American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 25, 1861, Image 4

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    'l’yj you want whiskers ?
ASrrS '
Ei>r the Whislrexs and Hair.
Tho subscribers take pleasure in announcing -to
-file Citizens of tho United Slates, Hint Uiey miv-.-ob
tained the Agency for. and-are now. enabled to offer
• Amorlcun public, the above justly celebrated
*J* iwfcHfrorld-ronow’ued article.
I* prepared by. Dr. 0. P.‘BntLiXGiiAM, an eminent
physician of London, and is warranted to bring out
-» thick sat of.
WJjislcca’s <’V a Mnssacla-c
111 frOm'throo to sir weeks. This article is ilm onlv
one oi.the kind - used by the French, uud-in London
and,Paris it is lu universal use.
It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yai rlimu
laling compound, acting aa it'by magic upon the
roots, .earning a beautiful grow ill of luxuriant hair.
If applied to tho scalp, it will cure rauj-vkss-, and
'cause to spring i:p in place of the bah! roots a line
growth of new hair.' Applied'according to duvev
tioiis, it will turn .unn or tuvry’ ;nvd iv
fitoro gray hair to i's-ori'rhKil nd r. Uw-vit g it eft.
smooth..and flexible! The .*■; ON(;i;;:nr’* Nan indis-’
ponsiiblj’iirti-Ie i:i ovry gcn:l.«mauVloiLt, ;unl af
ter one Week's use they would nut ibrjiny cun filler
ation be without it.*
Tho '-.' are the only Agents far tbe nrti
do in the United ieratci, to whoiii aid orders mustbc
.-’addressed. ' •
Price One Dblhir a box—for p-ilo by a l ] Druggr'i**
and Dealers; ora lug; of I he.** Onguont’’ (warranted
to have the desired cflcut) will b'e Sent to any who
doairo it. bv 1.1 til (dil’n.-I.T -ytr-!y •• • t-’-
ccipt of price and. postage,. $ll3. Apply to or ad
ac.;, ‘
21 AY 111 him Street-, New'York,
February ?1. in)l—lv
ix i'iit-; a ur.A’i i'.sT v.viiuiTr at
.. HAVEKSTIOiCy, ■ . :
S W. ir.VVi'.USTiCIv. Ims . ju; : fc ro-'oirel
• Tram rlio oily si »<l d* ra»\va*p.*id'.4 n splni'di !
‘diap.. iv* of Fa■ i■ *y J >»h, r • w ihdi ho d .•••ires ,1 > rail
tliQatjd it-iuU if !,i: friend' 4 . i‘» Id he jdi'die, ULi :•>-
sor.n o .t cannot ho «nrp o i; J ,In r i V.;l V ;m>) ole
giuicJ. .uni ho h ill >lll nby and pri c of- the i rtich y
cannot Tail In. plcd.-o 'pnro-a.u y.rf. ■i( ivnull bo -m
possible-to UlUljndM.c ids
h F.i.xc'.r.voonF,
- wl(.ich (•(•mpr:s<.j‘ cvon ?.it>.dy'of r.-.i; c»y articles o.'
the m ist. .’X'juiado Uiiirfh. siich n?-r- - -
1' ipior il uMi-j tJ-tml.j, ulo ;:int or uihytandu
’ and ;rys. lany ivory. p-.ul ’s t V *H card cases.-.
U I .erf' F.'di -y !) tahotu. y *>* >r!v with
id.; •msdriime »ty, For; ,M annuo,-, of cv ry‘ ; ar.ety.-
• (J dd and’ l\iiclls. Taney p.por wJuhtrf. pa.po*
a »d a l.n',v, v.u-.,ty of I idiorf' Taney H'-.uiimc
ry. ~Mihs;i!,s in.}' wu'-i-s. >• 1:!c add head pm-sos.
lilies' rilnr ivh ps. ole.a u'y tifiU'.ei, l.olioa* Tine
cutlery, p riVnn: h.iSALI-; a id h t-rs. I i-.i-dn.rf' «d' oVo- !
/ry. ki id for. the idiot, Unissi'.s p.i.nmos nf tin
r.iriiiiir. hind. musical Wsraino its nf a!l hinds and
at vll pr.cos. b._-ol!K-r with an immmor iMo Vini.-iv
of articles ‘elegantly iiniraod. and u ■.buy T.iU '-‘. Ai
-80, it II l-.\.oiis'.Vo enilo<(;"!t nf 1)1 ) d]\ S. » pplprl'-dn o
.lli’j various K i ;-K-d» and A mer.'ca-i mn'mis f.«r 1 S.'di
richly. m'o/ii.dio/i and uhsrdbd •l , '*wii-id, W "His.
Vvitli C-> ! <( t[n\ /',i- nt-itif 7'n,//-«.,.ftVlinli-.n of a!-.
•II S MS* U'illl '».* n" B,dii»n! 1 *• ?] ml f'cljiid
•Sf.itlnih.ry is a’is *. conipiol.*. and, ■-.nunriSiS ■ verv
thin; V: -1. i‘i >l!o:o and Hi.- Sobers,
fl-H'res’jiM'jill ihc pah ten!. r.'.itTe.iihM of faUniiosTi
birf as-' *Win•;Wf nf
- ' ' - A.IJ//W,. VXDOLES'. .fV.',
from the cxrensJve frfnldi-ijiin.nfs u." Cnnudjns. At
clicr and ot-hvrrf of l'i<d.nLdp!)i:T, r.iinpivsin.; cv”- ,J V«
prylo irf Parlor, Cimtiihcr-and .S't'dy Lamps, fnf
briroiay tdtlur Lard.'S’i. r.n or Kthcrjni (»il. t 11 «-
cr u*!th I'lowvr .M'-s. Fanny S r.r'ns. ,»;/•. Uia ;ta-
Borinmu! in this line is u;iev.p:all-jil in the b(m>u^ii.
/ niiiif,* I'ancy Cun‘'rfl'itt’Kry, .Yid*, Pi c>irn;c>l
P, r! il c.,
In .cvi'ry'v]r*.cfy. tnitl. till all '<r w'ii* \i :u*:
jvirj :ui*l I’i* *>h. .>'U h as* rn 1 v«»n*Mu >i'iy ro'*om
siirtulal i«» \v* .VurrtK It * curin’ ■><>*
in" tli** It-ui in'y•(!.*•-< !■(. -v.v(J» ur;iuv <ltlu*v
artu‘l *s h> !;<.»’*.•■: u-’iwV. ll:c pali’k* aK’
i*?pc*'*ially inv ; .«‘ ■■} io ' a ! l ;ru I al llio «>M
OppoaiJ.o ,(1j« J> .p iall. Uai:!;
s.. Vi', •uaveiio'tick,
jCsirli.Me, Doc. 20 i. q f
■■, ■ ipnchyirKmieicn.
Piiuic Tmii's'yiitl Pifi.if', J- 3 riros
vnr, GOODst 'or ah .kia/>$ at; prices
ro suit riiius.
v Bir-gaiaSj vS&r's&ibs.
Uuuurcy/i-ml.ha r eldi.*. lainy.l ;h:if:iri‘
. -i. wi Iks’ 11 sc i kind•; ol ii ■■>■'■if i-i Lis* Is’U: ;,!• hi'.-
JJUCiuiyWItUKS'. ji.o iijrk iu p.a'L u/;ii
shoieo select ion 'uf ■
.Ltulnis Dri'ss (Joints,
rtll descrlplhmv
‘ i,\133im.T03,' .
. ]' " lloidVry,
' . ■ -.Ca-vr/at:?,.
Oil Cloths,
Wlolffi best Hanover Thick Gloves, with a Tull a."
gortmvut uf G-jjiU ueaaliy kept i.i- my Dry Good
Bturc. .
Every person hrw;vU »»i* Dry Goo li. Ac., to cstls
and ox.tmmo my st-nk, fo-Aui./ c.mll io .t a I can
oiler ijooda at smell pn.e.» a w 11 pr v.% > ifi-ii'aeiury.
.I’M uii* AdXM.U. ,
AM, id J{ I.i-nar .Vota*;.
.January 2, .lull.
P IRi'i Uytv.\VhiMtov id’ t» make.
Gr.ndy, UTijs. /cm, truest T <l. r .eo
Staple lir i.'s-rie-. lii’i'y G md-. -meis as: Ivesh T-Miiij-
I* a‘die.“, Ihne A-Mple. M v-'-nr !i!. Sordines.
