A Y E 11 ’S CATHARTIC PILLS. A RE.you sick, feeble, and complaining?— r Are you out of order, withyour system derang ed, and your feelings uncomfortable ? Those symp toms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should bo. averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills, and cleanse out the disordered humors —purify the blood, and let the fluids move on un obstructed in.health, again. ' They stimulate the functions of the body into vigorous activity, puri fy the system from the obstructions which make disease.' A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ’ obstructs its natural functions. These,. if,not re lieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, producing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by she derangements, take Ayer’s Pills, and see how 'directly they restore the natural action of the sys tem, and with ittho buoyantfeulingof health again. What ia true and so apparent in this trivial and' common complaint, is also true in many of the deep seated and dangerous distempers. Tho same pur gative effect expels them. Caused by similar ob structions and derangements of tho natural func tions'of (he body, they arc rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by tho same means. None who know tho virtues of these Pills, will neglect to em ploy them when suffering from the disorders they euro. Statements from leading physicians in some of «principal cities, nud from other well known pub persons. ■ (Frbm a Forwarding Merchant of. St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1856.) • Dr.'Ayer: Your Pills arc the paragon fa-h sfgroat in medicine. They have cured niy little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and. feet that hud proved incurkble for yyars. Her mother has beon iong grievously abided with blotches and pimples on her skin; ami iu her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and.they have cured her. : ASA MOIUiRIDGE. As a Family Physic. (From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.) Your Pills are tho prince of purges. • Their ex cellent qualities surpass any cathartic we-possess. They are mild;- bu.t very certain and effectual iu their action bn tho bowels, which makes them in valuable to vs in tho daily treatment of disease. . -.? tetlf Tfrniln li JIC.,. Foul t \ (From Eh Edward .Doj’d, Baltimore.) Beatv Bno. Avbr; I cannot answer .you ichai complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that ire ever treat with a medi cine. I place great dependence on aueftectual ca thartic in luj’ daily' contest with disease, and be lieving as I do thatyour Pills afford us the best wo have, .1 bl* course value them highly. PiTTSB'uROj Pa., May-1, 1855. •Dn. J.' C. Atkr, Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache iiny body can have by a close or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stoinach, which they cleume at o mo. ' Yours with great respect, ID. W. PREBLE,. f Clerk o/ Steamer Clarion. Department of the Interior; ) ■ -Washington,".!). C. 7th Feb., 1800. j Sm.;.l have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ,cver since you niadc- them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. ■ Their regulating action on the. liveria quick and docidcdj consequently they arc an admi rabloremcdy for derangements of that organ;- In deed, X have .seldom found a case »-f bili&us disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yohrs, ALONZO BALL, M. D., ■ Physician of the Marine llosjiilal Dysentery, Diarrhcea f PeU r.v, Worms. .(From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.) • Tqur PHIs have had a long trial in.my 'practice, and X hold them in esteem ns oho of the beat aperi ents I have ever found. " Their altcrativoefloct upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious .dysentery and diar rhoea, .Their sugar-coatingraukesthnm very accep table and convenient for the use of womou.and children. ■Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. (From !lcv. J. Y. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston.) . Dr. Avnu: I have used your Pills with cxlraor-. dinary success in my family and among those I urn called,iib'visit.in distress. To regulate, the organs ofd.igcstioQ.and purify the blood, they are the very, best remedy I bnvo ever known, and I can confi dently'recommend them to my >. Tours,. J. V. HIMES. Waksaw, Wyoming Co.y N. V., Oct. 24, 1555. Bear Sir:' I am using your Cathartic Pills in my practice and find thorn an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of .the blood . • . ' JOHN G. MEACHAM D. Constipation, Costivencss, Suppression, Jlhciunatism-, Gout, Neuralgia. JDropsy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. (From, Dr. J. P, Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.) Too much'cannot be said of your Pills for thoenro of co«tu*ciim. If other of our fraternity baro found them as efficacious as I have; they should join ulo in proclaiming it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is tbc'progonjtqrof others that arc, worse.' I believe costiveuese to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ and euro the disease. (From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Bos ton.) . ; T find one or two large doses of your Pills, tahen at tho proper time, aro excellent promotives of the natural secretion when wholly or partially suppress ed. and also very effectual to cleanse tho stomach and expel icorme . They are so much the best phys ic we have that I recommend no other to my pa tients. (From the Rev. Dr. Hawkcs, of the Methodist Epie. Church.) Pulaski House, Savannah, Gu., Jan. 0, 1865. Honored Sir: I should ho ungrateful for the re lief your.skill has broughtmo if I did not report my ease tpyou. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on excruciating nenrah/ic .'pain*, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, thodiscasc grew worse and worse, until by tho advice of your excellent agent in- Bal timore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills, ' Thoir effects were slow, but sure. - By pcr.'crcring in tho use of thorn, I am now’ entirely well. Sknate;CiiA>>iber,^ 'Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Aveh: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout~— a painfuldlsouse thatbad afflicted mo for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. ftSS* Most of tho Pills in market contain Mercu tf, which,, although a-valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a publicpill, from thodread ful consequences that frequently follow its incau tious use. These contain no mercury or-mineral substance whatever. Price, 2 bets, per Pox, or 5 Boxes for $l. Prepared by DK. J. G. AYEU & GO., Low ell, Mass. August, 22, 1861, , ' The La: this large ami beautiful i family. Extraordinary '-school. 1 ?, and agents.— jing particulars, and Two engraving, which was sold EVERY.’pliristiun wants Steel Engraving in his terms to churches, sunclny jS'onll for ft circular contain J>olllira for a copy of the ' for Ten in good times. To sell Uio Picture of Christ and his ' Apostles partaking of the Last Clipper. This superb .S’lecl -Pluto cost A’cvcn Thousand Do)Jars'. Nizo •14 inches wide and 20 deep. Copies sent by mail, post paid, to all parts of the county for Two Dot lifts. Address I, 000 ACCENTS RANTED, 00l 241 m Webster In tbe Senate. TE magnificent National Engraving renro thflt scene witnessed in u, O United Btatcß Senate, Mareii 7tli, 1850—W'eintsr doiivor- ing hfa great speech for the Union and the ConnU tution, is now being published from uow plains,and | c»u bo bad for tbo mere nominal sum of $1 25. 11l contains over ono hundred Portraits, and is the largest and most expensive engraving ever sold in *hi« country for less than from S 5 to Sill. Sent post puid to any address on receipt Bfprl'eiC AGENTS WANTED. "We want to secure the services of some lady or gentleman in every county to act ns our exclusive agent, and will make smlf.nn arrangement as will enable tbccl : make?! » por month profit. Scud for le-ir. e; t * ling SI 2c for specimen copy. 1 , • ;>•?,= A Cf,/Ut,K, I’nblislicrs. 52 Nassau st. K. Y. Selling oil'Twenty-Five ,Per Cent. Be low Cost!! - ' AT the sign of the " Gold Eagle,” 3 doors above tho Cumberland Vatloy Bank, and two doors below tho Methodist Church on West Main street, tho largest and boat sclceled stock of WATCHES fad JEWELRY in the town, bo sold SO-'pep cent, lower than at any : place in the Slate.- Tho stock comprises a largo assortment of Gold A Silver Hunting-case Watches, Levers, Lopihcs, American watches, and all other hinds and styles, gold and silver Chains, Gold Petra and Pencils, Jewelry of-all kinds, Spectacles,-Gold and silver; plated and silver Ware, Music Boxes, Aecordcons, Oil Paintings, a great variety of Fancy Articles, and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will bh sold 40 per cent, lower than ever offered in town., Tho en tire stock'of Watchmaker tools, oases, largo Mirrors and Safe, will bo sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. , lt , . , Having selected a first class workman all kinds of repairing will bo douo as usual,, at reduced Pianos at $lOO below tho factory price, on account of tlio Philadelphia Company closing out. 11 will soli at tho Jewelry store three Rosewood Pi anos, warranted at 1 their value, on easy terms, if called on soon. For Sale.—Tho largo throe story BRICK HOUSE, bn Main street; will bo sold on easy terms. Call at the Jewelry Store, in said building. R. E. SHAPLEY. Carlisle, April 18, 1861. Dry Goods, Dry Goods First Arrival of Spring Dry Goods WE have just completed opening our. Spring sto'ek of Dry Goods, which is the lar gest and most varied than at any former period. To our friends and customers wo invite you to visit our immense Store Rooms. • Oupstook-consists part of SILK ROBES, FANCY AND- PLAIN, Magnificent ami-brilliant-styles, of Spring Silks,, .very largo lot of Black Silks, both plain and figur ed, aud Foulards at panic prices. We especially in vtio the ladies to this department of our monster stock. Norwich Poplins, .lacquered Worsted Cloths, Grey Cheue Lusters, Cballi Do Laiucs, colored and' figured Brilliants, French and English. Chintzes, English - and American Calicos, &e.,’&c. ‘’ itom'aeh. These Goods have been selected with care, nml arc from the largest and best importing, houses in New YoYk and Philadelphia.- Wo have in this department, Linens,Laces, Edg ings, Cambrics, Brilliants, Nainsooks, JneonOttK, Lawns, Mull Muslins;.Ladies Fine French Collars, UndcrslcoveSj Ac., all of which we,respectfully ask a thorough examination, in order to satisfy Ladies that we havc these goods better and lower in price than lowest. This lino of goods Is very large and ample in eve ry department. HOSIERY ANT). GLOVES. Silk. Woollen,.Colton Linen Hose for ladies and gentlemen, and an.endless variety'for children.-*— Ladies and gentlemen’s Kid, Kid Finished, Silk ami LiSlo Thread Gloves. Call and geo our far-famed ‘'Buck Gloves.” - Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every article in the domestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more completoussortmcnt than can bo found in auy House in thcintcrior of Pennsylvania. Cloths, Cassimeros;-Vestings, Linens, Cottonados, Beavcrtccns, and Cords, for both Men and Boys.