American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 30, 1862, Image 4

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IN tlifl month of December, 1858, the umlcr
aigncd for the first time offered for solo to the
publicDn. J.Uovke Doph'lmi’krial Wine Bitters,
and in this short period they have given such univer
sal satisfaction to tbo many thousands of persons
who have tried them that it is now an established
article. The nmonnt of bodily and mental misery,
arising simply from a neglect of small complaints is
surprising, and it is therefore of tho utmost impor
tant that a strict attention to tho least and most
trifling bodily ailment should be bud ; for diseases
of the body must invariably effect the miad. The
■abscribora now only ask a trial of
from all that have them. Wo challenge
tho world to pflMuco their equal.
These Bitters for tho cure of Weak Stomachs,
Grnk'uai. Debility, and for Purifying and Es
nicmscJ tho Blood, arc atyolutoly unsurpassed by
any other remedy on earth. To be assured of tins,
it is only, necessary to make, tho trial. The Wine
itself is of a very Superior quality, bcv.'g one-third
stronger than other wines; warming and invigorat
ing tho whole system from tho head to tho feet. As
these Hitters are tonic and alterative in their charac
ter, so tbev strengthen and invigorate the whole
system und givo a Jinc tone and healthy action to all
its parts, by equalizing the circulation, removing
obstructions, and producing a general warmth.
They are also excellent for Diseases ami Weakness
peculiar to, -Females, where a Tonic is required to
'subject to lassitude and faintness, should 1 lie without
thoiny as the uro revivifying in their action.
and in this respect are doubly valuable to.the per
son who may use thorn. For
Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of
the Nervous Syatjiii ; Paralyze, for all
cases requiring a Tonic
hr. Doils’ Celebrated AYlne Billers
• For Sore’ Throat, so common among, the Clergy
they truly valuable:
For the aged and infirm,, arid for persona of a
Weak constitution,—for Ministers -of the Gosplc,
Lawyers, and all public speakers—for Book-Keep
ers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all
persons leading asedcutry ]irc,.thoywillprovotruly
As a. beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and
delicious to the taste. They; produce all the exhil
arating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxica
ting;- and aro a valuable remedy for persons addict
•d.,to the use of excessive strong drink, and. wbo
and who wish to refrain from it. They arc pure
ami entirely free from the poisons contained in tho
adulterated Wines and Liquors with which tbccouu
bryia flooded.
Thcso.Bittars not only cure, but prevent Disease,
and. should bo used by all who live vi a country
Where the -water is bad, or where ChiPs and Fevers
ari prevalent.- Being entirely innocent and harm
loss; they may bo given freely to children infants
with impunity.
' Physicians, clergymen, and temperance advocates,
as. an act of humanity, should assist in spreading
these truly valuable bitters over tho land, and
thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness
and Disease. '
hi all Affections of the Head, Sick Headache,
01 Nervous Headache, J)r. Hods’ Imperial
Wine Bitters ihill be found to he most Salu~
' tan/ and Efficacious.
The many certificates which have been' tendered
ms, and the letters which wo aro daily receiving, are
•onclusiro proof that among tho women those Bit
ters have given a satisfaction which no others have
•Tor done before. No woman .in tho land should be
Without them, and those.who once use them will not
fail to keep a supply. ~ V”*
Imperial wineßitters.
Aro propaml by an omincntand skillful.physician
who bus uftod thorn successfully ib his practice for
the last twoutyrfivo years. The proprietor, before
purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and
sell Dr. J. Bovoe Dods’ Celebrated Imperial Wine
Bitters, had them tested by. two distinguished medi
cal practitioners who pronounced thciin a valuable
remedy for disease.
Although the medical men of the country, ns a
general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet
wo do not believe that, a icr.pcctablo Physician can
bo found iu the United Slates, acquainted with their
medical, will not highly approve dr. J.
In all newly settled places, where there is always
a largo quantity o'* decaying timber from wliich a
■poisonous miasma is created, these bitters should bo
used ©very morning before breakfast.
Imperial ¥iae Billers,
Are composed of a pure and nndultcratod Wine,
combined with Barberry, Solomon’s Seal, Comfrey,
Wild Chcrw tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile
Flowers. a"d Gentian. They are- manufactured
by Dr. Dor..j himself, who is an experienced and
successful Physician, aud. hence should not be
classed among the quack nostrums which flood the
country, and against w.hich the Medical Profession
are so justly prejudiced.
Those truly valuable Bitters have been so thorouh
ly tested by all clr *•*.•« of the community for al
most evevy variety o' disease incident to tbo human
system, that they a. enow deemed undispcnaablo as
a. 1 ' nic, medicine rud a beverage.
Purchase one bottle"! It costs but IHtlo! Purify
the Blood! Give tone to the stomach! Rouovrto
the system ! and prolong life !
Price I® per bottle, 6 bottles for $5.
Prepared and sold by
. 78 William Street, New York.
For talc by druggists and grocers generally
throughout tho country.
In Carlislo-by
. S. W. HAYERSTICK, Druggist,
C. INIIOFF, Grocer.
September 5, 1561.—1 y-
For Indemnity against Loss by Fire
Charter Perpetual. —$400,000 Capital Paid
in—Office 10C} Chestnut Street.
MAKE INSURANCE, either persnnnento
limited against loss or damage by fire, on Prop
erty and Ejects of every 'description, in town o
country, on the moat reasonable terms. App’ication
made either personally or by letter will bo prompt
ly attended to
C. N. BANCICEK, President.
The subscriber is agent for tho above Company
for Carlinlo and its vicinity. All applications for
insurance either by mail or, personally will be
promptly attended to.
April 20, 1800
Pamphlet Laws.
