Great Bargains. A lareo Stock of Now and Desirable Domestic / 6 and Fancy PR I G OOPS at low prices, New Store and New Goods!! tonMi & Ca., giain Street, Carlisle, Pa. T' HE subscribers haying rented Ae store room formerly occupied by- George W. Hitner, on Main street, one door west of the County Prison, , have opened a largo stock of . Foreign and Domestic Goods ■Which will he sold unusually cheap. ' Before enumerating onr stock wo wish to make known to the public a most singular foot. That the onwnrd march of our glorious army, the great sno ces'srf Burnside and Goldsboro in North Carolina, rZeneTgotic advance of Foote and t. Cumberland, the fall of Forts Henry and Dandson ff nnd the eaptiirS of ■ sixteen thousand prisoners^ 1 should cause such a si.ddcn doivnra l of pncos^^ s ’Cotton Goods in Carlisle, while i . has md not ® ho , Jterial change of prices in' ooas thas net •; opening oi cotton P orta Jnff of tbo groat . lowered the prices. But the to r,” as some, of " Cotton Emporium,” or “ » o S“'^i| 9hAo nt from , our customers have styled our l j ffcot ftn d Chambersburg, that has had ‘he of | wo Ses'peetful.y teriiir'si'rrHS’ * ‘S'VoS;™ I OToVmVAM K.Li- ABLE: * at _. wr'o» 12i ft ■With a fine assortment of Sheetings, at prices much below thoir present value. - • , calicoes. Calicoes at 81 0ta.11200 yds Calicoes at 10 800 yfis.'Calicoes, 8 ctslsOOO a Wo shell sell .the host quality of prints,, namely ■ Cochecos. Morrimacka, Sprague & Dunnell.s . Calicoes at 12* cents for yard. * Also Choice Solid Black and Spot Black Prints ' ' . and Second Mourning Chintzes at 12J cents pot yard. The above largo lot of Prints were purchased be fore tho late advance in prices, and consumers will, receive all tho benefit. Call soon. TICKINGS At OLD, PRICES 1 , Bed Ticks at m and 18? cents; extra quality at 25, and 6-4 extra quality Ticks at old prices. blacrsilrs. Black Silks in- grout varioty (it «2i, 75, 87i oonts and *1 00 per yard. ! Wo shall offer some 300 yards, of the choices* q-miity and best gloss black Silk over sold m this to .rn .at $1 00 per yard. MB 3A3ffJ BMB<;,'. Having purchased a larjrclot of desirablostylos at low'prices, wo shall offer Fancy Dross Silks at 75 and 87i cents, and extra quality at $1 00 per yard. COTTONADES AND KENTUCKY JEANS, In largo variety, for Spring wear,'old prices. 3,000 Yards Laiicnst er Glnsrliams Choice stylos, at 12i.ccnts; a Jargo assortment of Double-width Domestic Ginghams at 12*. CANTON FLANNELS, Bleached and unbleached, at 12i dents per yard. Also, a fair assortment of cb.oico stylos and sea- Eonablo Dross Goods embracing . /■atipy and Plain Delaines, Cashmeres, Alpaca’,fa sgj'To customers and purchasers of goods wo Worunt a largp »vtoa.»f The undersigned, who, has boon soiling goods for Bents * Bros, for the past bight years, .would respectfully ask of his old friends andcus tomors a portion of their patronage, assuring them •that it will to his aim at all times to give them as-Good Goods at loin prices.-^ - Jj. T. GBEENFIEDD. Morcli 6,1862. ■ _—! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Since the late victories Domestioe Cotton GoSave declined as *«" *• ■YBn"& a MiT£ER, at°tl.°e n Ncw store, under Martin?,, Hote). East Main street,) arc receiving daily largo Tew spring goods, which, with our old stock we are determined to sell at CITY PRICES. DRESS GOODS of every va riety: ~ . Plain and Fancy Silks at all prices.; A lar"0 lot of now Black Silks at 75, 87}, 1.00, 126 160 1'75, 2.00, 2.60; now Spring Delaines at 25 cents: 4,000 yards of best quality Morimac, 'Cocbeoo, Pacific’ and American Prints, dark.and light colors, now stylos, at 12i ; a largo at lots 6, 8 and 10 cents. Full and Second • Mourning Prints, BEST QUALITY ENGLISH, 12}. All kinds Domestic Ginghams 12i ; Manchester 18J • 30 pieces of French and Scotch Dross and Bonnot Ginghams at 25. BROWN AND WHITE MUSLINS., at w'dosalo and retail, good’quality 8, fine 10, 4-4 wide 12*. .Also 5-4, 8-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 at corres ponding prices. All kinds of HEAVY GOODS in largo supply at .reduced prices—Tickings, Stripes, Cheeks, Drillings, Osnahurgs, Cotton Diaper, Ac, Ac. Xinen Diaper, Napkins, Shirting Linens, Shirt •Fronts, Collars, at old prices. White Goods, all ■kinds, at old prices. -SPRING MANTLES, DUSTERS, SHAWLS, embroideß-IE S &c. Hoop Skirts diroot from the factory. 