— Our Cussimcrcs are adjudged by eonnoissuors. to bo unsurpassed for beaut} 7 and quality. Superfine'a No. 1 two ami throe Ply, Brussels, Vel vet, ami.lngrain Carpets, a«large assortment of Rug Carpets made to order under our immediatd super vision. Oil Cloths, of all widths and styles. Mat tings, Rugs, Looking Glasses, &o. To young men and old about onteringppon House keeping, wo invite to pay a visit to our largo CAR PET ROOM, admitted to be the most splendid af fair outside of the largo eithjs, where Goods in this Department are sold at very low prices. Remem ber ladies and gentlemen, my motto always has been, and is now, to sell cheap for cash, and to please my numerons kind patrons, jyiuos, Has just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Gift Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Contbctioiiery,.which has never been surpassed in this borough,, for novelty and elegaheel The arti sles have been selected with great care, and are cal culated,-in quality and price,'to command tho at tention of purchasers., . ' FA&CY GOODS, which ,comprises, every variety of fancy articles of thc-most exquisite finish, such as— ' Papier Macho Goods, elegant alabaster inkstands and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, ladies’.Fancy Baskets, fancy Work Boxes, with sew ing instruments,. Port Mocnaiea, of every variety, Gold Pons, and Pencils, fancy paper -weighted pnpo-- tcries, and a largo variety of ladies’ fancy statione ry. Moto seals and wafers, silk amj bead purses, ladies’ riding whips, elegantly finished, ladies’ lino cutlery, perfume baskets and bags, brushes of eve ry kind for the toilet, Roussel’s perfumes of the various kind, musical instruments of all kinds arid at all prices, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates. Al so, an extensive collection of BOOKS, comprising the various English and American Annuals for 1859, richly erabclisbcd and illustrated Poetical Works, with GhUdrru r s Pictorial Books, for children of all ages. His assortment of School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and tho Schools. He also desires to call the particular attention of families to his elegant asaorlment of LAMPS, drc., from tho cxtcnsivc.cstablishmenhi of Cornelius, Ar cher and others of'.Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber ami' Study Lamps, for burning cither Lard, Sperm nr Etherial Oil, togeth er wilh Fancy Screens, Ac, His as sortment In this line is unequalled in tho borough. Also, it supper* fC&zzEQ A fresh and general nssort igSSHCgßiESj S’moat of groceries constantly on bund, embracing the best qualities in the mar ket, such as Coffees, Sugars, *Spiccs, .Table' Oils, Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins, as well as all the varieties belonging to a good grocery store, together with a suitable assortment of the finest JACOB LEWIS, Is'os 82 o pu1, 1,0 generally, that we have on hand a full Vi f - L "u rie * tln,! Oh* for ail kinds of raa 1 b “^'- ,^mTiiironiofsrßs?i^isr Iwi ! ? st > hy tho Bicl ° of lhD best lard and other oils. It , 3 pronounced a superior lubricator, at less coat, and wearing longer, and en tirely tree from gum, and will aland much colder weather and leas tendency to boat. Try it, and you will use nothing else for lubricating. • ’ JOJIN P.-LYNK & SON, N. Hanover st,, Carlisle. Nov. 1,1801 IVow Coul Yard, AT THE WEST END OF CARLISLE. THE aubscribcrs would respectfully call tho attention of Limobnrners and tho oitixens of Carlisle, and tho surrounding country generally, to thoirnow COAL YARD, attached to his Wnro-houso, on West High st., .where thoy will keep constantly —op hand a largo supply Lykena XuA-fl Trecerion, Broken, Egg Ant Coal—scrcen cd and dry, all of which Txlo prices. Best qual ity of Limeburncrs’ and Blacksmiths’ Coal always bn* baud. f* All orders loft at tho Ware House, or at his residence'in North Hanover streot will bo promptly attended to. HENDERSON & REED. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859—tf. Wcw Coal aud Lumber Yard. THE subscribers have this, day entered into part nership to trade in COAL AND LUNBEU.— Wo will have constantly on hand aud furnish to-or der, all kinds find qnulity*of such ns Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame-Stuff, Pill ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring, Weathorboardiug, Posts, Rails, and all kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pino, Hemlock, Chosnut, and Oak, of different qualities; Having cars of our own wo can furnish bills to order of any length and size at tho shortest notice and on tho most reasonable terms. , Our worked will bo kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. Wo wVtl constantly under ‘cover,' which they will'deliver dry to- any part ° f tl ‘° borough, to Wifi: Fiddler, Locust Morm t-a-in, Lobhorry, Trov - ***&**&' ert'on, Broken, Egg, Stove mul Nut Gobi,--which wo pledge ourselves to sell «it (he lowest prices. Best quality of Limcbuyncrs' and Blacksmiths'' übai (UwaylrbirTiiinii J at ilia'lowest? nj?u‘fc7.‘‘ ’XaRT west side of Grammar Behoof, Main St. • ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. Carlisle, Dec. 22; 1859; . LUMBER AND GOAL. WOULD caU’the attention of the public to Ilia large ami superior stock, of GOAL mill LUMBER, which ho constantly keeps on hand at his yard, near the,Gas.Works. The attention of builders and others is parlieiilaliy invited to his slock of SCANTLING, PALINGS, WEATHER BOARDING, FRAME STUFF, BOARDS, SHIN GLES, PL ANN,.LATHS, Ac. ■ Our stock of COAL comprises LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST GAP, ROBBERY, SHAMOKIN, SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LUKE FIDDLER, LIME BURNERS, mid BROAD TOP BLACKSMITH'S COAL, all of the best quality, and kept under coyer, and will bo sold ut the lowest rates. . ThunkfuTfor the patronage of a generous public, bestowed upon tlie lute firm of BtACK & Dklaxcv, ho would solicit a continuance of the samo, us he will strive ,to plcnso. All orders left at the resi dence'of Jacob Sbrom for. Coal or Lumber, will bo promptly attended to iis heretofore. > 1 J OLIVER. DBLANCY. July 25, 1801. FORWARDING & COMiMTSSfOX HOUSE. FLOUR & JFEED, r The suasejiber having taken the .'Warehouse, cars