American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, August 21, 1862, Image 4

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1 A French veteran, with one arm, was seat
ed before the door of his neat cottage on a
pleasant ovouiug in July.
Ho was surrounded by several village lads,
who with one vice entreated him to com
mence his promised story. The old man took
his pipe from his mouth, wiped his lips with
the back of his reinainiug hand, and began j
■ thus: ■
In my time, boys, Frenchman would have
scorned to tight with Frenchmen in the
streets ns they do now. No, no; when wo
fought it was for the glory of Franco, and
against her enemies; My story begins with
the 9th of November, 1812, a short time after
the battles of AYiazina.
AVo were boating a retreat, not before the
Ilussmns, for they kept a respectable distance
from our cantonments, bat before the bitiilg
cold of their detestable country, more terri
ble to us than the Kussians, Austrians and
Bavarians all put together. For the last few
days our officers hud been tolling us Jhat wo
were -approaching Smdlenska, where We
would bo certain of finding food, fire and
shoes ; but in the meantime wo were perish
ing in the ice, and perpetually harrassed by
bauds of Cossack riders.
Wo had marched about six hours without
pausing to lake breath, for wo knew repose
was certain death. A bitter wind hurled
snow flakes in our faces, and now and then
wo stumbled over the corpses of our frozen
comrades. No singing or talking 1 liven the
grumblers ceased, to complain, dud that was
a had sign.
.1 walked behind my captain; ho was a
short man, strongly built, rugged and severe,
but brave aud true as his own sword blade.
IV e called him Captain Positive, for when he
oueo said a thing, so it was—no appeal : he
never changed his mind, lie had been
wounded at Wiazina, aud his usually red face
was now quite pale, while the pieces of, an
oid’whito handkerchief which ho:hud wrapped
■around, his leg were soaked with blood/ I
saw.him first move slowly, then stagger like
a drunken man, and at last he foil down liko
a solid block'. , v
, Fiirbleu 1 Captain,” said I, bending over
■ bim, “you,can’t lie there.” ,
You see that.l can, because* I do,” re
plied lie, pointing to his limbs.
“ Captain,”- said I, “you mustn’t die
nged, to plaqe him On his feet. He leaned on |
thus,” and raising him in my arms I man
mo and tried to walk, but in vain be fell
once, more, dragging mo with hifn. .
“ John," said he, “ tis all over how. Just
leave 'me boro and join your column as
quickly as you can.- One . word before you
go. At 'Vereppe, near Grenoble, lives a
good woman, eighty four years old, my—
■mother. Go to her, embrace her, and toll
her that—-that—tell'her what you- like, but
give her this purge and my cross. That’s
■ alii’.'
“ Is that all, Captain ?”
“1 said so. . Good hyo ; and haste;”
Boys,, I don’t know it was, but I felt two
- tears freezing on my checks'.
“No Captain," cried I, "I won’t leave
you—either, you shall come with mo, or I
Will stay with you.
“ I forbid you staying."'
“ Captain, you might as well forbid a wo
man’s talking.” ,
“ If I escape I will-punish you severely.”
■ “ You may. place mo under arrest then,
but just now you must let nie doa»l please.”
“ You are an insolent fellow.”
ery likely, Captain, bat you must como
with me.”
;■ -Ho. bit his lips with anger, but said no
more. I raised him and placed his body
across _my shoulder like a sack.' You may
easily imagine thatwhilebearing such a bur
den I could not move as fist as mv comrades.
• Indeed, I soon lost sight of their columns,
and eon Id perceive nothing but tho white, si
lent plain around me;
I; moved oh and ! presently, there : ap
, poured a band of- .Gosssucks gailopping to
ward mo, their lances in rest and shouting
their fiendish war cry.
The captain was by this tune in a state of
total unconsciousness, I. resolved, cost what
it might, and not to abandon him.
I laid him on tlio ground, covered with
snow,'and then crept :nnder. a heap of my
-dead comrades,' haying, however, my eyes at
. liberty., -&oon the Cossacks readied us and
began' striking their lances 'right and left,
while the horse trampled the bodies.'
, Presently one of these rude-beasts placed
his foot my.left arm and crushed it to pieces.
Boys, I did not say a word j I did not move,
sava to thrust my right hand into iny mouth
to keep down the cry of torture, and’in a few
minutes the Cossacks disappeared.
When the last of them had ridden, off, 1
crept out and.managed to disinter the cap
tain. He showed few signs of life ; never
theless I contrived witlyone hand to drug him
toward a rock which offered a sort of shelter,
and then, lay down next to him, vrrappinn
my capote around him. • °
Night.was closing in, and tho snow-continu
fd to full. The last of the rearguard had disappeared, and the only sounds that
broke tho stillness wore the whistling of dis
tant 'bullets and the nearer howling of. the I
wolves,- which were devouring, the dead]
- God knows what things wo wore passing
in. my bosom-that,night, which’l thought
was',my,last on'earth. But-1 remembered
the prayer my mother had taught'me long
ago, when I was a child by her side, and
kneeling down I said it fervently.
Boys, it did mo good, and always remem
ber, that sincere prayer will do you good,
too. '
I felt wonderfully calm when I resumed
my place, by tlio captain. But time'passed
on, and I was becoming; quite bouumed,
when I saw a. party of French officers up.
• preaching. Before I had time to address
them, the. formust, a lo.w-sized maa, dressed
in fur pelliese, stepped toward me saying :
“ What are you doing here ? Why,did you
(day behind your regiment?”
