.mm i’ :’-vV' ! i Dol. ••■.': ; Asia th§ 1859. Wow Coal aud lumber Ya . ,/ THE subscribers have this day’entered Into part nership to trade in COAL AND, LUNBBR.— Wo will have constantly on handand furnish to or der, all kinds and quality of ' SEASONED LUMBER, such as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame Stuff, Pal ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring, Weatherboarding, Posts, Rails, and all kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pine, Hemlock, Obesnufc, and Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at thb shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. ..Our. worked boards will bo kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We • will constantly have on band all lands A of FAMILY COAL, under cover, which |||they will deliver dry clean to any. part of the borough, £o wit: Lykcns Valley, Luke Fiddler, Locust Moun tain, Lobberry,, Trov erton, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut Coal, which we pledge ourselves to soil at the lowest prices. Best quality of Limeburnors* and Blacksmiths* Coal always on hand at the lowest figures. Yard west side of Grammar School, Main St. ' ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. i Carlisle, Deo., 22, 1859. , | Kew Coal I'ard, AT TJ&I WEST ENV OF CARLISLE. THE subscnber-would respectfully caUth© attention of liimcbarnors andtho citizens of Carlisle, and tho aurrounding oonntrygenerally, to his .NEW'-COALYARD, attached tohia Ware Bouse, on SVost High Street* where ho will keep constantly •m hand a largo supply f'the heat quality of VAiiitowit: : • Lykens- Valley, Luhe idler, Pine Orove, and yevertdn, Bt'oken, Egg i d Nut Coal-r-ficreon dnd dry, all of which pledges himself. to )U at tl?o lowest poasi [o prices. Boat qual ity of Limebumers * and Blacksmiths' Coal always on hand. ’ All orders 101 l at tljp.TVaro House, or at his residence in North Hanover street will bo promptly attended to v J. W. HENDERSON. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1860—tf. 'NE W ARRANGEMENT, ON and after Monday, 23d May, 1859, the subscriber, will run a DAILY. TRAIN of CARS*, between Carlisle and Philadelphia; leaving Carlisle every morning, and. Philadelphia every All goods left at the freight Depot of Peacock, Zell & Hinchman, Nos. 808,and 810 Market Street, will bo delivered in Carlisle the next day, J. W. HENDERSON, TVcs£ Sigh Slrcet, Carlisle, Fa, Carlisle, Deo. 22 } 1059. • jonpr early. J. *n. nonejiaker. Forwarding & commission house, FLOUR & FEED, The suasejib'ors having taken the Warehouse, oars and fixtures of William B. Murray’s well known es tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin? inson College, would inform the public, that they have entered into a general Forwarding and Com mission business. The highest market price will bo paid for Flour, Gtain and Produce of all kinds. They are also prodared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and. Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. Plaater arid Salt kept constantly on hand, .and Flour and Feed at wholesale or retail. , , Coal of all kinds, embracing LYICEN’S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SVNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, Limehimera* and Blacksmiths’ Coal, constantly for sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. EARLY & NONEMAKER.. Carlisle, Deo. 22,1859. Dissolution: of Parluerstilp* THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Shrom & Black has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, therefore we would so licit all those indebted to come and settle their ac counts and all those having oliums will please pre sent them for settlement. Jan. 3, 1860. THE business 'will hereafter ho continued at tho old stand of Sbrom A Black under tho firm of Black & Delaney, whore ;we will keep con stantly- on band, all kinds of LUMBER & COAL of every description, which wo will sell at tho low est cash prices, all orders for bill stuff will bo promptly attended to on tho shortest notice. We arc thankful for the patronage of a generous public at tho old stand of Shrom & Black, and would still solicit a continuance of the stmo as wo will strive to please; All orders loft at the residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal or Lumber will be promptly atten ded to as heretofore. ! JACOB SENSE. Jan. i, I 860; IN beauty and durability, no “sun-drawn” picture equals a good Daguerreotype; this |s t tho opinion expressed by the loading photogrophio jour nals of the day, both 'American and- English, and those may b.o obtained at the rooms of Mrs. Bbt kolds' Louthor street, two doors west of, Hanover. Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1869—tf. • • , HAYING, Mackeral, Shod in barrels, half barrela, quarter barrels, fresh Groceries, Li quors, Tobacco, Segars, at the lowest cash prices.— I Butter, Egga> Bacon, Hams, Beeswax, Tallow, Soap, and Bags, taken in exchange at tho cheap grocery of - ' WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1860. AC Aim. COAL, PIASTER & SALT, JACOB SIiROH. ROBERT M. BLACK. BLACK * DELANOY. JUagncrrcotypes. fish.: Fancy Goods* Gift Books, &o. S' W. ftAVERSTICK has iust received .•from So ejty. and is now openingsplendid display of.lfancy Goods, suitable for the Holidays, to ■ which bo desires to call thqattontioa of his friends and tbbpublio. I*2lB assortment cannotbe surpass ed in.novelty an'delegancc,and both in quality and c price of the articles carinot frill to please prircboa ert. »It wonld-to impossible to enumerate bis ; ' FANCY GOODS, )'■ which comprises ©very variety of fancy articled of the riaosti exquisite flriiah, inch • ; ■ .Papier Macho Goods, elegant alabaster inkstands and trays, fancy ivory, pearl and-shell card coses, ladies' Fancy Haricots, fancy Work Boxes, with sow ing instruments,'PbrtMonnaios, of every variety, QoldPons) and Pencils, fancy paper weights/papo tones, and a large variety of ladies' fancy statione ry. - Moto seals 1 and wafers, silk and purses, ladies'riding whipSi elegantly flubbed, ladies' fine cutlery, perfume baskets and bags, brushes of evo ry kind -for the- toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the various kind, musical instruments of all kinds and at aU prioos/iogetWwith an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished, apd at low rates. 4 Al so, ah extensive- ooUoction' of BOOKS, comprising tho various Englieh and American Annuals for 1869, richly ombolishod and illustrated Poetical Works, with Childrens Pictorial Boohs, for'children of all ages. Hfa assortment of School Books and School Stationery Is also ''complete, arid comprises every thing used ; in College and the Schools. also desires to call the particular attention of families, to his elegant assortment of LAMPS r X}JRANDOLES, 6c., from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar cher and, others Of Philadelphia) comprising every stylo of. Parlor, .Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning oithof Lard; Sperm or Etborial Oil, togeth er with Flowor*Vaacs). Fancy,Screens, Ac. His as sortments this lino is unequalled in the borough. Also, ■ •V- JVwjftf, Fancy , Nuts, Preserved ■ Fruits, &o. t Wat dies, Jewell y and Stiver WARE AT CONLYN’S. THE public arc invited to call and examine . the largest and handsomest stock of, ■ « WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER , ir.dtf.ff, over brought to this,place. Having purchased this stock for oodh I' km determined to soli at prices that "cairt, be.he'at.*. ■ ' All goods sold by moi guaranteed to be as repre sented or tho'monoy refunded. Old gold and silver taken inexohonge, . THOMAS CONLYN. - Carlisle, l}oo; 22,1859. Town and Country THE subscriber respectfully , informs his friends and the public generally, that ho still continues, the Undertaking business, and is ready to wait.upon customers either by day or by night.— Ready-made COFFINS kept constantly on hand, both plain and ornamental. Ho has constantly on band Patent Metallic Burial Case, of which he has been appointed the solo agent. • This case is recommended as superior to any of the kind now in use, it being perfectly alr'tight Ho has also furnished himself with o find new Rosewood Hearse and gentle horses, with which ho will attend-funerals in town, and country person ally, without oxtra-dfettigc. Among the greatest discoveries of the ago is Wells* Spring Mattraea, the beat and cheapest bed now in use; tho exclusive right of which I have sc curedd and-wiU bo kept constantly on hand. Cabinet Making in all Itsvarious branches carried on, and Bureaus, 1 Secretaries, Work-Stands, ParlorWaro, Upholstered 1 Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Bide and Centro Tables; Dining and Breakfast Tables, _oll hinds, l r ro nc Uß o d B t«adß,l(ighandloW r poßts ;; Jinny Innd, and Cottage Bcdatetfdß, Cbalta of all kinds, looking (Hasses', and all oilier articles uepnliy madnfonturod I in this line conßtantly on hana.