800 doz. La dies’, Misses, Men’s hnd Boys’ HOSE. 12$ to 25. Men's and Boys’ Wear. Black Cloth's nndCassimcrss, all grades, Fancy Cassimors, latest styles, Vestings, Satinets, Jeans, Cottonados, Ac., Ac. ■ Having secured the services of a first class Tailor, wc prepared to get up Clothing in the most fashion able style at short notice. v CARPETS! CARPETS! Wo are receiving our Spring supply of Carpets, .comprising all the various kinds kept in a first class Carpet House. Carpets ranging in price from 12$ to 1.25. Oil Cloths, all widths. Mattings, Look ing Glasses, Shades and Blinds of all kinds. 1,000 lbs. Carpet chain; Feathers; Cotton Batting; •Counterpanes, Ac., Ac. All the above goods and many others ; wo offer to purchasers at a small advance above cost. Win ter Dress Goods—Shawls, Mantles, Furs, loss than, first cost. Wo determined not to bo undersold. Please call and examine our immense stock. We will make additions of Now Goods ns the season advances. All Goods warranted to bo what we sell them for. LEIDIOH. SAWYER A MILLER, Carlisle, February 26, 1862. Hurrah, for Cheap Goods! PHILIP ARNOLD has just opened several oases of 1) R V GOODS, which he is to soil at greatly rochicpd prices, CHEAPER THAN CAN BE PURCHASED THIS SIDE OF PHILADELPHIA, the bragging advertisement pfthe merchants of a neighboring town. All ho will say is that ho is prepared to soil Ooods 'I 9 $ $ $ 9 AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE jn this region of country. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES, 4*nd if the prices are not satisfactory do not buy PHILIP. ARN OfiD. M.roh 6, 1802. POOR' HOUSE STATEMENT, FOR 1861. \H7TLLIAM GRACBY, JOHN MILLER, VV and WILLIAM CORNMAN, Esquires, Di rectors ot the Poor and of tho House of Employ ment of tho County of Cumberland, in account with said County, from tho Ist day of January to tlio 31st day of December* 180 l» Cash received from Country Treasurer, $9,300 00 Carlisle Deposit Bank load, i , ’ok on Gardner & Co., for old drill and old metal, _26 00 A. Hosier and others for hogs, Coldwcll and others for lard and tallow, loa John Fuller for eggs, • ■ E. Morrison, F. Washbush, J, Heilman, and Wra. Lane, deceased paupers, "* William Gracoy, money refunded, ° ‘ D. Wink for 1 barrel eider and apples, lg " Q 0 Drover for roan horse, 90 00 Drovers for pasture, , ti no J. T. Sterling, for use of Mary Knotllo, J. M. Moans, for use. of C. Laughliu, . *6^ J, Clendonin, Esq., for hides, gQ "<< “ for postage, « Condon for Vest, . Cash paid Bent?and others for merchandise and groceries, *2,606 •>» Mrs. Saltsbaugh and others, ■ g out door paupers, York and other counties for paupers,' . • . • Dauphin county Commission, era account of Martin Wolf, SlieeiUalting, tailoring & hats, 370 15 For out door funeral expenses, 116 UB State Lunatic Asylum, ,7T ij Constable and Juatico foes, 131 M Farming utensils, - "•.. 1*515 lv 8 cents, quality, 10 “ wide, 12* u Coal for fuel, .„?? Wood for fuel, •, “ W. Grace}’ and others for cattle 1,152 01 Gardner ,,• Tinkering, ■ ■ j. 0 Saddlery, aa rs Furnitvrre, 3 62« Leather, no Hardware; ■ ' ' Garden seeds, plants, &c., f. Express Co,box rent * postage, * Weaving, dyoihg.and carding, 57 Sundries, ' - ■ 62 39 MCUICinCS, • nn rtC Out door medical aid, ; "" „„ S. p. Zeigler. physician, salary, IQO BO Harrisburg Bank loan, 2,«uu no Carlisle Deposit Bank discount . fl on loan, ... ~ Fire Insurance Company, , ♦ ' * Appropriation to Fire.Com,y„ I H. Snyder, salary, . W. J. Shearer, Esq., salary, - 3 “ ~ J. Loudon, for stationery, 0 Jacob Squirer, Esq,, Tronsur ■ cr, salary, A. Hosier, extra pay, William Gracoy, extra pay, John Millor, " , , Balance duo Treasurer on last settlement, -$12,010 92 Balance in hands of Treasurer, JACOB SQUIBB. Esq., Treasurer of tbo Poor House and the House of Employment of-Cumber land County, in account with the Dtreclors of said Institution, from the lafc day of Januory till the 31st day of December, 1861. P.R. Cash received froittCq’ty Commissioners, S9,MO 00 u •( Carlisle Deposit Bank Joan 2,250.00 tt . it . f ro ni different ns By cnsli paid on Directors’ By balance.duo Treasurer, nt lastgottlcmout, Slocjc. on Farm Isi of January, 1802. ... 