American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 13, 1862, Image 3

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    News.— The array of the Poto
reported to bo preparing, by careful
uu»° .nitorio", to movo further into Virginia.
r« co , n j m , so skirmishes frequently Occur, but
1““®' pp onr s to have been no battle of mo
th 0 1; lately, except, perhaps the skirmish at
Tinker’sOnp. which opens n passage through
T fnor of too Blue Ridge, and through
i icli the road to Leesburg runs. A sharp
f,tremeot took place at this gap, a few
f!«a"0. resulting in tho posdssiou of the gap
tfthoVedoral forces.
"•from ‘Hilton Hoad, .wo,have .unpdeaswrrt
0, We learn from private .letters recoiv
‘j t p a t tho yellow' fever has 'broken out
Lag the troops, and that much sickness
Td many deaths have transpired, among the
timber, Gen. Mitchell. The {understanding
u that a removal of the forces from that soo
liun will take place shortly, in consequence.
In tho West, Gen. Bragg, has been mak
jjg serious, inroads in Kentucky.- Kirby
Smith, a few days ago, took out of that state,
a wagon train forty miles long, laden with a
million of yards of Kentucky jJeau, a largo
jmouht 6f clothing, boots and shoes, two
hundred wagon‘loads of bacon, six hundred
barrels of pork, fifteen thousand mules and
horses, eight thousand beeves, and a large
lot of bogs. The Secretary of State has or
dered a commission to enquire into the con
duct,of General Buell, in reference to his per
mitting this invasion and capture by the ene
my, and also into his conduct at the battle.of
Perry villo.
A Funeral Procession Interrupted'.—
After ,the rebel. cavalry left, Ohamborsburg,
■ Pa., on their way to Gettysburg, when about
twelve miles distant from the former place,
" they met n large funeral procession, which
they ordered to come to,a halt. Dismounting
from their own horses, they selected forty
three of the best horses in the procession,
■and amongst them the horse* attached to the
hoarse. No violence was used ; but, to the
contrary, the greatest politeness pas display
ed towards the surprised mourners. At
length one of the funeral escort demanded to
inow by whoso orders their horses were
thus taken. The reply was: “By order of
General McClellan ; they are wanted for the
jrmy.” As soon ns the funeral horses we&
properly secured by their captors, they pur
sued' their way to the Potomac, leaving the
afflicted friends to find their way with the
corpse to the pdaoe of burial as they be.ut
Slight, . '
House of Rebel Sympathizers seized in
Ifabuinqton. —Orders have been issued di
recting the occupancy dor. government pur
poses of property, in Wnslung|ou of persons
Inown to be in the service of the rebels, in
cluding five houses belonging to Cuimn.doro
Fonest; two to Dr. Cornelius Boyle - one to
Dr. Garnett,- son-in-law ite Henry A. Wise;
one to 'William H. Smith, memberof the reb
el Congress ; one to Mr. Phillips, ex Sixth
Auditor of the' Treasury!; one! to ‘Captain
Bennington, cX- chief of tfaotOapitul police
and sevoralothers.
A Great Epoch, nut Small Men.—As a
inlo we find that great occasions have pro-'
duoed great men, in running over the history
of mankind, from tho exodus %<j{,the Jews
from Egypt down to this day. gee what a
constellation of great names are associated
' with the Aiperioan devolution-of v lfT6, -with
IVnshiogton nt.jlicir head-; «ijd Ly£dt/a hoHt
of mighty qhByr.ot9.ta. by the
Revdlution,,including,, the most
■ nSderful man of all time—Napoleon Bona
ire. But h.gre, in tho midst of the most
-yt-Jdhtpus .revolutionary upheaval in the
Mtory of iiiankTiul.'wi: h' ex
hibit beyond n plentiful crop of small potato
es.—New York Herald.
i Tub Genesee' Pauuiui. —\Ve wish to ciiTl 1
.the attention of our rcailere'-U; tins most ex
cellent agricultural ami horticultural journal
It should be in the hands of every farmer in,
■the country. Now is a good time to subscribe, 1
fas the publisher send the remaining
numbers of this year free Us all who subscribe!
-during the present month, sixty
•cents a year, [f you wish to examine l the pa
per before subscribing, it can bo seen at our :
office, or a copy can'be obtained free by ad
dressing the publisher, Joseph llakeis, Ro
chester, N. Y.
Patau Accident.— A son of Mr. Herman,
of the'engineers at the Duhcannon ifurnnee,
accidentally shot himself recently. The lad
'was taking his gun out of a skiff, and in
•drawing it to him while standing on the
shore, the hammer came in contact with the
odge of the bodt. The charge of.shot ontorocl
'the left side of his chest and abdomen. After
suffering intensely fora dayontwo the boy
-fied. Another warning against the reckless
handling of loaded fire-arms. ~
jThe Drafted men, now at Camp Philadel
phia, wore given to understand that they
might elect their own line officers., Accord
ingly a number of companies wore formed
and captains elected. Wo now learmthat the
men are being morohed off in etipafeto Har
nsburg to-fill up the old companies find regi
ments. rffhis gives ntuoh
the men,spud grumbling takes the place of
better feeling, ffhis order, says the Phila
delphia comes from Washington
A Hard C
!ase. —The Butler Union notices
th ? case of a man' drafted in that county
whose Wife had died; leaving .some
three or four small children itndor his protoo
hon. _ Ho responded to the ciill, however,
bringing his small family to -with -him,
the youngest of whom he carried in his arms!
