American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 22, 1862, Image 4

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    The Tax Bili,.—Since the report of the
tftx bill published several new amendments
have been made to it, as follows:
For kissing a pretty girl, §lOO.
For kissing a homely one, §2oo—tho extra
t amdtiDt being added probably as a punish-,
went for the man’s folly. .
For ladies kissing onoh other, §lo—the tax
is placed at this rate in order to break up the
eustom altogether, it being regarded by our
Ja. C.'s ns a piece of inexcusable absurdity.
For every flirtation, 10 cents.
Every young man who has more than one
"girl" $5.
' TPor courting in the kithen, 25 cents. .
Courting in the sitting room, 50 cents.
Courting in tho parlor, §l.
Courting in a romantic plage,§s,oo and 50
tents for each offehoo thereafter.
Seeing a lady home from church, 25 cents
for each offence. .
• Seeing her home from the dime society, 5
tsents, the proceeds to be appropriated to tho
relief of disabled army chaplains.
A lady who paints 50 cents.
For wearing low necked dresses, $l.
For each curl on a lady’s head above ten, 5
tents, ’
For every unfair device for entrapping
young men into the sin of matrimony, §5.
Wearing hoops larger than ten feet in cir
cumference, 8 cents for each hoop.
Old bachelors over thirty are taxed SlO.
Over forty; §2O.
Over fifty, §5O, and sentenced to banish
ment to U t:ih.
Each pretty lady is to tie taxed from 25
cents to §25, she is to fix the estimate on her
own beauty. It is thought that a very large
amount will bo roalizod'from this provision
Each boy baby, 50 cents. . ,
Each girl baby, 10 cents.
Families baying more than eight babies
not to bo taxed. ■ ■
A Good One,
a 6°° a ° ne °f a
jolly old.landlord of-Seman extraction who
keeps_a hotel not a hundred miles north of
this place. • A friend in the' East having pre-
Bented him with a fine lot of fireworks! he
proposed to give a free pyrotechnical exhibi
tiou to his friends, and to .perfect himself in
the art pf handling them, he went-tho night
before the exhibition into a field near by,
with alighted candle, and commenced by ig
nitmg avertiole pin-wheel, holding it on a
gimlet. Ibis covering him with sparks, he
procured an overcoat, and next sot off a ser
pent, which exploded in his hand, shocking
his dog, nearly killing him. •
His’ next experiment was with a lnr<m
pocket, which, .ho ignited, holding it in hm
hand. We will describe his success in his
own words, Ho says:
‘j, 1 se , ta he^ n hre—then she pulls—then 1
eko pulls again. Hon do span
gle bug flies all over me ami piirns moi and
<J® ] " arn tlDg P urshes and lli t me. all over
.. Dewdrop Diamonds. What a pretty idea
it was m the little child who supposed, when
M a fl dewdr °P gening upon the rose,
■ the flower, while he slept at night, had
WCpt a tear which had been turned into a
d “ d? - Ih ? fc j h r d Wna a P° efc by nature,
i?® passionate delicacy" of the offspring I
of song was indigedops with him. He was £
genius by instinct. But, alas! for romance,
don ’ dt- op were a diamond, how vul
wou!d become! If the most
S ,of . ail precious stones could be gath
few lin? rT the hp , ,°f ®rery blossom, how
,lu T an k,ad would praise its
i pW fow e > es discern the gorgeous
wealth that now sparkles from its every irri
aescent feature. Diamonds are Viewed al-1
most with reverence by some people, and al
jvays with admiration by all. But it is their
rarity wins them so much homage. Make
C °™? non ’ and with their abundance
popuUrity aWay ’ alaS evor y vestige of their
- A ScHOOLMASTEIr hearing one of his soh’ol
nrs read, the boy, when ho came-to the word
‘honor,’pronounced it full; the master told
him it should he pronounced without the h
as thus—onor. ’
‘Very Well/replied tho lad. ‘I will re-
Member for the future/
tAy,’ said the master, always drop the h.’
The next morning the master's tea, with a
hot muffin,_had-boen brought to his . desk,
out the duties of his vocation made him wait
till it was cold ; when,,addressing the same
P°y> te bade him take it to the fire and heat
.* J' I’/ 1 ’/ replied the scholar, and, taking
it to the fire, ate it.
Presently the master called for his muffin.
eat it, as you bade me/ replied the
‘you scoundrel! I. bade you' take
It to the fire and he':ifc it/
, ‘ But > sir,’.answered the lad, ‘yesterday you
told me always to drop the h.’ J
BSy-An avaricious person, who kept a very
scanty table, dining with his son at an onli-
D ar.V hotel mthe city, wßispered in his car:-
•tom, you must eat for to-day and to-mor
, v y® 3 / Ported the half-starved lad
but 1 ham t eaten for yesterday.aud the day
before yet, father:’ J 3
Ehyy is the most inexcusable of all
B , ver y sin has some pleasure
Wh n«° °- r ox ? uso env y alone wants
both. Other sms last but for a while; the
appetite may be satisfied; anger remits ; hate
red has an end ; but envy never ceases.
K7-The Emperor of Prance has presented
four picked rams, from the Royal flock at
k ’ King °. f the Sandwich Is
lands. Airs. Partingdon is very anxious to
know why they were picked, when shearing
would have been a great deal bettor.
tC'" Tell mo angelic host, ye messenger of
love, shall swindled printers hero below/have
no redress above ?_ The shining angel band
replied: ‘To us is knowledge given ; delin
quents on the printers’ book can never enter
■ C-V* A common arm-chair is a mors com
’ Portable seat than a throne, and a soft beaver
hat a lighter and more pleasant piece of head
gear than a crown.