^ ’ Hiawerltmiu ariiMch of experience, his material’! • the best, and his wprk‘:madd in the latest oitjfslyle, and all under his orfii supervision. It trill Vo war ranted and sold low for dash, .V.-,. ; Ho invites all to “give him a call, before puroha ’ sing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to him ho feels indebted to his nume rous, custonrera, and; assures them that no efforts will bo spared in future to please them in style and price. Give us a coll. Remember the place, NortlhHanovor St./ nearly opposite the Deposit Bank. , 1 ■ v, DAVID SIPE. Carlisle, January 26,.dL860. Wall Paper. I HAVE on hand some ten tons of WALL PAPEB, of the finest and; beat quality that has over been offered in - this glebe, haying purchased ft of the nmnufacturoia in ,Now York. Also, Win dow Blinds, Shades and fixtures. Fire Board Prints, Ao., all of whibh he will sell very low and oxolu aivcly for cash. - ' January 26, 1860. , - DAVID SIPE. Carlisle Marble Yard. rich ad :DWen. South Hanover street, opposite lionize' Store , Garlielc, THE silhsoribor has on hand a largo and wbll selected stock of: i -'': ead-Stoncs, Monuments, TOMBS, Ac., of chaste and boautilhl designs, which he will soil at the lowest possible, rates, being desi rous of selling but his sto.ch. Head-stones finished from three dollars upwards. Brown Stono, Marble work, Mantles, Ac., for buildings, marble slobs for furniture, Ac., constant ly on hand. Iron.railjhgfor cemotry lots, Ac., of the best Philadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt ly attended to. , ■r' Carlisle, De0..22, 1850. . REDUCTION IN PRICES. AW. Bentz announces to the public and • Ms customers, that In accordance to his usual custom at this season.of the year,- he has reduced the prices of bis stock; of, ; , , , FANCY BRY GOODS, which comprises many ohoicoand beautiful descrip tions of WINTER PRESS GOODS, such as all Wool Merinocs, plain and figured, all Wool Do* Lainos, plain and figured, .Coburgs, Valencias, Do- Lainos, all wool/ Plains/ AcAc. SHAWLS of every variety at extremely low prl« cos. A beautiful lot of FANCY SILKS of every stylo and color, and at lower rates than can bo purchased elsewhere in Carlisle. ' runs Aim' cloaks. A splendid assortment of Purs and Cloaks yet on band, which wo are determined to c)oso out.withoat regard to COST. In faot our whole stock is now of fering at unusually low prices. • Persons will find if to their decided advantage to call and examine for, .themselves, as great bargains may be expected tbo closing season. • A. W. BENTZ. Carlisle, Jan. 12, 1860. Ladd, Webster A: Co. Improved Tight Stitch . . . SEWING MACHINES, On Exhibition and for solo at Mrs. B. A. Reynolds’ Daguorroan Rooms. 2nd door rrost of Br. Zitror'a Of .fico, Carlisle.' I Gall or sond for a circular to ! * W. H. MASON, Antnt. Carlisle, Bee. 22, 1859—tf. PEARL STARCH. 60 boxes of superiei' Poarl Starch now in store, and for sole at lowest city cash prices, either whole sale or retail, by J. W. EBY. 1 April 19, I 860: • ObambtrslittVg Female sbmSittary rHE location ia ploasanfc ond ond the advantages are equalled la the land.-’ The Institutlpn.is.lnrga tod. prosper-- -sub - with a corps of . A'ssStenU chosonwith cere, indVollq'toUßoa ifo instruct In the solid mtntol Uraiioboß. The influences in tho Boording deparunent are parental, moral and refining. ■ , Tho nest session will commence on , tho .7lh of February. .Catalogues may bo hod on application to' thd Principal. . „ v., r. ' t Rtf' rmeto—Rov. W. IV. Bolls, Carlisle! Bov. J, Ault, louden. Pa.; Geo. H. Bucher, Bcq., town, Pa.j Hon. Goo. Chambers, B, S. Schnook, D. D., S. B. Fisher, D. D„ .Boy. P- Boose, Bor. Jo 3, Clark, Chomborsburg, Pa.; Professors at Princeton, N. J., bodh of tho College and Theological Semin ary. ’ Bov. HENRY BEEVES, A. M.i - ■ . Mrs. SABAH K. BEEVES, ! January 56, 1860—ly Principal*. new rmifi. Hat and cap emporium i - Tho undersigned having purchased Oib stock; Ac., of tho Into William H. Trout, deceased/ would respectfully