The children were left in charge of those
who will take care of. them in a proper man
ner until the return of the father; , 1
JD* Nicholas Biddle's partner, Baron
Stienbergor, died in St. Louis on the 14th
reduced circumstances. With Biddle
“eonee divided three millions of dollars in a
gotten speculation. lie used to give dinners
™.eh cost $lO,OOO. Finally, however, he
«>ok to speculating, lost his money, began to
r »nk, and nt last “ threw up his hand,"
poor and friendless.
is MoOinii' 8 ifc tb .® arm -y don ' t ™ore ? What
8 McClellan waUmg for?”—, Exchange.
ait * n e for Gbeelt’s nine hundred thou
. • Ab ° lition ‘ st3 > who were to .tender their
thB V r *° ?* e Gov °rnmont immediately after
'Th ™ ano 'P a tion Proclamation .was issued.
a y have not reported to bead-quarters yet.
flooded w ?hJ T Pon ■ BnEH - —The country is
ness mßn U Hhn o ij t u rfeit mnne 7’ and our husi-
CounterfoV on the look-out.for it.!
B “ok9 Oo mt 2 8 ° D the r ' n ™ora’ Bank of
Aioti otl -- are to bo found in* every di-.
th St 0orw!n ' the
the lvlm, atar m Mexico, is very ill in
notions oupviv« lta Vr- Iln i d U , \ s V lO he ™n
'do Wn . K ,urv *vo. Mis health is quite broken
Governor Proclamation.
Tn ike Same, and hy the Authority of. the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrew
G. Curtin, Governor of the said 'Common
wealth. , 1 ,
Whereas, It is a good thing .to , render
thatiks unto God, for nil Ilis mercy and lov
ing kindness ; therefore,
1, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of tho'Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, do recommend
that THURSDAY, the 27th day of Novem
ber next bo set apart by tho people of this Com
monwealth ns a day of solemn Prayer and
Thanksgiving to the Almighty—giving Him
humble thanks that He has been graciously
pleased to protect our free institutions and
Government, and, to keep us from sickness
and pestilence—and to cause the ‘ oufEh to
bring forth her increase, so tbat eurVarn'ers
•are choked with the harvest—and toTook so
favorably on the toil of ilis-ohildren,*that in
dustry has thriven .among us and labor lias
its reward-; and -also that be bas'dollvered us
from the hands of our enemies, and.filled our
officers and men in the field with a loyal and
intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and
that He has poured out upon us (albeit un
worthy) other great and manifold blessings.
Beseeching Him to help and govern us in
His steadfast fear and love, and to put into
our minds good desires, so that by His con
tinual help we may have a rightjiidgment in
all things; and especially praying Him to
give to Christian churches grace to hate the
thing which is evil, and to .utter the teachings
of truth and righteousness, declaring openly
the whole counsel of God ; and most heartily
ientreating him to bestow upon ourfciyil rulers
wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon
our military leaders;?,cal and vigor in..actinn,
that the fires of the rebellion may be .quenched
—that ive may be preserved from all perl is,
and that hereafter our people living in peace
and quietness, may, from generation to gen
eration, Teap the abundant fwiits of His mercy,
and with joy and thankfulness praise and
magnify His holy name.
Given under, my hand and the great seal of
the State, at Harrisburg, this twentieth
day of October, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred -and srEfey-two and of
the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh
Bv the Governor, "
Secretary of the Cntnmonwqaltli
Rejection of Drafted Men.— Tho Har
risburg Union of Monday says that the ex
gjninihg surgeons in camp are busily engaged
in passing upon drafted men, a large num
'ber of whom have been rejected for physical
disability. Many able-bodied men who wore
never known to complain of disease before
the draft, now claim to be afflicted with “ all
the ills that flosh is heir to." Several Lan
caster lawyers have been operating exten
sively among the conscripts from thatbounty,
and have realized handsome "fees" from
their unsophisticated clients, for obtaining
certificates of discharge,jpua.dafling , : l n that,
forAtOcuring’vLein substitutes. ,
Indian* Ueucs. —ln excavating the Foun
dation for. a new manufactory iu Pitisburg,
two skeletons have been f.*uad, one apparent
ly thiiit of,.a :gigantic. warrior, th% other, from
ythc ncintjrifus- ornaments of gold and silver,
flindr as-criimfix, bracelets, rings, diminutive
‘belta,■ho.ft<uKs l ,.boad'rt,, .etc., supposed to have
been anlndiah jhincess.. ATaumbor
bones imyo been 'found wherever the •'work
men dig, and the cemetry must have been
extensive and?long used* by the red meu
Ir.FFEF., a Lijxurv,— The speculation in
coitoo if It keeps on at the rate of the last'
month, oula fair to run up prices ton mark:
•quite-lijmuijJ .the reach .of all save thA antsy,
navy ana “ shoddy” cont-cadtprs. Tite .ad
vance from day to day hdg bean ra
pidity far exceeding anything in the reaol'loo
tipn of the oldest merchants in the trade.
Even at present prices, coffee is a luxury in
which the extreme poor cannot afford to in
fig?* The Democrats of Sohojylkill county
hiivo resolved to purchase, by contribution of
n dollar to each person, a silver service to be
presented to Hon. F. W. Hughe's for political
.services as chairman of the Democratic State
’Committee. . ,
S@* A party of throe, imen left Lancaster
city the other day, on ,a gunning trip, and
'■tfhon about twenty miles east of the city; one
of the party accidentally shot ohe of his com
panions, the charge entering the nhdomon of
the unfortunate man, and inflicted a serious
and pcrhapsadatal wound.
i {Cr" A frolicsome husband in Syracuse a
few nights since, bid .under his bed, and
when his wifo;unoonsoions of Jijs concealment,
came in, took her suddenly by the leg. ,Sho,
shrieked, fell senseless, and is now, .a raving
Singular Coincidence.—Grow, the Aboli
tion Speaker of the Congress, is defeated by
ah overwhelming majority.
, Hall, the Abolition Speaker of the State
Senate at the last session, is handsomely
beaten by that sturdy Democrat, A.
'Wallace, of Clearfield. . .