B®* Rulers are generally too fond of dis
play. They seem more anxious to fill the
eyes than the stomachs of their people.
tC7" Howell Cobb has published a letter in
■Which he thrice says “ I ween. He is old
enough to do so, dbe would think.
B©*We make sad mistakes, but there is
goodness hived, like wild honey in strange
nooks and corners of the world.
B®"When is an Irish girl most disposed
to take compassion on her lover ? When her
heart goes pitty-pat.
“ ea 'd that the “ pen is migbter
onVfor 6 \ f W fet,CO ' 3 tho clearost of all laws :
make it. ' 8 laser’s didn’t
DC?"It is astonishing how keen •
jghr pU . , “
«®*A parentis forgiveness of a daughter
When her heart is broken, is pardon after ere-
OUtioo. .
DC7“ Love is a compound of honey and gall
■mixed in various proportions for customers.
It?" Tho pleasantest fishing in the world.
Whiting the ghinnera in Wall Street.
THE 1809,
And the public generally, will please call at
Cheap Hardware Store,
{Adjoin ing the Carman Hama,) .
AS I. am selling goods cheaper than ever
■ fop cash or approved credit.
tho place, East Main street,“6SsJ
Uarlisle, Pa.
March 2V, 1863.
» : and Spikes, just received, of the very boat
makes and warranted.
Country merchants supplied with ftails at manu
facturers prices, at the Hardware store of
East Main street.
Hatch 27, 1862
■RON—IOO tons of Iron—Hammered and
Rolled—of ail sizes, just received, and war
sortmcnt ot b ° St qUality ’ " ith *
Sheet Iron,
Hoon Iron,
Band Iron,
Horso Shoo Iron,
Spring Steel,
. Cast Stool,
Blister Stool, •
Horae. Shoes,
Horae Shoo Nails, ,
Rivets, Ac.
Cheaper than tho cheapest
March 27, 1862.
GLASS.-1000 \, OXOB of Gi asSi 0 f on e ; zes
aoublo and, single thick, colored, plain and or
namcntal, on band and for sale very low at
March 27, 1862. : H. SAXTON’S.
POWDER.: —Just rei
pont’a Blasting and !
. Safety Fuse,
.Stone Brills,
. Stone Sledges,
Stone Hammers,
Happing Hs
March 27, 1862,
DUMPS and CEMENT.—-100 bbla. of Ce
* ment, with a.largo assortment of Chain and
Iron Pumps, just received aad'forsalo cheaper than
N. B. Cement sold by the quantity , at Manufec
turors prices. • ,
March 27, 1862. ' ,
"PARJI BELLS.—I have been appointed
JL agent for several makes of superior Farm
Bel s; also, Beil Motal, Nolls on hand, all war
ranted “ot to crack, by A 11. SAXTON.
March 27, 1862. ■
sale at Manufacturer
men t of
Plank's Plows,
Kenwood's u
Zciglcr’s . u
Woiricb'a V
at the cheap Hardware Si
March 27, 3802.
HAMES. —500 pnifa of Hnmos oh Land.
of all kinds,
I Elizabethtown pattern,
Loudon «
Comhion u ' .
with and without patent fastenings/ cheaper than
at . H. SAXTON’S,
■March 27, 1362. East Main Street.
POINTS and OILS.—IO tons of White
, Loa<i > jopo galls, of Oil, just received, with a
largo assortment ot ,
Varnishes,; ~ Tiro Proof Paint;
Turpentine, Florence White,
Jnpiin, White Zinc,
■ ' Colored Zinc.
Litherago, lied Load,
Whiting, Boiled Oil,
G'lia, Lard Oil,
Shellac,, Sperm Oil,
Pamt Prushcs, Pish Oil,
Osiers of every description, dry and in oil, in cans
and tubes, at tbo Hardware Store of
, March 27,15C2. H. SAXTON.
CHAINS.— GOO pair- '
all kinds, with a lar?
- Butt Chains,
"Breast **
Log • (i
Cow ’ u
Just received at the Choai
March 27, 1802.
Since the late victories Bomestioc Cotton
woods have deplined, as there is now a prospect of
vvvlXfWPZ* Cot { on ; Wo, (LEIDICH, SAW
-IEB A MILLER, at the New store, under Martin’s
Supplies a U struet ') aro receiving daily large ;
which, with our old stock wo aro doterminod to soil
at CITY PIIICBS. DRESS Q OODS of over, y a
noty; ’ 3
Plain and Fancy Silks at all prices’;
A largo lot of now Black Silks at 75, 871. 1 00
VV-* 0 ; I ’ 7 f'nnn’° 0 ’ 2 . ;60 ' “ 6w Spring Delaines
at 25 cents j 4,0,00 yards of host quality Morimao,
Cocboco, Pacitio and American Prints, dark and
light colors, now stylos, at 12J ; a largo at lots 6’ 8
and 10 cents. *
and Second Mourning Prints,
. ki ? l ? S J omoS r% Ging J mm3 12 *-' Manchester
!, * ’ P‘“ Es of French and Scotch Dress and
Bonnot Ginghams at 25. ■
at welcsalo and retail, good quality 8, fino 10, 4-4
wide 12J. Also 5-4, 0-1, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 at cores
ponding prices. All kinds of HEAVY GOOD'S' in’
nl^V U ?I T,; nt r^ ucca F rioca - Tick Stripes
Checks, Drillings, Osnaburgs. Cotton Diaper. Ac, Ac!