8 liorsos. 1-4 milk cows, 11 bead of stock catrlT, 22 atcera, 2 yoko. of .oxen, 7 sc.w-8, &OP»S e » uml 43 sbonta. ‘ Balance in Treasurer's bands, Pork, Beeves and Veal V fattened and, killed in 32 hooves, (averaging 600 " )S ") ® calves, (averaging 73* lbs.) 630 lbs.; 58 bogs, (av eraging 106 lbs ) 9,023 lbs,, making m all 20,404 lbs. ; • Utensils on the Farm Ist January,* lSo& 1 broad and 1 narrow wheeled wagon, 1, stone wagon, I wagon bud, 1 pair wood ladders, 2 pair liny ladders, 1 jack screw, 1 cart and cart gears, .1 spring dragon and harness, 1 largo sled, 6 plows, 2 single and 6 dpublo shorel plows, 1 largo and i small cultivators. 1 roller; 1 drill,l threshing ma chine, horso. power and, holt, 1 windmill, I fodder cutter, 0 wheelbarrows, 2 log. chains, 0 sots of wa gon gears, 6 sots of plow gears, 2 fifth and 1 oar rving chain, spreads, single and;double trees, 7 fly nets, 1 wagon saddle, 9 halters and chains, 45 cow chains, 1 set of carpenter’s tools, I sot of black smith tools, S grain .cradles. 17 mowing scythes, I wiro horse rake. 4 picks, 2 mattocks, 3 crow bars, 3 stono drills, 8 shovels, and a variety of stono ham mers, quarfying tools," spades, forks, rakes,Sickles,, corn hoes,.wood saws, axes, mauls, wedges, crout knife, Ac.'. . * Schedule showing, the proceeds of the Farm . for 18G1.. 1305 bushels of wheat, 91 do. of ryo, 2474 of corn, 1284 do. of oats, 000 da. of potatoes, 40 loads of hay, 31 loads of oorn-foddor,ll loads of pumpkins, 40 bushels of broom-corn seed, 43 do. of parsnips, 40 do. of onions, 3} do. of soup beans. 3840 heads of cnbbago, 1400 encumber pickles, 16 hushola of groon beans, 2 do. of small peas, 12 do. of toma toes. 40 do. of rod hoots, 87 do of turnips, 3 do. of dried apples, 1 Jdo. of dried poaches, U do of dried ohorrics, hoiloiT 99 crooks of applo butter, burnt 0000 bushels of limo, built st,ono wall around the barn yard and roofed tho tamo, bnitt 00 rods of stpno fence, raised broom porn for 210 brooms. Articles made tu the House in 1861. 18 pair of cloth mittens, 21 pair of knit mittens, knit 33 pair of stockings, footed 86 pair of stock ings, 203 sinus, 89 frocks, 79 ohomies, 159 aprons, 0 bonnets, 03 bod comforts,'so sacks, 7 caps, 42 towels, 65 pillow slips, 13 pillows eases, 20 bolsters, 47 chaff bags, hemmed 113 handkerchiefs, 63 skirts, 4 foathor bod slips, 6 children’s drosses, 11 under shirts, 0 quilts, 70 pair of susponders, J 6 pair of drawers, 21 pair of pants, 2 coats, 9 under wamusos, spun 98 cuts of stocking yarn, made 157 yards of rag carpet, 23 shronos, 63 barrols of soft soap, 230 lbs. of hard soap.. ’ 22 coffins, 1 largo sink, 3 spittoons, 2 largo cheats, 7 do. small, 2 sot of rollers on wagon shod, 1 buck et, 1 vessel, 4 step-ladders, 1 ox yoke, 1 largo wa tering trough, laid 50 foot of pipe, 1 bench, 2 sin gl- and 5 double trees, X largo clothes press, 78 axe and. hammer Randles. HENRY SNYDER, Steward. ELIZABETH SNYDER, Matron. Number of paupers in the House,on the Ist of January, 1861, of whom 18 wore colored, 139 Numboy ,a,dipitted up'to Poe, 31, 1861, 265 Number born in the house, , g? ® exhibited isfte foregoing . ' •• • statement . . • 9 61 69 1801 Work made in Carpenter Shop in 1861. Making the whole liiimhor through the year, 400 Died, of whom 5 were colored, '' 23 Bound out, Discharged and eloped, leaving tho number remaining in the bouse on Ist January, 1882 t "&f whom 19 aro colored, Out-door paupers, supported atpablio expense, during tho year, of whom 3 arc in the State Lunatic Asylum, Whole numbor remaining chargeable at the close of the year, 203 There are in £ho House 90 males, of whom 10 are colored; 51 females, of whom -9 ora oolorod~-14X. There are, as near |as can be ascertained, in tbc House, 3 under 1 year of ago, 8 from I to 6, 4 from (» to 10, 3 from 10 to 16, 23 from 20 to 30, 17 from 30 to 40, 18 from 10 to 50,15 from 50 to 60, 20 from 60 to 70,13 from 70 to 80, 8 from 80 to 90, 8 from 90 to 100. ’ In addition to tha above, 9992 transient or tray- cling paupers have been received without regular orders, to whom wore given .93(37 meals./ Many of said travelers wore also furnished with clothing.. WE, tlio Directors of. tho Poor and of the House of Employment, of Cumberland County, do certify that the above and foregoing statement cor toms ft just and true exhibit of the Institution during tho icriotl above staled, according to the best of our rnowlcdgo. Given under’.our hands and the seal IWSbI of said office, tho 13th day of January, A. D., 1862. WILLIAM GHIACEY, *| JOHN MILLER, !