American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 31, 1861, Image 4

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A year hog gone, a year has como,
Tho world grows old and older;
Tho pulse of Time boats faint and numb,
His heart grows cold and colder.
The ages march in grandeur.
With none but God to listen;
And o'er tho wreck of star and sun <,
How suns and systems glisten.
There is no bid iherb is no now; ■
What hath been is forever;
God lives unchanged all ebangos through,
And rests nor wearies novor.
God fills tbb years, and fills tho spheres
With life and joy supernal;
The glow that warms, tho light that ohoers,
Are bis own smile eternal.
Nettie Gray,
livery body said that Nettie Gray was a
beauty, not one of your polished city bells,
but a gay romping eauoy piece of nature’s
handiwork, yet gentle, affectionate withal,
possessing a depth of feeling sentiment which
few are able to fathom.-
Now, “sweetest Nettie. Gray,” as she was
. called, had long beerp loved by one Charles
Gratton—the handsome young merchant who
kept the only store the village of N could
boast of; where he had for some four or five
years, dealt out sugar, tea, tobacco, calicoes,
silks, and pins, hardware, and a variety of
merchandize to the villagers and surrounding
farmers, and had realized quite a little for
tune; a'part of which he invested in the pur
chase of widow Morton's beautiful cottage and
grounds, which, at the death of her husband,'
she had been obliged to dispose of and take a
cheaper, place, where she-could, live less ex
pensively, while, from the surplus of the price
received for the cottage she received a nice
little income. Charley .had also taken the
widow’s son into the store, as his business in
creased it became necessary to procure assist
ance. The salary paid to little J ohilny was a
, material, help to his mother, for which she
was very grateful and she never failed to
speak a word in his praise, when opportunity
This with the numberless acts of generosity
Which Charley never tired of performing
made him the hero of that little village, ahd
. caused him to be loved and respected, by both
old and young,; for many miles around;-. To
say that Nettie Gray was indifferent to his
many visits, or for the ardent-love ho main
tained for her, would be doing injustice to her
, warm appreciative heart. Hut the spirit of
■ justice seemed to possess her, and, though she
.was uniformly kind and gentle in her'dispo
sition towards her lover, and wdnld converse
• freely and .unreservedly with him on any to
■' pic, yet when he approached-the subject near
est his heart, she was off like a frightened
bird.- Not. that she was afraid of him, or that I
the subject was distasteful to her, (for her
own heart was .equally but she
delighted to tease him, enjoyed his
discomfiture on. such occasions. She knew
that" he ioyed her with all the, strength of his
soul, and she had no fear of alienating his af-1
factious from herself—an event which would
give her the deepest pain.
Charley had began to think seriously of
marrying; and why not? There stood the
. cottage embowered in trees, many of which
were bending under their heavy load of rare
iruit, unoccupied. - .It needed only.the pres
ence of his bright-eyed Nettie to make it a
paradise. His income was more than suffi
cient to satisfy their most extravagant wants,
and why^should he not marry? Many-times
; he had visited Nettie' for the express purpose
of making known his Wishes, but had been so
often prevented from saying what ho wanted
to say, .by the little mischief running away at
,thq first word ho uttered ou the subject. , To
■ -supplying her place from the many
mir damsols m it—who would have gladly ac
ceptod.his hand, was out of the question. It
. was Nettie he loved, and Nettie only, and he
. ;.felt,sure.she. returned his affections, but how
could ho over get married if he was not per
mitted to propose? “I must resort to strata
gem,, and he partially formed many plans to
bring the little beauty to terms, and so often
abandoned them.
'His mind was busy with, such thought, as
one bright morning in September he walked
towards Farmer Gray’s mansion. Ho leisure
ly ascended the hill, at the top of which, upon
a lovely table land, stood the great old house,
when ho was startled by a familiar voice call
ing; • . f
- “Bring the ladder, Dick! I want to <mt
down.’’. And looking up ho'beheld Nettie
, seated in. the wide.s|Drejidin£ branches of a
large apple tree that stood in the field near
the road. Dick, perched upon the. topmost
round of a,ladder that leaned against a pear
tree, was quietly filling the basket with rich
fruit. " ' ,
“Wait a minute, Sis,” replied Dick, with-,
out looking up; “ I have got my basket almost
full.. I will-come in a minute.” •
Dick evidently began to' think there was
something wrong, for ns he turned around,
his eye caught sight of our hero coming up
the road, but a few rods from whore they were.
, He*.instantly■ descended the tree, but instead
of. cariwing the ladder to assist his sister to
. descend, ho .gave a loud shout, threw his cap
. into the. air, cleared the wall with a bound,
and- ran down the hill, shouting at the top of
his voice, “ 0 Mr. Gratton, I’vo treed a coon !
Then placing las hands upon the ground be
fore, him, ho turned some five or six summer
sets, picked up. his cap and ran with all his
might to the house. The little rogue evident
ly love! mischief as well as his pretty sidter.
_ Charlie’s first thought was to go to the as
sistance of Nettie, and ho leaped the wall and
approached the tree. Taking the ladder from,
the upper tree ho was about placing it for her
to .descend, whch a sudden thought suggested
itself.. “ She cannot run away from me now,”
and not stopping to consider the ungallaut
act, he grasped a lower limb, and witli some
gay remarks swung himself lightly up, and
took a seat by her aide.
Nettie who was an amiable girl, and could
take a joke good naturedly as she could give
ono, oddly laughed heartily at the trick °her
brother had played upon her, complimented
Charley upon-his agility, and invited him to
help himself to the blushing fruit that hung
in such tempting profusion about them. Af
(ep chatting on a variety of themes, ho deter
mined' to-approach the subject, and if possi
ble got an intelligent answer. For some time
they sat in silence, he then said—“ Nettie, I
have something to say to you.”
“ Ah, have you,” she replied. “Well Char
ley, please help mo down, and you cansay it
as we we walk, to the house.”
Charley saw the mischief in her eyes, and
resolved to go on without heeding her request,
jet changed somewhat in his mode of attack.
“ Nettie, I am going to be married."
“Married, Charley, married ?”