Prothonotary'b Office, )
Carlisle, Sept. 18, 1801. }
TRB. PAMPHLET LAWS of t.he Soesion
Legislature of 1861,. have boon received
.•tJ*.. 0 . ’“ d n,r T ! road y ft >r distribution to those
<muued to receive them.
Sept. 20, 1861.
Wine of Wild Clierry.
A CONCENTRATED preparation of "Wild
Cherry Bark, presenting Us valuable tonic
properties iu a suitable menstruum and palatable
form. It is particularly adapted to the treatment
of tho debility arising from pulmonary disease, old
ago, convalescence from sickness, «fco., Ac., and may
be generally used whoa* a safe and agreeable tonic
is desired.
Manufactured and sold by
K. IV. Corner 6th an! Ouilowhill Street*,
April 4, 1861—»T
ARE you sick, feeble, niid complaining?—
Are you out of order, with your system derang
ed, and your feelings uncomfortable ? ’ These symp
toms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some
fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should ho
averted by a timely use of the tight remedy. Take
Ayer's Pills, and cleanse out tho disordered humors
—purify the blood, and let the fluids move on un
obstructed in health again. They stimulate tho
functions of tho body into vigorous activity, puri
fy the system from the . obstructions , which make
disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and
obstructs its natural functions. These, if not re
lieved,-react upon themselves and tho surrounding
organs, producing general aggravation, suffering,
and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by
die derangements, take Ayer’s Pills, and see how
directly they restore tho nr.tnrAl action of the sys
tem, and with it tho buoyant feeling of health again.
What is true and so apparent in this trivia! and
common complaint, .is also true in many of the deep
seated and dangerous distempers. Tho same pur
gative effect expels them. Caused by similar ob
structions and derangements of die natural func
tions of tho body, they are rapidly, and many of
them surely, cured by the same means. None who
know tho virtues of these Pills, will neglect to em
ploy them-when suffering from the disorders they
cure. x
Statements from loading physicians in some of
principal cities, and from other well known pub-
(Prom, a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Fob.
4, .1850.)
Du. Ayer: Your Pills are. tho paragon fa h •
great ih medicine. They have cured my littl°
daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet
that had proved incurable for years. • , Her mother
has been long grievously afflicted with blotches and
pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our
child was cured, she also tried your Pills, ami they
havo cured her. ASA MOKGRIDGE.
As a Family Physic.
(From Dr. E.,W; Cartwright, Now Orleans.)
Your Pills ore tho prince of purges. Their ex
cellent qualities’surpass any cathartic we possess.
They avo mild, but very certain and effectual in
their no lion on tho bowels, which makes them in
valuable, to us in the daily treatment of disease.
Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach.
(From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.)
Dear Buo. Ayer-: I cannot answer, you, tehat
complaints I have cured with,your Pills better than
to say all that »co ccer'lrcat with a puryative medi
cine. I place-groat dependence on an effectual ca
thartic in my daily contest with disease, and be
lieving as I do that your Pills afford us tho boat wo
have, I of course value them highly -
■ Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 1855.
Dr. J. C. ,Atkr. Sir: I havo boon repeatedly
cured of tho worst headache any body can have by a
dose or two of y our Pills. It seems to arise from a
foul stomach, which they cleanse at onco.
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE,"
* Clerk of Steamer Clarion.
Department of the Interior, 1
Washington, D, C. 7th Fob., 1850. J
Sir : I have used your Pills in my general and
hospital practice ever since you made them, and
cannot hesitate to say they arc i.ho best cathartic
wo employ. Their regulating action on tho liver is
quick and decided, consequently they are an admi-t
rablo remedy for derangements of that organ. In
deed, I have seldom foiuida case • f bilious disease
so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them.
Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D.,
Physician of the Marine Hospital
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms .
(From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.)
Your Pills havo had a.long trial in ray practice,
1 and 1 hold them .u esteem as one of tho best apori-’
cuts I havo ever found. Thoiralterativecffcctupon
the liver makes them an excellent remedy,, when
given i.i small doses for bilious dysentery and diar
rhoea, Their sugar-coating makes them very accep
table and convenient for tho uso of women and
(From Roy, J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church,
Boston.) •
,Du. Ayer: I havo used your Pll-3 with extraor
dinary success in my family and. rmong thoso I am
called to Visit in’distress. • To regulate tho organs
.of digestion-and purify-the blood, they are tho very
best remedy T havo over known, aud l ean confi
dently recommend them to my friends.
Yours, J. V. HIMES,
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Yl. Oct. 2-1, 1855.
Dear Sir: I am using yourC:'-thrrticPi'hin my.
practice and find them an excellent purgr,jivo to
cleanse tho system aud purify the fountains of the
Constipation , Costivcnesi, Suppression, Rheumatism,
Gout,'Neuralgia. Prepay, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
(From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, .Canada.)
Too much cannot he said of-your Pills for tho cure
of vdstiveness. If other of our fraternity have found
them as efficacious as I have, they should join mo
in procldimingit fur tho bonefitof the multitudes who
suffer from that complaint, which, although bad
enough in itself, is tho progonitorof others.that are
worse. I believe costiveness to originate in the liver,
.but your Pills affect that organ aud-cure the disease.
(From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Bos-
ton.) ■-
I find one or two.largo doses of your Pills, taken
at tho proper time, are excellent promotives of the
natural accretion when wholly or partially suppress
ed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach
and expel worms. They arc so much thahost phys
ic wo have that I recommend no other to my pa
(From tho Ucv. Dr. Uawkcs, of tho Methodist Epis.
Pulaski House, Savannah, Oa., Jan. 6,1865.
Honored Sin: I should bo ungrateful for tho re
lief your skill has brought mo if I did not report my
case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought
on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in
chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had tho
beet of physicians, tho disease grew worse aud worse,
until by tho advice of your excellent agent iu Bal
timore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their
effects were slow, but sure. By persevering iu the
use of them, I am now entirely well.
Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855.
Dr. Ayer ; I have boon entirely cured, by your
Pills, of Jlhcnmatic Gout —a painful disease tbathad
afflicted mo for years. VINCENT SLIDELL.
jflSSgijMost of the Pills in inrrkotcontain Mercu
ry, which, a 1 though a valuable remedy in skilful
hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from tho dread
ful consequences that acquontly follow its incau
tious use. These contain no mercury or mineral
substance whatever-
Price, 25els. per Box, or 5 Boxes for $l,
Prepared by Dll. J, C. AYER & GO., Low
ell, Mu,si
EVERY Christian wants this largo and beautiful
Steel Engraving in his family. Extraordinary
terms to churches, aunday-sohools, and agents.—
iVond for a circular containing particulars, and Two
Dollars for ft copy of tho engraving, which was sold
for Ten in-good times.
Oet 24 1m
TE magnificent National Engraving repre
senting that scene witnessed in tho United
State Son at o March 7tb, 1850—Webster deliver
ing his groat speech for the Union and the Consti
tution, is now being published from now plates,and
can he had for the more nominal sum of $1 25. It
contains over ono hundred Portraits, and is the
largest and moat expensive engraving over sold in
this country for loss than from $5 to $lO. Sent
post paid to any address on receipt of price.
agents wanted.
Wo want to secure tho services of some lady or
gentleman m every county to act as our exclusive
agent, and -sill make such an arrangement us will
onab i then! : make $1 0 per month profit. Send
tot 8 1» Jiing $1 2c for specimen copy.
JONEiS h CLARK, Publishers. *
83 Nassau et. K. Y.'
A Y E R ’S
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
August, 22, 1861,
The Last Supper.
To sell the Picture of
Christ and liis Apostles
partn’.::ng of tho Last
dipper. This superb
»S\ Plato cost Ahven
Thousand Dollars, .Size
-'/4 inches wide and 26
deep. Copies son tby mail,
post paid, to all parts of
the country for Two Dob
la'rs. Address
1, 000
Nos 82 & 84 Nassau st.
Now York.
Repeiikncks ;—Chris
tian Advocate, N Y Ob
server, Independent Ex
aminer and Evangelist.
Webster In the Senate.
Selling oil’ Twenty-Five P,er Cent. De
low Cost!!!
AT tho sign of tho “ Gold Eiiglo,” 3 doors
above tho Cumberland Valley Bank, and two
doors below tbo Methodist Church on West Mai'n
£9 street, tho largest and host selceted-stock of
/gyk WATCHES and JEWELRY in tile town,
JbJjL will ho sold 30 per cent, lower than at any
place in tho State. Tho stock comprises a largo
assortment of Odd A Silver Hunting-case Watches',
Lovers, Lopinos, American watches, and all other
kinds and styles, gold and silver Chains,
Gold Pens and Pencils, ,
Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles; Gold and silver;'
plated and silver Ware, .Mnsio Boxes, Acoordeons,
Oil Paintings, a groat variety of Fancy Articles,
and a lot of the.finest Pianos, whioh will bo sold 40
per cent, lower than ever offered in town. The en
tire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, largo Mirrors
and Safe, will bo sold wholesale or retail on tho
Having selected a first class workman Ml kinds
of repairing will bo/done as usual, at reduced
Three Pianos at $lOO below tho factory price, on
account of the Philadelphia Company closing out.
I will sell at tho Jewelry store three Rosewood Pi
anos, warranted at-i their value, on easy terms, if
called oh soon. .
For Rent.—Tho largo three story BRICK HOUSE
on Main street, will bo routed from tbo Ist of April,
1562. Call at tbo Jewelry Store, in said building.
Carlisle, April 18, 1861.
Dry Goods, Dry Goods
First Arrival of Spring Dry Goods
this Season.
WE have just completed opening our
Spring stock of Dry Coeds, which is tho lar
gest and most varied than at any former period.
To our friends and customers wo invito you to
visit our immense. Store Booms. Our stock consists
part of
Magnificent rtud brilliant styles of Spring Silks, .
very largo lot of Black Silks, both plain and figur
ed,and Foulards at pan ic prices. Wo especially in-,
vtie tho ladies to this-department of our monster
stock. Norwich Poplins, Jacquered Worsted Cloths,
Grey Chono Lusters, Cballi Do Laincs, colored and Brilliants. French and English Chintzes,
'English;ami American &c. . “
These Ooods.biivo boon selected with caro, and arc
from the hugest itnd best importing 1 houses in New
York and Philadelphia,
Wo have in this department, Linens,Lnccs, Edg
ings, Cambrics, Brilliants, Nainsooks, Jaconotts,
-Lawns, Mull Muslins, Ladies Fine French Collars,
Undcrsleeves, Ac., all of which wo respectfully ask
a thorough examination, in order to satisfy Ladies
that wo have these goods better and lowerin' price
than lowest. • .•
mourning Goods.
This lino of goods is very largo and ample in eve
ry department,
Silk, Woollen, Cotton and Linen Hose for Judies and
gentlemen, and an endless variety for children;—
Ladies and.gcnflcrnou’s Kid, Kid. Finished, Silk and
Lisle Thread Gloves. Call and see our far famed
“Buck Gloves.” *
Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and .every article in
tho domestic lino of Dry Goods, in larger quantity
nod in more complete assortment than can bo found
in any House in tho interior of Pennsylvania, ’
Cloths, Cossimorosj Vestings, Linens, Cottonades,
Bcavorteons, and Cords, for both Men and Boys.—
Our Cussimerea are adjudged by connoissuors to bo
unsurpassed for beauty and quality.
