UpgufiP i New Store and New Goods. \ AFTER returning his acknowledgements /jLfor the very liberal patronage which has been »xtonded to him. tho undersigned.would coll ivttcn . ion to tho foot that ho has just re-opened bis exten ,ivo assortment of Family Orocerus, in his now eioro-room, on tho south-east corner of the Public, Ftiuaro, whore tho public are invited lo call and ox - mine a stock of Goods which m elegance, variety 1,,,.! exteu-, will defy competition; comprising in r-irt of Ion?, lump, crushed and brown Sugar), J ayn, Hio and Boasted Coffee. Every variety, and quality of Tea Spices, (ground and ungrouiid,) Pioklcs,- Sanoes, Table Oil, Now Orleans', Sugar-house and Trinidad Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syrups) Cheese, Macaroni, Vormeoilli, Split Peas, Hominy, Minoo-ment, Corn Starch, Purina, Choco late, Extract,of Colfco, llefined Sugar at reduced rates, washing'and baking Soda, Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and tho finest quality of So gars,'. A beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and gold, band Chinn-ware, Glass, Queens, Stone and Earthen IVarc, in great variety, and an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfume ry for tho toilet,. Fruits : Including Peaches in cans, Baisins, Cran berries, Dry Apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lem ons, ,Ao.‘ , * , igBBrY TJQXJOBS: Wholesale and retail, cm eHPrwibraeiug common and old Bye "Whiskey, Brandies, dnri 'and pale; Lisbon, Sherry, Port, Ma dorin, Ginger, Catawba and Muscat Whies, in casks and bottles; Scotch,Whiskey, Holland Gin, and Boheidum Schnapps. : FlSit AND SALT. A largo stock of Lamps, including Dyolt’s dole boated lamps for burning Kerosene or coal Oil, Sporm and Stare audios. . '. Cedar-Ware and Brooms, ' Brushes, Dopes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mats, 'Walters, Looking-glasses; fine letter and note paper, Willow ware, Painted buckets, Ac, 1 Cotton and Woollen Hose and half lloso, and a full stock of Gloves, including the well known Buck Gloves. ’ . Marketing of all kinds taken, in exchange for Goods. ... ■ . In short, his slock comprises everything that is called for in his,line of business, and lio effort will ho spared to aeuder entire satisfaction to his cus tomers.- . G. lEHOFF. , Carlisle, January 4,1861. •Foreign and .Domestic Liquors. EDWARD SIIGIVER rospcctifully announ ces to tho public, that he continues to keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a large uud very su perior assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, at his new stand, a few doors west of iluuuon’s Mo tel, and directly south of tho Court-house, Carlisle. BRANDIES, ■ All of choice Brands. WINES, ... , .. ■Shcrr.v, Port, Mudena, Lisbon, Claret, Nin tive, Mock, Juhaiinisborg, aud Boderheini- CHAMPAGNE, • . Hoidsick & Co., Geislcr 4 Co., and impen- GINS, ■ Bohlen,-Lion, and Anchor. Superior Old Bye, Choice Old Family Keo tar, Wheat, Scotch, nod Irish. ALE, BBCWN STOUT, 4e. Best to be had in Philadelphia. BITTERS, Of the v.ory host quality. Dealers and' others desiring a PURE ARTICLE will find it as represented, as his wlule attention will be giron. to a -propor and careful selection of his STOCK, which oannot .bo surpassed, and hopes to have the patronage of the public. Carlisle, April 12, 1860 Dry G-oods, Dry G-oods First Arrival of Spring Dry Goods tins Season WE' havo, just completed opeumß. our Spring stock of. Dry Goods, wliiuli is tho lar gest and. moat varied. Ilnur at any I'urmcr period. To our friends and. customers wo iuvite you to visit our immense Store Rooms. Our stock consists in part of ■ SILK ROBES, FANCY AND PLAIN, faagmilcent and brilliant styles of Spring»SUkB» very largo lot of Black Silks, both plain unci figur ed, and'Poulards at panic price*. Wo especially in- Ttio the ladies to this department of our monster stock; tfonvioh.Poplins, JaequereilWorsted Cloths, Grey Chcno Lußters, CliulH Bo Luinos, colored,and figured Brilliants, French and English Chintzes, Kugli.'h and American Calicos, »fcc., &c. "WHITE GOODS. ' These Hoods' have "been selected wilh care, and are from 'the'’largest and best importing bouses in JSow York and Philadelphia. \W liavo in this department. Ltucns, Laces, Edg* Cambrics, Brilliants, Nainsooks, efaconetts, l/'aiyus, Mali Muslins, Ladies Fine French Collars, Uudbrslcoves, &c., all of which we respectfully ask a thorough examination, in order'to satisfy Ladies that wo have these goods better and lower in price than lowest. MOURNING GOODS. This lino of goods is very large and ample in eve ry department. HOSIERY AKD GLOVES. Bilk, Woollen, Colton ami Linen Hose for ladies and gentlemen, and uu endless variety for children.— Ladies and gentlemen's Kid, Kid Finished, Silk and Lisle Thread (slovcs. Call and see our far famed u Buck Gloves." DOMESTICS. Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every article in the domestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more, complete assortment than can be found in any House in the interior of Pennsylvania. MEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linens, Cottnnades, Beaverlecns, and Cord?, fur both Men and Boys.— Our Cassimeres are adjudged by couucissucrs to ho ■unsurpassed for beauty and quality. CAP.