•Amfrifan ilolunlwr. VOL. 47* AMERICAN VOLUNTEER. I PDDLIBIISD KVBRT THUnSDAT MdRNIKO HIT JOIM D, BRATTON. TERMS. i Sudsciption.— One Dollar-and Fifty Cents, paid in advance;.Two Dollars if paid within tho year; pod Two Dollars and Fifty Coats, if not paid within tka yoar. These terms will bo rigidly adhered to 4 in every instance. No subscription discontiauoduntil all arrearages are pud unless at tho option of thfc Editor. Ad vehtiskments— Accompanied by the cash, and .V,o.t exceeding one square, will be insetted throe times for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for each Additional insertion. Those of a greater length in proportion. JoD-PuiNTiN’G —Such as Posting-bills, Pamphlets, Blanks,. Labels,