Without heeding the playful glance that
v.-M vaised to his face, ho wont on :
my business is voryprospor
ss u
I -have found a sweet cornu, 1 -°i ■ eyes, i
with'all my heart, nn,f ,vho m I< t' °
come my wife ;-and I have I s ?° M
foil you but you would not hear it ” ry "' K to 1
Nettie had listened to his speech in utter
amazement. She had long believed that she
wo- the beloved of Charley Gratton’s heart
ana she meant; —after she had teased’him to
her heart’s content, to listen to his love, and
become the dutiful and loving wife. But her
hopes wore now suddenly dashed to atoms.
It was too much. A giddiness came over her,
and but for the support of Charlie’s arms she
would' havo fallen to the ground. Charley
’noticed her emotion and feared ho had gone
Too far.. It was but for a moment, however,
she soon gained her self possession, and set up
rightly by bis side. Her face was very pale,
hut hei> eyes shined brightly as she replied,
and there was a spioo of bitterness in her
“ May I ask tho name of hor who Las beon
honored with tho offer of the hand of myaoblo
friend ?" . .
■". First, let me doaovibo her. She is a beau
tiful girl, and possessed'of a-warm, loving
heart, Sho has but one fault—if fault it may
bo called. Sho delights to tease those who
lovo her best, and often she has given me a
severe heart pang. Yet, Nettie, I love her
deeply and fervently, and it shall be the ob
ject of my life to guard her from harm, to pro
tect her, na far as I am able from the slightest
breath of sorrow, and shall be abundantly re
warded by her lovo. Nettie, I have never of
fered her my hand, though sho has long pos
sessed my heart. I do it now. Nettie.
Dearest can you ask h<s name."
Nettie gave one long, inquiring look; as
though sho but half comprehended his words.
“ Will you bo my wife, Nottio ?”
“ What I" sho replied, half howilderingly,
are you not forever lost to me 1
“Not if you consent to bo mine?”
She realized what it would be to lose him;
her head sunk upon her bosom, and bursting
into tears, sho murmured— °
“ Yes, Charley, I will."
Soon Master Dick came bounding into the
orchard, one hand filled with n largo slice of
bread and, butter, while with the other he
tossed his cap into the air, showing that ho
fully comprehended the state of affairs, shout
ing at the top of his, voice—
“ Hallo, Mr. Qratton—ain't you glad I treed
her for you?"
Both greeted this sally with a burst of
laughter, and soon dll three were engaged in
a wild romp upon the green turf.
We hardly need add that the same autumn
witnessed a right merry wedding at tho old
mansion of farmer Gray.
lloosiEii Obituary.— The State of Indiana
.has recently lost by death one of its citizens—
Mr. James Bangs., Wo find an obituary no
tice of him in a Iluosier paper;— “.Mistur
E’daiur .- Jem Bangs, wo are sorry tu stait;
has deaized, llo;departed this Life last imm
dy. Jem tyns generally considered a gud fel
ler.. He, dide at the age of 23 years old. ■ lie
went 4th without airy struggle; and such'is
Life; Tu Da we are as popper ’ grass—mity
smart—to Morror, wo are gut down like a
oowoumber of the grownd. Jem kept a nice
store, which his wile,flow, wates,oh. Hs vur
oliews wos numerous. Monny is things, wo
hot at his growcerey, and ■wo are happy to
Stait that he never cheated, speshully in tho
wate of makvoi, which wos nise and smelt,
sweet and his snrvivin wife is the same wa.—
Wo never new him to put sand in his sbugar,
tho he .had a big. in front of his
house; nur water in his Dickers, though the
Ohio River ruu past his dore. Piece to his
remains I.
Hotel Luxuries.— Of these, present and
prospective, the-Now York Times thus dis
courses:—“The latest illustration of tho ac
commodating tendency of hotel-keepers is the
introduction of on.elevator, to take-gouty gen
tlemen and languid females from the dinner
table to their rooms above, without the inter-
vention of stairs. The human package of
dinner or ennui, entering an apartment-not
unlike a-cushioned church pew,, finds.itself,
in a few seconds,, carried to the'top of flic
house, by tho revolution of a giant's screw, to
which the car is attached, as smoothly and
quietly as' many a,church-goer hopes that lie
is gliding up, by the exertion of the, priest, to
whom, as a supporting column, his faith is.
hung. Wo shall next expect to hear of some
mechanical, contrivance fin- putting lazy folks
to bod, and a crank mill through which they
will bo run in the morning to come out wash
ed, oravated,' brushed arid combed, ready for
tho breakfast table, or rather, more probably,
the breakfast-stuffing machine, which will
have taken its place.” V
Avalanches.— Tine cannot command any
language to convey an adequate idea-of their
magnificence. You are .standing far below,
gazing up to where the groat disc of the glit
tlering Alps cats; the heavens, and-drinking
in the influence Of the silent scene around.—
Suddenly an enormous mass of snow and ice,
in itself a mountain, seems to move, it breaks
from the toppling outmost mountain-ridge of
snow, where it is hundreds of feet in depth,
and-in its first fall, of perhaps two thousand
feet is broken into millmnspf fragments.. As
you first see tho flash of distant artillery by
night, then hear the roar, so here you may
see the white flashing mass majestically, bow
ing. then hear the astonisbing'din. A cloud
of dusty, misty, dry snow rises into the air
from the concussion,, forming a white volume.'
of fleecy smoke, or misty light, from the b'.i
,som bf which thunders forth the icy toj-j-ent,
like the second prodigious fall oyer the rocky
The eye follows the torrent delighted, as'it
plows through tho path which preceding ava
lanches have worn, till it comes to the brink
of a vast ridge of bare rock, perhaps more than
two thousand feet porpendioulUr. Then flows
the whole cataract over the gulf with a still
louder roar of echoing thunder. Another fall
of still greater depth ensues, over a second
similar castellated ridge or reef in tho face of
the mountain, with an awful majestic slow
ness, and a tremendous, crash in its concus
sion, awakoning again the reverberating peals
of thunder. Then the torrent roars oh to
another smaller fall, till at length it .reaches
a mighty grove of snow and ice, like the slide
down tho Dilates, of which Playfair has given
so powerfully graphic a description. Horc'its
progress is slower, and last of all you listen to
tho roar of tho falling fragments as they dron
out of sight, witli a dead weight, into tho-bot
tom, of. the gulf.— Shadow of Mount Blanc.