K its ;ns, uM'l -L IU-lou ('liiV, .{nlri K 11, Kmulin;-.
liiOl.t S »y, ll i.-oy.-i. Mh r es‘- r.i.iio'ki’ini IM.-mu-i
of 6 *r’.m;»s, K -.t.-iiee•*•!’ A.u'di"V; -s •plain and huso.;
Piokclo' of ail tiie eelohmU-d-m.ikcH,; tVeiCiwp,
Su'-.'iir Cmvil 1 1;11!I < null lir; i;<i • 1 5■ ■t■ l\
Hohe/tm, ’F s' - , M'iSrar’»» of all Mnd/’QaeeMswsirc
W .o.len.WW . Am..< 1. w'!l he s-d i at the l.nvcs*
prices. Country' Produce' taken in exp".an -e.
; ; ‘ WM. UIiXTZ.
Ctrl's!?. H f. ] T,O.
Hal ai!(! ('a;) i.isijjaiiiau!
‘rri JIS pn Win-pl flu
JT n*‘ lltu |ifo y'Hliain (1.-Tfail. Hr
ccurto'l., waul I r. aMii-ium y. in iho.puMi'
t. lie will r*'nrni»tc ’|lm‘ // r/l/V// rli
oM jjf.ind. in Savc(. iin'Twifli r.*now
cmJ an.l uiTmient oilurJ,’cy urliclcs.ol’ ilca-i
Divt-a* of
Krfrv \ niiriv. Siylc, nnrl (^irtliiy.
t’mt hj “frii-ljy in keeping, until the improve l
lajut n{*-tlio iirf. ami IViUvnj) lo tlio iu which
vfs l.yc.
Hi loss .now on linii'l n Fplemli*}
J , s! , lir . m ut of JIATS of nil ik-scrip
ijous. 'r.on iliu nuimi m Wool lo the
liin ru;* mill Silk im‘H. nrnl nl price. ls
tlml must sum cwrr o-.e k!io has mi eye‘to, „r U»‘ ~, .1U Silli" JUnla .Skin
U nr, m..nirp.i»«j-I i..r MiUttw. (In
„ '‘.v ' d - ntiv ..liter wUMish
\ • n'l'* S ' IT*^ V n rv eonst.tntlv on
0. CALLIb. '
Curl’i 1 ■. Doc'; T:0 l r M,
H ■ [ AMKS UOftIXSOX. (V«-k A
/.■■•A ,1 ami WATCH MAKRK.-»,'-«_
■diaiilA ul' W;i!rlii;r-; .I.w hy un-i
Vivv ’i Tim ; pic*.?, a'no MannJaetiaxr* u, cr
<:!!•) ‘vh'jr I’.af/d W u:-, <r «i<l. Silver and Steel
K‘>\ N*". in.'l) M KK\' r Street, below Klev-
I’inLib IpblaV
Clo< !•:>:.-WaMies and Jewelry mmUv repaired at
• VU'-t »!•»}(' C.
p'V‘ (’nii.'tiuitJy mi hand anil for Kale, the Amer
■'!.aT*nr *ur«*<l
(jlMinr ii’i.'l Plating, of all deaerations, done
nearly to nr h.r.
S. M—'fasonio. 0 M-T’cilowV ami nfhop cmlle
luatic Marks made and to ord<j» -
January Sy ISOJ—tha
Dcpantnent of .Book-Keeping
and AcomuKs, organized ami conducted on the
Cminting-llooiu system—the Halls.of Study being
lilted tip with appropriate Counters, Desks, etcl, as.
iu ical- bii.-iiiofis, and the Student introduced'at oneu
to the practical workinrs and routine of Dunks,
CojunUssioH Houses Uall Road-Olliees and Coim
ciiig-iloeips generally,.
I J r;ictif‘;il Toxl-Hool.s, .
The Teaching in the Book-Keeping Department
is mostly from writicn manuscript forms, with oral
instructions- lectnis'-s, and ld:ud;A»uard elucidaibois :
in u'Mi’iim to which, in order to make the Collegi
ate Course as thorough and effect mil as. possible, the
following Text-Looks'have been prepared.
■.three editions: , ‘ •
' L. P.riuiarij '<>){, fur Coinmo.u SeLoo- 1 ?, H>2 pn-
;■ 2. ■■'Until R 1.m.l Kd!:!,,, ,, for. lli-li ScliWils ami
Academics,'L’rt.S pp.' ', t'
. T*. C )nui/'H;/ J/o'\f!c Accountants and
■ GusincSs Men, »!;’.{) pp..' Published by Is Ison,
ncy ,t C0.,.-IS.ami ail Walker (dread, N. V. . ’
Ijrj/Oni.d'. #ti\tf/ou*ft Commercial OtltniJah'omt,
'or-Ac.eouiitants, pdsiiiesa Mm; Schools' ami
Acadeinus. CHI) pp. ' •
UryiiiU. & SiiMiiuir.s (’umiucioiiil l.ii w,
fur the ProlcashmAlluslhcss Men.' Parmer:;. Com
mercial Collo*cs; »l,> »;nl 'A-;udi mi. s. ,‘»0«l
!■;*. ( Pablidhed bv D. : Applcdon, diM ami lid L’raad
sv.i v, >*. Y.
■srlk\cj-:r:u:\ r sys'tkm,or-n:x:MAXsinr.
in a s of.nine bonks. by I*.' 11.' Spencer.
•• Ilouiuj open ibivuml .No va
cations; •• - ’ ; ,
//Ixy (•’iivuhir.rl ami inrornmlimi
ot’a-.y kind,-.tall a. the or ii(Mr,:,>s
■l?:irE:assssv Org?o8.
GAiii)XKU, A CO, - nowmauuljudur
- • ami keep coj».-tanily FUR .SALl'kat- llij
.•:;:- i*i: iv-; iSieain Win k* on Thud Main .-t., UaHi.-Ks, a
tar;;. 1 a-vailm nit of Agricultural lutpLin- nis. o.
iVw.l known and approved ns.dnln'c ss Is Fann.-rs
.illimij which ihvy sv«|liM call especial u-tlumii/n to
, vvii.i.oimmsv's n;Ma)';.vri:i'
Patent Gum Spring Gram Drill,
which lias taken over tiity Jtr.-d c lass premiums iti
Stale ami (’mnty FMr*. To tlu* I'.inn f* -i’ ('lllll
h. rlaii.l. York- :u:<l Ikrry Counties us-11 not speal.
lit cl; tail oJ* the merits of tin*- drill, a.* scon s «»!’ I In-m
arc im.\v in n.-.- on the best lanii* in these comities."
If* iv/.m.iiioM is c.-i.iMisiit’tl tis ll;u nm-l cnniplct'
.train drill now in inii'in I'mrvl,lit the United-Stales
It s.-Mv- When. R,\e. (‘Uis..l),iWcy and'C rass. evinU
and re-rnlar. without bnnchtn.', r the js-ed..
nf>i*;ntr -** pmr (he drill owr n stones, with
••nt br-al.imj- j ii-s or the drill. F->i*fVv'M and rc.-n
iar s -viMe’. (he ilionolibv (Inm Sprnio-Urdl i>nn
i*i[ii.ill-’d by any other. a!sirmam:l;ci nn*“ and
-'ell the Iblbnsiiur arl ickv. which wv c:nuvcointm;nd
i<i Carnmrs tis reliable im-plementu cd‘ csfablisbed
11 ’v /’n t,}it Un/’H Pfiiiihr,
I.' ihAV P'i.’rnt S’linruiid I'i'il'itf Putter,
U'hifj"* Siitttrr,
//or i 'Hih-i'jh,
littin'* I’nl'nl-C.'ild-Jiiff,
Al'"’. Three and Four llurs.c I’uw -is and Thresh
bi'4 . M i.-Kv'.i -s. r v-t Ivon FUd-h Itol 1 ,. rs, plon,:V
t.'astio.s of vivvioh.- |i:.iLin.'.' (,'orn. t'rnatihi •-. nu>'
tlicv anl-d* s,f-u- ihnm rs ton munemrs in mention.