" For two good reasons,” said I, pointing
first to the captain and thou to my bleeding
“ The man speaks the truth, sir,” said one
of the followers. “I saw him marching be
hind the column carrying the officer on his
The Emperor—for,■•boys, it was ho—gave
mo one of those looks which only himself or
an Alpine Eagle could give, and said,:
11 'Tie well ; you have done well."
Then opening his pellisse. he took the
cross which decorated his inside coat and
gave it to me. -
“ Dovonst," said the Emperor, addressing
the gentlemen who had spoken, “cause the
man and captain to bo placed in the ammu
nition wagon. Adieu 1” and waving his hand
toward me he passed on.
Itefe the veteran paused and resumed his
pipe. ..
cam?nf 0 11 " B . n ’ T , out tlle cross and what bc
paUont vo^ a R,n P ° BiUvc '” criod M ™ral
■Jtjxt S'sshivr v;
When he recovered ho-placed me md. tm
.rest for fifteen days L Z
broach of discipline. The circumstance
readied Aapoleon’s ears, and, lau'gbing hear
tily, he not only released mo, but promoted
me to be a sergeant. As to the decoration,
here is the ribbon, boys. I wear that in my
button hole, but the cross near mv heart.
And unbutning his coat, the, veteran
showed bis young friends the precious relic,
enveloped in a little bund suspended around
hia nook.
lLs~ When n man wants money or assist
ance, the world, ns o rule, is very obliging,
and—-lets him want it, ■ 1
1863. THE
And the public generally, -will pleaao call in
! Cheap Hardware Store,
{Adjoining the Corman House,)
A S I am selling goods cheaper than over
for cash or approved credit.
. Iho place. East Main street,"tSsft
, ’ Carlisle, Ha.
■, ’ ‘ ’ HENRY SAXTON. ‘
March'27, 1862.
4* nnd Spikoa, just received, of the very best
makes and warranted. >
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
■faoturors at stbrb~T)f
East Main street.
March 27, 1862
TKOJV—IOO tons of Iron—Hammered'.and
A all sizes, just received,- and .war
ranted to bo of the best quality, with a largo as
sortment of
‘ Sheet Iron,
Hoop Iron,
Band Iron,
Horse Shoo Iron,
Spring Steel,
Cast Stool,
Blister Stool,
Horse Shoes,
Horse Shoo Nalls, '
Rivets, <tc.
Cheaper than the cheapest
March 27, 1362.
rf'N.LASS. —1000 boxes of Glass, of all sizes,
AA-- double and single thick, colored, plain and or
namental, on hand and for salo* very low at
March 27, 1802. ,• H. SAXTON'S.
POWDER,—Just received a largo lot ofDu-
A pout's Blastingand llillo Powder. Also,
~ Safely Fuse, i Picks,' ‘
Stone Drills,. , Mattocks,
Stono.Sledgos, ' CroW Bars,
I■ , Stouo Hammers, | Digging Irons, 1
Napping Hammers, Ac.
Pumps and cbment.—ioo this, of ce
ment, vvitlr■ a-largo -assortment.of Chain and
Iron Pumps, jus,t received and forsnle ehenpefthun
ever, at . , . If. SAXTON.’S-
N. B, Cement sold by the quantity at Manufac
turers prices. .
March 27, 1302,
LI ARM BELLS,—I have been appointed
-A agent for several makes of superior .Farm
Bells; also,' 801 l Metal, Bells on hand, all war
ranted not to crack, by H'. SAXTON.,
March 27, 1802..
sale at Manufacture]
Plank's Plows, . t
Henwood’s “ I
Zciglcr’d “ ‘ I
Weirich's t( .. J
at the cheap Hardware St<
March 27, IBC2.
HAMES. —500 pairs. of Ilamos on hand,
of all kinds, . ’
Elizabethtown pattern,
Common ' u
with mid without patent fastenings, cheaper- than
ever, at' 11. SAXTON'S, ,
, March 27, 1862. East Main Street.
Lead, 1000 galls. of '
largo assortment ol
Varnishes, ; • •• ■. ' Fire Proof Pnint, -
Turpplitiuo, ■ ■ , .Floronoo White, .■
JiipttD, "iThito Zinc,
Putty, ■ ■ Colored Zino,
Lithcrago, Hod Lend,' ■ '
Wbitiugy ' Boiled Oil,
! Glue, Lard Oil,
Shellac, ' • • ( 'Sperm Oil,
• Paint Brushes, | Fish Oil, &c., <• '
Colors of every description, dry and in. oilj in cans
and tubes, at tbo Hardware Store of' •
■ March, 27, 1802. 11. SAXTON.
Since the lato victories Domestic© Cotton
Goods have declined, as there is now'a prospect of
getting a supply of Cotton. Wo, (LEIDICH, SAW
\ Ell <t-MILLER, at the New store, under Martin’s
Hotel, East Main street,) afo receiving daily largo
supplies of . , ■
which, with our old stock wo are* determined to sell
aUCIi\ PillCLb. .DRESS GOODS of evory va
riety j
Plain and Fancy . Silks at all prices ;
A largo lot of now Black, Silks at 75, S7i, 1.00,
1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 ; now Spring Delaines
at 26 cents-; 4,000 yards of best quality Merimao,
Cuclioco, Pacifio null American Prints; dark and
light colors, now stylos, at 12i ; a large at lots 0, 8
and 10 cents. .
