost Co., vines and fruit trees,. .*7 00 Dr, S. P. Zoiglor, salary, W. J. Shearer, Esq., ■ 30 00 Miscellaneous Expenses, 12 60 ' ■ Total credits, Balance duo- Treasure?, JACOB SQIUIBB, Eaq.-, Treasurer'of the Poor House and House of Employment ol Cumberland county, in account with the Directors of said Insti tution, from tho Ist day of January to the 31st day of December, 1802. dr; . ■ ■ To balance in Treasurer’s hands at iast settlement, Cash from County Tceasucer, ■ Carlisle Deposit Bank, •. Other sources, as exhibited in the fore going statement, CR. . By cash paid on Directors’ orders, as above, Balance duo Treasurer, Operations of the Institution during the yea\ . 1862. STATEMENT OF STEWARD AND MATRON, 4 - Inmates. Number of paupers in tho House, Jjin. 1, 1862, (19 of whom wore colored,) Admitted up to Doc. 31, 1862, Born in tho House up to. Dec. 31,1862, Whole number provided for during thoycar, 3S: Number died, of whom 5 wore colored, 21 i?ound out Discharged and eloped, Number remaining in. the House, Jan. 1, 1863; of whom 34 are colored,ls3 Number of out-dooc paupers, supported atpub lic expense, of whom. 3 are in the State Lu natic Asylum, 0? "Whole number chargoablo on Jan, 1, 1863,' 220 There are in the house, asjjnoar as can bo ascer tained, 2 under 1 year of age; 10 from Ito 5; 12 from 5 to 10 ; 0 from 10 to 20; 25 from 20 to 30; U from 30 to 40; 17 from 40 to 50 ; 20 from 50 to 60 ; 25 from 60 to 70; 10 from 70 tt 80; 3 from 80 to 90; and 5 from 90 to 100. In addition to the above, 2891 traveling paupers have been received without regular orders to whom wore given 7143 meals, opd many of them wore furnished with articles of clothing. Proceeds of Farm, • 1,335 bushels of fthoat, 34 bushels of rye, 2,531 bushels of shelled,corn, 433 bushols of potatoes, 63 loads of hay, 46 loads of fodder, 3 loads of Pump kins, CO bushels of Onions, 60 bushels of red boots, 20 bushels of green beans, 6 bushels of peas, 8 bushels of tomatoes, 30 bushels of parsnips, 36 bushels of turnips, 4,300 heads of cabbage, 1,000 cucumber .pickles, 3 bushols of dried apples, 190 dozen of eggs,, arid .75 brooms wore made, 5,000 bushols ef lime burned, and 43 perches of Stone wall built. - ■ # 1,300 bushels of oats. Articles made in the House, 22 P. a * rs °f cloth mittens, 11 pairs of knit mittens, 0/ pairs of knit socks, 25 pairs of stockings footed, 30 bonnets, 14 caps, 80 sacks, 83 aprons, 12 com forts,'66 chemises, 201 shirts, 87.frooks, 104 pillow slips, 54 pillow cases, 5 bolsters, 13 chaff bods, 28 sheets, IS# handkerchiefs hemmed, 55 children’s frocks, 10 children's skirts, 35 pairs of suspenders, 7 bod curtains, 4 Quilts, 6 woolen shirts, 20 chil dren’s chemises, 8 boys’ shirts, 5 table jdotbs, 23 towels, 21 shrouds, 64 yords of rag carpet, 223 lbs of hard soap, 51 bbls of soft soap, 2,126 pounds of butter, and 20 crocks of apple butter. - Articles made in the Carpenter Shop, 21 coffins, 4 chests, 1 ox yoke, 1 table, 8 double and single trees, 40 hammer handies. Siobk Fattened and Killed, 28 beeves (average, weight 506 lbs.) 16,108 lbs,, 12wnlvos (average weight 061. lbs) 793 lb, 35 hogs (average weight 205 3-6 lbs.) 7,196 lbs., making in all 24,157 lbs. (116 hogs died during the year, of hog cholera.) Stock on Farm, Jan . 1,1803, 8 horses, 15 miloh cows, 14 head of stock cattle, 19 steers, 2 yoke of oxen, 2 sows and 12 shoats. Utensils on Farm, Jan, 1, 1863, 2 broad and 1 narrow wheeled wagons, 1 stone wagon, 1 pair wood ladders, 3 pair hay ladders, 1 wagon bod, 2 jack screws, 1 cart and cart gears, 1 spring wagou and harness, * I largo sled, 6 plows, 2 single and 6 double shovel plows, 1 largo and 4 small cultivators, 1 roller,- .1, grain drill, 1 threshing machine, horse power and bolt, 1 wind mill, 1 fodder cutter, 6 wheelbarrows, 2 log chains, 8 setts of wagon gears, 6 setts of plow gears, 2 fifth- and 1' carrying chain,' spreads single and double-trees, 7 fly nets, 1 wagon saddle, 9 baiters and chains, 49 cow chains, 1 set of oarponter'tools, 1 set blacksmith tools. 