> Director. WILLIAM CORNMAN, J WE, the Auditors of Cumberland county, buying examined tho account and vouchers of the Direc tors of tho Poor-and House of Employment of said county, from tho Ist day of January to.tho 31st day of December, A. D., 1801, inclusive, and also tho account and vouchors of Jacob Squicr, Esq., Treas urer of said Institution for same period, do certify that wo 6nd a balance of four ImndrSd nhd seventy, dullaia and cents, due by said Treas urer to said Institution. Given under our hands at Carlisle,, tho 25th day of January r A..D., 1862. $12,611 09 OLD. FOLKS, ALL attired-in ancient costumes, -will give two of their grand Old Fashioned Concerto at EHEEH’S HALL, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, March 32th and-13lh, i . ■ The entire Company will appear in their ancient chsturacs, many of which wore worn from 60 to 300 years a"0, presenting a singular contrast to the fash ions of the present day. The Programme will con,- sist of the ancient style of Fugue and Fireside tunes and Anthems, interspersed with'appropriate modem selections and patriotic songs especially adapted to This is tho only organization m tho iTimn~ffw arc exhibiting to the present generation tho pooiihar Music, Manners, and Costomos of thoir Foro-Fathr ers and. Mothers. Tho Old Folks will bo assisted by Mrs. Emma J. Nichols; „ ' , ■ Tho Young American Songstress, and Mrs. GEOKGIB SHEPHARD, tho Accomplished Vocalist, also Mr. J. T. .Gur.icn tho celebrated liaso, and Mr. J, H. Hollowa!'. , Mrs. Nichols will appear at all tho Concerts or tho Old Folks, attired in a Full Court Costume, worn by Queen Elizabeth, of England, 300 years ago.“ Thia dross was presented to. Mra.-Nichols while con oorMxing in England with Father Kemp, tho par ticulars of which will bo stated at tho Concert. . “ Aunt ’Rachel,” “ Codisn Reuben,"and “Gran nt Slocum,” will also bo present and "jine in sing;- Father Golick will load tho exorcises, deacon the hymns, and give tho pitch from a veritable Pitch Pipe of ye olden lime. _ ■ Au afternoon performance’will bo given on iimra day at. 3 o’clock, for tho accomodation of Ladies and Children. , . - _ TICKETS 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commence at7J. March 6. 1862. ~ ’ 60 0« 24 00 18 00 0 0# WHEREAS the lion. Jasies H. Graham, President Judge of. the several Courts el Common Picas of tho counties of Cumberland, Per ry, and -Juniata, and Justices of tho several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Qoneral Jpjl PcUvcry in said counties, and Cocltlin . and Hugh Stuart, Judges of tho Courts of Oyer, and Termi ner and General Jail Delivery for the trial of .all capital and other offenders, in tho said county of Cumberland, by thojr precepts to mo direptpd, dated the 13th day of January, ISG2; have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Do livery to beholden at Carlisle, on the 2d,Monday of Apri). 1882, (being-the 14th day,) at 10 o’clock in the’forenoon, to continue tvro weoh. , NOTICE is hereby given to tho Coroner, Justices of the Ponce, ami Constables of tho said county, of Cumberland, that they are by the. said precept com manded to ho then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, and inquisitions, ex aminations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to ho done, I and all those Hint aro hound by .recognisances, to prosiitmte' against the prisoners- tVink-aeo or then shall bo. in tho Jail of said county, aro to bo thereto prosecute them as shall bo RjppKT Sheriff. $470 77 $12,511 09 m 1 3 3 ® ® ®J) 3 of the latest styles and choicest pattern?. My success heretofore has enabled mo to offer advantages to my old customers and t*e public generally, which are pot possessed by others, par ticularly those who are compelled m commencing noy to lay in a stock pt ,tho present high prices m the principal cities. A doscriminating public will satisfy thejasejyes of the 'truth* of the foregoing before purchasing elsewhere. My tremendous stock of goods, laid in principally before the rise, is