American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 17, 1862, Image 4

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It wns n cold day in NoVimbor; thorough
ly unpleasant, with its wind Snd lowering
nay. Two little girls Wfiro going homo from
school lato in tho nftornooii, weighing and
. chatting as they hnrriod along.
"Haven’t I a pretty shawl ?” skid .Hiss
Maggie, glancing approvingly at the gay soft
blanket she wore.
"Indeed you have I” responded Miss Car
rie. "It is the prettiest one I have seen this
fall. I wish ! had one like it.”
' . "Ask your mother to buy yqu one, Carrie.”
"It will do no good” and carrie shook her
head sadly. "She talks nothing but econo
my this fftll, and all because of the war. We
bad nothing but hard times since it be»an.”
"What do you moan by hard times ?” asked
Maggie, gravely, "You have everything ns
nice ns ever,. Only think of your beautiful
bouse and splendid piano.”
“What of those ?” returned Carrie, rather,
petulantly. "Mother talks of nothing but
economy and hospitals, and soldiers’ fami
lies and factory girls. If I nsk for anything
nice and pretty, she talks with me until the
matter ends in my giving the price of the ar
ticle wished for to somebody who is poor.”
“It’s too bad that you can’t have n pretty
shawl,” said Maggie. “All the girls have
been wishing for one like mine.”
Maggie hoard very little about economy at
home, and less of hospitals and suffering poor.
Her mother was a worldly woman, absorbed
in fashionable society. . Maggie had a warm,
generous heart, but she had been taught to
look upon beggars as impostors, and to treat
them accordingly. Came had been differ
ently educated. Her father was a Christian
gentleman of wealth and high standing, and
her mother was devoutly given to good works.
Although accustomed to hearing tho poor
talked of, she knew but little of their suffer
ings. as she seldom went with her mother to
visit theni, and avoided listening to the’ sad
stories told at their door. Indeed she had
sometimes wished that her mother was more
like Maggie’s, caring less for the poor and
more, for worldly, display.,.
“How lonesome and dreary the old factory
looks nowra-days,” said Maggie, when they
came in sight of the groatstnno building, with
its long rows of staring windows. An oppres
sive silence filled the spot, for the noisy clat
tering of tho machinery had been stopped,
soon after the commencement of our national
difficulties, and a multitude of “hands” had
thus been turned out of employment—de
prived of bread. ,
■“lt’s a dismal place,’’.said Carrie. "Lot’s
run and get out of .sight df it as soon as wo
can,’’ they started on a brisk run, and
were making Wonderful progress for two se
date little girls, when they were suddenly
stopped by a cheery voice calling out to
“What’s tho matter? Are you running
away from school! I Can’t let you pass, how
ever, without giving me a word,” and Air,
Butler,” the rector of the church they
cd, stood before them, extending both bauds,
one for each of the panting little girls. :
;“I See now whore your rosy cheeks como
from,” said he. “Make sure of rosy, cheeks
now. if you ever%ish to have them.”
“We were running away from the old fac
tory,” said Maggie. “It is such-a dismal
“I. hope it reminds you,” said he, very
gravely, “of the many poor people among us
who are now out of employment, and suffer
ing for the necessaries of life.”
“Is any one so poor;” asked Maggie.
“Mother talks of.nothing but factory girls
now-n-days,” said Carrie.
“I wish every Christian woman wovdd
think and do for them as much as she does/’
. Said Mr. Butler. “Tew know oft he suffering
in that street,” and he pointed, to, a narrow
• One near by, lined With tenement houses.-
“I am going now to see a poor widow woman
who has two children lying very sick. JShe
is entirely destitute. She lost her only son
at the battle ofJSuIl Run.”
“Oh, let us go with you,” said-Maggie, her
eyes swimming with tears. “Have they re
ally nothing to eat ? I wish I had some mon
ey with me.” , '
“I have a few, shillings,” said Carrie,
"which mother gave me for a new net, but
they shall have it if they need it.”
“Come with me, of course,” said Mr. But
ler, affected by their earnest sympathy. “I
doubt if you will .ever forget the lesson you
will learn to-night.”
The two little girls followed him clinging
close to his side as they passed the wretched
bouses from which haggard faces peered cur
iously at them. • Children were running bare
footed over the cold pavements, and babies
were prying piteously in rooms where there
was little light and no fire.”
“Nearly all of these people used toworkin
the factory," sai.d Mr. Butler. “Now they
are out of employment, and can find none.—
Most of the men have entered the army, but
their families ate suffering here." i
Ascending a steep, rioketjf 'staircase, they '
reached the abode of tho poor woman they
sought. The door was opened by a ragged
little girl, who ns soon as she saw the rector,
began crying aloud,-and,repeated over and
over that the baby was dead. The good man
spoke soothingly to her, and tliey followed
her into the dimly lighted room.
A thin, pale woman sat before a. fireplace
in which a few coals were smouldering, hold
ing her dead baby in her arms. She was not
weeping; neither did she speak or raise her,
eyes at their approach.' Upon a.bod, in tho
corner of the . room. lay a sick child, who,
when she saw tho little girls, beckoned for
them to come near her,-
“I am so, hungry," said she; “and my
mother don’t hear me when I tell her so.—
Won't you give me some bread ? Only a lit
tle piece, please."
“We wiU bring you some,” said Maggie.
