YOL 49. AMERICAN VOLUNTEER, '/ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING DY JOIIW B. BRATTON. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION. —Ono Dollar and Fifty. Cents, paid in'odvan.ee} Two Dollars if paid within tho year,* ami Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if not paid within tho year. These terms will bo rigidly adhered to in every instance. No subscription discontinued until VU Brroarages arc paid unless af tho option of.tho Editor. Advertisements— Accompanied by tho cash, and not exceeding .one square, will bo inserted -three times for Ono Dollar, and twonty-fivo cents for each additional insertion. Thoso of a greater length in proportion., •• Jon-PRiNTiNtt —Such as Hand-bills, Posting-bills,' Pamphlets, Blanks, Labels,