American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 22, 1862, Image 3

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    From Gen. MTlcllan’s Arnly.
, \mtv Correspondent of tlio Assodatcd
'Prom th° Ar ‘ *
PrC WniTE llia'PE, Va., Sunday, May 18.
■ . ■mnml 'of our torces on the
' C '!I,1 to Richmond, by the way of But
>'• r ii,.i,loo drov.o the enemy nei-oss the
tom b 1 r ' ~;v er at that poiht, yesterday
ChicKi>h° |Cn onr tviiops ai'iived Xvithin
jnor ,)in^'|j e 0 f the bridge, which is' burned,
*f wore opened upon by a brisk (ire of ar
plj’- v ., from the opposite side of the river.—
-tiliv'O injured. This bridge is fifteen
tf.Cftwn Richmond. '
Bl . t (|iis point;our troops will experience
,aside ruble difiicully in crossing, as- the
country is low and swampy on both sides of
the river, .
A i-sconnoisnneo was made yesterday by
Hjno of the gun-boats, with of
infantry under Major Willard, and one sec
tion of Ayers’ battery, up the Pa monkey riv
-er, a .distance of 25 miles from here, at a;puiut
hiimvn ns'llnsrell’s landing.'
They found .the steamer Logan, one pro
peller.,’and fifteen schooners in Haines. They
were laden mostly with corn, which was be
ing unloaded. ; ' SomeSCji’mtrahands, On shore,
Bribed that when thetfSslVola. heard -our gun
boats coming, they, commenced, putting the
'corn on hoard again! so as to insure its de-
B'ruotion.. ..A few shells soon dispersed the
remaining rebels in that lucyility, when the
'ghn-boats returned to the White •Hilhao.
.The roads,for the pafrt three days have been
next to impassable, mvir-g to tlio recent heavy
■rains. A division train wj\s36 hours making
its.way,' with -teams''doubled to--
wether, find with thp assistance of a largo
number of troops. The advance of thearmy
’from this p int'must necessarily lib slbw.-r
Prom hero it loses the benefit of : tho river
• transportation, requiring all the supply trains
at the disposal of the Quartermaster’s dopart
"ment to furnish so vast a body-of meb with
Buhsistnnce • ■
The bridge, between hero and the enemy
‘has keen destroyed, and every,imaginableob-
Btruction has-been placed in the way.of our
■advance. ■ "' '
The Richmond Dispatch,. nf the I2tli,bas n
lengthy ’article on the evacuation, of Norfolk,
ana ihe conduct rif the war generally. It
Bays, by s\]>rtu<J,i nrn <l;.dt;t aclieel pnsts'whicli are,
within nincli nf tlie enemy s fleet, and which
•it is therefore ~itnpnstrililo to defend, we are
enabled to concentrate powfcrful forces upon
■essential p data, and to baffle the'enemy in,
‘ovrry-atlavk'nf vital importance.
Tlie samp paj or makes mention of a terri-'
bio panic in Richmond, ou Friday, oil tlie ap
.proacb ol cur gUn-hoats.' .
This bring Sunday, the Army of tlie' "Poto
mae lias ceased its labors, the troops remain-,
ing in catn'R enjoying a day of rest.
ißcbbl Ismiinlion Rf Pensacola,
nf the -Nary-Turd- and'FnrtH—Okr
■Gu n-boais lit Front ofthe City—lt's Surren
der Demanded.
■ Before ■ May iS.
Tlie Mobile Advertiser 'dud Register of the
TOrb. contains tbo following despatch :
P.KNSAc u,.\..May 10.—At 13 o’clock Irfst
night tlio Pensacola navy yard arid forts
were set on fire and destroyed. When the
•enemy discovered ..what was going on. Fort
■Pickohs-gperind a furious bombardment, and
■kept it op during tlic oonflngration, but with
out doing any damage to any body at Pen
iaciila. ’ Ail the public property, with thcrix
•ception of the Custom II inse, which ia/inca-.
palde of being - horned, was haivcd, but all
■'the'miserable Confederate property whs saVed.,
The railroad track leading- out rtf, the city
towards M ■n'goinery. was tiirn up.
This morning a Federal vessel. with, h flag
of mice. o iiin up to'the, city, demanding a;
•surrender. Slajor Botlbo .refused .to comply
with ■-the -demand, ■ Unstated that ..all tlu;
military forcesdnid left, add ho lad ni) power
-to oppose its occupation.. The Federal officer
replied that they would ,n«cupy the city to
morrow, iftH that- the -Inhabitants 'need not
bo alarmed. ■ .- ■
A. Cofio n *s Oocumerit.
■Jeff. Davis’ Coiiilileulial Circular.
THE D YdN(l HASPS of the
Chicago, May 15.—A special despatch
'from Cairo to the Tribune says—“ The sub
joined Circular explains itself
“ (Private and Confidential.)
“ Capitol C. S A., Richmond, 1
, April 18. 1802. J
~ “Sin—lt cannot bo denied that the pros
pects of success for the Southern Confedera
cy, are gloomy and forlioding on every harld.
Whether through lack of skill, or the open
treachery of officers of our army and navy,
‘matters nut, wo meet with, disasters and de
feat. With a continuance of such , results
ere three months shall elapse and jjaks away
'fair boasted Confederacy will exist only in
history. ■
The past shows that wo need larger dis
plays of patriotism, military skill; personal
military skill, personal bravery, and a firm
spirit of devotion to the just cause in which
wo have enlisted. Unless these requisites
develop themselves to it lighting 'extent wo
light in vain. Unless we have more clear
indications that the great heart of the people
is with us ' our ‘efforts will ho futile. The
Government is impatient to retrieve the dis
asters that have befallen us, and that yet
stare us in the face on every hand, unless
Iho people rally to its standard.
■ McCh Han is already moving.on the Poto
jriao ; Ilalleck’s operations in the Southwest
arc at every step successful against us ; the
Federal army and navy are already menacing
the metropolis of the . South vest and the key
of our granaries ; Florida is overrun by
Northern invaders,'while, wherever wo look
■we gaze upon them, and they are advancing.
In this trying emergency, iho Government
appeals to the people, to the bravo hearts and
sturdy willsol the South; It erics, Awake;
Your, hands, have bociiput to the plough!
will you now look back and repent ynur past
act 1 You liayh struck nobly for independence,
pledging your lives ami fotunos to it procure
ment. Will you submit quietly to the inva
sion iind desolation of your homos—the des
truction or confiscation of your property—tie
abandonment.of your Christian institutions ?