-PETS AND OIL CLOTHS. - Superfine a Ko. 1 two and three Ply, Brussels, Vol-1 • vet, and Ingrain Carpets, n large assortment of Rag 1 Carpets made to order under our immediate super-1 vision; Oil Cloths, of all widths nud styles, Mat , tings, Rugs, Looking Glasses, Ac. - 1 • To young men and old about entering upon House keeping, wo invito to pay ij visit to our largo CAR PET ROOM, admitted to he the most splendid af ..fair outside, of the largo cities, where Goods in this Department atro sold at very low prices, Remem ber ladies and gentlemen, my motto always has been, and is now, to sell cheap for cash, and to please my numerous kind patrons April 11, 1861 New Wine and Liquor Store Three doors East of InhofT s Grocery Store and facing the Market House , Carlisle, THE undersinned -having opened a full and complete assortment of tho purest nnd best B WINES AND LIQUORS, ho invites Hotel keepers/ House keepers, and others to give him a call, being determined to keep a better article than is generally kept in tho country, and at low prices. BRANDIES —Otard, Pinet Vintage, 1852; Ro chelle. GINS —Swan, Sclicidam Schnapps, Moyer's Old Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. E. Rum. WlNES—Madcrin, very old; Sherry, Sweet Ma laga, Old Port, Lisbon, Claret, Champagne, Muscat. WHISKY —Monongahela, Pure Old Jljty Bour “bon and common Whisky. Also, Wi.no Bitters, Demijohns, Bottles, &c. Bottled Liquors of all kinds. ■ WILLIAM MARTIN. May it, 1860, CARLISLE AGENCY. For Indemnity against Loss by Fire THE-FRANKLIN LIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Charier. Perpetual. —s4oo,ooo Capital Paid in—Office 163 f Chestnut Street. MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent o limited againstloas or damage by fire,'-on Prop tNy and Effect* of every description, in town o country, on the moot reasonable terms. Applicatio: .made either personally or by letter will bo prompt Jy attended to C. N. BANCKEK, Pruidtt The subscriber is iu?ent.for the above Compan for Carlisle ai tl its vicinity, All applications insurance eitlur by mail personally w.“* promptly attended to. .April 12,1««0. “GOST AITS’’ VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.” EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF TEBMIN. Those preparations (unlike all others,) are “ Free from Poisons.” ” Not dangerous to the human family.” “ Bats come out of their holes to die,” 1 .0 ykAus and more established in Now York City. Used by the City Post Office. Used by- —the. City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by City Steamers, Ships, Ac, Used by ——the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Ac. Used by City Hotels, fAstor’, ‘St. Nicholas,’ Ac. Used by tho Boarding-Houses, Ac., Ac, Used by more than 50,000 Private Families, , Jgg- See what the People, Press ami Dealdcrs say. HENRY' R. COSTAR.—AII tko suranier I Lave ■boon troubled with Roaches and Mice. 1 was net*-' ally ashpmod of the house, for the Roaches wore eve rywhere. I purchased n box of your Exterminator aud tried it, uud in one week there was not a Roach or Mouse in Iho house- Jons,B. Gtvcss,''No.■?•!, Elm Street. HOHSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need be au uo longer, if they use “ Costae's” .Extermina tors. We havo used it to our satisfaction, and if a box cost $5, wo would have it. Wo had tried poi r sous, but they effected nothing; hut CosTAnls,arti cle knocks the breath out of Ruts, Mice and Bucl- Bu"S, quicker than wo can write it. It is in great demand all over the country; —Medina {0.,) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions arc destroyed an nually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat aud Insect Killer. EuncaSler, (117/;.,) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR —Y'our Exterminator is ro : ceivcd, usoq. and pronounced a decided, success.— Wo used n box of it, and the way tho Rats’ami Mice around our promises "laised.Ncd" thatnight was a caution to Bleepers. ■ Since then hot a Hat or Mouse' lias boon beard in kitchen or collar. .. . -I fagregor {lotea) Times. , I HAVE BEEN SELLING—Y'onr Exterminator, [or tho last year, aud havo found it a sure shot every limOj have not known it to fail in a single instance. Gnoam; Rosa,Druggist, Cardiugton, 0. WE ARE’sELLING —Y’onr preparations rapidly. Wherever they havo been used, Rats, Mice, Roach es, and Vermin disapppear immediately. Edina A Btouppeb, Druggists, New Windsor, Md. To Destroy —-Eats, Roaches, Ao. To Destroy Mice, Moles, Ac. To Destroy— —Bed-Bugs. To Destroy. ——Moths, Fleas, Ants, Ac. E. SHOWER. To Destroy Mosquitoes. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy insects on Animals, Ac., Ac. To Destroy Every form and species of Vermin. Costar’fi” Rnt, Runrii, Ac., Exterminator. CostarV Dial-bug Exterminator. OostnrV’ Electric Powder I'or Insects, Ac, lx 26. 