Koirs, (the renegade,) Speaker of the last
House of Representatives of this State; ifc
beaten in a t strong Republican district.
[C7“ All of the machinists of Portsnioiu'th,:
Virginia, thirty in number, have suddenly
disappeared, and it is ascertained that they
took with them their tools, and gone over to
the v&bol government. *
CARLISLE MARKET.^—Nov. 12, 1862
Corrected Weekly by R. G. Woodward.
Ptoun, Suporfino, «or >bbl„ nhn
do.. Extra, do., .
do., Ry 0,... do, 4 V„
White Wheat, por bushel. i’•>«
Red Wheat. do., H®
Rvb,. now
Conn, old ds.> .
Oats, now
Odd do.,
Spring Bareev, do.,
Paid do., do.,
Oeoverseed, do.,
Timotuysebe, do.,
- . - 625
B 63
- 6 60
. 560
li'4sa 1 40
I OS' a :—.
i 00
Floor, superfine,
Jt extra,
Corn Mraj/,
Wubat, rod,'
Cohn. .yellow,
“ white,
Oats, -
'tllE undersigned, Auditor appointed by
the Court to marshall ond distribute the .as
sets in the.hands of Jacob Jacoby, adminis
trator of Peter Jacoby, deo’d., among the
parties entitled thereto, will attend to tl>p
duties of his appointment, at his office, in
Carlisle, en Monday, the Bth day of Decem
ber next, at 10 o’clock, a. m., where all par
ties interested will attend.
Nov. 13. 1862.—8 t
Important Notice.
ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber-arc
requested to call and settle their accounts, as
further indulgence will not bo gl von.
Nor. 13, '62. PHILIP ARNOLD.
THE two and desirable rooms (second
wlitlbh-d stories,) over I'uholTs store, are for
rent. Tpr almost any Eind oC busincEs these rooms
jiro very desirable. Tor,particulars enquire of
Nov. 13, ’o2—lt. <3. -INiiOFr.
WILL bo sold at public-sale, .at 10 o’clock
A. 31., on Fritlmi, the.2W.-drn, of Nmem
<icr, 1302, at the Oourt House; -in 'Carlisle, tfcoful
dowing described real estate-:
A. A liimeoloiio Faint,
in-South JSXiddioton township, on the Walnnt Bot
tonl foad, about two and a half miles
vest of Ca-rlbde, bounded by lands of
’""liis 'Belter, flL'homnViLue, jr., and
? tlloM > containing about 101' acres,
having thereon creetod a two-story
log uou3o, frame barn, and other improvements.
2. A throo-story brick 1 bouse, -- itb nhn,
largo back building attnobod, situate A&SfK
'on south Pitt street, nearly new and (SSj!][
lilted up with all the moderate im
provemeuts. The lot is about 32 feet
0 inches in front, on said street, and 121) feet in
depth.- Tlie back part of the lot is about-18 feet in
width for about one-half the depth.
3. ' A lot of ground on the north side of West
Pumfrot street,, containing 0(1 feet in ft out and 210
feet in depth do-ion alley. On the east side of this
jlot tbero is-m.two-ctory frame bouse.
:-l. .’’Also,.on .the south side of Pomfrct street a
.two-story :hridli.and frame boui-c, 33 feet in front
ami 21(1 feet,in-depth toau alley.
-5. Akoy-thitt -vaiaablo corner let, fronting on
south-Pitt-strcet about 110 feet, and 120 feet on.
‘Hvost Pomfrob-strcoti . ‘ ,
0. Also,-a Lot of ground containing about Five
■lAercs,. in the. borough of Carlisle, at the north end
<of .Pitt street, adjoining Win. Brock. B njamiu
Sllessler, Seymour, and others. This properly has
(been divided into 2s town lots on the extension of
-north Pitt,street. 1 - ,
■ .7. Ailot of ground on tbp Lotort »■ .
.‘Spring, adjoining Goodyear, Zug and-
Stuart, and fronting on a public alloy, jjjjj It
veon-.aiuing übout ISO feetsqnaro, Lav- |n|i B?
ling thereon, erected a I'nrgc Iwo-story 'eSiSsSS
rstono building, formerly used us ii distillery.
-Those properties have boon divided, and will ho
offered to suit purchasers, Persons wishing to ex
amino them can call upon (Joorge Jlcndcl boforo
the day of sale, or can examine the drafts by call
ing upon C. !’■ llnmricb, Esq..
The tunas of-sale will bo os'follows : Ten per
cent, of the purchase money when the property* is
stricken down; the balance'id* onc-tbird oftbo pur
chase money on the first day of April * next,-when
the dcods-ard- made and possession la given : the two equa .animal payments with inter
est. .*..'.
. r , J.wffttce «/’ Ocoi-je JJtuiicl.
Nov. in, *e&.
Botley’s party’s Book For IS6S.
■ Great-Likraiy and Pictorial Year /
The puldishor of Godey's Lady's Look, thankful
to (but public which bus enabled him to publish a
magazine fur,the last thirty-throb years of a larger
*ireiilation ■than.uny in America, has made an ar
rangement. with the most popular authoress, in- this
country—. Marion Hurland, Authoress of “Alone ’’
■ * Bath,” “ Moss Side,” .“7Jomesis,“ and
“Miriaßn, ’ ivlio w*iU fnrnbdi amtury far ewevy’num
ber Ob the Lady*B Book- for 1J SOU. iphis .alone will
place, tile’s Book in a literarv point of vicar
iar ahead of any other magazine. Marion tHarimid
writes for no other publication. Onr other fmubritc
Writers will all(Kmtinm'ti' fcmiish articles through.-
oat tho.yeur. ° :
The tlio World and the
Choapo.-d. Tho Literutdro is*ff that Uiml that,* cun
hi ro-id aloud in thu'family cirdlu, and : tliomlcrgy
m immcitco numbers,arosubscribers. for tho Book.