Arise, and convince the world that the boast
ed chivalry of the South is mure than a mere
This appeal is made to. the country, not
openly, for obvious reasons. We make the
appeal to the people through the Governors
of the States composing the Confederacy, and
the officers in coipumud of our armies. To
those nid.hUms the circular is sent, with the
urgent request that its spirit and intent, if
not its letter, ho convoyed to every citizen of
Our struggling Republic.
, First of all, wo ask for material aid iri
money, or such an equivalent, therefor,, as
will enable iis to maintain our arm'/,- Cloth
ing and provisions will bo accepted-as substi
tutes for muuey, wliou the latter Cannot bo
obtained. .
Second we. need men. The ranks of our
fttmy in the field are fast boihg thinned hy
the casualties of battle, tho sickness incident
ani the expiration of t ie terms
oi ehlis'tmo u. We cannot close our eyes to
tho fact toe places arc not filled so promptly
ns t oy shou d bo. Let us see tho desire to
lulp our onu. o hy tl.or wil.itigncas to fight
.ii j . °. a ' anc * >f need be, pour out their
Dlood in its support, ■
Third. We need the encouragement.ot the
peopio by n more liberal display of patriotism
than lias yet been made. The tarnd submis-*
sion yielded Ho the wherever he' ap
pears is in striking contrast to tiro boast. wo
have hitherto heard of the readiness that pre
vailed on every hand to welcome the hirelings
with bonfires, composed of the property of
the peopio if our lands is to bp overrun and out
peopio subjected, let us, ha our own oiiff
querora and leave a smouldering waste to re
ward them for tiioTr toll arid palps. Burn
every hamlet, village and city. Give the,
torch freely to yritir cotton and 'Miloses. ';Lot
the products of your lives he laid waste.
Fly yourselves before the invaders where ro
sitance shall iio Itmger'kvail. Thus, by de
termination arid Spirit iri the cause for which
wo are all enlisted, you will give encourage
ment to continue the struggle. Wherever
the Pnbriiy gains a vietory. lot it be a bootless
one, so that the hands now led on by the
hope of plunder will He disappointed and dis
couraged ; and wo shill ho cheered by the
manifestations Of patriotism.
.'Once’triors tve ekpeot you to awake 1 Shake
off the lethargy that hangs over yon 7 Strike
for the freedom of yourselves, and your fund
lies, and for your’homes. Strike promntly
and boldly, and our Confederacy may yet ho
firmly established.
This is our last and only resource those
who receive this circular will alsodio commis
sioned ns agents of-the Government, to ad
vance its purposes as-indicated, and full let
ters of .instruction, will ibo furnished them.
(Signed,) ... ,
President of the Confederate • States ef
A Brave Act. —At tlio’battle nf Williams
burg, Captain Watson, of tbo Thirty-eighth
Now York Regiment, whs wounded in the
shoulder, and also had his log broken. His
sergeant and corporal remained with him to
take care o'f him, and for a few moments .du
ring, an ohslaughtor of the Rebels, The centre
of the regiment fejl bade. The Rebels ad
vancing, one of the soldiers aimed at these, ■
officers, when tlfcy hallooed out: “Shoot at
us, if you please: wo are here to attond-to our
Captain, who is wounded, and wo will riot
leave him, no matter what happens to us!”
The liinutenant-Oolonel of the Tenth Ala
bama Regiment,-upon hearing these words,
said to the soldiers; “.Don’t shoot them, they
are ton bravo hoys for that.”. The soldier'
fell back, and the Thirty-eighth, making a
charge, upon the Rebels, scattered them and
the officers were'saved.,
Old Mansions and Ce.meteries.— Diror't’y
hack of the canip of Colonel Avorill's Third
Pennsylvania 'Cavalry are two
old mansion, formerly used.dn
al times, as the Goveiior-Tjeneriil’s
'The main part of the buihliri^m i 3' F ?^S|rp ; -’
moved, leaving flie Mb
king two distinct residences. "Ode of them is
about undergoing repairs, and-'when comple
ted will bo a fine residence. One of.the buil
ders is now the, hospital[id. the,above, cavalry.
The former resident of the dwelling is a Sur
geon in the Rebel army. Judge Beverly
Tucker, when living, resided in this property.
IPs widow resides a-short distance in front
nf this old homestead, in a magnificent man
sion. r ; .'' ■ ■
In the cemetery attached to the old.Epis
oopapphrirch fhomaUi'ds rif mariy : whri appear
in our Revolutionary annals are interred.—
Several of the Ra dolph,family and the Blair
family are consigned here.• The old church
is nbw a hospital filled with mutilated Reb
els.. ■ '
. Stores Opened. —-Several of the citizens'
opened their stores, getting exorbitant prices
frit- their goods. .They take , our. Treasury
Notes, and in one instance wanted our men
to take South Carolina '.Scrip in' change,-—.
These, “merchants”.would. like very much to
got rid rif al| their Sim thorn- funds. The nn
groes.hnve any quantity of “Scrip.” having
been paid-for washing! &.c., in this trash-. It,'
is not worth a sou to them, nnd our boys have
too, much of it to: buy a'ny more us curiosities.
E7* Captain Boggs tells a good story bf
Farrago t. It, seems that before the bombard
ment., of the Forts below New Orient!it, the
'commanders, of the English find French ves
sels of. war near at hand had desired to Bnm
mnnicate’with the forts. This.was agreed to.
After the foreign citptairis' rbtiivried, they in
formed. Captain Farrilght thilt it was useless
for him to attfimpt to take tliil forts—that ho
wooden vessels afloat cmi'.d reduce them or
pass thbiit; t’arfiigiit.roplie I—“lwds.sont
here to make the dttfinipt j You may he
right—hut I came hero to take New Orleans
—tb phss the forts and. I shafl try it on I”
—Eight hundred Confederate prisoners tak
en at Williamsburg and West Eoint, ward
brought to Fortress Monroe on’Tuesday, and
an exchange was made with those who ar
rived from Richmond. Sixty-five of them re
fused to hd exchanged, hut have taken the
oath of allegiance,.preferring to remain out
of the realms of Seoessia; Others would have
done the some had they riot ill the
South, who needed their assistance; .
8(33c A special dispatch from Washington
in the Now York Herald , which is possibly
true and probably not, sayd that the recall of
General Hunter is fully determined on. His
proclamation will he made the subject of a
communication by tho'Prosident to Congress,
and in that way to the country, unmistaka
bly condemning tho course of Gen. Hunter,
and clearly .announcing iho policy of the Ad
ministration in the conduct of the wfir.