They quickly left the room, and hastening
to a bakery in the neighborhood, soon re
turned with bread and cakes, and a few rosy
ripples. Mr., Butler was consoling the poor
widow, but their movements did not pass un
ohaervedly by him. The little girl who
opened the door sat down upon the bod be
side her sister, and Carrie wept to see the
poor children eat, they were so hungry.
“But I am so cold," said the sick child
shivering under the one scanty coverlid. “If
you would make a fire, I would bo so glad." I
Quickly Maggie unpinned her shawl, that)
soft pretty one, and spread it over the bod.
“You may have it," she said. “It will
keep you warm when you have no lire.”
“Oh how pretty it is I” and the sunken eyes
beamed with delight, “and how warm I I
wish baby had of had this last night when
she cried because she was se cold."
“But how can you go homo without your
■■ ■'or-’i V’ asked Mr. Butler when thoy wore
Bidding the poor family good night. “Will
you not take cold ?”
“Oh, no,” replied Maggie, cheerfully; we
lave hut s, little way to go, and we walk fast;
1 “frtt'd of taking cold.”
said rw? ar l 80 K* n d, we went with you,”
“I did Tot klw n h^° y reached «* atroot.-
“ 0t kaowbofo ™ how poor people can
doing a “nod!” slid Butler “TndT'tlpl
that your interest m these poor people will
aot end to-night.” 1
• “It ahull not,” said Mnggio. “How I do
love to think of that poor sick child, lying
under, my pretty shawl! She won't get cold
to-night, I am sure of that."
Hunning Against Time. They are getting
up trotting matches. “ against Time." Thoy
think because Time is old that they can boat
him, but wo'll bet on him for a long run—a
umriy of our friends who began a race
with him, have given up long ago and with
drawn from tho track.
1863. - THE 1863.
And the public generally,'will please call at
Cheap Hardware Store,
(Adjoining t7t« &orrhan ffont o,)
AS I am selling goods cheaper than aver •
for cash or approved credit. .
the place, Bast Main street,"Ssfc
Carlisle, Pa.
March 27,1862. . , .
and Spikes, just received, of the very best
makes and warranted.
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices, at the Hardware store of
East Main street.
March 27, 18G2
IROX—IOO tons of Iron-—Hammered and
Rolled;—of all sizes, just received; and war
ranted to bo of the best quality, with a largo as
sortment of
Shoot Iron,
Hoop Iron,
Band Iron,
Horae Shoo Iron,
Spring Steel,
Cast Steel,
. Blister Steel,
Horae Shoos, . (
Horse Shoo Kails, j
Rivets, &c.
Cheaper than the cheapest
March 27, 1863., ■
GLASS.-— 1000 boxes of Glass, of all sizes,
double and single thick, colored, plain and or
namental, on hand and for sale very low at
■ March 27,18G2. •. H. SAXTOX’Sv
pont’s Blasting and i
icivod ii largo lot of Du
lido Powder. Also; .
Safety Fuse, Picks,
Stone Drills, > Mattocks,-
Stone Sledges, Crow Bars,
Stone Hammers, .' Digging Irons,
Napping Hammers, Ao.
PUMPS and CEMENT.—IOO bbls. Of Ce
ment, with, a largo assortment of Chain and
Iron Pumps, just received and forsalo cheaper than
over, at . ' H- SAXTON’S.
N.’B. Cement sold by the quantity at Manufac
turers-prices. ‘
March 21, 1862.
BELLS.—I have been'appointed
agent for several makes of superior, En,rm
Bolls j'also, 801 l Metal, Bells on hand., nil war
ranted not to crack, by H. SAXTON.
March 27, 18tJ2.
'sale athjanufoctnron
Plank's P’lpwa, .
Ilcnwood'a u
"Woirieb's u
at the cheap Hardware St<
March 27, 1802.
H AMES.—500 pairs of Ilames on band;
of all kinds,
. Elizabethtown pattern,
Loudon {l
Common. • ft
with and without patent, fastenings* cheaper than
over, at H.. SAXTON'S,
Match 27,1862. • East Main Street.
Lead, 1000 galls, of
largo assortment ol
Varnishes, * . -j . Tiro Proof Paint, •
Turpentine,’ ' \ Florence White,
Japan, . ' White Zinc,
Putty, , Colored Zinc.
Lithorage, Rod Lead,
Whiting, , ‘ Boiled. Oil, ;
Glue, - Lard Oil^
Shellac, Sperm Oil,
Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c^
Colors of every description, dry and in oil, ip cans
and tubes, at the Hardware Store of.
March 27, 1802. . . . H. SAXTON.
CHAINS.— GOO pairs of Tra-eo Chains, of
all kinds, with a largo assortment.of
Butt Chains, I Halter Chains,
BrVftsJ, u ( Fifth “
■ Cow
Just received at tho Choa
March 27, 1862.. .
Since the late victories, Bomostico Cotton
Goods have declined, us there is now a prospect of
Rotting a supply of Cotton. Wo, (LEIDICII, SAW
YEII & .MILL Ell, at the Kew store, under Martin's
Hotel, East Main street,) are receiving daily large
supplies of •.
NE¥ mim GOODS,
winch, with our old stock wo are determined to sell
at Gll'Y FEICES. BI3ESS GOODS of every va
riety; , . _
Plain and Fancy Silks at .all prices;
A largo lot of now Black Silks at 75, 87A-, 1.00.