admitted to bo tho largest between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. I invito all persons in want of Bargains in Dry Goods to call and examine at JUStf* tho old ami well-known stand of 7«brna,rj 27, 1862. JOHN W. COCKLEY, JOHN S. DUNLAP, JAMES R. IRVINE, Amhtort of Cumberland County, Prociaj»siti .GEORGE WINTERS. Fob. G. 1802—ly. ]Bcautifiil Complexion. ■3y^ Doctor thomas f. chapman win sond to all who wish it (froo of charge). Iho Recipe and full directions for making and using a "beautiful Togotablo Balm, that will effectually re move Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Fueokles, Ac. Ac., leaving the shin smooth, clean and beautiful; also full directions for using Pelatbbae’s uelebiiated Stimulant, warranted to start a full growth of Whiskers, or a Mnslaeho, in loss than thirty days. Either of tho above can bo obtained by return mail, by addressing (with stamps for return postage) Dll. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist, 831 Bboadwav, New York. Jan. 30, 1802—2 m. The confessions and experi ence of a SUFFERER, —Published as a warning, and for the especial benefit of Young Mon and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Doss of Memory, Premature Decay, Ac., Ac., Ae., by one who has cured himself by simple moans, after be ing put to groat expense and inconvenience, through tho use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. * Single, copies may bo bad of tho author, C. A. LA'MBBIIT, Esq'., Groonpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope.' Ad dress CHARLES A LAMBERT, Esq., Qrocppoint, Long island, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1802—2 m . $lOO REWARD! THE Coumiiaaionera of Cumberland Coun ty will pay tho above reward of ONE JIJJJN DRED DOLLARS for the arrest and $ tho persoq or persons who c,cm)putted. JJjo John Berger, and boy, in Sonth Middleton town ship, on the pigh), of tjio j‘u^WAOo’oNER, GEO. MILLER, M. HOST, . .. Commmtontri. Copnpissionora’ Office, ) , Carlisle, January 0, I»#Z- J DR. 102 00 too 00 $3,22*1 68 60 60 3+ 00 10 50 Notice. To Destroy-,—Rats, Roaches, Ac, To Dettr'oy-^—- Mice, Moles, and Ants, To Destroy——Bed-Bugs. To Destroy — : —Moths, In Furs, Clothes, Ac. To Dotlrny- —-Mosquitoes, and Pleas. To Dcttroy —-Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Detlroy— —lnsects on Animals, Ac., Ac.’ To Dcttroy Every form and species of Vermin. "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.” Destroy Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VISRMIW. Those preparations (unlike all others,) are “Froo from* Poisons.”. " Hot dangerous td tho Human Family.” “Rats do not die on tho promises.” “They come out of their holes to dio." “ They are the only infallible remedies known.” ,2 years arid more ‘established in E c Vf pity. Weed by- —tho City Post Office. Veed by : -.tho City Prisons .and Rouses. Used jy__City Stoiuu.cc3, Ships, Ad, hy -tho City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, ie. j7j c ,£ hy— —City Hotels, ‘Aator’,‘St. Nicholas,’ Ac. Ueed hj/———tho Boarding Houses, 40., 40. Uted hy —-njoro Hum 50,000 private Families; mS'Sct tieo Speolrncne nf tr hat i« pvery ipktrii taid by the People—pdi ton—PcaUn, do. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need bo so lio longer, if they use “ CgSTAti s( Extermina tors. Wo have, used it to our satisfaction, and if a hoi cost $5, WO lyoUld hayc it. Wo had tried poi sons, but they offoptod pothing; hut Cc.staa f, arti cle knocks the breath uißof Rats, Mieo and Bod- Buga, quicker than rye can write it. It is in great demand nit over thp cqantfy.— J/c(L)ip (Q.,) Gazelle. MORE GRAIN and provisions nro destroyed an nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. ■ Lnncailtr, ( Wis,,).Herald. lIRNRT 11. OOSTAR—Wo aro. selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have boon used, Rats, Mice, Roaches, and "Vermin disapppear immediately. _ . . . , f , Eckkr & Btouffer, Druggists, Low Windsor, Ma. “ Costnr’s" Rat, Roach, Ao., Exterminator. - Costnr’s ,f , - “ Costar’s" Re.d-bug Exterminator. “.Cos'tnrV” - • •t CoitarV' Electric Powder for Insects, Ac. Is 25c. 50c. Asn $l,OO Boxes, Bottles ano.Flasks. J 3 and $5 Sizes ron Plantations/ Shim, Boats, Hotels, Ao. ll To prevent tho public from being