A Froumti Country.— A citizen of Mem
phis, Tenn., has just returned from a trip to
Arkansas, and tolls the following, .which will
convey an idea of how they do up matters in
that State’:
Haying occasion to stop at a smalltown on
tho river, ho was compelled to remain over
Sunday. After the usual cogitations incident
to .a Sabbath morning, he strolled through
the only street in tho place, and halted at the
‘grocery,’ around which a crowd of a dozen
people were congregated. ’ Ho remained there
three hours, and in that time ono man was
shot and .fatally wounded, and two others se
riously stabbed, in throe separate fights.
From a lighting country himself, our friend’s
equanimity was not seriously disturbed, but
ho was rather surprised that after the affrays
wore over, tho perpetrators of tho shooting
and stabbing should resume their previous oc
cupation with seeming unconcern. Turning
to an acquaintance, he inquired: “Don’t you
arrest anybody here?” “Oh, no!” was tho
answer, “we ain't incorporated yeti’’
Reasons why Farmers are Healthier
than Professional Men.— l. They work
more and develop all tho leading muscles of
the body.
2. They fake their exorcise in tho open air,
and thus breathe a great deal more of the ox
ygon. -
3. Their food and drinks are commonly
loss adulterated, and far more simple.
4. They do not over-work their brain as
much as industrious professional men do,
I 5. They take their sleep, commonly during
the hours of darkness, and do not try to turn
day into night.
ami' aro no . fc ’ co »™only, so ambitious,
the fiori'rl* " Rar themselves out so rapidly in
the fierce contests of rivalry. 1 J
' exhausting ea -' s - uros aro more simple and loss
I XT There have been ton attempts to resist
tho authority oi tho federal Government
since its organization.
OFFICE with Wm. 11. Miller, Esq. - t South
Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Printing
Cariislo/Dec. 22, ISs9—tf.
S. y. RUWY, •
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Rheum's
Hal), rear of the Court Heuio, Carlisle.
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1869. , '
OFFICE opposite “Marion nail," Wesl
Main street, Carlisle, Pa,
Carlisle Doc; 22, 1959. *
goou and Accoucheur. Office South Hanover
street, formerly occupied by Dr. Smith.
Darlislfe, Dec. 22, 1869.
DR. JNO. K. SMITH respetfully announ
ces to hia old friends and former patrons, that
lie him returned from his South-wcitern tour, with
his health greatly improved, and has resumed prac
tice in Carlisle.
Office on Main street, ono doo'r west of the Rail
road Depot, where ho cun .ho foundat ail hours, day
and night, when not' out professionally.
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859.
Jggggsnv DU. I. C. EOOHiaS, DEN
tgggpyyV tist.
South Hanover Street, next door to tbh Tost Of
Carlisle, Dei. 22, 1859.
From the Baltimore College, of Dental Su.'gery.
Office at the residence of hia mother, Louih
cr street, three doors below Bedford,
: Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
Rr«*w Coal and lumber Yard.
('HE subscribers have this day entered hitc part
nership to trade in COAL AND LUNBER.-
Wo’will have constantly on hand and furnish to or
der, all kinds and quality of
such, as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame Stuff, Pal
ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked
Flooring, Weathcrboarding,. Posts, Rails, and all
kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pine, Hemlock,
Chosnut, and Oak, of different qualities. .Having
carsof our own wo can furnish-bills to order of any
length and size at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will
bo kept under cover so that they cun bo furnished
dry at all times.
• Wo will constantly
have on hand all kinds
they will deliver dry
pind clean to any part
of tho borough, to wit:
Lykcns Valley, Luke
Fiddler,' Locust MoUn
erton, Broken, Egg,'
Stov(? and Nut Coal, which we pledge ourselves to
sell at tho lowest prices. .
Best quality of Limeburncrs’ and Blacksmiths’
Coal always on hand at tho lowest figures. Yard
west side of Grammer School, Main St.
Carlisle, Dec. 22, IB6o* - ’
. New Coal Yard,
THE subscribers would respectfully call the
attention of Limeburncrs and the citizens of
Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to
Iheirncw COALYARD, attached to bis Ware-house,
on West High,st., whore they will keep constantly
, on hand a largo supply’
of- tho best quality of
Coal, to wit t
Lykcns Valley, Luke
F idler, fine Grove , and
Broken, Egn
q)|d Nxd Coal—scroon
eel‘and dry, all of which
• he. -plodges himself -to
•;sell at’lho lowest possi
hie prices. Best qual
ity of ZimebiH'iiora’ and J Blacksmiths* Coal hlways
cm hand. .
JSsf* All orders loft at the Ware House, or at his
residence in North Hunovor street will bo promptly
attended to. ‘
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859—tf. -
Forwarding a commission house.
The suascriber having taken tho Warehouse, cars
'and fixtures of William B. Murray’s well known es
tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin
inson College, would inform .the public, that he
has entered into a general Forwarding and Com
mission business. ""
The highest market price will bo paid for Floub,
Grain and Produce of all kinds.
He is also predared to freight produce and
slock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest
rates, with safety and despatch.
Plaster and Suit kept constantly on hand; and
Flour and Peed at wholesale or retail.
Coal of all kinds, embracing '
Limehurncra* and Blacksmith «’• Goal, constantly for
sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any
part of tho town. .
Carlisle, Dee. 22, 1859.
Ulssoluiiou of Pai'lja<;r&bip.
* | MIE partnership heretofore existing under
* the firm of Shrom & Black has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent, therefore wo would so
licit all those indebted to come and settle their ac
counts and all those having claims will please pro
sunt thorn for settlement,
Jan. 3,.1860..
nnilE business will, hereafter bo continued
J- at the old stand of Shrom & Black under the
firm of Black & Delaney, where wo will keep con
stantly on hand, afl kinds of
of every description, which wo will soil at tho low
est cash prices, nil orders for bill stuff will bo
promptly attended to on the shortest notice. Wo
are thankful for the patronage of a generous public
at the old stand of Shrom & Black, and would still
solicit a continuance of tho same as wo will strive to
please. All orders. left at tho 'residence of Jacob
Shrom for Coal or Lumber will bo promptly atten
ded to as heretofore.; '
Jan. 4. 1800.