JBSay A friend of ours, who amused himself
last Summer, by camping out on the Penin
sula, and came near being eat, up by the mos
quitoes and other insects, says the worst
wish ho has to Jeff. DaVis is that the Gov
ernment may sentence him to thSt Spot for
BSy A young lad, named Alexander Ken
nedy, had hia foot out off by attemnting to
ride on flic' cars from tho bridge to the tun
nel at Pheonixvillo a few days ago. In jump
ing off lie was thrown under thb wheel.
F.iiu HiT.—The editress of the Ladies’ Re
pository says “ the nation wants a man;”
and tho Milford Journal asks if that lady has
not “confounded her own personal want with
that of tho nation." .
IC7* Tho Congressional conservative move
ment recently organized in Washington is
participated in by twenty-seven Union mem
bers,. thirteen democrats and two republi
Cprrectcd Weekly hy Woodward & Schmidt
Flouh, Superfine/ per bbl.', 4,50
do., Extra, ■ do,/ ■ 4.75
do., Rye, do.,’ 2,611
White Wheat, per bushel,' 1,20
Red Wheat, do., j’jo
Rtk, do., 68
Coa.-t, do., 40
Oats, do., .311
ScaiNO Baulet, do., .16
Fall do,, ■ d 0.," 6U
Clovebseed, , do., . .. -.LOO
TmorßVaßSiT, di».,’ ’ ' 1,00
Flour, superfine,. ; :• . r j• \ 612
“ extra, : : : : ’ 6 fi2
Rye Flour/ : : : : : : 350
Corn Meal, : : : . : : : ■2 60
Wheat, red, : : . ; : 162 a 1 20
u white, : : : : : 133 a 1 40
Rye, ; : • : t : : : 27
Corn, yellow, : : s’:.:-; 64
“ white, • : ; ’ : : : .63
Oats, : : : : : 38
Whisky, :
1869. ’SPKir\’<V *1862.
TVTOW offers ono of the best and montattrac
-L i tiyb'Usaortmeuts of Piece Goods over exhibited
ia this placoTor
of ov6ry Style, Quality and Price, continually
receiving additions us tbo season advances, of all
tho latest nuvolticsand styles to suit all classes. ■
Our stock of'READY MAI)E CLOTHING, all
our qivi\ munufacturo, cannot bo excelled for .
'of every'variety to suit tho Season, Taste, and pock
et. All wo want is a call and see for yourselves at.
North. Hrtftovdr, Strdot 'Clothing Emporium,
N. B. All good's bought 'from us by tho piece or
yard by persons wishing tolmVo it cut to measure,
can bo accommodated free of charge.
Carlisle, May X, 1802. ,
Tcifetl Sliirls
MADE to measure and guaranteed a per
foot fit
warranted to bo of a superior article of Linen and
Muslin ol tbo mo jt celebrated makes. Also, every
variety of Shirts constantly kept on hand of every
Stylo and -Quality.
jfrSS* Collars of all the Latest Styles out.
TUv Public.
Carpet Bags,
Umbarella?, &c.
of every description*and largest variety. Sold at
lowristprices o!t , - ’
North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium.,
May-8,1862!, '
'PUB undersigned Auditor appointed by the,
X 'Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland Coun
ty, to marshal .and. distribute .tho- hahinec in the
hands of John-IV! Foust, Assignee of Wm. N. Uus-
Vcl A Samuel : P. Harper, to and amongst the crcd
dtbrs, will attond to. tho duties of his appointment
;nt his office, in Carlisle, on Wednesday; tho /Ith of
Juno next, of which all interested-wili take notice,
and present their claims for demands. Ac.
, Tffily 15, ISO2-3t., . Aml liar.
■ PIIE .Auditor nppidntod- by the Court' of
X-Common Pleas to distribute tbo assets in the
hands of John Jacobs, Assignee of William Slyder,
Silver Spring township, to and among tho creditors,
of the said William Slyder, will moot the parties
interested for tho purpose of his appointment,’ at
his office in Carlisle, on Saturday, tho pith day of
.June nest, at 10-o’clock, A. M.' 1 1 . .
. L. J: W; FOIILK;
■ . . c ' - -' Auditor.
Carlisle, May 15—It. . -
THE undersigned’ has determined to;sell
out lii3 vliry oktdriisivo dud elegant nsssorty
meat of ,
|it first cost ! lie will not attempt to spcclCy. Suffice
it to soy, his stock is large and complete, compris
ing in part, .
of all kinds'and descriptions,' a’l of winch were
at low rate's for cash, and sold t*fc
thb suiiio figure.
Housekeeping goods,
pucli as bleached and unbleached Shoctijigsi Pil
low. Casings, Linen and rntton Table Cloths> Tick
ings, White and. Brow- Muslins, itc., ito; ;
Hia stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c., ip
tho iafcgost and best in this section of the country;
Give mo an .early calk all who want great bar
gains. for I intend to do just what I say, and sell
out my ontito stock at fiiit cdst; Como one; come
all!' »
Two,dnnfs north of the Carlisle Deposit Bunk.
N. B. County Merchants will find it to thoir ad
vantago to give mo a call, for I can soil to them
at cheaper rates than.they can purchase tho samo
goods in tho city; P* A;
■ All persons knowing.themselves indebted tb tiic
undersigned,, will plcaSo call and -settle their ac
counts immediate!}’, as tho books must ho settled;
' Carlisle, May 15,1862.
TillE undorfiijrncd Assignee of Michael
Miiuch, will soil at public sale, the following
valuable real estate, viz .
No. 1. A. tract of land, situate in Frankford
township, - Cumberland county, bounded by hinds
of. John Waggoner, Ge rge ICiehl, Leonard Minldh,
and others, containing
' _ and 123 porches, with a BANK, BARN,
e first rate STONE DEWELLING
Orchard, and running water
most of tho fields;
I i"Silnnß| ) No.-2, A tract of land'in the same
townsuip, bounded by lands of David Sbiboly and
others, containing.
and other improvements.
No. 3. A tract of TIMBER LAND, in the same
township, boupded by lands of John Nickey,
Goorgq waggotief Ond others, containing
No. 4. A tract of TIMBER LAND| in tho same
township, hounded by lauds of J. B. Snydor, A.
Barriok and others, containing
No, 5. Allthoso certain Out-lots, in the Borough
of Carlisle, at tho east end of the totfn,’.ridjpining
lands of Carey Al 4, Jacob Zug and others, contain
irig about i .
• r • • • • V ,•. “•
Tbo sale of tbo Prankford lands. will >bo .made on
farm'Nd. 1, on SATURDAY, tbo 7Ur day of JUNE,
A. I). 18*52. Salo to commence at 10 o ? clook A. M,
of said day.