Superfine a No. 1 two and throe Ply, Brussels, Vel
vet, and Ingrain Carpets, a largo assortment of Rag
Carpets made to order under our immediate super
vision. Oil Cloths, .of all widths and stylos. Mat--
tings, Rugs, Looking Glasses, Ac.
To young men aud old about entering upon House
keeping, wo invito to pay a visit to our largo CAR
PET ROOM, admitted to bo tho most splendid af
fair outside of tho largo 'Cities, where Goods in this
Department are sold at very low prices. Remem
ber ladies and gentlemen, my motto always has been,
and, to sell cheap for cash, and to please my
numerous kind patrons..
, April IT, 1861; .
S. E. Corner of Chestnut and Seventh Streeta,
THIS is one of Eight Colleges constituting
the “ National Chain,” located in Philadelphia,
Now York. City, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit,
Chicago and St. Louis. Scholarships can bo pur
chased at either point, good at all tho Colleges. •
embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping,-
Commercial Computations, Commercial Law,’Pen
manship, Business Correspondence; Partnership
Settlements, bto.
Department of Book-Keeping
and Accounts, organised and conducted -on tho
Counliug-lloora system—the Halls of Study being
fitted up with appropriate Counters, Desks, etc., as
in real business, and the Student introduced at once
to the practical workings and routine of. Banks,
Commission Rail Road Offices and Coun
tingpßooms generally.
Practical Text-Books,
The Teaching in tho Book-Keeping Department
is mostly from written manuscript forms, with oral
instructions, lectures) and black-board elucidations j
in addition to which, iu order to make the Collegi
ate Course as thorough and effectual as possible, tho
following Text-Books have been prepared..
thrqo editions:
' 1. Primary Edition, for Commhn Schools, 102 pa
2. High School Edition, for High Schools and
Academics, 208 pp.
3. Counting House Edition, for Accountants and
Business Mon, .350 pp. Published byTvison,Phiri
noy & Co., 48 and 50 Walker street, N. Y.
Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial Calculations,
for Accountants, Business Men, High Sehools and
Academics, 300 6 pp.
Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial Law,
for the Profession, Business Mon, Farmers, Com
mercial Colleges, High Schools and Academics, 500
pp.- Published by D. Appleton, 433 and 445 Broad
way, N. Y.
in a scries of nino books, by P. R. Sponccr.
College Rooms open Day and Evoning. No va
JED** For Catalogues, Circulars and information
of any kind, call at tho College, or address
December 13, 1860—ly
A fresh and general assort
mont of Groceries constantly
ou hand, embracing the boat qualities in tho mar
ket, such as Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Table Oils,
Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins, as
well as all tho varieties belonging to a good grocery
store, together, with a suitable assortment of tho
finest *
Syrups & Molasses, Mackarel, Salmon,
Baskets, Tubs, Churns, and other articles for house
hold use, including a fine assortment of
China, Glass & Queensware,
Tho public havo our thanks for tho liberal pa;
♦ronogo bestowed upon us in tho past. Wo bopo to
merit a share of tlioir custom in tho future.
April 19,1861. J W. EBY.
Lubricating oils.
■ We wish to inform Machinists, Millers, and
the public generally, that wo have on hand a full
assortment of Imbricating Oils for all kinds of ma
chincry. This oil surpasses all others, having boon
subjected to a thorough tost, by the side of the best
lard and other oils. It is pronounced a superior
lubricator, at loss cost, and wearing longer, and en
tirely free from gum, and will stand much colder
weather and loss tendency to heat. Try it, and
you will use nothing else for lubricating.
N. Hanover st., Carlisle.
1 \
Kot. 1,1861.
Xew Coiil! Yar<l,
TllE'suhscribora would respectfully Call the
attention of Limehurnora and tlio citizens of
Carlisle, and tlio surrounding country generally, to
their now COAL YAIID, attached to his Ware-house,
on West High at.,, where they will keep constantly
- on hand a large supply
* the best quality of
jAL, to wit:
Zykens Valley, Luko
idler, Pine' Grove, and
reverton, Broken, Eyy
\d Nut Coal—screen
and dry,all of which
i pledges himself to
11 at the lowest possi-
bio prices. Beat qual
ity of Limchurnen* and Blacksmithe* Coni always
on band. •
JRS3*- All orders lofl'at the Ware House, or at bis
.residence in North Hanover, street will bo.promptly
attended to.
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1809—tf.
New Coal aud Cumber Yavd.
THE subscribers bavo this day entered into part
nership to trade in COAL AND LUNBEII,
Wo will have constantly on band and furnish to or
der, &U kinds and quality"of
such as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame Stuff, Pal
ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked
Flooring, Wcatherboarding, Posts, Kails, and all
kinds of .Shingles, to wit: White Pine, Hemlock,
Ghesnut, and Oak, of different qualities. Having
cars of our own wo can furnish bills to order of any
length and size ab the shortest notice and on'the
most reasonable terms. ‘Our 1 worked boards will
bo kept under cover so that they can bo furnished
dry at all times;
Wo will constantly
• have on hand all kinds
under cover, which
; they Will, deliver dry
clean to any part
of the borough, to wit:
erton, Broken, Egg,
Stove and,Nut Coal, which wo pledge ourselves to
'• I I.
Best quality** of Limoburnors’ and Blacksmitlis’
Coal always on hand at the- lowest figures. Yard
west side of Grammar School, Main St.
, Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1860. .
