VOL. 48. AMERICAN VOLUNTEER, JDDT.ISRED EVERY THURSDAY MORNTKG DT jora B, Bft4TXp. T E 11 MS Subscription.— Ono Dollar and Fifty Cents, paid |n ftflranco; Two Dollars, if paid within tbo year; *nd Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. These terms will bo rigidly adhered to in fverv instance., No subscription discontinued until §JI arrearages aro paid unless at tbo option of tbo Editor. ADVEimsEMENTS-T-Aocompaniodby tbo cash, and cot exceeding. one square, will bo inserted throe times for One Dollar, and tw.enty-fiyd.conts-.for.each additional-insertion. . Those of a greater length in proportion. . ' Jo'd-JPrtntinq— Such as Hand-bills, Posting-bills, yampblets, Blanks, Labels, Ac,