M.n.. K.;/ Coal .Stoves And hut |*l-iti* Wood Stove.-
\yi*r 1 1 an immense varik I y of other cjisUmlh for hotts,
n:ni U'e have also an aUravliv.
variety, of jnirtirns r»»r ;
JKON T KAirilS’Cl?, •
aa.l r'r'ni'l.'.ry \vkid; w.c M’oitli'l cal-
T>» ( nl of-ot-'i: Jnisincf-s-tv ; ;riv-e- [hi
iii • t i its va I} .a: ii> ■! a Ger already c.vunsive .-un-k <-
juto i.i:'. (V>r p;i|.t r.\ il'i/l >:i\v uiill /rearm-/. 1
;• hi - !;ii»! !y im r; a.sit!/.. Altll o« nu i-.Htnd mill wri,/!:t.
will he.lUM.'i.piieil witl»- a printed ta(uio.;tie .of »mij
.varans mill ]i:itt. r-njj on ap]>!icalL>aa. Otiv machim
sliujv- all the v:iri"iij lo dtt l<n*. luruin/
plan-in;/ aud
aipl euivful macliiuijls.
nf e.very desiraMe « , apa | 'ity, 1(1 tn 2a Imrsi' _
powv-r, in the he.-t style ami <m iu'etoit'mnj.'.liti;
tevuift. Ihivincs liiiilratAmr o.*-lahU>litm‘Jit tuny hi
seen Am puefessl'nl operation; at many of t lie larires.l
distilleriesuml tanmieiies in Carlisle; and Cinnh’d,’
Perry atiil llanphin cap., f,> oC-wliieh vre,
eotcliiK-ully refer for inldrumthm :i.« tn lUeircllieivu
'.•y. Vorsins dine in es iiro enrncsM;.
•r, (j'tcsletl In mill and examine before contractin'
elsewhere." • 1 ‘ ’
r -nncU- d with nt:r ertaM:s!um'nt-is a steam Pas)
ntid Al.itinjaef'i'y wliirh is im*v frl e<nnpli-i<
vr ler foz t lie, unituf.e t ere uf l*v, ev disc riplluu' nl
hr the tnost v<s' l y its wAI as the ]ilaino. J ,l Inmu
W’induv. I'nrnishid ir-im iive’eoi.ts upward.:!'
.• .n-.M’iy t" si 'e uf ss ; W.nd-'iv I'mm. sli mu ./‘I .‘1
lijpv.srd; Phufiers ami Kolljn/t Dlimls tV*im SI.T
-a; ward ; ' l>aur In; me? from PI. 75 upward; Font
p..n> I fruin P 2 upward. ,M -nldin. s,. (.’a.*
m/s, A.rrhnvavos, W.ihli It >ards, HiMid-.rls.
i trap wy. and "iher :i rlieles u>-c«led in fmn.M
ftii’.iidjad at tin* I iwvl prieis*. and uf tin
in-st «1 1 . 1 1 ifui 1 ;,iill'f. • A,p s , U’v nrealsa pr-.pijvn
.s In reli.u<;e t>» build and i.-puir IU'KIrKN < ‘ IJ r
nr tr iTi.-purtvr- 1 mi .the railroad, with prompt tit.••l
-ind mi- r>:.a ,; uf a : 'le lorni'.
T'ay-e • , .i*imnd pair-m’a/e of l!io pnldie i.; mspeel
ullr a.ilicllod. Or lurs hv •mail prutnptly attend
d Cl - V. GAKUXFU A CO. ■
. (’arlish'. .May A 1 r -f‘.o. •
O's u‘s'l a'u*;* M unlay. PpvV. [). ISiJO, tram:
<u the al uvc rvi;\il. will lent j as luLuW.-, (San
I'm’’ CJi’t tf ,f* ixlin) 7/.
Uive ibyreMown, 7.(‘0 a. m. ?.I5 l*. m.
•• ncasde. 7.37 “ <‘>.’’>s ‘‘
•• C:iiiml.-r.'!'i;r o ', B.IJO “ Ar. 12n I*. m.
*• - •* L.sive 1.35 •*
' Pldppcnslmrg, I*.oo “ 1.07 “
•• N wviib-. “ 2.3 D “
“ Carlisle. 10. in *• Mi) “
• '• M.cfMimrsbnr.T. I". 12 “ 3.13 “
Arrive al Harrisburg. 11.13 “ *l.lO “
c:,.uhvnj «T IfujCftif'iini.
Leave Ilarrisbm-T, 8,05 a.m. -1.10 i*. jf. -
M. rl.anicsburg. 8,17 “ 3.30 “
- - i;,nli.-b\ 0.37' V .'M»O “
•* Newville. HW3- “ MU “■
•• s:.ipp nsburg. lo;:-:} 44 , .1.05 “
<• Cl.amliV. ]|. 11l •' -J.15 w
“ (! ivf.K • 11. .Vi ' 0..30 u
Arr. at Hagerstown, L3.t>s U.lJ' “
T; r. 0 daily (rains >-*avc U srri-bnr.rTnr Pittsburg,
at Ibid ami 7.0 f. A. M.. and 1.30. )>. .\L. nuking di
rect eo-me’tic.ns witii train's for <’in.'iisnrtll. Louis
,v'.lb;.,Cleveland. Chicago, Indianapolis, Si. Limi*.
1 suvl uU principal points throughout the, UVsl !
1 Vor Ibdl.uMnhia via Petin.-ivivaiua Central Hall
1 H'oiA j
At '.MO, A. M.. 12.55, 1 I'b.r TreV T-tai: and Wfl
iy\2.% p. M. iianr-wtat LiU.tMk
. Leb. VA. U. R. u , .
1 p IH M A * * ll * s 1 Train ...I I'bmpMii'Ki.ild
- * 1 ' . 1 •at I> M* •
lM,r;, v.t IbOU A 7. to.'A. M., .v'l.lO, \\ M.
Al nil where th-V.eN wrtt n. 1,1. Y \-,__n
gorstowi. . UivencaMh*. Cbamb-ndmi-g. ,„V
Imr/. Newvillr. ('ar!i»U*, Mot lnu«ic>»tM;rj: uli<l ‘n ~..
ris ; nir-, a redaction of ten vt.ntu po i sirU tickvt will
l»o made to all i)* , l!'at. pr>\H-,- th. m<*< lv. »■
witii tpk’cls lielnrc eiltjrinjf-ino r.-n-?, ,
< d———-
. S. £. Corner of Cheduwt mud Seventh Streets,
f jHIIIS ia one of Eight constituting
-B- tiie National Chain,” locate*! in Philadelphia,
New York City, Albany, KufuiUu Cleveland, Detroit,
Chicago and St. Lanin. Scholarships can bo pur
chased at either point, good at all the Colleges.
embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping,
Commercial Compulations, Commercial Law, Pen-'
Settlements, etc. . >
Dicernbnr l'V.i p (> l~ly
.STUAAc -ax n vn.r: ckakixg
,STAtIOX.AUV lixoixii?,
Doon axi> s.vr-ii factoiiy.
Will It I* ;\ !T!1 111’('ll! t'lll ! 1
Change of Houus !
r.’u.trl i’uil y uw! Fi i'.iil.-Un ttuilroids !
0. K. M'LL; Sufi,
R\ Rv OfUcoj- Nor. 20, IWO.
A TTO Ji y K y A T L A IP.
OFFICE with Win. H. Millor, Esq., South
HuuovePstreet, oppysile tho Volunteer PHiiting
Carlisle, Dec. 22. ISiiP—tf.
S. V. KVItY, •
ATTORNEY AT LAW.' Cilice in Rhccm’a
Hall, rearofllic Court Ho”Se, Carlisle.
Carlisle, Dec. 22. ISfdb
JohnS3 AYS, •
OFFICE opposite - “AXaviou Hull/' v West
Alain street, Carlisle, Pa.
Carlisle Dec, 22. IDol).
DR. JXO. Tv! SMITH- rospctfully announ
ces to his old friOnds and former patrons, tliht
lie has returned from, his South-western tour, with
Lis health, greatly improved, and has resumed prac
tice in Carlisle. . ’ .
Ofueo on Main street, one door west of the Rail
road Depot, where lie can be found at all hours, day
nn»l night, when not. out professionally.
Carlisle. IKo. 22, ISSSL
aTSSF** BJR, 9. €. I>JSX
■/ ■ TSST.
South Hanover Strcet r nost door to the Post Of-
Beo. : 1 • - :
Carli.-lc. Dec. 22. H'o'L
SSSI. G030.;,5; SBA'SiSGHTi,
From tint-ftttffimnrc Cufleiji' of Dwitoi Suvrjrvy^
. Office at llie;ivsi*lenee of his mother, East Leath
er Slrc'd. fhive do'ors bi.low Redfurd.