Full and Second Mourning Prints,
All kinds Domestic Ginghams 12}; Manchesler
IS}; 30 pieces of. Preach and Scotch Dross and
Bonnet Ginghams nt 25.
at wMcsalo and retail, good riiuliiy R/fino 10, 4-4.
wide 12i. Also 5-4, (i-4, 10-4, LD4, 12-4 lit cmi-es
pondmg prices. All kinds (if HEAVY'GOODS in
largo supply _ at reduced prices—Tickings, Stripes,
Chocks, Drillings, Osnahurgs, Cotton Diaper, &c, ,tc.
Dmen Diaper, Napkins, Shirting Linens, Shirt
h rents, Collars, at old prices. _ .White, Goods, all
kind,'}, ut old prices. ’ .
lloop Skirts direct from the factory. 800 doz. La
dies’, Misses, Men’s and Boys’ HOSE, 12i to 25.
.Men’s and Boys’ Wear Black Cloths and Cassilnorss,
all grades,Fancy Cassiuiors, latest styles, Vestiu"s,
Satinets, Jeans, Cottcnades, ,tc., &c. °
Having secured tlio services of a first class Tailor,
we prepared to got up Clothing in the most fashion
able stylo ut short notice.
I Wo ore receiving our Spring supply of Carpets,,
comprising all tho various kinds kept in a first class
Carpet House. Carpets ranging in price from 12A
to 3.25. Oil Cloths, all widths. Mattings, Look
ing Glasses, Shades and minds of all kinds. 1,000
Ibe. Carpet chain; Feathers; Cotton Batting;
Counterpanes, ic., Ac. ’ *
AH the above goods and many others ; wo offer
to purchasers at a small advance above cost. Win
ter Dress Goods—Shawls, Mantles, Furs, loss than
lirst cost. Wo determined not to ho undersold.
Please call and examine our immense.stock.
jfiSS* Vfo will make additions of Now Goods na
the season advances. All Goods warranted to bo
what wo soil thonr for,
Carlisle, February 25; 1862.
Hat and Cap Emporium
ccnsllE undersigned having purchased the
' P stock, Ac., of tho Into William H. Troiit, do
od, would respectfully announce to tboj public
that bo will continue tho Hatting Btuiuat at tbo
old stand, in West High Street, and with n renew
ed and efficient otfort, produce articles of Hoad
Dress of
Every Variety, Style, and Quality,
E ‘ rM y i' l pooping with tho improvo
wo livo. ° art ’ and ful, y I, P t 0 the ago in which
LaB now ™ hand a splendid
Jpii& «"" t '? r 0 „ nt ?‘' IfATS of all dcacrip
fln ’ ; s®“ tho common Wool to the
that must salt every one w'h 0 B ha» lltttß ' nUd ltt l >riob3
the worth of hi. C,. “ lIP] L‘? B°‘« n E
and Beaver Hats, are imaurpassod ml i’i Bkin '
nihility and finish, by anv ...'Bhtnoa,, dn
ment in the country. y otllor oßlahlieh-
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
hand. Ho respectfully invites all the old patron,
and ns many now ones as possible, to K ivo bim a
J. G. CAIiXdO,
CsrJislo/Dsc, ISO], 20,
Anvils, ,
Rasps, .
Bolts, *'
. Nuts,
Screw Plates,
.Blacksmith Bellows,
Ac., Ac,,
t,'at the Hardware store <
. East Main street.;
Cumberland County.
PIIL undersigned begs leave to inform you,
I that ho. Ims just opened a DRUG. STORE, in
the borough of CARLISLE, in the. room formerly
occupied by Reynolds & Peipfer, as aDrugStore,
next door to InhofTa Grocery Store, South Hanover
Street, whoroho will.always bo found ready and
willing to ply tho spatula and postal. The follow
ing list comprises the main portion of his stock: *
Trusses, Suspensory Bandages, Window Glass,
Toilet Soaps, pure Wines and Liquors, Perfumery, I
Caues, Notions and Varieties generally, Confeetion-.
orlos, Tobacco and sogars, Lithographs atd Frames,
Burning Fluid, Haint, Varnish and Sash Brushes,
Coal Oil, ■'
Blank Books _and Stationary generally; •
Haying had over 1 fifteen years’ experience in the
Drug Business, with a desire to accommodate and
please my customers, Ihopo to receive a reasonable ’
share of public patronage.. It is my intention and
desire to give perfect satisfaction in every particu
lar,to all who. may tavor mo with a call.
Carefully compounded, at fair , prices. Give mo a
call, ,
„ v, , s. k. pannebakbr:
Carlisle, Dec. 12, IS6l—ly
: ! ' “■
-Just received, and -for
rs'prices, a largo assdrt-
York Metal Plows,
Bloomttcld. do..
I Eagle do.
I Cultivators, «tc., «to.,
Loro, of,
East Main Street.
.—IQ tons of White
Oil, just received, with'a
Suit g f
North Hanover Street , Carlisle , Penn } a,
Has just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs,
Fancy Goods, Gift Hooks, Perfumery, Fruits, and
Confectionery; which has never been surpassed in
this borough, for novelty and elegance. The arti
stes have been selected with groat care, and are cal
culated,* in quality and price, to command the at
tention of purchasers. ' - •
which comprises every variety of fancy articles of
tno most exquisite finish,’ such ag—
Papier Macho Goods, olcgunt alabaster inkstands
and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
ladies’ Fancy Baskets,.fancy Wort Boxes, with sew
ing instruments, Port Monnaics, of every variety,
.Gold Pons, and PohoUs, fancy paper weights, pape
tenos, and n largo variety of ladies’ fancy statione
ry. Moto seals and.wafers,.silk, and head purses,
ladies’riding whips, elegantly finished, ladies’ fine
cutlery perfume baskets and bags, brushes of eve
ry .kind for the,toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the
various kind, musical instruments of all kinds and
at all prices, together with nn innumerable variety
of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates. Al
so, an, extensive collection of BOOKS, comprising
the various English and American Annuals for 1859,
richly embolished and illustrated Poetical-Works,
with .Children*# Pictorial Jiooka, for.children of all
ages. Iljs assortment of School Books and School'
Stationery is also complete, and comprises every
thing used in College and. the Schools. He also
desires to call the particular attention of families to
his elegant assortment of
LAMPS, tie., .