60c. and Sl,o(i Boxes, Botti.es and Flasks. $3 and $5 Sizes foil Plan tations, Ships, Hotels, Ac. Bgg- Sold Everywhere—hy All Wholesale Druggists in largo cities. All Retail Druggists—Grocers, Stores, Ac. in nil Country Villugoa and Towns. Wholesale Agents in New York City, Sluoffellin Brothers A Co. Hurral, llislcy A Kitchen. B. Fnhnestook, Hull A Co. Bush. Gale A Robinson’. A. B. A D. Sands A Co- M. Ward, Close A Co. Wheeler A Hart. ' ' M'Kisson A Robbins, iiogamiin A Co. D- S. Barnes A Co. Hall, Ruckol A.Co. F. 0. Wulls A Co. Thomas A Fuller. Lazello,Marsh A Gardner. P. D. Orvis. Hull, Dixon A Co. Punfold, Parker" A Mower. Tripp A Co. Dudley A Stafford. (Conrad 1 Fox. T. IV. Dyatt A Sons. (Robert Shoemaker A Co. B. A. Fahnestock A Co. (French, Richards A Co. A. W. BENTZ. For eulc at fIAYERSTIGK’S DRUG STORE And of INHOFF’S GROCERY STORE And by Druggists, Grocers and Retailers gen erally, iu City and Country. Country Dealers can order as above, HENRY. R. COSTAR, Principal Depot—No. 512 Broadway—[Opposite the 8U Nicholas Hotel,] Nev? York. January 31, 1861—6 m A. 1. SPONSLER Destroys Instantly USE.ONLY AND' OTIIEKS. Philadelphia, Pn. AND OTItERS. AND All the' Principal CUies and Towns In the UNITED STATES. North Hanover Street. CARLISLE, Cumberland County, PENNA Or address orders direct—{or If Prices, Terras A c., is desired s33* Send for Circular to Deal ers,] to PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, s. E. Coniar of\C/icstnul and Seventh Streets., THIS ia oho of Eight Colleges constituting the “National Chain,” located in Philadelphia, Now York City, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and' St. Louis. Scholarships can bo 'pur chased at cither point, good at all tho Colleges.' the collegiate course 'embraces .Double dnd.Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commercial Computations, Commercial Law, Pen manship, Business Correspondence, Partnership Settlements, etc, _ Department of Book-Keeping and Accounts, organized and conducted on the Counting-Boom system—the Hails of Study .being fitted up with appropriate Counters, Desks, etc., as in real business, and tho Student introduced at once to the practical workings and routine of Banks, Commission Houses, Bail Bond Offices and Coun ting-Booms generally. Practical Text-Books. 'Tlio Teaching in' tho Book-Keeping Department, is mostly front written manuscript forms, with oral instructions, lectures, aud black-board elucidations; in addition-to which, in order to make tho-Collegi ate Course as thorough and effectual as possible, tho following Text-Books have been prepared. BRYANT A STRATTON’S BOOK-KEEPING, in tlireo'oditionV: ... 1. Primary Edition, for Common Sehools,.lo2 pn- gea. ■ , 2. High School. Edition, for High Schools and Academies, 208 pp. 8. Counting ■ Jlonso Edition, for Accountants and Business Men, 250 pp. Published by Ivison, Phin ncy A Cm,. d 8 and 00 Walker street,.N. Y. Jiryanl cO St ration’s Commercial Calculations, for Accountants,,Business Men, High Schools ami Academies, 300 pp. Bryant fit Stratton’s Commercial Law, for tho Profession, Business Men, Farmers) Com mercial Colleges, High Schools and Academics, 500 pp. Published by D. Appleton, 43a and 445 Broad way, N. Y. SPENCERIAN SYSTEM OF 'PENMANSHIP, in.a series of nine books, by P. 11. Spencer. College Rooms‘open Bay aud‘Evening. -,No va cations. ' For Catalogues, Circulars and information of any kind, call at*tho College, or address BRYANT & STRATTON. Philadelphia. December 13, ISGO—ly CARLISLE FOUNDRY, Farming’ implement Bcpot. F GARDNER & CO. now manufacture • nild keep jcoustifutly FOR SALE, at their extensive Steam Works on East Main st., Carlisle, a large assortment of Agricultural Implements, of well known and approved usefulness to banners, among which they would, cull especial attention to JVILLOfCIIIIV'S. CELEBRATED Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, which has taken over fifty first class at Staid and County Fairs. To tho farmers of Cuui- I berland, York and Perry epunties wo need not speak in detail of tho merits of this drill, as scores of them are now in use on the best farms in these counties. Its reputation is established jis the most complete grain drill now manufactured in tho United States. It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching the’seed. Tho gum springs pass tho drill over stumps and stones, with out breaking pins or the drill. . For even and regu lar sr/wing, th’c Willoughby Oum Spring Drill is un equalled by any ether. Wc also manufacture and sell the following articles, which wc can recommend to farmers as reliable ■ implements ol established character: Morrison* h . Patent. Corn 'Planter, Latli’a Patent Straw and Fodder Cutter, Pridendol/'n Patent Corn Shelter, Juhuntnn’'n-Iron Hutf*' Tromjh, Jlarni' PatiflU Cider Mill,. Alan, Three apd.Four Horse Powers and Thresh ing Machines, Cast Iron -Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crashers, ami other articles -for lanners-.too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and ten jdato Wood Stoves, with an immense variety of other castings for house keepers and others. We have also an altruetivc variety of patterns for 3RON RAILINGS, and Cemetery enclosures, to which wo would cal attention.. STEAM ENGINES AND MILL GEARING. To. this department of our business wo give par ticular nltoutian. -Our already extensive stock of patterns for paper, Hour nnd .saw. mill gearing, is constantly increasing. Mill owiuers ami .millwrights will ho furnished with n printed catalogue of our various mill patterns on application. Onr machine shop comprises uU‘ the various tools lor turning, planing and finishing shafting and easting, by good aiid careful machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 horse power, built in the best style and on accommodating terms. Engines built at onr establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the largest