Fronts D rTi° r ’ N^ k ,‘" 8 ' Shirting Linens, Shirt
kinXkt „w7r’iees. Pno ° S - WhU ° Goods ’ all
I ? 00 , p ®!‘ ir - t5 diroot from fho factory. 800 dor. La
dies , Misses, Men’s and Boys’ HOSE,, 124 to 25
I J f, on ’ s “ nd S°>' s ’ Wear Black Cloths and Cassimorss!
all grades, Fancy Cassimers, latest stylos, Vestings,
Satinets, Joans, Oottonadcs, Ac., Ac.
Having secured the services of a first class Tailor
we prepared,to got up Clothing in the most fashion
able stylo at fchort notice.
Wo aro receiving our Spring supply of Carpets,
I comprising all the various kinds kept in a flrstclass
Carpet House. Carpets ranging in price from 13J
I t-o 1.25. Oil Cloths, nil widths. Mattings, Book
ing Glasses, Shades and Blinds of all kinds. 1,000
lbs. Carpet chain; Feathers; Cotton Batting-
Counterpanes,‘An., Ac. oy
All the above goods and many others ; wo offer
to purchasers at a.small advance above cost. Win
ter Dross Goods—Shawls, Mantles, Furs, loss than
first cost. Wo. determined not to be undersold.
Please call and examine our immense stock.
Wo will make additions of Now Goods ‘as
the season advances. All Goods warranted to be
what wo sell them for.
■ leidicii/sawyer a miller
Carlisle, February 25, 1862,
~~ begs leave to announce to bis numerous oils
moved We h ° p6blio Benerall y> that ha bas r«.
Barber Shop
tho l VowXo?Vrtmw, bu , i ' din K occupied by
Hannon’s Hotel ’ in B R n °f5 C ®l, tllro ° doorB Boutb of
rooms have boon n,M„T Hanover street. Tho
some style, and win, he n 0 oD , Up httnd ’
faction to bis patroi’,, ThankT u W° d’,atis
ngo, ho hopes, by strict attention £ I™ 1 putr ™-
mont a continuance of it. wnUOB 10 bnamoes, to
• Carlisle, March 2 1, 1802.
Screw Plates,
Blacksmith Bollowi
Ac., Ac.,
t, at tho Hardware store of
. East Main street. ■
ieiv6d a largO lot of Du
lifio Powder.- Also,
Crow Bars,
Digging Irons,
tmmors, <to.,.
fttll. SAXTON'S/
East Main Street.
-Just received and for
rs prices, a largo assOrt-
j York Motal Plows,
I Bloomfield do
I. Eagle ’ do .
I Cultivators, Ac,, Ac.,
tore of
East Main Street.
North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pain’d.
Has just opened an assortment, of Fresh Dra-s,
Fancy Goods, Gift Boohs, Perfumery, P'rnits, and
Confectionery, which has never been- surpassed in
this borough, for novelty, and elegance. The nrti
slos have been selected with great care, and are cal
culated, in quality and price, to' command the at
tentlou of purchasers.
rs of Trace Chains, of
rgoassortment of
I Halter Chains. .
I Fifth “
, Tongue tf
Spreads, &c„ <to.>
IXadwaro Store of
which comprises every variety of fancy articles of
tuo most exquisite finish, suoh as *
. Papier Macho Goods, elegant alabaster inkstands
and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
ladies Fancy Baskets, fancy Work Boxes, with sew
mg instrnmonts, • Port Mommies, of every variety.
Gold Pons, and Pencils, fancy paper weights, papo
tenes, and a largo variety of ladle's’ fancy statione
ry;. Mote seals and wafers, silk and head purses,
ladies riding whips, elegantly, finished,. ladies’ fine
cutlery perfume baskets and bags, brushes of eve
ry kind for the toilet; Roussel’s perfumes of the
various kind, musical instruments, of all kinds and
ai all prices, together with an innumerable variety
of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates A 1
so, an extensive collection of BOOKS, comprising
the various English and American Annuals iur 185')
and illustrated Poetical Works’
with Children » Pictorial Poole, f»r children of all
ages. His assortment of School Books and School
Stationery is also complete,' and comprises every
thing used in College; and tho. Schools; Ho also
desires to call tho particular attention of families io
lua elegant assortment of
. . LAMPS, &c, }
from the extensive establishments Of Cornelius, Ar
ehor and others of Philadelphia, comprising every
stylo of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for
burning either Lard, Sperm or Etlierial Oil, togeth
er with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, Ac. Ilia as
sortment in this lino is unequalled in tho borough.
embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort
such, as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Necta
rines, I runes, Ao. Fancy Confectionery. Nuts
Preserved Fruits, Minced Meat, Pickles, Ae.f Ac!
In every variety and all prices, all. .of which are
pure and fresh, such as can bo confidently rccom-
ISZ n» h r f “ His Bt ° ck ooibraoos ovory
thmg m the lino of Fancy Goods, with many other
articles useful to housekeepers which tho public are
especially invited to call and see, at tho old stand
opposite tho Deposit Bank.
Adjoining the Pennsylvania Rail-Road Repot,
rpilE undersigned would respectfully inform
the public that ho has taken the above Hotel
formerly known as " THE MANSION HOUSE"
which ho has refitted and newly furnished through
out. *1 6
_ Tho Rooms aro spacious and commodious,-and
furnished with every convenience to bofonnd in the
host Hotels in tho city.