from the oxtbnsivo establishments of Cornelius, Ar
cher and others of Philadelphia, comprising every
stylo of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for
burning cither Lard, Sperm or Ethorial Oil, togeth
er with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, Ac. His as
sortment in this lino is unequalled in tho horouirh.
Also, ‘ - ..
embracing all tho favorite brands, and a fine assort
' Fll UITS ,
such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs/ Raisins, Necta
rines, 1 runes,. Ao. Fancy Confectionery, Nuts,
Preserved Fruits, Minced Mont, Pickles,-Ac., Ac.,
In every variety and all prices, all of. which are
pure and. fresh, such as can be confidently recom
mended to his friends., His stock embraces every
thing m tho lino of Fancy Goods, with many other
articles useful to housekeepers which the public are
especially invited to call and see, at tho old stand
opposite the Deposit Bank.
Adjoining the Pennsylvania Rail-Road Depot,
TIIIE undersigned would respectfully inform
J- the public that ho lias taken the above Hotel,
formerly known as “ THE MANSfON ROUSE,"
which ho liasrofUted and newly furnished through-
Tho Rooms aro spacious and commodious, and
irnishod with every convenience to bo found in tho
best Hotels in tho city.
The “UNITED STATES” is admirably located
for the convenience of travelers, being under the
same roof with tho Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
and thus saving both hack biro and porterage of
baggage. No pains will bo spared to render .the
“ UNITED STATES” a pleasant and agreeable re-'
sidonco to all who may favor it with their patron
age. Charges moderate.
H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor,
December 13, 1860, ' r
TN beauty and durability, no ’ “sun-drawn 1
picture equals a good Daguorrootyrio'; this is the
nals l of thn P n° ?BQ ? leadin E photographic jour
f th ' Bda y» both Amonoan and’ English; and
oM “ ncd »* roomo of C ’ Rbt
1 tree^ 00 " Uaaov “
Opposite Me Priton,
with Colwell &-McGluro.
Jan. 9, 1862.
A T T 0 R N E Y-AT-L A W.
OTi FI H E , in *? hoff ’ 8 building, just opposite
the Market House, 1 r ,
Carlisle March 13, 1862—1 y. 1 '
ATTENDS, to securing and collecting
- *” Soldier’s Pag, Pensions, Bounties, ti;c.
JiSS~ Office on South Hanover atroot opposite
Bontz a store. Feb. 13, 1802.
attorney at la ir
/"VFFlCEswith -Win. H. Miller, Esq., South
Hanover street, opposite tho Volunteer Printing
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1359—tf.
South Hanover Street, next door to tho corncrof
West 1 onafrot and nearly opposite Bontz’ store.
Carlisle, Doe. 22, 1859.
, J. ill. WEAKLEY,
attorney a t law,
OFFICE on South Hanover street, opposite
Bontz’s store, Carlisle,
Feb. 27, 1802—9 m.
f J. W. FOULK, Attorney at Law.
Office with James R; Smith, Esq., Ehcom’s
Hall. All business entrusted to him will bo prompt
ly attended to. . Feb. 6. 1802 •
- Peom the Baltimore College of Bciltal Surgerg,
Office at the residence of his mother. East Louth'
er street, throe doors belbw Bedford,
: Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859
TUAS removed his oiSce to.the room directly
. opposite the Second Presbyterian Church,
Corner of South Hanover and Pomfret sis., Carlisle.
All patients entrusted to bis' care, either from
town or country, will bo promptly attended to.
■ Feb. 13, 1802.—tf
„ - S. W. uaversxick.
Carlisle, Doc. 28, 1301.
£o Bttiroy* Rat«, Ron.hei, 40.
7° P‘>troy Mioo, Moloi, and AnU.
To Destroy Bod-Bugs,'
To Destroy ——-Moths, in Furs, Clothes, As.
To Salray- —Mosquitops. and Floss.
To Scitroy Insoots bn Plants and Fowls.
To Dei troy- Insects on Animal?, 40., do.
To Deilroy-— —Every fork and species »f .Vermin,
Deilrsoy Instantly
Tliobo preparations (unlike ah aw
“ Free from Poisons.”
''Not dangerous to tho; Human Family.”
“Rats do not die on the promises.”
comp out of their holes to die.”
u They ara-the only infallible remedies known/
12 years a-nd more established in Now York City.
Ueed by- the City Post Offico^
Used by tho City-Prisons and Station' Houses.
Used by City Steamers, Ships/do.
Z/ired by the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &o.
Used by- City Hotels, ‘Astor’, 'St, Nicholas,' <fco.
Used ly tho Boarding Houses, <feo.
Used by —~moro than 60,000 Private Families.
gSt'See one or two Specimens of what it Every-)
where satd by the People^—Editors — Dealers, Ac.
HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need
bo so no longer, if they use“ CostarV’ Extermina-
Wo have: used it to our satisfaction, and if a
box cqst $5, wo would have it. .We had tried poi
sons, but they effected nothing; but Costar’s arti
cle knocks tho. breath out’of Bats, Mice and'Bed-
Bugs, quicker than vf6 can write it, It is in great
demand all over tho country.-i/cdina ( 0.,) Gazette,
MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed an
nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay
for. tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.
- Lancatier, ( Wis.,) Herald.
HENRY R. OOSTAR—Wo are selling your
preparations rapidly. • Wherever thoy have been
used, Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Vermin dtsapppoar
immediately.'. .
Eckbr & SrojiFFEn, Druggists, New Windsor, JW.
1 ‘
“ CoatarV Hat, Roach, &0., Exterminator.
* f Costar's ”
" Costar's” Bod-bug Exterminator.
4> Costar's ” ' .
14 CoatarV’ Electric Powder for-Insects, See.
In 25c. 50q.- and $l,OO BoxESrBoiTLES and Flasks.
$3 and $5 Sizes for Plantations, Ships,
. Boats, Hotels, Ac.
CAUTION !! I To prevent the public from
being imposed upon by spurious and highly
pernicious Imitations, a, new label Ims boon
prepared, bearing a fac simile of the Propri
otor’s aignature. Examine each box, bottle,
or flask carefully before purchasing, and take
.nothing but “ Costars." i
F@“ Sold Everywhere — by
All WuonEßale DntrcorsTs in large cilice,
Some of the . '
Wholesale Agents in New York City.
Shiofiollm Brothcra A Co. Harml, Risky A Kitchen
B. Fahnestock, Hull A Co. Bush, dale A Robinson
A. B, AD. Sands A Co. M. Ward, Close A Co. -
Wheeler A Hart. , . M’Kisson A Robbins.
•Tames S. Aspinwall, ■ P. S. Barnos ACo
• Morgan A Allen, F. C. Wells A Co. '
Ilall, Rnokql A Co. Lazollo,Marsh A Gardner
Thomas A Fuller. Hall, Dixon A Co.
P. D. Oms. , Conrad Fox.
Philadelphia, Pa.
n win 011 f C i o '. r, |!! o,iort Shoemaker A Co.
B. A. Fahnestock A Co. JFronch, Richards A Co.
And by DnnoaiSTS. Groceus, Storekeepers and
Ivetailkrs generally, in all Country *
Towns and Villages
In the
Carlisle, Pa,
\£y*Sold hy
C. INHOFF, Grocer,
S/W. lIAVERSTICK, Druggist,
ELLIOTT, Druggist ]
And by tho Druggists, Storekeepers Bird' Re
tailers generally.
Country Dealers can order as above.
Or address orders Prices, Terms,
Ac., is desired JSSf* Send for [1862] Circular,
giving reduced Prices] to
Principal Depot—No. 612 Broadway-—[Opposite
tho SL Nicholas Hotel,] New York, ’
February 27, XBo2i~Cm*
Lhnehurners* ami Blacksmiths* Coal , constantly for
sale. Kept .under cover, and delivered dry to any
part of the towli; .
HAVE just completed opening their Spring
stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Gloss, <to., to which they invito the early attention
of the public generally. Wo have greatly enlarged
our stock in all its various branches, and can now
accommodate the public with
in largo or small quantities at the lowest prices.—
We don’t want the public to think that we -have
brought all'the Goods in. Philadelphia and Now
York to our town, but wo can assure them that a
look into our store.will convince,them,that we have
enough Goods to.fully supply the demand in.this
market. Persons.wanting Goods. lino will
find it to their advantage to give us a call before
making their purchases.. All orders personally aud
punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations
made to effect sales.
TUIE subscriber lids just returned from tbo
1 eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, and
best selected assortment of Hardware, ever offered
in this county. Every thing kept in a largo whole
sale-and retail Hardware store, can bo had a little
lower than at any other bouse in the county,' at the
cheap hardware stow of the subscriber.
Nails and Spikes. —so tons Nails and Spikes just
received of the very best makes and all warranted.
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices.
COO pnir Trace Chains of all kinds, with a largo
assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do,,
fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains,
Ac., Ac.
Jlames. —3so pair of Humes of all kindsjust re
ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
ings, cheaper than ever.
Paints and Oils. —lo tons White Load, 1000 galls.
Oil just received, with a largo assortment of Var
nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharago, whiting,
glue, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, Flo
rence white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod load, lard
oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil/ Ac. Colors ,of
every description, dry and in oil,- in cans and tubes.
Farm lidls,— Just received the largest,, cheapest,
and best assortment of Farm Bolls in the county.
GroohcasUo metal and. Boll metal, warranted not to
Powder , —2s kegs Dupont Rook and Rifle Pow
der, with a large' assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks,
Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stone Sledges, Slone Ham
mers, Ac. V-
Pumps and Cement,— so barrels Cement, with a
very largo assortment, of Chain and Iron pumps of
all kinds, cheaper than over at the Hardware store
.. Carlisle, March 8,1861. 1
THE partnership heretofore, existing, be
tween Richard 11. Hummel and Wm. M. Kerr,
has .'been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
indebted to the late firm are notified to make pay either of thp parties, on or before tho Ist of
August next. ...
Bridgeport, May 1,1862—3 m
CHAINS.— 600 pair
all kinds, with a lar|
Butt Chains,
Breast u
• Log “ .
Cow u
Jast received at tho Cheap
March 27, 1862,
ITew Coal Yard,
THE subscribers would respectfully call tbo
attention’ of Limoburnora and the citizens of
Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to
their new COALYARD, attached to hia Ware-house,
on West High at., where they will keep constantly
n(^ a | ar^e S - U^^
bio prices. Best qual
ity of hinieburnert * and Rldcksmitha 1 Coal always
on hand.'