distilleries and tanimeries in Carlisle, and Cumb’d, Perry and Dauphin eos. } to the owners of which wo confidently refer for information us to their efHwien cy. Persons wanting Steam 1 Engines are earnestly requested to call and examina before contracting elsewhere. BOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our establishment is a steam Sash nnd Door Manufactory which is now in complete order for tho manufacture of every description of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly as well as the plainest house Window Sash furnished from Jive cents upward,ac cording to size of glass ; Window Frames from sl,'ll upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $1,75 upward; Door frames from $1,75 upward; Font Panel Doors from $2,12 upward. Mouldings, Cas in,, s, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy •Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in house building, furnished at the lowest prices, and of the best quality of lumber. Wo arc also prepared ns heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters oji the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. Orders bv mail promptly attend ed to F, GARDNER «fc CO. Carlisle, May 3, 1860. Winter Arrangement! ! Change of Hours ! Cumberland Valley and Fmnklin Railroads 1 ON nnd after Monday, Deo*r. 3,1800, .trains on the above roads will leave as follows, (Sun days excepted:) For Chambershtirg <0 Harrisburg. Leave Hagerstown, 7.00 A. m. 2.16 p. it. “ Greencustlo, 7.37 “ 3.35 “ “ Chambcrsburg, 8.30 “ Ar, *1.20 p. m. “ “ “ Leave 1.25 “ “ Sbippensburg, 9.00 “ 1.57 “ « Newvillc, 9.32 “ 2.30 “ « Carlisle, 10.10 “ 3.10 “ “ Moohaniosburg, 10.12 “ 3.12 t( Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.12 u 4.10 u For Cluiinberebnry & Hagerstown; Leave Harrisburg, 8.05 A. si. 1.40 p. if. “ Meohnnicsburg, 8.47 “ • 2.20 “ « Carlisle, 9.27 “ 3.00 “ u Nowvillo, 10.02 “ 3.31 li u Sbippensburg, 10.33 “ 4.05 EN- South Hanover Street, next door to the. Post Of ffice. ’ Carlisle,. Dee. 22,1559, DR. CJEO. S. SEABIGHT, Ur4£&6T.^ JSVom the Baltimore College oj JJcutol Surgery. - Office at the residence of his mother, East Louth or street, three doors below Dedford. Carlisle, Doe-22, 1859. Now Coni and liiiuiliei- Yard, 'TVEIE subscribers have this (lay entered into pari |j nership to trade.in COAL AND LUNBLK. Wo will bavo constantly on hand and lurnish to or der, all kinds and quality of SEASONED LUMI’.EH, 'sueli as Boards, Searitlinir, •Toiat/ Frame Stuff, Pal ing ami Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring, Wcatheiboardiug, Posts, Kails, and all kinds (if: Shingles, to wit: ’White Pine, Hemlock, Chesnut, and Ouk ; of different qualities. Having cars of our own wo can-furnish buls to order ot any length and aixo btMho shortest notice and on the most reasonable ’terms.’ Our worked; boards will be kept under cover so that-they can bo lurnished dry at all Limes. . ' • ' ’ _ ■ _ - Wo will constantly , have on hand, all kinds under cover, which i and clean to any part of H lO borough, to wit; r Fiddler, Locust Moun : tain, Lobbprry, Troy erton, Broktm, -Egg, Stove and Nut Coal, which wo pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices. Best quality of ’ Liincburncrs* and Blacksmiths Coal always on hand at the low'cst figures. Yard west side of Grammcr School. Main St. • . ARMSTRONG & lIOFFER. Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1569. , Jffcw Coal Yard. AT THE WEST EX 1) OF CAIiUSIB. THE .subscribers would respectfully call the attention . of, Limeburners and tlio citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to theirnew COAL YAIU). attached to hisUarc-honse. ou West High st., where they will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the best quality of Coal, to wit; LijkeuH Valley, Lvl'e Fid'lcr, Pine, drove, and f Trcrcriou, Jlmhen, uud Nnt Coal —screen- : ciland dry,all of which j ho pledges himself to j bio prices. Bust qual ity of Limehnyners' and IttKckamltha’ Coal always ,ou hand, , ' , AU orders left ftl the Ware Itouso, or at liis residence street-will ho promptly attended to.. . ' lIBSDEHSOE & HEED, Carlisle; Dee.,22/ISOU^-tf. LUMBER AHB COAL. BLACK it DELAiS'CEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD! On the Jim'l Jtauil, near the Itm Worlt: rpnE subscribers keep constantly on band, a X full assortment of , lumber and, coal, .which they .ran furnish to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. LUMBER, V • SCANTTi'TXfiv . ‘ BLARES, • I=ll AME STUFF, Pullings, mastering and Shmgling-Laths, Worked Flooring, Woatherboarding, Posts, Rails, M bite Pine, IleiulocU and Oak Shiuglcs.'nf every quality. They also furnish -bills to order ol any length and size, at the shortest notice and on-theinost reasona ble terms. Their worked honrdsareheptundereov cr, so that (hoy can ho,furnished dry at nil times. _ They .have constantly on hand all kinds ol fami ly Coal under Cover," which will lie delivered clean to any part of the hororgh. To wit: LY KEY'S A r ALLEY, . LUKE FIDDLER. TKEVEItT.ON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, A nd-other varieties, and all the'various sizes in uao, which tliov otter to the public at the lowest prices. . BIMEBUIIN F,R'S AND BLACKSMITH'S pOAL alwavs on hand, at the lowest cash price. BLACK. A DELAKCEY. April It, IS6l—ly. Cbeap Groceries. rpuE subscribe}- Ims received a fresh arrival I of tbd folUmiug; Fresh Tomatoes in cans, “ Peaches “ “ Salmon lt “ Lobsters Pickled Lobsters, Sardines, Gollutino,, Sap Sago Cheese, S r irgiu- Oil of ifix, for the table, Olive do stuffed. Tomato Kalgup, . Walnut . Mushroon tf . . Worcestershire Sauce, ~ Pickles, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Nectarines, Oran ges, Lemons, &c. Fine Hams, Dried Beef, Groceries, Fine Liquors,.Fish, and all at the low est prices. 