■ The “UNITED STATES”is admirably located
for tho convenience of travelers, being under the
same roof with tho Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
and thus saving both hack hire and porterage.of
~a gg“ s ° ' No P ainB will ba spared to render the
UNITED STATES” a pleasant and agreeable re
sidence to nil who may favor it with their patron
age. Charges moderate.
~ .11. W, KANAGA, Proprietor.
December 13, 1860. r
‘ ’N beauty, and durability, no “sun-drawn’’
picture equals a good DnguorrJßtype; this is the
opinion expressed by tho loading photographic jour
nals of tho day, both American and English, and
Uioso may ho obtained at tho rooms of Mrs. Ret
1 o«ii,^A r .tx^i^. doors west of H#nOT »J
OFFICE in Inboff’s building, just opposite
tile Market House.
Carlisle March Is, 1862—1 y. ;
Opposite tht PrtMon.-
/OFFICE with Colwell & McClure. ,
" ; _■ Jan. 9, 1862.
A TTENDS to securing and collecting
„ r * Pa V> Pensions, Smuttieg,
_ Offlco on South Hanover street opposite
Bontz s store, Fob. 13. 1862.
with Wm. H. Miller, Esq., South
Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Printing
Carlisle, Doe. 22, 1859—tf.
j. m. Weakley,
attorney a t law,
OFFICE on South Hanover street, opposite
Bontz’s store, Carlisle.
Feb. 57, 1862—9 m, '
LJ. W. FOULK, Attorney at Law.
• Office with James R. Smith, Esq., Rheom’s
Hall. All business entrusted to him will be prompt
ly attended to.. Feb. 6. 1862.
tfUßaa, DR.I. C. COOMIS, DEX
UCgffigfo TIST. .
South Hanovor Street, next door to tho oornerof
Wcst Pomfret and nearly opposite.Bents’ store.
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
Fvont the Baltimore- College of Dental Surgery.
Office at the residence of his mother, East Louth
or street, three doors below Bedford).
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859.
"ETAS removed big office to the room directly
■*- opposite tho Second Presbyterian Church,
Corner of South Hanover and Pomfret ets., Curliele.
■ All patients entrusted, to his bare, either from
Eot/lfi 0 *1B *62* 'tf * l,O P ro “P tl y attended to..
Cumberland County,
rHE undersigned begs leave to inform you,
I that he has just opened a DRUG STORE, in
the borough of CARLISLE, in tho room formerly
occupied by Reynolds A Peiffer, as aDrugStoro,
next door to Inhofifs Grocery Store, South Hanover
Street, whore bo will always be found ready and
willing to ply the spatula and postal. The follow
ing list comprises the main portion of his slock;
Trusses, Suspensory Bandages, Window Glass,
Toilet Soaps, pure Wines and Liquors, Perfumery,
Canes, Notions and Varieties generally, Confection
eries, Tobacco andsogars, Lithographs ar,d Frames,
Bnrnmg Fluid,-Hamt, Varnish hud Hash Brushes,
Blank Books and Stationary generally.
Having had over fifteen years’ experience in tho
Drug Business, with a desire to accommodate and
please my customers, Ihope lO.receiVo a reasonable
share of public patronage, It is my intention and
desire to give perfect satisfaction in every particu
lar, toall who may favor mo with a call.
haU oom i l “ undocl > at f nir prices. Give mo a
Carlisle, Deo. 12, IgCl—ly
Carlisle.Dee.2o,l B 61 B - W - nAVEIISTICK ’
To Datroy— . Rati, Iloaohcs, As.
To Datroy ——Mice, Holes,' and Ant*.
To Datroy Bed-Bugs.
To Datroy— Moths, in Furs, Clothes, As.
To Datroy Mosquitoes, and Picas.
To Datroy— —Insects on Plants nnd Fowl*.
To Datroy Insect* on Animals, Aol, Ao.
To Datroy Every form and species of Vermin.
bestrfioy Instantly
every form and SPECIES OF
Those prtpamiifca (ttMito all othet«)> art
" Free fromPoiaons.”
"Wot dangeWus 16 the Human Family"
rt Hats do not die on tho premises"
" They opine oht of tWr holes to die,*
“ They aro, the only infaliiblo comedies known.
12 years and more established in Now York City.
Used 6y-^—the City Post Office,
Used by tho City Prisons and Station Houses.
Used by ——City Steamers, Ships,-Ac,.
Used by-—-tho City Hospitals, Alms-HoUses, Ac.
Uscd_ hy-^~ City Hotels, 'Astor', 'St, Nicholas/ Ac.
Used by tho Boarding Houses, Ac., Ac.
Used by— ■—moro than fiO,ooo Private Families.
JB3s*Sec one or (too Specimens, of tcAttf is Every'
where srxidbythe People—Editors — Dealers, £c.
HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, .Rood
bo so no'longer, if they use “Costah^s"-Extermina
tors. We have used- it to o\\f satisfaction) and if a
box cost ss> ,Wo would have it. Wo had tried poi
sons,-but they effected nothing; but Cosxar's arti
cle knocks tho breath out of Rats, Mice and . Bod-
Bugs, quicker.than we can write it. It is in groat
demand all over tho (0.,) Gazette,
MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed an
nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay
fpr tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.
Lancaster, ( Wit.,) Herald.
HENRY 11. COSTAR—Wo aro selling, your
preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been
used; Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Vermin disapppear
Ecker A Stoupeeh, Druggists, Now Windsor, Md.
u Coslar’s” Rat, Roach, <bc., Exterminator.