-All orders left; at the. Ware House, or at his
residence, in North Hanover street will bo promptly
attended to.
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859—-tf. ,
Fire Insurance.
of Cumberland county, incorporated by an act of
Assembly, in tho year 1843, and having recently
had ita charter extended to tho year 1883, is now
in.afctivo and rigorous operation under the super
intendence of the following Board of Managers:
Win. R. Qorgas, Christian Stayman, Michael
Cooklin, Daniel Bailey, Alexander Cathcart, Jacob
H. Coover, John Eicholborgor, Joseph Wickcrsham,
Samuel Eberly, Rudolph Martin, Moses Brioker,
Jacob Coover and J. C. Dunlap.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
•as any Company of tho kind in the State. Persons
wishing to become members are invited to make ap
plication to tho Agents of tbo Company who are
willing to wait upon them at any time.
President—W. R. QORGAS, Eberly'a Mill#, Cum
berland county.
Vico Pros't.— Christian Stavman, Carlisle Cum
berland county.
Soct'y*—JonSr 0. DuKlap, Mechanicsburg, Cum*
borland county.. •
Treasurer —Michael Cocklin, Shcphordstown,
Cumberland county. . , . . ;
AGENTS. ' , .
Cumberland County,— John Shornok).^.llon; Hen
ry Zoaring.Shiremanstown; Lafayette PeQbr/Dick
-inson; Henry Bowman, Churohtown; Mode Gri*
fith, South Middleton; Sam’l. Grahani, W. Penns
boro’; Samuel Coover, Mochanicsburg; J. W. Cock
iin> Shophordstown; D. Uoovet, Upper Allen; J.
O. Saxton. Silver Spring; John Hyer, Carlisle;
Valentino Fcoman, Nctv Cumberland.
York County.—Vf. S t Pickings Dover; James
Griffith, Warrington;'J. F. DonrdorfF, Washington;
Richey Clark, DUlsburg; D. Rutter, Fairviow; John
WiUin’ms, Carroll.
. 'Dauphin County.— Jacob Houser, Harrisburg.
Members, of tho Company having policies abot
to expire, can have them renewed by making appl
cation to any of the Agents.
March 13/1862.
WOULD call the attention of the public
to his Ini-go and superior stock Of COAL
and LUMBER, which he constantly keeps on hand
at his yard, near the. Gas Works. 1 'A’hc attention of
builders and others is particularly invited to his
GLES, PLANK, LA THS, ct-c. Our stock of GOAL
best quality, and kept undercover, and will bo'sold'
at the lowest rates.
‘ Thankful- for tho-patronage of a generous public,
bestowed upon the lato lirm of Black & JDelaxc y,
ho would solicit a continuance, of the same, ns ho
will strive to please. All orders loft at the resi
dence of Jacob Shrom for Coal or Lumber, will bo
promptly attended to as horotoforo,
. July 25, 1861.
Forwarding * commission house.
• The suasoribor haying taken the Warehouse,, oars
and fixtures of William ,33. Murray’s-weU’known es
tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin-
would inform;„tho public, that-ho
has entered into a general Forwardihg-'and Com
mission business.’ • • * • "
The highest market price will bo paid for Flour,
Grain and Produce of all kinds.
Ho is also predated to freight produce and
stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest
rates, with safety and despatch.
Piaster and Salt kept constantly on band, and
Flour and Feed ut wholesale or retail.
Coal of all kinds, embracing
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859.
North Hanover.street.
Carlisle, April 25, 1861
rs of Trace Chains, of
rgo assortment of.
Halter Chains,
.Fifth « -
’ Tongue u y
Spreads, Ac., Ac.,
p liadwaro Store of
Selling oiT Twenty-Five Per Cent, 13 e-
AT the sign of the “ Gold Eagle," 3 doers
above thb,Cumberland Valley Bank, and two
doorS'below the Methodist Church on -West Main
jO street, the largest and best selected stookof
WATCHES and JEWELRY iri tho town,
bo sold 30 per cent, lower than at any
place in tho State.' Tho stock comprises a largo
assortmoutof Gold 4: Silver Hunting-case Watches,
Lovers, Lopincs, American watches, and all other
kinds and stylos, gold and silver Chains,
Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles, Gold and sliver;
plated and sllyor Ware, Music Boxes, Aooordeons,
Oil Paintings, a great variety of Fahey Articles,
and a lot of the finest Pianos) which sold 40
per bent, lower than over offered in town. Tho en
tire stock of Watchmaker topis, oases, largo Mirrors'
and Safe, will bo sold wholesale or retail on tho
easiest terms.
Having selected a first class workman all kinds
of repairing will bo dono as usual, at reduced
Throe Pianos, at $lOO below tho factory price, on
I will toll at the Jewelry Store three Rosewood Pi
anos, warranted at J their value, on easy terms, if
oalled on soon.
For Ren t.—The largo throe Story BRICK HOUSE
oh Main street, will be rented from tho Ist of April,
1862. Call at the,Jewelry. Store, in said building.
Carlisle, April 18, 1801,
THE Hat and Cap Store heretofore known
as “KELLERS" has been removed just oppo
site tho old stand two doors from Arnold's clothing
The business will bo conducted as heretofore, and
all goods both homo made and city manufacture
warranted to give satisfaction as recommended. A
full patronage respectfully solicited,' and every
effort will bo mode to keep the assortment in Men
and Boys Hilts-and Caps Complete, with prices to
suit the .times,.