New York & Harrisburg!
MORNING EXPRESS, West, leavos Now
York ntO A. M., arriving at Harrisburg at!2,-
45 noon, only 0} hours between tho two cities.
MAIL LINE loaves New York at 12.00 noon, and
arrives at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M.
MORNING MAIL LINE East, loaves Harrisburg
at 8.00 A. M., arriving at Now York at 4.30 P M
Harrisburg at P. M., arriving at New York at
9.00 P. M.
Connections aro made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P.
M., with tho Passenger Trains in each direction on
the Pennsylvania, Cumberland Valley.and Northern
Central Railroad.
All trains connect at Reading with trains for
Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for
Mauch Chunk, Easton, Ac.
No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between
Now York and Harrisburg, by the 0.00 A. M., Line
from New York ortho 1.15 P. M., from Harrisburg.
For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and ac
commodation, this route presents superior induce
menta to the traveling public,
nmr° between Now York and Harrisburg FIVE
I OLLARS. For tickets and other information ap
ply to r
J»wa,'l C G6norul Aeeat> Harrisburg.
Adjoining the. Pennsylvania Rail-Road Depot'
rTIHE undersigned respectfully inform
JL the public that ho bus taken the above Hotel,
formerly known as “THE MANSION HOUSE”
which ho has refitted and newly furnished thtougb-
Tho Rooms arc spacious and commodious, and
furnished with every convenience to be found in tho
best Hotels in tho city.
Tho ‘5 UNITED STATES” is admirably located
for tho convenience of travelers, being under tho
same roof with tho -Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
and thus Saving both hack hire, and porterage of
baggage. No pains will bo spared to • render tho
“ UNITED STATES” a pleasant.anil agreeable re
sidence to all who may favor it with their patron
age. Charges moderate.
Fall and Winter Clothing.
Clothing Emporium.
No. 607, Chestnut Street.
A superb stock of fine French, English and
. , and VESTINGS,
FOR City and Country trade, with an un
approachable assortment of READY MADE
CLOTHING, at tho lowest cash prices.
But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of
intrinsic' worthed uso presented with each article
sold. , ■
Particular attention paid to tho Customer depart
ment, and garments mado and sent to order to any
In inaugurating this new system of doing busi
ness, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the
minds of tho patrons of his establishment, that tho
coat of tho gift is deducted from, and not added to
tho pnoo of tho article sold. His immensely increa
sing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at
tbo same time, to realizo a remunerative profit
All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction.
/ ,607, Chestnut Street.
October 25, 1800.
Hat and Cap Emporium!
rpilE undersigned having purchased the
stock, Ac., of tbo late William H. Trout do
coasod, would respectfully announce to the piblio
that ho will continue the Bdllwg Bmimu at the
old stand in West High Street, and with a renew!
Dress of Cffi ° lont prcdueo articl «B of Head
Every Variety, Style, and Quality,
that shall be. strictly in keeping with the improro
we”ive f tb ° ' “ nd f “ !ly " P to tho ago in whfoh
H ° haa .hand n splendid
assortment of HATS of nil dosorin
/SjgJjJ* acn, * a lions, from tho common Wool to tho
.7*7 ' finest Fur and Bilk hats, nnd at prices
that must suit every ouo who has-an oye to get line
tho worth of his money. His Silk, Mole Skim
and Boavor Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness, du
rability and finish, by those of any other establish--
mont in tho country.
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
hand. Ho respectfully invites all the old patrons
and as many new ones as possible, to give him a
call. J. G. GALLIC.
THE partnership heretofore existing under
tho name and’stylo of*Kor, Bronneman <t Co.,
expired by limitation on tho 13th inst. All balances
due depositors will bo transforred to, and all into
rest certificates noW out, will bopaldat maturity or
now ones’. issued by tho now firm of Kor, Dunlap
A Co., whoso Banking Card will bo soon below.
Carlisle, August 14,1860. • .
Cumberland Talley Baulk.
William Ksn, Bich*d, Woods,
John Dunlap, John C. Dunlap,
John S. Sterreit, . . Isaac Brknnxuak,
H. A. Sturgeon.
THIS Bank is now prepared to do a general
Banking and Krmhnngo business, under ,thb
nnmo and stylo of Kor, Dunlap & Co., in tbo same
place lately occupied by Kor, Bronncmifn, & Ce.
Money rocoivod on deposit and paid bock on de
mand without uotiOo. - Certificates of deposit bear
ing interest at tho rate df Jive percent, per annum
will bo issued for four monfAs or longer. Interest
on pll certificates will cease at maturity, provided,
however, that if said certificates arc renewed at'any
time thereafter for another given period, they shall
boar the same rato'.of interest up to tbo time of w
nawal., .Twenty days notice must fyo given of an
intention to withdraw interest deposits.
They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics,
and all other* who desire a safe depository for their
money, to the undeniable flint, that tbo proprietors
of this Bank aue nDtonly liable td the amount
UALLY* LIABLE to the extent op their ES
TATES rbn all Tftjc deposits and otjcsh obliga
tions or KeiC, Dunlap & Co»
Particular attention paid to the collections of
vendue notes, foreign hills, drafts, chocks, *to., in
any part of tho United States and Canadas.
Remittances made to any part of tbo United
State?, England and Ireland*
They will at all times be pleased lo' give any in
formation desired in regard to, money matters in
general. • Tho faithful and confidential execution
of all orders entrusted to them may be relied oil.
Open for business from - 2 b' jn tho morning,
until 4 o'clock in tho evening.
4 H. A. STURGEON, Cashier,
-Carlisle, August 16, 1860.
Watches, Jewelry and Sliver
THE public arc invited to call and examine
th« largest and handsomest slock'of
over brought to this place. Having purchased this
stock for cash I am determined to ceil at prices
that u caH*i he heat/*
AIJ goods sold by mo, guaranteed to bo as repre
sented or tho money refunded.: Old gold and silver
taken in exchange.
Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
Town and Country
nrlltE subscriber respectfully informs his
A friends and the public generally, that he still
continues tho Undertaking business, and is ready to
wait upon customers either by day'or by night;—
Ready-made COFFINS kept constantly on hand,
both plain and ornamental. 110 has constantly on
hand Fiek*9 ■ Patent' Metallic Bxirial Cate, of which
ho has been appointed tho solo agent. - This case is
recommended as superior to any of the kind-now in
use, it being-perfectly air tight.
Ho/has, also furnished himself with a fmo notv
Rosewood HfiAitsis atd gentle horses* with which
ho Will attend funerals in town and country person
ally, without extra charge. , v '
. Among the greatest .discoveries of the ago is
Welle* Spring j}luttraeij tho boat and cheapest bod
now in uso, tho exclusive right of which ! have sc
curedd and will bo kopt constantly on hand.
Cabinet Making
in all its various branches carried bn, and Bureaus,
Seorotarios, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered
Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and Centre Tables; Dining
and Breakfast Tables, .Wash-stands of all kinds,
French Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jinny Lind
and Cottage Bedsteads,, Chairs of nil kinds, Looking
Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured
in this lino of business, kept constantly on.hand*
His workmcil r f to mom of experience, his material
tho boat, and bis wbrk made in' the latest oity stylo,
and all undpr hia-ayn aanervisibn., It will bo war
ranted and £o!d lowi^Ycaah.
.Ho invites all to -give .-him a call before purcha
sing elsewhere.. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to him ho feels indebted to his nume
rous customers, and assures them that no efforts
will bo spared in future to please them, iu stylo and
price. Give us a call*
Remember tho place, North Hanoror St., nearly
opposite the Deposit Bank.• •
Carlisle, January 20, 1860.
. . H. W, KANAGA, Proprietor.
December 13, 1860. , ’
Carlisle, Doe. 20, 1860.
THE subscriber lias on,hand a large and
well selected stock of
ll£;ul-Stoileg v llomunciU^
&c., of chaste and beautiful designs, which
ho will sell at tho lowest possible rates, being desi
rous of selling Out Ills stock. • Head-stones finished
front thtoo dollars upwards.
Brown Stono,. Marble work, uMantles, ” Ac.y for
buildings, itiarblo slabs for furniture, <tc., constant
ly on hand* Iron railing for cemotry lots, of
the b6st Philadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt
ly attended to;
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1850.
nr. fll*cmvcin’s Tor and IVodd
IS -the- best MetUcinfc ib for thoctifo
of Coughs and Golds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma
Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of tho Heart,
Lipthcrirt* and for tho relief of patients in the ad
vanced stages of Consmnptiuh, together with all dis
eases erf the Throat aud Chest, and which predispose
to Consumption* . '
It is peculiarly adapted to the' radical cure of
Asthma. :
9 Being propftteef by a practical physician and
Druggist, and one’ of great experience in the euro of
the various diseases to whjcfc tb’fif btifiian frame is
liable. It is offered to the afiliCted 'frith the greatest
confidence. Try it and bo cohvin'eod in
valuable in tho euro of Bronchial affections’; Price
50 cents per bottle. Prepared only by Dr, A. £?scn
wein & Co., Druggists and Chemists, N. W; Corner
Ninth & Poplar Streets, Philadelphia.
Sold by every respectable Druggistand
Dealer in Medicine throughout tho State;
April 5, IB6o—ly
Soiling off at Cost!
AT tho sign of the “ Gold Engle,” 3 doors
above the, Cumberland Valley Bank, and two
.doors below tho Methodist Church on West Main
fit street, ‘the largest and best selected stock of
WATCHES and JEWELRY in the town,
bo sold 30.p0r cent.’ lower than at any
place, in tho State, * Tho stock comprises a largo
assortment of Gold & Silver Hunting-case Watphes;
Levers, Leplnos, American watches, and all other
kinds and stylos, gold and isilvcr Chains,
Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles, Gold and silver;
plated and silver Ware, Music Boxes, Accordeons,
Oil Paintings, a groat variety of Fancy Articles,
and a lot of tho finest Pianos, which will bo sold-40
por cent, lower than over offered in town. Tbo en
tire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, largo Mirrors
and Safe,, will bo sold wholesale or retail oh tho
easiest terms.
Having selected a first class-workman all kinds
of repairing will bo done'as usual, at reduced
■\Piano Music of all kinds for sale. A now first
class double-barrelled Gun, warranted genuine
twist, will bo .sold, for half its value.
N,,8. Tbo large three story Brick House,with a
splendid store room and parlor 42 feet deep will bo.
sold at a very low price and on easy terms, and if
not sold will bo rented from April Ist, 1861. Call
at tbo Jowolry store in said building.
Carlisle, Juno 21, IB6o—ly
Lubricating oils, .
Wo inform Machinists, Millers, and
the public, generally, that wo have on hand a full
assortment of Lubricating Oils for all kinds of ma
chinery. This oil surpasses all others, having been
subjected to a thorough test, by the side of the best
lard and other oils.. It is pronounced a superior
lubricator, at loss;cost, and wearing longer, and en
tirely free from gum, and will stand mtieh colder
weather and less tendency to heat. Try it, and
vou will use nothing else for lubricating.
N. Hanover st, Carlisle.
Nor. 1, 1860.
WILLIAM M. Biddle, Attorney-at-Larv.
Office with A. B. Sharpe, Esq., ’under the
Volunteer printing office, South Hanover street, Car
lisle. Will attend promptly to collections and oth
er business in his profession,
November 15, 1800—tf
IN beauty and durability, no “ sun-drawn”
picture equals a good Daguerreotype; this is tho
opinion expressed by tho loading photographic jour
nals of tho day, both American and English, nnd
thoso may bo obtained at tho rooms of Mrs. Rky
hoi,ds’ Louthor street, two doors west of Hanovor.
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859—tf.