Tin? Music nc -tfll original, und-Would. cost Zb'
cents (tho Price oi tho Book) in the limpid stores ;
ll ut luost of it is copyrigh/cd, and cannot bo obtain
ed except hi u Cjodcy.'*
Onr.'jiccl Engravings. All efforts to rival us in
this have ceased, and ivo Ikmv stand,alone in this
giving ns.wo do, many more and iuli--.
ftitoly butt* <mgra#hrgsil:hau aru published‘in-any 1
other work. , *
. immense donblo sheet. fashion .plates
confrom live .to seven full length Odium!
Fusliioha •each -plate. ’Cither magazines’ give
only two. Far ahead ufemy Fashions in Europe
or America.' (rodoy’s is tho only work in tho world
that gives,those immense plates, and they are such
ns to have cjcoitod the wonder of publishers and tho,
public. The publication of these plates cost $lO,-
000 more than fashion plates of the old stylo, and’
nothing but our wonderfully large circulation ena
bles ins to give them. Other magazines cannot
afford it. IVo.nevor spare money when the nubile
can be benefited. ‘
These fashions may he reliod on. Drosses may
bo made after them, and tho wearer will notaubjeot
,herself toridiculc us would bo tho case if she visit
ed tho largo cities dressed after the stylo of tho •
plates given In some of our so,called fashion maga
® ur , woo 4 Engravings, of which wc give twice or
three times as many as any other, magazine, are
often mistaken for stool. ,
Imitation. Beware of them, . Remember that
the Lady’s Book is the; original publication aud tbo
oheaposfe. If you take Godoy; you want no other
magazine., - ? * •
' Everything .that mi useful or ornamental in a . t,,..™
diouso can bo found in Godcy. , v - A, Jj|?NT\
.Drawing lessons. No other magazine gives • .r
them, and we have given enough to nil sovcrai Second door east oflbe Market House,
aargo volumes. . ■ , '
-Qar receipts are such nsoan bo found, nowhere S CoiTU^T.
L *lO its'Vamoty—Confootionary— TM?ATTM} tvt At- r»
thc-Nuraory — tho'iCoilot—tbo Laundry—the Kiteh- )" AJjJSJ J AN New HoaCWOod
on. • ; p.occipk3 upon .mil subjects aro to found in the J- /PianoB ' from tho.bbst makers.
•pages of rtho Lady's Book. Wo originally started
this department, and havo peculiar fncilUes for fIKRfiQBRORTS.
making it most perfect.- This department alouojs u • if U « -
W °To ij«l° pr^°,o^ho - B °ok. I The boat manufactured instruments .from $45 to
juaciios work table. This department comprises $lOO. Violins, GuUars,.Aooordoons, FhPoa, Fifes,
lad^m*^ 8 . 80r k ) titms of every article that a Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar
x ? , , a 7?‘' Strings, and Musical Merchandise in general.
d opa o rtoont OUaS ° 8 -- , °‘ h “ “‘S™” 6 h ‘ S tH "' • , SHEET MUSIC. ~ '
CAB . n IN Advance—One copy one year, A all Jnithitemts. The
*** vJ 0 °?l noa °no year, $5. Three copies one latest publications always on hand,-
year, SO. pour copies °no,yoar, $7. Fivo copies Teacher on the Piano .and .guitnk Jnslrumontal
ono year, and, an-iOxtYa-copy to the person sending and Vocal music,
the club, $lO. Eight copies one year, and nn extra, Piauos and Melodoons timed and
copy todho person sending tbo club, $l5. Eleven] Juno 12, 1802, A. «LENK.
year, and an extra copy to the person
sending Tho Club, §2Ol
And tho only magazine that can bo introduced
Into tho ahovo clubs in place of tho Lady’s Book is
Arthur’s Homo Magazine.-
'fijaecial Clubbing with other Magazines.
Qodoy’s Lady’s Book and Artlmrl-o Homo Maga
zine both one year for S 3 60. Godcy’s Lady's
Book and Horpeff’fc Magazine both one year for
St 60. Qodoy, Harper*, will all-throe
bo sent onoyoar on receipt of's6,oo, ■. / .
Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent -banks
taken at par.
Be careful and pay tho postage on your letter.
Address A. L. OOBEY
f 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa,
_ November 0, 1802
and Spikes, just received, of tho very best
ma,kcB and warranted. • .
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices, at the Hardware store of
East Main street.
а, u
March 2?,'1662
POWDER.— Just received ft largo lot of Du
pont’s Blasting And Rifle Powder. Also,
Safety, Fuse, Picks,
Stone tDrilifi, \ Mattocks,
Strfno Sledges; Crow Bars,
Stono Jlaiumors, Digging Irons,
Napping Ilamiuofs,
Pumps and bbis. of Oo
mont, with a largo, Assortment-Af "Chain and
[ran Ppuips; just received, .and for sale cheaper
than over, at . v ■ . ~
■■ . ’ ■ Ilf
N. B—Cement sold by the, quantity at manufac
turers prices.
March 27, 1862. -V j
- 025
- 88 a 40
For Rout.
Now Goods ! New,Goods!
Anew and beautiful assortment of New
Goods from No w York and Philadelphia have
Just booh opened at tho far famed CHEAP SXOIIE
P. S. Remember tho place, one door west of the
County Rrisou/Muia St.
0. A S.
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Ann Mataer, deceased, late of the village of
Lisburn, have been issued by the Register of
Cumberland county to the subscriber, residinc
in Upper Allen township. All .persons in
dexed to the said estate are hereby requested
to iSobo immediate payment and those bavin"
claims will present them, duly authenticated 0
for settlement, to ' . ’
©ot. 9, 'o2—Gt* Executor,
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Thomas P. Bwen, deceased, hi to of the bor
ough'of Carlisle, have been issued hy the
Register of Cumberland county to the sub
scriber, residing in the said horouo'h. All
persons indebted to the said estate are hereby
requested to make immediate payment and
those having claims will present them, duly
authenticated, for settlement, to J
Admiiilstraitor’s Kullcc.