Spring styles of Silk Hats .now. ready, • ~
Nov. 14,1861,
Matrimony made ; Or Row
to Win. a Lover. —Containing plain, com
mon-ponso ‘ directions, showing how all may >be
suitably married, irrespective of age,.sox or posU
tion, whether prepossessing or,-otherwise, with a
treatise on the .art of fascinating - any person you
wish a curious, scientific experiment which never
fails. Free for 25 cts.
• Address T. WILLIAM' & Go., Publishers, •
Box 2,300, Philadelphia/
March 21. 1862—3m.*
■ A fresh and general assort
rhont of Groceries constantly
on hand, embracing the best qualities in'the mar
ket, such as Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Table Oils,
Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins,' as
well ns all the varieties belonging to a good grocery
store, together with R suitable assortment of the
finest ' .
Syrups & Molasses, Mackarel, Salthoi
Baskets, Tubs, Churns, and other articles for house
hold use,, including a lino assortment of ‘
. China, Glass &. Queenswaf'e,
The public nave, dur thanks for the liberal pa
♦nmago bestowedupon ua in the past. We hope to
merit-a share of their custom in the future..
April It), 1661. J W. EBY;.
Town and Country
TTTOE subscriber respectfully informs his
and the public generally, that ho still
continues the Undertaking business, and - is ready to
wait upon , customers either by day oi* by night.
Hcady-mado COFFINS kept constantly on hand,
both plain and ornamental. Ho has constantly on
hand Fisk’s Talent Metallic Uurial Case, of which
ho has been appointed tho solo agent. This oaso is'
recommended as superior to any of tho kind now in
use, it being perfectly air tight.
He hiis also furnished himself with , a fine now
Rosewood IIEAttSE and gentle horses, with, whioh
ho will attend funerals in town and country person
ally, without extra charge.
Among, the greatest discoveries of tho ago is
Spring Maltruss, the best'and cheapest bod
now in use, the exclusive right of which I have so
curodd and,will bo'kept constantly on hand.'
Cabinet Making
in all its various branches carried on, and Bureaus,
Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered
Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and.Centro Tables; Dining
and Breakfast Tables, Wash-stands of all kinds,
Preach Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jinny Lind
and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking
glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured
in-this line of-business, kept constantly on bandi
His workmen aro men of experience, his material
the best,' and his work made in the latest* city stylo,
and all under his own supervision. It will bo war
ranted and sold low for cash. 1
He invites all to give him a call before purcha
sing elsewhere. • Por tho. liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to him he fools indebted to bis nume
rous customers, and assures them that no efforts
will bo spared in future to please them in stylo and 1
price. Give us a call. • . j
Remember the place, North Hanover St., nearly j
opposite the Deposit Bank. 1
Carlisle, Noy. 6, 1861
Carlisl| Marble-
fUCHARD owicnr,
South Hanover street, opposite JBenlxt* Store,
THE subscriber has on hand a largo and
well selected stock of
Head-Stoiies, Hionuuiciits,
TOMBB, Ac., of chaste and beautiful designs/ which
he will sell at the lowest possible rates, being desi
rous of selling out his stock. Head-stones finished
from three dollars upwards.
Brown Stone, Marble work, Mantles, j &0., or
oaildings, marble slabs for furniture, Ac., constant
ly on hand. Iron railing for oemotry. lots, Ac., of
the best Philadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt
ly attended to. .
Carlisle, Nov. 7, 18C1
Watches, Jewelry and Silver
11 UIB public arc invited to call and dzamino
the largest' and handsomest stock of
•«» brought to tbirf plaob, leaving purchased thl
stock for* cash'l am’..determined to sell at'price
that V can't be heat.”
All goods sold by mo, guaranteed to bo as repre
sented or the money refunded. Old gold andsilver
taken 2n exchange.
Carlisle, Nor; 7*, 1801
low Cost! !!
Gold Pens and Pencils,
■Bats and Caps.
.New Wine and Liqnor^StoreT
Three doors East of InUJfs Grocery ''
and facing the Market Mouse,
THE undersinned having opened a full L.
complete -assortment of tho Durant i
(mawikES ANB. liquors, “C'V? 1
KDSkeepors, House keepers, and others to • °
jjgjlhlm n call, boingPdotorminod ts keep a imtfc*
article than is generally kept in tho country !
low prices. , - ** una M
h 'CtaVd, Pinet Vintage, 1862,; Ho.
GlNS—Swan, Sohoidam Schnapps, Mov.r’. 011
Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. E. Rum. - yold
, WlNES—Madoria, very old t Sherry. Swont u
oga,.Oid Port,, Lisbon, Clprot Champagne Mnsl'
WHISKY-Monong'fjhola, W OU^X?
bon and common Whisky. J ’ uur
Also, Wino Bitters, Demyohns, Bottlos. Ao
■ffiS' Bottled Liquors of all kinds.
May 17,1*61. : MART IN.
Wine nd Liquor Store.
(Directly Opposite the Volunteer Office.)
undersigned would respectfully call
X tip attention of Merchants, Hotol-koem.™-
and Citizens of Cumberland and tho surroundS
country generally to his establishment as aWa
designated, whore ;ho keeps constantly on ham
very full and complete assortment of a
Wines and Liquors.
Any article sold as such, will ho strictly as renro
sonted, and will bo sold Wholesale and RetailT k
the lowest market prices. His stock consists in
part of
ifartel brand,
Cnstillion <fc Qo.,
La Radmila,
A. Cam iBo,
B. B. Old Boblen,
?°,°f cll ' Family Neotar, O.Hy
Irish, , Common Rectified.