imposed upon by spurious dad highly pernicious Imitations, j\ new label bus been prepared, bearing a Joe simile of tbo Propri etor’s signature. Examine, bottlo, or flask carefully before purchasing, ami take nothing but “Costars.” ESJ“ Sold Everywhere—hy . „ ■ AH Wholesale panoaisTa in largo cities. Some of tbo , ’ Wholesale A{?eiils in New York City, ShioQcllin Brothers A Co, Tfnrrnl, Risky A Kitchen B. Fahmjslook, Hull A Co, Bush, Oalo * Robinson. A. B. A I). Sands A Co. M. Ward, Close A Co. Wheeler A Hart. M’Kisson A Robbins. James S. Aspimynll, P. S. Barnes A Cm Morgan A Alien, . , F. C. Wells A Co. ■ Hall, Ruckel A Co, Lazollo,Marsh A Gardner Thomas A Fuller., Hall, Dixon A Co, p.'D. Orris- . Conrad Fox. ANp other*- Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dvott A Co. [Robert Shoemaker A Co. b! A. Fahnestock A Co. iFroadh, Richards A Co. A.HP OTHERS. And by Druggists, Qiioceiis, STOnrKEErr.ns and Retailers generally, in nil Country , Towns and Villages In the UNITED STATES. Carlisle,Pa., OZrSald by C. INHOFF, Grocer, S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, S. ELLIOTT, Druggist, 4o< l |,y the DanooiSTS, BTOtinagEPEns and Re taii.ebs generally. sar Connrnr Dif alkbb pan order ns qbote. address orders direet—[or ll ’., l ’[' 0 1 0 V Tur I nl ' l Ac., is desired JS3~ Sond Tor [lBo2] Circular, giving reduced Prices] to HENBIT R. COSTAB, pßiHCirAis Depot—No. 512 Broadway—[Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel,] Now York. f sbruary 2Y, 1882. —Ins* 1862. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! WE aro pow selling our stock of Fine Dross Goods, Cloaks. Shawls, 3fars, and many kinds of Winter Goods, AT REDUCED CES. Persons wanting any of tho above kinds oi goods will find ogr stock very complete for the present season. We have been i ccoivmg very largo additions of staple 'domestic goods, which wo are selling at the lowest market prices. Since Wool has advanced from 35 to G 6 and Cotton from 10 to 40 cents, domestic woqlon and cotton goods are steadily advancing in tho Eastern Cities. Now is the time to make purchases! Persons having accounts with us aro notified‘ th "£ since Jan 1, 1802, their accounts must he settled up every six' months, otherwise interest after the op ration of that time will bo charged. Mo "” c °“j polled to adopt this mode of conducting our bos ices as merchants in tho cities have reduced busi ness to a cash system. rr«Muii All persons indebted to the old firm of I.cidich i Sawyer, aro notified that wonro determined to settle up our old books, either by paymout or note, oth erwise wo Trill 1 aye our accounts With t o p p officer for coilootion. It is impossible for us to con duct our. business to tho advaufago of our customers whilst Tfo have so much money laying dead on our b ° ok ' DEIDIGII, SAWYER i MIDLER, East Main Street. Carlisle, Jan. IC, 1862. , The Philadelphia Inquirer. DOUBLE SUF.ET, FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS, Published overy Morning,(Except Sunday,) by WILLIAM W. HARDING, No. 121 South Third St., Pliiladelahia, The Great Newspaper ofPhiladelphia! The trying times of tho Nation's history in which wo live, render a LIVE NEWSPAPER! AND indiapcnsiblo necessity to every mnn who would keep himself informed of the im portant events, which nro daily transpiring. To finish a paper which will meet the. just expectations of the public in such a time as the present, requires an amount of labor and of extraordinary expense of which the comimunty ut largo have conccp- lion. ’ilio Jt > u'bliBliof^ 1 0'r slT i'iiiii' * . INQUIRER,’ has spared no efforts op money to make it’ all that it could bo n)ado. Jlcsidoo-improv ing and ‘strengthening the home ■ force duping the past year, several of-the’best Reporters and Letter Writers in tho country, have been sent, at groat ex pense, with tho Army and Navy, and have frctiuent ly given thopqhlie the first and fullest accounts by telegraph and by mail, of important events at the Seal of War. THE INQUIRER pas tho first northern paper to give the account of the Hattoras and Port Royal victories, and was twelve hours in adyanpc of any paper in tho country, in its pnWi-. cation of tho details of tho Bull Ron Battle.. 