Tbo sale of the Town Lots will bo made at tbo
Court Houso, in Carlisle; on SATURDAY; tbo 14th
day of JUNE, 1852. Solo to commence at 2 o'clock
P. M. of that day, at which times and places terms
will bo made known by -
MnyB, 1852—7 t ‘ Am^iicc:
Notice. . .
THE board of Directors of the Carlisle De
posit Bank, have this day declare a dividend
of 6 per cent, out of the profits of tho tjank for top
lastsix months, which will bo paid over to tho Std ? lT-.
- holders or thoir legal representatives upon demand
being made for tho same. '
Carlisle May 8* 18C2.
For Rent.
THE largo rooms formerly occupied by
tho Post-bdico, corner of Hduovor and Pomfret
stroots, Carlisle, are for rent. Inquire of
Wo have just received a lot of 55 dozen of
11 Itieli'a" superior mado Corn Brooms, which we
confidently recommond as tho host and cheapest
Broom in tho market. For salo only by tho subscri
ber, oitfier at wholesale or retail. . 1
November,'lB9l, J, W,
Auditor’* fVolicr.
imif: &oobs
ASSIGNEE 8,11,13.
Groat Excitement
HAS been raised in Carlisle
ing country on learning that the subscriber
haj rolurnod from tho city, with-a tremendous
stock of ' *
All bought fbroash,and to b*b sold at such low
prices us Will causo some people to shako in their
boots. In this very cxtonsivo'stock m*y bo founll
great plica of
24J b 24
Of Silk Poplins,. Turin Lustre, Fancy Silks, in va
riety, Black Silks, of tho very most celebrated
manufacture, Mohair,'Plaid, Poll‘<l6 Chotfc Silk,
Chock, Tirabroidcrod Mohair Satin, Plaid, Check,
Mozambique, Challios, 'Do Laiuos, Bombdzineg,
Lawns, &c., <to. , a
Vestihg, boya' wSor/bf, good quality aha'Uo'sirablo
• style's. •
Ticking, 'ChbdkV Flannels, Qingbami, Muslins,
Lawns and ,
C.jWrtCOES, *
Of Vepy bandsomo and inefficient quantity
to olotho every fetoult: in tbf:i county.
1 Imvo aftb ihb 1 orgeat assortment of
In the interior of Pennsylvania, of all qualities,
anil at very satisfactory prices to the.purchaser.
Besidda, I have,almost oVtfry 'desirable article in
my lino of business that can bo.mentioned, select
ed'with groat care, .and an eye single to tho
wants of this community, and the present .times;
Tho public is .advised to see these magnificent
loads of goods, before purchasing olsowhofc, as I
am confident that advantages will bo gained by a
careful examination of my stock of goods, which
for immensity has never been, ami perhaps never
will, bo equalled in this place for size, beauty and
tbb old wpll-knowlßstand of .
April 10, 1862.
Corner of South Hanover and, Walnut’.Sts.
' PIIE undersigned beg«U;ftve to announce to
I the public that ho, has leased the above new,
largo and commodious
IB 6 T EL,
And is now prepared to accommodate tho travo’irig
public in tho most ploasa* t and agreeable manner.
Ills Table.—Will nt all.times bo furnished with
the boat tbo markets Afford,
His Stock or Liquors.—Will bo found superior
to that generally kept hr hotel-keepers. '
Tun Stabling.—ls now, and capable of accomo
dating fifty head, of horses; Running water In the
stable/and Weigh-scales, (under roof.) and a large
Stock-yard attached. lie is, indeed, amply pro
vided with everything to render his house a desira
ble stopping place, and a comfortable home to tho
♦ravcler or permanent sojourner, .
Having had,'many years experience as a hotel
keeper, ho hopes tc .bo able to please and to receive,
a liberal share of patronage.
Permanent, and transient-boarders received on
reasonable toruis. .
ASS'* Terms Mtfdora o.
..._ JOHN MYERS, Proprietor.
April 2 X, 1302.—Gin.
NOTICE. —Itwillbo seen by the following
advortiseraont-.that Henry A. Stdrgcon, Esq.
has retired-from. tho. firm of .Kor, Dunlap A Co.,'
and that Samuel-Hepburn, Esq., of Carlisle, Cum
berland county, Pa., has been associated with tho
remaining.partnors in tho firm of Kor) Dunlap &> Co.,
and that Wwi. W, Hepburn lids been elected Cdshior
in tho placo of Mr. Sturgeon, .
Kicii a rd. Woods,
John 0; Dunlap,
Samuel Hepburn.
' This Bank will cdntihuo, to do a.
At their Hanking House, in. Carlisle, under the
njimo.aud stylo of KER,-DUNLAP & CO.
'Money will be rccoivcd on deposit and. paid back
on demand, wß.houtrnotico, Certificates of deposit,
boarintt iuioro*t J* - ** W ’Bblv
issued tpyhs short i v pcriod as four months, , Inter*
ost on'all certificates will coaso at maturity, but if
such certificates are roqtfw.od at any time thereafter
for another given period, they shall bear the. Shine
rdto of interest up to.tho-limo of rcqowq-1. . Tivonty
days notice must bo given of an intention to with
draw interest deposits.
.The proprietors would call the attention of Far
mersi Meohanios and • all others u safe I
depository for their money, to tho fact that they arc
riot only liable to fhq amount of their stock in the
Bank, but aro. individually liable to tho extent of
their whole estates for all the deposits and other
tibligations of Kcr, Dunlap & Co. .
Particular attention will ho given to tho collec
tion of Vendue Notes, Foreign Bills, Drafts, Cheeks,
Ac., in any part of tho United Stdtcs .and Canadas.
Remittances 'made to any fiurt of. tho United
States, England and Ireland.
They all times bo pleased to.givo any in
formation desired iu regard to, moiley mutter's in
Tho faithful and confidential execution of all
business entrusted to thorn may bo relied upon.
Tho Bank will bo ope,p for business from 9 o’clock
in tho morning, until 3 o'cldfckin the afternoon.
Discount day..ovory Tuesday:
Collections from Philadelphia, New York and
Dhstori iriado on favorable terms. .
Tho proprietors refer to .
. .i-ThilaHclplUa.
- f Js* Hi CIiAUK ft C. 0,, J ; , c
Winslow/ Lainer & Go.; Now York.
.Clark, Cileney A Co., Boston.
....ff. W. HEPBURN,
Carlisle, March (!, 1802.—1 y - Cathier.
New Wine anil Liqiior Store, ,
(nearly OPPOSITE gill’s HOTEL.)