I HAVE on hand some ten tons of WALL
PAPER, of the finest and best quality that has
over boon offered in this place, having purchased it
of tho manufacturers in Now York. Also, Win-*
dow Blinds, Shades and fixtures, Fire Board Prints,
&c., all of which'bo will sell very low and exclu
sively for cash.
January 20, 1860,
A lot of Cider Vinegar, warranted pure, in Btoro
and tor sale at the store of
Carlisle, June 21
* l “ x , ea "* superior Pearl Slareh now in store,
sale oTAtCV;''' 581 U “ y CUB “ Pri '°“j “^V'V 01 "
December 1880, W> EBY -
Reduction in the Price of Dry Goods.
Bargains, Bargains.
WE have since tho Now Year reduced the
price of ’our Goods, euoh as Silks, Figured
Morinoos,’Poplins, Kips, Delaines, Morinoos, Casai
mores, and all other kinds of Dross Goods,
Mourning Goods, of all kinds, Shawls of every
description, Cloth Mantles and Raglans*
at greatly reduced prices.
Buyers who have not supplied themselves with
goods suitable for tho season, will find it to their ad
vantage to call and soo our stock as we are deter
mined to oloso out our winter steak at very IoV pri
# Our stock is full and complete in all kinds of do
sirablo Goods,
East Jiam Street
Carlisle, January 17,1861,
TilE subscriber has just returned from tbo
eastern 1 cities with, the largest, cheapest, and
best selected assortment of Hardware, over offered
in this county. Every thing kept in a Inigo whole
sale and retail Hardware stors, can ho had a little
lower than at any other house in tho county, at tho
cheap hardware store of tho subscriber,
JVoils and Spikes —so tons Nails and Spikes just
rocoivod of the very best makes and all warranted.
Country merchants supplied with Nails at manu
facturers prices.
600 pnir Trace Chains ot all kinds, with a largo
assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do.,
fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains,
Ac., Ac.
Jfames. —3so pair of Hamos of all kinds just re
ceived. Common, pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza
bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten
ings, cheaper than ever. . , ■
Taints and Oils.— lo tons White Lead, 1000 galls.
Oil just received, with a largo assortment of Var
nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharago, whiting,
glue, shellac, paint blushes, flro proof paint, Flo
rence white, white zinc, colored zinc, rod load, lard
oil, boiled oil,, sperm oil, fish oil, Ac. Colors of
every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes.
Farm Bells. —Just received the largest, cheapest,
and best assortment of Farm Bolls in tho county.
Groonoaatlo metal and 801 l metal, warranted not to
Powder.— 2s kegs Dupont Hook and Hide Pow
der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse,,Picks,
Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stono Sledges, Stone Ham
mors, &o. .
Pumps and Cement.— so barrels Cement, with a
very largo assortment of Chain ond Iron pumps ol
all kinds, cheaper than evef at the Hardware store
°f . . , HENKY SAXTON.
Carlisle, March 8, 1860,
Carlisle Marble Yard.
South Hanover street, opposite Rentes’ Store,
Gold Pens and 'Poncils,
Wiill Paper.
Fot Indemnity against,'Loss by Fire.
Charter Capital Paid
in—Office 163 J Chestnut] Sf-reeU
MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent or
limited against loss or damage by fire; on Prop
erly and Effects of ovory description, in town of
country, on the most reasonable terms. Application
made either personally or by letter will bo.prompt
ly attended to. , .
C. N. BANOKER, PrctidmU .
Tbo subscriber is agent for the above Company
for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for
insurance either by mail or personally will bo
promptly attended to,
April 12, 1860.
Clothing! Clothing I
THE subscriber lias just returned froiia the
Eastern cities with a very superior and most
excellent assortment of
(Jonsistitiff of Cassruneroj Summer Cloth, Italian
Cloth> Alajiacilj Marsoiles) Linen) and Cottonado
Coats, Punts, and Vcsts» Alio silk and satin Vests,
■and in short every article in.the way of garments.
GOODS is well selected, and Shirts, Handkerchiefs,
Cravats, are sold at very low prices-.
The subscriber would especially call thoattentioiju
of the public to his well selected stock of
which ho is enabled to sell at astonishing low prices.
Of the above you can convince yourself by calling
at the Cheap Clothing Stork near the Market
Carlisle, April 12, 1860,
A AFTER returning hia acknowledgements
for the very liberal patronage,which has been
extended to him, tho undersigned would call atten
tion to tho fact that ho has just re-opened his exten
sive assortment of Family ■ Groceries, in his new
store-room, on tho south-east corner, of tho Public
Square, whore the public are invited to oajl and ex
amine a stock of Goods which, in elegaiico/ variety
and* extend will defy competition; comprising in
part of loaf, lump, crushed and brown Sugars, Java,
Rio and Roasted Coffee-* Every variety and quality
of Tech . Spices, (ground and ungrouud/) Pickles,
Sauces, Oil, Now Orleans, Sugar-house and
Trinidad 3tolasses j New York and Philadelphia
Synipa } Cheese, Macaroni, VermcoiUi; Split Peas,
Hominy, Mince-meat, Corn Sturoh, Farina, Choeo
lato, Extract of Coffee* Refined Sugar at reduced
rates, washing and bakirig Soda, Tobacco of the
most favorite bhmds, and tho finest quality of
gars. A beautiful assortment of
JBrifannla Wai'€,
plain and. gold band China-ware, Glass, Queens,
Stone and Earthen Ware, in great variety, and an
elegant lot of Fancy Soaps* Extracts and Perfume
ry for tho toilefcj ’ . ; ‘
Fruits: Including Reaches in cans, Raisins, Cran
berries, Djy Apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lem
ons,' «tc. .
a LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail, em
bracing common and old Rye Whiskey
Brandies, dark and pale; Lisboft* Shorty* Port/ Wa
dena, Ginger, Catawba and Muscat iViues, in casks
and bottles; Scotch Whiskey, Holland Gin, and
Schoidairi. Schnapps.
FlSlt AN3 SAL ft
A largo stock of tamps, ’ including Dyott’s. cele
brated lamps fof burning Kerosene or coal, Oil
Sperm and Star candles.