Costar's " ■ ■ _
Cnfitar’s" Bed-bug Exterminator,
“ CostarV’ Electric Powder for Insects, Ao,
Ik 260. 500. and 51,00 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks.
53 and $5 Sizes foe Plantations, Ships, ’
• Boats, Hotels, <to.
CAUTION” II I. To prevent the public.from
being imposed upon by sptirious and highly
pa niciout! Imitations, a new label has been
prepared, bearing a fac simile of the Propri-
signature. Examine each box, bottle,
or flask carefully before purchasing, and take
nothing but “ Costars.”
JBSf Sold Everytchere—hy
All \Vbolbsal,e Dboboists in largo eitios.
Some of the -
Wholesale Agents in New YorkipGity,
2°- ? a " al ' Kisl <=y A Kitobon
B. Fahnestoolt, Hi'll i C°. Bush, Galo * Robinson.
A-B.A D. Sands <fc Co. M. Ward, Close * Co.
Wheeler & Hart. M'Kisson & Robbins. .
James S. Aspmwail,, .P. S. Barnes & Co,
Morgan A Ailon, F. C, Wells * Co.
HaU, Ruokol & Co. Luzello,Marsh A Gardner
Ibomna & Fuller. Hall, Dixon i. Co.
P. D. Oms. Conrad Fox.
and others.
Philadelphia, Pa.
nY' t C i o- . „ l5 abort Shoemaker & Co.
B. A. Fahnestock & Co. {French, Richards A Co.
and others.
Ghocers, Storekeepers and
Ketailers generally, in all Countuy
Towns and Villages
In the
K7 'Sold by
C. INHOFF, Grocer,
S. W. HMEKSIOK, Druggist,
S. ELIOT T, Drugglst,
Ana by the DinroaisM, Stobekkepehs and Bb
taiiebs generally.
Coubtbt Deabebs can order as above. ,
Or address order* direct—[or if Prices, Terms
&0., is desired Send for [18621 Ciroularl
giving reduced Prices] to
Principal Depot— No. 612 Broadway—[Opposite
tile fit. Nicholas Hotel;] New York. ••
I's'braKTyrJr, 1662.—0n**
finHß subscribers Would respectfully call the
•M. attention of Limoburnqrs and . the citizens of
Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to
their now COAL YARD, attached to his Warc-hquse,
on West High st., Whore thojMyill hoop cqntitnhtly
bio prices. Host
on hand ' !melun, ‘ r '’ and , Voal always
A “ °Mors left at the Ware House, or at his
romdenoe in North Hanover street will bo promptly
attended to. 1 1 J
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1863—tf.
New Coal and Lumber Yard.
THE subscribers hare this day entered into part
nership to trado in COAL AND HINDER
Wo will have 'constantly on band and furnish to or
der, all kinds and quality of
such as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame Stuff, Pal-
Rig and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked
Flooring, Woatherboarding, Posts, Rails, and all
kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pino, Hemlock,
Chesnut, ana Oak, o‘f different .qualities, ' Having
oars of our own We can furnish bills to order of niiy
length and size ht tho shortest, notice anil on the
most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will
bo kept under cover so that they can be furnished
dry at all times.
Wo will cotifilaUtly
mvo on hand all kinds
idcr cover> Whi 'o h
icy will deliver dry
id clean to any part
tbo borough, to wit:
/kens Valley, Luke
iddlcr, Locust Moun
.*in, Lobborty, Xrov
erton, Broken, Is gg,
Stove and Nut Coal> which, Wo pledge ourselves to
soll.ut the .lowest pHeeft, ,
Best 'quality .of Limeburners' and Blacksmiths'
Coal always on hand at the lowest figures. Yard
west side of Main St. ..
Carlisle, Deo:. 22,1859.
lumber and coal
TTT’OULD call the attention of the public
J, J° i l ' B lar S° ftnd Superior stock of COAL
and LUMBER, which ho constantly keeps on hand
at his yard, near tho Qaa Works. The attention of
builders and others is. particularly invited to his
nrh?^\ q , L,NG ’ palings, weather
ULEi>, I LANK, LA THS, Ac. Our stock of COAL
itim I'7^nllPr D .^ Elt ’ LU,E BURNERS, and
, “t quality, and kept under cover, and sold
at the lowest rales. .... ap|
I Thankful for the patronage of a generous publioi
bestowed upon the late firm of Black & Belanov
ho would solicit a obutin'uaucb of the same, as ho
will strive to please. . All orders left nt the resi
of Jacob. Shrom for Coal or Lumber, will bo
pfoinptly attended to as heretofore.
July 25, 1 SGI
warding a commission house.
1 ... - PJLODB & FEED, ' .
The suascribcr having taken the Warehouse, cars
andflatures of William 13. Murray’s wall known es
tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin
inson College, would inform the public, that ho
has entered into a general Forwarding and Com
mission business.
The highest market price will lie paid for Flour
Grain and Produce of all kinds.
He., is also prodared to freight produce and
stock tq Philadelphia and Baltimore,*at the lowest
rates, with safety and-despatch,
_ Piaster and Salt kept constantly on hand, and
Flonr and Feed at,wholesale or retail.
Goal of nil kinds, embraoina .
Btmebnrners* ana Blacksmiths* Coal, constantly for
sale; Kept under cover, and delivered dry to anv
part of tho* town.
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859.
fJA.Ejust completed opening their Spring
AJ. stock of Hardware; Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass, <to., tq which they invito tho early attention
of the public generally. Wo have greatly enlarged
our stock in nil its various branches, and can now
accommodate tho public with
in large or small quantities at tho lowest prices.