THE undersigned would respectfully cull
tho attention of Merchants, Holol-kocpersj
aiiil citisons generally, to hii now Wine and Liquor
Store, where ho intouds to keep constantly o'n, hand
a full and complete assortment of
Any article sold nn such, will bo 03 represented,
and will bo s Id Wholesale or Retail at tbo lowos.
market prices.. His stock consists in part of
Boaliou, Otard, J. J. Dupuy, Pollovoiiin, suporior
old Cherry, Blackberry, and Ginger.
Sherry, Port, Madeira, Malaga and Claret. - •'
Monongahola, Old Ryr, Bourbon and Common.
Together wiih a full assortment of Gins, Jamai
ca Spirits, St. Croix and New England Rum.
BITTERS—Of. tho very host quality.
April 24. 18(j2. ~ •.
Cumberland Valley
fin and after Monday. May 5, 1802, traina
ij on tho ahovo roads will loavo as follows, (Sun
days oxcoptoil;)
For Chamberabnrg <t Ilorriaburg.
Loavo Hagets’n, ■ . 7 -°_ C L A- ‘ r ;
** ’ Gjooncastle, . 7.37
** Obamberaburg 8.30 *
u . 44 ,■
“ Shipponsbilrg, 0.00
« Nowvillo ,0.32; '
“ Carlislo 10.10
a Moobanicsbnrg 10.42
Arr. at Harrisburg 11.15 “
; For Ohambertburg and Hagerttovm.
Loavo Harrisburg, 8.05 A. «. L3o p ; ( u .
“ Mochaniesburg, 8.47 4.10
Carlislo, . .9.31 “
» Nowvillo, 10.02 S-2» “
“ Sbipponsburg, 10 4. (
“ Cbambbrsbprg, 11.10 *•
" G-oonoasllo, H. ; M “ „ :
A Tt alJSioos'wbcro »s.!’. are soUI, a rodbpyoo
entering .the oars. O. N.LtfLL, j
R. Ri OffictN May
IN Goods* .wjircs, 'rnicl Slorpfinndiso, nnd of
DiMillcrs, Brokers, Tjiiinbormon, Beer nnd Eating
Houses, within tho County of Cumberland} ns
appraised and classified hy Ooorgo Scoby, Mercan
tile Appraiser, and by ;bim returned to the under
signed, Treasurer of said County, to wit:
Lcidigb, Sawyer & Miller, dry-goods, 10 $2O 00
A. W. Bontz, « 10- 20 .
Philip Arnold, H 12 12 50
Barney lloffmap,' Groceries, 14 7
J. W. Eby, « 11 15
C.lnhoff, " 11 . 15
Wm. Bunti, •» 13 10
M. Myers, , « 13 10
•J. F. Steel, « *l4 7
A, G. Lcchler, ** 14 7,
George Lciby, “ 14 7
Henry Hurkncsi, 14 14 7
Susan Winchcl, a ‘ 14 7
Woodward & Schmidt, produce, 11 • 15
Henderson <fc Reed, “ 12 12 60
J. R. Noncmnker, 11 13 10
J. & D Rhoads, *• 14 7
J. P. Lyno & son, hardware, 11 15
Henry Saxton,, “ , - 10 20
Armstrong & Hoffor, lumber and coal 13 10.
Oliver Ddancoy, . 11 13 10
S. M. Hoover, « 14 7
A. B. Ewing, furniture, 14 7
H. Rhoads, " 11 7
C. Ogilby, Agent, dry goods, 13 10
Wm. M. Milos, “ 14 7
N. IV. Woods, agt., . 14 * 7
L. T. Greenfield & co., " .14 7
B. R. Jameson, fancy 44 14 7
U E: Shnpley, jewelry, 14 7
Thomas Conlyn, “ 14 7
F. C. Kramer,
IV. D. A: Nnuglo, “ 14 ; 1
James Loudon, books,-£o. t .14 7,
A. M. Piper;. ■' ’ '?* uh'J
J. D. stoves,
Mrs. M. Morrity u
-S, W. lluvcrstidk, drugs, ; , . 13 10
Samuel Elliott, • u 14 ; , 7
S. B; Ponncbakcr, “ .14 7
Mr. S. M. Kciffer, confectionary, 14 . 7
J. ll.Rhccm, ‘ “ 14 > 7
Peter Monycr, ./ 14 -7
Jacob Setter, shoos, 14 7
Robert Moore, <f . 14 . 7
John Irvine, 44 . .14 7
S. Ensiningcr, robes, Ac.,, 14 7
11. S. Hitter, merchariV tailor. If, , 7
Mrs. M. J. Stuiriph, groceries) 14 *7;
John Taller, “ ■ 14. 7..
J.D. Meek, 14 7
David Kecriy) - ,t . ' ' J 4 ' , 7
•A. Monasmith, . 44 , .14 7
Jacob Wolf, " 14 7
J. Boas A co., hattr, .14 7
J. G. Gallia, Vt 14 -7
John Holler, • <Y • 14 ' 7
Mrs. E. Williams, ipiUinery, U 7
Mrs. M. Neff, ' ,U ' 7
Eliza Stahl, 44 14 7
Mrs. J. Huttori/ “ . ' 14 , 7
. David Cornman, flour and- fecd> 14 7
Johh Schraol, baker, 14 j 7
G. Qrorsman, -‘l4. 7
Wm. Seller's.' • 14 7
Lewis Faber,. u 14 '7
John Sellers , u - , 14 7
David Sipc, pajJer, Ao - .* 14 . 7
Ismle Livingston, clothing) 13 10
Arnold A son, , ' ** ' • -13 10
J. W. Smiley, “ 13- 10
E. B.Leonard, 44 13' 10
Allison A Koepy, marketing,'- •14 . 7
J. 11. Frederick,-. “ 14 , , 7
David Fredericks, 44 14 7
William Askew, 4t . “ 14 7
Janies Gallic & son, ( . 4 "7
Wm. Wort. “ 14, 7
Bcnjarpin Hosier, dealer, 1,4 7
Peter Faust, produce, H 7
Joseph D. Halbort, groceries, 14, 7
Jacob Sb’rora, (t 14 . ..7
Strohm. Hock A Coffey, dry .goods, 13 $lO .00
Benj. Plank, ‘ 44 [ ‘ 14' 7
Isaac Brepineman,
.John S- Sterrett,
John Dunlap,
Rnglcharl «fc'Wormloy,-lumber, ' 14 .$7 00
Kerr Hummel, ‘ - u 12 12-60