Wines of all Kinds.
cckbratod a ' S ° lh ° a " ency for tllß aa‘e of Laucr
hand SUPI>Iy ’ 6f wbii:!ll ' Till be constantly kept on
t ® rticrs gratefully received and promptiyattondoi
Fob. 6 1862—1 y.
Foreign and Doiiicsljc Liquors.
SHOWER respectifully nnnolm
coa to tbo public, Uiat bo continues to hoop con
stantly on band, and for sale,.a largo and very su
perior assortmoht of .
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
at ilia now stand, a few-doors west of Hannon's t!.-
tel, and directly south of tbo Court-house, Carlisle
All of Sboico brands.
Sherry, Port, liladoHa, Lisbon, Claret, Na*
tire. Hock, Johanniaborg, aud Bodorboim
-01* t •
champagne,. V
Hcidaick 4 Co;; Goislor 4 Co., and impofi-
6 INS, ■
Bullion, Llrn and Anchor.
Superior Oldlßyo, Choice Old Family
A'r-n nWheat,, Scotch, and Irish, ■
ALB, Beat t« b* had a
BITTERS, ’ “ °
Of the t-efy beat quality. .
■??^ e . r ? ttl others desiring a PUKK A TtT TCT P
will find it as represented, ns bis whole attention wV/
svnntr 11 ‘i°- a , Propot imd careful selection of Wt
SPOOK, which cannot Ub s(irpnsSod,.and hopes IS
have the patronage of the jiiibUd; * . ■
Carlisle, April 12, 1861
Farniiitg: Implement l)cgtof<
Tf' GARDNER & CO. now manufacture
• and koop constantly 808 SALE at, their
oxtensiyp Steam. Works on East Mninst., Carlidc.a
largo assortment of Agricultural Implements, of
welt known and approved usefulness to Farmers,
among winch they, would call especial attention to
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
which has taken.over fifty first class premiums at
State and County Fairs. To the farmers, of Cum
berland, l orkand XVrry counties wo need not speak
in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of thorn
aro now in use on tho best farms in these counties.
Its reputation is established ns the most complete
gram drill-now manufactured in tho United States.
It sows Wheat, llyo, Oats. Harley and Grass, evenly
and regular, without bunching the seed. Tho gum
spntigs puss the drill over stumps and stones, with
out breaking pins or the drill. For oven and regu
lar sowing, tho Willoughby Gum Spring Drill is un
equalled by any other. We also manufacture and
sell the following articles, which we can recommend
to, farmers as reliable implements of established
character: .
Harrison's Patent Com 'Planter,
' La&h*b Patent Straw and Fodder Cutter,
Bridcndalfn Patent Corn Shelter,
John*tun'a Coat Iron Hoys' Trough,
Hand* Paicnt Vidor Mill.
Also, Throe and Pour Horse Powers and Thresh
ing Machines, Oast Iron Field Hollers, Plough
of various patterns, Corn. Crushers, and
other articles for farmers too numerous to mention,
A'lso; Egg Coal Stoves and ten pluto Wood Stoves,
.with an immense variety of other castings for house
keepers and.others. Wo have also ah a'tti'actiV'd
variety of patterns for
and Cemetery enclosures, to which wo would call*
attention. c
.To this department of our business wo give par-i
ticular attention., .pur already extensive stock of
pattorhs for paper, flour and saw mill gearing, is
constantly increasing. Mill owmore and millwrights
will bo furnished with a printed catalogue of oar
various mill patterns on application. Our machine"
shop comprises all the various tools for turning,’
planing and finishing shafting and casting, by good*
and careful machinists. ’
of every desirable capacity, from' 10 to 25 horse 1
power, built in tbo best stylo andon accommodating
terms. Engines built at our establishment l»ay he
8( ;OQ m successful operation at many of the largest.
distilleries and tannuorios in Carlisle, and Comb'd,/
Perry and f Daupbin cos.,'to the owners of which we
confidently refer for information as to tboir efficien
cy. Persons Wanting Steam Engines are earnestly,,
requested to hall and examine before
Connected with pur establishment is a steam
and DoOr Manufactory which is now in complete
order for the manufacture of every description of
for the most costly as well as the plainest bouse .
Window Sash furnished from five cents upward, ao-.
cording to size of glass} Window Frames from $1,81,,
upward; Shutters and Rolliug Blinds from
upward; Door frames from $1,75 upward; Four
Panel Doors from $2,12 upward.- Mouldings, Cas-.
ings, Architraves, Boards, Brackets, Fancy;
Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house,
building, furnished at the lowest prices, and of the.
best quality of lumber. SSt* Wo are also preparoc.-.
as heretofore to'build' aridropairßUllDEN CARB,,
for transporters pn the railroad, with promptues®
and on reasonable terms. 1
. Tbo continued patronage of the public' ;s respect-.,
fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attend
od td F. GARDNER * CO.
, Carlisle, May 3,'1801. '
brooms: . f
V/. c -we have just received a lot of 65 ® '
u RtotfV r superior made Com Brooms, which w „
confidently us the best and -
Broom in the market.' For sale only by tbo subsc •
tor, cither at wholesale or retail. '
November, 1801. J. W. EBY._
JOB PRINTING neatly executed at tW*’
Old Pinef,v
Polleyoisin, ■
Ji J. Dupuy A Co., '
Otard Old Laquoruno
Holland Wasp Anchor,