WOULD call the attention of the pnljlic
to bis largo and superior, stock of COAL
ami LUMBER, which ho constantly keeps on hand
at his 3'ard, near tho’Qns ■'Works. Tlio attention of
builders and others ,is particularly invited to his
GLES, PLANK, LATHS, Pc. , Our stock of COAL
beat quality, and, kept undercover, and will bo sold
at the lowest rates, j,*
Thankful for tho patronage of a generous public,
bestowed upon the late firm of Black & Delanov,
ho would soliclt-a. continuance of tbu same, ns lie
will strive to please. All orders, loft at resi
dence of Jacob Slirom for Coni or Lumber, tyill be
promptly attended to ns hercloforo.
. . ; : :r . Oliver delancy.
July 26,.1861.
' I tOIIR &. FEED.
The sunscrihor having taken the Warehouse, cars
and fixtures of William IJ. Jlarray’s well known es
tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Biekin
inson College, would .inform the public, that he
'has entered into a general Forwarding and Com
mission business. -
Tho highest market price will bo paid for Flour,
Grain and Prodnoo of all kinds.
Uo is also predared- to freight produce and
stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at tho lowest
rates, with safety, and despatch.
Plaster ami Salt kept constantly on hand, and
■Flour ami Feed at .wholesale or retaU.,,
' Coal of ull kinds, dtuhra'oing.
' LYEKN’S YA'ttf.’KYv
Limehnrners* andlßacJcsmiths*' Coed, c.onstaUtlyfor
sale. Ivept under cover,; und delivered dry to auy
pilrt of the town. •
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
HAVE- just completed opening their Spring
stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass, Ac., to which they invito the curly attention
of the public generally. Wo have greatly enlarged
bur stock in all its various branches, and cun now
accommodate the public with
in large-or small quantities at tho lowest prices.;—
Wo don’t want tho public to think that wo have
brought all the Goods in Philadelphia and Now
York to our. town, but wo can assure them that a
look into our stdrb will.convince them that wo have
enough .Goods to* fully supply, tho demand in this
market*. Persons wanting Goods in our lino will
find it to their advantage to givoua-a call before
making their purchases, All orders personally and
punctually attended to, and. no misrepresentations
made to effect soles.
North Hanover street.
Carlisle, April 25, 1801.
THE subscriber has just returned from tho
eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, and
best selected assortment of Hardware, over offered
in this county. Every thing kept in'a largo whole
sale and retail Hardware storij, oan be had a little
lower than at any other hoitso in. tho county, at the
cheap hardware slow of’tho subscriber.
Nails and Spikes. —so tons Nails and-Spikes jitst
rocoivod of tho very best makes and all Warranted,
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices.
600 phir'Trdcc-~Chtiins of allldnds, with a largo
assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast, do.,
fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains,
Ao., Ac.
Humes. —3so pair of Ilamcs of all kinds just re :
ooivod. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
ings, cheaper than over.
, Paints and 10 tons White Lead, 1000 galls.
Oil just with a largo assortment of Var
nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharago, whiting,
glue, shellac, paint brushes, tiro proof paint, Flo
rcuco white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod lead, lard
oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, Ao. Colors of
every description, dry and in oil, in cans'and tubes.
Farm Belts.~- Just received tho largest, cheapest,
and best assortment of Farm Bolls in tho county.
Grooncastlo metal and Bell metal, warranted not to
Powder. —2s kegs Dupont Hook and Riflo Pow
der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks,
Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stono Sledges, Sjono Ham
mers, Ac. "
PnmjM and Cement. —so barrels Cement, with a
very largo assortment of Chain and Iron pumps of
all kinds, cheaper than over nt tho Hardware store
Carlisle, March 8,1861.
Hat and Cap Emporium
THE undersigned having purchased tho
stock, Ac., of tho lato William H. Trout, de
ceased, would respectfully announce to thojpublio
that ho will ooniinuo the Hatting BminearnX tho
old stand, in West High Street, and with a renew
ed and efficient effort, produce articles of Head
Dross of
Every Variety, Style, and Quality^
that shall bo strictly in keeping with the improve
ment of tbo art, and fully up to the age in which
wo live.
ggk Ho has now on hand a splendid
of HATS of all doscrip-
Jr jjjjjr*^ 1 ” lions, from tho common Wool to tho
, finest Fur and Silk hats, and at prices
that must suit every ono who has an oyo to getting
tho worth of his money. His Silk, Mole Skin,
and Beaver Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness, du
rability and finish, by. thoso of any other establish
ment in tbo country.
Bovs' Hats of ovory description constantly on
hand. Ho respectfully invites all tho old patrons
and as many now ones as possible, to give him a
Carlisle, Deo. 20,1351.
Town and Country.
■ .-** ■
■. nrwi
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally* that ho still
continues the Undertaking business, and is ready to
wait upon ’cuslomov cither by day or by night. —
Ready-made COFFINS kept constantly on hand;
both pbiin and ornamental. Ho has constantly on
hand Fittk’a Patent Jfeta,(lic Jhtriul C%vtc t of which
ho has been appointed tho solo agent. .This case is
recommended as superior to any of tho kind now in
use, it being perfectly air tight.
Ho has also furnished, himself, with a fine now
Rosewood IlKAnsn and gentle horses, with which
ho will attend luveivls in town and country person
ally, without extra charge. ■ "
Among tho greatest discoveries of tho age is
Wella* Bprhuj tho - best and cheapest bed
now in use, tho exclusive right of which I have so
curedd and will bo kept constantly on‘hand.
Cabinet Making
in all its various branches.carried on, and Bureaus,
Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered
Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centro fables; Dining
and Breakfast Wash-stands of all kinds,
and Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds, Looking
Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured
in this line of business, kept constantly on haml.^
. Ilis workmen. avo men of experience, his mutoriiil
the best, and his,work made in the latest city style,
and all under, his own supervision. It will bo war
ranted ami sold low for cash..