May «t Linglefleld, i* ■ 13 10
-Adam Eslinger, 14-7
J. Rinobard it co., . 14 -7
George W. Fesler, dry goods) 13 10'
1). Dculingcr, 14 7
Jqcob’Ronnirigerj-gtoccries) 1-4 7
William. Banks, , “ 14 7
John McCormick', u 14 7
j. Longanocker, • , t 4 ■ 14 7
S. R. Patterson, produce, 13 10
Michael.Free-P. 14 7
Jos. Bidlcmau, marketing, • 14 • 7
David Brown, u ■ .14. 7
Win. Green, drygpqds, ’ '
H. Buckwaltor, groceries,
James IT. Johnston, dry goodji, >
D. Rupp, - ‘t 13
A. Sbrivor, . it ]4
George Li Ilaln, stores, 14
Cyrus Tcraplin, furniture, 1
Jereriiiah McCartney, iparkoting, 14
M. Baggot, confectionary, Ac., 14
Hi G. Mosier, produce, 14
. LOWER ALLRir. . ,
Bltijor & Wise, shoos,' , ,14 $7 00
Abraham Brower, dry goods, . 13 10
John Coleman, “ 14 7
Eli w. Wise, 44 14 7
William Crall, manroting, ,14 7
J. Young, 14 7
G. Brubaker, 44 . 14 7
C. Ebcrly, dealer, li 7
Brindlo »fc Sons, dry goods/ i-3 $lO 00
11. Ji Stevens, “ . ; 14 7
D. L. Dovinoy. drqgs, 14 7
Henry Spabr, flour,. 14 -7
Samuel Plank, dealer, 14 7
Jacob Groogor, groceries, 14 7
S. i). MoKinhbyj dry goods,' 14 $2 00
J. A. Swilcr, dry goods, , , . ~.l4 .2
E. L. Shryopk, “ ■ 14 7
KEWVILLBt • •. ; ■
T. McCnndlish, dry goods, 33 $lO 00
Klipk A'co., • , T3' 10 ,
■Slough * Elliott,-." ~ ' 12 12.60
J. O. A J: B. Brown, hardware, 10 30
S. O. Wild, drugs, 14 2
Wm. Itoed. “ ■ ■ ■ t 14 2.
IV. L. McCulloch, groceries, 14 2
S. M. Olaiisor, ■ 14 2
Jos. Langldin, clothing, 34 ,2
J. B. Cobaoh, agent, 'stoves* 34 2
A. Euhrmnn, marketing, 34 .2
John Hard, " I"!- 2
Ferguson A Co,, dry goods, 14 $2 OJI
S. Miller A Sons, “ U 2
Bowors A Myers, 1 " 34 7
J. & J. Kyle, " }3
A. Minnich. *' £
Hursh A Hays, . “ ( ’ ’ . 34 ,2
Lewis A co-, Rod Barn, produce, 13 30
Snyder A Nettle, . " ■ 3.1 35
J. A J- B. Hursh, " 13 15
Newcomer. A Horn, 11 ■ 33 30
J. AJ. B. Hursh, “ Oakville, 13 10
.Henry .F-.Spydor, shoos, .14 ■ 2
j. M..Wagner,' marketing, 14 2
Stoviok, <lfy gob’ds, 13 $lO 00
Jiirarfs Green, “ 18 10
David'Hoover, flour, 14 7
d; 6tovfolt, furniture, 14 7
George Russell, dtj good's, ‘ 14 $7 60
d, P.Wiso, “ . U 7
W.M. Watts, * " 14 7
Miss E. Russell " 14 7
A. Goodheart A 00., marketing. 14 *
J. Booteifl, " 14 7
; SOUTH MtODlsETOn’. f '
Alexander k jfullin. dry goo*, « $lO 00
Kaufman & Broohbill, 4 . .j_, „ ;; [I \
S. N. Divon, „ 14 7
Harnoy Gordnor, j.
Samuel Sbupp, flonr, ~ <r
C. Hoop, furnituro, r
Hoovor & K inter, marketing, ‘
D. Newman, shop,
2.45 r. u.
3.35 “
Ar. 4.20 p. m.
Leave 12.55 u
J. 28 “
2.00 “
2.40 •«
. 3.12 “
3.10 “
. 13 $lll 00
Goorgo Coffey, dry goods, * lO
L. Strohra, J, J 4 7
Goorgo Glover, ,4' 7.
J. Scbooli.jfc Bro., 4 \ 14 7
Wm. Hawk, marketing.
a.„CUI»iIpr. groceries, U 00
itiifinan & Bro., •• f, 1
:P. Dptrioli. “ W I
Jacob Faguo, “ . ,J I
J. H. Faatnnoh <fc Co., groceries, 14, T,
P.». Art*, :: M y
Cox & MeCuno, dry goods, 13 10
j. Ueck & Co.. 13 10
J.&J.B. Redding," 12 12 50
Stuart & Sons. 13 10
Stovick & McPherson, dry g'a, 13 10 .
B. J. Snoddy, furniture, 14 7
Hostettef & Skilos, clothing, 14 7
J'. Bridges merchant tailor, 14 7
Bankin & Bro., drugs,, 14 7
John Stnmbach, “ 14 7
J.C. AUiok, " - 14 7
John McCurdy, " , 14 ,7.
Airs AI. Dubbs, millinery, 14 7
J. Landis, jewelry, - 14 7
ITyrnm Ilysinger, jewelry, 14 7
Grnbill & Johnson, hardware, 12 12 50
Forney’& McPherson, “ 13 10
A. J. Wolf, stoves, ■ 14 7
I. M.llykesi “ • 14 7
Ruby & Lawton, produce, 10 20
T.P. Blair, “ 11 15
Martin Angle, lumber, 14 7
Kelso & Hinkle, stationary, 14 7
Johnson & Senror, coal, &0., 14 -7
G. B. Colo, hats, &c., 14 7
G. W. Croft, " : 14 7-
Beni. Bigcs, marketing, 14 J
S. Myers, " 14 7
Charles Oyster, lumber, 13 $lO 00
Lee & Ehcrly, “ 12 12 50
Musser & James, "
V. Freeman,
T. Willct, dry goods, ,14 . -7
J.G. Miller. “ ’ 14 7
Andrew Rosa, produce, 13 10
u r
Gosoyiler & Zook; dry goods, 13 $lO
Ilitam Longanecker, dealer. 14, 7
Lino & Givlcr, produce, : .13 $lO 00
Then. Humshini, “ 13 10
Henderson & Rood, produce,.. .14 7 .
Hihviii -1110108, dry goods, 11 , . 7 .
J. W. Hanshew, “ ■ 14 7 ■
Eher James, “ . 13 -10
Tobias Sites, marketing, 14 7. .
lYm. Bishop, “ : 14 7
Win. Vannard & Co., market’g, 14 "r 7 ■!