1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50; new- Spring Bolaines
at 25 cents; 4,000 yards of host quality Merimac,
Cochoco, Pacific and American Prints; dark and
light colors, now stylos, at!2i ; a largo, at lots 0,8
and 30 cents.' , ,
Full and Second Mourning Prints,
All kinds Domestic Ginghams 121 ; Manchester
183 i -30 pieces of French and Scotch Dress and’
Bonnet Ginghaiiia at'2s. , ■
at wnlcsalo and retail, good quality 8, Cno 10, 4-4
wide 121. 'Also 5-4, 6-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 at corres
ponding priecV Alt.kinds of HEAVY GOODS in
largo supply prices—Tickings, Stripes,
Cheeks, Drillihgai Osnaburgs, Colton Diaper, Ac, Ac.
Linen Diaper, Napkins, Shirting Linens, Shirt
Fronts, Collars, at old prices. White Goods, all
kinds, at old prices. t
Hoop Skirts direct from the factory. 800 doz. La
dies’, Misses, Men's and Boys’ HOSE, 12> to 25.
Men’s and Boys’ Wo nr Black Cloths and Casaimorss,
all grade's, Fancy Cassimcrs, latest stylos, Vestings,
Satinets, Joans, Cottonados, <fco., «fco.
Having secured tho services of a first class Tailor,
wo prepared to got up Clothing in tho most fashion
able style at short notice.
Wo aro receiving our Spring supply of Carpots,
composing all tho various kinds kept in a first class
Carpot House. Carpots ranging in price from 12£
to 1.25. Oil Cloths, all widths. Mattings, Lpok
ing Glasses, Shades and Blinds of all kinds. 1,000
lbs. Carpet chain; Feathers > Cotton Batting;
Counterpanes, &o, } do.
All tho above goods and many others; wo offer
to purchasers a BlttU ll advance above cost. Win
ter DVoss Goods—Shawls, Mantles, Furs, less than
first cost. Wo determined not to bo undersold.
Please call and examine our Immense stock.
£33" Wo will make additions of Now Goods as
tho season advances. All Goods warranted to bo
what wo eoll them for,
Carlisle, February 25, 1862.
fJMIE partnership heretofore existing ho
, w™ n v li,c ! mr ' l H- Ilummel and ffm. M. Ifcrr,
iudebtod SUSS* 1 ? mututtl "opjont- All persona
1 meat to either of ftrm a . ro n o tl 6od to make pay
August next, *** Parties, on or boforo tho Ist of
Bridgeport, May 1, 1862—1 T M- ‘ KEUIt -
For RentT
T I FJ a Kt rooma for »norly occupied hv
1110 i’ost-Offioo, corner of Httnovor and Pomftol
streets, Carlisle, aro for rent. Inquire of ■
Nuts, ' '
( Screw Plates,
\ Blacksmith Bellows,
L, &C«, 4&Cr,'
t,at tho .Hardware store of
East Main street. •
-Just received and for,
rs, prices, fl. largo assort-
Torls Metal Plows,
Bloomfield do
Eaglo , do
Cultivators, &o. t Set.,
Loro of
'East Main Street.
.—lO, tons of ‘‘White
Oil, just received, with a
North- Hanover Street, Carlisle, JPeim’a.
Has just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs,
Fancy floods,‘Clift Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and
Confectionery,.which has never 1 boon surpassed in
this borough, for novelty and elegance. The arli
slos have been selected with great care, and are cal
culated, lu quality and price, to command the at
tention of purchasers. .
Torino lt
Spreads, Ac.,
Hadwarc Store of ■
which comprises every variety of fancy articles of
tho most exquisite finish, such ns— .
. ■ Pnpior Macho Goods, elegant alabaster inkstands’
and trays, fancy ivory, pourl card cases,
ladies’ Fancy Baskets, fancy Work Boxes, with sow--
ing instruments, Port Mommies, of ovary variety,
Gold Pons, and Pencils, fancy paper weights, papo
terics, and a largo variety of ladies' fancy statione
,ry* Moto seals and wafers, silk and head purses,
ladies’riding whips, elegantly finished, ladies’ fine
cutlery perfume baskets and bags, brushes of eve
ry kind for., tho toilet, Iloussol’s perfumes of ■ tho
various kind, musical instruments of nil kinds, and'
av all prices, together with an innumerable variety
of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates. Al
so, an extensive collection of BOOKS, comprising
tho vnrion3_Engiiah imd AmoricanAnnuals for lSSl),
nobly ombeUshed and illustrated Poetical Works,
with ChiklveiC-H Pictorial Hooks, for children of nil
ages. His assortment of School Book's' and gohoo!
Stationery is also comploto, and comprises every
thing used in College, and tho Schools. Ho also
desires to call tho particular attention of families to
his elegant assortment of
LAMPS, -f-c,,
from tho extensive establishments of Cornelias, An
chor and others of Philadelphia, comprising every
stylo of Parlor, Chamber : and Study Lamps, for
burning either Lard, Sporm or Ethorial Oil, togeth
er with Flower Vases, Fancy. Screens,, Ac. His as
sortment in this lino is unequalled in tho borough.
embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort
FR FITS', tr
snob as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Necta
rines, Prunes, Ac. Fancy Confectionery, Nuts,
Preserved Fruits, Minced Moat, Pickles, Ac., Ac,,
in every variety and all prices, all of which aro
puro and fresh, snob ns can bo confidently recoin
mended to hia friends. Hia, stock embraces overy
tbing in the lino of Fancy Goods, with many other
useful to housekeepers which tho public are
especially invited to call and see, at the old stand
opposite tho Deposit Bank.