Ho invites all to give him a call -before pnreha
sing elsewhere. . Por tho liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to him ho feels indebted to liis nume
rous customers, and assures them that no otforts
will bo spared in future to plcuSo them in stylo and
price. Give its a call. . ,
Remember the place, North Hanover St., nearly
opposite tho-Beposit Bank. • '
Carlisle, Nov. C,lBOl.
Carlisle Marble Yard.
-.South, Hanover street, opposite Beiitxa' Store,
TIIE subscriber has on hand a largo and
well selected stock of
Head-Stones, JHomiuienis,
TOMBS; Ac., of chaste, and beautiful designs, which
]*o will sell at the lowest possible rates, being dcsi-
soiling out his stock. Ilcad-stOncs finished
from three dollars.upwards.
Brown Stono, Marble work,, Mantles, Ac.', or.
buildings, marble slabs, for furniture, Ac., constant
ly on hand. Iron railing for cometry lots, Ac,, of
tho host IBiHadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt
ly attended to.
Carlisle, Nov. 7, 18C1.
Hircctly opposite the, Court House, in Church
■ ■ Al/rp.
Lead and Iron Pipes,. Cast Iron Sinks,
Hydrants, Bath Tubs,.
Hot and Cold Shower , Bath BoMcra,
Baijs. Wash Basins,
Water Closets, .Hydraulic Bams, Ac.
Foico and Lift Pumps, Ac., Ac,
Wrought Iio? Wcl'd,
Tubes. .
And every description of Cocks and Fittings for
Gas, Steam, Water, Ac. Superior Cooking Ranges,
Heaters and' Gas Fixtures, put. up in Churches,
Stores and Dwellings, at short notico and in tho most
modern stylo. All materials and wbrk in bur line
at low rates and warranted. ~
Country work and Jobbing promptly attended to
Carlisle, Nov. 22, 1861.
Watches, Jewelry and Silver
THE public are invited to call and oxamli*'
•tho largest and handsomest stock of . ,
■ WAItE, ,
over brought to this place.. Having purchased thi
stock for cash I urn determined to sell at price
that *f can't be hcat. n
All goods sold by me, guaranteed to bo as repre
sented or tho money refunded. Old gold and silver
taken in oxehango
Carlisle, N0t,' 7,1801.
Adjoining ike Pennsylvania Rail-Road Depot,
, Philadelphia.
THE.undcrslgned would respectfully inform
the public that ho has taken bho above Hotel,
formerly known as “ THE MANSION HOUSE,"
which ho has refitted and newly furnished through
out. * ,
Tho Rooms liro spacious and commodious, ami
furnished with every convenience to bo found in tho
best Hotels in the city.
Tho “ UNITED STATES" is admirably located
for tho convenience of travelers, being under tho
same roof with, the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
and thus saving both hack hire and porterage of
baggage. No pains will bo spared to render tho
“UNITED STATES" a pleasant and agreeable re
sidence to all who may favor it with their patron*
aco.' Charges ihodorate.
b H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor.
December 13, 1800.
Pensions and Bounty Land.
r|lo disabled Soldiers, Seamen and Marines and
I widows or other heirs of thoso who have died
or boon killed in tho service.
Attorney for Claimants, Bounty Land and Pension
Agont, Washington City, D C.
Pensions procured for Soldiors, Seamen and Ma
rinos of tho present war, who aro disabled by reason
of wounds received or disease contracted while in
service and Pensions, Bounty Money and arrears
of pay obtained for widows or other heirs of those
who have died or boon killed whilo'in service.
Bounty Land procured for services in any of tho
other wars,
Washington, D. C.
Oct 31 3ni
The largest and newest stock in town. Oil Cloths,
Mattings, Looking Glasses, Furnishing Goods in
groat variety. All of those Goods, and an end
less variety no.t enumerated, wo offer to the com
munity at prices to defy competition. Please call
and examine for yourselves.
50 boxes of superior Pearl Starch now in store,
and for sale at lowest city cash prices, either whole
sale or retail, by J W EBY
November, 1861.
A lot of Older Vinegar, warranted pure, in store
and for sale at tho store of
Carlisle. Nov. 7
JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this
Those preparations (unlike all others,) nro
“ Free from Poisons.”
“Not dangerous to tiio human family.”
“Rats como out of their biles to die.”
10 VBAnS and more established in New York City.
See ichai (he People, Press and Braiders say.
HENRY R. COSTAR.—AII tho summer I have
been troubled with Roaches and Mice. I was actu
ally ashamed of the house, for the Roaches were eve
rywhere. I purchased a box of your Exterminator
and tried it, ami in one week there was not a Roach
or Mouse in the house.
Joint B. Oitexs, No. !/!, Elm Street.
lIOUSEKEEPEKS —trouble!! with vermin, need
bo so no longer, if they use Costak’s” Extermina
tors. Wo have used it to onr satisfaction, and if a
box cost $5, wo would have it. Wo hud tried poi
sons, but they effected nothing j but Costak’b arti
cle knocks tbc breath out of Itats, Mice and Bed-
clmnivatl nil over the country. —Mmljuu (0.,) Gazette.
IJOIIE GRAIN ami provisions arc destroyed an
nually in Grant County hy vermin, than would pay
for'tons of this Rat and .Insert Killer. *
Jjwicaiiti!r,.i U 7».,) Jlerahh
HBNKY R. COSTAR—'Your Exterminator is' re
ceived, usoa,- ami pronounced a decided success.—
Wo used a box of it* and the way the Rats and Mice
around our premises “raised Ned” that night was a
caution to sleepers. Since then not a Rat or Mouse
has been heard in kitchen or cellar..
• Mtif/rryor {lotca) Times.
I HAVE BEEN SELLING—Your Exterminator
for tho last year, and have found it a sure shove very
time, have not known it to fail,in a single instance.