1\ hat. TUB INQUIRER has done, is but an onrnosLof what will bod Ono, in order to givo its renders .llio earliest and best accounts of every, event of in terest connected with THEGBDIT BEBfJLUOS. and at tho same time have it maintain its reputa tion as THE BEST GENERAL NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. , The increase in the circulationof THE INQUIR ER during the year, is the best evidence of tho ex tent to which tho public rely upon it for the nows of tho day. Its circulation has averaged Cor SEVER AL MONTHS past, Oyer Two Hundred Thousand Copies! a week, or nearly FORTY THOUSAND A DAY , and it has. during the year, in times of excitement, reached OVER SEVENTY THOUSAND a day— ■ testing tho capacity of QUR FAST PRESS to the utmost to supply tho demand.' It commenced the New Year yiith now and" beautiful Copper-faced Typo, and with renewed vigor- and activity in its' Nows and Editorial departments, The is independent in politics. Prices at which .THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIR jER is furnished; Single Copies Two CcntSy-or Twelve Cents a Week. ■ DAILY PAPER, $0 00 per annum, payable in ad vance. ' I TRI-WEEKLY, $-100 " “ " I ' All Letters should he addressed io YYILHAM W. HARDING. Publisher, Inquirer . Building, 121 Solitb Third Street, Philadelphia. ; Fob. 13, 1802. . jQUUGS, SQO3CS. EANCV GOODS, CONFECTIONERIES, SUITS, PICKLES, PERFUMERY, PRES E R V E D FR UT T.S S, W. HAVERSTIOK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn’a. Ilasjußt opened an assortment of,Fresh Drugs, Fancy Go'dds, Gift Hooks, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confectionery, which has neyor been surpassed in tins borough) for novelty and ologanoo. The nrti sleshavo been sclented lyith great care, and arc cal culated, hi quality and price, to command the at tontiori of jHirclmflcra. PvLYOr <7oOJ?tf, which comprises every variety of fancy articles.of | the most exquisite finish, such as— ' ■ Papier Macho Goods, elegant alabaster inkstands and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and shell card oases, ladies’ Fancy Baskets, fancy Work Boxes* with sow ing instruments, Port Monnaies, of every variety, Gold Pons,.and Pencils, fancy paper weights, papo tcrics, and a largo variety of ladies’ fancy statione ry. - Moto seals and wafers, silk and head purses, ladies’ ridijig whips, elegantly finished, laxlica’ fine cutlery, perfume baskets and bags', brushes of eve ry kind for tho toilet, Roussel’s, perfumoo of the various kind, musical instruments of all kinds and iu all prices, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished, and ut low rstqs, Al so, an extensive. collection of BOOKS, comprising .tho various English and American Annuals for lBol), richly omludished and illustrated Poetical Works, with Children’* Pictorial Honks, for childrcn-of all ages. liis assortment Qf School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and tho Schools. Ho also desires to call (he particular attention of families to his elegant assortment of ' ' * LAMPS, tfcc., from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar-. cher and others of Philadelphia, comprising every stylo of Parlor, Chamber and , Study Lamps, for burning cither Lard, Sperm or Ethcrial Oil, togetli or with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. Ills as sortment in this lino is unequalled in tho borough Also, SEQARS A TOBACCO, embracing all tho favorite brands, and a fine assort ment of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS A PIPES. ■ FRUITS, snob as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Necta rines, Prunes, Ac. Fancy Confectionery. Nuts, Preserved Fruits, Mrncod Meat, Pickles, Ac.,, Ac., in every variety and all prices, all of which are pure and fresh,'snob as can bo confidently recom mended to his friends: His. stock'embraces every thing in tile lino of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which tho public are especially ■invited to call and sec, at the old stand opposite : tljo Deposit Rank. HAVEBSTICK. Carlisle, Dec. 26, 1361. . TO THE CITIZENS OF Cumberland County. milE undersigned bogs leave to inform j°ii, I that ho has just opened a DUUO STORE, in tlie borough of CARLISLE. in the room formerly, oceupiodby R.VNOt.ns * Peikphh, ns aDrug&toro, hoxt door to Inhofis Grocery Store, South Hanover Street, where