8 gftiia cradles, 18 mow ing scythes, X wirehorso rake, 4 picks, 2 Matlocks, 3 crow bars, 3 stono drills, £0 shovels, 1 grain reap* or and a voriotv of stono Hammers, quarrying tools, spades, forks, rakes, sickles, corn hoes, wooc saws, axes ,mauls, wedges : nnd crout knife, «tc. # ttc. , HENRY SNYDER, Steward, ELIZABETHSNYDER,J/atro«. Wo, tbo Directors of tho Pol and House of Em ployment of Cumberland County, do certify the above and forgoing to bo a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures of laid from the Ist day of‘January 'to ‘the 31st day of Decem ber, 1802, and also, of the operations of said Insti tution during the 'same iporiod, and of its condition on January 1* lBfi3, tho best of our knowledge. Given under oU* hands tho 12th day "of January, A.D. 1803,. “ ‘ 5470 77 , 0,000 00 093 00 1 17 We, tho Auditors of Cumberland County, hav* ing examined the accounts and vouchers of tho Di rectors of tho Poor and House of Employment of said County from Jhn. Ist to Doc. 31st, 1802 and, also the account and vouchers of Jacob Squier, Esq., Treasurer of said Institution for 'tho same pe riod, do certify that wo find a'balance, duo said Treasurer, of one hundred 'Dftcl ninety two dollars and sixty seven cents. Witness our hands at Carlisle, tbo 24th day oi Jan. A. D. 1803. 25 81 35 50 16 20 51 31 67 40 6 00 85 00 78 00 89 01 125 23 $11,305 45 Business Stand and Residence for sale. The undersigned offers at pri vato sale that'valuable business stand and res idence, situated in Hoguestown,Silver Spring town ship, Cumberland Co. Pa.,, now occupied by Win. Eeklcs,. and fronting on tho Harrisburg turnpike. This property consists of a DOUBLE n m BRICK TWO-STORY BUILDING. in' ono part of which is one of the,best jFsgsl lw arranged rooms for a country store in Illjißy tho County; tho other part is a most e=Sßms& convenient and .complete dwelling house. There isalsh a framo building on tho lot, which has been used for a tin shop, Tho lot is'eighty-fourfcot in front by ono hundred and twenty in depth, has on it a stable, hog ppn, corn crib, cistern and other improvements, as well as some find fruit. For terms inquire of W. M. PENROSE. • Marchs, *o3—Ct. * , 1 460 72 18.00 223 84 129 65 106 40 299 42 13E WISE BY TIMES! DO not trifle with your Health, Constitu tion and Character. If you arc suffering with' any'Diseases lot which lIELMBOIiD’S EXTRACT BUCIIU . is .recommended, ' . . ■ . , TRY IT! TRY IT! ’ TRY IT! • It will Cura you, Savo Long Suffering, Allaying Pain andTnflammation, and will restore yoTi to HEALTH AND PURITY, ■At Little Expense,- And, No Exposure. Cutout the .Advertisement in another column, and call or send for it. - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! . " Ask for Heimbold's-.' Take no other. • ; ' .CURES. 0 UAEAN TEE O. March 5, 1863. 250 59 51 35 40 65 93 07 112 60 14 00 72 34 WHEREAS the Hon. James 11. Graham President Judge of the several Courts of Comhion Pleas of tho countiesof .Cumberland, Per ry, and Juniata, and Justices cf the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties,, and Michael Cocklin and Hugh Stuart; Judges of ibo Courts of Oyer And Terminer and Jail Delivery for tho trial of all capital aud oth er offenders, in the said county bf Cumberland, by tbdir precepts to mo directed, dated tho 12th day of JANUARY 1863, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Delivery to bo holden at •Carlisle en- tbn 2fcd Monday of April, 1863, (being , tho 13tU day,) at-10'o'clock in the forenoon, to