George Rosk,' Druggist, Cardington, 0.
WEARE SELLING—Y r our preparations rapidly.
Wherever they have been used. Rats, Slice, Roach
es, and Vermin disapppear immediately.
Ecker A Srouvi’iiK, Druggists, New Windsor, Md.
To Destroy Every form and specie* of Vermin.
Costar’s" Rat, Roach,; Ac:, Exterminator.
Costar’a” Bed 7 bug Exterminator.
Costards".Electric Powder for Ac - .
Wholesale Agents-in New York City.
Shicffclliu Brothers & Co. Ilavral, Risloy & Kitchen.
13.Pnlinostook,HulKtCo. Bush, Clalo & Kphinson.
A. B. & I). Sands & Co. M. Ward, Close.A Co.
Wheeler & Hart. M’Kisson & Robbins.
Hcgaman & Co. - D. S. Barnes A Co.
Hall, lluekel A Co. K. C. Wu’’s A Co. ••
Thomas <fc Puller. LuzoUtvMarsh A Gardner
P. D. Orvis. Kali, Dixon & Co.
Pcnfold, Parker *t Mower, Tripp & Co.
Dudley & Stafford., Conrad Pox.
T. W. Dyofct & Sons. ITlobcrt Shoemaker A Qo,
8.. A. Puhncstock <fc Co. jFrouch, Richards'. & Co.
For sale at
And at
And by Dnnooisrs, Grocers and Retailers gon
orally, in City and Country.
jryt- Country Dealers can order ns above.
Principal Depot —No. 512 Broadway—[Opposite
the St. Nicholas Hotel,] Now York.
January 81,1861.
South Hanover Street, next door to the corner of
West Pomfrot and nearly opposite Bents* store.
Carlisle, Doe. 22, 1859.
From the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,
Office at the residence of his mother, East Leath
er street, throe doors below Bedford.
Carlisle, Doe, 22, 1859
OFFICE with Wm. 11. Miller, Esq., South
Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Printing
Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859—1 f.
J. W. EBY.
Destroys Instantly
Used by —-the City Post Office,
lj act l by tho City Prisons and Station Houses.
Used by- City Steamers, Ships, Ac,
Unedby ——the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Ac.
Heed by City Hotels, ‘Astor’, ‘St. Nicholas,' Ac,
Used by —-tho Boarding Houses, Ac., Ac.
lined by- more than 50,000 Private Families.
ToDestroy— —Rats, Roaches, Ac.
To Destroy Mice, Moles, Ac.
To Destroy ——Bed-Bugs.
To Destroy Moths, Pleas, Ants, Ac.
To Destroy Mosquitoes.
To Destroy—^ lnsects on Hants and Fowls.
To Destroy -Insects on Animals, Ac,, Ao.
rsi; only
Ik 25. sp“«- A?rn $l,OO- Boxes, Bottles and
•. Flasks. $3 and $5 Sisks fob Plan
tations, Sums, Hotels, Ac,
S&'-Sold Eeeri/tvJierc —V
All Wnoi;KSA?*n.’DnroGUsTS in largo cities.
Allßhtatl Dufonisrs—(JiiOL’.KUS, Stores, Ac.
in all Country Villages and Towns.
Philadelphia,' Pn.
All the Principal Cities and Towns in the
Nor.TH Hanover Street,
Cumberland County,
Or address orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms,
Ac., is desired _JED~ Send for Circular to Deal
ers,] to
.New Wine and Liquor Store,.
Three, doors East of InhofTs Groom/ g/ 01 .
andfaciiiff the Market House, Carlisle C ‘
TgIIE underpinned having opened a’full an 4
complete assortment of the purest and i, 7
TWINES AND LIQUORS, ho invites n„? 5t
jjkcopors, House keepers; and others to civ
Shim a call, to keep a bettc
article than is generally kept in the country, and at
low prices.
BUANDIES-fOtard, Pinot Vintage, 1862' »„
chelloi ' °*
GlNS—Swan, Schoidam Schnapps, Meyer’s nn
Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. E. Rum. 11
WlNES—Madcria, very old; Sherry; Sweet Ip •
aga, Old Port, Lisbon,.Claret, Champagne, Mm...,,'
’WHISKY —Monongabela, Pure Old Ry c , jp,' ’
bon and common Whisky.
Also, Wiuo BUtors, Domijobns, Bottles, «t O .
TBS'* Bottled Liquors of nil kinds.
May It, iS6t,
Foreign and .Domestic Liquors.
EDWARD SHOWER rcspectifully nnnoun
ces to the public, that ho continues to Loop con.
stantly on hand, ami lor sale, a largo and very
perior assortment of.
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
at his now stand, a few* doors west of Hannon’s Ho
tel, and directly south of the Court-house, Carlisle.
All of choice Brands.
Sherry, Port, Madoria, Lisbon, Claret, Na
tive, Hock, Johannisberg, and Bodcrhwim.
. er.
Heidsick A Co., Qoislcr A Co., and imperi
. 01.
** Bohlcn, JjirDf and Anchor.
* Superior Old Rye, Choice Old Family Nec
tar, Wheat, Scotch, and Irish.
ALE, BROWN STOUT, Ac. Best to’ bo tad in
BITTERS, , , .
Of the very best quality. *.
Dealers and others desiring a PURE ARTICLE
. J will find it as represented, as his whole attention will
• STOCK, which cannot bo surpassed, and hopes to
have the patronage of the public.
Carlisle, April 12, ISCI. .