Wo don’t want tho public to think that we have
brought nil tho Goods in Philadelphia and Now
York to our town, but wo can assure them that a
look into our store will convince them that we have
enough Goods to fully supply tho demand in this
market. Persons wanting Goods in our lino will
find it to their advantage to give us a call , before
making thoir purchases. Ail orders personally and
punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations
made to effect sales. i
Carlisle. April 25, 1861,
ypilE subscriber has just returned from the
1' eastern cities with tho largest, cheapest, ahd
best selected assortment of Hardware; over offered
in this county. • Every thing kept in a largo whole
sale and retail Hardware ators, can bo bad a little
lower than at any other bouse in the county, at the
cheap hardware stori of tho subscriber..
Nails and Spikes. —so tons Nails and Spikes jusl
received of tho very host makes and till warranted
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices.
600 pnir Trace Chains of all kinds, with a large
assortment of butt chains, bailor chains, breast do
fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains’
<to., Ac. ’
llames.— 3so pair of Hanics of all kinds just re
ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
iugs, ohoapor than ovor.
Paints and Oils.— lo tons Whito Lead, 1000 galls
Oil just received, with a largo assortment of Var
nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, lithamgo, whiting
gluo, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, - Flo
rence whito, white zinc, colored zinc, red load, lard
oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, &o. Colors of
every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes.
Farm Bells. —Just received tho largest, ohoapost'
and host assortment of Farm Bolls in tho bounty!
Grooncastio motal and 801 l motal, warranted not to
, Powder . —2s kegs Dupont Rock and Rifle Pow
der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks
Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stone Sledges, Stone Ham
mers, Ac.
Pumps and Cement. —6o barrels Cement, with a
very large assortment of Chain and Iron pumps of
all kinds, cheaper than over at the Hardware store
Carlisle, March 8,1861.
Hat and Cap Emporium
censilE undersigned having purchased the
T stock, Ac., of the late William 11. Trout, de
ed, would respeotfuliy announce to the'public
that he will continue the Hatting Business o.t the
old stand, in West High Street, and with & renew
ed and *o£floiont effort, produce articles of Hoad
Dress of
Every Variety, Stylo, and Qualify,
that shall be strictly in keeping with the improve
ment of the art, and fully up to the ago in whioh
wo live.
Ate * inB now on ''and a splendid
*"pmagr assortment of HATS of all desorip
|*i|itions, from tho oommon Wool to the
■ . A a Jßt JTur and’ Silk hots, and at prices
that must suit every oho who has an eye'to getting
of liis money. His Silk, Molo Skin,
an “,i“ eavor Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness, du
rability : apd finish, by those of any other establish
ment in tho country.
Boys’Hats of every description constantly on
hand. Ho respectfully invites all tho old patrons
and as many new ones as possible, to give him a
Cifllil», Djo. st, im,
Jftew CoalTard;
North Hanover stroo
Selling olf Twenty-Five Per Cent. Be
< low Cost! !!
AT tlio,sign of tho ” Gold Engle,” 3 doors
above thO'Gumborland Valley Bank, and two
doors below tho Methodist Church on West Main
*, street, the largest and best selected dtock of
WATCHES and-JEWELRY in tho town,
bo sold 30 per cent..lower than at any
in the State.- Tho stock oomprisos a largo
assortment of Gold & Silver Hunting-case Watches,
Lovers, Lopihos, American jvatchos, .and all other
kinds and stylos, gold ana ‘silVor Chains,
Gold Pens and Pencils,
Jewelry, of-all kinds, Spectacles, Gold and silver;,
plated and silver Ware, Music Boxes, Acoordoons,
Oil Paintings, a groat variety of Panoy .Articles,
and a lot of fhc finest Pianos, which will bo sold 40
pci’ cent. Tower than ever offered in town. Tho on
tiro stock df Watchmaker tools, cases, la*gp Miitprs
and Safe, frill be Sold wholesale or retail on tho
easiest terms. ' . , :
Having selected ft first class workman all kinds
of repairing frill bo dono as usual, at reduced
Three Pianos at $lOO bclofr tho factory pHccr, dh
account of tho Philadelphia Company closing, out,
X will sell at tho Jewelry store three Rosewood Pi
anos, warranted at $ their Value, on easy terms, if
called on soon.
. For Rent.—The largo throe story BRICK HOUSE
on Main street, will bo rented fVom tho Ist of ApHl,
1862. Cull at the Jewelry Store, in said building.
‘ . R. ‘E. SHAPLEY.
Carlisle, April 18, 1861
Hats and (zaps.
THE Hat and Cap Store heretofore known
as " KELLERS'* has been removed just oppo
site the old stand two doors from Arnold's clothink
store. •
Tho business will bo conducted as heretofore, and
all goods both home made and city manufacture
warranted to give satisfaction as recommended. A
full patronage is respectfully solicited, and every
effort will be made to keep tbo assortment in Mon
and Boys Hats And Caps complete) with prices to
suit tho times.
Spring stylos o!f Silk Hats -now ready.
frov. 14, .18(11
Matrimony made j3asy : Or now
to Win a Lover.— Containing com
mon-?cnso 'directions, 'showing how ail fray be
suitably married,' Irrespective- of ago, Sex or posi
tion, whether prepossessing or otherwise, with a
treatise on the. art of fascinating any person you
wish a curious, scientific experiment which never
•fails. Free for 25 cts. ’ ■
Address T. WILLIAM A Uo., Publishers,
Box 2.800, Philadelphia.