Oct. 9, 'o2.—Ofc
AOl/CL is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on tlio estate of Mrs. Jane
McCauslin, late of Newton township, dec’d.
have been granted to. the undersigned. All
persons indebted to too intestate are request*
cd to make payment;immediately, and those
having claims against the. estate will also
'present thorn for settlement.
Oct. IC,’o2—Cp* Administrator
Oat & Cap Emporium.
r r lIE , uijdQrsigned baying purchased the
1 stock, A,, of tbcJato'iVillittin H. 'JVout, dcc'd
would respectfully 1 arimmneo to ibo public that bo
will coutimic the Hutting lin*inen nt tbd old stand,
in West High M root, and with a. renewed and effi
cient ollon, proc.tico articles of Hoad Dress of •
Every Variety, Style, and Quality
.that shall ho strictly in hooping with tho improve
ment of tho art, mul fully up to tho ago in which
we live. '
Ho has now on hand a splendid assort
meat of lints of oil descriptions, from tho
Wool to tho finest Fur and silk
hats, amt at .prices that most suit ovory one who
has an cyo to getting tho worth of his money. His
Silk, Uolo Skin, and Hcnvor Hats, hro unsurpassed
for lightness, durability and finish, by those ofmiy
otiior establishment in tho country,
Hoys' Hats of ovory description constantly on
baud.: Ho respectfully invites all tho old patrons
and as many new ones as possible, to giro him a
of. nil Stylos and sizes. Garments' made to order
wit h neatness and dispatch at short notice and
V t.tms, at,mnnufaoturorspncc ?( and warranted superior assort,nent of Goods, wCh wdll ho cui
" Jir.ivr rmu nc T. • „ • free of charge if desired.
CHAIN PUSIPS, Pump Chains, Pnmp Tubs, in. ' IRAAU T.TVTWraTAW
largo ((iiantitios, .sellingyory cheap, at the store of timmfc ■ it . i
John P. LYNN k g6nf Carlisle. -Jane 12, '62.. V October 29, 1562. JP Alnorlt ' au Kotcl - .
VAIdJABIiB KEAE ESTATE } ~ . : Groat Excitement. ‘
Carlisle, Doe. 20,1861
WILL bn fold at Public Sale, on Thursday
ami I'ri(lft3% Noruthbor 13 .and 14, 1862,
,the , following (loaeribud Ileal Estate, litto the prop
erty of Jacob Keller, <loc’d.,-fiitaato in Cumberland
County, to wit: • . •. ' .’
Ko. 1." Tho one midividcd of a- tract of
tbrlringnml valuable • ,' -
situate in Spilth Middleton township bounded by
tracts lately owned .by Peter I'. Egc, -Bridrer,
;*nd the York County lino; containing about '
185 ACHES.
No J. The one undivided half part of a tract ol
Che same kind of land as No. 1. formerly li part of,
onß nearly adjoining the sanlo containing
43 Ac ICES,
'Those .tracts will bo sold at tho public house at
Boiling Springs on Thursday, Noy. I:), cither each
us a whole, or in parts, as alrimdy surveyed and di
vided, to suit purchasers. ,
No. 3. All that tract of Mountain Land, in Penn
township, bounded by lands, of A. G. Egc, Jacob
Blythe, James Weakly, and others, containing
The tract will bo sold at- t’hb public bouse of
-Jacob Kodsockcr, iu Centrovilio, on Friday, Is r ov.
14. It will also bo sold either hswhole, or in
smaW fcraots, as surveyed and, divided/ to suit pur
chasers. ,1 -
Tejims op Sale.— Ten.por con(. of the purchase,
money to ho puidwhon the property is strloUon
down ; the balance of the one half on the Ist day of
December, 1862, vflH*n'{leed and possession will ho
;pivcii ; find tho remainder on the Ist day of,April,
1803. This defored .payment io bo secured by
Judgment Bond.
»S«lo to.comiaonoo.a/; 10 o’<*lpakA-,M‘.«omoachof
said days, whoji.ulUmdanoq given by
Executors of Jacob Keller, deo'd.
October 16, 1.862. *
New Wine and Liquor Store.
(nearlf opposite gill's hotel.)
THE undersigned would respectfully call
tho attontien of Merchants, Hotol-koepors, ami
citizens generally, to bis now Wino.-tuia Litjnor
Store, whet-o he intends to keep constantly on hand
a full and complete assortment of
Any article fold as such, will bo as represented,
ami will bo sold Wholosalo or Retail at tho lowest
market prices. l His stook consistutgrio *
iliuND'fi'S;' , ,/•. [ ;■.
Bosliou, Otard, J. J. Dnpuy, I’ellevoifitn, superior
old Ohorry, Blackberry and,Gingor,
Sherry, Port, Madeira, Malaga and Claret.
Monongaholn, Old Rye, Bourbon ond conlmon.
Together with a full assortment of Gins, Jamai
ca Spirits, St. Croix and Now England Bum.
■BITTERS—Of the very best quality.
April 24,1882. ■ ■
TRONIC S, Valises, Carpet Bags, French
1 Nolo Leather Trunks of nil sizes and prices.
L adios Travelling Trunks, tho largest, sizes, Brass
Round..'Oanvqss Trunks, Valises,' Oatpot Bags,
piush, on, io, jk AAC Livingston,
'Oct. 20, 13<2. North H-anoVor St.
j.g. Gallic^
In tho interior of Pennsylvania, of all qualities,
and at very satisfactory prices to tho purchaser.