Cedar ■‘Ware.and Broome,
Brushes,, Ropes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mats, Walters,
Looking-glasses, fine letter and note paper, Willotf
war** Painted 'buckets, &o: . .
Cottoli and Woollen Hose and half lloso, 'and a
full stock of Gloves* including the well known Buck
Gloves.- v
’Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for
. In short, his stock comprises everything that is
called for i» his lino of business, and ho effort will
bb spared to condor entire satisfaction £6 his" ciis-
Carlisle, January 4, 1861
'PILE subscriber haa received a frijah arrival
( of tlio following:
Fresh. Tomatoes ici cans; - . .
♦ tf Poaches' “
u Salmon . “
u Lobsters , ■
, Pickled Lobsters, Sardines, Gollatine, Sap Sago
Cheese; Virgin Oil of Aix, for the table; Olivo do.,
Tomato Katsup;
Walnut u
Mushfooh "
WWooatershiro Sauce',-
Pickles, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Nectarines, Oran
ges; Lemons 1 . -
Fine llama. Dried Beef;
Groceries, Fine Liquors, Pish, and all at tho loit
oat prices. IYM, BENT#.. !
• Carlisle, October IT, 1860.
A fresh and general assorf-
ES W-mnnt. of Groceries constantly
bn hand, embracing the best qualities in the mar
ket, such- as Coffees,. Sugars, Spices, Table Oils,
Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins, us
well as all the varieties belonging to a good grocery
store, together with a suitable assortment of the
finest .
Syrups & Molasses, Macknrel, Salmon
Baskets, Tubs, Churns, and other articles for house
hold use, including a fine assortment of
China, Glass & Queensware,
The public hdvo our thanks for the’liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon us in the past. . Wo hope to
merit a share of their custom in the future.
April 19, 1860. J. W. EBY.
HAVE just completed opening their Spring
stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass, &c.j to which they invite tho early attention
of tho public generally. Wo have greatly enlarged
bur stock in all its various branches, and can now
accommodate tho public with
in large or small quantities at the lowest pricos.-r-
Wo don't want tho publio to think that wo have
brought all tho-Goods in Philadelphia and Now
York, to our town, but wo oati assure them that a
look into our atoro will convince them that wo have
enough Goods to fully supply tho demand in tty's
market. Persons wanting Goods in our lino will
find it to thoir advantage to give us a call before
making their purchases. All orders personally and
punctually attended to, and no misrepresentations
made to effect sales..
North Hanover street.
Carlisle, May 3, 1860. ’
1 A( A TONS Hammered and Rolled Iron of
1 UL/tbo very boat English brands, warranted in
every way superior to American make just received,
with a large assortment of -
Sheet Irony Anvils,
Hoop Iron, Vices,
Band Iron, Files,
Horse Shoe Iron, Hasps,
Spring Steel, Bolts,
Cast Steel, Pivots,
Blister Steel, . Huts,
Washers, HorsoTshoos,
. Screw-plates, Horse-shoe Nails,
Blacksmith Bellows, Ac.,
cheaper than tho cheapest. All Iron: sold at city
prices with freight added/ add warranted.
March 8, 1869, HfiNKV BAXTON.
THAT I have now on hand tho very best
quality of Sugar-cured Hamsy Dried licet', Fish,-
Salt, Fresh Poaches and Tomatoes in Cants, do*
Mushrooms, Oysters, Preserves fine Pickols, Sauces,
Sardines, Fruit, Cheese, Crackers, Old Ryo Whis
key, Brandies, Wines, Olns, Ac. Besides the above,
I have a general assortment of Groceries &, Queens
ware, Spioes, Oils. Ac., all offered to tho public at
cash prices. WM. BISNTZ.
J. W. EBY.
HAVING, Maokeral, Shad in barrels, half
barrels, quarter barrels, fresh Groceries, Li
quors, .Tobacco, Sugars, at tho lowest cash prices.
Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Hams, Beeswax, Tallow, Soap,
and Rags, taken in exchange at the cheap grocery
New Store and New Goods
Cheap Groceries*
Ooodl Very Good j ’ SBB
JUST received at the cheap Orooerv .t
subscribe!, lota of good things, a nart »r° m 4
are the following: 8 ' * part of Whloh
Hotmotioally sealed Poaohos, fresh-'
" " Tomatoes, « '
“ " Cora, « ’ -
“ " Poos, II
" " Asparagus, «
" “ Oysters, .«
u . .Lobsters,, <* 1
" " Pino Apple, «
“ “ Turtle Soup, • « ■
, " Sprdiuos, «
Mince Moat, Piokiod Oofkins, Chow Chow ni ...
li, Cabliflowob, Lobsters, Capers, Olivo*
Katsup, Walnut do, Mushroom do, Ponna? 0 ? 810 *
Hominy, Grilts, Ponp Bonus, Cranberries
Dried Beef Sugar cured Hais, ShoS'
Sausage, Maooaroni, Sugars, Coffees, Teas linn”I*' 1 *'
sob, Eish of all kinds, Spioos, QuoonswiTrc 'hnl S 3 '
gars ond Tobacco, 25,000 Gorman Sixes ami fiV
very best LIQUORS in the State, Confeotionok “‘j
Fruit, Ac-., which wd offer tb the public at lb?i“ nil
est prices fof cash; ■ WAT. BENt-T"'
Carlisle, Doe. 22, 186 S-. DbNTg.
New Wine and Liquor Store.
Three doors Past of Inhofs Croce, v Store
and facing the Market Housq, Cattish. ’
qiHE undersinned having opened a full and
1 complete assortment of tbo purest and il..
BUODkoepors, House keepers, and others .to ell.
Jigg/hira a call, being determined to, keep a bettor
article than is generally kept in the country, and
low pricok. , tft,. - ,
BRANDIES—Otard, Plnot Vintage, 1552 ■ v„
obollo. ’
GlNS—Swan, Seboidam Schnapps, Mover', fn.r
Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. E. Rum, W
WlNES—Matloria, very old; Shorty, Sweet Ma
la sa. ?ld Port, Lisbon, - Claret, Champagne, Muscat’
WHlSKY—Monongnbela, Pure Old Rye, Boar
bon and common Whisky.