Adjoining the Pennsylvania Ilail-lioad Depot,
f IMIJb! undersigned would respectfully inform
X the public that ho has taken tho ahovo Hotel,
formerly known as “ THE MANSION HOUSE,"
which ho has refitted and newly furnished through
out. . -
Tho Rooms are spacious and commodious, and
furnished with every convenience to bo found in tho
best Hotels in tho city.
Tho “UNITED STATES" is admirably located
for the convenience of travelers, being under the
same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
and thus savipg Soth hack biro, and' porterage of
baggage. No pains will bo spared to render tho
“ UNITED STATES” a/ pleasant and agreeable re
sidence to all who may favor it with their patron
age. Charges moderate.
H'. W. KANAGA, Proprietor.
December 13, 1360.
TN beauty and durability, no “ sun-drawn'
picture equals a good Daguerreotype; this Is the
opinion expressed by tho loading photograpbiojour
mus of the day, both American and English, and
I obtaiDod at tho rooms of Mrs. Be*
‘ 7, T Bwrtf. iggr “ ™ U£
ty ,y v?»-rv.'v>.
Oppotiltlht Priton.
OFFICE with Colwoll & MoCluro.
■ - Jan. 9, 1869.
OFFICE in InhofTs building, jasi; opposite
tho Market House, 1
Carlisle MarchJ 3,1862 —3 y.
A TTBNDS to* securing and collecting
Soldier’s Pay, Pensions, Bounties, dc, '■
TfSS*" Office on South Hanover street opposite
Bentz's store. Fob. 13, 1862.
attorney at la w.
r\FFICE with Wra. 11. Miller, Esq., South
Hanover street, opposite tho .Volunteer Printing
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859—tf.
_South.Hanover Street, noit door to tho cornorof
West 1 orafrot and nearly,opposite Bontz' store.’
Carlisle/Doc. 22, 1859.
OFFICEon South Hanover street, opposite
Bontz’s store, Carlisle.
Bob. 27, 1862—9 m.
T J. W. FOULK, Attorney at Law.
Office with James R. Smith, Esq., Rhoom’s
Ha.II. All business entrusted to hiih will be prompt
ly httondod to. Fob. 6. 1302.
Pvo-jn the Poltimdre College 6f Pcntot Surgery*
Office at the residence of his mother, East Louth
or street, three doors below Ledford.
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859
TTAS removed his office to the room directly
. • opposite the Second Presbyterian Church,
Corner of South Hanover and Powfrct e(g,, Carlisle,
All patients entrusted, -to liia care, either'from
town or country, will bo proniptly attended to.
• Fob. 13, 1802.—1 f ...
Cumberland County.
THE undersigned begs leave to inform you,
that ho has jnst opened a DRUG STORE, in
■the horongh of CARLISLE, in tbo room formerly
occupied by Reynolds & Peifper, as a IJnig Store,
next (loot to Inhofl’s Grocery Store, South Hanover
-Street, where ho will always ho found ready and
willing to ply tho spatula and postal. . Tho follow
ing list comprises the main portion of his stock:
Trusses, Suspensoby Bandages,' Window Grass,
Toilet Soaps, pure Wines and -Liquors, Perfumery,
Canes, Notiousand Varieties generally. Confection
eries, Tobacco and sogars, Lithographs ar.d Frames,
Burning Fluid, Haint, Varnish and Sash Brushes,
'Coal Oil, ■ - ■ ' ■
Blank Boohe and'Stationary generally.
Having hgd over fifteen ■ years’ oxp'oriouco in the
Drug Business, with .a desire to accommodate and
pi.easo my customers, Ihopo to receive a reasonable
shave of public patronage. It is my intention and
desire to give perfect satisfaction in every particu
lar, to all who may lavor mo with a, call.
Carefully compounded, at fall prices. Give mo a
call; ;
Carlisle, Deo. 12, 1801— ly
Carlisle, Doc. 20,1861.
ih DSflroy-t-ft ats, Honchos, Ao.
JV> Destroy Mice, Molos, and Ant*.
To Destroy Bod-Dnga. ,
To Destroy Moths, In Pars, Clothes, 40.
To Destroy ——Mosquitoes, and Fleas.
ITo Destroy- —lnsoots on Plants and Fowls.
To Destroy Insects on Animals, ifcc., Ao.
To Destroy Every form and spoclcs of Vermin.
Destisoy Instantly
Those preparations (unlilte all others,) are
" Free from Poisons,”
"Not dangerous to the Human Family*"
u Rats do not dio on the promises.”
"They como out of their, holes to dio.”
° They, are tho only infallible remedies known.
12 tears and more established in Now .York City.
Used . .-tho City Post Office.
Used by —-the City Prisons and Station Houses.
Used hy ——City Steamers/ Ships, Ac,
Used hy ——tho City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Ac.
Used jy——City Hotels, 'Astor', ‘St. Nicholas,’ Ac.
Used hy- 1 -—-tho Boarding Houses, Ac., Ac.
Used by moro thdn 50,000 Private Families,
See one or two Specimens of what is. Every
where said hy the People — Editors — Dcalera,ilc.
HOUSEKEEPERS—troubjed with vermin, need
be scr no longer, if they use J< Costab’s” Extenninn
tora. . Wo 'have used it to our satisfaction, and if a
box cost $5, wo would have iti; Wo had tried poi* :
sons, but they effected nothing,* but Costab’s arti
cle knocks the brohjh but of Rats, Mice and Bod-
Bugs, quicker than, we can write it. It is in groat
demand all over the country. —Medina {0.,) Gazette .
MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed an
nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay
for tons of-this Rat and Insect Killer.
. Lancaster, ( RVa.,) Herald.
HENRY R, OOSTAR—Wo are soiling your
preparations rapidly. Wherever they havo boon
used, Rats, Mice,,Roaches, and Vermin disapppear
Egkub A Btoufpeb, Druggists, Now Windsor, Md.
I lt CoslarV' Rat,'Roach, Ac., Exterminator.
Bed-bug Exterminator.
" CostarV* Electric Powder for Insects, Ac.,
50e. and $l,OO Boxes, Flasks.
$3 and $5 Sizes pop Plantations, Ships, .
... Boats, Hotels, Ao.
CAUTION 1H To prevent the public from
being imposed upon by spurious and highly
pernicious Imitations, a new label! has been
’prepared, bearing a fac simile of the Propri
etor's signature, Examine each box, bottle,
or flask carefully before purchasing, and take
nothing but “Costars.”
Sold Evoy wh cre—by
AU Wholesale Druggists in largo cities,
’* . Some of the V
Wholesale Agents
SbioffbUin Brothers & Co.
B. Fahnestook, Hull & Co.
A. B. D. Sands it Go.
Wheeler & Hurt.
James S. Aspinwall, ;
Morgan & Allen,
Hall, Iluokel &, Co.
Thomas it Fuller.
P. D. OrVis.
Philadelphia, Pa.
(Robert Shoemaker & Co.
B. A. Fahnestock <t Co. /French, Richards it Co.
And by DnnooiSTs, Grooebs, SronEKEEPBns and
Retailers generally, in uU Coontbx
Towns and Villages
In the
tiZTSold by
C. INHOFF, Grocer,
S. V. HAYEHSTICK, J)ruggist r
S. ELLIOTT, Druggist,
And by the Dtinaoiaia, Biobekeepebs and'Re
tailebs gonoroljy.
Country Dealers can order as above. .
Or address orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms;
«tc., is desired 7f£T' Send for [1862] Circular,
giving reduced Prices] to
Principal Depot —No. 612 Broadway—[Opposite
tho St., Nicholas Hotel,] New York. -
l?obruwy'27; 1862,—6a*
in New York City.
Hfirral, Risley A Kitchen
Bush, Gale A llobiuson.
M. Ward, Close & Co.
M’Kisson ,& Robbins.
I\ S. Barnes & Co.
F. C. Wells, A Co.
Lazcllo,Marsh & Gardner
Hall, Dixon <fc Co.
Conrad Fox,
and OTnEna.
Kew Coal Yard,
nrUTE subscribers would rospcotfully call the
X attention of Limoburnora and tho citwena of
Carlisle, and tbo surrounding country generally, to
thoirnew COALYARD, attached to his waro-houso,
on West High at, wboro they will keep constantly
. , on band a largo
of the best quality of
Coal, to wit:'
Lykena Valley, Luke
i^'Fullcr f Pine Orove f and
’MkTi'cvcrion, J3gg
jgjTtwfd iViil sqtoqti r
sgl? -od and dry, all qf which
ho pledgee himsolf. K to
sell at tbo lowest pbssi
. bio prices. . Best qual
ity of. Ztme&urners' and Blacksmitha* Coal always
on hand.
jSSf* All orders loft at tho Ware House, op at bis
residence in North Hanover street will bo promptly
attended to. '
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859—-if.
New Coal and Cumber Yard.
THE subscribers have this day entered into part
nership to trade in COAL AND LHNBER.--
•Wo will have constantly nn hand and furnish .to or
der, all kinds and quality of
such as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Framo Stuff, Bal
ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked
Flooring, Weathorboarding, Posts, Rails, and all
kinds of Shingles, to witt White Pino, Hemlock,
Chesnut, and Oak, of ’different qualities,' Having
cars of our own wo can furnish bills to order of any
length and size at tbp shortest notice and on tho
most, reasonable, terms. Our worked boards will
be kept under cover so that they can be furnished
dry at all times.
• Wo Will constantly
have on band all kinds
of FAMILY C 0 A L,
under cover, which
they .Will deliver dry
.and clean to any part
of the‘borough, to wit:
Lykonj Valley, Luko
Locust Moun
tain, Lobborry, TroV
orton, Broken, Egg>
Stove and Nut Coal, which wo pledge ourselvod to
sell at tho lowest prices. ;
Best-quality of Limoburriers* and Blacksmiths’
Coal always on hand at tho lowest, figures. " Yard
west side of,Qrammor School, 1 Main St,
Carlisle, Dec. 32,1850.
WOULD call the attention of the public
to his largo and superior’ stock of GOAL
■and L UMBER, which bo constantly keeps on hand
at his yard, near the Gas Works. The attention of
builders’and others is’particularly invited to bis
GLEE, PLANK, LA TILS, Sc. vOi*’stock of COAL
best quality, and kept under cover, and will bo sold
at tho lowcst rates. , .
Thankful for the patrohago of a generous public,
bestowed upon tho late firm of Black A Dei.ancv,
ho would solicit a continuance of the same, ns ho
will strive to please. .All orders loft at-the resi
dence of Jacob Shrom for Coal or Lumber, will bo'
promptly attended to as heretofore.
July 25, XBOl.
Forwarding a commission house.