. CarLsh'. Dec. 22. 1
.VfVv ('oat iioro tumbo Vs»i:cl, .
] lIK subscribers have tbis.dav entered inb puvt
'f . nm-ship in ,C()AL AM)
Wu>'iil have constantly on band aiulfurnish to or
der, all ‘Kimls .and (jiialiiy of • *
SKAS'ONKD LUMUKR, . ■ looirds, Scant lin r, doLt. Frame Sfnfr* Pal
in tr iuiil IT.i-tcrin.: - Lath. Filin..!iu:r Latii* Worked,
Floorin'*/, W.cathv;rboardhi£, Posts.. Kails, and all
’Kinds 'of-Slihi.’.rf.s. to Wit; W it; Pine. Hi inim-k.
Ciieshut, and Oak, of dim r 'uf (jnalitus.’ llavinir
oars of'onr own we'can furbish. Kills to order ol'jiny
len/ili r*t a I the short* st • notice ahd .on the
most reasonable terms.’ Our’ worked hoards will
be Kept nml r eover so thal they can he' furnished
dry at ail linns. " r
‘Wo will yonst-anlly
have on l ainl all kinds
,• ad’ FAMILY CO A L,
»ylitnler eov.r. which
«’ifl deliv or dry
V jf-? 'dean to any part
h!* the honuirh, to wit;
i Lykcns Valley. -Luke
' : ' Fi;i«ller, l.''Ciisf iUoun T
■ *' tain, Tinhhcrry, Trev- (
■ evton. Proken,. K-jf-s ,
Stove and Nut Coal,'‘which we pledge mu'selves to
>ell at ihc .lowest prices.
Ih-st (jnality of. Lim .burners* and Pbi'-ksmilhs*
i'oa! a ? ways m hand at the-lowest figures. .Yard'
west sl«lc ol'-Krammer School, Main St, • a uoFFEii;
Carlis’c, Pec. 22. 1>.71f. I
Kcw r«si.l Vitnl,
at. mi-: \vi:sTi:xd of cau/js/J/::
TlfM snli;:ri'il>o,rs.w-'ii!il rosptHdfullV (‘dll Hio
addition of Litnebuniers and Pic cili/dns of.
h:ir!is|e, and t'-e shrr.nindm;; country iroiVerally.' to
tin i • ir‘ iv COA L VA It P. a! I ached to his Waiv-hnnse,'
on. W.sf si.. n here they .will keep coiistanjly.
. cvii hand a lar/e supply'
..-ryC ■■■of tiifc hist ([Utility 6f
’ -/T s C’o vi„ to wit:
Y ?2y,•_■//■ .;■/.! l-ff/tr. /"Vnc (hove, mid
%' y'[ J • *\-f-‘ lln.hhi, L)/;/
ix*Vf -7‘ y'*>'./. (l An/ C<>nl—sercen
ed and dry, all of which
'‘?’’-A' 7 he pledges hnhself to
. sell all*the lowest piissi
.v*wt/.V“ Ido prices, Pest «jtial
ily of Lnne.ihrmn’H imfl W<u:J,niinth»' Cuttl always
on l.amL.
All orders IcJ’t at,the Y T are House, px’nl lns
r in. North Hanover strdel'will be-promptly
.aUwU'Ld lu;.
. r " 1 HKX PERSON. & UKEP: •
• Carlhde, Dec. 22, Hlotl—if. : ‘
Fnnv.-ui-p'vih ,v‘ ••ro>*iMTf ! «rp:t. iioy&f
. . rnyOS’M ’ •
CO-A /, i .'/ I !;ASi'rJJ! .C* X.l LT,
Tljo sims-rther Imvln■; ta’ctn tlio-Warcliouac, tars
am! ll.\Hir,.''ul U'.ikam Ik Alarray’swell known es
-1 ddi.'hiiieut, u;i West Hi./h Street,. oj»p tslte' J/ithin
mson tviiuJ'd ijjfarm- the pnldie, ,-lliat.!»>.•'
mi' f-d hit"
missluit business. , N
” I’ue i/i/iieS: niar!;cr price will he paid, ibr Flour.
Grain and Ihudnee uf.. 11 kinds/ ,
lie is ,:tls.i pi- iLr'd to freight pvmlueo and
'.ue!; tu IhiiiV,’-e pam afi'l IhiMmure, at- the lowest
ra|e<. with safety aiid *ksp.itch.
rtn*u:t nwt kept constantly Am haiuV, and
I'luiii- uni!. I'i t‘il sit wi.'oh;fs;ile nr r_t;iU«
C’oiil ufsill kiwis, '.
.. IA*V MX’y V.U.LMV, ••
. • • - UJC’UST GAP,
. IjUurhnmeiH' mu! lUitchmiuliiH Cun/, constantly fur
-ale. ’Ki jit tind. r coveK, and . tleiivereil dry to any
part of .-the town. ‘ •
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
. j:i,ack a i)Hi.A.\nj;v,
U.i l.’ic /'"!! /inai/, untr (he Oku IFt rhd,
I ’ll M siM.Her'lm knuji c-mutantly on liaml r , a
i l\.l ass wimeut of
t.nillKli A Nil .(’(I A 1
they can to tinier-promptly and on
(he tO'is' roas mtihlc (urms.
Ikiri FI-.t'i-crio f aud niiinirllni-L;t!is. AVorj.ed
l-’l i-'ri” M’e iUkrho.irdla.c« I* >stfi. lin'd-. While
Pine. H Mir?- V; ;iud 0 Si;in*/K ?. of every quality.
They iil-i i fur :is’> hil’s to order of any leii/tli and
-i'.e.ii.t the s'uiiMcst imtico. 'and on themust reason a
hi • terms.- T.,e!vw rked hunnls are kep umlvryov-!
L-r, iu tU;tr they i in he furai.Mied dry at all Ipnes.
Titevkav-* rti’tsfanily jm hand all kindsof Fam 5 -
1y Coal Mini, r. (hiVOr. wiihh will he delivered clean
to any part uf the hoy r :hX .To wil:
hI'KK FinMMvll;
\u l otli'T v.'rl.'tie", and sill the varum? in it!?c.
\v’ i**h '-At.l'i tho ,no).lie nt the lower-t prices.
always on hand, at-the l‘>w- - t oash nriep.
April 11. Iftll—ly . - . ’
\EW•-I B 5! 8.8 A E BI» Bl'E' E
w a
New Vmk & I liii rishuig !
Monxixr, fix I’UKSS, West, leaves Now
\ i*rk -I II A. M., arriving al at 13.-
15 -noon, «>-uly' (If hours ItMwcea thy two cities.
JtAll. I.f.VK leaves Xciv V.ork at 13.U0 noon, tuul
arriv« Uarrlshnra' at 8.30 I*. M.
jMOUXIN’i* AIAIIj LINK KjjhL,leaves jfurrislairg
lit 8.011 A. »M.. ari'ivinir jit X’i.w’ York al -1.30 P. M.
AI’TKUX’UU.V KXIMIK.Sti LINK, K,ml, leaves
II nT.'lmiv? at 1.15 i*. M:, arriving at New, York at
IMH) i’. Al. -
(.'ouneetions are made at llarrUburg at 1.00 P.
M.. with tlio PassompT Trains in euoh direction on
Ihe IVnn.syivania, Cumberland -Valley ami Nopther»
C nUal Uailrnatl.
All trains ct*nncet .at Heading with trains for
P.'iHvi!!!. 1 and Puiladclphla, and-at Allentown lor
M I'u tr Cllmnk,dvisi’tii. ttc. ••
X 1 th.iageo.' I’a-s n p‘r Cars itr Ilairgagc between
N. iv'Vo.-k and 11-arrishurj-, hy Ihy 0.00 A. JL, Lino
!Vo’>t X. w York or the 1.10 P. M., Irom H.irrishnrg.
■ Toy Ueauty ol' scenery, nml speed, comfort and ae
omoi .il.t'ion, tins rout* presents superior induce*
n ;ni> 1 . tj(.' irawlin . public,
V.- r n N w York anil Harrisburg FIVL
•\i - • * r l ' t '^ c * a and other iuformulion up-
a««i t V ( Mi!l!^ a#ncnJ As ° ut ’
THE 'partnership' heretofore existing under
the mime ami style of Kcr. Brenncnian A. Co.,
.expired by limitation on the Ittth inst. All balances
due depositors will be transferred to, and (ill'into
rest certificates, now out. will bo paid at maturity or
-new ones issued by the new firm of Ker* Dunlap
A Co., whoso Banking Card will bo seen below.