announce to tho public , that, they will continue the Matting 'Pusiness at the old stand, in West High Street, and with a renewed and efficient effort,, produce articles of Hoad Dress of Every Variety, Style, and Quality,, that shall bo strictly in keeping with the improve ments of tho art, and frilly up to tho ago in which we live. jasaaggSgjft They have now on hand a splendid assortment of HATS of all dcsorip .JgpSSSii lions, from tho common Wool to the ■ . finest Fur and Silk hats, and pt prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. Their Silk, Molo Skin, and Beaver Hats, are unsurpassed for lightness, du rability and finish, by those of any other establish ment in the country. ; . Boys' Hats of every description constantly on hand. They respectfully invito all.the old.patrons, and as many new ones as possible, to give them a call. J. G. OALLIO & CO. Carlisle, May 3, 1860. THE subscriber has just returned from tho eastern cities, with the largest, cheapest, and best selected assortment of Hardware, ever offered in this county. Every thing kept in a largo whole-; sale and retail Hardware a tor 2, can ho had a little lower than at any other house in tho county, at tho cheap hardware store of tho subscriber. Mills and Spikes. —so tons Nails and Spikes just received of the very beat makes and all warranted. Country merchants supplied with Nails at mami facturers prices, 600 pnirTrace Chains of all kinds, with a largo assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do., fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains, Ac., Ac. ffames . —350 pair of Haines of all kinds, just re ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza bethtown pattern, with and without .patent fasten ings, cheaper, than over. ‘ Paints and O/ta—lo tons White Load, 1000 galls. Oil just. received, with a largo assortment of Var nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharago, whiting, glue, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, Flo rence white, white rino> colored zinc, red lead, lard oil, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil, Ac* Colors of every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes. jgarm Bells.—-Just received tho largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Farm Bolls ip tho county. 1 Groenoastlo metal and Bell metal, warranted hot to crack. ■ . * kegs Dupont Rook and Rifle Pow der, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks, Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stone Sledges, Stone Ham mers, Ac. , n Pumps and Cement. —so barrels Cement, with a very largo assortment of Chain and Iron - pumps of all kinds, cheaper than over at the Hardware store of • , HENRY SAXTON* Carlisle, March 8, 1860. : . |!I§|2tSASP jonw P. LYSE &. sow. HAVE just completed opening their Spring stock of Hardware, Paints,' Oils,'Varnishes, Glass, Ac., to which they invito the early attention of tho public generally. . Wo have greatly enlarged our stock in. nil its various branches, and can now accommodate the public with RELIABLE GOODS, - in’ ikrge or small- quantities ut the .lowest prices.-—- Wo don’t .want-the public to think that.Vro have , brought’ all' the Goads -in Philadelphia and Now [•York to. our-town, hut wq can assure them thata look into our store will convince thorn that wo have enough Goods to fully stipplythedomand in this market. Persons wanting Goods in our lino tvfll' find it to their advantage to giro us a call before making their purchases. AH orders personally and punctually attended, to, and no misrepresentations made to effect sales. . ' - JOHN P- LYNE A SON, North Hanover street; Carlisle, May 3, 1860. Selling off* at Cost I THE entire stock of elegant assorted Dry Goods; at the store of CHAS. OGILBY, will bn sold off at cost, and many articles below cost Now is the time to got bargains, as,the wholo stock must ■be closed’out in a short time. Silks, Delaines,. Challios, Prints, Muslins, Cloths, Cassimcros, &c., in groat variety. Looking Glasses, all sizes. In grain, Throe Ply, Hemp and Vonitian Carpeting, very low. , ‘"’’Persona o*vn now supply themselves with Spring Goods very cheap. . March 8, 1860. GOOD THINGS. THE subscriber has received a fresh arrival of the following: Fresh Tomatoes pa cans, “ Peaches ” ; u “ Salmon \ u ' “ Lobsters'. !