and fixtures of William B. Murray's well known es tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin inson College, would inform the public, that be has entered into a general Forwarding and Com mission business. ■ '■ The highest market price will bo paid for Flour, Grain and Produce of all kinds. - Ho is also predated'to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. Piaster ond Salt kept constantly on hand, and Flour and Feed at wholesale or retail. Coill of all kinds, embracing-. LYKEN'S YALLEYy . LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBUHY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP,. A. W. BENTZ, Lhnchhrncra* and‘lilttcktmUha*.Goal) constantly for sale. .Kept under covor, and delivered dry to any part of the town, Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859. jromx p.xyse & sow. HA'v” E jusfc completed opening their Spring stock ,of Hardware, Paints,, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, «tc., to which they invito tbo early attention oftho public generally. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all its various brunches, and can now accommodate the public with RELIABLE GOODS, in large or small quantities at the lowest prices.— We don't'want the public to think that we have brought all the Goods in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but wo can assure them that a look into our store will convince them that we have enough Goods to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting Goods in our lino’ will find it to their advantage to give us a call, before making their purchases. All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations made to effect sales. Carlisle, April 25. 1351. rpilE subscriber has just returned from the X eastern cities with the largest, cheapest,'.and best selected assortment of Hardware, ever offered in this county. Every thing kept in a large whole sale and retail Hardware store, can bo bad a little lower than at any other house in the county, at the cheap hardware stor3 of;tho subscriber. Avails aiifl tipikcH.— so tons Nails.and. Spikes just •received of the very best-makes and all warranted. Country merchants supplied with Nails.at-manu facturers prices. 600 ])»!>•' Thir.c Chains of nil kinds, with a large assortment of butt chains, halter ’chains, breast do., fifth chains, log chains, longue,chains, cow chains, Ac., Ac. Jlame*. —3so pair of Hamos of all kinds just re ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Hliza .hothtown pattern, with and without patent fasten ings, cheaper than ever. Faint* and Oil*. —lo tans White Lead,'looo galls. Oil just received, with a largo assortment of Var nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharagc, whiting, glue, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, Flo rence white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod lead, lard oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, Ac. Colors of every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes. Farm lUU*. —Just received the largest,,cheapest, and best assortment of Farm Hells in the county. Grocncastlo metal and Bell metal, warranted not to crack.' Powder. —2o kegs Dupont Rook nnd Rifle Pow der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks, Crowbars, Stone Drills, Slone Sledges, Stone Ham mers, ifec. Pumps nnd Cement* —so barrels Cement, with a very largo assortment of Chain and Iron pumps of all kinds, cheaper than ever at the Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON. Carlisle, March 8, 1861. THE undersigned having purchased the stock, Ac., of tho Into. William JI. Trout, de ceased, would respectfully announce to tbejpublio that ho will continue tho Hatting Husiacs.-at tho old stand, in West High Street, and with a renew ed and efficient effort, produce articles of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style, and Quality, that shall bo strictly in hooping with tho improve mont of the art, and fully up to tho ago in which wo live. , , , ... Ho has now on hand a splendid of HATS of all doscrip tions, from tho common Wool to -tho _fin_oat Fur and Silk hats, and at prices That must'suit every one who has an eye to getting tho worth of his money. Ills. Silk, Molo Skin, aml-Bonvor Hats, aro unsurpassed for rability and finish, hy those of any other establish ment in tho country. Bovs’ Hats of every description constantly on [hand. Ho respectfully invites all tho old patrons I and as many now ones os'possible, to give him a * J. G. GALLIC. Carlisle, Dee. 20, 1501 SEASONED, LUMBER, OLIVER DELANGY COAL, PLASTER & SALT t J. R. NONEMAKER, ifOlEjrWjutll JOHN P. LYNE A SON, North Hanover street. iiljpnilSP Hat and Cap Emporium Town laud Country. fjOk I«•OS . THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tho public generally, that ho still continues tho Undertaking business, and is ready to wait upon customers either by, day or by night.— Ready-made COFFINS kept constantly.on hand, both plain and ornamental. • lie has constantly on hand Fink's Patent Metallic JJuried Case, of which ho has been appointed tbo solo agent. *This ease is recommended as superior to any of the kind now in use, it being perfectly air tight. Ho bus also furnished himself with a fmo new Rosewood Hkarsk and gentle horses, with which ho will attend funerals in town and country person ally, without extra charge. ‘.Among the greatest discoveries of tho. ago is Wells’ Spring Matfrnsn, tho host and cheapest bed now infuse, tho exclusive right of which X have sc curodd*an j will bo.kept constantly on hand. Cabinet Making in all Us various branches carried on, and,Bureaus, Secretaries, "Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Sideand Centre Tables; Dining and Breakfast Tables, Wash-stands of all kinds, French Bedsteads, high and .low posts; Jinny Lind .mid Cottnffft Glasses, and all other articles