The suascribor having taken the Warehouse) oars
and fixtures of William B. Murray’s well known es
tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin
insou College, would inform tho public, that ho
has entered into a general Forwarding and Com
mission business. . . ■
■The; highest market price .will bo paid for Flour,
Grain and Produce of nil kinds.
He is also prodarod to freight produce and
stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at tho lowest
rates, with safety and despatch. ’
Plaster and Salt kept constantly on hand, and
J7f>«r s aiid Feed at wholesale or retail.
Coal of all kinds, embracing
Limehnrnera f and Blacksmiths’ Coal, constantly for
sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any
part of tho^town,
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
HAVE just completed opening their Spring
stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass, &c ., to which they invito tho early attention
of the public generally. Wo have greatly enlarged
our stock in all its various and can now
accommodate tho public with
in largo or small quantiiics'at tho lowest prices.—
Wo don’t wont tho public to think that wo have
brought all tho Goods in Philadelphia and Now
York, to our town, but wo con assure thorn that,a
look into bur store will convince them that wo have
enough Goods to fully supply tho demand in this
market. Persons wanting Goods in our lino will
find it to their advantage to,give us.a call before*
making their purchases. All orders personally and
punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations
made to effect solos.
Joins' P. LYNE &, SON,
North Hanover street.
Carlisle. April 25. 1861.
fpHE subscriber has jusfereturned from tho
X eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, and
best selected iissortiuent of Hardware, offered
in this county. Every thing kept in a largo whole
sale and retail Hardware etora, had a little
lower than at*hy other house in tho county, at the
cheap hardware store of tho subscriber. .
Nail* ami Spikes. —SO tons Nails and Spikes just
received of the very host makes and all warranted.
Country.merchants supplied Nails at manu-,
faoturors prices. „
600 puir Trace Chains of nil kinds, with a largo
assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do.,
fifth ohaips, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains,
iio.t &o. .
ifaincd. —3so pair of Hamos of all kinds just re
ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
ings, cheaper than over.
Paints and GiVs.’t-IO tons White Load, 1000 galls.
Oil just received, with a largo assortment of Var
nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, lithafago, whiting,
gluo, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, Flo
rence white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod load, lard
oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, &o. Colors of
every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes.
Fann Bells. —Just recoiled tho largest, cheapest,
and .best assortment of Farm Bolls in the county.
Grooncastlo metal and 801 l metal, warranted not to
Powder, —2s kogs Dupont Kook and Kiflo Pow
der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks,,
Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stone Sledges, Stone Ham
mers, &c.
Pimp*.and Cement.- —5O barrels Cement, with a
very largo assortment of Chain and Iron pumps oi
all%lnda, cheaper than over at tho Hardware store
Carlisle, March 8,1861.
Hat and Cay Emporium
consllE undersigned having purchased tho
T slock, &c., of tho late .William H. Trout, de
ed, would respectfully announce to tho) public
that ho will continue the Hatting Bnsincaa at tho
old stand, in West High Street, and with a renew
ed and efficient effort, produce articles of Hoad
’Dress of
■ Every Variety, Style, and Quality,
that shall be strictly in keeping with tho improve
ment of tho art, and fully up to tho age in which"
;wo live.
Qo hasnow on hand a splendid
1 j&swg!?*assortment of HATS of all desorip
lions, from the common Wool to the
finest Far and Silk hats, and at prices
that 1 must suit every one who has on eye to gettipg
the worth of his money. His Silk, Mole Skin,
vii? WTflp .Hots, ore unsurpassed for lightness, du
rability and'fitjish, by* those of any other establish
ment in the* tfotmtry. •
Boys' Hxts of every description constantly on
band. Ho respectfully invites all the old patrons
ana as many now ones as possible, to give him a
Oariulo, Doe. 20,1801.
Selling'off Twenty-Five Per Cent. Be
, : low Cost! !!
AT tho sign of, the “ Gold Ehgle,” 3 doors
tho Cumberland Valley Bank, and two
ddora below tho Motbodist .Ofauroh on West Main
#a Btroot, tho'largest and best selected stock of
WATCHES and .JEWELRY in tho town,
bo sold 30 per cent. lower than at any
place in tho State.- Tho, stock comprises a largo
assortment of Gold & Silver Hunting-case Watches,
Lovers. Lemnos, American watches, and all other
kfads 6nd stylos, gold and silver Chains,
Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles, Gold and silver;
plated and.'Silver Ware, Music Boxes, Acoorddons,
Oil Paintings,, a.groat variety of Fan Articles,
and a lot of tho finest Pianos, which will be. sold 40
per cent lower than over offered in town. Tho en
tire stock of Watchmaker tools; casQB, )tirgo Mirrors
and Safe, will bo sold wholesale or retail on tho
easiest terms.
• Having .-selected a first class .■workman all kinds
of repairing will bo done as usual, at reduced
prices. ,
Three Fuvnos nt $lOO below tho factory price, on
account of tho Philadelphia Company closing out.
I Will soll at tho Jewelry store throe Rosewood Pi
anos, warranted at i thoir value, on. easy'terms, if
called on soon.
For Rent.—Tholargo three story BRICK HOUSE
on will bo rented from tho Ist of April,
• Call at tho Jewelry Store, in 1 said building.
Carlisle, April 18,18C1
THE lint and Cap Store heretofore knoym
as “ KELLERS*’ has been removed just oppo
site tho old stand two doors from Arnold's clothing
store. ,
Tho business’will bo conducted as and
all goods both homo made and city manuliioturo
warranted to give satisfaction as recommended. ’ A
full patronage is respectfully solicited, and every
effort will bo made to koep_ the assortment in Mon.
and Boys Hats and Caps complete, with prices to
suit the times.