Also, Wino Bittors, Demijohns, Bottles, Ac.
JSSf" Bottled Liquors of all kinds.
May It, 1880. .
THE Allen and Rust Mutual Fire
suranco Company of Cumberland county, incor
porated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organ
ized, and m operation under the management of the
following Managers, viz {
Wm; R. Qorgas* Lewis Hycr, Christian Slayman*
Michael Cookhhj J; C* Dunlap, Rudolph Marlin;
Danloi Bailey, Jacoq II: CboVct, Alexaddofr CatU
carf, Jos. Wiokofshunl, J. R'idlelbetger. S, Eberlv
J. Brandt,
Tho rates of insurance are as low and favorable’
as any Company of thb kind fn the State.,
wishing to become members are invited to makeup;
plication to the Agents of thti Company w ho urs'
willing to wait upon them at any tifno; .
President—W. R. QORGAS, Ebcrly’s Mills, Cum:
borland county.
Vico Pres't.—Christian Stayman, Carlisle Cum:
borland county.
Sect’y,—Lewis Hyer, Shephdrdstown, Cumber*
land county;
Treasurer—Michael Cociclin, Shcphcrdstown;
Cumberland county,
Cumtertand Comity.^ohn Sherrick, Allen; Yak
outino Fecman, New Cumberland; Henry Zcaring;
Shiromanstown; Lafayette Pcffor, Dickinson; Hon.
ry Bowman, Churchtown; Mode. Griffith, Soutlf
Middleton; Sam'l. Graham, W. Pennshoro' Sam'L
Coovof* Mcchaniosburg; J. W. Cooklin, Shepherds*'
town; H. Coovor* ShephorJstown; J: 0. Saxton;
Silver Spring; Bonj. Havorstick* Silver. Spring,
John Hycr/Carlisle.
. York County. —W. S. Picking, Dover; James
Griffith; Warrington.; J. F. Doardorff, Washington;
D. Rutter, Faifviow; R* Clark, Dillshurg.
Harrisburg. —Houser & Loiihman.
Members of tho Company having, policies about
to expire*, can have them renewed by making appli*
cation to any of the Agents; •
WalcU anil Jewelry Store,
0 . Conrad, former occupant. No. 148 A r or/7» Second
• Street, corner of Quarry Street.
The wDjer'srgnod has leased the above premises/
where ho, will keep a largo assortment of .Gold and
Silver Watcher,- of American, English and Swiss
manufacture of the roost celebrated rankers, in **-
ditiofi to Which; will bo fomid ahray# on bund (&A.
raadfo id order) anyjjitousiio varfr tf 6f Jo**viry, S2t
vo f, find Silver Eluted ware, pother with a gohe
rul assortment of such Goods as are usually kept id,
a first.class Watch and Jewelry stores
Tho patrons of 0-. Conrad* and those of the anb-*
scriber, .together’with the generally, are*in
vited to call, whore they will receive £ good artifil*.
for.their money,. As lam determined to do strictly
a cash business, goods will bo sold very low. “Small
projita and Quick Sales,” is the motto of this Eatab-»
liahmcnt. . LEWIS R. BROOMALL,
Formerly 0. Conrad, No. 148 North Second St;
comer of Quarry, Phila. •
June 7* 1860—ly
Directty tippoßite the Court Home, 'in Church
• Alley. ,
Load and Irofr jipetf, j Cast Iron Sink*/
Hydrants,- _ Bath TnbS,-
Hot and Coltt Shower IJatb.BoUorsi'
. Bathfl/ . Waab Bavins*
Water Closets/ , Hydraulic. Rami, Ae*
Fo'rco And* Lift Puinpfi/ &c., «tc
Wrought Iron Wd’d.
Tahoe;' . •
And every descrijHioh of Cocks and Fillings f«
Gas, Stcanir/ Water, ic. Siiperior Cooking Range*,*
Heaters and GaS Fixtures, put up in Churches/
Storks and Dwellings, at short notice and in the D\tit
modern stylo. Al) lAatoriiilt aiVd wdrlb in l 6ur libe
at low rales and icarntntirf.
Country, work and Jobbing promptly 1 ’ attandodW
. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.
Foreign and Domestic Liquor.
EDWARD SHOWER respectfully announ
coa to the public, that ho continues to keep con
stantly on hand> aiid for sale, a largo and very bu
porior assortment of
Foreign and Domestic Liquor s,
at his now stand, a few doors west of Hannon's Ho
tel, and directly south of tho; Court-house, Carlisle.
All of choice Brands.
Sherry, Port, Modena, Lisbon, Claret, Na
tive, Hock, Johannisborg, and Boderhoim-
Hoidsick & Go., Goislor & Co., and inaperi
Boblon, Lion, and Anchor,
Superior Old Ryo, Choice Old YatnVly Nec
tar, Wheat,. Scotch, and Irish.
ALE, BROWN STOUT,. Ac. Best to he had in
Philadelphia. „
Of tbe very boat.quality!.
Dealers and others desiring a PURE ARTICX/E,
will find it fls topi'escntod, as his whole attention will
be given to a pi'oftor' rthd careful selection of bu
STOCK, which cannot bo surpassed, and hopes to
have tbe patronage! of thd public,
. Carlisle, April 12, iB6O.
AT Keller’s Old Stand, North Hanover 6ft.,
will ho found a large and elegant, assortnws
of HATS and CAPS, in groat variety, of our ««•
and city ntaniifaetnro,
Moleskin, Navy,.
Casssimoro, Morphy,
Pelt, Scotch,
■ Ledger, Ledger,
Planters, Oil Cloth,
Plush A Cloth, Children«
ALSO, Wool Hats of all kinds, which will
at the lowest prioos. llooollcot ,
North Hanover
JZgF* Hats of any. stylo manufactured to Or
Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1869.
A L. SPONSLER has romovcd hia <® c
• to his now houso opposite Glass' hots.
Carlisle, March 20,1800—tf • '
Fresh cranberries. ■ , ■,&
A lot of prime Cranberrios now in B^ r<, jpV/
sale by
October, 26,1860.
Fire Insurance.
Officers of the Company.