1 WM. BEKTZ. Carlisle, October 11, 1860. QAN BE MADE!- -By Bi:vinq yJ your Goods from Lcidich, Sawyer *t Miller. Wo respectfully call attention to our t:ir; r (;SlocK of Snmmor Goods, Just received from the Eastern markets. Having’ been purchased for CASH, and since the ruinous decline in prices. Customers will lind great bar gains in Silks; Barege, Thessalla, Barege Palermo, English Greuadiuo, Organdy Lawn.- 1 , Mozambiques, Emilincs, Uflaales Fig Olcvlas, Challos, Chintzes, Ac. Ac. Newest stylos Paris Coats, Basques and Mantles, Shaulitia and French Lace Bomonrs, Mantles and Points. These Goods, are very low—less than im porting cost. Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, loan than original copt. Gloves of every description, Laco Mitts, Embroideries of every va riety; Wilcox's celebrated Hoop Skirts “The Skirt of the Season.’' Every variety and kind of Goods suitable for La dies, Mon and Boys’ wear. CARPETS! The largoEt and newest stock in town,- Oil Cloths, Mattings, Looking. Glasses, Furnishing Goods in great variety. All of those Goods, and an end less variety.not enumerated, wo offer to the com munity at prices to defy, competition. Please call and examine for yourselves. LEIDICH, SAWYER A MILLER. Carlisle, July 4/ 1861. PURE CIDER VINEGAR 1 A lot of Cider Vinegar, warranted pure, in store and for sale at tho store of Carlisle, Juno 21 For Kent. THE largo rooms at present occupied Tiy the Pant-Office, corner of Hanover and Pomfret streets, Carlisle, arc for rent. Inquire of J. B. BRATTON. May 9, mi. THE partnership heretofore existing undei tbo mime and stylo of Kor, Dreunoumu A Co , expired by limitation on tbo 13tb ms . All bti anacs duo depositors will bo transferred. o, und all inte rest certificates now out, will bo paid at maturity or now onos issued by tbo new firm of Ivor, Dunlap A Co., whose .Carlisle, August 14, 1800. William Knn,' JoiIK DIINLAP, John S. Sterrett, 11. A. Sturgeon. .mins Bank is now prepared to do a general I. Banking’ null business, umlor Inc name mul stylo of Ker, Dunlap & Co., in the same place lately occupied by Ker, Brenueman, & Co. Money received on deposit ami paid hackon de mand without holice; Certificates of deposit bear ing interest at the rate of Jive per cent, per annual will be issued for four months dr longer. Interest on all certificates will censo at maturity r provided, however, that if said certificates arc renewed at any time thereafter for another given period, they shall bqar the same rate of interest up to the time ol ic newal. Twenty days notice must ho given ol an intention to withdraw interest deposits. They call the attention of Banners, Mechanics, aml'uU others who desire a safe depository for their money, to the undeniable fact, that tho proprietors of this Bank auk n.ot only liable to tiib amount OF TIIEIU STOCK IN THK BANK,. ARE IlSDlii^- UALLY LIABLE to the extent or their Lb- TATES FOR ALL THE DEPOSITS ANDyTEEU OBLIGA TIONS ok Ker, Dunlap & Co. . - • Particular attention paid to the collections, ol vendue notes, foreign hills,, drafts, checks, «tc.,-in tiny part of the United States and Canadas. Remittances made to liny part of the United States, England and Ireland. • , - Tliey will at all times bo pleased to give any. in formation desired in regard to money matters in general. .Tho' faithful and confidential execution of all.orders entrusted to them, may bo rclied mi. . Open for busincss.frum 9 o'clock iu the morning, until 4 o’clock in the. evening. - If. A. STUUGEOX, Gather. Carlisle, August 10, 180 Q. • Town nnd Country rfIJIE . subscriber respectfully informs liis A friends ; aml the public generally, that be still continues the Undertaking business,and is ready to wait upon customers cither- by day dr by night.—. Ready-made- COFFINS kept constantly on hand, both plain and ornamental. Ite has constantly on hand Fink's Patent JfctixUic TJnnutf Cano, of which ho has been appointed the solo agent. This.ease is recommended as superior to any of the kind now in use, it being perfectly air tight. lie has also famished himself with a..fine new Rosewood Hk.vnsH- and gentle horses, with which he will attend funern+Svin town and country person ally, without extra charge. Among the greatest discoveries of the ago is UU/V ,S jn-imj the best and cheapest bed now in Use, the exclusive rightof which I have se ouredd and will be kept constantly on baud. sell at tlio lowest possi Cabinet Making, in all Us varions hranchcs carried nn, ami Bureaus, Secretaries, 'Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier. Side and Centre Tables; Dining ami Breakfast: Tables; Wash-slnmla of all Ipnds, French Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jinny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads; Chairs of all kinds; Looking (Hasses, and all other articles usually manufactured in this Hue of business', kept constantly on hand. His wo! ic