• Pickled Lobsters, Sardines, Sap Sago Choose, Virgin Oil of (Aik, for the table, Olivo do., stuffed.:- . i Tomato Katsup, .j.l , Walnut “ Musbroon Worcestershire SAitcej • Pickles, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Nectarines, Oran goSt Lemons. Ac. Fine Hams, Dried Beef, Groceries, Fine Liquors, Fish, and all at the low est prices. - ' WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859.. CAKLISIiEACrEIVCY. For Indemnity against Loss by Fire. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE Company op Philadelphia, Charier Perpetual.—!} 4oo,ooo : Capital Paid in—Office 163 J Chestnut-Street. MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent or limited againstlosa or damage by fire, on Prop erty and Effect* of, every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Application made either personally or by letter will bo prompt ly attended tp. 1 - O. N. BANCKBR, President. The' sqbacribor is agent for tbo above Company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by maiP or personally will'be promptly attended to. . A. L. SPONSLER. April 12, 1860. KEW, GOODS. fjpCflS Tril ' ■ -8- h-esh and general assort raent of Groceries constantly on hand* embracing the.host .qualities in the mar ket, such as Coffees, .Sugars, Spices, Table Oils, Pickles, Crackers, Macaroni, Citron, Raisins, as well as all the varieties belonging.to a good grocery store, together with a suitable assortment of the finest Syrups & Molasses, Maclcarel, Salmon, Baskets, Tubs, Churns, and other articles for house hold use, including a fine assortment of China, Glass & Queensware, The public have our thanks for Iho liberal pa tronage bestowed upon ua lu the pasL Wo hope to merit a share of their custom iff the future. April 19, 1860. Survey! ng and Diaughtlug. THE undersigned respectfully informs,the citizens pf Carlisle aha vicinity, that bo is pre pared to attend to Surveying and Draughtingin all their branches, at the shortest notice, Orders loft at the law office of Wm, M. Penrose, Esq./will bo promptly attended to, • - - JOSEPH RITNER, Jr. March 1, 1860 —3m* OnQ GRINDSTONES of ,all sizes, warran* of the best quality, just received at H. March 6,186 / ’ .^V'^lVlWnigi'J l •; ■.. "WELL MADE . AND WELL FINISHED I mHE eubacinljor has just roturnoiftoin the J-.EoStem\oUleswith a vorjr 4 oxobU’eni of,. ’ , - . * K:\ ■ spjtitfa ani) sum Her OLommi\ Consisting of Cassamoro, Summer' Clotb, .Italian Cloth, Alabbca, Marsbllos, Linen, and Coltonoao Coats, Pants, and Vests. Alio silk and sntm Vests, and in short evoryortloloin tho way of His stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS is well selected, and Shirts, Handkerchiefs, ,Ctavats,'*o.,arb.sOldat wry,lqw'.pribos. - V; TRUNKS, CABPKJT BAGS, VALISES, ■ , ■ The subscriber would especially call tho attention of tho public to his well sclented stock of C HATS & CAPS, which he is enabled to soli at astonishing low prices. Oftho above you banconvince yourself by.cnlling at'thb CnEAP Clothiso Sronß Carlisle, -April 12,,1800,, ■ - New Store, and New Goods. A AFTER' returning hia ncknowledgomeath iXfor tho very liberal patronage which has been oxtondbito him, tho undersigned would call atten tion to the foot that ho has just ro-oponed his exten sive assortment of Family Groceries, m bis now store-room, on tho south-east comer of tho Public Suuaro, where the public aro invited to call anil ex amine a stock of Goods which in elegance, vnnpty and extend will defy competition; comprising in part of loaf, lump, crushed and brown Sugar*, Java, Rio and Roasted Coffee. Every variety and quality of Tea. Spices, (ground arid ungrouud,) Pickles, Sauces, Table Oil, New Orleans, Sugar-house and Trinidad -Molasses; Now .York and Philadelphia Samps; Cheese, Macaroni, Vermcoilli, Spilt Peas, Hominy, Mince-meat, Corp Starch, Farina, Choco late, Extract of Coffee, Refined Sugar at reduced rates, washing and . baking'Soda, Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Su gars. A beautiful assortment of Bi'Kitnnia Ware, and gold band China-ware, Glass, Queens, Stone and Earthen Ware, in groat variety, and an elegant lot of Fancy, Soaps,’ Extracts and Perfume ry for the toilet. • Fmtte: Including Poaches in cans, Raisins, Cran* berries, D.iy Apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lem ons, ■ it LIQUORS: Wholesale and .retail, om tHEKbraoing common and old. Rye Whiskey Brandies, dark and pale; Lisbon, Sherry, Port, Ma doria, Ginger, Catawba and ; Muscat Wines, in casks and bottles; bcotoh Whiskey, Holland Gin, ahd Sohoidam Schnapps. v FISH AND .SALT, ; A large stock of Lamps, including Dyott’s cele brated lamps for burning Kerosene or coal Oil, Sperm and Star candles. Cedar - Ware and Brooms, Brushes, Ropes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mats, Walters, Looking-glasses; fine letter and note paper, Willow ware, Painted buckets, • ~,■ :■ , , ,/ ■ p , Money received on deposit and paid tact ’ mand without notice, Interest paid on Sm,u il posits.. Cortifldatds of deposit hoarine int • k the.rate of five per cent, will bo ' lssued fo, , I , l * a period as four wonts... Interest on alicerMs will cease at maturity provided; however- a said-certificates are renewed it any tirno ft,!.! for another givon poriod, they ataU.bear-Bnr rato of interest up to tho time of renewal p * iar attention paid to the collections of note, j checks, 40., in any . part of the. United AS Canadas;-' . ■■ V Remittances made to. England, Ireland . Continent The.faithful and confidential e«!'. ■Of oil orders entrusted to them,may be vclieJ ' They call the ottodtion of Farmers, Jlc e |,.,i add all Others who desire a safe depository for o money, to tho undeniable foot,' that the pronriet of this Bank ore individually linblo to the cite* their estates for all'the Deposits, and other ohll tions of Kerr, Bronnotnnn' & Co. r “ They have recently, removed into their no»B„i ing House, directly opposite their Cermet atoJ West Main Street,, a few dooya cost of the Sails Depot, whore they will at all.times bopleiJ give any information desired in regard to ml matters in general. Opon for busincsa from ? o’clock in the nDrili until 4 o’clock in tho evening.; ’ . H. A, STURGEON, Ca.SW Carlisle, Doe. 22, 1858,, „ * Fire Insurance. THE Allen and East Pennsboro’ Mutual Burnneo Company of Cumberland connir, /jj 0 , poratod by on not of Assembly, is now full, ized, and in operation under the management o[ tSi following Managers, viz: , , Wm. R. Gorgas, Lewis Dyer, Christian Stoymu' Michael Cdoklin, J. C. Diinlap, Rudolph Ilarlin’ Daniel Bailey, Jacob 11. Coovor, Alejtaddcr CtS cart, Jos. Wiokcrshnm, J. Eioholborger,: s. Ebnir J. Brandt... 1 The rates of insurance arc as low ondfavoralli as any Company of the kind in the Slate. Penpp wishing to become members arc invited to mnkcip. plication to, the Agents of the Company who in willing to wait upon them at any time. . Officers bp the Company/^ - President — W. R. GORGAB, Ebcrly's Mills, Can bcrland county. ■ , Vice Preset.—Christian Stayman, Carlisle Cun. bcrland county. « Hyer, Shephordstown, Cuakt land county. ; Troasuror—Mr cnae l Cocklin, Cumberland county.' AGENTS. ; <7«m6crfmicf County* —John Shcrrick.Allcn; Vil cntino Feeraan, Now Cumberland j Henry ZonriDf, Shiroraanstown j Lafayette Pot Tor, Dickinson; lltn rv Bowman, Churchtown; Mode Griffith, Soul' Middleton ] Sam’l. Graham. W. Pchnsboro' Sami Coover, Mccbaniosburg; J. W.Cocklin, Shepbcri town; D. Coovor, Shophordstown; JV 0. Sax‘( Silver Spnhjffj.Benj. Uftverstick/ Silver Sprioi John Hyer, Carlisle. ‘ . York County, —W. S. Piokin/r, Dover; Jmw Griffith. Warrington; J. F. Denrdorff, Washington D. Butter, Fairview; B. Clark, DUlsburg. - Jlarriftbury. —Houser & Lochman. Members of the Company having policies -m to expire, can have them renewed by making appli cation to any of the Agents. < johk jp onvftcn. CHURCH & EBER.LV', Steam Sa\* Mill & lumber Yard, JMEVV CUMBERLAND, PA. All kinds of Itimlicr constantly on .hand, tumta . delivered afc any point accessible by Rdil Hoad, at.tho shortest ‘ ■ notice. ’ BUILDING TIMBER OF ALL SIZES .; And lengths cut to order., „ CarlialeyDcb. 22,1859.—tf. , BARBER SSIOr, THE undersigned; pfitrons that Bo I.««-ron.ovoa 46-gwtet > the BASEMENT of Mr. SIPE S \V\V VX) - ING, on North Hanover street; 'adjoining Mr. iU orstiek's Drug Store, and nearly opposite,the JJnnu. where he hopes to acc all bis old customers, and as many now ones as wish, to have tboir hair and now* kors “done up''in the most fashionable stylo. . All the various'branches of Barbering, such m Shaving, Hair CiUtinp.Shanipotming, if-c.i attend to with promptness. - Ala p, Cupping, Slcedmj Twih Extracting,