Spring stylos of Silk Hats now ready.
Nov. 14,1801.
Matrimony made easy.; or now
to Ww a. Lover. —Containing plain, com
mon-ponso directions, showing how all may bo
.suitably married, irrespective of ago, sox or posi
tion, whether prepossessing or. otherwise, with a
treatise on the art of fascinating any person you
wish a curious, scientific experiment which never
fails. Frco for 25 els.
Address T. WILLIAM <t Co., Publishers,.
Box '2,300, Philadelphia.
; March 21.1802—3m.* . • >
A fresh and general assort
—-J£ RB£SMin on t of Groceries constantly
on hand, embracing tho, best qualities in the mar
ket, such as Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Table Oils’,.
Pickles,; Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Itaisins, as
well as all the varieties belonging to a good grocery
store," together with a suitable, .assortment of the
Syrups & Molasses, Mackarel, Salmon,-
Baskets, Tubs, Churns, and other articles for house
hold use, including a fine assoftniont of
China, Glass & Queensware,
The public Have,our thanks for tho liberal pa-
Nonage'bestowed upon us in the. past. Wo hope to a share of their custom in tho future. ‘
April 10, 1861. ■ , ’ JW. EBY.
Towbi and Comitry.
FJTtIE" subscriber respectfully informs bis
-*-■ friends and the public generally; that ho still
continues thcUndertiiking business, and is ready to
wait upon customers either by day or by nights—
Ready-made COFFINS kept constantly on. band,
both plain and ornamental. Ho has constantly on
band Fink’s Patent Metallic Jiurial Cane, of whiijji
ho has boon appointed the solo agent. This ease la
recommended as superior to any of the kind now in
use, it being perfectly air tight.
Ho hiis also furnished himself with a (ino now
Rosewood Hkatisb and gontlo horses, with, which
ho will attend funerals in town and country person
ally, without extra charge.
■ Among the greatest discoveries of tho ago is
U die* Spfiny Matlrnee, tho host and cheapest bed
now in use, tho.oWusivo right of whioh I bavo so
curcdd and will bo kept constantly on hand.
Cabinet Making
in all its various branches carried on, and Bureaus,
Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, .Upholstered
Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centro Tables; Dining
and Breakfast Tables, Wash-stands of all kinds,
French Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jinny Lind
and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking
Glasses, and nil other articles usually manufactured
m this lino of business, kept constantly on hand.
His workmen'are men of experience, his material
tho host, and his work made in tho latest city stylo,
and all under his own supervision. It will bo war
ranted and sold low for cash.
Ho invites all to give him a call before purcha
sing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to him ho fools jndobtod'to his humo
rous customers, and assures them that no, efforts
will bo spared in future to please them in stylo and
price. .Give ua a cull.
Eomombor tho place, North Hanover St., nearly
opposite tho Deposit Bank.
Carlisle, Nov. 6, X 861;
Carlisle* Marble Yard.
RICHARD owenr.
South Hanover etreel, opposite Bentos' Store,
THE subscriber has on hand a largo and
well selected stock of
Head-Stoues, Monuments,
TOMBS, Ac., of ebasto and bonutiful designs, which
ha will soil at the lowest passible rates, being desi
rous of selling out' his stock. Head-stones finished
from three dollars upwards.
Brown Stone, Marble work, Mantles, &0., or
oaildings, marble slabs for furniture, 40., constant
ly on hand. Iron railing for bomotry lots, Ac., of
the best Philadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt
ly attended to. 11
Carlisle, Nov. 7,18C1.
Watches, Jewelry and Stiver
fTMIE public arc invited to call and examine
the largest and handsomest stock of
ever brought,to this plaeo. Having purchased thi
stock for cash I am determined to sell at price
that "can't be heat."
All goods sold hf mo, guaranteed to bo as repre
sented or tho money refunded. Old gold and silver
taken in exchange.
CtarJwfc, Nov* 1, 3861
Gold Pens and Pencils,
IB ats and taps.
,‘Alr.'r 1'
New Wine and Liqnor Store.
Three doors East of frhoff’s Grocery StL
Mnd facing the Market House, Carlisle.
THE undorsinned having opened a full n„d
complete assortment of tho purest and l „ .
KmhJVINES AND LIQUORS, ho invites Vo f
EJUlkoopors, Ilonso kooporo, and others to E iv o
a call, bomgfdotormmod to keep a bolter
article than is generally kopt in iho country and
low prices. M
BRANDIES: —Otard, Pinct, Vintage, 1852* n
ohelio.. . b ’ ■ Ko '
OlNS—Swan, Sohoidam, Schnapps, Mover’s m.i
Pish, Old. Jam Spirits, N, E. hum. . . Uld
WlNES—Madorin, very,old; Sherry, Sweet Mn
ago, Old Port, Lisbon, Clarot, Champagne, Muse..'
WHlSKY—Monongaholn, Pure Old Rye 80. “
bon and common Whisky.:- 1 ’ r "
Also, Winb Ritters, Demijohns, Bottles, Jo.
ggsr Bottled Liquors of ali kinds.-
May IT, IBGJ. -
Wine and Liquor Store.
(Directly Oppmite the Volunteer Office.)