Carlisle, August l*ij 18G0.
Cumberland Valley Banfc.
•Joint Dunlap,
IL A. Stuuckon.
'THIS Bank is iuVw prepared to do a general
1 Hanking and Exchange business, .under, the
name ami stylo of Ker, Dunlap A Co., in the same
place lately occupied by Ker, Brcnnemnn, A Co.
Money received on’deposit and’paid back on de
mand without notice. Certificates of deposit bear
ing .Interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum
will bo issued fur /our month* or longer. Interest
on all certificates will cease at maturity, provided,'
however, that if said certificates arc renewed at any
time thereafter for another given period,, they shall
hoar the same rale of-interest up to the time of re
newal., Twenty days notice must he given-of mi
intention to withdraw interest deposits.,
They call the attention of Farmers,* Mechanics,,
'and .all .others who desire a sale depository for tliclr
money, to the undeniable fact, lhai- the.proprietors
of Tina Bank aue not oni.v uaht/e to. the amount
oPtiieiu stock in.tiik Hank, uot auk INDIVJD
■UALLY LIABLE to tiik extent'or tiikiii ES
TIONS OK Keu. Dl’NLAl’ A Co.
Particular attcnlion paid to the..collections of
vendue notes, foreign .hills, • drafts, cheeks, Ac., in
’any part of the United Siat-s and Canadas.
’ Remittances made to any part of the United
‘States; Englandiuid Ireland.
■They will at all turns I.L- jilcilM togivo any in
formation desired in regard to money matters in
■general. Tito faithful and confidential execution
of ail orders entrusted to them may he relied on. •
Open for |)tiVmess from 0 o'clock in the inornipj;
until o'clock in the evening.
H. .A. STURGEON,* CW/icr
Carlisle; August IG. D'fiO.,
Waf. liC', Jc',veliy SSIvM
npIIK puljVo iivo invitcii ta enll anti examine
■fl. ami U‘aii<?stnm st .sloi-U of
■ •' ■ ■ WAIIJJ, . '
eVcr l*ron;.'.lit to this place. Havin'; purchased. tin's
attKtl; lor cash .1 am determined to sell ttt price?
that hy ltrii/. n ,
■ All-goods soli! liy iho, gnnranteoiVto ho ns repre
sented or the money refunded'. Old gold'ainl stiver
taken in exchange.
Carlisle,' Dee. 22, 1559;
rjnrM'i respectfully' 'informs Ins
(JL 'friends uiul the, public generally,. that- lie -sJ ill
eohtinncs’the Undertaking business and is readyid
wait upon customers either by day or by night.—
Heady-made, COFFIN'S kept* constantly on. h.iCnil,
: both plain rind-ornamental. Jfo has constantly un
hand ' Fish's Patent MiUilHc linriaf, of which
lie has been appointed the-sole aren't. Thin ease is
recommended ns superior In-any-of the hind now .In
.use, it being tight. ,
.lie has also furnished himself with n fine now I
Rosewood Hkausk ami gentle horsc-vwilli which
ho will attend funerals in town and country pereon
ally, without extra charge. • - _•
Among-'tho greatest-discoveries of the ago is
Welt** tyiriii;/ H/uf/rriKH, -the best and cheapest boil
now in use,-(ho exclusive right of. .which' I- have se
euredd and will bo kept'ooustantly. on haiid.
- ■. Saftinet Sfslicing
in nil its yarhus brauchos carried on, and Unrenus,
Secretaries, Work T-stands, Parlor Ware. Upholstered
-Chairs. Sofas, pier. Side and Centro Tables; Dining
and liroakfaijf,Tables, Vvasli-stauds.of all'kinds.
French .Fedstcads, high and low posts; Jinny Lind
and Cottage Dedsteads, Chairs of allkinds, - Looking
Glasses, and all otlierurticles usually uvauu tact need
in this I'ule of business, kept constantly on bari&..
His workmen-are men of experience,.luMuatonal
the best, and las work roa-bv. in the latest city,style,
and rill UuAoy-4ub •; Tt will lio w * lT
vnnlod'and sold low for cusp.'
’■ Ho invUesnli tic give him a call before' purcha
sing els’,'.where. For the liberal patronage-hereto
fore estonded’to him-he feels indebted to bis nume
rous-customers; ami assures them , llmt np effort*
will lie.spared in' futare-tn please them in stylo.and
price- Give ns a call.
Ronvmber the place,. North Hanover St., nearly
opposite thu Deposit Bunk.
• , ■ DAVtD SIPE. .
Carl i ?* c. ,T ami ary 20,1 80 0.
AtljoiniiLij i/ie I’rmw/lrauia ludl-Jiaad.Depot,
TUT' midor %iK*il w-uihTvonyifmt fully inform
the'public that lie bus taken (lie above Hotel,
formerly known as *’ TUK MASSIOX 'IIOI.SE."
which ho has refitted ami-.newly furnished through
out. ’’ '; .
'The Ko'ojns are spacious an«l commodious. and
furnished with every convenience to be found in the
best Hotels in the city.
• The UNITE I) ‘ STATES’* i.« admirably located
Air the convenience of traveler?, be|n-g under the
same roof with the Pcunr-ylvaniaMUiilroad Depot,
and thus savingboth hack hire and porterage of
har-ga/c, No pains will be spared .to render the
UNITED STATES" a pleasant and a ireeahlo re
sidence to all who may favor. \l with their patron
age. Charges moderate'.'.
It. Vvb KANAGA, Proprietor.
December Ifb ISM,. ■■
Fills: Wirttlop,
GR. A Vi LL E S ■ 01< E S.’
• ■;. 'o»k ■ Wsjif:a-: &fvv, .
Clothing Emporium.
UO7. (Tu'MiitH Mltrl
A .vtprrb stank oj'jlas:l' T i'cnch, Bnyllsh dn<l-
American ■
cloths, ' :
' ■ J • • ami-VESTINGS,
F)R City find Country tnvlo, with an un
approachable nasortlnen.t nf : HEADY MADE
ULO'HIINti- ut Hie lowest cash prices.
But, OSIj PUKJE is asked, and tfV/FT of
intrinsic worth and use presented with eacharticlu
-Particular attention paid to the'Customer depart
ment. amb garments ma'du nnd order to any
address. . 1
•Li innugnmGng this new system of lining busi
ness. .GRANVILLE STOKES would impress mi the
minds of the pjvtrons of his establishment, that the
cost of tho gift is deducted fcrnm and not ad dud to.
tbo price of the article sold.. Ills iimuona. ly increa
sing sal s enabling him to act lima liberally* and at
the same Mme,To reali/.; n remunerative profit;..
All articles guaranteed, to give entire satisfaction.,
007, Chestnut Street,
October 25, ISfiO:
CHAIRS! chairs: ('ll AIHS !
Oatie Seat Chairs,
Wl>. UEICIINKU’S Union Fancy Chair
« Kaidory, .Till -North Front'Street, above
Vine; Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, large and
small -Hooking. Chairs,'manufactured of tho best mb
tcrial and by experienced workmen. All orders
tilled with promptitude and cure.
Remember tbo place 331) North Front Street, above
Vine* Philadelphia.
January .‘b 1801—ly
Wo have Just received n.lot of 55 dozen of
“ Rich's” superior made Corn Rrooms, which w.*
oontidenlly recommend na tho best and cheapest
Ilroom in the mark* I '. For sale only by tho subscri
ber*.ciiher at who’.sale or retail.
December L g tl‘-. J. W. ETVY..
A'!,. SPONSLKR li«3 removed his office
• •'ll Ilia non- house opposite Clttsu’ hotel,
(7ir’iBlo, Minch 20. 180ft—tf, ,
Reduction in the' Price of Dry Hooijs.
Bargains, Bargains.
W.K liavo-siiico tlie-Now Yeai-tf.e
price of onr Goods, such as Silks. Figured
Merinoes, Poplins. Hips. Delaines, Mevimies, Cassi
mercs, ami all other kinds of Dress Goods.
Mourning Goods, of all kinds, Shawl# of every
description, Cloth Mantles and Kagluus.
at greatly reduced prices.’ .