ho will always ho found ready and iriliius to ply thospatula and postal. The follow: ing list comprises the main portion of his stock : DRUGS AND CRRMIOALS, Tbossis, Sospbxsorv BfSDApna, Wmnow Glass, Toilet Soaps, pure Wines and I/iquors, Perfumery, Canos, Notions and Varieties generally, Confection eries, Tobacco and segars, Lithographs acd Frames, Burning Fluid, Haiut, Vifrujsli ftn.d Sa)h Brushes, Coal Oil, Blank Hooke and Stationary generally, Having had oyer fifteen years’ experience in the Drug Business, with a desire to accommodate and please my customers, I Uopo to receive a reasonable share of public patronage. It is my intention and desire to give perfect satisfaction in every particu lar, to all who may favor mo with a call. PI^ESCRIPTIOHS Carefully compounded, at fair prices. Givomoa call. 8. R. PANNEBAKBR •avltye, »«•. 11, Ull— New Fall and Winter Styles FOB MID MOT WIMi AT THE North Hanover Street CLOTHIG EMPORIUM. fPUB undersigned would respectfully o«H X thn attention of tho public to tho largo SPLENDID STOCK OF Piece Goods and Ready-made. cl6thino Now in store, of every variety and »tyl«, and at prices os low o« can bo found any whom. CLOTHS,: ' CASHMERES, VESTINGS, Of beautiful and dcsimWo stylcv which will F* made to order, or Bold per yard, to suit the tail, of every customer. - , - A large assortment of sights. -UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HANDKERCHIEFS TIES, STOCKS, HALF-HOSE, SUSPENDERS, &c. &c. TRUNKS, TRUNKS! VALISES, CAEPEMAGS, TTi\IBR,EL.L.AS. '■ . &0., &c., in largo varieties. , MILITARY CLOTHING, Of every description, made to order at short notice and on reasonable terms. public is respectfully invited to give us a-cnl'l, ns we feel confident that our stock and prices will compare favorably with any similar establish meat in town, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover at., opposite Iho American IIdUM. Oc-t. 31. IHOI. - ■ ■ '.I First of the Season! FALL GOODS! BEA VTY, FASHIONAED CHEAPNMSM VOifBINED! First in the .Field with New, Fash ionable and Cheap Goods ; L'OB THE FALL | WINTER. pffTCAU. AND, SEE r^gg P. ARNOLD WOULD respectfully inform the citiien* . of Cumberland county that ho has bMJuit rncolrod and opened at tbo old |tand in Hanorec street, a choice assortment of • " Fall and Winter Goods, which have been selected with care, and purchase* at the lowest: cash prices, and ,which ho will Iftl* to customers j>t iho *\dyoßt cates. HU ftoclt slats of . ' S,af th* Cftrlul* Deporit Jf*nb PHILIP ARNOLD. . Oct." 3. 1661. , ' ' ' For Sew inti machines. JONAS 15 ROOK. & ISRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 and 500 yds. White, Black, and Colored, Thin Thread being made particularly for Sewing Machines, is very st-Wmg, smooth, and clastic, ■ Its strength is not impaiiod by washing, nor by frie tion of the needle. For Mncbincs, use Brooks’ Patent (iluoc, for upper-thread, ami Brooks* Patent Six Cord, Uvd Ticket, for under thread. Sold l>y respectable dealers throughout tlio conn tty. Also, in cases of 100,dozen each, assoyted N08.,- by ’ WM. HENRY SMITH, Solo Agent, 36 Vesfloy street, Now York. Nor. 14, 1861—Gm, 81. K. GOODYEAR, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, ' Oppoiitt Ihf Priton. OFFICE with ColvToll & McClure. —• Jnn. 0, iBoZ.~ BSfJFCIS IS- SIIAPLM, • attorney AT law, CARLISLE. PA. ATTENDS, to securing and cqllecting ' ,S 'olttier'e Pay, Peneinne, Runntiee, Ac, ir-g- Office on South Hanover street oppoiiU Bents’, store. Feb. 13. 1882. SEWSHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE -with Wm. 11. Miller, Esq., South HaDQvor street, opposite the Volunteer Plinth g Office. , • ' Carlisle, D.eo. 22, JB59 —tf. • - 1 ’ J. M. WEAKLEY, AT LA W OFFICE on South Hanover street, opposite BonU’s store, Carlislo. - •’ Fob. 27. 1862—9 m, LJ. FOULK, Attorney at Law. • Office with James R. Smith, Esq., Ilhoom'i Hall. AU business entrusted to him will bo prompt ly attended h>. - Feb. 6. 1862. Dr. WM, MENTZER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,, ■ HAS removed his office to the room directly opposite the Second Presbyterian Cbnrob, Corner of South Hanover and Pom/ret tie., Carliele. All patient, entrusted to hi. care, either fronf town or country, will b» promptly attwd.d •». F.h. 13. US2.—tf ■ ■ ■