continue ono.wcok,' 12 00 7 50 ■ 11,498 12 > NOTICE is hereby given to;the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of CumbccUnO, that they ate by,the said precept' commanded*, to bo then and their, proper "persons, with their rolls, record's,, inquisitions examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done, aud all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against tho prisoners that aro or shall be In the Jail of said county, aro to bo there to prosecute tocm ns shall .bo just; $192 07 $470.77 9,00 a 00 993 00 March 5, 1863. THE CrIRARD HOUSE. 841 OS THIS popular House, afte£ a thorough re fitting andovcrhauling, will bo re-oponed on or about the 29th instant. Its proprietors have fur nished it in a tasteful manner, and engage to keep a table unsurpassed, for sold luxuries, by- any Ho tel nr this country. They likewise guarantee that the Bar shall gain and sustain, tho reputation of having the best Liquors. They will invito 'public criticism as well as .publio patronage. Transient Board $2 per day. , ‘ Charles Duffy (formerly of the Girard,).wlll bo happy to meet former friends at tho old places., KANAGA, FOWLER A CO. January 8,1803, $11,305 45 11,498 12 $192 07 BOARDING SCHOOL, QITUATED/on the Cumberland Valley 0 Hail Road, four miles West of Carlisle, Penn sylvania. Tho buildings are exton- ' n sivo,.and capable of accommodating Xg• -A. . forty Students, Nearly Ten Acres pf jJJJJ pjL Land, in' tho highest state of cultira- |>t|l jay lion ; Apple and Poach Orchards, pro- fiSSsSS lifio Garden, Hot Bod, Ao. Tho property will bo hold for private sale until March 24, (Tuesday,) when with Furniture, Stock, Funning Implements, Ac., Ac., will bo sold to tho highest bidder at public sale. The Institution is now flourishing, and may ho continued; or it may bo used as a Summer Resort, Military Academy, Normal School, &c.. 1 It is n. rare occurrence for such a property to be thrown into tho market on terms so liberal as are hero offered. For particulars, address : . 11. K. BURNS, Plainfield. Cumberland Co, Pa- Fob. 2d, 1803—It* OF PUBLIC SALES— 212-235 IVM. DEFIMEV, Auctioneer. March 12 S. W. Sites, North Middleton. “ 13 John Nogglo, Dickinson. • u 14, ■ Henry Shook, Dickinson. lt . 16 Jacob Snyder, Upper Allen. “ 17 StorrottShoaffer, South Middleton. u 18 Christian Hoover, Upper Allen. u 10 Jacob Bistlino, Silver Spring, u 21 Catharine Newcomer, Monroo. February 10, 1803. CQNSUMPTION,SCROFULA, , RHEUMATISM, &o. TTEGEMAN & GO’S GENUINE COD LIV EE. OIL, has boon proved by nearly 20 years’ experience tho best remedy for CONSUMPTION, c- HOUSEKEEPERS —troublcdwith vermin, need no longer, if they usd * Cobtau’s” Extermina tors. ■ Wo have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost'ss, wo woul'b have it.. Wo had tried poi sons, but they odb.ctod nothing; but Costards arti cle knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice and Bed- Bugs,'quiokcr-tfciin wo cap write it s is in groat demand all over the counteyv —Medvna (C?.,) Gazette MORE GRAIN and provisions nrodestroyed an nually in*Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat arid Insect Killer.' - • Lancaster, {iFVs.,) Herald. HENRY R. OOSTAR—Wo are •sollic.g your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Miobj Roaohes, and Vermin disapppoar immediately. ' . Eckku & StonrcEtt, Druggists,.New Windsor, Md. u Costar’s” Bat, Roach, Ao„ Exterminator. y All Wholesale Druggists in large cities. Some of the . Wholesale Agents in' York City. ShiofTeUin'Brothcrs A Co. Harral, Risley A Kitchen B. Fahnestock, Hull A Co. Bush, Gale A Robinson. A. B. ‘A D. Sands A Co. M. Ward, Close A Co. Wheeler A Hart. M’Kisson A Robbins. James S. Aspinwall, D. S. Barnes A Co, Morgan A Allen, F. C. Wells A Co. Hall, Ruckol