Besides, I have almost ovory desirable article in
my liiio of business that oau be mentioned, selected
with great care, arid with an eye single to tho
wants of this community, and tho presou’t Ulrica. .
Tho public is advised to see these magnificent
• loads of goods bcforopurchasirig elsewhere, as lam
confident that advantages will bo gained by a care
ful examination of my stock of goods, whil6 forim
monsify has never ho on, and perhaps Dover will, bo
in this place' for size, beauty.'and cheap
ness, " 'v
NOTICE, —It will bo seen by tjio following
advertisement that Henry A. Sturgeon, Baq.
has retired from tho firm of Kcr, Dunlap it Co„
and that Samuel Hepburn, 3§?#q., of Carlisle, Cunt»-
bcrlnnd county, Pa., has been associated with thri
remaining partners in tho firm of Kcr, Dunlap A Cu«
and that Win. W. Hepburn hae boon elected CashWt
iu tho place of Mr. Sturgoom • "
• the rndPßiErfo'nfl how‘AUE: ~
General Banking, and Exchange Business,
At ilioir Banking House, in Carlisle, under the
name aud’stylo bfICER, DUNLAP & 00.
; on demand,Without notice; Certffi(hlfoa
bearing interest at tho-ruto of t<lvO{por bo
issued foras short a period as four'months. Inter
est on all certificates will cease -at maturity. Taut if
such certificates are renewed at any time thereafter
for another given,period, they shall bear .the same
rate of IritorestUp'to the lime of-rcmoval. ‘l'wouty
days notice must bo .given of an intention to
draw interest deposits.
The proprietors would call the attention of Far
mers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe
depository for thoir money, to the fact thirMhoy arc
not oiUydiable to the amount of thoir stock in the
Bank,..but are individually liable to (ho extent of ,
their Wh6lo'estates for-all the ,deposits and other J
obligations Duwlup A 00.
Particular attention will bo given to (ho collec
tion of Vendue Notes, Foreign SilW, Drafts, Checks,
Ac., in any part of the l/uitod States and Canada#.
Hcmittnnoes made to auy part of the United
•States.,England and'lreland.
They will at all limes-bo pleased to give any in
formation regard to money matters in
The faithful and confidential execution of all
business entrusted to them may bo relied upon.
I The Bank will bo open for business from 9 o’clock
in tho morning, until 3 o’clock in tho afternoon.
Discount day, every Tucoday.
Collections from Philadelphia, Now York ami
Boston made on favorrble terms
Tho proprietors refer to
Maroh 0, 'o2 ly.
Tp v ■' J. W. FOULK, Atlotnoy At Lavr.
Oflicu .with Jumoa It. Smith, Esq., llhcom’a
thill; All business chlvuslml to him will bo v’rom'iH
ly attcncUul to. Fob. .6. IS($.
Carlisle Deposit Bank.]
A dividend of Five per cent, free of govern
ment taxes, has boon declared out of the profits
of the Bank, for thb last six months, which will bo
paid to tho Stockholders, or thoir legal representa
tives, upon demand being made for tho same,
Carlisle Nov. 0, 1882,
npilE annual election for Directors will be
be held at the Bank, on Monday, November
17,1882, between the hours of 10 A.M.and 2P. M.
By order of the Board.
Carlisle Nov. 6, ,1802—21.
Section 1., Bo it enacted and ordained by
the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle,
and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the
authority of the same,' That tho running at
largo of stray cattle,, upon either of the four
Public Squares, in; the centre of tho Borough,
is hereby - declared a nuisance, and any per
son or persons whose cattle shall bo token, so
trespassing upon said Squares, or either of
them, shall bo subject to a fine o‘f Five Dollars,
to bo recovered before any Justice of tho
Peace, ns fines of like amount are recovera
ble, tile one-half of which shall go to tho
person making tho information to the Justice,
and the other half to tho Borough.
Section 2; If cattle be found trespassing
upon auy of said Squares above mentioned,
any person or persons finding them shall bo
and they are hereby authorized to seize and
detain them, until the above fine and costs
are paid. And if the owner of tho said, cab
tie refuses to nay tho same according to the
judgment of the Justice of the Peace, within
twenty-four hours after- tho time such Judg
ment shall be rendered, then the said Justice
shall have power to issue an order to tho High
Constable for the sale of tho said cattle, or so
many thereof-as shall be necessary to pay
said fine and costs.
Enacted into an ordinance this 23d dav 6i
October, A. IE 1802. ’ '
c, iviiuiumcn,
President Town Council
Chief Burgess.
Jos. W. Onii.nv,
ScQt’y oJ Corporation. Oct. 30, J G2
: New Goods.
JUST received a very largo stack of
VESTINGS, &e.;3-c.,
nl the North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium,
to which the subscriber iwps a careful inspection
of the public. Ho also inyitos attention -to Iris ini
menso variety of
lea’s and Boy’s Clothing
TJAS been raised in Carlisle rind surround
i»g country on learning that the subscriber
has,retarded from the city with a tremendous stock'
of ■. . • . ■
All bought (or cash, arid to bo.sold at snob .low
prices as will cause some people to'ebako f tn their
boots. In this very extensive aiook.taoy .be found
grcatpilea of ,
| Of Silk Poplins, Turin, Lustre, Fancy Silkp, in va
riety, Black Silk*, of tho .very most celebrated
I manufacture, Jlfoheir, Plaid, : Poil dc. Chovo Silk,
BJuok Embroidered Mohair Satin, Piaid> Chock,
Afozambiques, Challios, Do Laincs, Bombazints,
Laws, Jto , <ko.
Vesting, boys’ wcari of good quality and.dsarnblo
Ticking, Checks, Blnnnds, Ginghams, Muslins,
Of very handsome styles, and in sufficient quantity
to clothe every female in this county,
Ihavo also the largest assortmont.of -
JSB' At ttyo .olil well-known stand of tStt
Aprial, 10, 1802,
WHiMAM Keß> if Isi'AO B*E!«a:BA%
Richard Woods, John- S. "Sterest^
John C. Dunlap, JounDukla»>.