Buyers who have not supplied thcmsclvos with
goods suitable for the season, will find it to their ad
vantage to call and see onr stock as wo are detcr
minodto close out our winter stock at very low pri
Hicn’n. Woods,'
John C. Dunlap,
Isaac Buenneman,
Our stock is full ami complete in all kinds of de
sirable Goods. '
f !' 1 IlE subscriber Ims just returned from the
i eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, ami
best selected 'assortment of Hardware, ever ottered
in this county. Every thing kept in.a large whole
sale and retail Hardware store, can bo had a little
low'er than nt-any other bouse in the county, at the
cheap hardware slur.* of the subscriber..
iVuifH nml *Sy»//*c*.—stt tuns Nails.and Spikes,just
received of the very best makes ami all - warranted.
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices.
GOG /)»»> TVocc (Main* of «H kinds, with a large
assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast d 0..,
fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains.
Ac.. Ac.
IhiincH.— Bso pair of Ilamcs of all kinds just re
ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
in'.’#, cheaper than eva r, -
'Paint* tt ud.Odx.~U) tons White Lead. TOGO galls.
Oil'Jiiat received, with, a’hirge iissf-rtmenVof Var
nishes. turpentine, sap»n. puitv. litliamge, whiting,
.glue, shell uc, paint.-brushes. lire proof paint, Flo
reiicc white, white zinc, < oloivd zinc, ivd lead, lard
oil, boiled oil, sperm’.nil, fislr oil, Ac.. Colors of
ev«;ry dcscnplion. dry and in oil,-in cans and, tubes.
farm //<;//«.—Just received the largest, cheapest,.
and best assortment of Farm Hells'* iii the county.
Grocncastle metal and Boll'mctaAv warranted .not to
cra« k. ■ , -..-
Pointers —2.Vlings Dupont Uncle ainf'Uifio Fon
der, with a large assortment of Fns.*, Pick.'
Crowbars, Stone Drills,'Stone Jiaiu
mers. Ac.
’■ ,P'un}>H iiiiil. Criiicnf. —jt) harr-ds Client, with a*'
very large assortment of Chain and IctTa-pnmps of
all kinds, cheaper than ever at the Hardware store
of' - -•- . ' JHSXIIY SA XT OX-
Carlisle. March 8, ISfif).-.' ,
(atrlb'le Aiiirblt; Vartt.
: bl &
rnflß suiwcrlhbr has on hand a. large-and
-H- well selected stock of
TOM US, Ac.> of chaste and beautiful designs, which
ho will sell at the lowest, possible-rates; being, desi
rous of soiling ot'i t his stock. Head-stones, finished
from, three dollars upwards.
Frown Slone, 'Marble work. Mantles, Ac., or
buildings, -marble slabs for furniture. Ac t . constant
ly (»n hand. Iron railing fur ccinefry lots. Ac., of
the host Philadelphia workmanship, will be prompt
ly attended-to. .
Carlisle, Übo.-22, ISath . . '
Wane of Wild Kerry.
.A COKCKNTIIATKD preparation nf.AVihl
473LCherry Park, presenting its valuable tunic
properties in jt suitable menstruum -rind palatable
rpvnu. It is particularly adapted' to Ibe treatment
•if the- debility ri vising from pnlmnuiwy- disease,' old
tige, mmCalesbonce' trmn sick pass j Ac.. Ac., rind may
be generally used when and 1 agreeable tonic
is'd»’sii:e<L. V ..
-.i\f:i>ml:r*hired'and sobl, by ‘
OFORGK .1. SG\TTBIUJOOD. Driirnflisr.
..K. Corner nth and OallowhiM Streets,
- , Pini.ADKM’IIIA. .
,'Anril-1. Iv
Sirff'.y mid Ti Ilium; Goods.
p.\ v\\i \. i>.\ h i.k u-v ■
1.. i ; i;n and-'straw ii> r
■ '■Nii. ~i~i (:hr*h,nl.strtrh
And 724’, Lodge Street,
P H I; L A i E L P H i A.
April 4, 18151—Um
lodtors-tcstnmouinry on liic cslnioof Ju.c-ub
J Kell- r. deed., late of K ,w!on. township', ('mu
b.trmnd county. Pin. have boon issued by the .Reg-
ister of Cumberland county. to the subscribers, ihe
first residing in the loWnship and couii' y aforesaid
and the latter in Ulmmb rsburg.'Er.mkllu 'county.
Pa. -All per? ms ’ knowing themselves indebted f.’.
said estate are hereby r ipui.-fed to make hnmedi.iu
payment, ami those having claims will present them
fur settlement to ’ «
April 4. 1801—fit
WILLIAM M./HnMK Attmney-ut-Law.
Oittce with A lh Sharpe. l-Nip. under the
Volunteer printing oflie.i, South Haimwr street. Car
lisle. Will attend pr huptly to culb-ciiuns and oth
er business in his profession. • ...
November in, 1801)—tf
to ails: nails:! '
1t .\ large stock of good,‘ clean.- neat, and.'tough
Nai:S, at the lowest jn’iccs.. .Our Nail? are •;orth fdl
cents a keg. more than any other make Fold in, mn
town. • This is the opinion ul imi hanli s who have
tried' tjieuii We also.hate ’a full assortment ol
I.adding materials of the latest and'most improved
styles. -All.goods warranted ns represented.
November lb 1 Sfitb
I» I. Tlio best Meat Uniters and Stutters that arc,
mpl‘l are to be had at Lyne’s* where you can find a,
lull {» ick of. Butcher's tools of every descri;tioii, at
prices lower than ever was heard of. Don’t buy a
cutter or stutter until vow take, a look at our stock.
; N. Hanover street, Carlisle.
Nov, 1, 1800.,
C A It I‘F I'S. (' A UP F I’S, C A U PFTS.
J'JMRSOXS-g.iiiij; to housekeeping, ami title
. era wanting to refurnish are respectfully invi
ted to examine our large and varied stock of CAR
PETS, such us Rrussclls, Three Ply, superior In
grain, English and. Domestic, Vonilian, £ $ 4-1
widths, Hemp and Rag Carpets, Druggets, Rugs,
Straw ami Cocoa Mailings, Oil Cloths for Huts,
hooking Glasses, Plain and Fancy Rlinds, Shades,
Fixtures, Housekeeping Goods of every description.
Having purchased these goods for nett cash, we are
prepared to offer great, inducements To buyers, us
wo have gone into this business lately, wo can war
rant our goods new and fresh. ’
Ea»t.Mnin fttrcct.
March 11, LSOI
THE Hat and Can Store heretofore known
us “ KELLERS'* mis been removed Just oppo
site the old stand two doors from Arnold’s clothing
Tho-business will he conducted na heretofore, and
all goods both homo made and city manufacture
warranted to give'satisfaction-ns veimmmendcd. A
full patronage is respectfully solicited, and every
effort will lie made to keep tho assortment in Mon
and Roys Hats, ami Cups complete, with prices To
£i|it the times.
Spring styles of Silk Hats now rendv.
March 11,1801.
JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this
office,. • • ' . .
Eoxt Jlain /Street.
Carlisle, Jnnnary 17, 1801.
South Hanover street, opjiositc JPntxs' Store,
Hctitl-ttioaf'S, Hgmsmuon f.s
.MAtNt.’i’ an*i> nu , oir ,, i:us
G EO. 'TvELLER. 1 ~ '
.10.3 KEtl-KR, j tj-nn,
For Indemnity n £?:\iii>t Loss, by Fire,
Charter Perpetual —s4oo,ooo Capital laid
in—Office 100} Chestnut tstrect.
MAKE INSURANCE, either pormanontor
limited njrninstloss ntdiiningoby lire, on Piop
eiui mid Meets of every description, in town or
country, on the moat reneonnblo terms. Appncn.iou
made either personally or by latter will bo prompt
ly attended to,
C. N. BANCKER, President.
Tim subscriber is agent for tbo above Company
fur Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for
insurance either by mail or personally, wilt, be
promptly attended, to.
April 12, ISOO,
! < lu(ikiȣ!
ravHE subscriber lias just returned from ihe
1 Eastern, cities with , a very superior ami most'
excellent assortment of
Consisting of Ca.s.onere, Sommer Cloth, Dalian
( loth, Alnpacn, • Mnrsciles,. Linen, and bnttonado
Cools, Poms, uml Vests. Alio silk and sunn I cals,
■ mol iu short 'even-y nrlicle in the; way ol . -I 11 ™I™'*' 1 ™'*'
Ilis stock of GENTI.I.iMI'A S lUIiNI, HIAf,
GOODS is (veil selected; ond bhfrls, flnmlkcrciilols,
Cravats, Ac., are sold at very low prices,
Tiio : sobscrilicr ivpold especially call llio attention
of the public to Ids well Selected sl'o k 'of
, ' H ATS Si, C.IPS,,
winch bo is l enabled to sell at astonishing low prices.