March 21. 1862—3 m.» . '
- A fresh and general assort
i E SM ment of Groceries constantly
on-hand, embracing Ihti best qualities in the mar
ket, such as Codecs, Sugars, Spices, Tablo'Oils,
Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins, ns
.ttejl as all the varieties belonging to a good grocery
Stofe/ together with a Suitable assortment of the
-Syrups &<Molasses, Mackarel, Salmon,
'Baskets, Tubs, Churns, nnd other articles for house:
hold use, including a fine assortment of
China, Glass & Queehsware,
, The public nave our thanks, for the liberhi pa--
-renege bestowed upon the past. Wo hope to
merit a share of their custom in the future.
April IU, 1801. J W. JJIiY.
'l’oivH luid Coiuifi'y,
rpilE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that ho still
continues tho Undertaking business, and is ready to
wait upon customers cither by day or .by night.—
Roady-mada COFFINS kept constantly on hiiild,
both plain and ornamental. Ho has constantly on
hand Fu/n Patent Metallic Burial Case, of which
ho has been appointed tho solo kgont. , This ease is
reoom.mendcd, as superior to any of tho kind now in
use; it being perfectly aif tight.
Ho has also furnished' himself With a lino new
Koseurood and gentle horses, with which
he will attend funerals in town and country porson
ally, without extra charge,
■ T ,/ , ,™ on S greatest discoveries of the ago is
. . Spring Muttrast, tho best and cheapest bed
, u ,°' v >1 u |b> °*ooxclnsiTo.right of which I have se
curodd ami will bo kept constantly .on hand!
Cabinet Braking
in all its various branches carried Bn, and Bureau's.
Secretaries,' Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered
Chairs, Spins, Pier,' Side and Centro Tables; Dining
and Breakfast Tables, Wash-stands of all kinds;
Ironch Bedsteads, hi*jh and low posts; Jinny Lind
and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking
Glasses, and nil other articles usually manufactured
♦n tins hue of business, kept constantly on hand.'
. J* is workmen are men of experience, his material
tao best,.and his work made in the liitcsfcity stylo'
and all under his own supervision. It will bo war
j runted and .sold .low for cash.
lie invites all to give him.a call before' purcha
sing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to him ho foolsjndobtod to his nume
wUiV 11810111 ”.™’ ! ';" d n!,suros them that no efforts
uill bo spared in future to-please them in stylo and
price, txivo us a call. , •
„ Itemciuhcr the place, North Hanover St., nearly
opposite the Deposit Bank.
Carlisle, Nov. 6, 1861
Carlisle Marble Yard.
South Hanover street, opposite DeuUs' Store.
Carlisle. ' '
THE subscriber htis on hand a large and
well selected stook of ®
lleud-Sloncs, Mo nn me til g,
TOAIJJB, Ao., of chaste and beautiful designs, which
f lowest passible rates, being dost
from '?^° Ut h,BBtock - Hoad-atonca finished
Irom throe dollara upwards.
Brown Stone, Marble work, Mantles,- Ac., or
ly on Sfu’ d raa S Sla -r for / urnitur e, *■=- constant,
ly on nand. Iron railing for oomotrv lota An nf
ly l atton t ded i [o doll,bia worklnaßßhi P- wi “ be prompt-
Carlisle, Not. 7, 18(11
Wiit«lie», Jewelry and Silver
K i Publi ? ar ?, in ™ted to call and examine
the largest and handsomest stock of
ato o o r k b foTonsVVnm Pl i a( t o ' P a^ in ß Purchased thi
that "can'itLT’ UtflrmmCCl ' to 3011 “‘P™«
the me ; Guaranteed to bo as ropre-
Ukon ia r oxo h an 0 6 7 01d « old «■> 3 “™r
•arllsle/NST. 7,'1851 TIIOMAS CONIiYN.
New Wine and Liquor Store.
ntree dears East o/lnhofs Grocer;/ Star,
and facing ilia Market House, Carlisle . '
’’PHE undersinned having opened a full, and
Incomplete .assortment of the purest ami w.
VINES AND LIQUORS/ he Tnvltes Vdte
J. ll , 0 ’ 1 . 30 hoepprs; and, others to give
S^ hlm a call, being determined le Imcp a belli*
"“'pHeelr £CnCraHi ' kcpt in th ° and at
c „r NWES - olarCl ' Pinot Vinta S°. 1852; Ro-
Schcitlaln Schnapps, Moyer’s Old
Fish> Old Jam Spirits, &. E. Rum‘ V
WlNES—Maderia, vei-y old; Sherry SwcefMn'
borr amFconim on° Whishy. U * , Pnre 0W
imin° f itl “ f V»cmiJdhnß,.lJoUlcs, &a.
Bottled Liquors of nll.ldnds.
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
SHOWER respoctifully nivnoun
, ® os t 0 ‘ bo PXOItQ, f bat ho continues to hoop con;
slantly on hand, and for sale, a largo and vvu
pehor assortment of ? - u
Foreign and .Domestic'liquors,
at his now stand, a few doors west of Hannon’s H».
tel, and- directly south of the Court-house, Carlisle,
All of choice Brands.
; Sherry, Port,.Mndorih, Lisbon, Claret, Na;
■■ cro, Hook, Johanmshefg, and 'Boderheim-
' ah idsiCk ,t C - ' <3oial ; er -.*‘Co.,and iinporl-
WH I gK ® oblon . Lirn, and Anchor.