A Co. Lazollo,Marsh A Gardner Thomas A Fuller. - - Hull, Dixon A Co. P. D, Orvis. Conrad Fox. and^llhers. PliiladelpXiia, Pa. T. W. Dyott A Co. J Robert Shoemaker A Co. B. A. Fahnestock A Co. j French, Richards A N Co. AND OTHERS. And by Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers generally, in all Country . Towns and Villages In tho UNITED STATES. Carlisle,Pa„ KTSold by C- INHOFF, Grocer S. W. fIAYEJRSTICK, Druggist, & ELLIOTT Druggist Ami by tbo Dnuaoisxs, Sxorekbbpers and Re tailers generally. Country Dealers can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms, «fco., is desired jSSf* Send for [1862J Circular, giving reduced prices] to HENRY R. COSTAR, Principal Depot No. 6X2 Broadway, opposite tho SU Nicholas Hotel, New York. ‘ Februaiy 5, 1863—6m* TJTAVE just received a. beautiful ijseort mont of now Dress Goods, which Hto offer as substitutes for Calicoes. Good Delaines,plain, at 20 cents. " " “ figured, at 18J ots. Extra qualities, 25 cents. ,600 yards beautiful now stylo Reps, at 26 cents,: 'netter than any Delaines. Always bo on a lookout for your interest. 'Greenfield & Sheafer, havo.noyr on hand Ipte of . bargains that will knock tho dp&ts oat of any thing ia tho shapo-of Dress Goods in Carlisle.' Shawls of Every Description. at low prices. Brown and Bleached. MuslJna low er than can bo bought elsewhere. Also & full as sortment of tho best prints in tho county.on hand at all prices. Wo also hare on hand our usual assortment of , Plain and Figured Merinoes, . plain Coburga, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Ught Pbdtograpliic AND AM BROTYPE G ALLERY. CL. Lochinan is happy to inform his nu • morous customers, and tho publicgeucrallly l that ho Las moved his Establishment to his now,' SEY-LIGIIT GALLERY, In the building occupied by Mrs. Neff, ns n milli nnry store,, opposite the Cumberland Valley Dank. , Air. Lochman is now able with his splchdld light, hnd the addition of now and expensive appa ratus, the very best manufactured, to produce PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES BE YISITE, Amhi'olypeSy and, every style of picfures t Equal to the best, made iu Philadelphia or Now York. ’ Pictures can bo taken now equally wcll-iq cloudy as in clear weather. Dagucrrotypes, or Ambrotypos of deceased per sons, copied, enlarged, or mado iuto carets do visite. * C. L. LOCHMAN. December 4, 1662. THE host machines in use, can bo seen at tho Cumberland Valley .Railroad Office, Carlisle, Pa. Jan. 29, 1553-6ra.» ARNOLD & CO.S’ WHOLESALE and RETAIL QltQ-Q MM lillo North Hanover street, 2 doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, AT this establishment may ho found the most elegant assortment of GENTLEMEN and YOUTHS* Superfine Clothing over offered in this section of the country, all of our own mamfai. Inro, from the ohoioost French, English and Amor lean Fabrics, and expressly intended in all rosposts to moot the wants of those who wish to purchase -goods of tho finest quality, cut atid made in the very latest Stylo of Fashions. Also, a complete assortment of Cloths, Cassimoros, Battinots, Vest ings, Tailors’ Trimmings, Ac. Wo will bo pleased to supply our friends with goods in our line by tho picoo or yard at as favora ble rates as they can be procured anywhere, Jan. SS, 1863. .dfiNOLD . Carlisle, Jan. 22, 18G3-2m. ESTABLISHED IN 1831. THE ..QENESEE FARMER. THE FARMER’S OWN PAPER. HE CHEAPEST AGRICULTURAL PAPER IN THE WOULD Only Sixty Cents s* NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I PUBLISHED for over thirty one . of the best wheat and fruitregions of America/ with nearly-every State and in, Canada, it -contains information of great interest and importance to every farmer, gardener and fruit, grower. No Farmer Should Be Without It. It costs, only .sixty cents a year! and contains mi’oro agricultural and horticultural matter than most of the two-dollar weeklies. ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS Of the London, Now Y6r|c, Philadelphia, Rochester, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati and Toronto markets are given in each number., ‘All the leading foreign and American journals qro received, .and special pains are taken to give thb latest and most reliable information in regard to the-' state of the crops at homo and, abroad. . , . A copy of the paper gent free to dll who wiirn examine it, Address JOS&PI* fiAß*tfS> . , PufcUSHXR l&fc PROPRIETOR, \ : i. Rochester, N. Y.' Agents' wanted everywhere, to whom tho most liberal offers are made. New Wine and Liquor Store. NORTH'HANOYER ST., CARLISLE, PA. (nearly OPPOSITE Glbl/s HOTEL.) THE wnderslgpcd vrould tcspectfully call the attention of Merchants, Hotel-keepers, and citizens generally, to his new Win© and Liqnor Store, where ho intends to keep constantly oh hand a'/till and complete assortment iff- ■ > : PITRE AND UNADULTERATED - WINES and LIQUORS! Any article sold as Such/ will bo as represented* and will be sold Wholesale or Hotail at the lowest market prices. His s£oojc consisting in part of BesUeu/Otard, J, Diupuy, Pclloroiata, superiof old Cherry, Blackberry, and Ginger, Sherry, Port, Madeira, Malaga and ClWot JMonongahola, Old Kyo, Bourbon and common. Together with a full assortment of Gins, Jamai ca Spirits, St. Croix and JJoiy England Bum. BITTERS—Of tho very best, quality, . . ' JOHN GOODYEAR'. April 24, 1802. TVTAILS AND SPIKES—I2OO, kegs Nails, and S[likes, just received, of the very best makes and warranted. Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu facturers prices, at the Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON, . East Main street. 1863' March 2V, 1802 1802. And the public generally, -will please call at , ' . tllQ Cheap Hardware Store, EAST MAIN STREET CARLISLE, PA., (Adjoining the Carman House.) •\ S I am selling goods cheaper than ever X_L for cash or approved credit* , Remember the place, East Mala street, •‘tfcft Carlisle, Pa. / • March 27, 18C2. LS9p New Goods, JUST received a very large 3(90 CLOTHES, CASSIMERES. OVERCOATS, ' VESTINGS, &c„ *c., at tho North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium, to which the subscriber bogs a careful inspection, of tho public. Ho also invites attention to hia im mense variety of . r ' ~ , 'Men’s and Boy’sClothlng, of nil styles and sizes. Garments made to order with neatness and dispatcU at short notice and warranted a fit or no. sale. Persons wishing to buy Mon’s and Boy’s wear by tho.yard, will find, a superior, assortment of .Goods, which will be cut free of charge if desired. ■ ISAAO.BiyjNGSIOK,. Opposite American Hotel, i IBQ2. UNITED STATES HOTEL SOUTH-EAST COR. Utli, 4 MARKET STREET. Adjoining the Pennsylvania Pail-Road Depot Philadelphia. , 1 1 undersigned would respectfully inform tho public that ho has taken, the above Hotel, formerly known ns “ THE MANSION-HOUSE,” which ho has rottttod and newly furnished through out. The Rooms aro spacious and comurodions, -4iid furnished with.every convenience to bohmndin the best Hotels In the city. } ■ .■> . The lt UNITER BTA/TES" is admirably located for tho convenience of travolprs, being'under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack biro and baggage. .No pains will bo spared-to .rendbr ih* “ UNITED STATES" a pleasant and/agieo^bfaTfe all who zday favor It with ago. Charges moderate. 4 " ,sr " *”* , H. VT. RAKAG4, December 13/ 1830- DR. GEO. S. SEARIGHT, Notice. BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, the;.,; FARMERS, B ITI^DERSf ■mechanics’ HENRY SAXTON. e /V«j»W«(er