usually maniifaolured m this lino of business, kept constantly on.hand. ; His workmen are men of experience,' hia material the best, and his.wdWc made in the latest city stylo, and all under his own supervision. It will bo war ranted and sold low for cash. lie invites all to give himinwill before purcha sing For tbo liberal patronage hereto fore, extended to bim ho feels, indebted to his nume rous customers, and assures' tbcm'*tbat J Jia^ efforts will be, spared in future, to please them in stylo and price. Give us a cull. Remember tbo place’, .North Hanover St.,, nearly opposite, tbo Deposit Bank. jj {Carlisle, Nov. 0-, ISO 'Carlisle Marble Yard. RICHARD OWEN. South Hanover street *o}\pos\ic Bvnlzs* Store, Carlisle, THE subscriber has on hand a large and well selected stock of Head-Stones, nio'minicnls, TOMBS, Ac., of chaste and beautiful design?, which ho will sell at thodowost possible rates, being desi rous of selling out .bis stock, llcud-stones finished from three dollars upwards. Brown Stone, rWarblu work. Mantles, Ac., or onildings, marble jdabs.for furniture, Ao., constant ly bn hand.-’’ Iroufeuiling for ccinelry -JoUj, Ac., of. tiic best Phdudelpfai \verUman3hip, will bo prompt ly attended to. : Carlisle, Nov. 7, iSCI/, • FOOIE BROTHER, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS & GAS LITTERS Directly opposite the .Court Home, in Church uilloy. . Cast.lron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Rath Boilers, Wash Basins; Hydraulic Rams, Ac. Ac., Ac, Lead and Iron’ Pipes,' Hydrants, Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Water Closets. . . Force-ami Lift Pumps, Wrought Iron Wcl’d. • .Tubes. And every description of, Cocks and Fittings for Gas, Steam, Water, Ac. • Superior Cooking Ranges, Heaters' and Gu|. Fixtures, put up in Churches, Stores and Dwellings, at short notice ambin the most modern stylo. •• AH materials and work in our line at low rates and warranted. Country work and Jobbing promptly attended to . Carlisle, Nov. 22,18G1. Watclies ? Jewclty and Silver WARE AT CONLYN’S TUTS public arc invited - to call and examiu* the largest ami handsomest stock, of WATCHES, JEWPLJIY AND SILVER wake; over brought to this place. Having purchased thi stock for cash I am determined to soli at price that." can’.* 6c heat.” All goods sold by me, guaranteed to bo as repro soqted or. the money refunded, Old gold and silver taken in exchange. Carlisle,-Nor, 7,1801 Clothing 1 ! Clolliing! ■WELL MADE AND "WELL FINISHED! THE subscriber lias just returned from tho. Eastern cities with a very superior and most excellent assortment of FALL AND -WINTER CLOTHINGY , . Consisting of Cassamoro, Summer Cloth, - Italian Cloth, Alupaea, Marseilcs, Linen, ami Cottoiindo Coats, Pants, and Vests. Alio silk and satin Vest’s, and in short overy'arlielo in the way of garments* Ilia stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING’ GOODS is well selected, and Shirts, Handkerchiefs,' Cravats, «te f , are sold at very low prices. • THUNKS, CARPET RAGS, VALISES, The subscriber would especially call tho attention of tho public to his well selected stock of HATS & CAPS, vrhiuh lio Is to soil at astonishing low-prices. Of Iho above you can convince yourself by calling at the Cheap Clothing 1 Stoue seau the Market •House. ASHER WIEL. Carlisle, November, 1801. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ■SOUTH-EAST COR. 11th & MARKET STS., Adjoining ihe Pennsylvania Hail-Road Depot, PHILADELPHIA. rjIUE hncloraigned would respectfully inform ,JL tbo piiblfc that ho has taken kho above Hotel, formerly known as “ THE MANSION MOUSE” which ho has refitted- and newly furnished through out. The Rooras'aro.spacious and commodious, and furnished with .every convenience to be found in the best Hotels in the city. The “ UNITED STATES" is admirably, located for the convcjqionco of travelers, being under tho same roof with tho Pennsylvania Railroad,Depot, and thus saving both.huok.hiro and porterage of baggage. No pains- will-bo spared to render the " UNITED STATES" -a pleasant and agreeable re sidence to all who may favor it with their patron age. . Charges moderate. *' H. WrKANAQA, Proprietor, Dccombcr-13, 1800, , ... ' k CARPETS'! Tho largest and newest sleek in town. OiWJloths, Mattings, Looking; Glasses, Furnishing GqajJs in groat All of these floods, ftndyitu.cnd loST variSyl hoTTmumoratod, wo offcinni~rijd'>emm r m'unlty at prices to defy competition. Plcinao call ami examine for yourselves. LEIDICH, SAWYER .k MILLER. PEARL STARCH. 50 boxes of superior Pearl Starch now in store, and for solo at lowest city cash prices, either whole sale or retail, by 3 W EBY November, 1801. , New Wine and Liquor Store. Three doors East of Inhojfs Grocery Store, and facing the Market House, Carlisle. THE undorsinned having opened a full and complete assortment of tho purest' and host B WINES AND LIQUORS, ho invites Hotel keepers. House keepers, and others to give him a call, boingßdetorminod to keep a better article tVan is generally kept in tho country, and at low prices. . BRANDIES—(Hard, Pinct Vintage, 1852; Ro chelle. GINS —Swan. Schcidam Schnapps, Moyer's Old Fish, Old Jani Spirits, N. B. Rum. WlNES—Mnderia, very old; Sherry, Sweet Ma agn, Old Port, Lisbon, Claret, Champagne, Muscat. WHlSKY—Monongahcla, Pure Old Rye, Bour bon and common Whisky. Also, Wine Bitters, Demijohns, Bottles, Ac. IESS* Bottled Liquors of all kiuds. WILLIAM MARTIN. May 17, 1861. . Foreign and Domestic Liquors. EDWARD SHOWER respectfully unnoim ccs to tho public, that ho continues tokoop con stantly on hand, and for sale, a largo and very su perior assortment of Foreign and Domestic liquors, at Iris new stand, a few doors west of Hannon's Ho tel, and directly south of the Court-house, Carlisle. BRANDIES, . , ' WINES, CHAMPAGNE, GINS, WHISKY; Superior Old Rye, Choice Old Paraily Nec tar. Wheat, Scotch, and Irish. ALE, BROWN STOUT, Ac. Best to. be bad in - Philadelphia. BITTERS,. Of the very best quality.' Dealers ar.d others desiring a "PURE ARTICLE will find it as represented, as his whole attention will bo given to a proper nml careful selection of his have the patronage of the public. TILE Allen and East Ponnsboro' Mutual Fire In-: surance Company of Cumberland county,,incor porated by an act' of Assembly, is now, fully organ ized, and in operation under the management of the following viz: Wni. R- Gorgaa, Lewis.Hycr, Christian Stayman, Michael Cocklin, J. C. Dunlap, Rudolph Martin, Daniel Bailey; Jacob H. Coover, Alcxaddcr Cuth eart, Jos. Wickersham, J; Eichelbergcr, S. Eberiy J. Brandt. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable ns any Company of the kind in the' State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make ap plication to tho Agents of tbe Company who are "willing to wait'upon them at any time. . ZXAVID SIPE. President—W.R.GOßG AS, Ebcrly’s Mills, Cum licrlamlcounty. - ‘ Vico Prcs't.—CiimsTiAN Stavmax, Carlisle Cum berland county, 1 Seet’y.-r-TjKWis, llvEn, Shcpherdstown, Cumber land county. .• * • • Treasurer— Michael Cocklin, Shopberdstown; Cumberland countyi . Cnmhfi-tond Coi'mty.— John Sherriek,- Allen; Val entino Feeman, Kew Cumberland ; Henry Zearlng, Shiro-manstown; Lafayette I’eflcr, Dickinson; Hen ry Bowman; Churchtown; Mode Griffith,-South Middleton Sa-rn’l. Graham, W. Penuaboro' Snm’l. CooVcr. Mechanicshur£; J. W. Cocklin, Shepherds town; 3). Coover; Shepbcrdstowu; J. O, Saxton., Silver- Spring; Bcnj. Haverstiuk,. Silver .Spring; Johtt.llyoi*, Carlisle. Vork -fViiiH;/.—W., S. Picking,. Dover: James Griffith. Warrington ; J. F. DoardorfF, Washington ; D. Butter, Fairview ; R. Clark, Dillsburg. ■ Ifurridhuytf.- —Houser & Lochman. Members of the Company-having policies about to expire, can have them renewed by making applL ealiou to any of the Agents. Farming Implement Depot. F GARDNER & CO. now mannfiicturc ♦ and keep constantly FOR SALE, at their extensive Steam Works on,East Main at., Carlisle, a largo assortment of Agricultural Implements, of well known and approved usefulness to Farmers, among'which they would call especial attention to Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, which has taken over fifty first class premiums at State and County Fairs. - To tho fanners «f Cum berland, York and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on the best-farms in these counties. Its reputation is established as tho roost complete grain drill now manufactured in tho United .States.' It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats. Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, with out breaking pins or the drill. For oven and regu lar sowing, the Willoughby Gum Spring Drill is un equalled by any other. Wo also manufacture and sell tho following articles, which wo can recommend to farmers as reliable implements of established character: Also,.Three and Four Horse Powers and ing Machines, Cast Iron •Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles for farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and ton plate Wood Stoves, with an immense variety of other castings for house keepers and - others. Wo have also an attractive variety of patterns for THOMAS CONLYN and Cemetery enclosures, to which wo would call attention. ,STEAM ENGINES. AND MILL GEARING. . To this department.of our business wo give par ticular, attention. Our already extensive stock ot patterns for paper,' flour and saw mill gearing, is constantly increasing. Mill ciwraors and millwrights will bo furnished with a printed, catalogue of our Various mill patterns on application. Our machine shop comprises all tho Various tools for turning, planing irtid finishing shafting and casting, by good and curofnl machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 horse power, built in tho best style and on accommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may bo seen in successful operation at many of the largest distilleries and tannnorics in Carlisle, and Cumb’d, Perry and Dauphin cos.,' to the, owners of which - we. confidently refer for information as to their eflieien oy. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly requested to call and examine, before contracting elsewhere. • Connected with our establishment is a steam Sash and Door Manufactory which is now in complete order for tho manufacture of every description of, BUILDING MATERIALS, for tho roost costly as well as tho plainest house Window Sush furnished from five cents upward, ac cording to size of glass; Window Frames IVomsP, 81 upward; Shutters and Bolling Blinds from $1,76 upward; Door frames from $1,76 upward; Four Panel Doors from $2,12 upward. Mouldings, Cas ing. Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house building, furnished at tho lowest prices, and of tho best quality of lumber. Wo arc also prepared as heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on tho railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terras, . . Tho continued patronage of tho public is respect fully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attend ed to F. GARDNER A CO. Carlisle, May 3, 1861. Meat- cutters and stuffers. The best Moat Cutters and Stuffers that are made are to bo had at Lyno's, whore you can. And a ■full stock of Butohcr’s tools of every description, ut prices lower than over was hoard of; Don't buy a cuttet or stuffor- uutil you take a look at our stock. f JOHN P. LYNE i ; SON, ' N. Hanover street, C;irl!rlc. Nov. 1,1861. CORN BROOMS. . Wc have just received a lot of 55 do/on ol “ Itioh’s” superior mndo Corn Brooms, which wo confidently recommend ns the host and cheapest Broom in the market. For sate only by the subscri ber, either at wholesale or retail. * November, 1861. J, W, EBY. All of choicoßrands. Sherry, Port, Madcria, Lisbon, Claret, Na tive, Hock, Jobannisberg, and Boderhoim- Heidsiok & Co., Goislcr A Co., and imperi al. Bohlen, Lim, and Anchor. Carlisle, April 12, 1861. Fire Insurance. Orncnns op the Company. AGENTS. CARLISLE FOUNDRY, WH.LOUGHBV’S OIiI.EDUATKfr Morrison's Patent Corn Planter, Lath’* Patent Straw and Fodder Cutler , JJridendolfa Patent Corn Shelter, Johmton’s Cast Iron Ilogn' Trough, Jlarna Patent Cider Mill.' IRON RAILINGS, DOOR AND SASH FACTORY'. “COSTAR’S” VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. TBB "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.’’ EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF TERMIN'* Those preparations (unliko all other?,) aro “ Froo from Poisons.” "Not dangerous to tho human family. " Rota como out of their holes to die.” 10 tears and more established in Now York city. Uied by tho City Post Office; J7,cd ly- —the City Prisons and Station Houses. U, f J by City Steamers, Ships, Ao, Used by— the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Ac. Uud by City Hotels, ‘Aator’, ‘St. Nicholas,’ Ao. Ihcd.by the Boarding Houses, Ao., Ao. Used by —-more than 50,000 Private Families, See tchat the People, Press and Bcalders say. HENRY R. COSTAR.—AII tho summer I have been troubled with Roadies and Mice. I was act*-' ally ashamed of tho house, for the Roaches wore eve rywhere. I purchased’ a box of your Exterminator and tried it, and in one week there was not a Roach or Mouse in tho house. John R. Givens, No. 94, Elm,Street. HOUSEKEEPERS —troubled with vermin, need bo so no longer, if they use “ Costar’s” Extermina tors. Wo have used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5, wo would have it. Wo had tried poi sons, but they effected nothing; but Costar's arti cle knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice and Bed- Rugs, quicker than wo can write it.. It is in groat MORE and'provisions are destroyed an nually in Grant County by vermin,than would pay for tons of this Rut and-Insect Killer. JLancastcr t (Wi«.,) Herald. E. SHOWER. HENRY R. COSTAR—Your Exterminator is. re ceived; usoa, and .pronounced a decided success:— We used a box of it, and the way the Rats ondMioe around our promises “raised Ned" thatnight was a caution to sleepers; Since then hot a Bator Mouse has been heard in kitchen or cellar. y Moyregor ( Iowa ) Times. I HAVE BEEN SELLING—Your Exterminator fop the lust yoar,und have found ita sureehot evc«y .time, have not known it to fail in n single instance. . Georgk Bosk, Druggist, Cardington, 0. WE ARE SELLING—Your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used,- Rats, Mice, Roach es, and “Vermin dtsapppoar immediately. Ecker A Stouffer, Druggists, New Windsor, Md: To Destroy Rats, Roaches, Ac. To Destroy Mice, Moles, Ac. To Destroy Bed-Bugs. To Destroy Moths, Pleas, Ants, Ac. To Destroy ——Mosquitoes. To Destroy ——lnsects on Plants and Fowls. To D'estroy luscots on Animals, Ac.', Ao. Tu Destroy — : —Every form and species of Vermin. “ Costar’s" Rat, Roach, Ac., Exterminator. . Costar’s” Bod-bug Exterminator. . T Coatar’s" Electric Powder for Insects; Ac'. '•'■''ln,2s. 50c.’ ax'd $1.01) Boxes, anc PYasks. $3 end $5 Sizes for Pean . tatidks, Suias, Hotels, Ao. fttsY Sold Everywhere— All' Wiioi.KSALii Druggists in large cities. All Retail Druggists—Grocers, Stores, Ac. in nil Country Villages and Towns. Wholesale Agents in New York-City, SlncfTcllin Brothers A Co. llarral,Risley A Kitchen. B.Fnhnostook,Hull ACo. Bush, Gale.A Robinson. A. B. A I). Sands A Co. M. Ward, Close A Co. Wheeler A Hart. M’Kisson A Robbins.' Jlcgnmnn A Co. 1\ S. Barnes A Co. Hall, Ruckcl A Co. - • P. C. Wells'A Co. , Thomas A Fuller. Lazclle,Marsh A Gardner' P. D. Orvis. Hall, Dixon A Co. Penfold, Parker A Mower. Tripp A .Co. Dudley A Stafford. Conrad Fox. ,T. W. Dyott A Sons. jßobertShoemaker A Co. B. A. Fahnestock A Co. (French, Richards A Co. All the Principal Cities and Towns in the For sale at HAVERSTIGK’S DRUG STORE North Hanover Street, And o< INHOFF’S GROCERY STORE, And by Druggists, Grocers and Retailers gen erally, in City and Country.;, jxff- Country Dealers can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if Prices, Terms, Ac., is desired Send for Circular to Deal ers,] to . . HENRY R. COSTAR, Principal Depot —No. 512 Broadway—[Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel,] Now York. ' January 31, 1861. gipijsafc im. i. c. I.OOMIS, deiv ™T* South Hanover Street, next door to the Post Of fice. Carlisle, Dee. 22, 3852. DR. CiEO. S. SEARIGIXT, the Baltimore. College of Dental Surgery. at-tharosidoueO'Of-bis-inotherrEwHboutfa— er street, throe doors below Bedford. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859 . 11. NEWSHAM, ■ A TTORNE Y AT LA IT. OFFICE with Wm. H. Miller, Esq., South Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Printing Office, Carlisle, Dec. 32, 1850—tf. Destroys Instantly use osi/r AND OTHERS. Philadelphia, Pa. AND OTHERS. AND UNITED STATES. CARLISLE, Cumberland Comity, PENN A. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, * S. E. Corner of Gheetnut and Seventh Streett. THIS is one of Eight Colleges constituting the “National Cham,”located in Philadelphia, Now York City, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis. Scholarships can bo pur chased at either point, good at all the Colleges. THE COLLEGIATE COURSE embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, .Commercial Computations, Commercial Law, Pen manship, Business Correspondence, Partnership Settlements, etc.. ( Department of Book-Keeping and Accounts,, organized and. conducted ontho Counting-Room system—tho Halls of Study being fitted up with appropriate Counters, Desks, etc., as in real business, and tho Student introduced at once to tho practical workings and routine of Banks, Commission Houses, Rail Road Offices and Coun ting-Rooms generally. Practical Text-Books. Tho Teaching in the Book-Keeping Department is mostly from written manuscript forms, with oral instructions, lectures, and black-board elucidations ; in addition to which, in order to- make the Collegi ate Course as thorough and effectual os possible, the following Text-Books have boon prepared. ; BRYANT & STRATTON'S BOOK-KEEPING, ia three editions: 1. Primary Edition, for. Common Schools, 192 pa ges. % High School-Edition, for High v Schools and Academics, 208 pp. 3. Counting Homo Edition, for Accountants and Business Mon, 350 pp. Published by Ivison,Phin noy A Co., 48 and 60 Walker street, N. X. Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial Calculations f for Accountants, Business Men, High Schools and Academics, 300 pp, w 4 a. wJCI Iw■— »r-> V 1 ■, ; n jua w j for the Profession, Business. Mon, Farmers, Com mercial Colleges,*High Schools and Academies, 500 pp. Published hyD. Appleton, 433 and 445 Broad-, way, N. Y. SPENCERIAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP,. in a series of nine books, by P. R: Spencer. ; College Rooms and Evening. No vo cations . - • Catalogues, Circulars and information of any kind, call at ibc College, or address BRYANT & STRATTON, Philadelphia. December 23, 1860—ly WM. FLINT ! WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT. . WM. FLINT No. 807 MARKET, - No. 807 MARKET, N0.,807-MARKET, . No. 807 MARKET,. PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA,, PA. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE $lO 0,0 0 0 WORTH O F JEWELRY, ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. A Largo and Splendid Assortment of Jewelry, con- . sisting of CHAINS, BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, Ac., Ao- And all stylos of French Plated Chains, Gold and • Plated Jewelry. b We do not keep or sell any gift, or galranizcd goods.. Ours is what are sold by,the best Jewelers as Gold Jewelry. Wo rccoiv.o o*ir goods from the best Gold Joweltyv Manufacturers in the States, WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARB FORCED TO SELL. The following is only a partiul list of our immense s oek: . TAKE YOUR Off OWE FOR ;.$l, EACH. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Large Size and Splendid Cameo Sots, Gon r , oral RetaUPriocs, .Do ' do •- ; Lafiy ;5 ;; - do - io-w.- 2tr Do do . Carbuncle . do : '8 to Do Ladies' Enamelled A Coral do 7 to 30 Do - do and Carbuncle do 7to 30 Do ..do - and Ruby do .7. to'3o Do Cluster Grape Setting Sets do 10 to 30 „ Do do. do. Vase do do 10 to -30 . , Do . do do Jot Sots do 6to, 12 • Do • do . Black Mosaic do 6to 12 Do do goldstbne mosaic do Ctd 12 - Do do Calico Sots, . do 6 to Do Ribbon twistswith brilliantsdo- Cto ,15-; ; Do Boquet Sols, now stylo, ’ do Bto 20 Do Enamelled Cluster do do . 10 to 30 •' . : Gold Thimbles, do 3to 7 . Diamond Pointed Gold Pens A Cases, 3to 15. i doz., Silver Plated Spoons, 2 00 Silver plated Mugs, / . 400 Over 1000 other different styles Ladies* Jewelry; Medallions, all styles, patterns and sizes; Lockets ofovory description ; Gold.Pcnsj 14 karat, with Sil ver Extension Holder; Gold Pencils, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac., Ac.; Coral, LaVa, Cameo and- Band Bracelets, Gents' Vest Chains, warranted to wear for ton y6ars without changing color, and, will stand the acid—they are usually sold by Jewelers as solid gold chains—all made in' Paris. You can take your choice, for $1 each. Ladies' and Gents' Guard Chains, $1 each, usually sold by . Jewelers ,at from $5 to s3oeach; Ladies’ and Children's Nock Chains, - beautiful patterns; Armlets,brilliant,ohnraeled and ruby settings; Crosses, plain and enamelled, for,sl each, retail prices from $5 to $2O each. Every stylo and variety of Jewelry and desirable goods for .$1 each, ; This Sale, at the above prices, will continue long enough to sell oil our immense stock, which was purchased at a great Sacrifice from Manufacturers who have failed. take tom cuorajs for each. SPECIAL NOTICE. ■Ssa-irow to send monev.^ . Ist. Write your Name, Place of Residence, Coun ty and State, plain and distinct, ns we can mako nothing out of Post mark*. Seal: all letters with WAX, as. Envelopes sealed with gum or wafers can bo easily opened-—the con tents taken out and ro-soalod. Attend.to ibis, and wo will bo responsible for your money. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. , Any person noting as Agent, who will send us at oho time, " ► $lOO, wo will given Gold bunting ease watch, extra. $5O, u ** Gold Lover Watch. $25, “ « Silver Watch^ A Watch and the articles selected from the abovo List at ONE DOLLAR EACH. , > Persons ordering by mail mii'W «endsl and 15 cents in postage stamp's, GIVE US A TRIAL. All communications must bo addressed to WILLIAM FLINT, . No. 807 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Po. January 31,1861. Fall anti Winter Clothing. PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS: GRANVILLE STOKES’ OWE PRICE GIFT Clothing Emporium. No, 607, Chestnut Street, A superb stock of fine French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES and VESTINGS, FOR City and Country trade, -with an un* approachable assortment, of. BEADY MADE CLOTHING, at tho lowest cash prices. . JSS* But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and nso presented with each article sold. ’ . Particular attention paid to the Customer departs mont, and garments made and sent to order to any address. . ' . In inaugurating this now system of doing bus ness, GBANVILLE STOKES would impress on bo minds of tho patrons of his establishment, that tne tho price of the article sold. Tlis immensely increa sing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, an the same time, to realize a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES 1 ONE rniCE CLOTHING EUPOIUDM 607, Chestnut Street. October 25, 1860.