TUB undersigned, would respectfully call
tho attention of Merchants, Iloto I-kccncri
and Citizens of Cumberland aria tho surrounding
country generally to his, establishment ns above
designated, whorojho hoops constantly on h an j
Very full and complete assortment of “
Wines and Liquors.
Any nrticlo sold ns snob, will to strictly ns repre
sented, and will bo sold Wholesale and Ilefnil at
the lowest market prices. Hie slock consists in
part of.
Martol brand, ■
CastilHon & Co.,
Holland, ■ ■ .
B. B. Old Bohion,
Seotoh, : Family Nectar, O.Ryo,
Common Rectified.
Wines of all Kinds.
Ho has. also tho agency for the sale of Lauer
celebrated .
reading ale.
A supply of which will bo : constantly kept on
band. . 1
. Orders gralofull/ received and promptly attended
to« • m
Fob. 8 1802—ly.
Foreign and jUdinestio Liqnors.
TC^DWARD, SHOWER respectifully announ
J--4 cca to the public, that ho continues to keep con
stantly on band, and for sale,'a largo and Tory su
perior assortment of' ■
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
at his new stand, a few doors west of Hannon’s JT*,
tel, and directly south of the Court-house, Carlisle.
brandies; . '
All of cboico Brands.
. Sherry,. Port, Madorin, Lisbon, Claret, Na
tivo. Hook, Johannisborg, and Bodorhoim-
Hoidsick & Co., Geislor A C»., and imperi
Bohlen, Lien, and Anchor.
Superior Old Rye, Choice Old Family Neo
tar, Wheat, Scotch, and Irish.
ALE, BROWN STOtJT, Ac. Boat t», be had i n
Philadelphia. ■
Of the very best quality.
Dealers nr.d others desiring a PURE ARTICLU
will find it as represented, us hia whole attention will
RTnrT?* 1 Proper and enrefiil selection of 1 m
i ° ” , Ic l oilnn °( ho surpassed, and hopes \a
have the patronage of the public. ■ * ,
Carllsio, April 12, 1881
Farming linplcmeiat Bcpot
F & QO-. now manufacture
. * ami keep constantly FOR SALE, at’their
extensive Steam Works on East.Mnin at., Carlisle, a
•largo assortment of' Agricultural Implements, of
well known and approved usefulness to-Farmers
among which they would call especial attention to ’
Willoughby's celebuated
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
which has taken over fifty first class premiums at
State and County Fairs. To tho farmers of Cum
berland, York and Perry counties wo need not speak
m detail of the merits of this drill, ns scores of thorn
are now in use bn the best farms in these counties.
Its reputation is established as tho,most complete
gram drill now manufactured in the United- States.
It sows Wheat, Rye,- Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly
ami.regular, without bundling tho seed. .The gum
springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, with
out breaking pins or tho drill.*- For oven and regu
lar sowing, the Willoughby Gum Spring Drill isun
equalled by any other. Wo also manufacture end
sell the following articles, which,we.oan recommend
tn farmers as reliable implements'Vp established
character: ' •
Morrison** Patent torn Pfanter,
laah'a Patent Straw and i'odder Cutter f
Pridendolfa Patent Corn Shelter, ■
dohnston'a Cast Iron Ilof/n' Trough}
: . Hantj Patent CidcxJUilL-:
Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Thresh
ing Machines, Cast Iron Field Boilers, Plough'
Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers, and
other articles for farmers too humorous to mention.
Alao, Egg.Coftl Stoves and ton. plate Wood-Stoves,-
with an immense variety of other castings for house
keepers and, others. ■ We have also an attractive
variety of patterns for
and'Cemotory enclosures, to which we would call
steam Engines and. mill gearing.
# To this department of our business wo givo par
ticular attention. Oitr already extensive stock of
patterns for paper, flour and saw mill gearing, is
constantly increasing. Mill owroers and millwrights
will bo famished with a printed catalogue of our
various mill pattornson application. • Our machine
shop comprises all tho various tools for turning,
planing and finishing shafting and casting, by eood
and careful machinists. v °
of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 26 torso
power, built in the best stylo and on accommodating
terms. Engines built at our establishment may bo
soon in successful operation at of tho . largest
distilleries and tannnerlos in Carlisle, and Cumb’d,
Perry and Dauphin cos., to the owners of which we
confidently refer for information as to their officien
oy. Peraonskwanting Steam Engines are earnestly
requested to call and examine before contracting
Connected with our establishment is a steam Sash
and Door Manufactory which is now in complete
order for the manufacture of ©very description of
for the most costly as well as the plainest house.
Window Sash furnished from five cents upward, ac
cording to size of glass; Window Framesfromsl,Bl
upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $1,75
upward; Door frames from $1,76 upward; Four
Panel Doors from $2;12 upward. Mouldings, Cas
ings, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy
Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house
building, tho lowest prices, and of tho
best quality of lumber. fiSSf* We are also prepared
as heretofore to build audropair BURDEN CAR*
for transporters on tho railroad, with promptness
and on reasonable terms*
Tho continued patronage of tho publio is respect
fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attend
ed to F. GARDNER & CO.
Carlisle, Hay 3,1861.
Wo have jnat received a lot of 65 dozen 0
u Rioh’a” superior made Corn Brooms, which w
confidently recommend as tho best and ohoapes
Broom in’ the market. For sale only by tho subscr -
her, either at wholesale or retail. v
November, 1861. J. W. EB*-
JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this
Old Pinot,
Pollevoisin, '
J. J. Dupny A Co.,
Otard Old Laquoruno
a ins.
Holland Wasp Anchor,