best, i ml nil ui rallied ami sold low for cash. Ho invites all to give him a call before-purcha sing elsewhere. For the liberal .patronage hereto fore extended to him ho feels-indebted to hiamime rous customers, and assures them that no efforts will be spared in future to .please them in style and rice. Give us a call. , , llcmemhcr the placer, "North llanovyr fct., nearly ppo&ito the Deposit Dank UNITED STATES HOTEL,/ SOUTH-EAST COK. 11 th A MARKET STS.y Adjoining ihc Pennsylvania Pail-Road Depot TIIK undersigned would respectfully inforn the public that.ho has taken the above lintel formerly known as u . Til 1C MA A SI OX I/O LEE,' which he bas refitted anil newly lurnished through out. The Rooms aro spacious and commodious, and furnished with every convenience lu be found in the host Hotels in the city. The “ UNITED' STATES"- is admirably located fur the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and thtrs saving both back hire and porterage of baggage. &o pains will be spared to render the «UNITEIT ST AT 1-1 S" a pleasaunmd agreeable re sidency to all who limy favor, it with their.patron age. Charges moderate, H. W. KANACA, Proprietor. December 13, 1800. & TAMES ROBINSON, Clock A J and WATCIi; MAKER, Importer of "Watches, Jewelry and French Time-pieces, also Manufacturers oDSilver and Silver Plated Ware, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, No. 1031 MARKET Street, bolotf Elev enth, North side, Philadelphia. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired' at tho shortest notice. ' - ; 7K&' Constantly on hand and for sale, tho Amer ican Manufactured Watches. (Hiding and-Plating, of all descriptions, done neatly to order. N. Odd-Fellows’ and other emble matic Marks made and Engraved to onlei January 3, 1801 —0m Fall and Winter Clothing’, PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES’ OWE PRICE ftilF'ff Clothing Emporium. No. GO7, Chestnut Street. A superb stock of fine French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES | "-"l and TESTINGS, FOR City and Country trade, with an un approachable assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, at the lowest cash prises. pH" But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of Intrinsic worth and uso presented with each article sold. Particular attention paid to the Customer depart ment, and garments made and sent to order to any address. In inaugurating this now system of doing busi ness, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift is deducted from, and not added' to the price of the article sold. Tils immensely increa sing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time, to realize a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' • ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. 007, Chestnut Street. October 25, 1860. J. W.-EBT. bank notice. Cumlijerland Valley Sl;inU. PROPRIETORS, Rien’n. IVoons, Jons C. X)dxi;ap, Isaac Bbexskji-ax, )rkmou aro men of cxpiM-ienec, his material and his work made in the latest city style, d'er his own supervision', It will he war Carlisle, January 20,-1800, Philadelphia, PEARL STARCH. 60 boxes of superior Poarl Starch now in store, and for sale at lowest city cash prices, either whole, eilo or retail, by J W BBY December 1800, rnilE subscriber lias just returned from the i custom cities .ilh th. - ? h »nir^ s » ikcs ju f A 1 „f W verv best makes ami nil' warranted. Country merchants summed'with Nails at manu !,'wTZF/'k«<:c ainin, of atl kinds, with a large assortment of ball chains, hhltor chains, breasUllo., fifth chiuiiS; log chains, tongue / pair of Hames of all kinds just re ceived. Common pattern, London pat era, El sa hethtuwn pattern, with and without patent ihsten "io'ens White Lead, 1000 g,dls. Oil Inst received, with a largo. assortment of \ar uisbes. turpentine, japan, putty, htharage, wlntmg, " Bbollie, paintbrushes, firo prool paint, llo renco white, white «hic, colored *mc, red lew lard nit boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, ac. Colors, oi every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tabes. Farm IMh.-. last received tiie largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Farm Hells in thocoimtj. Oreonenstlo metal and Hell metal, warranted not to kegs Dnptint ..Rock and Ride Pow der, with a large assortment ol Safety Fuse, 1 leks, Crowbars, Slone Drills, Stone bledges, Stone Ham-. m j>nwm anti Cnricnt.— so- barrels Cement, with a verv lartrc Assortment of .Chain and Iron pumps 0.l nil kinds, cheaper than over nt the Hardware stiwe of. . . JlEMll SAXiOA. Carlisle, Starch 8, IsfiO. . - Carlisle Marble Yard. StICIIAD OWES- South insurer stmt. op/mile Urn !-»' Stare, . CVt vlhh. THE subscriber hns on'hand a largo ami well selected stock, of Head-Stones, MontiiiuiHlS TOM HS, ite., nf elumte ami bcnuliful designs, wliicli lu- will soil at llm lowest pi-ssiblo rates, ofnig /losi rotis ol’selling out liis stock. Huad-stones (imaheil ■from three ilollars uinvains. . - - Drown Stone, Jim-bio work. Jinn lies. or D.iildiugs, marble slubs'for furniture. lY on hand; . Iron railing for cernclo lota, Ac., the best Philadelphia workmanship, will be prompt ly attended to. Carlisle, Dec. 22. 