G. iy. Robinson, dry goods, 14 7
Wm. IT. Rekles, dry goods, 14 $7 00
,1. J. Coble, , . “ 13 'lO
David Gtruhnv, .“ 13 10
Jacob Simniona. “ ■ 14 7
Jacob W. Leidigh,; /V . H ' 7 ■
Jos. Fink.'merchant tailor, 14 ,7
Fisher & Kapp, dealers, 14 7
Wni.'S, Burklibldqv, dealer, J 4 ,7
John ,B. teifjigli, produce,.' '' 13 10
F.Breckmaker, marketing, 14 . 7 ■
J. Brandt & Son, dry goods, ,14 $7 0,0
D. Comlbrt& Sons, “ 13 10
Brindle it Nuiswauger, dry g’ds, .11 , 15
John Reiglo, ’ . “ 14' 7
Henry'Lease,,® “ 14 7 -
Kaufman &’Oswald, produce,' 13 .10
Thomas B. Bryson, ■“ ,12 12 50
John Johnston it-Soh,, “ 12 12 50
Einminger\t Singisor, “ 13 . 10
Zaekariaa it Haverstick. prodi, 14- 7
Jos. Mllleimm; lumber, 14 7.
Geo. Hummel, lumber it coal, 14 7
Daniel Grsfhill, clothing, 14
L. W. Abrams, “ 14 . 7
■Arnold & Co., ' “ 1-1 7
Bnhb & •Oarretaon, hardware, 13 10
John S. Boyers, .13 10
R. Wilson it Sons, stoves, 14 .7
Win. Wunderlich, “ .14 1 ,7
Lnhligh & Mathews', “ 14’ 7-
J. B. Herring, drugs, 14 . 7
J. S.. Dallctt, ■ 14 7.
Ira Day, “ 14 7
R. Thomas, groceries, 14 7
Robert Mills, “ 14 ;7 .
i Fagon & Armstrong; groceries, 13 10
S. <l. Bowman, , ■ ■ “ 14 7
IJ. Eminger, “14 7
( Samuel \V. Worst, furniture, 14 7
John Rupp, ■ . .14 7
Milter arEherly, dealers, 18 10
C. Knimos, shoes, ' , 14 7
Levi Reigle, hats & shoes, 14 7
J. F. Raflensburger, music, 14 7
Jacob Swartz, jewelry, 14 7
E. S. Keene, . 14 7
.Swiler & Kiefer, mere, tailors, • 14 : 7
Jacob Winernan, baker, 14 7
Mrs. S. -Bryan. millinery, -14 : 7
George Steinour, marketing, 14 7
Marshall <t Doviuny, “14 7
George Kosen, “ 14 ,7
J. J, Smith, baker, ,14 7
J 7 00
$2 00
Frederick Kenner, Carlisle, 7 $lO 00’
Gutleib Swe.tzer, : “ 7 10
Michael Meehan, “ 7 10
Mrs, M. McDiinoHgli,“ 7 'lO
Andrew Gould, »' I ‘
John C rstnr,, “ ' 7 ' W
Mrs. 11l Hetera, “ " ; 7 . 10
William Sikes, “' 7 10
John Hoffman,, . “ 7 10
Mrs. B; Williams, “ 7 .10
Ewing; Clark r , • .7 W
Mrs J. Lohaeh, “, 7 10
Georpj Poland, “ 7 10 .
Mrs. J. Low, “ 7 10
Mrs. C. Myers,. “ 7 10
George Bei'K, : “ . 7 10
Heitry Strino, ‘ , 7 10 .
Emanuel .Wei rich,- “ . 7 10
Toms & Son, ■ 8 ’S'
Samuel Brown, ' “ 7,. 10
Joseph. Cohlc, East Perinsboro’, 7, . 10 -
John Glossncr, “ 7 10 .
Adam Burkholder, Nbwhnrg, 8 .-5
Charles Brewster, Newton,, ,7 10
C. A. Ilennehorger, ■ “ . 7 10
J. J. Crawford, Nowvillo, 8 , 5
Wm. S; Dunlap, 7 10
fohn Malay, Meehan iosbarg, 7 10 .
P. Wagoner, . “ 7 10
Sanuiel llupert, .• 7 10
0. Shade, Shipponsburg; 7 10
Peter Miller, “ 8 5
names Mackey, “ 7 ' 10
John Miller, . " 8 5
Win. Barhit/,,. Carlisle, 18 00
Benson it Myers, Silver Spring, 25 00
George Poland. 4 tables, ( ( 60 00
Emanuel Wcirioh, 1 table, . 30 00
Notice la hereby given to.all persons named
5n the above list/thnt bv nn Act of Assembly
approved April 11th, 1802, County Troasuor
ors arc required to bring suit and collect all
licenses remaining unpaid on or before the'
first day of July, next, and fiy otlior Acts of
Assembly, vendors, of v.inpna,; spintuus, limit
or browed liquors, without license, nro nlso
liublo lo indictment in the Court of Quarter
sessions. Those interested nro therefore re
quested to lift their licenses without delay
nnd savo the costs,' C,
ana save t j O [IN GUTSIIALL,
Treasurer of Cumberland Count;/.
Carlisle, May 8, 1862. l
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Thomns .Williams deceased/, Into of Ilnmp
dou township, have- boon - issued by iho Reg
ister of Cumberland. county to the subscriber,
residing in sumo township. All persons indebted
to said estate nro hereby requested to make imme
diate payment, and those haring claims will pre
sent them, duly authentiunted, for settlement, to
.JACOR LONUNECKER, Administrator,
April 17, 1802.—01*
THE partnership heretofore existing bo
tvreon Uiebard 11. llummol and Wm. M. Kerr,
has been (Unsolved by mutual consent. All persons
indebted to the late lirm arc notified to make pay
meat to either of the parties, on or before the Ist of
Utf li IMJ-Kl
13 10
JACOB SENER’S Boot and Shoe Store {»
removed to nextdoo'rtb Piper's Bookstore,
opposito tho Cumberland Valley Bank. .
Cheap Boot and Shoe store I
Tho subaoriber has Juafc received from Pfalladal*
pbia nml Poston an extensive and splendid assort
ment of
Mon’s and Boys* Boots, Shoos and Brogans, Mea%
Walking Shoos, calf, patent leather, and elofcht
Gaiters, Ladies’ Button Boots, Balmoral
and laco Boots, Gaiters, Buskins and
Slippers, Ao., Ao., Ao», Ao., Ao. '■* *
which will bo sold low for cash j Purchasers ait
invited to call and examine our stock, and they
will And tbat in prico and quality it will compel*
with any Shoo Store in tho place.-
jZSt*At the Now Store Boom, next door to PipeVv
■ . ;BoOkatHro.*®S^.