Samuel Hepburn,
This Bank frill continue to do a
JAV COOKB & Co., ,1, 1 Philadelphia.
Winslow, Laikeu & Co., Now York.
Clark, Orbxby Co., Boston.
CAnute.i: Deposit Baku, )
Carlisle, Nov. 3, ■1862. J
•C \vthier.
Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in
vigorate tho system, which HELMBGLiD’9 EX
TRACT EUCjH.U ..inyarifthjy does. A trial will
oonviuco.thoinost skeptical.
1“ many affections peculiar to. Females, the "EX
TRACT BUCHU is unequalled' by any other
xclncdy, BB.iri CLlorosis or Retention/ Xrrogulnrft/,'
PdmfirbaesA, or Vacua-
Ulcerated 4 or stato 'of tlio’Uteruj,
LeuchoiteV’or Whites, Sterility, and for all com
plaints incident to tho sex, whether arising from
Indiscretion/ Habits of Dissipation, or in tho
, ; | ; tSeo Symptoms above.), ~ , ... ,
Take ' bb more Balaam, Mercury or unpleasant,
modioine or unpleasant and dangerous diseases.
• *>, - < .< * • t>. .) a i .....
In nil tlmVStagds ;'' it littlp Expenses ;
Itittlo or no.ohiihge in dict,|, .Eur'iceulveuioncos ;
! 'And'ticrjZrpoiUi'cSf'' 'V.'^
It causes a froqaant doSiro uud 'giro’s strength to l
ing.and Curing .’Strictures of the Urethra.' Alloy
ing Paici and lafiomation, so frcqiicnt in the class
of disoiue&jatttl dispelling, all Poisonous Diseases'
and worn out matter.
been the. victims of Quacks and who .have paid
heavy Ifebs to bo cured in a short time, have ’found
they wore deceived, and that the “ poison”' has, by
the use of ** powerful astringent* ” been dried up in
the system, to break out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after Marriage'. ■
Use E&LMtobb’s Extract Bcrmi for allttSbations
and disease of tho *
from whatever cause originating, rtattorof*
Diseases of these organs require tho asl >of a
Djubetk?. .
: !Ib th'a ferpftt Diurolic, and U.'is certain to have tho
desired eftaot
mended. * . , r; „ 1 ■ ; s -
Evidence of the most .rbliablq npd Vosponsiblo
character will accompany the medicine?!’. of cures, from cigift-tb,; twenty years
standing, with names len'own t‘p science and fume.
DcTivercfl 16 any addtcss, securely packed fromob
sorvaliciL '* / ' ‘
Describe symptoms in all communication*.
Cures Guaranteed. Advice Groti*.
Personally appeared before nio, an Alderman r»i*
,tho city T. Ilolmbold, who Vic
ing duly sworn doth say, that his pr«parr,(i ou* 0 u*
contain uo narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious
drugs, but aro purely vegetable.
Strewn and sub*#ribod before mb, tViia 23d day 0 f
November, 1854. WM.l\ 3I1BBAIU),
Alderman, Ninth at., above Race, PhiJa.
A&droas letters for information in confidence to
Depot, 104 south taalh st, below Chostnnt, Phila.
Who endeavor to dispose of their own and other
articles on the reputation attained by
Hclmbdld’s Genuine Extract
Ilnlmbold’s Genuine Extract SarsaparUla;
Uclmbold'a-‘Genuine Improved RoSo-Seaih j
, Druggist, everywhere. . Ask for Holmbpld.—
Take uo other. Cut out tho advertisementand
send for it, and avoid imposition end exposure,
i ‘Z - l»0 186 B —Hy,
A pfeUirc’aad Spietllo'Rmacdy
For Diseases «f -tbo BLADOISR, -KIDNEYS,
This medicine increases the po iVnr of Digestion,
and excites th s absorbituuts into bonlthy notion, by
which the WA TEUY or CALCEROUS depositions,
duced, us wdl ns Pain dnd INFLAMMATION,
and is good f ,t MEN, WOMEN OK CHILDREN.
'lndisposition to Edition, Loss of Power,
i.oss of Memory Difficulty of Braathin,
■Week Nerves, Trembling,
Horror of Disease, ■ 1 Wakefulness,
Dimness of .Vision, Pain in tko Back,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular EyStOih,
Hot Hands, Flashing of tUo Hod*
Dryness of tho Fkin, |Eruptions on Ihs 'i]'r.ex,
Those symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this
medicine invariably removes, soon follows IMPO
which the patient tnay expire, ; ‘
WinLeun say that they nro. not frequently follow
ed hy those il direful tliecaaes”
Many are awnro of tilo cause of'their jwffefing,'
iiul Jlaiic .eeii'r can/eM.
The records of the Insatid'A'sylnins and 1 tho melan
choly -Uoathe Uy.CoosunVptioir tetr.ninplu witness
to-tho truth ,of the assertion,. ; .
C.D:S3 S .S3B.C EJE I J»i SE A6s 3
U R I N.&11 Y. G R Q A N ft*
whether esisting'ln
H. T. HELM SOLD, Chemist.
Beware of Coxinicrfeitf,
JTAO OF the cheapest HOOP SKIRTS
cJvJ\Jjust received from Now Yoijc,-all of (bo
latest stylos thu above lot of SKIHTS araof aitt
periormoko **" "
cheaper than any in the market. '*
Wc* aro now offering our ontiro stock of SUM
MER DKESS.GOODS, at greatly reduced
i prices. ho good time has really come
for •’‘bargains. Spring A Summer _
> goods arc to’bp slaughtered to
to begin the
FiiH 'Campaign.