1850. . Wine of,Wild Cherry. , A CONCENTRATED preparation of Wild Cherry Hark, presenting, its valuable tonic properties in a suitable menstruum ami palatable form. It is parti'-ularly ailapteil to the treatment of the debility arising from pulmonary tease, old hoc, convalescence fronrsickncsa. *tc.. Ac.; and m.i> be generally used when a sale and agreeable tome is desired. -Manufactured ami sold by GEOUG K J; SCATTEUGOOT), Dufunisr, N’. W. Corner sth and Cullowhill Streets, Pnu.Anni.i'inA. April f. Iftfil—l.y LINCOLN, WOOD & NICHOLS MAXUFActunnns ami imi'Oiitktis Straw and Millinery Goodf, SILK BONNETS,. FRENCH FLOWERS, ■ panama, palm leaf, LEGHORN AND STRAW HATS, No. 735 Che si nit I Sired-, And 72-1 Lodge Street, P H I L ADELP HIA. April -1, 18(U—um , niILADELPUIA a iid Jew el y y Store, Q, Coumd, Ynrmci- ucaipmil, X". 118 Nurlh Scconi Slncl, cnrnr.i- vf Quarry Street. . Xhc'-imacrrigncd lias lease* tbo nhove pTom««. wncro lie will keep a largo ~s s ovtmont of bol.kan.l •Silver IViilvlivs, <>f American,.liiißlwk onfl SwiS;. munufncturo of the moat celebrated,makers, in nd ilition to which,' will be forniA elwirys on hand (and mado to order) an extensive variety ol Jewelry, Sil ver. and Silver Plated ware, together with 0 gone nil assortment of,such Goods as are usually kept in a llrat class Wateband Jewelry store. Tko patrons of 0, Conrad, ami those of the sub scriber, together with, tlie public generally, are in vited to call,,where they will receive a good article for their money. As lam determined-to do strictly a cash business, goods will be sold very low. ‘'Small nro/iIH und Quick is the motto of tills Estab lishment. LEWIS it. PIIOOMALL. DAVID SIDE. Formerly 0. Conrad, No. 1-18 North Second Si corner of Quarry. PUila. ■ June 7, ISOU—ly JPOOTE & BROTBIER, PRACTICAE PLUMHERS A CAS FITTERS JJin:vl'i/ ojipuHite the Cmut Jluhhc, in Church jUlcy. . bend and Iron Pipes, Cast Iron Sinks, Hydrants, Path Tubs, Hot and Cold Shower Path Boilers, Paths, Wash Basins, Water Closets, ~ Hydraulic Hams, Ac. Force and Taft Pumps, *| -Ac., Ac. , Wronghtlron Wel’d, I ' Tub js. | And every description of Cocks and Fittings for ■Gas, Steam) Water, Ac. Superior Coo.kirigTUngea, Healers and Gas Fixtures, pul up in Churches, Stores nml Dwellings, at short notice and In thq moat. moderu style. All materials and work in our line at low rates and warranted. Country work und Jobbing promptly attended to Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. Cream of Tartar “Substitute,” THIS article is recommended as the host in use, in combination with soda nr saleratus for making bread, biscuit, calces, Ac. This substi tuto produces bread and calces, which, when cold aro swoet, moist, and grateful, while those of Crcau Tartar aro dry and tasteless. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar, and it cooking is usqd in tbo same way. This new article, as also Salcrntns, Rod», and Puro Cream Tartar, Arrow Root, Muslardo Seed, Spices, ground and onground—unadulterated. Foi sale at the store of J. W. EPY* Carlisle, I>oc. 13, 1860. THAT I have now on hand tlio very best quality of Sugar-cured Hams, Dried Heel', Fish, Salt, Fresh Peaches and Tomatoes in Cans, do. Mushrooms, Oysters, Preserves fine Pickets, Sauces, Sardines, Fruit, Cheese, Crackers, Old llyo Whis key, Brandies, Wines, Gins, «fce. Besides the above, I have a general assortment of Groceries & Queens ware, Spices, Oils, &c., all offered to the public at cash prices. WM. BENTZ, November 1, 1800. KEMOVAI.. Ali. SPONSLER has removed his office • to bis new bouse opposite Gloss* hotel. Carlisle,. March 29, 1800—tf Fresher anberrxes. A lot of prime Cranberries now in store and for sale by J. W. EBY. October, 5 1800. CORN BROOMS. We have just received a lot of 55 dozen of " Rich's” superior made Corn Brooms, which wo confidently recommend ns the best and cheapest Broom in the market. For sale only by the subscri ber, either at wholesale or retail. December 180'. • j. .-\y t EBY. XXAVING, Mnckoral, Shad in barrels, half* J-A barrels, quarter, barrels, fresh Groceries, Li quors, Tobacco, Sognrs, at the lowest cash prices.—- Uuttor, Eggs, Bacon, Hama, Beeswax, Tallow, Soap, and Rags, taken in exchange at the cheap grocery WM. B^NTZ. >TIS A FACT FISH. A COMMISSION nous r ■ FIOIIR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER ,fc HALT, Tbo suascribcr having taken tbo Warehouse, ears nnd fixtures of William U. Murray's well known cs tablisbment, on West High Street, opposite Dietin' inson College, would inform tbo public, that bo bus entered into' a general 'Forwarding ’and Com mission business. Tbo highest market price will bo paid for Flour « Grain and Produce of all kinds! ' . Ho is- also predared to freight produce and Block to Philadelphia and Daltimorc, at tbo lowest rates, with safety and despatch. ■ Plaster ami Salt kept constantly on band and Fltinr ami Peed at wholesale or retail. ' ■ Coal of ail kinds, embracing LYKION’S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, , SUKDURY WHITE, ASH, ' LOCUST, GAP, Limehunters' ami Placl-smiths' Caul, constantly f ( , ale. Kept under.cover, ,aud delivered dry to ~,.v mrt of tbo town. J.- R. KOKEMAKER. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1359. Fii'c insurance. rjIHE Allen nnd East Pennsboro’ Mutual Fire In i, surnneo Company of Cumberland county, incor porated by an act of Assembly, is now fully orminl ized, and. in operation under the management of tiio following Managers, viz: IVin. 11. Gorges, Lewis Hyer, Christian Stayman Michael Cocklin, J. C. Dunlap, Rudolph Marlin] Daniel Dailey, Jacob 11. Comer, Alexndder CalliJ earl, Jus.;Wiekerslinni, j. Eielielberger, S, Eiitrlv ,J. Brandt.. • ... The rates of insurance are ns low nnd favorable ns any Coinpnny of tiio kind in the State. . Person/! wishing to become members are invited to make api plication to-the Agents of the Company who ahi .'willing to wait upon them at any time. Omouns OF Till! CoiIFAXV President—M r . B. GOBGAS, Ebcrly’a Mills, Cum; bcrland county. - Vice Prcs’t.— Christian. Stay. man, Carlisle Cum- ‘ borlaud' comity. • Scct'yi—Lkwks Byei:, Shepbordstown, Cmubcf iaiid county. . . .- . treasurer.—M/chaki. CnuKUN, Shophenhtown/ Cumberland county. AGEXTS. Ciuiiln-html .County, —John Slu trick, Allimj Val entine.Feenuiu, New Cumberland';. Henry' Hearing, • Shireuiunstown ; Lafayette P'lVer, Dickinson ; Ilen ry Bowman,' (MiufcbUnyu i Mode ' Griffith. h'oulh Middleton j Sam’l. Graham. W. Ponusboro 5 Siuu'l. Coover, Mcehanicshurg; J. IV. tVvkliu, Shepherd*), towii; J). Coover, ‘ihejdierdstbwn,K-0. Saxioiu Silver Spring; .Hcny. Jluverstiek, Silver Svriuc ! John'Jlycr,-CarlialL York toim/j/.—W. S.- Piiklbg.. iWrj-; Jumps Griffith. Warrington: ,L E. HeardorH; Washington • I), Butler, X’uirvifw; 31. Chirk. Dillsbmg; ; ' Jldryinluu't/. —-Houser A Loehiuau," , s ' '■ , . Members of the Company haying polirie.*-about to expire, can have them .renewed by milking applil cation to luiy.of the Agents; JQUUGS, BOOKS.. FANCY noons,' ■ OONKBC'nONEIiiUS, E It U ITS, HCKIiK-S, P K 111-U ME K T, PR JR S E UV E ]) VP«UI T S. S. W. HAVERSTICBV jVt ui/i Hnnorcr >V/;.W, C'eri//.?/<% Hasjust opened an assortment of Frosh IhuiiS, Fancy Goods, Gift-Hooks, Perfumery, bruits, and Confectionery, which bus never been >! in this borough, for novelty and elegance: The arh sles have been selected wi/b .greufeare. nnd «re cal culated, in quality uad price;*** vomumad tbu in tention of pureh,as*or.-L •' ' TAXtfr which, comprises cvVrv variety ot fancy artlpb.s of the most exquisite linlsb. suvli as— ■ Papier Mache Goods, tlyganl uluLaptev iukstaiVdJ and trays, fancy imry. }>w.-vr, ladies' riding whips, ele aiil'y ladur' tom eutlcrv. perfume,-b:tes f . of ye-* ry kind for the -toili.'f.- various kind r mn.-ivul of all knots a’nt a». fill prives/ toge’ther,wiil: a>i. iisAmtnerab,** ,i of urtielcS elegau(V‘f>n’.A!.eil, / uud uA b>>v rates, pi' go,,an extensive collevlioiv of -IJ; ]*, f', enr*-vrMiu, tbo various English and American Aunuah for richly enibelisbed and dllr.s.l valu'd Pm'Gcal .iVinks, with Chtld>-'-"'* rn'hn'Ut! f>«r t , l»slt r .v:u\i>r n'l' ages. ‘ His ussortnveul of S .of'.<7 r rilVrr , H.*\ Ar- cher and others of Philmb lphia; mpririmr’ every., style of Parlor,. Chamber and -Study Lamps. ior burning either Lard.'Spm'.m «»r 1-thvrkd OJ. togeth er with Flowcr l Vi> ! ' ,r ** Fanny Serivi -s. J r.. Jits as sortment in this line js nnebuaHcd in. the bemigh. Also, skf; A - .t 'i' i:>«-vc <: o; embracing all the fav-'nl'* ' rands, and a fine rt mont ofMKEKSCI(Ar.M-HMOKKIUS A PIPES. m r ITS, such ns Oranges. Lemon?. Figs. Raisins rines, Prunes, Ac. Fancy ' ('ojib.Hiniiery. M'b' Preserved Fruits, Mim.i d‘.‘•Aleut, F’.cKlcs. A«’.. Ac.* In every variety and. all pvh-es, all of übadi arc pure arid fresh, smdi us «*a.n. b»*. confidently ru cai mendeil to his friends. Ills <*t««ii. embraces evi ry-*’ thing in the line of Fancy G.mds, with many odor articles useful to hmiseKeypi vs whb;i\ the pul-bc ary especially invited t«* eall ami see, at the old sta.m opposite the Deposit lb.uk. s. w.-jiaversttck. Carlisle, JuneT>, IC-CI.1 C -CI. LU 15 UI'C A T IN (1 GIBS. We wish to inlbtm .Ma« Idai-rs. Millers, and the public generally, that hi In-ve on bard a f>dl .assortmenTo!’ Lubrirating Oils l' Good! Vt'.ry Good JUST received at the cheap Grocery of thfl subscriber, lots of good Ihiug?, a r ar * w llc are the followmg: Hermetically scaled PWiclms, • fresh, “ “ Tomatoes, « - “ 11 Corn, “ Pens, " Asparagus, u Oysters, “ , Lobsters, “ Pine Apple, “ “ Turtle Soup, “ u Sardines, , . “ Mince Moat, Pickled Gerkins, Chow Clipw, Ple«J* ; H, Cauliflower, Lobsters,' Capers, OUvea; Katsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do., Pepper *--J uC ' Uominy, Gritts, Poup Beans, Cranberries, the n” l '; 1 Dried Beef, Sugar cured Hums, Shoulder, Sausage, Maccaroni, Sugars, Codecs, Teas, Mow*’ sea. Fish of all kinds. Spices, Queenswaro, fine ' gars and Tobacco, 25,0.00 Gennan.,Sixes, am* tl;, j very boat LIQTJOIIS in the State, Fruit, Ac., Which We offer to the public at th° I°'“' cat prices for cash. WM. BENI"' Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1559. * _ Watches, Jcuetiy and Silver WARE AT CONLYN’S THE public are invited to call and exaia' 1 "' the largest and handsomest stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY AEP SIL\l- WARE, over brought to this place. Having purchased stuck for cash Inm determined to sell p that tl can’* ho beat,” repr‘’* All goods sold by me, guaranteed to no n ..| vcr sonted or the money refunded. Old gold taken in exchange. « rt xTrVN T . THOMAS CONLiA- Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859. - CARD. Us - WILLIAM M. Biddle, tbc Ofiioo with A., B. Sharpe, , c „ r - Volunteer printing office, South Ha nov ? r n( j offi’ lislo. Will attend promptly to collccuo business in his profession. , November 15, 1800—tf !E,