Of the above yon can convince yoorst If by-calhng
at the CtfE.u; CUrnuxti: Stohb sbaii tiii! Maiikikt’
floi’ s i: . ■ AS HER WILL.
Carlisle, April *l2, .18(10. * ■ ' - ' -
IMPMn ffst
Nrw Slori! and New Woods.
A AFTER returning lifs ackuowlcilgoinonts
r,ir the Very liberal patronage -which bus boon
extended l» biiii.Tbe undersigned: would cull attell
lion 111 the faci lluvt ho bus just re-opened liisexleh
sivo iissurliuoiit of l'\nul/i/ i/iowric*, in liis.norv
jdore-room, un tbo ,mu tb-oil ,s tcon Icr ol tbo Public
Square,'where the public are ihvitod to cu[l and.ex
nminu u slock of Goods' which in c-legwiee, variety
und ‘ exten", will.'defy competition,-collipfising in
pi,,-; of lou", lump, crushed und brown Sugar*. Java,
Kin und lloasted t’o/ef;. Every variety and quality
(if'7'fo. Spices,’(around and iiiigrimnd,).■Pickles,
Sauces, Table Oil, New Orleans. Sugar-house. and
Tvjnidml SMmtct-! New York Ail'd , Philadelphia.
,V//mn« Cheese, Macaroni,'■ Venn.eillb Split Peas,
lioniinV, MineeTincat, Corn Starch, Farina, Clioeo
latc; Exi met of ■ .Coffee, Refined , Sugar at reduced
rales, 'washing anil, baking Soda,* lohaee.o "of the
most favorite.brands, and the liinist quality .of Se
gura. A beautiful assortment of
ISi'iliiiEniti Ware,
plain and. gold band China-ware, Glass,'Queens,
• Slone and Earthen' Ware, in Treat. variety, and an
elegant, lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfume
ry lor the toilet. ...
• I'niit* : Including Pouches in cans, Raisina/Cran
berries, Gay Apples, citron,'almonds, oranges, Tom-'
oiis, <to.' ' •
® LIQUORS-: Wholesale • «n<l retail,, em
bracing .cainmo.ii uud old Kyo Whiskey
Brandies, dark tindpulo; Lisbon. Sliorry, Port, Mn
derlit. (xingciV Oatuwbu and Muscat Wines, in casks'
li ixl. buttles; scotch. - Whiskey,- ■'HolJaud Gin,v»iid
Scbeidiiiii Schnapps.
■A Inrpco.stock of Lamps, including Brott’sv cele
brated lamps for buriring Kerosene or, coal Oil,
Sperm and Star candles, ' *
6Wur- iVurc.oin? Rraome,
rushes, Hopes, Mops, Soitps,. Door-uiiUs,, V/altcrs,
JineMftcf and mile paper, Widow
arc. Painted buckets.-Are,
Cotton unit Woollen Hoae and half Ilaso/and’ a
11 stuck of Gloves, the well known Buck
loves.' ,
Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for
In short. Iris stock, ,comprises everything that U
ailed lor r-t hia line of business, and lio ciYort will
iu sriured to iondcr entire Balialaetion to his cus
;m«Us., > ' '- O. LNUOFIV
Viirlislo, .Trihhnry.-t. Iftftl. '
I 'UK subscriber litis received a.-fresh arrival
| of tho following
Fresh Tomatoes in cans,
' **•’ Peaches ‘ “
.“• Salmon
V Lobsters ' ' '
Pickl'd Lobsters, Sardine's,.. fiellaMne,. Sap Sago
'bees-•„ Virgin Oil of Ai::> for. the table,., Oliv.e do.,
Tomato Katsnp r
, Walnut . • . ' • •
• l Miislir , )nn.“
Wurecstcrshiro Sauce,: ' " •'
IMrhl'c^.Kitisins,'Figs, Nectarines,, Oran-
Lemons- Ac. • ‘ ’’
Kino Hams'. HrLd deef,' ; ■
Liquors’, X’ish, and nil at the low?
sfpri>ts. . WMi’BENTZ. ■
Carlisle. October 11, L'-fiO.
/G ffT*7rpr- A fresh and general assort
-1 ES#iiil‘ll tof Groceries constantly
m.i.and. embr.iciu,. rlio best qualities in the may
hct. such as.iGollecs. Sugars. Spices, Table Oils.
Pickles. Crackers.' Macaroni, Citron. Raisins, ns
wellas.all the varieties belonging to-u •rood grocery
-tore, together with a. suitable assortment of the
•inesl ' '
-yrups A Molasses, M.tclviivl. '■silrn-oii.
baskets. Tub-,. Churns, and other articlesfor. house
hold uao, including a fine assortment, of
('liiiiii-. ('&~ Qu-M v ii'*\vai?p,'
The public have ’our thanks lor the liberal pa
-troiiage bestowed up»m us in tiie past. "VVc hope to
merit a sjiiire of their; custom- in the future. •
April Pi; IRfil); J. W„ EBY.
WA Rfel
.90 SB B*. CA'.IE & PrOBf r
H.VVJ 5 just completed openin'" their Sprint;
• stock of Hardware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
'iiiaiitf.'to which they invite the early 'attention
ofthe puMiu generally. , Wc'linvu greatly enlarged
imr.stuck in all its various branches, and can now
accommodate the public .with" .
mfaa \m:r, goods,
in large or small quantities at the lowest prices.—
We don't want the''public to think that wo have
brought all'the Goods in Philadelphia and New
York to our town, hut we can assure them that a.
look into our store will convince them that wo have
enough Goods to fully kupply the demand in this
market. Persons wanting Goods hr our lino .will
find it to their advantage to givens a call before
making their purchases. All orders personally and
punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations
made to effect, sales. '
North Ilunovcr, street.
Carlisle. April 25. IQ6I,1 Q 6I,
npUAT I have new on hand the very best
A quality of Sugar-aired Hams) Dried Beef, Fish*
Saif, Fresh Beaches, and Tomatoes in 'Cans, do.
Mushroom*. Oysters, Preserves lino Pickols, Sauces,
Sanlines,* Fruit, Cheese, Crackers, Old Uyo Whia
kej’. Brandies,. Wince. dins, Ac. Besides the above,.
I have a general assortment of Groceries A Quooqb
vmru, Spices, Oils, Ac., all offered to the public at
caslr prices. • WM. BENTZ,
November 1, 1860.
XITAA ING, Mackcrnl, Shad in barrels, holf
barrels, quarter barrels, fresh Groceries, L -
quurs, Tobacco, Sugars, at the lowest cash prices.—
Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Hams, Beeswax, Tallow, Soap,
and Rags, taken in exchange'at the 'cbortp grocery
We wish to inform Machinists, Millers, and
Hie public generally, that we have on band a full
assortment of Lubricating Oils for all kinds of ma
chinery. This oil surpasses all others, having been
subjected to a thorough test, by the side of t]io best
lard and other oils. It is pronounced a superior
lubricator, at less cost, and wearing longer, and en
tirely free from gum, and will stand much colder
weather ami less- tendency to heat. Try it, and
you will use nothing else fur lubricating.
, Nov. l, 1800, . K - Carlisle.
Good! Very Good!
JUST received nt the cheap Grocery of the
subscriber, lots of good things, u part ol whiok
lire tho following: . .
Hermetically sealed Poaches, fresh, i
4* “ - Tomatoes, “
« “ .Corn, "
ft Peas,
u il Asparagus;-
« " Oysters,
u " Lobsters, .
« Pino Apple, u
if " Turtle Soup, "
tt 4i , Sardines, u
Mined Meat, Pickled Gorkins, Chow Chow, Piccalil
li, Cauliflower, Lobsters, Capers, Olives, Tomato*
Kfttsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do.* Popper
lloniiny, Gritts,.Poup Beaus, Cranberries, tho finest
J)riod Beef, Sugar cured llaiiis, Shoulder, Bologna,.
Sausage, tyacearoai, Sugars, Coffees, Tens, Molaa-
SOS, Pish of all kinds. Spices,. Quocnswnre, fino So-,
gars and Tobacco, 25.000 Gorman Sixes, and tho*
very best LIQUORS in tbo State, Confectionery and
Prnit. «fcc.. which.woofler to ,the public nt the low
est- prices for cash. WM. BENTZ,
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1860.
iVcw Wine and Liquor Slore,
Three floors East, of tnlinffs Grocery Storey
and facing /he Market House, Carlisle.
i’lIE mnlcrsinncil having'opened a full am}',
complete nssorlment- of the pnlVSf nml bust;
SWINES AND LIQUORS, be invites lintel,
keepers, House keepers, nml others to give'.