THE Allen and East Ponnshnro’ Mutual Fire In
surance Company of Cumberland county, ini-or
poruted by an act of. Assembly, is now fully organ
ized, ami in operation under the management of tho
following Managers, via:
Win- R. Gorgas, Lewis Ilycr, Christian SUyioan,
Michael Cocklin, J. C._Du,plap, Rudolph Martin,
Daniel Bailey, Jacob" 11. Coorer, Alexudder Cath
cart, Jos. Wickcrshum, J. Eiehelberger, S..El»crly
J. Brandt.
Tim rates of insurance arc ns low and favorable
ns,any Company,of the kind in the State. Persons
wishing,to become members are invited io make ap
plication to'the .Agents of the Company who arc
willing to wait upon them at any time.
President—W. R. C*ORGAS>Eborly’s Mills, Cum
berland county.
Vico Prcs't.—Christian Stayji AX,, Carlisle Cum
berland county.;
Sect’y.—Lewis Uren, Shophcrdslown, Cumber
land eonnty.. ' ■
Treasurer—Michael Cocklin, ShepUerUstoirn,
Cumberland c-tmnty. .
Cumherlnjid Jointly. —J ohn Sjhcrriek, .Alien ; Val
entino Feeman, Now Cuuberland ; Henry /.earing,
Sbiremanstown; Idifayettc.Peflcr, DickinWm;. un "
ry Bowman, Ohurebtown; Mode Griffith, fcontu
Middleton; Sam’L Graham, W; Fcnnsboro Sam-1.
.Coover, Mechanicybnrg; J.-W. Cocklin, Shephurls
tbwn; D.; Coover, Shephcrdstown,; J. 0.. Saxton,
Silver Spring; Bonj. Ilaveiatiek, Silver Spring;
John Hyer, Carlisle.
Y6rk County.— W. S. Picking, Dover; James
Griffith. Warrington ; J. F. Doardorfi*. Washington ;
D. Rutter, Fairviow ; R. Clark, Dilliburg. ,
7/arr^Cory.—Jlouscr A Lochiaan.
Members of the Company having policies about
to.expire, can have them renewed by making appli
cation to any,of thO-Agents.
Favßßtuig Implementl Bepot.
FGARDN.Eft & CO. now mnnufiteturo
• and keep constantly FOR SALE, at their
extensive Steam Works on East Mainst., Carlisle, a
large assortment of Agvionltural Implements,-of
well known and approved usefulness to Fanners,
among which they would pall especial attention to
iriLLOnoiißr’s celebrated
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
which has taken over fifty- first class premiums at
State and County Fairs. To the farmers »f Cum
berland, York and Perry counties wo need not speak
in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them
are now in use oil the best farms in these counties.
Its reputation is established us the most .complete
grain drill now manufactured in the United Spites.-
It sows Wheat, %o, Oats, Burley and tlniss. evenly
and regular, without-bunching the seed, Iho gum
springs pass the drill oyer stumps and stones*, with
out breaking pins or tho drill. - . For cyan and regu
lar sowing, tho Willoughby Gum Spring Drill.isiuj
c(pitilled by any other. Wo .also, manufacture and
sell the following articles, which we can roeoiaraoml
to farmers as reliable implements of established
Morriaon*e Patent Corn. Planter,
[ lia9?i*H Patent Stvato and Fodder Cutler,
Brirlcndol/’a Patent Corn Skefler,
Johnston’s Cast Iron lloijs’ Trough,
Ham’*-.Patent Cider slill.
Also, Three and Pour Horse Powers-and Thresh
ing Machines, C.ict Iron Field Rollers, . Plough
Oustings’of'various-patterns, Corn Crushers, mul
other articles for farmers too numerous to mention.
Also, Egg Coal Stoves and ten. plate Wood Stoves,
with ah immense variety of other castings for buuso
keepers and others. Wo. have also an attractive
variety of patterns for
and Cemetery enclosures, to which, we would call
attention. .
To this department of our bnsiness we give par
ticular attention. Our already extensive stuck «
patterns for paper, flour and.saw mill gearing.' s
constantly increasing. Mill.owmors and millwrights
will bo furnished with a printed, catalogue of our
various mill patterns on application. Our maebujo
shop, comprises all the various tools for turning*
planing and finishing shafting and casting, by good
■and careful machinists.
of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 horse
power, built in tho best stylo and on accommodating
terms. Engines built at our establishment may bo
seen in successful operation at many of the largest
distilleries and tannnorics in Carlisle, and Cumb’d,
Perry and Dauphin cos., to the owners of which wo
confidently refer for information as to theirefficion
cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly
requested to call and examine before contracting
Connected with our establishment is a steam Sash
and Door Manufactory which is now in complete
order for the manufacture of every description el
for the most costly as well as the plainest house-
Window Sash furnished from five cents .upward, ac
cording to size of glass; Window Fnimcs from SL» J
upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from *L<
upward; Door frames from $1,15 upward; hour
Panel Doors from $2,12 upward. Mouldings, Cas
ings, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy
Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house
building, furnished at the lowest prices, and of mo
host quality of lumber. iffiß' Wo aro also prepare
as heretofore to build andropair BURDEN Oii
for transporters on the railroad, with proropmc
and on reasonable terms. . a
The continued patronage of the public is ie ®P .
fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attenu
cd to F. GARDNER * CO.
Carlisle, May 3,1861. * .
CORN BROOMS. , er of
We have just received a lot of s*> d
“Rich's" superior made Corn Brooms, wni
confidently recommend as tbe best and fl' j? .
Broom in the market. For sale only by,tbe
bor, either at wholesale or retails rnY
November, 1861.
Meat cutters and stdffbrs-
The best Meat Cutters and Staffers that #
made aro to bo had at Lyno’s, where youi .
full stock of Butcher's tools of every doses i 14
prices lower than over was hoard of.. 8
cutter or staffer until you take a look n jr
N. Hanover street, Cam
Nov. 1,1861,
Fire Insurance.
Officeks or tub Company