«fc t&IEAPBK.
j'ily-10, 1802.
;■/' (Pwfcct Fitting £iiii*tfe
■ moasttro and gnarantoe^per
warranted to.b’o of a superior artk-lo of Linen and
Muslin of the ipo*t celebrated makes. Also, ©Tory
variety of Shirts constantly kept.on band of«rery
Stylo and Quality.
Collars of all tbo Latest Stylos .out. .
The Traveling: Public.
decryption and largest variety. Sold at
North 'B--.nover Street Clothing .Emporium.
May 8, '(32.
rPIIR undersigned has. determined t<i 'soil
1, out his very,extensive and elegant assortment
• GOODS. "
at fir*t cost! ‘‘lie! will not attempt to specify. 6uf
ice it to Huy, his stock ia largo and complete, com
'prising iu pa'rt, * j « y* ■ k;• • t
1 of all kinds and descriptions, all of winch. woro
V purchased at low rates for cash,, and will bo,
tho admo figure. ‘
such as hJeachcdjand unhlcaeljed Shotiiings, Pil
low Casings, Linen and Co'tiin Tahle'Oldtiw.Skclt
ings, .White and'wn Muslins,‘Ao,, iSo.
His stock, bf-Cafpots Cil aCloths> Mattings,' Ac., da
the largest and fins section of tho country;
Givo mo an early call, alt;whowantgrent bargains!
for I intend to do just jyhat l say, and sell out my
ontirostock at first cost. Como one, cotne nil! ’
, .Iwd.doorfe north of the Carlisle Dope,ait BankV ! '
N-B. County Merchants will find it to their ad
vantage'to'give mo's call, for I can sell to them at
.cheaper rates than they can purchase tho' 'same
goods in thu city. ■ : P. A>
All persons knowing themselves indebted to tba
undersigned, will ploaso call and settle their ae
counts immediately, as the books' mdst'lfe Settled.
Carlisle, May 15, 1862..
New Wine Store.
Three, doors JSast qf.lnhojfs Grocer!/- 'Store,
and facing the Market,Carlisle, 1
THE undersihned haying opened a full and
complete assortment'of the purest ond bedt
B WINES Anl) .LIQUORS, he invites Hote
keepers, .House keepers, and others to giro
him a determined to keopa.'hotter
article than is.generally kept in, the country, and at
low prices. * . :
BllANDlES—Otard, Pinet lfisV:
: obellol
QlNS—Swan, SoLoidam’
Fish, Old dam Splits, 'tE.'Rum.'; ! ‘ V . ;
y«rj! did'*;
X(iaboD ; iCJl»Tdt/ Ghainpcgftd/MuwaU
W Y—Monong-ah^la,. .Pqre. ,0/4, Bour
non ana common Whisky.
Also, IVino Bitters, Demijohns, Bottlc/tf, Ao, .
liquors of all'klndsT ‘
Nay,lT, 1801.
. WiiiQ and tiqtJor Store.
{fDirtctly l Ojjpasitj ths Volunteer Ojjic*.)
TJISJ ‘tffifesigqed -would respectfully call
t{io uttopU6n 'of Merchants, llotol-keopors,
and Citizens and the surrounding*
country genially to bis establishment as ahoy#
designated, where ho keeps constantly on bam} »
Tory full-atrfl tfpipploto assortment of
wre And unadulterated
Wines and Liquors.
Any article sold as such, will bo staiotly as ropre
a°n Iceland will bo sold Wbolosaie-a-nd n
' the lowest market prices. Hie -Jitoek qoubibU ilk
part of ' ■
■GUI Finet,
•X. J. Dupuy.A Co.,
t uf\ Otard Old Laqueruao
Jlfartel brand,
Castillion A Co.,
. LallocbolU,
A, Camii®,
•••' •
.H. 33. Old BoHlony
Scotch, . Family NecUr, O. Ry%
Irish,- - \ Common Ilootifiod.
.. iviiics of all Kinds.
Ho- I hjw also tho agency for tho «alo of Lauer's
oolobratad "
A. of which will ha constantly kapt on.
Orders gratefully received and promptly atts^dfjjl
Feb. 6 1382—1 y.
' , GREEK ■
fTUIIS machine is’ so very simple in con
-*■ structiou, arid efficient and easy in operation/-
tliM a boy or girl }0 I2 years of ago can perform \ sorvioes of Washing v+ilh case, qud do it iu 1-4, \
tho lime that a growit-pftrson. can without a Ma- 1
ohiuo. This is a great'siivlhg t*> thoss that hirer
also, to tho houo uudmuscles of those who aro com
pelled to endure tho trials of tho washing day—
This Machine is a great self labor saving Invention.
It is tho universal expression of those who have
used it. and (hoy aro legion, that the hitherto long
and laborious work of iyasbing-day is rondo quick
and oaay, by. thouso of this machine) and tho.tinre
is now at hand when uo family should be w'ithout
one. * *' ' ’
Tho Bropriotorg have rib hesitancy in saying
that 'tliia is v thb acme of Washing Machine Inven
tion, and worth.more than all others combined
It ,is in 4tfof tho “ Ntß PLUS ULTRA” in tnis iina
of invontton; X'ur confirmation of thb uhuyo, null
and Oj-ipino .ofto- at tho shop of J. R. Weaver,
north Uauhvcr-stroot, Carlisle..
Doc. 12,'188I —ly»
roi- Kcnt, iv
THE largo rpoma formovly occupied by tho
1 oal-()(Bco,- hortioT.-of -Hanover and I‘omfrut
(treats, Oatlislo, are for rent. Inquire of
’ , ’ J, 11, BRATTON.
IVIIUTAIIY suits of every description
-frX. made Ut short notice, of every stylo, color,
and Quality,' at moderate prices by
North Hanover St*
October 2D, 1662.
Holland Waif AniUor,