P«sP*bim n call, being determined to keep A 'botlei.
■article tiViin is geneftilly-kcpt in the, country; and ili'
low prices. ' -
11UANDIES—Olnrd, I’.inet \intngc, 1832; Ro
chelle. . * , , 4
OIXSS—Snnn/ Pcbimpps, Meyer’s Ok-'
Fisk. Obi Jinn Spirits. S. E-, Kmiu
WlNES—Minkrin. viry old; Sherry,. Sired Mn-„
l.ign. Obi X’.orl. Lisbon, Clftret. Cbnlnpiijriiv. Stuscnf.;.
•WHlSKY—Mononiralieki, Bure 01*1 Rye, Dour
bon nml common Whisky 1 .-. .
Also.-Wine Hitlers, D.mi.iohns. Dottles, Ac,
Bottled Linuofa of nil kinds.
.• , xv Ilham Martin/
. Mav 17, 18pl). A-.
■I ’TIE Allen and East Peimshori)’.Mutual, Tire In
-1 snranec Company of Cumberland.wninty; ineor
porated by an net otAmniKy.'iß.noW l«Hy organ-.
j,ed, ami in operation under the management of the
following' Managers, viz : . ■ _/ '
Wm. It.- tlofgaa, Lewis llyir, Christian Slay-man,
Mielnud Cocklin, J,. C..' Dunlap, Kinlolpb Marlin,
Daniel Bailey, Jacob 11. Codver. Alexadder Cutli-'
cure Jos. Wickersbiim, J. Eiebelberger, SI Eberly,
J. Brandi.'
Tlie rates of insurance arc ns .lour ami lavorablo
as any Company of Gib kind in the State. Persons-.,
wishing tb become -members are invited to make up-,
plication to tbo Agpnls of Ike Company who are
willing to wait upon'tlrem at any time.
. President—lV. K. G QUG AS, Eberly’s Mills, Cum
berland counly. .
■'.Vico PresT.—CimisTiAX STAYMAX. Cnriisli) Cum?
berlanil county. . - ' '
Soct’y.—Lbwis. llteb, Shepbcrdatown,. Cumber
land comity. /
Treasurer—Michael' Cocklix, , Shcphcrdatqwn,.
Cumberland county.'' ■
CiimlfrUmd Cnmly.—Joha Slierriek, Allen; Vnl
ontino Fouman. llow Ciuroberland p.llenry .Zearing;;
Sliiremnnstowb ; LafayeUe PefTer,,Dielanaonj Hen
ry Kowinan,' Clinrebtown; Alodo Griflitb, South
Middleton'; Sam’l. Graham. IV. Pennsboro Sam 1-
Goover,' Meelmnieabnrg: J. IV. Cocklin, Shepberds
,'tbwn; H.' OooVer,. iShcpberdstownJ. 0., Saxton,,
Silver- Spring! Henj; Havcratick,' Silver. Spring,•
John Tlyer, Carlisle. i , . '
York (/nuiity. —lV. S. Picking, Dover: James.
Grillilh. lYarrington; J. F: Deardorir, IVasbingtou
D. Kiitler. FiiirvieW;'K. Chirk, Dillsburg..
JAij'nTioi.'v/.—llmiscr A Eocliimul..
Members of the Coistpany. linviiig iiolicics about
to expirtv.eaii have them renewed by making appli
eatioiAo any of tho Agents. ,
£uL Watslii. it Hid Jewelry Slope',
(). Conrad, former oc.imjiant, JVo. LIS iN orth Second
Street, corner nf Quarry Street.
Tho. xriulcrslgiied - has-leased ilie uhove ]>rcmises,
wnorc bo will keep a assortment of Gobi und
BUvur Watches, of American, Bullish 'and Swiss
manufueture df tbe most. ecVebratcil, rmikcrs, in
dition to which, will be found .ulwiiyi* oil hnml. (;aniM
.made to order) un extensive v;fnciyy>f. Jcwclr.y, JHr’-
a'Ct, und Silver-Fluted ware, together witli a
Ml UHsorlujent <*f smdi (?bod« u.rare usually kept in*-,
a llffit el ass Watch and dewelry •slo.'ro.
.The patninsuf 0. Conrad, and those of the Btih
scriber*.’together'with • the public generally’, tire in-,
vited to call.- where they wilt reccive a good article
for their money* As I inn determined to do strirlly
•a cash business, goods will he sold very low. “Small 1 ’
nnifitM nod (Juick £u/e*," islhe inotio of this Kstab-.
lishment. -. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. .
.Formerly 0. Conrad, No. XiS Nunth Second St,.;
cornerof Quarry. Phila. : • .
, June 7,1800 —ly -
jfso rw & bsi ihT SE a-:« *
JJircrthj oppunite the- Court Jluitnc, in Church
Al/eip . ■ .
Lend and Iron Pipes, : Cast Iron Sinks,
Hydrants, ; .Ruth Tubs, . . r .
Hot npd Cold Shower- Ruth Boilers,
Baths, . Wash Basins,
Water, Closets, Hydraulic Hants, Ac,
Force Urd L ; ft Ac.,. Ac.’
Wrought Iron U'd'il.
. Tubes,. : .
And every description of Cocks and foj-
Gap, Steam. Water. &c. ‘Superior Cooking RahgßH*.
Ht-alers and (ins Fixtures, put. up in Chuvcheßj.
Stores and TtwcllingS. at short notice and in the. nmsl'.
modern'style. All miucrUld and work. in. our lino
lit/oai ratlin and uumiittud.
Country work,and Jolddtig promptly.attended to
;'Carlisle, 1W22,'185U. . ' • M .
Foreign ‘and itomcsln; Liquors.
EDWAI.D SHOWKI! respßcflully iinnoun
. es-to the imbltc, tlnit he continues (o keep con
stiiuily oii hand, and for sale, a large and very but
por.ior assortment.of ’ ‘ , .
rowigii nml f)iHMcsrie Liquors,
at his new stand, a. few doors west of Hannon’s Ho
.tel, ami ,directly.- south of the'Court-house, Carlisle,
WHISKY, ■ , . T
| Superior Old Rye, Choice Old 1; arauy Isco
tur. Wheat, Scotch, niid Irish.
■ALE, BIIOWN STOUT, 4c. Bent to bo ta4 m
Philadelphia.’ ,
Of the yory«bc&t quality.
. Dealers and others desiring a PURE ARTICLE.,
will find it as represented, us his whole attention wm
he given to a proper and careful selection of
STOCK, which cannot ho surpassed, and hopes to
have the patronage of tho public
Carlisle, April 12,.18C0,
00 boxes of superior Pearl Starch now in store,-
and. foe, sale at lowest city cash prices, either whole
sale op 'retail,'tty J.- W, EBY.
December 18(50.
Cr am of T.ill;ir “Snb>llllll.'.”
MTHIIS nvticlo'ia recommended ns tlib best
JL in use, in combination with soda or suloratus,
fur making bread, biscuit, cakes, Ac. This substi
tute produces bread and cakes, which, when cold,
are sweet, moist, and grateful, while those of Croajn.
Tartar are dry and tasteless.
It will cost less than Cream of Tartar, and in
cooking is used in the same way.
This new article, as also Saloratus, Soda, and-*
Pure Cream Tartar, Arrow Root, Mustard Seed,
Spices, ground and unground—unadulterated. 1* or
sale at the store of J. W. EBY*
Carlisle, Dec. IS; 18(10.
XN T beauty and durability, no- “ sun-drawn
picture equals a goad Daguerreotype,*' this
opinion expressed by the leading photographic j° u "
mils of the day, both American, and . English,
these may be obtained at the rooms of Mrs. }\ >;
holds' Loullicr street, two doors west of llano
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1869-rtf;
a T
Fire liiniii sin<;e<
Oi'rrcnus ok tub' Companv*
All of choice Brands.
Sherry, Port.-Maderia, Lisbon, Claret, Na
tive, Iluek, JohauiiisbcVg, ami Boderheim-
Ilcidsiek- & Co:, Geislcr A Co., and impcrl-.
Bullion, Lion, and Anchor.