Apr ! 10, IS62.—6ih , , ; JACOB SENBR.
1862. SPUING GOODS! 186&
Cmnfielh & €a., . :
HAYING. just received a splendid assort
meat of NEW GOODS, from Now York Sad
Rlnhulclphia, which will bo sold unusually Cbtfmp
for cash.
of all grades, from 70 cents to $1 50. In th* ah*v*
lino ofgooda \vg defy competitions
■ Bilk and Wool Flouranda, Silk PopHni,
Llama Cloths, Mnzumbiqncs, Shop*. ..
Lord Plaids, Wool do Lainos, . .
, , ChaUies, Lawns, Ac., &c.,
at Pwcduocd PricoS. • Wo tiro now offoringonr On*,,
tiro stock of new styles of Spring Delaines at -
Cents, WOHII 25 CODtS. . ■- ‘ ’.
Good Prints at 6i and 8 cent*
Extra " 10 "
Cochecocs/ Mcrrimacs and Spragues at 12J corit#j
Blenched and Unhloachcd Muslins at 0, 8 and' lt
•2cnts, Extra quality, ono yard wide at 12$ cent*.
Lancaster Ginghams at 12J cents. .
Checks, Tickings, Cotton, & Linerl
. bi great variety at old prices..
vMES’S •& BOYS’ WE A 16k ..
A .very handsome lot of CLOTHS and CASBI
MERS for, Mori's'and Boy’s low price*.-
While Goods alid Notions.
A foil lino of the above goods, always on'hand.
Also. HOOP SKIRTS of tbo latest New York style*.
4,800 yards of Carpets, all of tbo newest designs
and patorus in the market) in price from
12J- cents to $l.OO per. yard. Having'purchased
the above assortment in Now York, wo are enabled
to ■’offer superior inducements to .all who will favor
us with a cull* , As our store is now a permanent in
stitution in Carlisle, wo are doterminodto maintain
the name (wo, have-already established) of solling
cheap, notwithstanding the*-various rUmottr that
have been circulated in record to* our leaving town.
• greenfield *OO.,
Carlisle, May 8,1862. . . .
Fite 1 nsuiimvc.
. of Cuinbetbind county, incorporated by. an not of
Assembly, in the'year 1345, and haying recently
had ita charter extended to .tho year 1883, is now
in active and vigorous operation under tho.supor
intendenco of-thc following Bpard of .Managers:
Wm. R. Gorgas, Christian Stnyman, Michael
Cocklini Dpnicl Bailey, Aloxiiiiiir Cathcart, Jafeob
If. Coovcr, John Eifcholbcrgor, Joseph Wickorsham>
Samuel Eberly, Rudolph Martin, Moses Brlokor,
Jacob CoovbrandJ. C. Dunlap.' (
Tho rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in, tho State. Persona,
wishing to become members are invited td make ap
plication to tho Agonts .of the Company who are
willing to wait uppn them at any time.
President—W. R. GORGA.S, Eberly's Mills, Cum
berland county.
Vico Rrcs't.—Christian Statman, Carlisle Cum
berland,county.- , •
o Suot/y.—JoiiN C. Dunlap, Mcohanicaburg, Cuni
borland county. • • ; ... ' .
Treasurer—Michael CpcpLiN,
Cumberland county. ? . ,
Cumberland Shorriok, Allen; ffon
ry Zoarlng,ShiromiinBtpwn ; Lafayette Peflbr, I)iolf
iusou; Henry Bowman, Churcbtown; Mode Gri
lith, South Middletonj Sam’l. Graham, W. Penns
boro’; Bamuql Coovor, Mocbanicsburg; J. W. Cock
lin, Sbep'bcrdutown; D. Coovcr, Upper Allen; J.
0. Saxton. Blivet Spring; John llycr, Carlisle}
Valentino J?ccmjiu, New Cumberland. , ‘ .
York County.—~\V. S- Picking, Dover,* James
Griffith. Warrington; J. F. UeardorfT, Washingtonj
Ricbcy Clark, Dillsbarg; D. Rutter, Fairviow; John
Williams, Carroll.- -
JJUnjthin Comity. —Jacob. Houser, Harrisburg.
Members of the Company having policies about
to expire, can have them renewed by making appU-.
cation to any of tho Agents. ■ -
March 13,- 18G2; • - • ’
.woajivr jo¥A€A»Eir:
An English and Classical Boarding School
for Young Men and Boys,•,
STDfiEXTS designing,'to. pursue the study of tho
Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher Mathe
matics, " • Natural .S’cionceS of . common English
Branches, with a viorf to preparation for college;
teaching or business, will find this Institution to
offer superior advantages and inducements.
Tlio school is well provided with a very superior
so’t of philosophical, chemical and astronomical *p J
paratus. fur experiment and illustration,- together
with geographical, 'physiological, anil other maps,
charts, Ac. - ,
Tho Summer sessipu commences on {tig Ist, Mon
day of May. • For further particulars address tbs
Principal. E.’L.MOOKK.
March 27, 1802.
' jPATEOTEP-JUNE 8, 1858.
qiHIS machine j« 80 very simple in oon-
X strubtion, and efficient %nd easy, in operation,
that a boy or girl 10 or 12 years of ago can porforni
tbo services of Washing with oaso, and do it in 1-4
tho time that a grown person can without a Ma
chine. This is a great saving to those that hire;
also, to tho bone and muscles of those who aro tfbra
polled to endure the trials of tho washing day.—
This Machineisa great eelf-labor earing Invention .
It is-tho universal expression of thosa who have
used it, and they aro legion, that tho hitherto long
and laborious work of washing day is 44 made quick
and easy,” by tho use of this . machine i and the
timo is nflw at band when no family should bo with
out ono. '
The Proprietors have’ no* hesitancy in ’say
ing that this is tho acmo of Washing Machine In
vontion, and worth moro than all others combined.
It is in fact tho “NE PLUS ULTRA’* in thislino
of invention. For confirmation of tho above; call
and examine ono at tbo shop of J. R. WEAVER#
North Hanover Street. Carlisle.
Carlisle, Dec. 12,1801—ly* . ‘
"IVTOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
-L1 Admlnist' ation on tha-cstato of Wm. Hughes/
late of tho borough of Carlisle, doo’d., ,buvo been,
granted to tho undersigned. All persons indebted
to'lho intestate aro to make payment im
mediately,’ and* those having claims against the es
tate will also present them for settlement.
• . ' ’ . W. H. MILLER,