Superior Old. Rye, Choice did E.mily K„-
at-t. Fjat,.Scotch, and Irish,
ALE, BROWN STOUI’, id. Best to b. Itsd ia
. Philanelphia.
bitters,. .. ~ •
• lOf Ojo vary, i)08t quality.
win- C n Jo >™. ard otllors flcsir!D K o rUIlt)
will find it as represented, ns Ms whole attention will
STtfcT eafefnl selebtion ofh
Carlisle, April 12, 188 l
Fai-finiug lutiilcmerit Depots
11,I 1 , & C - now manufnetura
■ -
among which they would call cspetial attomhTto
Willoughby's celebrated
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
wtioh has taken oven fifty first class premiums „’t
State and County Fairs. To (ho farincM^ffW*
in detlfil of 0 ? <l^ (l I 0 ™ 1 ' 08 *“ not spent
m detail of the merits 0/ this drill,-us scores of them
are now in use on the host farms’in these count™
ira!h° P l U -!i 1011 18 ostftWii!llo <l' 03 the most complete’
It sows Who?? r m, £ lCt " red in tbo Unito(i Statas.
and ye ’ ? atS - Bnri o.vand Grass, evenly
ami regular, without bunching the seed. Tbo eum
ou^hr.a? 1 * 53 U, -° driH ? VCr st «m P s “"ri otoncs wT
ont breaking pins or the drill. For even and regu
lar sowing, the Willoughby Gum isu?-
?cIHIm d f o^ a " yotl, ? r -, Wo ?>3O manuVeturo ami
“£""'"s “ ‘“'o3. which wo can recommend
oharncTor7 rolmblß implements of established.
Mnn-leon'e Patent Corn Planter, '
P.aeh’ePnlenl Straw and Fodder Cutter,.
■ Jit idcndolfg Patent Corn- Shelter,
, Johnston's Cant Iron Ilona'. Trough .
Uarn'a Patent Cider Mill.
b . rcb rin'l Pour Horse Powers and Thresh-
Caminis ° 8 ’ . Cast Ir ° n Picld Pollers, Plough
Shoi aHld ?T 9 IKlttcrnf! ' C «™ Crushers, and>
Alan T? * r f !’lf armcrs to ° numerous to mention.;
Also, Cgg Coal Stoves and ton plato Wood Stoves,
'mmense variety of other castings for house
va?fetv r?' ( " t lcr3 ; We Pave also an attractive
variety of patterns for
?Uon < tion Ct ° ry onolosurcs < t 0 which wo would c«»
To this department of our business wo give par
ticular attention. Oar already extensive stock of
?? . rna ., - r papc V> flour aud saw'mill gearing, is
constantly increasing. Mill owmors and millwrights
will be furnished with a printed catalogue of our
various mill patterns on application. Our machine
shop comprises all tho various tools for turning
planing and finishing shafting and casting, by good
and careful machinists, ■ • ■
of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 horse
power, built m the best stylo and on accommodating
terms, tngmes builfiat onr establishment may bo
? UoooBsflll operation at many of tbo' largest
distilleries and tannneries in Carlisle, and Comb'd,
rorry and Dauphin cos., to the owners of which wo
confidently rofor for information as to thoir efficien
cy. 1 arsons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly
olsowh tl t 0 ° al * an( * osamino before contracting
Connected with our establishment is a steam Sash
and Door Manufactory .which is now in complete
order for the manufacture of every description of .
for the most costly as well as the plainest house,
window Sash furnished from live cents upward, ac
cording to size of glass; Window Frames from §l,Bl
upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from Sl,7s‘'
upward; Door frames from $1,75 upward; Four
Panel Doors from $2,12 upward. Mouldings, Cas
ings, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy
Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house ,
building, furnished at the lowest prices, and 'ot the
best quality of lumber, Wn are also prepared >
as heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARS t
for transporters on the,, railroad, with promptness
and on reasonable toms.
The continued patronage of the public is respect-_
fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attend
ed to F. GARDNER A CO.
Carlisle, May 3, 1801.
Wo have just received a lot of 55 dozen of",
“Rich's” superior made Corn Brooms, which w®
.confidently recommend ns tho best and cheapest
Broom in tho market For salo only by tho subaori
ber, oithor at or retail
November, 1861
OB' PRINTING neatly- executed- at' tfi!®’’
•Sou ■ J
, Wine and Liqnra^ 5
! ( D!r “‘'S Opposite ,7„ VolmU'ir Off,
THE undersigned would resmwf i.
tbo attention of Merchant, Call
and Citizens of Cumberland dml (i,„°°' licc Pi>rB
country generally to his ee,eblL 'l7 rro «n'net'
designated, whore ho keeps consiaoii ‘ “ 9 “We
very full and complete assortment of* y ° & hand »
Wines and liquors,
Any article add as such,' will bo slri „.,,
sontod, and will ,bo sold Wholesale
the lowest market prices. His e to,.n K °h>il
irairt of , Etocil consists
Martel brand,
CastiMion AtTo.,
A. Ca'mi^Jt
Holland, .
B, B. Old Bohlen,
0 '
Family Noefar, 0. Ryol
. Common Rectified. '
Unites of all XCinds.
celebrated “ IS ° lb nS ° ncy for aa.o of Lauer'
reading alb^
batd rtPP,y ° f WM ° h WUI b 0 00ns ‘“% kopt „ B
to Ordora gratefully rco'oivod and promptly att cn cl o <i :
Feb. 0 1802—ly.
May 1?. 1881.
J. wrV EBT.
Old Pinot,
J. J. Dllpuy £ q
Olard Old Laq ucti ; n 4